Paddling Next To Great White Shark

This is the crazy moment an experienced diver paddles perilously close to a 14ft long great white shark stranded in shallow waters outside his home. Daredevil Dale Pearson ignored all danger when he waded into the Sea of Cortez, Mexico, on May 27 after he spotted what he initially thought was a hammerhead shark. Approaching carefully, Dale and buddy Eric Mack realise it is actually a mammoth great white they think has been caught in a net before noticing two huge propeller wounds on its back. Deciding the shark isn’t stuck but feeding on stingrays as it circles through the water, Dale gets an up-close look as the predator thrashes its huge tail before flashing its vicious teeth. Dale, co-owner of Pearson Brothers Winery, said: “To see such a huge shark in basically my front yard was quite unnerving. **Please contact to licence this content** Company Information: Caters Clips is owned and operated by Caters News Agency Ltd, an international multimedia content provider. We supply news, picture, video and feature stories to the world’s largest media publishers. All videos aired on this channel have been licensed from their rightful owners. For media / licensing / broadcast usages, please contact video(at) Connect with Caters: Follow us on Twitter: Like our Facebook: Visit our website:

Paddling Next To Great White Shark sentiment_very_dissatisfied 201

Shark videos 7 years ago 794,885 views

This is the crazy moment an experienced diver paddles perilously close to a 14ft long great white shark stranded in shallow waters outside his home. Daredevil Dale Pearson ignored all danger when he waded into the Sea of Cortez, Mexico, on May 27 after he spotted what he initially thought was a hammerhead shark. Approaching carefully, Dale and buddy Eric Mack realise it is actually a mammoth great white they think has been caught in a net before noticing two huge propeller wounds on its back. Deciding the shark isn’t stuck but feeding on stingrays as it circles through the water, Dale gets an up-close look as the predator thrashes its huge tail before flashing its vicious teeth. Dale, co-owner of Pearson Brothers Winery, said: “To see such a huge shark in basically my front yard was quite unnerving. **Please contact to licence this content** Company Information: Caters Clips is owned and operated by Caters News Agency Ltd, an international multimedia content provider. We supply news, picture, video and feature stories to the world’s largest media publishers. All videos aired on this channel have been licensed from their rightful owners. For media / licensing / broadcast usages, please contact video(at) Connect with Caters: Follow us on Twitter: Like our Facebook: Visit our website:

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Most popular comments
for Paddling Next To Great White Shark

Maddie’s ROBLOX Gameplays
Maddie’s ROBLOX Gameplays - 7 years ago
Okay. Hell no. What did u just do, oh god.
Kaptain Krunch
Kaptain Krunch - 7 years ago
Thumbs down for the obnoxiously loud censor beeps. FUCK
Miltos XD
Miltos XD - 7 years ago
are u colorblind this thing is black
sarikatimmi - 7 years ago
white guys man
Josh Williamson
Josh Williamson - 7 years ago
This video would be great if I didn't hear beep beep beep holy shit beep beep beep the whole time.
hebel kau
hebel kau - 7 years ago
Why dont they help him the sharks are that close to the beach because they want help
hebel kau
hebel kau - 7 years ago
Why dont they help him the sharks are that close to the beach because they want help
Gary Leverton
Gary Leverton - 7 years ago
Poor thing I would of helped it if I was there.
Herrooow !!
Herrooow !! - 7 years ago
why the fuck is that beeping in the video. goddamned that was annoying

10. comment for Paddling Next To Great White Shark

Raul Gonzalez
Raul Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Hahah Take that shark! dumb Fish
Michelle Clough
Michelle Clough - 7 years ago
That is a HUGE dorsal fin man
Laura Bond
Laura Bond - 7 years ago
Poor thing
Vincent Suarez
Vincent Suarez - 7 years ago
You're brave to come within the length of the shark. A bit risky.
Jess S
Jess S - 7 years ago
i hope they called someone to help it
Emiliano Perez
Emiliano Perez - 7 years ago
Waht hapen?
kurt mccarthy
kurt mccarthy - 7 years ago
The blood is going to attract more of them.
Carlos García
Carlos García - 7 years ago
Tiene un corte en el lomo detrás de la aleta
Michael Andrews
Michael Andrews - 7 years ago
Poor shark. Too bad they couldn't help him.
Nikki D
Nikki D - 7 years ago
Please call for help for Her... she's in terrible distress

20. comment for Paddling Next To Great White Shark

Epix Films23
Epix Films23 - 7 years ago
Poor shark... did it survive
Mitchell Horne
Mitchell Horne - 7 years ago
all sharks are naturally born to eat people. there have been millions of shark attacks throughout the world in the last decade but the NWO has been covering it up so what things will flow smoother in the world
C T - 7 years ago
This is a fact!
*I/we learned this in south Florida when A Bull Shark tried to eat to small 7 year olds swimming in Jupiter bch..
We were watching from the walkway(long stone pier)..
1999 the one girls leg was was dangling (gross!!!)
and the other had blood coming out of her side.
~The question came up often about Bull Sharks targeting human Kidneys. since a lot of bites are in the ass or side..

*People who swim w/ bull sharks aren't swimming with WILD bulls sharks but the ones used to people..
Same w/ those White sharks that people feed on Shark Week.. a lot different when the shark knows u aren't feeding it & it doesn't see u get out of the water or no boat at all.....
**A old man once said "the moon landing is real! I heard it on the radio myself!!!"
Namkyung Cho
Namkyung Cho - 7 years ago
then why didn't you call a local authority right away for help??? So did you just film until he died???
tan breezy
tan breezy - 7 years ago
Your house ?? Where is this? Loll
The vhsman20
The vhsman20 - 7 years ago
The whole video is holy shit
G0ld_Frapp_69 - 7 years ago
J'espère simplement que vous avez aider, trouver un moyen pour lui venir en aide !???

Je ne suis pas contre à voir des images du blanc,
par contre allant jusqu'à la fin de la vidéo,
je ne vois pas grand mon qui envisage de lui venir en secours et envisager une solution ???
Patrick Sheehan
Patrick Sheehan - 7 years ago
Where are the peta people? I was definitely expecting people to be like "OMG HELP IT ITS DYING!" or "WHY ARE YOU JUST WATCHING DO SOMETHING!". I wanted to respond and tell these people how retarded they are for expecting anyone to walk up to a great white shark in the water while its thrashing around.
wastegate - 7 years ago
this guy was not paddling he was wading
Mystri - 7 years ago
The shark lifted its head above water like: "Oh shit bro what is that- oh it's a human. Okey. Yeah no I see u"
poor yorrick
poor yorrick - 7 years ago
my poor little beb

30. comment for Paddling Next To Great White Shark

Antonio Blazevic
Antonio Blazevic - 7 years ago
Oh.. a Great White shark...let me get closer, stupid humans...
Tay De
Tay De - 7 years ago
sharks are my favorite animals, watching the poor thing die is so saddening ):
Porbeagle  Master
Porbeagle Master - 7 years ago
Poor shark
tlllau - 7 years ago
Should have called the proper authorities
Casey Jones
Casey Jones - 7 years ago
Poor thing got hit by a propeller
Cinnabun - 7 years ago
It's eating stingrays. not stranded.
Isaiah Mendez
Isaiah Mendez - 7 years ago
Cinnabun u can sed a cut stupid he got hit by a propeller
Sean Van Sommeran
Sean Van Sommeran - 7 years ago
I find the comment "did it get out of the net?" to be interesting considering the narrative that the shark just showed up there in shallows, allegedly on its own accord to eat small stingrays,,, i wouldnt be surprised if this shark had been caught nearby, hauled into the fishing camp and then escaped the net as tide came in (temporarily). One can hear fisherman hollering in the background in original video on pearson's sight.
Elsa - 7 years ago
Instead of standing there stupidly did you think to help our seek help? Fuck no. You too concerned with showing your damn house..
maxi maxi moo
maxi maxi moo - 7 years ago
Save that fucking shark m8
Candace Kaufman
Candace Kaufman - 7 years ago
This is so sad.. :(
cheryl clark
cheryl clark - 7 years ago
That is so close to shore!!!
Nick Coudounellis
Nick Coudounellis - 7 years ago
I would off tried somehow like spear it at the back of the head to try and kill it to get it out of it's pain and suffering. The poor thing is slowly dying a painful death
Jake Shattuck
Jake Shattuck - 7 years ago
It'll live
My Features
My Features - 7 years ago
Stolen video
Alan Seaman
Alan Seaman - 7 years ago
First time I have ever watched a YouTube video and actually wished for a lame music soundtrack instead of that annoying ass beeping.
Deep Bluechick
Deep Bluechick - 7 years ago
You suck and I wouldn't go swimming in the ocean because karma.
.it's looking for you
Jake Shattuck
Jake Shattuck - 7 years ago
Cuz stupid had to go get a closer know, cuz stupid...
Alexandra Iverson
Alexandra Iverson - 7 years ago
Deep Bluechick hush emotional being
wilson blauheuer
wilson blauheuer - 7 years ago
I thought it might have been tangled in nets or lines.  I never heard of great whites colliding with ships.
Andrew Cassey
Andrew Cassey - 7 years ago
aint no white shark
VQ3713 - 7 years ago
yes that is.
Travis Hunter
Travis Hunter - 7 years ago
Where is this?

