Nostalgia Critic Real Thoughts on Sharkboy and Lavagirl

It's our most watched video (for now) but why does this film get so much love/hate? Doug and Rob analyze people's fascination over Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Watch the review here - The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl (also known simply as Sharkboy and Lavagirl) is a 2005 American science fantasy adventure film[1] written and directed by Robert Rodriguez. Go to our Store for Awesome Stuff - Get some Nostalgia Critic T-Shirts here - See more at our Site: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Like Doug on Facebook: The ONLY Official Youtube channel for the Nostalgia Critic and Channel Awesome. New Nostalgia Critic episodes every Wednesday at 5PM CST. New Top 5 Best/Worst every Tuesday at 5PM CST New Real Thoughts or 1st Viewing episodes every Thursday at 5PM CST. New Tamara's Never Seen every Friday at 5PM CST. Classic Nostalgia Critic episodes are uploaded after they are cleared. TV Show Vlogs are uploaded on an inconsistent schedule, so check the playlists. Same with Doug Reviews, Sibling Rivalry, and Bum Reviews.

Nostalgia Critic Real Thoughts on Sharkboy and Lavagirl sentiment_very_dissatisfied 33

Shark videos 7 years ago 85,362 views

It's our most watched video (for now) but why does this film get so much love/hate? Doug and Rob analyze people's fascination over Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Watch the review here - The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl (also known simply as Sharkboy and Lavagirl) is a 2005 American science fantasy adventure film[1] written and directed by Robert Rodriguez. Go to our Store for Awesome Stuff - Get some Nostalgia Critic T-Shirts here - See more at our Site: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Like Doug on Facebook: The ONLY Official Youtube channel for the Nostalgia Critic and Channel Awesome. New Nostalgia Critic episodes every Wednesday at 5PM CST. New Top 5 Best/Worst every Tuesday at 5PM CST New Real Thoughts or 1st Viewing episodes every Thursday at 5PM CST. New Tamara's Never Seen every Friday at 5PM CST. Classic Nostalgia Critic episodes are uploaded after they are cleared. TV Show Vlogs are uploaded on an inconsistent schedule, so check the playlists. Same with Doug Reviews, Sibling Rivalry, and Bum Reviews.

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Most popular comments
for Nostalgia Critic Real Thoughts on Sharkboy and Lavagirl

김소정 - 7 years ago
Objectively SB&LG is a crazy movie but I still love it! It’s probably just childhood nostalgia giving me warm fuzzy feelings, but I still find it genuinely entertaining.
Zack Lunas
Zack Lunas - 7 years ago
I actually do like this movie unironically
therobotchickenMLP - 7 years ago
I remember seeing this movie with my friend because it was from the creator of Spy Kids. I wonder what I thought of it at the time.
Dominic The Wolf
Dominic The Wolf - 7 years ago
I used to really like this movie. Now I’m not sure what I think about it. I’d have to see it again.
Kylo Hakiashi
Kylo Hakiashi - 7 years ago
I actually love shark boy, and lava girl, Its not deep but it keeps my attention, I never get bored watching it
Winter F
Winter F - 7 years ago
Maybe I'm just more easily entertained than other 2000's kids, but I have always loved Spy Kids 1-3 and Sharkboy and Lavagirl. I grew up with those movies and while I acknowledge they're not always the best quality, and that the cgi was crap, I still love those movies.
Anixara Jones
Anixara Jones - 7 years ago
I really liked sharkboy and lavagirl when it came out, the parents fighting fit with my life at the time and the idea of dreams coming to life was a great idea to my adolescent mind. Now that I’m older I recognize the faults and yeah its dumb, but I like the nostalgia factor I get from watching it and remembering the simpler time in my life.
PSVIEWR - 7 years ago
I didn't watch it. But I remember the t-shirts, no I didn't buy it. The only reason I remember the tshirt-s is because they were 3-D/Poppin Vision prints.
Dogie Yellow
Dogie Yellow - 7 years ago
Linus is love
Linus is life

10. comment for Nostalgia Critic Real Thoughts on Sharkboy and Lavagirl

Theresa Cherco
Theresa Cherco - 7 years ago
I like this movie when I was a kid but now I'm adult it looks weird and bad
Luca Barredo
Luca Barredo - 7 years ago
For me sharkboy and lava girl always been this kid's fantasy in where he goes on an adventure and he is like a chosen one.
When i was a kid i always fantasised with that
Alexis Collins
Alexis Collins - 7 years ago
I liked it when I was younger and I still like it now even tho I realise that it's not that good
Ronda Collins
Ronda Collins - 7 years ago
As someone who was an adult already upon watching it I felt like it was okay for what it was and it was cute. Much like Rob, I can't remember the plot to save my life, though.
Droid Control Ship
Droid Control Ship - 7 years ago
Brevincampbell12 - 7 years ago
I liked this movie when I was really little but I don't now

I watched Dpy Kids 3D more
DIdirectors - 7 years ago
I remember reading the novel And enjoying it growning up as a An early teengager XD like tween age... But hating the film
Cable Strictly
Cable Strictly - 7 years ago
I was 11 when this movie came out, so I had ridden the Spy Kids hype-train from the first film. I was all about that shit. I remember loving Sharkboy and Lavagirl, and especially loving the idea that you could just make stuff up and that's how movies got made. This movie, in conjunction with Spy Kids 3, sparked that first creative process in me, made me realize that stuff was made by people, not just gifts from the ether that happened into theaters and boxes.

Now that being said, I'm not even a little nostalgia blind for this movie. Fuck this movie. It's bad -- awful, in fact. And while your review was funny, it was really hard to sit through because oh my god, what a massive, cringey load the movie is. Like, I don't understand how people my age get any kind of enjoyment out of going back to movies like this, or the Star Wars prequels, for that matter. There's that whole "millennials are ruining the world" thing, and my bit for when that comes up in my life is, "Please direct all your vitriol to the Lucas and Rodriguez Apologists."
lunamon97 - 7 years ago
I have so much nostalgia attachment to this movie! its so bad but i loved the “dreams coming to life” when i was younger! It felt like a power fantasy for day dreamers. Its such a cringe-fest watching it now though XP
Jeremiah Noar
Jeremiah Noar - 7 years ago
Yeah it's not a good movie, obviously, and I can't say that I'd put in in my dvd player today, but it's nostalgic at least to those born in between 95-98. So I'd have to be about 8 years old. It felt imaginative to my small naive 8 year old mind. But my love for shark boy and lava girl is purely nostalgic. It's as simple as the fact that my sisters and I've grown up with it.

20. comment for Nostalgia Critic Real Thoughts on Sharkboy and Lavagirl

Christopher Steve
Christopher Steve - 7 years ago
shelly ray
shelly ray - 7 years ago
I'm with Rob on this one. I went to see it in the movie theaters when I was (...maybe) in the third grade and I really don't remember it that much.

...EXCEPT for George Lopez in a bubble. And the guy from Twilight singing the dream song (lololol I'll NEVER forget that!)
Kelly Joule
Kelly Joule - 7 years ago
I was one of the people that liked this film a LOT as a kid, very memorable. For me, its the case of growing up and realizing how God Awful both this AND Spy Kids 3D is. I'd argue Spy Kids 3D is much worse though.
The Toxic ninja
The Toxic ninja - 7 years ago
For this years Disneycember you should review all the disney channel shows
jacksparrowismydaddy - 7 years ago
I liked the movie, I just think your review made it even more hilarious. I turned my brain off when I'd watch it cause a lot of the adult acting sucked and a lot of the kids didn't have good direction...they probably coulda done better with more direction. Linus Owned it. he freaking own that movie. he was friggen great.
Cody S
Cody S - 7 years ago
Im the reason for It vid views I keep replaying.....It
StrawhatPrime - 7 years ago
Can. You do a real thoughts on tomb raider next.
Cara E
Cara E - 7 years ago
I was really excited to watch this when I was younger, and I think I enjoyed it once I saw it. But it also left me feeling a little disappointed. I'm pretty sure I spent an hour after the movie thinking of the different ways I wished the story had gone.
Logan Moore
Logan Moore - 7 years ago
It’s ok. Spy Kids was way better.
Marterez_ZQ - 7 years ago
I see that Watchmen graphic novel in the background. Nice :)

30. comment for Nostalgia Critic Real Thoughts on Sharkboy and Lavagirl

72bluestar - 7 years ago
In retrospect I probably only liked this movie because I had a crush on lavagirl
noah berg
noah berg - 7 years ago
OK rob said he has a niece dose that mean there is another walker
King Wilson
King Wilson - 7 years ago
I baby sat a kid who ONLY watched this movie every time I was there. Tried to get him to play outside. No. Video games? No. Board games? Legos? HEEEELL NO. FUCK ALL OTHER ACTIVITIES BUT SHARKBOY AND LAVAGIRL. So now I just find it incredibly annoying and just trash.
Grace W
Grace W - 7 years ago
Rocky horror for kids
Pnevma Ton'Dason
Pnevma Ton'Dason - 7 years ago
I am loving Doug’s shirt.
Skyner - 7 years ago
What if I told you Count Dooku was Linus as an old man?
REMOTEBEAR - 7 years ago
i loved shark boi and lava girl. i still love it
Brooklyn Richins
Brooklyn Richins - 7 years ago
I thought it was super cool as a kid. Even though it sucks, it has a special place in my heart
Eric Stevenson
Eric Stevenson - 7 years ago
The guy from the movie who contacted you, what does he himself think of the movie?  Does he himself regret being in it?
Yanara1260 - 7 years ago
How come nobody ever mentions Haley Joel Osment when talking about child actors? He was pretty good in The Sixth Sense.
C.J. Forbes
C.J. Forbes - 7 years ago
Just because Rob said "Mostly Harmless" at 21:30, I really want a review of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Chatnoir 77888
Chatnoir 77888 - 7 years ago
Eh, it was an okay movie when I was younger, really forgettable. I'm still indifferent to it. Also, Spy Kids 3-D isn't that bad compared to Spy Kids 4-D: All the Time in the World.
Louie Ryu
Louie Ryu - 7 years ago
Please invite Linus to review Spy Kids 4!
Michael Carpenter Jr.
Michael Carpenter Jr. - 7 years ago
cool shirt Doug !!!!!
Rona Moriah
Rona Moriah - 7 years ago
Interesting thoughts. If you're at a loss for what Real Thoughts to do next, I'd like to see one of the fantasy movies (Sorcerer's Apprentice, Eragon, Dungeons and Dragons, etc). Fantasy is something that's so hard to do and I'd love to hear what you think works and doesn't in that genre. Thanks guys!
AD-SD-vids and stop motion
AD-SD-vids and stop motion - 7 years ago
Are you looking forward to Alita battle angel?
WYLL WRPG13 - 7 years ago
I like it unironically

Kill me
Tammie - 7 years ago
I'll remember it so you don't have to lol best part going back to Nostalgia. Poor Rob lol
Lady_Yuna - 7 years ago
7:42 "Time for a game of disappearing bears" XD
Kira Amina
Kira Amina - 7 years ago
Wow, Sin City 2 is my Sharkboy and Lavagirl. I can't really remember it and I'm confusing it with The Spirit.

