Rare Goblin Shark

The goblin shark is the sole living species in the family mitsukurinidiae. This deep sea shark is a bizarre sea creature indeed with it's most distinctive characteristic being it's trowel shaped beak like snout which is much longer than other shark's snouts. The shark's body is pink and has protrusible jaws and when they are retracted it resembles a pink version of the grey nurse shark. Living at depths greater than 200m, well below the reach of the sun's light, this deep sea predator can be found throughout the oceans of the world, but it is best known from the waters around japan, where the rare species was first discovered in 1987 Male goblin sharks can reach up to 10 feet, with females reaching a slightly longer 11 ft, and weighing up to 460 pounds. Very little is known about their habits, because encounters are extremely rare, and usually only occur as bycatch in fishing nets They feed on deep sea squid, fish and crabs, protruding their jaws and using a tongue like muscle to suck their prey into their sharp front teeth. The skeletal jaws of the goblin sharks are in demand by collectors who will pay up to $4,000 for one. Although rare, there seems to be no threat to their populations, so they are not classified as an endangered species. Other Epic Wildlife Shark Videos -- Giant Alien Fish http://youtu.be/nrAhcHWKX4Q -- Prehistoric Frilled Shark http://youtu.be/uIkesDKZZ-w -- Giant Shark Megalodon http://youtu.be/zeQMqUMvIeY -- Rare Shark Discovery http://youtu.be/6DQjFLodQRw -- Strange Cyclops Shark http://youtu.be/Q5gKVKTEs4E Let's Connect -- http://www.facebook.com/epicwildlife -- http://gplus.to/epicwildlife -- http://www.twitter.com/epicwildlife -- http://www.pinterest.com/epicwildlife -- http://www.epicadamwildlife.com Royalty Free Music & Sound freesfx.co.uk

Rare Goblin Shark sentiment_very_dissatisfied 206

Shark videos 11 years ago 895,356 views

The goblin shark is the sole living species in the family mitsukurinidiae. This deep sea shark is a bizarre sea creature indeed with it's most distinctive characteristic being it's trowel shaped beak like snout which is much longer than other shark's snouts. The shark's body is pink and has protrusible jaws and when they are retracted it resembles a pink version of the grey nurse shark. Living at depths greater than 200m, well below the reach of the sun's light, this deep sea predator can be found throughout the oceans of the world, but it is best known from the waters around japan, where the rare species was first discovered in 1987 Male goblin sharks can reach up to 10 feet, with females reaching a slightly longer 11 ft, and weighing up to 460 pounds. Very little is known about their habits, because encounters are extremely rare, and usually only occur as bycatch in fishing nets They feed on deep sea squid, fish and crabs, protruding their jaws and using a tongue like muscle to suck their prey into their sharp front teeth. The skeletal jaws of the goblin sharks are in demand by collectors who will pay up to $4,000 for one. Although rare, there seems to be no threat to their populations, so they are not classified as an endangered species. Other Epic Wildlife Shark Videos -- Giant Alien Fish http://youtu.be/nrAhcHWKX4Q -- Prehistoric Frilled Shark http://youtu.be/uIkesDKZZ-w -- Giant Shark Megalodon http://youtu.be/zeQMqUMvIeY -- Rare Shark Discovery http://youtu.be/6DQjFLodQRw -- Strange Cyclops Shark http://youtu.be/Q5gKVKTEs4E Let's Connect -- http://www.facebook.com/epicwildlife -- http://gplus.to/epicwildlife -- http://www.twitter.com/epicwildlife -- http://www.pinterest.com/epicwildlife -- http://www.epicadamwildlife.com Royalty Free Music & Sound freesfx.co.uk

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Most popular comments
for Rare Goblin Shark

