Octopus Kills Shark | National Geographic

Think you know the outcome when it's shark versus octopus? Think again! ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Get More National Geographic: Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta Octopus Kills Shark | National Geographic https://youtu.be/Q36_8s5z6S8 National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/natgeo

Octopus Kills Shark | National Geographic sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2193

Shark videos 15 years ago 13,405,030 views

Think you know the outcome when it's shark versus octopus? Think again! ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Get More National Geographic: Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta Octopus Kills Shark | National Geographic https://youtu.be/Q36_8s5z6S8 National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/natgeo

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Most popular comments
for Octopus Kills Shark | National Geographic

MEMEZ 4 LYFE! - 7 years ago
This is an action movie
Micah Tapia
Micah Tapia - 7 years ago
grow an audience and build fans today by joining viewyng , as well as enjoy amazing video content online
One Punch Man Saitama
One Punch Man Saitama - 7 years ago
I hope the narrator died in the place of shark
Jelly Slays
Jelly Slays - 7 years ago
80% of the comments - hating on the narrator
HyperSane - 7 years ago
Fun Fact: Once water stops flowing through a shark's gills, it dies. =]
(Shout outs to all the fisherman of the world who like shark fin soup and toss the bleeding carcass back into the water for all the other sharks to have a nice meal).
Kaneidare - 7 years ago
Is this sesame street? please don't ever use that narrator again.
Tom Michnay
Tom Michnay - 7 years ago
Fantastic. I saw my first octopus at Monterey Bay Aquarium and they are stellar. My best friend who past away and I must have watched him for five minutes. They are that amazing. If you ever get the chance to see one, don't pass it up.
mike anderson
mike anderson - 7 years ago
I wonder if this was for grade schoolers and everyone is mad because they assumed it was insulting them
erin pagcaliwagan
erin pagcaliwagan - 7 years ago
The shark is small

10. comment for Octopus Kills Shark | National Geographic

asiannoscopes yourass
asiannoscopes yourass - 7 years ago
I always say the same question in my head, how do they record the dam video
asiannoscopes yourass
asiannoscopes yourass - 7 years ago
Atikur Rahman Ethan
Atikur Rahman Ethan - 7 years ago
That killer Shark like muslims and the Octopus is Civilized World. But Civilized world so civilized, they don't even kill savage muslims.
Jelly Jelly
Jelly Jelly - 7 years ago
both octopus and shark are beautiful
Jenny Berger
Jenny Berger - 7 years ago
The spiny dogfish is tiny. They weigh around 4kg
Bhavin Lalka
Bhavin Lalka - 7 years ago
Lunch time
Alicia B
Alicia B - 7 years ago
Why did it take a minute and 45 seconds to get to the action? And shut off the commentary OMG!
Yasmiati Yamin
Yasmiati Yamin - 7 years ago
hank vs bruce
JAllanC12 - 7 years ago
Octopuses, not octopi. Octopus comes from Greek, not Latin.
Bad Math
Bad Math - 7 years ago
belle - 7 years ago
Speaks like he's talking to kindy kids

20. comment for Octopus Kills Shark | National Geographic

GREIZMANN - 7 years ago
Squidward gone mad
Karma Hadid
Karma Hadid - 7 years ago
good mr.octopus...i hate shark
andrew filis
andrew filis - 7 years ago
That’s ma boy!
Doom Muffinz
Doom Muffinz - 7 years ago
Fire him. Jezus fuck, fore him, and/or whoever wrote this disrrhea script if not him.

Also, how did the sharks die exactly? No breathing because they need to move for their gills to work? Or crushed? Orr?? Also, fire that idiot narrator
Evan Suh
Evan Suh - 7 years ago
I saw this video about 5 years ago, It says that this was at the seattle aquarium in Washington, but taking a look back at the video, its actully at the puget sound aquarium display at the Point defiance zoo and aquarium in Washington, 1:The begging of the video shows the middle part of the exhibit,2:In an interview, The Founder of the zoo said that this was they're doing of seeing what would happen, and 3: Spiny dogfish sharks live in that aquarium while Seattle aquarium has them in they're dome that looks nothing like this.
J. Steel-Cumberbatch
J. Steel-Cumberbatch - 7 years ago
This is why us Americans leave the Australians to narrating stuff like this
Big Moose
Big Moose - 7 years ago
Is the narrator high wtf
JoeCoast - 7 years ago
"Who do you think will win in this fight?" It says it in the title. How are we supposed to wonder about the result if you say the result in the title?
elton forlemu
elton forlemu - 7 years ago
Shark was not ready to catch all those hands
Navi Dave
Navi Dave - 7 years ago
this fucking narrator

30. comment for Octopus Kills Shark | National Geographic

Ace Victory
Ace Victory - 7 years ago
i watched this as a kid
ahhhh nostalgia
Ome Staaa
Ome Staaa - 7 years ago
Who is here because of Logans Vlog xD
Jin Mo
Jin Mo - 7 years ago
Plural of octopus is "octopuses" or "octopodes," NOT "octopi"!!! The narrator does not even speak proper English!
Pick A Shoe
Pick A Shoe - 7 years ago
Kisame vs Killer Bee
Jayden Jones
Jayden Jones - 7 years ago
It's octopuses not octopi. Although it might have been octopi when this was filmed because it was changed awhile ago.
soz0 - 7 years ago
Jesus that narrator is obnoxious
Killer Peanut
Killer Peanut - 7 years ago
sharks cant get o2 if they cant swim continuelly, he will die soon, even if the octopus just keeps him tight
jakeup I like toilet paper
jakeup I like toilet paper - 7 years ago
i like how at 1:40 he has a question voice and he is funny but his voice is still awesome
Flavio D'Attilio
Flavio D'Attilio - 7 years ago
it looks like devi jons in the potc 3 when he takes the key from the dude and kills him
John Othic
John Othic - 8 years ago
Much better muted
nam e puthpong
nam e puthpong - 8 years ago
I love how the plural for octopus is now officially octopi
Pixtol - 8 years ago
Lol this was funny because of the way u talkin bro
Heretic001 - 8 years ago
Winner: Cthulhu
Duesal Bladesinger
Duesal Bladesinger - 8 years ago
National Geographic, you desperately need a new narrator.
martyw34 - 8 years ago
Not keen on the voice.Good vision tho.Thanks.
baashdi hobstocking
baashdi hobstocking - 8 years ago
curiously dramatic and edited, did that dogfish seem sickly?
why am i suspicious . . . .
Syahrul Anwar
Syahrul Anwar - 8 years ago
damn, snoop dogg could've done a better job at narrating this
Björn Finkelburgenstein
Björn Finkelburgenstein - 8 years ago
Did it eat the shark?
Michaël Lejeune
Michaël Lejeune - 8 years ago
Besides the narrator sounding like a 90s American telesalesman, 'Octopi' isn't the correct plural either as it's derived from Greek (ochto+pous= eight footed), not Latin.
Angel Cry Forever
Angel Cry Forever - 8 years ago
Who the fuck is narrating this documentary? Fucking narrator was high as shit

50. comment for Octopus Kills Shark | National Geographic

Jumpmaster337 - 8 years ago
Plural of octopus isn't octopi... It's octopuses. You'd think national geographic would know that.
VeteranCape - 8 years ago
whats up with the circle jerk around how bad the narrating is
Kichaem - 8 years ago
The shark drowned
crisis8v88 - 8 years ago
Some interesting claims were made in this piece. Here's an account from a secondary source: The Seattle Times. http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/eight-arms-not-enough-octopus-had-help-snagging-shark/

"The giant octopuses had been kept in the 400,000-gallon tank, filled with all kinds of marine life, that’s a showcase at the [Seattle] aquarium. But it turned out the octopuses were eating the dogfish, and so the octopuses were moved. The filmmaker asked if, for the documentary, a giant octopus could be moved into the large tank so he could film an attack sequence. The aquarium agreed...There were several dogfish in the tank, all about 3 to 4 feet long and maybe not in prime condition...The film clip doesn’t show that [Michael] deGruy and two others from his film crew were in the tank in diving suits. Two of the divers herded the dogfish away from the corners, and toward the octopus. 'I suppose you could say ‘herding,’' says deGruy. 'It was more like giving the sharks less options.'"
Leetbeast - 8 years ago
why no great white shark instead
Pomzy - 8 years ago
thats a huge white shark holy!
breid2190 - 8 years ago
spiny dog fish don't have teeth.
tokyopulis - 8 years ago
I miss the old narrator. that deep slow voice like an old man
jonathan walker
jonathan walker - 8 years ago
a way to defend yourself from a predator is to eliminate them? that sounds like something a human would do.
Moe - 7 years ago
That's literally what any organism with the means of harming a predator would do.
M Gallo
M Gallo - 8 years ago
I thought the plural of octopus was octopus
Pyagrl*16 - 8 years ago
I love sharks, but that octopus is my hero. Awesome!
D S - 8 years ago
Cherry apple
Cherry apple - 8 years ago
The scary thing is, he said "just itching" at the same exact time I was scratching my arm.
Killerwhale 6011
Killerwhale 6011 - 8 years ago
That narrator though. He hates his wife and kids.
Adrian Ezra
Adrian Ezra - 8 years ago
the interestingness of an animal is directly proportional to how difficult it is to find where its butthole is. Therefore making the octopus very interesting...
stal ker
stal ker - 8 years ago
'R you kidding? was that a shark? this was little fuckin fish
Jane Arkensaw
Jane Arkensaw - 8 years ago
Yeahhh...just gonna mute that...
Awlkd Ural
Awlkd Ural - 8 years ago
idiot narrator. It's "octopuses" not "octopi"!
Sybrea Friel
Sybrea Friel - 8 years ago
lol, i love the narration
Jack the Gestapo
Jack the Gestapo - 8 years ago
typical tentacles hentai, I've seen numberious of that to know what is going to happen next....
The Joker
The Joker - 8 years ago
The octopus drowned the shark

