Prehistoric shark captured on film
Shark videos 18 years ago 12,383,357 views
57th - Most Discussed (All Time) - Pets & Animals - Global Info-Copyright 2007 Reuters. Video- ITV News Wednesday January 24-2007 A species of shark rarely seen alive because its natural habitat is about 2,000 feet under the sea was captured on film by staff at a Japanese marine park this week. The Awashima Marine Park in Shizuoka, south of Tokyo, was alerted by a fisherman at a nearby port on Sunday that he had spotted an odd-looking eel-like creature with a mouthful of needle-sharp teeth. Marine park staff caught the 5 foot (1.6 meter) long creature, which they identified as a female frilled shark, sometimes referred to as a "living fossil" because it is a primitive species that has changed little since prehistoric times. The shark appeared to be in poor condition when park staff moved it to a seawater pool where they filmed it swimming and opening its jaws. "We believe moving pictures of a live specimen are extremely rare," said an official at the park. "They live between 1,968 and 3,280 feet (600 and 1,000 meters) under the water, which is deeper than humans can go." "We think it may have come close to the surface because it was sick, or else it was weakened because it was in shallow waters," the official said. Copyright 2007 Reuters. Video- ITV News Wednesday January 24-2007 More info about this shark at
But then again, I already knew that.
10. comment for Prehistoric shark captured on film
20. comment for Prehistoric shark captured on film
it died 4 hours after it was relocated to the new tank.
even if it was healthy it's adapted to a deep sea, low oxygen and high pressure environment, it wouldn't survive if they had let it go on it's way, this isn't hundreds of meters down, this is apparently just a few meters deep.
Or how in this world it didn't used its fins and tail was not even shaking of not even used
They say its deep in the sea why would it come to the surface of the water
it is deep sea, they migrate to the surface when they die at times, or at least some species do... it was sick, dying and maybe even blind, marine biologist confirmed the creature was in poor health and died 4 hours in their attempt to rescue it, sadly.
30. comment for Prehistoric shark captured on film
they relocated it into a tank that mimicked it's environment, it died 4 hours later.
RUN ITS GODZILLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
50. comment for Prehistoric shark captured on film
eats popcorn
be back in a few weeks
It's hard to believe humans would do that.
100. comment for Prehistoric shark captured on film
From a 5-second Google search:On January 21, 2007, a Japanese fisherman discovered a 1.6 m (5.2 ft) long female alive at the surface, perhaps there because of illness or weakness from the warm water. It was brought to Awashima Marine Park in Shizuoka, where it died after a few hours.[25]
More links supporting that humans did not fuck with it, humans did not remove it from its natural habitat, humans did not kill it. Some deep sea creatures surface and beach when dying; check out the giant oarfish.
The More You Know cue sparkly rainbow shooting star
radiation!/nuclear fission!
like godzilla!
To our man made environment
I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if there are. Water pressure is a real bitch at those depths, and those creatures thrive there.
It's called fuck off back to Granola Land, Hippie.
Alan, Destroyer of Worlds is genetically engineered Frilled Shark...
2. it was dying anyways, like alot of deepwater animals it came close to the surface because it was dying.
"it died shortly after capture" wtf did you think was gonna happen
It wasnt the last of its species because they still surface and die from time to time
Seeing people embracing these negative aspects rather than trying to correct them hits a nerve. Such as the idiots who ripped a fragile ancient rare creature from its habitat and killed the fucking thing doing so. Fuck those people.
it was dying anyways wich is why it was at the surface
they didnt take it to a petting zoo
there arent great whites in petting zoos let alone zoos of anykind
I hope they realize that when a deep-sea shark goes into the shallows, odds are they had multiple sensory failures and are about to die.
Come back when you do some fucking research, you cheeky wanker.
It's an extra chromosome.
The fact that you would fucking piss yourself over humans killing something else, and then claim to be a nature advocate is completely hypocritical.
You should probably do your research, they tried to save it, but it was already going to die anyway, so there's nothing they could do.
If you did then you wouldn't be spouting off creationist bullshit.
The easiest way to explain something is to pin it to a higher power.
Though your whole arguement goes to show that you are a very lazy and mindless individual.
So was this one a dinosaur fish or just a very deep living fish?
It's true that it does live in the depths of the ocean!
1. Frilled shark aren't extinct.
2. Its a deep sea creature meaning it was already out of its natural habitat.
3. Deep sea creatures don't come up into shallow water unless they are DYING or SICK.
Oarfish do the exact same thing
you know senior year is p tough, AP classes and all so I do enjoy the time I get to myself
lol, your comment is hilarious because you're assuming that I am
1. Male
2. A scumbag who attacks women because they're a neckbearded loser who is in general a gross asshole.
3. Straight
4. A virgin( I mean I've eaten someone out so I don't know if that counts as being a virgin or not)
not to mention I wasn't the one who got pissy when he couldn't even understand his own comment then tried to switch it up to further his own bloated ego and ""drag"" some random person on the internet in a sad, sad attempt to impress anonymous people on the internet
:^) but you know, Nothing stupid about that my guy. obvious sarcasm is obvious in case you can't comprehend that
This is what you said, You didn't say in bed or in your home, all you said was if your sick. so I'm not 1 in a million, I'm 1 of many people who'd have someone take them to the hospital.
don't try to make it seem like I'm some crazy person that would be okay with being kidnapped when you decide to change up what you yourself wrote
..we come along ..bitch dies
humans+habitat Control=dead for fossils
What if the shark wasn't actually dying? tun tun tunnnn!
