Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark
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Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark SUBSCRIBE: We upload a new incredible video every weekday. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss out: http://bit.ly/Oc61Hj A POD of killer whales have been filmed for the first time hunting and killing a TIGER SHARK. The footage, which is believed to be a world-first, was captured off the coast of Costa Rica by underwater photographer Caroline Power and British marine biologist Nicholas Bach. It shows three killer whales working as a team to force the panicked shark to the surface, wearing it down and taking opportunistic bites at its fins. Eventually, a large bull moves in to deliver the death blow while flipping the shark onto its back in the process - which induces a state of paralysis known as tonic immobility. The pod then takes turns at eating and stripping the seven-foot shark down to its bare bones before disappearing back into the ocean. The attack took place at Chatham Bay on Cocos Island, Costa Rica, on September 8. Videographer / Director: Caroline Power Producer: Nick Johnson Editor: Sonia Estal, Ian Phillips For more compelling footage of the amazing side of life: FACEBOOK: Like Barcroft TV - Facebook.com/BarcroftTV TWITTER: Follow @Barcroft_TV - Twitter.com/Barcroft_TV WEBSITE: For licensing & business enquiries, visit the Barcroft Media site - Barcroftmedia.com
10. comment for Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark
omg!! look at that!!! (mute)
20. comment for Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark
30. comment for Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark
50. comment for Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark
intelligent creatures...but what makes them turn on other mammals like humans do........many fish in the sea
I wish the Megalodon was still alive.
A Pod of Orcas vs Megalodon would be epic!!
Orcas are a lot more hostile when kept in captivity
100. comment for Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark
They are just hungry
Violets are blue
I didn't get clickbaited
And so did you.
No Hollywood movie could bring me to do that
Orcas are too big
they are the wolves of the seas
What the fuck were you filming a marine rave party?
megalodon appears with a 10 great whites bebind him
1) its not just one megalodon
2)its not dead its extinct
Orcas are just too smart and powerful for great whites
That's part of nature
Most other predators that could eat us are capable of making that transition, even if we aren't their natural prey.
Explain great white sharks then… Apparently, they never heard your theory.
Vs tiger shark
Killer whale:whale whale whale what do we have here
Shark:oh sh*t the killer whales are back
And that's some next level shit, guys.
Orca children: mommy how do I hunt and eat a shark?
They're dolphins, not whales.
A pool is not a good thing for them
Wolves are relatetd to dogs so i decided to comepare that to what you said
They're called wolves of the sea coz they hunt in groups. I called them dogs of the sea coz like dolphins, they're man's best ocean friend.
If the megalodon was still here, the megalodon will have nightmares about these black and white terrors
tiger shark
died because the orcas got hungry
Tiger Shark "Help, stop filming, we need your help!"
Tiger Shark "Please have some mercy and I'll show you the missing city of Atlantis, it's right over *DEAD*"
Then to 1:44
They are missing like 20 seconds of footage. No idea how you go from the surface to in two mouths 20 feet deeper almost instantly.
What the fuck
No megalodon ppl, or Triggered shark lovers pls.
truly majestic creatures
i dont think orcs uruks or even nazgul can swim but hey its your fanfiction
so i used me video edeting program to turn the tigershark into a nazi.
now im glad that it's dead..
Camera man : no
Tiger shark: okey, I'll go now