Lol jokes
Myles S.
Myles S. - 8 years ago
octapus just leaves like "Nothing to see here.. move along"
dante laufter
dante laufter - 8 years ago
If only that shark would be two japanese girls...
octopus: OMG not again!
Fastbreak 383
Fastbreak 383 - 8 years ago
That shark look small
Zach Johnson
Zach Johnson - 8 years ago
the world you're looking for is octopuses mate, not octopi. if you dont believe me google it.
ProfX501 - 8 years ago
Some people are just not meant to voice documentaries.
Hãris حارس
Hãris حارس - 8 years ago
i like the last quote
Despite -Everything
Despite -Everything - 8 years ago
it looks like killer bee was right, in the wild octopus eat sharks!
Eliot Brun
Eliot Brun - 8 years ago
Circle drive note naked drama assignment sophisticated veteran specialist cycle.
Ikhlas Nabeih
Ikhlas Nabeih - 8 years ago
from what film is this
gays into the iris
gays into the iris - 8 years ago
this dude talks too much.
Sara Schulze
Sara Schulze - 8 years ago
Indian function administrator change he rule.
David Hax
David Hax - 8 years ago
If they kept turning up dead, why would you keep them in the tank still? Some people shouldn't be allowed to care for and protect animals...
Emmanuel Goh
Emmanuel Goh - 8 years ago
that's a tiny shark. the smallest corcodilians in the world, the caimans, are eaten by anacondas too. no surprise there
RandomRobin - 8 years ago
I want this man to narrate my life.
Nick Anderson
Nick Anderson - 8 years ago
forreal though how'd he kill the shark? did he snuff it out with his beak?
Despite -Everything
Despite -Everything - 8 years ago
Nick Anderson nobody knows
jaybee taasin
jaybee taasin - 8 years ago
i've seen enough h*ntai to know where this is going...
Alexander HK
Alexander HK - 8 years ago
Sharks overrated!!!!

Orca/Killer Whale Queen of the seas
Raj Patel
Raj Patel - 8 years ago
Is the shark related to the crocodile or the alligator?
Nugtroen - 8 years ago
btw this would not happen for great white shark
Weird Girl
Weird Girl - 8 years ago
This narrator is hilarious XD
ItsTheTrashCan - 8 years ago
cough(Fukami Vs. Samekichi)cough
Jarrod Prieto
Jarrod Prieto - 8 years ago

Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh, nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooo...?
Sniper07 - 8 years ago
This narrator has no idea what he's doing.
AJ Smalls
AJ Smalls - 8 years ago
Now confront this octupus with a great white pls
Joe Dover
Joe Dover - 8 years ago
that is just a tiny shark!!! LOL
Marine Corps
Marine Corps - 8 years ago
It seems like the octopus knew that a flipped over shark goes into a trance and used it to his advantage. Absolutely brilliant animals.
Tom K
Tom K - 8 years ago
Oh god why are American narrators so mind-numbingly stupid?
DrumAndBassFreak - 8 years ago
Octopus pinned shark
bell rings
We have a new winner at WWE Raw!!!!! Octopus!!!
Lan Anh Vu
Lan Anh Vu - 8 years ago
Octopus attacks at 1:40
Loeffel - 8 years ago
Lan Anh Vu thx

100. comment for Octopus Kills Shark | National Geographic

Derek N.
Derek N. - 8 years ago
it's octopuses! not octopi!
Davis Whitaker
Davis Whitaker - 8 years ago
Suprise mothafuka!
Ranbummerz - 8 years ago
2:33 is that shark pussy
HashOne Troll
HashOne Troll - 8 years ago
Octopus = Hentai
The Owl
The Owl - 8 years ago
Look at the top fin. The octopus ripped some of it off. Anyone kinda feel bad for the shark?
Serenity Phetvixay
Serenity Phetvixay - 8 years ago
Wow I'm impress that an Octopus killed a SHARK?!?!? I think Octopus r my favorite.
ForTheCulture _94
ForTheCulture _94 - 8 years ago
What you came to see starts at 1:43
Allan Sixto
Allan Sixto - 8 years ago
the narrator reminds me of dpnald trump talking about chicken noodle in the toilet
GlitchGamer YT
GlitchGamer YT - 8 years ago
That's no fair it's only a tiny shark
Heidi Heidi
Heidi Heidi - 8 years ago
We'll, Damn.
Verde Tetto
Verde Tetto - 8 years ago
2:25 someone see that giaaaaaaant fish on the landscape lol he can eat both of them actopi and sharky
Harold the Hedgehog
Harold the Hedgehog - 8 years ago
Octopus: "Shhh shhh go to sleep"
Eclipse3131 - 8 years ago
this wasn't shocking tbh as octopuses are very smart and extremely flexible and by that I mean they can squeeze through virtually everything and they are strong and hold their prey then inject them with venom
DarkBladeicus N sum games
DarkBladeicus N sum games - 8 years ago
For those who don't know dogfish are like only 1 and a half feet long
andre brewer
andre brewer - 8 years ago
that was amazing I never thought an octopus can a shark like that! epic
Chris - 8 years ago
A great white would demolish tha
vick is here
vick is here - 8 years ago
...And they were recording it
Maria J. Quintero
Maria J. Quintero - 8 years ago
logan paul lol
MagmaDude100 - 8 years ago
Octopuses, the word octopus is Greek
Brenda  Harper
Brenda Harper - 8 years ago
Also....someone please inform the moronic narrator that, while "octopi" is an antiquated plural for the word, "octopus" is the generally accepted form. I just think he got his tiny little rocks off saying "octo pie". Imbecile!
Brenda  Harper
Brenda Harper - 8 years ago
Could they possibly have gotten a MORE annoying narrator?? Ohgodnoplease! Only such a dreadful narrator could turn a fairly fascinating video into a dire need for earplugs!!!
Burhanudin Yusuf Kurnia
Burhanudin Yusuf Kurnia - 8 years ago
"That's one way to defend yourself from a predator... ELIMINATE THEM."
JayMVPninja - 8 years ago
Narrator:sharks are dangerous creature.