But back in point no I'm not an arsehole I'm a nice a guy and don't start shit but I don't back away from shit either. I'm sure your a lovely person as well what ever your sex. But in more realistic terms no they will not hit someone if they call them sweetie but it would create an awkward environment and the man that's been called sweetie will probably avoid you for as long as they socially can without being rude. Unless their gay and fancy the person calling them sweetie. But keep in mind some men will take a swing if you do call them sweetie. if you are indeed a man anyway. If you are a woman that's fine.
lmao what? let's see what happens when I use the same logic as you do:
what "possibly" you fucking bellend. not my fault you red my comment properly.
2. Its not the last one.
But to get to your statement: Perhaps it's because we feel too save in this world? Sounds weird but it's pretty much the bully effect. We feel superior and dominant over all species. I mean damn, you can see that shit within mankind over history: Slavery, religious crusades, Hitler movement etc. I agree it has nothing to do with "we don't know ourselves" or "we're programmed to do". It's more a bloody desease that has developed over time: The delusion that we're better than any other species and worth more
No u
"I know, we should drag it on to land and kill it!"
"Great idea! I see nothing that could go wrong"
-3 months later.
Newspaper headline: Rare Prehistoric Fish Officially Extinct
Shark: Smiles adorably
The frilled shark, one of the two living sharks species of the Chlamydoselachidae family, usually lives around 1,500 meters deep but in Japan can be found (if you are lucky enough, of course) between 50 and 200 meters. After footage of this shark was recorded several years ago, the frilled shark is called prehistoric shark or living fossil because of its image of an animal more likely to be found in a natural history museum.
Its eel-like body shape with the dorsal, pelvic and anal fins, give this shark a look of an extinct marine animal. Besides, the fact that this shark seems to not have evolved in 500 million years says much about the "perfection" of this shark. The frilled shark can reach a length of 4 meters and has very long and flexible jaws that allow it to feed on large prey such as the Pacific octopus and other sharks.
"Pressure exhibits a great role in the distribution of deep sea organisms. Until recently, people lacked detailed information on the direct effects of pressure on most deep-sea organisms, because virtually all organisms trawled from the deep sea arrived at the surface dead or dying. With the advent of traps that incorporate a special pressure-maintaining chamber, undamaged larger metazoan animals have been retrieved from the deep sea in good condition."
A deep-sea shark, such as the frilled shark, the one on the video, would not be able to survive in the shallow water it was FOUND in. It is common for deep-sea animals to swim to shallower waters when ill or dying. Is it a really hard concept for you to grasp or are you just being stubborn?
Shallow water is not its natural habitat.
and go back to the 80's
I also thank you. Most see me as a "worthless emo."
Words can be misleading. I too apologize if I was ever rude.
Also, I did not call you an idiot. You are far from an idiot, but I have no idea where you got that from.
It was all nature's fault that the shark died, not the people.
oh look it's dead NOW IT EXTINCT... now where would we find another one,
I don't even kill bugs, not at all, If I see one killed
It looks painful!
It should have been a female and make a baby and the baby becomes a adult and make another baby and another and another!!!
What the heck were they thinking?!?!?
I'm no biologist expert but;even I knew he wouldn't survive you morons!!
Great Jon humanity you found another.miracle and killed it
wow... thanks humans. :( just f*cking kidding
How about some weed and cookies then? xD
YOU! I like you! Get your ass to Sweden so I can buy you a beer :)
This shark is a deep sea creature, they don't come to the surface unless they are already close to dead. Just looking at the gills and the way it swims shows that it was already in a real bad shape and wouldn't last as much. Also, its natural habitat isn't simply water, it is deep sea water which is vastly different when compared to the surface waters; the pressure change, for example, may be the reason its gills are like that.
By the way, this shark isn't the only one nor could it be "the last of its kind". What they meant with "rare" is that it is hard to see one of them (because their habitat), and there have been other captures of these fishes in other areas though they generally are dead. This is an ancient species of rarely seen fishes that should naturally not be close to the surface.
If it was an endangered bird they wouldn't be allowed to touch it by law
Interfering with things
And the one they found was already dying, that's why it was at the surface.
I only hope there are more of these sharks out there where humans can't reach them.
Aren't you the sexist one? Why the caps on "girl"? For emphasis on the gender/sex?
Why this comment thread has become a gender discrimination issue I have no clue, but all of you, that's quite enough.
