Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark

Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark SUBSCRIBE: We upload a new incredible video every weekday. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss out: http://bit.ly/Oc61Hj A POD of killer whales have been filmed for the first time hunting and killing a TIGER SHARK. The footage, which is believed to be a world-first, was captured off the coast of Costa Rica by underwater photographer Caroline Power and British marine biologist Nicholas Bach. It shows three killer whales working as a team to force the panicked shark to the surface, wearing it down and taking opportunistic bites at its fins. Eventually, a large bull moves in to deliver the death blow while flipping the shark onto its back in the process - which induces a state of paralysis known as tonic immobility. The pod then takes turns at eating and stripping the seven-foot shark down to its bare bones before disappearing back into the ocean. The attack took place at Chatham Bay on Cocos Island, Costa Rica, on September 8. Videographer / Director: Caroline Power Producer: Nick Johnson Editor: Sonia Estal, Ian Phillips For more compelling footage of the amazing side of life: FACEBOOK: Like Barcroft TV - Facebook.com/BarcroftTV TWITTER: Follow @Barcroft_TV - Twitter.com/Barcroft_TV WEBSITE: For licensing & business enquiries, visit the Barcroft Media site - Barcroftmedia.com

Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2401

Shark videos 10 years ago 11,403,014 views

Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark SUBSCRIBE: We upload a new incredible video every weekday. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss out: http://bit.ly/Oc61Hj A POD of killer whales have been filmed for the first time hunting and killing a TIGER SHARK. The footage, which is believed to be a world-first, was captured off the coast of Costa Rica by underwater photographer Caroline Power and British marine biologist Nicholas Bach. It shows three killer whales working as a team to force the panicked shark to the surface, wearing it down and taking opportunistic bites at its fins. Eventually, a large bull moves in to deliver the death blow while flipping the shark onto its back in the process - which induces a state of paralysis known as tonic immobility. The pod then takes turns at eating and stripping the seven-foot shark down to its bare bones before disappearing back into the ocean. The attack took place at Chatham Bay on Cocos Island, Costa Rica, on September 8. Videographer / Director: Caroline Power Producer: Nick Johnson Editor: Sonia Estal, Ian Phillips For more compelling footage of the amazing side of life: FACEBOOK: Like Barcroft TV - Facebook.com/BarcroftTV TWITTER: Follow @Barcroft_TV - Twitter.com/Barcroft_TV WEBSITE: For licensing & business enquiries, visit the Barcroft Media site - Barcroftmedia.com

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Most popular comments
for Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark

Carlos Ponce-Guzman
Carlos Ponce-Guzman - 6 years ago
they chew the Finns off to immobilized the shark, that's smart because sharks die if they stop swimming.
MonroeHandyMan - 6 years ago
Lousy footage.
Mat Black
Mat Black - 6 years ago
When you REALLY want to make sure you've pressed the record button
Asher Davon
Asher Davon - 6 years ago
they aren't whales at all every body is mistaken - killer whales should be called killer dolphins
christopher perry
christopher perry - 6 years ago
see everybody even whales Like shark fin soup
Sean Sartor
Sean Sartor - 6 years ago
Its amazing how the Orcas know all the biology and habits of all their prey. Their hunting style and strategy change with every situation.
sicboi - 6 years ago
Shark finning is illegal! Bloody outlaw orcas think they can get away with anything!
Waqas Khan
Waqas Khan - 7 years ago
I was thinking about hitting up the ocean but now i will just stick to the local lake...
Cameron Alexander
Cameron Alexander - 7 years ago
Free Willy

10. comment for Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark

James Mathew Iso
James Mathew Iso - 7 years ago
Narwhals are the jedi or unicorns of the sea... orcas are the policemen of the sea...
Nikko Alarba
Nikko Alarba - 7 years ago
That is why the word KILLER is added to their name
bowrudder - 7 years ago
That poor shark! It wasn't hurting anyone. Killer whales should stop killing other animals. I myself am on a vegan diet, and feel wonderful.
The Obstructor
The Obstructor - 7 years ago
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, as long as we don't put them in captivity
Verum - 7 years ago
The orcas could've done this to protect the divers. It happened in the past.
GS VHT - 7 years ago
The shark looks so unevolved by comparison.
Kids Arcade Room
Kids Arcade Room - 7 years ago
Oh wow
TaeHyun Kim
TaeHyun Kim - 7 years ago
omg~ look at that~ cute~
omg!! look at that!!! (mute)
BabyBellBell - 7 years ago
That poor shark. Why didn't they try to save it.
BabyBellBell - 7 years ago
I wonder if it survived. Where was this shot. I can go see if the shark is beached or floating somewhere.
BabyBellBell - 7 years ago
Why Umad? I would have pulled it out and helped rehab the poor shark.
Theturtleowl - 7 years ago
Orcas are jerks

20. comment for Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark

Leo Nard
Leo Nard - 7 years ago
The small tiger shark..
Fatma Celik
Fatma Celik - 7 years ago
Give those black mammal softies a salty crock and they would straight up death-roll into their demise. How does an Orca beat a croc?

Michael Hurst
Michael Hurst - 7 years ago
Song name?
Ryungun Rie
Ryungun Rie - 7 years ago
The bullies of the sea LOL
MyLifeForAuir87 - 7 years ago
and then all the fish swim to it to eat it as it drowns.
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson - 7 years ago
The Orcas" obviously did not see Jaws.. !!
valeriee1231 - 7 years ago
I guess orcas also love shark fin soup! LOL....
Redstone shark
Redstone shark - 7 years ago
Carlos Rodrigo
Carlos Rodrigo - 7 years ago
3 vs 1, and shark its so smile
kylorenkiller gamer
kylorenkiller gamer - 7 years ago

30. comment for Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark

alex vh
alex vh - 7 years ago
We think ow so cute thats crepy
Elise Williams
Elise Williams - 7 years ago
The shark was asking for help.. sad...
bolastube - 7 years ago
Soooo, chinese aren't the only ones after shark fins....
Raffy Things
Raffy Things - 7 years ago
wow ☹️
Jon R
Jon R - 7 years ago
After seeing this i've decided I don't want to become a fish anymore
Aman Yamani
Aman Yamani - 7 years ago
The name killer whale should be replace with oreo whale
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
The Orcas probably attacked the Tiger Shark because there had been (and still in the area) humans in the water. Whales, Orca and dolphins are known to protect humans/other creatures from sharks in the area.
Tom Cairns
Tom Cairns - 7 years ago
Hardly a fair fight. Didn't know Tiger sharks came that small.
Hard Truth
Hard Truth - 7 years ago
To think I started out looking at hood pranks 1 hour ago
Anelia Angelova
Anelia Angelova - 7 years ago
What would you choose? Being burned alive or trowen in the ocean with those monsters?
Lucas German German
Lucas German German - 7 years ago
They are playing sharkbool
Mr Slime
Mr Slime - 7 years ago
its not the first time they hunt a shark, back in 2000 there is a video orcas killing 13 ft great white.
Exodia1986Necross - 7 years ago
Sheer Power.
BicycleRepairMan - 7 years ago
Stranded shark in shallow water; anyhow: Orca again shows amazing group hunting strategy, close to 'conciuosness'.
Saruati2COC - 7 years ago
Now that’s a small shark
Ishi M
Ishi M - 7 years ago
Oh wow I never knew dolphins our much smarter than the cute ones
Kayla J
Kayla J - 7 years ago
LeonardCrassman - 7 years ago
(;w;)))^=< shark
EABOY2600 - 7 years ago
Shark fin sandwich!
Justine Lozano
Justine Lozano - 7 years ago
Free willy