50. comment for Paddling Next To Great White Shark

NolantheMLGpro - 7 years ago The original, uncensored video.
dazz5803 - 7 years ago
This vids on another channel and they have said the shark returned to the sea and was seen feeding further up the shore days after. Its supposed to have come into shallow water to find easy Sting Ray prey as it was injured
Eva Smith
Eva Smith - 7 years ago
Poor baby.... :(
Therese Woodford
Therese Woodford - 7 years ago
Where was this?
mike o'neill
mike o'neill - 7 years ago
Things is bleeding bad. I hope it recovered. I doubt it though.
john constantine
john constantine - 7 years ago
It's a fucking small sharki diot's ass hole
Andrew Wilkinson
Andrew Wilkinson - 7 years ago
Karen DeGraaf
Karen DeGraaf - 7 years ago
A shame that Sea World, or a marine rescue could not have been called to help shark, or at least euthanize it.
george washington
george washington - 7 years ago
blooking the swering on youtube you ficking jew go back to your oven for taking awy freedem of spech
george washington
george washington - 7 years ago
Alexandra Iverson yes may be the cops in your naborhood are good but most of them are bad like in greece and in germany thear the worst and thay do need to die and most of them in the usa and evreywaer are bad. And your not that smart for saying that the police help us thare job is to arrest you thats wat thay do i have had very bad expereanc with cops and you did not so you dont no. Oh And i love firefighters thay save lives and yes i like the kkk becose thay give you freedam asshole and thera not going to put you in a cage and thay will fight to protet you and yes i dont like most blacks but some of them are very good pepole to ok but most arent. do you like your fucking freedam the lisan to me or lisan to fucking holewood thets going to fool you
george washington
george washington - 7 years ago
Alexandra Iverson are you shore i look at my self in the mierr all the time and i get off. i think i am going to get the hole sex change or maybe i will put a chan saw to my neck and pool the rope you no i have don it so meny times and i alwas get away with it
george washington
george washington - 7 years ago
Alexandra Iverson you need to see haw hot i am look at my video i trancformd into a german flight etendet
george washington
george washington - 7 years ago
Alexandra Iverson chek out my video i from a strong greek men naw i am a tall hot skinny german girl and i look at my self in the mierar and i get off
Alexandra Iverson
Alexandra Iverson - 7 years ago
george washington holy fuck, talk about Jews? How about we start educating illiterate people like yourself?
Niall Garner
Niall Garner - 7 years ago
guy paddling out cupping his balls... think you'd wanna cup more than that mate.
D Adams
D Adams - 7 years ago
Can't say I would be standing like him in the water watching that thing.
Jake Shattuck
Jake Shattuck - 7 years ago
Stupid gotta go be stupid...cuz stupid
frankdrebin - 7 years ago
No selfie?

Pussy... ^ -
silentchaosinmymind - 7 years ago
poor baby
Arahorn - 7 years ago
Don't these sharks have to be swimming forwards to be able to breath? So it would have been having trouble breathing. I wonder why it is beaching itself even if it's injured. Best place to be injured would be in deeper water wouldn't it?
Arahorn - 7 years ago
Yes when I wrote the comment I didn't realize it wasn't beached but was deliberately in that shallow water hunting for stingray. And obviously if it chooses to be there, it can breath just fine. I assume it's because of the moving water (waves) moving over the gills like you said.

It's injured is it, and that's why it's there hunting in that place? I didn't know that. You don't think it's harder catching stuff that way than out at sea? I thought it would be hunting in that place because it was low on prey and it was more difficult hunting in that situation. But I'm just guessing of course. And how do you know it's injured? What's wrong with it? Maybe his wife bit him eh!
Jake Shattuck
Jake Shattuck - 7 years ago
They say the original video says it's in shallow water catching easy small stingrays to eat since it's injured. Perhaps the water is running over its gills enough with the tide.
Exploxer25 - 7 years ago
Shit isn't holy
S.M.C. Kennels
S.M.C. Kennels - 7 years ago
Definitely not a Great White.
Tile Tips Walker's Tile
Tile Tips Walker's Tile - 7 years ago
I'm assuming this big white shark died ??
Jake Shattuck
Jake Shattuck - 7 years ago
xv70 1
xv70 1 - 7 years ago
this stupid people don't know how to do anything else other than say shit, fuck and bro, how about you call authorities to free that thing,
Farah Palmrose
Farah Palmrose - 7 years ago
that poor baby! it makes me sad to see them like that :( i would have called someone to help and then maybe try and keep water through her gills
ocill77 - 7 years ago
"it's been hit by propeller very sick" . had to stop watching after that
Jeremy Corbyn
Jeremy Corbyn - 7 years ago
idiots....blood in the water could have attracted other sharks to come investigate and potentially eat the camcorder brothers lol
That CarGuy
That CarGuy - 7 years ago
Jeremy Corbyn I'd rather they ate that left wing libturd parasite corbyn.....Probably wouldn't taste very nice though and end up giving them severe gut rot but oh well...
paradiserose - 7 years ago
what happened with the shark? where they able to save him?
Mark L
Mark L - 7 years ago
According to a Facebook post by the Marine Conservation Science Institute, the shark's injuries are likely not life threatening
Brian Whitaker
Brian Whitaker - 7 years ago
What was the end result ?? Was he freed ? Did the shark make it back to sea ?
porchmore - 7 years ago
Does anyone know what happened to the shark in the end? I'd hate to think it died
Jake Shattuck
Jake Shattuck - 7 years ago
Comments above claim original video says it was just there eating small stingrays because they're easy to catch when injured. It lived and was seen up the coast later.
ArtificialSoul - 7 years ago
porchmore Im affraid it died.
Olivia De Lacy
Olivia De Lacy - 7 years ago
Omfg that ting is fucking massive
Sara Saif
Sara Saif - 7 years ago
They say it's white shark but is A black shark
Jake Shattuck
Jake Shattuck - 7 years ago
Sara Saif White on the bottom. The top is always dark for camouflage, although I don't recall seeing any with such a dark top.
Beth mc
Beth mc - 7 years ago
This is very upsetting poor creature,hate anything like this,yeah mate and this beautiful giant is dying and your doing nothing
Jake Shattuck
Jake Shattuck - 7 years ago
Beth Mcwilliams There's nothing to do. Look at other comments and you'll learn the guy filming watched it swim away after 30 minutes but stopped recording after being attacked by a stingray. Also someone researched and it's unlikely a life threatening injury. Lastly, anyone rushing through the water TOWARD a massive biting machine is a moron. They aren't near extinction. Keep your body as far from its mouth as you can.
Danny M.
Danny M. - 7 years ago
that's not a heeaymerhehd
Pédro Chico
Pédro Chico - 7 years ago
It's dead or not ?! I hope not i like shark an we all save shark
Pédro Chico
Pédro Chico - 7 years ago
Yes i am a nice shark ^^ all shark are nice ^_-
Jake Shattuck
Jake Shattuck - 7 years ago
Pédro Chico Your derp pic is hilarious
Marie-Therese Minder
Marie-Therese Minder - 7 years ago
Ach du Schreck, ist dieser Hai zum Sterben so nahe an's Ufer geschwommen?  Der hat ersichtlich eine fürchterliche Wunde hinter der vorderen Finne und verliert auch noch Blut!
Peter Nedilsky
Peter Nedilsky - 7 years ago
1:It is a Hammerhead,look at the Dorsal. 2: Grab an ore and help it to open water.
Buck Buck
Buck Buck - 7 years ago
i hate about you leave it alone
tato a
tato a - 7 years ago
you guys were too close to that shark
Off Worlder
Off Worlder - 7 years ago
And this is why Caucasian males and females end up on the plate of large animals
That CarGuy
That CarGuy - 7 years ago
Off Worlder WOOP WOOP ALERT!!! Another race baiter found WOOOP WOOP!!!
Oh dear a fucking video about a shark and even then we just have to drop a racial comment in there what a sad bastard you are...
Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson - 7 years ago
Jake Shattuck
Jake Shattuck - 7 years ago
NinjaSushi upset because you didn't get to take a bite?
IBANEZ RGs Platon - 7 years ago
That is about 20 foot or more !
RiFt Green
RiFt Green - 7 years ago
the shark had a hole in his back
Antoine Kasanradji
Antoine Kasanradji - 7 years ago
Don`t stand there and watch, help the poor thing it´s dying!!!
Thatsright - 7 years ago
feed it a bit..with your leg
Thatsright - 7 years ago
that is a fuckin nasty wound. sad
andrew c.
andrew c. - 7 years ago
i would cut out those jaws out and sell them to a big law firm for thousands ..
Polpiv4tifish - 7 years ago
Can't help but feel sorry for it.
Adrian Kershaw
Adrian Kershaw - 7 years ago
Linnéa Isaksson
Linnéa Isaksson - 7 years ago
Saying "great fucking white shark" like 25 times..
mind the gap bro
mind the gap bro - 7 years ago
this guy wants this video to go viral please help him get his video viral please donate your views..
Danny Schneemilch
Danny Schneemilch - 7 years ago
arena you crazy
Jinzo 2400
Jinzo 2400 - 7 years ago
Hope someone called for some help for it
Eva B
Eva B - 7 years ago
Did you do anything to get the shark help?! It was obviously seriously injured.
Jake Shattuck
Jake Shattuck - 7 years ago
Eva B it lived, watch the original video
Eva B
Eva B - 7 years ago
Call a sea life welfare center? The equivalent of the Coast Guard? Something? Or did you just watch it die?
Lisa nairn Nairn
Lisa nairn Nairn - 7 years ago
ohhhh no must be so painful that it very keep cuts poor thing