Nicholas Roberts
Nicholas Roberts - 7 years ago
This is my favorite shark species because it’s just sooo mysterious and I just can’t wait till I’m older when I can study these
wail Pal21hail
wail Pal21hail - 7 years ago
I’m Adam and your watching 2007 Microsoft editing shit
Archie Parker
Archie Parker - 7 years ago
Intresting and weird
Doug Rebertus
Doug Rebertus - 8 years ago
david bradford
david bradford - 8 years ago
that's not a goblin shark that's a dork fish lmao
LordbaconGaming - 9 years ago
Davidson Harly
Davidson Harly - 9 years ago
That is one pokemon I would throwback into the water.
Gaming with David 101
Gaming with David 101 - 8 years ago
Davidson Harly. same
Gaming with David 101
Gaming with David 101 - 8 years ago
Davidson Harly. hahhahahahahahahah
Henrik E. Engebretsen
Henrik E. Engebretsen - 9 years ago
So ugly... eww...
Verona Levene
Verona Levene - 9 years ago
That's cool

10. comment for Rare Goblin Shark

ポニ子Poniko - 9 years ago
That's one massive overbite it has there...
Captain Hans
Captain Hans - 9 years ago
This shark caused the bite of 1987
Springtrap - 8 years ago
Lemon Push
Lemon Push - 8 years ago
wow XD
ポニ子Poniko - 9 years ago
Just stop.
Seven_elevsn17-Family friendly Fortnite player 3d
Seven_elevsn17-Family friendly Fortnite player 3d - 9 years ago
I think that the sword fish with the big nose something like that but I think that the goblin shark is like a sword shark but fully grown i n a way for his nose to get smaller
MasterYoda Wars
MasterYoda Wars - 9 years ago
There are two type of goblin sharks a normal and the pink one and the pink one is really rare
Yulei Liu
Yulei Liu - 10 years ago
Mike Fischer
Mike Fischer - 10 years ago
how cute
Brett Beadle
Brett Beadle - 10 years ago
Japan what have eaten all of them that is why its so rare
Girly Changer
Girly Changer - 10 years ago
i remember this kind of shark was in a movie once in Malibu shark attack
Albireo GT
Albireo GT - 10 years ago
19187 lol fnaf
man fred
man fred - 10 years ago
Globin shark is not really rare to me-.-

20. comment for Rare Goblin Shark

pinELENApple - 10 years ago
The goblin shArk was really cool
Anime Lover 4 Ever
Anime Lover 4 Ever - 10 years ago
Wow... This shark is very ugly
Travis Guyton
Travis Guyton - 10 years ago
Pacific Rim.Kaiju knifehead :)
Michael O'Cooney
Michael O'Cooney - 10 years ago
Holy shit its like the xenomorph!!
Cornelius Sneed
Cornelius Sneed - 10 years ago
You seem to have transposed the numbers in the discovery date. It was 1897.
Intellefire - 10 years ago
Megamouth Shark
Intellefire - 10 years ago
Yes yes i am
Oliver H.
Oliver H. - 10 years ago
you're into sharks now 
Jeff Long
Jeff Long - 10 years ago
Do a video about the frilled shark
bossome awsome gamerzillla
bossome awsome gamerzillla - 10 years ago
It is not. Weird it is pretty you guys dont real animal beauty
squirtle vs carzard
squirtle vs carzard - 10 years ago
Holy shit
Ralph Wiggum
Ralph Wiggum - 10 years ago
Just hope China doesn't fin them all.