50. comment for Nostalgia Critic Real Thoughts on Sharkboy and Lavagirl

Douglas Matott
Douglas Matott - 7 years ago
Please do a review on Green Lantern the animated series
TheEquus92 - 7 years ago
I love your shirt Doug
Boogerbry Bry
Boogerbry Bry - 7 years ago
What are your thoughts about the illumination grinch movie
Erin - 7 years ago
rob in every real thoughts: WHY DON’T I REMEMBER THIS
Digital Jedi Playz
Digital Jedi Playz - 7 years ago
sharkboy and lavagirl never did get passed by it
William Jackson
William Jackson - 7 years ago
Robs Jacket!
mdudegamer - 7 years ago
If memory serves, even as a kid the movie seemed... off.
Jace Gem
Jace Gem - 7 years ago
See I first saw this movie when I was... like 12 or 13 years old, and I didn't know what to think of it then, it was just all this strangeness thrown at me in rapid succession and I didn't know what to do with it. Now that I'm 21, it's just insane garbage to me.
JoeTheSchmoe - 7 years ago
I used to love this movie, when I was 7.
TheKijib - 7 years ago
Cesca Peay
Cesca Peay - 7 years ago
My siblings and I watched it CONSTANTLY and we loves the awkward acting because we would just quote all the lines as memes between ourselves before memes were a huge thing.
Ryan Guerra
Ryan Guerra - 7 years ago
Rodriguez made a kids movie even before spy kids. His first short film "Bedhead" helped produce el mariachi and he made it with his brothers and sisters. it even has a spy kids tone to it.
Sophie Talia
Sophie Talia - 7 years ago
i liked it when i was like 5... i think... i don't really remember it
Kailyssia Pym
Kailyssia Pym - 7 years ago
Shark Boy & Lava Girl felt like a straight out of film school C- average Youtuber.
Andi _
Andi _ - 7 years ago
Tbh, this movie is fucking hilarious
Cayden Michael
Cayden Michael - 7 years ago
The actor who played the main character shares the same first name with me
Cayden Michael
Cayden Michael - 7 years ago
Marco Hidalgo: Interesting tidbit!
Marco Hidalgo
Marco Hidalgo - 7 years ago
He also played Young Angel in X-Men The Last Stand.
Joel Writer
Joel Writer - 7 years ago
When are you going to review Shorts, Rodriguez worse film?
Eric Spearman
Eric Spearman - 7 years ago
I think Game Over was originally supposed to be a completely different film, but since Spy Kids 1 and 2 (and I like both of them a lot) were money makers Dimension wanted another Spy Kids and so Rodriguez took the Game Over script and slapped Spy Kids on it. This would account for the absence of Alexa Vega for much of the movie and one of the reasons I did not think it was as good as the first two. It's the same situation that happened with Simon Says becoming Die Hard With a Vengeance and I love that film. Alexa and Daryl made the first two films with their chemistry as brother and sister and then Spy Kids 2 went and introduced us to Emily Osment who was so evilly cute. Oh, and Carla Gugino and Antonio Banderas were awesome! I still have a thing for Carla and I wish she got more work. Sharkboy and Lavagirl... No. Just no. Rodriguez's heart is in the right place, but just no.
Agent29416 - 7 years ago
You need to review spy kids
Jamie Lowe
Jamie Lowe - 7 years ago
You should totally review that Wishbone tv show from the 90s. It was well loved (I know I watched it as a kid) and there is a lot to make fun of in it. As well as a lot to respect in regards to the well trained dog and introducing kids to classic literature.
Angelina Thompson
Angelina Thompson - 7 years ago
Courtney Howard
Courtney Howard - 7 years ago
I actually saw this movie in the theater and I loved it... Granted it was because I had a huge crush on LavaGirl but eh whatever
baloney100000 - 7 years ago
This movie was my childhood lowkey XD i cant hate it. Its my guilty pleashure. I think every kid can relate to that movie
RandomMindz - 7 years ago
BeccaAlbarn 112
BeccaAlbarn 112 - 7 years ago
For me, Sharkboy and Lavagirl (as sad as this might sound) was my childhood. I remember getting Max's dream journal from McDonald's when I was around 3 and watching the movie almost non-stop. In fact, I watched it so many times that I now know the whole movie by heart. I know every. Single. Line. Looking back on it, I honestly don't know why I enjoyed it so much.
CouchPotatoCNPB - 7 years ago
SB&LG? Gonna be honest, not a movie I was expecting legitimate discussion about, but let's see...
"Most watched"
SpikeRosered - 7 years ago
When I was growing up we had Nothing But Trouble to watch at 3 in the morning and be utterly confused and scarred by.
Tiffany Dobrosky
Tiffany Dobrosky - 7 years ago
i didn't see this movie the first time until i was in my early 20s. i put it on for my 3 year old and she loved it (at the time, shes 9 now and she cant stand when her little bothers and sisters watch it). and as bad as this movie is, it is in NO WAY even in the top 10 of worst movies my kids could like to watch. its stupid and the effects are something my kid made on my laptop for a school project. But at least it has some morals (sorta), none of the voices make my ears bleed (thank you caillou),w and the robots little saying is one of my fav quotes. trust me considering some of the shit i have had to sit through for the sake of my kids this is actually not the worst, bad yes most diffenitly. but the worst, not even close.
Jake K
Jake K - 7 years ago
I think the popularity of that review might have to do with the fact that you're probably the only popular youtuber who's ever even acknowledged this weird-ass film's existence.
The Masked Mewtwo
The Masked Mewtwo - 7 years ago
This was my favorite movie when I saw it as a child, and to an extent, I still have a nostalgic connection with it,. I'll acknowledge it's not very good, but I still unironically love this movie for its imagination.
Wickedstorm gaming
Wickedstorm gaming - 7 years ago
i have this movie...the thing is i never bought it no one in my family didit just showed up on the shelf one day and was just there and we just don't talk about it lol
Leo Cub
Leo Cub - 7 years ago
Even back then, I kind if felt like something was off about the movie. Now that I'm fully grown, I see how horrible the CGI is. As well as how poor the acting, and cringe the humor is.
Godzilla2022 CB EA
Godzilla2022 CB EA - 7 years ago
"Well fine, I'll remember it so you don't have to" 100% made my day Doug XD
TotalBlackout2501 - 7 years ago
So jealous of Doug's shirt.
Banana Man
Banana Man - 7 years ago
Review the lion king
Nathan Schell
Nathan Schell - 7 years ago
Anyone else wonder as to how this movie, in 2003, was in 3D? I went as saw it in theatre as a kid and we had those red/blue glasses. Did Rodrigues actually do anything special in filming or is it just a gimmick?
Morgil - 7 years ago
Why is this of all things their most watched review? I barely remember it.
Vykk Draygo
Vykk Draygo - 7 years ago
I'm the same as Rob. Spy Kids 3 and Sharkboy and Lavagirl are pretty much the same in my head.
AnnTheAnonymous - 7 years ago
When I was a kid I was always kind of "eh" about, but then there were these two little kids I sort of babysat (I was 12, so it was more like I was in charge of them but I was also a child) who were like around 6 or 7 and they would play pretend at being Sharkboy and Lavagirl. So, I have fond memories of it, because of that alone.
Kiowa Harrell
Kiowa Harrell - 7 years ago
Hmm should of prepared a little better on this type of video
Nathan Treichel
Nathan Treichel - 7 years ago
Spy kids 4 review when?
Krauser Cruz
Krauser Cruz - 7 years ago
I rember watching it and kinda loving it, the imagination of the worlds and back in the day the special effects blew my mind. Now whenever i do watch it its more like just to be amused at the technology back in the day.
Rowan Crump
Rowan Crump - 7 years ago
22:22 - Me too!
Rowan Crump
Rowan Crump - 7 years ago
Rodriguez has also directed the film with John Malkovich that won't be seen for 100 years
Miky Dicy
Miky Dicy - 7 years ago
Tropical Thunder is gonna Be your next hit^^
MovieWizardReviews - 7 years ago
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who loved Sin City 2!
Severyn Baltos
Severyn Baltos - 7 years ago
I remember liking it when I was little, that’s it
Will Brownman
Will Brownman - 7 years ago
I don't necessarily like it unironically, more like I like it in spite of myself. It's strange and absurd and surreal, but it has a lot of nostalgia attached to it for me, and some strange cleverness to its stupidity sometimes. It's just very fun and very strange, and that's what I love about it.
Rowan Crump
Rowan Crump - 7 years ago
DJ Warrior
DJ Warrior - 7 years ago
I'm also excited for Battle Angel, and I think Spy Kids needs a gritty reboot, not more of whatever Spy Kids 4 was trying to be

100. comment for Nostalgia Critic Real Thoughts on Sharkboy and Lavagirl

Tommy Smith
Tommy Smith - 7 years ago
I remember going to see this movie in theaters with my mom. She was not happy after watching a stupid movie like this. I would have to be like 7 when I saw this movie.
Waverly Kennis
Waverly Kennis - 7 years ago
I like it still but I know it's terrible lol it used to be my favorite movie as a kiddo
Waverly Kennis
Waverly Kennis - 7 years ago
It used to always play on Disney whenever there was a bad storm, so I have good memories of this movie calming me down despite the tornado warnings.
DJ Warrior
DJ Warrior - 7 years ago
When Rob talked about his niece, did anyone else immediately think Doug had a kid this whole time, or that there was another Walker sibling this whole time? But then I realized it could be his wife's siblings kid
deterlanglytone - 7 years ago
No kidding I was 10 or 11 when I was watched this in cinema and I forced my older sister to take to see it 12 times
Miss Amanda's world
Miss Amanda's world - 7 years ago
Wheelchair Grandpa was in both spy kids 2 and 3. And frankly girl got to old to really be spy kid..
Paradox Camera
Paradox Camera - 7 years ago
I recomended robert rodrigez movie : Shorts . It is like pulp fiction for kids xdxd
TrueWhovian82 - 7 years ago
I am definitely of the Saved by the Bell philosophy, where I know it's kinda stupid, but I still enjoy it for if no other reason than nostalgia.
Grace W
Grace W - 7 years ago
I loved this movie as a kid
Rachel Perry
Rachel Perry - 7 years ago
Just want to say I have been watching for 10 years, got my mom hooked...and she thinks Doug looks better with a bald head :D Said you're "very handsome".
CelestialVulpes - 7 years ago
Come on, dont bring Spirited Away up, it is by far not the best of Miyasaki
Kayjai97 - 7 years ago
Never saw sharkboy and lavagirl (to my ~7yr old self's disappointment), but I still like the Spy Kids films (don't get me wrong, they all have their many issues, especially 2 and 3, and I don't love them as I used to, but I still enjoy them - they're just so weird and likable).
Spy Kids 4 sucks though. (yes, that's a thing, please do a review)
GearGades - 7 years ago
Hey Doug, would you and Rob (be in an NC or Sibling Rivalry) do a take on the Woody Woodpecker movie that came out Netflix. It seems to be as bad if not worst than the Yogi Bear Movie.
Dapple Dog
Dapple Dog - 7 years ago
I came across one of Channel Awesome’s haters.