100. comment for Paddling Next To Great White Shark

Dale Perring
Dale Perring - 7 years ago
Very sad
Ari Rosenbaum
Ari Rosenbaum - 7 years ago
Don't they have to swim to breathe?
aujourd8 - 7 years ago
Hit by a propeller, now bleeding and slowly dying in warm shallow waters :(
aujourd8 - 7 years ago
louis zegarra it's a survival attempt to keep body temperature from falling too low and cause brain damage
louis zegarra
louis zegarra - 7 years ago
"bleeding and dying in warm water" sounds like a suicide attempt.
Oz Muz Spits
Oz Muz Spits - 7 years ago
get out of the water you idiot
Becky SaumierHood
Becky SaumierHood - 7 years ago
thanks for bleeping the language. ( personally that's okay ) I just wanted to show it to my grandson. he'll love this
David Bratt
David Bratt - 7 years ago
Poor shark! Cut open by a propeller. Boaters invade its world and injure it. :-(
Soulware3D - 7 years ago
could of tossed it a box of paracetamol.
John Troy
John Troy - 7 years ago
Holy shit is right.
PIN1248 - 7 years ago
I'm usually afraid of sharks. But seeing this shark, clearly being not OK, wounded and disoriented is even more scary. Hope he could recover from that injury/infection.
Am Bam
Am Bam - 7 years ago
He shoulda called someone to help it
Royer 714
Royer 714 - 7 years ago
Am Bam yes the shark needs help. Help it to the local fish market. Its food not your cousin.
Jake Shattuck
Jake Shattuck - 7 years ago
Am Bam Summon Captain Planet?
Majin Buu
Majin Buu - 7 years ago
Am Bam Who? And what could that someone have done?
kaosaz27 - 7 years ago
wait for it to die snag me some teeth!
Leolo Black
Leolo Black - 7 years ago
did the shark die?
Flex Quad
Flex Quad - 7 years ago
white people
Robo Ba
Robo Ba - 7 years ago
He's not paddle boarding, hes walking in the water.
Legit YouTube Videos
Legit YouTube Videos - 7 years ago
Poor little cuty baby
Insensitive - 7 years ago
Holy fuck that is a white shark.
Pedro Alves Ferreira
Pedro Alves Ferreira - 7 years ago
Oh...for beeps sake! Take the beeping beeps out! We're all beeping adults!!!! Beeping hell!!!!
Scupacium - 7 years ago
you see what the white man did? sees a big fucking shark and runs into the water!
rixse - 7 years ago
That shark has a big gash right behind the upper fin. It is struggling. Poor thing will die. It is so sad. :(
Derek Iverson
Derek Iverson - 7 years ago
That shark isn't fourteen feet long… That was quite an exaggeration.
Arahorn - 7 years ago
Yes I think you're right, it does look big compared to most sharks, but in reality it's not huge for a white shark.
The Mad Mick
The Mad Mick - 7 years ago
We're witnessing a baby whale!! HOLY FUCK what is that thing Jay?! Jay that thing is hurt bro! HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THIS FUCKING THING, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT BRO?!
Sean Van Sommeran
Sean Van Sommeran - 7 years ago
That appears to be an entanglement related injury with an algea covered object evident just behind dorsal? Difficult to get a identify but it doesnt have the look of a fresh injury or prop cut. Ironic how the buddy with the speargun promptly stepped on stingray hahah. I hope that mended itself well. Sure wish i could peruse closer photos or view additonal vid recorded subsequent to this 3min clip. The specimen may be identifiable via photos of the dorsal or tail tip profiles and/or presence of any tags or devices attached.

A subadult male white shark just under 10 feet long stranded itself up in California, Monterey Bay back in April, lab studies showed it had a severe brain infection that terminal and resulted in the sharks wandering into surfzone and onto the rocky beaches where it was collected following futile attempts to rescue it.