Fucking puts a diver in a tank to film it.
Daniel Hubler
Daniel Hubler - 8 years ago
If this is actually in an aquarium it was a major waste of money lol
Ben SWOLO - 8 years ago
The narrator is really cringy
Kyle Wolfreys
Kyle Wolfreys - 8 years ago
national geographic really makes me appreciate sir David Attenborough even more
Keedeeaylaison Meghalowtsika
Keedeeaylaison Meghalowtsika - 8 years ago
The attack on the shark was very much like the attack the typical woman does on a mans finances. You see folks, the woman uses her "used" vagina to woo the sucker. He gets weak and is soon paying for everything. Trollops !
JBILLINGS - 8 years ago
Octopus raped that shark
Marcos Ribeiro
Marcos Ribeiro - 8 years ago
Paul Logan vlog, anyone?
Joe Smith
Joe Smith - 8 years ago
now throw the mudsharks in there with the octopus
TheTransforcer - 8 years ago
Pardon if I mis-saw, but it looked like the shark gave zero cares about what the octopus was doing.
Sure it went close, even brushing against it, but there was no sense of aggression at all. No lunge no teeth biting no hunting. The octopus simply kinda grabbed and strangled it.
Ryan Pressler
Ryan Pressler - 8 years ago
see what happens when u put a bull shark or a lemon or great white or sand shark
Joshua Antonii
Joshua Antonii - 8 years ago
sharks vs pods
EpochDeus - 8 years ago
These narrations are awe full.
Its like they had random people do the narrations from their homes...
yoshmitty tv
yoshmitty tv - 8 years ago
I cried at1:46
Benjamin McCormick
Benjamin McCormick - 8 years ago
"hey, we know what is killing all if our sharks now...should we take it out of the tank" "no lets make a video out of it an let another shark die"
Haterade - 8 years ago
Oh shit I read that wrong, kinda hard for me to spot the quotes
Benjamin McCormick
Benjamin McCormick - 8 years ago
+camel toe i was just making a joke
Haterade - 8 years ago
Shane - 8 years ago
is weird al narrating this ?
FranzKafkaRockOpera - 8 years ago
Shit commentry. Why is that guy doing a slightly more subdued version of that Honey Badger vid? Why doesn't he know the proper plural for octopus?
rumble fish
rumble fish - 8 years ago
en guete!
pey8523 - 8 years ago
That Shark should've had the Rolling Shield...
Arsalaan Butt
Arsalaan Butt - 8 years ago
"Octopi eat sharks!"
xNCANS - 8 years ago
this was crazy
Ontheroad0001 - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure this is fake
Vast Hallowvale
Vast Hallowvale - 8 years ago
Does this tentacle smell like Chloroform to you?
Ouekit Dot
Ouekit Dot - 8 years ago
Thanks Joe❤️
Mr. Spiff
Mr. Spiff - 8 years ago
Awww not the dopey little dogfish :(
Terrell Boone
Terrell Boone - 8 years ago
So the aquarium people throw them in the same tank to see who lives...Yay science!! --_--
Heartnicole Rowy
Heartnicole Rowy - 8 years ago
im so glad the octupus kill shark..
Victor U
Victor U - 8 years ago
Wow that shark drowned.
elizer jay Villanueva
elizer jay Villanueva - 8 years ago
octopus takes shark home for some hentai things
alphavideochannel - 8 years ago
The name sounds like one of those B rated tv movies....
SpyH4rd - 8 years ago
Hate this commentator
Nielsy - 8 years ago
Don't tease the octopus, kids!
Casual Alcoholic
Casual Alcoholic - 8 years ago
I dont care I still wanna be
Under the sea
In an Octopus's garden in the shade
ghostboyee - 8 years ago
That's was our octopus in Seattle. It's a shark eater haha. Had to set it free!!
Niki Grigorov
Niki Grigorov - 8 years ago
what the fuck is wrong with this damn commentator WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!?!!?!?!? annoying fuck.
partypickle2012 - 8 years ago
lmfao dog fish are nothing id be disappointed if this octopus didn't win
Keyboard Warrior
Keyboard Warrior - 8 years ago
Frank Horrigan
Frank Horrigan - 8 years ago
I like how the narrator sound so smooth
Flop Flip
Flop Flip - 8 years ago
Octopus used to sink ships many centuries ago
USA_USA_USA - 8 years ago
+Tekken Appu prove it was a squid that would do it.
Tekken Appu
Tekken Appu - 8 years ago
thats squid not octopus
kenneth naya
kenneth naya - 8 years ago
jk news brought me hear
Devin Loo
Devin Loo - 8 years ago
Sue Thao
Sue Thao - 8 years ago
Joe from justkidding news brought me here.
Gesheng Li
Gesheng Li - 8 years ago
Amrita Shakya
Amrita Shakya - 8 years ago
Awesome Typhlosion
Awesome Typhlosion - 8 years ago
Alan Quach
Alan Quach - 8 years ago
Who's here from jknews
pluto - 8 years ago
Just kidding news brought me here
Windows XP
Windows XP - 8 years ago
The octopus got balls
Ty Linto
Ty Linto - 8 years ago
that's a big ass octopus
Tomas Black
Tomas Black - 8 years ago
Pokenopoly - 8 years ago
This Narrator is really annoying.
TheTruthHurts Salazar
TheTruthHurts Salazar - 8 years ago
Weird Girl, um, they always have scripts in documentaries.
Weird Girl
Weird Girl - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure they have scripts they read off
Tyrone Johnson
Tyrone Johnson - 8 years ago
lol little fishy got his ass kicked
??? - 8 years ago
Wow a lot of sea animals knows about the tonic immobility weakness that sharks all share. I guess sharks aren't that great afterall if you shove their kryptonite in their faces.
Primalxbeast - 8 years ago
Seeing the octopus do that almost made up for having to listen to the narration of this video.
kervin fleming
kervin fleming - 8 years ago
did you see the color of the octopus change?
Neil mcLaughlin
Neil mcLaughlin - 8 years ago
iamAX 830
iamAX 830 - 8 years ago
iamAX 830
iamAX 830 - 8 years ago
any see Squidward??? natgeo I came here looking for him
Night wolves Gaming!
Night wolves Gaming! - 8 years ago
Bbfishman - 8 years ago
a Dogfish is hardly a 'real' shark. Its basically a sub-category of shark. its not a hardcore predator like a lot of other sharks. This is like a baby nurse shark, they're virtually harmless, unless you're a tiny baitfish
BlueStar the fox
BlueStar the fox - 8 years ago
That doesnt matter , its still a shark
Kweation - 8 years ago
so how did he kill him. by constricting him or poison or what cuz it look like he just wanted a hug
TheGamingS - 8 years ago
Kweation he ate em
Fatoeki - 8 years ago
+Laura Chia kind of.. Idk if that was the case now. That shark died VERY quickly
Laura Chia
Laura Chia - 8 years ago
so as long as you stop a shark from swimming, it dies quickly?
Fatoeki - 8 years ago
Sharks can't breathe when they aren't swimming
Nabbit's Youtube
Nabbit's Youtube - 8 years ago
Octopi walking/hunting on land, Octopi killing sharks...

For fuck sakes, I'm very concerned about the growing intelligence of an Octopus.
Grungus Khan
Grungus Khan - 8 years ago
Do something RIGHT FOR ONCE!
Purya Kiani
Purya Kiani - 8 years ago
This narration is unacceptable. Was this written for 7 year-olds? Really takes me out of the moment.
RobertDeville - 8 years ago
Such fucking moronic drivel. How about talking about the actual creatures in a sensible way instead of pretending it's some shit comedyfest? Wankers.
Adrián - 8 years ago
Looking at the comments, I think i picked a great video to start watching YT without sound.
Coconut 3510
Coconut 3510 - 8 years ago
1:36 - 1:40 It ended up being more pretty than I am.
Coconut 3510
Coconut 3510 - 8 years ago
Uuuuuuh nope..
NickTheBoss Gaming
NickTheBoss Gaming - 8 years ago
its inkay! (pokemon)
ThatOneShadyGuyDownTheStreet _
ThatOneShadyGuyDownTheStreet _ - 8 years ago
I've watched enough hentai to know where this is going
Davis Whitaker
Davis Whitaker - 8 years ago
Dingus Flotbottom
Dingus Flotbottom - 8 years ago
maybe you should get some other, more varied hobbies. life's too short, yaknow
ThatOneShadyGuyDownTheStreet _
ThatOneShadyGuyDownTheStreet _ - 8 years ago
+Cloud 5 Im pretty sure I commented this on only two videos
awe amadeus
awe amadeus - 8 years ago
yeah I commented same thing and delete my comment after found your comment
Cloud - 8 years ago
Your on everyone of these videos commenting the same thing breh.
NgaperaHD - 8 years ago
Aroder - 8 years ago
i wish it was the narrator instead of the shark who became the dinner
Bing Bong
Bing Bong - 7 years ago
Not funny
MrYoshiYoshi - 7 years ago
Just throw him in the tank where he would probably die of suffocation before he reaches the octopus?
Brandon Wei
Brandon Wei - 8 years ago
this isn't an AFV segment lol
Natsu Swagneel
Natsu Swagneel - 8 years ago
Krish Lius why?
LouisThau - 8 years ago
Foxxesss - 8 years ago
Mr Nope RIP 0-0
Mr Nope RIP 0-0 - 8 years ago
trapping dope
trapping dope - 8 years ago
someone - 8 years ago
That's right! Don't mess with the Kraken!
Adam Corraliza
Adam Corraliza - 8 years ago
You guys presented the one shark that looks like an accountant.
Yuan ki Ji-sung Chen
Yuan ki Ji-sung Chen - 8 years ago
tech bro
tech bro - 8 years ago
octopus is like "come here bitch!! now sshh sshh ssshhh..."
Henry Chauncey
Henry Chauncey - 7 years ago
Octopus: "we all float down here Georgie”
Killerwhale 6011
Killerwhale 6011 - 8 years ago
tech bro. lol.
Wajeha Dandan
Wajeha Dandan - 8 years ago
LouisThau y
Francisco Carrera
Francisco Carrera - 8 years ago
I guess
LouisThau - 8 years ago
"No tears only dreams now..."
andre brewer
andre brewer - 8 years ago
lol Good one
IDinoLegendz - 8 years ago
Snipez ™
Snipez ™ - 8 years ago
The shark is getting kidnapped XD
Destroyer Of Skulls
Destroyer Of Skulls - 8 years ago
So basically, he Sam Fishered/Solid Snaked the shit out of the shark.
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
This shark looks so gay, go get a good one :(
Delicious Poutice
Delicious Poutice - 8 years ago
What the fuck is wrong with this narrator
708Cubbies - 8 years ago
I am so sick of these octopus related shark deaths. Shark Lives Matter.
goff faulks
goff faulks - 8 years ago
the shark had slammed into the glass many times by the look of the wound on its nose
James Humphrey
James Humphrey - 8 years ago
This man blabbers on like such a tool. I really hate this kind of commentary, as it is aimed towards an audience that [apparently] need to be treated like children in order to pay attention.
Eric Clark
Eric Clark - 8 years ago
Right, because everything has to be so dumbed the fuck down. Its de-evolution, for the most part people are fucking stupid. Yes....me included.
Aeolwn - 8 years ago
fucking fuck
Jo The Joker
Jo The Joker - 8 years ago
Same here.
Kent Harrington
Kent Harrington - 8 years ago
You sound like a liberal
harrell tolentino
harrell tolentino - 8 years ago
Yo these kind of videos are what i watched as kids so ya it appropriate in a. Way
Sloth Armstrong
Sloth Armstrong - 8 years ago
You would be surprised to know how many of those there are in the world. Cheers!
someone - 8 years ago
Or maybe it's just for fun? I enjoy these videos. Get your panties out of a bunch and just read about this shit instead of watching videos if it bothers you so much.
Its Tony Time Bitches
Its Tony Time Bitches - 8 years ago
nialler - 8 years ago
Why am I watching this?
Corey M
Corey M - 8 years ago
1:41 thank me later.
nitroxide91 - 8 years ago
Ahmad Eddy
Ahmad Eddy - 8 years ago
2:27 , giant eel in the left background " u don't see me... u don't se me...."
Deva Path
Deva Path - 8 years ago
I feel bad for that shark. There's no telling where that octopus will stick it's tentacles.
Winston Galleon
Winston Galleon - 8 years ago
Its just a small shark! Give him the great white shark!!!
Stormy Night
Stormy Night - 8 years ago
Octopus: tough-guy voice "Take him out."

