Nurse Shark Attack

(For licensing or usage, contact My husband and are in the Caribbean on our honeymoon. Mid snorkeling with the sharks I felt a whoosh of water, something clamp down on my arm and assumed my husband was playing a prank of me. Less than a second later I realized how much it hurt and looked past where my goggles were blocking my side vision to see the shark (bigger than myself) latched on to my arm. I pulled it away/the combination of the shark releasing and got out of there. Disclaimer: This is a five foot nurse shark that typically never bite unless provoked via tail pulling, feeding, etc. There was no tail pulling or feeding during my snorkel with them (as you can clearly see via video). Please tun your volume up & Enjoy!

Nurse Shark Attack sentiment_very_dissatisfied 65

Shark videos 7 years ago 2,644,747 views

(For licensing or usage, contact My husband and are in the Caribbean on our honeymoon. Mid snorkeling with the sharks I felt a whoosh of water, something clamp down on my arm and assumed my husband was playing a prank of me. Less than a second later I realized how much it hurt and looked past where my goggles were blocking my side vision to see the shark (bigger than myself) latched on to my arm. I pulled it away/the combination of the shark releasing and got out of there. Disclaimer: This is a five foot nurse shark that typically never bite unless provoked via tail pulling, feeding, etc. There was no tail pulling or feeding during my snorkel with them (as you can clearly see via video). Please tun your volume up & Enjoy!

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Most popular comments
for Nurse Shark Attack

Justin MZ
Justin MZ - 7 years ago
Hahaha this was fawking hilarious
shane fistell
shane fistell - 7 years ago
Hah ha ha! Nurse sharks are generally docile,and gentle.They will not attack,unless placed under extreme provocation and stress.
I befriended brown nurse shark,who was wonderfully playful.It was an unforgettable experience!
Na Na
Na Na - 7 years ago
dat ass was worth biting
Carno 99
Carno 99 - 7 years ago
Ok sharks aren’t smart
Carno 99
Carno 99 - 7 years ago
You know you were acting like an idiot it was scaring you because it though you were attacking it
Nɪɢʜᴛsʜᴀᴅᴇ Rᴀᴅᴛᴋᴇ
Nɪɢʜᴛsʜᴀᴅᴇ Rᴀᴅᴛᴋᴇ - 7 years ago
Oh please. That was absolutely nothing. I swim with these babies almost every day, and the first thing I want to tell people is that they are not hostile in the slightest. The first thing we tell tourists is that you don't put your hands out flat near their heads, because that looks like food to them. The second thing we tell tourists is to keep your feet either on the ground or away from their mouths. Nurse sharks are the furthest thing from hostile, but if you're careless or don't have common sense, then yes, you will get bit.
PressPlayGaming - 7 years ago
I would've bit her too! Probably on her butt though. That thang looked tasty
NA NA - 7 years ago
FACT: Nurse Sharks are MEDIUM Predators to humans! They like to eat smaller fish usually or smell something new up close! If it bites you, just punch the gills or poke the eye ball! It will let go!
NA NA - 7 years ago
Wow, almost another pretty skinny booty as shark food! Good thing, that shark was ONLY curious and did not open its mouth. It just wanted to smell her!

10. comment for Nurse Shark Attack

Fernando Pedro Herrera Cruzate
Fernando Pedro Herrera Cruzate - 7 years ago
Good ass
william joyce
william joyce - 7 years ago
Give me a break,that shark meant her no harm and started moving away in the opposite direction right away
Count Von D
Count Von D - 7 years ago
For a nurse she ain't very bright now is she? Stuck her hand right in the bloke's mouth.

