Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver

monster great white attacks cage diver. I was in the cage myself when this monster great white came through and I almost shit my pants!! I can't describe the feeling of being in that small cage with that beast out there trying to kill me and eat my dead or alive! I would have gone out punching that bugger in the snout!

Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver sentiment_very_dissatisfied 406

Shark videos 12 years ago 1,454,222 views

monster great white attacks cage diver. I was in the cage myself when this monster great white came through and I almost shit my pants!! I can't describe the feeling of being in that small cage with that beast out there trying to kill me and eat my dead or alive! I would have gone out punching that bugger in the snout!

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Most popular comments
for Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver

noel noel
noel noel - 7 years ago
I wish the shark would have got in and chewed his dumb ass up .. now that would have been a cool video
NoMi MirXa
NoMi MirXa - 7 years ago
ok thats a large shark plus this one is female
Nate Holland
Nate Holland - 7 years ago
Kinda like jaws but it doesn’t rip the cage or try to eat them.
SORE LOSER LIBERAL - 7 years ago
Damn, what a beast.. But yeah, That shark was thick af lol
Microsoft bros bros
Microsoft bros bros - 7 years ago
Kylie Roth
Kylie Roth - 7 years ago
This wasn’t an attack it was “the fuck is this thing? Is it edible? Nah. K bie.”
Did Ye Aye ?
Did Ye Aye ? - 7 years ago
They don't attack humans ......only cages that confine humans...AYE FUCKING RIGHT THEY DONT ATTACK HUMANS MY ARSE !!!
Morganna - 7 years ago
It wasn't an attack. He was just being curious - sharks don't have arms or hands so the only way for them to check something new out is by nipping it.
Anja The Chocoholic
Anja The Chocoholic - 7 years ago
Ya see, whenever I see videos that have the title shark attacks human, I always try to look from the sharks perspective. The sharks don’t want to eat the humans, they are just curious. If a strange metal box with a strange creature dropped into my home, I’d be curious!

10. comment for Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver

Hannah Huffer
Hannah Huffer - 7 years ago
Did they thinks about baby or medium sized sharks ? Look how big the gaps are . He could easily bleed to death by shark bites . The baby’s can do just as much damage
sandara - 7 years ago
Why is the word 'attack' in the title.
Lau Ra
Lau Ra - 7 years ago
Oswald Copperpot, you were there because you wanted to be there so as to do this film and talk about a "monster" triying to eat you. Of course he tried, you are a mammal and sharks eat mammals. But talking about beasts trying to kill, it reminds me of humans when go hunting and try to kill everything that is in front of them, starting with the poor deers, and many other animals people kill just for fun.
Tiger H. Lore
Tiger H. Lore - 7 years ago
Big fishy!
Kenny The Koala
Kenny The Koala - 7 years ago
“Monster great white shark attacks cage diver”

Shark: Gently nips cage
searaydrivingguy - 7 years ago
he was horny
Annie Avery
Annie Avery - 7 years ago

H:*punches shark in the face*
Juan Dela Cruz
Juan Dela Cruz - 7 years ago
betcha anything the guy screaming feels more "manly" after this stint.. try it on without an oxygen source or a diver suit, you land-dweller
Jimmy Tse
Jimmy Tse - 7 years ago
not that big
stedmans4christ - 7 years ago
I would have had to pet his cute nose...he he

20. comment for Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver

James G.
James G. - 7 years ago
Garbage. And a loser in the cage screaming and getting excited. I will always give a thumbs down for CLICK BAIT GARBAGE that shows a cover photo not in the video
TTORREZ1 - 7 years ago
Wow - what an AWESOME, GREAT, & MAGNIFICENT creature of the LORD !! That was so cute when the shark shook his head after biting the bar as if to say "Uh uh that didn't taste good at all" - ha ha. : )
Atom Carpiso
Atom Carpiso - 7 years ago
This is a bad idea
Jonathan Myers
Jonathan Myers - 7 years ago
Man, that diver was loving every minute of that.
N i G h T - R e A L M
N i G h T - R e A L M - 7 years ago
That Shark Didn't Attack Anyone...
Glenn Jones
Glenn Jones - 7 years ago
Not exactly an “attack” ? Very cool vision tho...bloody thing was enormous !!
twilight sparkle
twilight sparkle - 7 years ago
As long as you stay still it'll leave you alone,
Mendy S.
Mendy S. - 7 years ago
Attacking? Nah.. Curious and confused? Yeah probably..
Creamy Berry
Creamy Berry - 7 years ago
tannerjerry - 7 years ago
One of the best uploads ever.

30. comment for Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver

Doggysoft - 7 years ago
100% I would have patted him on the shnout.
Alan bird
Alan bird - 7 years ago
This on my bucket list before my days are gone
g - 7 years ago
Where are the best places to go great white cage diving and what groups actually take people out to do it?
Antonio Kawarski
Antonio Kawarski - 7 years ago
These cages' bar spacing looks very sketchy. They couldn't afford to reduce the spacing???
gwizdolby - 7 years ago
I would have body slammed that shark for getting so close to the cage. sharks need discipline and lots of water to survive in the ocean.
PSShadow Girl
PSShadow Girl - 7 years ago
Sure sure, he wasn't even going to attack, you can tell by how soft he was playing. Clearly he wasn't in to get you, he was just curious of what that big floaty thing was in the water. Geez, no need to be dramatic.
Firewolfe - 7 years ago
bullwinklejmoos - 7 years ago
He's cute. You should consider yourself lucky you were able to see such a magnificent creature up close.
Alex - 7 years ago
Nah fuck that noise dude. Punch that shark in the nose.
X Cossyx
X Cossyx - 7 years ago
my names Bruce hi bruce
Luke Mckenzie
Luke Mckenzie - 7 years ago
No I don't wanna eat you. I only like cage free humans anyway
Shawna McPhail
Shawna McPhail - 7 years ago
Can I eat this? - the shark
Lets go
Lets go - 7 years ago
0:57 I didn't know sharks made those noises
Alan Agazarian
Alan Agazarian - 7 years ago
You have a beautiful video. WHY do you need to incorrectly title it? THERE IS NO ATTACK!! Can't it just be amazing for what it is???
Aeryx - 7 years ago
The shark was smelling your shampoo
Arianna Brazzale vlogs
Arianna Brazzale vlogs - 8 years ago
Oh sorry wrong video I'm really sorry I pressed the wrong one that's why
Arianna Brazzale vlogs
Arianna Brazzale vlogs - 8 years ago
I thought the shark was gonna snap the cage in half cause that's what it said in the title so u lied
amclellan84 - 8 years ago
This idiot will definitely get eaten by a shark one day. He won't be laughing then.
SeismicGD And more
SeismicGD And more - 8 years ago
"DONT WORRY HUMAN, I hear your scream I'll save you"
Phoenix Swanson
Phoenix Swanson - 8 years ago
I luv how it shakes its head as if to say, "Not good enough."

