Mosasaur Shark Attack - Reign of the Dinosaurs

Sharks were still prowling the seas during the reign of the dinosaurs and here a mosasaur is on the attack when a group of sharks starts feeding on its young. Subscribe to Discovery TV for more great clips: Follow Discovery on Twitter:

Mosasaur Shark Attack - Reign of the Dinosaurs sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1233

Shark videos 12 years ago 7,136,346 views

Sharks were still prowling the seas during the reign of the dinosaurs and here a mosasaur is on the attack when a group of sharks starts feeding on its young. Subscribe to Discovery TV for more great clips: Follow Discovery on Twitter:

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Most popular comments
for Mosasaur Shark Attack - Reign of the Dinosaurs

Yves Mangantulao
Yves Mangantulao - 7 years ago
If you look closely to the sharks its skin is a zebra skin
Dizzy Motoz
Dizzy Motoz - 7 years ago
Feel like discovery got it wrong great whites nowadays dont feed in packs . Bet it were the same for these big sharks getting eaten
Toyota 4Runner
Toyota 4Runner - 7 years ago
Freedom First
Freedom First - 7 years ago
The animations and behavior look like this show was catering to children.......
Jean Alecque Fajardo
Jean Alecque Fajardo - 7 years ago
Fuck shark
Megalodon King
Megalodon King - 7 years ago
Mosasaur got 14 kills
Megalodon King
Megalodon King - 7 years ago
Mosasaur can win this round
Megalodon King
Megalodon King - 7 years ago
See? Mosasaur got 1 + 13 = 14
Jeffery Jr.
Jeffery Jr. - 7 years ago
That's what the sharks get

10. comment for Mosasaur Shark Attack - Reign of the Dinosaurs

Shayne Allen
Shayne Allen - 7 years ago
The mosasaur can only go 13 mph
Adal Hussain
Adal Hussain - 7 years ago
What's this documentary called
ched Scicluna
ched Scicluna - 7 years ago
What ties of sharks are those
FellTheSky - 7 years ago
Karem Telb
Karem Telb - 7 years ago
The Megalodon will win because as the powerful bite force in the world
Tigerdovefan34 - 7 years ago
"Mama's very angry." - Ian Malcolm, the Lost World: Jurassic Park
J Bans
J Bans - 7 years ago
I wish they pur these sharks on hungry shark world these are badass
golden maknae X golden hyung
golden maknae X golden hyung - 7 years ago
mosa suck
LG teddy bears 1
LG teddy bears 1 - 7 years ago
Yeah get rekt megalodon
min zhou
min zhou - 7 years ago
:mosasaur mommy: Born Babies
Shark: *Kills and eat baby mosasaur
Shark: *Kills and eat baby mosasaur
Mosasaur mommy: relaliezed own baby attacked
Mosasaur mommy: oh no
Shark:nom nom nom
Mosasaur mommy :*ATTACKS SHARKS*
Other shark : dies

20. comment for Mosasaur Shark Attack - Reign of the Dinosaurs

Prehistoric Tank
Prehistoric Tank - 7 years ago
Cretoxyrhina Mantelli is the name of the Ginsu shark
Thayeng Lee
Thayeng Lee - 7 years ago
ah the comment section. Thinking the shark was megalodon.
there dumb as hell.Megalodon lived in the time around the time of the mammals-the beginning of the ice age.
megas lived way way waaay after mosasaurus like couple million years and when I say couple I mean a lot
plus megalodon was like 10-17 foot bigger then mosasaurus
Camelia D
Camelia D - 7 years ago
My favourite marine reptile.
Allosaurus The Great Theropod Dude
Allosaurus The Great Theropod Dude - 7 years ago
This reminds me of Jurassic World because of Mosasaurus
bin karam
bin karam - 7 years ago
a lion is indeed the king of the jungle but he cant mess with an angry mother elephant specially when she is pissed
Amir Ali
Amir Ali - 7 years ago
jack silm calm down I'm a megalodon fanboy too and a mosasaur and dunkleosteus well I'm a fan of them all but jeez calm down
Janko yt
Janko yt - 7 years ago
I think that is a tiger shark
Lenny Wallace
Lenny Wallace - 7 years ago
that was a ginsu sharkno a megalodon a megalodon would be able to fight back and probably win
kartat kartat
kartat kartat - 7 years ago
Is it still alive
Zain Basit
Zain Basit - 7 years ago
These American documentaries make animals seem like monsters by making it more dramatic & always focusing on hunting & killing. BBC documentaries are better

30. comment for Mosasaur Shark Attack - Reign of the Dinosaurs

ByZoXx - 7 years ago
Megalodons (20 metres) were bigger than mosasaurus (14-17 metres)
buu tenks
buu tenks - 7 years ago
ByZoXx what megalodon?
肖富龙 - 7 years ago
Death Song Gaming
Death Song Gaming - 7 years ago
2:04 looks like chain mail
anjel Jun Jalandoni
anjel Jun Jalandoni - 7 years ago
mosasaurs is real
dxmon - 7 years ago
is she shitting the babies out or is she genuinely sperting it out
TheUltimateWarrior567 - 7 years ago
This is why we can't have Mosasaurs and Tylosaurs in the Sea....
fred bear
fred bear - 7 years ago
A mothers Love and protection she is fully grown At least 200 kilos She is a deadly Predator
Spinosaurus aegyptiacus
Spinosaurus aegyptiacus - 7 years ago
Megalodon vs mosasaurus........... shotgun won XD
Allosaurus The Great Theropod Dude
Allosaurus The Great Theropod Dude - 7 years ago
Sharks and Mosasaurs are sexy
Arty Is going to drown
Arty Is going to drown - 7 years ago
Jack Silm
Jack Silm - 7 years ago
megaladon fanboys Fuck off and Piss off Megaladon never lived during that time period Jesus Christ.

By the way LIpoadlon would kill Megaladon
Tomek Triceratops
Tomek Triceratops - 7 years ago
liouplerodon was 9 meters long
Johnnylee Oligney
Johnnylee Oligney - 7 years ago
I doubt it though
Fx - 7 years ago
Did you mean to say Liopleurodon? There's nothing called LIpoadlon.
DUMMY the DUMMY - 7 years ago
Man why are you all figting for ho is the best, the shark or the lizard, the real killer of all times is Chuck Norris
Tomek Triceratops
Tomek Triceratops - 7 years ago
liouplerodon wouldn't win with megalodon
Death Song Gaming
Death Song Gaming - 7 years ago
JbX Gamer ok yay not me lol
JbX Gamer
JbX Gamer - 7 years ago
Hannibal i just edit it because I forget the word that I'm going to say sorry
JbX Gamer
JbX Gamer - 7 years ago
Death Song Gaming yeah haha the other guy liplaodon
Death Song Gaming
Death Song Gaming - 7 years ago
JbX Gamer me or the other guy, well at least I was closer.
JbX Gamer
JbX Gamer - 7 years ago
Don't even know how to spell Lipleurodon retarded kid.
Death Song Gaming
Death Song Gaming - 7 years ago
Liopluradon was not that big, it was smaller then you think. You lost a like.
Cameron Guitar
Cameron Guitar - 7 years ago
Jack Silm no they wouldn't kill Megalodon because they were 4-5m long whereas Megalodon were 18-20m on average
PinguLOL 12321
PinguLOL 12321 - 7 years ago
Bro that isnt Megalodons xD just Normal Sharks Megalodon Would Rekt Mosa
WaRRioR87 - 7 years ago
Jack Silm thanks man
Jack Silm
Jack Silm - 7 years ago
Mega recently lived 2-15 million yrs ago while Mosassuar lived 45- 60 million years ago
WaRRioR87 - 7 years ago
Jack Silm ain't trying to start nothing I prefer the clownfish a true killer xD. But you know what times the mega and the mosasaurs lived?
Neel Patel
Neel Patel - 7 years ago
I hate mosaurus megalodon is better
Neel Patel
Neel Patel - 7 years ago
Shawn Dankston thank you
Sassy Meme
Sassy Meme - 7 years ago
Neel Patel there not megalodons, there cretroyrixhias, a species of shark that lived in the same time as mosa, megalodons didn't live with mosasaurs
Wiggum - 7 years ago
Remember kids, Don't you deal with Mosasaur!
rosi foxi
rosi foxi - 7 years ago
Beatiful of planet
Leo Jansen
Leo Jansen - 7 years ago
Don´t fuck with a Mosasaur you fucking Sharks!
Enforcingxhunter - 7 years ago
Megalodon 1: I did it guys
Megalodon 2 & 3: stfu jerry
1:40 megalodon 2&3: HOLY SHIT
Bendy andtheinkmachine
Bendy andtheinkmachine - 7 years ago
Kill baby stupid mossasaur
jedi Ryan
jedi Ryan - 7 years ago
this would be a different story if mosasaur mom found predator x
jedi Ryan
jedi Ryan - 7 years ago
mommy is very angry
Rumble Mumble
Rumble Mumble - 7 years ago

50. comment for Mosasaur Shark Attack - Reign of the Dinosaurs

Tika van Steenveldt
Tika van Steenveldt - 7 years ago
Yup mosasaur queen or king
Arzu Rustamova
Arzu Rustamova - 7 years ago
Brandon Hernandez
Brandon Hernandez - 7 years ago
Mosasaur against megalodon? Seems quite controversial. A mosasaur can just swim towards it and maul it while the shark is stunned. Megalodon could suprise and just nibble the mosasaur. It's quite difficult to disipher. But I think a magikarp can win both of these chumps.
xxtoxicskullxx - 7 years ago
Proof!!!!! Mosa beats mega!!!!!!
buu tenks
buu tenks - 7 years ago
dat annoying dude that's no mega
Johan Van Kempen
Johan Van Kempen - 7 years ago
Aristejas Spirius
Aristejas Spirius - 7 years ago
I hate sharks
F A N M A D E P R O C L A N - 7 years ago
The shark looks like tiger shark
Amir Ali
Amir Ali - 7 years ago
just stop talking and Watch it
PUMPTISM - 7 years ago
Those are not megalodons people, a megalodon is way bigger than that and would rape the mosasaur all day everyday
TypicalBullock - 7 years ago
Juvenile megalodons fuck yea
buu tenks
buu tenks - 7 years ago
JJAgnire no megalodon was in this video. More like sub adults if they were
Curi - 7 years ago
"Apenas entro y ya están lloviendo vergazos" -Los mosasaurios bebés.
mynlm - 7 years ago
2 megalodons down, lol
Dustt Sans
Dustt Sans - 7 years ago
AlexTheDogGamer - 7 years ago
arn lee
arn lee - 7 years ago
It was funny when the baby mosasaurus got eaten by the sharks
arn lee
arn lee - 7 years ago
Desi Ozuna
Desi Ozuna - 7 years ago
the meg would wipe out all mosacunts no match...
Melissa M.
Melissa M. - 7 years ago
When italians moms see their kids bullied
Ragen Anne Peñaflor
Ragen Anne Peñaflor - 7 years ago
attack a mosasur, megalodon i dare you
HumFeed Yellowish-Brown
HumFeed Yellowish-Brown - 7 years ago
Mosasaur = NERDS LIKE ME




Shark 3: oh, well then WE GOTTA GO QUICK RUN RUN RUN!!!!

Mosasaur: Ahh, a job well done...... wait.... how long have I been on the Wikipedia page? *checks watch* OH GOD....


Mosasaur: OH YOU WANNA GO???

Megalodon: OH YOU ARE SO ON!!!!!!

Mosasaur: does McDonalds sound nice?

Megalodon: I prefer Burger King but that's fine too.

Mosasaur: Okay let's meet there on Sunday
the real pepe
the real pepe - 7 years ago
ahahahaha Spawn kills
fatyowls - 7 years ago
Who the fuck makes this shit up? Did some overpaid cartoonist give their kid a piece of scrap paper when they were to busy having a drink..
Just Dance Indonesia
Just Dance Indonesia - 7 years ago
The sea color is Green??
MaxCarl Gaming
MaxCarl Gaming - 7 years ago
great white shark not a team
Fact Core
Fact Core - 7 years ago
Nothing Here
Nothing Here - 7 years ago
I am very curious about what kind of sharks that are eating the baby Mosasauruses
kelvin dhany
kelvin dhany - 7 years ago
bapa ganteng
Sơn Trần
Sơn Trần - 7 years ago
Joyce Cabanayan
Joyce Cabanayan - 7 years ago
Joyce Cabanayan
Joyce Cabanayan - 7 years ago
I live this video
Funtime Classic Foxy
Funtime Classic Foxy - 7 years ago
Sharks zebras
Gaming with galih10
Gaming with galih10 - 7 years ago
r.i.p shark
Spaghetti Queen
Spaghetti Queen - 7 years ago
we had lemon shark now we have zebra shark who loves sharks i love but why does God creat 10 different types
Daniel Gaming Mark Challenges And More!
Daniel Gaming Mark Challenges And More! - 7 years ago
yeah sharks dont mess with the mommy mosasaurus
vl Muted lv
vl Muted lv - 7 years ago
not even fair, alive for less than a minute like for real thats too op plz nerf
Kwstas Zlatinoudis
Kwstas Zlatinoudis - 7 years ago
the mosasaurus is dinosaurs and all sea dinosaurs breath out of water only
MVRX 04 - 7 years ago
THIS is not megalodon is this another shark
It’syourboyMatthew 56
It’syourboyMatthew 56 - 7 years ago
Sharks:that was some good lunch guys
Mosa:how dare your in going to murder all of you!!!!!!!!
Sharks:run runt run!!!!!!!
Ugandan Knuckles
Ugandan Knuckles - 7 years ago
Are the sharks a cretoxyrhina?
Baryonyx Walkeri
Baryonyx Walkeri - 7 years ago
BillyJr123 Cercola
BillyJr123 Cercola - 7 years ago
Oh really, it's funny how the megaladons don't notice ANYTHING about the mososaurus eating every single one of their friends...what's next?
Patrick Miguel M. Andrade
Patrick Miguel M. Andrade - 7 years ago
Mosasaurus vs megalodon vote conversation
BONNIE AK - 7 years ago
àaaaaàaaaæaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i never want to stop saying aaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaawawawa so inter ordinary teresting
Daniel Javier
Daniel Javier - 7 years ago
i remember seeing this in a theatre once b4...
C0NCRETE DL - 7 years ago
Are those tiger sharks
Carl Magz
Carl Magz - 7 years ago
are those great white
Diamond back
Diamond back - 7 years ago
Albert Bondoc
Albert Bondoc - 7 years ago
Sharks look like cretoxyrhina or ginsu not megalodon you fucking retards
Cindy Arifianti
Cindy Arifianti - 8 years ago
are that zebra shark
Prado Chiarajanine
Prado Chiarajanine - 8 years ago
man dont extint on year of the dinasour
Prado Chiarajanine
Prado Chiarajanine - 8 years ago
how did you record this when it year of the dinasoaur fake!!!!!!! it just a robot
Ng kr kSH
Ng kr kSH - 8 years ago
thats why u should not eat the mosasaurus baby
GMD14 GMD11 - 8 years ago
So sad the mosausarus since that the shark already sorry and the mosausarus is a cunt fucking stupid idiot bitch

100. comment for Mosasaur Shark Attack - Reign of the Dinosaurs

redblueredblue100 - 8 years ago
@01:37 hey wassup homie you got some grub? --- OOHHH SHIIII NIGGA RUN RUN RUN!
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 8 years ago
The hunter turns into the hunted
Potato Boss
Potato Boss - 8 years ago
Cool video
Admiral Cat
Admiral Cat - 8 years ago
How inaccurate... The mosasaur should have a tail fluke, much like a fish's tail, not a paddle
Big boi pactrucc
Big boi pactrucc - 8 years ago
Too many sharks in ark...
Aubry Inwood
Aubry Inwood - 8 years ago
Those actually are not either Megalodon or a Ginsu Shark, but a Sqaulicorax
Musviq Axmedov
Musviq Axmedov - 8 years ago
SelfHatred - 8 years ago
Mosasaur vs 3 Cretoxyrhina
Paper Mario the Overpowered Paper
Paper Mario the Overpowered Paper - 8 years ago
I like how people think that this Sharks are Megalodons when the first Megalodon that existed wasn't even alive in the Mosasaurs era.
The Viper Randy Orton
The Viper Randy Orton - 8 years ago
I would catch a shark and write Austin 3:16 on its side and every fin. And I would let it go. That shark would stunn every son of a bitch it sees.
ToonandBBfan - 8 years ago
Mosasaur chinned sharks????    RESPECT!!!
Ta Moo
Ta Moo - 8 years ago
megalodons are bigger and have the world's strongest bite force in the world
Metro Cop
Metro Cop - 7 years ago
Those aren’t megalodons you idiot
L.D.R - 7 years ago
No mosas/tylosaurus grew to 40 feet megalodons grew to 60
Fred Gamer
Fred Gamer - 8 years ago
No I think mossasaur is bigger if not more deadly
eshay lad
eshay lad - 8 years ago
Is this why mossisour died off? Offsprings killed before aldult hood or was it to much competition?
Jr Quezada
Jr Quezada - 8 years ago
they had a good meal before they died
Jr Quezada
Jr Quezada - 8 years ago
that's what the sharks get for killing the babies
Jack the Gestapo
Jack the Gestapo - 8 years ago
I wanna see the megalodons fight these things (the magalodons are about the same size of mosasaurs iirc)
loan mai
loan mai - 8 years ago
Cha hay teo nao
Sari Sarisa
Sari Sarisa - 8 years ago
Length:18 Meters and Weight:15 Tons.