30. comment for Rare Goblin Shark

Lain - 10 years ago
Choo choo!!! All abored the nope train!
animatedbird - 10 years ago
Its like a alien from AVP
MinecraftAssassin - 10 years ago
dude it bumps into a fish and then a mouth comes out of its mouth its creepy
WolfieMesiter - 10 years ago
ther is make a movie whid them
Cruz From2115
Cruz From2115 - 10 years ago
The shark looks like an old specie so i am guessing they are about to be extinct. 
Jaeden Rothrock
Jaeden Rothrock - 10 years ago
did you hear that the goblin shark has been cought in florida?
Moecyrus - 10 years ago
Another genetically engineered animal just dropped in the water..no big deal
Eli Thrift
Eli Thrift - 10 years ago
They get longer than that. An 18 footer was just caught in the keys
Full camp Chad Mendes
Full camp Chad Mendes - 10 years ago
4000 for one of these? I gotta get those nets ready
roxanne hummel
roxanne hummel - 10 years ago
if goblin sharks entered beauty contest they would not win first prize. i'm sorry but, its true.
roxanne hummel
roxanne hummel - 10 years ago
its my sister's favorite shark!
Boney Maroney
Boney Maroney - 10 years ago
I rebut your statement as mere opinion, I find these to be very beautiful in their own creepy right.
Jon Doe
Jon Doe - 10 years ago
His hat is broken.
RazorbladeDog - 10 years ago
I hope you read this comment and get discouraged from making more videos.
Nero phix
Nero phix - 10 years ago
British Shark :D
Alexis Martinez
Alexis Martinez - 11 years ago
That head though it looks like the legendary pokemon palkia from daemon and pearl
6Miss6Watson6 - 11 years ago
Wow, I actually liked this video. The first one out of the 5 that I tried and cringed through.
Amanda Brown
Amanda Brown - 11 years ago
I was doing a school project on goblin sharks
WSP UNIT - 11 years ago
$4000 a head. I'm going fishing.
marvin minas
marvin minas - 11 years ago
It Looks like moe szyslak
Izzy Wehle
Izzy Wehle - 11 years ago
Why did it stop in the begining? At LEAST fix it...
gar keinen
gar keinen - 11 years ago
Warum lebt sowas wohl in der Nähe von Japan :D

50. comment for Rare Goblin Shark

ahmad moawad
ahmad moawad - 11 years ago
can i call this shak : the middle finger head shark ??
Alexander Adiyasa
Alexander Adiyasa - 11 years ago
Looks lige Alien
Doc Fizzy
Doc Fizzy - 10 years ago
nou look lik dolan!
Zeitverschwender - 10 years ago
Aaaah k :D
Alexander Adiyasa
Alexander Adiyasa - 10 years ago
No it looks like the alien from the movie, "Alien"... :D
Zeitverschwender - 10 years ago
How can you know what aliens look like...? :D
Tommygeegee88 - 11 years ago
pokemon i choose hoblin shark
mexican money
mexican money - 11 years ago
Just a dang shark
YUN PEPSY - 11 years ago
Yeah you should have your own show your stuffs KooL
Mr SammyB
Mr SammyB - 11 years ago
$4000! time to get me some goblin shark snouts I think.
Dauserofdasite - 11 years ago
The hunt... IS ON!!!
Andy Toscano
Andy Toscano - 11 years ago
Jonathan James
Jonathan James - 11 years ago
seeing as i am harsh with you on some of your videos, though you deserve it for your willful ignorance, on this vid you were much more professional. a thumbs up is only fair.
chubster chub
chubster chub - 11 years ago
i thought he had a penis for a nose.
Nealson Setiawan
Nealson Setiawan - 11 years ago
My favorite shark!
GDI - 11 years ago
This narrator sounds like he can barely read at a 4th grade level
tcorourke2007 - 11 years ago