50. comment for Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark

squiddy bubbler
squiddy bubbler - 7 years ago
Teck Talking
Teck Talking - 7 years ago
Is tht only me or u guys think same tht this video consists of two action merged into one. The shark swimming n the shark eaten doen not look identical
thorpsy100 - 7 years ago
Bob Donovan
Bob Donovan - 7 years ago
The day they figure out we're delicious, boaters and swimmers are finished. They are way to cunning for us, especially when they pack hunt.
Seba Jun
Seba Jun - 7 years ago
Orca ninjas going rambo
I'm dizzy from that camera movement
wweoldschool - 7 years ago
Killer whales are like black dudes only powerful in numbers
Conor McDarby
Conor McDarby - 7 years ago
To be fair, the shark looks like it has something wrong with it to begin with
Geetanjali Sharma
Geetanjali Sharma - 7 years ago
Something so magnificent about Orcas.
Trevor Higgins
Trevor Higgins - 7 years ago
The person filming isn't very good at filming since in the video only shows bits of it dropping interest in the video by not showing the orcas all going at the shark and by not showing that people lose interest in the video
Itachi R Uchiha
Itachi R Uchiha - 7 years ago
Dilana Karatas
Dilana Karatas - 7 years ago
I find it really interesting orcas can easily tear a shark apart but don't do anything to humans. Orcas could be much more dangerous to us than sharks are if they wanted to.
Daniel Nuñez
Daniel Nuñez - 7 years ago
Love the video recording, captures every angle, heard they will be signing a contract with Hollywood in the up coming weeks...
Rogem Tabares
Rogem Tabares - 7 years ago
This is like t rex vs spino. Obviously t rex wins via being superior and smarter more powerful
Gaming With Eric
Gaming With Eric - 7 years ago
Sharks are scared of orca noises
xzz 22
xzz 22 - 7 years ago
That is a small shark
Pablo Murf
Pablo Murf - 7 years ago
Miller whales are mean
Natsu END Dragneel
Natsu END Dragneel - 7 years ago
how big was that tiger shark?
john bravo
john bravo - 7 years ago
The ocean’s wolf pack
SuperGoldfinger123 - 7 years ago
poor tiger shark....just like wicked humans....ripped its fins off.....they take 6 hours to rip the tongue out of a baby grey whale....
intelligent creatures...but what makes them turn on other mammals like humans do........many fish in the sea
9boomerang - 7 years ago
The background music is really really annoying though
Bunga Rin
Bunga Rin - 7 years ago
Thats not fair the shark was small and alone
Rexy Fan35
Rexy Fan35 - 7 years ago
whale and shark sex
Niall Tomlinson
Niall Tomlinson - 7 years ago
Where was this filmed?????????
Leroy Brown
Leroy Brown - 7 years ago
The Orcas turned the shark into a minnow.
Annie Smiles
Annie Smiles - 7 years ago
Orcas are strong and smart. Amazing!
name name
name name - 7 years ago
SomethingelseYT was right
Zir S
Zir S - 7 years ago
It's pretty easy hunting something 1/4th your size and you outnumber 3-1.
OdeliaBC - 7 years ago
No blood from its fins? Looks like cgi.
All Roads Lead Here
All Roads Lead Here - 7 years ago
Aquaculture operates in 3 dimensions with no safetynet. We only generally move and live in 2 and with poor depth perception to boot.
Kazak Thranduil
Kazak Thranduil - 7 years ago
too bad he didn't know they breathe air...
Jessica Norris
Jessica Norris - 7 years ago
these shark videos
ころとら - 7 years ago
Maurizio Candido
Maurizio Candido - 7 years ago
The orca is the true king of the seas
KyberDragon !
KyberDragon ! - 7 years ago
Rip shark
areeb1296 - 7 years ago
Most of the sharks Orcas prey on are much smaller and weaker than them.

I wish the Megalodon was still alive.
A Pod of Orcas vs Megalodon would be epic!!
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
areeb1296 great whites and whale sharks are pretty big
Richard Goldman
Richard Goldman - 7 years ago
Air breathing predatory fish...
Dante Solaris
Dante Solaris - 7 years ago
Orcas, the honey badgers of the ocean.
FlatlandMando - 7 years ago
The distressing thing about Orcas (to me) is that they manage to make killing & eating stuff look like play!
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
FlatlandMando they are dolphins and dolphins are playful so
WesleyAPEX - 7 years ago
Tiger Sharks live in warm tropical waters and Killer Whales live in cold water. How would these 2 species even come into contact?
MAC Productions
MAC Productions - 7 years ago
Josefin Wittbom
Josefin Wittbom - 7 years ago
Can someone tell me what music this is?
Lonely Guy
Lonely Guy - 7 years ago
The shark ask for help lol
Fresh! Sans
Fresh! Sans - 7 years ago
1:46 someone likes Chinese food
Daniel Mc
Daniel Mc - 7 years ago
Orcas are beautiful, if i had a fish bowl big enough id have one as a pet ;)
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Daniel Mc i wouldn't if I were you
Orcas are a lot more hostile when kept in captivity
Ling Ye
Ling Ye - 7 years ago
2k tiger sharks dislikes this video
usmc raid
usmc raid - 7 years ago
Kings of the ocean - ORCAS
Josh Davies
Josh Davies - 7 years ago
I didn’t think this was possible
Leonardo Munoz
Leonardo Munoz - 7 years ago
Dodnt mean 2 put that
نورة مساعد
نورة مساعد - 7 years ago
Hate this music

100. comment for Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark

BWSeraph - 7 years ago
Orcas are dicks. They are such a alpha predator it's insane. We need to even out the odds a little lest they hunt sharks to extinction.
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
BWSeraph how are they dicks
Stilto Monkey
Stilto Monkey - 7 years ago
On my best aussie accent the shark is fkked
JJD NFFC - 7 years ago
Didn’t see everything, ie the first impact between the shark and whale, all i saw was a whale holding a shark
CMLounsbury - 7 years ago
I would rather see uncut footage
dilaver can Filizoğlu oyunda
dilaver can Filizoğlu oyunda - 7 years ago
Poor tiger shark
Ashmad Olayadiha
Ashmad Olayadiha - 7 years ago
Tiger Shark ended up in Killer Whale hood
tc413141 - 7 years ago
Anis Adizi
Anis Adizi - 7 years ago
what about if the shark actually asking for help :'( /hahahah maybe?
Michael Song
Michael Song - 7 years ago
I know orcas don't attack humans, but damn, I'd be so scared of being near orcas. I mean, these things take down great white sharks with ease. And the reason sharks attack humans (mostly) is because they mistake humans for a seal. And orcas eat seals. So, orcas can certainly attack humans by mistaking us for seals. And their mistaken identity of us would lead us to dying.
Yver Idan
Yver Idan - 7 years ago
Those orcas has no heart
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Yver Idan oh they do
They are just hungry
Luna Moon
Luna Moon - 7 years ago
Killer Whales are very ying and yang
D3VUR - 7 years ago
when hunter becomes the pray
Emanuel's Life
Emanuel's Life - 7 years ago
Fact of Sea world:They say it's common if the fins is bend but its actually rare on the wild couse it means the orca is sick or injured
François Maspuche
François Maspuche - 7 years ago
Killer Whales are just the top of the food chain into the ocean (right beside human.)
YOU WANT SUM CRACK!!?! - 7 years ago
i've never felt so sad for a shark before :'( but i guess its just the way of life down there
Bebo Bebo
Bebo Bebo - 7 years ago
orcas are smart and they aren't familiar with humans may be that is why they avoid attacking humans , but I think they are debating whether if human is food or not,
mlg shark
mlg shark - 7 years ago
This video offends me...
Lemar Francis
Lemar Francis - 7 years ago
RIP Bruce
Farhad Sayhebolay
Farhad Sayhebolay - 7 years ago
idk y but orcas scare me. they so mysterious. Sometimes, even tho ik its not tru i wonder if they as intelligent as us.
Bratona Thetoner
Bratona Thetoner - 7 years ago
Maybe they should hire someone that knows how to record a proper video. Then we would be able to see what's actually going on...
M R - 7 years ago
Golly neds!
sovereignladie6 - 7 years ago
It's a small sized shark tho..
Melchizedek Meredith
Melchizedek Meredith - 7 years ago
nope never going to sea world dumb asses swimen with orcas nope
Roblox Gamer
Roblox Gamer - 7 years ago
I love orcas they are soooooo cool
Richo-senpai - 7 years ago
And i thought Feeding Frenzy is fake about Orca eating Shars when it grows bigger at max level
kitten master
kitten master - 7 years ago
Danier - Random Games &a More
Danier - Random Games &a More - 7 years ago
I hate this
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Danier - Random Games &a More why
Digital Pickaxe
Digital Pickaxe - 7 years ago
VenomBronyPL - 7 years ago
get rekt son
Jolz Films
Jolz Films - 7 years ago
Sharks: Kings of the food chain. Killer whale: Godzilla.
_Videogameallstars_ -3000-
_Videogameallstars_ -3000- - 7 years ago
How many orca are stll alive on this planet?
Kalva Preetham
Kalva Preetham - 7 years ago
Just leave everything y are they following those menace killer whales
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Kalva Preetham because they are beautiful creatures
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
Note. Their attack is to flip the shark unconscious then then they eat it.
Matt Hetherington
Matt Hetherington - 7 years ago
They're not whales. They're the largest of the dolphin family. Killer Whale is a mistranslation of the Spanish for Whale Killer.
onto blue
onto blue - 7 years ago
orca whales = wolves of the sea.
Dru Wilson
Dru Wilson - 7 years ago
Hydra - 7 years ago
The whale got 5000 oceanbucks for the sharks bounty, hehe get it?
Lenna 604
Lenna 604 - 7 years ago
The shark didn't have the slightest chance
Nature Boy
Nature Boy - 7 years ago
that's a small tiger shark.
Vushe Mafavuneh
Vushe Mafavuneh - 7 years ago
it's like there taking the sharks lunch money
Kins B.
Kins B. - 7 years ago
Nature is amazing and so unique. RIP you cute little guy
SSJ Lucario
SSJ Lucario - 7 years ago
If I were a shark I'd be very afraid of Orcas and whaddya know the shark had a look of fear on it's face
Doom Muffinz
Doom Muffinz - 7 years ago
That wasnt dramatic, thumbs down for being a thirsty imbecile who cant even present something new and interesting without typrying to pad its chest, jezus
Squidmaster802 - 7 years ago
it looks like the killer whale has glow in the dark
Sayno 2badblow
Sayno 2badblow - 7 years ago
Why didn't the tiger go down deep he doesn't need air
Deffyd - 7 years ago
Skin of shark is very tough. Orcas must have very strong mouths to cope with it...
TheStarzzguitar - 7 years ago
Really bad camera work and editing.
DannyTK0 - 7 years ago
Roses are red
Violets are blue