C.Megalodon(Carcharodon Megalodon)
Length:16-20 Meters and weight:50-70 Tons.

Predator X
Length:15 Meters and weight:45 Tons.

Length:15 Meters and weight:7 Tons.

Length:6.39-7 Meters and weight 2.5-5 Tons.

Blue whale
Length:30 Meters and weight:150 Tons.
Rodolfo Ruiz
Rodolfo Ruiz - 8 years ago
Es increíble
Helena Liu
Helena Liu - 8 years ago
People these sharks are not megalodons, megalodons have no stripes on their bodies and they are great white sharks but way bigger than the great whites we see everyday. So stop saying that this mosasaur is stupid and it can't defeat 3 great white megalodons. You people should know what megalodons look like.
Mirtes Maria
Mirtes Maria - 8 years ago
mosasaur atack shark pt 2
Cancer - 8 years ago
WTF 0:38
Pauline Nguyen
Pauline Nguyen - 8 years ago
those dumb great whites are no match for the mosesurars and that's what they get for eating the mosesurars baby's
but I still like great whites but those great whites look very different compared to the other great whites that are alive today
why is that is my question man those great white really look like the baby tiger sharks because when baby tiger sharks
are born they are born with a stripe pattern that's what the great white sharks look like and also great whites don't hunt
in packs the hunt alone
PUMPTISM - 7 years ago
Mosasaur is a tuna lizard meal for for a megalodon
Edwin Medrano
Edwin Medrano - 8 years ago
Go to google kid
max the mouse
max the mouse - 8 years ago
林国泰Lim Kok Thay
林国泰Lim Kok Thay - 8 years ago
It is very cute
Eethuis benenedsad Benedenstad
Eethuis benenedsad Benedenstad - 8 years ago
that is not megalodon
flying corsair
flying corsair - 8 years ago
Sharks be like: five oh lets ditch
Morty Smith
Morty Smith - 8 years ago

Edwin Medrano
Edwin Medrano - 8 years ago
if that whas a meagalodon eating her babys the megalodon will destroy the mom too
buu tenks
buu tenks - 7 years ago
Edwin Medrano if the mom got the first bite it's over especially if it was in the tail
JbX Gamer
JbX Gamer - 7 years ago
Jelle Posthuma no dumb,noob kid Livyatan rule the seas the mosasaur can't even beat predator x
Andrew S.
Andrew S. - 8 years ago
Jelle Posthuma it's pretty obvious the mosasaur instint would just to swim away, megalodons don't give a dame if they mess with tooth whales.
Jelle Posthuma
Jelle Posthuma - 8 years ago
Andrew Semuas you never know what would happen
Andrew S.
Andrew S. - 8 years ago
Biology Base megalodon can easily kill a mosasaur with a single bite, mosasaur can't get to megalodon gills because megalodon can turn on a dime because of its cartalage skeleton.
Jelle Posthuma
Jelle Posthuma - 8 years ago
Biology Base ?
some C**t
some C**t - 8 years ago
no they dont
Jelle Posthuma
Jelle Posthuma - 8 years ago
Edwin Medrano Why are those megalodon fanboys so deam stupid... Yes... it ruled the seas... around 16 million years ago... The mosasaurus also ruled the seas... but it died out 65 million years ago... please do reasearch before you call someone stupid
Edwin Medrano
Edwin Medrano - 8 years ago
Jelle Posthuma go to google kid
Edwin Medrano
Edwin Medrano - 8 years ago
Jelle Posthuma it whas dude ur fuckin stupid asf he ruled all seas
Jelle Posthuma
Jelle Posthuma - 8 years ago
Edwin Medrano but it wasnt the biggest
Edwin Medrano
Edwin Medrano - 8 years ago
TheGamingFreak the megalodon has the strongest bite
Edwin Medrano
Edwin Medrano - 8 years ago
TheGamingFreak no it doesn't
Refridgeraptor - 8 years ago
Edwin Medrano the mosasaurus bites ALOT harder
FAUZAN RAHADITA - 8 years ago
FoxRocks 28
FoxRocks 28 - 8 years ago
Was that the megalodon
Dino :D
Dino :D - 8 years ago
No.A cretoxhiryna
happy cheeseburger
happy cheeseburger - 8 years ago
Poor baby moansour
RotoR Gaming - Android
RotoR Gaming - Android - 8 years ago
Atheist - 8 years ago
For an Apex Predator, The mother Mosasaur is pretty stupid....
golden maknae X golden hyung
golden maknae X golden hyung - 7 years ago
doge gotgame f fire not just one
golden maknae X golden hyung
golden maknae X golden hyung - 7 years ago
doge gotgame f fire i know it was pliosaurus or livyatan or liopleurodon
doge gotgamefire fire
doge gotgamefire fire - 7 years ago
X-IT but there one of the smartest sea dinosaur tho
golden maknae X golden hyung
golden maknae X golden hyung - 7 years ago
doge gotgame f fire yeah but mosa is stupid but not really
doge gotgamefire fire
doge gotgamefire fire - 7 years ago
Atheist your an bitch your not smart then the mosasaur it way smater then your dumbass
golden maknae X golden hyung
golden maknae X golden hyung - 7 years ago
assassin of the mosasaurus son
golden maknae X golden hyung
golden maknae X golden hyung - 7 years ago
Tiffanie Pham but u saw the mosasaurus saw the shark was eating her son
Tiffanie Pham
Tiffanie Pham - 7 years ago
DavinTheSquadYT * How would being smart imply to killing a shark? The mother literally never noticed her young was dying until the last one started to call out for help.
Steven Dvorak
Steven Dvorak - 8 years ago
Sanātana Dharma i
Saliha Habib
Saliha Habib - 8 years ago
mossasor is the strangest
Gami Khan
Gami Khan - 8 years ago
Your Mother
Your Mother - 8 years ago
this doesn't make sense mega is stronger ._.
Andrew S.
Andrew S. - 8 years ago
Christopher Mbolinani yep.
Christopher Mbolinanipower175
Christopher Mbolinanipower175 - 8 years ago
these sharks are not megalodons. these are Cretoxyrhina
when did they die?
+Noah DGZ shut up I'm fr
Jocsan Vega
Jocsan Vega - 8 years ago
Noah DGZ lol
Rusty Rake
Rusty Rake - 8 years ago
Last night
Frank Alquinga Melo
Frank Alquinga Melo - 8 years ago
C est tros cool ta mere

Megalodon/Sharks - 8 years ago
Mosasaurs (from Latin Mosa meaning the 'Meuse river', and Greek σαύρος sauros meaning 'lizard') are an extinct group of large marine reptiles. Their first fossil remains were discovered in a limestone quarry at Maastricht on the Meuse in 1764. Mosasaurs probably evolved from an extinct group of aquatic lizards[1] known as aigialosaurs in the Early Cretaceous. During the last 20 million years of the Cretaceous period (Turonian-Maastrichtian ages), with the extinction of the ichthyosaurs and decline of plesiosaurs, mosasaurs became the dominant marine predators. They became extinct as a result of the K-T event at the end of the Cretaceous period, approximately 66 million years ago
Johan Van Kempen
Johan Van Kempen - 7 years ago
Well don't normally get these comments but good job
Maria Martinez
Maria Martinez - 8 years ago
Poor sharky ;[
RJ Gaming
RJ Gaming - 8 years ago
Omg so sad poor babys
David Prior
David Prior - 8 years ago
pour mosasaur did the baby survive
The Cool Persian
The Cool Persian - 8 years ago
Sharks were spawn camping they deserved it.
Just Some Ordinary CHIMPANZEE
Just Some Ordinary CHIMPANZEE - 7 years ago
Adela Botas
Adela Botas - 7 years ago
The Cool Persia
Killer PacmanFrog14
Killer PacmanFrog14 - 8 years ago
Ta Moo
Ta Moo - 8 years ago
The Cool Persian this is computer made
Some random guy from the beyond
Some random guy from the beyond - 8 years ago
fucking scrubs those sharks
Dino :D
Dino :D - 8 years ago
Jordan Young
Jordan Young - 8 years ago
I'm now starting to hate sharks But homie shark do you or buisness
จากนี้ไป จนนิรันดร์
จากนี้ไป จนนิรันดร์ - 8 years ago
Arshan Haq
Arshan Haq - 8 years ago
Now I know why mosuaaur ate the sharks because they ate mosuars baby's!
Arshan Haq
Arshan Haq - 7 years ago
Ninja Mice AWW but yayA
Arshan Haq
Arshan Haq - 7 years ago
YoHomieFrenchSpy G.E.W.P Hell yeah
YoHomieFrenchSpy G.E.W.P
YoHomieFrenchSpy G.E.W.P - 8 years ago
Ninja Mice
Ninja Mice - 8 years ago
Easy now, he wont get a medal for getting something wrong, the Mosasaur Killed the Sharks, she did not eat them.  But at least he will get a blue ribbon.
YoHomieFrenchSpy G.E.W.P
YoHomieFrenchSpy G.E.W.P - 8 years ago
Arshan Haq Well done, you want a medal?
La nd
La nd - 8 years ago
dAVID - 8 years ago
pena que não pude ver o video, tenho hidrofobia ;-;
Alain El Rompe Infancias
Alain El Rompe Infancias - 8 years ago
QUE interesante
Jake Bruin
Jake Bruin - 8 years ago
what sharks are they?
Jake Bruin
Jake Bruin - 8 years ago
+Rheann Johnson ty
Rheann Johnson
Rheann Johnson - 8 years ago
Noah Gozum
Noah Gozum - 8 years ago
RIP jaws
Geraldine Carney
Geraldine Carney - 8 years ago
did ... did the new born mosasaur make cheeping noises? Like from baby birds?
EXPLORER - 8 years ago
I think this was really good kinda makes you feel and see the world these Dinos lived at one time.. there was such a time and it probably was like that in there world in the ocean.. we don't know we weren't there but I'm sure even the Mother Dino had her moments like the animals and Women today.. like those are my babies and then all HELL brakes loose... Thats pretty cool I think to get at least a vision of what it probably was like.
June Guevarra
June Guevarra - 8 years ago
@Me 0
Andres jimenez
Andres jimenez - 8 years ago
yo queria que el megalodon ganara
Baryonyx Walkeri
Baryonyx Walkeri - 7 years ago
El tiburón no es un megalodon, es un cretoxhirina
Andres jimenez
Andres jimenez - 8 years ago
Me gusta
Andres jimenez
Andres jimenez - 8 years ago
noivern orozco
noivern orozco - 8 years ago
ora asta megalodon es un documental no esas mierdas de peleas de basura esto es naturalesa no ciencia ficcion de mierda
Andres jimenez
Andres jimenez - 8 years ago
yo queria que el tiburon ganara
Andres jimenez
Andres jimenez - 8 years ago
Riam Barreto
Riam Barreto - 8 years ago
fuckkkkk megalodon in my opnion win this is fake
Andrew S.
Andrew S. - 8 years ago
Jelle Posthuma there called I believe cretoxyrihina.
Jelle Posthuma
Jelle Posthuma - 8 years ago
Riam Barreto first off... it werent megalodons... second off... they didnt live in the same era
Melanie Davis
Melanie Davis - 8 years ago
I wonder in the furture he might return I hope cause I want to see real life dinoasaurs
tommoore2012 - 8 years ago
Changes to the Dinosaur genetics would have to be made though. For one, the average earth temperature back then was 150 degrees F so they would need to be able to survive in much cooler climates. Also the air back then was so much thicker than it is now if they're bodies aren't designed to breath today's atmosphere they'll suffocate.
Jake Bruin
Jake Bruin - 8 years ago
scientists have discovered how to make animals with genetics they can make dinosaurs but there isnt a place to keep them
shadow king13
shadow king13 - 8 years ago
Goes to show never mess with a momma's babies
Matthew Marquez
Matthew Marquez - 8 years ago
mosasouras doesn't exist cause dinosaurs died
Gage Burghart
Gage Burghart - 8 years ago
cool video
Gracel Sumayo
Gracel Sumayo - 8 years ago
Mr snappy
OakSkullSlayerGaming TH
OakSkullSlayerGaming TH - 8 years ago
What is this Type of Sharks in Dinosaur Revoultion
Christopher Mbolinanipower175
Christopher Mbolinanipower175 - 8 years ago
the sharks are named Cretoxyrhina
We Were Giants
We Were Giants - 8 years ago
i love these kind of shows !!!!
Thunder Leaves
Thunder Leaves - 8 years ago
Moasuasuarus is the one that is flat in the tail and his body is fat
Mr.dogey Wow
Mr.dogey Wow - 8 years ago
Why did that shark ate anothther baby shark that so sad :-(
Andrew S.
Andrew S. - 8 years ago
Nyoma Mizuno ?
John Ng
John Ng - 8 years ago
lol'd real hard from 1:28 onwards
Kitore TheKillerz
Kitore TheKillerz - 8 years ago
is Cretoxyrhina
Kitore TheKillerz
Kitore TheKillerz - 8 years ago
is Cretoxyrhina shark
Paleo News
Paleo News - 8 years ago
Mama Mosasaur be like
Baraa Hamdy
Baraa Hamdy - 8 years ago
mosaurus eat sharks but 3 shark can keep on at it attacking it until it dies and mosauridea had weaker bites than sharks so how the mosasaur will keep attacking but marine-reptiles need to breath are but shark don't
Baraa Hamdy
Baraa Hamdy - 8 years ago
Edwin Tavares
Edwin Tavares - 8 years ago
Buck Wilder
Buck Wilder - 8 years ago
biteforce of crocs and mosasaurus was simular a croc has 10 times the bite force of a great white there made to eat bones not just big chunks of fatty meat
TheGreaterGood80 - 8 years ago
I'd imagine mosasaurs to have incredibly strong bites. Marine predators must have a powerful pair of choppers.
FreedomEagle - 8 years ago
they're in water...they aint got the agility to fight as on the ground...
Zilla Rex
Zilla Rex - 8 years ago
1:30 Oh HELL No!
Moza Destita
Moza Destita - 8 years ago
wait did that shark eat his son's
Jelle Posthuma
Jelle Posthuma - 8 years ago
Moza Destita yes
Eeeveegamer XD
Eeeveegamer XD - 8 years ago
its so sad that her babies exept the smart one
Lmao - 8 years ago
+Stillan Lee its fake dude
Eeeveegamer XD
Eeeveegamer XD - 8 years ago
+Shawn Wang i never say lucky what the hack
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
Lucky you mean.
Lavar's Balls
Lavar's Balls - 8 years ago
Holy shit, the cameraman is brave as fuck.
Gold Dragon
Gold Dragon - 8 years ago
fuck me......kiss my ass......sucking my girlfriend boobs
Aureo Parilla
Aureo Parilla - 8 years ago
Was that also the time where helicoprians lived
AlexTheDogGamer - 8 years ago
Oh sorry. My mistake. Thanks!
Gabriel Adorno
Gabriel Adorno - 8 years ago
+AlexTheDoglover No Megalodon came 25 million years ago and 1.5 million years ago became extinct
AlexTheDogGamer - 8 years ago
Gabriel Adorno Then Megaladon came along 4 million years ago and 3 million years ago it became extinct.
La nd
La nd - 8 years ago
Aureo Parilla や
Gabriel Adorno
Gabriel Adorno - 8 years ago
+Chanell Mitchell No they were around 100 million years ago or less, before dinosaurs went extinct
hendra saputra
hendra saputra - 8 years ago
Chanell Mitchell
Chanell Mitchell - 8 years ago
+Shawn Wang I would've thought you understood what I was saying since it was obvious but okay.
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
+Chanell Mitchell
No, you said "the Late Cretaceous, when the dinosaurs were wiped out." You didn't say at the end but I understand what you were trying to say.
Chanell Mitchell
Chanell Mitchell - 8 years ago
+Shawn Wang That's what I said, they were wiped out.
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
+Chanell Mitchell
They were wiped out at the end. But I think it's just the wording that doesn't make sense.
Chanell Mitchell
Chanell Mitchell - 8 years ago
Mosasaurs lived during the Late Cretaceous, when the dinosaurs were wiped out.
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
No helicoprion lived much earlier, in the Silurian or something.
Briana.theodora Abte.
Briana.theodora Abte. - 8 years ago
Yatie Chan Abdullah
Yatie Chan Abdullah - 8 years ago
Wow !
Christopher-Jordan Derys
Christopher-Jordan Derys - 8 years ago
Mama got no chill
[AS] Vinyl
[AS] Vinyl - 8 years ago
wtf did i just watched?