I ripped his nuts off and fed them to his cat.
Battle Owl
Battle Owl - 7 years ago
Hey, that's one from left looks just like Goblin. Dmitry Puchkov. Where's my history vids with Jukov!?
peter obermuller
peter obermuller - 7 years ago
I hope to see a "Real thoughts" or first reaction video to Kung Fury.. Because why not.. :D
Ryan Reininga
Ryan Reininga - 7 years ago
What studio would give a director's child carte blanche to create a film??? I've never seen this movie nor do I have any interest. That being said I do really enjoy your guys work on reviews as well as your guys theatrics; always entertaining stuff guys. But...I've got zero interest in this Rodriguez crap.
The Legendary Pootis Man
The Legendary Pootis Man - 7 years ago
I have an idea... Do a review on the Pink Panther Movie... You know the one.
Rob Pro
Rob Pro - 7 years ago
I never got too into the Spy Kids films, but those were what I watched at the theater when nothing else appealed to me. When Shark Boy and Lava Girl came out, I didn't even bother trying to watch it. It had the feel of a Disney Channel TV Movie from the trailers.
After watching it on Netflix, it really did seem like that. Silly plot, forced adult situation to try to act "smart", and low budget. All traits you'd see on Disney Channel back in the day.
神影Kamikage - 7 years ago
I wonder how long it will be until everyone runs out of ideas and Sharkboy & Lavagirl gets a sequel with a reprised cast. (Linus eternal.)
神影Kamikage - 7 years ago
I remember when I was around 8 I rented Sharkboy & Lavagirl from a VideoEZ and it even came with a pair of Lavagirl 3D glasses. That movie changed my life, for better or for worse is a mystery.
Saturday Morning Cheap Seats
Saturday Morning Cheap Seats - 7 years ago
rob, please tell us where you got that shirt
Aussieroth7 - 7 years ago
16:11 ... I never thought I'd say this, but I prefer Phantom Menace of Last Jedi.
Carla Viz
Carla Viz - 7 years ago
This movie is the first time I remember having a crush on an actor instead of a cartoon character as a kid, so it was a big moment for me. And then I was the right age and obsessed with vampires when Twilight hit, so I had a second round of Taylor Lautner obsession. Basically, I have a soft spot for this movie, no matter how ridiculous it is (and it is very ridiculous).
Elizabeth Ruddick
Elizabeth Ruddick - 7 years ago
I was too old for this movie when it came out but my little sister ADORED this movie (she first saw it when she was 4 or 5). I had to watch it probably a dozen times over the years because whenever she got to pick the movie, this was what she picked. Over time, I learned to appreciate it for what it was. The story is clunky and the effects are abysmal but it has a sort of charm to it and to see how much she loved it made it worth it for me. She’s a teenager now and realizes her horrible taste in movies at 4 years old (don’t we all?) but it still has a special place for her because it shaped her childhood so much.
apex2000 - 7 years ago
Axe Cop. Might hit that less restrained child written crazy thing you guys mentioned
Khanemis - 7 years ago
Personally I never saw Sky Kids nor Sharkboy and Lavagirl since I was just too old for that at the time, but I still love your reviews of them and even these thougts were interesting:)
Nightmare Fuel
Nightmare Fuel - 7 years ago
Pretty much any live action kids movie from 2002 - 2006 are so similar and interchangeable if you just erase one of them from history you aren't missing anything like herbey reloaded or something like that but then again they're are diamonds in the rough like bridge to tarabithia but to find good movies like that you had to dig through the charlottes web live action remake or the 2005 bad news Bears remake and stuff like that but then again we also had Pixar and dreamworks shitting out movies every week it seemed like over the hedge cars shrek: wtf they have kids now incredibles chicken little open season hoodwinked the list goes on
Brad ShadowDog
Brad ShadowDog - 7 years ago
10:14, roll credits!
Koska Zoli
Koska Zoli - 7 years ago
I also like Sin City 2:D
LostSkullKid - 7 years ago
Baby Geniuses 2 and and Sharkboy and Lavagirl were among the first movies that I remember actually hating. Like there was stuff I had seen before that I thought was boring or just wasn't really the type of movie I'd normally enjoy. But those movies made me like legit mad with how stupid they were.
Febin Thomas
Febin Thomas - 7 years ago
magicarp79 - 7 years ago
I don't remember the movie, but I remember the review.
Zoe Sokey
Zoe Sokey - 7 years ago
sharkboy and lavagirl will always have a special place in my memory... because that was the movie my dad took me to before telling me he and my mom were separating
Austin Daw
Austin Daw - 7 years ago
Also, there was a Spy Kids 4 which was such a damn mess. I feel like 1 & 2 are still solid kids movies and 3 is bareable to me but goddamn...spy kids 4 is a bad movie, and they bring in the kids from the first three as adults and it's just a weird thing to watch. It's also the only Spy Kids movie I saw in-cinema
yuk0chu - 7 years ago
Please do Spy Kids 4, it's worst than 3
BenjiGenocide - 7 years ago
Linus is the key to all this, if we get Linus working. 'Cause he's a funnier character than we've ever had in the movies
ExoParadigmGamer - 7 years ago
If you thought this was bad, you have to see Shorts. That would make for a pretty good NC episode.
Austin Daw
Austin Daw - 7 years ago
I was three when Sharkboy and Lavagirl came out but I have no idea when I actually watched it. It was my favourite movie until I was eleven, though. We had (actually we still have it) a vhs recording of the movie that I would consistently watch about once a month, and anytime it came on TV I was so frickin zazzed.
xGracigloo - 7 years ago
The review is one of my very favorite Nostalgia Critic reviews. It inspired me to write a critical essay on the film for class, and I got an A+ on it.
I didn't like the movie at all when I was younger, but now I see it as a good bad movie.
SANS TV - 7 years ago
Critc the gtinh 2018 is cartoon
coco crazy
coco crazy - 7 years ago
whan are doug and rob are going to do the second part of steven universe season 4????
Sam Long
Sam Long - 7 years ago
I have to get me one of those Goodfeathers shirts that Doug is wearing.
Kirikai Dubs
Kirikai Dubs - 7 years ago
As far as my thoughts on Robert Rodriguez's Kids Movies go: I still think the 1st Spy Kids holds up okay, haven't seen the 2nd one in a long time but I remember liking it okay, Spy Kids 3-D was bad, Sharkboy and Lavagirl was bad but some of the weird choices really make me laugh so I can kind of enjoy those parts, Shorts really didn't like that movie at all, and I haven't seen Spy Kids 4 but I heard it was bad to I didn't bother watching it.
Peterblahblah - 7 years ago
Shark-boy and lava-girl is basically what Sharknado was but for kids
Jon Jimenez
Jon Jimenez - 7 years ago
Hey, I loved Sin City 2. Lol
Kaleb Rod
Kaleb Rod - 7 years ago
When I was like in 2nd or 3rd grade I thought this movie was so cool. Watched it several times, now I cringe.
Liliana Garcia
Liliana Garcia - 7 years ago
You ruin my dream journal. ..
Nai - 7 years ago
I was seven when this came out and my brother and I would watch it on repeat. However, even as children we kinda knew the story made no sense and cringed at some the performances.(coughgeorgelopezcough)
angelo darkness
angelo darkness - 7 years ago
One time we made things with lego me my sister and the baby sitter and we mad 2 levers the KABOOM and the unKABOOM
HydraGen2299 - 7 years ago
Are you ever gonna review “Shorts” by Robert Rodriguez?
Tyler Stamps
Tyler Stamps - 7 years ago
This used to be my favorite movie when I was younger
Stephen Howard Jr
Stephen Howard Jr - 7 years ago
Sharkboy And Lavagirl was a part of my childhood. I'm not saying it was perfect, but it's ok for what it is. I enjoy George Lopez in the movie as the teacher and villain. He got the role in the middle of his ABC sitcom run, George Lopez, which I love!!!! Have a special place in my heart for the Spy Kids trilogy.
SPAGHETTI CHIP DIP - 7 years ago
J Roscoe
J Roscoe - 7 years ago
I really loved this film as a child but watching it now... ooo, its not good at all.
vocalpunk97 - 7 years ago
I was 7 when this came out and I remember loving it back then. Watched it a few years ago ( around 18 or 19) and oh my god it was terrible.
Inside Project Films
Inside Project Films - 7 years ago
I'd love to see an NC Review of Robert Rodriguez' Mariachi Trilogy. Maybe do the 7,000 Spanish one with the Snob.
gamingawesomeness222 - 7 years ago
You know what's weird? A lot of problematic movies like this, Rio, the new a wrinkle in time, the thirteenth year, clockstoppers, etc, I feel like there is a Jaw-droppingly good movie just trying to get out. Is that weird? As for this... I think a sharkboy and lavagirl platformer would do really well, just for the sole purpose of facing linus and george lopez's villain as a boss.

Also, it's awesome that Linus actually contacted you!
PaxtheDreamer - 7 years ago
Sharkboy and Lavagirl plot summary:

Do you think... God stays in Heaven because he, too, lives in fear of what he's created? Here on Earth?
TheHumanBiscuit - 7 years ago
I haven’t seen the video yet but fr if you guys shit on this you’re losing a subscriber
vocalpunk97 - 7 years ago
Spy Kids will always be one of my favorite series
elizabel - 7 years ago
That inconsistent sunlight
RyanX1231 - 7 years ago
I remember seeing this as a kid and enjoying it well enough, but then hating the ending because it "was all a dream".

That was the first time I ever felt burned by a movie.
CrazyDyslexicNerd - 7 years ago
Sharkboy and Lavagirl was amazing and so fun when I was a kid. It’s still pretty fun in its utter insanity and the nostalgia. Linus is still the best, of course.
Brandon Harry
Brandon Harry - 7 years ago
I first watched Sharkboy and Lavagirl when I was really young, and liked it, but I can see it is terrible now.
MusicalBloodDrop - 7 years ago
I enjoyed Sharkboy and Lavagirl mostly because it felt a lot like the kinds of stories I used to imagine and make for myself, and while I haven't watched it in a while, I do remember putting it on and feeling nostalgic even though I didn't really watch it when I was very young, just because of the energy it has
Kage Hikari
Kage Hikari - 7 years ago
Nope.I was way to old to enjoy this when it came out. Think i caught some of it once when it was on tv and had all the time in the world to watch, but quickly got sick of it and found something else. Wouldn't even touch spykids. Not for me.
EK OddLink
EK OddLink - 7 years ago
You know now that I look at this more, this had a lot of potential to be a really smart film. Showing the parallels in a world created by a child's mind and the problems in the real world, as they collide. Smart film that still delivers for kids. Sure ideas like it have been done before but could be executed much better.
Lawlsomedude - 7 years ago
The one reason I will always remember Sharkboy and Lavagirl because of one amazing error that happened during the screening.
During the climax of the movie, when Linus was explaining the reasons he was doing everything, the film reel melted and everything slowed down. It took around 20 minutes for them to fix everything. It was the first time I've ever seen it happen in person and I will not forget it.
meta527II - 7 years ago
I hate all these stupid mindless sheep that change their opinions just to match the opinions of someone popular!
Favaro Films
Favaro Films - 7 years ago
It would be kinda funny if Linus grew up to be the cw Captain Cold. He sounds like Leonard Snart!
Sirus Blenke
Sirus Blenke - 7 years ago
Anyone know where I can buy Doug's shirt? It's a coo shirt.
Jacob Lakins
Jacob Lakins - 7 years ago
Hey Doug and Rob, always good to see you guys giving your real thoughts (or the lack there of). A request I would like to make is Blues Brothers 2000, one of my favorite reviews of yours. I would love to know if you truly are one of the world's greatest actors who could give people like Sir Laurence Olivier, Spencer Tracy AND Tom Hanks a run for their money, or if your real thoughts match what you said in the review. I will love you guys forever if you do this. Please and thank you!
Ispira - 7 years ago
i like sin city
No_one_from_Nowhere. - 7 years ago
Why the hell is this not Reel Thoughts?
CarmenToons - 7 years ago
0:17 I'm might be the one who keeps re-watching that video...
Ben Trevino
Ben Trevino - 7 years ago
Shark Boy and Lava Girl wasn't in my interest even when it came out. I was probably 10 and I was trying to get my hands on more R-rated material. Eventually I did see it when I was babysitting my cousins and I laughed my ass off at how bad it was. By the way Doug I really liked Sin City 2, your not alone. You guys should look at Spy Kids 4, then you'll be complete.
ThatAussieGirl - 7 years ago
My dad still hasnt forgiven me for making him come with me to this dumpsterfire as a kid XD
Poisontype The Junglist
Poisontype The Junglist - 7 years ago
Hey Doug,
Your're mom gay
Captian Morgan
Captian Morgan - 7 years ago
I'm excited for Battle Angel. I got used to the eyes by the time I watched the trailer the second time.
TheCreepypro - 7 years ago
this is funny not just because of the banter but isn't Doug supposed to be the one with the bad memory and Rob supposed to be good at remembering things? I could be wrong
Neverheart - 7 years ago
My younger brother loved this movie I watched it to death with him.
Samantha Hof
Samantha Hof - 7 years ago
Please do spy kids 4. I need you to look at it and how it had the scratch and sniff cards at the theatre for the 4D effects
QMighty - 7 years ago
I actually have such a soft spot for this movie. I saw it at the theatre when I was like six and I've honest-to-god loved it ever since, if only as a guilty pleasure. I know it's stupid and all, but I just love it.
TheScientificGamer - 7 years ago
Wait Rob is talking about his "niece" do they have another sibling or is Doug a father?
Bent7793 - 7 years ago
Woah Woah Woah, hold on there, mister! I saw Spy Kids 3 when I was a kid, and lemme tell ya that shit was my version of THE ODYSSEY! Seriously, 8 year old me though that shit was SICK! I still do, though in a nostalgic sort of way. One of my favorite movies is The Grand Budapest Hotel, in case you are doubting my taste in movies.
SuperShadow781 - 7 years ago
20:37 Not gonna lie, I thought this movie was stupid when I saw it... AND I WAS ONLY 9 YEARS OLD!
Joshua Leonardo
Joshua Leonardo - 7 years ago
Oh my God! The Jurassic Park reference!!! I laughed my fucking ass off!!!
M . A Campbell
M . A Campbell - 7 years ago
Instead of calling this real thoughts, you should’ve called it Doug reminding Rob what movie Sharkboy and Lavagirl is.
dork knight
dork knight - 7 years ago
Im with you doug! A dame to kill for was great! Maybe not as awesome as the first sin city, but it was still pretty damn good!
Bent7793 - 7 years ago
This needs an episode of First Viewing.
Musi Creatively
Musi Creatively - 7 years ago
I remember enjoying it, but it was also the first 3d movie I ever saw when I was a kid. I remember it in general, but I know it isn't the best. Still enjoyable as a bit of nostalgia, but not much more.
Duston McCreary
Duston McCreary - 7 years ago
Can't express how much I hate Spy Kids. They're such ugly movies visually among other issues. They're pure torture for me to sit through.
Daniel Corey
Daniel Corey - 7 years ago
Not gonna lie, I had thought that Spy Kids 3 and this movie were only one movie for the longest time. My childhood mind apparently put the both of them together.
Time Lords13
Time Lords13 - 7 years ago
Just wait until you see Spy Kids 4
TheReddHead91 - 7 years ago
The movie was weird when I saw it first. But seeing it as adult, it really is laughable.
Akaking მაქაცარია
Akaking მაქაცარია - 7 years ago
Sin city 2 was awesome!
dark knight
dark knight - 7 years ago
When I was a kid a was already watch movies like Mel brooks young frankenstein and the original producers, as well as the original bedazzled.
JoJo - 7 years ago
Hey Doug. Can you please do Spy Kids 4?
Laura Hall
Laura Hall - 7 years ago
I'm in the second group where I watched it as a kid and loved it. I realize how bad it is now but it was fun when I was younger and that's all the counts for me.
kevin willems
kevin willems - 7 years ago
I loved sharkboy and lavagirl when I was Kid
Joshua Livingston
Joshua Livingston - 7 years ago
Can you guys do a list of movies that you believe have aged well over the years.
Seth Lowery
Seth Lowery - 7 years ago
I still love this movie I grew up with it and we all got those movies we know are kinda dumb but we still love this is mine
mostmelon - 7 years ago
Spykids was absurd, but Shark boy and Lava girl was just plain stupid. Adults seem to think so, but I don't think kids actually like things based around the idea of imagination.
uneek35 - 7 years ago
I remember watching Sharkboy and Lavagirl several times and being fascinated by it. It's an offputting, ugly, pretty shallow movie, but it's also kinda fun in how nakedly indulgent it is. The gimmick is that the story came from his kid and it works because it legitimately sounds like a movie a kid would write if he had a semi-decent grasp of how writing works. There's a strange sorta logic to the movie. I also think some of the jokes actually work. It's an experiment, is all I'm saying.
ContentMaybe - 7 years ago
Spy kids 4
Ross Tanenbaum
Ross Tanenbaum - 7 years ago
I remember when I was a little kid I made my parents take me to this movie because I loved the Spy Kids movies and this looked like Spy KIds. I remember hating this movie ater I watched it in theaters even when I was little. I think I apologized to my parents for making them watch it even though I was like 7 or 8
Nicole Miller
Nicole Miller - 7 years ago
Wait, Rob said he has a niece......does Doug have a kid!?!? Or do they have another sibling that I don't know about?
StrawberrieMars - 7 years ago
I was in fifth grade when this movie came out, and I vaguely remember finding Max really annoying and the dream song really dumb. Even so, I was still super into it (I live every day in fear of finding the old drawings of my "super edgy anti-hero" versions, Darkboy and Shadowgirl. Shit you not).