I didn't get clickbaited
And so did you.
Андрей Брусенцев
Андрей Брусенцев - 7 years ago
Fortunately orca whales do not hunt on human)
LEE SOAREZ Inglês do Zero
LEE SOAREZ Inglês do Zero - 7 years ago
Damn! This has to be the funniest comment section I have ever scrolled down through on YouTube! Hilarious! :D LMAOROTFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MehGUN BuRgeR - 7 years ago
It is indeed, man lol
J - 7 years ago
Why add this stupid Music?
Zeoz - 7 years ago
When the hunter becomes the prey.
JL - 7 years ago
I thought this was the video of those gangsta L.A Pods off the coast of California who love ganging up on the great whites.
Solanuma - 7 years ago
Haa... swimming with wild killer whales?
No Hollywood movie could bring me to do that
the bacon nub yay
the bacon nub yay - 7 years ago
Would you like some Killer whale Meat huh? Thats nice
አህብኩም ፌላህ ለአላህ ስል እወዳችሁአለሁ
አህብኩም ፌላህ ለአላህ ስል እወዳችሁአለሁ - 7 years ago
قرش القاتل اشع
stuntlee Rock
stuntlee Rock - 7 years ago
0:20 nice soundtrack whats name please ?
Kam More
Kam More - 7 years ago
OMG, poor shark :'(
Powder Hungry
Powder Hungry - 7 years ago
mammals are in these days, haven't ya heard!?
Gameonu2011 - 7 years ago
Well show us the attack and stop all the talking
Ansen Xiaoooo
Ansen Xiaoooo - 7 years ago
background music please
Raptor 501st
Raptor 501st - 7 years ago
Alban JashAri
Alban JashAri - 7 years ago
wHat nam'es , shARk and ORc'as , the sea , a man in a boat offering he's hand , for those who wanna s'wim it has a shark orca , sometime dolphins (D Olph) to play around , but than it has a storm and a lot of mystery
Alban JashAri
Alban JashAri - 7 years ago
hmmm they go together in a group (popo n'grop) in our tongue = Pa n'da
Alban JashAri
Alban JashAri - 7 years ago
but the shark is a loner , the orca go in a group and they are black and less white , i don't get it (or maybe i don't like it(but i love the truth because of reality and reality is Creation))
O T - 7 years ago
Such a poor video....
Mich Elle
Mich Elle - 7 years ago
the largest blood-thirsty sharks are those who abuse their authority & misuse their power especially when it involves the innocent, less fortunate & those without a voice eg. PP etc.
Unn Lop
Unn Lop - 7 years ago
Same der
Dragonfish 37
Dragonfish 37 - 7 years ago
Law and Order. Special Victims Unit.
Chris Affenfick
Chris Affenfick - 7 years ago
That IT fake
JeJeMoon 123
JeJeMoon 123 - 7 years ago
people just watching a murder
Moss Pat
Moss Pat - 7 years ago
There's always a BIGGER fish, eh?
Lamiaromain - 7 years ago
Truly awful camera work.
Jrytsray9573 Jerry
Jrytsray9573 Jerry - 7 years ago
Tiger shark standing no chance to the intelligence killers whale,..no metter what?,...
karnthida jaisuwan
karnthida jaisuwan - 7 years ago
It's actually a dolphin
Anna Arredondo
Anna Arredondo - 7 years ago
Goddamn killerwhales thinking they own the place where the hell is jaws when you need him
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Kyan Adams in the orcas stomach
GRAYDOS WANNA - 7 years ago
is it just me or am i the only one who would rather swim with great white sharks than Orcas?
GRAYDOS WANNA - 7 years ago
yeah I figured, just my personal preference :)
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
GRAYDOS WANNA i don't know why i mean orcas don't attack people in the wild
Kevin Lu l Storm Chasing
Kevin Lu l Storm Chasing - 7 years ago
I am not surprised that the killer whales hunted the shark, the orca is like 10 times the size of the shark.
MPSecare - 7 years ago
M S - 7 years ago
Fucking bullies
Rashan Reeves
Rashan Reeves - 7 years ago
If I'm the Tiger Shark, I just swim as deep as I possibly can, the whales would eventually have to resurface for air, then while they're doing that, I bounce! Simple.
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Rashan Reeves what I mean is they don't actually bounce on orcas
Orcas are too big
Rashan Reeves
Rashan Reeves - 7 years ago
Electric Storm My bad, I thought all sharks swim deep, so much for learning from Shark Week!
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Rashan Reeves yeah tigers don't really do that
John Ruiz
John Ruiz - 7 years ago
If the orca can take down the great white shark they can take down the tiger shark
Meg OCo
Meg OCo - 7 years ago
Those Orcas were like "*you in the wrong neighbor hood mother fucker*"
barn2503 - 7 years ago
What is it about shark fins that everything wants to eat them?
SektundSchnee - 7 years ago
"Attacking the vessels' side..." melodramatic music playing... What rubbish.
Jakob With a K
Jakob With a K - 7 years ago
Orcas are very smart & emotional. I could see them enjoying the humans (theyve never attacked humans in wild) & after the tiger shark threatened them they were like oh hellll nah we after you now
Jiggie - 7 years ago
The shark was trying to take shelter under the boat aw sad they could save the shark if only they didn't attack humans.
HupfDole87 - 7 years ago
well not a fair fight.. they are bigger, smarter and got the numbers.. the biggest great white is smaller than the smallest killer whale.. and lighter.. and slower.. and killer whales got the numbers as well and less weaknesses.. they dont go into slumber when they are on their back.. this isnt even a contest..
gavster87 - 7 years ago
Queue the epic music
Hongboum Kennard
Hongboum Kennard - 7 years ago
Great recording fuckers
MrBuckaroonie - 7 years ago
Reckon the orcas would go the divers if they were in there?
Jonathan Creed
Jonathan Creed - 7 years ago
1000 tiger sharks disliked this
Josh Johnson
Josh Johnson - 7 years ago
So it's not only the Chinese who like shark fin soup?!?!
Ryan Digricoli
Ryan Digricoli - 7 years ago
Poor Tiger Shark, Orcas are the assholes of the oceans.
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Ryan Digricoli nope
they are the wolves of the seas
Chris P. Bacon
Chris P. Bacon - 7 years ago
Think this is something check them killing great whites of California. They kill 1 shark and they all leave their seal feeding grounds heading way off all the way to Hawaii.
Samuel Lor
Samuel Lor - 7 years ago
even a great white cant beat a orca -_-
Samuel Lor
Samuel Lor - 7 years ago
DUH Of curse whales win hes outnumberd whatcha think stupid
Henry - 7 years ago
When its not clickbait...
Handi Huynh
Handi Huynh - 7 years ago
Trying to run away ha tiger shark ? YOU CANNOT ESCAPE
monkey220ms - 7 years ago
a pack of orcas are in my opinion the scariest thing in the ocean, those things are smart and do NOT fuck around, I would NEVER get in the water or on a boat anywhere near those things, they know how to topple vessles
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
monkey220ms they don't attack people so you are safe around them
Gina Thompson
Gina Thompson - 7 years ago
Orcas are very smart. Its awesome how whales will work together. And they know about the catatonic state that a shark experiences when turned on its back. Definately a very smart animal!
Fahad Adwan
Fahad Adwan - 7 years ago
Why does the music FIT so well
Cdpyr0 - 7 years ago
love how the scene cuts, not showing us the actual attack
Pepper K
Pepper K - 7 years ago
AM Holli
AM Holli - 7 years ago
What is the big deal? The tiger shark was reportedly only about 7 feet (2.1 meters) long, basically a juvenile. There's at least one known case of a single female orca killing an adult Great White, so what kind of a chance does a small tiger shark have against a group of killer whales?
Jake the dog
Jake the dog - 7 years ago
I like when men kill sharks with spearfish
Dana Easley
Dana Easley - 7 years ago
That's what the tiger shark gets for killing a hammerhead (search tiger shark vs hammerhead)
Chris Vaughan
Chris Vaughan - 7 years ago
You would think with all that expensive video equipment one of them might actually know how to frame a video...
Veron Budhia
Veron Budhia - 7 years ago
Anytime I see an orca I think of the song "Hold me, like the river Jordan, and I will then say to thee, you were my friend" oooooo oooooo come in yall sing with me
Weaboo ass
Weaboo ass - 7 years ago
Looks like police chase scene
Calvin Hobbes
Calvin Hobbes - 7 years ago
Don't understand the dislikes on this one. My best guess is that awful background music.
What the fuck were you filming a marine rave party?
sonny restifan
sonny restifan - 7 years ago
when lil' tigers meet wolf pack...
Eric Kramer
Eric Kramer - 7 years ago
Not saying Orcas are innocent creatures, but I have little to no sympathy for sharks.
Chuan - 7 years ago
Is the Tiger shark ok?
Tuff Gong
Tuff Gong - 7 years ago
The most badass creature in the sea!!!!! People talk about Great whites like they're the shit but they are found wanting in terms of the agility, size and intelligence found in the Orca!
Rejane Florinda
Rejane Florinda - 7 years ago
Orcas are the greatest! Love them so much. So smart and so bright.
Moises Landeros
Moises Landeros - 7 years ago
unless that shark was drugged or sick or place there it would have never died
Stephen Hicks
Stephen Hicks - 7 years ago
Fail camera work, missed all the important shits
Dan D
Dan D - 7 years ago
Orcas are over 30 feet long, they're really smart, and hunt in packs. The only thing any shark can do, even Great Whites, is get the hell away from them. And I'm betting their bite is really underrated in the animal word. They have some serious teeth.
Celia Sanchez
Celia Sanchez - 7 years ago
it is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam - 7 years ago
Squaladons are the Orcas ancestors and when they were alive they used to hunt young Megladons by their pod striking their gills which crippled the shark and they got a nice buffet
hamace - 7 years ago
Killer whales are merciless...remember that, next time someone boohoos over their life in Sea world.
Kharis Khan
Kharis Khan - 7 years ago
I just got back from a video of a tiger shark mercilessly killing a helpless prey and attacked on human. This video was satisfying at the least
Danny Greene
Danny Greene - 7 years ago
ORCAS CAN KILL A GREAT WHITE,they learnt how to flip the shark over
Jared Cox
Jared Cox - 7 years ago
It's amazing how you can see the look of pure horror in the sharks face and how scared the shark is. We like to think of these animals as emotionless or not sentiment, but you can see the pure agony the shark is going through by trying to get close to the boat, almost as if desperate for help. The whales are also super intelligent. We need to stop hunting both of these animals, and stop killing animals altogether.
Vape Wave
Vape Wave - 7 years ago
Orcas=LuftWaffe , Shark=Us airforce
Aaron Keys
Aaron Keys - 7 years ago
yes juvinial tiger shark vs sevral adult orcas that seems fair
seseseh mobuku
seseseh mobuku - 7 years ago
why are you censporing the shark being killed and cutting away you pussy fucks? i wanted to see it!
Alessandro B
Alessandro B - 7 years ago
i don't think they ate it, just killing competitors
Hexkwondo - 7 years ago
killer whales don't give a damn what you are. you are still dinner
apdroid geek
apdroid geek - 7 years ago
i hate tiger shark it deserves it its the number one predator in most of the oceans
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
apdroid geek actually that title belongs to great white
Jerome 092
Jerome 092 - 7 years ago
how does it feel to trade places bitch!! Happy those Orcas fuck that shark up
XPGAMER GAMER - 7 years ago
why dose every comment have more than 100 likes
Melissa M.
Melissa M. - 7 years ago
This poor shark looked so desperate xD
Shiny Goomy
Shiny Goomy - 7 years ago
The most bizarre thing about nature is it knows when to start playing music for dramatic effect.
Felipe Greed
Felipe Greed - 7 years ago
they kill for fun
Arizona MadMan
Arizona MadMan - 7 years ago
That's RACIST!
Peppermint Tea
Peppermint Tea - 7 years ago
turf war
Ahmed Ali
Ahmed Ali - 7 years ago
Orcas are literally the smartest animals next to humans, they have such intellectual ways of killing their pray such as jumping on top of a giant wales air hole so it can't breath and using sonar
Hi Lol
Hi Lol - 7 years ago
Van Der
Van Der - 7 years ago
I love killer whales!
Addison Kramlich
Addison Kramlich - 7 years ago
So much nope! I'd nope so far out of there if I saw killer whales attacking a shark! Nope nope nopity nope! I like life thank you very much.
Ryan Phan
Ryan Phan - 7 years ago
It rages me to think shark can't beat orcas
Bruce Jedi Lee
Bruce Jedi Lee - 7 years ago
Why? Almost everything has a natural enemy
the real pepe
the real pepe - 7 years ago
- what you gonna do now pussyshark
megalodon appears with a 10 great whites bebind him
the real pepe
the real pepe - 7 years ago
Electric Storm
1) its not just one megalodon
2)its not dead its extinct
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Goirk Goirk megalodon is dead
Miss Amanda's world
Miss Amanda's world - 7 years ago
Now this is actually a challenge for orcas the largest species of dolphins. Great whites are wimps.
Bruce Jedi Lee
Bruce Jedi Lee - 7 years ago
Electric Storm Oh yes I know. Orcas are probably the only somewhat natural predator to great whites.
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Bruce Jedi Lee great whites are still prey to orcas
Orcas are just too smart and powerful for great whites
Bruce Jedi Lee
Bruce Jedi Lee - 7 years ago
Miss Amanda's world They are bigger than any other shark and hunt just about everything that is smaller than themselves. Practically all other sharks are their prey. You my friend need to do some research because every shark and animal expert will laugh reading your comments
Miss Amanda's world
Miss Amanda's world - 7 years ago
Bruce no jaws is full of lies great whites are pretty whimpy
Bruce Jedi Lee
Bruce Jedi Lee - 7 years ago
Great Whites are the deadliest of all sharks. This was just childsplay
psyhc01 - 7 years ago
A shark fin meal treat  for the orcas
Anthony L
Anthony L - 7 years ago
Whales are more like hornets of the ocean, they don't do anything and fuck up whatever they want. baby whales, sharks, other dolphins, they're just asses
Anthony L
Anthony L - 7 years ago
Yes and no, there are a bunch of documented cases of orcas killing sharks by suffocating them and then letting them sink to the bottom and killing whales for sport. Depends on the pod. Some pods will eat the whale while other pods developed a liking to the hunt. Thus far there the only other species of animals, besides humans, that can kill for sport.
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Swell Times no, they do that so they can eat and protect the young
That's part of nature
Espartano Líder
Espartano Líder - 7 years ago
sou do brasil
Jan Ruud Schutrups
Jan Ruud Schutrups - 7 years ago
Wow, a 15 feet shark versus a couple of 25 feet killer whales. A full grown great white would be a fairer fight.
Jan Ruud Schutrups
Jan Ruud Schutrups - 7 years ago
Even if the orca were to triumph best of three in a pitched battle with a great white, my original point remains; a relatively small tiger shark obviously is no match for a pod of orcas ;).
Bruce Jedi Lee
Bruce Jedi Lee - 7 years ago
Not much Orcas rip them to shreds
Annika O'Brien
Annika O'Brien - 7 years ago
Those orcas Dindu Nuffin!
metalko koma
metalko koma - 7 years ago
Killer whales are smarter than sharks. sharks are fish, whoes IQ is much lower than Killer whales'
lovely life
lovely life - 7 years ago
it's that big boy
Hazel OReilly
Hazel OReilly - 7 years ago
I love orcas
Gavin Thompson
Gavin Thompson - 7 years ago
the one time a shark actually wanted to be put in a exhibit
Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams - 7 years ago
Sharks are becoming the fucking pussys of the ocean recently,ive not seen someones reputation being destroyed so quickly since Frank Lopez in scarface.
Bruce Jedi Lee
Bruce Jedi Lee - 7 years ago
This is how it has always been dude. Sharks are apex predators but even they got enemies. Orcas are one of the few creatures that have no natural predator but is the natural predaotor of almost everything else
Erik Brice Ledford
Erik Brice Ledford - 7 years ago
You're not livin till you're riskin
Johnathan Garcia
Johnathan Garcia - 7 years ago
No blood?! Wut
CWD-Comedy With Dolls
CWD-Comedy With Dolls - 7 years ago
Man killer whales looks so happy! When I go to fucking seaworld they look sick and their fins are down the worse part is they have to preform WHILE THEY ARE SICK FUCK YOU SEAWOLRD
InsertName130 - 7 years ago
Why don't killer whales kill humans? They seem to kill everything else they come across.
InsertName125 - 7 years ago
Potato chips aren't our natural prey either. When you see low-lying fruit, in a morsel sized package, you adapt. Why haven't killer whales learned that humans = tasty + easy?

