Naked Science - Shark Attacks
Shark videos 11 years ago 12,894,512 views
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... For 400 million years, sharks have dominated the Earth's oceans. They have survived 5 planetary mass extinctions to become the top predators of the sea, honed to an evolutionary perfection. But what shark species is the most deadly? And where in the world is it least safe to venture in to the water? Naked Science travelled across the world from Australia to California to find out.
10. comment for Naked Science - Shark Attacks
20. comment for Naked Science - Shark Attacks
30. comment for Naked Science - Shark Attacks
We are the real killers
50. comment for Naked Science - Shark Attacks
Also sharks are like us, if we could pick out of a small amount of or a large amount of food most of us would of picked the large amount. The small amount of food is fish and the large is us.
Don't piss it off
100. comment for Naked Science - Shark Attacks
I have a friend who is a shark I named him Jaws cause he has very sharp teeth!!,it’s true!!
2 minutes later...
Soul surfer
1. You tresspassing b**
2. They think you are either seal, dolphin, or rarely turtles.
3. They have bad eyesight and they bite because they are trying to see what you are!!!
" Man murderer"
Hell, even their stats on great White attacks vs. Tiger/bullsharks is wrong - the main reason why whites have such a lead 37% vs. the 15 whatever, is because many people simply "believe" it's a great white (when in actuality a tiger shark could easily be misidentified as a great white, and a bull shark is the same, when dealing with "witness accounts"). Great Whites take the rap for attacks that are likely done by their more aggressive cousins. That, and the fear culture thanks to extremely exaggerated movies like Jaws, Deep Blue Sea (which was actually the one most based in fact as that one was about a great white that had been genetically altered - so I can sit through that one) and utter stupid movies that literally only serve to villainize Great Whites - like 47 Meters Down (with SSOOOO many factual inaccuracies) -
Basically, I'm so over people, movies, documentaries, channels like Discovery, etc, purposely making Great Whites out to be killing machines out for human blood just so they get more views (Shark Week) or money, etc.
HOW TO BUILD A GEM = free energy – (AC electricity multiplying technology using pulleys)
= found in description of a UFO motor in Ezekiel 1:16
(can be any voltage, as long as AC+DC generators/motor are the same voltage)
. Multiplying Free Energy is
super simple with this GEM-(Geometrical Electricity Multiplier) =AC type free
electricity multiplying mechanism at This is a device that can be easily + cheaply
assembled by using one 10-100 cm circumference large pulley attached to a DC
motor, + at least one of the 1 cm circumference mini-pulleys, (the smaller the
better) connected to AC generators. Both must be of the same voltage, + 4
diodes to build a crude full wave bridge rectifier-(converts your AC output
into DC input for your drive motor), a lot of wire to connect your electrical
components together, and a belt, strap or tied piece of rope or string, to
connect the two or more pulleys together.
. Then you will need to build a
framing form out of wood, metal or plastic, to hold your pulleys + motors in
the right position to rotate easily. This has to be dirt simple + cheap to
build, as the people that will most need to be built this, are the soon coming
Tribulation Saints, whom cannot buy or sell without taking the mark. (+ taking
the mark means an eternity in hell) The door closes on treaty signing on
2019.04 - + the door closes for the start of the Great
Tribulation on 2022.49. Although it warns us that “the day nor hour knoweth no
man”, in the same paragraph we are told that we are allowed to, “know that it's
near, even at the doors ” Mat 24:33
. + There is no torque problem as
these massive amount or rotations by the AC generator are like a free running
motor, and are the easiest to rotate. The generator rotations are free running
as they are just winding up massive voltage, and only need to generate one or a
few short bursts of current, (practically zero, when you are talking about
current). This is because these 10-100 cycles of AC electricity only need to
generate the minimal amount of current, which it takes to rotate a DC motor
over one single time. Since torque is caused by generating power, and power is
equal to voltage multiplied by current, and the current is practically zero,
the total power is equal to practically zero, costing practically zero torque
=(free to rotate).