Funnily enough my parents actually divorced a few years before this movie came out, so I guess I might've also felt connected to it more than a lot of other films that were out at the time. I always saw parents in them getting along or just having some light bickering, but this one had the one scene of arguing and then the whole hoping they would love each other still, and I just sort of clicked with that.

Now, the movie just kinda looks like a hot, steaming pile of CGI unicorn-colored garbage, but I mean, I think it has some cute ideas, and the whole parent "subplot" (hardly a subplot considering how little it's in the film) is a nice touch for a kid going through similar problems.
Jana Pedrini
Jana Pedrini - 7 years ago
Sharkboy and Lavagirl was the first 3D movie I ever saw, but even if you asked 6-year-old me about the movie right after I saw it, I wouldn't have been able to tell you what happened.
JGamezOfElzam - 7 years ago
Little Nightmares > everything else based on kid's imaginations
Melissa Wight
Melissa Wight - 7 years ago
I wonder what the Nostalgia Critic will think of the upcoming brand new How the Grinch Stole Christmas movie. Sounds fun and interesting if it wasn't made by f**** illumination
Melissa Wight
Melissa Wight - 7 years ago
Cayden Michael
Cayden Michael - 7 years ago
You guys forgot to talk about George Lopez as that Dr. Watts or whatever the fuck his name was?
Dylan Bohlman
Dylan Bohlman - 7 years ago
she was in all three spy kid and played lava girl
ViaVia - 7 years ago
Is it bad that I loved this movie as a kid and this was the movie that got me into creating stories?
Lynn Da Vinci
Lynn Da Vinci - 7 years ago
Wait... Rob’s niece??? Does Doug have a daughter???
oHmega14 - 7 years ago
Ok Doug. I gotta know... WHERE. Did you get. that SHIRT?!?!?! I love it! I. NEED. It! O.O
Jonah Kirk
Jonah Kirk - 7 years ago
I was so weirded out by this when I first watched it. Some elements reminded me of my own stories to a point, but then this movie went in entirely different directions that confused me and annoyed me because of how much of a mess it was.

Now, I don't hate it, I'm just weirded out by it.
Felinis - 7 years ago
I enjoy this genuinely and I think the reason is it appeals to the part of me that just doesn't care about logic. I legit rewatched it recently and still enjoyed it just because it was giant plaint splatter of madness. I think that's what really does it for me with this film. I don't even care about the plot wholes or that CG is awful. It just feels like a corner of madness and I rather enjoy that.
We Remotely Low
We Remotely Low - 7 years ago
I never really had much of an opinion on Sharboy and Lavagirl.
The Soulvian
The Soulvian - 7 years ago
I've always liked Rodriquez's children's films, but I view them mostly as passionate funny camp entertainment rather than anything dramatic or complicated. They have lines like "CAN'T... FIGHT... MY INSTINCTS!!!" in them. They have weird scenes where children speak stoically and poetically about their problems. They have awkward villains and Xtreme angels and cartoonish backgrounds and Mexican men who deliver one-liners in cool, seductive voices.
lance - 7 years ago
i liked it as a kid i still like it i knew it was meh when i saw it as a kid not going to say its on my list of best movies unless the list contains most of the movies i have ever seen
Joshua Blitzer
Joshua Blitzer - 7 years ago
I've seen Sharkboy & Lavagirl; but i never really liked it
koopadude1 - 7 years ago
Review Escape From Tomorrow
ImplyingDubs - 7 years ago
actually both the actors for the kids from the original spy kids played in all 4 movies
We Remotely Low
We Remotely Low - 7 years ago
There was a tornado in this one, hahahaha
Carson M.
Carson M. - 7 years ago
Robert Rodriguez’s next movie is being produced by James Cameron, “Alita: Battle Angel”
XenoMegaWarrior - 7 years ago
When this movie first came out i was only 9 or 10 and it was the first time that i realized this movie was trash to me. can't remember what really happened in that movie now.
William Brinkley
William Brinkley - 7 years ago
Due to budgetary constraints, by Spanish speaking tv and movie standards, the Rodriguez children’s films were masterpieces.
Marina Barcellos
Marina Barcellos - 7 years ago
I used to love Shark Boy and Lava Girl, I realize its shit, but as a kid dreamer/writer who got bullied a lot I really identified. But you know, it’s still... kinda creative? Like the dream land is very interesting and I thought it would be fun to enter my own dreams. Also, I had a MASSIVE crush on the video game AI in Spy Kids 3, I was young enough that I enjoyed it, but it’s kinda boring nowadays. And the first one is AWESOME!
Lightning0 - 7 years ago
Talking of anime in the end, do the Netflix abomination of Death Note please.
Noah Napier
Noah Napier - 7 years ago
I like it both ironically and unironically. It was one of my childhood movies and it's still one of my guilty pleasures!
Kenneth Frierson
Kenneth Frierson - 7 years ago
I just watch the review so I could brush up on the movie
TJ Thomas
TJ Thomas - 7 years ago
The movie was a product of the times. I could enjoy it for what it was.
Maverick1989 - 7 years ago
Don’t worry Doug. I love Sin City 2 also, you are not alone.
We Remotely Low
We Remotely Low - 7 years ago
Where did you get that shirt, Doug??
Jade Lui
Jade Lui - 7 years ago
I was like 12 or 13 when sharkboy and lavagirl game out, and my opinion on it has never changed, to me it's always been so bad its good. disney channel had a day like once a year where theyd just play this movie back to back for some reason and every time id sit there and watch it till i couldnt stand it anymore bc it was so insane
Zaire Hamilton
Zaire Hamilton - 7 years ago
Don’t worry Rob, it’s not just you. I really wanted you guys to do Shark-Boy and Lava-Girl because it is indeed a bad movie (even for my 7(?) year old self) that just gets weirder the more I think back to it. It’s not memorable in the slightest. Like a scar that you don’t know how you got. But it is very much close to Spy Kids... I’d argue Spy Kids 3 was better...
Marina Barcellos
Marina Barcellos - 7 years ago
You forgot Isaac! He’s just the best
Maridia Monroe
Maridia Monroe - 7 years ago
I watched it because LavaGirl was hot.
Other than that, this movie clearly was "Rob late for kid's birthday party, need gift."
Alberto - 7 years ago
I grew up with the movie and adored it, and like, yeah, it's dumb. Very much toddler junk food. But aside from enjoying how ridiculous Linus and George Lopez are, I do legitimately think it has creative IDEAS. Like how the Land of Milk and Cookies is designed, the way the dream world works, it has some really cool locations. Problem is the effects are so bad you don't see it right away and just focus on the terrible textures. Obviously the movie wasn't good, and it's better fit for little little kids, but ehhh I can't really hate it when it definitely had some creative ideas it wanted to get out.
Tyler Harris
Tyler Harris - 7 years ago
The movie came out when I was 6 and I remember enjoying it. Now that I'm a teen and when I revisited the film, I didn't really think that the movie holds up, but I often laugh at how bad the quality and how over-the-top the acting is.
Ed The Orange Blob
Ed The Orange Blob - 7 years ago
For movies that you love when you're little, I loved Mike Myers Cat in the Hat. I still love it ironically, it's so bad, it's so funny.
Alex FRD
Alex FRD - 7 years ago
I made my Dad take me to this movie in theaters like 5 times.
Terance Samms
Terance Samms - 7 years ago
Can you guys review Batman:Under the Red Hood?
Aaron Siewert
Aaron Siewert - 7 years ago
Real thoughts: Sharkboy and Lava girl sucks.
Axel Redsteel
Axel Redsteel - 7 years ago
I was 9 when this movie went out... I can say I don't remember like 2/3 of the movie
FutureBerea Alumn
FutureBerea Alumn - 7 years ago
There is a fourth spy kids movie
GremlinBaron2 - 7 years ago
Loved it as a kid love it as an adult
Skitty Cecil
Skitty Cecil - 7 years ago
This was one of my favorite movies when I was small. In fact, I even saw it in the theatre! I’ll admit it’s far from perfect, but I do like the creative ideas.
Josh Guilds
Josh Guilds - 7 years ago
I personally think the biggest problem with both SB&LG and Spy Kids 3 was that they came out at the start of the whole 3D craze and had those over the top, in your face, effects that where lame enough on their own, but with every single movie that came out trying to cash in on the same thing really killed any legitimacy a movie could have. (I hope this rambling is at lest somewhat understandable.)
Thiago Leão
Thiago Leão - 7 years ago
Really? Sharkboy and Lavagirl is the episode of NC with the most views? Really?!?

Hum… maybe I need to watch it again.
Marco Hidalgo
Marco Hidalgo - 7 years ago
Well the "he ruined my dream journal" scene became a meme.
Cayden Michael
Cayden Michael - 7 years ago
Thiago Leão I know right? People have a strange obsession with that movie in which I will never fully understand.
Definitely Catherine
Definitely Catherine - 7 years ago
I liked this movie as a kid, because I liked the idea of my imaginary friends being real and getting me out of school.
Shawn Marcy
Shawn Marcy - 7 years ago
Where'd you get that goodfeathers shirt doug? i want one.
SukoYote - 7 years ago
I never liked Sharkboy and Lavagirl. I can't even get through it.
Mike - 7 years ago
Do you two know what two videos hold the silver and bronze medal in terms of most watched, if Sharkboy & Lavagirl is the most viewed?
AnimatedGeek100 - 7 years ago
I loved this movie as a kid. I think it’s because it was so weird and that it was like I could just go into a daze for over an hour. Basically I was getting high off the movie. Linus was my favorite character and first angsty boy lol.
mohegon2001 - 7 years ago
Love your shirt Doug!!!!!!!
Isabelle Dzwonczyk
Isabelle Dzwonczyk - 7 years ago
So it came out when I was in 5th-6th grade and I remember seeing the trailers/ TV ads and wondering if it was even real- it seemed like a fake trailer. I thought it sounded stupid from day 1. So I clearly wasn't in the intended audience for the film :)
IWillBeHers - 7 years ago
I grew up with the original Spy Kids trilogy (I disown the "fourth one"), so today they're like one big long guilty pleasure for me. Spy Kids 2 had some interesting ideas, at least (you're on an island and none of your electronics work, like you're used to, so you have to use your brain and wits. The creatures were pretty cool, too). Alexa Vega ("Girl Spy Kid") seemed to be drawn to stylized films (she was in Repo! The Genetic Opera, too).
TMan Z.
TMan Z. - 7 years ago
i remember when this came out and i was already on the fence about spy kids 3 and thought maybe this was a cool idea, but i was at the age when i started to notice cgi and i didnt care that much, but still watched it cuz i kinda like the idea that he's taken to a place for dreams and whatever you think will happen, but the ending and plot did always bug me cuz i never understood if he was asleep, or if it was real, and even how he "awoke" his powers, that never made sense to me. But i say all that to say this, when its on tv....i watch it, cuz it reminds me of being a kid and it was a movie that i watched growing up, its not good, i know that, but its like anything that you watch when your a kid, you get older and you realize its not that good, but you have nostalgia for.
Zash Husky
Zash Husky - 7 years ago
Tbh this was one of my favorite movies as a kid, and yeah I see that it's Stupid now but tbh I love it still. UNIRONICALLY. Mainly because as an artist I'd be excited to see my characters come to life sometimes.
My Nguyen
My Nguyen - 7 years ago
I loved this movie as a kid. I would rewatch it over and over again to the point I showed it to my best friend and we would build a fort out of sheets and watch it together inside the fort with those cheap 3D glasses. Good times! Haven't seen it in a while but it probably doesn't hold up now lol mostly love it for nostalgic reasons. As a kid, I didn't mind the cheap effects and cheesy storyline too much. I actually thought it was badass and kind of deep at certain parts, but hey, I was a kid.
Tommy Diaz-Millan
Tommy Diaz-Millan - 7 years ago
Do some real thoughts on Howard The Duck.
Cal Brady
Cal Brady - 7 years ago
I liked the Spy Kids movies when I first saw them, but I think I was in the target demographic when I first saw them (I was 7 when the first Spy Kids came out). I didn't see Sharkboy and Lavagirl at cinemas, but later on a bus for a school trip I saw it and I remember thinking, "What the fuck is this shit?"

I think that's kind of the dynamic between Spy Kids and Sharkboy and Lavagirl--you have to have been in that very narrow target demographic to "get" them; especially when it comes to Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Otherwise you'll just be sitting there thinking they're garbage.

But this is something that I think is true of a lot of the kids movies that were coming out in the '00s. If you weren't in the target demographic, you probably wouldn't like Agent Cody Banks or Big Fat Liar or a lot of the other kids' movies coming out at the time.