Featured article on Wikipedia homepage today.  The creators of this video should use this article to correct the many errors here.
Will B
Will B - 11 years ago
those were discovered in 200 feet of  water
mn9tube - 11 years ago
سبحانك ربي ما أبدع خلقك أستغفرك وأتوب اليك , أشهد أن لا إله الا الله وأشهد أن محمدًا عبدك ورسولك
slappytheclown4 - 11 years ago
fuck the jews
psydeffex - 11 years ago
irnaldo hekton
irnaldo hekton - 11 years ago
Stupd men
slash sonic
slash sonic - 11 years ago
I'm a ninja xD
Ted Bush
Ted Bush - 11 years ago
Kaiju's a category 3, biggest one yet. Code-name: Knifehead.
Ivan Robles
Ivan Robles - 11 years ago
I have one its black
Stevie Delvillar
Stevie Delvillar - 11 years ago
where is this picture?
SuperNeonNinja - 11 years ago
Stranger than a pokemon
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - 11 years ago
Theyepic wildlife show. Slow down between saying the and epic.
[heat-mojo] - 11 years ago
good for you!
777Dubliner - 11 years ago
Fucking love nature!
Chris DeMaio
Chris DeMaio - 11 years ago
Tom Williams
Tom Williams - 11 years ago
Dammit nature,I thought we were cool;(
Sonerda - 11 years ago
Damn nature, you .... I cant even fucking describe this in one word.
HYPERSONICGX - 11 years ago
Greenland sharks are the strangest sharks to me
MrCad272 - 11 years ago
that looks awesome!
Blue Jay
Blue Jay - 11 years ago
Smile :D
Kazilikaya - 11 years ago
The Goblin Shark is by FAR the coolest shark in the world. They aren't nearly as rare as people think they are; they seldom seen because they swim so deep.
999eieio - 11 years ago
i got here from slyfoxhound plays minecraft
Zackry Rose
Zackry Rose - 11 years ago
Imagine if you were the person that first founded this shark.... Me personally, after finding that something like this was any where in the water regardless how deep I would never go back into the ocean ever again.
dwa awda
dwa awda - 11 years ago
Up until 1:11 I thought It would have a problem eating things cause its nose would get in the way.. then I saw 1:11 and was like... nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope.
Nate Nate Duell
Nate Nate Duell - 11 years ago
Super Awesome
FrozenFortune - 11 years ago
That's frightening :c
the waffle man
the waffle man - 11 years ago
When i saw that thumbnail, my inner black lady came out... shit it's doing it agai- OH HELL NAH!
NOOT NOOT - 11 years ago
his voice is so boring
FastNEzy - 11 years ago
This is educational don't judge this guy. He did what he can.
Evin Elias
Evin Elias - 11 years ago
@pfgvgzw true that dude btw! i think you would enjoy this game have a look ==> snipurl.com\27ukr13
The Ness That Could Ech
The Ness That Could Ech - 11 years ago
goblin shark ugly great white sexy
Nature King
Nature King - 11 years ago
Let's Play Armis
Let's Play Armis - 11 years ago
Goblin shark descendant of first nuked sharks
Let's Play Armis
Let's Play Armis - 11 years ago
This dude really has to start putting spaces between words otherwiseyou haveahard timeunderstandingwhat heissaying
Mal TV
Mal TV - 11 years ago
This is my favorite sea creature
EpicMoz - 11 years ago
Derek Espinoza
Derek Espinoza - 11 years ago
dat quality B======3--
Andrew Currie
Andrew Currie - 11 years ago
If you want to see it type ''Tiburon Duende'' in the search up top
Andrew Currie
Andrew Currie - 11 years ago
I had to do a report on this, and I found a disgusting video of it D:

100. comment for Rare Goblin Shark

shiawasekappukekiful - 11 years ago
damn, so interesting
Shadow57534 - 11 years ago
I have a picture of one of these with the caption "Let's ride a bicycle made of nightmares....INTO YOUR ASS"
Blair DeCoteau
Blair DeCoteau - 11 years ago
this is a real shark
BloodyHarry BabyFaceSlasher
BloodyHarry BabyFaceSlasher - 11 years ago
this looks like a job for spidey shark!!!
DJwarproductions1 - 11 years ago
Because you fucking searched it. Cocksucker.
bullseye122 - 11 years ago
You can effortlessly earn over 4000 dollars per month just by responding to easy surveys at home. This site shows exactly how goo.gl\7SwkAp
Jonathan96 - 11 years ago
Ive seen a goblin shark
NightCoreKira - 11 years ago
when u saw the shark eat like if you said WTF
NightCoreKira - 11 years ago
i was watching villian deaths and ended up here T_T when i watch this i ask what am i doing with my life
Saint Thomas
Saint Thomas - 11 years ago
Eu já vi um tubarão desses gente era enorme mesmo, o video é real!
Genome Light
Genome Light - 11 years ago
Must.. close.. tab.. and resume.. normality.. /ff
JJ800M - 11 years ago
Nice shark, but that idiot who starts out by looking like a Steve Irwin-wannabe. I wanna bury my leg knee-deep in his behind. No mercy shown, no vaseline given!! I hope that everybody that pops up like that just to spam his own name contracts deadly ass-cancer.
Krazii E
Krazii E - 11 years ago
holy fuck. that is one scary ass shark y0.
TheUnknownMinecraftGamer1 - 11 years ago
Are this shark real? Seriously?
Mihajlo Velkov
Mihajlo Velkov - 11 years ago
no? epic wildlife is very entertaining chanel and tottaly not weird
Yuki Chan
Yuki Chan - 11 years ago
The video says it's NOT classified as an endangered species meaning it's NOT threatened at all to be extinct. To put it simply, this shark is not extinct. It is thriving and very much alive. Sightings and captures are just rare because of the great depths it lives in.
Mrhaoable - 11 years ago
actually they look kinda like squid when striking
Cat Knight
Cat Knight - 11 years ago
You saw the title, saw the thumbnail, got curious and clicked on it. We all did that. I did it twice because I like Goblin Sharks.
The best friends dance extremera guerrero
The best friends dance extremera guerrero - 11 years ago
que asqueroso xd
223rockmaster - 11 years ago
Yeah i use to always wonder about that. What kind of incredible animals could be hiding under the ocean's depths. How Big and how scary could they be? how Amazing or beautiful?
kodiak - 11 years ago
Hard to beleive its related to the Great White family.
Ethan Simonton
Ethan Simonton - 11 years ago
They are extinct
raverbabe02 - 11 years ago
There real and there my favourite
christian raguero
christian raguero - 11 years ago
Are this shark is real
shadovex28 - 11 years ago
Jay Palomo
Jay Palomo - 11 years ago
Welcome to the YouTube Twilight Zone.
Camille Brock
Camille Brock - 11 years ago
im in the weird part of youtube again... *sigh* -_-
LittleLives Productions
LittleLives Productions - 11 years ago
thumbs up if 9gag brought you here
TT Vähäkuopus
TT Vähäkuopus - 11 years ago
1:11 O.o
taekwondo20062000 - 11 years ago
why did i end up in this part of youtube again?...
Tumult - 11 years ago
Attack on titan?
midobobi - 11 years ago
Kaiju knife head--hahaha pacific rIM!!!!
upgrader99 - 11 years ago
@ 1:10 - woa.
atheistbonaire - 11 years ago
I would call myself a bit of a self proclaimed shark expert and it does not, not even in the least resemble a gray nurse shark. It's a different family, has different teeth, a different color, a completely different body shape, different depths at which it lives, different pray, different method of hunting, etc.
taljdf - 11 years ago
ya you get 3000 but how much you lose?
Pankaj Rathod
Pankaj Rathod - 11 years ago
I very easily get over 3000 dollars per month just by filling in easy surveys at home. This website displays every detail how snipurl.com\27nuy24
Clint Hardwood
Clint Hardwood - 11 years ago
Your mom, ofcourse.
Walter White
Walter White - 11 years ago
What a set of teeth
1634288 - 11 years ago
Also your grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors are off the charts. Your whole comment is one long run on sentence, maybe you should go back to school.