50. comment for Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver

PsyMongazoid - 8 years ago
If I'm ever attacked by a great white I hope it's just like this 'attack'.
Female Dude
Female Dude - 8 years ago
and your heads gone
Xell Brighthead
Xell Brighthead - 8 years ago
Shut up man. Have. Little respect
Rachael Barfield
Rachael Barfield - 8 years ago
F*** that, I'd be wanting to get back in the boat.
Alicia Medina
Alicia Medina - 8 years ago
Hope you are not hurt
Drochen Lard
Drochen Lard - 8 years ago
du sitzt da in deinen kleinen verschissen Käfig und lachst?
Brad MLG
Brad MLG - 8 years ago
Oh gosh u must've freaked out
CARSAIG FILMS - 8 years ago
Pretty sure it's going for the cage and not the diver I could be wrong
MrINSOMNIA24 - 8 years ago
Didn't really attack the diver did he...
Richard Weed
Richard Weed - 8 years ago
That was NOT an attack.
RedDragon Gaming!
RedDragon Gaming! - 8 years ago
That shark is known As deep blue, the largest great white ever
Cardboardguy 14
Cardboardguy 14 - 8 years ago
Time Bomb Productions
Time Bomb Productions - 8 years ago
Time Bomb Productions
Time Bomb Productions - 8 years ago
No shit shurlock
H I - 8 years ago
Redpandabandit 64 they can pull the cage back up
Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 8 years ago
Why all these cages have a large gap in the middle? They r obviously hoping for something to happen!
SarahAndMore - 8 years ago
Maybe it didn't want to attack but it was curious
Tar heels 215
Tar heels 215 - 8 years ago
I dont want to find out if he is curious.....the hell with could be his next meal then u can ask him if he is curious or
Time Bomb Productions
Time Bomb Productions - 8 years ago
sIMP37 by touching it or biting it
sIMP37 - 8 years ago
And how do you think sharks satisfy their curiosity ?
Mangle The Fox
Mangle The Fox - 8 years ago
don't worry they smell victory (why, is cause you're cheering)
Alvira Vahora
Alvira Vahora - 8 years ago
At the end, it looks like he tries to get in the cage for the second time then he shakes his head and is like no
drew leonard
drew leonard - 8 years ago
0:53 There eyes go to the back of there heads when they attack
HarpsiFizz - 8 years ago
Should have kissed its cute li'l nose.
Time Bomb Productions
Time Bomb Productions - 8 years ago
HarpsiFizz then he'll nom your face
Jodi Dark
Jodi Dark - 8 years ago
wow what an attack
smiley - 8 years ago
Capt Eric Bergeron
Capt Eric Bergeron - 8 years ago
Nice video, thumbs up from us and cheers from sunny IGY Simpson Bay Marina, Sint Maarten in the Caribbean.
Kats Takashi
Kats Takashi - 8 years ago
He is trying to help the diver out of the cage
Baby Mammoth34
Baby Mammoth34 - 8 years ago
Love your laughter(you were quite excited) and it's rather curious and possibly "playful?" Expression. Thank you for sharing! Was this in South African, Australian, or northern CA waters or somewhere else?
hbecker - 8 years ago
At the end he rejoice like a king about the shark dont bit him.
M. - 8 years ago
I love how it shakes his head at 0:54 like 'Ain't nobody got time for this shit... nobody!'
Ant Da Mane
Ant Da Mane - 8 years ago
0:55 "Fuck" shaking my head
Talkco - 8 years ago
XxDELFROxX - 8 years ago
The great white got mad XD
The Fablous Sisters
The Fablous Sisters - 8 years ago
I don't why that guy I scream wooohh!!! Because he could of died frfr
schlontz84 - 8 years ago
very cool!!! with the underwater audio it almost feels like actually being there
Leny Cruz
Leny Cruz - 8 years ago
The shark cannot break the cage awesome
Sheroo - 8 years ago
Leny Cruz It can ... if it tried to
MMv RRf - 8 years ago
Sharks are so cute! :)
Stanstin !
Stanstin ! - 8 years ago

I know
Taz FCUM - 8 years ago
omg that is amazing. what a beautiful animal. my dream would be to do that myself. what a powerfull and gracefull beast. those sharks are truely amazing!!
c XYZ - 8 years ago
what kind of fucking moron are you? Trying to kill you and eat you? They dont have hands to analyze strange elements such as metal so they use their mouth :D Fucking retard
Emi Carter
Emi Carter - 8 years ago
Shark: human I see that you are stuck in big cage I must break you out I save yoooooooouuuuuuuu!!!!!
Lazy Wizard
Lazy Wizard - 8 years ago
Attacks cage diver? get a life! the big fish merely got stuck. Bloody idiots, it's not a monster.
sIMP37 - 8 years ago
00:53 , when their eyes got back it means they re attacking
Jasmine Guerrero
Jasmine Guerrero - 8 years ago
what happens when a baby bull shark just got in because its small
Tierprofi Schulze
Tierprofi Schulze - 8 years ago
Wer ist so doof und riskiert sein Leben manche Haie kriegen sowas auf
Big Monster
Big Monster - 8 years ago
Fucking. Amazing. Monster
Jack the Gestapo
Jack the Gestapo - 8 years ago
Whats that? nomnomnom, not food, fuck you
꧁꧂ - 8 years ago
Ну не хуя себе
CavalierNSN - 8 years ago
I've got to stop watching these videos... I'm running out of manties...  I wish I had the guts to go down there.  That's living!
MeargleSchmeargle - 8 years ago
maaaaan can I be in that cage?
sun Tao
sun Tao - 8 years ago
That's why divers don't like to talk about them
KandT-Venture - 9 years ago
He wasn't even attacking. He looked curious and confused though. Very cool, I'd be scared of those. They are so unpredictable. He prob came back later to check it out again. They do that, because they are curious.
NoMi MirXa
NoMi MirXa - 7 years ago
It's a she (shark)
Overwhelming Euphoria
Overwhelming Euphoria - 7 years ago
ya he was curious....curious what that juicy human ass tasted like
macabretophat - 7 years ago
Incorrect. Their eyes do that if they open their mouth too wide. If it was attacking, it would have actually struck the cage, not just slowly nudged it. It was mostly just nibbling the bars to see if it was food, saw that it wasn't, then swam away.
seriouslyEmma - 8 years ago
No he was attacking. when they flip their eyes, they usually do that when attacking
Very Best Gamers
Very Best Gamers - 9 years ago
That was in Guadalupe Island
احمد الجهني
احمد الجهني - 9 years ago
"ohhhh human stock in a cage ..I'll try to help you hold on there..."
MichaelLeroi - 9 years ago
real sharks have curves
wolf - 9 years ago
Omg I'd die.

