Naked Science - Shark Attacks

Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... For 400 million years, sharks have dominated the Earth's oceans. They have survived 5 planetary mass extinctions to become the top predators of the sea, honed to an evolutionary perfection. But what shark species is the most deadly? And where in the world is it least safe to venture in to the water? Naked Science travelled across the world from Australia to California to find out.

Naked Science - Shark Attacks sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3524

Shark videos 11 years ago 12,894,512 views

Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... For 400 million years, sharks have dominated the Earth's oceans. They have survived 5 planetary mass extinctions to become the top predators of the sea, honed to an evolutionary perfection. But what shark species is the most deadly? And where in the world is it least safe to venture in to the water? Naked Science travelled across the world from Australia to California to find out.

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Most popular comments
for Naked Science - Shark Attacks

Jennifer Powell
Jennifer Powell - 7 years ago
Nick Barraza
Nick Barraza - 7 years ago
Why don't we just nuke the Ocean killing everything don't have to worry about being eaten
Hamish Wiseman
Hamish Wiseman - 7 years ago
Sharks only attack people because they think we are seals splashing around in the water.
Dawn Davidloo
Dawn Davidloo - 7 years ago
I am going to do a project on Bethany Hamilton
Nova Kurtz-Murray
Nova Kurtz-Murray - 7 years ago
red sun set, uluru looking formation, didgeridoo music "off the southern tip of Africa" Wait what?
Ally Puckett
Ally Puckett - 7 years ago
they think we are fish
henry groom
henry groom - 7 years ago
your rude
LpsHarleykinz - 7 years ago
They are not killers. When someone trespasses they are going to do something about it
Lee Stewart
Lee Stewart - 7 years ago
Deadly labels for deadly animals? You know the most deadly name of an animal is human? Terrible horrifying killing machines!

10. comment for Naked Science - Shark Attacks

whiteboy magic
whiteboy magic - 7 years ago
I can relate to a greatwhite shark because they are white, they are killers and they are great thee end
darrin goodbrand
darrin goodbrand - 7 years ago
34:00 he looks like the boat captain from jaws lol
darrin goodbrand
darrin goodbrand - 7 years ago
Think the sharks should be hunted down to keep the number of sharks down. It's cool to see dolphins trying to save human's in shark attacks by ramming the sharks
z y
z y - 7 years ago
Don't go in the water!
Asian Sticker
Asian Sticker - 7 years ago
This is the reason why I say hell na to the na na na
P. K. Coddington
P. K. Coddington - 7 years ago
The sharks were there BEFORE we were !! WE are the trespassers, NOT THEM !!
satish kumar
satish kumar - 7 years ago

mahesh kumar mahesh kumar
mahesh kumar mahesh kumar - 7 years ago
Mahesh kumar
Edwin Saunders
Edwin Saunders - 7 years ago
2018 Connor Purcell
2018 Connor Purcell - 7 years ago
I had a shark once it was a small blue and silver shark

20. comment for Naked Science - Shark Attacks

Justin Graham
Justin Graham - 7 years ago
How stupid can you be !!
Kljsb Lamb
Kljsb Lamb - 7 years ago
Sharks aren't bad they don't even know your not a sea animal we know that there sharks
raftis1963 - 7 years ago
I will never ever want to get bit by sharks
Greg Leyva
Greg Leyva - 7 years ago
sparty pants
sparty pants - 7 years ago
"Killing only ten" oh only 10 that's cool then. Haha
Micheal Munoz
Micheal Munoz - 7 years ago
threw out the whole video the narrator kept repeating the same annoying stupid question "why do sharks attack humans?" we all know why, and If you don't know then your the ASSHOLE that kills animals for sport and all the wrong reasons, just like that idiot in this video that killed A shark just because his neighbors daughter got attacked by a shark, probably thinking that the shark was out to get her
Patricia Milam
Patricia Milam - 7 years ago
Them sharks have hops
Micheal Munoz
Micheal Munoz - 7 years ago
we humans are the ALIENS ABOVE!! the unknown up in space where they can't go, snatching then up, sticking probs in and on them and sending them back, WE ARE THE DAM VIRUSES KILLING THEN OFF!! so sad :(...
Lost in Sauce
Lost in Sauce - 7 years ago
Bull sharks are fucking assholes
Open Casket Studios
Open Casket Studios - 7 years ago
Get the Shark Shield...problem solved.

30. comment for Naked Science - Shark Attacks

I didn’t Know what to say
I didn’t Know what to say - 7 years ago
i enjoy watching this documentry over and over again good work
The Gaming Eevee
The Gaming Eevee - 7 years ago
No it doesn’t take an hour just to say that sharks think we are seals. Done
Angelina Salomon
Angelina Salomon - 7 years ago
We need to save them because we are killing them more than they are killing us. Who's with me?
Pari Komal
Pari Komal - 7 years ago
Pixshaft - 7 years ago
I actualy saw a shark in ocean
desicatz - 7 years ago
5:42 is hilarious. "Normal behavior." Hehhh! "Normal behavior." Hehhh! Seriously, sharks just do what comes naturally to them. They're not like something from "Sharknado". They're scary, yes, but I respect wildlife, and I hate to hear of them being harmed.
Mark Pinther
Mark Pinther - 7 years ago
The first thing I noticed was that there was a lot of blood in the water...
MrDb - 7 years ago
i don't know WHY scientists make the question of 'why sharks attack humans' SO damned COMPLICATED! They're hungry, they see a human animal in the water, 'they attack it to eat'. That's pretty damned simple if you ask me.
Mikhail Kokhanevich
Mikhail Kokhanevich - 7 years ago
Any human human that gets attacked by a shark is in its natural habitat and sharks eat MEAT
We are the real killers
vi le
vi le - 7 years ago
Gods die fifty percents
vi le
vi le - 7 years ago
Gods die fifty percents
vi le
vi le - 7 years ago
Gods die fifty percents
vi le
vi le - 7 years ago
Gods die fifty percents
lol doll video channel
lol doll video channel - 7 years ago
I was safe in the ocean on a boat where i made a new friend tho i got sea sick
Corrie Van Velzen
Corrie Van Velzen - 7 years ago
Now SET SAIL !! Awesome song !! Also lister to I AM A WARRIOR by Vibrant Arm from Amsterdam.
Shane Blaskiewicz
Shane Blaskiewicz - 7 years ago
Chris Fitzsimmons
Chris Fitzsimmons - 7 years ago
Great doc!! I freakn love shark vids!!! Super interesting... thank u
Anna Pavlou
Anna Pavlou - 7 years ago
‘ man eaters’ come on you’re invading their territory of course they’re going to feel threatened and act out or mistake you for prey.
JustLetMeHit - 7 years ago
We look like food. It's that simple.... -.-'
The Killer boy Diego
The Killer boy Diego - 7 years ago
Because she's fresh

50. comment for Naked Science - Shark Attacks

Loraine Johnson
Loraine Johnson - 7 years ago
Here's an idea DON'T go in The OCEAN STUPID
Ryan - 7 years ago
Quick snips with cariad
Quick snips with cariad - 7 years ago
the bull shark is the most aggressive and i have swam with quite a few 3 times
Quick snips with cariad
Quick snips with cariad - 7 years ago
the bull shark has killed the most humans
Quick snips with cariad
Quick snips with cariad - 7 years ago
the average amount of sharks killed by humans a year is 100000
Quick snips with cariad
Quick snips with cariad - 7 years ago
the max amount of deaths made by sharks a year is 5
Quick snips with cariad
Quick snips with cariad - 7 years ago
the max amount of deaths made by sharks a year is 5
Quick snips with cariad
Quick snips with cariad - 7 years ago
they don't​ deserve their sinister reputations
Cynthia Good
Cynthia Good - 7 years ago
Sharks only do this if u hurt them and there just trying to survive all y’all do is make an amazing creature sound horrible
Preston Playz fan #1
Preston Playz fan #1 - 7 years ago
False news sharks aren't not human hunters
Alex Pink
Alex Pink - 7 years ago
Wow that's scary for a nked science shark attacks wow i wish i could not see that :)
Jackie Cannizzo
Jackie Cannizzo - 7 years ago
very good video and i hope that more sharks get protected. How do you know all of these facts
Crazycraigy - 7 years ago
The power generated is huge when it hits on the surface on torpedo cam..
Anyelo Gonzalez Pratt
Anyelo Gonzalez Pratt - 7 years ago
I was almost kill by a shark when I was little!
Wolfgang Aus
Wolfgang Aus - 7 years ago
Anyone who loses a limb to a shark and STILL goes back into the sea to swim has got to be a little short of brain matter.
Aiden - 7 years ago
I saw this on Netflix
Xx SlinkyMan XX
Xx SlinkyMan XX - 7 years ago
is es
Paul Hopkins
Paul Hopkins - 7 years ago
If your in the water and you come face to face with these big fish do not turn your back to them as thay will think your pray, if thay try to bite you aim for the eyes or the gills or the nose as these spots are sensitive.._..._..It might save your life
John 3:16
John 3:16 - 7 years ago
Let’s see go into the water you become part of the food chain
lee curtis
lee curtis - 7 years ago
We eat their food supply so they eat us. I don't feel sorry for sharks. At the same time, if we didn't have so many people to feed in this world, we wouldn't eat their food supply up, either
lee curtis
lee curtis - 7 years ago
It says a great white is warm blooded? I don't see how. It says that . It says that at about 15:46 minutes into the film. So far, it's a good documentary, though
Edgar Foerster
Edgar Foerster - 7 years ago
Please. Leave them alone. They were here first.
Henk Shumin
Henk Shumin - 7 years ago
you scientist are missing a key question or a area I never hear discussed. when a shark attacks a human or fish, or seal, a human will react differently than a seal. maybe thats why a shark doesn't come back when it hits a human victim. and these are just random hits, them sharks can not tell the difference between a human or a seal!
David D.
David D. - 7 years ago
11:30 I wonder how he knows this? Hmmmm serial killer doctor hahahaha
Richard Holmes
Richard Holmes - 7 years ago
Or just dont go in to the water much safer
Mark Stamcoff
Mark Stamcoff - 7 years ago
Great upload, thanks for sharing!! Please help small channels like mine survive the new rules on youtube by subscribing to them and help them get to 1K subscribers. Thank You!!
Keyri Mendez
Keyri Mendez - 7 years ago
I do not like that
Satria .Nugroho
Satria .Nugroho - 7 years ago
watch blueworldtv, u will love shark, this channel only makes u hate them
Max - 7 years ago
for the last few mins of the video just use USB batteries and a USB compatible camera and keep the film rolling.
Max - 7 years ago
The young lady who lost her arm to the shark is in denial. Out of humanity she is still of the most likely to be bitten. Lieing and denial only serves to be dangerous. If you want to surf then do it, it's your life. However dont say it's such a low chance. The chance is way way higher for you then non competitive surfers.
Hollie Naylor
Hollie Naylor - 7 years ago
To them we are the sharks. we cross their habitat, if someone comes into our what do we do, we attack that’s what the sharks do

Also sharks are like us, if we could pick out of a small amount of or a large amount of food most of us would of picked the large amount. The small amount of food is fish and the large is us.
RebelRose Bad Habit
RebelRose Bad Habit - 7 years ago
I think maybe it might have something to do with the chemicals in our bodies that could send signals to the sharks and it is possible that it might be the way sharks can sence people in the water and also i think maybe that it might also be the way they can check it out i don't know awhole lot about the way of sharks but I think they are kinda liked dogs when they are huntin for food
Sticky Warmer
Sticky Warmer - 7 years ago
I hope sharks eat everyone in the comment section.
-kawaii- -randomness-
-kawaii- -randomness- - 7 years ago
Sticky Warmer you’re in the comment section...
Maddie Case
Maddie Case - 7 years ago
Tigers are not “deadly killers.” Attacks are often mistakes, sharks are beautiful creatures who deserve respect and have no interest in eating humans
Igor Ivanov
Igor Ivanov - 7 years ago
Oceanic white tip has the majority of humans eaten by sharks.
Reynalda Sanchez
Reynalda Sanchez - 7 years ago
They do not pass out when u flip them over
keilly alvarez
keilly alvarez - 7 years ago
when the boy said help me i immedietly started crying and im super emontinol i ligit started crying you dont even know
keilly alvarez
keilly alvarez - 7 years ago
omg i love this video not because the sharks eat human because the sharks look so cool im am super intrested in sharks i wtch shark videos everysingle day during homework and not durning homework like this is to intresting i love this video so so so so soooo much
White Shark Video
White Shark Video - 7 years ago
Every other Wednesday join us for an episode of Naked Science...completely devoid of science or reason.
Juan Salgado
Juan Salgado - 7 years ago
G I just got my arm torn off by a shark what should I do know. Let’s go surfing
Lewis Turbill
Lewis Turbill - 7 years ago
Step1 while next to a shark.