One of them Great Ass sharks.
jeff spence
jeff spence - 7 years ago
Typical female just wanting to be in the public eye. Next.
cactusitude - 7 years ago
Typical male, spouting off stupid shit cause he can't get laid. Sad!
Jared Hone
Jared Hone - 7 years ago
I am sorry I missed the shark. Was there a shark in that video?
Michael Barker
Michael Barker - 7 years ago
Obviously the sharks were being fed off the pier. When she extended her arm/hand, the shark thought she had a hand out (pun intended). I'm sure most of these "documented" shark bites by nurse sharks also occur where they are being hand fed.
david chizi
david chizi - 7 years ago
I want to see booooooobs
SLS croud
SLS croud - 7 years ago
the bite was defiantly visible but it turns to fast when the bite has taken place so that might be a new unknown beach shark
Mustang - 7 years ago
If I was this shark I'd bite ass instead =)
Asd Dfg
Asd Dfg - 7 years ago
wooow... Nice ass

20. comment for Nurse Shark Attack

Rollchan 34. *aka, Fun Girl*
Rollchan 34. *aka, Fun Girl* - 7 years ago
Daym, how did this get 2.1 million views?
Cryengine_X - 7 years ago

this is actually horrifying though. that shark comes out of nowhere in like 6 feet of water. nowhere!
rumvodkaf1 - 7 years ago
her tits popped out lol
Roberto Pechenino
Roberto Pechenino - 7 years ago
Nice Left Nipple shot ! You say it was a Nurse Shark, well there you have it, it wanted to Nurse ! I mean the left nipple was exposed, so I cannot blame the shark ! Lucky Shark !
toni mohave
toni mohave - 7 years ago
Those sharks are a pets,fake attack
toni mohave
toni mohave - 7 years ago
Nice ass
Hasan Erdoan
Hasan Erdoan - 7 years ago
The funny thing is the girl has Instagram profile called "sosassmarketing". Now, let's see what it means: "sos ass marketing"?! No wonder the video triggered 90% comments on her ass than on the shark bite.
J. Mark Lane
J. Mark Lane - 7 years ago
didn't see a shark...
Богдан Соболев
Богдан Соболев - 7 years ago
good ass bro
Белый - 7 years ago
очередная шкура крч эщкерее

30. comment for Nurse Shark Attack

Michael Al-Nassir
Michael Al-Nassir - 7 years ago
What bite ?
Νικος Νικ
Νικος Νικ - 7 years ago
Τα θελε ο κωλος της ηλιθιας...
Elena Vinogradova
Elena Vinogradova - 7 years ago
акула-нянька))) она не может атаковать, вернее сильно укусить. у нее другое строение морды и зубов. если только постараться и руку ей в пасть засунуть
Cussionist - 7 years ago
Dummy... Anybody got the unedited version? It's for shark research...
danilo osiris
danilo osiris - 7 years ago
Her getting mauled to death would of been awesome!
WhiteDoberman - 7 years ago
Great ass, other than that, this is hysteria. That's a Nurse Shark. They don't eat humans. That shark is obviously expecting food from the great ass girl. These sharks are nearly trained by the locals to just this. TTurks and Caicos has a spot actually called "Shark Ray Alley" to do this exact thing. Please post a link of her getting boned next.
Justin MZ
Justin MZ - 7 years ago
Dude she doesn't even have an ass. Maybe you're just attracted to little girls?
Scotty - 7 years ago
What Shark? :P
David - 7 years ago
Why are the titties blurred out :-(
KeijiMaeda86 - 7 years ago
If I were that shark I would bitten something else...
v123 111
v123 111 - 7 years ago
hitthecouch - 7 years ago
This lady is dumb as a box of rocks. Obviously she tried to feed it, and she knows damn well it wasn't her husband playing a joke on her. She appears to be the stereotypical woman: dumb, annoying and overly dramatic.
TheBiigChicken - 7 years ago
Nice butt shot. Didn't notice the bite.
Kent and Doris Andersen
Kent and Doris Andersen - 7 years ago
She touched a very sensitive part in the shark, the nose. That saved her.
HeplMeh - 7 years ago
That was not even remotely close to a shark attack. That was simply a curious shark.
Dirty Scrubz
Dirty Scrubz - 7 years ago
What did you expect would happen? At least she has a nice ass, he might have taken a bite out of that next.
Aaron Zweig
Aaron Zweig - 7 years ago
I love it how you hold your hand out to the shark like it's a dog. Like you were hoping to give it a little rub and then be on your way.
James oppy
James oppy - 7 years ago
That was not an attack. It thought you had food like all the other diver/tourists..
Snap Happy Photography
Snap Happy Photography - 7 years ago
This is 100% why people shouldn't be out there hand feeding sharks, imo. We're teaching the sharks that hands are treats
Synnerization - 7 years ago
That's exactly what I was thinking...looked like learned behavior from people feeding sharks.
Why Now
Why Now - 7 years ago
where's the uncensored version
OMGWTFLOL - 7 years ago
Try Pornhub if you're desperate for a glimpse of a nipple.
Dethmeister - 7 years ago
The shark saw you extending your hand out and thought you were holding a fish snack for her. It was an accident but I'm sure it hurt and was really scary. I wouldn't want to be in the water with anything that large.
MrBrandonstar - 7 years ago
Dethmeister right
Скрепный Срусич
Скрепный Срусич - 7 years ago
срусичи хуесосы

