Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver
Shark videos 12 years ago 1,454,222 views
monster great white attacks cage diver. I was in the cage myself when this monster great white came through and I almost shit my pants!! I can't describe the feeling of being in that small cage with that beast out there trying to kill me and eat my dead or alive! I would have gone out punching that bugger in the snout!
10. comment for Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver
Shark: Gently nips cage
H:*punches shark in the face*
20. comment for Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver
30. comment for Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver
50. comment for Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver
and your heads gone
I know
That's why divers don't like to talk about them
100. comment for Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver
Do you want me to send you a list of hobbies that might get you out the house? You seem to be describing your OWN catalogue of YouTube posts there?
Hey moron, learn to spell and write complete sentences.
'U' is not a word it's a letter.
And grammatically your sentence is incorrect as it should be 'have' not 'get'.
Its Loser*.
Ur defs a pedo.
Oh and btw, good luck with your trading. lol ha ha ha serial retail looser in the making, enjoy your poverty.
Did you see what happened in Taiji in Japan? I was scared to read the complete article, so horrible. Those are people who like to think they have the right to kill another animal for their own good. Like you. That makes me very aggresive. I come from a country where people treat stones better than animals. Those poor innocent beings deserve better. How do you dare to go in the in the house of a magnificent shark, and slaughter him, just because he's a danger to YOU?! You shouldn't be there in the first place "just for fun". You don't see children jumping randomly onto your roof, because "they have every right to be there". Shit makes me angry. Leave them poor animals alone, they deserve better than death, more than stupid people who are murdering eachother for the sake of money and power
I never said a word about the content of the video, beside pointing out that it's nothing like the title suggests. My issue is the wording of the title and how it contributes to the perpetuation of a completely unfair and incorrect portrayal of an animal which is actually quite calm and peaceful. The only one trolling is your dumb ass calling people dicks and assholes for putting forward a justified opinion.
stop being such a dick, this video was amazing! if anyone likes watching sharks vids, this is definitely one to watch so wtf is your problem? and to the publisher of the video, AMAZING FOOTAGE! Glad you shared it, no matter what these assholes say!!!!
What a great experience you had... I envy you. There are very few people that come face to face with a Great White. That's awesome. Cheers
um....... just saying that the shark is not attacking anyone