Prehistoric shark captured on film

57th - Most Discussed (All Time) - Pets & Animals - Global Info-Copyright 2007 Reuters. Video- ITV News Wednesday January 24-2007 A species of shark rarely seen alive because its natural habitat is about 2,000 feet under the sea was captured on film by staff at a Japanese marine park this week. The Awashima Marine Park in Shizuoka, south of Tokyo, was alerted by a fisherman at a nearby port on Sunday that he had spotted an odd-looking eel-like creature with a mouthful of needle-sharp teeth. Marine park staff caught the 5 foot (1.6 meter) long creature, which they identified as a female frilled shark, sometimes referred to as a "living fossil" because it is a primitive species that has changed little since prehistoric times. The shark appeared to be in poor condition when park staff moved it to a seawater pool where they filmed it swimming and opening its jaws. "We believe moving pictures of a live specimen are extremely rare," said an official at the park. "They live between 1,968 and 3,280 feet (600 and 1,000 meters) under the water, which is deeper than humans can go." "We think it may have come close to the surface because it was sick, or else it was weakened because it was in shallow waters," the official said. Copyright 2007 Reuters. Video- ITV News Wednesday January 24-2007 More info about this shark at

Prehistoric shark captured on film sentiment_very_dissatisfied 742

Shark videos 18 years ago 12,383,357 views

57th - Most Discussed (All Time) - Pets & Animals - Global Info-Copyright 2007 Reuters. Video- ITV News Wednesday January 24-2007 A species of shark rarely seen alive because its natural habitat is about 2,000 feet under the sea was captured on film by staff at a Japanese marine park this week. The Awashima Marine Park in Shizuoka, south of Tokyo, was alerted by a fisherman at a nearby port on Sunday that he had spotted an odd-looking eel-like creature with a mouthful of needle-sharp teeth. Marine park staff caught the 5 foot (1.6 meter) long creature, which they identified as a female frilled shark, sometimes referred to as a "living fossil" because it is a primitive species that has changed little since prehistoric times. The shark appeared to be in poor condition when park staff moved it to a seawater pool where they filmed it swimming and opening its jaws. "We believe moving pictures of a live specimen are extremely rare," said an official at the park. "They live between 1,968 and 3,280 feet (600 and 1,000 meters) under the water, which is deeper than humans can go." "We think it may have come close to the surface because it was sick, or else it was weakened because it was in shallow waters," the official said. Copyright 2007 Reuters. Video- ITV News Wednesday January 24-2007 More info about this shark at

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Most popular comments
for Prehistoric shark captured on film

abby Gaytan
abby Gaytan - 6 years ago
I cant stand looking at his gills they honestly give me the heeby geebies
Diego Otter
Diego Otter - 6 years ago
“HEY GUYS LOOK! A prehistoric looking creature that has been described as a “living fossil”! Lets go KILL IT to examine it instead of just LETTING IT LIVE IT’S LIFE GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!”
Jamarian ColeMan
Jamarian ColeMan - 7 years ago
I love frild Sharks
Lestat220289 - 7 years ago
The important thing I take from this comment section is that pseudo Animal activists are extremely stupid and can't understand the simple concept that THE SCIENTIST DID NOT KILL THIS SHARK, IT CAME TO THE SURFACE TO DIE, YOU FUCKS.

But then again, I already knew that.
John Cook
John Cook - 7 years ago
Here is another good example that humans need to STAY THE FUCK out of nature its prehistoric you fucks its lived all these yrs what do we do pull it out of its inviroment and fucking kill it in different waters a park she said right CMON Really!!!! Fuck people leave nature ALONE FUCKING TURDS!!!
samson montes
samson montes - 7 years ago
Mytical creature
Erika McDonald
Erika McDonald - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who thinks they're cute?
Matt Medlock
Matt Medlock - 7 years ago
Lol throw a poke ball at it. That guys funny.
cryptic - 7 years ago
Dumb asses tried to take it and killed it. All humans need to die

10. comment for Prehistoric shark captured on film

Steve Crabill
Steve Crabill - 7 years ago
Guess it's not so prehistoric after all
zacharycat - 7 years ago
i dont understand why they are called prehistoric if they still exist? thought to be prehistoric because they were found among dinosaur fossils. yet then all of these fish have been realized as currently living animals. so now that we know they are not prehistoric isnt it safe to say that the dinosaur fossils they were found with are also not prehistoric but seasoned? people during the middle ages were smaller than the average person today and the life expectancy has increased for people in the modern age, so does that mean in 500 years we have evolved because i believe that i read evolution takes place during mass amount of time such as 300 million years alowing the "adaptation. No species could survive if it took millions of years to adapt if i dont eat today tomorow i might find some food but if it takes 300 million years to find food ill die. simply die and not evolve. so i find it ironic that someone would watch this video and see how the supporting of evolution is self contradictarary to its own findings it condemns itself as a scientific theory. like i said if the fish that were believed to be prehistoric based on paleontologic findings where they were found amond dinosaurs, yet the fish exist today then maybe as a result of observation and fact the dinosaurs are no where near as old as believed and maybe actually lived among man and somepoint, as i belive from observing mans mythology involving dragon and also every culture has documented in drawing or in writing encounters with large lizards.
Owen Ltd
Owen Ltd - 7 years ago
Humans motoFind itCatch itKill itWe are such assholes
IWasBornInTheAmazon _
IWasBornInTheAmazon _ - 7 years ago
It's not real, it's mouth was open all the time and in its mouth you can see a red light. And the fact that it didn't even attack them is another thing.
The weird kid
The weird kid - 7 years ago
Is frilled shark
ugli cabbage
ugli cabbage - 7 years ago
I have never seen a comment section so unbelievably moronic as the one on this video. THEY DIDN'T FUCKING KILL THE SHARK, DUMBASSES. IT WAS ALREADY DYING. THAT'S WHY IT WAS NEAR THE FUCKING SURFACE.
Pro Doug
Pro Doug - 7 years ago
Sorry but that thing ain't no shark that shits a eel with teeth and a spine
Random Black Dude
Random Black Dude - 7 years ago
Fucking dumbass people catching it for "research." These things are now dead because of idiotic scientists.
Abhinav Kokate
Abhinav Kokate - 7 years ago
Why had it been took away from natural environment
Renzo A. Coyure Rodriguez
Renzo A. Coyure Rodriguez - 7 years ago
if you wish, you can see here more about the Frilled Shark:

20. comment for Prehistoric shark captured on film

Bob Sanderson
Bob Sanderson - 7 years ago
That shark was obviously in so much distress that it looked fake.
Ant Burgess
Ant Burgess - 7 years ago
in other words they killed it to disect it then made a bullshit excuse, sound rite ?
Machina Pupae
Machina Pupae - 7 years ago
Ant Burgress it was in poor health, they attempted to relocate it into a safer environment to attempt to study it and help it recover.
it died 4 hours after it was relocated to the new tank.
even if it was healthy it's adapted to a deep sea, low oxygen and high pressure environment, it wouldn't survive if they had let it go on it's way, this isn't hundreds of meters down, this is apparently just a few meters deep.
Ghost - 7 years ago
Guys, this is probably the least most endangered species of shark on the planet. The fact that we rarely see footage of it just shows how undisturbed it is by humans. We've just seen 'Rare footage' of it being this close to the surface. Chill out damn
Machina Pupae
Machina Pupae - 7 years ago
Well it was likely dying at the time sadly, it's left it's dark, cold abyss to be the first of it's kind to come in such contact with people, by contact i mean bumping into the camera.
Gaurav Gawai
Gaurav Gawai - 7 years ago
In the video the shark was already dead

Or how in this world it didn't used its fins and tail was not even shaking of not even used

They say its deep in the sea why would it come to the surface of the water
Machina Pupae
Machina Pupae - 7 years ago
some deep sea creatures migrate to the surface when they are nearing death... a more or less suicide, even they don't want to be left helpless with what is down there.
Machina Pupae
Machina Pupae - 7 years ago
This is real, they did not try to kill it, they attempted to relocate it into a safer enviroment.
it is deep sea, they migrate to the surface when they die at times, or at least some species do... it was sick, dying and maybe even blind, marine biologist confirmed the creature was in poor health and died 4 hours in their attempt to rescue it, sadly.
paladin productions
paladin productions - 7 years ago
Ok. First of all, the people didn't kill the shark, the shark was gonna die anyway wether they had taken it or not. And Secondly, it wasn't the last of its kind. They are just rare to see because of how deep underwater they live. Next time, think before you say something
Deco12ps - 7 years ago
Bando de filhos da puta
sola harshith
sola harshith - 7 years ago
Did they killed it ! Why? . It belongs to prehistoric . don't they knew it . If there are more such ones then it will be okay....
sola harshith
sola harshith - 7 years ago
Ghost - 7 years ago
Its already dead, but its a good chance to study the shark outside of water. Theres alot of them still out in the ocean, just really deep and we don't disturb them much. Its a perfectly healthy species
Rajarshi Sengupta
Rajarshi Sengupta - 7 years ago
And if you wanna get so excited thinking they are from the jurrasic go to the zoo and watch some crocodiles they are even before these creatures came.
Rajarshi Sengupta
Rajarshi Sengupta - 7 years ago
Fuck you guys they are found in abundance and are not extinct.They fall in the least concerned category and this is all bullshit.We simply cannot see them often because they are found in very deep ocean.

30. comment for Prehistoric shark captured on film

Amanda Moxon
Amanda Moxon - 7 years ago
Of course they fucking killed it
Remembered - 7 years ago
He doesn't care, he only wishes to eat it.
Le' seel
Le' seel - 7 years ago
Remembered Sources, idiot?
Greyt Scott
Greyt Scott - 7 years ago
Wtf. They killed it. Why waste our time telling us it was rare?!
Sean Nicholls
Sean Nicholls - 7 years ago
Bull you fucks the sharks dead lol not even moving look at the eyes lol
Leslie Gray
Leslie Gray - 7 years ago
Couldn't just leave her in her own habitat??? Fucking idiots!!!!!!!!!! This is why humans are the stupidest creatures.
Machina Pupae
Machina Pupae - 7 years ago
they relocated the shark because the shark was already sick and dying, simply think of it as your cat, it's sick, it's dying, it's going to the vet... simply the shark was beyond saving and was migrating to the surface for a quicker death.
they relocated it into a tank that mimicked it's environment, it died 4 hours later.
Rabbit Colony
Rabbit Colony - 7 years ago
Humans are absolute fuckwits, why not just leave the thing alone?
Bald & Bearded
Bald & Bearded - 7 years ago
Of course the only living specimen ever seen was killed by humans! This is absolutely retarded!!!!
Lauryn Rogers
Lauryn Rogers - 7 years ago
You know they ate that shit
Hugh Mann
Hugh Mann - 7 years ago
Of course, the fucking Chinks and Japs kill extinct animals and eat them. Fuck you slant eyed fucks
Bobby Lee
Bobby Lee - 7 years ago
Japan's "Marine Researchers"
madharuhi - 7 years ago
Shin Godzilla
Your Tube
Your Tube - 7 years ago
We're gonna need an older boat.
Kosh Naranek
Kosh Naranek - 7 years ago
why why why why why did these people take that ancient thing out of its home environment. idiots.
Michael Zappia
Michael Zappia - 7 years ago
I wonder what it tastes like?
vicki Bangs
vicki Bangs - 7 years ago
Humans are such a stupid selfish species. !!!! Leave the creatures in the wild !!! Why must they be captured and put in tiny tanks ??
Frank James Bonarrigo
Frank James Bonarrigo - 7 years ago
I shot a unicorn, guys
evolucion888 - 7 years ago
The shark was dying, hence being on shallow waters, they live so deep in the ocean that its nearly total darkness. Look the difference between this fish swimming odd and a healthy one on this video.
Melissa Goulet
Melissa Goulet - 7 years ago
idiot leave all sharks alone
Loly Betsin
Loly Betsin - 7 years ago
what if im find this shark im will say...
RUN ITS GODZILLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JuiceMyRandomness - 7 years ago
could they not have just tracked it? did they have to capture and kill?

50. comment for Prehistoric shark captured on film

Nathan bean
Nathan bean - 7 years ago
Why do humans have to touch? Honestly leave things alone that are clearly DEEP SEA animals, normal deep sea animals don't live long In captivity because they're not used to the pressure or the depth LEAVE IT ALONE
Catam Vanitas
Catam Vanitas - 7 years ago
Farrel Fadjrin
Farrel Fadjrin - 7 years ago
Is This A Predator
La La Smith
La La Smith - 7 years ago
f@cking humans I swear
RobTi - 7 years ago
I'm just here for the comments!

eats popcorn

be back in a few weeks
Archibald Cortex
Archibald Cortex - 7 years ago
Fucking human always interfere with nature with their science wtf man? Now it extinct again? Leave the Living fossil alone! We dont care about what are they.. we only care that they are alive and seen by people.
Shadow Torchx2
Shadow Torchx2 - 7 years ago
Shadow Torchx2
Shadow Torchx2 - 7 years ago
deep sigh..
Alberto Vela
Alberto Vela - 7 years ago
my guess is that it was already going to die cuz it was in the surface
RINZVEN GAMING - 7 years ago
Fuck Up Japan Its A Rare Creature and kill it The Fuck The They Fucking Smilling on That!!!
Syed Jahanzaib
Syed Jahanzaib - 7 years ago
um its looks sick thats why it came to the surface
kelvin ananda
kelvin ananda - 7 years ago
new kind of sashimi i guess
Armen V
Armen V - 7 years ago
frootjooce - 7 years ago
Of course they killed it. It's a fish and they're Japs. Probably made sushi roll out of it then went and speared some baby dolphins for dessert.
Maria Pietrafesa
Maria Pietrafesa - 7 years ago
Is a snake shark
Sweeneytv - 7 years ago
It's an endangered species. We'd better kill it, to keep the species alive.
Sargent1004 - 7 years ago
Not prehistoric it swims very deep there are many of these sharks and if u see one it will not harm u it swallows small fish and has not teeth to chew with
Raszo - 7 years ago
It would’ve exploded(molecularly) anyways, these types of sea creatures are used to living in a high underwater pressure atmosphere, so being that close to the surface it really had no hope. All you people complaining about them ‘killing’ it, it was going to die some RESEARCH!
Itz Milkyy
Itz Milkyy - 7 years ago
Humans are earths cancer
gin idontthinkso
gin idontthinkso - 7 years ago
Behold, the worst YouTube comment section.
William Cheatham
William Cheatham - 7 years ago
frillrd shark
The lead skater in Alduin on ice
The lead skater in Alduin on ice - 7 years ago
They didn't find this shark in its natural habitat. It was going to die regardless of human interference or not. Even if they did everything to save it the resources to take it back to the deep sea where it can survive just weren't available in time for it to be brought back. I understand people are upset at the death of rare creature, often humans indeed kill nearly extinct animals, but this is not one such case.
atimmons31 - 7 years ago
This is for Brandon Sloan from 3 years ago. ( Or for all evolutionists ) How does evolution or the so called Big Bang make any sense ? Let's see, it goes something like this. First there was nothing & then it exploded & made everything. What the hell exploded in the first place & how can nothing explode to make the entire universe ? I don't know how God created everything either or where he came from, but I would rather believe in a supreme being that created everything instead of nothing creating everything. If evolution is true then why worry if an animal becomes extinct, it will just be replaced by something better, right ? Why would any animal go extinct in the first place, it should have evolved & stayed alive. Can any animal really wait millions of years to change itself to survive ? I think it would die out first. Thanks.
The Doge of Serbia
The Doge of Serbia - 7 years ago
Lily Raimey
Lily Raimey - 7 years ago
This video came out when I was six years old, and I'm still captivated by it.
Lily Raimey
Lily Raimey - 7 years ago
He looked beautiful, but so miserable.
Lily Raimey
Lily Raimey - 7 years ago
Evil people.
Elliot Saleski
Elliot Saleski - 7 years ago
A beautiful and rare shark killed why aren't we preserving such an old creature
build Bricks
build Bricks - 7 years ago
it's Alan destroyer from hungry shark evo
The mighty melv Ninja
The mighty melv Ninja - 7 years ago
Elizabeth Avila
Elizabeth Avila - 7 years ago
What the heck!!! Why move this amazing prehistoric shark out of its environment! I understand they did it with a right thought but she got killed!!!! No, she should have been left alone!
El Dude
El Dude - 7 years ago
Fake news.
Jenny Ananth
Jenny Ananth - 7 years ago
I believe that the megalondon shark is still out there...
Michael Wang
Michael Wang - 7 years ago
that one in the marine park died after hours in there....:(
Kooler M
Kooler M - 7 years ago
Atomo - 7 years ago
so lets catch an extremely rare shark and then kill it for science. makes no sense at all.
Mr. Pryor
Mr. Pryor - 7 years ago
Eal mix with shark
Derp - 7 years ago
These emerges from the depth when they are dying. Calm the fuck down people.
Mr. Cookies
Mr. Cookies - 7 years ago
They're were trying to save it I guess..?

It's hard to believe humans would do that.
Inkvermin II
Inkvermin II - 7 years ago
They take a very rare, endangered shark out of the wild to try to "save" it but proceeds to kill it... that's one less shark of that population. Just let them breed in the wild.
merman Fish
merman Fish - 7 years ago
oh noo,what have you done,you humans killed it Q □ Q
Stickman Isiah gaming
Stickman Isiah gaming - 7 years ago
frilled sharks are my favorite sharks
Violet Sevener
Violet Sevener - 7 years ago
This is lovely, I'm doing a test on the Frilled Shark.
Edward S
Edward S - 7 years ago
sick shark
Tre Johnson
Tre Johnson - 7 years ago
Rogelio Acevedo
Rogelio Acevedo - 7 years ago
80 million years ago ? Yeah sure lol.
Tosh Satake
Tosh Satake - 7 years ago
That frilled shark is fucking dogshit
Steve52344 - 7 years ago
They couldn't just let nature take its course. They had to interfere. Fucking humans!
Oliver Dong
Oliver Dong - 7 years ago
The damn thing was already dying. No no no but heaven forbid we try and save it! Clearly all humans are evil and wicked.
dimitri wasowski
dimitri wasowski - 7 years ago
This is what they did to Tasmanian tiger, just kill it, I honestly thought Japan learnt from Australia's mistake
Jacky Maico
Jacky Maico - 7 years ago
18 million years old then they killed it? Poor shark! Humans sucks! ../..