Most other predators that could eat us are capable of making that transition, even if we aren't their natural prey.

Explain great white sharks then… Apparently, they never heard your theory.
Bruce Jedi Lee
Bruce Jedi Lee - 7 years ago
Not natural prey
darthdre22 - 7 years ago
lol shark
Vs tiger shark
RANDOM GENIE - 7 years ago
they are not showing that fight propoerly a worst channel
Eduardo L
Eduardo L - 7 years ago
Pura vida
TomMAdeaR - 7 years ago
Killer Whales are the true apex predator of the ocean. I hear the term wrongly applied to great whites but if there's a pod of Killer Whales in the vicinity, even the largest great white alive is potentially on the menu.
b toki85
b toki85 - 7 years ago
it's so crazy how small that tiger shark looks next to the ORCAS .Then when it's in the ORCAS mouth you can really see how small the shark is compared to the ORCAS.Those ORCAS well 2 of them are like the children of that ORCA POD AND THE BIGGER ONE LOOKED LIKE A FEMALE.
Amifamousnow - 7 years ago
i was watching dragon ball gt goku vs baby vegeta and i'm here watching shark vs whale
Born Justice Rule
Born Justice Rule - 7 years ago
ahh yes, shark fin soup is a delicacy in these parts
Matary - 7 years ago
Put fully grown bull shark in there and lets see the results. BTW im not hating or something
Tod Magda
Tod Magda - 7 years ago
Uncle Cos
Uncle Cos - 7 years ago
kidds like: mom, sush again? I wanna some sweets... no way, fish is healthy, Willy
syanin dita
syanin dita - 7 years ago
why orca never attack on human in the wild but they attacked shark , dolphin , stingray , elephant seal , and some whales ??
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
syanin dita because humans are not on their diets
Animated Tigress
Animated Tigress - 7 years ago
that was a very small shark.
kassandra sjaarda
kassandra sjaarda - 7 years ago
I feel this is somewhat unfair. Nature is one thing, but humans lured the shark with bait.
Jo Mc
Jo Mc - 7 years ago
WTF we missed it.
Ugandan Knuckles
Ugandan Knuckles - 7 years ago
Shark:la lala lala another wonderful day
Killer whale:whale whale whale what do we have here
Shark:oh sh*t the killer whales are back
Rose Anne Francisco
Rose Anne Francisco - 7 years ago
I thought the shark attacks the boat, but actually the shark go to the boat for shelter, it seems that the shark wants to be captured by the divers than to be captured by the orcas.
Chrisaka Canto
Chrisaka Canto - 7 years ago
The Orcas only ate the fins... so... at least, they act like japanese people.
neoN - 7 years ago
the shark looks so scared :(
Aserias - 7 years ago
velvetlove47 - 7 years ago
That shark was like damn you can't help me camera lady?
billy murph
billy murph - 7 years ago
МASTEЯ КAI - 7 years ago
Better them than me lmao
Demoralize - 7 years ago
There's actually some research going on on the waters nearby to LA And SF, apparently there's a group of orcas hunting Sharks together, but not just hunting, it seems the orcas not only creates and develop a take down strategy, but they also know that if they turn a shark upside down, the shark gets paralyzed due some chemical mix on his brain, and as you can see on the video, the orcas turn the shark upside down, so he won't fight back anymore, AND in one of those " spotting " situations some local fisherman spotted an adult orcas, Being followed by small orcas (young), while in a 1x1 hunt against a shark.... Apparently the orcas also, can communicate, learn and teach other orcas " how you take down a shark like a pro "

And that's some next level shit, guys.
Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis - 7 years ago
I saw that video too it's epic. Killer whales are so intelligent. If a shark is eaten, I think a pheromone is released in the water that makes other sharks stay away from that area for an extended period of time. They said after that video they hadn't seen a single shark in that area for the rest of that season.
레드유튜브 - 7 years ago
상어가좀작았다. . .
Abliskarian - 7 years ago
Oh so the WHALES get shark fin soup?
Abliskarian - 7 years ago
Human children: mommy how do stay away from sharks so I don't get eaten?