The '90s commercial-level special effects would have annoyed you, along with all the stuff that was clearly in the movie to entertain kids. But if you were a kid at the time, you'd like it because you probably hadn't seen enough movies at that point to be bothered by the special effects or the plot.

/end rant
Stephen Smith
Stephen Smith - 7 years ago
My parents didn’t drop me off, but my uncle gave me the bootleg that broke after 12 uses.
TacklessMiner24 - 7 years ago
I liked this movie. I can't say it's a great movie, but it's entertaining.
MuljoStpho - 7 years ago
(paused 8 minutes in) Wait, did they just say Neverending Story 3? There was a third one?
Ben Goldstine
Ben Goldstine - 7 years ago
wait dose Doug have a kid
ArtLover Animation
ArtLover Animation - 7 years ago
It took Doug 10 minutes to finally reference his character catchphrase. Lol. Should have seen it coming sooner.
KriegsMeister27 - 7 years ago
The main problem with the spykidz/SBLG movies is that use live actors in conjunction with the bad CGI which only makes it look even worse by comparison. If Rodriquez had use animated characters it probably would have blended much better. Even maybe having live actors for parts that were set in the "real" world and then go full animated in the dream world and game world of SK3D would have improved viewers suspension of disbelief.
mysterious stranger
mysterious stranger - 7 years ago
So these guys are a bit of a dick
Clarisa Calderon
Clarisa Calderon - 7 years ago
I really like the villain/bully with the cape. he was my favorite part. over all the movie is interesting but the biggest impact it had for me was when Jacob cut his hair in twilight I suddenly couldn't unsee sharkboy and was rooting for lavagirl to show up and steal him away XD
funcoolfunfun - 7 years ago
I loved this movie as a kid and still love it now.It's one of a few that I'm actually nostalgic for
aiken relkins
aiken relkins - 7 years ago
I haven't seen it in ages but I know it does have a plot and an actual good/ meaningful one at that (I mean it's still a crappy weird movie that I vaguely enjoyed as a kid but I distinctly remember hard pangs of 'feels'). Kind of really disappointed you guys didn't rewatch it before this video.

Linus was always my favorite though.
Sean King
Sean King - 7 years ago
I saw it when I was 7 and I loved it, in large part because I thought the 3D was awesome, but yeah, it's bad.
Warren Israel
Warren Israel - 7 years ago
I grew up with that movie, and I knew it was really stupid, but creative. However, as I got older, I realized this was extremely stupid
Alex Kyle
Alex Kyle - 7 years ago
That dude: i'll remember it so you don't have to :PPP

Everyone: HE SAID THE THING!!!
Skippy the Magnificent
Skippy the Magnificent - 7 years ago
When I first saw the title to this I was just like "Why?". Then I saw that it's the most watched video you have (for some reason), and went "Oh, that's why."
wiinterflowers - 7 years ago
God this movie was bad!
koopa159 - 7 years ago
Doug I need to know, where did you get that shirt!
Psychobunny - 7 years ago
YAY SOMEONE WHO LIKES BATTLE ANGEL ALITA TRAILER! not that i approve of it but, battle angel alita manga was fucking awesome.
Kaya Parsons
Kaya Parsons - 7 years ago
I used to love Shark Boy and Lava Girl. It was the first movie I ever watched in 3D when I was 6 or 7. I even had a Shark Boy and Lava Girl "club", where I was Lava Girl and my friend was Shark Boy. Now I like it half ironically half nostagically. It is super weird and fake to me now, but I didn't realize that as a kid. I can appreciate what it meant to me ask a kid, and it would probably be interesting to watch while high.
Joswwar - 7 years ago
I was thinking about the why Disney Villains aren’t as memorable and you proved your point, and it got me thinking about that and it and realized that the villain from Kung Fu Panda was a villain from the start, he was more understandable than the average one but he was through and through, and from all the modern (specially cg ones) he generally comes first in memory
Jason Banks
Jason Banks - 7 years ago
I took my nephew to Sharkboy and Lavagirl and was just bored. But Phantom menace makes me angry and I will never watch it again, so I would rather watch Sharkboy over the phantom menace any day.
JAZZ'dWOLF - 7 years ago
Great show
that's a dope "Goodfeathers " shirt
Elizabeth B
Elizabeth B - 7 years ago
Doug, I love that shirt!
Kyra Mackenzie
Kyra Mackenzie - 7 years ago
I really liked this flim growing up I knew the effects were crappy and some of the story didn't really work. And the acting was over the top. As the weird kid who used to draw and create worlds like max Did I related to his story. I feel like they could easily turn this into something great if it got a chance to be remade but it probably won't happen.
Random Whiterun Guard
Random Whiterun Guard - 7 years ago
the Spy kids trilogy and sharkboy and lavagirl were the kids films of my childhood
owenjack172 SCS
owenjack172 SCS - 7 years ago
Please do real thoughts on HULK (2003)
Whysely - 7 years ago
Do you guys think you could ever take a look at Help me, I'm a fish? Kinda like you did with Cats Don't Dance, an animated movie that not that many people know about that's far from perfect but has some interesting stuff in it
Scott Sandler
Scott Sandler - 7 years ago
The Sharkboy and Lavagirl review was the first new Nostalgia Critic episode posted to the CA YouTube channel when the League channel started getting struck. By the time you left the League channel, Foodfight was your most popular review on that channel, and I think Sharkboy and Lavagirl ended up surpassing it
weedguy69 - 7 years ago
this it a movie that i acctually like. its so insane and has such bad chi that i cant help but not enjoy it. its so wonky that its entertaining to me, ESPECIALLY linus the 4th grade bond villian.

i never acctually grew up with sharkboy and lavagirl acctually, i didnt see it untill i was 15, but to me it was so bad it was good
Polkka - 7 years ago
whats the point of talking about it with rob if he doesn't even remember the film
chippz lemonz
chippz lemonz - 7 years ago
why are they watching this bullshit instead of high quality anime movies something people are actually interested in
FAOX - 7 years ago
Bit late
Sonicfalcon16 - 7 years ago
When I went to see the the trailer looked like it was a kids film being taken seriously. But when I saw it. I got some of that but there was also moments where the movie talks down to you as a 10 year old. And you feel tricked.
Garotão Abobado
Garotão Abobado - 7 years ago
The funny thing is that i hate this movie growing up, but now as un adult i actually find myself liking just for how weird and dumb it is!
Calisha H
Calisha H - 7 years ago
That movie was played to DEATH on Disney channel so yeah we grew up with it (the same late 90s early 2000's DCOM crowd). Basically that film and Spy Kids 3 were on a lot, but of the two this one was better.
There were always kinda cool aspects to it like a huge chocolate chip cookie as a boat? (I wished was real), the dynamic b/w Sharkboy and Lava Girl, even the over the top acting. But I think I still knew this movie wasn't good. The effects were so bad they weren't even charming like in Spy Kids 1&2 and the main character, along with the parent drama was pretty insufferable.