100. comment for Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver

Peter Evan
Peter Evan - 9 years ago
shark just wanted a hug.
elponce21 - 9 years ago
almost gets murdered by shark "woooooohooooooo!"
Jmcj01 Jmcj01
Jmcj01 Jmcj01 - 9 years ago
The shark was just curious I didn't see it attacking at any part in the video
Morgan Hamblin
Morgan Hamblin - 9 years ago
and who was attacked exactly? very misleading title, just trying to get those views I see.. everyone has to earn a paycheck somehow I guess.. not being rude, just pointing out the obvious.. if I'm rude, you're a liar
tus damn scallops
tus damn scallops - 9 years ago
0:57 diver be like "first comment!"
Taxtro - 9 years ago
This doesn't look very save. A second shark could have gotten him.
KEE - 9 years ago
0:55 I give up lol
German Fernandez
German Fernandez - 9 years ago
ahhi dios que miedo
Muffin God
Muffin God - 9 years ago
Ow my god
derek - 9 years ago
Shark was like: "Come out I'll teach you how to swim".
Crepyx - 9 years ago
der greift net an, der hat nunmal keine arme also muss er ja anders testen was das ist.
CCLynnBeauty - 9 years ago
A whole lot of NOPE.
Nadine Saliba
Nadine Saliba - 9 years ago
that's one thick shark.
Themavericker 344
Themavericker 344 - 9 years ago
The first time the shark put its face in the cage he's like "heyyyyy"
john - 9 years ago
crazy white people lol!!!
LittleManKing23 - 9 years ago
no one got bitten so why does it say shark attacks cage dive
Paola Nava
Paola Nava - 9 years ago
that is so scary in real life
rico300zx - 9 years ago
omg I think if he would have panned backward the water would be brown!
XGeN Laugh
XGeN Laugh - 9 years ago
So does the cage come with a toilet ?
the silent assasin
the silent assasin - 9 years ago
alex ojideagu
alex ojideagu - 9 years ago
Sounds like homer riding à bomb
Kaley Prewitt
Kaley Prewitt - 9 years ago
not no great white big large shark
Kaley Prewitt
Kaley Prewitt - 9 years ago
not no great white big large shark
Jaclyn Blumenthal
Jaclyn Blumenthal - 9 years ago
Lol he's like I'll show u how to watch me b*tch and eat all u guys including the boat! reaLized he couldn't n swam away.. sharky got tight
ogxgodx70 2
ogxgodx70 2 - 9 years ago
that shark is masive
SKINGRIPZ HG - 9 years ago
Attack? When? More like a "Meet and Greet"..
Jacob Hodgkinson
Jacob Hodgkinson - 9 years ago
how can u say it was trying to attack k you when you can clearly see that this shark nudged the boat and when it turned around got his big snout caught up in cage why is it people try give these beautiful creatures a bad name by saying a shark attacked them when it's only checking you out
DeadlyDanDaMan - 9 years ago
The shark didn't attack him, it got stuck between the boat and the cage trying to turn around. Sharks can't swim backwards.
Reeboh - 7 years ago
hello boy im high af, but i think no one can swim backwards ???
wiredsk8r - 9 years ago
lol punching the shark you got no chance you have no power in water or out for that fact wimp
Break Free
Break Free - 9 years ago
It's obvious the shark was just curious and wanted to check out the boat, but when it came back down its nose got stuck on the cage, and it shook around till it got free.
ItzSlick_ - 9 years ago
Anyone else at 0:52 want to stroke it's nose? XD like i'm scared of sharks but at that point in time it looked so adorable and stupid XD
Vic Vance
Vic Vance - 9 years ago
It really wants to kill you :)
Burn Yakuza
Burn Yakuza - 9 years ago
an old big girl =) so pretty
gerald myers
gerald myers - 9 years ago
good video
ROCK MONSTER - 9 years ago
Jaws at 0:54 goes Nah!!!... I'm off!!
Erin Bentley
Erin Bentley - 9 years ago
I wants to say hi
Hi I'm Nigel
Hi I'm Nigel - 9 years ago
Duggie Montana
Duggie Montana - 9 years ago
I like the way the laughter and whoops stop when the shark sticks its nose in the cage.
Mads Vlogss
Mads Vlogss - 9 years ago
that's not a monster I've seen bigger in real life
dangerouswater - 9 years ago
At 38 sec. after the laugh it looks like the shark is turning around "Are you f@#@# talking to me??" with a slight De Niro grin...
Still Irie
Still Irie - 9 years ago
the screaming is priceless!!!
I NEED HEALING - 9 years ago
Holy shit!!!
chewbactimusprime - 9 years ago
Was that Deep Blue? Big enough to be
Chilly Bandino
Chilly Bandino - 9 years ago
wow i have never seen a shark sniff like a dog until now. Thanks. Apex predator of the sea.
Wong wan chung
Wong wan chung - 9 years ago
The Killer Whale CAN TAKE OUT this Shark in a 1 TO 1 Combat as Proven in Youtube and Soon will Attract the Killer Whales to South Africa.
Lps CandieWolf
Lps CandieWolf - 9 years ago
'Attacks' more like licks.
chewbactimusprime - 9 years ago
Is that Deep Blue?
TdotSoul - 9 years ago
Cool video! But it wasn't quite as aggressive as I thought it might be. Just kinda trying to get a feel for the cage.
Cam McFallen
Cam McFallen - 9 years ago
"human is in cage, dont worry human, ill save you c:"
Simona Logan
Simona Logan - 9 years ago
Omg if that was me I would of shat my pants
Rhydian Llewelyn
Rhydian Llewelyn - 9 years ago
he was a whoppa!!!!
Hazonrer - 9 years ago
from the cries of these people you can easily understand how stupid they are
Mosixman - 9 years ago
View whore amazing footage though those things are death incarnate
dasani367 - 9 years ago
omg....noooooooooooooo.   fuck those scary eyes! T - T
Karen Piotte
Karen Piotte - 9 years ago
That was a big frickin shark. I would have had heart failure. And I'm pretty sure it was trying to open it to get what was inside.
Adolf the cat
Adolf the cat - 9 years ago
Just being close to this magnificent creature must get adrenaline waay up! :) Nice video Oswald.
LittleLulubee - 9 years ago
Why do those cages always have the open part near the top, the part without the vertical bars, where a shark's head can fit in?? I don't get that.
Aaron Davis
Aaron Davis - 9 years ago
+LittleLulubee That's where filmakers pu the cameras to give the appearance of an out of cage shot
Matthew Fornear
Matthew Fornear - 9 years ago
GWS can come up from the deep at a very fast pace, probably hard and fast enough to obliterate the cage if they're actually in hunt mode. They've launched small boats and mammals several feet in the air. I would assume the open bar vents are to escape should that happen or a shark breaks a side bar and gets stuck. I've seen several divers use it like that but none have ever said that's it's specific purpose.
Hannah T
Hannah T - 9 years ago
This is sick, I love sharks I'd be stoked out of my mind!!
healthya540mg5959 - 9 years ago
That was intense!
Long street
Long street - 9 years ago
That cage diver needs a few bang sticks!
poly77 - 9 years ago
I actually thought it was kinda cute
imsurecoolsoyeah - 9 years ago
wow, I feel so self conscious watching this old video of myself #ididntknowiwasbeingfilmed #doilookfat
Zylister - 9 years ago
It wasn't even trying to attack you it was just curious of the cage lol
Lugh On The Loo
Lugh On The Loo - 9 years ago
It's a female.
NinjaOnANinja - 9 years ago
I found this to be very adorable.
Sarah Carroll
Sarah Carroll - 9 years ago
This is why I don't want to go into a shark cage!!
Kal- El
Kal- El - 9 years ago
"Attacks." More like the shark was just curious. Great footage though.
Miki Seius
Miki Seius - 8 years ago
Yea its amazing footage. But its definitely not attacking. Its curious and very relaxed. But daaaaaaamn that's a big fishie :D
Devan Robinson
Devan Robinson - 9 years ago