Orca children: mommy how do I hunt and eat a shark?
Chris Breit
Chris Breit - 7 years ago
This is animal abuse. Disgusting.
The best things
The best things - 7 years ago
I would
AnnaAnnaYes - 7 years ago
Orca The REAL Badasses of the Sea!!
Lawrance Ovarabia
Lawrance Ovarabia - 7 years ago
Pfft! Never understood why we are subjected to this music. As if this were a Hollywood movie and the Killer Whales and Sharks were actors. CUT!
Nicholas Miller
Nicholas Miller - 7 years ago
My gender is Apache
My gender is Apache - 7 years ago
Fuck Orcas the only whales i don't give a shit about
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
My gender is Apache just because they are trying to survive
410jockstrapp - 7 years ago
in this case i think the whales saved the men from the threat of the shark.
JACKnJESUS - 7 years ago
Can we please stop referring to Orcas as Killer Whales?
They're dolphins, not whales.
JACKnJESUS - 7 years ago
Sure, and then there's the Great White Fish, and the Bald Beagle...
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
JACKnJESUS that's their nicknames
David Estillore
David Estillore - 7 years ago
Orcas play with their prey before eating to scare the shit out of them.
TobiIsAGoodBoy1 - 7 years ago
odd why didn't the whales also attack the humans.
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
TobiIsAGoodBoy1 if they are in the wild, orcas don't really attack humans
Polpiv4tifish - 7 years ago
1:08 fucking help me you human cunts
benice tome
benice tome - 7 years ago
yohopirate - 7 years ago
thepurple dolphin
thepurple dolphin - 7 years ago
boooo!!!!! It was 3 orcas vs 1 tiger shark
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
thepurple dolphin even if it was 1 the result wouldn't be any different
Trisha Jeyapragas
Trisha Jeyapragas - 7 years ago
P0S31D0N GRAY-W0LF-STAGG T0 TH3 D0UBL3 G. - 7 years ago
Orcas are awesome! Stick those flippers up! <3 <3 <3
Edim - 7 years ago
Perhaps the whales were just defending the boat!
Merck Hoffmann
Merck Hoffmann - 7 years ago
mammal rule the world
Light Bearer
Light Bearer - 7 years ago
shark lives matter
Tony Nguyen
Tony Nguyen - 7 years ago
orcas r more dangerous than sharks...sharks hunt to eat....orcas will brutally play with their prey b4 killing or eating their prey..also orcas hunt and kill other whale species......soon orcas will turn on humans...orcas gang up to even attack a single animal
Andrew Valentine
Andrew Valentine - 7 years ago
This is so depressing, that shark look like it was crying out for help. Maybe my mind was fooling myself that the shark was unique and kind but still. :/ I never wanted to help a shark out more in my life. I know it maybe silly but I just needed to express it out of myself or I would be thinking about it too much.
Fastbreak 383
Fastbreak 383 - 7 years ago
Must suck to be an ocean animal at the bottom of the food chain
Joe - 7 years ago
No one escapes the men in black
Joe - 7 years ago
and white
Young Buddha
Young Buddha - 7 years ago
what's with all these "minority tobacco free video commercials" full of minorities and their stereotyping them "like yo keep yo hood tobacco free if u wanna be cool" corny ass commercial won't relate to anyone in the real world
exloadjoke joke
exloadjoke joke - 7 years ago
Aye shout out to my mammal Cosin in the ocean for killing that dangerous fishy
Gmoney - 7 years ago
Does lighting McQueen have life insurance or car insurance?
reiwell del
reiwell del - 7 years ago
Orca's are actually known to lash out at predators. The shark attacking the humans could have also triggered their emphatic nature. They're like the dog's of the ocean.
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
+reiwell del well they are big animals and need space.
A pool is not a good thing for them
reiwell del
reiwell del - 7 years ago
+Blue Lightning interesting fact. They never last long in captivity. I can't remember the numbers but I think their life expectancy is cut down to 5-10%. It is still a mystery why, the area of the pool doesn't seem to matter. My theory is that they get depressed and they know they're in captivity, which impacts their health.
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
+reiwell del orcas are my favorite animals
reiwell del
reiwell del - 7 years ago
+Blue Lightning once they see a human, which is also a mammal, it triggers the same mechanic in their brain that makes them good at hunting together. The group mentality, which is they care about other orcas, in some cases, other humans.
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
+reiwell del i know
Wolves are relatetd to dogs so i decided to comepare that to what you said
reiwell del
reiwell del - 7 years ago
+Blue Lightning
They're called wolves of the sea coz they hunt in groups. I called them dogs of the sea coz like dolphins, they're man's best ocean friend.
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
reiwell del well they are referred as "the wolves of the sea"
Sal Hernandez
Sal Hernandez - 7 years ago
Killer Whales are some bad muthaf*ckers!
J Touch
J Touch - 7 years ago
I was watching bootleg wild n out episodes on YouTube now I'm here...
Andrew Hales
Andrew Hales - 7 years ago
If they were hungry enough to eat a shark, I'm sure the divers were seconds away from getting attacked.
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Andrew Hales wild orcas don't attack humans, so they are safe
Freya-Elli - 7 years ago
awww poor shark
Erik C
Erik C - 7 years ago
So some dude thought at one point, "Hey I'm guna take one of those guys , stick em in a tank and let em swim with hot girls!" ??
Rick Deckard
Rick Deckard - 7 years ago
What shitty editing.
Derfel Cadarn
Derfel Cadarn - 7 years ago
Three giants taking over one single smaller individual. UUHH, ORCAS ARE OCEAN'S BAD ASSES! Ahah.
Tazza - 7 years ago
Lol the orca's didn't kill for "fun" they had to put the shark upside down to kill it without causing any harm to themselves. By turning the shark upside down, it fell into shock, therefore the orcas could kill it
deutscher türke
deutscher türke - 7 years ago
The orca is the true badass in The sea
Smerferlerf - 7 years ago
And these Darwin award wannabees were swimming with them.
Jen Dark Energy 384400
Jen Dark Energy 384400 - 7 years ago
The shark is like a kid walking home from school who encounters the town bullies...he's like 'ahh shit'. This is where these amazing animals belong..not in corporate fish tanks!
Tyjario Higgins
Tyjario Higgins - 7 years ago
orcas are not badass of the Sea! an orca cannot take on a shark one on one, there's always way more orcas than there are sharks I don't care what any one says sharks are badass orcas are some bitch fish, and they're always feasting on little sharks they will NOT go for the bigger ones
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Ok after a little research on the megalodon it will take more than 1 orca to take it on but definitely less then 20
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Ok after a little research on the megalodon it will take more than 1 orca to take it on but definitely less then 20
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Orcas are pretty smart
If the megalodon was still here, the megalodon will have nightmares about these black and white terrors
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Tyjario Higgins oh how wrong you are
Nosheen Aslam
Nosheen Aslam - 7 years ago
tiger shark
died because the orcas got hungry
Dagger - الخنجر
Dagger - الخنجر - 7 years ago
Yes have it your way Orcas when no Megalodons around.. Mice play when the cat's away
O T - 7 years ago
Still looking for the part where you can see the killer whales biting off the sharks fins.
AdiL osFi
AdiL osFi - 7 years ago
shark : heeeeeey human heeeeelp meeeee mother fuckers heeeeeeeeeeelp
Vina Phung
Vina Phung - 7 years ago
That was crazy
NIGHT2PWN - 7 years ago
the real dragon warrior of the seas
Helder Almeida
Helder Almeida - 7 years ago
nice lovely meal they had
Crossnetx - 7 years ago
Orcas attack another whale and people are shedding tears, but when they totally dismantle the shark like a fucking lego then people treat em like heroes. Lmao
Lynn Macks
Lynn Macks - 7 years ago
A whole pod against one shark, of course the shark didn't stand a chance. You would be surprised if it was just one against the shark, the end result might not be what you think it would be.
geoff - 7 years ago
once in a lifetime even and they keep panning to white boys in dive suits which we see every fucking day
Mick Dunn
Mick Dunn - 7 years ago