Ah, typical stereotyping....I have sexist issues? You should have read; Pedagogy of the Oppressed. The author is Paulo Freire, he was one of the first to point out that those who find themselves 'oppressed' are the first to turn into the oppressor given the opportunity and the means. Your statements are clearly from a point of view that has no equality between sexes. Is sexist to a radical degree: let me define it from an authority then try examining what you just said:: "Sexism or gender discrimination is prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender." Its from the dictionary. Hope you work out your sexist issues. funny though that you went 'there'. you must have them in spades...
you should learn the English language. It would, maybe, help you communicate. But then you would still have that intellect issue right? Grrttt// I love it when a GIRL gets aggressive...they always either stutter or become repetitious. "any one studying or has" I mean this your very best??
... You're an idiot... Anyone studying or has basic knowledge on fish can detect things such as bloating. Just because they are fish doesn't mean they don't have sympomts of sickness -_-
Fucking humans. Just continue destroying your own race and leave animals out of it.
Yours truly,
A concerned alien
All other animals: 0
Humans: Infinity
Kings of the jungle!
Also, it isn't certain that this shark is rare. It is a "rare find", for sure, but we don't know enough about the species to know how stable it's population is. It could fall anywhere on the chart, from Least Concern to Endangered...without t he ability to get a good population count there is no way to tell.
edit: It is listed as "near threatened" which would not qualify it for an endangered species list yet.
guess that kind of debunks your last of the species idea :P
Sorry for being rude
i love how you think, marry me
Also, if you read what I said, I said I agreed those in Japan shouldn't have taken it out of the ocean and that is where the fault lies. It is not their fault that the Frilled Shark was in such shallow depths compared to where they usually reside (unless it got tangled in some kind of fishing net but escaped, then yes, it is the complete fault of humans),
and now it dead....stop the pressers
When what people fail to realize it would have most definitely died in any case. Why? Because it was already outside it's natural habitat.These sharks are deep sea sharks with their natural habitat being over 1000 feet under water. Part of the reason why they are so illusive and rare would be because they live at a depth where people can't go. The fact that it was found so close to the surface means that there was something wrong with it and it was dying already. It wasn't just happily swimming along and then just got snatched up by a bunch of mindless marine biologist.
The marine park took it in BECAUSE they suspected it was sick and tried to treat it.
Yea scienctist have done stupid crap in the past. I really don't feel event is one of those stupid things.
They didn't kill it you fucking tard. It's rare because the environment
it normally inhabits is thousands of feet below sea level, and this sick
creature was found near shore. It was already dying. For all we know
these sharks could be quite common at that depth and, again, they didn't
kill it. Please don't procreate. Humanity can ill afford more of your stupidity.
I was just about to say this.
Instead of capturing it alive and perserving it they kill
."Its just confusing me because its a comment to a video about people trying to help a dying animal, which would be contradicting your point. Unless you are in favor of letting animals die for no reason, instead of at least trying to help them (which i dont hope, because this would make you a despicable person imo).
they could have taken a sub down or tied something heavy to it and drop it in deep water then have something that lets it go once it gets down deep enough
i push dat counter :D i have to apalogize to everyone. you are right. they didnt kill it, it would has die anyway and they probably tried to save it. it only can survive in deep waters. so stop liking my comment bros and bras!
Oh yeah, I am also the guy that voluntarily deployed to the middle east three times.
Do you set the mouse traps too?
Sometimes is surprising the stupid people one can find, you are particulary a jackass man (y)
"they killed a fish" who are you to place an human life above an animal life?
thats not the way life and earth will get better bro
its not a rare animal. its only rare to see it.
neither is this shark
just let it die naturally in its natural habitat, it would have survived longer and considering how long it has already survived it would probably survive for quite a long time
and even then why do we have to capture creatures and put them into unnatural habitats for the pleasure of humans to come and watch
Proceeds to kill it.
Fucking libtards.
I will not reply if an argument spurs up to prove me wrong as I am just stating s fact.
Im not talking about it dying, Im talking about the shark itself. Or, the species.
It truly is, to me, beautiful.
Jap fishermen are truly one of the banes of this world.
Ok just to clear up something. A prehistoric animal is an animal that lived in the prehistoric ages. Period. Does not mean they died. For example, the mammoth is a prehistoric animal, the elephant is the decendant of the mammoth. Same with the megalodon, it is a prehistoric shark, the great white is said to be the decendant of the megalodon. Now if we find a real living megalodon, it would be considered a prehistoric shark because it is what it is. We wouldnt call it a new species because it isnt new, it existed in the prehistoric ages. Same with this, they say that this is a prehistoric shark based on fossils dating back millions of years. It isnt a new species because this shark isnt recent, its not like a evolution of the modern day eel. if that were to happen, it would be called a new species, but it is prehistoric because it lived in the prehistoric ages. It is rare and prehistoric. ur definition of prehistoric animals is completely wrong. You are saying that prehistoric animals are all dead. Which is false because there is absolutely no way you can prove that. We call it a modern day animal because it is an animal that lives in the modern age. Now this does live in the modern ages, but it is considered a prehistoric animal because it hasnt really evolved. The reason it hasnt evolved is because its natural habitat which is hundreds or meters under water hasnt been altered. On land, us humans alter the land, thus animals either die or evolved in order to survive, thus somewhat becoming a new species.
So the title of the video should be, new specie (although that's not a new specie but just a rare shark...) of shark captured on film (but you know views and money...)