Don't piss it off
jacqueline manzano
jacqueline manzano - 7 years ago
The reason sharks attack humans is the same reason Bears attack humans. Suffice it to say, be careful what you ask for because you just might get it.
Nicole Fischer
Nicole Fischer - 7 years ago
Human meat is disgusting to them...
Angelina Castillo
Angelina Castillo - 7 years ago
Sharks are not mean and men eaters they thank they see food.
Zach Jarchow
Zach Jarchow - 7 years ago
Harbor Seal
Harbor Seal - 7 years ago
Zach Jarchow They see me as a human XD
tara - 7 years ago
bro i have no idea what the fuck is going on
Putra Z
Putra Z - 7 years ago
Nicolene Joythe
Nicolene Joythe - 7 years ago
No thanks I love the sea but swimming with sharks not my cup of tea
ferdscanlas - 7 years ago
Eat Bulaga
Dave Christan
Dave Christan - 7 years ago
'If You respect them and no were not to surf/swim n not to surf/swim at dusk o early in the morning you'll 99.8 % chance of never even probebly see one let alot being bitten n that come from an aussie who has surfted my whole life 37 years n surfing then is discusding .. now there r lots of apps out there to and also drons patraling some beaches on the easten coast of Australia !!@!

100. comment for Naked Science - Shark Attacks

Petite Mai
Petite Mai - 7 years ago
If you look like a seal on the surface, they want that seal for dinner. Then you don't taste like seal and the shark fucks off. Daschunds are man eating assholes. Sharks are chill. Their taste test is just way larger so people tend to complain more...
Marcio Destron
Marcio Destron - 7 years ago
Here in Brazil we have bullsharks everywere in rivers beaches and a lot of People die because of friend Lost a leg because he swin in a River and suddently this bullshark came from shadows and bite him.this day was a nightmare for me because i remember when he put his face off water and Look to us
Lydia Passut
Lydia Passut - 7 years ago
so i hate this vidio
Lydia Passut
Lydia Passut - 7 years ago
they are good animals they just cant see good
Brandi Pepper
Brandi Pepper - 7 years ago
I say... KILL THEM ALL!!!
Lafayette Mulligans
Lafayette Mulligans - 7 years ago
They want us out of the water, that’s why they attach us
Hayley Midgley
Hayley Midgley - 7 years ago
Sharks are actually almost blind
Schuyler Johnson
Schuyler Johnson - 7 years ago
Ashley P
Ashley P - 7 years ago
This narrator is the guy from I shouldn't be alive.....the bull shark is the most vicious
ScoopG gangsters Pump
ScoopG gangsters Pump - 7 years ago
Fuck these
TheRealOgnious - 7 years ago
Bruh sharks aren’t smart dude leave them alone that’s ppl fault they go to wide open oceans and get eaten without being on a boat.
Mark Brown
Mark Brown - 7 years ago
That's because your stupid asses should not be in the water that's their domain and their territory is not made for humans to be in the ocean swimming and Hunting for sharks... If I was a shark I eat your ass to all idiots that go in the ocean white people wow
James Horner
James Horner - 7 years ago
Man eaters???? Really????? If a person goes to Africa and walks to close to a Lion, gets attacked people don't blame the Lion. We say dumb ass shoulda stayed away from the lion. But people swim in the ocean and gets attacked and people blame the shark.
Dan Neumann
Dan Neumann - 7 years ago
My gosh sharks are bad and that is why I never am going in the ocean again in my lifetime maybe when I die?
Lida Pittenger
Lida Pittenger - 7 years ago
Anderson you are stupid
Jenni Croasdale
Jenni Croasdale - 7 years ago
He’s a great white shark by the way!!
Jenni Croasdale
Jenni Croasdale - 7 years ago
Don’t kill them guys they just can’t stop eating things that see they will just starve
I have a friend who is a shark I named him Jaws cause he has very sharp teeth!!,it’s true!!
Leilawashere - 7 years ago
put some clothes on science god damn u hippie
Nicholas Dean
Nicholas Dean - 7 years ago
Like this comment if you have been bit by a great white because i have
Nicholas Dean
Nicholas Dean - 7 years ago
Because i lost a leg
Orlando Matos
Orlando Matos - 7 years ago
I am a shark
sumithra srinivasan
sumithra srinivasan - 7 years ago
Geoff Collins
Geoff Collins - 7 years ago
Yeah where's megalodon
Anaya Mathis
Anaya Mathis - 7 years ago
to scared
charlie B
charlie B - 7 years ago
Most humans wouldn't walk through a lions den and expect to survive, so why are we are surprised when we swim in a sharks domain?
Prudence Wallace
Prudence Wallace - 7 years ago
Sharks are ugly boxsids
Jess white
Jess white - 7 years ago
Ashley Reese
Ashley Reese - 7 years ago
Joe Garbled
Joe Garbled - 7 years ago
Modern documentary vomit.
Earl Ashlock
Earl Ashlock - 7 years ago
amour engage
Glenn Hawkins
Glenn Hawkins - 7 years ago
So a girl gets attacked by a shark whilst in the sharks natural habitat, and the answer is to go out find the shark and kill it? Why? It's like shooting a lion because it killed your friend after he put his head inside it's mouth... Shark attacks are ALWAYS the humans fault, NOT the animals. Leave them alone and they will leave you alone, it's fairly simple.
津呂優樹 - 7 years ago
津呂優樹 - 7 years ago
Devin Acord
Devin Acord - 7 years ago
They technically only attack humans if they think their a seal.
Harbor Seal
Harbor Seal - 7 years ago
But they never think, that I am a human :c
Paul Hopkins
Paul Hopkins - 7 years ago
I tell you sharks are well rascit to humans "what the hell you doing in my ocean, deep sea diveing and #### come here #############!!!!!!!!! Lol
Master of Ice123456789010
Master of Ice123456789010 - 7 years ago
Horrifying 0:45
RealHorrorStory - 7 years ago check this video out ...not good for sensible people
Frankie Martinez
Frankie Martinez - 7 years ago
34 min quint is that you >_<
Miles Cowan
Miles Cowan - 7 years ago
Shark just attack us because they think we’re food we kill more sharks then shark has ever killed us
QuadrumGaming - 7 years ago
You can’t take her seriously with that voice though XD
19.999.999 views - 7 years ago
If I was a shark's I would eat those free food too
Olivia ZVanut
Olivia ZVanut - 7 years ago
people should always be aware that an attack could happen
Nikas - 7 years ago
I actually watched a film about this girl I can't remember how it's called
2 minutes later...
Soul surfer
Cha Lee
Cha Lee - 7 years ago
No they're only a turkey minutes because they think you guys are a fishes
Brittany Baker
Brittany Baker - 7 years ago
Killer whales are not sharks it actually
jeremy coffey
jeremy coffey - 7 years ago
Poor cuddly wuddly misunderstood babies... Come here, daddy's got some cyanide laced seal for you...
Kyleesparkle - 7 years ago
I know why the little sharks attack more because the can get closer to the land to get their pray. I think lol
Kyleesparkle - 7 years ago
These people lie because they say they kill most but there's more snake bites than sharks. =P sharks are my favorite animal trust me.
Millsy Kooksy
Millsy Kooksy - 7 years ago
I love sharks
The Beard Brothers
The Beard Brothers - 7 years ago
we love sharks and your videos!
Mark Prentice
Mark Prentice - 7 years ago
Picked her coz her arm was in water. OBVIOUSLY. BYE
Shark attack
Shark attack - 7 years ago
0ops sorry about that guys
Singing Gamarh
Singing Gamarh - 7 years ago
Sharks aren't dangerous, they are like snakes they only attack when provoked or threatened, besides your invading they're homes, its like someone coming in your home uninvited, so in your case you'd attack just like they would
WinterSkyMoonRanch - 7 years ago
So why if this guy has been studying sharks for 30 years, why isn't there some sort of repellent for sharks...thirty fucking years and all he has is pickled sharks...WTF? Seriously, scientists need to get their shit together and finally do something, quite flapping their yaps, and create a repellent! How hard can it actually be? They find their prey through electromagnetic fields, so disrupt the fucking field! It shouldn't be that hard to finally figure this shit out! Mistake the person for a seal, my ass! Some of them have found an easy meal, like the 2 sharks that attacked a surfer together as a team! This is not hard to figure out! Easy Meal...can you say that?
tamira peoples
tamira peoples - 7 years ago
She’s bless
Jaz S
Jaz S - 7 years ago
soul surfer
PetPet - 7 years ago
We’re the real killers here. We don’t just kill sharks, but we also kill things that sharks can’t kill. They can’t breathe air, we can. We kill a lot more animals then these beautiful creatures ever had. So whoever tells me a shark is a terrible creature, and a murderous one, I will tell you to shut the hell up.
chrissy brown
chrissy brown - 7 years ago
They make it sound like they are monsters I thought they where teaching people they just attack because they eat turtles and when people are surfing on there stomach they look like turtles and if they smell blood
Sharelys Delgado
Sharelys Delgado - 7 years ago
What happened at 15:26 to 15:30?????......
Calvin smith
Calvin smith - 7 years ago
Sharks are an amazing creature, they need to be protected. They are the cleaning system of the sea’s
BigJamook - 7 years ago
Bethany does look quite a tasty morsel indeed. Indeed. x
James Kilmartin
James Kilmartin - 7 years ago
they attack u because you are trespassing into there territory
James Kilmartin
James Kilmartin - 7 years ago
they attack u because you are trespassing into there territory
James Kilmartin
James Kilmartin - 7 years ago
they attack u because you are trespassing into there territory
hodhod1208 - 7 years ago
I hate sharks
Kain Uchiha
Kain Uchiha - 7 years ago
37.16 i was expecting australia with this music lol
Lynn Kayee
Lynn Kayee - 7 years ago
Tried it at home with my tiger shark Mikey...and it's true, Mikey will eat anything. The missing elderly neighbors and my ex's missing cell is pure coincidence. See, Mikry always played elevator music and just naturally smells like Bengay. It's a disability.
Ezekiel Sanchez
Ezekiel Sanchez - 7 years ago
If they don't kill they can't eat..why do you people deny it?....I wonder what's going to happen when the ocean is full of these sharks?...They are opportunist what ever they can easily kill..
Jillian Cummins
Jillian Cummins - 7 years ago
i think are blood is the reason that the sharks attack us. just think about it. are blood is almost like seals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Dreamer TV
Dreamer TV - 7 years ago
F*** they attack because
1. You tresspassing b**
2. They think you are either seal, dolphin, or rarely turtles.
3. They have bad eyesight and they bite because they are trying to see what you are!!!
Flow Er
Flow Er - 7 years ago
They have great eyesight actually. I agree with the rest though.
Dreamer TV
Dreamer TV - 7 years ago
" Vicious man killers " Yeah they make mistakes and you don't?!
" Man murderer"

Lauryn Hendry
Lauryn Hendry - 7 years ago
Um but we are trespassing their territory. Not born killers we legit have killed off so many species and humans ouselvesb
Mighty Mouth
Mighty Mouth - 7 years ago
Dafuq yesterday I was in 10ft waters holy shit I coulda died rip goodbye ocean never seeing u again
nadine vennard
nadine vennard - 7 years ago
Sharks are colour blind they see only green
nadine vennard
nadine vennard - 7 years ago
Sharks are Colorado blind they see only green
nadine vennard
nadine vennard - 7 years ago
Sharks are colour blind they see only green
Diane Cassar
Diane Cassar - 7 years ago
How did you take this video
anyohoww - 7 years ago
8:55 : " Sharks are everywhere, and more & more."