..simple! The Orcas select their prey...chase it to exhaustion (with lots of head butting on the way!) At the appropriate moment, the shark id flipped onto its back (to immobilize it) and the huge juicy liver is extracted by the Orcas! YUMMY!
Bill Cosby
Bill Cosby - 7 years ago
pulled the camera out the water at the wrong second, didn't ya buddy
cobydrei - 7 years ago
gangster wizard
gangster wizard - 7 years ago
get em.
iDragonic - 7 years ago
It was always my thing to read cancerous comments.
fika bir
fika bir - 7 years ago
Can they do this against a Great white shark??
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
fika bir they eat great whites so....yep
John Roughneen
John Roughneen - 7 years ago
I wish wild animals would eat the cameramen and women more often...
ruffy1260 - 7 years ago
This is how we learn about other species. What's wrong with you?
Robert Scott
Robert Scott - 7 years ago
Are we supposed to feel sorry for the Tiger shark?
scott car
scott car - 7 years ago
I guess Orcas have the same taste as the Chinese, they both like shark fins. I assume the Orcas did not get the memo, there's a ban on shark fins .
KelpNougatCrunch - 7 years ago
"orcas are peaceful" bullshit
ziggy Diaz
ziggy Diaz - 7 years ago
go kill that shark panda of the sea! yeah!
Faceintheclouds - 7 years ago
look at history there are many warped monsters that should not be here like sharks mainly predators are warped forms of the real animals of mother nature predators are warped killing machines real animals protect one another with out killing nor toying with lives and help grow plants while the warped hunt and eat meat and take their time harming the animal and ruins plants
Dragon Jay
Dragon Jay - 7 years ago
orca's are like lions in the jungle
mlp drawing is magic:D
mlp drawing is magic:D - 7 years ago
well killer whale also known as orca can kill a shark the only animal to do so nautuarl not humans ps
Sivaslı Yasin
Sivaslı Yasin - 7 years ago
Jose Fuentes
Jose Fuentes - 7 years ago
Put like and comment who should really win orca or tiger shark
DaebakMonkey - 7 years ago
Here in Puget Sound we have a pod of orcas that is known for killing and eating great whites, blue sharks, sevengill sharks, spiny dogfish, shortfinned makos, and salmon sharks. The orcas come from below, roll the sharks over onto their backs, then come back down and bite them in half. They are no joke.
Fábio - 7 years ago
Those dolphins are bad ass.... and yes, the Killer Whale is underneath the dolphin family.
Cemre Uncu
Cemre Uncu - 7 years ago
Hocam neden gerilim müziği verip daha çok geriyorsunuz
CRAZYWILDMAN49 - 7 years ago
look how the shark is wigging out!
SgtPot - 7 years ago
I actually feel bad for the shark.. :(
Faceintheclouds - 7 years ago
sharks are not real animals only killers of the deep you go look at history someone warped made them from gen splicing and would of made them in a lab nasty meat eating killers warped freaks of the real gentle animals
Cody Phillips
Cody Phillips - 7 years ago
terrible, choppy footage.
Robert Robertson
Robert Robertson - 7 years ago
And that was just a snack.
Garbodor Poe
Garbodor Poe - 7 years ago
I hate orcas, i don't know people called them killer "WHALES" is just a fucking giant stupid dolphin, not a fucking WHALE!
Garbodor Poe
Garbodor Poe - 7 years ago
Awesome? they kill walrus, whales, sharks, other dolphins just for fun.
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Garbodor Poe killer whales are awesome
SuperAye - 7 years ago
'*Before attacking the vessels side*'?? Sharks can't do anything. This one is getting filmed while it is literally hunted to a slow painful death and it's still the bad guy. Truly the niggas of the sea
DeadAt30 Gaming
DeadAt30 Gaming - 7 years ago
Tiger Sharks are predators and really aren't prey to much.... except these huge whales holy fuck
M Clark
M Clark - 7 years ago
orcas are bullys
CPTZK11 - 7 years ago
The shark with his mouth open was like "you pussies, come one on one, step in the square, come at me Bro, PUSSIES" then when they closing in and the shark goes to the boat "HELP ME BITCHES, DON'T WATCH ME DIE, HELP MEEEEEEE"
andrew deharo
andrew deharo - 7 years ago
Don't these Orcas know that shark finning is illegal? smh
Butters Stotch
Butters Stotch - 7 years ago
put them all on land and come at me bro
Walter Saunders
Walter Saunders - 7 years ago
killer whales are more scary than sharks.
MadeAUsername - 7 years ago
Tiger Shark "Help, me and my wife got attacked by some disgruntled homosexual Chinese pirates!"
Tiger Shark "Help, stop filming, we need your help!"
Tiger Shark "Please have some mercy and I'll show you the missing city of Atlantis, it's right over *DEAD*"
LeagueOfLegendsKEK 247
LeagueOfLegendsKEK 247 - 7 years ago
its a small tiger shark not even big.
Ian Babcock
Ian Babcock - 7 years ago
Orcas are vicious.
Constavlos - 7 years ago
Orcas keeping the oceans safe for us humans.
Cory Tropiano
Cory Tropiano - 7 years ago
I like how the fish are just trying to stay alive and humans are enjoying recording their pathetic lives
Celica GT-FOUR Channel
Celica GT-FOUR Channel - 7 years ago
Bloody immigrants migrated into our oceans and now eating us and taking our jobs
Aleron Adams
Aleron Adams - 7 years ago
this was recorded on film? wow thats amazing quality
DNAgoat gaming
DNAgoat gaming - 7 years ago
please nerf this orca on the next patch update.
orca mope
orca mope - 7 years ago
you better not
Ollie Hunt
Ollie Hunt - 7 years ago
If I can't see the bottom of the water, I'm not fucking doing it. I've been in the Great Barrier Reef and that was awesome. But if I can't see the bottom of the water, you don't know what the fuck is down there, I ain't going near no fucking apex predators, Killer Whales are ducking crazy.
Monkey poo
Monkey poo - 7 years ago
This is why I don't wipe.
Robert Keane
Robert Keane - 7 years ago
The sharks face the whole time is like :O fuck
QA Group
QA Group - 7 years ago
andre killr whale
Voodoo Dolls
Voodoo Dolls - 7 years ago
Killer whales are crazy and amazing at the same time!
Samir DZ_16
Samir DZ_16 - 7 years ago
Killer Whales the king of oceans
SDallstar - 7 years ago
It's surreal when you realize the way we feel about sharks, sharks feel about orcas!!!
DanTheAussie - 7 years ago
Fuck tiger sharks. Aggressive cunts. Let the killer whales have them all!
Josiah Bravo
Josiah Bravo - 7 years ago
The King Slayer
The King Slayer - 7 years ago
"Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark" dude wtf???spoilers
Goofy Gaming
Goofy Gaming - 7 years ago
That's sad ⊙︿⊙
Cell m8
Cell m8 - 7 years ago
I wouldn't be surprised if they took the shark out to protect human.
Lissette Martinez
Lissette Martinez - 7 years ago
I love sharks do you have to tell that to all the shark lovers and even a Tigershark could eat A orca whale
Trevah Handford
Trevah Handford - 7 years ago
I would have loved this vid.....You should keep your silly commentary in your head!!!
Chaostic - 8 years ago
sharks have been doing this for years, orcas off the coast of San Francisco specifically teach their young to hunt and kill sharks, especially great whites. Sharks become dormant when they are flipped over, essentially unable to defend themselves. Orca's figured this out and started killing them off during their mating off the west coast .
Bob Marley
Bob Marley - 8 years ago
"caught on camera" yeah fuckin hardly, then we had to deal with a dumb ass narrator while watching michael j fox film it
A' Le
A' Le - 8 years ago
they're like humans of the ocean.
olrac john
olrac john - 8 years ago
try great white orcas
Musix Magix
Musix Magix - 8 years ago
To those who watches Free! Iwatobi I see Makoto eat Rin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Rosso The'Crimson
Rosso The'Crimson - 8 years ago
Lol, the whales took the fins off the shark while it is still alive......theyre sea people for sure. Lol.
JON ESWICK - 8 years ago
wicked video, footage and narration. Pretty rare to catch that aye
Quinntyn Cardy
Quinntyn Cardy - 8 years ago
Mammals rule land and sea. Next, the heavens and beyond.
Mary Jane
Mary Jane - 8 years ago
Orcas eat sharks for breakfast
Arcsecant - 8 years ago
Monarchs of the sea...
Healthy Crack Head
Healthy Crack Head - 8 years ago
So you got a tiger shark to get killed by killer whales
Devry Green
Devry Green - 8 years ago
And I used to thought that sharks were the killers of the sea lol Orcas are The Real Problem
ᴊᴏʀɪᴄ - 8 years ago
This makes me happy. Fuck sharks.
Goofy Gaming
Goofy Gaming - 7 years ago
ᴊᴏʀɪᴄ that was a cute shark tho
10th-planet Jiu-jitsu
10th-planet Jiu-jitsu - 8 years ago
that shark was in the wrong Barrio (hood)
Wassa ItsYaBoiKev
Wassa ItsYaBoiKev - 8 years ago
The Tiger Sharks Face Was Sad
NinjaOnANinja - 8 years ago
Then to 1:44

