Rare Encounter with Greenland Shark - Adam Ravetch
Shark videos 12 years ago 482,981 views
Arctic underwater cinematographer Adam Ravetch discusses the unusual and seldom filmed Greenland Shark, seen during the shoot of the IMAX 3D film, TO THE ARCTIC - presented by http://oneworldoneocean.org/movement For more information on Arctic wildlife, see the new IMAX® film "To The Arctic 3D" opening in select IMAX Theatres starting April 20, 2012. "To The Arctic 3D" is a MacGillivray Freeman Film from Warner Bros. Pictures and IMAX Corporation. Presented by One World One Ocean Foundation.
10. comment for Rare Encounter with Greenland Shark - Adam Ravetch
They can live for far longer than 200yrs and they detect prey by detecting miniscule electrical currents.
Beutiful creatures.
All sharks.
And horribly misunderstood.
20. comment for Rare Encounter with Greenland Shark - Adam Ravetch
30. comment for Rare Encounter with Greenland Shark - Adam Ravetch
asks shark
"Uh, yeah dude, there's water and shit, and it's blue, and there are like some fish that I see once in a while."
Imagine one of these swimming around when Columbus discovered America or when the French revolution broke out.
50. comment for Rare Encounter with Greenland Shark - Adam Ravetch
That's a fantastic quote, can I use it in my class? I'll credit you.
That website is wrong. Frilled sharks (Chlamydoselachus anguineus) are in a different Genus, Family and Order from Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus: Family - Somniosidae, Order - Squaliformes). Trust me, I study this species - it has FIVE gill slits. "Order Summary for Squaliformes: Two dorsal fins, with or without spines; anal fin absent; five gill slits; spiracles present; nictitating lower eyelid absent. Many species are known from deep water." http://www.fishbase.org/summary/OrdersSummary.php?order=Squaliformes
"Frilled sharks, Chlamydoselachus anguineus (Garman, 1884), aka frill sharks, frill-gilled sharks, Greenland sharks, scaffold sharks, and silk sharks are members of the most ancient frill and cow sharks order, Hexanchiformes. Hexanchiform sharks have a single dorsal fin, either six or seven gill slits (versus the 5 found in all other existing sharks), and no nictitating membranes (protective third eyelids)"
Lol, no it doesn't. It has 5 gills, like most other sharks. Don't believe me, count them for yourself: http://tiburonesengalicia.blogspot.com/2014/11/tiburon-de-groenlandia-somniosus.html
You dont look 18
That sounds like a haunting read.
They supported the Marxists before it was cool.
But there be time when we do. when we be running out of oil we will be desperate for oil and search for it under world
listen to it or you wont know
100. comment for Rare Encounter with Greenland Shark - Adam Ravetch