your description is stupid. get in the water with these sharks and claim it's trying to 'kill' you. there is no such thing as shark attacks just stupid people.
WaterGirl2012 - 9 years ago
That's a curious shark. Not a shark attack.
maverick buckley
maverick buckley - 9 years ago
Wow she's a big girl!
M6cha - 9 years ago
What a strange sounding shark
MovingMindOrg - 9 years ago
In a cage, it's a good place for you ! Stay in it, it could be nice for the world.
Kimberly Power
Kimberly Power - 9 years ago
the bubbles were attracting it
Liz - 9 years ago
I feel like they could totally get through the middle
FreakyScaryChannel - 9 years ago
When are people going to realize that sharks eat any and everything they can... Including people...
Natalie Huxtable
Natalie Huxtable - 9 years ago're wrong. Do your research
Lana Del Taco
Lana Del Taco - 9 years ago
They do but sharks eat for hunger or if u fuck with them
L. Wray
L. Wray - 9 years ago
0:57 equivalent: F*** YEAH
Joe Mumma
Joe Mumma - 9 years ago
There was a big gap in the center of that cage, a little too wide in my opinion.
hasnasmusen - 9 years ago
Marvelous !!
jesus labra
jesus labra - 9 years ago
Ponganle atencion. No trata de abrir la jaula,solo intenta averiguar que cosa es. Y al morder cierra su membrana de los ojos para protegerlos.
Bryce James
Bryce James - 9 years ago
Look how it's eyes go from lifeless black to scary white when it bites. Amazing animal!
Berkaelzar - 9 years ago
You people got it all wrong... this shark is just trying to free you from captivity ;(
oBlvd - 9 years ago
very big shark
Ally Tew
Ally Tew - 9 years ago
Also as soon as it noticed the cage wasn't food it left and became disinterested.
Ally Tew
Ally Tew - 9 years ago
It wasn't trying to eat you; in order to find out what is food they use their mouths to determine it.
mrcenter53 - 9 years ago
Just shit my pants
porlorlorl - 9 years ago
as you are well aware, the shark didn't attack you (or the cage), didn't want to kill you (or the cage), and was not being aggressive in any way.
Site Admin
Site Admin - 9 years ago
Very cool. Adrenaline rush! Wow!
Bijinius Cross
Bijinius Cross - 9 years ago
So close...I wouldn't have been able NOT to touch the nose of that majestic predator. So close.
TheAdebayoakinfenwa - 9 years ago
+Bijinius Cross Shut up. You would of cried like a little bitch you are!
Le Gentil Mimi
Le Gentil Mimi - 9 years ago
Shark is trying to save those humans from being locked in a cage.
Steven Weaver
Steven Weaver - 9 years ago
Sorry but if that was my vid you would have seen a plume of brown cloud on camera.o.0
Joe Palazzo
Joe Palazzo - 9 years ago
Captin Squirralz
Captin Squirralz - 9 years ago
its okay human ill save you from this cage!
KA- BOOM!!! - 7 years ago
Captin Squirralz hi
Harman Atwal
Harman Atwal - 7 years ago
Captin Squirralz yeah sure lol
Hwibok Lee
Hwibok Lee - 8 years ago
Thank you for setting me straight, I thought the shark was to taste the flesh of people in the cage!
Nate - 8 years ago
well the shark didn't look to be attacking
Keighly W
Keighly W - 9 years ago
You just made a shark cute...
Bitch Mazen ̄\_ツ_/ ̄
Bitch Mazen ̄\_ツ_/ ̄ - 9 years ago
Also shelter him in its stomach aye
The Pixelated Pug
The Pixelated Pug - 9 years ago
Thank you!!!!wait, stop opening your mouth....AHHHHH
The Joker
The Joker - 9 years ago
are you oblivious to anything? before you go cage diving, atleast do some research on sharks. she was only trying to figure out what the cage was.
jamie gulliford
jamie gulliford - 9 years ago
That's a whopper mate.
Lane Chaney
Lane Chaney - 9 years ago
That was a monster great white
Morfh - 9 years ago
And where is the attack..?
Powerarmed - 9 years ago
How about "bigger boat"??
Gryphon55 life
Gryphon55 life - 9 years ago
That is so scary
WardForJesus - 9 years ago
I think the title is a bit misleading, but amazing footage!
Marta the Cat
Marta the Cat - 9 years ago
Marta the Cat
Marta the Cat - 9 years ago
valerio pierbattista
valerio pierbattista - 9 years ago
amazing video!!!
Eliott Geffner
Eliott Geffner - 9 years ago
those soulless eyes! And that eery white color that shields the eyes prior to attack, is haunting!
Brandon Yaeger
Brandon Yaeger - 9 years ago
I love Great White Sharks and this video is Awesome :) :) :):):):):):):):)
Fer Abra
Fer Abra - 9 years ago
It looks large, but I can never tell unless you have the human reference in the shot.
Lars Johansen
Lars Johansen - 9 years ago
Nice video, but nothing attacking about it. In lack of other limbs to hold and feel items sharks have to use their mouths. Cages, boats as well as many other items (living or not) gives small electrical impulses which is triggering sharks to investigate to find out if item can be eaten or not. Was it trying to kill you and eat you ? I doubt it as i think the cage would not have withstood an actual attack. Attack i guess does make a good head line and i can see in the video why you sound excited about it. Sharks are awesome creatures
Princessy - 9 years ago
0:54 The poor thing smacked its head on the boat :(
Debbie viona
Debbie viona - 9 years ago
Lehmann Peters
Lehmann Peters - 9 years ago
Whoa! Nice encounter.
PrezPendejo - 9 years ago
That guy is huge.  Like fit you head and shoulders into his mouth big.  Any idea about how long he was?
PrezPendejo - 9 years ago
+Jay Hey you're right. I never checked.
Natalie Huxtable
Natalie Huxtable - 9 years ago
Could be a female, they are bigger than the males
Here's Johnny
Here's Johnny - 9 years ago
18 footer by all accounts
Nikara Curtis
Nikara Curtis - 9 years ago
I would love to be in a cage will a shark or more like that.
JOEL RAMSEY - 10 years ago
That shark is huge.
Iris Quinones
Iris Quinones - 10 years ago
George X
George X - 10 years ago
I'm sure if he could talk he would say: ''I'm sure glad we have this cage in between us''
shuculele - 10 years ago
Dis u scream for scares it?
LULEKOSO - 10 years ago
Big Shark!!! Monster
Kay Graves
Kay Graves - 10 years ago
Where abouts was this?
Nintendo Fan
Nintendo Fan - 10 years ago
I love how the fish are like "Oh shit" when the shark comes.
Damien WG
Damien WG - 10 years ago
its bruce
Bio Crock
Bio Crock - 9 years ago
+Damien G And the one in cage is the fresh meat.
Patrick Andersson
Patrick Andersson - 10 years ago
EireKing 84
EireKing 84 - 10 years ago
1784werewolf - 10 years ago
Wonder how you would have been yelling had he gotten in :D
Diamonds and Fireworks
Diamonds and Fireworks - 10 years ago
Doesn't being in a small cage, dependant on an oxygen tank and being dwarfed by this huge beast in his territory put everything about us as the ultimate species into perspective??
leadsolo - 10 years ago
Awesome audio quality ... like being underwater with you - Awesome !! :)
Endeavour - 10 years ago
Yuhuuuuuuuu ...., huhuhuhuuuuuu ..., hahahahaha yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaar :-)
Stelio Kontos
Stelio Kontos - 10 years ago
0:48 "hey watcha doin " 
Itz Bxre
Itz Bxre - 10 years ago
cool he is rite dont comment if you dont have something rude to say my dad tate me that
Sacred Phalaenopsis
Sacred Phalaenopsis - 10 years ago
Why they can speak underwater?
grass hopper
grass hopper - 10 years ago
Cuz they have a full face mask instead of the tube you you bite down on to breath
dxdx666 - 10 years ago
Fascinating animal!
Saturn - 10 years ago
Actually great whites are not that bad. Their sight is just horrible so they think we're seals. And they bite us because they're curious, but only one bite is fatal.
stevefm fm
stevefm fm - 10 years ago
+regblade1 Are you still here?