100. comment for Prehistoric shark captured on film

Danyell Gonzalez
Danyell Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Capture it?! Why?! It's rare! So STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kevkev 36
kevkev 36 - 7 years ago
He looks really positive
Stop Asking For My Name
Stop Asking For My Name - 7 years ago
Hi Alan
Ben Baxter
Ben Baxter - 7 years ago
you idiots !
Fantastic_Friars - 7 years ago
all thes people are complaining about how they killed the shark, did you watch the video. the shark was dying and they did the best that they could to keep it alive
Ascelline - 8 years ago
All of you need to inform yourselves and listen to the fu video before demonizing these Japanese Scientists. I am writing this because I was fed up over how many people saying that they captured it and killed it. NO. These creatures are RARE because they are found at really low depths and not common ocean depths a human can survive. The shark came up to the shore and if you ever learned anything about pressure in highschool then you would understand that the shark wouldve died either way. These Japanese scientists were trying to save it but of no prevail. Stop acting like a bunch of sensitive ignorant grade schoolers and inform your fucking self before commenting.
F Ø X Ý. T H Ə P Î R Ä Ț Ě F Ø X フォクシーとケイ/ケイ サンダ
F Ø X Ý. T H Ə P Î R Ä Ț Ě F Ø X フォクシーとケイ/ケイ サンダ - 8 years ago
Good job japan! You caught Shin Godzilla's first form!
Poppy Jox Bailey
Poppy Jox Bailey - 8 years ago
Omg stupid idiots for killing the poor shark no one ever knows that could have been the last one :'(
E-8794 - 8 years ago
0:00 through 0:15 it kind of felt as if she was talking about my penis...
STL 32
STL 32 - 8 years ago
fucking humans smh...
Critical Mass
Critical Mass - 8 years ago
A living fossil only gets 11 million views, but gang nam style has 1 billion?
PixelTheMan - 8 years ago
lol it not endangered/extinct its least concers
Common Sense
Common Sense - 8 years ago
Why couldn't they enclose it in an open pen???!!
Guigamerr - 8 years ago
Reaper leviathan
iLightning - 8 years ago
this is a frilled shark! the rarest shark in the spieces!
Jaimie Fieg
Jaimie Fieg - 8 years ago
No fucking shit
music gaming
music gaming - 8 years ago
it is a shark and long I'm gonna call him Alan the destroyer of worlds
Judge Executioner
Judge Executioner - 8 years ago
One of the biggest myth is saying we found and it's 80 million years old when the truth is they don't know how old are fossils really are.
Garble Fink
Garble Fink - 8 years ago
Way to go dicks.... capture the last one and it dies. Should've just left it in its hsvitat
KingOfKaiju05 - 8 years ago
Its shin godzilla
Dismer - 8 years ago
For those of you who are afraid that capturing it killed it, thats not what happened. This species lives quite far under the sea, the fact that it came to the surface, coupled with its lethargic movement indicates it was dying. It wasn't anyone's fault, the fish is obviously sick.
Dismer - 8 years ago
aslo fyi this shark is nowhere near endangered its classified as least concern on the population charts.
HiroshimaAngel - 8 years ago
Oh ffs.... "Let's jump to conclusions and bitch about things we never heard of until 2 minutes ago!" facepalm Did anyone listen to the audio? Did anyone bother to look up additional info on this creature before going all PETA keyboard warrior? ...
From a 5-second Google search:On January 21, 2007, a Japanese fisherman discovered a 1.6 m (5.2 ft) long female alive at the surface, perhaps there because of illness or weakness from the warm water. It was brought to Awashima Marine Park in Shizuoka, where it died after a few hours.[25]
More links supporting that humans did not fuck with it, humans did not remove it from its natural habitat, humans did not kill it. Some deep sea creatures surface and beach when dying; check out the giant oarfish.
The More You Know cue sparkly rainbow shooting star
heat flux
heat flux - 8 years ago
M Mk
M Mk - 8 years ago
Well... humans are the dumbest shit on this planet
ShinGojiGaming - 8 years ago
one weird thing look inside it's mouth its glowing!!!!

radiation!/nuclear fission!

like godzilla!
ShinGojiGaming - 8 years ago
looks like shin godzilla
Paul. Delacasas
Paul. Delacasas - 8 years ago
Idk if you guys have watched Shin Godzilla but this Looks like his 1st form.
Aristotlestudent LivesInHisMothersBasement
Aristotlestudent LivesInHisMothersBasement - 8 years ago
LOL at the fucking retards commenting on this post as "THE LAST OF IT'S KIND!"
Fatima Patwary
Fatima Patwary - 8 years ago
She got out off her secret facility to surprise human.. And they killed her.. They should have known it well that a million years old thing is highly vulnerable
To our man made environment
moderated obsession
moderated obsession - 8 years ago
say wtv u want to make yourself feel better the truth is by moving it we contributed to the cause of its death
John Smith
John Smith - 8 years ago
It was going to die regardless. Failing to save something despite your best efforts is NOT the same as contributing to its death.
ImaFazeBucket - 8 years ago
That a frilled shark
anthony - 8 years ago
So many fucking stupid people... What'd they expect taking out a deep sea creature out of its natural habitat? the waters are so deep that there is no sunlight animals down there how to create there own light, food source etc via chemosynthesis. Why can't people appreciate these creatures and safely study them once they find a way to do it without killing the creature smh
Happy Farmer
Happy Farmer - 8 years ago
LoL Evan, that was savage.
Killian - 8 years ago
anthony Dumb bitch
Evan Spencer
Evan Spencer - 8 years ago
so you start out by calling everybody else stupid. Then claim that a DEEP SEA creature found dying in SHALLOW WATER was pulled out of it's natural habitat? I wish there was a vaccine for this level of oblivious ignorance
Fabbe Haak
Fabbe Haak - 8 years ago
How did you film this
niamhbarrett99x - 8 years ago
it died because of humans.... i hate humanity
ϟhitlord - 8 years ago
+niamhbarrett99x buttburt detected
niamhbarrett99x - 8 years ago
+Shitlord shut up
ϟhitlord - 8 years ago
Then kill yourself
Romeo Derose II
Romeo Derose II - 8 years ago
Well is time for them to make sushi
Alvkay VIP
Alvkay VIP - 8 years ago
That's not a prehistoric shark caught on film. It's a frilled shark they've been around, for years!
Konundrum - 8 years ago
Sushi time!
Tupac Amaru Anti-man6ia
Tupac Amaru Anti-man6ia - 8 years ago
life is amazing
Land Fish
Land Fish - 8 years ago
Would you rather french kiss a 20 year olds ass or get a blowjob/rim job from this thing.
zanocco641 - 8 years ago
LandFish199 8 20 year olds can be hot so why not?
John Camden
John Camden - 8 years ago
Can I do both?
kolby bryant
kolby bryant - 8 years ago
Goddamn humans.. Y'all should've left her alone !
Random Stuffs
Random Stuffs - 8 years ago
Goddamn Humans.. Ya'll should think before you say something !
Doctor Pazuzu
Doctor Pazuzu - 8 years ago
Was already going to die.
tayshaun Canonme01
tayshaun Canonme01 - 8 years ago
This is a shark but a ancient shark closely resembles the early contaligous(basically a ancestor of the shark and rays) fish so yeah make sense why it is rare to find this guy/girl
dodoz44 - 8 years ago
+tayshaun Canonme01
I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if there are. Water pressure is a real bitch at those depths, and those creatures thrive there.
tayshaun Canonme01
tayshaun Canonme01 - 8 years ago
+dodoz44 yeah probally we know more about the World outside our planet than the depths this fish are probally plentiful and maybe other Ancestor Fish may lurk under the sea
dodoz44 - 8 years ago
They might not be all that rare. It's just that their natural habitat is still mostly out of our reach. There are probably plenty undiscovered species living in the depths of the oceans.
Jake Brown
Jake Brown - 8 years ago
It had information leading to Hillary's arrest AND Trump's tax returns.
Jarod Francis
Jarod Francis - 8 years ago
Whats the point of its teeth?
D-rose fan
D-rose fan - 8 years ago
the shark is not hurt but it died because of those prick captured it
WICKEDLEE LOOPY - 8 years ago
not carnivorous . smaller cousin to the whale shark
ϟhitlord - 8 years ago
nvm discard that comment I thought I was on a greenland shark video
Ahron Villanueva
Ahron Villanueva - 8 years ago
it's Alan the destroyer in Hungry shark evolution.
Elliot Rodger
Elliot Rodger - 8 years ago
They should have not been allowed to get in the water with that shark. They killed a living fossil
Riley Cat
Riley Cat - 8 years ago
watch them hunting
wattapong - 8 years ago
All these idiots complaining about them taking it out of the ocean and killing it, stop trying to be heroes and warriors. You're all idiots, do your research first. They won't even appear if they're not dying. These deep sea creatures never swim up. Those japs know what they're doing, japs always know what they're doing! Haha
zander family
zander family - 8 years ago
it's actually a filled shark
creativityblows - 8 years ago
Frilled shark soup, next delicacy
Bold And Brash
Bold And Brash - 8 years ago
creativityblows 1 day later, extinct
Kerorofan - 8 years ago
I love the comment section of videos like this. All these little eco-warriors who think they're tough stuff. Always worth a giggle. Go watch Whale Wars and shut up.
Alex Luna
Alex Luna - 8 years ago
+Kerorofan well then why dont you go train tough eco warriors to actually stir shit up!! like Stan from south park
Kerorofan - 8 years ago
+moderated obsession
It's called fuck off back to Granola Land, Hippie.
moderated obsession
moderated obsession - 8 years ago
lol its called caring for the planet
sean unknown
sean unknown - 8 years ago
too much captain planet i guess
Renzo - 8 years ago
"Eco-warriors" lol.
cobyveron - 8 years ago
my body started itching after looking at its gills
ShinGojiGaming - 7 years ago
yeah so itchy!!!!! the gills looks like a puppet i agree
cobyveron - 7 years ago
ShingojiGaming2016RoBLOx it looks like a remote control puppet huh!!??
ShinGojiGaming - 7 years ago
looks like shin godzilla same gill design wait did the mouth just glowed??!!! 0:10
cobyveron - 8 years ago
Marcin Woroch ahh its gross,,I hate how the seeds pop up in the holes
Mor Mar
Mor Mar - 8 years ago
cobyveron I kknow I got goosbumps now :/
ARC9652 Productions
ARC9652 Productions - 8 years ago
I know right? it looked creepy
Fish Fish
Fish Fish - 8 years ago
The shark was already dying; oarfish come into the shallows when they die, this guy did something similar.
Joxh - 8 years ago
those japanese assholes should leave it alone WHAT IF IT IS THE ONLY ONE OF IT'S KIND your gonna be dead. think before you act...
Joxh - 8 years ago
+Poke Espeon they live in the depths of the ocean
Joxh - 8 years ago
+Poke Espeon those are thrilled sharks
Joxh - 8 years ago
+Poke Espeon i already knew it
Darian The Dinosaur
Darian The Dinosaur - 8 years ago
Also, the people tried to help it but it was too late
Darian The Dinosaur
Darian The Dinosaur - 8 years ago
The shark was dying, that's why they brought it on land. It would have died anyway, also despite it being called prehistoric, these sharks are quite common
Coll egio
Coll egio - 8 years ago
It's real, but it's fake. Basically it's dead, but those damn Japanese are pulling its stiff lifeless body through the water like it's still alive. It's a deep sea creature, so it couldn't even survive near the less pressurized surface.
Fish Fish
Fish Fish - 8 years ago
I'm inclined to believe you; it does look very dead in the water, I assumed it was dying, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were stringing it along.
Pasindu Liyanage
Pasindu Liyanage - 8 years ago
Fkn idiots
Woah Bandicoot
Woah Bandicoot - 8 years ago
The shark looked unhealthy, even so it was definatly gonna stay alive if those idiot hadn't messed with it. You see this happen all the time with sea animals when they are taken from their natural environment or the transport process/aquarium has improper conditions for them.
Shelby Seelbach
Shelby Seelbach - 8 years ago
I never claimed to know anything about it. I just pointed out that you can't know anything your claiming from watching this video, you are giving opinions and assumptions as facts, I don't need to research anything to know your full of shit.
Woah Bandicoot
Woah Bandicoot - 8 years ago
+Shelby Seelbach​​ And please consider doing your research, Im confident about what im talking about. And as much knowledge i don't have you don't either.
Woah Bandicoot
Woah Bandicoot - 8 years ago
+Shelby Seelbach Neither do you? And yes I do know so do your own research on all the thousands accounts of sea animals wounding up dead during the process
Shelby Seelbach
Shelby Seelbach - 8 years ago
oh so washer you mean is, you think. no matter how good you think your ASSUMPTIONS are, YOU DON'T KNOW........ YOU ASSUME. I see.
Woah Bandicoot
Woah Bandicoot - 8 years ago
+Shelby Seelbach I know because it was staying alive alot of years before human intervention. This creature was not in the best shape, despite that it managed to survive for a long while until humans decided to relocate it. This is very common around the world, many animals die whether healthy or ill when transported. Even if the transportation is successful most die within the same week.
Shelby Seelbach
Shelby Seelbach - 8 years ago
how the hell do you know that, are you a marine biologist?
Kikach 38117
Kikach 38117 - 8 years ago
Fun Fact:
Alan, Destroyer of Worlds is genetically engineered Frilled Shark...
Godofwar Slaying
Godofwar Slaying - 8 years ago
Beautiful O.o
Lexi Boo77
Lexi Boo77 - 8 years ago
Lexi Boo77
Lexi Boo77 - 8 years ago
Those gills r gross!
Alex Díaz
Alex Díaz - 8 years ago
And of course, they fucking killed
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
it was already dying all they did was to speed up the process they couldnt magically reverse it.
NudelKrieger - 8 years ago
very cool. I like Frill sharks
Michelle Amor
Michelle Amor - 8 years ago
idiots...why the fuck would they capture it
Justin Rayfield Experience
Justin Rayfield Experience - 8 years ago
idiots!! if the species supposedly has been around for 18 million years or whatever then leave it be! I don't believe humans can say something is that old anyway. how would you truly know that haha!
Jackal head
Jackal head - 8 years ago
It looks like evolution puked all over this thing
cuntdracula - 8 years ago
you can allways count on humens to be fuckturds who destroyes everything
Ls Alves
Ls Alves - 8 years ago
se fosse aqui eu jogava meu celular nele pra capturar
Da Little Pig
Da Little Pig - 8 years ago
I did a project about this
Jonna Heiskanen
Jonna Heiskanen - 8 years ago
Wow look! I found a prehistoric animal alive, Lets kill it!!.. Fucking idiots..
Jimmy   Nava
Jimmy Nava - 8 years ago
Jonna Heiskanen They didnt say little liar you
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
1. they didnt kill it
2. it was dying anyways, like alot of deepwater animals it came close to the surface because it was dying.
Bold And Brash
Bold And Brash - 8 years ago
Dont forget extremely rare
_David_Pryor_ - 8 years ago
Fucker was probably alive. For decades then these fuckin Asians want to bring it on land to "save" it now it's dead. Congrats. Take another nuke , u deserve it
_David_Pryor_ - 8 years ago
+that one guy not to mention these people haven't got the best reputation for protecting marine life and preserving there presence. There culture in regards to marine life is widely based on eating them and profiting from killing and harvesting them for there valuable body parts n what not.
_David_Pryor_ - 8 years ago
+that one guy I'm just saying that it has managed to survive and live on its own this long they should just let it continue to. I'm thinkin there's a good chance it would have still been alive had they not interfered being that #1 they no nothing about its lifestyle and how it will react to being removed from the water and #2 they obviously don't know how to help it since I'm guessing no one has ever studied them in order to even know how to help it. I'm about 100% sure they were more interested in dissecting it more than saving it, bet they weren't bothered one bit by its death.
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
it was already dying they brought it on land in hopes to get it help and return it to the water but it died as they were doing so
bad nipple
bad nipple - 8 years ago
I was excited until they said they captured it
"it died shortly after capture" wtf did you think was gonna happen
Fish Fish
Fish Fish - 8 years ago
It was dying before they caught it, that's why it was swimming in that way.
em - 8 years ago
I honestly think it's adorable
IEscaped TheAsylum
IEscaped TheAsylum - 8 years ago
OPH WE FOUND A RARE SPECIES!!! Let's kill it and ensure it won't survive or breed to make more! Bloody human logic...
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
it was already dying, its not magically going to reproduce and continue its species
Natalie Payne
Natalie Payne - 8 years ago
I kinda feel bad but this is so ugly
galaxy pills
galaxy pills - 8 years ago
Why the fuck do people do this? What the fuck is wrong with people? Am I the only person who wonders how different the world would be if people weren't around? lol sorry I hate humankind this turned into a rant haha
Grineer Researcher Tyl Regor
Grineer Researcher Tyl Regor - 7 years ago
moderated obsession Actually the Frilled shark lives in the depths of the ocean and only come to the surface when dying,so it was already going to die they tried to help it but due to the lack of knowledge about it,The frilled shark died
moderated obsession
moderated obsession - 8 years ago
say wtv u want to make yourself feel better the truth is by moving it we contributed to the cause of its death
Oli The Angry Joltik
Oli The Angry Joltik - 8 years ago
west side The difference in water pressure would have killed it anyway.
Shooters Hill Road
Shooters Hill Road - 8 years ago
that one guy how?
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
because it was already about to die.
SteelEagle33 - 8 years ago
Fuckin chinks, always fuckin with ocean life and shit.
Winding Wires
Winding Wires - 8 years ago
I have been watching basking shark and frilled shark videos with my dad (shark week before shark week, am I right?) and I started laughing when it first showed it swimming from the front view. my words?: "Wtf its swim walking! the one thing I cant do!"
Pedro Gonçalves
Pedro Gonçalves - 8 years ago
Isn't this a deep see species? With did the fucking japanese took it out killed one of the last from this endangered ancient species?You bastards took 2 nukes and it wasn't enough
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
it was already dying at the surface they couldnt magically save it.
It wasnt the last of its species because they still surface and die from time to time
AngryKitty - 8 years ago
Typical human logic. "heres an ancient, potentially endangered species, hell, it might even just be the last of its kind......LETS FUCK WITH IT....... omg it dieded, howd dat happun???"
Le' seel
Le' seel - 7 years ago
AngryKitty Hey dumbass, the noice frilled shark is dying already even if the humans didn't take action. Scientists tried to save him from death but unfortunately he died. Do a bit research before on frilled shark and you'll be finally be an educated individual and not a stupid moron.
I'm Dead
I'm Dead - 7 years ago
LOL if its the last one so what? Deadass it wouldn't reproduce so whats the point? Atleast we preserved its body.
The Amazing 9 Year Old
The Amazing 9 Year Old - 7 years ago
Careful with the Edge bro.
VinsUplifting - 8 years ago
Couldn't agree more.. Humans are a plague on this planet.
Jessica Griffith
Jessica Griffith - 8 years ago
I couldn't agree more
Sans Bones
Sans Bones - 8 years ago
Actually it would have died regardless because the difference in water pressure slowly kills them in shallow water
Fish Fish
Fish Fish - 8 years ago
+Mumble Cakes Someone else commented that it's already dead and they're just dragging it through the water - morbid, but kind of explains the dead look in it's eyes. (Either way, you're right, it was dead before they got to it).
MumbleCakes - 8 years ago
I read that it was already sick and dying before it was even discovered in those oceans.
Fish Fish
Fish Fish - 8 years ago
It came into the shallows to die (that's why it's swimming like that, it was dying - like oarfish).
Dylan Kennedy
Dylan Kennedy - 8 years ago
+AngryKitty Wow I was not expecting such a deep response. Wow. I don't know what to say...
AngryKitty - 8 years ago
+Dylan Kennedy I would never deny my humanity. That being said, I, like most if not all people am capable of being an ignorant, idiotic jerkoff. However, I recognize the flaws of our species that I recognize in myself, and I do my damndest to work against them. Unfortunately I am human, so it doesn't work out nearly often enough. I hate our species, we are destructive, delusional, immature, violent, and beyond wasteful.