50. comment for Nurse Shark Attack

Скрепный Срусич
Скрепный Срусич - 7 years ago
is there uncensored version with boobs?
BigGlokk - 7 years ago
What's next, sticking your head in the mouth of an alligator then acting surprised that it bites down? lol...
Ricky Potts
Ricky Potts - 7 years ago
алексей попов
алексей попов - 7 years ago
это кашачья акула она не опасна для людей
southbeatz - 7 years ago
You would think that people wouldn't be so dumb to swim with sharks and not pay attention to the sharks. That wasn't even a serious bite from that shark, more like reminding her where she was at lol.
Michael Barker
Michael Barker - 7 years ago
Shark is saying, "you're in our house now bitch!"
Buzz Hammond
Buzz Hammond - 7 years ago
Looks to me like it wasn't a snorkel trip. She seems to be just swimming around by the dock. Might have even been her first time snorkeling. Nurse sharks can be very gentle. Lots of people feed and pet them. Its quite possible that this shark thought she had some food in her hand. She might have even been wearing her new shiny wedding ring. You live and learn.
Shion0Hibiki - 7 years ago
She shouldn't float like a tortoise when a shark was near. she shouldn't put her hand out to the shark. if she didn't the shark won't even have harm her. Also she shouldn't turn around when she have been bitten. always face the shark.
Thurston Howell III
Thurston Howell III - 7 years ago
Same mentality of wanting a photo next to a bison or grizzly bear in Yellowstone Nat'l Park. Obviously the same scientists who tout climate change also know everything about nurse sharks that never bite.
Richard A
Richard A - 7 years ago
This is exactly why I didn't go scuba diving on my honeymoon. At least it was a minor bite and you got away. Scary shit though.
egemen ozan
egemen ozan - 7 years ago
ok thanks
Michael Barker
Michael Barker - 7 years ago
I've dived with Scalloped Hammerheads, but none other. I've heard stories about the giant Hammerhead, but have never heard of anyone being bitten that didn't approach the fish. Hammerheads are designed to feed off bottom fish such as Rays, Flounder, Halibut.
egemen ozan
egemen ozan - 7 years ago
Michael Barker hammerhead?
Michael Barker
Michael Barker - 7 years ago
I've been scuba diving many times and there are always sharks. Unless its a Great White, Tiger or Bull, I'm not concerned with it.
Techy Nomad
Techy Nomad - 7 years ago
totes fuckable enjoy your wife
Artem Glushenok
Artem Glushenok - 7 years ago
xc5647321 xc5647321
xc5647321 xc5647321 - 7 years ago
Please post video without the titties fogged out.
Mamma Kate
Mamma Kate - 7 years ago
Didn't see any blood. Just wanted to show off her ass. Child, Mamma wasn't born yesterday.
marcos Fego
marcos Fego - 7 years ago
Eu não gostei
hitthecouch - 7 years ago
She doesn't have one.
AizenSamaKing X
AizenSamaKing X - 7 years ago
WHAT ass?
Malcolm Zzerosignal
Malcolm Zzerosignal - 7 years ago
Max Maxed
Max Maxed - 7 years ago
Why wear a top if her boobs are out?
D S - 7 years ago
Nice ass.
houbron tommy
houbron tommy - 7 years ago
yeah zombie i am the soul slayer and you are rotting in hell big SORRY
Sam G.
Sam G. - 7 years ago
I will have to say so too!
AizenSamaKing X
AizenSamaKing X - 7 years ago
WHAT ass?
kturl87 - 7 years ago
Right? Shark shoulda took a bite out of dat booty!
Andy M