Do you want me to send you a list of hobbies that might get you out the house? You seem to be describing your OWN catalogue of YouTube posts there?
regblade1 - 10 years ago
+stevefm fm oooooo keyboard warrior attacks.
stevefm fm
stevefm fm - 10 years ago
+regblade1 Yawn.

Hey moron, learn to spell and write complete sentences. 
regblade1 - 10 years ago
+stevefm fm such a kiddie fiddler
stevefm fm
stevefm fm - 10 years ago
+regblade1 So someone who calls you out as a hypocritical moron is a sex offender? Clearly you are a bright person. Go fuck yourself moron. 
regblade1 - 10 years ago
+stevefm fm ur such a kiddy fiddler aka pedo
stevefm fm
stevefm fm - 10 years ago
+regblade1 That's quite rich coming from you. So I had a single typo in around 80 words? You have TWO errors in 8 words!

'U' is not a word it's a letter.
And grammatically your sentence is incorrect as it should be 'have' not 'get'. 
regblade1 - 10 years ago
+stevefm fm u really need to get some spelling lessons.

Its Loser*.

Ur defs a pedo.
regblade1 - 10 years ago
+stevefm fm sorry i stand corrected oh enlightened one. Your probably one of those guys we hear about on the news fiddling with little kids u three toothed hick.
stevefm fm
stevefm fm - 10 years ago
+regblade1 I can't see what this conversation has to do with you anyway - you weren't involved! Hey but thanks for the...input. We have all learned a great deal about sharks from your comments. btw with your name and all are you an east end gangster from the 1950's? lol Or just a prick? I'd bet on a sad little prick who jumps into other peoples conversations to set everyone straight and make himself feel better. Well I hope you do feel better. God knows you deserve something out of your sad little life. Have a good day! :)