1634288 - 11 years ago
Intelligence is not based on one's knowledge of animal species
1634288 - 11 years ago
you're an idiot
john smith
john smith - 11 years ago
well she was an art teacher....
Clint Hardwood
Clint Hardwood - 11 years ago
At 0:28 or so does the shark look like a man? And at 0:21 it has teeth so crooked you could park an RV in it. Damn.
James Tojo
James Tojo - 11 years ago
By shark goblin law?Anybody?
Tyler Sears
Tyler Sears - 11 years ago
They are obviously smarter than you, because you can't spell for shit.
Peter Jenkins
Peter Jenkins - 11 years ago
Someone call the exorcist.
Dirty Jawa
Dirty Jawa - 11 years ago
Then again it was a teacher that said that to him, hence you're wrong i'm right. One other thing ain't teachers suppose to encourage creativeness regardless if it was real or not?
INTERNATIONAL - 11 years ago
teacher are human too and you seems to be buthurted smartass
Hey i'm the one guy
Hey i'm the one guy - 11 years ago
There are thousands of species we are not able to see due to the amount of pressure submarines can handle deep in the ocean.
WereCreed - 11 years ago
Did you pass? If so Win! if not. Tell that bitch to jump into google !
samantha lopez
samantha lopez - 11 years ago
ToPmaCzxZ - 11 years ago
that is one ugly mother fucker !!
Hank Hill
Hank Hill - 11 years ago
This is what Pacific rim was based off of.
kurvos - 11 years ago
I'm not - I asked a question, homophobic twat. :P
God - 11 years ago
stop lowering the dam bar!
Johnny Ambush
Johnny Ambush - 11 years ago
I'm learning so much!!!!!
O.o - 11 years ago
avgnultimate - 11 years ago
Clearly you're right, she did a terrible job at teaching you how to spell.
kurvos - 11 years ago
... since when can only females give a blowjob? :P
Brisko - 11 years ago
The head and with the mouth out looks like one of the monster from the Pacific Rim movie heh
Sharon Vantuyl
Sharon Vantuyl - 11 years ago
Wow. I have never heard of this type of shark before, let alone seen video of one. At first I thought this was a spoof. The creature very much resembles the "spoonbill" a fresh water fish found in the USA and China. I thought someone had photoshopped a sharks jaws on a spoonbill but apparently not. Spoonbills and sturgeons are very ancient fish. I wonder if there is any connection between these sharks and these freshwater fish?
Christian Maund
Christian Maund - 11 years ago
You should have just done it :L Or told her to check google. Sometimes (Not out of disrespect) It's the teacher that needs to learn from the student.
Cesar - 11 years ago
i have seen one bfor in real life promise
lil - 11 years ago
Holy crap its a goblin XD
Alex McFly
Alex McFly - 11 years ago
Can it twerk?
B Series
B Series - 11 years ago
english please
Richard Mcgilton
Richard Mcgilton - 11 years ago
yay!!!!!!!!!! another one well HERE GO'S THE SPAM TRAIN! CHOO CHOO
Sebastien Matteson
Sebastien Matteson - 11 years ago
that hurt my head.
Big Mean Squeeze
Big Mean Squeeze - 11 years ago
looks like a glyphis shark
Henry Stiles
Henry Stiles - 11 years ago
Is it gonna get hunted to extinction like the Dodo? Most hunters always kill awesome creature
Angela Vela
Angela Vela - 11 years ago
yeah but the dude who wrote spongebob was a marine biologist so he probably had to learn about them somewhere along the line.
Kemmy Meiske
Kemmy Meiske - 11 years ago
Soooooooo cute!!!!!!!!
ashraf nalakath
ashraf nalakath - 11 years ago
simply stunning! . i wanna do again so that i can get one more ipad :P. just listen for now, give ur delivery addr with phone number to make sure you get it. its worth a try here >> bit.ly/14d3Ubw?=zeoxbe
GamedGamer - 11 years ago
damn nature you scary
Megan - 11 years ago
It's...ugly. 0_0
hellrush - 11 years ago
I found this difficult to masturbate to.
Xareal - 11 years ago
the last one you'll ever need...
Joshua Gardner
Joshua Gardner - 11 years ago
that shark was on spongebob
john johnson
john johnson - 11 years ago
I'd upvote it didn't include that douchebag at the beginning.
S F - 11 years ago
please dont kill'em if you found him :(
Satire Clan
Satire Clan - 11 years ago
Does it also come with a free goblin shark to attack me? Or just a virus?
mutater8 - 11 years ago
So that's the son of a bitch that destroyed Gipsy Danger and killed Raleighs brother!