1. Spy Kids (still holds up)
2. Spy Kids 2
3. Sharkboy and Lava Girl
4. Spy Kids 3
5. Spy Kids 4 (mightve been directed by someone else? not sure)
6. Shorts! (To be honest, I never saw this one, avoided it like the black plague. Please review)
Gandalf TheGrey
Gandalf TheGrey - 7 years ago
Wait Doug has kids?
glamgirlsg - 7 years ago
...I still like the first three Spy Kids and Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Samuel Stepp
Samuel Stepp - 7 years ago
You all should do Real Thoughts on The Odd Life of Timothy Green.
PuppetYeti - 7 years ago
I just want them to review Axe Cop now.
Becky Ricard
Becky Ricard - 7 years ago
from what I remember of this movie I think I was apart of the group that got nightmares, Gorge Lopez really freaked me out when he became that big round face with the extension cord arms thing, basically I could never watch that comedian ever again because I remember that scene of him hunting down the main character. kind of like Doug's fear of that scene from the Anglian Lansbury Disney film where she plays a witch, yeah now I know it's a bad effect NOWl, but my inner child just won't forget the fear that scene once had on me.
Daniel DeRey
Daniel DeRey - 7 years ago
Shark Boy and Lava Girl is another guilty pleasure for me
Abel Mantor
Abel Mantor - 7 years ago
I loved this movie a lot as a kid, but only found it okay as a adult
Shari Penn
Shari Penn - 7 years ago
Doug, please review Stardust! I'd love to hear what you think about it.
Trevor Cutler
Trevor Cutler - 7 years ago
If you still have his information, you should have Minus attack one of your reviews and Critic be like, "you're not even in this movie."
Leandra Goertzen
Leandra Goertzen - 7 years ago
When I was a kid, around six or younger, I had Sharkboy and Lavagirl on DVD, in 3D (the little red and blue glasses were even shark boy and lava girl themed, respectively), specifically. I really loved the 3D in there, and remember watching it over and over again. Looking back on it, it's a weird ass movie. I could never say I hated it, but it's by no stretch of the imagination, good. I'll probably never watch it again, if only to preserve the memory, but it's probably telling of the film that a younger me was more attracted to the gimmick than the actual movie.
Greenwood green
Greenwood green - 7 years ago
Good I like that video good Good g
Dicky Collins
Dicky Collins - 7 years ago
Sharkboy and Lavagirl was how I knew who Jacob from twilight was. I didn't even know twilight existed until i started watching more youtube.
RogersRoyal - 7 years ago
Next time guys, watch the movie again before doing this. Or at least.. watch your own review. My god. You two are babbling about having no idea what to talk about as you forgot what the movie was about. You didn't even watch your own review before doing this? Sheesh. This was hard to get through I'll be honest.
hpdisneyfan - 7 years ago
Love the Goodfeathers shirt!!!
Zack - 7 years ago
I just love that the guy who did the practical effects for this movie, Marcus, now works for Rooster Teeth and has started his own lil show with em Master & Apprentice about making props
Rainy Chain
Rainy Chain - 7 years ago
So the GoodFeathers shirt, me want.
Abby. Bro
Abby. Bro - 7 years ago
I grew up with this movie and I even owned it. I liked it when I was a kid and I have definitely loved other more stupid shit like supper baby’s when I was like 3. When I was a kid I did watch more things with a plot but shark boy and lava girl was something that I always thought it was a little weird. Now when I watch it I see how bad looking it is but I can’t help but still like it because I grew up with it. They also used to play it like everyday on TV so they practically shoved it down kids throats.
Prius Killer
Prius Killer - 7 years ago
I wonder how Sharkboy and Lavagirl could have been better. One thing I know for sure is Robert Rodriguez needed other people to consult with and help flesh out and focus his ideas. It does help him a lot, plus it would be more fun as more people means more ideas.
Emily McNaughton
Emily McNaughton - 7 years ago
I loved this from like age 4-7 and then I watched it again when I was like 13 and I realized just how convoluted and ridiculous it really was. I honestly think I liked it so much as a kid because I didn’t have the attention span or memory to remember anything that came before what I was watching at that very moment. Each scene amused me enough to distract me from how nonsensical the plot was which was enough to keep me quiet for an hour or two.
The Guy With No Channel
The Guy With No Channel - 7 years ago
Rob has a niece? How had a kid?
wesleyv1 - 7 years ago
I liked the spy kids movies (even 4), sharkboy and lavagirl was ok and chuckled a few times, and then shorts was interesting
Matthew Bailey
Matthew Bailey - 7 years ago
I remember that on the day you posted your review of this, Disney Channel was playing this movie, and I thought, "Can Doug see into the future?"
Marc Anthony Orozco
Marc Anthony Orozco - 7 years ago
i definitely loved it as a kid but now I just enjoy how stupid it is lol
MrBlue3rd - 7 years ago
Where did you get the Goodfeathers shirt? That’s awesome!!!!
Jimmy B!
Jimmy B! - 7 years ago
The first Spy Kids came out when I was like nine and I was totally not interested then, I guess I'm different tho. Sharkboy and Lavagirl was a definite pass when it came around lol, at best it would stay in my mind because of how phonetically similar the title seems to be to the Treehouse of Horror short about "Stretch Dude and Clobber Girl"
Joel Lennon
Joel Lennon - 7 years ago
Jimmy B! Lol that’s tru
Ben Knight
Ben Knight - 7 years ago
I see Sharkboy & Lavagirl the same way I see Yu Gi Oh, when I was younger I thought it was the best thing since chocolate but as I grew older I started to realise just how stupid or silly it actually was (not to mention poorly paced, though that might've been more Yu Gi Oh). I also discovered that chocolate makes you fat, much to the dismay of many of my old belts
Matt R
Matt R - 7 years ago
This movie was actually produced by Weinstein, even though Robert Rodriguez actually made this film, he wanted this movie to be another Spy Kids. He got the first two spy kids movies right, they were decent, but he started to go overboard with CGI kids movies.
Greg b
Greg b - 7 years ago
Phantom menace is not that bad! Chill phantom menace is decent at best! I rather watch that than any other of those Disney sequels
dragoncatoverload - 7 years ago
I don’t know how old I was when I first watch it but I thought it was meh. Then again I think I thought all the Spy Kid movies were meh. Or maybe I liked the first one? I really don’t remember but I know I watched them all. But yeah Sharkboy and Lavagirl was meh and I think I was confused by the meh of it. It’s a super awkward movie.
SS4 Goku
SS4 Goku - 7 years ago
Why did Doug choose a movie Rob barely remembers? That kind of hurts the video. He should have at least had Rob watch their video for it.
Parasol Mushroom Art
Parasol Mushroom Art - 7 years ago
I haven't seen it in a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time! But I remember the movie almost scene by scene so I can still say it's a guilty pleasure. Are the effects awful? Yes. Is the movie campy? Totally. Is it slightly disturbing at times? Completely...but ehh if it was on I'd watch it. When i was little I liked it a lot because it reminded me of spy kids..I was a simple child. XD
Endless10 - 7 years ago
I remember watching this when I was younger... such a big difference now that I’m older :)
steven kornkven
steven kornkven - 7 years ago
I remember how excited I was as a little kid to see this movie in the theater, I thought it was so cool. But looking back at it now its a really dumb movie and I really don't know what I saw in it.
Chris Borg
Chris Borg - 7 years ago
Love the Jurassic Park quote
klimmr3021 - 7 years ago
You guys know he did a Spy Kids 4, right?
Stephanie Draeger
Stephanie Draeger - 7 years ago
I like it because I grew up watching it. It was on tv and I watched it a bunch of times. It's pretty dumb, but I still like it mostly for the awkwardness and the nostalgic connection I have with it.
OriginalityPeople - 7 years ago
why do a "real thoughts" on a movie he doesn't remember? still good because it's you guys but could've been better
Nichol Mach
Nichol Mach - 7 years ago
The first time I saw this movie I was stoned and liked it lol. Second time I was sober with my nephew and questioned if the weed was laced lol. God awful movie
Drachona The Wolf
Drachona The Wolf - 7 years ago
The most watched review on Youtube is...Sharkboy and Lavagirl? REALLY? That's one of the last ones I go back to.
Dafawfulizer - 7 years ago
Well, you still have yet to tackle the worst. Spy Kids 4. It's near impossible to survive the amount of time puns in that film
therobotchickenMLP - 7 years ago
I remember finding out about that movie and feeling like some part of my childhood had been violated.
Clay3613 - 7 years ago
But it has Joel McHale.
Chatnoir 77888
Chatnoir 77888 - 7 years ago
That_One_Aromantic Yeah, it was made back in 2011.
That_One_Aromantic - 7 years ago
There a Spy Kids 4?
Flame Beats
Flame Beats - 7 years ago
Doug survived Food Fight. I'm sure he can handle Spy Kids 4. That being said, I haven't seen it.
goodial - 7 years ago
is that the one with Jessica Alba? I remember one being with her, didn't see it though ...
ETgohome13 - 7 years ago
Dafawfulizer Fuck, I don't know how but I almost forgot about that movies existence. Dammit, I was happy that way.
Jude Isuru Fernando
Jude Isuru Fernando - 7 years ago
Dafawfulizer Although he's gone fully digital these days, my favourite Robert Rodriguez film is El Mariachi. Nothing too huge. No flash or gimmick You felt the filmmaking spirit. The passion for getting the film made shone through.
angelo darkness
angelo darkness - 7 years ago
Well only time will tell if doug makes a review or not.
QMighty - 7 years ago
yeah, even as someone that loved the original trilogy and Sharkboy and Lavagirl... spy kids 4 was unwatchable
Bent7793 - 7 years ago
I saw that in theaters...
Matt Poogerman
Matt Poogerman - 7 years ago
Dafawfulizer ALL OF YOU
STOP-WATCH the rest of the review
Dafawfulizer - 7 years ago
Oh, I think it's TIME we remember such a TIMEless classic.
Dafawfulizer - 7 years ago
And the villain who sounds like Fred Figglehorn
We Remotely Low
We Remotely Low - 7 years ago
I never even knew that was a thing. xD
Rebecca Zeitler
Rebecca Zeitler - 7 years ago
We do not speak of THAT movie.
Pikachu Ketchum
Pikachu Ketchum - 7 years ago
Dafawfulizer I remember seeing that movie in theaters and it was a 4D movie with glasses and scratch and sniff cards and I just... why?
darkslifer #27
darkslifer #27 - 7 years ago
Ill have to make time to see that one
Ryan Meneo
Ryan Meneo - 7 years ago
Dafawfulizer don't look at me I'm off the clock
Josh - 7 years ago
I was going to make a joke about time, but I just don't want to take the time to come up with a good one.
ThunderNinja387 - 7 years ago
As a child, I never liked this movie, but I know many 14-18 year olds who remember this very fondly. Strange what happens when you ask people who were just a little younger when it came out.
Nav Singh
Nav Singh - 7 years ago
Hey i love your brother but why is he in this video? You are talking about it and he just says, sorry don’t remember for 20 minutes.
Thomasin Lockwood
Thomasin Lockwood - 7 years ago
Do Death Becomes Her! I love this channel so bloody much.
Adriel Tolentino
Adriel Tolentino - 7 years ago
I used to think this was a game changer. And then it became a meme in my family as the kids grew up to see how ridiculous it was
Charles Hockenbury
Charles Hockenbury - 7 years ago
This is my mom’s least favorite film
Kalvin Koskela
Kalvin Koskela - 7 years ago
I'm gonna be honest: I thought this looked awesome when I was a kid, and this was the first 3D film I saw in a theater before anaglyph 3D was completely phased out for digital 3D. I loved it as an 11-year-old, but now, this film just gets worse with age and the visuals I thought were impressive at the time keep looking uglier than I remember the more I see 'em again.
Carson Neiss
Carson Neiss - 7 years ago
I saw this movie in theaters in 3d. They had sharkboy and lavagirl 3d glasses but they only had lavagirl glasses left so my dad who came with. It was a regrettable experience.
The Silver Monkey
The Silver Monkey - 7 years ago
ALL HAIL KICKASSIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Emilio Reyes
Emilio Reyes - 7 years ago
Its actually this movie that help inspire me to be an artist. A movie written by a kid at my age? AWESOME
Ginger Weatherbee
Ginger Weatherbee - 7 years ago
Sharkboy & Lavagirl.. George Lopez?
James Ventresco
James Ventresco - 7 years ago
You posted the review 3 years ago
mjtubeme - 7 years ago
I loved Spy Kids 3 and Sharkboy and Lavagirl as a kid
Now, yeah I still like it.
For me, it's like "come on?!"
I still enjoy them.
Christian Fancy
Christian Fancy - 7 years ago
I love Sharkboy and Lavagirl, I watch it wend i was 5 years old.
Misterprickly - 7 years ago
I thought the this movie was OK.

But I LOVED Sin City 2!
T. P.
T. P. - 7 years ago
It a crappy kid movie, not a family movie (not something the parents can sit down and enjoy with thier children). Watching sharkboy and lavagirl make me feel like I'm on some lame dark ride.
Kami Lee
Kami Lee - 7 years ago
I never saw this movie but I was forced to "play" Lava Girl (and sometimes Shark Boy) by my friends in kindergarten.
JC animationcritic
JC animationcritic - 7 years ago
I like the 3 Spy Kids films and Sharkboy and Lavagirl
One sentence: A sense of fun and not apologizes for it at all
Darkfireice - 7 years ago
Why must you keep reminding us of this movie? I remember watching this as a kid thinking "this must be what a bad trip is and I want nothing with it." On the other hand it's not anything on Disney now, it does have some class
SmileGirl010 - 7 years ago
I enjoyed his movie mostly because I would watch it with my youngest brother a quite a bit, so it just kinda grew on me. I think he nostalgia from the goofy effects in the Spy Kids movies helped out too and the other little tiny good quality junk in Shark Boy and Lavagirl.

Idk. I recognize it was kinda awful, but like a lot of bad kids movies, I just enjoy watching them with my younger siblings and cousins. Hopefully that just means I’ll be a good mom who can tolerate all the crap my future kids watch! Lol
Serenity Rain
Serenity Rain - 7 years ago
My son came across this movie on netfix then hulu and he watched this movie for over a month the first time i watched with him i thought well its okay... for kids his age but whwn he kept watching it over and over i almost lost my mind then he found your review on it and he loved it and watched that over and over he told me that he liked the imagination of the movie that ans he loves sharks and a boy who was a shark too him was cool thank God he hasnt wanted to watch it in months
Shinobin333 - 7 years ago
Angelina Thompson
Angelina Thompson - 7 years ago
cheryl Williams
cheryl Williams - 7 years ago
I went to see shark boy and lava girl because I was a fan of Rodriguez's work but this movie was garbage the only thing I liked about the movie was the lava girl didn't just have the power of fire/lava but light but then again shark boy had really no point in being in the movie,maybe the movie would have been better as an animated film or show maybe but that's more mint or work that rodriguez is willing to bring to a film
TOMYSSHADOW - 7 years ago
Spy Kids 3 is my guilty pleasure movie. I loved it because it was my first 3D movie and I thought that the 3D was so amazing and the concept of being inside a videogame was so cool I didn't really care about the story. Sharkboy and Lavagirl I thought was cool too but now I find it to be a snorefest. I can't watch it.
Brian Jr Spero
Brian Jr Spero - 7 years ago
Was it good? No. But...A boy can "Dream Dream Dream Dream Dresm Dream..." lol
Cayden Michael
Cayden Michael - 7 years ago
Brian Jr Spero noooooooo... Don't start up my dormant memory of this film.
I am Fluffeh
I am Fluffeh - 7 years ago
kids dont exactly need a movie to have practical effects to get sucked into it. when i was like 6 or 7 i watched an episode of the big comfy couch and was completely amazed at the shadow puppets they were doing. i tried for years trying to figure out how they positioned their hands to get such a realistic giraffe silhouette. bout 5 years later i saw a rerun of the episode and waited for the shadow puppet part because i was still curious... well, i felt like an absolute idiot afterwards because even though i was seeing only shadows, it was pretty sad how obvious it was that it was just an extremely cartoony paper cut out with popsicle sticks glued on the head and body so they could hold it up and move the head around :|

not saying there shouldnt be decent movies for kids, but imagination, innocents, and gullibility are all pretty powerful things
HerbSuperb44 - 7 years ago
Either of you guys have any thoughts on what the worst movie(s) made for children are, as far as having bad messages for the target audience. Be curious to see a Top 11, or Top 5 or some such. Excellent as always fellas.
Shade - 7 years ago
ihtfg287tgwef8bifqw - 7 years ago
Loved all of Rodriquez' kids films, they were fun and creative. Dumb... but fun. Still kinda love them, the elements within them. Spy Kids 3-D is so bad it's good, especially Stallone's stuff.
cheryl Williams
cheryl Williams - 7 years ago
Rodriguez is only a good writer when it's not his own material granted his mariachi trilogy was good .
Aaron g
Aaron g - 7 years ago
Stretchdude and Clobbergir... wait, no, no, this is all wrong.
David Miler
David Miler - 7 years ago
It's was my favorite movie when I was little but watching it again it's so bad XD
cheryl Williams
cheryl Williams - 7 years ago
And no his kids didn't like it their father kind of forces his children to make home movies with him so I don't think that the were happy with their dad and helping him make a movie
Viva Reverie
Viva Reverie - 7 years ago
I did enjoy the first three Spy Kids movies and Sharkboy & Lavagirl... And I think I did watch Spy Kids 3 the most out of them. In hindsight I want to say it was the "video game" hook that kept me in, I liked the idea of progression through different levels, with a concrete idea that "Level 5 is so elusive" with the main characters slowly making their way through gradually more treacherous terrain. Sharkboy & Lavagirl I mostly remember enjoying due to its similarities in vibe and style to Spy Kids 3.
Little1Cave - 7 years ago
You need to review Spy Kids 4. Yes, there’s a fourth one. XD
Outside the Target Demographic
Outside the Target Demographic - 7 years ago
Doug reviews Shark boy and Lava girl. Rob reviews Spy Kids 3.
Matt - 7 years ago
This movie changed my life. When me and my friends watched it as kids we loved it so much we made up our own superheroes and played an episodic game about the characters we created. Every time we played we said it was a new episode, and I distinctly remember getting into the thousands. The friends I played this game with are some of mt closest ever, and whenever we reminisce about it and how awesome we thought it was, we credit Sharkboy and Lavagirl for it's creation. It's one of those movies that I watch know and laugh at, but it had such a massive impact on my childhood I will always love it.
Constantine Jack
Constantine Jack - 7 years ago
Nice coming out of the closet story
James A Clouder
James A Clouder - 7 years ago
My opinion for Spy Kids 3 and Sharkboy & Lavagirl are the same: God when trashpiles they are, but they're such amazing trashpiles and I love them so much. I remember when I first heard that Spy Kids 3 was going to be reviewed, my first thoughts were "Oh, I love that movie!.. Tear it shreds"
icecream hero
icecream hero - 7 years ago
It was trying to look fake on purpose its an imagination land
rachael beth
rachael beth - 7 years ago
niece? does dug have a daughter is is there a third walker and not just are rob dug duo?
FiguresPictures - 7 years ago
Loved it whem I was younger, havent seen it recently enough to gauge how i currently see it
Mark Welch
Mark Welch - 7 years ago
This was the first movie to give me a boner.
unfabgirl - 7 years ago
Between the nostalgic factor and the (even back then) so bad it is actually good feel I get from it, I happily watch the movie when it comes on tv.
Shiny Piece
Shiny Piece - 7 years ago
A bit late, but I'll take it. =/
Red Vince
Red Vince - 7 years ago
This movie is a guilty pleasure for me. I like Spy Kids fine, but (I think I'm a minority on this) I actually like Spy Kids 2 more. Not a fan of Spy Kids 3.
cheryl Williams
cheryl Williams - 7 years ago
Not to mention the movies idea was from his son which he said that if you don't like the movie well it was my kids idea there was a point in the movie where the main characters parents say they are getting divorced because our son didn't wish hard enough.Robert Rodriguez was going through a divorce at the time where Robert cheated in his wife with someone younger...
biky1212 - 7 years ago
*Insert "Come at my lady door" joke here*
icecream hero
icecream hero - 7 years ago
Hayo Miyazaki is overrated as heck his movies are beautiful but certainly not the best some of them are very boring.
mgunter - 7 years ago
I see the Stay Puft Marshmellows on the shelf.
Deven Pautz
Deven Pautz - 7 years ago
Honestly I white shark boy and lava girl spy kids 2 and 3 as like dumb popcorn movies just a movie I can throw on when I don't feel like watching anything else and just eating some popcorn and get some laughs I can get some fricken weirdness but I not going to sit here and say that they're like citizen Kane or something lol
Trigspro789 - 7 years ago
I loved Sharkboy and Lavagirl when I was young. I even had Sharkboy and Lavagirl styled 3D glasses (not sure when I lost them tho). But now I can see the many many many MANY flaws. Even still, I do enjoy it ironically.
Hayleigh Bird
Hayleigh Bird - 7 years ago
Should we tell them that there is a 4th spy kids movie?
Emily Porter
Emily Porter - 7 years ago
When I was a kid I loved this movie, now as an adult I think shark boy and lava girl sucks.
Chugargonfan - 7 years ago
Go back and watch Linus speak. You can't tell me it doesn't sound like Rob's overacting
Christie Beck
Christie Beck - 7 years ago
Honestly, I was wanting a real thoughts on this movie because that review was really good. Possibly my favorite.
mgunter - 7 years ago
The wrestler Sharkboy had the trademark on the name, so he got paid enough to retire.
TheJuancho - 7 years ago
All I can think of when I remember Sharkboy and Lavagirl is George Lopez's face screaming at me.
Gaming With Harlan
Gaming With Harlan - 7 years ago
Rob's memory loss is product of trauma
icecream hero
icecream hero - 7 years ago
I couldn't get through where the wild things are it was boring and awful.
showgal 247
showgal 247 - 7 years ago
I watched this movie when I was a kid and I still have a soft spot for it.