Oh and btw, good luck with your trading. lol ha ha ha serial retail looser in the making, enjoy your poverty. 
regblade1 - 10 years ago
+stevefm fm lol, i was being a tough guy? Bitch please, you were acting like a wank job through this whole change. Once again i repeat, your mother shouldve swallowed.
stevefm fm
stevefm fm - 10 years ago
Silenced?! This thread died weeks ago, I hadn't posted on it in almost 20 days! You dragged it back up not me! A lot of spare time on your hands tough guy? Go get a life you sad little man.  
regblade1 - 10 years ago
+stevefm fm what? No smart ass comment? Behold, wanker has been silenced.
stevefm fm
stevefm fm - 10 years ago
+regblade1 Really interesting and informed comment. 
regblade1 - 10 years ago
+stevefm fm sure I'll explain. Your mother shouldve swallowed so u werent born. u dumb fuck.
stevefm fm
stevefm fm - 10 years ago
+regblade1 Care to explain? A bit of a random comment. Are you a dumb fucker too?
regblade1 - 10 years ago
+stevefm fm omg. You are one dumb fucker.
stevefm fm
stevefm fm - 10 years ago
+ali mamoer lol being attacked by a shark is an accident? Maybe you need a dictionary as well as lessons in manners Ali? What are out of? Please come back and astound me with your wisdom. 
Ali X
Ali X - 10 years ago
That is called an accident. You say "humans have the right to surf where they want". Man there's no point having an argument with a fool. I'm out
Ali X
Ali X - 10 years ago
There is plenty save water to swim in right?? Why would you swim among sharks? Unless you choose to be seafood
stevefm fm
stevefm fm - 10 years ago
+ali mamoer And why, because swimming in warm waters is alien to our species?! Humans have been swimming for hundreds of thousands of years. For some reason you think inshore waters are not a natural habitat of humans - sorry science says you are wrong. And if your plane went down in the sea or boat sank would you fight off and kill a shark? Or would you cuddle it? 
Ali X
Ali X - 10 years ago
I chose wisely to stay away from there
stevefm fm
stevefm fm - 10 years ago
+ali mamoer Ali please please go and have a swim. On an ordinary beach, maybe in South Africa or Australia, just have a swim and when you get ripped apart by a shark you can die happy. 
Ali X
Ali X - 10 years ago
+stevefm fm I don't give a shit about what you think about my attitude.
Did you see what happened in Taiji in Japan? I was scared to read the complete article, so horrible. Those are people who like to think they have the right to kill another animal for their own good. Like you. That makes me very aggresive. I come from a country where people treat stones better than animals. Those poor innocent beings deserve better. How do you dare to go in the in the house of a magnificent shark, and slaughter him, just because he's a danger to YOU?! You shouldn't be there in the first place "just for fun". You don't see children jumping randomly onto your roof, because "they have every right to be there". Shit makes me angry. Leave them poor animals alone, they deserve better than death, more than stupid people who are murdering eachother for the sake of money and power
stevefm fm
stevefm fm - 10 years ago
+ali mamoer Ali you have a SEVERE attitude problem my friend. As an apparently intelligent man what in your own words do you think gives you the right to personally insult me like you do? 
Ali X
Ali X - 10 years ago
+Kan Kanenas correction, my previous comments where towards steve, this piece of shit google comments trip sometimes
Ali X
Ali X - 10 years ago
+stevefm fm you say "if he got that right, so I also got that right" blablabla. What the fuck you think? You can bargain with a shark about rights? Man fuck your braincells, he eats your ass for dessert. Stay the fuck out of his habitat, and surf where you're save. His insticts are to hunt, eat and mate, you can't fucking blame them. He wil attack you, eat you or fuck you. Those are your choices. Killing him is plain fucking stupid, because you're not God or Allah to deside who lives and who dies.. damn.. these fucking stupid people got my nut cracked
Ali X
Ali X - 10 years ago
+Kan Kanenas yo fuck you and anyone who's with you. How can you say such a stupid thing? Every animal in this world has it's right to live. That idiot chose to go to the habitat of that animal. If he dies, let him be seafood. Humans fucked the environment up BIG TIME. The last species that need to be saved are human. Now I wonder, how the actual fuck can you even possibly say something so stupid like that? You think people are supernatural and their value is above the ethics of the nature? Ignorand
grass hopper
grass hopper - 10 years ago
People swim with sharks and even hold onto their fins and get towed along look it up, I think you were dropped on your head before
stevefm fm
stevefm fm - 10 years ago
+annabelle price You didn't read my reply? As I said the oceans do not belong to sharks, we have a right to swim and surf in the sea without being ripped apart by a dumb fish. Yes they have a right to exist but so do I and if I see a shark I will kill it before it kills me. If you think that is wrong you should go introduce yourself to a shark and see how you get on. 
Annabelle Price
Annabelle Price - 10 years ago
+stevefm fm well have you ever thought of us intruding their oceans have you ever thought that people are the ones attacking them (fishermen) but also th eyes deserve every right to be in this world
Kan Kanenas
Kan Kanenas - 10 years ago
+stevefm fm Lol you ignorant piece of shit. You know jack about sharks. I bet the only knowledge you have over sharks is from "Jaws" and you make those retarded comments. Learn a thing or two before you comment about this magnificent animal.
Saturn - 10 years ago
+stevefm fm Quit trying to be intelligent, won't work. Besides, you're too aggressive.
tenacioustefany - 10 years ago
Sharks aurally have very good vision their eyes are just like ours in fact they even have night vision so they can detect their prey even in the dark
IbrahimGaMer888 [Dr.wolf]
IbrahimGaMer888 [Dr.wolf] - 10 years ago
+grass hopper don't be rude
stevefm fm
stevefm fm - 10 years ago
+grass hopper lol. Why are you so angry? You seem to be a bit of a shark yourself - quick to jump in for the kill. I think you will find that sharks kill humans swimming on the beach. Humans belong on the beach and inshore waters as much as sharks do. We are designed to swim well and babies can be born underwater as it apparently is part of our evolutionary past. So no, sharks do not belong anymore than us in the sea and if they come near people I believe they should be killed as I value human life above the lives of these indiscriminate predators. Sorry you disagree with me, but have a nice day anyway. 
grass hopper
grass hopper - 10 years ago
They should be killed if they come near humans, hey steve you fuckin retard people are in its home you jackass. the shark bites the cage because it has electro magnetic senses and the metal is giving it off. Know anything at all if your gonna talk shit
stevefm fm
stevefm fm - 10 years ago
+stevefm fm I suppose this shark thinks the cage is a seal too????
stevefm fm
stevefm fm - 10 years ago
That's OK then, so long as I get killed by one and it's a genuine mistake on the sharks part I will bleed to death much happier. Stop making excuse for these dangerous animals, they should be killed if they come anywhere near people. If they do not have the intelligence to differentiate between a seal and a human then they should not be allowed near humans. 
GhostbustersRulez - 10 years ago