I hope more information becomes available regarding this specimen.
Champ - 7 years ago
2:37 Holly F*ck me running, lol
Stefan Călătean
Stefan Călătean - 7 years ago
'fuck me running'? wow..
St. Apollonius
St. Apollonius - 7 years ago
Onyxinjun - 7 years ago
drinking game...every time he says holy s, you hafta take a drink. Ive seen sharks come back from worse. they have amazing healing abilitys.
Josh Roake
Josh Roake - 7 years ago
I was waiting for a gang of surfers to pounce on it.
ayyocuhz - 7 years ago
did that shark survive?
zamis21 - 7 years ago
too bad you did nto have a rifle to put that poor hurt and dying shark out of its pain
WaaDoku 【和ァ独】
WaaDoku 【和ァ独】 - 7 years ago
Words you didn't hear: FUCK, fucking, fuck, FUCKING, shit, Fucking, fuck, fuck, shit, SHIT, shit, Shit, shit, fuck, fucking, fucking.
Michael Mullen
Michael Mullen - 7 years ago
Sharks Are great crestures But humans Dont know that they are Mistaken as A bad creature just cause you seen jaws and or other attacks doesn't mean they like the flesh of humans, They have poor eye sights So they mistake you for a Seal or any sea life creature, The poor thing obvioulsy is hurting, I would be trying to help it But would be too um nervous I really hope it got help.
iChinnyAce - 7 years ago
Johnald J Grump
Johnald J Grump - 7 years ago
Holy fuck me runnin!
havocmaster69 - 7 years ago
Holy Fuck Thats A fucking White Shark! It is Fucking huge. It has been hit by a Fucking propeller! It is Fucking Thrashing in Fucking shallow water. FUCK! Holy shit FUCK me running. I can not wait to upload this to Fucking YouTube. This fucking thing will go Fucking Viral!
Mike - 7 years ago
U used word "Fucking" and "Fuck"
11 times
havocmaster69 - 7 years ago
"A great White Shark trashes for great white wine" Holly Fucking Shit thats Good Wine Fuck Me Running!!!!
Dale Pearson
Dale Pearson - 7 years ago
Perhaps, I think Im gonna just have to think about it more, ya know, pour a chilled glass of Pearson Brothers Private Reserve Saccharo and see if I can find some sort of connection thats relevant.
havocmaster69 - 7 years ago
You can edit the title and put it it there like: "Pearson Brothers Winrey Owner Paddles Next To A Great White Shark."
Dale Pearson
Dale Pearson - 7 years ago
for real, I cant believe it actually went viral. If I could only think of a way to promote my winery from that video it would be great. The problem is that Pearson Brothers Private Reserve Saccharo may be a Great White Wine , but there is no connection to a Great White Shark. I drank an entire bottle trying to get creative and still came up with nothing...its pretty frustrating having all this free PR and not knowing how you can take advantage of it..... #fuckmerunning
T38 Talon
T38 Talon - 7 years ago
Is this an ad for the winery? Hey, if you can't walk and film at the same time, not going to trust you to make wine...
stephencarlsbad - 7 years ago
What's more insane is that this guy has a house in mexico and actually believes that he safe there.
EDGAR MOLINERO - 7 years ago
stephencarlsbad his house is more safe than schools
Lasse Riise
Lasse Riise - 7 years ago
Great Whites are harmless compared to the drug cartells down there.
Fadumo Saleebaaɓ
Fadumo Saleebaaɓ - 7 years ago
BANE 805 g
BANE 805
BANE 805 - 7 years ago
stephencarlsbad theres parts in Mexico that are not run by cartels so yeah hes good for the stay
Dale Pearson
Dale Pearson - 7 years ago
stephencarlsbad, the only safe bet in life is the smooth and delicious taste of Pearson Brothers Private Reserve Saccharo. Everything else is a gamble.
joni matis
joni matis - 7 years ago
Yes , better come back home where congressmen , children, fagots and every body can be shot
Cape Town Guy
Cape Town Guy - 7 years ago
Help it
Hot Sauce
Hot Sauce - 7 years ago
You sure it was a white shark? Get closer to confirm.
BrewPub - 7 years ago
Why do you call it "paddling" when he is just wading in thigh deep water?
James oppy
James oppy - 7 years ago
Props fron San Juanico!
Ebenizer B. Schlestertrapp Dumoulin
Ebenizer B. Schlestertrapp Dumoulin - 7 years ago
"Poor thing is dying." is probably right unfortunately, with that big propeller wound on its back.
But who's the degenerate, neuron-deprived pinhead who bleeped most of the soundtrack, praytell? Such an OFFENSIVE noise!
I'd gladly put a big propeller wound on his/her/its back, just to watch him/her/it sink.
John Jacobs
John Jacobs - 7 years ago
Great White mutha#&$%@!
Stephen Marshall
Stephen Marshall - 7 years ago
hey look a great white shark, LET'S GET AS CLOSE TO IT AS POSSIBLE!
Sound Logic
Sound Logic - 7 years ago
God man this s tragic, I wish someone could help it back into deep waters but I understand the risk is too great. That is a massive BEAUTIFUL great white!
Texazmane - 7 years ago
that shark needs to be put out of its misery, before it attracts more with that open wound.
kissben - 7 years ago
We've discovered a new species of sharks that go BEEP.
bobbie joe shmo
bobbie joe shmo - 7 years ago
I hope he doesn't make it. Their populations have EXPLODED over the past 15 years. Peple are seeing them EVERYWHERE and human fatalities and attacked have tripled. An a quick check on Osearch shows you where they spend 50-75% of their time - RIGHT IN SHORE. And yes my friend, they are all over the sea of Cortez. Some think that is their Pacific Coast breeding ground.
Bryan Allen
Bryan Allen - 7 years ago
bobbie joe shmo i hope YOU dont make it!!! STUPID, IGNORANT REDNECK HUMANS have seen a population explosion. Theyve even elected a total idiot redneck as president in one country!
Sheena Lewis
Sheena Lewis - 7 years ago
Daniel Fulcher
Daniel Fulcher
Daniel Fulcher - 7 years ago
I'm not saying you're wrong but i have read that, female Great Whites are ready to give birth at 12 to 13 years, as well as the pregnancy talking up to 18 months, also if they are rising then it won't be a fast growth in their population as many still get killed, also without sharks the seals will over populate and then they eat the fish the fish population drops the food the fish eats over grows/populates the seals then stave, sharks really balance things not damages, but if a shark attacks someone by most cases mistake it's not their fault as their home is the ocean ours is land, replying to the last comment.
bobbie joe shmo
bobbie joe shmo - 7 years ago
They have recovered. That is my point. And now they are arguably overpopulated in many areas. They are now endangering seal and fish populations in localized areas. A study of the GW's near the sea of Cortez has estimated that one of these sharks eats more in one year than a commercial fishing boat can catch in a year. They are voracious eaters that never stop feeding. They eat things that are alive - of every persuasion (mammals, fish, people) and they eat dead things, whale carcasses etc. We also now know that a female GW can produce up to 2 to 3 GW's per year. That is insane. Plus the juveniles eat more than the adults and they grow around 2 -3 feet per year. The other thing that was never understood is that they are pack animals that travel and hunt in groups (like other shark breeds). They are not the solitary hunters we once thought they were.
Daniel Fulcher
Daniel Fulcher - 7 years ago
What the endangered shark? I think they deserve to recover their population after how many of them were killed.
Johnny Wang
Johnny Wang - 7 years ago
Thanks for recording this video in HD and horizontal.
joetj - 7 years ago
First off I just think it's very dumb to get closer to something that is known as a killer and that has been known to kill humans. 2nd him saying as the tide moves in the shark is gonna get closer and if he gets upset he's gonna jump. Um the shark is dying. Sharks will die if they don't keep moving because they breathe by having water pass through their gills. They even move when they're sleeping. This shark will not be moving or jumping anywhere unless it gets to deeper water. If it doesn't get to deeper water which looks like it won't then the shark will be dead in under 20-30 minutes.
marioni bruno
marioni bruno - 7 years ago
I went to Cuba and ate shark. Was delicious
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 7 years ago
Does anyone speak French?
izbavynasotlukavago - 7 years ago
A closeup of the teeth would have gotten more views.
Cucu Ca
Cucu Ca - 7 years ago
So sad to lose a magnificent being!
Edward V'Kanty
Edward V'Kanty - 7 years ago
I'm kind of mad that they didn't try to help him get to deeper water. Just sat there filming his struggle.
Edward V'Kanty
Edward V'Kanty - 7 years ago
I never said anything about getting into the water with him. All they needed to do was coast alongside with a guiding hand on the dorsal fin, until they got into deeper waters. I've seen plenty of whale and shark rescues to know it can be done safely.
5Golden Rings
5Golden Rings - 7 years ago
You expect him to go into the water dragging that monster, risking his own life ? So easy for you to sit in your comfort zone and be typing that. Also a shark with hundreds of teeth, no thanks. My momma didn't raise a fool.
Henning Diesel
Henning Diesel - 7 years ago
You know, instead of having to put all the obnoxious beeps on every of the many curse words you're uttering, making me curse, you could simply choose not to curse.
Nicotine45 - 7 years ago
trekteam - 7 years ago
Does that idiot know to say anything else besides "Holly s**!"?
DOUGLAS GILMORE - 7 years ago
Definitely didnt appear to be a white shark
Herr Richtig
Herr Richtig - 7 years ago
Definitely a dog..
krazed gunner
krazed gunner - 7 years ago
lame troll award goes to.
DOUGLAS GILMORE - 7 years ago
Lol, you've been officially trolled. I meant what i said literally. Glad to see i could affect your blood pressure xD
dsuchmiel - 7 years ago
Go buy some fkin glasses.
outerrealm - 7 years ago
ummmm, you can swear on youtube, 1st amendment protected. It's not under the FCC
AnthonyYouTubeFan - 7 years ago
I swear, us humans are a very intrepid/foolish species.
joseph Tira
joseph Tira - 7 years ago
downvote for the obnoxiously loud beeping censorship. Either mute it or turn that SHIT(oh know I said it!) down.
mcboberson bob
mcboberson bob - 7 years ago
ok buddy we get it, its a shark calm down, dont cum too quick
kurt mccarthy
kurt mccarthy - 7 years ago
^ lol
Abraham S
Abraham S - 7 years ago
What's (cum) ? I asked my parents, but they don't want to tell me .
RCB58Hustler - 7 years ago