Fun fact: It was partly filmed at my mom's old elementary school.
Tord Markus Birkeland Jakobsen
Tord Markus Birkeland Jakobsen - 7 years ago
There is at least 4 spy kids movies, Doge.
Alec Foisy
Alec Foisy - 7 years ago
To quote Unshaved Mouse in his review of Pocahontas, dumb movies that think they're smart are the worst.
icecream hero
icecream hero - 7 years ago
So they make fun of crappy effects when they themselves have crappy effects Okeydokey.
Jareth The Goblin King
Jareth The Goblin King - 7 years ago
It does seem confusing of how Sharkboy turns tan when his kid self was white, but the thing is that he was turning part shark so that means his whole body would be changing therefore he would look very different from his original self, plus there are brown sharks. Also, I did have an ongoing theory about Lavagirl. I think she might some sort of doppelganger of the ice girl, Max wants to be friends with her, but maybe wants her to be different so he imagines the opposite of her being cold to being hot and thus Lavagirl is born
CJ_CrushingC_R - 7 years ago
I saw this in the cinema when I was a kid, & completely forgot about it until you guys reviewed it. & looking back it is a dumb movie but it's harmless. Hard to get angry at it, there's much worse material for children out there.
KC reviews
KC reviews - 7 years ago
Sharkboy and Lavagirl may be one of my favorite NC reviews. I remember Disney and all of it's channels were hyping up this movie like mad, and it looked awful! I never bothered seeing it, but because they promoted it so much, and i think my sister liked it for a bit, I knew who all the characters were (and how weird they looked) and most of the basic plot. So when the review came out, it was honestly so hilarious and cathartic for me.

And now I know the whole story and how bad it is, and I don't even have to watch the movie! Woo!
Niroto YT
Niroto YT - 7 years ago
I liked the movie, probably just cause of NOSTALGIA
Matt - 7 years ago
I was about 7 years old when this movie came out, and so many kids my age in elementary school were talking about it. I watched it a few times and I liked it fine, but then when I got a little older I really started to hate on it thinking how dumb it was and thought it was the worst movie ever. Now, as a 19-year-old, I see it in the way you guys think, it's incredibly stupid but it's harmless.
Griffin Gterra
Griffin Gterra - 7 years ago
review has only been out for 4 months... 3.5 MILLIONS VIEWS?! HOW DID THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?!
Mike Walton
Mike Walton - 7 years ago
Ok Gotdamit! The Phantom Menace was nowhere near as bad as you and others make it out to be! Jesus! Find an actual bad film to pick on instead of following the cool kids! Other than that love you guys’ work
Triggermatt241 - 7 years ago
I loved this movie when I was a kid and when I look at it now I cringe.
Alexandr Alexandrovich Alekhin
Alexandr Alexandrovich Alekhin - 7 years ago
I prefer true Epos heroes, not that comics superheroes or something. Watch my playlist with videos which I liked - there is a pretty old (1986) Russian cartoon about Hercules and Admetus.
Lady Lera
Lady Lera - 7 years ago
Honestly, I was little when I first saw this movie, and I loved it completely. To me, it made me feel for the characters, and become a bit emotional over them, and I just wished I could live in their world. Now I'm nearly 21, and I still can't help but love it, and watch it whenever I can. Is it bad? Honestly, I don't really think so, but that's just my opinion.
TatorTotty - 7 years ago
When I was younger there were a group of movies I watched whenever I got the chance because of my extreme love for them

Treasure Planet
Pride (talking lion movie?? I barely remember it now)
Spy Kids 3D

For some reason my mom got the third one and missed the first two?? I dunno but I actually didnt see Spy Kids 1 or 2 until I went looking for them on my own
NerdNation - 7 years ago
I'm a 2000s kid and the spy kids trilogy was one of my favorites but I loved shark boy and lava girl so much I would watch it over and over again I personally loved all of it when I was a kid and today I love it all for ironic enjoyment
Stefan M.
Stefan M. - 7 years ago
I also have to note that this video got views faster than most of the other "real thoughts" or "first viewing" videos.
packman2321 - 7 years ago
I can remember this film being just on the edge of that part of my life where I started to think 'wow this is really dumb' that said I remember almost all the film which is a good sign... On balance I think I still like it (it reminds me a lot of the sort of stories I would come up with when I was a kid and I honestly liked the weird origins the characters had)... That said I think even at the time I kind of realised that this was me liking bits of a bad movie rather than watching a good movie. Nowhere near a staple of my childhood but something I remember watching and enjoying even with its many, many, many (feel free to add additional 'many's into this space) faults
Kyle Deely
Kyle Deely - 7 years ago
The weird thing is I just re-watched your review of this annoying flick for the tenth time just an hour ago, then bam! How 'bout that huh? =D
MF Studios
MF Studios - 7 years ago
10:13 Ayyyyyyyyyeee
Tadicuslegion78 - 7 years ago
I'm trying an experiment here.....if this comment gets 1K likes, then the next real thoughts should be the infamous movie North.
Cayden Michael
Cayden Michael - 7 years ago
Tadicuslegion78 I do remember the review of North... that video was fucking hilarious
Tadicuslegion78 - 7 years ago
I checked Channel Awesome and nothing, just the old Nostalgia Critic review from all the way back in....2009. Boy Doug and Rob have a lot of real thoughts to tap into with all their old old videos back when the NC was just getting off the ground, some of them really good reviews too.
Cayden Michael
Cayden Michael - 7 years ago
I may be mistaken, but didn't they already do one on North cause I thought they did a while back? I could just be wrong, but I feel like they have.
Atticus Omundson
Atticus Omundson - 7 years ago
There's a difference between wanting something and knowing that someone is just using your wants for their own ends.
Oliver Xu
Oliver Xu - 7 years ago
Atticus Omundson So you don't want a Real Thoughts on North?
Atticus Omundson
Atticus Omundson - 7 years ago
That's not an experiment. That's just being an attention whore.
Nathaniel Foga
Nathaniel Foga - 7 years ago
Mr.electric send him to the principal's office and have him EXPELLED !!!
icecream hero
icecream hero - 7 years ago
Why are they complaining about the special effects it was intentionality fake because it's an imagination land. Not everything has to be Pixar.
Sarah Graham
Sarah Graham - 7 years ago
This movie was on constant repeat in my mom's minivan, it holds a special place in my heart but it's definitely not good looking back at it.
SaintSentry - 7 years ago
10:13 You can tell Doug has been waiting for this moment all his life.
david ortega
david ortega - 7 years ago
New glasses Rob?
Handington - 7 years ago
Wow, that's the most watched video?
Kellian Yee Chin Siang
Kellian Yee Chin Siang - 7 years ago
Could you do a top 11 wost and best the legends of korra episode please please please please please please please please juste please
Chain Reactions Film Productions
Chain Reactions Film Productions - 7 years ago
I will say I grew up with Shark Boy and Lava Girl so if it’s on TV I’ll watch it and just kinda go along with it, but yeah I’m aware that it’s just a dumb movie for kids and that’s it. So watching it is just a trip down memory lane for me
Taylor Ramirez
Taylor Ramirez - 7 years ago
I use to really love this movie because i was like 7 when it came out. It was mostly because it got my imagination going. Like I would just think about what I would do in that sitution and what my dream world would look like or whatever.
Chris Bern
Chris Bern - 7 years ago
You do know that there's a 4th spykids?
Maineutral - 7 years ago
I also like Sin City 2.
futuremovieactor - 7 years ago
Bobby Corwen
Bobby Corwen - 7 years ago
I loved the shit out of this film as a kid, I watched it about 10 times back then.

Looking back on it... It's pretty bad...
Tamahj Jamison
Tamahj Jamison - 7 years ago
This is a movie that was cool for people like me,that were 5-6 years old seeing it in the movie theatre in 3-D.It doesn't age well,let me tell you that.It was cool for kids when it came out,but that's where the appeal starts and stops.
Mr Moo
Mr Moo - 7 years ago
Spy kids 4 review?
Jagger Murloc
Jagger Murloc - 7 years ago
No idea why i love this channel
Dont even find anything on it nostalgic
Totti2696 - 7 years ago
even as a kid i knew this movie sucked
Specimen021 - 7 years ago
It was one of my favourite movies when I was a kid. Being a kid is a disease, I'm happy to say I'm better now.
Jordan Willner
Jordan Willner - 7 years ago
Random Jeff Goldblum impressions for the win!
TheRastaRican 2001
TheRastaRican 2001 - 7 years ago
Doug where did you get that Bitchin' Good Feathers shirt?
Angelina Thompson
Angelina Thompson - 7 years ago
I love that shirt
Jagged Little Pearl
Jagged Little Pearl - 7 years ago
TheRastaRican 2001 it is a cool shirt! ☺
Kevin Petrak
Kevin Petrak - 7 years ago
Eh, even as a kid I thought the movie trailers looked dumb and made an effort to avoid seeing the movie
Baylor Thornton
Baylor Thornton - 7 years ago
I was waiting for this one! Thank you!!!