Seeing people embracing these negative aspects rather than trying to correct them hits a nerve. Such as the idiots who ripped a fragile ancient rare creature from its habitat and killed the fucking thing doing so. Fuck those people.
Dylan Kennedy
Dylan Kennedy - 8 years ago
Might I mind that YOU yourself are indeed a human being as well? You talk as if you're a part of another species.
Flyboy16 - 8 years ago
reptilian Pete
reptilian Pete - 8 years ago
this is why people should leave them where there are stop fucking with animals lives
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
it was already dying when they found it, the only interfercence was taking it out shortly before it died.
It Must Be RoofCake
It Must Be RoofCake - 8 years ago
Seriously, fuck Japans ocean.
Nicole Napoli
Nicole Napoli - 8 years ago
OH MAN! There extinct! ):
Nicole Napoli
Nicole Napoli - 8 years ago
OH MAN! There extinct! ):
chrishasaclue - 8 years ago
people fuck up everything they touch
PeskyTheMemeotaurus - 8 years ago
Idiots. Why the hell did they think to take that poor little frilled shark to a frikin petting zoo?! If great whites can't survive in captivity, what made them think that that little guy could?!
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
where in the fuck did you get your info?
it was dying anyways wich is why it was at the surface
they didnt take it to a petting zoo
there arent great whites in petting zoos let alone zoos of anykind
kirby kirby
kirby kirby - 8 years ago
yeh lots of pplz put funny cuments wth luts of mispelt werds
PeskyTheMemeotaurus - 8 years ago
The game was only released a few weeks ago. I'm sure they will add it soon, as another gigantic shark. And btw it's in hungry shark evolution
PvtMadnage - 8 years ago
It came from the Mariana Trench and its called the Frilled Shark.. and has roots going back to 80 million years.
Terry MaC
Terry MaC - 8 years ago
More proof that Darwinism is shit.
Terry MaC
Terry MaC - 8 years ago
+that one guy Well just bless your heart.
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
darwinism and neo darwinism are both about evolution but different forms of evolution.
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
darwinism and neo darwinism are both about evolution but different forms of evolution.
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
did you even read those articles? those are regaurding "neo darwinsm" wich is known to have some issues however normal darwinism doesnt have the same faults.
Terry MaC
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
So I take that as a no? not suprised seeing as this is not proof against darwinism seeing as the frilled shark evolved to the point where it no longer needs to evolve in it's own enviroment but it isn't evolved to the point where it can survive in low pressure water where it was found.
Terry MaC
Terry MaC - 8 years ago
+that one guy Oh, girl. You're a hoot.
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
citation needed because all thats coming from you are baseless claims.
Terry MaC
Terry MaC - 8 years ago
+that one guy ALL the science proves Darwinism is shit. This is another example.
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
you said "more proof that darwinism is shit" but what proof? you cant just say something is proof without a reason as to why its "proof" or "evidence" as to why darwinism is shit, its very simple to understand.
Terry MaC
Terry MaC - 8 years ago
+that one guy You need an editor. You make no sense.
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
proof of what? you cant just say proof with out proof of something to begin with
Tim Cruz
Tim Cruz - 8 years ago
this shark is a space shark
Ronan Terry
Ronan Terry - 8 years ago
dumb asses should've left it alone assholes
Ronan Terry
Ronan Terry - 8 years ago
angry kitty knows what I mean
AngryKitty - 8 years ago
You only knew it was dying because you read other peoples comments, you stupid cunt.
cool cool
cool cool - 8 years ago
It was dying you stupid cunt
Sebastian Chang
Sebastian Chang - 8 years ago
That's why you LEAVE ANIMALS IN THEIR OWN HABITAT! Stupid ass world
cool cool
cool cool - 8 years ago
It was in shallow water to die. Not even their habitat. It would have died anyway
blasphemytard - 8 years ago
+Sebastian Chang No. You bring them up to man's realm for dissection and studying.
swanmyth - 8 years ago
DMF Dan - 8 years ago
Care to elaborate?
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 8 years ago
Wait people think people somehow killed the shark?
I hope they realize that when a deep-sea shark goes into the shallows, odds are they had multiple sensory failures and are about to die.
Rhuel Smith
Rhuel Smith - 8 years ago
Hungry Hungry Shark....Best App :)
Arif Rachman
Arif Rachman - 8 years ago
they gonna make sushi with that
Andrew Nicholls
Andrew Nicholls - 8 years ago
Fucking cunts! Why can't them stupid human leave creatures where they belong instead of grabbing them just to make money! Poor shark... If it's that rare and old you'd leave it.. All due respect
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 8 years ago
+Minecrafter lol Let's get roight into the noose.
Minecrafter lol
Minecrafter lol - 8 years ago
+Brody Pullishy other way around get rekt son
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 8 years ago
+Minecrafter lol You're fucking retarded
Come back when you do some fucking research, you cheeky wanker.
Minecrafter lol
Minecrafter lol - 8 years ago
+Brody Pullishy so
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 8 years ago
+Minecrafter lol You got a little something on your face
It's an extra chromosome.
Minecrafter lol
Minecrafter lol - 8 years ago
+Brody Pullishy says the dumb person that doesnt care about anything
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 8 years ago
+Minecrafter lol Nice Minecraft Avatar
The fact that you would fucking piss yourself over humans killing something else, and then claim to be a nature advocate is completely hypocritical.
Minecrafter lol
Minecrafter lol - 8 years ago
+Brody Pullishy other way around
Horizone - 8 years ago
+Andrew Nicholls Because it doesn't belong in shallow waters, and it was either sick, or dying already.

You should probably do your research, they tried to save it, but it was already going to die anyway, so there's nothing they could do.
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 8 years ago
Minecrafter lol
Minecrafter lol - 8 years ago
I agree! I love nature and wildlife and I hate it when some stupid drunk people mess with them
askadetra - 8 years ago
notice how such prehistoric animals caught on video alive, look somehow different than the modern animals. the prehistoric animals look scarier, more primitive and scary.
The Fraternian
The Fraternian - 8 years ago
We should capture species in order to further our knowledge, 1 life means nothing, all lives mean nothing, you life has no value, nothing has objective value, now shut up you weak sissy girl.
askadetra - 8 years ago
+Brody Pullishy you´re wrong and it´s all you can say. now shut up bitch
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 8 years ago
+askadetra You just admitted that your life had no value either.
askadetra - 8 years ago
+AtheistImperator considering your way of thinking, your life has no value, you´re a useless animal that wants to satisfy its curiosity and achieve its goals at any cost, even if animals are harmed or killed.
luongrobert4 - 8 years ago
The only thing that is dying are the brain cells of humans coming up with the most uneducated comments along this section. Go read a book about Marine Biology or something. You learn a lot more than "googling".
MILLION surprises TV
MILLION surprises TV - 8 years ago
Hi! I like your video a lot! Thank you for good work. I wish fantastic success to your channel! And I would like to be your youtube friend:))
Pyscho ZombieGirl
Pyscho ZombieGirl - 8 years ago
Let's capture this rare shark found in Australia and take it out of its habitat then let it die!' Yeah, way to go you mean pricks!
Pyscho ZombieGirl
Pyscho ZombieGirl - 8 years ago
It's called a Frilled Shark and it was found in Victoria Australia
Jonathan Waters
Jonathan Waters - 9 years ago
that bih ugly asf kmsl
KingMartinelli - 9 years ago
why didnt they shoot it
Barbora Holubcová
Barbora Holubcová - 9 years ago
"hey, there's a new rare species, let's capture it and let it die!"
cool cool
cool cool - 8 years ago
+Barbora Holubcová you can't help a shark back into deep waters. use common sense
Barbora Holubcová
Barbora Holubcová - 8 years ago
+j0xa1 take a chill pill genius. By surfacing I meant getting stranded on the shore becaue my vocabulary isnt perfect, sue me
j0xa1 - 8 years ago
+Barbora Holubcová Whales don't surface on accident, the surface to breathe.. are you actually retarded?
Barbora Holubcová
Barbora Holubcová - 9 years ago
+Cat Bear okay, I surrender, you guys are prolly right
Cat Bear
Cat Bear - 9 years ago
+Barbora Holubcová It doesn't surface by accident, because it's habitat is in the deep. It's physiology doesn't allow it to stay up in shallower waters for very long, so they actually never go up unless they are sick and unable to keep themselves in the deep.
alexander heron the inventor
alexander heron the inventor - 9 years ago
It's a frill
Barbora Holubcová
Barbora Holubcová - 9 years ago
+Traxelminia What if it got surfaced by accident? Like whales? You dont capture whales, you help them back into the water...
Kevin Gonzalez Acevedo
Kevin Gonzalez Acevedo - 9 years ago
+Barbora Holubcová the shark went to the surface to die, pretty sure they "captured" the animal after its death, no official source though, just trying to use logic. :P
Cass Pan
Cass Pan - 9 years ago
If Japan had decided to make a submarine to see deep sea creatures, that's it, it's too much popular.
W Gaston
W Gaston - 9 years ago
Yes! People are rather stupid sometimes! For instance, prehistoric! Thete is really no such thing as prehistoric! Billions of years! No such thing as that either! God created the universe and Earth in 6 literal days! The animal kingdom, all of it, dinosaurs included, were created just a few days before He created man! A couple of days don't quslify as prehistoric! Spare me the mindless, atheistic, evolutionary, pseudo-science! I used to believe it, and probably know more about it than you!
W Gaston
W Gaston - 8 years ago
+that one guy Explaining how things are made doesn't erase the maker. Does figuring out how a car is made erase the the fact it was designed by somebody? Of course not! Science can explain a lot of things, but this doesn't erase God.
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
actually Hatts Games comment made plenty of sense of a creationist like you wouldnt understand it.
W Gaston
W Gaston - 8 years ago
+Hatts Games When I wipe my backside after a nice, healthy bowel evacuation, the residue on the toilet paper has more sense than you're rebuttal! You're one of these loser scoffers and mockers that have no clue!
Hattachi Setoma
Hattachi Setoma - 8 years ago
Doubt you do.
If you did then you wouldn't be spouting off creationist bullshit.

The easiest way to explain something is to pin it to a higher power.

Though your whole arguement goes to show that you are a very lazy and mindless individual.
dUmbCuntt - 9 years ago
Carmelo Napoli
Carmelo Napoli - 9 years ago
Josiffrank - 9 years ago
Hey, scientist, there is such things as computer chips you can attach to the shark and it send you data and has a GPS signal so you can go and say hello. You didn't have to take it out of its environment so it died.
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 8 years ago
+Josiffrank There are no "Dinosaur" Fish, there are, however, animals that lived alongside Dinosaurs, and are still alive to this day, like some Trilobites, and Frilled Sharks.
Josiffrank - 8 years ago
+Dust Arrow
So was this one a dinosaur fish or just a very deep living fish?
Dust Arrow
Dust Arrow - 8 years ago
+Josiffrank First off, it was already dying, Frilles Sharks are deep sea animals and sometimes goes up to the surface when they know they are dying.This one was already half dead, what the scientists did was to study it as much as they could while it was alive and study it a bit more after it died of natural causes.
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 8 years ago
Hey dipshit, it already was out of its environment.
Blake Johnson
Blake Johnson - 9 years ago
The Frilled Shark is amazing!
It's true that it does live in the depths of the ocean!
Abdullah GX 777
Abdullah GX 777 - 8 years ago
+Brody Pullishy Mr Brody what you tooking?
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 8 years ago
+Abdullah GX 777 tard
STEVEN DANN - 9 years ago
this shark is a frilled shark it's a creepy shark ever but don't looks like shark looks like fush
STEVEN DANN - 9 years ago
frilled sharks
JerreX - 9 years ago
This shark is called Frilled shark.
Iysoh - 8 years ago
Please sir take this W
Jonna Heiskanen
Jonna Heiskanen - 8 years ago
Now its just a killed shark :/
eggertstwart - 9 years ago
Fuck yeah
Lunch - 9 years ago
PhantomSausage - 9 years ago
I have a dislike for both conservatards and libtards... the comments below only reaffirms my libtard distaste: all these people reacting with their emotions by immediately assuming that the humans killed the shark without actually researching the story because they are too fucking lazy to do so, when in fact the humans never did kill it. It was already half dead. In fact the humans tried to save it but it was too late for the animal as it was so close to death already. Thinking with your emotions will take the ability to think with logic and render it utterly useless. Let the downvote parade commence!
Sans Bones
Sans Bones - 8 years ago
Please except this W as a token of appreciation
PLABSCORE1 - 8 years ago
Finally a thinking head
eggertstwart - 9 years ago
Downvotes don't do anything on youtube, so don't worry, you're safe from the libtards cruel dislikes.
Kristi Stevens
Kristi Stevens - 9 years ago
They should have left it alone!!!!!!!!! zoo's, Sea World... all of it needs to stop messing with wildlife!!!!!!
Kristi Stevens
Kristi Stevens - 9 years ago
yeah it may have been sick but anytime you take away it's natural habitat, the chances lessen greatly
cybrid37 - 9 years ago
Now I know where Capcom drew inspiration from for a couple of their underwater monsters in Monster Hunter. As weird as it is, The Frilled Shark looks kinda cool though.
Jorge Dominguez
Jorge Dominguez - 9 years ago
They find a prehistoric shark...first thing to do "let's fuck with it and see how much it can take" and of course they kill the fuck out of it, very nice job.
Jorge Dominguez
Jorge Dominguez - 9 years ago
+Christopher Lynn The quotes were in reference to made up dialogue to exercise the idea of my troll, but your infant like rage must have turned you into a triggered little bitch.
Christopher Lynn
Christopher Lynn - 9 years ago
+Jorge Dominguez just curious, why do you use quotes? are you quoting someone? or are you just too fucking stupid to realize what quotes are used for. btw your fohawk looks fucking stupid.
Patrick Lane
Patrick Lane - 9 years ago
Jayshon Salgado
Jayshon Salgado - 9 years ago
its super fake the teeth is not real and the only prehistoric sharks is meaglodon and the mest up jaw guy
DOITMAN - 9 years ago
this is why i think there are other pre historic sea creatures are still alive today
Ella Lambert
Ella Lambert - 9 years ago
The shark is a deep sea creature Tue humans did not kill it!! some deep sea animals will come to shallow water when they are about to die, the people already knew that, they did not "capture" it, they where trying to save it's life
EverSoCrispyBacon - 8 years ago
I also think that is the reason it came up, but it would have better to let it run it course instead of trying to play hero when you know it'll likely just die faster if you try to pull it out. But then again maybe someone there wanted this result.
Marzipan Cuttlefish
Marzipan Cuttlefish - 9 years ago
@ the whiny peta hippies bitching about how they killed the shark.

1. Frilled shark aren't extinct.
2. Its a deep sea creature meaning it was already out of its natural habitat.

3. Deep sea creatures don't come up into shallow water unless they are DYING or SICK.
Oarfish do the exact same thing
Vla Chawngthu
Vla Chawngthu - 8 years ago
+Marzipan Cuttlefish hahahahaha
Marzipan Cuttlefish
Marzipan Cuttlefish - 8 years ago
+Ronan Terry well I don't have a dick so that's kind of hard to do lol
Ronan Terry
Ronan Terry - 8 years ago
jerk off
Marzipan Cuttlefish
Marzipan Cuttlefish - 8 years ago
+Ronan Terry LOL, I'm listening to music on youtube rn so its inevitable that I'd see your comment chill. And I have a life, the only reason I've been able to reply immediately was because I was on vacation.

you know senior year is p tough, AP classes and all so I do enjoy the time I get to myself
Ronan Terry
Ronan Terry - 8 years ago
nope I got proof from that girl you raped also why do you leave comments so quick for fuckin real your telling me to get sunlight it took me 4 days to answer on your last comment and  I type this shit and 5 mins later her you fucking are get a life loser
Marzipan Cuttlefish
Marzipan Cuttlefish - 8 years ago
+Ronan Terry
lol, your comment is hilarious because you're assuming that I am 
1. Male
2. A scumbag who attacks women because they're a neckbearded loser who is in general a gross asshole.
3. Straight
4. A virgin( I mean I've eaten someone out so I don't know if that counts as being a virgin or not)

not to mention I wasn't the one who got pissy when he couldn't even understand his own comment then tried to switch it up to further his own bloated ego and ""drag"" some random person on the internet in a sad, sad attempt to impress anonymous people on the internet

:^) but you know, Nothing stupid about that my guy. obvious sarcasm is obvious in case you can't comprehend that
Ronan Terry
Ronan Terry - 8 years ago
hahaha I don't usually go in my house considering I travel everywhere im typing this message right now from a park so yea kinda shoots off your come back cock shot and negativity is a matter of opinion I call it a healthy way to relive the stress of listening to a dumb ass whose IQ is barely bigger than his penis which that girl you raped in your desperate attempt to lose your virginity told me wasn't very big
Marzipan Cuttlefish
Marzipan Cuttlefish - 8 years ago
+Ronan Terry wow, thats a lot of negativity my guy, have you tried drinking a frappuccino or something sweet. maybe go outside and get some sun, like its hot as fuck but its better than being cooped up all day
Ronan Terry
Ronan Terry - 8 years ago
mmmk fuck boy glad you decide to judge some bull shit argument you can now go back to living in your moms basement fucking your pocket pussy
Stony Island
Stony Island - 8 years ago
+Marzipan Cuttlefish you win
Marzipan Cuttlefish
Marzipan Cuttlefish - 8 years ago
+Ronan Terry  Your comment -->" if your sick would you want some random ass dude you don't know just pick you up and throw you into a hospital without your permission or families permission-"

This is what you said, You didn't say in bed or in your home, all you said was if your sick. so I'm not 1 in a million, I'm 1 of many people who'd have someone take them to the hospital. 