Leyna D'Orsai
Leyna D'Orsai - 7 years ago
Their survival instinct kicks in and they don't know what they do honestly
S J - 7 years ago
It's not even that sharks are purposely singling out humans, surfers and swimmers are mistaken for seals and therefore the sharks will go and take a bite out of it (human/surfboard) - but in most cases, once the shark realizes what they've bitten into isn't, in fact, their prey, they'll let go/leave - others are simply curious and take a bite to get a better sense of what it is they're encountering... the bad news is, is that that one bite/curiosity is a very dangerous bite that tends to end with a severed limb/extreme blood loss and, sadly, death.

Hell, even their stats on great White attacks vs. Tiger/bullsharks is wrong - the main reason why whites have such a lead 37% vs. the 15 whatever, is because many people simply "believe" it's a great white (when in actuality a tiger shark could easily be misidentified as a great white, and a bull shark is the same, when dealing with "witness accounts"). Great Whites take the rap for attacks that are likely done by their more aggressive cousins. That, and the fear culture thanks to extremely exaggerated movies like Jaws, Deep Blue Sea (which was actually the one most based in fact as that one was about a great white that had been genetically altered - so I can sit through that one) and utter stupid movies that literally only serve to villainize Great Whites - like 47 Meters Down (with SSOOOO many factual inaccuracies) -

Basically, I'm so over people, movies, documentaries, channels like Discovery, etc, purposely making Great Whites out to be killing machines out for human blood just so they get more views (Shark Week) or money, etc.
Hubert Hubert
Hubert Hubert - 7 years ago
sinister reputation is argumentum ad nauseam
Hannah Masterson
Hannah Masterson - 7 years ago
we pooped in our pants when we were whaching
Lauren Olivia
Lauren Olivia - 7 years ago
Did this guy really just call a shark a 'vicious man-eater'? this is the reason that there is so much paranoia about sharks.
Amanda-Gino A.
Amanda-Gino A. - 7 years ago
They are not monsters, their misundanded.
Eddy Vercoe
Eddy Vercoe - 7 years ago
. “
Bruce Bartman
Bruce Bartman - 7 years ago
Who cares about these predators? Does any one think these predators care about you when it is hungry? Kill them all.
Anthonymax Flynn
Anthonymax Flynn - 7 years ago
Great whites are so misunderstood. Bull sharks only attack in shallow, murky waters because they mistake humans for prey.
MilknBrandy - 7 years ago
Sharks are bad...mmmkay!
LeShark Do
LeShark Do - 7 years ago
Those people who have killed sharks that means their retarded and a selfish prick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peashooter Vs
Peashooter Vs - 7 years ago
Hey i live in tbilis Georgia there are no SHARKS :D
Lily Palm
Lily Palm - 7 years ago
I feel like the should reward the sharks with fish for being involuntary subject
Bambi Pardis
Bambi Pardis - 7 years ago
Humans are in their world
TWOHAWK 1 - 7 years ago
Seems there would be a lot more sharks in the oceans, if that biologist didn't have so many in his lab, in jars.
Ruby Mae Davies
Ruby Mae Davies - 7 years ago
Sharks seem like they’re dangerous creatures but they have don’t mean to attack if your on a surfboard they might think you’re a seal .
Skid Mark
Skid Mark - 7 years ago
Click bait...just a bunch of amputees, and none of them get naked.
Samuel Saez
Samuel Saez - 7 years ago
I like how we kill a lot of great whites and that's good because i want to see another white shark get killed for killing poor adorable seals!
Harbor Seal
Harbor Seal - 7 years ago
Samuel Saez Hey
Samuel Saez
Samuel Saez - 7 years ago
Hey Harbor Seal
Harbor Seal
Harbor Seal - 7 years ago
Samuel Saez
Samuel Saez - 7 years ago
I mean I made those cartoons because i got tired of Nat Geo Wild showing the white shark killing the seal so i got very upset with the shark. That's why I make fun of the shark. XD
Samuel Saez
Samuel Saez - 7 years ago
Harbor Seal, I want to tell you that i also like to make cartoons of the seal killing the great white shark and i have like 44 drawings of them.
Harbor Seal
Harbor Seal - 7 years ago
Linda Peters
Linda Peters - 7 years ago
sharks are not man just the stupids,that swim in their space , they get what they deserve
Payton Roberts
Payton Roberts - 7 years ago
that shark is of soul sufer
General Hix
General Hix - 7 years ago
Are u dumm sharks atak us because we/u go into there home what would u do if a stranger came into ur home u would atak them right maby not but we're different creachers then them use ur brain I'm sorry it's even easier than that
Dr. Savage
Dr. Savage - 7 years ago
I've swam with a great white in a cage
Muskan Khan
Muskan Khan - 7 years ago
ala bawo dy
Jason Drapikosi
Jason Drapikosi - 7 years ago
2018 little nikkas
Serina415f McDonald
Serina415f McDonald - 7 years ago
Ok ya I won’t try this at home bc I can’t
joe Lynch
joe Lynch - 7 years ago
We know so little about our earth, but we will get to ask our Creator, before the last Door closes 2025.94,,, when Jesus Christ MUST Return before -  
HOW TO BUILD A GEM = free energy – (AC electricity multiplying technology using pulleys)
= found in description of a UFO motor in Ezekiel 1:16  
(can be any voltage, as long as AC+DC generators/motor are the same voltage)
. Multiplying Free Energy is
super simple with this GEM-(Geometrical Electricity Multiplier) =AC type free
electricity multiplying mechanism at This is a device that can be easily + cheaply
assembled by using one 10-100 cm circumference large pulley attached to a DC
motor, + at least one of the 1 cm circumference mini-pulleys, (the smaller the
better) connected to AC generators. Both must be of the same voltage, + 4
diodes to build a crude full wave bridge rectifier-(converts your AC output
into DC input for your drive motor), a lot of wire to connect your electrical
components together, and a belt, strap or tied piece of rope or string, to
connect the two or more pulleys together.
. Then you will need to build a
framing form out of wood, metal or plastic, to hold your pulleys + motors in
the right position to rotate easily. This has to be dirt simple + cheap to
build, as the people that will most need to be built this, are the soon coming
Tribulation Saints, whom cannot buy or sell without taking the mark. (+ taking
the mark means an eternity in hell) The door closes on treaty signing on
2019.04 - + the door closes for the start of the Great
Tribulation on 2022.49. Although it warns us that “the day nor hour knoweth no
man”, in the same paragraph we are told that we are allowed to, “know that it's
near, even at the doors ” Mat 24:33
. + There is no torque problem as
these massive amount or rotations by the AC generator are like a free running
motor, and are the easiest to rotate. The generator rotations are free running
as they are just winding up massive voltage, and only need to generate one or a
few short bursts of current, (practically zero, when you are talking about
current). This is because these 10-100 cycles of AC electricity only need to
generate the minimal amount of current, which it takes to rotate a DC motor
over one single time. Since torque is caused by generating power, and power is
equal to voltage multiplied by current, and the current is practically zero,
the total power is equal to practically zero, costing practically zero torque
=(free to rotate).
. You can almost think of this generator as a free floating motor, having
practically no resistance to rotation at all. This is because for all the
10-100 rotations that this generator does, it only has to produce enough
current to rotate your drive motor the one single time. So, you get 100 rotations
of this AC generator, to only have to produce the small amount of current that
it takes to rotate your drive motor one single time. That gives you 10-100 to
one odds, causing the assurance of this mechanism to be able to run
. Each side of this AC + DC motor combination mechanism gives you more than enough of
what the other side needs. Your many rotations of the mini-pulleys give you
massive voltage to crank over your large pulley the once, and as for current,
you only need a few sparks, just enough to rotate the motor one time. This one
rotation of your large drive pulley gives you 100 cm of moving belt, which
easily rotates your mini-pulley many times. Which gives you massive voltage,
which is exactly what is needed to crank over your drive motor and large pulley
. I figure that this uses massive pulley multiplication to wind up an extremely
massive voltage, to the point of which the voltage is so extremely high, that
it starts repealing other objects, including the earth = how you get
levitation. How can you not multiply your cycles of AC electricity, when you
only pay for one rotation of a large 100 cm circumference pulley, and then you
get a return of 100 cycles of AC electricity from a 1 cm circumference pulley?
Remember, the more cycles of AC electricity that you have, means the more power
you are generating.
Douglas Richards
Douglas Richards - 7 years ago
There not targeting humans they probably just have a wee nibble of whatever and for things like us don't like the taste
Francis Stewart
Francis Stewart - 7 years ago
People undestand that theres a significantly small chance so i dont really think we need this video. But theres always theorys
primetime5000 - 7 years ago
2 foot of water
primetime5000 - 7 years ago
when surfing dont pee in the water
primetime5000 - 7 years ago
humans swim sloppy and splash ...easy slow target with heart beat.
Kelly Duran
Kelly Duran - 7 years ago
did you know that sharks have bad seems so to sharks us humans look like seals to them
Emily Burrow
Emily Burrow - 7 years ago
I hate you do not kill sharks they think you sils
Irma Leticia Flores Valladarez
Irma Leticia Flores Valladarez - 7 years ago
Felicidades para estos hombres que valor de afrentarse a estas bestias
Irma Leticia Flores Valladarez
Irma Leticia Flores Valladarez - 7 years ago
Estas bestias moustros marinos deben deser atrapados son asecinos sueltos deben ser cactursdos
areeb1296 - 7 years ago
"Vicious Man Eaters"
Oh boy, I'm just 10 seconds in and I know this video is going to be full of bullshit and misinformation.
Kara Nardolillo
Kara Nardolillo - 7 years ago
They bite humans cuz they’re curious and hungry
sultan games
sultan games - 7 years ago
A wonderful clip to save the whale
Breyden Capilla
Breyden Capilla - 7 years ago
JAWS Zombie csefgvs
Viper X Gaffs
Viper X Gaffs - 7 years ago
I am a regular fisherman off the Gulf State Pier in Gulf Shores where the man lost his arm to a shark. When those sharks feed usually it is a king mackrel the size of an arm or leg , but there are many sharks in Gulf Shores and they feed as predators in a pack, he could have been attacked by three or four sharks.I have watched that happen as a daily feeding habit..
Sander Nielsen
Sander Nielsen - 7 years ago
Explain this to me. If the White Shark wait 20 minutes before eating and does Think to highly of the taste of human meat due to the low fat level of our bodies, then why are some shark victims never found ? A fireman in Italy was attacked while diving in shallow waters with his son when a great white showed up. The son managed to get out of the water and managed to get back to the fire station, he and the other fire fighters got back and started searching immediately except for a aqua lung and a weight belt they found nothing. So if White Sharks does like the way we taste what happened here ?
Harbor Seal
Harbor Seal - 7 years ago
As a seal, I really can't agree...
Decepticon Medic
Decepticon Medic - 7 years ago
Agreed, they don't really mean to bite us, they don't have any arms so they just bite instead to try identifying what's in the water.
Def1 Deafened
Def1 Deafened - 7 years ago
they are wee brained fuk tards
Mateusz Michalak
Mateusz Michalak - 7 years ago
To jest borombane fakju kuj brat CE boku jak brat i 2 brat
stuart booth
stuart booth - 7 years ago
I just came here for the angry cat owners
kaycee linn life
kaycee linn life - 7 years ago
15:26 did anyone else's phone glich to.
G2017D 2nd EDITION
G2017D 2nd EDITION - 7 years ago
kaycee linn life
It is the....
Video, not your phone
MrAnonymous10 - 7 years ago
They just test the meat to see if it tastes good and unfortunately their mouths are capable of taking a 10kg test bite
Chris Zotos DS
Chris Zotos DS - 7 years ago
Sharks are friendly and dont attack humans cause they are killers.