The name of video should be "Holy Shit"
ricerust - 7 years ago
why the fuk r you gettin near it idiots
ForestPlays - Roblox & More
ForestPlays - Roblox & More - 7 years ago
yes hes very 'litle' now go ahead little boy.
ricerust - 7 years ago
+MrBluesfly why u litle
Dis IsHere
Dis IsHere - 7 years ago
Are you a sailor? You sure talk like one.
The Homie
The Homie - 7 years ago
Damn broski this breaks my heart, wish i could help you... that cut looks deep bro... anyway man swim on and i hope you make it bro.
Paul P
Paul P - 7 years ago
is this cable what the fuck is with the beeps
Stephen Haws
Stephen Haws - 7 years ago
Idiots in the water with it.
cfx5000 - 7 years ago
So what eventually happened to the shark?
Mark - 7 years ago
There's nothing holy about s**
zr de
zr de - 7 years ago
Poor shark. We are killing wildlife on land, water and air. Animals other than humans are the only ones that do not do intentional harm to us. Why should we do this, accidental or intentional? Accidental....need to be more careful and aware of things around us. It's bleeding a lot. It is going to die eventually from infection or a predator will get it, probably a killer whale.
Crazed Link
Crazed Link - 7 years ago
Very sad
goldenage - 7 years ago
propellors are a major threat to sea life.
That CarGuy
That CarGuy - 7 years ago
goldenage So are humans in general..
Liberty - 7 years ago
Your gonna need a bigger lens...
Mr X
Mr X - 7 years ago
Am I the only one that wouldn't have been mad if the guy died for being dumb as fuck going out to a shark in water? Rofl Always weird people
Bobby Cullari
Bobby Cullari - 7 years ago
Ace Adam
Ace Adam - 7 years ago
oh shark! let me run to it....
Rather Be Flying
Rather Be Flying - 7 years ago
So Pearson Brothers Winery moved their operations out of the states and down to mexico?
Dale Pearson
Dale Pearson - 7 years ago
Nope, but I do have a home in Mexico. Our Winery operation is located in the City of Imperial in the state of California in the USA. Our wine is made using the WIldflower Honey from that area. We are currently the only winery in that county and our new Saccharo style of winemaking has really taken off. We had just finished bottling 1800 cases of Pearson Brothers Private Reserve Saccharo. This was batch 0005, they are all limited edition and numbered bottles. Right now we are in 50 locations in San Diego and Imperial Counties.
joni matis
joni matis - 7 years ago
good, our great president is smart
Mike Gallett
Mike Gallett - 7 years ago
It's a baby wheel!
Adrian Rodriguez
Adrian Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Feels like an ad for caternews and the wine company.
arts - 7 years ago
He is badly injured, see the gaping hole behind the fin.
Droogie128 - 7 years ago
arts sharks have an incredible ability to heal. I'm willing to bet it was fine when the tide came back in.
aibohphobia - 7 years ago
Get any closer you will have to change your name to CHUM........i've been away from cali for along time...i forgot how stupid californians sound when they talk
Amir Sadrpour
Amir Sadrpour - 7 years ago
it is actually us invading their homes and they have all the reasons to be scared and pissed at us
Amir Sadrpour
Amir Sadrpour - 7 years ago
humans on the shores , are interested in swimming , right ? bad things happen to poor animals if humans are inconvenienced by them. most sharks have disappeared the face of the planet in the last few decades. we do the same thing to animals living in forests: destroying their habitats and freaking out if one of them pops up in our back yards.
Greg Nelson
Greg Nelson - 7 years ago
The humans on the shore are invading it's home at sea?
Ronnie Rodrigue
Ronnie Rodrigue - 7 years ago
stupid guy in water i go for shark eat his ass
Tom Neu
Tom Neu - 7 years ago
it's a shark.... you're supposed to run the OTHER way... asshole
Rag Rag
Rag Rag - 7 years ago
You gonna need a bigger boat.
MotoX2005 - 7 years ago
....bigger canoe
James Furlong
James Furlong - 7 years ago
Ha! WIN!
charles riggs
charles riggs - 7 years ago
Thats a White Shark. I think I'll take a closer look. It may freakin eat me or my family but ya know I'm gonna get closer. Closer. Nothin to worry about. Just a giant man eater here. Dumb ass
charles riggs
charles riggs - 7 years ago
Lots of people walk down a suspicious ally way too. Also I don't step into the frying pan.
goatboy - 7 years ago
charles riggs I do hope you realize that people thousands more people every hour of every day, than have ever been killed by Great White Sharks. Yes?
joetj - 7 years ago
yeah I guess. They just kill them. Would humans being eaten by sharks make it worse? Whether they're eating them or not they still KILL humans. That's the point. SMDH
quazzie1 - 7 years ago
losepoundsandinches -- Ha! Yep. He never mastered the figuring-out or the leaving parts.
losepoundsandinches - 7 years ago
quazzie1: Jeff Dahmer would've made a horrible shark.
WaaDoku 【和ァ独】
WaaDoku 【和ァ独】 - 7 years ago
Sharks don't eat humans.
Michael Mullen
Michael Mullen - 7 years ago
charles riggs Sharks Are great crestures But humans Dont know that they are Mistaken as bad creatures just cause you seen jaws and or other attacks doesn't mean they like the flesh of humans, They have poor eye sights So they mistake you for a Seal or any sea life creature, The poor thing obvioulsy is hurting, I would be trying to help it But would be too um nervous I really hope it got help.
quazzie1 - 7 years ago
Except they don't eat people. They bite people, figure out we're not something they normally eat, and leave. Unfortunately for us, that test bite is often devastating.
joetj - 7 years ago
They indeed are man eaters. They've eaten men so yeah they definitely are
Appalachiosaurus22 - 7 years ago
They aren't man eaters, stop getting your facts from the Sci-fi Channel.
King Without A Crown
King Without A Crown - 7 years ago
+charles riggs Nothing new here Charles, we live amongst knuckleheads ;-)
Sarys - 7 years ago
Clearly he knows to punch it on the nose. TKO!
laratta - 7 years ago
White shark but it look black.
That CarGuy
That CarGuy - 7 years ago
laratta You're special...
Droogie128 - 7 years ago
laratta the bottom is white
gpgpgpgp1000 - 7 years ago
I had to mute it after a while. That loud BEEPING sound is way way more annoying than hearing the words shit, fuck, and fucking could ever be.
gpgpgpgp1000 - 7 years ago
Neh, I bet if you asked any child, they would be more annoyed at the loud beeping than hearing words once again that they have already heard.
Soulware3D - 7 years ago
not if you are a child.
ErrorError - 7 years ago
Georgie Thumbs
Georgie Thumbs - 7 years ago
What the BEEP is a BEEP shark doing in the BEEP water so BEEP close to BEEP shore?
davenetdog - 7 years ago
Give him a hand...or a leg.
Elated - 7 years ago
davenetdog lol
Dwayne Sanders
Dwayne Sanders - 7 years ago
davenetdog that funny
Spravedlivost SU
Spravedlivost SU - 7 years ago
Sharks live only when move quite fast. Because of breathing specificity
Spravedlivost SU
Spravedlivost SU - 7 years ago
what about this one?
gpgpgpgp1000 - 7 years ago
Myth. Many sharks are able to breathe quite well without moving at all. Others just need some forward motion.
llaauuddrruupp - 7 years ago
FFS, what's with the fucking beeping?! Do you think we don't know what they're saying? This is the internet, you don't need to censor speech!
Poppy Roberts
Poppy Roberts - 7 years ago
llaauuddrruupp beep was the s word
Char Shark
Char Shark - 7 years ago
llaauuddrruupp not all of us cuss thanks
Dale Pearson
Dale Pearson - 7 years ago
I filmed it. Im not proud of the things i said that day.......for example, I told my friend "its no big deal if you dont chill the Pearson Brothers Private Reserve Saccharo..." it was a stupid thing to say. The only time I swear like that is when Im in the water with a Great White Shark or out of Pearson Brothers Private Reserve Saccharo.
PG GBtwo
PG GBtwo - 7 years ago
It was filmed by someone from a winery. They may want to post it on their site or something.
ErrorError - 7 years ago
Go ~beep~ urself
llaauuddrruupp - 7 years ago
Yes, self-censorship is a great idea. It saves the fascists the trouble of imposing their capricious wants on the masses when they just do it to themselves first.
skips1965 - 7 years ago
Better yet don't use bad language that will trigger the censors when making a film.
tucci06 - 7 years ago
Saves the news outlets the trouble.
Louis Ross
Louis Ross - 7 years ago
...great white shark playing possum....oldest trick in the book...
Megan - 7 years ago
LambChops 07 ....fuk off assclown
SheepAre Noice
SheepAre Noice - 7 years ago
Megan W It was a joke fucking retard can you take a joke? Clearly not
Megan - 7 years ago
Louis Ross ..playin possum while hes swimming in his own hmm k
dasun13 - 7 years ago
Louis Ross lol
bob lavey
bob lavey - 7 years ago
lilly waters
lilly waters - 7 years ago
Hopefully you guys called people in , in case it needs to go to rehab
37Dionysos - 7 years ago
Hit by some stupid drunken putz in a speedboat.
Max Williams
Max Williams - 7 years ago
Keyboard warrior alert!
stephencarlsbad - 7 years ago
Snowflake alert!
treborhi - 7 years ago
A great white attacked the prop on my friend's boat. Did a lot of damage. He had to file a claim with his insurance co.
quazzie1 - 7 years ago
What? You've never hit a shit??
catalinaga - 7 years ago
hit a shit? wtf
bob lavey
bob lavey - 7 years ago
+Wyatt S yea but much less likely
Wyatt S
Wyatt S - 7 years ago realize it's entirely possible to hit a shit through no actual fault of your own, right?
Andrew Clancy
Andrew Clancy - 7 years ago
Yes, because every time my doctor sends me to bed with a massive flesh wound, what I REALLY need are a few bros to chase me around for a while.
Lil G Funk
Lil G Funk - 7 years ago
derp suck a dick keyboard warrior
TAPP Channel
TAPP Channel - 7 years ago
how it ends up????
Wow 12k views in one day :)
I've got 900 in two weeks on my shark drone video :)
King Without A Crown
King Without A Crown - 7 years ago
+TAPP Channel 900 is fine, i've got just 47 for my sexy girlfriend's twinkle ;-)
Shark trooper 6
Shark trooper 6 - 7 years ago
I will avenge my cousin
C-137 Rick Sanchez
C-137 Rick Sanchez - 7 years ago
fuck them up
Legit YouTube Videos
Legit YouTube Videos - 7 years ago
Shark trooper 6
drudown____tv - 7 years ago
Their species is doing quite well in the Pacific. While regrettable, this will not hurt them.