don't try to make it seem like I'm some crazy person that would be okay with being kidnapped when you decide to change up what you yourself wrote
Ronan Terry
Ronan Terry - 8 years ago
ok well then your 1 in a million for if I was sick in bed I don't want some random as stranger kidnapping me no matter what his intentions good or bad
Marzipan Cuttlefish
Marzipan Cuttlefish - 8 years ago
+Ronan Terry of fucking course I would. They're bringing me to the hospital, and my family would appreciate if someone decided to help me/save my life instead of walking away and letting me possibly die. like wtf logic is that????
Ronan Terry
Ronan Terry - 8 years ago
was it dying im sorry I wasn't aware that you were present at the time they captured the animal and threw it into a fish tank mr. fish expert media lies a lot the fact is even if it was dying they should've let it be instead they plucked it out of its natural habitat where it was comfortable and started swimming with it im sure if the fish wanted to be taken out of it home it would've asked other wise leave it the fuck alone, if your sick would you want me some random ass dude you don't know just pick you up and throw you into a hospital without your permission or families permission im sorry despite what people try and believe that animals don't have a conscience and the fucking universe evolves around us but we have no busy fucking with shit that's none of your business
Marzipan Cuttlefish
Marzipan Cuttlefish - 8 years ago
+Ronan Terry doesn't change that it was already dying and they only tried to save it,
Ronan Terry
Ronan Terry - 8 years ago
+Marzipan Cuttlefish  ok mr know it all dumb ass frilled shark have been some times known to come lil above their natural habitat when food gets low
ekszentrik - 8 years ago
+Yurururu rume "In Suruga Bay, Japan, it is most common at depths of 50–200 m (160–660 ft)." -Wikipedia
Fallen Heartless
Fallen Heartless - 9 years ago
+Yurururu rume Ohhh!!! I didn't think about that... Thank you for letting us know. :3
Marzipan Cuttlefish
Marzipan Cuttlefish - 9 years ago
+Patrick Lane hell ye Oarfish are cute af <33
Patrick Lane
Patrick Lane - 9 years ago
szc3rgi_0h _
szc3rgi_0h _ - 9 years ago
maldita y necesaria ciencia :c
K - 9 years ago
To all human haters, get your asses out of youtube and go survive in the wood. You dumb shit.
Juan Pizzo
Juan Pizzo - 9 years ago
Sooooo fake it's remote controlled
jellyfishmaster0012 jellyfishlover126, 990
jellyfishmaster0012 jellyfishlover126, 990 - 8 years ago
If it was it would be destroyed in that water
Cody Jackson
Cody Jackson - 9 years ago
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
elaborate as to why you think this is fake
Miguel Andres
Miguel Andres - 9 years ago
That Is So REAL!!!!
Skullkid4723 - 9 years ago
We got that power bih
We got that power bih - 9 years ago
Damn, you racist.
David Finch
David Finch - 9 years ago
That shark is called a Frill Shark
flipfox65 mastergamer
flipfox65 mastergamer - 9 years ago
this fish is frilled shark
Mister Illumin
Mister Illumin - 9 years ago
I want to keep that as my pet
Chilly Willy
Chilly Willy - 9 years ago
these people were very stupid they killed it and it might probably the last live one we ever see
Melee Hell | Bot
Melee Hell | Bot - 9 years ago
+Chilly Willy it was already half dead. they captured it in hopes of keeping it alive
Chilly Willy
Chilly Willy - 9 years ago
Ye u right
Hallowjin - 9 years ago
+Chilly Willy u just knew it existed, and if it was the last one then there wasn't a mate to reproduce with anyways
Doctor Piggins
Doctor Piggins - 9 years ago
Well i know im not going to bed tonight
MemetosEFX - 9 years ago
MemetosEFX - 9 years ago
joseph leocadio
joseph leocadio - 9 years ago
"We found remains of these Frilled Sharks in the Earth's layer that are 80 million years old." That's funny, considering this Frilled Shark species has only been around for 2.5 million years. The genus is 84 million years old, the species in question is 2.5 million. Great work there.
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
could be an ancestor or previous stage of evolution and they simply just called it a frilled shark
Mancha Suntzuv
Mancha Suntzuv - 9 years ago
now its just a fossil
Mancha Suntzuv
Mancha Suntzuv - 9 years ago
" oh look, an 18 million year old relic, let's bring it back to my house. oh... it died. . oh" scumbag human dumbasses
Kids Munroe
Kids Munroe - 9 years ago
wut u hate u own kind
savageLify SincereVlog
savageLify SincereVlog - 9 years ago
fuck that a living fossils kept it self alive ...for millions of years
..we come along ..bitch dies
humans+habitat Control=dead for fossils
Jack Taylor
Jack Taylor - 9 years ago
+Marvin Carpenter it wasnt a million years old you twat, its species is millions of years old
Marzipan Cuttlefish
Marzipan Cuttlefish - 9 years ago
+Marvin Carpenter it was dying already I hope you know lol, deep sea fish aren't supposed to be found in shallow water
Ninja13777 - 9 years ago
The gills are freaking me out
The Drawing Kid
The Drawing Kid - 9 years ago
Nibbles 2018
Nibbles 2018 - 9 years ago
I would call that a Eel Shark
The Drawing Kid
The Drawing Kid - 9 years ago
that's what I first thought
The Drawing Kid
The Drawing Kid - 9 years ago
that's photoshopped it's a eel. so fake
EGGS FACTOR - 9 years ago
+Alex Rovinelli it's a frilled shark
White Boy
White Boy - 9 years ago
Are you braindead?
Winnie - 9 years ago
+Alex Rovinelli No, it's just a model. It wasn't a real animal.
SAY10 Pug
SAY10 Pug - 9 years ago
Wut teh fuq m8
kyyah2 - 9 years ago
well that was stupid to remove it from the ocean - idiot humans
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 8 years ago
Mr1987Joe - 9 years ago
Washed up on Japan? Well, time for lunch, I guess. Ming-Ling, run out to the pickled eel garden and grab us some bee larva, squid eyes, and fish sperm! Oh, and don't forget to rent that latest anime flick! Huh? Yeah, the one with the chick who has three tits and a penis!
Cory Roath
Cory Roath - 9 years ago
Ugliest thing I've ever fucking seen
XpublicenemyX woods
XpublicenemyX woods - 9 years ago
never noes
XpublicenemyX woods
XpublicenemyX woods - 9 years ago
could be more on the ocean
XpublicenemyX woods
XpublicenemyX woods - 9 years ago
Richie Alarcón
Richie Alarcón - 9 years ago
most likely a deformation like humans and animals have from time to time
kyyah2 - 9 years ago
+Richie Alarcón if you had listened - it's a species called a frilled shark and dead ones are commonly found in fisherman's nets
RogerWare Inc.
RogerWare Inc. - 9 years ago
humans are animals. there is no humans and animals. its humans and non human animals
mizik kreyol
mizik kreyol - 9 years ago
If you find a prehistoric animal, it means that it ain't prehistoric at all ; your evolution theory might be flawed !
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
no it just means that that animal has evolved to suite its habitat and hasnt needed to evolve further
kyyah2 - 9 years ago
+mizik kreyol oh FFS
Ludwig The Dorito Child
Ludwig The Dorito Child - 9 years ago
Flint kid
Flint kid - 9 years ago
I know what shark that is! ITs a frilled shark! They are one of the rarest sharks in the ocean, whove only been spotted a few times.
See Stan
See Stan - 9 years ago
The gills make my flesh crawl.
lilia yu
lilia yu - 9 years ago
that's is called frilled it
rahul garg
rahul garg - 9 years ago
That shark is sick ..shd hv given it something to eat
Jacob Benko
Jacob Benko - 9 years ago
That wouldn't help. It was sick because it was not used to the pressure of shallow waters because its natural habitat is thousands of feet below the surface.
Jade.714 - 9 years ago
Why the hell would they think the shark would survive out of its habitat, for 1 they don't know ANYTHING about it, and 2 LEAVE IT BE
Jacob Benko
Jacob Benko - 9 years ago
It was already out of its natural habitat before the humans touched it and it was already dying.
Tyler Clouthier
Tyler Clouthier - 9 years ago
Facts before opinions and judgement would be cool you fuckin heathens!
Travis Jeffrey
Travis Jeffrey - 9 years ago
wow It died surprise there
Harald Blafield
Harald Blafield - 9 years ago
Not any more its dead. The video would have been enough. Now it may be extinct but that doesn't matter any more now does it.
Nemanja Markovic
Nemanja Markovic - 9 years ago
FAKE!!!!!!!! :D
Hashay - 9 years ago
Well, that's the last time you'll every see this
Alize Abrams
Alize Abrams - 9 years ago
that is a frilled shark
hugh janis
hugh janis - 9 years ago
Ali Safaverdi
Ali Safaverdi - 9 years ago
Guys actually listen to the video they didn't kill it.
Howling Burd19
Howling Burd19 - 9 years ago
OMG, the true stupid humans are all of you commenters who have done no research and claim the humans in this video killed the shark! It was dying in its natural habitat and then they took the shark to the marine park to study the animal while it was still alive! After it died, they took some pics and studied the animal some more. You see, if the animal was not dying, they would not have took it, but it was, and they took advantage of it. Getting the shark and observing its actions and its anatomy, is simply a way to learn more about it, and the more you know about it, the better for the animal. Why? Because good people can help the shark, it's habitat, and it's species' future!
Broderrick Banner
Broderrick Banner - 9 years ago
+Mint Deep sea animals such as that only go to the surface when they are dying. They can't live on surface waters.
Mint - 9 years ago
+Corbin Burdette
What if the shark wasn't actually dying? tun tun tunnnn!
Bryan Scott
Bryan Scott - 9 years ago
The human race is a fucking joke. It has survived all these centuries and we go and kill possible the last one.
White Boy
White Boy - 9 years ago
+Bryan Scott Just because it's opinion and it's subjective doesn't escape you from being wrong. Also it depends what guy I am calling sweetie.
Bryan Scott
Bryan Scott - 9 years ago
+Mr. Maddison wrong about what this isn't a right or wrong topic it's personal opinion. if you are man go call another man sweetie and please be honest when you come back and tell what his reaction was
Bryan Scott
Bryan Scott - 9 years ago
+Mr. Maddison not many gay men would like to be called sweetie either like I said it's patronising. I actually did miss read the arsehole bit so I apologise but I have no problem with gay people my favorite place in town to drink is the gay scene. But if you are a man surely you understand what I'm saying about another man calling you sweetie. women can get away with it because there women. just like they are aloud to hit us and we can't hit them. I'm assuming that's what you meant about the double standard thing
White Boy
White Boy - 9 years ago
+Bryan Scott Well continue being wrong all your life til somebody will change that. Good day sir.
Bryan Scott
Bryan Scott - 9 years ago
+Mr. Maddison what? I'm done I might have a lack education but I just don't get you one bit. I have no idea what you mean by double standards or whatever you said about gays. and we still never got to the bottom of your gender. so I'm done with sweet heart.
White Boy
White Boy - 9 years ago
+Bryan Scott Double standards huh. Also I didn't cal you an asshole, I'm just saying avoiding somebody because they're gay and like you is being an asshole, so is hitting them or attacking.
Bryan Scott
Bryan Scott - 9 years ago
+Mr. Maddison don't know why but my reply to your last comment never went through let me try again. The reason I'm assuming you are a man is because of your fucking name. Mr is a man's title the title for woman is miss or if married Mrs and you made a big deal out of my spelling and my lack of education earlier and you make a massive fuck up like that.

But back in point no I'm not an arsehole I'm a nice a guy and don't start shit but I don't back away from shit either. I'm sure your a lovely person as well what ever your sex. But in more realistic terms no they will not hit someone if they call them sweetie but it would create an awkward environment and the man that's been called sweetie will probably avoid you for as long as they socially can without being rude. Unless their gay and fancy the person calling them sweetie. But keep in mind some men will take a swing if you do call them sweetie. if you are indeed a man anyway. If you are a woman that's fine.
Bryan Scott
Bryan Scott - 9 years ago
+Mr. Maddison true
White Boy
White Boy - 9 years ago
+Bryan Scott You assuming I'm a man, that's first, second, I don't know how much of an asshole you need to be to punch a person for calling you sweetie. or living in RRussia, apparently.
Bryan Scott
Bryan Scott - 9 years ago
+Mr. Maddison but by the way another man calling another man sweetie don't do that either. that could go wrong in reality in 2 ways.
White Boy
White Boy - 9 years ago
+Bryan Scott See? everything is so much better when you're not aggressing back.
Bryan Scott
Bryan Scott - 9 years ago
+Mr. Maddison OK mate hope you live a long and happy life
White Boy
White Boy - 9 years ago
+Bryan Scott I didn't deleted it lol, stop lying. Also I didn't claim anything, I don't check my spelling too, but it's way better than yours. Also you're assuming I am rude in real life too? Na-ah sweetie, I'm pretty tactical with that shit, it's just internet where I can piss off uneducated people like you.
Bryan Scott
Bryan Scott - 9 years ago
+Mr. Maddison I've removed my comments because I don't know why I bothered with you. In your first reply to me which you've removed you clearly insulted me by saying I hope your the last of your family tree. Hence my hostile response. But now your claiming you were just trying to inform me that they are not that rare. if you said that I wouldn't of had a problem and I type fast and have the habit of not going back and doing a spell check before I post. now good day sir. Try treating people with respect cos if you do this in reality you'll get a smack.
White Boy
White Boy - 9 years ago
+Bryan Scott Well good for you, because you brought that up now like not correcting people makes you better. I do have the argument how they are not that rare, but you seem to be more interested in how I misreaded your comment.
White Boy
White Boy - 9 years ago
+Bryan Scott "properly"
lmao what? let's see what happens when I use the same logic as you do:
what "possibly" you fucking bellend. not my fault you red my comment properly.
White Boy
White Boy - 9 years ago
+Bryan Scott Yeh sure, get your excuses now, yeh.
White Boy
White Boy - 9 years ago
It's far from the last one, but fuck, I hope you're the alst one of your family tree.
Jacob Benko
Jacob Benko - 9 years ago
1. They didn't kill it.
2. Its not the last one.
taylor sedlacek
taylor sedlacek - 9 years ago
Okay, if it survived 18 million years without mans help, what makes you think it needs your help now? People are stupid
Nick - 9 years ago
Asians :/
Jordan Nicole
Jordan Nicole - 9 years ago
AHH Its the Lock ness monster!
nodnarb - 9 years ago
They fucking killed an 80 million year old shark. I'm done with life
gamerplay - 9 years ago
Something rare? Lets kill it! lmao WTF
Jacob Benko
Jacob Benko - 9 years ago
They didn't kill it. Frilled sharks live thousands of feet below the surface and if it was in shallow water it was already dying.
Nefilim Oz
Nefilim Oz - 9 years ago
ryan yu
ryan yu - 9 years ago
shredBucketheadshred - 9 years ago
+Mario Melendez you are not bright are you? the low water pressure had bloated its gills and made it hunch over .
Mike Doerksen
Mike Doerksen - 9 years ago
And the Japs probably ate it afterwards. Being the most Asian thing to do, eating literally everything from the ocean. Ohhh delicacy from ancient ancestor
Gaming bolts
Gaming bolts - 9 years ago
it's a robot
Ethan Goepper
Ethan Goepper - 9 years ago
As much as I hate humans, they didn't kill it. They really did try to save it because it was already half dead. Unfortunately there was nothing they could do. Had they left it in the shallow waters, it would've died anyway
askadetra - 8 years ago
+Ethan Goepper bacteria is the dominant kind on earth because it´s everywhere and in our bodies. some of them keep us healthy, some of them kill us. we have the mind but they have the number. they are predators and we, humans with our ability to be rational (though most people are irrational and ignorant), we can stop being violent to nature and our violence is worse than the serial killers in the wild who kill for food. we can make difference, we can stop behaving like the lower beasts. don´t you see what´s happening around these years? there are much more deseases and deaths, because of bacterias and they became more resistent to whatever we try to fight them with.
Ethan Goepper
Ethan Goepper - 8 years ago
+askadetra no it wasn't
But to get to your statement: Perhaps it's because we feel too save in this world? Sounds weird but it's pretty much the bully effect. We feel superior and dominant over all species. I mean damn, you can see that shit within mankind over history: Slavery, religious crusades, Hitler movement etc. I agree it has nothing to do with "we don't know ourselves" or "we're programmed to do". It's more a bloody desease that has developed over time: The delusion that we're better than any other species and worth more
askadetra - 8 years ago
+Ethan Goepper was your response for me ?
askadetra - 8 years ago
+AtheistImperator we can know ourselves and there is a way. mankind took the wrong course. we don´t have to know as much as possible, we only have to know the fundamental nature of the world. the more people are curious and explore the world, the more difficult is for them to know themselves. currently the mankind´s agression and violence to nature is unnecessary because we know that nature is not our enemy, we are far from the wild places, we live in buildings, we are in a safe environemt, so our violence to nature is absolutely unnecessary.
Ethan Goepper
Ethan Goepper - 8 years ago
+AtheistImperator one of the unfavourable biproducts of human evolution I guess
The Fraternian
The Fraternian - 8 years ago
We are "dangerous" because we don't understand ourselves, we are programmed to reproduce and that is what most humans are focused on and revolve everything around, exceptionally few individuals are above that normal state, yes our minds make us more adept at survival but it is our irrational reproductive drives that are behind it.
askadetra - 8 years ago
+AtheistImperator humans are propgrammed to do what they do, but it´s not completely true. humans have given power to the mind and now the mind is the worst enemy of our world. most people are ignorant, materialistic and curious which is why mankind is fucking up the nature. we are not programmed to destroy the world, we´re more dangerous because of the mind, not because we´re programmed so. if mankind don´t take a different course soon, people will destroy the world.
The Fraternian
The Fraternian - 8 years ago
+Ethan Goepper There is nothing to hate, humans do what they are programmed to do in order to reproduce, just like any other animal.
James Bond
James Bond - 9 years ago

No u
Bodda boop boo bop
Bodda boop boo bop - 9 years ago
that type of shark lives at the bottom of the ocean the reason it died because it didn't have enough force to keep its insides from exploding
Ernst Jung
Ernst Jung - 9 years ago
+Ethan Goepper Not lucky as its Brook that eat the revive-revive food.
Alexander Andersson
Alexander Andersson - 9 years ago
THANK YOU for being one of the few people with common sense that didn't think blindly.
Uber Sqiddd
Uber Sqiddd - 9 years ago
+gamerplay the fuck man?
gamerplay - 9 years ago
+Ethan Goepper should leave you in the waters to die.
DerWinterSpirit_ - 9 years ago
eelshark :D
DerWinterSpirit_ - 9 years ago
"And the shark shortly died after capture"
tokashi shifu
tokashi shifu - 9 years ago
I like turtles
Aldo 75
Aldo 75 - 9 years ago
Dwells at 600 meters,,,,,,,,,,,aye it's gonae love it at the surface.
Planet Bomb
Planet Bomb - 9 years ago
This creature, a remarkable and beautiful product of nature, lives in a deep sea environment, a hyper pressurized habitat. It's likely that it's already sick and dying as it's swelling up. Look at it's gills, see how they look puffy and swollen? This animal didn't have much time left and it being such rare and beautiful creature we would want to know more about it. They had no intention to kill it, they wanted to know how it lived and how it worked. Sadly due to it being so far from the depths of the ocean which it came from, it died.
Heavy Gauge
Heavy Gauge - 9 years ago
As much as i hope we discover new thing, i really dont want any Human do have any encounter with any undiscovered specie cause we WILL for sure end it just like we did with hundreds of others
Kookie Dough
Kookie Dough - 9 years ago
+FluffyCatGirl1 people do that have you seen these documents ores where they cut up their skin of Snowmass poor babboon aka I don't spell well
LordofApache - 9 years ago
+Hashed Prod. Because every single species we've ever encountered has gone extinct, right? Simpleton.
FluffyCatGirl1 - 9 years ago
+Hashed Prod. If I encountered a new species, I wouldn't want the government to cut it up.
Bäd Harlow
Bäd Harlow - 9 years ago
"hey, we found this rare fish from over 10,000 years ago, what should we do with it?"
"I know, we should drag it on to land and kill it!"
"Great idea! I see nothing that could go wrong"

-3 months later.
Newspaper headline: Rare Prehistoric Fish Officially Extinct
Sharlynne Grabner
Sharlynne Grabner - 9 years ago
sorry for my language
Sharlynne Grabner
Sharlynne Grabner - 9 years ago
what the hell is wrong with humanity
A Adu
A Adu - 9 years ago
Humans are best at finding rare species of other creatures, capturing them & killing them (sometimes actually unintentionally).  Humans are smart sarcasm lol
OddMike - 9 years ago
+A Adu It would have died ALREADY. It was in shallow water. This species cannot survive in shallow water and only would have been there if it was already dying.
youngie pzycho
youngie pzycho - 9 years ago
why the fuck would you catch it nigguh?
Jacob Benko
Jacob Benko - 9 years ago
+youngie pzycho What do you mean?
youngie pzycho
youngie pzycho - 9 years ago
+Jacob Benko science.
Jacob Benko
Jacob Benko - 9 years ago
+youngie pzycho "excuse" An excuse for what?
youngie pzycho
youngie pzycho - 9 years ago
+Jacob Benko best excuse so far
Jacob Benko
Jacob Benko - 9 years ago
+youngie pzycho It was dying. Look it its gills and the way it swims. Their natural habitats are 600-  100- feet below the surface and the fact that it was in shallow water means that it was already sick or that it became sick because of the water pressure.
youngie pzycho
youngie pzycho - 9 years ago
+Jacob Benko Thats just funny, i was thinking of the same excuse as i wrote that comment earlier.
Jacob Benko
Jacob Benko - 9 years ago
Because it was already dying and they wanted to examine it.
Hogman77 - 9 years ago
man they dont give a fk what they kill in the ocean do they? dolphins, whales, prehistoric sharks
OddMike - 9 years ago
+77Hog77 It was found in shallow waters, where they're not meant to survive. It would have died anyway.
nosferatu5 - 9 years ago
Its obviously on its last legs in the footage, its half dead and barely moving.
Aya Brea
Aya Brea - 9 years ago
Phenylalanine - 9 years ago
News lady: It sure ain't pretty
Shark: Smiles adorably
Emerson de leon
Emerson de leon - 9 years ago
LazyBitch - 9 years ago
Im fucking done with humanity
average mcr fan
average mcr fan - 9 years ago
Am i the only one who thinks the Frill Shark is adorable?
Michiel Jansen
Michiel Jansen - 9 years ago
Ohw we found a very rare animal, lets take it out of its habitat with the small chance it survives, end result they kill it. Humans....
OddMike - 9 years ago
+Michiel Jansen It was ALREADY DYING. Animals meant for deep sea can't survive in shallow waters, the pressure change alone would do irreversible damage.
NM A - 9 years ago
It's not a prehistoric anything. It's a deep, deep sea shark called a frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus). This shark species gets its name for its frilly-looking gills. With its 300 rows of needle-like teeth, the shark snags soft-bodied squid and fish in the deep. How it attacks prey is not known.

The frilled shark, one of the two living sharks species of the Chlamydoselachidae family, usually lives around 1,500 meters deep but in Japan can be found (if you are lucky enough, of course) between 50 and 200 meters. After footage of this shark was recorded several years ago, the frilled shark is called prehistoric shark or living fossil because of its image of an animal more likely to be found in a natural history museum.