I'm seeing a lot of things, one says the shark attacked the cage, two says it was curious. One is wrong two is sorta right, the first time the shark bumped into the cage was probably curiosity, the second time he/she had bumped into the boat, probably out of curiosity as well, but when the shark did so it had turned away (sharks can't swim backwards) and when it did so the cage was right there and he bumped into it, it's lucky it didn't get stuck in the cage.
Tommy Bauer
Tommy Bauer - 10 years ago
Were was the attack?
Dorian P.
Dorian P. - 10 years ago
u should have tapped his nose see what happens. 
viridiana v
viridiana v - 10 years ago
Lara Croft Style :D
Gil Cosnett
Gil Cosnett - 10 years ago
Damn dude it wasn't that exciting. Get a life. 
Optima1Ki11erHK - 10 years ago
It looks like the shark just wants to play ._.
ting ting
ting ting - 10 years ago
I want that scared
ting ting
ting ting - 10 years ago
Shark is ugly
Patrick Shields
Patrick Shields - 10 years ago
This is so cool
Patrick Shields
Patrick Shields - 10 years ago
This is so cool
Bastian198211 - 10 years ago
Isn't so much an attack as it's feeling curious. Unfortunately for us, fleshy things, when they come feeling with their teeth disaster happens.
lolol lolol
lolol lolol - 10 years ago
Monster... attack no no no medium size and it sniffed him
Music/Science - 9 years ago
+gophergrrrl Oh yeah I'd be way too scared to explain my opinion to you in person. You're way too big of a hot shot. You know, saying someone doesn't have the balls to put forward an argument to another person's face is an observation you can only make if you've met them, you've got no information about me or anyone else to back that kind of claim up, so I'd be cautious the next time you think of saying something so stupid.
I never said a word about the content of the video, beside pointing out that it's nothing like the title suggests. My issue is the wording of the title and how it contributes to the perpetuation of a completely unfair and incorrect portrayal of an animal which is actually quite calm and peaceful. The only one trolling is your dumb ass calling people dicks and assholes for putting forward a justified opinion.
wolf - 9 years ago
TROLLOLOLOLOLOL. Yeah yeah i know. Trolls have no life so they talk shit to people on the internet but would never have the balls to do it in person. We're not impressed so BYYYYE!!!
Music/Science - 9 years ago
+gophergrrrl Stop being a fucking moron and start seeing it for what it is. How about that?
wolf - 9 years ago
+Michigan Militia Music
stop being such a dick, this video was amazing! if anyone likes watching sharks vids, this is definitely one to watch so wtf is your problem? and to the publisher of the video, AMAZING FOOTAGE! Glad you shared it, no matter what these assholes say!!!!
Music/Science - 9 years ago
+Kane Dexter Couldn't have said it better myself. It's sensationalist click bait just to get more views, but this type of attitude and the language that expresses it is actually incredibly harmful to the animal and perpetuates people's misunderstanding of one of the most successful creatures on the planet.
Kane Dexter
Kane Dexter - 9 years ago
+Michigan Militia Music I absolutely agree; anyone who knows about shark biology and behavior knows that this great white was attracted by the metal of the cage (it's electrochemical receptors- the ampullae of Lorenizi on it's snout are attracted to the current). It rolls it's eyes backwards to protect it's eyes, but stopped immediately when it realized that there was no prey there. Sensationalism is taking place over common sense and it's having a bad effect on the reputation of one of the ocean's most magnificent creatures.
Music/Science - 10 years ago
It doesn't matter who was in the cage, you did not get attacked by a shark. An average size Great White bit the cage you were in purely because of curiosity, that's it. You're the one who named the video, if you were a cage diver who was attacked by "a monster shark!" as the title suggests you wouldn't be talking to me right now. The title has nothing to do with what's in the video, it's misleading and unfair to sharks. 
Oswald Copperpot
Oswald Copperpot - 10 years ago
+Michigan Militia if it was you in there you would say otherwise. I found it fun!
Music/Science - 10 years ago
+oswaldcopper It "bit" the cage. With sharks, the difference between biting and attacking are completely different, don't get them confused.
Music/Science - 10 years ago
+King Rezzah Thank you! it stuck it's nose in the cage for like 2 seconds, realised it was metal and then fucked off. So then how was a cage diver attacked by a monster in any way?!?! Far out these types of youtube videos and their titles piss me off! 
Oswald Copperpot
Oswald Copperpot - 10 years ago
He attacked the cage!!
lolol lolol
lolol lolol - 10 years ago
still it wasnt hardly an attack
Oswald Copperpot
Oswald Copperpot - 10 years ago
ya right medium size! that bugger was a big boy!!
coolman1713 - 10 years ago
Omg I would be scared out of my shoes if that was me! that is awesome I can see why you were so happy at the end!
epic103 - 10 years ago
What a great experience you had... I envy you. There are very few people that come face to face with a Great White. That's awesome. Cheers
Oswald Copperpot
Oswald Copperpot - 10 years ago
yeah I was pretty scared!!
Oswald Copperpot
Oswald Copperpot - 11 years ago
this video if you do not like it than do not comment anything rude.
richard garcia
richard garcia - 8 years ago
LLairaffee if the shark want's to eat he/she will be crazy
jonnyjib - 8 years ago
ArticleBuzz but what if I like it and still want to make a rude comment?
Ina - 8 years ago
Mario Mirdita
Mario Mirdita - 8 years ago
Actually it is!!!
The Fablous Sisters
The Fablous Sisters - 8 years ago
I disagree because you wouldn't say that if he got eaten
Cody Peterson
Cody Peterson - 8 years ago
The name says cage diver, but there was more than 1
paco villa
paco villa - 9 years ago
it wasnt anything rude, i was saying
Ina - 9 years ago
paco villa
paco villa - 9 years ago
+calderon721 but if they pull out the guy the shark will eat him
Ina - 9 years ago
I agree
l2eGl2eT - 9 years ago
+Morgan Murrant  yup Sharks are actually fascinating creates there senses for hunting are incredible. they can sense the electrical impulse in muscles and track food that way completely blind if so
LLairaffee - 9 years ago
Damn so any sort of biting action does that to a shark ?? Well for protective reasons of course
Frankie Hays
Frankie Hays - 9 years ago
+Morgan Murrant yes, when a shark attacks it covers it's eyes with a film to protect them, so for the last moments of the attack the shark is basically swimming blind
LLairaffee - 9 years ago
+l2eGl2eT is that really true tho the sharks eyes flipped if u dont notice im not the best at sharks but i do know that means it wants to eat so if u can honestly tell me if teething does make that happen ??
l2eGl2eT - 9 years ago
+oswaldcopper No offense but you clearly know the title is misleading espeically commenting your own video with what u said this is called teething its a sharks way of " using arms" to feel what is in front of him rename your video don't be that guy otherwise cool experience
Ina - 9 years ago
um....... just saying that the shark is not attacking anyone
dannielle wiggins
dannielle wiggins - 11 years ago
not funny 
natalie Mufarreh
natalie Mufarreh - 11 years ago
Holy smokes I would of got scared
lauren fox
lauren fox - 11 years ago
Why don't you head get chopped off people they were fin
Oswald Copperpot
Oswald Copperpot - 11 years ago
maybe you should
lauren fox
lauren fox - 11 years ago
Shut up every one yo are retards they were having fun and the could of got scared