am i looking at my past from 4.6 million years ago?
donald yu
donald yu - 8 years ago
What is the shark
Mr.BossMan 111017
Mr.BossMan 111017 - 8 years ago
A Cretoxyrhina a Shark that lived in the cratasous period It was the size of today's great whites
Siser Craft
Siser Craft - 8 years ago
nicolas escudero ahumada
nicolas escudero ahumada - 8 years ago
gayathri sindhu
gayathri sindhu - 8 years ago
+Wham.mlg gbht
kornblazer - 8 years ago
+Constavlos That's two words, and they were prehistoric not medieval.
Constavlos - 8 years ago
One word... medieval snails
Unseen VenoMzZ
Unseen VenoMzZ - 8 years ago
nicolas escudero ahumada
nicolas escudero ahumada - 8 years ago
marius antulis
marius antulis - 8 years ago
It's a zebra shark
Shawn Lipman
Shawn Lipman - 8 years ago
Zvet On The Mix
Zvet On The Mix - 8 years ago
a ach
tha greatest
tha greatest - 8 years ago
The sharks thought they were ninjas but the mom only saw 1 of her baby's left that was screaming for help
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
+Elite Droid
Now you think you're smart because you can rely on racism? Oh. Pig is the worst insult.
Agent 47
Agent 47 - 8 years ago
You're wasting your time trying to correct others, you Chinese pig.
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
+Elite Droid I'm sorry but if you were offended, it's not my problem.
Agent 47
Agent 47 - 8 years ago
shut the fuck up
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
Babies, not baby's. You never use an apostrophe for a plural unless it's a lower case acronym.
Sarah Lackey
Sarah Lackey - 8 years ago
omg poor babys
Stich - 7 years ago
id rather have mosasaurs tbh
Rey Cerdo
Rey Cerdo - 7 years ago
Well what happen ir instead of sharks there will megalodon
Cristiano Maestro
Cristiano Maestro - 8 years ago
Thedreamcatcher20 ike
Dreadz AmvTM
Dreadz AmvTM - 8 years ago
Thedreamcatcher20 bro it was unforgiving
Edge Berry
Edge Berry - 8 years ago
Thedreamcatcher20 but great thing about the mosasaurs is that it's a great protected of its baby's xD
Edge Berry
Edge Berry - 8 years ago
Thedreamcatcher20 VERY TRUE!!!!
Dino :D
Dino :D - 8 years ago
Imperial 224
Imperial 224 - 8 years ago
Thedreamcatcher20 true!
Movie Master 217
Movie Master 217 - 8 years ago
Mosasaurs are better
Teta Pavelin
Teta Pavelin - 8 years ago
andrea pontalti
andrea pontalti - 8 years ago
+Albert Xiong Jellyfish: invisible, poisonous, letal, long death....I prefer a shark.
Albert Xiong
Albert Xiong - 8 years ago
+The STEEL TARANTULA Agreed,Orcas are not harmful to human
HtownCrazy31 - 8 years ago
The STEEL TARANTULA - 8 years ago
+Albert Xiong Better than megalodons
Albert Xiong
Albert Xiong - 8 years ago
We have orcas now
Movie Master 217
Movie Master 217 - 8 years ago
Maybe but the ocean would be more scarier with Mosasaurs
andrea pontalti
andrea pontalti - 8 years ago
Maybe it was better... more sighted than a shark on the coasts.
Gaster Balster
Gaster Balster - 8 years ago
Gaster Balster
Gaster Balster - 8 years ago
Kasper Jørgensen
Kasper Jørgensen - 8 years ago
A megalodon weighs up to 100 tons and can swallow a city bus whole with no people on board and still have room for dessert
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
+Elite Droid
I'm sorry but if you're unsure about something, at least first double check. Beat is used if it's future.
Agent 47
Agent 47 - 8 years ago
Beaten not 'beat'. I saw you trying to correct someone else.
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
+Rheann Johnson
I guess for kids everything is games. You'll learn. All you're doing now is wasting my time so you can keep finding self-satisfaction in an empty comment thread.
Rheann Johnson
Rheann Johnson - 8 years ago
+Shawn Wang Lol, so because I asked, "Do you like pie?", you wanted to get serious? Chill, dude. xD
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
+Rheann Johnson
Well I like my time respected, kid. Sorry about that. You'll learn when you get beat up at school because you're just that one kid. Can't say I didn't warn ya.
Rheann Johnson
Rheann Johnson - 8 years ago
+Shawn Wang Apparently, you're too serious for jokes. That's sad, if I'm to be honest.
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
+Rheann Johnson
Where did your block go? I guess you forgot your own humility.
Rheann Johnson
Rheann Johnson - 8 years ago
+Shawn Wang Nah, I'm allergic to chicken
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
+Rheann Johnson
Chicken, lol.
Rheann Johnson
Rheann Johnson - 8 years ago
+Shawn Wang Time to block, have fun! c:
Rheann Johnson
Rheann Johnson - 8 years ago
+Shawn Wang Thanks, you too.
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
+Rheann Johnson Good luck!
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
+Rheann Johnson
...the YouTube report button.
Rheann Johnson
Rheann Johnson - 8 years ago
+Shawn Wang Did someone pour ants in your bed? Loosen up. xD
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
+Rheann Johnson
Well I like my time not being wasted and I also like...
Rheann Johnson
Rheann Johnson - 8 years ago
+Shawn Wang Nah, I like to have them seperate.

Do you like pie?
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
+Rheann Johnson You could've put it both in one comment but okay...
Rheann Johnson
Rheann Johnson - 8 years ago
+Shawn Wang I have a question for ya.
The STEEL TARANTULA - 8 years ago
+Shawn Wang Yeah I am referring to the mosasaurus. Laziness on my part to type
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
I believe what you're referring to is Mosasaurus. A mosasaur is a different thing.
The STEEL TARANTULA - 8 years ago
I don't think so. I'm a mosasaur fanboy, but truth be told, the megalodon wins 9/10 times. The mosasaur has to breathe, and as it goes up for air, the megalodon will just bite into the megalodon and kill it. Yeah, it sucks
Super Dope
Super Dope - 8 years ago
+Heroes uknowjusticemill oh my god you megladon fanboys there not that big a megladon is 60 feet in length the same as a mosasaur
Shawn Wang
Shawn Wang - 8 years ago
One hundred tons is extremely unlikely.
Jt Hopkins
Jt Hopkins - 8 years ago
+hiero0410 megalondon is 20-40 foot bigger weights more is stronger and bites harder now the mosa has agility that's all it has on the megalondon
Jt Hopkins
Jt Hopkins - 8 years ago
+hiero0410 no he doesnt
hiero0410 - 8 years ago
+The Nixbro Me too ; )
Super Dope
Super Dope - 8 years ago
ok i like moso better
hiero0410 - 8 years ago
+The Nixbro Yeah, but megalodon still loses.
Super Dope
Super Dope - 8 years ago
Well those sharks arent megladon
Piercin B
Piercin B - 8 years ago
anton sadiq
anton sadiq - 8 years ago
what are those sharks??what's there name??
Andrew S.
Andrew S. - 8 years ago
Shawn Wang actually i spelled cretoxyrihina wrong, I'd added an extra I by accident, it's spelled like this cretoxyrhina.
Andrew S.
Andrew S. - 8 years ago
Shawn Wang I think you spelled cretoxyrihina wrong?
Andrew S.
Andrew S. - 8 years ago
anton sadiq there called cretoxyrihina size of the great white shark today, not even close to megalodon size.
andrea pontalti
andrea pontalti - 8 years ago
=not identified sharks that probably live in mosasaurus' enviroment.
panha sethapong
panha sethapong - 8 years ago
only one baby survise
Sensei-zp92 - 8 years ago
cuanto media de largo en mosasaurio porq el megalodon sobrepasaba los 40 metros
Andrew S.
Andrew S. - 8 years ago
Semsei-zp92 those are cretoxyrihina a smaller shark than megalodon.
Sofia Sanchez
Sofia Sanchez - 8 years ago
que era esa espesie de ti buron
Jamie Hughes
Jamie Hughes - 8 years ago
GIVE BIRTH!!! grabs pitchfork and torch
MR BOW TIE - 8 years ago
Vielvladimir Valdez
Vielvladimir Valdez - 8 years ago
Those poor Babies i hate shark a teetsy tiny bit
Suhardi Khong
Suhardi Khong - 8 years ago
is that a megaloden or a great white?
Andrew S.
Andrew S. - 8 years ago
Dynaraxsis Death it's a cretoxyrihina, it's big as a great white, but no where close to megalodon size.
SpongeTheBest - 8 years ago
Suhardi Khong Neither
TYRANNICAL-gg - 8 years ago
Those sharks are creatoxyrina
Socomhunter - 8 years ago
looks more like a great white as a megalodon is a little over the size of a mosasaurus and these looked like they were significantly smaller. Unless they were young megalodons.
marie javier
marie javier - 8 years ago
Edelweiss - 8 years ago
karma is a b!tch
Khuntaec OkHoverjkul
Khuntaec OkHoverjkul - 8 years ago

Zilla Rex
Zilla Rex - 8 years ago
+Azeus XIV killing class
Saint Levy
Saint Levy - 8 years ago
no shes a beautiful lady with some class
expressrobkill - 8 years ago
i feel with these old american dinosaur documentary's they don't pay much attention to detail or sound or cgi or actual animal movement and try to make things look more monsterus than animal.
The Wolf of Comedy
The Wolf of Comedy - 7 years ago
Poppy Raima True that. I think that's why WWD sticks as being the best to most people. It treats its subject matter like actual animals, and shines on aspects of their lives besides all the hunting and fighting, which seems like the only thing Dinosaur "documentaries" focus on
Pedro Sepulveda
Pedro Sepulveda - 7 years ago
expressrobkill and there's always a Homosexual Canadian cuck who happens to an expert on the internet
expressrobkill - 8 years ago
+Dynaraxsis Death yea they were also great but dinosaurs was the best one, beasts had the best intro music.
SpongeTheBest - 8 years ago
expressrobkill there's also a walking with beasts and walking with monsters
expressrobkill - 8 years ago
+Dynaraxsis Death yea loved that series they should do another one i know there are other dinosaur docs but that one is how they should be done.
SpongeTheBest - 8 years ago
expressrobkill BBC nailed i with walking with dinosaurs
Lily Smiths
Lily Smiths - 8 years ago
expressrobkill the best way for me to have a good
ART 4847
ART 4847 - 8 years ago
Poppy Raima
Poppy Raima - 8 years ago
Pretty much... These are actually among the newest dinosaur documentaries; the old ones like the Walking with... series were a lot more subdued and naturalistic in tone and scope, despite the inaccuracies.
Alysa Nrdea
Alysa Nrdea - 8 years ago
That day i found mosausarus in real life i eat it
domino the sketcher
domino the sketcher - 8 years ago
Fake you never fine mosausarus
Alysa Nrdea
Alysa Nrdea - 8 years ago
Just let the shark eat its hungry
Alysa Nrdea
Alysa Nrdea - 8 years ago
I cried when the shark died
Javi gamer brol
Javi gamer brol - 8 years ago
un vídeo que no se ve nunca
Jacob Scott
Jacob Scott - 8 years ago
I love it
da peeps channel
da peeps channel - 8 years ago
The mosasaur was the best dino ever
Luis Eduardo López Yépez
Luis Eduardo López Yépez - 8 years ago
Edelweiss - 8 years ago
Except that it wasn't a Dino.
Rhys Nichols
Rhys Nichols - 8 years ago
Talk about pregnancy hormones...
Andrew S.
Andrew S. - 8 years ago
Nicole Quintana ikr
Nicole Quintana
Nicole Quintana - 8 years ago
Coby Dupre
Coby Dupre - 8 years ago
Those sharks got wrecked
EllaGamingTV - 8 years ago
its a shark
EllaGamingTV - 8 years ago
it's animated
im a dude on the internet
im a dude on the internet - 8 years ago
no one cares if theres no megalodon in the video i mean cmon no one told us there was
ExpensiveIcelord - ROBLOX gameplays
ExpensiveIcelord - ROBLOX gameplays - 8 years ago
Those sharks deserved it
Kyle Burke
Kyle Burke - 8 years ago
0:38 O_O
Sr Pedro
Sr Pedro - 8 years ago
the mega shark
Kristin Eisenhauer
Kristin Eisenhauer - 8 years ago
Darn it I thought the megalodon would win
Mr.krakz - 8 years ago
also those aren't megalodons megalodon was wayy bigger and I mean get bigger then that

those were great whites
leoo olong
leoo olong - 8 years ago
its a mammal ???
Chocolate SPIDER
Chocolate SPIDER - 8 years ago
That's reach 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 dislikes
Chocolate SPIDER
Chocolate SPIDER - 8 years ago
This is a documentary but it's wrong guys don't listen to this
Chocolate SPIDER
Chocolate SPIDER - 8 years ago
Brayden Metzger
Brayden Metzger - 8 years ago
ThAt one Vanoss gameing Video h20 Delirous says GIVE BIRTH
Felipe Miranda
Felipe Miranda - 8 years ago
dublado ou legendado em português BR pls
Jacob Scott
Jacob Scott - 8 years ago
Fenerbahçeli Deniz
Fenerbahçeli Deniz - 8 years ago
I megalodon would kill that mousosorus
Andrew S.
Andrew S. - 8 years ago
Dynaraxsis Death it's a cretoxyrihina which is the size of the great white today.
SpongeTheBest - 8 years ago
Deniz Eraslan that's not a megalodon
lil Ricky
lil Ricky - 8 years ago
Cidadivino Santos
Cidadivino Santos - 8 years ago
andrew ong
andrew ong - 8 years ago
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 8 years ago
no one escapes the jaws of a mosasaur
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 8 years ago
i mean in the cretaceous no one escapes the jaws of a mosasaur
Tarrasque Das Quebrada
Tarrasque Das Quebrada - 8 years ago
JOHN CENA - 8 years ago
Baby 1
Baby 2
Baby 3