SkanRashke - 11 years ago
Goblin sharks have to be my favourite- that their protruding jaws are such an evolutionary throwback that still prove useful in the dark zone proves how little we know about that ecosystem of the ocean. I worry about pretty much any shark around Asia, with the finning trade being as prolific as it is. Thankfully these guys are everywhere so we can enjoy studying them for a long time to come.
jdstryker - 11 years ago
Dumbass collectors stop killing wildlife no matter how much money you have you are still a coward
Marlon Lingner
Marlon Lingner - 11 years ago
thanks mister sososo excite
Weeping Angel
Weeping Angel - 11 years ago
oh boy does that come with a virus too
mohammed ghouse
mohammed ghouse - 11 years ago
im excited. i wanna do again so that i can get one more ipad :P. i am telling you, simply put your email and number and wait for your parcel. its worth a try here --> bit.ly/14nXqlY?=fnzcql
Missqueenfairy - 11 years ago
I wouldn't mind seeing this shark as long as it's from a safe distance. I'm a big shark fan.
Tamara H
Tamara H - 11 years ago
I know right
Nyaa - 11 years ago
Tamara H
Tamara H - 11 years ago
That is the ugliest shark ever
HiLiLjit - 11 years ago
The teachers not that smart?
Joseph Cramer
Joseph Cramer - 11 years ago
my teachers were always retarded bitches, fuck the system!!!!!!!!!
Crippling Depression
Crippling Depression - 11 years ago
Crap screw iPad!
Crippling Depression
Crippling Depression - 11 years ago
mayhem523 - 11 years ago
1:13 That is f'ing terrifying...
ImAzymic - 11 years ago
Fatass nerds that live in their parents basements aren't seen much. They're still humans. Doesn't make them rare.
John P
John P - 11 years ago
I knew about a goblin shark in the 3rd grade... kinda useless knowledge....
MrNotnert15 - 11 years ago
By that logic germs are rare.
ali bal
ali bal - 11 years ago
Epic Wildlife
Epic Wildlife - 11 years ago
aww, that's too bad, she should have let your draw a picture of any animal creation you wanted!
Sjirono Hyashi
Sjirono Hyashi - 11 years ago
Once I was in fourth grade mt art teacher ask us to draw a sea animal and she ask us what animal would it be and I said goblin shark and she said there's no such thing as a goblin shark and in my mind I was like shut up it not like you know a lot about animal and she hate animal and Ii thought teacher was smart I just prove that teacher are not that smart
Gryzabell - 11 years ago
With teeth like that? You're brave
MrJ44yy - 11 years ago
WhiVe87 - 11 years ago
i thought there was a difference between rarely seen and rare
sneak gamingNL
sneak gamingNL - 11 years ago
Malachi Maea
Malachi Maea - 11 years ago
That's not real it actually hand art
TheZeldacrazy - 11 years ago
Because I wasn't planning on sleeping tonight
XMAKEURAGEX - 11 years ago
They are not seen much which makes them rare.
sllapy132 - 11 years ago
haha nice one
Mr Pyro
Mr Pyro - 11 years ago
i bet the females give on hell of a blowjob.
Breaker Blue
Breaker Blue - 11 years ago
Not classified as endangered species... Not yet.
david74hendry - 11 years ago
Hey Chris....You're.....a Cunt
tumbipanther - 11 years ago
Oh the irony... Nice owning of ones self buddy lmao!
Boogeymed - 11 years ago
omg it worked! my virus detector worked!
Chris Topher
Chris Topher - 11 years ago
Hey David....They're........fucktard.
Algintas Valiulis
Algintas Valiulis - 11 years ago
im excited. my mom got shocked when she received the ipad3 from this website on behalf of me. just listen for now, simply put your email and number and wait for your parcel. have a try and enjoy :) >>> bit.ly/12OggTN?=jewxcc
Vahn Cort
Vahn Cort - 11 years ago
Haha david is a dumbass too
Brennan Hatton
Brennan Hatton - 11 years ago
They're *
Haris Ura
Haris Ura - 11 years ago
lol Wut?
Bryan Low
Bryan Low - 11 years ago
Bryan Low
Bryan Low - 11 years ago
Markradul Gaming
Markradul Gaming - 11 years ago
Mike - 11 years ago
ohmygod yes
Geo M.
Geo M. - 11 years ago
Whoa, looks like that shark had sex with a Rhino
PR0UDxN0oB - 11 years ago
i would have call that shark : surfboard shark
Mickhail Maharaj
Mickhail Maharaj - 11 years ago
LOL Scifi movie >:D
Quin Girl
Quin Girl - 11 years ago
DJ_KALIX - 11 years ago
Yay first comment

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