Its eel-like body shape with the dorsal, pelvic and anal fins, give this shark a look of an extinct marine animal. Besides, the fact that this shark seems to not have evolved in 500 million years says much about the "perfection" of this shark. The frilled shark can reach a length of 4 meters and has very long and flexible jaws that allow it to feed on large prey such as the Pacific octopus and other sharks.
Jacob Benko
Jacob Benko - 9 years ago
They call it prehistoric because it has existed unchanged for millions of years.
Ramzie Schroer
Ramzie Schroer - 9 years ago
Why the fuck are some people so stupid?!?!? This literally pisses me off so bad!!! Hey look!! A really rare shark thats hardly ever captured alive on film!! Lets take it out of its natural habitat and try to put it in a park!!
White Boy
White Boy - 9 years ago
Are you fucking eleven
Schiudkrot - 9 years ago
+Ramzie Schroer Having an opinion =/= Making a statement.
Ramzie Schroer
Ramzie Schroer - 9 years ago
+ShadysCrazy Just let it go and leave me alone
Ramzie Schroer
Ramzie Schroer - 9 years ago
+ShadysCrazy Dont call me an idiot. It wasn't a stupid comment, it was an opinion. No opinion is a dumb one. Whether or not you agree with it is your own problem.
ShadysCrazy - 9 years ago
+Ramzie Schroer you started the argument mate by putting a stupid comment! you are one of those people that will stand by your opinion no matter what, i think there called idiots
Alexander Andersson
Alexander Andersson - 9 years ago
+Ramzie Schroer So you start your comment insulting the people who in many's opinions tried to save the shark and DIDN'T expect to start a arguement with those that believe that they made the correct choice? Also, what even is this liberal hating thing going on in the comments?
Alexander Andersson
Alexander Andersson - 9 years ago
+Ramzie Schroer Sorry about mistaking your gender. You have the right to express your opinion as do we have the right to express our opinion on your opinion. If you truly believe you are right and we cannot change your mind, so be it. I'm steadily losing faith in humanity anyways...
Ramzie Schroer
Ramzie Schroer - 9 years ago
+ShadysCrazy Im not going to admit that Im wrong when Im not. Im also not the one being stubborn. Your the one who decided to start an argument. 
Ramzie Schroer
Ramzie Schroer - 9 years ago
+Alexander Andersson And I'm also not a he. I can admit when Im wrong, but what I said in my first comment was my opinion and everybody started hating on me for it. I have the freedom to state my opinion, even if nobody else agrees with it.
Ramzie Schroer
Ramzie Schroer - 9 years ago
+Alexander Andersson Im not a troll. Im stating an opinion and apparently thats a wrong thing to do.
Alexander Andersson
Alexander Andersson - 9 years ago
+ShadysCrazy I have a feeling he won't admit. Most likely he is one of those people who just can never admit they are wrong even when they know it, or he is a person who makes a point and argues for the sake of arguement even when he's wrong. Maybe he's one of those people who truly believe they are right no matter how delusional they look to others. Or probably just a troll.
ShadysCrazy - 9 years ago
+Ramzie Schroer please stop being stubborn and admit you are wrong the shark is clearly in pain 
Alexander Andersson
Alexander Andersson - 9 years ago
+Ramzie Schroer Deep. Sea. Fish. Of course they would try to study it in the wild, the problem is it is so rare. And that is a completely different enviroment. This fish is clearly ill, and I'm sure you don't attach a tracking collar to a severely sick animal. There are multiple red flags about it that shows it is sick, aside from the whole fact it is in the wrong enviroment for its body.Look at the swollen gills, the glassy eyes. Then look at a picture of a frilled shark in its natural habitat. Ever see a Husky in the Sahara? It was the cruelest thing I have seen in my life, and I wish that I could have stopped it. Your comparing a bear, lion and tiger living together to what amounts to a freshwater fish in the sea? It's basically the same. Frankly, a quick google search should disprove most of your arguements and I have a feeling your a troll. If not well, you act like my best friend. Have a nice day.
Ramzie Schroer
Ramzie Schroer - 9 years ago
+Alexander Andersson What you just said had nothing to do with what i've said at all. You have no idea if this fish was sick or dying. Just because it's swimming in shallow waters doesn't mean that it is going to die. A lot of animals do things that we aren't used to seeing them do. For example, at an animal sanctuary, there is a bear, a tiger, and a lion that are best friends. Its not normal at all. Does that mean they are dying? No it doesn't. And its definitely a lot easier studying an animal in the wild. Almost all wildlife biologists leave the animals in their natural habitat, they just put a tracking collar on them and record their behaviors that way. Its much easier than putting that animal in a truck, driving it to a park, and making it live in a box the rest of its life.
Alexander Andersson
Alexander Andersson - 9 years ago
+Ramzie Schroer Get a grip. Shallow water is NOT the natural habitat of a deep sea creature such as a frilled shark. That's like saying freshwater fish belong in the sea. They attempted to move it to an aquarium for multiple reasons, to attempt to keep it alive as it was in ill health and would SOON DIE in that water and would not be able to return back to the deep sea. They wanted to keep it alive so they could learn more about it, and the state of the species. And to return it back to the deep sea would be far harder, and would take even longer. Taking it out into deep waters and just dumping it in the water is pretty much a guarantee for it to die. And let's put it this way. Say your dog is suffering a slow and agonizing death because it has heart parasites. Are you just going to leave it there to die slowly? Or if in the savannah, and you find a near extinct white rhino in the wild that was attacked by lions, are you saying that you should just leave it there to die? Instead of either giving it a merciful swift death or saving it's life? (Horribly the whole swift death thing is frowned upon by many Americans, and you would get arrested for giving a swift end to a dying animal such as a kitten that was hit by a car and had absolutely no chance of surviving, but was still alive and screaming in pain. Stupid neighbor that hit it in the first place came over and yelled at me when I brought out the axe to end my poor cat's pain. It's why I returned to my home country.)
PlayboyX63 - 9 years ago
+LordofApache I agree libtards are one of the cancers killing the world good thing there's still a good amount of people who hate their kind
Ramzie Schroer
Ramzie Schroer - 9 years ago
+LordofApache What the fuck are you talking about? That didn't even make any sense. At what point did I back down
LordofApache - 9 years ago
+Ramzie Schroer lol, typical dumbfuck libtard. Backs down like a bitch when facts destroy his flimsy emotional argument. People like you are why this world is going to hell. Please never have children and never help raise any. Your severe case of complete stupidity is a dangerous contagion.
Ramzie Schroer
Ramzie Schroer - 9 years ago
+Tammillia Eloise I really don't care, I wasn't even trying to start an argument. I was just stating how they shouldn't have taken him to an aquarium, there was no point and if he was sick, the people made his death quicker. Whats so wrong with saying that?
Ramzie Schroer
Ramzie Schroer - 9 years ago
+OddMike You're the one being stubborn. I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WATER PRESSURE!!!!!!!!!!!! I just said they shouldn't have taken it out of its natural habitat!!!! And even IF it was dying, these people killed it faster than it would have died!!!! Now leave me alone because all I was saying is that people are dumb and they need to leave nature alone, yet you come and defend what they are doing. What these people did was wrong, whether you want to admit it or not.
OddMike - 9 years ago
+Ramzie Schroer Here let me google that for you.
"Pressure exhibits a great role in the distribution of deep sea organisms. Until recently, people lacked detailed information on the direct effects of pressure on most deep-sea organisms, because virtually all organisms trawled from the deep sea arrived at the surface dead or dying. With the advent of traps that incorporate a special pressure-maintaining chamber, undamaged larger metazoan animals have been retrieved from the deep sea in good condition."
A deep-sea shark, such as the frilled shark, the one on the video, would not be able to survive in the shallow water it was FOUND in. It is common for deep-sea animals to swim to shallower waters when ill or dying. Is it a really hard concept for you to grasp or are you just being stubborn?
Tammillia Eloise
Tammillia Eloise - 9 years ago
+Ramzie Schroer Dude, are you an expert on sharks? Because you're not holding up a very good argument. I'm too lazy to look up the facts hehe, but OddMike is holding up fair statements. Even I thought that the shark looked a little off with how it was swimming, was really stiff looking up until the tip of its tail, which was the smallest part of its body.
Ramzie Schroer
Ramzie Schroer - 9 years ago
+OddMike No. She. Wasn't. 
OddMike - 9 years ago
+Ramzie Schroer She. Was. Already dying.
Ramzie Schroer
Ramzie Schroer - 9 years ago
+OddMike This has nothing to do with water pressure!!!!!!!!!!!! They wanted to bring to an aquarium so people could look at her behind a glass wall. They wanted her so they could get attention from her. They were not helping her in any way,shape,or form!!
Ramzie Schroer
Ramzie Schroer - 9 years ago
+OddMike  Are you serious?
OddMike - 9 years ago
+Ramzie Schroer They tried to take her back to HELP her, try and prevent her dying by putting her into a place with the proper water pressure.
Ramzie Schroer
Ramzie Schroer - 9 years ago
+OddMike Yeah and neither is an aquarium. It doesn't matter what part of the ocean it's in, the ocean alone is its natural habitat.
OddMike - 9 years ago
+Ramzie Schroer No it wasn't perfectly fine? Literally just google frilled shark, they're deep-sea fish. When deep sea fish swim to shallow water it's almost always because they are sick or dying, and even if this one wasn't the change in pressure would severely harm it. Look at the video, its gills are already severely swollen and it can barely move.
Shallow water is not its natural habitat.
Ramzie Schroer
Ramzie Schroer - 9 years ago
+OddMike I highly doubt that. It was perfectly fine when it was swimming in the shallow water. If the pressure had that big of a change then it could have just swam back to the deep water. It was fine, and these d people took it out of its natural habitat.
OddMike - 9 years ago
+Ramzie Schroer It was found in shallow water. Swimming into shallow water and the tremendous change in pressure alone would already mean dying, it would have died no matter what they did.
1700 soldier
1700 soldier - 9 years ago
Isn't that a frill shark?
1700 soldier
1700 soldier - 9 years ago
ibrake4butterflies - 9 years ago
Why couldn't they just film it and let it be? Humans......
Your Average American
Your Average American - 9 years ago
All you hippies need to go fuck yourselves, humans can kill anything they like. Get over it.
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 8 years ago
That's against my religion and invading my safe space.
Joseph Luke
Joseph Luke - 9 years ago
+derbigpr500 I like to see you try
Josh Mizrahi
Josh Mizrahi - 9 years ago
+Your Average American your a disgrace to humans.....
derbigpr500 - 9 years ago
+Your Average American "humans can kill anything they like" - You're right, we should start with you.
Strange OTS
Strange OTS - 9 years ago
+Otto Carius II lol dude killurself....
and go back to the 80's
Joseph Luke
Joseph Luke - 9 years ago
+sam jawbreaker troll douhebags
humourousmoth - 9 years ago
As a Brit, I feel sorry for Americans who are labeled as idiots when people like you come on the Internet with user names like 'your average American' with objectifying pictures smothered with the U.S. Flag as their profile pictures and act completely idiotically.
Kriss - 9 years ago
Yeah! Let's go and be serial killers, why don't we? Let's just go outside and kill everything that's alive!
Strange OTS
Strange OTS - 9 years ago
+Your Average American what the fuk?
Your Average American
Your Average American - 9 years ago
Considering this video is of Japan your comments make sense because?
USS Calamity
USS Calamity - 9 years ago
Exactly, finally someone who doesn't listen to that stoner bob Marley! MURIKA! P.S Global warming isn't real.
Zoe Park
Zoe Park - 9 years ago
+Your Average American yes!! damn humans who care about things other than our own selfish selves! god damn hippies! gitter done!! murica!!
3boodi - 9 years ago
سبحان الله
Dalton - 9 years ago
looks like a dragon
Nosferatu Zodd
Nosferatu Zodd - 9 years ago
considering it survived for 80 milion years, doesnt that make it the most effective and best evolved species on earth? :D
Mikhail Haritz
Mikhail Haritz - 9 years ago
+Nosferatu Zodd Nope but the coelacanth is
thegoldencow23 plays
thegoldencow23 plays - 9 years ago
Do these peopele dont know anithing about animals you have to let the animal sloly aclimaze to the tank your puting it in and even then there are major complications like presure and oxigen you cant just take a fish and put it somwhere else
Neko &Fury
Neko &Fury - 9 years ago
humans don't save they destroy and kill get it right!!
Jacob Benko
Jacob Benko - 9 years ago
They didn't kill the shark.
Devin du Plessis
Devin du Plessis - 9 years ago
Aaah but it's not... it's still there. Can't be pre if it still exists...
fangirl -
fangirl - - 9 years ago
Gloria Hernadez
Gloria Hernadez - 9 years ago
Fucking dumb asses u fucking take an fucking prehistoric shark last of his fucking kind out of the fucking water people are so fucking stupid at least put it in a big ass fish tank and take it to the fucking lab but no u want to be so fucking stupid at take out the water........fucking stupidity that's the shit that pisses me off
Simplilee Surviving
Simplilee Surviving - 9 years ago
+Full Length Dong ghsn
Daniel - 9 years ago
+Gloria Hernadez You're really fucking stupid.
巴衛Tomoe - 9 years ago
+Gloria Hernadez And you're so stupid. Because frilled sharks still exist in the deep dark areas of the atlantic and pacific. This is not the last frilled shark on the earth.
mia apodaca
mia apodaca - 9 years ago
OH! Look!! And extremely rare shark! LeT'S KILL IT!
NICOLE cON - 9 years ago
Taking a chance with a prehistoric shark (rarely seen) and we (humans) are the smartest species on earth?...good God!
Ryan K Rogers
Ryan K Rogers - 9 years ago
God created him
Smol Potato
Smol Potato - 9 years ago
+Gordan Scrubman
I also thank you. Most see me as a "worthless emo."
Smol Potato
Smol Potato - 9 years ago
+Gordan Scrubman
Words can be misleading. I too apologize if I was ever rude.
Gordan Scrubman
Gordan Scrubman - 9 years ago
+Hailey Dearing-wodylak You seem like a good person. If I ever sounded rude, I am sorry.
Gordan Scrubman
Gordan Scrubman - 9 years ago
+Hailey Dearing-wodylak I was only talking about the shark, not what humans do to nature. Trust me, I know exactly what goes on beyond a computer's screen. There are always gonna be bad people, but remember there are also good people on this world, no matter how corrupted it gets. Don't be disappointed of being a human, as that is the best chance of survival on this planet. We are the most intelligent species on Earth, even if what we do is not exactly intelligent.

Also, I did not call you an idiot. You are far from an idiot, but I have no idea where you got that from.
Gordan Scrubman
Gordan Scrubman - 9 years ago
+Hailey Dearing-wodylak I agree with you that humans can be stupid at times, but this shark was gonna die anyways. This species of shark can only survive in an environment with high pressure, but nature pushed it to the surface and the lack of pressure was what killed it. The scientists wanted to save it, but it was too late.

It was all nature's fault that the shark died, not the people.
Smol Potato
Smol Potato - 9 years ago
at this time I will gladly go back to my screamo and act like idiotic humans don't exist
Lea Oswald
Lea Oswald - 9 years ago
Der is ned evht der is blos aus plastik schaut euch mal die augen an leute alles face da stevkt blos ein mensch drin der dis streuert alles fake !!!!!
LPSElsified - 9 years ago
OMFG. They f**ing killed the *one that we see on camera. Great job, so called "expert" scientists.
Jacob Benko
Jacob Benko - 9 years ago
They didn't kill it.
IsThAtYoUmAn09 - 9 years ago
j smith
j smith - 9 years ago
i bet they probably ate ocean creature is safe from the japanese
momomum - 9 years ago
This is breathtaking
Anthony Moore
Anthony Moore - 9 years ago
I think it's funny how it's all smiling whilst in the water.
Matúš Kubica
Matúš Kubica - 9 years ago
It looks more like rubber shark than frilled shark. Butt still I got gooseflesh. Terrifying.
thevideosinc - 9 years ago
8 years and people still don't seem the grasp that the people didn't kill the damn shark
jacqueline flores
jacqueline flores - 7 years ago
11 years now
911WASanINSIDEjob420 - 7 years ago
repitlian kill your self
Spirit Buell
Spirit Buell - 7 years ago
reptilian - 9 years ago
+LordofApache your dumb
terriergal - 9 years ago
+Ch0plol Yeah that's what I was going to say, she looked ill already - the way she was moving was unnatural and stiff.
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 9 years ago
+gamerplay Was already dying when found.
Ch0plol - 9 years ago
+Insanitys Soul Like the Oarfish it comes to the surface waters to die.
No One Cares
No One Cares - 9 years ago
+LordofApache I wouldn't clearly say sick. it is a prehistoric shark. very little is known about the Frilled Shark.
LordofApache - 9 years ago
+gamerplay You're a moron. It voluntarily came to the surface and was clearly sick. It was going to die. Something that lives that deep in the ocean cannot survive on the surface. But libtards gonna be libtards. Facts and reasoning don't matter.
gamerplay - 9 years ago
+thevideosinc moving it is worse than leaving it
thevideosinc - 9 years ago
+gamerplay how long do you think it would take to build a place that had the same underwater pressure and atmosphere the this shark we know nothing about would take
gamerplay - 9 years ago
+thevideosinc Moving it rather than building a place where it lives would have been a better idea than trying to relocate it out of where it was found.
Jovan Janevski
Jovan Janevski - 9 years ago
It's the Loch Ness monsta, askin us bout tree fiddy!
Ethyn T.
Ethyn T. - 9 years ago
You dumb asses if it really rare why take it away from it's home, use your brains next time!!!!
Kotoni Koi
Kotoni Koi - 9 years ago
mnb323 - 9 years ago
+Kotoni Bradshaw It was dying, did you see how limp it was? They attempted to keep it alive by taking it to a marine environment but dies shortly after they captured it.
Jason Hosta Hosta
Jason Hosta Hosta - 9 years ago
fucking humans.
Dylan Noles
Dylan Noles - 9 years ago
It's not real
Kevin Putra
Kevin Putra - 9 years ago
its a frilled shark
Gerald Banas
Gerald Banas - 9 years ago
horrible.... horribly awesome
Lois TheLiker
Lois TheLiker - 9 years ago
look at glils
Christopher Arts
Christopher Arts - 9 years ago
Oh look a ''PREHISTORIC'' shark,
oh look it's dead NOW IT EXTINCT... now where would we find another one,
geraldyn bañas
geraldyn bañas - 9 years ago
horrible.... horribly coll weheee.....
Cris Payan
Cris Payan - 9 years ago
What the shit .that looks like an eel with teeth +y r those teens/ kids picking at the eel shark



Bryson Gobel
Bryson Gobel - 9 years ago
Asami's descendant found this shark?
Leo Mercado
Leo Mercado - 9 years ago
Someone throw a pokeball at it now!!
Christopher Arts
Christopher Arts - 9 years ago
Humans kill everything!!!
I don't even kill bugs, not at all, If I see one killed
It looks painful!
Christopher Arts
Christopher Arts - 9 years ago
I don't know why they have to kill it
It should have been a female and make a baby and the baby becomes a adult and make another baby and another and another!!!
Christopher Arts
Christopher Arts - 9 years ago
Wow that shark must be happy about something... And I have no idea O:
DreaminTeamin - 9 years ago
Even thought it was killed it was already probably dying.
Salvation MTA
Salvation MTA - 9 years ago
+FluffyCatGirl1 Jellyfishes can live an eternal live. Literally. And tortoises can live over 200 years. So who knows ;P
FluffyCatGirl1 - 9 years ago
+Salvation MTA There's no way a single animal could live that long.
Salvation MTA
Salvation MTA - 9 years ago
+DreaminTeamin It was a billion years old. It should've lived longer
Rosie V. Hidalgo
Rosie V. Hidalgo - 9 years ago
Of course he won't survive outside his natural habitat!!!!
What the heck were they thinking?!?!?
I'm no biologist expert but;even I knew he wouldn't survive you morons!!
Howling Eclipse
Howling Eclipse - 9 years ago
I can't believe they tried to say they were "saving" it... It obviously was alive... Well and healthy and it was STILL on the face of the earth. Congratulations humans. And any idiot who thinks saving a prehistoric animal that is obviously in its natural habitat and thinking moving it(where transportation will most likely kill it!) Into a place where they were probably going to experiment on it...