No offence mossesor just wanted to have fun lol
Tracy Green
Tracy Green - 8 years ago
Mickie games
Mickie games - 8 years ago
that's richt
Kyle Burke
Kyle Burke - 8 years ago
+thomas clone gaming 1265744 Jackass means donkey
Chocolate SPIDER
Chocolate SPIDER - 8 years ago
I reported you
little tony minecraft
little tony minecraft - 8 years ago
hey guys can someone please go to my YouTube channel and like it go on little tony minecraft
Juan Sanchez
Juan Sanchez - 8 years ago
Lesson learned. Never make mama Mosasaur angry
Irfaan Ramadhani
Irfaan Ramadhani - 8 years ago
lol XD
Ecstaticcommander 2317
Ecstaticcommander 2317 - 8 years ago
this changes everything I saw the mosasaur do an alligator death roll so that means the big croc went into crocodiles and mosasaur went into alligators I couldn't figure this out
Jerry Gomes
Jerry Gomes - 8 years ago
+Jacksepticey e Mosasaurs are related to snakes and monitor lizards, and only distantly related to crocodiles. Crocodilians separated before mosasaurs existed. The death roll is just a strategy to help kill an animal, so it doesn't have to be a crocodile or alligator to do that.
The Shibu Doge
The Shibu Doge - 8 years ago
no you dum megalodon stop you know the poor mosasaurus is helpless well that's why you attacked but still part of compliment XD
Saber Cat Survival
Saber Cat Survival - 8 years ago
A Mosasaurus is bigger then a Megaladoon. Megaladoons in a pack would have killed a Mosasaurus.
Destroyer of Worlds
Destroyer of Worlds - 8 years ago
Don't You Dare Mess With A Legendary Mosasaurus Mommy But There Is One More Strongest DONT EVEN DARE MESS WITH A DADDY MOSASAURUS DADDY MOSASAURUS are the most Strongest sharks
yasmin sandhu
yasmin sandhu - 8 years ago
go on mama! they had it coming ! that's what they get for eating her babies!
Dino Ro
Dino Ro - 8 years ago
This is the right video! This person probaly dicscovers prehistoric sea creatures, mosasaur is the strongest sea dino ever!
Terril Cassidy
Terril Cassidy - 8 years ago
James Dunn
James Dunn - 8 years ago
Were the sharks megaldons?Judging by their size they must have been.
James Dunn
James Dunn - 8 years ago
+Andrew Semuas Thx!
Andrew S.
Andrew S. - 8 years ago
James Dunn megalodon was more than twice the length of mosasaur, those shark you see in the video are cretoxyrihina which is way smaller than megalodon.
kornblazer - 8 years ago
They were not Megalodons.
MidoBakuTodo - 8 years ago
she's like, "you kill my young, I kill you!"
Maria deysi Alvarado valladares
Maria deysi Alvarado valladares - 8 years ago
Joseph Caskey
Joseph Caskey - 8 years ago
Damn sharks eating the babies like candy
Chocolate SPIDER
Chocolate SPIDER - 8 years ago
Mosasaurs is a poop and would never win megalodon or the shark would win
SANIC TEH HOTDOG - 8 years ago
mosasaurus is faster then megalodon fight over

mosasaurus dodges attacks then bites megalodon gills

mosasaurus has no gills its like a whale it breathes air
Cat Its FAIL LOL - 8 years ago
mosaurus is good and Megalodon is evil
Night Raven
Night Raven - 8 years ago
why was that fish pooping little fish
Discord Quincy Draconequus
Discord Quincy Draconequus - 8 years ago
Reptile, not fish.
Minecrafter 2000
Minecrafter 2000 - 8 years ago
Its giving birth nigga
Iram Zumaya
Iram Zumaya - 8 years ago
omikmjmjmijnhnuhhubbhuybbyvvt fttfcfctrdcdrctfvfvctfcfttdcctdcdtcrd
jj iihjybtvfcxxxsxwzwszwzxsybhnujnnijjijmjjijijinhuh
Agim Sehi
Agim Sehi - 8 years ago
This is why i no longer read documentaries, because some 10-12/or older thinks that a fucking mososaurus is a 60 Ft. tall creature. Some people are getting more fucked in the head just sayin.
JbX Gamer
JbX Gamer - 7 years ago
Go home kid 60 feet long mosasaur a retard kid the maximum size of mosasaur is 30 feet long
Andrew S.
Andrew S. - 8 years ago
Agim Sehi those sharks in the video are called cretoxyrihina, which are size of a greater white shark, also megalodon size was about 80 foot, not 60.
SpongeTheBest - 8 years ago
Agim Sehi walking with dinosaurs is better
Mr.BossMan 111017
Mr.BossMan 111017 - 8 years ago
+iM sAnITy It was like freaking bigger than a blue whale!
Agim Sehi
Agim Sehi - 8 years ago
+iM sAnITy i don't understand you?
No Faith
No Faith - 8 years ago
Cuz jurrasic world that movie mosasaur was not even make sense
Krakowwiatt - 8 years ago
when mosasaurus give birth hes giving lunch for the sharks :/
Tiffanie Pham
Tiffanie Pham - 7 years ago
Matias (: ...he?
jada prendergast
jada prendergast - 7 years ago
jada prendergast
jada prendergast - 7 years ago
Skurr ur dumb m8 predator x is sampler than a mosa u would say mosa bites predator x ass off and and mega bites of mosa ass
skerr - 7 years ago
+Kanaifu Gaming​ ignorant? Nah. Just saying Megalodon would win if it were around then.
100 000 Subscribers no videos challenge
100 000 Subscribers no videos challenge - 7 years ago
Omg i can't believe how ignorant of you. Firstly megalodon lived in a period where the mosasaurus were already extinct, and secondly it's much bigger than the mosasaurus itself, around twice longer and 6 times heavier, so it would still win.
Sniper SerpentX
Sniper SerpentX - 8 years ago
predator x and mosasaurus and lioplorudon would reck megalodon
Sniper SerpentX
Sniper SerpentX - 8 years ago
true but still the same thing would happen with megalodon. theres a reason they are called T-rex of the deep
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 8 years ago
+nicholasjoe wheeler Plz be more precise about what you were trying to say ?
Mr.BossMan 111017
Mr.BossMan 111017 - 8 years ago
+Mike Hamada Thoughs weren,t Megalodons thoughs were Cretoxyrhinas
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 8 years ago
+skurr 2 then PREDATORX shows up and bites Megaladons ass off >:]
skerr - 8 years ago
Then Megalodon eats Mosasaurus :>
Clorox Bleach btw drink me
Clorox Bleach btw drink me - 8 years ago
If a sloth was a marine animal it would beat up mososaurus,predator x,dunklestorous,megalodon
Youkimaro Chirokino
Youkimaro Chirokino - 8 years ago
I dont's no!!!!!n
Youkimaro Chirokino
Youkimaro Chirokino - 8 years ago
No fa
Jose Yepez
Jose Yepez - 8 years ago
shut up dorko ho ever you are !!!!!!!!
Jellie Gatao
Jellie Gatao - 8 years ago
Alex no Sekai
Alex no Sekai - 8 years ago
Aw the baby Mosasaur is so adorable and cute!
harvey johnson
harvey johnson - 7 years ago
Alex no Sekai but they are deadly.
Alex 13
Alex 13 - 8 years ago
How can mosasaur can kill megalodon that's fake!!!!!!!!!!!!. Because megalodon is bigger than mosasaur
Julian Pimentel
Julian Pimentel - 8 years ago
moasaurisiss are my favorite dinosaurs
BadGamer719/ /BGSysteme
BadGamer719/ /BGSysteme - 9 years ago
cause they are so small
BadGamer719/ /BGSysteme
BadGamer719/ /BGSysteme - 9 years ago
are those megalodons?
Aulendil The Great
Aulendil The Great - 8 years ago
+BadGamer719/ /BGSysteme
fine, but these are not
BadGamer719/ /BGSysteme
BadGamer719/ /BGSysteme - 8 years ago
Oh thank god I love megalodon my fav
Aulendil The Great
Aulendil The Great - 8 years ago
Ronald Avalos
Ronald Avalos - 9 years ago
It's a great not a megalodon
Monsterkiller 418
Monsterkiller 418 - 8 years ago
Great white doesn't have stripe that a ginsu shark
Ronald Avalos
Ronald Avalos - 9 years ago
am am 7577
am am 7577 - 9 years ago
Broken Lens
Broken Lens - 9 years ago
so nice then
Elijah - 9 years ago
OMG this scared the shit out of me, my worst fear is being eaten in the ocean. I could never be a diver, I would literally have a heart attack and I'm only in my 20s
Debra Williams
Debra Williams - 9 years ago
I'm sorry for the mothers loss
Jake Penny II
Jake Penny II - 9 years ago
Big mama's in the house!!!!
Tyrant of Blogs
Tyrant of Blogs - 9 years ago
This is Mrs snappy in action from Pritish Shakya!
john richard astall
john richard astall - 9 years ago
it makes you wonder just big & nasty creatures we still
haven't found down there ?
Adan Ali
Adan Ali - 9 years ago
what the baby eating blood from her momm
Stephen Chen
Stephen Chen - 9 years ago
the so fucking sharks
Stephen Chen
Stephen Chen - 9 years ago
this is fucking shit man
Adam Rizky Mubarak // eviladamrizky
Adam Rizky Mubarak // eviladamrizky - 9 years ago
are those shark are cretoxyrhina, squalicorax, or Megalodon :/?
Jerry Gomes
Jerry Gomes - 8 years ago
+Adam Rizky Mubarak Cretoxyrhina were the shark of Jurassic times, about the same as Mosa, but Megalodon are much newer, only 15 million years ago. Mosa and cretoyrhina were about 80-120 million years ago.
Gladiolus - 9 years ago
+Adam Rizky Mubarak They are cretoxyrhina.
Adam Rizky Mubarak // eviladamrizky
Adam Rizky Mubarak // eviladamrizky - 9 years ago
0:38 Doesnt suppsot mosasaur lays eggs? mosasaur bleeds when laying their babies without an egg
Adam Rizky Mubarak // eviladamrizky
Adam Rizky Mubarak // eviladamrizky - 8 years ago
I'm 13, IDIOT
Nabbit's Youtube
Nabbit's Youtube - 8 years ago
What the fuck are you talking about, you under aged retard
Adam Rizky Mubarak // eviladamrizky
Adam Rizky Mubarak // eviladamrizky - 9 years ago
My Brother: cuz mosasaur is a ovovivivar
Me: Oh
Timur PlayGames
Timur PlayGames - 9 years ago
i saw a dino but i think it was a plesiosaur i was on the ocean and i saw something creepy
Darian The Dinosaur
Darian The Dinosaur - 9 years ago
Why do people always compare Megalodon to other giant sea predators. It gets really annoying. Mosasaurus and Megalodon are both about 60 ft, so Mosasaurus might stand a chance
Mihai Bunea
Mihai Bunea - 9 years ago
dislike megalodon i m a girl but i love dinosaurs. way mega way? is soooooo cute mosasaur baby
Mihai Bunea
Mihai Bunea - 9 years ago
dislike megalodon i m a girl but i love dinosaurs. way mega way? is soooooo cute mosasaur bahy
Zade Oglesby
Zade Oglesby - 9 years ago
Face it there megalodons because mosasaurs is only 3 feet smaller than a megalodon
Mary Jane Abadilla
Mary Jane Abadilla - 9 years ago
thats not megalodon because it is smaller
thi09 - 9 years ago
Enter N1ght
Enter N1ght - 9 years ago
the megalogion is way bigger That even maby great white shark bigger then That
Lim lucas
Lim lucas - 9 years ago
wow so lovely
Velixnoprojr Growtopia
Velixnoprojr Growtopia - 9 years ago
Syazana Shaari
Syazana Shaari - 9 years ago
gustavo Simões games !!!!!!
gustavo Simões games !!!!!! - 9 years ago
amo dimossauros
random guy
random guy - 9 years ago
mosasaur looks like a predator x with a longer tail
Robert - 9 years ago
mosasaur.... 60ft... megalodon... 180ft... and mi pitbull kill both¡¡¡¡
LedZep's X
LedZep's X - 8 years ago
+Roberto Flores The maximum a Megalodon can be is about 59ft lol
Tyrant of Blogs
Tyrant of Blogs - 9 years ago
+Roberto Flores correction :mosasaur 50 ft,Megalodon 70 ft
Paleo Science Art
Paleo Science Art - 9 years ago
EJ Manguerra
EJ Manguerra - 9 years ago
the megalodon ain't that small and ain't that weak it's bigger than the mosasorus
RexVsGaming - 9 years ago
+EJ Manguerra its not a megalodon, that came around millions of years after dinosaurs died out
TheLostChromosome - 9 years ago
Mosasaur mom:WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY BABIES!!!!!!!
Sharks:mrs mosasaur you dont understand-
ImCANCER - 9 years ago
... Mosasauruses Is Not Bigger Than Megalodons.. And Mosasaurus Is Not That Big.. Its Smaller Than Megalodons..
RexVsGaming - 9 years ago
+Moala zon So, what school did u attend, what degrees do you have, what branch of science are you in, and when did you acquire your job as a Scientist. I seriously doubt that statement 
ImCANCER - 9 years ago
+RexVsGaming Im An Scientist
RexVsGaming - 9 years ago
+Moala zon No, i said it is theorized it grew between 60-70 feet. Again can you please send me the info you got for the time areas i would really like to know so i can see where u got that from 
ImCANCER - 9 years ago
+RexVsGaming Wait.. Arent You The Guy Who Said That Megalodon Only Was 50 Feet? 
RexVsGaming - 9 years ago
+Moala zon How am I wrong, all i asked was for you to send me the information as to where u found your dates, everywhere i have been said the dates that website has, so im curious as to where you got yours
ImCANCER - 9 years ago
+RexVsGaming You`re  So Wrong 
RexVsGaming - 9 years ago
+Moala zon heres a site a got the info for its own time in comparison to dinosaurs, u may be mistaking the tooth for another species of shark
RexVsGaming - 9 years ago
+Moala zon can u send me where u found this information, i am just curious as to where you got this info from
ImCANCER - 9 years ago
+RexVsGaming Meg8alodons And Dinosaurs Did Live At The Same Time, Cuz Someone Found An Megalodon Teeth Who Was  98 Million Years Old. And A T-Rex Skeleton Who Was 98 Million To
RexVsGaming - 9 years ago
+Moala zon its not a megalodon, megalodons and dinosaurs didnt live at the same times, these are a different species entirely
Christina Scherder
Christina Scherder - 9 years ago
tobias persson
tobias persson - 9 years ago
there is no megalodon in the video. a full size megalodon and a full size mosasaur would be similar length but megalodon heavyer, stronger bite force and harder teeth. so to make it short. a megalodon would eat a mosasaur for dinner. a mosasaur was like a modern snake. it ate what it cud swallow. you don't see a mosasaur attack a full size grown whale like megalodon do. all mosasaur lovers just like mosasaur because it looks cool... so obvious
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 8 years ago
+Andrew Semuas actually no they're slightly bigger than modern whites.
Andrew S.
Andrew S. - 8 years ago
tobias persson megalodon was twice the length of mosasaur, Google it your self, also those sharks in the video are called cretoxyrihina, which are big as a great white shark today.
tobias persson
tobias persson - 8 years ago
Depends what you mean with overated, megalodon would kill a mosasaur without a doubt. Even sharks about 25feet long have killed fully growned mousasaurs, sharks called: ginsu shark. Abit bigger than a full grown white shark. Mosasaur dominated the planet because they were so Many spiecis in the mosasaur family tree, but a mosasaur vs megalodon is a win for the megalodon, just the truth :P
domino the sketcher
domino the sketcher - 8 years ago
Darian The Dinosaur
Darian The Dinosaur - 8 years ago
Megalodon is just as overrated
Zolfar Olf
Zolfar Olf - 9 years ago
mr snappi goooooo!
Mario Maese
Mario Maese - 9 years ago
Cass Cass
Cass Cass - 9 years ago
You idiots this is from a movie!!!
Minecrafter 2000
Minecrafter 2000 - 8 years ago
fucking dick its not
Bảo Lê
Bảo Lê - 9 years ago
cá mập trong đó không phải là megalondon
L. Charmaine Wright
L. Charmaine Wright - 9 years ago
This is fake because megalodon was way bigger
ενιl Δ мσгτγ Δ
ενιl Δ мσгτγ Δ - 8 years ago
The sharks are NOT Megalodons .. and of course its fake. Its for fun
Tyrant of Blogs
Tyrant of Blogs - 9 years ago
+Kulvadee White They are Ginsus cuz of their patterns.
Kulvadee White
Kulvadee White - 9 years ago
It could be a ginsu shark or a baby megalodon
Zombies - 9 years ago
What sharks are they?
SirJohn - 9 years ago
Megalodon vs Mosasaur?

