Rare Goblin Shark
Shark videos 11 years ago 895,356 views
The goblin shark is the sole living species in the family mitsukurinidiae. This deep sea shark is a bizarre sea creature indeed with it's most distinctive characteristic being it's trowel shaped beak like snout which is much longer than other shark's snouts. The shark's body is pink and has protrusible jaws and when they are retracted it resembles a pink version of the grey nurse shark. Living at depths greater than 200m, well below the reach of the sun's light, this deep sea predator can be found throughout the oceans of the world, but it is best known from the waters around japan, where the rare species was first discovered in 1987 Male goblin sharks can reach up to 10 feet, with females reaching a slightly longer 11 ft, and weighing up to 460 pounds. Very little is known about their habits, because encounters are extremely rare, and usually only occur as bycatch in fishing nets They feed on deep sea squid, fish and crabs, protruding their jaws and using a tongue like muscle to suck their prey into their sharp front teeth. The skeletal jaws of the goblin sharks are in demand by collectors who will pay up to $4,000 for one. Although rare, there seems to be no threat to their populations, so they are not classified as an endangered species. Other Epic Wildlife Shark Videos -- Giant Alien Fish http://youtu.be/nrAhcHWKX4Q -- Prehistoric Frilled Shark http://youtu.be/uIkesDKZZ-w -- Giant Shark Megalodon http://youtu.be/zeQMqUMvIeY -- Rare Shark Discovery http://youtu.be/6DQjFLodQRw -- Strange Cyclops Shark http://youtu.be/Q5gKVKTEs4E Let's Connect -- http://www.facebook.com/epicwildlife -- http://gplus.to/epicwildlife -- http://www.twitter.com/epicwildlife -- http://www.pinterest.com/epicwildlife -- http://www.epicadamwildlife.com Royalty Free Music & Sound freesfx.co.uk
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