Sharks are curious of how does a human taste so they take a bite and then leave allthought we are the ones that scare them and we are the killers.

On the video it said that out of 75 attacks only 10 are killed and that happens when they are on a eating spree.When sharks are on a eating spree they eat anything alive on their way.

We humans are the killers cause we kill more of them than they kill us.We are the shark's biggest fear
Eran Boodnero
Eran Boodnero - 7 years ago
I feel way worse for the person who got fucked up by a shark than the fucking sharks that get killed.
Taniass Cutei samy
Taniass Cutei samy - 7 years ago
I mean sharks aren’t that bad their my favorite animals their teeth remind me of a America pit pol and sharks aren’t MONSTERS!!!!!!So SHUT UP!!!sharks are creates
Gaming Mitz1
Gaming Mitz1 - 7 years ago
Can shark be friendly?
John Handzlik
John Handzlik - 7 years ago
Gaming Mitz1 no you can try
Tom Fisher
Tom Fisher - 7 years ago
Gee do ya really think it might have something to do with more people in the water. DUH! It's their territory not ours. Anyone who risks exposure is asking for it
Yumisai - 7 years ago
Paula Fulton
Paula Fulton - 7 years ago
Absolutely Awesome documentary. Thanks Naked Science I really enjoyed this video.
Dillan Murray
Dillan Murray - 7 years ago
i k now my chances are extremly low but it is still a risk i will not take lol, the fear living in mass as a kid watching jaws grew deep
Igor Obrenovic
Igor Obrenovic - 7 years ago
sharks attak humans because of shark hunger but the melagdon is still alive
PinkasBrown44 - 7 years ago
Gets attacked by a bull shark. Loses his arm and is shaken like rag doll.

Returns to the same beach daily to swim there again.

Blames sharks for the ´monsters they are´.

Chris Fitzsimmons
Chris Fitzsimmons - 7 years ago
PinkasBrown44 face to palm and shake head!! I COMPLETELY agree w you!!!
Nat Ax
Nat Ax - 7 years ago
Leslie Verkuilen
Leslie Verkuilen - 7 years ago
My number is 9203799754
Leslie Verkuilen
Leslie Verkuilen - 7 years ago
Please oh please write back call me
Leslie Verkuilen
Leslie Verkuilen - 7 years ago
So Bethany I’m one of your biggest fans. Whenever I here your name I say,”WOW she is amazing, during that shark attack she handled that like a pro would you are a beautiful person in and out so don’t be afraid to try something different,new, or even the things you have tried.
Leslie Verkuilen
Leslie Verkuilen - 7 years ago
You don’t have bull shark weirdo
ramo moreno
ramo moreno - 7 years ago
All species kill 2 eat or 2 survive ,even humans but only 1 race has&will kill anything ,everything&everyone?
ItzBurn With Fire
ItzBurn With Fire - 7 years ago
There was a movie about The shark attack
Its same story
Its Soul Surfer
Xeon Nomunaki
Xeon Nomunaki - 7 years ago
Jason Hancock
Jason Hancock - 7 years ago
I Remember that attack on Bethany she took it like champion . Wish her well in all future endeavors . We jump into their world day after day . Attacks will continue to happen . Its at our own risk .......Sharks are simply being the predator it was designed to be without bias .
Maverikk68 - 7 years ago
Humans are the top of the food chain. It's the natural order of things. People are stupid if they think a shark doesn't kill and have that killer instinct in them. They kill to eat. They kill to protect. They kill for the hell of it. Just like all animals. As the rulers of the world, this is OUR planet. While I don't support hunting for sport, I feel no remorse for a shark being killed, just like a shark has no remorse for a human or other animal being killed.
John Stover
John Stover - 7 years ago
African sharks can jump but American ones can't. I feel a race joke coming on lol.
Khalid Mayes
Khalid Mayes - 7 years ago
i think its common sense why they attack your in the ocean your food
Gryx Fred
Gryx Fred - 7 years ago
Naked Science For your future uploads, please consider a 10 sec blackscreen with a warning of grafic content... I was watching this with my Daughter and i did not expect to see riped off limbs in the first 1 minute. neither did she. I'd love to send you her nightmares now.
Fluffer Duffer
Fluffer Duffer - 7 years ago
5:41 X,D
Tran Di Tu
Tran Di Tu - 7 years ago
I hate shark , let's kill it
GTA5 Gamer
GTA5 Gamer - 7 years ago
They don't know what we are
Carlota Chu
Carlota Chu - 7 years ago
if the megaladot was still alive it would be here.
Beer Hippie
Beer Hippie - 7 years ago
Sometimes i fuck Japanese girls. They are pretty good.
BGBLOKK - 7 years ago
The part about the currents pushing the water through their gills, two of us snorkelling saw a large grey nurse wedged into an overhanging reef not far off the beach at Titula Creek near Port Hedland, it appeared healthy and... asleep!, mouth open, unmoving in the strong current running past the reef!. Possible?, everything I've ever heard is that they never stop moving to keep the water flowing over the gills.
JoJo Rau
JoJo Rau - 7 years ago
The little bird escaped a narrow death.
Ali Pa
Ali Pa - 7 years ago
The moral of the story..Stay out the water.
Hey_itz_ Maddy
Hey_itz_ Maddy - 7 years ago


P. Media
P. Media - 7 years ago
Strange! When i lie on my back before too long i can get pretty unconscious too...
Andrew Way
Andrew Way - 7 years ago
Do a goblin shark video
Arvie Geronimo
Arvie Geronimo - 7 years ago
shark is heart
Afshin Ebمرسی اگه میشه مستند شکار هم بزارید
Afshin Ebمرسی اگه میشه مستند شکار هم بزارید - 7 years ago
سلام خیلی لطف میکنید کمال تشکر را دارم ولی خواهش میکنم برای من ویدیو کمتر از ۴۵دقیقه نزارید چون دوست ندارم با تشکر
qasim rashid
qasim rashid - 7 years ago
Sharks do kill.
Maurizio Candido
Maurizio Candido - 7 years ago
Joseph - 7 years ago
Sensationalist crap.
bikerjon1 - 7 years ago
Shark attack apologists piss me off.
Harbor Seal
Harbor Seal - 7 years ago
Same here
Logan Sullivan
Logan Sullivan - 7 years ago
They do try to eat us but you taste like human and most sharks hate human taste and when on a surfbird you look like a turtle and they love turtle
Laney Allan
Laney Allan - 7 years ago
Chris Fallows proved great whites will breach in Australia and America.
ZBOI 3 - 7 years ago
This is poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop
pizza slice
pizza slice - 7 years ago
what happens if a shark bites and eats a man affected by HIV or some other pathologies?
Katie Grace
Katie Grace - 7 years ago
They are wrong the bull shark is responsible for most attacks
T shark plays// tommy vlogs
T shark plays// tommy vlogs - 7 years ago
I feel like sharks are the beasts of the sea kinda cause killer whales or orcas eat sharks
Paul Hopkins
Paul Hopkins - 7 years ago
Speck english pal
Janka Godulova
Janka Godulova - 7 years ago
Paul Hopkins to bude asi tím se mohlo zdát že je to jak v sekci fóra ostatní se bude dít věci se mohlo zdát že se bude asi tím častěji plánují nákup je bezproblémový chod motoru na našich internetových stránek Webnode e-shop zadarmo na našich webových stránek vaše údaje budou použity v roce je to jak v sekci fóra programy pro školy a kurzy měn online Forex videa zdarma a snadno se udržuje v roce na místo určení místa horoskopy inzerce v roce na místo určené kupujícím je volná a snadno se mohlo stát že vám někdo e-mailem soubor je to bude dít věci na které si můžete vybrat ze dvou částí je bezproblémový chod domácnosti a domácí v roce je bezproblémový provoz IP.okud tomu někdo nerozumí tak ať sada zámků malou pouzecku
Janka Godulova
Janka Godulova - 7 years ago
Def1 Deafened je volná pracovní místa na našich internetových obchodů hodnocení v sekci fóra ostatní operační paměti je to zdarma je to bude dít dál tím častěji plánují nákup
Paul Hopkins
Paul Hopkins - 7 years ago
So you saying he sleep with the fishs .._...Right
Arshad 212r
Arshad 212r - 7 years ago
T shark plays// tommy vlogs to be
Def1 Deafened
Def1 Deafened - 7 years ago
Def1 Deafened
Def1 Deafened - 7 years ago
i ate a shark once and got herpes
Kaelum Pipiclle
Kaelum Pipiclle - 7 years ago
wich is tastles
Kaelum Pipiclle
Kaelum Pipiclle - 7 years ago
The do not lick the taste of people decause of are crunchy bone after a bite and they are dangares decause we cach themfor the fins and meat
Newton Farm
Newton Farm - 7 years ago
Oh my megladon
Mr T
Mr T - 7 years ago
Can't call them man eaters as the sea is no place a man has any dominion..
Christian Esposito
Christian Esposito - 7 years ago
James Price
James Price - 7 years ago
stupid fuckin questions
Clyde Pratt
Clyde Pratt - 7 years ago
Sharks are beautiful creatures!
Amy Dennis
Amy Dennis - 7 years ago
You have mistaken these poor animals, they are nice creatures, well they used to be
Coment down below if you belive me.
Anton Meins
Anton Meins - 7 years ago
Yes a tasty looking morsel
Baker Mayweather
Baker Mayweather - 7 years ago
My dream in life is to have sex with a shark
Daniel Barnes
Daniel Barnes - 7 years ago
And the stupid cunts go swimming after they have been attacked, wtf is going on in these peoples heads you should think your self lucky your alive, and playing with your life going back into water is fucking selfish as fuck !
CJp lays10
CJp lays10 - 7 years ago
I wish I had an shark
Baker Mayweather
Baker Mayweather - 7 years ago
I wish I could have sex with a shark.
vinnie ng
vinnie ng - 7 years ago
These creatures are vbeautiful, unfortunatey they use their jaws to identify things, its really unlucky humans often get attacked but hey, its their natural instinct
Juan Borras
Juan Borras - 7 years ago
OpinionatedMonk - 7 years ago
Shark expert talking whilst awkwardly and pointlessly leaning on a dead shark with bare hands...
Lillian Eter
Lillian Eter - 7 years ago
This scary me alot
Titan Shifter
Titan Shifter - 7 years ago
Trust in Jesus Christ and be saved, Christ is coming back.. And He will take His believers, and leave the others on Earth to suffer God's wrath and judgement during the Great Tribulation.
Lez Davies
Lez Davies - 7 years ago
fuck off jesus
JauriCe  J
JauriCe J - 7 years ago
Jesus.exe has stopped working
Phillip Bassman
Phillip Bassman - 7 years ago
You are exactly right, Titan! Jesus is truth!
Kevan Gunn
Kevan Gunn - 7 years ago
Why do you creationists always feel the need to thump your bibles? Save in for the church
Titan Shifter
Titan Shifter - 7 years ago
Be careful with what you say :) I should be careful as well though..
Baker Mayweather
Baker Mayweather - 7 years ago
Hell yeah!
Titan Shifter
Titan Shifter - 7 years ago
The prayer for life: Dear God, I admit I am a sinner,
I believe your Son, Jesus Christ was crucified and
bore my sin debt, He payed my sin debt in full, I ask you
to forgive me my sin based off HIS sacrifice, I ask you
God to come into my life, and guide me, Amen.