Nikita .Petrov
Nikita .Petrov - 8 years ago
Yes, yes i have the courage to keep watching.
ScubaSue Reynard
ScubaSue Reynard - 8 years ago
Dang  the comments ! Some folks are so silly they don't look at the footage for what it is  . It probably is for the national geo kid show so why don't you just put on some dramatic  music and watch it .. it changes EVERY THING. Nope you just wine with out a cup. Large Octopi eat large things . They have escaped their tanks in other Aquariums to go to other tanks were the fishing is better. Spiny dogfish school once a year for about few weeks like hammerheads in the Massachusetts Bay.. so if this is an Atlantic octopus then this may be something they commonly do . Scuba diving I have seen  little Dog fish from the bottom of the ocean floor to three feet under the boat  nose to tali in a school for 1/2 mile. So this could be and probably is something Octopus do everyday only no one removes the carcass from the bottom of the ocean floor every morning. Octopi are not stupid. They do not live for long time but boy are they cool !
Mario Sosa
Mario Sosa - 8 years ago
when you miss her so much and finally meet her in a spandek lingerie
Chelabi Yannis
Chelabi Yannis - 8 years ago
"yamete kudasai!!!!"
Dean Van Dyke
Dean Van Dyke - 8 years ago
That octopus is swiggity swoogity coming for that booty
Michael Austin
Michael Austin - 8 years ago
Octopuses *
Katelyn Miller
Katelyn Miller - 8 years ago
Does anybody know what species of shark that is?
jennifer Schlief
jennifer Schlief - 8 years ago
Thomas Ku
Thomas Ku - 8 years ago
Mlg skillz
guy3090 - 8 years ago
so. . . .instead of droning on like a child how about you get scientific and talk about how the octopus actually Killed the shark. did it use its tentacles to cover its gils and suffocated it? did it break its back? i want to LEARN more. if i want to be ENTERTAINED i'll watch a damn music video
Wesley Tomsky
Wesley Tomsky - 8 years ago
"In this amazing, so-close-you-feel-like-you-might-get-squashed, 4:3 480p footage from 2009..."
Wesley Tomsky
Wesley Tomsky - 8 years ago
"This is a shark. Sharks are predators"
Picard, where are you?
I need your facepalm.
Jahson Bearla
Jahson Bearla - 8 years ago
What's with the narration on this? I can practically hear a Bud Ice opening every time this guy speaks. Fucking Nat Geo. I don't know why they insist on always going for the lowest common denominator
belac240 - 8 years ago
except your gay ass voice over
Kenny Bones Undertones
Kenny Bones Undertones - 8 years ago
For the love of God fire that narrator.
Hex Leak
Hex Leak - 8 years ago
Paula Byabagamba
Paula Byabagamba - 8 years ago
I never knew octopus's are that deadly
AmimikaMoon - 8 years ago
Fukami vs Samekichi
Ken Frost
Ken Frost - 8 years ago
too bad an octopus couldn't play football as a wide receiver. you'd need 8 defenders just to cover him. and if he gets the ball, he can stiff arm 7 of them immediately
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf - 8 years ago
octopuses only have two(2) legs and six(6) arms
JPYen - 8 years ago
+Al Capone how does an octopus play football
Al Capone
Al Capone - 8 years ago
How does one with no bones "stiff arm" ?
MakeSomeonesDAY - 8 years ago
Blasphemer Jenkins
Blasphemer Jenkins - 8 years ago
Narrator's a bit bratty. By the way...when are we going to put down the camera and put an end to the violence?
phreeesubz - 8 years ago
You're welcome
Tijuanences - 8 years ago
It is not octopi not correct wording
DILLI GAF - 8 years ago
that Octopus knows Jiu Jitsu....
Rilind Bicaj
Rilind Bicaj - 8 years ago
AaaAaAAhHhHHhHh ~~~ Octopus samaaaaaa ~~
No... I'm not going there...
Jose Mendoza
Jose Mendoza - 8 years ago
Lol I lost it when the narrator started to see the octupos take down the shark. lucky he didn't put that bet on the shark xD
Darth Vitiate
Darth Vitiate - 8 years ago
i heard this story about an octopus who slip out of his tank at night when all the scientists had gone would slip into a near by crab tank and would slip back to its tank before morning
Salt - 8 years ago
No I believe that, I just barely understood anything you said.
Darth Vitiate
Darth Vitiate - 8 years ago
+X Gamer it's weird I know but it what I heard
Salt - 8 years ago
...Uhuh...excuse me, what!?
Minerva Valentine
Minerva Valentine - 8 years ago
Who is the narrator? Sounds like the guy who did the Spiderman games, lol.
Film DVA Music
Film DVA Music - 8 years ago
i saw another 'documentary' using the same footage except they're saying sharks are missing from their tank so they set up a camera at night.