Gail Moore
Gail Moore - 9 years ago
guys mosasaurus won U cant change it hes not a dinosaur master mind
Ascendant Media
Ascendant Media - 8 years ago
+Chasidy Conner Did you call?
Chasidy Conner
Chasidy Conner - 8 years ago
Edge Lord
Leonard King Mudbeard
Leonard King Mudbeard - 8 years ago
People just think that Megalodon was in the Dinosaur Time.
Ascendant Media
Ascendant Media - 8 years ago
+Jacksepticey e Those were Cretoxirhyna
Ecstaticcommander 2317
Ecstaticcommander 2317 - 8 years ago
wait those were just sharks right not megalodons
Primal Groudon
Primal Groudon - 8 years ago
+Matyas Hedgern Yeah that is not the megalodon
Matyas Hedgern
Matyas Hedgern - 8 years ago
+Kulvadee White People think it's megalodon because that's the only prehistoric shark they know.
Kulvadee White
Kulvadee White - 9 years ago
Agree but tell me why people think these are megalodon
Trevor Phillips
Trevor Phillips - 9 years ago
I really don't know why everyone thinks these were Megalodons. They both lived at different times, I mean seriously...
Edmarth Herrera
Edmarth Herrera - 9 years ago
boom panis
Are we human Are we dancers
Are we human Are we dancers - 9 years ago
the sharks at the end where like "Shit! Shit! Swim away!"
anthony brown
anthony brown - 7 years ago
Are we human Are we dancers .they are real live one was found off the coast of Australia
Are we human Are we dancers
Are we human Are we dancers - 9 years ago
the sharks at the end are like "swim away!!!!"
Are we human Are we dancers
Are we human Are we dancers - 9 years ago
the sharks at the end are like "swim away!!!!"
Ariwan RasulZada
Ariwan RasulZada - 9 years ago
megalodons are fricking 66f and mosasaurs are 45f but in this documentary thoose sharks were 28f
Ariwan RasulZada
Ariwan RasulZada - 9 years ago
megalodons are fricking 66f and mosasaurs are 45f but in this documentary thoose sharks were 28f
Ariwan RasulZada
Ariwan RasulZada - 9 years ago
megalodons are fricking 66 feet and mosasaurs are 45 feet but in this documentary thoose sharks are about 28f
Ariwan RasulZada
Ariwan RasulZada - 9 years ago
megalodons are fricking 66 feet and mosasaurs are 45 feet but in this documentary thoose sharks are about 28 feet
Ariwan RasulZada
Ariwan RasulZada - 9 years ago
megalodons are fricking 66 feet and mosasaurs are 45 feet but in this documentary thoose sharks are about 28 feet.
Ariwan RasulZada
Ariwan RasulZada - 9 years ago
megalodons are fricking 66 feet and mosasaurs are 45 feet but in this documentary thoose sharks are about 28 feet.
Jahan Guro
Jahan Guro - 9 years ago
Then, a Megalodon comes in and be all like: "HEY!!! Y U PARTY WITHOUT ME!!!! I EAT U ALL NOW!! NAM NAM NAM!!!!!!
Christopher Mbolinani
Christopher Mbolinani - 9 years ago
It is not a Megalodon. Megalodon lived 15-2,5 or 1,5 billion years ago, long after mosasaurs, dinosaurs, plesiosaurs, pterosaurs, ammonites, belemnoids and other lifeforms or organisms became extinct. Its a Ginsu shark or a Cretoxyrhina
Elijah Walton
Elijah Walton - 9 years ago
Hanis Humairah
Hanis Humairah - 9 years ago
Giovanni Ramirez
Giovanni Ramirez - 9 years ago
hea eat is get the mogher fuckers
Giovanni Ramirez
Giovanni Ramirez - 9 years ago
kevin le
kevin le - 9 years ago
i don't know why i love keeping watching Mosasaur babys get killed
OLEH DIDUKH - 9 years ago
Stefan Apostolov
Stefan Apostolov - 9 years ago
Megalodon will eat mosasaurus!!!
Mary Jane Abadilla
Mary Jane Abadilla - 9 years ago
that is not real
Christopher Mbolinani
Christopher Mbolinani - 9 years ago
that is real
Bandicam Cringe
Bandicam Cringe - 9 years ago
that's not megalodon its a ginsu shark megalodon could kill the mosasaurs in one shot
곽미현 - 9 years ago
Салюты И фейерверки
Салюты И фейерверки - 9 years ago
Kyle Planer
Kyle Planer - 9 years ago
For people who dont know mossasurs were bigger than megalodons just so u know not trying to disturb the megalodon fanboy swarm
Saniyah Kearse
Saniyah Kearse - 9 years ago
Dino Ro
Dino Ro - 8 years ago
+Pnarhavi Headhunter true
Ascendant Media
Ascendant Media - 8 years ago
+Saniyah Kearse Those are Cretoxirhyna or Squalicorax. Megalodon appeared way after the K-T extinction
Aulendil The Great
Aulendil The Great - 8 years ago
+Dino Ro
 alright :D
Dino Ro
Dino Ro - 8 years ago
+Aulendil The Great ps your right shh
Aulendil The Great
Aulendil The Great - 8 years ago
+Dino Ro
they are not
Dino Ro
Dino Ro - 8 years ago
+Saniyah Kearse they are megalodons
Agim Sehi
Agim Sehi - 8 years ago
+Aulendil The Great I bet they are gushni sharks, because they have like a leopard skin.... those fakers
Saniyah Kearse
Saniyah Kearse - 8 years ago
+Aulendil The Great oh I thought they were megladons
Aulendil The Great
Aulendil The Great - 8 years ago
+Saniyah Kearse these are not megalodon you imbecile
Saniyah Kearse
Saniyah Kearse - 9 years ago
+Armin Reindl what are they then
Kulvadee White
Kulvadee White - 9 years ago
Dude these are not megalodon they are crytoxirhina or somthin
Saniyah Kearse
Saniyah Kearse - 9 years ago
That is a mosasaurs but some fights may not be real
Салюты И фейерверки
Салюты И фейерверки - 9 years ago
Armin Reindl
Armin Reindl - 9 years ago
These are not Megalodon.
Jenny Vera
Jenny Vera - 9 years ago
megalodon is the deadlyis more bigger and srongest
Tyrant of Blogs
Tyrant of Blogs - 9 years ago
+Jenny Vera RIP english!
MatriOX - 9 years ago
+Armin Reindl
Armin Reindl
Armin Reindl - 9 years ago
+MatriOXG I was actually replying to Jenny.
MatriOX - 9 years ago
+Armin Reindl
I know, but 609 peoples this megalodon fans.
Armin Reindl
Armin Reindl - 9 years ago
These shark are not Megalodon.
MatriOX - 9 years ago
+Jenny Vera Megalodon sucks.Mosasaurus are awesome. 603 peoples megalodon fans, hahahahahah.
Brenda Valenzuela
Brenda Valenzuela - 9 years ago
yes it does
Meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh
Meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh - 9 years ago
Fucking dumbasses thinking mosasaurus could actually stand a chance against Megalodon and thought these things were megalodons.... Mosasaurus can be pray to Megalodon that's all also uneducated dumbasses don't know but size..... Megalodon WAS 5-10 times larger than mosasaurus since it weighed that much
JbX Gamer
JbX Gamer - 7 years ago
marcus arwin punzalan noob retarded kid go answer your homework
JbX Gamer
JbX Gamer - 7 years ago
Destroyer of Worlds u trash kid don't know what is the size of mosasaur ur name is actually trash the size of mosasaur is 12 metres maximum the size of Megalodon is 25 metres maximum so go home and answer your homework
marcus arwin punzalan
marcus arwin punzalan - 8 years ago
mosasaurs and megalodon are almost the same size get your facts right
lil mouse the best
lil mouse the best - 8 years ago
+Destroyer of Worlds its a ginsu shark much smaller than megalodon u retard megalodon is 67 ft or 100 ft
Destroyer of Worlds
Destroyer of Worlds - 8 years ago
You bitch faggot Mosasaurus was AtLeast 25 Meters You Think You Know Science Largest Mosasaurus To Discover Was 30+ Meters So Please Fuck Off Search It Bich 30+ Metered Mosasaurus Fuckin Faggot If You Scared To See It Then Accept Megalodon Lost Bitch Faggot Doesnt Know Science And Shit
lil mouse the best
lil mouse the best - 8 years ago
+Meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh its a ginsu shak
Meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh
Meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh - 9 years ago
Listen to my comment I'm Implying the people who thinks it's Megalodon and that Megalodon would lose fucking fanboys should get into a car accident
Ultra Bart o Retorno
Ultra Bart o Retorno - 9 years ago
The baby Mosasaurus sounds like a chick.
Mona Almutlaq
Mona Almutlaq - 9 years ago
What kind of shark is that
Christopher Mbolinani
Christopher Mbolinani - 9 years ago
+MatriOXG Great white sharks appeared long after the dinosaurs. It's a Ginsu shark or a Cretoxyrhina.
MatriOX - 9 years ago
+Mona Almutlaq Great White.
valoguy - 9 years ago
Attack a Megalodon, Mosasaur. I dare you
傷齒龍147 Troodon147
傷齒龍147 Troodon147 - 7 years ago
it's cretoxrhina
DontReadMyProfilePicture - 7 years ago
PinguLOL 12321 being bigger and heavier just doesnt mean anything mosausaurus would just stealth
DontReadMyProfilePicture - 7 years ago
MegaPlosion a onr bite would not even kill a plesiosaurus so not a mosausaurus not even split him so shtfu
DontReadMyProfilePicture - 7 years ago
BEETLE SPIDER a cheetah a golden eale a horsefly are faster than a mako shark you cunt
DontReadMyProfilePicture - 7 years ago
BEETLE SPIDER a great white is not a small megalodon.
DontReadMyProfilePicture - 7 years ago
kornblazer there is nothing wrong with mistaking in grammar you fucking cunt people use more m8 than mate
DontReadMyProfilePicture - 7 years ago
Jack the Gestapo a megalodon was never more than 60 feet why are you talking bullshit
DontReadMyProfilePicture - 7 years ago
adam mukhriz kid is from 8-12 so shtfu
DontReadMyProfilePicture - 7 years ago
adam mukhriz what is wring with being a robloxian or even more being a kid??? Your texts just prove how much of a kid are
DontReadMyProfilePicture - 7 years ago
adam mukhriz a nosausaurus would win against a megalodon
DontReadMyProfilePicture - 7 years ago
adam mukhriz the chanches if a mosausaurus existing are more than a megalodon existing cause the biggest reason of a megalodon not existing is the climate change(the water temperature )
Lumi Love
Lumi Love - 7 years ago
adam mukhriz it means they didn't exist in that time period you fucking dense little shit.
jada prendergast
jada prendergast - 7 years ago
And predator x could never mince a meglodon
Megas can grow to 75 feet and predator x is a low life they got hunted by mosa Lol
jada prendergast
jada prendergast - 7 years ago
Plus megas and mosas are not in the same time area megas around 2million years mosa 200millionbyears
jada prendergast
jada prendergast - 7 years ago
Mega London are more robust and is faster in one strive it is 17feet a mosas strive is 13 feet u are wrong mega is more robust faster and munuver better than a mosa an mega is 60 tons mosa 10 tons an mega has the strongest bite known to scientists it would crush a mosa in one bite it is measured 55,000 pounds of pressure mosa have weak jaws to megas
JbX Gamer
JbX Gamer - 7 years ago
It is tiger shark noob kid
Eljai Bigoni
Eljai Bigoni - 7 years ago
Epicshark 222 I know this is a late comment but I you do realise that the Megalodon weighs 50 tons
PinguLOL 12321
PinguLOL 12321 - 7 years ago
Skrew lol Fan Boy Of Jurrasic World XD,Megalodon Is Heavier ,Stronger.Bigger and Mosa would have to breath so lol
PinguLOL 12321
PinguLOL 12321 - 7 years ago
Sanic Megalodon Have More bite force and Bigger :3
PinguLOL 12321
PinguLOL 12321 - 7 years ago
facts on me Depends on the bite damage lol
PinguLOL 12321
PinguLOL 12321 - 7 years ago
EpicShark Hes saying about the Sharks not megalodon .-. Megalodon would Rekt it
PinguLOL 12321
PinguLOL 12321 - 7 years ago
yeah xd
chompinator 55
chompinator 55 - 7 years ago
valoguy wtf are people discussing animal fights literaly both will die from blood loss you dumb shits
SkrewDriver-N1 - 7 years ago
MegaPlosion no that will not happen you dumbass
SkrewDriver-N1 - 7 years ago
mossasaurus reks the megaladon
Karan Rasquinha
Karan Rasquinha - 7 years ago
adam mukhriz Yeah megalodon would win hands down. It is bigger, heavier stronger and doesn't have to breathe
MegaPlosion - 8 years ago
Captain Cat We said it could not must duh
Admiral Cat
Admiral Cat - 8 years ago
so tell me, how would a mosasaur time travel to the future to fight a giant shark? and are they intelligent enough to fight for no reason other than for food and defense?
Chocolate SPIDER
Chocolate SPIDER - 8 years ago
yeah I agree
MegaPlosion - 8 years ago
valoguy Megalodons bite force is WAAAAYYYYYY greater than a Mosasaur. One bite from the Megalodon and its sayonara for the Mosasaur. (Sorry Mosasaur fan boys) be honest with yourselves Megalodon will win.
Chocolate SPIDER
Chocolate SPIDER - 8 years ago
your profile picture and name doesn't make me belive you Mlg is proabably the last sort of thing to belive info from
Chocolate SPIDER
Chocolate SPIDER - 8 years ago
+The Viper Randy Orton
No mossasaur is like poo on a stick
The Viper Randy Orton
The Viper Randy Orton - 8 years ago
valoguy Mozasaur and Megalodon are almost same size. Interesting idea. Butnif its the Mozasaur from Jurassic world, Megalodon would be crushed.
Mr. Lion
Mr. Lion - 8 years ago
shit maybe a gold fish will be more fair
Mr. Lion
Mr. Lion - 8 years ago
+Mike Hamada i think a tilapia fish can fuck both of these amateurs up in any ocean
kornblazer - 8 years ago
+Thomasclonegaming mlp and more 1265744 Stop assuming things about Megalodon and give us some numbers to prove what you are saying. 
Chocolate SPIDER
Chocolate SPIDER - 8 years ago
+Epicshark 222 Then first why are you called epic shark second a megolodon's bite force is so strong it would be like the mossaur is steal wool
Chocolate SPIDER
Chocolate SPIDER - 8 years ago
+Dino Ro That isn't true a megolodons bite force is one of the most  biggest bite force EVER
Chocolate SPIDER
Chocolate SPIDER - 8 years ago
+SANIC TEH HOTDOG nope nope NOPE how can it be faster when a Megolodon is a great white and a great white is related to the shortfin mako shark which is the fastest sea creature on earth
Chocolate SPIDER
Chocolate SPIDER - 8 years ago
+Mike Hamada and gw still exist whitch is a small megolodon so that means that megolodons killed mor Mossasaur
Chocolate SPIDER
Chocolate SPIDER - 8 years ago
+Anand krishnan. p facts / knowledge Still what if mega dodged
kornblazer - 8 years ago
+adam mukhriz You call him immature yet you use 'u' in place of the word 'you'. You use 'm8' in place of 'mate'. You use 'your' when 'you're' should be used, and then go on to 'correct' someone on their spelling of it. You're is a contraction of 'you' and 'are'. Not to mention that most of your reasons on your 'lists of his immaturities' come down to baseless insults.
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 8 years ago
A mosasaur doesn't need to bother attacking a mega but the predatorX would make some shark tuna lunch out of megas ass
Dino Ro
Dino Ro - 8 years ago
it is the second biggest carnivore every discovered, behind megalodon!
Chocolate SPIDER
Chocolate SPIDER - 8 years ago
No me MOSASAUR is a coward
Mr. Lion
Mr. Lion - 8 years ago
+valoguy megalodon will indeed wreck him
Galaxy of RED TRIANGLE! - 8 years ago
Dino Ro
Dino Ro - 8 years ago
+Joseph Hoffman I know but do even watch pivot!
Dino Ro
Dino Ro - 8 years ago
+Jack the Gestapo (SS-Sturmbannfuhrer) 1st of all my brother wrote that second of all only blue whales can grow to 25 meters. The megalodon may not even be a shark because the only bones found were teeth and backbones.
Dino Ro
Dino Ro - 8 years ago
what is going on
Adrian Vasquez
Adrian Vasquez - 8 years ago
+Epicshark 222 right the mosasaurus can rip the megalodons fins and there's going to be no way so the megalodon can escape
Dino Ro
Dino Ro - 8 years ago
+Zatoichi Shintarokatsu Megalodon would win against mosasaur but 20 ton bite force no.
Patrick's Channel
Patrick's Channel - 8 years ago
+Epicshark 222 dude the megalodon's bite force is up to 20 tons,if the megalodon would bite mosasaur the mosasaur will die quickly due to a bad injury so megalodon wins.
Joseph Hoffman
Joseph Hoffman - 8 years ago
+adam mukhriz He did say that
Joseph Hoffman
Joseph Hoffman - 8 years ago
+Dino Ro Megoladon did not live at the same time as the Mosasaur so it could not be a baby Megalodon
Dino Ro
Dino Ro - 8 years ago
+Jack the Gestapo (SS-Sturmbannfuhrer) i dont know why my little bro said that a while ago but those are baby megalodons
creepes - 8 years ago
yea i react like my picture when this kid send comments
creepes - 8 years ago
+Dino Ro facepalm
Jack the Gestapo
Jack the Gestapo - 8 years ago
+Dino Ro megalodons are the weakest? don't think so, the largest known species of mosasaur may have reached up to 18 metres (59 ft) in length, but megalodon could have reached a maximum of 20.3 metres (67 ft) in total length (some said megalodon may have approached a maximum of around 24 to 25 metres (79 to 82 ft) in total length)
Dino Ro
Dino Ro - 8 years ago
+valoguy Those were megalodons an megalodons are the weakest sea monster besides elamosaurus!
Jack the Gestapo
Jack the Gestapo - 8 years ago
+valoguy But Mosasaur were extinct 65 millions years ago, megalodons appears 15.9 millions years ago. It would be fun to watch though
SANIC TEH HOTDOG - 8 years ago
rip megalodon there around same size but mosasaurus faster
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
Say it nicely dumbass i aint gonna leave if your still an asshole

adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
I wasnt directing it at you stupid.
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
Why not you? Cunt motherfucker?
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
That justifies that your indeed a little kid. Roblox is for 10 year olds like you. Idgaf if its for adults or kids i hardly see anyone that has been thru puberty play fuckin roblox. Mostly kids like you. And what kind of "teen" would make a roleplay quote? " walks away" typical ODer kid that wanks to 2.0 robloxians.
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
You play roblox. Thats why. Little kid
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
Tdr is gay btw
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
I have plenty of time to reply till he stops
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
Lol no
Christian Uy
Christian Uy - 9 years ago
+adam mukhriz. stfu and STOP ARGUING AND GTFO IN TDR`s LIFE!!!!!
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
Lol no
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
Except for the whole list of why your a kid. That part is true
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
What do you mean? I can just tell by the way you present yourself that your mad. Your just some piece of shit thats mad m8. And i think you got messed up between the difference of your and you're so, you failed there and i like how you think i wasnt sarcastic at my previous comment. See your also an idiot so the irony is real
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
Ofc. I used to play it until it turned to a steampile of shit. Most robloxians are kids so deal with the fact that you are one to. Is idiot the best insult you have?
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
Calling me a kid when you have a robloxian prof pic. The irony.
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
Why not you go ahead and make me?
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
wrong. Calling someone stupid and agreeing that mosasaurus wins against mega. Even if they did met, megalodon would win. Salty robloxian
A raptor, A UtahRaptor
A raptor, A UtahRaptor - 9 years ago
if a mosasaurs bite a megalodon in the gill it will die you dumb little kid
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
YOU NEVER STATED THAT DUMBASS. All you just said in your previous comment was "megalodon never existed yet idiot" what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
adam mukhriz
adam mukhriz - 9 years ago
Well then say that they never existed in the same period you slag. How am i supposed to know what your talking about if you just say that megalodon "didnt exist". Cheeky slag
What is wrong with me
What is wrong with me - 9 years ago
I don't understand why there this guy online saying the shark was megalodon just cause he's a fanboy of mosasaurs
Queen Rexy The 65th
Queen Rexy The 65th - 9 years ago
talking about dino buffet!
PrimeVoxel - 9 years ago
Yolanda Bradshaw
Yolanda Bradshaw - 9 years ago
Yes it does lionish
Patricia  Martinez
Patricia Martinez - 9 years ago
OscarGaming HQ
OscarGaming HQ - 9 years ago
omg is aesome
Jared Gobuty
Jared Gobuty - 9 years ago
The only reptile ive ever seen give live birth instead of laying eggs
Barbieworld - 9 years ago
it does cool
Python & Lilly Roblox Gamer
Python & Lilly Roblox Gamer - 9 years ago
Megladon is still alive he/she is in the sea still waiting to kill a lot of mean sharks I still love Megadon :) If you still think Megladon is not real then your worng he/she is still here I saw it in the sea with my family he/she was there iambs I saw please belive me this is the truth I hope you belive me bye .
Python & Lilly Roblox Gamer
Python & Lilly Roblox Gamer - 9 years ago
That's so nice for the babies that HUGE SHARK I think he cares for his babies I so happy that he won and fight the mean shark.
STEVEN DANN - 9 years ago
STEVEN DANN - 9 years ago
Mosasauru does give birth
HAZOX GAMING0525 - 9 years ago
Put this baby fish against the king of the seas ,megalodon
123 - 9 years ago
+Anderson Lemus the mosasaur is actually a lizard that became aquatic, so no fish. That is a ginsu shark, so no megalodon.
Dream majesty
Dream majesty - 9 years ago
Owen Kang Zheng
Owen Kang Zheng - 9 years ago
i like mosasourus so much wich also i like other dinosaurus like argentinosaurus,utahraptor,stegosaurus,ankylosaurus,pelecanmimus,galimimus,trex,spinosaurus,bonitasaurus,oviaraptor,nasutoceratops,veilociraptor.
GamingWithNael ヅ
GamingWithNael ヅ - 9 years ago
why megalodon/great white shark why did u eat the cute baby mosasaurs
Silent Shadow
Silent Shadow - 9 years ago
Edjoys St
Edjoys St - 9 years ago
Edjoys St
Edjoys St - 9 years ago
Edjoys St
Edjoys St - 9 years ago
i like mossassaur i ever wafch this and the ending was coo,
Silent Shadow
Silent Shadow - 9 years ago
Megalodon would sqish mosasaur like bug
Junell Snead
Junell Snead - 9 years ago
this is the best
Michelle Mos
Michelle Mos - 9 years ago
Maglodon sharks is biggest sharks is a different type of breed of shark dum ass
Ho ever said it ain't a maglondon is right I with every thing
Tasnim1970 - 9 years ago
Pathetic recreation by Discovery..and the sound effects? Idiots
Tol Le Le
Tol Le Le - 9 years ago
it does
water is not fake
Wooly Rhino
Wooly Rhino - 9 years ago
Im an 18 year old guy and I love prehistoric marine creatures. I just think they're awe inspiring. Does that make me immature?
Wooly Rhino
Wooly Rhino - 9 years ago
Im graduating next year, my family and I are taking a trip to the Okavango Delta, one of the seven natural wonders of Africa. And my mom's friends declined the offer and said that it's a trip for juvenile-young audiences only.
Wooly Rhino
Wooly Rhino - 9 years ago
One of them said, "my kids are much younger than you, and they are not in to the stuff you like."
Wooly Rhino
Wooly Rhino - 9 years ago
All my mom's friends said that my mom is not being a good example by letting me be interested and exposed to prehistoric life. Because they say it's for little kids. They say Im regressing, Im not maturing fast, and that Im behind most students my age. But they compare their children and say that their children are more smarter than me and are successful because they dont pay attention to childish things. Always coming to my house to say that!!!!! It drives me and my dad crazy.
Sonic is the best
Sonic is the best - 9 years ago
+Wooly Rhino What does age have anything to do with liking prehistoric creatures(which are awesome by the way)??dude, if you like something than embrace it, don't let others dictate your life on what you should and should not like. If it was immature to like prehistoric creatures than there wouldn't be paleontologist (who dedicate their lives to learn about the past) and movies like jurassic park, if you really like this kind of stuff, I suggest that you look into marine biology and other relative majors in college(I say this because you are 18 so I assume you are in college).
Zeretic - 9 years ago
+Wooly Rhino Nope ,Getting inspired from something doesn't make you inmature.
XxGamerZBoyxX 42
XxGamerZBoyxX 42 - 9 years ago
megalodon came the king ruller of the oceon and mosaur is a loser
Kulvadee White
Kulvadee White - 9 years ago
+Bahmo Nzar they lived in different time
Gustavo Galvão
Gustavo Galvão - 9 years ago
Python & Lilly Roblox Gamer
Python & Lilly Roblox Gamer - 9 years ago
Not true there both the king?!?
AddeFake - 9 years ago
Megladon yes megalodon no
Bahmo Nzar
Bahmo Nzar - 9 years ago
NO are you fucking retarded mosasaur can kill a Megladon dick
eric95209 - 9 years ago
That what she said.
Hyenacub 993
Hyenacub 993 - 9 years ago
I meant to the first guy. I really like mosasaurs and I hate when there's that one guy who says "Dur... Well megalodon was better." I hate it with all my heart.
Hyenacub 993
Hyenacub 993 - 9 years ago
shut up dude. no one is even talking about megalodon.
AddeFake - 9 years ago
Random guy 883388338
Random guy 883388338 - 9 years ago
no your a losser
Kendrick Borromeo
Kendrick Borromeo - 9 years ago
moasaurus is bigger than megalodon do researh
Kendrick Borromeo
Kendrick Borromeo - 9 years ago
lionish your a moran yes its fake but there showing us how they did it
[CS\MB]Catalytic Serpent
[CS\MB]Catalytic Serpent - 9 years ago
sharks are noobs
Lucy Parker
Lucy Parker - 9 years ago
That's why never eat a baby mosasaur.Sharks
Andrew S.
Andrew S. - 8 years ago
Pritish Shakya there not megalodons, there called cretoxyrhina, which there size of great white, but no where near megalodon size.
Tyrant of Blogs
Tyrant of Blogs - 9 years ago
+Lucy Parker Megalodon will ignore this. If it lived in the same era then the whole mosasaurus family will be eaten up my megalodon
Vincent Chew
Vincent Chew - 9 years ago
wow so many "proffesional" argue bout these. lol.. pls u are not the real they call as scientist or others. u are just a normal little person reading the books they write. some are outdated. so pls dont be act smart. unless u ate one of the scientist. but sadly.. u are not.
Charlie King
Charlie King - 9 years ago
mabye fake
Agustin Kennedy
Agustin Kennedy - 9 years ago
Lol Mossasasaur vs the bloop
Stefan Apostolov
Stefan Apostolov - 9 years ago
+Agustin Kennedy mosa 18m,bloop 215m haha
Christian Baldovino
Christian Baldovino - 9 years ago
Is mosasaur even a mammal
Robert John Rafael
Robert John Rafael - 9 years ago
RAINBOW DASH - 9 years ago
pobres bebés putos shark
vijaya kumari
vijaya kumari - 9 years ago
Not deadler than meglodon and a black hole
Christopher Mbolinani
Christopher Mbolinani - 9 years ago
+Gail Moore they were not Megalodons, they were ginsu shark or a Cretoxhyrina.
AtomicFang - 9 years ago
+Gail Moore O my god you are stupid. The sharks in this video are not Megalodon! Megalodon is not spelled megledon. Go to school and learn some shit.
Gail Moore
Gail Moore - 9 years ago
mososaur can kill megledon because those sharks in this were megledons
ninjago fan
ninjago fan - 9 years ago
Mouhamed zoair your dum those sharks are not megaladon megaladon can kill mosasaur
ninjago fan
ninjago fan - 9 years ago
Mosasaur is 60 ft and megaladon is 100 ft so megaladon would win thaose sharks are like 16 ft
Levron James
Levron James - 9 years ago
This is For dumbasses who thinks the sharks are megalodon those sharks in the video was a Ginsu shark it can be 20+foot long they arent evem close to the maximum size of megalodon
Erin Moody
Erin Moody - 7 years ago
Levron James no shit Sherlock
ArchosaursGalore - 7 years ago
Ginsu Sharks are called Cretoxyrhina.
Random guy 883388338
Random guy 883388338 - 9 years ago
Janet Gania
Janet Gania - 9 years ago
The megalodon would destroy the mosasuros
Henry Scott
Henry Scott - 9 years ago
Why does everyone in this comment section think these are megalodons? Megalodon didn't even exist then! These are cretoxirina or Ginsu sharks.
Yuvrajsingh Chouhan
Yuvrajsingh Chouhan - 9 years ago
discovery experts
mosasaur will beat the megalodon its fossils are very bigger than megalodon. small fossils are of tylosaur which can be hunted by megalodon mosasaur is very big
Henry Scott
Henry Scott - 9 years ago
Megalodon is bigger than any mosasaur
Yuvrajsingh Chouhan
Yuvrajsingh Chouhan - 9 years ago
discovery experts
mosasaur will beat the megalodon its fossils are very bigger than megalodon. small fossils are of tylosaur which can be hunted by megalodon mosasaur is very big
Yuvrajsingh Chouhan
Yuvrajsingh Chouhan - 9 years ago
mosasaur will beat the megalodon its fossils are very bigger than megalodon. small fossils are of tylosaur which can be hunted by megalodon mosasaur is very big
Yuvrajsingh Chouhan
Yuvrajsingh Chouhan - 9 years ago
mosasaur will beat the megalodon its fossils are very bigger than megalodon. small fossils are of tylosaur which can be hunted by megalodon mosasaur is very big
Jenny Drawk
Jenny Drawk - 9 years ago
that's what they get messing with a mosasaurus mommy
Dragon Killer132
Dragon Killer132 - 7 years ago
yo right my man
พชร นกน่วม
พชร นกน่วม - 7 years ago
Jenny Drawk g
Funtime Classic Foxy
Funtime Classic Foxy - 7 years ago
Is female
ligerprime - 7 years ago
you just know the moment that eye widen you have a very tick off momma huh would have been scarier if the eye went slited
Saranikha Jagadeesh
Saranikha Jagadeesh - 7 years ago
Jenny Drawk p
Luis Serrano
Luis Serrano - 7 years ago
Jenny Drawk evreeewq3xtr
Luis Serrano
Luis Serrano - 7 years ago
eric95209 v o
John White
John White - 7 years ago
Jenny Drawk is
GMD14 GMD11 - 8 years ago
Jenny Drawk so? Leave the sharks alone is theyre life
Savini fanny
Savini fanny - 8 years ago
Jenny Drawk
baby arabella
baby arabella - 8 years ago
Jenny Draw bm
The Face of Regret
The Face of Regret - 8 years ago
+Darko drawk If they replaced Shark's Beache's would be closed and Bridge's would collapse.
The Face of Regret
The Face of Regret - 8 years ago
That's one bug mama. XD
Jordan The Anime Dino
Jordan The Anime Dino - 9 years ago
+Midsummer Station 0_0 Tell her not to kill me, okay?
QUARTERMASTER_EM16 - 9 years ago
Agreed. I was thinking the same thing! Don't mess with mom... She will literally kill you!
Jenny Drawk
Jenny Drawk - 9 years ago
+LexPab yea........
LexPab - 9 years ago
+Johanna Schwarzbauer
that would be awesome!! o_O
Jenny Drawk
Jenny Drawk - 9 years ago
+LexPab but what if they are still alive?!?
LexPab - 9 years ago
+Johanna Schwarzbauer damn right! those mosasaurus used to eat one or two white sharks for breakfast every day...!! when mosasaurus got extinted, sharks became the kings of the seas xD
Schnitzel Productions
Schnitzel Productions - 9 years ago
You are right
Jenny Drawk
Jenny Drawk - 9 years ago
+eric95209 she is! She lost some kids but she killed a bunch of sharks...... MOMMYS REVENGE!
eric95209 - 9 years ago
Mommy's very angry.
xXGAMER79Xx- - 9 years ago
You mess with the bull u get the horns
kimberly grinnan
kimberly grinnan - 9 years ago
ZoomgamerZahi - Mincraft & Roblox and MORE!
ZoomgamerZahi - Mincraft & Roblox and MORE! - 9 years ago
Fake its bigger stronger than a megalodon
kpop shiteus
kpop shiteus - 9 years ago
@lionis water is real
if u were joking well then good for u!
박진성 - 9 years ago
Norazam Othman
Norazam Othman - 9 years ago
this is 65 million ago is not a fake
Roberta Camini
Roberta Camini - 9 years ago
Demenchadon Gaming
Demenchadon Gaming - 9 years ago
you're stupid lioness
Oscar Gael Espinoza Zavala
Oscar Gael Espinoza Zavala - 9 years ago
rodney penrod
rodney penrod - 9 years ago
is it real
Sadman nahian
Sadman nahian - 9 years ago
My underpan is blue coloure
Sadman nahian
Sadman nahian - 9 years ago
Henry Scott
Henry Scott - 9 years ago
Someone said in the comments... IT CANT BE MEGALODON THIS SHrk has stttrrriiiippppeseessss No one knows what the exact colouration of s megalodon was.
Henry Scott
Henry Scott - 9 years ago
THESE ARENT MEGALODON! THERE WERE MORE SPECIES OF SHARK THAN IT. Jesus. Megalodon lived around 6 Mya, not with mosasaurs.
Jordan The Anime Dino
Jordan The Anime Dino - 8 years ago
+Henry Scott We don't know if Megalodons do still exist and you can't say there all gone, we have only discovered 5% of the ocean, so you can't say it can't if we barely have discovered where it lived, it's simple.
SelfHatred - 8 years ago
Henry Scott this is an animation of if they existed at the same time
Henry Scott
Henry Scott - 8 years ago
Bryan Guinac
Bryan Guinac - 8 years ago
Henry Scott those were megalodon idiot
Henry Scott
Henry Scott - 9 years ago
Megalodons is long extinct
Ewe Ewe
Ewe Ewe - 9 years ago
megllodon still lives
Henry Scott
Henry Scott - 9 years ago
Not all reptiles lay eggs.
Henry Scott
Henry Scott - 9 years ago
I know there Ginsu sharks
Henry Scott
Henry Scott - 9 years ago
Your humour is beyond.... I got nothing... /:|
Henry Scott
Henry Scott - 9 years ago
That is 100% a mosasaur, learn some simple biology
Henry Scott
Henry Scott - 9 years ago
Nancy Garzon-Zapata
Nancy Garzon-Zapata - 9 years ago
Nancy Garzon-Zapata
Nancy Garzon-Zapata - 9 years ago
No...mosasaurs was like de king of the sea but till de metor came :c
F*** My Life
F*** My Life - 9 years ago
Are those Cretoxyrhina sharks?
Robert Rodriguez
Robert Rodriguez - 9 years ago
*Jurassic World* -mosasaur-
Aviator RBLX
Aviator RBLX - 9 years ago
I hate megalodon shark !
Aviator RBLX
Aviator RBLX - 9 years ago
I hate megalodon shark !
Aydon Hancock
Aydon Hancock - 9 years ago
Why to OP?
ZackyZul101 Wot
ZackyZul101 Wot - 9 years ago
L.D.R - 7 years ago
I never said it was
Mr Goat Baa
Mr Goat Baa - 7 years ago
L.D.R oh and mosasaurus isn't a dino
Mr Goat Baa
Mr Goat Baa - 7 years ago
L.D.R ok your correct but it is a ginsu shark
L.D.R - 7 years ago
actually mosasaurs did live in the cretaceous period dumb dumb, I know more about dinos than you when I was 5
Mr Goat Baa
Mr Goat Baa - 7 years ago
L.D.R did mosasaurus live in the exactly so yeah it's a Ginsu Shark
L.D.R - 7 years ago
No it was a cretoxyrhina
SSCRAFT MNZ - 9 years ago
meu cu
gerimorell - 9 years ago
it does you idiot
Minh Tuấn
Minh Tuấn - 9 years ago
it's not megalodon. because megalodon very big and mosassaurus can not beat it
傷齒龍147 Troodon147
傷齒龍147 Troodon147 - 7 years ago
it's cretoxyrhina
paris saint germain
paris saint germain - 7 years ago
Peter Darling hahahahahaha
Peter Darling
Peter Darling - 7 years ago
The mososaur was bigger than a megalodon
paris saint germain
paris saint germain - 7 years ago
TheUltimateWarrior567 no the megalodon is 60 ft thats Guaranteed but i think mosa is a bit smaller :)
paris saint germain
paris saint germain - 7 years ago
Henry Scott its 60 ft not 20
Mr Goat Baa
Mr Goat Baa - 7 years ago
Spunky Waffle ??????
JbX Gamer
JbX Gamer - 7 years ago
Spunky Waffle u dumb,noob,trash kids 600 feet long are u crazy it is only 45 feet the size of mosasaur 12 metres noob kid go home.
TheUltimateWarrior567 - 7 years ago
allen richiez Actually,thats a gross estimate. Megalodons being 100 feet is impossible. They were nearly same sizes as Mosasaurs.
60 feet big.
TheUltimateWarrior567 - 7 years ago
allen richiez It wouldn't be bigger than a city, 600 feet would be around the size of a football field.
chompinator 55
chompinator 55 - 7 years ago
chompinator 55
chompinator 55 - 7 years ago
Spunky Waffle wtf mosasauraus was NOT 600 feet and megladon wasn't 70 feet like wtf dude that's absolutely gigantic -_-
allen richiez
allen richiez - 7 years ago
you must be the most stupid person in the world if you think that mosasaur was 600ft and if it was it would be 5 times bigger then time square dumbass and megalodon was 100ft long maximum or lower
allen richiez
allen richiez - 7 years ago
are you must be the most retardid person in the world if you even think that mosasaur is 600ft if it than it would be bigger than a city you dumb fuck
Bryan Guinac
Bryan Guinac - 7 years ago
Minh Tuấn it's whoever gets the first bite on the neck
SelfHatred - 8 years ago
Spunky Waffle Mosasaur max size about 50 feet
Bryan Guinac
Bryan Guinac - 8 years ago
Minh Tuấn mosesaures is bigger than megalodon also I can't spell m osaures right
Random guy 883388338
Random guy 883388338 - 9 years ago
Random guy 883388338
Random guy 883388338 - 9 years ago
+tuan noang I don't think so your are just trying to make the megalodon win
Martin M
Martin M - 9 years ago
+Nathan Nolan she is, she's just trying to make you feel better, son. :D
Martin M
Martin M - 9 years ago
+Nathan Nolan your mom is sucking my dick right now XD
Aldo - 9 years ago
K... scrub
Martin M
Martin M - 9 years ago
+Tuấn Hoàng who told you the shakrs were megalodon?Your mom? I just fucked her last night and she called out your name in Vietnamese
Aldo - 9 years ago
its your mom's pussy shark
david_tenkai - 9 years ago
+Henry Scott. megalodon is 1 meter from what we know
Henry Scott
Henry Scott - 9 years ago
Megalodon was bigger than than 18 metres probably about 20
Mistilteinn Treesea
Mistilteinn Treesea - 9 years ago
+Henry Scott Actually 18 metres, which is around the same size as the Megalodon was.
Henry Scott
Henry Scott - 9 years ago
No mosasaur was ever 600 ft long. The largest was about 17m long
Spread Them Cheeks
Spread Them Cheeks - 9 years ago
+SwagGenius15​ Yeah, that splash would have made a mini (more like huge) tsunami if it was 600 feet.
VarietyChillin - 9 years ago
Haha lol he thinks just because he saw it in Jurassic World it's true
Henry Scott
Henry Scott - 9 years ago
No mosasaur was ever 600 creaking feet long Dumbass
Spread Them Cheeks
Spread Them Cheeks - 9 years ago
The Mosasaur was actually over 600 feet and the Megalodon's max size was 70 feet, so...
Henry Scott
Henry Scott - 9 years ago
Rider123 - 9 years ago
that's tylosaur
Saadkhan2002 Saadkhan123
Saadkhan2002 Saadkhan123 - 9 years ago
there is no fish stronger then megalodob
Ahmad Adli Harahap
Ahmad Adli Harahap - 9 years ago
and giant mosasaur is not the largest mosasaurus mosasaurus is big mosaurus
Aydon Hancock
Aydon Hancock - 9 years ago
English please
Ahmad Adli Harahap
Ahmad Adli Harahap - 9 years ago
that not a megalodon that is a retoxyrhina
Dat festive turkey
Dat festive turkey - 9 years ago
Actually a ginsu shark
The Shinigami
The Shinigami - 9 years ago
what have done ALLAH
Azzmiy - 9 years ago
Stupid people on youtube logic:
every prehistoric shark is megalodon
flying corsair
flying corsair - 9 years ago
Mouhamed zohit do your research first for one megalodon does not have stripes and two megalodon is bigger
Logan Anderson
Logan Anderson - 9 years ago
Eww the baby comes out fast like poop
Dawn Beverly
Dawn Beverly - 9 years ago
Mosasaurs were actually 59 feet
Its A Square World
Its A Square World - 9 years ago
A new scientific discovery....