If you prayed that prayer, you are saved. You may not
have felt something, or maybe you did. Some people do,
some don't. Doesn't change that they are saved. What will
determine if you feel something is if you trust in God,
read the Bible, and pray. :) I'll see you in Heaven if you
prayed that prayer and are willing to follow God from now
Trust in Jesus Christ for your salvation..
Glory be to God, not me.
T.K. Oneill
T.K. Oneill - 7 years ago
Beautiful animals.
rigomortisfxstudios - 7 years ago
there was a video a year ago where there where some guys fishing and a great white
rammed there boat and a guy got his shotgun out and shot the great whites right of his face off and all so played it back in slow mo , his eye when flying and the great white came up again right after getting shot in shock and got its other side of his face blown off it was sick , and when to show it to some friends and its now private , jimmy fisher 86 i think it was on youtube
Andres Madruga
Andres Madruga - 7 years ago
Cuantos años viven
Alberta Abner
Alberta Abner - 7 years ago
The Best Way To Avoid A Shark Attack, Is Don't Go Swimming Or Surfing Where They Live.
Bonnet x Bon Bon Playz
Bonnet x Bon Bon Playz - 7 years ago
WOW I LOVE SHARKS, But i'm not going close to it.
Caroline angelita
Caroline angelita - 7 years ago

Lauren Gibson
Lauren Gibson - 7 years ago
Fast food prob kills more people then sharks.
Baker Mayweather
Baker Mayweather - 7 years ago
Bigfanm3new - 7 years ago
Sharks attacks are rare
Darrel Russel
Darrel Russel - 7 years ago

_ SCP-999
_ SCP-999 - 7 years ago
_ SCP-999
_ SCP-999 - 7 years ago
Alfonso Ferguson
Alfonso Ferguson - 7 years ago
Rich Rininger
Rich Rininger - 7 years ago
Rich Rininger
Rich Rininger - 7 years ago
It's because there hands and feet look like fins to shark XD LOL
Tempo Archive
Tempo Archive - 7 years ago
That thumbnail is fucking beastly
Tyrfingr - 7 years ago
"Try this at home" ..... I'm to scared to go into my bath tub now :...(
Mon Gurung
Mon Gurung - 7 years ago
Humans kill more sharks than sharks killing humans we are the true killers we are the TRUE KILLERS!!!!!
Baker Mayweather
Baker Mayweather - 7 years ago
Hell yeah we are boooooiiiiiiiiiii! Boo-ya!!!!
Greg Williams
Greg Williams - 7 years ago
I hate these kinds of documentaries, really over the top, almost like a parody. The whole 'Sharks are our mortal enemies, sharks are mindless eating machines'.
Sharks don't care about humans, as enemies or as food. Get over it!
OscarCreeper 4321
OscarCreeper 4321 - 7 years ago
Megan Garcia
Megan Garcia - 7 years ago
Soul surfer
PPboys Braca
PPboys Braca - 7 years ago
Wow maj name cristiano ronaldo
PPboys Braca
PPboys Braca - 7 years ago
kurac moj
Tyler j
Tyler j - 7 years ago
The Mancunian
The Mancunian - 7 years ago
no sympathy, why go back that just stupid, safer places to swim
eadracing - 7 years ago
Nina ingui'
Nina ingui' - 7 years ago
UrDaddy WingNut
UrDaddy WingNut - 7 years ago
UUUMMMMM, YES, She is a tasty looking morsel... . lol
LK Gaming
LK Gaming - 7 years ago
sharks are legit
diamond eye
diamond eye - 7 years ago
did Bethany die?
Cierra Rickett
Cierra Rickett - 7 years ago
Benjamin Williams
Benjamin Williams - 7 years ago
But I'm more into Sea Lions...
Loli Gamer
Loli Gamer - 7 years ago
probably because sharks are also territorial type like dogs who bark to warn. in the case of sharks, they just bite the intruder human.except if you encounter some of the violent ones who came from hunger.

the second theory of mine is maybe they were in need of food due to lack of fishes and other beings on oceans around their territories. So having human being the prey is inevitable.

my point is... dont just jump in water without knowing who guards it.
Aaron Michaels
Aaron Michaels - 7 years ago
I hate and fear them, I hate them more, but still admire them as a creature, a species...they are just extremely dangerous and hostile, they show no respect for human species...they are natural monsters. The other moral dilema is that they are not really evil persay, but either looking for food or being protective of themselves.
pissedoffshithead POTATOHEAD
pissedoffshithead POTATOHEAD - 7 years ago
lol be scared of vending machines they kill 13 people a year but hay your drive and 1.25 million road traffic deaths globally in 2013 sooo your so your about 125000 times more likely to die on the road so ? SAVE THE SHARKS ther and ancient and amazing animal and there killed for there tastless fin? its just sad i love sharks dont be scared of them just respect them and accidents will happen. i mean vending death by vending machine?
GTA5 MİNECRAFT PE ÖMER - 7 years ago
Hungry Shark♥♥♥♥
the mayorchris king
the mayorchris king - 7 years ago
thats scary
Brandon Inman
Brandon Inman - 7 years ago
Adam D
Adam D - 8 years ago
I don't get why people worry so much about sharks, I get they're apart of the food chain and everything but if they have a chance to kill people then we should extinct them and kill them. Simple as that.
Marae Rosas
Marae Rosas - 8 years ago
Dot. Men. It
VR 360 TV
VR 360 TV - 8 years ago
Love shark videos, visit this YouTube link.
Emma Harris
Emma Harris - 8 years ago
Ronee Downwind
Ronee Downwind - 8 years ago
Superkiller6000 - 8 years ago
James Bond hitman Jaws, this made me think of...
Sarah Dalton
Sarah Dalton - 8 years ago
Sarah Dalton
Sarah Dalton - 8 years ago
Naythan Morgan
Naythan Morgan - 8 years ago
15:24 there was a glitch on my phone like if it happens to u:3
NANA LOVER - 8 years ago
SAMRUL HAQUE - 8 years ago
Artisbae 32
Artisbae 32 - 8 years ago
help me God why do bull sharks live on fresh water
Nancy Queen of Diamonds
Nancy Queen of Diamonds - 8 years ago
Sharks don't kill for FUN, they kill for FOOD. Humans go in the sharks territory & know the risks. Sharks don't have hands, so they investigate surroundings with their mouth. The problem is their mouths are full of razor sharp teeth & cause damage. Because of THAT they have a bad reputation. But they serve a purpose in our ecosystem & deserve respect
Salty Phisch
Salty Phisch - 8 years ago
I may not be one of the first but, I crossed the road....

Without looking both ways.
Berdel lescano
Berdel lescano - 8 years ago
their just curious
הדס גנון
הדס גנון - 8 years ago
מה זה היה
Jane Merrell
Jane Merrell - 8 years ago
These shark movies are predestoric sharks: megladon, super shark, 2 headed shark, 3 headed shark and mega shark VS crocasorous (sorry if i say something wrong LOL)
Adam-2005 - 8 years ago
ToughTofu - 8 years ago
I feel that sharks are so greatly misunderstood creatures.
It's just that they have very poor eye-sights and most likely mistaken us for baits and food.
I give my condolence to those who have suffered by the attacks but we ourselves also need to understand that we need these magnificent predators to maintain the food chain balance and not choose to slaughter them for what they're designed to be.
Septer - 8 years ago
Think we are seals and spit us out after because they hate the taste of humans and feel sorry after
bob james
bob james - 8 years ago
mcatv - 8 years ago
Honestly...cannot blame the shark.....I would try to eat that blondie as well.
ace digger
ace digger - 8 years ago
Nice movie reference .
Luis Silva
Luis Silva - 8 years ago
Sharks are fish, and fish are stupid. Stop making Great White Sharks as the cunning intelligent being. If they feel like chewing something they see to investigate they do it, and that's it! They have acute sensors and they go according to what they feel like. No evil plans...
Rayan Hasham
Rayan Hasham - 8 years ago
Why do they attack humans
Lil Boss Productions
Lil Boss Productions - 8 years ago
i love it
super hero fights
super hero fights - 8 years ago
but im still scared ur water is solid water and they olne love normal ocean water but im still scared
super hero fights
super hero fights - 8 years ago
godd to me in ur oceas dosend gave sharks
Campos Eloy- R
Campos Eloy- R - 8 years ago
was the shark reol
Justin Lee
Justin Lee - 8 years ago
Sharks are amazing animals. They have evolved to be the prefect machine. I went diving with Great Whites in South Africa (in a cage, I'm not that nuts), and it was just amazing. They have a rep they don't deserve. Most attacks occur because we look like seals to them when swimming underneath. We're not that edible. In any case, they have far more right to be in the water than we do.
PyroMelody - 7 years ago
I'd rather enjoy them not in their territory
Jasmani Rahmat
Jasmani Rahmat - 7 years ago
Justin Lepppp
The Dasher
The Dasher - 8 years ago
but I was in the swimming cage it was really fun
The Dasher
The Dasher - 8 years ago
I swim with a great white shark once but it was hard to see it
Pavel Baidiuk
Pavel Baidiuk - 8 years ago
Watch Sharks in flight attack
TotallyNotAva - 8 years ago
Is it weird I'm paranoid about bathtubs?
Top Pro Supplements
Top Pro Supplements - 8 years ago
I like sharks
EARTH IS DYING - 8 years ago
Bartosz Helmut
Bartosz Helmut - 8 years ago
niet normaal
Gianna Santiago
Gianna Santiago - 8 years ago
I love science
Ema Mihaliček
Ema Mihaliček - 8 years ago
toje moja igrica
Vanessa Francis
Vanessa Francis - 8 years ago
I am
Draco Dwarf
Draco Dwarf - 8 years ago
"Don's try this at home" ,seriously !!!!! Home ?!! wtf.
Chris Fitzsimmons
Chris Fitzsimmons - 7 years ago
Draco Dwarf ikr
dima antoniadis
dima antoniadis - 8 years ago
veer veerlolek also the channel is named:naked science dafuq
Simon Hannon
Simon Hannon - 8 years ago
They say punching a shark on the nose is the way to escape a shark
attack, but I doubt that would enter my head quick enough ... My
swimming trunks would fill before my brain did.
sparty pants
sparty pants - 7 years ago
Simon Hannon hahaha I know right. Worked for mick fanning tho lol
Catherine Caroline Forbes
Catherine Caroline Forbes - 8 years ago
they are not " vicious man-eaters"!!!
Umer Zafar Tarar
Umer Zafar Tarar - 7 years ago
Catherine Caroline Forbes you are a cunt
Dancing soccer player Smith
Dancing soccer player Smith - 7 years ago
Catherine Caroline Forbes some are, some aren't.......
Joshua SeverinoSanchez
Joshua SeverinoSanchez - 7 years ago
RHONDA CHANDLER Actually, there was a feat where a women went to the sea floor and danced with at least 30 bull sharks. She was never attacked and they just swam around her. Also, many scooba divers swim with sharks for scientific data and they never attacked... well most didn't and some even swam with them.
RHONDA CHANDLER - 7 years ago
Catherine Caroline Forbes Oh really! Go take a swim with them then! I grew up in the woods, yr comment is like saying, "bears won't hurt you." BEARS and SHARKS...WILL "KILL" YOU!
Paul Hopkins
Paul Hopkins - 7 years ago
Kid levre me be plz okay
Onelastcast - 7 years ago
Yep there very inquisitive you just need to respect them and not threaten them and most attacks like you said are from us looking like prey or because they want to see if we are a potential meal.
Paul Hopkins
Paul Hopkins - 7 years ago
Feck off...
Anthonymax Flynn
Anthonymax Flynn - 7 years ago
Paul Hopkins sorry, you vocabulary threw me off there. English please!
Paul Hopkins
Paul Hopkins - 7 years ago
Yeah all right fella it cool just so you know i find tham fascinating but i ate swimming with them, not with thouse big ass teeth nu er!!
Anthonymax Flynn
Anthonymax Flynn - 7 years ago
Paul Hopkins, oh, it was a.. joke? Sorry, I thought it wasn't.
Paul Hopkins
Paul Hopkins - 7 years ago
Mate get a sence a humor all right oh and you have a custom file what it for to teach you how to be a misrable git look here pal i just haveing a lurgh it wont kill you unlike the shark skipper ha
Paul Hopkins
Paul Hopkins - 7 years ago
You wont be saying that when you lost at sea without a boat oh look dinner think the shark just need to add some salt oh wait it all ready is pun intended :() oh the dead eyes soulless fiends, the wolves of the sea
charlene susann owen
charlene susann owen - 7 years ago
Sharks can't see very well, so they don't know that they are attacking a human. They hate the way we taste. How many women who were attacked were not on their periods. Not knowing sharks are attracted to blood
Anthonymax Flynn
Anthonymax Flynn - 7 years ago
Catherine, your right! Sharks only attack because they are curious, or they mistake us for prey.
Sage Barden
Sage Barden - 7 years ago
Hell ya they are
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
Miha Nicol put it this way if they could tell us apart form a seal or a bird they wouldn't hurt you.. sharks hate human flesh they don't like it! As soon as they bite down they let go.. most deaths happen bc they bleed to death and can't get help on time..
Jasmine Garvida
Jasmine Garvida - 8 years ago
Catherine Caroline Forbes
Foxy 404
Foxy 404 - 8 years ago
agreed they think were seals i have a pet shark not a big one do
Michel Breidi
Michel Breidi - 8 years ago
Aton no the lions dan