Andy M - 7 years ago
That's the only thing I was staring at!! What shark?
JORGE VELHO - 7 years ago
link for BOOBS please
JORGE VELHO - 7 years ago
sherlock holmes. but i want nude! kkkkk
Hasan Erdoan
vipre01 - 7 years ago
D S - 7 years ago
Thurston Howell III
Thurston Howell III - 7 years ago
Einar Eiriksson
Einar Eiriksson - 7 years ago
Wonder what the sharks's thinking at 0:15.
David - 7 years ago
Why are the titties blurred out???
3593893 - 7 years ago
Wut I do ??
Bill Smells
Bill Smells - 7 years ago
Nice ass!
Pavel X.
Pavel X. - 7 years ago
фашисты, зачем сиськи заблюрели?? гады!
Roman Sturisom
Roman Sturisom - 7 years ago
Maybe people feed this shark from hand and when you put hand forward shark think))) about food in your hand.
Alen Severnyy
Alen Severnyy - 7 years ago
Дура, сама руку в рот сунула.
shaihkritzer - 7 years ago
жопа тощая, сиськи мелкие - не жалко.
Alex Kipish
Alex Kipish - 7 years ago
а тебе 150+ подавай? чещи в деревню, там море таких, ещё и не затратных )
Reref rerefere
Reref rerefere - 7 years ago
Просто ты свиноёб, тебе в крым надо, там весь пляж усыпан престарелыми жирухами, как раз таким мудакам как ты в радость.
Pavel X.
Pavel X. - 7 years ago
а мне фкайф!
Suel Marriel
Suel Marriel - 7 years ago
Essa daí tava pedindo um mordidão...
Pow, ainda estica a mão na direção do tubarão....
Себастьян Перейра
Себастьян Перейра - 7 years ago
nice ass
jrwv iydne
jrwv iydne - 7 years ago
Need the uncencored video please
Slava S
Slava S - 7 years ago
Ябвдул, зачетная соска.
Paulo Abreu
Paulo Abreu - 7 years ago
O tubarão estava apenas provando por curiosidade. Estava em seu habitat.
Daniel Vitor
Daniel Vitor - 7 years ago
Paulo Abreu pensei em braços sendo dilacerados e sangue , foi só uma mordidinha na mão
кот в мешке
кот в мешке - 7 years ago
Ох, как же ей повезло, что акула решила "выплюнуть" руку, а не оторвать!
Cedric Forbes
Cedric Forbes - 7 years ago
Glad you're okay Sarah!!! <3
MrEzone525 - 7 years ago
Cedric Forbes did she break anything?
SaltyPete - 7 years ago
That’s crazy....growing up in southern Florida, l’ve spent a lot of time in the water with Nurse sharks, as well as other local species. Never seen one behave like that. Hope it didn’t put too much of a damper on your honeymoon & you heal up quickly!
z c
z c - 7 years ago
Hey! It was crazy!! We’ve been in the water only a few times with the nurse sharks before and haven’t seen anything like it. We are keeping the cut clean and dry to avoid any infection and staying out of the water. It was perfect timing towards the end of the trip and we had a great time!!!
Evan Carroll
Evan Carroll - 7 years ago
Justin MZ
Justin MZ - 7 years ago
Hahaha what a stupid bitch!!
Alf - 7 years ago
That's just a love bite. Just being friendly.
Evil Dude
Evil Dude - 7 years ago
fuck russia today, communist propaganda piece of shit
Pavel X.
Pavel X. - 7 years ago
лучше бы фото сисег прислал! Алёёша
Arif Ismailov
Arif Ismailov - 7 years ago
Evan Carroll
RT Digital
RT Digital - 7 years ago
Hi. I hope you’re both safe & well. I’m a journalist with @RT_Digital. Is it OK to use the Imgur photo with a credit to you - web/social/tv? Thanks

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The "Nurse Shark Attack" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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