Idk what to believe
Gabi Games
Gabi Games - 8 years ago
oink ooink
oink ooink - 8 years ago
Octopus vs blind wuss shark
michael zhang
michael zhang - 8 years ago
the shark was small. The octopus would not stand a chance if it is a 1 meter + shark
How To Make Sushi
How To Make Sushi - 8 years ago
damn that is a killer octopus
wildewulf9 - 7 years ago
That octopus is definitely not an octowus!
Scott_no _1
Scott_no _1 - 8 years ago
How To Make Sushi m
JIA LIA - 8 years ago
Omg I love your channel!
Mireille Dossou
Mireille Dossou - 8 years ago
exactly. got some big inky octopus balls.
TormentorChick17 - 8 years ago
I HATE those things....
Bobbius Shadow
Bobbius Shadow - 8 years ago
sushi, anyone?
Argonwolfproject - 8 years ago
Ramboctopus only hides until the right moment to strike.
Craig - 8 years ago
Basically smothered it, like an under sea anaconda.
Earthgal - 8 years ago
aexiy - 8 years ago
man i would be the fuck out that Octopus
Regan McDonagh
Regan McDonagh - 8 years ago
Fucking savage
Lenny Is A Carrot
Lenny Is A Carrot - 8 years ago
That's one happy looking shark.
ChaosCollection - 8 years ago
The narrator could have taught us how does the octopus kill (with it's beak, or venom or constriction?) instead of trying to be funny...
Tyrant of Blogs
Tyrant of Blogs - 8 years ago
2:33 Its a girl! No claspers means the shark is a female! Just helping out to know the gender of the shark.
Daekath daekath
Daekath daekath - 8 years ago
Loek Lodewijck
Loek Lodewijck - 8 years ago
but how does he kill the shark?
BigBot - 8 years ago
+Pokeman PlayzMC It can't harm divers in the ocean as one diver came in contact with a giant Pacific.
oh man it’s Maui
oh man it’s Maui - 8 years ago
Bit him. Their beaks have venom in them that slowly kills their prey.
Arquillion Nastira
Arquillion Nastira - 8 years ago
poison? break his neck? possibly choke him? ....good question
Dingus Hingus
Dingus Hingus - 8 years ago
Sharks must keep movgin to breathe, so holding them down is like drowning them.
Shady Gamer
Shady Gamer - 8 years ago
crushed his skeleton I'm guessing or put its tenticals in the sharks gills damaging them
themostawesomepig - 8 years ago
+Loek Lodewijck Fist in his ass.
NEW BREED - 8 years ago
Anyone notice the BIG ASS fish behind them at 2:28
Pat Duff
Pat Duff - 8 years ago
Unfortunately there is no sense of scale offered in this
clip and the narration is uninformatively cringe worthy; where is Sir David
Attenborough when you need him?
Candace Jones
Candace Jones - 8 years ago
well then
Meme Machine
Meme Machine - 8 years ago
So some rich folk bought an aquarium and didn't know that animals eat animals
Villa Straylight
Villa Straylight - 8 years ago
Octopi are outrageously intelligent and emotional compared to most sea animals. Their analytical reasoning is pretty damn incredible if you look up tales of their exploits.
Glenn Wright
Glenn Wright - 8 years ago
Can we put the narrator in the tank next!!
Zachary Hess
Zachary Hess - 8 years ago
Just your daily reminder that American documentaries feel the need to be gigantic twats about narrating.
Debbs Apple
Debbs Apple - 8 years ago
RIP shark
cheryj2v - 8 years ago
I love the narrator, i thought it was comedy gold.
ZanKronKa - 8 years ago
Can this fucker shut the fuck up.
ZanKronKa - 8 years ago
+alternine wow, great reply...... fuck off pleb.....
alternine - 8 years ago
Nah you can though
Thomas Riendeau
Thomas Riendeau - 8 years ago
thank you
Gabrielle Argueta
Gabrielle Argueta - 8 years ago
I feel like the only person on earth who is afraid of octopuses.
Very Little Gravitas Indeed
Very Little Gravitas Indeed - 8 years ago
what am I, a fucking two year old? Fire this idiotic narrator right now.
skatingCi - 8 years ago
This is like in games when an enemy walks by and then you strangle him from where you were hiding.
Dante Bond
Dante Bond - 8 years ago
40$ in my pocket!!!
Krisimos - 8 years ago
Moloch - 8 years ago
dageezerboi - 8 years ago
How does it kill the shark? Suffocation?
Connor Stone
Connor Stone - 8 years ago
The obnoxious narrator ruins this amazing footage. What is that guy's name? He ruins every show he narrates.
Tyno Vu
Tyno Vu - 8 years ago
Octopus knew how to control the Shark by turned the Shark over.
The Arbiter
The Arbiter - 8 years ago
what a badass
ibuprofenPill - 8 years ago
Wow, the octopus deliberately keeps the shark upside down to subdue it. Incredible.
Samuel Garcia
Samuel Garcia - 9 years ago
Eyre Death Borne
Eyre Death Borne - 9 years ago
Fucking tentacle porn. Why YouTube. I was forced and mislead to watch inter species rape, tentacle porn and eight sided pussy or octopussy.
suzy Margaret
suzy Margaret - 9 years ago
Not infected
Not infected - 9 years ago
1:41 "Hey there, buddy. Come here often?"
Malaki Quest
Malaki Quest - 9 years ago
My first video was the fight scene in Preadators between the Predator and the Yakuza, then I kept clicking the related videos and somehow ended up here. I'm not about to watch a bunch of animal fights because, well, what the fuck is that? I'm not tryna see that shit. However I will say this, "That shark was cruising around that tank like Debo on his bike. Then he pulled that tough guy shit on the wrong guy, and Octo wasn't having any of it."
YouTube Judge
YouTube Judge - 9 years ago
First of all that's a baby shark
محمد ادريس
محمد ادريس - 9 years ago
iLLUMiNATI - 9 years ago
PHIL-yes-PLZ - 9 years ago
"Sharks munchin' on a puss"
Alex Greemann
Alex Greemann - 9 years ago
This was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. But you have to mute it.
adoredpariah - 9 years ago
1:40 is what you came here for. ;)
Milsparro - 9 years ago
Want to see an Ozzy Man Reviews of this haha
Jose Hernandez
Jose Hernandez - 9 years ago
The real kraken
Charalampos Koundourakis
Charalampos Koundourakis - 9 years ago
Ughhh that commentary. Ruins it completely.
James Emslie
James Emslie - 9 years ago
This is infinitely better if you mute it and watch without the annoying commentator
GreenGretel - 9 years ago
The narration for this is so horrendous...
Southmead Lad
Southmead Lad - 9 years ago
How ironic that both creatures lay eggs (except the shark).
Cold Sword
Cold Sword - 9 years ago
feels like I'm watching dora the explorer's cousin .... that man should stop talking
Cold Sword
Cold Sword - 9 years ago
feels like I'm watching dora the explorer's cousin .... that man should stop talking
Stony PEACE - 9 years ago
I seen the shark tap-out at 215 !! See what happens when Mother Nature is the Ref ?
PvhEP - 9 years ago
What a crapload of commentary!!! BARF!
hasábburgonya - 9 years ago
I think I need a new spine, this commentary gave me too much cringe...
jaydattsinh parmar
jaydattsinh parmar - 9 years ago
for me its like frog attacks on snake and just killed it omgggggggg
Freak1393 - 9 years ago
Spoiler Alert..The Octopus Kills the Shark
whit1981 - 9 years ago
I hate these stupid wanna be funny narrations. The spectacle is entertainment enough. I don't need a Nickelodeon character practicing stand up with nature documentaries.
Cynide - 9 years ago
mtf dont mess with an octopus it has 8 dicks in its arms BEWARE
loser that replied to your comment
loser that replied to your comment - 9 years ago
sexual harrasment by octopus come here girl grabs shark
Jason Q
Jason Q - 9 years ago
put that octopus vs megaladon or great white
shukri sharif
shukri sharif - 9 years ago
From the logic of spongebob the octopus try to drown the shark...
Oh i love spongebob so much haha...
roastingpotato - 9 years ago
I know where this is going...
JEFFY JEFFY 7 JEFFY - 9 years ago
boo octopas they are stoupid shark are smart
Joseph Price
Joseph Price - 9 years ago
Dogfish sharks are pretty small.
Kelway Toni
Kelway Toni - 9 years ago
Nurse Shark? Won't happen to a Tiger Shark. or White Shark.
MrMudNugget - 9 years ago
2:38 fish on left is like i dint see shit man.
baashdi hobstocking
baashdi hobstocking - 8 years ago
Lucas Peng
Lucas Peng - 8 years ago
MrMudNugget s
elizer jay Villanueva
elizer jay Villanueva - 8 years ago
Tekken Appu
Tekken Appu - 8 years ago
oh dude...nice
Eric V
Eric V - 8 years ago
+MrMudNugget damn that was great lol .
prum chhangsreng
prum chhangsreng - 8 years ago
Who cares
Who cares - 8 years ago
This made me laugh a lot, thank you.
DOUBLE LINE - 8 years ago
Goytá F. Villela Jr.
Goytá F. Villela Jr. - 9 years ago
There comes Ringo the Shark happily strolling in the waves and singing his favourite song: "I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus's garden in the shade". Then suddenly...
Enriquillo - 9 years ago
Even the octopus knows brazilian Jiu jitsu these days.

Looks like he's got its hooks in & going for the rear nakes choke.
Lavish Gaming & building
Lavish Gaming & building - 9 years ago
JediGaming - 9 years ago
If octopuses know how to fight sharks and whales!!!
lohphat - 9 years ago