Are maneatears
Vintage Headbands Bridal Weddings
Vintage Headbands Bridal Weddings - 8 years ago
Can't they use real human bodies from people who donate their body to science?
BeyondMadZ YT
BeyondMadZ YT - 8 years ago
sti romana sa o vorbesti romana ma ca nu angeleg da like cine vrea sa vorbeasca
romana !
Joel Daniel
Joel Daniel - 7 years ago
If humans had teeth like that would ther be dentist and would they be scared of thier patients
patrick bleichner
patrick bleichner - 8 years ago
Shark attacks result from people being in the wrong place at the wrong time? You mean like.........."in the water"? Has anyone considered designing a recording device that would simulate the battle cry of an aroused bull Orca? Based on two fatal encounters off of the California coast it seems that White Sharks want nothing to do with them. Such a device would be impractical (probably) for surfers, swimmers or ship wreck survivors but may prove quite effective for SCUBA divers? Just a thought.
Mattors - 8 years ago
Just about to comment that
patrick bleichner
patrick bleichner - 8 years ago
On second thought, forget it. You could find yourself "challenging" another Orca.
RudeRedRat Productions
RudeRedRat Productions - 8 years ago
We don't slaughter them we torture them first xD
RudeRedRat Productions
RudeRedRat Productions - 8 years ago
Lol that is so dumb to say in the video
Georgia Maguire
Georgia Maguire - 8 years ago
Not a good documentary to watch when living in Western Australia #confirmed
Gabe Lee
Gabe Lee - 8 years ago
do you have to lose a kid to be a shark killer?
Gabe Lee
Gabe Lee - 8 years ago
that is a lie.sharks attack people to kill and eat them.dont believe the tree huger bull shit.its one sided war on us.
Hello Darkness
Hello Darkness - 8 years ago
Gabe Lee How would you know that?
Tane Hickey
Tane Hickey - 8 years ago
Gabe Lee no your full of shit it has nothing to do with greenies
Gabe Lee
Gabe Lee - 8 years ago
kill all sharks and enjoy the people and fish kill all sharks.
Hello Darkness
Hello Darkness - 8 years ago
Gabe Lee Why do the Sharks deserve to die? We kill billions upon billions of animals
la flame
la flame - 8 years ago
i live on the beach but i never swim past 10-15 yards, rarely 20 unless i'm with a group of people. but fuck that, swimming pools make me more comfortable. i still feel like when i'm in the water there is a shark lurking from underneath lmao. it's our faults for evading their territory anyway.
patrick bleichner
patrick bleichner - 8 years ago
When I lived in Belmont Shore, California there was a lagoon I swam laps across every Summer morning. Years later I found out that during high tide even a large shark could have easily gotten in there. Sometimes I still wake up thinking about it.
Billi Jo Maynard
Billi Jo Maynard - 8 years ago
People get biten and killed by sharks because most do not know to respond properly when encountered by one. Sharks have a wonderful sense of smell but very poor eyesight. When someone sees a shark coming towards them in the water, the usual response is they start to panic, and thrash around trying to get away from it. This is the worst thing anyone can do. A thrashing human to a shark because of their eyesighht looks a panicked seal, and they will attack. Basic thing to remember when facing a shark, act like prey and you become prey. If you stay still, and stay calm they will swim right by you, and pay you no notice. There is also a theory that if attacked hitting the shark on the nose will back it off, true but chances are your fist will wind up in it's jaws, a better option is to go for it's gills or it's eyes, as they are much easier targets to hit.
Turbzy - 8 years ago
its easy to say keep calm but there is no way anyone would be able to do that in an actual encounter
iLuvcheat - 8 years ago
+7071t6 they can't see very well, it doesn't matter if you swim from behind, front or whatever. They can make sharp turns anyways if they really wanted to eat you. Only 7% of people attacked by shark die, and out of that 7%, most of them aren't even eaten.
7071t6 - 8 years ago
+iLuvcheat I know, but again they dont swim in front of them, always behind them, but touching the fins on top riding them etc. :)
iLuvcheat - 8 years ago
There's some girl called ocean ramsey who swims around with great white sharks & bring a cameramen with her.
7071t6 - 8 years ago
Maybe you should film yourself in front of a great white, doing just that do not move while the great white swims around you right, proof is in the science, yep they might or might not do anything, but to date only a few people have even come close to even swimming with a great white & its always from behind the shark & not in front of it ? also with camo swim suit as well, not a black swim suit free diving, its on u tube. cheers :)
joey muniz
joey muniz - 8 years ago
wach this
alma Morales
alma Morales - 8 years ago
Alma shrak
princess arjuna
princess arjuna - 8 years ago
Omg fairy tail <3 Also, I love sharks. I wanna swim with one and own one as a pet. But I'm not allowed to ;-; ▄█  ▀▄█   █▄█████████
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░░▀▄▄▄▄▄▀▀░░░▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▀ Idk why I put that but <3 undertale 4 ever
anabell ortiz
anabell ortiz - 7 years ago
princess arjuna e
anabell ortiz
anabell ortiz - 7 years ago
princess arjuna
Albert Songupnuan
Albert Songupnuan - 8 years ago
ngeri banget
Aiden Halliwell
Aiden Halliwell - 8 years ago
I now who sharks attack You because you look like a Seal to them and that is why sharks attck you for
RED_RAIN2104 - 8 years ago
mosqitos are most likely to kill u then sharks now that mosqitos have a virus called zika
ashGSXR - 8 years ago
It is groans
Piotr Rogalski
Piotr Rogalski - 8 years ago
adam 23678
adam 23678 - 8 years ago
That s why I only swim in pool
April Stammerman
April Stammerman - 8 years ago
I don't understand some things for 1 we are definitely mistaking for food its totally territorial but someone came out with magnets repelling sharks so why are we not trying this around beaches??
MarlonMax - 8 years ago
the humanity is the real monster .
May Lyn
May Lyn - 8 years ago
I liek Sharkz (: don't call me cray cray T.T
이찬걸 - 8 years ago
toooop many sharks we human must reduce them
Don - 8 years ago
Asians love making marine animals endangered
Hello Darkness
Hello Darkness - 8 years ago
Where did you here there are too many sharks?
Hello Darkness
Hello Darkness - 8 years ago
Actually there are too many humans not sharks
이찬걸 - 8 years ago
the right shoud be given?u slaves!wake up!
Hello Darkness
Hello Darkness - 8 years ago
이찬걸 ? No answer lol
Janana K
Janana K - 8 years ago
이찬걸 who gave you this right?
이찬걸 - 8 years ago
we have a supreme right to kill n control their numbers.
patrick bleichner
patrick bleichner - 8 years ago
They were here long before us and will probably be here long after we're gone.
Naomi Mortensen
Naomi Mortensen - 8 years ago
btw this is cool X)
Naomi Mortensen
Naomi Mortensen - 8 years ago
Chris Fitzsimmons
Chris Fitzsimmons - 7 years ago
This video is old, she prolly is 20 now!!!
BarbedHook - 8 years ago
I wonder how often the judge has heard that statement
Jayson Colbert
Jayson Colbert - 8 years ago
Fap fap mcfappington....sharks, nature's aphrodisiac
Rodney Crosby
Rodney Crosby - 8 years ago
Jemima Brown
Jemima Brown - 8 years ago
wolfie_ jinx
wolfie_ jinx - 8 years ago
there was a great whiet nere my dads work his work is fhising
wolfie_ jinx
wolfie_ jinx - 8 years ago
there was a great whiet nere my dads work his work is fhising
Steve Oates
Steve Oates - 8 years ago
But why
Marcus Moore
Marcus Moore - 8 years ago
that was dumm
Jaylen Miller
Jaylen Miller - 8 years ago
You make it seem at the beginning like they Purpose fully attack humans
Hassan Nooree
Hassan Nooree - 8 years ago
Get trained on how to market online  and offline from the comfort of your own home any time!
ดวงกมล พงษ์พิสุทธินันท์
ดวงกมล พงษ์พิสุทธินันท์ - 8 years ago
Matthew Seth Bennett
Matthew Seth Bennett - 8 years ago
Love it! Sharks a cool clean up men of the ocean and we need to leave them alone.
Ava howard
Ava howard - 8 years ago
why do sharcks look wherd
Tane Hickey
Tane Hickey - 8 years ago
Megan Howard are you retarded?
Daniel J Maximoff
Daniel J Maximoff - 8 years ago
Sharks never made it into Noah's arc. So they're fiends.
Zod's Brother Dan
Zod's Brother Dan - 8 years ago
Daniel Maximoff mesa jarjar little ani! mesa likey da sharshar
adznz11 - 8 years ago
Flame wars are pointless and the epitome of childish behaviour. Both of you need to grow up and check yourselves. There are better things to do with your time. Don't take the bait.
skurr - 8 years ago
+Daniel Maximoff "I think I made it clear that your pitiful insults don't quite work." Yet you keep making completely laughable insults. Talking about moronic opinions lol, it's fact whether you like it or not. Because an Arc that was made millions of years ago wasn't able to support a species larger than the ark itself means every living shark is a fiend? That's completely moronic and the fact that the Great White didn't even exist back then foils your "theory" even more.
Daniel J Maximoff
Daniel J Maximoff - 8 years ago
+skurr You wish! I think I made it clear that your pitiful insults don't quite work. Kids like you are funny, keep coming back with nothing to say all while voicing your moronic opinions on a subject you know nothing about "Christian".
skurr - 8 years ago