They are missing like 20 seconds of footage. No idea how you go from the surface to in two mouths 20 feet deeper almost instantly.
ThatInsectDude 01
ThatInsectDude 01 - 8 years ago
1:43 well that was... quick
Я Christian
Я Christian - 8 years ago
If I had to be reborn as a type of porpoise or whale I'd choose the Orca because I would want to join the winning team.
TemurGvaradzeFan007 - 8 years ago
it is a tiger, but with great white, it would be difficult, but who cares, chuck norris can kill both of them
jack cloud
jack cloud - 8 years ago
love people are shocked how the whales hunt they have had probs millions of year to develop the skills
ItzMeMD - 8 years ago
Y'know those awesome dolphin-like whales that you saw at SeaWorld doing those awesome flips and splashes? Yyyyyeeeeaaaah looks can be deceiving. Don't screw with them.
Chillinee - 8 years ago
I actually felt bad for the poor shark. Didnt stand a chance
South Kona Buddhi
South Kona Buddhi - 8 years ago
the shark was hooked!
TheAngriestAngel - 8 years ago
I bet if the shark could speak, after seeing the whales he would probably say, "GET ME IN THE FUCKING BOAT!"
Zlp08 Gaming
Zlp08 Gaming - 8 years ago
last thing I'd do is swim with wild Killer Whales
Masto Babe
Masto Babe - 8 years ago
Why orcas are so beautifu?
PrinceSultan420 !
PrinceSultan420 ! - 8 years ago
poor shark he didn't deserve to die like that I have always hated Killa whale's since I was a kid idk why
znatim - 8 years ago
a small tiger shark
Jamiel Morgan
Jamiel Morgan - 8 years ago
Great camerawork LOL
Lecd63 - 8 years ago
Ig only the shark had jump into the boat.... he would have been safe from the killer whales.
MadBoy8734 - 8 years ago
It's incredible how much the Orcas dwarf this shark. This is a Tiger Shark, one of the largest, most dangerous fish in the sea. It didn't stand a chance.
silowe1 - 8 years ago
great camera work

Anna-Louise Koerselman
Anna-Louise Koerselman - 8 years ago
isnt it dangerous to dive next to a killer whale???
jenell73 - 8 years ago
The shark was trying to ask help from the humans
norse fenrir
norse fenrir - 8 years ago
Man these divers...they're shooting it with these killers while they are hunting. Scary.
GR1SPORT - 8 years ago
Clearly the whale had erectile dysfunction issues and needed the shark fins for medicinal use.
JNN - 8 years ago
what a bullshit video again, with all the annoying special effect. just show the fucking vid and stop extending it with nonsens
Baby Boy
Baby Boy - 8 years ago
Fin the sharks. Long live the orcas
michael alaniz
michael alaniz - 8 years ago
dank memes
michael alaniz
michael alaniz - 8 years ago
fuck me daddy
Dread  Macklemore
Dread Macklemore - 8 years ago
You know you're a beast when you got sharks looking for cover
kashman1138 - 8 years ago
I find it funny how I get baited for 2 mins to have them miss the shot of the bite. Criminal.
What the fuck
black summer
black summer - 8 years ago
this not fear...this battle about orca vs shark, not orca vs shark and tiger
151Gattlin - 8 years ago
we pull wings off flys, killer whales pull fins off sharks.
availabilityhehe - 8 years ago
Panda and Orcas are cute
Richard Little Moon
Richard Little Moon - 8 years ago
Shin Obi
Shin Obi - 8 years ago
Does anyone know if wild killer whales would attack humans..?
Grizzly Adams
Grizzly Adams - 8 years ago
They made a guppy out of that thing.
touchin mahself
touchin mahself - 8 years ago
One of the pros of being at the top of your food chain I guess "Im bored, hey guys lets go fuck that thing up..."
DoSs SkIzZ
DoSs SkIzZ - 8 years ago
learn how to fucking take a video properly didn't even see anything happen
Joel Dang
Joel Dang - 8 years ago
bloody hell
Timothy Blanton
Timothy Blanton - 8 years ago
I remember when they came back with that footage. Still very special indeed.
ThePrehistoricMaster - 8 years ago
Rest in pieces
Massimo Qualsiasi
Massimo Qualsiasi - 7 years ago
I laughed and wept simultaneously (as an ESL speaker it hurts me when I listen to the similar stuff and don't catch up).
abthurd - 7 years ago
Lol they only eat the heart or the liver of shark. So technically it's not in pieces. Just a liver-less and heart-less shark. On some occassion, they did pick on the brain too. The most amazing thing is all the organs were precisely cut from the body without much damaged being done. Like for example normal predators like shark would have rip apart and shredded their prey. But almost all sharks hunted by orcas were intact but missing a liver, heart and fin.
odalis Mosquera
odalis Mosquera - 7 years ago
ThePrehistoricMaster I subbed to you
Carl Artel
Carl Artel - 7 years ago
Sorry fish mamals rules!
eXalted 101
eXalted 101 - 7 years ago
It was like.... Wrong Nighborhood man!
Bee-Boo-Boo-Bop Boo-Boo-Bop
Bee-Boo-Boo-Bop Boo-Boo-Bop - 8 years ago
Larry Wesley :(
Larry Wesley
Larry Wesley - 8 years ago
Great white sharks are awesome and all, but dam. Orcas have intelligence, speed, and size... they are like the humans of the sea.
apollohelio - 8 years ago
here's an interesting idea. could it be that the orcas attack the shark because they think it's a threat for the humans present on the water?
SaltF4 - 8 years ago
The shark got ganked
Sims 3 Forever Dude
Sims 3 Forever Dude - 8 years ago
May be the first time this has ever been caught on camera, but I can guarantee its not the first time this has happened.
shark o melon
shark o melon - 8 years ago
AnotherFormOf CONVOY
AnotherFormOf CONVOY - 8 years ago
Orca's are considered the "King of the sea".