It's Octopuses in English, Octopodes is the correct plural for the Greek root of "octopod", Octopi is completely incorrect applying a Latin plural to a Greek word.
Jeong-hun Sin
Jeong-hun Sin - 8 years ago
I think there are many cases Greek words not coming directly to English, but from their Latinised forms. So, I think it is not wrong to use Latin plural form. My dictionary lists octopi as an acceptable plural form. If you think octopus must not have latinised plural form because it is originally from Greek, who knows, perhaps the Greeks got that word from an earlier language, too.
lohphat - 9 years ago
Yes, in modern Greek.  However taxonomy is not based on modern Greek.
steve 125
steve 125 - 9 years ago
+lohphat Well I m Greek and I can tell you that octopus in Greek is ktapodi(pronounced htapodi ,with h being pronounced as in hello) and I think it comes from oktapodi,meaning eight leg(not legs,leg).And in plural it is ktapodia :P
Elliot Scepter
Elliot Scepter - 9 years ago
Thank you!!! The amount of arguments I have over this is kind of sad...
hasábburgonya - 9 years ago
+lohphat Depends on the greek, for example in modern greek the plural would be "ia", on the other hand the plural "oi" already exists albeit it be in masculine words...
A Person
A Person - 9 years ago
+lohphat Oh yeah right.
avawinty4 - 9 years ago
thank you
Fidram - 9 years ago
Thank you! Glad somebody pointed out how annoying this was.
Gaming with Logan
Gaming with Logan - 9 years ago
KorisnikBr1 - 9 years ago
next time find bigger shark...
First Last
First Last - 9 years ago
The commentator is hilarious xD
fluffy bird
fluffy bird - 9 years ago
what the heck
pro league
pro league - 9 years ago
told you illaoi is OP. she kills fizz ult.
LearnHow To forest
LearnHow To forest - 9 years ago
02:27 big ass fish on above
John Salcedo
John Salcedo - 9 years ago
Cthulhu vs Megalodon..
beechface1 - 9 years ago
This is why people love David Attenborough. He explains what's happening rather than sensationalizing it and making yourself sound ridiculous in the process. This guy sounds like he was asked to narrate this program with no knowledge. I know that It's supposed to sound interesting, but this guy sounds like a stoner explaining what is happening.
Shikaka •
Shikaka • - 9 years ago
I want this guy to narrate when I'm taking a shit.
Jaso Studios
Jaso Studios - 9 years ago
I love octopus they have 9 brains and 3 hearts just saying there fricking timelords
roodles prease
roodles prease - 9 years ago
Mighty blue Panther
Mighty blue Panther - 9 years ago
It's a devil fish, not an octopus. #Island Of the Blue Dolpnins book
cult friction
cult friction - 9 years ago
holy shit, does the narrator not know how to shut the fuck up?
v Bremont
v Bremont - 9 years ago
imagination perception simple not a unique mind however a man that knows how to use his mind YES. a normal mind versus inferior minds, not an exceptional mind. gravity is simple "the snake" a snake moves in waves and does it,without legs. is lock into the ground, the definition of gravity is on the movement of a snake simple clear and easy.
Nano Experiment
Nano Experiment - 9 years ago
That's one way to defend yourself against predators....eliminate them.
Arthur Cunningham-Pearce
Arthur Cunningham-Pearce - 9 years ago
I deal so bad for the thing
Madina Takajewa
Madina Takajewa - 9 years ago
Das ist ein armer hai
Niels Krogh Nielsen
Niels Krogh Nielsen - 9 years ago
Æ - 9 years ago
Chinese people everywhere love this video.
They Get to a real food fight
AmpZillia - 9 years ago
maybe the octopus knows a little something about tonic immobility like orcas they're really smart animals.
Rae Merrick
Rae Merrick - 9 years ago
I don't know whether to cringe or laugh at this narration.
HARDRADA - 9 years ago
erm i think i already guessed what the out come of this was going to be people always underestimate the power of squids and octopodes
Dustin Garza
Dustin Garza - 9 years ago
I feel bad for the shark
Skizzo Frenetik
Skizzo Frenetik - 9 years ago
death grips brought me here
gabehcuoD suoitneterP
gabehcuoD suoitneterP - 9 years ago
They were doing VS videos.
NeGo ViCiOuS
NeGo ViCiOuS - 9 years ago
M ONTi - 9 years ago
get better writers n voice actors.. that was pathetic
Fluffy Unicorns
Fluffy Unicorns - 9 years ago
The people are idiots they could of saved the shark
Wolfyee - 9 years ago
+Eunice Chau Nope, it's called the circle of life. Everything has to kill to survive.
Sal Amander
Sal Amander - 9 years ago
This is the same way giant squid eat great white sharks.
Mayor Naise
Mayor Naise - 9 years ago
Why is the narrator talking to us like we all have down syndrome? Fuck off asshole.
Alfian Rudino
Alfian Rudino - 9 years ago
Fuck it,I'm moving to another planet.
JustinBieber - 9 years ago
Narrator is annoying as fuck.
MollyTorsvik - 9 years ago
why octopus killing shark?
Wildboy0001 - 9 years ago
TripleB1888 - 9 years ago
scrolling through comments
sees legitimate, sensible question in comments
checks replies to see if any legitimate, sensible answers

Gets a bunch of morons arguing about religion and non related gibberish every time!
That Is Not okay
That Is Not okay - 9 years ago
Me when someone hates on my otp
Zachryan Y
Zachryan Y - 9 years ago
Anthony Smith
Anthony Smith - 9 years ago
that octopus said fuck no.
Harry Rabin
Harry Rabin - 9 years ago
This footage was shot with great patience by Mike deGruy and it would certainly be nice if the credits were given by NATGEO. The Aquarium asked for Mike's help with regard to the sharks being attacked in this particular exhibit. After staying up all night they caught the culprit in the act. Mike always said this was one of his favorite shoots!
pozestcom - 9 years ago
Next time omit the spaz narratation and get to the meat of the videos within 15 seconds
Yami no Seigi
Yami no Seigi - 9 years ago
Cthulhu Wins!
NARWAL GALAXY - 9 years ago
Despond - 9 years ago
lol SHARK? What species? Beta cuck shark?
stereo64 - 9 years ago
Looks like the octopus had a tentacle advantage.
vaseem s
vaseem s - 9 years ago
that shark was a small baby
Andrew Kwasek
Andrew Kwasek - 9 years ago
this guys voice and the script are so very annoying.
Andrew Kwasek
Andrew Kwasek - 9 years ago
Thats right, you better walk away
Crono - 9 years ago
+Andrew Kwasek

I can't argue with people who can't use proper grammar. It'd just make me feel like I'm messing with a little kid. 
Andrew Kwasek
Andrew Kwasek - 9 years ago
u sure bro? sounded kinda like you were bitching about me totally accurate description. What i said was more of a matter of fact and my being like you
Crono - 9 years ago
+Andrew Kwasek Nope. 
Andrew Kwasek
Andrew Kwasek - 9 years ago
kinda like yours?
Crono - 9 years ago
Same for bitchy comments.
Spider-Man - 9 years ago
Dang never expected the Octopus to kill a Shark.
cquilty1 - 9 years ago
Could the commentator be anymore puerile, inane and annoying.

And people wonder why national geographic is laughed at.
Nicolai - 9 years ago
Octopus: shhhhhhhh...... no more nightmares, just dreams now
A K - 9 years ago
How is this different from illegal animal battles? They put them together knowing one will die and film it to get views lol.
A K - 9 years ago
Uhhhh, well, umm, how about watching them in their ACTUAL natural habitat.
SpaceJam Dreazi
SpaceJam Dreazi - 9 years ago
+Alex Kalis For research purposes. Not gambling purposes. How else do you study animal behaviors?
A K - 9 years ago
Yeah in nature you find captured animals put in tiny spaces with no way out.
Wolfyee - 9 years ago
+Alex Kalis It's called nature...
Mark seay
Mark seay - 9 years ago
Dragoljub Krstic
Dragoljub Krstic - 9 years ago
nice channel
Teskmehu - 9 years ago
>Dog Fish shark