+Daniel Maximoff Looks like I angered the ape :>. I guess an "excellent education" is subjective for some. Enjoy your sub-par college.
Daniel J Maximoff
Daniel J Maximoff - 8 years ago
+skurr They provide an excellent education, something you lack in life and it shows. Let that sink in pathetic moron.
skurr - 8 years ago
+Daniel Maximoff Miami Dade College must be pretty shit to let low lives like you in :>
Daniel J Maximoff
Daniel J Maximoff - 8 years ago
+skurr I do believe you personified that well, pal.
skurr - 8 years ago
+Daniel Maximoff Right back at ya pal ;)
Daniel J Maximoff
Daniel J Maximoff - 8 years ago
+skurr What you're commenting is shit. I find it amusing that idiots like yourself are given access to the internet.
skurr - 8 years ago
+Daniel Maximoff This is bait lol. You can't be this retarded.
Daniel J Maximoff
Daniel J Maximoff - 8 years ago
+skurr Says the pathetic no life himself! lol
skurr - 8 years ago
+Daniel Maximoff Again with a smart ass unoriginal response how much more pathetic can you get lol.
Daniel J Maximoff
Daniel J Maximoff - 8 years ago
+skurr Please do take your own advice.
skurr - 8 years ago
+Daniel Maximoff You have shown zero witty responses the closest you have gotten is your smart ass idiotic remarks that make you sound like a twelve year old please kill yourself.
Daniel J Maximoff
Daniel J Maximoff - 8 years ago
+skurr Wait what? Buddy your pitiful insults shows how mentally handicap you are. So don't flatter yourself, you have zero clue on what's being said and you keep coming back with nothing to say.
skurr - 8 years ago
+Daniel Maximoff How original. The fact that you are too ignorant to realize that you are completely fucking idiotic saying how sharks are fiends. Plus the fact that you can't come up with an original insult means that you have no clue what you're saying and are to idiotic to come up with a rebuttal.
Daniel J Maximoff
Daniel J Maximoff - 8 years ago
+skurr Funny the only retard I see here is you.
skurr - 8 years ago
+Daniel Maximoff You're a retard period.
Daniel J Maximoff
Daniel J Maximoff - 8 years ago
+skurr Welcome to the internet buddy. Sharks are fiends period.
skurr - 8 years ago
+Daniel Maximoff You dont question my religion. Sharks are not fiends.
Daniel J Maximoff
Daniel J Maximoff - 8 years ago
+skurr You asked ''smart'' guy.
skurr - 8 years ago
+Daniel Maximoff i dont give a rats ass who you are.
Daniel J Maximoff
Daniel J Maximoff - 8 years ago
+skurr I'm Daniel buddy.
skurr - 8 years ago
+Daniel Maximoff who are you to question my religion?
Daniel J Maximoff
Daniel J Maximoff - 8 years ago
+skurr Doesn't seems like it.
skurr - 8 years ago
+Daniel Maximoff Yes I am.
Daniel J Maximoff
Daniel J Maximoff - 8 years ago
+skurr Are you really?
skurr - 8 years ago
Im Christian and all, but that's just retarded.
underoath2005 - 8 years ago
oh my
Sableagle - 8 years ago
Jesus, man, can you try leaving the speed control at "1x" for a whole minute some day this year, please? Not all of us need or want to see five seconds in 0.1 seconds then a 2-second pause again and again.
Gemma Cuambot
Gemma Cuambot - 8 years ago
shark killings is good...
Jillian Hackett
Jillian Hackett - 8 years ago
Well I mean u have a choice to go in it or not plus u are going into THERE home so if u get bit or killed by a shark its your fault
ghostdog2041 - 8 years ago
I hate the goddamn "sharks only attack 75 people a year" bullshit stat. That's because the vast majority of human beings are on land!
Matthew Seth Bennett
Matthew Seth Bennett - 8 years ago
You do realize what you just said?
Vista - 8 years ago
When chuck Anderson was talking, I just wanted a big ass bull shark to jump out of the water and eat the kid and then the documentary ends right there
harley, Kidz bop
harley, Kidz bop - 8 years ago
sharks thinki we are fish
AscendingTides - 8 years ago
Thats right tourists, stay out of the water and let the big boys swim.
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez - 8 years ago
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez - 8 years ago
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez - 8 years ago
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez - 8 years ago
Kh i
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez - 8 years ago
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez - 8 years ago
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez - 8 years ago
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez - 8 years ago
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez - 8 years ago
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez - 8 years ago
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez - 8 years ago
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez - 8 years ago
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez
Jose Manuel Nivar Perez - 8 years ago
Joseph Wolf
Joseph Wolf - 8 years ago
This is why i dont swim in the ocean, because that is where sharks live. do you know where sharks dont live the YMCA
Dean Nguyen
Dean Nguyen - 8 years ago
Surfer is most dangerous being attack by shark then most other water is swimmer .But divers is more safe then most
Salma Darawsheh
Salma Darawsheh - 8 years ago
I love it
TheExper1ment - 8 years ago
How did i come from nicki manaj anconanda to here
EssKeeTiT - 8 years ago
TheExper1ment because you're an idiot for clicking on it.
DrSharkBoy - 8 years ago
I bet if Pokemon go is still around by 2017 sharks will have attacked at least 65 idiots trying to catch water type Pokemon.
Beau J Browning
Beau J Browning - 8 years ago
nice video!, check out mine and subscribe back
Izzynana - 8 years ago
They aren't "vicious man eaters"!!!! Sharks just mistake us for prey!!!
Gina Attilano
Gina Attilano - 8 years ago
Wow those sharcks are cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hallets1956 - 8 years ago
Pisses me off when someone gets attacked by a shark there's a call out for a cull in the HOPE to get the right shark. But we house, medically treat, feed and educate slime bags who kill and molest children. I hate humanity!!
Amanda Pirie
Amanda Pirie - 8 years ago Click this link and generate income !!!
Denise Flattery
Denise Flattery - 8 years ago
Amazing quite intriguing
gul alatas
gul alatas - 8 years ago
what a crap..if human attaciks humans and kill them its ok.if animals attacks humans,they get punish for it and we kill them.
Kelly Armstrong
Kelly Armstrong - 8 years ago
yea because that hook peirced through its lip causes no harm to the shark.. so stupid
Shan - 8 years ago
I was once attacked and swallowed by a great white off the northern California coast (Patrick's Point). I sustained only a few scratches as it swallowed me whole. Luckily for me, I was holding a half-gallon of whiskey. So when I was all squished-up in the belly of the great beast, I uncapped it, took a swig and then poured the rest out into it's belly. It started to swim all drunk and then it got a case of the hiccups -- thus ejecting me from it's stomach. I left the bottle in it's belly. I was surfing the big waves that winter of 1995. As I lost my board, I had to body-surf and swim back to shore. Nobody believes this story when I tell it.
Anne B.
Anne B. - 7 years ago
You're a funny man Stan...great story though. I really enjoyed it.
whiteboy magic
whiteboy magic - 7 years ago
Shan yeah wait was that the northshore in hawaii..i used to work on a patrol boat for the hawaiin coastgaurd and one late spring we found an shark skeleton with an entire unbroken whiskey bottle within its ribcage washed up on shore..95 you say makes alot of sense we found it in 96..
Hillbilly Holler
Hillbilly Holler - 7 years ago
Kay Aden no he wasnt! But we dont call them great whites anymore.
We call them large white woman or just big boned gals.....
Kay Aden
Kay Aden - 7 years ago
You were drunk imagining that fake story FAKE
Hillbilly Holler
Hillbilly Holler - 7 years ago
Ummm sharks cant hiccup so i think you may have came out of the south end instead....
Jeff kaplan
Jeff kaplan - 7 years ago
sharks cant get hiccups
Jeff kaplan
Jeff kaplan - 7 years ago
yes once i grabbed onto a seagull and it flew away and i flew with it and then i turned into a seal and dropped down into the ocean. why did you surf with a bottle of whiskey? also sharks do not swallow whole they chew. stop lying
Finally it's Ed
Finally it's Ed - 7 years ago
farfisa, I once saw a Barney Miller sitcom where an English professor was arrested for tearing down advertisements in the subway that mangled every rule in the English language. He had enough of this atrocity and just couldn't (contraction) take it anymore.
I'm (contraction )sure that I have a mistake or two here as I add words to this, but I at least try to make it readable.
I used to cringe when I saw blatant slaughtering of words on YouTube, but I've (contraction) learned to mostly look past it and enjoy the comments for what they are.
P.S. I didn't (contraction) realize just how many contractions that I've (contraction) been using until I started calling them out as I used them. Its crazy isnt it? (grin)
farfisa - 7 years ago
+ Shan -- Shan, this would have been mildly amusing, had you known how to write properly. There is no apostrophe in its unless you are contracting it is - which you weren't. You were using its - the possessive pronoun, hence no apostrophe required. It's its not it's. Now Shan, I believe your story but I care nothing for bad storytelling (content, grammar, expression etc.) so please rewrite.
M&V - 7 years ago
How are you typing this if you got swallowed