(gasping shark) "What about my $#@%-ing back, man?!"
Misty Lyons
Misty Lyons - 7 years ago
That's so sad!
Herr Richtig
Herr Richtig - 7 years ago
It's nature bleeding heart liberal
Alexzzzzzzzz - 7 years ago
What happened to it?
Dale Pearson
Dale Pearson - 7 years ago
I filmed the video, the shark swam away after 30 minutes. I was up at my house drinking Pearson Brothers Private Reserve Saccharo and nursing my pain. I had stopped filming for a second and thats when I got hit by a stingray as well. From there thats why the video starts again in the back of a truck. If it were not for the stingray hit I would have got more footage.
MrBluesfly - 7 years ago
bob lavey
bob lavey - 7 years ago
+AeroFix94 Dude what the fuck is so hard to understand? He was asking about what happened to the shark AFTER THE VIDEO. We all know it was hit by a propeller.
dasun13 - 7 years ago
AeroFix94 what happened after the video dumb ass.. since you know everything why don't you provide the answer
AeroFix94 - 7 years ago
no, but if he watched the video he would know what happen to it. He says right here 1:28 "been hit by a propeller"..
bob lavey
bob lavey - 7 years ago
+AeroFix94 Wtf. Obviously it was hit by a propeller, that isn't what he's asking.
bob lavey
bob lavey - 7 years ago
+sarttee No, he meant what happened to it after the video..... Video ended with the shark just laying there in the water.
forever yours
forever yours - 7 years ago
He asked a question and the guy gave a response that had nothing to do with the question asked, simple as that. Why can you get that through your brainless fucking head.
sarttee - 7 years ago
if he watched the entire video.. he would know, dumbass
forever yours
forever yours - 7 years ago
He asked a question, not a dumb ass reply. And Alex to answer your question it seems that the shark was hit by a propeller and this bro went into the water to go investigate why it was so close to land.
AeroFix94 - 7 years ago
did you even watch the video?
chelleoj - 7 years ago
Poor thing is dying.
George Saunders
George Saunders - 7 years ago
nah, sharks are resiliant, I wouldn't be surprised if it survived
Merlin Man
Merlin Man - 7 years ago
He is to strong to be dying. He is looking for Stingrays.
ViGa 1989
ViGa 1989 - 7 years ago
chelleoj ya :(
Maria Rohmer
Maria Rohmer - 7 years ago
Breaks my heart.
*DOGGY DOGO* - 7 years ago
chelleoj if I see that in running for help.....or possibly freeze in my tracks from fear
Sean Van Sommeran
Sean Van Sommeran - 7 years ago
actually bat rays are rather different, totally different actually, bat rays can be as much as 200lbs, round stingrays are about the size of a hub cap and hardly weigh 1 lb. Read up on it, its interesting
Buzz LightBeer
Buzz LightBeer - 7 years ago
Nick, that makes sense. I once caught a white shark and released it. I think I was using squid as bait. Another fisherman was nearby throwing red snapper guts and heads and skin in the water. He cleaned fish for other fisherman so he was throwing a lot of fish parts and fluid in the water. Crabs eat the guts and heads which made it a great spot for crabbing. Rays eat the crabs. Sharks eat the rays. He was paid by being allowed to keep some of the fish. Fish were plentiful forty years ago but now there are too many seals that eat all the fish because President Nixon made the marine animal protection law.
Filthy Disgusting Ape
Filthy Disgusting Ape - 7 years ago
Well Ralph Collier did a necropsy on a large white shark caught of SoCal in 1986 & found it had (along with the remains of an a sea lion, an elephant seal in it's stomach) a rather large number of bat ray stingers in it's mouth--some quite new. Now, while I am not surprised, I don't know if bat rays get that much bigger than stingrays and are worth the effort to chase down.
wilson blauheuer
wilson blauheuer - 7 years ago
it may have other  medical problems which caused the shark to blunder into a ship propeller. If so, then the shark is probably dying a semi-natural death.
Sean Van Sommeran
Sean Van Sommeran - 7 years ago
I dont think anyone said it was dead on arrival, its just that the shark isnt likely to have survived past landing in the cactus patch there in the mud... i was just underscoring the severity of the sharks condition as well as the notion that a large shark of that size and condition would be exterting itself thusly in pursuit of tiny and elusive and non filling/taste sour stingrays theory.