. You can almost think of this generator as a free floating motor, having
practically no resistance to rotation at all. This is because for all the
10-100 rotations that this generator does, it only has to produce enough
current to rotate your drive motor the one single time. So, you get 100 rotations
of this AC generator, to only have to produce the small amount of current that
it takes to rotate your drive motor one single time. That gives you 10-100 to
one odds, causing the assurance of this mechanism to be able to run
. Each side of this AC + DC motor combination mechanism gives you more than enough of
what the other side needs. Your many rotations of the mini-pulleys give you
massive voltage to crank over your large pulley the once, and as for current,
you only need a few sparks, just enough to rotate the motor one time. This one
rotation of your large drive pulley gives you 100 cm of moving belt, which
easily rotates your mini-pulley many times. Which gives you massive voltage,
which is exactly what is needed to crank over your drive motor and large pulley
. I figure that this uses massive pulley multiplication to wind up an extremely
massive voltage, to the point of which the voltage is so extremely high, that
it starts repealing other objects, including the earth = how you get
levitation. How can you not multiply your cycles of AC electricity, when you
only pay for one rotation of a large 100 cm circumference pulley, and then you
get a return of 100 cycles of AC electricity from a 1 cm circumference pulley?
Remember, the more cycles of AC electricity that you have, means the more power
you are generating.
Oh boy, I'm just 10 seconds in and I know this video is going to be full of bullshit and misinformation.
It is the....
Video, not your phone
Sharks are curious of how does a human taste so they take a bite and then leave allthought we are the ones that scare them and we are the killers.
On the video it said that out of 75 attacks only 10 are killed and that happens when they are on a eating spree.When sharks are on a eating spree they eat anything alive on their way.
We humans are the killers cause we kill more of them than they kill us.We are the shark's biggest fear
Returns to the same beach daily to swim there again.
Blames sharks for the ´monsters they are´.
Its same story
Its Soul Surfer
Coment down below if you belive me.
I believe your Son, Jesus Christ was crucified and
bore my sin debt, He payed my sin debt in full, I ask you
to forgive me my sin based off HIS sacrifice, I ask you
God to come into my life, and guide me, Amen.
If you prayed that prayer, you are saved. You may not
have felt something, or maybe you did. Some people do,
some don't. Doesn't change that they are saved. What will
determine if you feel something is if you trust in God,
read the Bible, and pray. :) I'll see you in Heaven if you
prayed that prayer and are willing to follow God from now
Trust in Jesus Christ for your salvation..
Glory be to God, not me.
rammed there boat and a guy got his shotgun out and shot the great whites right of his face off and all so played it back in slow mo , his eye when flying and the great white came up again right after getting shot in shock and got its other side of his face blown off it was sick , and when to show it to some friends and its now private , jimmy fisher 86 i think it was on youtube
Sharks don't care about humans, as enemies or as food. Get over it!
But I'm more into Sea Lions...
the second theory of mine is maybe they were in need of food due to lack of fishes and other beings on oceans around their territories. So having human being the prey is inevitable.
my point is... dont just jump in water without knowing who guards it.
Without looking both ways.
It's just that they have very poor eye-sights and most likely mistaken us for baits and food.
I give my condolence to those who have suffered by the attacks but we ourselves also need to understand that we need these magnificent predators to maintain the food chain balance and not choose to slaughter them for what they're designed to be.
attack, but I doubt that would enter my head quick enough ... My
swimming trunks would fill before my brain did.
Are maneatears
romana !
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░░▀▄▄▄▄▄▀▀░░░▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▀ Idk why I put that but <3 undertale 4 ever
We call them large white woman or just big boned gals.....
I'm (contraction )sure that I have a mistake or two here as I add words to this, but I at least try to make it readable.
I used to cringe when I saw blatant slaughtering of words on YouTube, but I've (contraction) learned to mostly look past it and enjoy the comments for what they are.
P.S. I didn't (contraction) realize just how many contractions that I've (contraction) been using until I started calling them out as I used them. Its crazy isnt it? (grin)
By the way it was probibaly scary
And they communicate with each other so one likes what another likes as a person recommending a delicious hamburger.
calm down...