>Invincible predator

Top kek
benjovi55 - 9 years ago
Now the octopus learns how annoying humans are, when we stop feeding it those yummy sharks.
Rena Toomey
Rena Toomey - 9 years ago
"That's ONE way to get away from a predator, eliminate them"
"The shark was itching to use those sharp teeth to ATTACK!"
This was like a dark Disney Channel.
Cyberus Morphous
Cyberus Morphous - 9 years ago
so like, did the octopus poison the shark or...
Keyu - 9 years ago
Hurricane0721 - 9 years ago
The Pacific Giant Octopus are also dangerous for humans! These octopus have drowned scuba divers
Emily Cisneros
Emily Cisneros - 9 years ago
Andy Xypher
Andy Xypher - 9 years ago
So this is where hentai originates from
Elaine Carroll
Elaine Carroll - 9 years ago
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo not a dog fish shark rip 20o6 2o14 why could it ben me litalrey i want to be a ghost jk
Lucas Rod
Lucas Rod - 9 years ago
ok how about 2 dogfish sharks against the giant pacific octopus or maybe a vampire squid
ROBERT Ray - 9 years ago
Eduardo Lima
Eduardo Lima - 9 years ago
might as well put a great white in there but it will die cause the great white refuses to be for 3 or more days and ends up dead
Paul Leroux
Paul Leroux - 9 years ago
those octupi ain't playing..
S McLaughlin
S McLaughlin - 9 years ago
This narrator is fucking annoying
Patty Hart
Patty Hart - 9 years ago
Hayden Roblox And More!
Hayden Roblox And More! - 9 years ago
Poor shark D:
yann beuron
yann beuron - 9 years ago
quel commentaire d'une débilité absolue....
Cape Chick
Cape Chick - 9 years ago
Personally, I'm not buying it. The shark never even struggled. No mouth movement, no tail thrashing, nada. Nahhh.
Dead Pool
Dead Pool - 9 years ago
savage ass shark
forman208 - 9 years ago
Octopuses are so fucking strange looking
MortemComedenti - 8 years ago
+Janelle Hill look up what squidward is lol. because he ain't actually a squid
Janelle Hill
Janelle Hill - 8 years ago
+Steven Jenkinson squidward isn't an octopus. He's a "squid"ward
Steven Jenkinson
Steven Jenkinson - 8 years ago
say that to squidward's face.
Southmead Lad
Southmead Lad - 8 years ago
An octopus could pull eight men off at once. Makes me....soooo...stiiiffffffff.
Saiko - 8 years ago
+Dj Rockney octopussy slayer
Adam Cederblad
Adam Cederblad - 9 years ago
+forman208 Yeah they're like aliens!
slowjam popiح
slowjam popiح - 9 years ago
Southmead Lad
Southmead Lad - 9 years ago
+forman208 Other octopusses might disagree. They probably letch over lady octopusses saying 'Fuck, check out the suckers on her tentacles...'
Aidan Spencer
Aidan Spencer - 9 years ago
+Wolfyee it is either octopuses or octopodes not octopi
Wolfyee - 9 years ago
+Spencer Whitehead No, the correct spelling is octopi...
Wolfyee - 9 years ago
+forman208 Octopi*
Beige - 9 years ago
What an annoying fucking narrator.
david henry
david henry - 9 years ago
fuck me, my bit of cod from the chippy is bigger
Bill Cosby
Bill Cosby - 9 years ago
I'm out, fuck dis. i can't enjoy this video because of the narrator.
Ohmahgizzle - 9 years ago
This cunt sounds like a paedophile
Chloe Carmona
Chloe Carmona - 9 years ago
I hate octopus
Kalckie - 9 years ago
Mighty Chuthulu accepts your offering human...
TheGoodFather - 9 years ago
octopus assassin!
Bianca Hart
Bianca Hart - 9 years ago
Finish him using mortal kombat voice
xXDogyloverXx 2135
xXDogyloverXx 2135 - 9 years ago
you f***ing dick i like sharks and you let it kill it wow I I CAN KILL YOU
lazures HD
lazures HD - 9 years ago
octodad in his glory days in an aquarium before escaping it
Godfrey Y
Godfrey Y - 9 years ago
I think the narration was more terrifying than both the shark and the octopus.
Unbreakable Aj
Unbreakable Aj - 9 years ago
i knew this would happen!
Utku Yavuz
Utku Yavuz - 9 years ago
actually is exciting
Harperlarp - 9 years ago
Truly fascinating footage completely ruined by entirely shitty narration.
TheWehrwolfe - 9 years ago
Video title kind of nullified all the suspense
McKenzie Gunderson
McKenzie Gunderson - 9 years ago
Well here is th elite lesson, don't ever mess with an octopus. Seriously, this video is a good example of how dangerous an octopus can be, it's very strong, intelligent, flexible, and has camouflage. Not only that, it has tubes that helps it swims very quickly. Though most have poisonous ink, there is only one kind of octopus that is harmful to humans blue-ringed octopus. Oh and before I forget they can also regerate their arms if their arms get ripped off. Yeah sorry, I get really into it when it comes to talking about animals.
Jakerooneys - 9 years ago
Octopai? I thought lost of them were called octopussys
Jason Elder
Jason Elder - 9 years ago
Damn nature! You scary!
Shmee - 9 years ago
Hahahahahahhahahaha oh my god
Survivallife - 9 years ago
Survivallife - 9 years ago
cage tank no difference
I Like The Train's Jeans
I Like The Train's Jeans - 9 years ago
Invincible? That's "dog"shit... Get it
Shame on National Geographic, that was a baby shark...vs a rather mature octopus....THEY'RE DOING EVERYTHING TO GET TV RATINGS, and will do anything to create a fake TV Show....So Unprofessional!
Chris Langridge
Chris Langridge - 9 years ago
that shark got raped by an angry octopus. maybe he has visions of sharktopus or octoshark
Rorschachqp - 9 years ago
Put the narrator in a shark costume and throw him in the tank.
That nunchuck guy
That nunchuck guy - 9 years ago
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu be like
Valentin George
Valentin George - 9 years ago
Stupid commentary
numbereightyseven - 9 years ago
Argh! That commentary. I'm not even going to finish watching.
Cool Octopus
Cool Octopus - 9 years ago
hell yea
it seems like a lot of predators know that they must flip a shark over and keep it there in order to suffocate it.
Rekka Riley
Rekka Riley - 9 years ago
Was this Seattle Aquarium? I remember hearing something about how they had to separate the octopuses from everything else in the aquarium because they essentially turned "serial killer" and started actively hunting down some of bigger fish (starting with the sharks). They weren't even eating them; they'd just kill them and leave!
Leo Spaulding
Leo Spaulding - 9 years ago
This beef nigga. Everyone know these sets been beefin for years nigga. Shark nigga straight up just on the wrong block nigga. Nigga knows he ain't supposed to be there. Octopus nigga just wanna know what's good wit it and that shark night tryna talk sideways. Clapped up real quick my nigga fuck your doin on they block talkin shit. Octopus nigga just bang on em nigga. They ain't wit that gunplay like my octo nigga are. For real RIP octorondo and octobrizzy. Free my nigga octo 30 glock. Fuck outta here
adolf hitler #900savage
adolf hitler #900savage - 8 years ago
on BD
Stunna Boy
Stunna Boy - 8 years ago
+Leo Spaulding on folkz✡⛽
Irrefutable Truth
Irrefutable Truth - 8 years ago
+Leo Spaulding you talk like a nigger. Shut up boy.
YouTube Custodian
YouTube Custodian - 8 years ago
+SickChip WUZ
Leo Spaulding
Leo Spaulding - 9 years ago
+Dj Tellem on some real shit my nigga rest up all them lamron boys
SickChip - 9 years ago
Shona - 9 years ago
calm down Lil Wayne.
ReeseL4D - 9 years ago
I speak jive and will help translate.
Leo Spaulding says the shark is in great pain and he wants to know how we can help the shark.

@Leo  Cut me some slack, Jack! Chump don want no help, chump don GET da help! smofo octo layin  em to da BONE! Jackin em up! Jus hang loose, blood.
350125GOW - 9 years ago
Ah 4 reals man.
StatiX - 9 years ago
Really nigga?
Shelby Wheeler
Shelby Wheeler - 9 years ago
+Leo Spaulding nigga
dry wig
dry wig - 9 years ago
It's Just Milk I Swear
It's Just Milk I Swear - 9 years ago
what is this, some kind of battle royale aquarium? it's not very kid friendly despite the wacky fuccboi commentator.
Mays McMuffin
Mays McMuffin - 9 years ago
tђє ςคยϟє ๏Ŧ ฬєt קคภtเєϟ
tђє ςคยϟє ๏Ŧ ฬєt קคภtเєϟ - 9 years ago
I like to get an octopus to latch on to my cock ....for obvious reasons
mothergeorgia - 9 years ago
"Can the octopus's defense protect itself at such tight quarters?"

*looks at the title

These idiots.
Strigent Odin
Strigent Odin - 8 years ago
My friends say I got the rare disease odin.
Rune Thief
Rune Thief - 8 years ago
+Aluminix 99% of people have the disease called memes that's why I'm here
Strigent Odin
Strigent Odin - 8 years ago
Lmao, very true XD
mothergeorgia - 8 years ago
lol then why you here, get off youtube.
Rune Thief
Rune Thief - 8 years ago
+Strigent Odin its called people tired of sarcasm and stupidity
Strigent Odin
Strigent Odin - 9 years ago
Be careful.. This stupid disease is spreading around the world quickly XD 50% of this generation already has it
mothergeorgia - 9 years ago
+Archimdedes My god, can people make a joke without getting internet whiplash? And yes, I am the idiot. Because I obviously took the logic and time to comment a joke. I'm sorry for your unnerving inconvenience
Strigent Odin
Strigent Odin - 9 years ago
Obviously you don't know what sarcasm is. So, you are the idiot.
Rune Thief
Rune Thief - 9 years ago
the video was recorded before the title was there and this was an older video were the narrator did not now it was going to be re published (making you the idiot.)
fatloser - 9 years ago
+Strigent Odin......yes???
Strigent Odin
Strigent Odin - 9 years ago
+POWER PANCAKE really...
fatloser - 9 years ago
+Pyschoplex d=deez nutz......sorry
fatloser - 9 years ago
+Pyschoplex d=deez nutz......sorry
Strigent Odin
Strigent Odin - 9 years ago
mothergeorgia - 9 years ago
+Strigent Odin yup. i tuk somthing cald englsh. got a d-.
Strigent Odin
Strigent Odin - 9 years ago
Lmfao XD i spit water on my computer readin your response
mothergeorgia - 9 years ago
+Strigent Odin yup. haply evr aftr
Strigent Odin
Strigent Odin - 9 years ago

Shark: *Takes a fish from octopus*
Octopus: bitch.
Shark ** talks with mouth full of fish and says thanks.
Octopus: You bitch ass ** eats shark**
 yup. happily ever after
mothergeorgia - 9 years ago
+Strigent Odin