Ashwin Chiba
Ashwin Chiba - 11 years ago
what a lucky diver that was really a big great white to see so close.
periesicsd - 11 years ago
Hmmm, appetizers and starters...
Katherine Uribe
Katherine Uribe - 11 years ago
Awww...Chompy the Great White Shark paid you a social visit...just saying hello.
Anton Bollaert
Anton Bollaert - 11 years ago
gotta love his reaction
Ethan Quinn
Ethan Quinn - 11 years ago
Too much Gta V..... -.-
Alex Boss
Alex Boss - 11 years ago
HardwareAddiction - 11 years ago
this creature gives me the creeps.. seriously
Ciindy Love
Ciindy Love - 11 years ago
That's scary
Oswald Copperpot
Oswald Copperpot - 11 years ago
you would not say that if you seen one while you were swimming lol
Andreas Otto
Andreas Otto - 11 years ago
No, they don't. Great Whites use vision, smell and impulses when hunting just like any great predator. If they had poor eye sight they wouldn't protect their eyes while attacking (their eyes roll over.)
smurfymurder2010 - 11 years ago
doing this in september i admit i'm a little scared
Francesca M
Francesca M - 11 years ago
tell me it is shark tale....
Jasmyne Mattia
Jasmyne Mattia - 11 years ago
i would love to see sharks in real life
Oswald Copperpot
Oswald Copperpot - 11 years ago
Thanks guys feel free to share this clip!! You don't see it everyday!!
Marcel Axer
Marcel Axer - 11 years ago
DmitriWthegreat1 - 11 years ago
its amazeing how nature works this is just one way of life the shark was just maybe annoyed or upset but dint blame him its just a innocent shark and god has fdone many things to make the world nic this is just one peice of art
NewGuy - 11 years ago
half life anyone?
agreen778 - 11 years ago
the shark left to get away from the idiotic whooping of the diver.
Megan Clevenger
Megan Clevenger - 11 years ago
Yeehaw! We're about to be eaten alive! Woohoo!
Kari's Kim
Kari's Kim - 11 years ago
Stoopid shark. The brain of a pea
DoctorBlackson - 11 years ago
It's all laughs until the young ones that can fit those holes come over.
xenoht - 11 years ago
Porkers...Mr. Hooper? You talkin' about porkers?
Chief BackWood
Chief BackWood - 11 years ago
i'd laugh if a smaller shark came along that could fit through the viewing holes
SlimMCPIMP - 11 years ago
Nomnom cage guut
KingRex1002 - 11 years ago
Remember. He's more afraid of you than you are of him(Obvious sarcasm).
Brian Dawson
Brian Dawson - 11 years ago
WOW really? what a horrible thing to say...I think you need to spend some time in the corner and think about what you just said young man.
Alex Matthews
Alex Matthews - 11 years ago
I would love to go and do that!!!
youtubesux - 11 years ago
attack? you dumbshit, plz die on cancer hes just plying, yeah i wouldnt play with him, like a fly wouldn survive playing with youre dumbshit retarded kids
thevillelova93 - 11 years ago
I heard that great whites hide in cages when chuck Norris swims
SolidBoredness - 11 years ago
sounds like a dolphin.
112advent - 11 years ago
its new name is pinky cuz of its nose
Katherine Raguini
Katherine Raguini - 11 years ago
it not really a attack it a bite
Blair Smith
Blair Smith - 11 years ago
i reckon this is a reason why shark attacks are on the rise. most ''attacks'' are a curious bite to check us out but if you're dangling people in these sharks face of course they'll want to find out what we are. so if they come across someone outside a cage you bet they'll go for a look
shmokin702 - 11 years ago
That thing is a BEAST!!!
farkdanarc - 11 years ago
you'd see a weird brownish murk coming from my suit if i was in that cage....right about when the shark opened his mouth fully.....
Amelia Adams
Amelia Adams - 11 years ago
That shark don't give a shit pffffft
London Robinson
London Robinson - 11 years ago
It's not attacking the cage diver, it's just curious to see what the cage is.
Mario Bros
Mario Bros - 11 years ago
Megalodon could just eat the cage and the guy who was inside of the cage
Paul Wall
Paul Wall - 11 years ago
He could reach more in through that big open area crazy If he did
Velociraptor Wolf
Velociraptor Wolf - 11 years ago
Rachel Levy
Rachel Levy - 11 years ago
haha ya lol its nose kept banging against the cage lollolol thats funny
Jose Beltran
Jose Beltran - 11 years ago
ahhh i see
Jay Shaw
Jay Shaw - 11 years ago
hes only screaming like that as far as i can see because .. well, what a fucking adrenaline rush!
Jay Shaw
Jay Shaw - 11 years ago
they cant hear you but they can sense you
TrouncedHisRook - 11 years ago
where was this
Caitlin Timms
Caitlin Timms - 11 years ago
Sharks are deaf they can't here you if your not moving so don't let any body get to far out at the beach
pandaluver101010 - 11 years ago
That viewing gap was way too big.if that shark was really hungry it could have easily gone right through it. :(
M. Rinto
M. Rinto - 11 years ago
Sharks are very intelligent creatures. More so than you; I wouldn't be so hypocritical when you can't even spell dumb right.
M. Rinto
M. Rinto - 11 years ago
What was with that guy laughing like a moron? The shark wasn't attacking; it was curious. It simply bumped the cage to try to figure out if it was food or not.
Zcwrocks66 - 11 years ago
It wasn't attacking, it was just saying hi:)
Nagla Hiekal
Nagla Hiekal - 11 years ago
why u didnt get the baby when he was eaten by the shark
xxderpmasterxxaj animaljam
xxderpmasterxxaj animaljam - 11 years ago
The shark is kinda cute the guy who is laughing is mean
Ryan Rodriguez
Ryan Rodriguez - 11 years ago
The guy that is laughing is probably saying fuck you shark I don't die to do
xxderpmasterxxaj animaljam
xxderpmasterxxaj animaljam - 11 years ago
I wouldn't even be in there even if someone would give me a million bucks life is worth more
Laura Gilbert
Laura Gilbert - 11 years ago
he's just trying to figure out if he can eat it lol
bailey took
bailey took - 11 years ago
Dum shark
MedicSRT8 - 11 years ago
Wow. Awesome!!
Manko Vadim
Manko Vadim - 12 years ago
Просит вернуться монстра, и раскромсать клтушку...
yo ianrhodes
yo ianrhodes - 12 years ago
nooooossssseee punch!!!
Annabel Stower
Annabel Stower - 12 years ago
I hate this,
Partakular - 12 years ago
i'd lose my shit
twiceshidae - 12 years ago
Laugh, laugh, i see where your laugh goes to if the shark breaks the cage
zepauletto - 12 years ago
Yiyi - 12 years ago
Elyse Willins
Elyse Willins - 12 years ago
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!
Legacy's - 12 years ago
whoooo :D
Kate Andermatt
Kate Andermatt - 12 years ago
I would being scared!! WHATS WRONG WITH YOOOUUU!!!
Hugo Ribeiro
Hugo Ribeiro - 12 years ago
I'd be shitting in my pants if I where you

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Some Amazing Video Links: 5 Cases where Wild Animals saved Humans 5...

Shark videos

Shark Attack 3: Megalodon

32,528 likes 51,599,144 views 17 years ago

For more utterly stupid clips please subscribe!

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Surprised Baby Shark

103,381 likes 50,491,715 views 11 years ago

Baby shark likes to tickle.

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Shark Fishing Battle | Dude Perfect

342,276 likes 44,613,946 views 10 years ago

Time to CATCH and RELEASE some SHARKS! ► Click HERE for crazy fishing VIDEOS! ► Click HERE to...

Shark videos

450 pound Black Marlin eaten by shark

35,332 likes 44,187,416 views 18 years ago

This 450 pound black marlin was caught off Cairns, Australia. After about 22 minutes it panicks and goes down deep,...

About Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver

The "Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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