Mosasauruses were made out of CGI, I KNEW IT!
lotfi - 9 years ago
Waa mosasaure king of the deep
Dat festive turkey
Dat festive turkey - 9 years ago
egg shen86 Chris
egg shen86 Chris - 9 years ago
+This account is ded toasty!!!!!!
Dat festive turkey
Dat festive turkey - 9 years ago
English much?
Colezach179 - 9 years ago
Mosasaurs is bigger then megalodon

Dat festive turkey
Dat festive turkey - 9 years ago
No your fucking stupid
Alex Perez
Alex Perez - 9 years ago
1:29 LSD kicks in.
Just Ross
Just Ross - 7 years ago
Alex Perez haha
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler - 9 years ago
+Alex Perez W0w XD
TheTripol - 9 years ago
+Alex Perez LOL
Alex Perez
Alex Perez - 9 years ago
+Boner Priest Imagine that motherfucker swimming out of the computer screen right at you. XD
Dad Party
Dad Party - 9 years ago
+Alex Perez I couldn't imagine doing LSD to this. It would be the mother of all bad trips.
Alex Perez
Alex Perez - 9 years ago
+zach earwood LOL indeed.
zach earwood
zach earwood - 9 years ago
+Alex Perez oh OK LOL
Alex Perez
Alex Perez - 9 years ago
+zach earwood It's a drug that makes your pupils big.
zach earwood
zach earwood - 9 years ago
what's LSD?
John Robinson
John Robinson - 9 years ago
TheGoldenhill - 9 years ago
That Mosasaur was way to agile in the water considering how heavy they get.
Bite Me
Bite Me - 9 years ago
That aint a megalodon its a squalicorax
Seymen Cihan
Seymen Cihan - 9 years ago

Its Just a animation
Nate g the pigeon lord
Nate g the pigeon lord - 9 years ago
Mosasaurs can't melt steel beams
Okeh Okeh
Okeh Okeh - 9 years ago
Those shark are so dumb trying to eat the Moasaurs childs... The only thing that could kill a grown up Mosasaurs were a grown up Mosasaurs. Even Pilosaurus couldn't take it out, only harm it. Same whit the sharks. However, if there were enough shark, then they could have killed it.
Brayant Mtz.
Brayant Mtz. - 9 years ago
This is pretty inaccurate, Mosasaurs were very closely related to snakes and monitor lizards, which don't protect their born young.
The Mosasaurs in this video act to much like dolphins or whales.
Metro Cop
Metro Cop - 7 years ago
Rage Maker shows how much you know. King cobras watch over their young. So you are wrong on the snake part. And many lizards take care of their young. As do crocodiles and alligators
shockwave317228 - 9 years ago
+Brayant Martinez Firstly, Moss was a close relative of monitor lizards specifically. Secondly, just because their related to a genus doesn't mean they behaved the same way. Animals need to adapt and evolve different traits to survive their habitats, even if that means going against normal behaviors of their class. There are many species of reptiles that display some form of protecting their young. However while i agree that it is impossible to know how they actually behaved, fossil locations give hints to their paleobiology. Theoreticly speaking, in a sea full of competition even a giant aquatic lizard would gain some advantages to behave in a way portrayed in the video. The level of intelligence displayed isn't something impossible for any animal to evolve into. In fact such parental protection is a very primitive behavior. It makes sense to develop behaviors and traits to help protect vulnerable offspring. However they would need to have developped a lot of traits, such as vocal cords, which are either non existing or very weak and limited in most reptiles, at least the ones we know today.
Brayant Mtz.
Brayant Mtz. - 9 years ago
Or more, considering how many live-birth giving pythons have
Brayant Mtz.
Brayant Mtz. - 9 years ago
+Primal Dilo Should've been a lot more baby Mosasaurus. Like 30 at least...
Rage Maker
Rage Maker - 9 years ago
+Brayant Martinez This Mosasaur had more than one offspring.
Brayant Mtz.
Brayant Mtz. - 9 years ago
+Toby Cure and +Primal Dilo​ Ok, you're correct. But snakes normally have many young, not just one like the Mosasaurus in the video. Since Mosasaurus was closely related to snakes and monitor lizards, they probably also had many young. The difference is snakes and monitors have nest for all their babies, mosasaurs lived in the ocean, the babies would disperse when born. I'd be impossible to take care of them all.
Rage Maker
Rage Maker - 9 years ago
+Toby Cure I completely agree
Barbatos Lupus Rex
Barbatos Lupus Rex - 9 years ago
+Brayant Martinez You're completely wrong in the fact that snakes don't protect their born young. In fact, certain pythons will defend their brood of younglings.
And you honestly wouldn't know if they did due to the fact there hasn't been a brain scan of a mosasaur and we can't exactly know for sure if it did in fact protect its young.
Trey Wadsworth
Trey Wadsworth - 9 years ago
U don't know that
sivaldo rintone
sivaldo rintone - 9 years ago
Brayant Mtz.
Brayant Mtz. - 9 years ago
+Helen Lutz Can you reply to my comment above^ as you say you are a paleontologist
Brayant Mtz.
Brayant Mtz. - 9 years ago
Really? I know a lot about prehistoric animals, but I'm no paleotologist. I'd heard that the Mosasaurus' closets living relatives are monitor lizards. Most monitors such as the Komodo dragon don't take care of their offspring and wouldn't hesitate at cannibalizing.
Have fossils of mosaurs together with their offspring been found? I really interested.
Jeremy the wicked kaima king minecraft player
Jeremy the wicked kaima king minecraft player - 9 years ago
I'm a paleontologist. and they do defend their young
Brayant Mtz.
Brayant Mtz. - 9 years ago
The way the baby called, and yes the way the Mosasaurus responded to the call and how it attacks the sharks, all very inaccurate.
Rage Maker
Rage Maker - 9 years ago
What you mean by way too intelligent? By hearing a distress call? By responding toward their distress call in a aggressive manner? Or the way the Mosasaurus attacked the pre historic sharks?
Brayant Mtz.
Brayant Mtz. - 9 years ago
+Primal Dilo Yes, they do. But Mosasaurus was more closely related to snakes and monitor lizards than crocs. And even if they did protect their young, the Mosasaurs in the video are portrayed way to intelligent.
Foxy The Pirate Fox
Foxy The Pirate Fox - 9 years ago
some say mosasaurus hunt in packs
Rage Maker
Rage Maker - 9 years ago
Some species of reptiles do protect their young such as crocodiles
Dennis Aktipis
Dennis Aktipis - 9 years ago
TheGamingBunny Crocodile Animator
TheGamingBunny Crocodile Animator - 7 years ago
+Unknown Yeah But This Mosasaurus Are Small,
Keelancob. 12
Keelancob. 12 - 7 years ago
Dennis Aktipis mosasaurs are bigger than megalodon but mosasaurs are lighter and more agile while megalodon is heavier brocoki nowhere near as agile as a mosasaur and megalodon won't be able to catch him
cs_rushb.exe - 8 years ago
Xenomorph Gamer the great white shark lived more late than this
TheGamingBunny Crocodile Animator
TheGamingBunny Crocodile Animator - 8 years ago
Okeh Okeh They Aren't Megalodon It Just A Great White Shark, And This Mosasaurus Is Small Than The JW Mosasaurus
Dennis Aktipis
Dennis Aktipis - 9 years ago
+Evangelina Rodriguez
i know it -_-
 look the comments
Evangelina Rodriguez
Evangelina Rodriguez - 9 years ago
+Dennis Aktipis these aren't megalodons
Mileena - 9 years ago
+Rider123 your retarded
Dennis Aktipis
Dennis Aktipis - 9 years ago
+Javier Lira
are you idiot?????Megalodons fucks mosa.
Javier Lira
Javier Lira - 9 years ago
nope mosasoris is the secend king of the sea dalokines is the first mosasoris and donkles where respnsipe for the extinctions of megelodon
Dennis Aktipis
Dennis Aktipis - 9 years ago
wtf?????????????????????mosasaurs are smaller than blue whale and megalodon
Dennis Aktipis
Dennis Aktipis - 9 years ago
+Trey Wadsworth
listen idiot,those sharks are small but megalodon fuck a mossasaur
Trey Wadsworth
Trey Wadsworth - 9 years ago
fan boy much the people who made this know alot more than u
piplup229 - 9 years ago
+Rider123 actually mosasaurs were smaller then blue whales only growing up to 17 meters.
Dennis Aktipis
Dennis Aktipis - 9 years ago
+Aryani Rosalina lol he isnt
Aryani Rosalina
Aryani Rosalina - 9 years ago
+AdvancedGaming HD in the video the mosasaur is bigger than the megalodon
Dewey Milliken
Dewey Milliken - 9 years ago
ya right
Rider123 - 9 years ago
Rider123 - 9 years ago
+Dennis Aktipis megalodon can't kill mosasaur moso is huge biggest animal ever lived bigger that the blue whale
Azzmiy - 9 years ago
+Dennis Aktipis if you are correcting my grammar,i really glad you did
Dennis Aktipis
Dennis Aktipis - 9 years ago
+azmiy nurrosyid may
Azzmiy - 9 years ago
+Dennis Aktipis actually it would be a draw
Okeh Okeh
Okeh Okeh - 9 years ago
thats because of its size
Dennis Aktipis
Dennis Aktipis - 9 years ago
+azmiy nurrosyid You right but idint say that they are megalodons....IM just saying that megalodon can kill a MOSASAUR
Azzmiy - 9 years ago
There are prehistoric shark,im not sure what,but there are more then 1 prehistoric shark do you think every prehistoric shark is megalodon?eh
Okeh Okeh
Okeh Okeh - 9 years ago
Azzmiy - 9 years ago
its not megalodon Actually
Okeh Okeh
Okeh Okeh - 9 years ago
+Dennis Aktipis 2 bad they didn't live in the same era..
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
No pteractyl is a dinosaur do you even know it is a dinosaur I searched
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
That is not a simple great white shark it's a prehistoric shark
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
No megalodon is not 85 foot long megalodon is 65 foot long
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
No Mosasaur and predator are different they just made the name wrong in a different video they made the name mosasaur wrong they typed it predator x it' in a different video
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
Megalodon is not 100 feet megalodon is 65 foot long
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
It's not a ginsushark
VenatorAcclamator - 9 years ago
Does the sound effect from 0.34 belong to any animals that exist today?
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
Cristobal Becerra
Cristobal Becerra - 9 years ago
It 's doesn 't a megalodon because megalodon Was a lot of meters longer than mosasaurus in the real life
Khairul Anuar Muhamad Noh
Khairul Anuar Muhamad Noh - 9 years ago
that is not megalodon
Zombie3110bd - 9 years ago
Those are not megalodon a real megalodon would have totally ripped a mosasaur apart
Red Firefox
Red Firefox - 9 years ago
Because it's a Ginsu Shark, not a Megalodon.
Zombie3110bd - 9 years ago
Dude, the mosasaur ain't got SHIT on a megalodon
Zombie3110bd - 9 years ago
I know these were not megalodons i mentioned this in another comment of mine
T O N I T E - 9 years ago
This was a Ginzu not a megalodon! Get you're facts right!
david_tenkai - 9 years ago
Moss is bigger
123yinyin - 9 years ago
Megalodon was not in the Dino time
adam Rice
adam Rice - 9 years ago
it's not a megalodon dipshit
Levron Aninao
Levron Aninao - 9 years ago
Megalodon was not in the dino time it lived 15 million years ago while dino lived 200 million years
Godzilla King of the Kaiju
Godzilla King of the Kaiju - 9 years ago
+Damian Cancio no it wasn't dumbass, megalodon was around the Stone Age through the beginning of the Cenozoic era (aka modern day). It couldn't have been around the earlier sea monsters because it needs to eat a lot of blubber like the great white to stay alive, that's why it are whales.
geovanie flores
geovanie flores - 9 years ago
+the sin of Wrath lol i dont need your life story pussy im not gonna read all that crap. if you claim in Mexican then you must be tea drinking british faggot. same shit right?
geovanie flores
geovanie flores - 9 years ago
+the sin of Wrath lol ok kid. well by calling me a Mexican not knowing my nationality is ignorant and rasict. cleverly i can sense your a high school drop out and a disapointment to your parent, lol. truth hurts buddy, you started with me so i finished it.