Great Jon humanity you found another.miracle and killed it
OddMike - 9 years ago
+Howling Eclipse .....It wasn't in its natural habit. It was in shallow water. The pressure change alone was causing it to die.
mnb323 - 9 years ago
+Howling Eclipse It was not alive and healthy it was dying lol, look at how limp it was, and how bloated the gills were.
Chris Messruther
Chris Messruther - 9 years ago
they didnt fucking kill it Christ, the shark wouldn't have come all the way to that shallow water unless it was dyinig or had some sort of disease prior to them finding it, it was likely already close to death.
Wolfferra - 9 years ago
that's a frilled shark.
Wolfferra - 9 years ago
+Gyushal Bon-Queefson you don't say? 
Gandhi Always Leaves an Onion
Gandhi Always Leaves an Onion - 9 years ago
+Wolfferra AJ No idea, but u got rekted 
Wolfferra - 9 years ago
+Gyushal Bon-Queefson I got rekt... but how... XD 
Gandhi Always Leaves an Onion
Gandhi Always Leaves an Onion - 9 years ago
Wolfferra - 9 years ago
+Gyushal Bon-Queefson I did say extinct, but it's not really what I meant to say XD
Gandhi Always Leaves an Onion
Gandhi Always Leaves an Onion - 9 years ago
+Wolfferra AJ Where does it say its extinct?
Wolfferra - 9 years ago
it's not extinct.
Xavier820 - 9 years ago
Stupid humans..
Game Over Productions
Game Over Productions - 9 years ago
Francisco Perreaux
Francisco Perreaux - 9 years ago
javtrance - 9 years ago
ese tiburon esta mas duro que un amigo mio jajajaja
cloned81 - 9 years ago
Imanukfila M.E.F Nuseka
Imanukfila M.E.F Nuseka - 9 years ago
Humans kill every living creature they find.
Jacob Benko
Jacob Benko - 9 years ago
+Imanukfila Nuseka they didn't kill the frilled shark. It was already dying because it was out of it's natural habitat.
Imanukfila M.E.F Nuseka
Imanukfila M.E.F Nuseka - 9 years ago
Yes! Exactly.. :-)
claudio crabini
claudio crabini - 9 years ago
even in themselves.......
mardillie - 9 years ago
All they had to do was leave it the fuck alone . Humans always think we have to fix shit.
RWARless524 - 9 years ago
Nooooooo why would they kill it!?!!?!?!???
Shlomo Shekelberg
Shlomo Shekelberg - 9 years ago
Arent all sharks prehistoric?
Ecliptic Designs
Ecliptic Designs - 9 years ago
+Shlomo Shekelberg most sharks have evolved from sharks that were prehistoric... in a few hundred thousand years the species of shark alive today will be considered prehistoric and there will be new sharks which are more adapted to the climate,prey and predators around it
Cole macGraph
Cole macGraph - 9 years ago
Throw a pokeball at it
RocketRafaelo - 9 years ago
+Cole macGraph better yet a master ball
Meowth Gamer
Meowth Gamer - 9 years ago
Theyre not harm to humans,humans are harm to them
DAZz - 9 years ago
It`s like a frilled shark.
Tony - 9 years ago
why would they take it out? they said themselves how rare this shark is. like, seriously? are we so full of ourselves that we feel the need to kill this rare animal? shit, its like killing a unicorn for fuck's sake.
Fee - 9 years ago
I don't understand why the people felt the need to catch it. they should have kept him in the ocean
carrot man
carrot man - 9 years ago
frilled shark
Kaff - 9 years ago
Mutilated due to nuclear waste.. unnatural
Al-Terrik Robinson
Al-Terrik Robinson - 9 years ago
Damn u could tell dat shit was hella old once u see tha gills
Jacob Benko
Jacob Benko - 9 years ago
It wasn't because it was old, it was because it was noy accustomed to the water pressure.
zelilah - 9 years ago
Lithrus - 9 years ago
That's a frilled shark... It's not prehistoric and still exists.
IzumiRiceBowl - 9 years ago
+Alucard Hellsing Tell me about to
Alucard Hellsing
Alucard Hellsing - 9 years ago
+Josh M Just like stupid misquitos, why don't those things go extinct?
Josh M
Josh M - 9 years ago
If it's been around for millions of years, then yes, it's prehistoric.
CyberDenizen - 9 years ago
+Lithrus It still exists and it has existed for 80 million years which falls into the category of living fossil. My point is: yes, it is a prehistoric shark.
Galaxy Dancer01
Galaxy Dancer01 - 9 years ago
so they killed a rare shark and f*cking killed it. -_-
wow... thanks humans. :( just f*cking kidding
Jamie Zoroneck-Miller
Jamie Zoroneck-Miller - 9 years ago
she was probably going to die anyways, I agree that they shouldn't have been idiots & take it out of the water. but she did look quite sick & frail, so she probably came up to the close surface to die...
Ritchie Figueroa
Ritchie Figueroa - 9 years ago
That thing is ugly
humourousmoth - 9 years ago
I dunno; I wouldn't mind taking it on a date.
Sam Hayes
Sam Hayes - 9 years ago
So you found an incredibly rare sea creature unlike anything we've seen before, most likely the only one left, and you take it out of its natural habitat, obviously killing it. Way to fucking go.
Jacob Benko
Jacob Benko - 9 years ago
+Sam Hayes it was already out of its natural habitat before the people took it out of the water. It was going to die no matter what they did to it.
OddMike - 9 years ago
+Sam Hayes It's a frilled shark. Frilled sharks are deep-sea fish. Deep-sea fish only enter shallow waters when they're diseased or dying, just like this one.
Sam Hayes
Sam Hayes - 9 years ago
+OddMike Great excuse....
OddMike - 9 years ago
+Sam Hayes It's not the only one left, they're only listed as "near threatened". And it was already dying.
Via Surigao
Via Surigao - 9 years ago
Why they killed it for what reason for science God its only one and you kill em what is wrong with you..!! Let him live let him spread what is wrong with you guys...!
Milosh Keat
Milosh Keat - 9 years ago
the way it swims looked fake
FNA PRODUCTIONS - 9 years ago
Dick heads
stephen seguna
stephen seguna - 9 years ago
No they didn't kill it they just took it out of the water wich killed it lol
Ghost - 9 years ago
Its highly likely that this shark is probably more common than a sumatran rhino.
Mikhail Haritz
Mikhail Haritz - 9 years ago
+SnowBlock yeah my country animals are likely going to extinct
lol for u
lol for u - 9 years ago
Man, this shit is feeling like pokemon, why? Because you gotta catch'em all.
Ben Airton
Ben Airton - 9 years ago
at the beginning thats what she said
alexander castro belalcazar
alexander castro belalcazar - 9 years ago
no se pa que veo esto si no entiendo ni mierda
Qualimer - 9 years ago
looks 10x scarier when taking seven year break before returning back to this vid.
Dang My Hanh
Dang My Hanh - 9 years ago
Ohhh is a real?
Gaming 4 Life(Tylerman)
Gaming 4 Life(Tylerman) - 10 years ago
So it's an ancient Shark possibly the last of it's kind and we decide to kill it?? That logic is flawed
Alucard Hellsing
Alucard Hellsing - 9 years ago
+oggel33t We can do that too in Colorado and Washington state.
sly sky
sly sky - 9 years ago
+oggel33t oh yea! Beer, weed, cookies and discussing scientific facts like civilized people! That would be a great time :D
Gandhi Always Leaves an Onion
Gandhi Always Leaves an Onion - 9 years ago
+Gaming 4 Life(Tylerman) Ur a dumbass.
Oscar Nilsson
Oscar Nilsson - 9 years ago
+Christopher Garcia
How about some weed and cookies then? xD
Christopher Garcia
Christopher Garcia - 9 years ago
+oggel33t haha Thanks for the invitation but I don't really like beer... or alcohol in general. :)
Oscar Nilsson
Oscar Nilsson - 9 years ago
+Christopher Garcia
YOU! I like you! Get your ass to Sweden so I can buy you a beer :)
Christopher Garcia
Christopher Garcia - 9 years ago
+Gaming 4 Life(Tylerman) It was already going to die, that is why they took it out. What they mean to study it was that they were going to save the animal and then start to study its behaviour. Save and then study, but this poor animal was already too close to its end to actually get saved and kept alive.

This shark is a deep sea creature, they don't come to the surface unless they are already close to dead. Just looking at the gills and the way it swims shows that it was already in a real bad shape and wouldn't last as much. Also, its natural habitat isn't simply water, it is deep sea water which is vastly different when compared to the surface waters; the pressure change, for example, may be the reason its gills are like that.

By the way, this shark isn't the only one nor could it be "the last of its kind". What they meant with "rare" is that it is hard to see one of them (because their habitat), and there have been other captures of these fishes in other areas though they generally are dead. This is an ancient species of rarely seen fishes that should naturally not be close to the surface.
Gaming 4 Life(Tylerman)
Gaming 4 Life(Tylerman) - 9 years ago
+oggel33t It died because humans took it out of it's habitat, and had out of water too long. What ever happened to just leaving stuff alone
Oscar Nilsson
Oscar Nilsson - 9 years ago
+Gaming 4 Life(Tylerman) can you explain how you know what the cause of death is? I'm trying to educate myself since you apparently know more than me.
Gaming 4 Life(Tylerman)
Gaming 4 Life(Tylerman) - 9 years ago
+Maximillionairr They said they took it to study it. That's what killed it
Maximillionairr - 9 years ago
+Gaming 4 Life(Tylerman) Did you even watch the video? The shark was forced to shallow waters (by nature) and the change in pressure killed it. They normally dwell in extremely deep waters. The scientists even made attempts to SAVE the shark. But who knows how long it was in those shallow water before being discovered. It was probably very weak. It is unfortunate, but that's Darwanism.
Gru - 10 years ago
Died shortly after capture?... You would think this day and age you would know better than to mess with endangered species -_-
K Jones
K Jones - 9 years ago
+Gru It's not endangered, though. And it was already dying.
Marrit Visser
Marrit Visser - 10 years ago
Well this may sound cruel but if it was the only one left there wouldn't come more of those ugly things. But yeah I feel sorry for that fish
Smokey Dawg
Smokey Dawg - 10 years ago
They didn't kill it, they tried to save it from the shallow waters (and the pressure) which would have killed it anyways.
C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis - 10 years ago
jusmays - 10 years ago
good job fn morons its a dinosuar not a discus
Juan Gayles
Juan Gayles - 10 years ago
i dont think its real or even alive. 
Thomas Ashford
Thomas Ashford - 10 years ago
Why would they take it away if not to experiment on the poor bugger. Should of just left it alone.
If it was an endangered bird they wouldn't be allowed to touch it by law
Thomas Ashford
Thomas Ashford - 10 years ago
Still doesn't explain why they were allowed to touch it.
Interfering with things
DenianWriter - 10 years ago
It's not endangered, they are just rare to see because they live so far down.
And the one they found was already dying, that's why it was at the surface. 
mau art.
mau art. - 10 years ago
What's the catch of the day? Today we have a rare prehistoric shark sushi!!!
DeathMaster666 - 10 years ago
o.O really?? o.O
ScraxTV - 10 years ago
Aw Hek it's a Snek
Aw Hek it's a Snek - 7 years ago
The shark lives in the deep, so clearly it was either sick or dying if it was swimming around on the surface. They tried to help it, so basically it's options were die or have a chance of not dying.
Molten_ - 10 years ago
Those gills freak me out
Magical  Bevanna
Magical Bevanna - 10 years ago
They killed it??? Idiots, you could give scientists alive Mammoth, and they'd even kill that, God help us if a Megladon shark was every to swim pass them, no doubt that would die too. Humankind you're a set of dumb arses. You really are.
Deklan Barr
Deklan Barr - 10 years ago
Damn that's ugly. XD
Antoninus Pius
Antoninus Pius - 10 years ago
Anyone replay 0:25 a couple of times to check for the upskirt?
Bawnawgwa - 10 years ago
I hope people read this before they decide to comment so they can spare themselves the embarrassment of being misinformed. Ok, this thing is a very deep sea creature. It was FOUND by the surface because something was wrong with it: it was dying. They attempted to save it, but could not. Either way, it was gunna be dead soon anyway. These are not rare, they are just never seen because they live so deep and only when we happen upon a dead/dying one that came to the surface do we see them.
james devine
james devine - 10 years ago
How bout if you leave the creature alone now its fuckin dead. FUCK HUMANS ARE FUCKED IN THE HEAD
Bawnawgwa - 10 years ago
These are very deep sea creatures. They found it close to the surface because something was wrong with it so it drifted up as it was dying. They attempted to save it, but could not. These are not rare animals. They seem rare because they live in the deep ocean and just are never seen until one dies or is dying and someone happens upon it.
Lamloosheh1 - 10 years ago
Wtf is wrong with humans. They were lucky to have captured it on camera, ALIVE! what made them think that this "prehistoric creature " which survived millions of years needed their help to survive. FTS indeed! !
nipty bipty
nipty bipty - 10 years ago
Yep, fucking stupid people taking a rare shark into captivity, it's obviously going to die. Just shows that evolution is a con though, fossils of this from 800,000,000 years ago and not one difference.... what have you to say about that Richard Dawkins? 
Ricky Wilks
Ricky Wilks - 10 years ago
Do you have a link to the "800,000,000 year" old fossil? Because, I have a feeling you are incorrect.
Stark Langley
Stark Langley - 10 years ago
lb2921 - 10 years ago
Dragón Ascending!!!! ( shiryu)
hey you
hey you - 10 years ago
I'm sure you'd love to meet one in the open sea, they're sooooo cuddly - even their teeth have teeth!
Colin Rose
Colin Rose - 10 years ago
So many hippies so little ammo
Al - 10 years ago
And yet another astoundingly beautiful creation has been put to waste.....smh
HaloNoobGrunt - 10 years ago
One question is why did it got out of its living environment way below?
CrimsonToxic7 - 10 years ago
We're more of a "let's study it by killing it" type of human, aren't we?
KORN FLAKE - 10 years ago
fucking idiots go and kill it
Ciprian Antonescu
Ciprian Antonescu - 10 years ago
nice work you stupid people : filmed & killed. 
erica green
erica green - 10 years ago
Why do humans keep tryna find other living things to destroy,so we can kill and extinct them. We need to leave the animals in nature alone.
Rachel Nesbitt
Rachel Nesbitt - 10 years ago
This is why we can't have nice things. 
Valentino Rodriguez
Valentino Rodriguez - 10 years ago
Oh you dastard humans! Commenting on a video without really looking into matters! It's like you're not in your natural habitat of being a fucking retard. 
nicolas alberti
nicolas alberti - 9 years ago
+Simon Toback puppet i love you (ok no) jajajjaa
Spooky boi Simon
Spooky boi Simon - 9 years ago
Valentino Rodriguez
Valentino Rodriguez - 9 years ago
+Simon Toback #GetTrolled
Spooky boi Simon
Spooky boi Simon - 9 years ago
+Valentino Rodriguez i belive its actually u who is angry idiot
Valentino Rodriguez
Valentino Rodriguez - 9 years ago
+Clint Clark Someone's a little angry over a YouTube comment. 
Clint Clark
Clint Clark - 9 years ago
Fuck you Dick ass how about we take you out of yours I'd bet that shark would last longer than you 
Jennifer Sheppard
Jennifer Sheppard - 10 years ago
they should have left it alone and let it live in its habitat :(
Gyasi Knight
Gyasi Knight - 10 years ago
We just can't have nice shit.... So you find something that's believed to be millions of years old, catch it and removed it from where it's been held up for millions of years. Then it died cause we're fascinated by it.
ramiro fauno martinez
ramiro fauno martinez - 10 years ago
y lo primero que hacen los imbéciles humanos es matarlo... 
Marlon R
Marlon R - 10 years ago
Animal captivation..nice!
I only hope there are more of these sharks out there where humans can't reach them. 
Grineer Researcher Tyl Regor
Grineer Researcher Tyl Regor - 7 years ago
Marlon R this poor frilled shark came to the surface so it could die they tried to help it by taking it to a aquarium with the right water pressure so they can save it and then study it to learn more about it because this shark might have the answer to evolution
6menonaplane - 10 years ago
It's the real life Gyarados.
Le' seel
Le' seel - 7 years ago
Too bad it looks like it's blind. But if you give it a Mega Stone, he'll be a whopper if you ask me.
6menonaplane - 9 years ago
B BOY Novel
B BOY Novel - 9 years ago
+6menonaplane u watch pokeymon???
WynterRayn19 - 10 years ago
lmao, not a shiny one though :(
Katie Kaestner
Katie Kaestner - 10 years ago
Poor guy, his frills look so bloated from the change in pressure and oxygen levels :( It's fascinating to see what kind of creatures exist in our world but with climate change, ocean acidification and pollution, I wish they weren't forced to surface.
Le' seel
Le' seel - 7 years ago
Dakota Source, retard?
DoggoMania - 7 years ago
Not in Canada, where I am atleast usually we would get 1-2 feet of snow and now we are hardly getting any. Its supposed to be 9 degrees on Christmas.
Piorun - 7 years ago
Climate change? The earth is facing some of the coldest winters in ages
Katie Kaestner
Katie Kaestner - 9 years ago
+LordofApache Uh-huh.
LordofApache - 9 years ago
+Katie Kaestner Keep drinking that kool-aid, simpleton.
LukeSkyrunner21 - 9 years ago
+Katie Kaestner I wasn't referring to proving your position on them not being able survive the changes in pressure and oxygen, but your theory that climate change, ocean acidification and pollution would force the shark out of the depths of the ocean, versus it just being a sick/dying shark.  I certainly agree that the final cause of death would be the obvious: pressure change and oxygen levels.
Katie Kaestner
Katie Kaestner - 9 years ago
+LukeSkyrunner21 Shouldn't it be common knowledge that deep water sea creatures should not have a body that could survive such drastic changes in pressure and oxygen? Do I have to provide evidence that the sun is the sun when I call it one? Besides, I didn't say my theory was fact, not once - I don't have the expertise on deep-water oceanic life or the motivation to provide such evidence. But if someone says it's complete bullshit, I disagree, and would like evidence of the contrary to try to educate me. Savvy?
LukeSkyrunner21 - 9 years ago
+Katie Kaestner Not to deny that the change in pressure would account for the death of the shark, but it always falls on the presenter to provide direct evidence to prove a position, not the denier to provide evidence of the contrary.
Howling Eclipse
Howling Eclipse - 9 years ago
poor fish
Katie Kaestner
Katie Kaestner - 9 years ago
+Charlie Hutch ....This is what you said, and I quote: "I love it when a GIRL gets aggressive...they always either stutter or become repetitious"
Aren't you the sexist one? Why the caps on "girl"? For emphasis on the gender/sex?
Why this comment thread has become a gender discrimination issue I have no clue, but all of you, that's quite enough.
Charlie Hutch
Charlie Hutch - 9 years ago
+Hailey Dearing-wodylak
Ah, typical stereotyping....I have sexist issues?  You should have read; Pedagogy of the Oppressed. The author is Paulo Freire, he was one of the first to point out that those who find themselves 'oppressed' are the first to turn into the oppressor given the opportunity and the means.  Your statements are clearly from a point of view that has no equality between sexes. Is sexist to a radical degree:  let me define it from an authority then try examining what you just said::  "Sexism or gender discrimination is prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender." Its from the dictionary. Hope you work out your sexist issues. funny though that you went 'there'. you must have them in spades...
Tim Marshall
Tim Marshall - 9 years ago
You have a sexist issue, Hailey.
Tim Marshall
Tim Marshall - 9 years ago
Don't feed the trolls.
Katie Kaestner
Katie Kaestner - 9 years ago
All right that's enough for now of non-related bullshit to get notifications of, thanks
Charlie Hutch
Charlie Hutch - 9 years ago
Why do you bother breathing??
Howling Eclipse
Howling Eclipse - 9 years ago
hey i know the english language thanks for pointing out my disability and typing and spelling or grammar has nothing to do with someones intellect. thank you very much. i love how i can still see there is sexism in the world +Charlie Hutch so keep going with your insutlts ;P it aint going anywhere hunny bun, trust me. its not. what i also love is how you attack how i spell and not the meaning or what im trying to say! :D so i win
Charlie Hutch
Charlie Hutch - 9 years ago
+Howling Eclipse
 you should learn the English language. It would, maybe, help you communicate. But then you would still have that intellect issue right? Grrttt//    I love it when a GIRL gets aggressive...they always either stutter or become repetitious. "any one studying or has"  I mean this your very best??
Howling Eclipse
Howling Eclipse - 9 years ago
+Charlie Hutch wow
... You're an idiot... Anyone studying or has basic knowledge on fish can detect things such as bloating. Just because they are fish doesn't mean they don't have sympomts of sickness -_-
GiveMeACheerio - 9 years ago
+Charlie Hutch Oh look, just another stupid comment.
Katie Kaestner
Katie Kaestner - 9 years ago
+Charlie Hutch Why the all-caps? Yelling doesn't get your point across half as well as would a normal tone. As to the content of your comment, science is simply a collection of knowledgeable "assumptions" - they're just theories that haven't been disproved thus far. And the fact that this creature was forced to the surface is just MY theory based on what little knowledge I have of deep-sea creatures. Unless you can definitively disprove that my theory that his fins are bloated from the change in pressure and oxygen levels and that changing ocean pH levels and temperature had nothing to do with this guy just appearing (when we had seen so few before).......piss off. You and I are both on the same level. Don't ridicule me.
Charlie Hutch
Charlie Hutch - 9 years ago
+Mako Mankanshoku
GiveMeACheerio - 10 years ago
Finally a smart comment.
Jennifer Williams
Jennifer Williams - 10 years ago
I think if the shark had her choice, she would have stayed in the sea. Humans dont know too much about this species so they should have left the outcome up to mother nature. Humans always have to involve themselves though. We can appreciate nature from a distance and that is why so many marine animals die at marine parks.
Sizo Lane
Sizo Lane - 10 years ago
Bull! That's not a natural fish, that thing is mutated. Look at it's movements, look at it's hybrid features, come on now! It's a genetic mutation, plain and simple. 80 millions years my foot, more like 80 parts of mutagenic waste per million!
Shmendan - 10 years ago
Sorry for calling you dumb
Shmendan - 10 years ago
Sizo Lane
Sizo Lane - 10 years ago
Thank you for quoting what articles have stated... I shall take your comment as a re-read of what I have already commented on.^
Shmendan - 10 years ago
You are really dumb...this is a living fossil... Not a genetic mutation
sir piggerlottle
sir piggerlottle - 10 years ago
Fucking kill it before it lays eggs, oh wait it did. :D 

Ashton McCann
Ashton McCann - 10 years ago
What people need to realize is that this is a deep sea dweller. So it's obviously a bad sign to see it up that close to the surface. They said it died from being out of its "normal environment" which is cold and dark. Sure removing it didn't help to begin with, but it was probably already dying.
rovibe - 10 years ago
This animal is not prehistoric any more than common bird species or alligators are prehistoric.  For crying out loud, they make it sound like it lived to be a hundred million years old.  Probably about 12 years old.  Which means there are plenty of others out there, and they're breeding.  We just don't encounter them because they live in deep waters and their bodies are consumed by other fish when they die before they have a chance to wash ashore somewhere. 
Grineer Researcher Tyl Regor
Grineer Researcher Tyl Regor - 7 years ago
rovibe actually it is 80 million years old
Tim Franko
Tim Franko - 10 years ago
annnnnnnnnd its dead.....
jerome capundag
jerome capundag - 10 years ago
That did not make any sense the thing cannot live outside its normal habbitat and then they took it in captivity? They ended up killig the animal.. real genius
August_Very_Own - 10 years ago
they captured it to help it much like when they find injured or orphaned seals orcas sharks ect and it was already outside of its natural habitat when they found it. these things live 600 meters below sea level, the fact that it swam to where we could find it in the first place was alarming enough so why not try to help it
Sheldon Smith
Sheldon Smith - 10 years ago
Japan  or  China  is  a  bad  place  for  tasty  looking fish  to  be  found. 
dl woolman
dl woolman - 10 years ago
It died because you can't bring up a deep water fish.  It gets the bends, just like humans if they don't decompress.   Fishermen should know this.  Anyone on the sea should know this.  
Lewis Allan
Lewis Allan - 10 years ago
So many Fucktards on this Video. The Animal was dying why not study it 
Andy -
Andy - - 10 years ago
The comments on this bloody video are cancer and aids combined.
KriegsMaschine - 10 years ago
Oh let's just take this amazing prehistoric animal, possibly the last one we will ever see in person, take it out of it's normal habitat of water into a dry arid environment out of the water so we can move it someplace other than where it's been for years. I'm sure it will make it.