Shark: Just because he takes more yoga, doesn't mean he fucking is better than me!
Octopus: *flips him off
Strigent Odin
Strigent Odin - 9 years ago
Look as we see a majestic shark. one of the most dangerous animals in the sea.... wait nope fuck that, the octupus just fucked his shit up. octupus now most dangerous
mothergeorgia - 9 years ago
+Andy Xypher I just find this whole situation so funny
Andy Xypher
Andy Xypher - 9 years ago
+Ace This originally aired on a telly, hence the narration is that way.
Strigent Odin
Strigent Odin - 9 years ago
+Ace Lol thaught the same thing
Cordelia Enid H
Cordelia Enid H - 9 years ago
This narrator is terrible.
Juan Tinoco
Juan Tinoco - 9 years ago
wow, that was violent
Thomas Baller
Thomas Baller - 9 years ago
Americans are so annoying
magicortega - 9 years ago
2:39 that fish on the left side forgot to give his fucks.
Antonio Saliba
Antonio Saliba - 9 years ago
felt like watching fuckin teletubies
FIEND - 9 years ago
thanks for explaining how, asshole
Flashfire Gaming
Flashfire Gaming - 9 years ago
i feel bad for the shark it didnt even go for him and he died for no reason
Judas Machina
Judas Machina - 9 years ago
Why are scientists surprised by this? This is exactly what I saw in my mind when I read the title. And I have no background in marine biology.
Ed - 9 years ago
Dogfish sharks are "supposedly invincible predators?" I used to catch them as a kid using a fishing pole. It's the one shark I'm not afraid of.
shangmathing - 9 years ago
the narrator sounds like a pedofile
armymatt83 - 9 years ago
I love when narrators get it wrong. sharks can't crush anything in their jaws, they don't have that much power what gives a shark it's ability to take a arm or leg is it's serrated teeth. they know this because some researcher tried a chainmail like armor for divers and the sharks that attacked couldn't bite though and so they did no real damage.
cafesmitty - 9 years ago
I thought they were going to mate and create Sharktopuss
Jose Ruiz
Jose Ruiz - 9 years ago
How did the octopus kill the shark? Did it drown the shark?
Sam Sonn
Sam Sonn - 9 years ago
The octopus is like 5 times bigger than the shark
sorabji1 - 9 years ago
Reminds me of that scene in No Country for Old Men, wrestling and strangling the cop on his back.
Wxtch Bxtch
Wxtch Bxtch - 8 years ago
You're wayyyy too sensitive.
D S - 9 years ago
+Cookie Kittie Octopi? A Latin plural for a Greek word?
Ivan Wienand
Ivan Wienand - 9 years ago
+Cookie Kittie It doesnt sell to have actual documentaries these days, sadly. Any intellectual program shown on TV has been run down in commercial garbage that only morons watch. FFS the history channel has fucking aliens on it. Also, Rupert Murdoch bought national geographic, so dont expect anything good to come from it any more.
Crono - 9 years ago
JustinBieber - 9 years ago
It's already been said you fuckin moron.
Commentator - 9 years ago
+Teemo Shroom ???? ???? ???? ????
Teemo Shroom
Teemo Shroom - 9 years ago
another copy paste
Joe Haden
Joe Haden - 9 years ago
+Cookie Kittie kids watch this brother so yeah its entertaining I think to them and its supposed to be kind of a joke just so you know
aldrin arroyo
aldrin arroyo - 9 years ago
+Kyler Lumpkin actually ppl these days are just mean
Commentator - 9 years ago
+Kyler Lumpkin
 I was trying to indirectly say that ppl have become stupider/more stupid.
Kyler Lumpkin
Kyler Lumpkin - 9 years ago
+SquidPlays Actually people these days have a mean IQ of 100.
Commentator - 9 years ago
+Spankdaghetti Lord because I feel as if ppl these days have a mean IQ of 90.
dankspaghettilord - 9 years ago
+Cookie Kittie ^ Found the audience.
Magical Meepo
Magical Meepo - 9 years ago
Oops, i meant *Because!
Aaron - 9 years ago
Good video. Wish the bad narrator would shut up.
ERICK THEDOC - 9 years ago
reminds me of my mother in law........
JeffsMetaGaming - 9 years ago
wow nice, this video is featured in yahoo. It was 6 years after this vid was posted LOL
Ross Cicero
Ross Cicero - 9 years ago
Let's hope the annoying asshole narrating this gets killed by an octopus.
armybeef68 - 9 years ago
This video is a lot better muted
Arowen Taylor
Arowen Taylor - 9 years ago
how big is the shark though and the octopus??
maxfort - 9 years ago
xxx _ g3tr3kt _ xxx
xxx _ g3tr3kt _ xxx - 9 years ago
Shark: I know you have the cocain! Surrender! Octopus: FUCK THE POLICE!!!
Universal Steele
Universal Steele - 9 years ago
This narrator is fucking retarded.
Ty Cetto
Ty Cetto - 9 years ago
The last two sentences could be said about certain Muslims...
Don Johnson
Don Johnson - 9 years ago
since when did bob saget start narrating natgeo? lol
john harper
john harper - 9 years ago
Nerf illaoi.
quest 34470
quest 34470 - 9 years ago
iNinjaz - 9 years ago
My favourite things are:





Hot breads


Nah just kidding read all of the first letters starting from animals you'll find a true hero
Tyrek Bias
Tyrek Bias - 9 years ago
and his name is John cena
Handsomeness - 9 years ago
And His Name Is John Cena.
SpySappingMyKeyboard - 9 years ago
+carl balon DUU DU DU DUUU
TwisT3D - 9 years ago
Clint Mitchell
Clint Mitchell - 9 years ago
+carl balon Exactly. I can't see him.
Clint Mitchell
Clint Mitchell - 9 years ago
+carl balon I can't see him.
DrJew Sheklestien
DrJew Sheklestien - 9 years ago
oy vey
Kyle McCullough
Kyle McCullough - 9 years ago
What did he do? Drown him?
7OF7 - 9 years ago
that was incredible.
dragons - 9 years ago
2:37 dafuq
Mr. Nisse
Mr. Nisse - 9 years ago
That's why 8 brains are better than one. ;-)
nightravin - 9 years ago
Fight starts at 1:42
Legend Gotta Catch Em All
Legend Gotta Catch Em All - 9 years ago
Won't pull that off with a box jellyfish
Danny  Contreras
Danny Contreras - 9 years ago
And that kids is why Hydra used the octopus as their logo
Pinhead Larry
Pinhead Larry - 9 years ago
Shark bait ooh ah ah!
Angel Guevara-Zarate
Angel Guevara-Zarate - 9 years ago
They would probably putting them to a test glanced each other!
Praxics - 9 years ago
"Eliminate them" lol
James Cooper
James Cooper - 9 years ago
This announcer sucks. They need a British guy.
1962speiche - 9 years ago
Der Polyp hat Hunger!
joansamo25 - 9 years ago
commentary sucks,but the shark got f u c k i n g r e k t
Mr.Satchmo - 9 years ago
Part Time Octopus, Full Time Savage
SilverFang - 9 years ago
the narrator needs to stfu
TheCherry1994 - 9 years ago
What the fuck is this narrator doing.
Super Plush bros
Super Plush bros - 9 years ago
Anything can kill a shark,if they can keep it from moving
ThirdEyeOpen123 - 9 years ago
Title contains spoilers. Video tries to build suspense. Why?
quesadilla - 9 years ago
octopus is savage
Vincenzos Plate
Vincenzos Plate - 9 years ago
Wow the octopus is a great hunter.
Vincenzos Plate
Vincenzos Plate - 9 years ago
This is insane. That Octopus is a monster
Official Filmilen
Official Filmilen - 9 years ago
Never underestimate the power of the Octopus
MeanderingWayfarer 092
MeanderingWayfarer 092 - 9 years ago
I didn't pay attention to the narrator's voice until I read the comments. We get it, bad narrator
I see it like this I feel like
I see it like this I feel like - 9 years ago
and towards the end this video came to mind, think "magic, moments...":
I see it like this I feel like
I see it like this I feel like - 9 years ago
the announcers voice is annoying
mute is great, i can play music from another video
Johnny Tech
Johnny Tech - 9 years ago
One word...DAMN
Steve Laurent
Steve Laurent - 9 years ago
It really too late for me to leave the internet now!!!
pupper - 9 years ago
Colby - 9 years ago
in fair from what I know a dogfish have no teeth
Colby - 9 years ago
in fair from what I know a dogfish have no teeth
Peter Roxas
Peter Roxas - 9 years ago
Tidehunter Vs Slark
FrankieBeans - 9 years ago
giantbomb sent me here.
3wc - 9 years ago
jujitsu octopuss
kepala gundul
kepala gundul - 9 years ago
Next put an adult moray eel to the tank. It will destroy the octopus completely.
sixandeky - 9 years ago
This was just a spiny dogfish and the small one. A great white or blue shark will tear down the octopus.
Marc Messenger
Marc Messenger - 9 years ago
"Think you know the outcome when it's shark versus octopus? Think again!"

...The clue is in the title.
Peyton Durnil
Peyton Durnil - 9 years ago
He just went all out snake on that shark
Andy Pich
Andy Pich - 9 years ago
Octopus: Hey bby
Shark: tries to run away
Octopus: What's wrong?
Shark: I'm not an octopus type of shark.
Octopus: Oh it's ok, you'll get used to me
Shark: no
Octopus: fine. waits for bae to get close
tentacles wrap
oh yas
Shark: wait pls what are you doin, we can work this out
Octopus: I'm sorry, but I'm giving you my octopus milk
Shark: nuuuuu- dies
tnnss111 - 9 years ago
The narrator is unbelievably bad.

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The "Octopus Kills Shark | National Geographic" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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