By the way it was probibaly scary
Mon Gurung
Mon Gurung - 7 years ago
Shan you seriously are lying that isn't possible so your lying
Shan - 8 years ago
+Dahaka You think I'm lying? You think I'm full of shit? Excuse me while I chug this bottle of tequila and reminisce over my surfing days off the Baja peninsula where I fought off Hammerhead sharks by beating them to death with my fists as I rode a tube like seen in Maui. It was after an earthquake struck off the coast back in 1989. It brought me and other surfers to the area and we weren't gonna share the waves with no damn Hammerheads.
Zod's Brother Dan
Zod's Brother Dan - 8 years ago
Shan Jarjar beliva usa
LucarioAsriel420 - 8 years ago
Shan woah that's intense
Shan - 8 years ago
+7071t6 You got me beat! What a time we'd have shooting the bull over some pints!
adznz11 - 8 years ago
Lovin it guys =)
7071t6 - 8 years ago
I would beat that legs down, lol, i only have one leg, the stories i tell make people /kids laugh all the time, especially when i go shopping & at the beach during summer, like BRUCE took my leg re:( NEMO ) also adults get so embarrassed due to kids asking where my leg, which then i say i lost it here in the shopping center, maybe you & you mum/dad can help me find it, which then the kids start to look for it, lol :) The Parents like it especially when the kids are crying due to not getting what they want, till they see me, then they stop crying straight away, lol :)
Shan - 8 years ago
+adznz11 Friend, may I buy you a drink? Ever hear the story of me swimming the Atlantic shore while catching waves up by Greenland?
adznz11 - 8 years ago
I wonder why lol.
Alex Weatherly
Alex Weatherly - 8 years ago
Whoa that's crazy
Christopher Gilbert
Christopher Gilbert - 8 years ago
I won't watch a video with an ad that you can't close.
Ztuzar - 8 years ago
the megalodon is still common in norway ! the vikings used to have them as pets, and for plowing underwater farming fields where they grew sea-cucumbers! and they are still quite common
Flaco Burnez
Flaco Burnez - 8 years ago
Well fellas, I'm trying to get over my fear of sharks. I hope this documentary is a good first step
lee curtis
lee curtis - 7 years ago
It is healthy to be afraid of a predator. Just stupid people have no fear.
PinkasBrown44 - 7 years ago
Fear will come again, once you meet it face to face...for one last time... :P
skyelark155 - 7 years ago
So you frequent the ocean often? Then why bother if you dont
Tyler j
Tyler j - 7 years ago
nope.this will terrify .Im not afraid of sharks at all being a diver this doc is trying to make me feel otherwise.there are some real fundamentals they are fubar here.dont watch
Bella H
Bella H - 8 years ago
What if I have paranoia?
Joshua Tube hd
Joshua Tube hd - 8 years ago
Flaco Burnez The only thing you have to fear is fear itself once you've tried you probably never will be afraid
Stephen Race Smith
Stephen Race Smith - 8 years ago
BEst way to get over the fear is get in the water. Seriously (Y)
Luis Rendall
Luis Rendall - 8 years ago
I swim in the Indian ocean
Daniel Radojicic
Daniel Radojicic - 8 years ago
Thank you for replying dude
5w0rd Harm0ny
5w0rd Harm0ny - 8 years ago
this is good for educational tv
Charles Wierzbicki
Charles Wierzbicki - 8 years ago
Taylor Warren
Taylor Warren - 8 years ago
tbh sharks actually are believed to purposely attack humans but in a different way but also sometimes it's acidental
MeetByTheRiver - 8 years ago
Well there is a reason sharks attack humans, one they don't see well, that's why their sense of smell is so good, two they have to eat and let's face it, they barely actually get food a lot anyway, especially with their diet. Humans no matter what we try to justify it as are food too, we have meat, and just like any living breathing species on this planet are part of the food chain, sharks are not going to distinguish between what they eat and humans, they just smell blood and to them that means food. It's us, humans that are going to have to take the precautions if we go into the ocean, it's not like land where we killed or killing our predators. Sharks aren't monsters just really big fish with teeth, like the big cat of the ocean.
MeetByTheRiver - 8 years ago
+Clash and Craft yep and that's why humans get attack, they mistake them for food, nobody can really blame them, they're just doing what they are born to do. Nevertheless though, I have a suspicion that even though great whites visions are exceptionally great, I don't really think they can move their eyes, just their heads, to see, so technically they really don't have good eye sight, but I'm not a shark biologist, so I wouldn't know, but if they do move their eyes, you never do see it lol
Why won't god let me die
Why won't god let me die - 8 years ago
The great white sharks vision is 10 times stronger than a humans, but when they attack the reflection of a surfer looks like a seal to them, but sharks like the bull sharks have very poor vision and rely on sense of smell and their Ampullae of Lorenzini which detects electrical currents in the water given off by all living creatures
Shik Anosuke
Shik Anosuke - 8 years ago
Top Games Sold Cheap at! Surplus Game Discounts Available at extension /r/surplusgamesale
Nicholas Binnie
Nicholas Binnie - 8 years ago
im a kid
SteinFPV - 8 years ago
This is Bullshit not Bull sharks!
Laurice Haddad-Delaveau
Laurice Haddad-Delaveau - 8 years ago
I think that when the human diet changes to meat or something that the shark likes it is (my guess) most likely to strike
Arctik Storm
Arctik Storm - 8 years ago
Bihh Butia
Bihh Butia - 8 years ago
dont even listen to this bull crap
Diabetes Cured 99,999,999 Views
Diabetes Cured 99,999,999 Views - 8 years ago
NEWS - Doctors Discover Cure For Diabetes. CLICK HERE: If you have type 2 diabetes or type 1 diabetes stop what you are doing and pay attention now because these conditions can kill you. YES, There Is a Cure For Diabetes. Diabetes type 2 can be completely reversed. This solution can help you eliminate your Type II diabetes. It really works. Learn how to cure diabetes naturally and reverse diabetes today. Click HERE:
Evan Griffin
Evan Griffin - 8 years ago
Evan Griffin
Evan Griffin - 8 years ago
vb - 8 years ago
they are racist cause humans kill them so the revenge. The actual ones that attack at that time.
vb - 8 years ago
They get mad like humans at each other instead of taking it out on their kind they take it out on humans
Why won't god let me die
Why won't god let me die - 8 years ago
Or they think we look like a prey item then realize we are not food
vb - 8 years ago
YOU say they don’t want to eat people. I say because GOD catches the shark the sins before they are able to kill to eat a person except for the few that do.
vb - 8 years ago
MY BELIEF: Satan gives the shark mammals the interest.
And they communicate with each other so one likes what another likes as a person recommending a delicious hamburger.
Cool Yo
Cool Yo - 8 years ago
Yeah I love sharksearch though are you
Cool Yo
Cool Yo - 8 years ago
Yeah sure giant deadly don't you they don't even like your taste they just smell your blood
Avcoupon30 Vision4u
Avcoupon30 Vision4u - 8 years ago
sharks are harm less
Do yu kno da wae jimin ??
Do yu kno da wae jimin ?? - 8 years ago
Parent's : Let's Go To The Beach And Swim! Me : What Did You Said? Parent's : Let's Go To The Beach And... Me : I KNOW WHAT YOU WERE SAYING!.... Please Mom And Dad Did You Guys Even Think That Something Deadly Can Happen To Us?. Me : How About We Go To Swim in The SwimmingPool?! Me : I Fucking Love You Guys.
Gavin Reames
Gavin Reames - 8 years ago
Allison Halpin
Allison Halpin - 8 years ago
I am totally terrified of their teeth.  My God!
Allison Halpin
Allison Halpin - 8 years ago
Andre Hartman = Quint from "Jaws!!!"
Five hundred 20s
Five hundred 20s - 8 years ago
It's cool sharks only attack 75 people a year and kill 10 people a year lol wtf
Maria Galan
Maria Galan - 8 years ago
hola aj miga hace unos
James Girdler
James Girdler - 8 years ago
A figure that pales into insignificance, considering the fact that as a species, we are responsible for the deaths of nearly 12,000 sharks per hour! I know who I'm rooting for! If you can't stand the fear, get the fuck out of the ocean...
Havar Eriksen
Havar Eriksen - 8 years ago
Remember that those figures are only registered shark attacks. Many oceanographers believes the actual numbers are much higher, since every person that disappears while in the water is labeled as drowned, unless there are eye witnesses or the corpse is recovered.
Havar Eriksen
Havar Eriksen - 8 years ago
But that number must be compared to the number of people and total time spent in the hazard zone. Like being struck by lightning. That is a threat to 100% of people at nearly 100% of the time.
BenjL - 8 years ago
nigga cho aint done got no clue nigga dem hippos be killin bout 200 niggas a year nigga
Quin ramsey
Quin ramsey - 8 years ago
Actually compared to many other things that can kill you that number is extremely low.
Nuka X
Nuka X - 8 years ago
It's 5:00 and I stayed up all night why am I where
PLO 8 - 8 years ago
where is the most dangerous shark? the hilary clinton shark
princess arjuna
princess arjuna - 8 years ago
Oml. Retarded or just trying to make a joke that failed miserably. ;-;
gymnast 2005
gymnast 2005 - 8 years ago
haha I'm dead
Garrosh - 8 years ago
What? You're retarded.
G.I.PStumpthestrong Barber
G.I.PStumpthestrong Barber - 8 years ago
How many sharks do we kill a year
Why won't god let me die
Why won't god let me die - 8 years ago
+Kennedy Whitaker no millions
Kennedy Whitaker
Kennedy Whitaker - 8 years ago
mugwugthemagnificful - 8 years ago
Pretty good . Not making sharks into sole man-eaters or cuddly pets that only attack by mistake ala Discovery Channel. Some species are more aggressive.  But more importantly they mention some individuals are  slackers and  chillers and some homicidal killers.
Natasa Savic
Natasa Savic - 8 years ago
dinosoars are stil alive
Hello Darkness
Hello Darkness - 8 years ago
+TrApZ MuSiCz those are not dinosaurs, but birds are dinosaurs
lllpanda .xxx.
lllpanda .xxx. - 8 years ago
true alligator's,turtles, snakes,fish
Natasa Savic
Natasa Savic - 8 years ago
all the shark videos are not nice for me
Natasa Savic
Natasa Savic - 8 years ago
this is scary
Lucas DUDE
Lucas DUDE - 8 years ago
When I was swimming in deep water I kick a shark in the face true!
James Gor
James Gor - 8 years ago
Lego minecraft
Catherine Caroline Forbes
Catherine Caroline Forbes - 8 years ago
so fucking WRONG that those fuckers killed the shark who bit Bethany. we just won't quit until we destroy all other animals. disgusting
Rosechelle Galolo
Rosechelle Galolo - 8 years ago
What is octoupus are made of
lllpanda .xxx.
lllpanda .xxx. - 8 years ago
a type of material but guess bones
Frankie - 8 years ago
Maybe sharks can fuck off
Why won't god let me die
Why won't god let me die - 8 years ago
Or you can,leave their habitat
gymnast 2005
gymnast 2005 - 8 years ago
how old are u
gymnast 2005
gymnast 2005 - 8 years ago
yess of course there real there animals oh my
gymnast 2005
gymnast 2005 - 8 years ago
+Kennedy Whitaker same I'm so dead
Kennedy Whitaker
Kennedy Whitaker - 8 years ago
I can't I just can't rn
Kitori loves to learn
Kitori loves to learn - 8 years ago
+Awesome Gamer547
calm down...
Amberlin Garvey
Amberlin Garvey - 8 years ago
Awesome Gamer547
Awesome Gamer547 - 8 years ago
+Awesome Gamer547 yes you stupid idiot
Awesome Gamer547
Awesome Gamer547 - 8 years ago
Astuceman Fabrice
Astuceman Fabrice - 8 years ago
What about this video ? HORRIBLE
شهد شهد
شهد شهد - 8 years ago
Luke Woschitz
Luke Woschitz - 8 years ago
Joel .F
Joel .F - 8 years ago
"are they really out for attacking us?" hahaha dramatic shit,, THEY FUCKING HUNT THEIR MEALS! not like our poor asses buying it from idiots just wants to make money on us with their shity "food" we get cancer on. thats more relevant but people desides this is a problem,,, that maybe half % of the world experience. fuck human kind big time compared to this true animals
Amber Duncan
Amber Duncan - 8 years ago
they are innocent animals you dum ass
theFINNISHmonster1 - 8 years ago
IMO surfers has to know and expect that sharks attack sometimes and if you get bitten dont act like its the sharks fault. Its your fault for entering their world. Respect these beautiful beasts.
Iasmina Marcu
Iasmina Marcu - 8 years ago
yfbegkry I am a 1st April hfjjfhxnsq you'd be interested in
Iasmina Marcu
Iasmina Marcu - 8 years ago
John Gallagher
John Gallagher - 8 years ago
Zoltan Csikos
Zoltan Csikos - 8 years ago
Fuck bull-sharks.
Amber Duncan
Amber Duncan - 8 years ago
and the note I wrote gose to corinth arkadin
Luke Woschitz
Luke Woschitz - 8 years ago
Oh wait no tiger sharks are FUCK BULL-SHARKS
Luke Woschitz
Luke Woschitz - 8 years ago
But they are bottom feeders
Claudia De Sessa
Claudia De Sessa - 8 years ago
Nobody talks about the fuckin guy who feeds sharks by hand at 17:04. METAL.
Sahil Desai
Sahil Desai - 8 years ago
Luke Woschitz
Luke Woschitz - 8 years ago
Zoltan Csikos
Zoltan Csikos - 8 years ago
Google it.
Sahil Desai
Sahil Desai - 8 years ago
Why won't god let me die
Why won't god let me die - 8 years ago
To keep the ocean ecosystem healthy
lllpanda .xxx.
lllpanda .xxx. - 8 years ago
to help us
Hello Darkness
Hello Darkness - 8 years ago
U might as well ask why we exist
Amber Duncan
Amber Duncan - 8 years ago
well if you believe in God that's how there were made and if you knew dinosaurs lived here before you there are some that were swimmers and those ones were meat-eaters that's how they evolved into there othere types of fish
Luke Woschitz
Luke Woschitz - 8 years ago
+Arnold Schornsteinfeger good point
Savage_Package 445
Savage_Package 445 - 8 years ago
why are you alive?
luke bowman
luke bowman - 8 years ago
these guys suck

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