geovanie flores
geovanie flores - 9 years ago
+the sin of Wrath says the Bitch with an account like that. once you get into high school little boy, you'll be taught cultural difference. im Puerto Rican not mexican dumbass. you sound like your in 8th grade
geovanie flores
geovanie flores - 9 years ago
+Nicholas Greene picking on little kids boi? girls too? probably just a scrawny ass white boi loser in high school. you still in high school i graduated class of 2015 bitch. everything your learning i already did it. lol
123yinyin - 9 years ago
lets not talk about this its not my fault its my little brothers fault so don’t even talk to me talk to my brother i dont like dinosaurs and stuff my brother is kinda a genius in dinosuars he’s is wrong sometimes 
123yinyin - 9 years ago
oh what ever
123yinyin - 9 years ago
you didn’t say high school
123yinyin - 9 years ago
123yinyin - 9 years ago
123yinyin - 9 years ago
Btw they don't even teach these at school stupid
123yinyin - 9 years ago
I didn't even write this my stupid little brother did so shut up
KaptainPug - 9 years ago
Yes it was so go back to school plus u look like a fag xD
Red Firefox
Red Firefox - 9 years ago
+yinyin chen
Um, yes, it was.
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
Yes water does exist
Theroji - 9 years ago
+Agnidipta Hom Roy 
Do please enlighten me on how large these animals were bright sir.
The Dino Kid
The Dino Kid - 9 years ago
Best mama ever
PNunez - 9 years ago
Any1 wanna swim?
Frequent-Blackouts - 9 years ago
Dat Epic Spin Move though.
Agnidipta Hom Roy
Agnidipta Hom Roy - 9 years ago
this is a simple great white shark and not a megaldon,megalodon is 10 ft bigger than an adult mosasaurus
Spino - 9 years ago
Predator turns into the Prey!
Pete Fills The Pipe
Pete Fills The Pipe - 9 years ago
Birth was fast
Caroline Foltz
Caroline Foltz - 9 years ago
That is not Megalodon. It looks like a 26 footer. Megalodon is 60-100 ft.
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
That's not megalodon it's a squelicorax
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
Ginsushark I mean
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
It's not megalodon it's squelicorax shark
AndrewS- Vloggy
AndrewS- Vloggy - 9 years ago
Yeeee mosasaurs kill megalodon
Red Firefox
Red Firefox - 9 years ago
T O N I T E - 9 years ago
+Red Firefox Im even greater than I thought I was! Now time to for-fill my destiny!
Red Firefox
Red Firefox - 9 years ago
T O N I T E - 9 years ago
+Red Firefox Long live that reference
Red Firefox
Red Firefox - 9 years ago
+Indominus Studios
"I hate correcting dumbasses!" -Indominus Studios
T O N I T E - 9 years ago
+Mecha Misdirection Glansa XD Thank you
T O N I T E - 9 years ago
Its a Ginzu! I hate correcting dumbasses!
Jared the the goat
Jared the the goat - 9 years ago
Megalodon is stronger
Kryptnyt - 9 years ago
Whats up with all these "my dad can beat up your dad" comments
Ryan Vrgwn
Ryan Vrgwn - 9 years ago
Its so amazing. :v
SAM - 9 years ago
sharks are gross  they ate a mosasaur that just came from the moms vagina
Dipper Pines
Dipper Pines - 9 years ago
its was a giant mosasaur ate megalodon.
Dat festive turkey
Dat festive turkey - 9 years ago
I was a ginsu shark
T O N I T E - 9 years ago
That wasn't a megalodon! Get you're facts right! It was a Ginzu!
Adan Estrada
Adan Estrada - 9 years ago
O don't get t .this animals eat and eat.the whole time.s that's possible???
Marshall Goebel
Marshall Goebel - 9 years ago
obviously people  this is not megalodon . there is more than one type of prehistoric shark
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
It's not megalodon it's squelicorax
Curtis I
Curtis I - 9 years ago
Megalodon would destroy mosasaur, mosasaur can't even bite deep into megalodon because of its thick skin
storm in Astana
storm in Astana - 7 years ago
Curtis I so in it video not megalodon
Metro Cop
Metro Cop - 7 years ago
paris saint germain Curtis
paris saint germain
paris saint germain - 7 years ago
David Tracy who
Metro Cop
Metro Cop - 7 years ago
Well they never would meet so you are an idiot.
paris saint germain
paris saint germain - 7 years ago
Javier F Ruiz Villagomez and gotta admit were stupid together because these two dont exist in the same era
paris saint germain
paris saint germain - 7 years ago
Javier F Ruiz Villagomez can u please watch some documentary dont use internet just to jack off
buu tenks
buu tenks - 7 years ago
paris saint germain the mososour was more than capable of biting into the megalodon skin. Who ever attacked first would've won the match
paris saint germain
paris saint germain - 7 years ago
Javier F Ruiz Villagomez no ur stupid
buu tenks
buu tenks - 7 years ago
Curtis I your stupidity is biting into my skin
paris saint germain
paris saint germain - 7 years ago
Curtis I and plus megalodon had the advantage of staying under water if it was a long fight mosasaurus would have to breath air to surface but i love both creatures
Rofl Ayy Lmao
Rofl Ayy Lmao - 7 years ago
Curtis I It’s a Ginsu shark you uneducated swine
Boondock Saint
Boondock Saint - 9 years ago
+Curtis I Sharks don't have thick skin
Theroji - 9 years ago
+Curtis I 
Mosa' has a 20-25 foot length advantage, equal bulk, debatable bite force advantage or disadvantage, greater agility and reflexes, superior intellegience, etc...
It's so painfully obvious Hoffmanni's outmatched here.
sarcasm intensifies
Dipper Pines
Dipper Pines - 9 years ago
+Curtis I NO
DeLEET Titan
DeLEET Titan - 9 years ago
They should have added a tail fluke on the mosasaur. It wouldn't have swam that fast with just an eel like tail
Karan Rasquinha
Karan Rasquinha - 9 years ago
thats not a megalodon. Megalodon is 85 feet long and weighs 100 tonnes. It has a bit force of 18 tons per square inch of pressure. It would rip the  mosasaur into bits
Karan Rasquinha
Karan Rasquinha - 9 years ago
And the megalodon would trash the mosasaurs ass
Karan Rasquinha
Karan Rasquinha - 9 years ago
Khowoat s (Payphone 5 Have)
In every video of Mosasaur vs Megalodon, it says that Meg wins
Dipper Pines
Dipper Pines - 9 years ago
+Karan Rasquinha NO
Salman Khan
Salman Khan - 9 years ago
it is 100% fake .
shark dominated tylosaurus thats why they went extinct and shark exist even today.
Salman Khan
Salman Khan - 9 years ago
+Sarnai Ganbat so why asteroid didn't killed Sharks.
after asteroid strike there was shortage of food so sharks and mossasaurs have to fight for food 
Sarnai Ganbat
Sarnai Ganbat - 9 years ago
Actually, it was the asteroid that killed the mosasaurs. Before that they were the dominant ocean predators.
Salman Khan
Salman Khan - 9 years ago
oh really
search on google .
1233popcorn - 9 years ago
It is a mosasaurus not a tylosaurus
Missmenzie :3
Missmenzie :3 - 9 years ago
No other shark is that big
Missmenzie :3
Missmenzie :3 - 9 years ago
Yeah I have plus I thought that was megledon plus megledon would win.
Saadiq Ansari
Saadiq Ansari - 9 years ago
+marshall goebel
Marshall Goebel
Marshall Goebel - 9 years ago
+Marissa Menz have u heard of megalodon? maybe if u search it up and do some research ur point of view might change
thegraywolf super
thegraywolf super - 9 years ago
Mr. Cheez-it
Mr. Cheez-it - 9 years ago
Dang Skippy!
cmkwan59 - 9 years ago
What people so confused and mixing up of Megalodon and Mosasaur's different life time era do amazed me,
Agustin Kennedy
Agustin Kennedy - 9 years ago
That aint megalodon that Ginsu shark
Jacky Palacios
Jacky Palacios - 9 years ago
Carl Montoya
Carl Montoya - 9 years ago
Its not a mosasaurus its the predator x
Carl Montoya
Carl Montoya - 9 years ago
Well megalodon was killed first when he has the red eyes
T O N I T E - 9 years ago
COKEMASTER64 - 9 years ago
MechaMuffin it has been scientifically proven that dinosaurs were land creatures. Pterodactyls arn't dinosaurs and neither are icthyasaurus mosasaurs lioplureadon elasmohsawus pteranadon dumbo
COKEMASTER64 - 9 years ago
MechaMuffin there is this thing called google
COKEMASTER64 - 9 years ago
Mosasaurs are not dinosaurs they are marine reptiles
StarburstNova AJ
StarburstNova AJ - 9 years ago
+MechaMuffin You have no idea what you're talking about. The word "Saur" simply means lizard. Just because saur is in the name does'nt mean it's a dinosaur. You obviously don't even know how to describe a dinosaur either. A dinosaur is always a LAND-DWELLING diapsid reptile with erect legs. That means anything that can swim or fly (with the exception of Spinosaurus, Yi Qi, and others) is NOT a dinosaur. Research before you make yourself look like a condescending know-it-all.
DeLEET Titan
DeLEET Titan - 9 years ago
+MechaMuffin Just because an ancient creature has the -saur suffix does not automatically mean its a dinosaur. That was a mistake in the early days of paleontology. One good example is an ancient whale named Basilosaurus
freddieteddyboo - 9 years ago
+MechaMuffin google it
Jessica Vaughn
Jessica Vaughn - 9 years ago
mosasaurs are awesome
Jony Garcia
Jony Garcia - 7 years ago
Jessica Vaughn
Jerry Bernardino
Jerry Bernardino - 7 years ago
yess just like u
Allosaurus The Great Theropod Dude
Allosaurus The Great Theropod Dude - 7 years ago
Jessica Vaughn Ha ha I was about to comment that!
unaesthetic things
unaesthetic things - 7 years ago
kysike666 - 8 years ago
Jessica Vaughn hello :)
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
It's not cretoxyrhina or ginsushark it's a squelicorax shark
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
Cretoxyrhina is a ginsushark
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
Gins sharks I mean
Brendi - 9 years ago
It's not a megalodon. So stop calling it a megalodon.
傷齒龍147 Troodon147
傷齒龍147 Troodon147 - 7 years ago
it's not megalodon it's cretoxrhina
傷齒龍147 Troodon147
傷齒龍147 Troodon147 - 7 years ago
nope, megalodon and mosasaurus are around same size, but megalodon weight 6 times that the mosasaurus does
Latios - 9 years ago
and it has stripes thats not a megalodon!
keltdevangel1 - 9 years ago
+Axentec I agree with you, and, if I am not wrong, those sharks should be "Cretoxirina manteli".
CjHalloway - 9 years ago
+hagala thekid well no the normal sized megalodon was about the size of a mosasaur because megalodons were about 40-60 feet the mossasaur was 35-50 the normal size mosasar was about 45 feet and the normal size of a megalodon was about 50ft (I said about)
Ardy Maruhum
Ardy Maruhum - 9 years ago
That is definitely not megalodon, they exist 20 - 2,5 million years ago which is in pliocine era while the mosasaur exist in cretaceous era alongside the dinosaurs...U got what I mean.?they live on different era...
hagala thekid
hagala thekid - 9 years ago
+Axentec it is, these are normal sized megalodon, its like the t-rex they think the biggest t-rex thats found is the normal size, megalodon hunted in packs to stadn a chanse against bigger pray.
Dipper Pines
Dipper Pines - 9 years ago
+Axentec f*ck
Cresefo - 9 years ago
Aren't megladons 4 times the size of the the mosasaurs
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
Predator x was not a smaller megalodon you now you don't even know
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
Pinoy ta n the best way to get a free shopping
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
Cretoxyrhina are gins sharks it's known as that or something it's a squelicorax
Jack Clayson
Jack Clayson - 9 years ago
1:39 oh we fuked now m8
Alex Basha
Alex Basha - 9 years ago
Dude the skin color and pattern looks fucking sick on them sharks. Daymn!!!
Dragon Never Loves
Dragon Never Loves - 9 years ago
Elijah pratt
Elijah pratt - 9 years ago
Whatever I've seen megalodon videos and it kills it and I don't think that was megalodon because megalodon did not have stripes it was blue
Non-stop animations
Non-stop animations - 9 years ago
dude I have a game whith this guy and hes FREAKIN FAST!!!!!!!!!

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