And to answer your question, I liked this movie unironically in preschool. I watched it for the laughs from about fourth grade onward.
Matt Lucas
Matt Lucas - 7 years ago
This if your a kid age 7 your like it but when your 12 this movie would feel weird .Not a bad movie but it felt mixed guys .I mean I don’t love it but I do remember seeing it on this Disney channel
Kevin Petrak
Kevin Petrak - 7 years ago
Good timing with A Wrinkle in Time coming out tomorrow
Marco Hidalgo
Marco Hidalgo - 7 years ago
Speaking of which, will Doug do an NC review on the shitty TV version from 2003?
ajmrowland - 7 years ago
Good one.
icecream hero
icecream hero - 7 years ago
I love this movie so much it's really good.
Benk Artist
Benk Artist - 7 years ago
Um.. Rob was joking right? ... Jack Black was 25 in The NeverEnding Story III
Mariokemon - 7 years ago
yeah, he was kidding
Aman Network
Aman Network - 7 years ago
Do a NC for SHORTS. you haven't seen it all until you see SHORTS
FanboyBerries39 Movies
FanboyBerries39 Movies - 7 years ago
I saw that shit in the theater... sorry dad
UnknowNgaminG 14
UnknowNgaminG 14 - 7 years ago
Aman Network that is a weird ass movie.
Aiden macritchie
Aiden macritchie - 7 years ago
Holy shit I remember that movie
Morgan Gobin
Morgan Gobin - 7 years ago
I remember really wanting to see that movie when I was a kid. And I mean REALLY wanting to see it. Then I saw it. Oh god, it was one of the strangest, worst movies I’ve ever seen!
bigvirgotube - 7 years ago
Helvetica! Helvetica!
Jagged Little Pearl
Jagged Little Pearl - 7 years ago
Yeah that was pretty bad. And I mean baaaaaaaad.
Calisha H
Calisha H - 7 years ago
I still havent seen it, ill only watch it in an NC review lol looked awful
The Girl Who Explored
The Girl Who Explored - 7 years ago
I remember that. I guess I was a little too old to get into it when i was able to see it.
Jakob Rodenbush
Jakob Rodenbush - 7 years ago
Aman Network god I thought that movie was a fever dream
DantetheHegehog14 - 7 years ago
Should anybody tell him that there's a Spy Kids 4?
Jay Imaginx888888
Jay Imaginx888888 - 7 years ago
Honestly, I've always liked Sharkboy and Lavagirl. It was a fun superhero-ish movie for kids at the time, and I was around 10 when I saw it for the first time. And yes, I still like it unironically. Sorry Rob lol. There was always a draw for me with the theme of imagination being important and dreams being worth following. There was also a bit of a sense of the characters having to keep moving before that dark cloud thing caught up to them and that gave the movie a feeling of not being able to slow down too much, which I think worked to keep me invested. And hey, as far as I remember there are no fart jokes in it, so that's a bonus for me. I will admit that sometimes the movie feels really awkward, takes itself too seriously, or drags out its message a bit too much. But overall, I still find it fun to see every now and then.
0816 M3RC
0816 M3RC - 7 years ago
Jay Imaginx888888 There are so many better superhero movies though.
KriegsMeister27 - 7 years ago
Calisha H
I guess he just had a "brain fart" over it
Calisha H
Calisha H - 7 years ago
You forgot the nightmare fuel "Brain Fart" scene. How did you erase it from your mind? I envy you
Bravelove Meow
Bravelove Meow - 7 years ago
the very aggressive dream song is still a classic
icecream hero
icecream hero - 7 years ago
I still love it too did max having a bunk bed make you want to buy a bunk bed.
Angelina Thompson
Angelina Thompson - 7 years ago
Love your shirt Doug
Della Lynlee
Della Lynlee - 7 years ago
Spy Kids one was fantastic and then it went downhill from there. SB and LG is literally the Suicide Squad of the RR movies: a bright, colorful, stylized movie with shitty CGI and a couple shining actors and not much of a plot, that splits audiences like parting the Red Sea.
Flame Beats
Flame Beats - 7 years ago
I saw the first Spy Kids in theaters as a little kid and it had an actual coherent storyline unlike the sequels.
ajmrowland - 7 years ago
They're no worse than the visuals in Spy Kids 3.
Cynical Chimp
Cynical Chimp - 7 years ago
I watched all the Spy Kids films, but not SB & LG. Looking at it in review though literally made me feel queasy, same with Food Fight. The visuals just looked so disgusting, ugh.
What a GEEK
What a GEEK - 7 years ago
I first watched this when I was 4 and loved it now oh boy it's bad
Nagarath16 - 7 years ago
Wait.. Niece? When did Doug get children?
JurassicDork1993 - 7 years ago
Rob's wife has a sister who's got a daughter, hence the niece.
Kami Lee
Kami Lee - 7 years ago
Could be Rob's wife's sibling's kid.
Dark Deception
Dark Deception - 7 years ago
Now I'm confused
Parker Williams
Parker Williams - 7 years ago
I liked spy kids so I wanted to love this one but I just couldn’t and as a kid I didn’t know why
Connor Worley
Connor Worley - 7 years ago
The first time I saw that movie, I was over at a friend’s house, and they said it was their all time favorite movie (We were around four).

I texted that same friend 20 minutes ago when I saw that it was uploaded, and he just replied this:

Me: Hey do you still like Sharkboy and Lavagirl?

Him: Lol what’s that?
icecream hero
icecream hero - 7 years ago
I grew up on it I always grew up with all 3 Spy Kids movies. I dissown the 4th.
princessthyemis - 7 years ago
NO WAY!!?! The kid who played Linus contacted you and said he liked the review!? Haha that's awesome!!! :D
Louie Ryu
Louie Ryu - 7 years ago
princessthyemis He better invite him to say the expulsion line if he reviews Spy Kids 4
Trevor Cutler
Trevor Cutler - 7 years ago
princessthyemis too bad couldn't contact him before. Imagine Minus attacking the review
ThatLittleKitten - 7 years ago
I loved this movie, and review, when I was in middle school <33
Laurence Sinclair
Laurence Sinclair - 7 years ago
Stuff created from the imagination of kids: try Axe Cop!
Charles Stanford
Charles Stanford - 7 years ago
I used to draw fan art of shark boy and lava girl as teens when I was a kid. I wish I knew where they were.
Christina Hunt
Christina Hunt - 7 years ago
I LOVED this movie when I was growing up. It came out when I was like 4.
Forever.Ingmar - 7 years ago
This video could have been 5 seconds saying, it was shit
ATAG Chozo
ATAG Chozo - 7 years ago
I’d like to see you review the second spy kids movie, camel poop joke included
John Hickey
John Hickey - 7 years ago
I think they did spy kids 4
Matt Lucas
Matt Lucas - 7 years ago
Personally saw this movie and it was sorta mixed to me .I mean I enjoy but would never recommend to other people .I saw as a kid when I was 10 or 11
Chris Atherton
Chris Atherton - 7 years ago
One of the best special effects of 1986...
CWDTrixie - 7 years ago
It could possibly top Tron.
Stephen Marco
Stephen Marco - 7 years ago
Yeah that wouldn't surprise me. The whole movie screamed we've had this script in a shelf for years now. We probably should make something from it.
Alexyss Powell
Alexyss Powell - 7 years ago
Stephen Marco yo I feel u!!! I couldn't believe a cheap idea could get INTO a theater. We already know the main character is WAY too old to be a high schooler (like most films) but it was a giant waste of time. I heard that movie was supposed to come out in 2012 or even earlier than that
Stephen Marco
Stephen Marco - 7 years ago
When I saw the trailer for that my mouth dropped. I couldn't believe something like that got a theatrical release it looked like a direct to video movie or sci-fi channels movie of the week.
Robert  Palumbo
Robert Palumbo - 7 years ago
cabbage kids oo2
June Style
June Style - 7 years ago
336 likes and 3 dislikes
Super Cool
Super Cool - 7 years ago
Hey mr Doug walker can you do a review of transformers 5
Robert  Palumbo
Robert Palumbo - 7 years ago
next vied is bio dome
Matt Lucas
Matt Lucas - 7 years ago
Spirited away was anime though .
Hart hat
Hart hat - 7 years ago
I’d like a real thought on the rocky and bull winkle review
Jonathan Teter
Jonathan Teter - 7 years ago
I have honestly always hated Sharkboy and Lavagirl, to me it was so stupid. However, I love Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over, the reason being because I love the premise of it mostly taking place in a videogame. Plus, Are you aware that they made a Spy Kids 4 that might be even worse than Sharkboy and Lavagirl and is definitely worse than Spy Kids 3?
princessthyemis - 7 years ago
Goodness that one was awful. I can't believe I saw it in theaters!
Stephen Marco
Stephen Marco - 7 years ago
Oh god! That movie don't get me started. The only good thing about it was the bad guy had a surprisingly good backstory.
Nathan Hayes
Nathan Hayes - 7 years ago
Jonathan Teter Don’t even get me started on the time mechanics in that movie.
B Birdwhistell
B Birdwhistell - 7 years ago
From what I have heard Rob, if you like hammy kid actors, then you’re going to love Charles Wallace in A wrinkle in time
Robert  Palumbo
Robert Palumbo - 7 years ago
nothing reals exists
Troopcaptain - 7 years ago
But will there be a "Spy Kids 4" review in the future?
tom fegan
tom fegan - 7 years ago
Troopcaptain I wouldn't see why not. He has all the time in the world.
scottydu81 - 7 years ago
NC would not be doing his job if he had no plans for spy kids 4 hahaha
Bent7793 - 7 years ago
I remember seeing that in theaters with the smell-a-vision...
Troopcaptain - 7 years ago
89Crono Yeah, fair enough XD
Brandon Lyon
Brandon Lyon - 7 years ago
Wonder if he will talk about the smell-a-vision thing they tried to do with that movie.
89Crono - 7 years ago
Troopcaptain We dont talk about that one.
Da Lime
Da Lime - 7 years ago
my only memory of this film was wanting to see this REALLY badly when it came out in theaters. then when i finally did on tv, i was like "....what the heck did i see in this?"
Bryan Dillon
Bryan Dillon - 7 years ago
talk about jack black movies
Matt Lucas
Matt Lucas - 7 years ago
I do remember this
Nathan Roberts
Nathan Roberts - 7 years ago
10:13 Well played, Doug. Well flippin' played.
Robert  Palumbo
Robert Palumbo - 7 years ago
leave star ears alone
Cman971 unknown
Cman971 unknown - 7 years ago
Hey, would you ever do spy kids 4?
Paul Campbell
Paul Campbell - 7 years ago
I think I’m 31
kitchean - 7 years ago
Think they will do spy kids 4
Fire Marshall Bill Burns
Fire Marshall Bill Burns - 7 years ago
They did make a Spy Kids 4 and it was even worse than the 3rd one.
Devon Sterling
Devon Sterling - 7 years ago
I'm curious what are your real thoughts on James and the giant peach
KrossoverGod - 7 years ago
Oh come on! Phantom Menace is pretty boring at times, and has a couple of stupid moments, but you're giving it more shit than it deserves. It's still an ok movie. I'd watch that over SW Episode 7 any day.
Marco Hidalgo
Marco Hidalgo - 7 years ago
He dislikes Attack of the Clones more than Phantom Menace.
Taylor Ramirez
Taylor Ramirez - 7 years ago
"The kids are the ID and you need the Logos and the Pathos" oh Rob
Whiplash95 - 7 years ago
Angelina Thompson
Angelina Thompson - 7 years ago
Matt Carlson
Matt Carlson - 7 years ago
Whiplash95 it’s bullshit! I did nooot. Oh hi mark
Alcendence - 7 years ago
David Garcia
David Garcia - 7 years ago
Donejail - 7 years ago
Andi _
Andi _ - 7 years ago
Keegan Stormblade
Keegan Stormblade - 7 years ago
Molly Jingo
Molly Jingo - 7 years ago
Shashwat Bhushan
Shashwat Bhushan - 7 years ago
I'm too stoned to come up with a username
I'm too stoned to come up with a username - 7 years ago
Weren't dream journals a girls toy back in the 90s? That's what it sounds like at least.
Alcendence - 7 years ago
Gage Peruti
Gage Peruti - 7 years ago
tom fegan
tom fegan - 7 years ago
mermermer123 Ironically, there was a limited supply of Sharkboy 3D glasses when my Brother saw the film, so he ended up coming home with two Lavagirl glasses.
elizabel - 7 years ago
mermermer123 I can relate. When I was a kid, whenever I found a new movie I liked (regardless of quality) I watched it every day for weeks. Some movies I look back on and see that they still hold up. But other times I rewatch some old favorites and all I can think is "Why? Why? Why did I watch this?"
Berkley Pearl
Berkley Pearl - 7 years ago
Same! All my friends loved this movie when I was little. I played shark boy and lava girl with my friends and I had it on dvd. It’s hard to get through now though
I am Fluffeh
I am Fluffeh - 7 years ago
same, it was the first 3D movie i ever watched and i loved it. although i was 11 at the time :| i should've known better at that point lol X.x
bro - 7 years ago
That's about the same story as me. I loved it when I was a little kid but my parents didn't like it, so I pretty much never got to watch it. Now that I'm older I can clearly see why somebody wouldn't like it, but when I was a kid it was the best movie ever.
ThatLittleKitten - 7 years ago
mermermer123 nice lol
David Samchez
David Samchez - 7 years ago
mermermer123 me too
stonecoldku - 7 years ago
Probably the coolest or strangest story to come from this movie is that a professional wrestler who goes by the name of Shark Boy had trademarked the name Shark Boy before this movie had come out. He ended up suing the studio that produced the movie and got an out of court settlement. It was an undisclosed amount but the rumor is the wrestler made out like a bandit.
Matt Lucas
Matt Lucas - 7 years ago
Didn’t expect people to talk about this video .I was watching that old video but that other video .People liked it that movie .I saw this on Disney channel when I was in middle school
Colin Edwards
Colin Edwards - 7 years ago
I remember even as a kid there was something so off about this movie...
Robert  Palumbo
Robert Palumbo - 7 years ago
i love ... dfdfvfh give me my phone cxdcvdvdcv sorry doug
Rob Rophside
Rob Rophside - 7 years ago
That is space cult, suicide cult, exterminism craziness! The eugenics transhumanist cult wants to confuse the general species ahead of rendering us down and removing us. The decision has been made. Cheer up, the posthuman era is dawning! The plan is an asexual humanoid, even if they decide to keep us around, as stated in hundreds of textbooks.

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