Fucking humans. Just continue destroying your own race and leave animals out of it.

Yours truly,
A concerned alien
Soviet Jop
Soviet Jop - 7 years ago
Jasmine Smith
Jasmine Smith - 7 years ago
you're totally right! they really have no intelligence if they are doing that.
gin idontthinkso
gin idontthinkso - 7 years ago
They live in the deep sea, it was already dying when it came to the surface
Smol Potato
Smol Potato - 9 years ago
+Albrecht Friedrich Ülrich oh I see.
KriegsMaschine - 9 years ago
+Hailey Dearing-wodylak No, he was talking me, I changed my name since from German Gaming !
Smol Potato
Smol Potato - 9 years ago
+LordofApache are you referring to me?
Alexander Andersson
Alexander Andersson - 9 years ago
+Albrecht Friedrich Ülrich What is with the whole liberal hating thing going on now anyways? I moved out of the country years ago and stayed out of its affairs so this is new. I disagree with your opinion on the shark, and agree with your opinion on the liberal haters. I don't understand the point of it, maybe because I'm a foreigner and have never taken a political side there.
KriegsMaschine - 9 years ago
+s21411 I'm far from liberal. What's brain damaging dumb are self-righteous know-it-all's such as yourself, assuming that you know somebody from one opinion. Lol.
s21411 - 9 years ago
+Albrecht Friedrich Ülrich You liberals are brain damaging dumb.
KriegsMaschine - 9 years ago
+LordofApache Oh yes because the world needs more genetics of hate mongering idiotic assholes such as yourself. Lmao. Take a bandaid for all of your hurt feelings ( [:::] ) . Now have a wonderful day <3
LordofApache - 9 years ago
+GermanGaming ! You're a fucking moron. Please don't procreate or assist in the raising of children in any capacity. Any more of your influence on the human gene pool spells extinction for us all.
Nevermind TM
Nevermind TM - 9 years ago
lol they seriously killed it wtf
KriegsMaschine - 9 years ago
+Tony Bello And you're pretty cool, ya know, for a human. I like you too
Tony Bello
Tony Bello - 9 years ago
+Lost Doge your a cool dude, I like you.
KriegsMaschine - 9 years ago
+Tony Bello Unfortunately I feel as though you would burst into flame attempting to transcend time with me. And I happen to like this rock, so in the words of the humans: "Neener, neener. neener"
Damien ablitt-ramroop
Damien ablitt-ramroop - 9 years ago
+Lost Doge But think of all the money they made ;P
Tony Bello
Tony Bello - 9 years ago
+Lost Doge take me to this paradigm. Let me wither in the presence of the brightest stars, and transcend the void of time with you... and dafuq you doing on this rock?
KriegsMaschine - 9 years ago
+Tony Bello We don't have fruit. Usually our dinners are composed of small chunks of meteorite with a side of molten rock. For desert we usually pair black matter with small amoebas. You know, the usual.
Tony Bello
Tony Bello - 9 years ago
+Lost Doge what is your planets most common fruit? -earths equivalent of strawberry perhaps
KriegsMaschine - 9 years ago
+Tony Bello most definitely.
Tony Bello
Tony Bello - 9 years ago
+Lost Doge are you a real alien
Johntheman Clark
Johntheman Clark - 9 years ago
+Lost Doge I second THAT!!
9_Bucks - 9 years ago
+Casey McGregor And yet we can go to every environment on the planet and space using our intellect and ingenuity.

All other animals: 0
Humans: Infinity 
Casey McGregor
Casey McGregor - 9 years ago
+9_Bucks You need a course in Evolution and Biology. Humans, evolutionaryily speaking, aren't the most successful creatures on the earth. Our physiology is actually not very adept at survival compared to other creatures.
9_Bucks - 9 years ago
+Lost Doge Mammals, more specifically humans are the best. The rest of the animal kingdom can go fuck themselves.

Kings of the jungle!
Adrian the great
Adrian the great - 9 years ago
it is a fucking robot guys.... search for it. the one which looks alives is a rebuilt robot of the original creature which was found dead. it is a marine park.
Shante James
Shante James - 9 years ago
+Lost Doge you took the words right out of my mouth. who knows how long it would have lived. ugh the end pissed me off.
mirai nikki
mirai nikki - 9 years ago
+Lost Doge  Illuminati confirmed
Smokey Dawg
Smokey Dawg - 10 years ago
They didn't kill it, they tried to save it from the shallow waters (and the pressure) which would have killed it anyways.
KriegsMaschine - 10 years ago
+gunawanfahri23 I can't tell. But the "so it can selfie on youtube" made me laugh so friggin harddd
Anak Tentara - ikut Bela Ulama
Anak Tentara - ikut Bela Ulama - 10 years ago
+Lost Doge He is probably a war vet. Makin me sad..
KriegsMaschine - 10 years ago
+thereis nojustice That comment is the best comment in the history of commentdom. I laughed so hard. liek evrytiem
Johnny Texan
Johnny Texan - 10 years ago
Almost everything pulled up from that deep is going to die, anyone who has been deep sea fishing can tell you they have seen it. The change in water pressure as it rises so quickly causes internal damage. If they had tossed it back, it almost surely would have died anyhow. 

Also, it isn't certain that this shark is rare. It is a "rare find", for sure, but we don't know enough about the species to know how stable it's population is. It could fall anywhere on the chart, from Least Concern to Endangered...without t he ability to get a good population count there is no way to tell.

edit: It is listed as "near threatened" which would not qualify it for an endangered species list yet.
M F G - 10 years ago
Old champ spent his dyin breath swiming to shore from 9000 fathoms so it can selfie on youtube.. i raised my hat.. true champ.. Rip ugly fish.. hart of a lion..
Adrian the great
Adrian the great - 10 years ago
its a robot. fake
KriegsMaschine - 10 years ago
+Mohamed Yousuf that's wasn't to you xD this was for people who were saying very wrong things just to be rude.
Ameen Good
Ameen Good - 10 years ago
+Lost Doge I thought we were friends :(
KriegsMaschine - 10 years ago
I understand they wanted to do research. People just need to not get so butthurt over one person's opinion. Just because I don't believe they should mess with things doesn't make me right, and just because others think it's okay doesn't make them right either. Maybe I'm have hippy ways, but that's not cause enough for some people here to use it as insult against me. Those of you who did; grow up.
bennyheikki - 10 years ago
it died in the water a few hours later, evidently it couldn't cope with lack of pressure on its body as you can see its flaring gills look very exposed. They took its dead body for research.
ross clouting
ross clouting - 10 years ago
+ross clouting too add it wasnt looking particularly healthy anyway as it was floating in the shallows just off the coast as opposed to 300+ meters down in its normal habitat
ross clouting
ross clouting - 10 years ago
KriegsMaschine - 10 years ago
+Lord Zed I would but everyone says they can't get the scent of your breath off of theirs.
Ameen Good
Ameen Good - 10 years ago
+Brittany Hay Go to 1:15. They were trying to help it, im not saying every single time an animal is taking from its environment that its the right thing to do, but instead of being so sensitive why dont you listen to the facts so you can form an educate opinion. BTW these sharks aren't rare, a bit of research on them and they seem to be plentiful. 
Brittany Hay
Brittany Hay - 10 years ago
+Mohamed Yousuf It doesn't have to be the last of it's kind to be irresponsible in removing it from its environment. So gtfo with your uneducated opinions. Not sorry.  
Ameen Good
Ameen Good - 10 years ago
+Leggy Vice Lol read the description. It was in shallow waters, so it was already in an unnatural habitat. And your analogy is wrong on so many levels, they didn't kill it, ands its family sure as hell won't be thinking "them damn hooomans, at it again" so killing my mum and apologizing to me won't be the same AND ALSO my mum isn't a prehistoric animal out of her depth so your analogy is completely wrong.  So yes hippie shit.
Leggy Vice
Leggy Vice - 10 years ago
+Mohamed Yousuf Lol it says (end of the video) it died because they took it out of it's normal habbitat, no Hippie shit. It's like killing your mom but telling you "it's ok, there are just some more of your family left." … like wtf? Just leave those animals where they are, they stayed there for 95 Mio. years…
Ameen Good
Ameen Good - 10 years ago
+Lost Doge Ty ty, i felt bad for being rude
KriegsMaschine - 10 years ago
+Mohamed Yousuf Hmm. I'm not exactly sure how to take your comment. But I accept your apology
Ameen Good
Ameen Good - 10 years ago
Not last one of its species, just rare, and it was dying anyways, so gtfo with your hippie shit.
Sorry for being rude
Anton Gauna
Anton Gauna - 10 years ago
Way to kill it assholes!
devon - 10 years ago
Haven't we learned enough from forcing animals into tanks? People have killed enough animals and vise versa at Seaworld and other bullshit dinky tank attractions. Can we stop fucking with shit? Please. Enough is enough
DeanoPiano - 10 years ago
It was already old or dieing and It swam to the surface to die, other animals do similar things in nature.
DC JUICE - 10 years ago
Darn. It died. Really? We as humans are really a pathetic species. They say it didn't survive out of its habitat, NO SHIT!! Well something else for the asia to eat.
Lars Moritz
Lars Moritz - 10 years ago
Take the sea moster and try to keap it alive "facepalm"
Morianna RavenWolf
Morianna RavenWolf - 10 years ago
They didn't kill it, they made efforts to help it, it died because it was outside its normal environment. And we don't know how long it had been outside of said environment. So its very possible it was severely weak or sick, and that was why it left the depths it normally lives in.
Mr. Popanz
Mr. Popanz - 10 years ago
+Gaming 4 Life(Tylerman) It wasnt living where they found it, damned guys, watch the video!
Gaming 4 Life(Tylerman)
Gaming 4 Life(Tylerman) - 10 years ago
They should have never took it out of where it was living. 
Robert Sides
Robert Sides - 10 years ago
Like you said, it was unlikely to last very long even if we left it alone. It already wandered way out of its habitat and likely didn't possesses the functions to capture prey let alone fully adjust to the change in water pressure. These bleeding hearts really don't seem to think before jumping to wild conclusions.
Morianna RavenWolf
Morianna RavenWolf - 10 years ago
+pabloMTv Sorry, but I'm already taken :)
pabloMTv - 10 years ago
+Morriane RavenWolf
i love how you think, marry me
Mihailo Rasipanov
Mihailo Rasipanov - 10 years ago
Bellend.....just a bellend.
Morianna RavenWolf
Morianna RavenWolf - 10 years ago
I would have to agree with you Samuel. Well, I'm off to bed, have a good night.
Samuel Lowen
Samuel Lowen - 10 years ago
Yup. Well, I think his last comment has clarified this.
Mihailo Rasipanov
Mihailo Rasipanov - 10 years ago
Ohh yeah cause it's so mature to come out of no where and just start taking shit out of your're ass to someone you don't know. Real mature....good job. And does your mum know your on YouTube you should get her permission first. 
Morianna RavenWolf
Morianna RavenWolf - 10 years ago
+Samuel Lowen Yeah, my last statement was going to be my last to him. The whole "so it was people and you are wrong" showed me his mentality and that he can't actually discuss things like an adult.
Samuel Lowen
Samuel Lowen - 10 years ago
Morriane, don't even bother. Mihajlo can't even string a sentence together let alone stand a chance having a mature debate on the reasons for the sharks death. He will literally block out your side of the debate and claim you're wrong and he's right.
Mihailo Rasipanov
Mihailo Rasipanov - 10 years ago
It doesn't matter, you said and say it is possible...but how do you know? it could have swam back into no time and been back in the environment in no time. so how do you know? No matter what you say the FACT is that it could have lived if they didn't touch it and it DID die because OF THE PEOPLE WHO DID TAKE IT OUT of where it was. and also where's your're proof that it was possibly weakened. my statement is based on fact. 
Morianna RavenWolf
Morianna RavenWolf - 10 years ago
+Mihajlo Rasipanov Because I've done research on the Frilled Shark which has stated the depths they normally live in. I'm not an expert on Marine Wild Life, but I do trust the information given by those who are. 

Also, if you read what I said, I said I agreed those in Japan shouldn't have taken it out of the ocean and that is where the fault lies. It is not their fault that the Frilled Shark was in such shallow depths compared to where they usually reside (unless it got tangled in some kind of fishing net but escaped, then yes, it is the complete fault of humans),
Mihailo Rasipanov
Mihailo Rasipanov - 10 years ago
either way it's peoples fault for taking it so it was people and you are wrong.
Mihailo Rasipanov
Mihailo Rasipanov - 10 years ago
how do you know where it's environment was and how do you know it wasn't on its way back and it left for a 1 time thing?
Morianna RavenWolf
Morianna RavenWolf - 10 years ago
+Mihajlo Rasipanov Its environment is between 660-5,000 feet in depth, not in the depths this one was found. Therefore it left its environment on its own. Like I said, I agree they shouldn't have taken it out of the ocean and let it pass on while still being free.
Mihailo Rasipanov
Mihailo Rasipanov - 10 years ago
and how exactly did it get out of its environment.....wait what.....people fucking took it??

and now it dead....stop the pressers 
Morianna RavenWolf
Morianna RavenWolf - 10 years ago
Now that I do agree with.
noReactionZ - 10 years ago
they definitely speed the process up of the animal dying and even then it deserves to live freely in the sea.
yuki cross
yuki cross - 10 years ago
Human exist to destroy everything tht is beautifully made And half of its creation kill its own race
Dmitriy Porollo
Dmitriy Porollo - 10 years ago
Muggle26 - 10 years ago
Is this thing real? Not a joke? What's with the gills? I'm terrified for some reason now. I feel sick seeing those weird gills I don't know why. Is this a natural human repulsion thing? I don't wana ocd over this. :( wtf internet it's like I have to know or I won't be satisfied. Fuck ocd repulsion.
allfun - 10 years ago
lol calm your tits
Greyson Mills
Greyson Mills - 10 years ago
bootlegЯat - 10 years ago
Nikkehy - 10 years ago
Ok, every time I see this video I see a bunch of comments screaming, "THEY KILLED IT OMG JUST LEAVE IT ALONE-IT DIED BECAUSE YOU TOUCHED IT."
When what people fail to realize it would have most definitely died in any case. Why? Because it was already outside it's natural habitat.These sharks are deep sea sharks with their natural habitat being over 1000 feet under water. Part of the reason why they are so illusive and rare would be because they live at a depth where people can't go. The fact that it was found so close to the surface means that there was something wrong with it and it was dying already. It wasn't just happily swimming along and then just got snatched up by a bunch of mindless marine biologist.
The marine park took it in BECAUSE they suspected it was sick and tried to treat it.

