NEW SHARK LIOPLEURODON UNLOCKED!! - Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 36 HD
Shark videos 7 years ago 12,982 views
Leo The Liopleurodon has arrived and it's the biggest shark yet, even bigger then both the mosasaur and moby dick! ❤❤ For Exclusive Updates you can find them all here: ❤ Merchandise Here: ❤ Facebook: ❤ Instagram: ❤ Twitter: ❤ Twitch: Take control of a very Hungry Shark in this action packed aquatic adventure. Survive as long as possible by eating everything that gets in your way! Many different sharks to collect and evolve, including the Hammerhead, Great White and Megalodon!
10. comment for NEW SHARK LIOPLEURODON UNLOCKED!! - Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 36 HD
20. comment for NEW SHARK LIOPLEURODON UNLOCKED!! - Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 36 HD
30. comment for NEW SHARK LIOPLEURODON UNLOCKED!! - Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 36 HD
have fun stay safe and play games!
50. comment for NEW SHARK LIOPLEURODON UNLOCKED!! - Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 36 HD
gaming beaver more like gaming pro!!!!!
Me: No. 2020.
100. comment for NEW SHARK LIOPLEURODON UNLOCKED!! - Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 36 HD
wasnt it like 4 meters in irl?
Me- Nooooooooo! Mosasaurus. =(. Ehhhhhh it's just a game
I connected to Game Center
Facebook and maybe even cloud save and i got nothing now I quit
Too painful to get from nothing to max Alan again then go through moby
I had everything u could buy with coins half the things u could buy with gems and I was f2p like 2-3 years of gameplay all gone and I can't get to experience probably my Favourite shark design which is this one
Edit : I thought I would even gem this shark I can but nope it limits it at great white I can't even pay to get back to where I was Gg ( I basically have the normal map completely memorize )
2nd Edit : I do not know my game ID so I doubt I can even ask developers for help
and I liked the video
The hole in my heart
Goodness gracious, I HATE PaleoNazis.
a giant pecky eyeses snatches it up and eat it
It took ages for me to buy Allan with coins, and of course I'm far from getting Moby Dick. I loved this game but I think I'm gonna stop playing it, I don't enjoy farming anymore.
Sry 4 bad english
My life is now complete.
ur dad lesbian
ur sister trans
ur granny tranny
is me f