Nostalgia Critic Real Thoughts on Sharkboy and Lavagirl
Shark videos 7 years ago 85,362 views
It's our most watched video (for now) but why does this film get so much love/hate? Doug and Rob analyze people's fascination over Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Watch the review here - The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl (also known simply as Sharkboy and Lavagirl) is a 2005 American science fantasy adventure film[1] written and directed by Robert Rodriguez. Go to our Store for Awesome Stuff - Get some Nostalgia Critic T-Shirts here - See more at our Site: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Like Doug on Facebook: The ONLY Official Youtube channel for the Nostalgia Critic and Channel Awesome. New Nostalgia Critic episodes every Wednesday at 5PM CST. New Top 5 Best/Worst every Tuesday at 5PM CST New Real Thoughts or 1st Viewing episodes every Thursday at 5PM CST. New Tamara's Never Seen every Friday at 5PM CST. Classic Nostalgia Critic episodes are uploaded after they are cleared. TV Show Vlogs are uploaded on an inconsistent schedule, so check the playlists. Same with Doug Reviews, Sibling Rivalry, and Bum Reviews.
Linus is life
10. comment for Nostalgia Critic Real Thoughts on Sharkboy and Lavagirl
When i was a kid i always fantasised with that
I watched Dpy Kids 3D more
Now that being said, I'm not even a little nostalgia blind for this movie. Fuck this movie. It's bad -- awful, in fact. And while your review was funny, it was really hard to sit through because oh my god, what a massive, cringey load the movie is. Like, I don't understand how people my age get any kind of enjoyment out of going back to movies like this, or the Star Wars prequels, for that matter. There's that whole "millennials are ruining the world" thing, and my bit for when that comes up in my life is, "Please direct all your vitriol to the Lucas and Rodriguez Apologists."
20. comment for Nostalgia Critic Real Thoughts on Sharkboy and Lavagirl
...EXCEPT for George Lopez in a bubble. And the guy from Twilight singing the dream song (lololol I'll NEVER forget that!)
30. comment for Nostalgia Critic Real Thoughts on Sharkboy and Lavagirl
Kill me
50. comment for Nostalgia Critic Real Thoughts on Sharkboy and Lavagirl
"Most watched"
100. comment for Nostalgia Critic Real Thoughts on Sharkboy and Lavagirl
Spy Kids 4 sucks though. (yes, that's a thing, please do a review)
I ripped his nuts off and fed them to his cat.
After watching it on Netflix, it really did seem like that. Silly plot, forced adult situation to try to act "smart", and low budget. All traits you'd see on Disney Channel back in the day.
I didn't like the movie at all when I was younger, but now I see it as a good bad movie.
Also, it's awesome that Linus actually contacted you!
Do you think... God stays in Heaven because he, too, lives in fear of what he's created? Here on Earth?
That was the first time I ever felt burned by a movie.
During the climax of the movie, when Linus was explaining the reasons he was doing everything, the film reel melted and everything slowed down. It took around 20 minutes for them to fix everything. It was the first time I've ever seen it happen in person and I will not forget it.
Your're mom gay
Funnily enough my parents actually divorced a few years before this movie came out, so I guess I might've also felt connected to it more than a lot of other films that were out at the time. I always saw parents in them getting along or just having some light bickering, but this one had the one scene of arguing and then the whole hoping they would love each other still, and I just sort of clicked with that.
Now, the movie just kinda looks like a hot, steaming pile of CGI unicorn-colored garbage, but I mean, I think it has some cute ideas, and the whole parent "subplot" (hardly a subplot considering how little it's in the film) is a nice touch for a kid going through similar problems.
Now, I don't hate it, I'm just weirded out by it.
Other than that, this movie clearly was "Rob late for kid's birthday party, need gift."
Hum… maybe I need to watch it again.
I think that's kind of the dynamic between Spy Kids and Sharkboy and Lavagirl--you have to have been in that very narrow target demographic to "get" them; especially when it comes to Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Otherwise you'll just be sitting there thinking they're garbage.
But this is something that I think is true of a lot of the kids movies that were coming out in the '00s. If you weren't in the target demographic, you probably wouldn't like Agent Cody Banks or Big Fat Liar or a lot of the other kids' movies coming out at the time.
The '90s commercial-level special effects would have annoyed you, along with all the stuff that was clearly in the movie to entertain kids. But if you were a kid at the time, you'd like it because you probably hadn't seen enough movies at that point to be bothered by the special effects or the plot.
/end rant
Linus was always my favorite though.
Everyone: HE SAID THE THING!!!
that's a dope "Goodfeathers " shirt
i never acctually grew up with sharkboy and lavagirl acctually, i didnt see it untill i was 15, but to me it was so bad it was good
There were always kinda cool aspects to it like a huge chocolate chip cookie as a boat? (I wished was real), the dynamic b/w Sharkboy and Lava Girl, even the over the top acting. But I think I still knew this movie wasn't good. The effects were so bad they weren't even charming like in Spy Kids 1&2 and the main character, along with the parent drama was pretty insufferable.
1. Spy Kids (still holds up)
2. Spy Kids 2
3. Sharkboy and Lava Girl
4. Spy Kids 3
5. Spy Kids 4 (mightve been directed by someone else? not sure)
6. Shorts! (To be honest, I never saw this one, avoided it like the black plague. Please review)
STOP-WATCH the rest of the review
Now, yeah I still like it.
For me, it's like "come on?!"
I still enjoy them.
But I LOVED Sin City 2!
One sentence: A sense of fun and not apologizes for it at all
Idk. I recognize it was kinda awful, but like a lot of bad kids movies, I just enjoy watching them with my younger siblings and cousins. Hopefully that just means I’ll be a good mom who can tolerate all the crap my future kids watch! Lol
not saying there shouldnt be decent movies for kids, but imagination, innocents, and gullibility are all pretty powerful things
Fun fact: It was partly filmed at my mom's old elementary school.
And now I know the whole story and how bad it is, and I don't even have to watch the movie! Woo!
Treasure Planet
Pride (talking lion movie?? I barely remember it now)
Spy Kids 3D
For some reason my mom got the third one and missed the first two?? I dunno but I actually didnt see Spy Kids 1 or 2 until I went looking for them on my own
Looking back on it... It's pretty bad...
Dont even find anything on it nostalgic
And to answer your question, I liked this movie unironically in preschool. I watched it for the laughs from about fourth grade onward.
I guess he just had a "brain fart" over it
Now I'm confused
I texted that same friend 20 minutes ago when I saw that it was uploaded, and he just replied this:
Me: Hey do you still like Sharkboy and Lavagirl?
Him: Lol what’s that?