Paddling Next To Great White Shark
Shark videos 7 years ago 794,885 views
This is the crazy moment an experienced diver paddles perilously close to a 14ft long great white shark stranded in shallow waters outside his home. Daredevil Dale Pearson ignored all danger when he waded into the Sea of Cortez, Mexico, on May 27 after he spotted what he initially thought was a hammerhead shark. Approaching carefully, Dale and buddy Eric Mack realise it is actually a mammoth great white they think has been caught in a net before noticing two huge propeller wounds on its back. Deciding the shark isn’t stuck but feeding on stingrays as it circles through the water, Dale gets an up-close look as the predator thrashes its huge tail before flashing its vicious teeth. Dale, co-owner of Pearson Brothers Winery, said: “To see such a huge shark in basically my front yard was quite unnerving. **Please contact to licence this content** Company Information: Caters Clips is owned and operated by Caters News Agency Ltd, an international multimedia content provider. We supply news, picture, video and feature stories to the world’s largest media publishers. All videos aired on this channel have been licensed from their rightful owners. For media / licensing / broadcast usages, please contact video(at) Connect with Caters: Follow us on Twitter: Like our Facebook: Visit our website:
10. comment for Paddling Next To Great White Shark
20. comment for Paddling Next To Great White Shark
*I/we learned this in south Florida when A Bull Shark tried to eat to small 7 year olds swimming in Jupiter bch..
We were watching from the walkway(long stone pier)..
1999 the one girls leg was was dangling (gross!!!)
and the other had blood coming out of her side.
~The question came up often about Bull Sharks targeting human Kidneys. since a lot of bites are in the ass or side..
*People who swim w/ bull sharks aren't swimming with WILD bulls sharks but the ones used to people..
Same w/ those White sharks that people feed on Shark Week.. a lot different when the shark knows u aren't feeding it & it doesn't see u get out of the water or no boat at all.....
**A old man once said "the moon landing is real! I heard it on the radio myself!!!"
Je ne suis pas contre à voir des images du blanc,
par contre allant jusqu'à la fin de la vidéo,
je ne vois pas grand mon qui envisage de lui venir en secours et envisager une solution ???
30. comment for Paddling Next To Great White Shark
I find the comment "did it get out of the net?" to be interesting considering the narrative that the shark just showed up there in shallows, allegedly on its own accord to eat small stingrays,,, i wouldnt be surprised if this shark had been caught nearby, hauled into the fishing camp and then escaped the net as tide came in (temporarily). One can hear fisherman hollering in the background in original video on pearson's sight.
.it's looking for you
50. comment for Paddling Next To Great White Shark
Pussy... ^ -
It's injured is it, and that's why it's there hunting in that place? I didn't know that. You don't think it's harder catching stuff that way than out at sea? I thought it would be hunting in that place because it was low on prey and it was more difficult hunting in that situation. But I'm just guessing of course. And how do you know it's injured? What's wrong with it? Maybe his wife bit him eh!
Oh dear a fucking video about a shark and even then we just have to drop a racial comment in there what a sad bastard you are...
100. comment for Paddling Next To Great White Shark
A subadult male white shark just under 10 feet long stranded itself up in California, Monterey Bay back in April, lab studies showed it had a severe brain infection that terminal and resulted in the sharks wandering into surfzone and onto the rocky beaches where it was collected following futile attempts to rescue it.
I hope more information becomes available regarding this specimen.
11 times
But who's the degenerate, neuron-deprived pinhead who bleeped most of the soundtrack, praytell? Such an OFFENSIVE noise!
I'd gladly put a big propeller wound on his/her/its back, just to watch him/her/it sink.
Wow 12k views in one day :)
I've got 900 in two weeks on my shark drone video :)
(gasping shark) "What about my $#@%-ing back, man?!"
I wish there were better and closer documentation of the so called prop injury and the debri that can be seen attached or entangled on back of the shark aft of the dorsal. These kinds of events my be more important and significant to myself since im invested in the topic, subject matter and ongoing studies regarding these kinds of events and situations.
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We also have a Facebook page where we have been updating on similar events ongoing in California recently and increasingly over past decade. California Dept of Fish and Wildlife pathology and forensics labs and associated labs throughout California and US are also moving in that direction as these events appear to be in the increase. Possibly watershed and storm water runoff related, also increasing in past decade in keeping with expanding metropolii world wide. Merits serious consideration and research efforts, potentially a crucial environmental issue, clearly. Thanks for reading and providing your feedback and consideration. Mas tarde,
White sharks of that generational class dont chase puny stingrays for food, the notion that an injured shark of that size would rotortiller its way thru the silty shallows like that as an easier alternative prey is absurd, it may convince those who dont know any better, but that is convincing to anyone who has experience/knowledge of these sharks. As someone with considerable experience with Lamnid sharks and stranding events and associated behaviors and conditions i am persuaded to consider alternate hypothesis. The shark is exhibiting all the symptoms of a brain or internally infected and dying specimen of white shark that was carried by the tide into the shallow embayment loaded with stingrays, the shark is also likely bristling with stingray spines and punctures, again not at all a normal or typical course of behavior for a shark of that size, condition and situation.