No megalodon ppl, or Triggered shark lovers pls.
Billy Causgrove
Billy Causgrove - 8 years ago
Killer Whales are the "King of the sea" today. The extinct Megalodon doesn't count.
Erik Mason
Erik Mason - 8 years ago
They were protecting/guarding the divers.
Joshua Fuhrman
Joshua Fuhrman - 8 years ago
i used to love oracs till i found out they kill dolphins penguins and seals.
Azim 3567
Azim 3567 - 8 years ago
i will never swim with KILLER WHALE!
carson11100 - 8 years ago
i hate orcas
Garry Li
Garry Li - 8 years ago
nze - 8 years ago
they are the king of the ocean, not great white sharks...
Echoingdolphin - 8 years ago
poor shark
kornofulgur - 8 years ago
Orcas Apex Dominex. Periodex lolex ^ ^
Ynez Nightcore
Ynez Nightcore - 8 years ago
Stop referring to the orcas as whales. Orcas are actually a species of dolphin. The nickname killer whale was given to them as they're so large and can take down other large creatures, like tiger sharks.
Anthony - 8 years ago
Shitty camera work
MrMisterMan - 8 years ago
Ahasan Kabir Ridoy
Ahasan Kabir Ridoy - 8 years ago
asidomui guai mehamo milio
Charles Fu
Charles Fu - 8 years ago
Horrible editing ruined this precious video
Razgriz218 - 8 years ago
What kinda BS is this?
The Greek
The Greek - 8 years ago
Orcas are top predators...end of story
pacifca nonook
pacifca nonook - 8 years ago
I like your name lol!
Fatih K.
Fatih K. - 8 years ago
I like the fact that they don't have a face expression like most animals. So they are always unpredictable. No smiley face like with the dolphins...
J N - 8 years ago
Watched a random show about orcas vs sharks and now I know some useless info: Seems like orcas have learned to flip them over when they attack them, being belly-up causes the shark to become immobile (or go into some sort of trance). This temporarily paralyzes them and eventually they suffocate. Didn't know they bit off the shark's fins too. They flip stingrays over as well. Their intelligence is impressive.
Mother Earth
Mother Earth - 8 years ago
I once seen an Orca bite a great white right in half
orca mope
orca mope - 7 years ago
i never will go to artcic for vacation
The Chilled Gamer
The Chilled Gamer - 8 years ago
So the Orcas bite the fins off then leave it alone? Sounds like a similar story when they took down a baby whale to just eat its tongue.
User Name
User Name - 8 years ago
The Chilled Gamer exactly what I was thinking
Abolfazl Asudeh
Abolfazl Asudeh - 8 years ago
I am very interested about the "language" of orcas. Does anyone know if there is a dataset of it or the latest on the research?
Alan Thomas
Alan Thomas - 8 years ago
Great encourage a few more to kill these vermin!
TheLejonell - 8 years ago
Those sea pandas are quite hardcore, aren´t they?
wahu ji
wahu ji - 8 years ago
orcas vs shark mengporme kangcongpiniti mormina kapara pitur marpiti piti
Jonah  Barroga
Jonah Barroga - 8 years ago
orca and sharks relationships is kinda like the hippo and crocodiles one
Lucas Figueroa
Lucas Figueroa - 8 years ago
the only way this vid is good is if they added epic music
nitebluesky - 8 years ago
how about no music while doing this?
Hyphu - 8 years ago
I don't think they hunted, they were protecting the divers from the way I see it.
riff724 riff724
riff724 riff724 - 8 years ago
short and simple fish eat fish even mammals . that tiger was a marked shark and never had a chance
UNICORN Rainbowz
UNICORN Rainbowz - 8 years ago
Even though this is the circle of life, I still felt my gut twist for the poor tiger shark
Grace Grace
Grace Grace - 8 years ago
What ever
Clorox Cherry Bleach
Clorox Cherry Bleach - 8 years ago
Megalodon would have easily won
paris saint germain
paris saint germain - 8 years ago
Bill Cipher33 what if theres a megalodon and those killer whales
Bill Cipher33
Bill Cipher33 - 8 years ago
Whats-up- Man A very huge pod of orcas could do it
leandra2288 - 8 years ago
One thing no one would do for a shark is help it. Sure if it's a pod of sperm whales or orca's it would make sense, but nets and oil, ppl just aren't fucking with that shit
mybluebelly - 8 years ago
It may be the first time orcas have been flimed hunting a tiger shark, but that does not mean they never hunted tiger sharks before.
dee mens
dee mens - 8 years ago
finally a shark has a taste of its own medicine
joe ten
joe ten - 8 years ago
orcs are kings of the sea. they own it. they are the ultimate predator, top of the food chain.

truly majestic creatures
Tier Chen
Tier Chen - 7 years ago
actually seaking is the king of the sea
i dont think orcs uruks or even nazgul can swim but hey its your fanfiction
NoneOfYour Beeswax
NoneOfYour Beeswax - 7 years ago
Nah,, a squad of Uruk Hai would soon see off a pod of Orcs. "They're taking the sharks to Isengard..."
Darchan Darchan
Darchan Darchan - 7 years ago
Not to forget sperm whales and giant squids
Nkjklfd 8
Nkjklfd 8 - 7 years ago
joe ten well today...
PomsKy Bubbly
PomsKy Bubbly - 8 years ago
they just killed the shark they didnt eat it
Steven Fox
Steven Fox - 8 years ago
what a horrible filming. total 0
Steven Fox
Steven Fox - 8 years ago
Xekai Force
Xekai Force - 8 years ago
The only known predator dare to prey on Great White Shark..
Juan i Padilla
Juan i Padilla - 7 years ago
AJ Lopez Most Humans ARE Animals to keep unnecessary Animals such as Orcas in captivity.
Christian Lim
Christian Lim - 7 years ago
BACKWARDSMAN95 - 7 years ago
Christian Lim Lmao He's talking about humans hunting great white sharks just like Orcas do.
Christian Lim
Christian Lim - 7 years ago
PhazerBoy there is no record that wild orca ever attack human, the only record that orca ever attack human was in some kind of sea world where they use orca for show. It's like they know us. People even swim with them but still it's wild animal so better to not disturb them.
AJ Lopez
AJ Lopez - 7 years ago
PhazerBoy we arent animals anymore. So that doesnt count.
Akram Amokrane
Akram Amokrane - 7 years ago
Xekai Forceك
Jonathan Creed
Jonathan Creed - 7 years ago
Xekai Force dont forget humans
Philippe Virgili
Philippe Virgili - 8 years ago
Orca like shark finning...apex predator
T Lott
T Lott - 8 years ago
Ashwin Chiba
Ashwin Chiba - 8 years ago
shame poor tiger shark damn killer whale bullies
Ashwin Chiba
Ashwin Chiba - 8 years ago
true dat
Billy Causgrove
Billy Causgrove - 8 years ago
Hey Killer Whales gonna eat too.
henry sensei
henry sensei - 8 years ago
orca are the true alpha hunters in the sea, with surprisingly low human casualties!!....
Tomate 1996
Tomate 1996 - 8 years ago
they are dolphins not whales
Jannik Raeder
Jannik Raeder - 8 years ago
this made me feel sad for the tigershark.
so i used me video edeting program to turn the tigershark into a nazi.
now im glad that it's dead..
113% SURENO SOUTHSIDE13 - 8 years ago
1:41 is what your here for
Crooked Defense
Crooked Defense - 8 years ago
did they eat the shark or just fin it?
otto skorzeny
otto skorzeny - 8 years ago
too bad that shark didn't have a laser beam strapped to its head
NinoDroid - 8 years ago
1:08 tiger shark: is this the drive through?
Camera man : no
Tiger shark: okey, I'll go now
blablabla - 8 years ago
They bit the sharks fins off? Man that's fucking brutal...
Dogcub - 8 years ago
Das sie das essen dürfen wo sie wollen !
Darkpassenger 1
Darkpassenger 1 - 8 years ago
Tiger shark "Oh Shit I'm wearing the wrong colors"
Asyraf Nazri
Asyraf Nazri - 8 years ago
lol...orcas are the OG of the sea
Dogcub - 8 years ago
Sie essen das wo sie wollen ! Das ist auch recht ! Und manche füllen sich auch Bedroht von Menschen mit Kamera's ! Also lasst diese Tiere ! Jedes Tier macht das wo sie wollen ! Lasst sie einfach frei ,,! Das sind keine Killerwals ! Ihr seid sehr doof ! Das sind normale Tiere !!!
Nicola Streck
Nicola Streck - 8 years ago
Stephanie Meise ich verwette Geld darauf dass du deinen Kommentar auch noch selbst geliked hast. Und würdest du evtl mal deinen oberen Kommentar ins Deutsche übersetzen
Dogcub - 8 years ago
Draco Malfoy Hahaha in welcher Schule bist du ?
* Lobotomizedd
* Lobotomizedd - 8 years ago
Stephanie Meise Rechtschreibung und Grammatik solltest du noch ein bisschen üben :)
Nicola Streck
Nicola Streck - 8 years ago
Stephanie Meise was genau willst du uns damit sagen?
Osama Obama
Osama Obama - 8 years ago
did they eat it or just bite it's fins off? Orca's are very intelligent and will fuck with other predators sometimes.
Commonwealth96 - 8 years ago
Fuck yeah, Orcas!

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