I wish there were better and closer documentation of the so called prop injury and the debri that can be seen attached or entangled on back of the shark aft of the dorsal. These kinds of events my be more important and significant to myself since im invested in the topic, subject matter and ongoing studies regarding these kinds of events and situations.

Learn more:

We also have a Facebook page where we have been updating on similar events ongoing in California recently and increasingly over past decade. California Dept of Fish and Wildlife pathology and forensics labs and associated labs throughout California and US are also moving in that direction as these events appear to be in the increase. Possibly watershed and storm water runoff related, also increasing in past decade in keeping with expanding metropolii world wide. Merits serious consideration and research efforts, potentially a crucial environmental issue, clearly. Thanks for reading and providing your feedback and consideration. Mas tarde,
Sean Van Sommeran
Sean Van Sommeran - 7 years ago
White sharks of that generational class dont chase puny stingrays for food, the notion that an injured shark of that size would rotortiller its way thru the silty shallows like that as an easier alternative prey is absurd, it may convince those who dont know any better, but that is convincing to anyone who has experience/knowledge of these sharks. As someone with considerable experience with Lamnid sharks and stranding events and associated behaviors and conditions i am persuaded to consider alternate hypothesis. The shark is exhibiting all the symptoms of a brain or internally infected and dying specimen of white shark that was carried by the tide into the shallow embayment loaded with stingrays, the shark is also likely bristling with stingray spines and punctures, again not at all a normal or typical course of behavior for a shark of that size, condition and situation.

Its highly likely that the shark was drawn out by incoming and receding tidal actions, but that isnt apparently anything to do with the sharks desires or movements, it just tidal draw and depositions via currents...

The shark may have continued thrashing for hours or even days but its not at all likely to recover from what appears to be an entanglement injury (note debri or device attached aft of dorsal, near infected would, whatever it is its covered with algea and discolored, thats not tissues...

I just wanted to clarify this isnt a shark that got lost, its severely impaired or moribund, moreover, white sharks of that size arent going for stingrays, in the mud flats... thats just stupid analogy.

I read initial reports and comments, thats why i posted additional info and doubt the available narrative, its creative and perhaps earnest, its not not convincing. Hopefully more images or documentations will surface.
1114cole - 7 years ago
It lived
Katie A.
Katie A. - 7 years ago
Makes me sad
chelleoj - 7 years ago
lmao that works too
Seventh Sign Soldier
Seventh Sign Soldier - 7 years ago
Too each his own if i see a person or animal at risk i try to do what I can I dont really stop to assess the risks lol I dont know why but thats just the way I am and than afterward I will stop and think , that was very risky I could have been hurt , I think its from my paramedic training when I was younger
Dale Pearson
Dale Pearson - 7 years ago
It didnt die while I was there. We filmed it on May 27th It was spotted twice over the next 2 days and then moved from the area where I was at. During the 2 days it was sighted it was in 2-3 M of water and aprox 5M off the shoreline. The stingrays in the area where we were at get as large as 1M across. So far I have not heard of any more sightings of the shark or any sightings of a Great White Shark carcass that was recovered. As far as "helping" it, when you are in close proximity to such a massive animal, you realize that ANY attempt to do ANYTHING other than observe nature is gonna end up in you getting hurt. The only dangerous thing I do is show up to a party with only one bottle of Pearson Brothers Private Reserve Saccharo.
Guns and Ink
Guns and Ink - 7 years ago
chelleoj thank God someone got it
Dale Pearson
Dale Pearson - 7 years ago
Guns and Ink I thought it was because called each other Bro in the video LOL! I just been lurking around the internet seeing all the funny comments on my video! Its a crack up!
chelleoj - 7 years ago
Missed it the 1st time- yes, I remember Chief Brody & family.
Guns and Ink
Guns and Ink - 7 years ago
chelleoj So did anyone get my lame Jaws joke about the Brody family?
chelleoj - 7 years ago
That's nice to hear- thank you:)
Seventh Sign Soldier
Seventh Sign Soldier - 7 years ago
I worded it wrong it wasnt being tracked ppl were sighting it in shallow waters moving along coastline than the sightings stopped , i believe if it died its body would have washed ashore somewhere being it was in 3 feet of water for so long , I am very interested to know what happened as well , I feel like the shark survived and it stayed in the shallow water to heal up and feed on sting rays etc and stay out of harms way of other Larger White Sharks that pass through sea of cortez to birth than when it was strong enough it left for the pacific . Im keeping eyes out for any info and my freinds cousin lives near there so hes gonna ask around see what he can find out
Sean Van Sommeran
Sean Van Sommeran - 7 years ago
It was tracked for 2 weeks was it? Was it really...?
If it was monitored or in anyway looked after as you are persuaded to believe it was, its possible that additional images and/or videos may support the theory

Im not fully convinced with the notions that an estimated 14'ft white shark was hunting down small fish in the shallow nearshore for 2 weeks; and then lived happily ever after.

Keep a look out for more vids, pics and info sources, i presume those were round round rays that the guys were stepping on. Let me know if learn of any additional info or sources or details.
Seventh Sign Soldier
Seventh Sign Soldier - 7 years ago
Everything I have read says the shark hugged the coastline for few weeks feeding on smaller fish and one day headed back to deep water where it dissapeared so I think the shark survived whatever was wrong with it , if it was tracked for almost 2 weeks , the shark wouldnt have made it 2 weeks if it was mortally ill or wounded , white sharks are the most resiliant species on planet they can survive alot , I believe the shark was in more danger running the sea of Cortez guantlet to get back out to pacific , the sea of cortez has longline and commercial fishing vessels every cpl miles Targeting White Sharks for their FINS , they come into sea of cortez to give birth we believe than have to run the guantlet to make it out safe its sickening literally we are wiping out the Great White and Tiger Shark species for FINS . Tiger sharks are in serious danger of extinction and are becoming very hard to find and film , alot of it being most of the tigers are close to the Asian countries where there are no safe zones where they are protected
Guns and Ink
Guns and Ink - 7 years ago
Sean Vansommeran Yeah very interesting. I would've liked to been there to experience that
Sean Van Sommeran
Sean Van Sommeran - 7 years ago
Ive read the narratives and speculations including the question about it being a hammerhead at beginning of video and im not confident in the estimations and summary provided thus far. Thats why im keep look outs for more vids and pics etc. One can hear fisherman in the back ground, all stoked about the possibilities. lol.

It sure seems like alot of the crew suffered stingray injuries, at least 3; apparently the shark attracted some footman and i presume its possible additional info, photos and/or vids may have been recorded that could confirm some of the info made available thus far.

A big shark isnt going to be plowing around thru the mud flats in efforts to eat stingrays, that is for certain, especially a sick or injured specimen seeking easy meals as opposed wasting energy rototilling the shallows for small rays. The rest of the narrative is no less dubious but i am interested to see more images or vids regarding alleged prop cuts. Maybe more info will surface, im sure somebody took more vids or pics that the one vid clip so far. I think its interesting.
Sean Van Sommeran
Sean Van Sommeran - 7 years ago
Allegedly, reportedly and maybe possibly; ive read the narratives and assertions, im seeking vids or photos that may help clarify.
Guns and Ink
Guns and Ink - 7 years ago
Sean Vansommeran It was hit by a boat and survived. There is another video of it and they tell you at the end it lived.
Guns and Ink
Guns and Ink - 7 years ago
chelleoj Nope actually it was spotted staying close to the coast after that until it healed and went on about it's business eating the Brody family one by one. Seriously though, it lived.
Sean Van Sommeran
Sean Van Sommeran - 7 years ago
i presumed, probably possibly maybe and allegedly. Im sure it was hungry after strandings and immediately improved. Sharks of that size and generational category dont bother with small roundrays in the shallow mud flats and how would that be easier foraging for an injured shark of that size?