Its highly likely that the shark was drawn out by incoming and receding tidal actions, but that isnt apparently anything to do with the sharks desires or movements, it just tidal draw and depositions via currents...
The shark may have continued thrashing for hours or even days but its not at all likely to recover from what appears to be an entanglement injury (note debri or device attached aft of dorsal, near infected would, whatever it is its covered with algea and discolored, thats not tissues...
I just wanted to clarify this isnt a shark that got lost, its severely impaired or moribund, moreover, white sharks of that size arent going for stingrays, in the mud flats... thats just stupid analogy.
I read initial reports and comments, thats why i posted additional info and doubt the available narrative, its creative and perhaps earnest, its not not convincing. Hopefully more images or documentations will surface.
If it was monitored or in anyway looked after as you are persuaded to believe it was, its possible that additional images and/or videos may support the theory
Im not fully convinced with the notions that an estimated 14'ft white shark was hunting down small fish in the shallow nearshore for 2 weeks; and then lived happily ever after.
Keep a look out for more vids, pics and info sources, i presume those were round round rays that the guys were stepping on. Let me know if learn of any additional info or sources or details.
It sure seems like alot of the crew suffered stingray injuries, at least 3; apparently the shark attracted some footman and i presume its possible additional info, photos and/or vids may have been recorded that could confirm some of the info made available thus far.
A big shark isnt going to be plowing around thru the mud flats in efforts to eat stingrays, that is for certain, especially a sick or injured specimen seeking easy meals as opposed wasting energy rototilling the shallows for small rays. The rest of the narrative is no less dubious but i am interested to see more images or vids regarding alleged prop cuts. Maybe more info will surface, im sure somebody took more vids or pics that the one vid clip so far. I think its interesting.
i presumed, probably possibly maybe and allegedly. Im sure it was hungry after strandings and immediately improved. Sharks of that size and generational category dont bother with small roundrays in the shallow mud flats and how would that be easier foraging for an injured shark of that size?
The narrative seems overwhelmingly speculative in unlikely in a number of ways. I searched for more vid or pics but with no results so far. Let me know if you find anything worthwhile in terms of more info or documentation of this event. The shark may by recognizable to sport divers and dive photos via tour boats and possibly by researchers via dorsal and tail tip photo identification records in BMX and CA/USA eastern Pacific.
couple guys with the right shoes and a long rope and a good 4x4, at high tide it could be easily hauled up to the waterline, beached at low tide and then plan to collect and deliver to a lab or disassemble it there on the beach. The dont dine on little round rays and that kind of them at that size and generational category and it was definitely sick and/or injured and not in a feeding mode. Im intrigued by what appeared to be a algea covered device or some other object behind dorsal fin. You definitely need some equipment to load it onto a flat bed or larger truck or tractor.
Trust me, its possible and we have done it before in California, as well the Mexicans panga fisherman would have no trouble hauling that shark in and beaching it and taking care of it, one way or another.
All the stingray injuries aside, its not a problem if the surf isnt a hazard and there is decent shoreline or beach to land it on.
Its also used in meat and fish and some produce and even farm fish and hatcheries.
I am a coauthor and co-investigator and partnered researcher with the published salmon shark paper identifying the infection and also unpublished data pending publication regarding same infections documented in other Lamnids and Lamniform sharks such as makos, thresher sharks and possibly basking sharks and white sharks. There are other pathogens and variant infections in other species of sharks and rays that may also be infecting a large number of sharks, rays and skates from various sources. Its a relatively new field and recent research since 2013 has generated an avalanche of new data and findings.
Here is a paper regarding salmon sharks, the carnobacterium preservative additive form may or may not be the principle cause, that has yet to be fully proven; there are other mutations and causes yet identified.
Its been documented in feral salmon and some other hatchery seabass and salmonids, so its possible if not likely linked. We shall see, thanks for staying informed.
My questions are based in that i am invested in that kind of wildlife rescue and forensics determinations, entanglements issue, incidental catch, poaching and wildlife conservation and research.
It would be interesting to know if this specimen had similar infection noted in California strandings and what was attached or entangled on its back just aft of the dorsal fin, im curious because it doesnt look like a boat hit or prop mark, it looks non recent and like something covered in algea perhaps is stuck to the shark, perhaps its valuable instrumentation, or just junk, it doesnt look like tissue or typical at all.
Close up pics or vids would be interesting to look at, under the circumstances and the stingray hazard and confusion this wasnt possible. I hope that sheds light on the nature of my curiosity and interest.
And you ?
you are exactly right, the white shark that stranded in Monterey Bay Ca was shown by shark and fish pathologists to have had severe and terminal brain lesions and a series of related infections, causes unknown but concurrent with larger mass stranding of sharks and rays and fish including one 7gill shark that was nearly 10 feet long. California Fish and Wildlife forensic and pathology labs are still working on it full time since March. Im not sure what become of the specimen in this vid but im intrigued.