Yea scienctist have done stupid crap in the past. I really don't feel event is one of those stupid things.
Sebastian Loya
Sebastian Loya - 10 years ago
When I saw pictures of this thing I thought it was going to be lightning fast as fuck..I guess not.
russell frawley
russell frawley - 10 years ago
i went from amazed to annoyed as soon as i seen they killed it :(
Michali Alex
Michali Alex - 10 years ago
they really killed it? oh how i love humans
Remembered - 7 years ago
Michali Alex, they will literally eat anything.
lmaginaryfriend3199 - 9 years ago
+dsm3759703 you're just as bad as any preachy hippy with your bravado apex bullshit, you're nothing but a loser that couldn't accomplish anything of merit and had to take welfare serving jews. It's a shame an IED didn't show you how irrelevant you actually are, lmao what a fucking fag. Go back to the desert and die with the rest of the good goys.
H. H.
H. H. - 9 years ago
+Michali Alex pressure would have killed it anyway. if you swum to the bottom of the sea then your organs would explode. vice versa for it coming up to the surface.
dsm3759703 - 9 years ago
Weak people cannot kill.
Moni Poppaea Di Maria
Moni Poppaea Di Maria - 9 years ago
+LordofApache calma you  make your point
LordofApache - 9 years ago
+Michali Alex
They didn't kill it you fucking tard. It's rare because the environment
it normally inhabits is thousands of feet below sea level, and this sick
creature was found near shore. It was already dying. For all we know
these sharks could be quite common at that depth and, again, they didn't
kill it. Please don't procreate. Humanity can ill afford more of your stupidity.
Name. LastName
Name. LastName - 9 years ago
+Michali Alex
I was just about to say this.
Instead of capturing it alive and perserving it they kill ."
OddMike - 9 years ago
+Channel4Infinity No, they're not on a list of almost extinct animals. They live incredibly deep underwater so that's why they're rare to find, but they're only listed as near threatened which is not a big concern for how old this species is.
Anthony Carrion
Anthony Carrion - 9 years ago
+Mystic Gohan uh yeah they are in the sense that there arent very many and i dont kill ants i let them roam free even in my household im not a speciest and all life needs to be respected killing something for the sake of studying is the same thing medeline did in the nazi concentration camps
Channel4Infinity - 9 years ago
+Neanderthal Jim We dont know if it is rare or not!!!! it probably is because its on the list of almost extinct animals!!!
SilhouetteJudas - 9 years ago
+Michali Alex It was already dying.
dsm3759703 - 9 years ago
+Moni Poppaea Di Maria Oh I see... you are one of those... strong woman, animal rights people....  THAT HAS A PICTURE OF A ROMAN GLADIATOR on her page.  Your morals are twisted.
dsm3759703 - 9 years ago
What did I do?
Moni Poppaea Di Maria
Moni Poppaea Di Maria - 9 years ago
+dsm3759703 F-YOU
Alexis B
Alexis B - 9 years ago
I love people comment but don't ACTUALLY watch the video.
Ross Isaacs
Ross Isaacs - 9 years ago
Id eat it
dsm3759703 - 9 years ago
+mad hatter lol...2/10
Patience Plays
Patience Plays - 9 years ago
+Michali Alex The reason it was on the surface was because it was sick and dying,that is the only time they come into shallow waters.
FrankyBoy - 9 years ago
+DeFaksejkDjud? no, this one came through a wormhole from the past eyeroll
mad hatter
mad hatter - 9 years ago
+dsm3759703 You aren't shit. You are a fat, moldy ass loser that sits on Youtube all day.
mad hatter
mad hatter - 9 years ago
+SSJ32Gohan Trolling isn't your strong suit.
FrankyBoy - 9 years ago
m2c that thing looked pretty close to dead already and would not have come to the surface in normal circumstances -> guess it was dying already
Tickle My Pickle
Tickle My Pickle - 9 years ago
Zoe - 9 years ago
+Charlie Hutch The change in pressure was killing it, mr two spaces.
radiatrex17 - 9 years ago
+SSJ32Gohan hey stfu
Charlie Hutch
Charlie Hutch - 9 years ago
Ross Isaacs
Ross Isaacs - 10 years ago
lmao we r humans killing is really the name of the game
Zoe - 10 years ago
+MrPobanz Oh. I wasn't aware they were helping it. And that was a generalization of humans.
Mr. Popanz
Mr. Popanz - 10 years ago
But of what? Who are you generalizing there?
Its just confusing me because its a comment to a video about people trying to help a dying animal, which would be contradicting your point. Unless you are in favor of letting animals die for no reason, instead of at least trying to help them (which i dont hope, because this would make you a despicable person imo).
Zoe - 10 years ago
+MrPobanz What I said was just a generalization.
Mr. Popanz
Mr. Popanz - 10 years ago
+SamusCole77777 Are you quoting someone or what is your comment supposed to tell us? "People are stupid but dont refuse to comment and show their stupidity to everyone on the internet"
Zoe - 10 years ago
"Wow this thing Is weird. Let me kill it to show you how weird it is"
Smokey Dawg
Smokey Dawg - 10 years ago
They didn't kill it, they tried to save it from the shallow waters (and the pressure) which would have killed it anyways.
Shamaninja - 10 years ago
im going to suck all your dicks until i slurp the skin off. 
dsm3759703 - 10 years ago
+Rayhunter And what does rarity have to do with it?
Mr. Popanz
Mr. Popanz - 10 years ago
+Cilic Masters Yeah because everyone one knows, helping a drowning person just needs to put them on land, all the other stuff people tend to do is just because they are bored as hell!
Steve - O
Steve - O - 10 years ago
+Michali Alex
they could have taken a sub down or tied something heavy to it and drop it in deep water then have something that lets it go once it gets down deep enough
Dániel Kovács
Dániel Kovács - 10 years ago
+SSJ32Gohan there are still billion and billions of ants. This shark isnt endangered but it is still rare.
Michali Alex
Michali Alex - 10 years ago
i push dat counter :D i have to apalogize to everyone. you are right. they didnt kill it, it would has die anyway and they probably tried to save it. it only can survive in deep waters. so stop liking my comment bros and bras!
Mr. Popanz
Mr. Popanz - 10 years ago
Did you guys actually watch the video or are you just trying to push your comment counter (didnt knew there was such a thing on youtube)? Everything you asked was told in the video. And no, they didnt kill it, japanese just kill rare whales ;-)
Luk - 10 years ago
Not like they were trying to kill it. They probably wanted to keto it in good condition and breed it but they didn't know about it enough because it lives in colder waters so they live deep
dsm3759703 - 10 years ago
Yeah, I think by "killed" they were meaning; Took into captivity out of its habitat, where it died.  I guess on YouTube you may have to clarify these painfully obvious points. 
dsm3759703 - 10 years ago
+Colin Rose Yeah, I also pick out the dead mice and throw them away.  Your point?
     Oh yeah, I am also the guy that voluntarily deployed to the middle east three times.  
     Do you set the mouse traps too?
Colin Rose
Colin Rose - 10 years ago
+dsm3759703 So what you're really saying is you are the guy that sets the mousetraps in your family?
phoenixbird - 10 years ago
Sometimes is surprising the stupid people one can find, you are particulary a jackass man (y)
Michali Alex
Michali Alex - 10 years ago
dsm3759703 - 10 years ago
+Michali Alex I am an apex predator. That's how.
Michali Alex
Michali Alex - 10 years ago
"they killed a fish" who are you to place an human life above an animal life?
 thats not the way life and earth will get better bro
dsm3759703 - 10 years ago
oh no.  they killed a fish.  the inhumanity of man.  Boo. Hoo.
August_Very_Own - 10 years ago
they captured it to help it
WhataWeirdKid - 10 years ago
Yeah, they should have let it be, but It was dying anyways. They do not normally swim that way. Also, they are not meant to be so close to the surface. 
Space Walk
Space Walk - 10 years ago
+Dániel Kovács There are tons of rare ants in the world.
Isaac Newbton
Isaac Newbton - 10 years ago
+Michali Alex hahahaha, nice xD
Michali Alex
Michali Alex - 10 years ago
+SSJ32Gohan +Dániel Kovács  you are both right. i shouldnt judge about humans while im eatin chicken nuggets or post somethng from my expensive netbook. my mind is telling me "dont judge, just try to change things, but you wont change things by commenting somehting on youtube" but my body says " just write the fuck down and tell them how you feel about killing an animal even if they dont eat it and just kill it for money"
God - 10 years ago
+Dániel Kovács
its not a rare animal. its only rare to see it.
Dániel Kovács
Dániel Kovács - 10 years ago
+SSJ32Gohan Watch the video. This is a very rare thing.
God - 10 years ago
+Dániel Kovács
neither is this shark
Dániel Kovács
Dániel Kovács - 10 years ago
+SSJ32Gohan ants aren't rare dickhead
God - 10 years ago
you kill ants everyday by stepping on them
wirina holstein
wirina holstein - 10 years ago
Its not unusual for some species to not survive being removed from their natural living habitat. Many sorts of animals cannot live in captive. But the fact that the park staff moved it to a pool in poor condition and dived into the water and messed with it and force-opened its jaws would kill even a goldfish bred as a children's pet. What did they expect? We'll stress it and take it into conditions far from its own and study it and touch it - and expect it to live?
MARKAGEDDON - 10 years ago
That's stupid they find an amazing creature that is apparently nearly extinct and what do they do they catch it like a poacher catching a near extinct creature nice great bloody job that would have been awesome if it continued to live and breed and eventually u have more of them but no people have to touch don't they
thisWASengland - 10 years ago
And on the menu tonight for one night only
noah - 10 years ago
wow..... the killed it, if we found a t-rex that would probably die too...we ruin everything lol
Morgan Mango
Morgan Mango - 10 years ago
I dun get it, Why are people treating it like this thing dying means it'll go extinct or shit, it's not rare, it's only rare to see it alive because they live very deep in the ocean, since most of the time it dies and it's corpse ends up in fisherman's nets
Brian Stayte
Brian Stayte - 10 years ago
+ankhi3 but it wasnt in danger. Pulling it from its habitat is what killed it.
noReactionZ - 10 years ago
+August_Very_Own how is leaving it on display for the public in a marine park so people can pay to watch it about helping the animals. we should not be capturing pre historic rare animals, let nature deal with this, we do not know enough about the animal to help it so because of that it died.
August_Very_Own - 10 years ago
they captured it to help it much like when they find injured or orphaned seals orcas sharks ect.  calm your tits
noReactionZ - 10 years ago
+ankhi3 then why were they trying to put it into a marine park if it was dying?
just let it die naturally in its natural habitat, it would have survived longer and considering how long it has already survived it would probably survive for quite a long time
and even then why do we have to capture creatures and put them into unnatural habitats for the pleasure of humans to come and watch
Angel Gabriel
Angel Gabriel - 10 years ago
era tan raro que debian matarlo? estupidos humanos
Zikomo7 - 10 years ago
It's a shame they couldn't try and observe it from afar. But if it was close enough for us to discover for the first time, something was probably wrong and it wasn't long for this world
Manish Sanadhya
Manish Sanadhya - 10 years ago
..shark din't close it's mouth even of fakeness
Frank Gonzalez
Frank Gonzalez - 10 years ago
Stupid bastard killed it...why fuck with shit
MarcSpectorTV - 10 years ago
"A really rare shark that was found alive"

Proceeds to kill it.
paladin productions
paladin productions - 7 years ago
MarcSpectorTV they didn't kill it, the shark was in poor condition and it was going to die wether the people had taken it or not
Marley Bradbury
Marley Bradbury - 7 years ago
Nicki Dingoflamingo it was found in shallow water. I don't see any financially viable method to send the creature back to the depth at which it inhabits. The best option was to attempt to preserve it's life by simulating the environment it lives in. Such efforts failed but I assume that a lot was learned about the creature in the time leading up to its unfortunate death. All parties involved seemed to do the best they could to keep the shark alive and I assume failed not due to their own inabilities but a lack of knowledge about the subtle elements of both the creature and the environment it inhabits. It's unfortunate but it isn't really anyone's fault.
David Crispell
David Crispell - 7 years ago
MarcSpectorTV she died because she was under too little pressure from the ocean
Nicki Dingoflamingo
Nicki Dingoflamingo - 7 years ago
In case you didn't listen fucktard, they killed it even if they try not 2
jesse chadder
jesse chadder - 7 years ago
MarcSpectorTV It happened in Japan what do you think would happen they kill everything there
LordofApache - 9 years ago
+MarcSpectorTV They didn't kill it you fucking tard. It's rare because the environment it normally inhabits is thousands of feet below sea level, and this sick creature was found near shore. It was already dying. For all we know these sharks could be quite common at that depth and, again, they didn't kill it.
Fucking libtards.
Alucard Hellsing
Alucard Hellsing - 9 years ago
DENNIS GRAY - 9 years ago
+MarcSpectorTV Almost as rare as a person who checks his facts before he posts. An animal that exists at 3000 feet can no more survive at the surface than one that lives on the surface can survive at 3000 feet. Of course you are one of those highly evolved people that feel for all creatures so you must be right, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary.
Tobias Jonassen
Tobias Jonassen - 9 years ago
+MarcSpectorTV It's also a rare species of least concern on the universal list of threatened animals. One frilled shark dead isn't going to do much damage in this situation.
Bary Baragon
Bary Baragon - 9 years ago
+Alucard Hellsing that's what I said
Alucard Hellsing
Alucard Hellsing - 9 years ago
Bary Baragon
Bary Baragon - 9 years ago
+MarcSpectorTV it was acting sick and they tried to take it to a marine park were they could try to help it, it died because they took it out trying to help
David Nguyen
David Nguyen - 9 years ago
+Arkanis Bawlz the water pressure changed because they took it out of it
Arkanis Bawlz
Arkanis Bawlz - 10 years ago
They didn't kill it. The change in water pressure caused its demise.
Ground Pounders Place
Ground Pounders Place - 10 years ago
Duh. They captured it and took it out of its natural environment. SMART
smashbrosproductions - 10 years ago
I just want to make this very clear, the shark did not die because of captivity but due to the pressure differences from where the shark normally lives to where he was found. He may as well have been dieing the entire time.

I will not reply if an argument spurs up to prove me wrong as I am just stating s fact.
Damoncorp - 10 years ago
You're a faggot.
Yiran - 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure if they just videotape, and simply OBSERVE this rare creature, it won't die, why you have to CAPTURE it?
luongrobert4 - 10 years ago
I like reading all of these idiots who comment on how they should have left it alone. These are the same idiots who tell CAMERA MEN to interfere and help save animals being devoured by predators.
Alex Peake
Alex Peake - 10 years ago
Was that a light in its mouth it looks fake I'm usually not a skecptic but I'm seriously considering its fake......
Undead - 10 years ago
omg stupid idiots they killed it to study it what if he/she was the last one who survived
Sandra Rogic
Sandra Rogic - 10 years ago
It's a six filled shark I catch them in the Pacifica
Sandra Rogic
Sandra Rogic - 10 years ago
Not felled filled
Sam Scheele
Sam Scheele - 10 years ago
Beautiful <3
Im not talking about it dying, Im talking about the shark itself. Or, the species.
It truly is, to me, beautiful.
戇呆 - 10 years ago
Dick Hamilton
Dick Hamilton - 10 years ago
it's too bloody warm down there.
Capt Murphy
Capt Murphy - 10 years ago
oh! we found something prehistoric! lets fucking kill it! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Felipe Bravo
Felipe Bravo - 10 years ago
I really dislike how you all bitch in a very racist way at the japanese scientist for "murdering an innocent life form" without having any idea of what is happening. First, this is NOT the only one of its kind, just a quite rare one to find because of how deep in the ocean they live. Second, this thing was most probably almost dead when found, as well as humans and common fish wouldn't survive with the pressure of 2000 feet under the ocean, this shark can not survive in the seashore. Third, even if it could barely survive the lack of pressure, it would totally fail to adapt itself to a seashore life as it is almost blind and really slow compared to regular fish. Please do some research before mindlessly attacking someone for doing something that you clearly don't understand.
mlg shark
mlg shark - 7 years ago
Felipe Bravo very true
Piorun - 7 years ago
Just beacuae They are Japanese doesn't mean you can't criticise them you social justice cunt
Lauryn Rogers
Lauryn Rogers - 7 years ago
Bitch stfu
Angel Of Money
Angel Of Money - 9 years ago
+Felipe Bravo There are known species that have such low numbers that its thought that the loss of even single individuals could drastically impact the species health as a whole, as it closes off a whole genetic line.
Kevin Anton
Kevin Anton - 10 years ago
Felipe ... stick in your ear.

Jap fishermen are truly one of the banes of this world.
wirina holstein
wirina holstein - 10 years ago
To me it seems more likely that the people could not let the animal alone even after capture and had to dive into the water and perhaps stress it. We have a fish I dont know whats called in english, but its a fish living in deeper waters in the North Sea which we almost never see in live but which was documented to exist mostly by it being caught in fish nets. It now have even been caught a few times and attempted to be put in a sea water pool where it always dies shortly after as it is believed to die from the removal of it from its natural habitat.
wirina holstein
wirina holstein - 10 years ago
But do we know the scientists were Japanese? I mean its quite common for some fields of research to have teams of scientists were a large part of them will be internationals. I agree it looks like this particular deep sea fish would not be able to make it if it lived in the seashore. Its too slow and can't see probably. It also looks quite fragile, or like what you would expect a very old example would look like. Not a young one even though thats probably just the way it looks. 
wirina holstein
wirina holstein - 10 years ago
For some reason oceanic biology have a huge tradition for that. Also, do we know that this particular animal were vulnerable to pressure levels? Its not a fact that deep sea creatures cannot have a anatomy and physiology which prevent them from being able to live under different pressures. Squids are a great example. Many sea creatures like some whales (could sperm whales fishing for octopus be one of them?) can go very very deep. So can some shrimps which can be found on very shallow waters and also on very deep without them being a different species or  different physiology for whether they live on shallow or deep water.
I Pickel
I Pickel - 10 years ago
The gills on the shark looks very weird and nasty.
nyjel cruz
nyjel cruz - 9 years ago
Trypophobia Lol
Lamb Chop
Lamb Chop - 10 years ago
+Oll Bee Oh, god, I know what you mean. It's that whole repulsion of small holes thing.
Keanu Dunn
Keanu Dunn - 10 years ago
Lol, okay dude, you must have some pent up angry feelings toward sharks.
IamJackZ - 10 years ago
i really want to like stroke it so the gils go up for some odd reason
Keanu Dunn
Keanu Dunn - 10 years ago
+Oll Bee Lmao, got something against sharks?
Oliver Barber
Oliver Barber - 10 years ago
I want to sick a knife in them and rip it back and forward for some reason.
Jordan getsmoney
Jordan getsmoney - 10 years ago
You find a prehistoric fish an then fuckin capture it, really what is wrong with people, what if Thats the last one smh
OddMike - 9 years ago
+Jordan getsmoney It was already dying, it wasn't the last one left, the species isn't even qualified as threatened, let alone endangered.
Laura Rants
Laura Rants - 10 years ago
Why did they have to interfere with the poor creature? "An amazing and rare shark, lets take it from its natural habitat and kill it!" Makes complete sense! They could have just studied it from afar
cyberman421 - 10 years ago
i love how everyone is talking about how they hate that the scientists killed the shark, when in reality, most people would kill it on sight anyways to stop such a hideous creature from existing. 
austin olsen
austin olsen - 10 years ago
that is creepy if i found that in minecraft or gat5 i would throw my xbox out the windo
chetrok1 - 10 years ago
She was sick..she had decrompression sickness her gills were very swollen. They should left her in her own enviornment to die peacefully instead of moving her to isolaton..sad very sad
The Joker
The Joker - 10 years ago
put a camera on the shark then we can understand how they do it
John Doe
John Doe - 10 years ago
All sharks are prehistoric, but nice they found an endangered shark annnnd killed it. These people know what they're doing clearly -.-
Robert Komarek
Robert Komarek - 10 years ago
To all those saying it would have been fine if left alone... that is incorrect.  This a deep water (very deep) species.  If it in the shallows, there is something already terribly wrong with it.
SisyMore - 10 years ago
fake robot haha
bluehuskyangel - 10 years ago
wow so they fucking catch it and kill it >.< fuckers
Stealth - 10 years ago
It was about to die anyways, they were attempting to keep it alive... and failed...
Quagmire9543 - 10 years ago
Come on guys they killed it so they could eat it. This is Japan were talking about
Your friendly neighborhood Anal
Your friendly neighborhood Anal - 10 years ago
DONTST0P - 10 years ago
They wanted to put it in the marine park so they could keep it alive for longer and closely study it. That thing would be dead in no time with the feroucios creatures we have now. I mean look at that thing. IT'S LIKE FUCKING DEAD ALREADY!! Also if they could find more they would have them make babies. Sooo maybe some idiots killed it. "Oooo look at the fishie. Ooooo. Let's eat it! Maybe it tastes like chicken... I mean they all taste like that"
Joshua Brown
Joshua Brown - 10 years ago
Its not a "living fossil" if you kill it
Hunter - 10 years ago
they killed it? i was actually surprised. What a fucking joke humans are
Dev Ray
Dev Ray - 10 years ago
pat! stop being a prehistoric fish
Yee - 10 years ago
its a frilloed shark '-'
The Staggy
The Staggy - 10 years ago
Trust a human to kill shit for no apparent reason.
Joe Jesel Carrasquillo Alicea
Joe Jesel Carrasquillo Alicea - 10 years ago
It looks deformed
MrMostWanted - 10 years ago
That's absolutely not a Prehistoric shark...
Stealth - 10 years ago
+Basir Kakar This guy gets it
Basir Kakar
Basir Kakar - 10 years ago
Ok just to clear up something. A prehistoric animal is an animal that lived in the prehistoric ages. Period. Does not mean they died. For example, the mammoth is a prehistoric animal, the elephant is the decendant of the mammoth. Same with the megalodon, it is a prehistoric shark, the great white is said to be the decendant of the megalodon. Now if we find a real living megalodon, it would be considered a prehistoric shark because it is what it is. We wouldnt call it a new species because it isnt new, it existed in the prehistoric ages. Same with this, they say that this is a prehistoric shark based on fossils dating back millions of years. It isnt a new species because this shark isnt recent, its not like a evolution of the modern day eel. if that were to happen, it would be called a new species, but it is prehistoric because it lived in the prehistoric ages. It is rare and prehistoric. ur definition of prehistoric animals is completely wrong. You are saying that prehistoric animals are all dead. Which is false because there is absolutely no way you can prove that. We call it a modern day animal because it is an animal that lives in the modern age. Now this does live in the modern ages, but it is considered a prehistoric animal because it hasnt really evolved. The reason it hasnt evolved is because its natural habitat which is hundreds or meters under water hasnt been altered. On land, us humans alter the land, thus animals either die or evolved in order to survive, thus somewhat becoming a new species.
MrMostWanted - 10 years ago
Yes sharks exists for 420M years but the actual ones on earth are not prehistorical sharks, the lizard-shark (this one) didn't exist 10M years ago, it only have similarities with fossils that we have found, that were exctinct. Prehistorical animals are all dead, in that case if this is prehisctorical for you, Homo Sapiens Sapiens is too :)
MrMostWanted - 10 years ago
It's called a living fossil (this word is hated by scientists) not because it was alive during prehistoric ages, but because it has similarities with fossils, this shark can be call (if you want) a living fossil but it's not a prehistoric shark :D
Stealth - 10 years ago
+FzYMostWanted Well it's considered a living fossil, even if it's alive it was there during the prehistoric ages.
MrMostWanted - 10 years ago
And then, that doesn't make sense, prehistoric animals are technicaly animals that livED 5000 years old ago (start of the history) and before...

So the title of the video should be, new specie (although that's not a new specie but just a rare shark...) of shark captured on film (but you know views and money...)
MrMostWanted - 10 years ago
Did you read me? I never say that...I said that prehistoric animals are dead, not dead things are prehistoric.... the title of the video is just totally idiot...
Stealth - 10 years ago
+FzYMostWanted Ok so dead things are now prehistoric, so you're saying dead people are prehistoric.
MrMostWanted - 10 years ago
OR  maybe there were cameras hunderds millions years ago? LOL
MrMostWanted - 10 years ago
Dinosaurs are all dead, prehistoric animals are all dead ! we and all the animals on earth are their decedants but absolutely not prehistoric...that's logical...
Stealth - 10 years ago
So with your logic, dinosaurs aren't prehistoric.
ZeuS cF
ZeuS cF - 10 years ago
Im the only one that thinks that this is a mutated moray?

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