The narrative seems overwhelmingly speculative in unlikely in a number of ways. I searched for more vid or pics but with no results so far. Let me know if you find anything worthwhile in terms of more info or documentation of this event. The shark may by recognizable to sport divers and dive photos via tour boats and possibly by researchers via dorsal and tail tip photo identification records in BMX and CA/USA eastern Pacific.
Buzz LightBeer
Buzz LightBeer - 7 years ago
Edit: Hi Sean, the other youtube video is "Pearson Brothers Winery films 15 ft white shark in 3 ft of water". For more on the story search google pearson winery shark. Good luck finding out more about the shark! Original post: Sean, one of the people involved posted that it swam away. it went down the coastline eating stingrays and other fish. The person guessed that it was trying to get strong again. A person involved said he talked to a PhD shark expert who said that the shark would probably survive. - this video was posted twice.
Sean Van Sommeran
Sean Van Sommeran - 7 years ago
That is another possible course of action, although i would be willing to bet that the shark is terminal, that would be worth and try and see effort to at least have the shark away from that particular resting spot or stranding site. I doubt that particular shark had much chances of recovering from whatever ailments it was suffering from. I wish there were more and closer images of the shark and it would have been interesting to see what transpired.
Seventh Sign Soldier
Seventh Sign Soldier - 7 years ago
They could have told the man in the boat 200 yards to right of him to tie a rope around back fin and tow him to deep water , once they got it to 6 feet of water most of the weight isnt there anymore , i would have tried at least if it didnt work nothing lost , and the guys house was right there you arent gonna buy house in sea cortez without boat
Buzz LightBeer
Buzz LightBeer - 7 years ago
Sean, that is really awesome. And I guess you know about the brain lesions found in a basking shark in Scotland? Scotland has salmon farms
Michael Litle
Michael Litle - 7 years ago
You see there's my problem. I wasn't wearing any shoes and I had no rope and I certainly didn't have a 4x4 on me at the time. Trying to pull a 200lb tuna that's kicking its tail around on your own by hand would be difficult wouldn't it
Sean Van Sommeran
Sean Van Sommeran - 7 years ago
couple guys with the right shoes and a long rope and a good 4x4, at high tide it could be easily hauled up to the waterline, beached at low tide and then plan to collect and deliver to a lab or disassemble it there on the beach. The dont dine on little round rays and that kind of them at that size and generational category and it was definitely sick and/or injured and not in a feeding mode. Im intrigued by what appeared to be a algea covered device or some other object behind dorsal fin. You definitely need some equipment to load it onto a flat bed or larger truck or tractor.
Michael Litle
Michael Litle - 7 years ago
How many guys would it take to move a shark of this size?
Michael Litle
Michael Litle - 7 years ago
Guess I'm just not good at hauling fish then haha
Sean Van Sommeran
Sean Van Sommeran - 7 years ago
Trust me, its possible and we have done it before in California, as well the Mexicans panga fisherman would have no trouble hauling that shark in and beaching it and taking care of it, one way or another.

All the stingray injuries aside, its not a problem if the surf isnt a hazard and there is decent shoreline or beach to land it on.
Sean Van Sommeran
Sean Van Sommeran - 7 years ago
Its also used in meat and fish and some produce and even farm fish and hatcheries.

I am a coauthor and co-investigator and partnered researcher with the published salmon shark paper identifying the infection and also unpublished data pending publication regarding same infections documented in other Lamnids and Lamniform sharks such as makos, thresher sharks and possibly basking sharks and white sharks. There are other pathogens and variant infections in other species of sharks and rays that may also be infecting a large number of sharks, rays and skates from various sources. Its a relatively new field and recent research since 2013 has generated an avalanche of new data and findings.

Here is a paper regarding salmon sharks, the carnobacterium preservative additive form may or may not be the principle cause, that has yet to be fully proven; there are other mutations and causes yet identified.

Its been documented in feral salmon and some other hatchery seabass and salmonids, so its possible if not likely linked. We shall see, thanks for staying informed.
Michael Litle
Michael Litle - 7 years ago
No chance they could have moved a shark that big. Believe me, it took me about 15 minutes to save a beached tuna which was probably around 200 lbs, this would be a whole other thing.
Buzz LightBeer
Buzz LightBeer - 7 years ago
Sean, a human food additive was found infecting the brains of sharks. The additive is C. maltaromaticum, which is used to mediate Listeria. The additive is dangerous to fish but is not dangerous to humans. Canada's government has approved as a food preservative for vegetables and meats. I am not sure it is approved in the United States. And I wonder if C. maltaromaticum would survive in the sewers that empty into the ocean. I am guessing that would survive
Seventh Sign Soldier
Seventh Sign Soldier - 7 years ago
None taken , we are similar I do the same thing , I like ppl expanding or explaining their points
Seventh Sign Soldier
Seventh Sign Soldier - 7 years ago
I didnt take it that way , it's all good buddy
Sean Van Sommeran
Sean Van Sommeran - 7 years ago
0hhh, no worries hahah, i just always feel compelled to explain myself anyway, no offense taken lol!
John Hutchins
John Hutchins - 7 years ago
Sorry man, was referring to the original post. No offence intended at you.
Seventh Sign Soldier
Seventh Sign Soldier - 7 years ago
I know what you were saying , it made me think to last yr all over news seal colonies were showing same symptoms and were laying on beaches dying , im pretty sure its the same bacteria or infection is what I was saying ._ I believe its related to Fukishima because after it happened is when all these problems started popping up in marine life
Sean Van Sommeran
Sean Van Sommeran - 7 years ago
My point is that the shark may have had similar brain infections noted to be cause of other shark strandings, including a white shark stranded in Monterey Bay this April. it was a point of conversation and the discussion questioned out of curiosity other possibilities, including interest in identifying the causes and the odd apparently aglea covered object visible just behind the dorsal fin. I curious to know what evidence or observations were made regarding the event being result of boat stike and/or prop cuts etc.

My questions are based in that i am invested in that kind of wildlife rescue and forensics determinations, entanglements issue, incidental catch, poaching and wildlife conservation and research.

It would be interesting to know if this specimen had similar infection noted in California strandings and what was attached or entangled on its back just aft of the dorsal fin, im curious because it doesnt look like a boat hit or prop mark, it looks non recent and like something covered in algea perhaps is stuck to the shark, perhaps its valuable instrumentation, or just junk, it doesnt look like tissue or typical at all.

Close up pics or vids would be interesting to look at, under the circumstances and the stingray hazard and confusion this wasnt possible. I hope that sheds light on the nature of my curiosity and interest.

And you ?
Seventh Sign Soldier
Seventh Sign Soldier - 7 years ago
Huge seal populations have been having same thing , its Fukishima and every country in world dumping there waste and run off into ocean they are Literally killing the ocean , the small fish eat something toxic , the bigger fish eats smaller fish , seals eat the bigger fish , than sharks eat the seals it spreads down the Line . I quit eating fish cpl years ago and all seafood its toxic , massive amounts of Radiation and Mercury
John Hutchins
John Hutchins - 7 years ago
What's your point?
Sean Van Sommeran
Sean Van Sommeran - 7 years ago
you are exactly right, the white shark that stranded in Monterey Bay Ca was shown by shark and fish pathologists to have had severe and terminal brain lesions and a series of related infections, causes unknown but concurrent with larger mass stranding of sharks and rays and fish including one 7gill shark that was nearly 10 feet long. California Fish and Wildlife forensic and pathology labs are still working on it full time since March. Im not sure what become of the specimen in this vid but im intrigued.
quazzie1 - 7 years ago
I'm sure a brain infection could easily come from living in the sea with a gaping wound or three.
Buzz LightBeer
Buzz LightBeer - 7 years ago
Scientists found a brain infection when they did an autopsy on a shark that behaved the same way.
ricerust - 7 years ago
u stand next to it n we'll c whos poor
Seventh Sign Soldier
Seventh Sign Soldier - 7 years ago
I think if they coulda got it to deep water the shark could have survived they are very durable and recieve deep wounds from other sharks during mating so they can survive alot , it woulda stood a chance i believe
Sinbreaker - 7 years ago
Good thing you are a human, so you can fix yourself. Otherwise you would be dying like this eventually too.
DENMONKEY - 7 years ago
nothing a good feed on a paddle boarder wouldn't fix right up

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