Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina

On Thursday, October 9 at around noon, while at a retreat at Cape Lookout National Seashore off the coast of North Carolina, the leaders of One Harbor Church witnessed a shark feeding frenzy. The men were out fishing for the evening’s dinner when they stumbled across more than 100 sharks attacking a school of blue fish. As seagulls and pelicans joined in on the meal, the men began to cast into the surf, catching fish without the use of bait. For more than five minutes, the sharks were observed swimming in and out of the surf, some of which became beached in the fury. Donnie Griggs, the cameraman who captured the footage, is an avid waterman who spearfishes, dives, swims and surfs at Cape Lookout often. We want it to be clear that Cape Lookout and the surrounding beaches of Eastern North Carolina are extremely safe for swimming. The presence of these sharks and large schools of fish is actually a sign of a very healthy ecosystem. To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email licensing@storyful.com

Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1006

Shark videos 10 years ago 12,605,183 views

On Thursday, October 9 at around noon, while at a retreat at Cape Lookout National Seashore off the coast of North Carolina, the leaders of One Harbor Church witnessed a shark feeding frenzy. The men were out fishing for the evening’s dinner when they stumbled across more than 100 sharks attacking a school of blue fish. As seagulls and pelicans joined in on the meal, the men began to cast into the surf, catching fish without the use of bait. For more than five minutes, the sharks were observed swimming in and out of the surf, some of which became beached in the fury. Donnie Griggs, the cameraman who captured the footage, is an avid waterman who spearfishes, dives, swims and surfs at Cape Lookout often. We want it to be clear that Cape Lookout and the surrounding beaches of Eastern North Carolina are extremely safe for swimming. The presence of these sharks and large schools of fish is actually a sign of a very healthy ecosystem. To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email licensing@storyful.com

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Most popular comments
for Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina

TheXBOXGamerpro7281 - 6 years ago
Looks like Jaws had babys
Kevin C
Kevin C - 6 years ago
Thank You for sharing this video Mr. Recker.
Kevin C
Kevin C - 6 years ago
I've seen Blues push the mullet up on the shoreline twice in my lifetime and it is rare, but never the sharks, what a rush! We raced to tie on silver spoons to pull in Bluefish at Harkers in 1993. Okracoke was where the second encounter.. it was so amazing. I say ban the commercials , pay the locals to oversee, manage, be the caretakers of the greatest gem North Carolina holds (to me), The Outer Banks, there' no place on earth like it.
Nguyen Khuyen
Nguyen Khuyen - 7 years ago
why dont cook them
Noah Nelson
Noah Nelson - 7 years ago
How far is cape lookout from Holden Beach NC.
T G - 7 years ago
Meet them half way.
David Smith
David Smith - 7 years ago
What were they feeding on?
Jeffrey Schmokdt
Jeffrey Schmokdt - 7 years ago
that's crazy
Mark Solarz
Mark Solarz - 7 years ago
You don’t see that every day! Must be bait fish using the shallows for protection. Very cool that you got to film it!

10. comment for Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina

Darren Green
Darren Green - 7 years ago
rare ???? i see this more than my haters
Daz Gabriel
Daz Gabriel - 7 years ago
Poor devil's
Debbie Marquis
Debbie Marquis - 7 years ago
Those sharks are blessed...where I'm from...they would have been the meal...
Sunshine Winter
Sunshine Winter - 7 years ago
You pussies, jump in and go for a swim
melissa ventic
melissa ventic - 7 years ago
they are baby sharks
Обо всем сразу
Обо всем сразу - 7 years ago
xxwhispersxx - 7 years ago
I would have been running away from that beach so fast.
Jose Juanjo
Jose Juanjo - 7 years ago
Rare to a useless asshole who has necer been out at all
Crafty Girl
Crafty Girl - 7 years ago
7 Days
7 Days - 7 years ago

20. comment for Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina

Russ G
Russ G - 7 years ago
Bluefish will of course attack a school of menhaden [aka pogies], mackerel, herring, smelt, squid, or even smaller members of their own species with equal gusto. You live by the sword, you die by the sword. It's eat or be eaten. Observers often marvel at why they'll strike a moving hooked lure with abandon. Well, it's simple survival - the first members of a school that strike the bait fill their bellies and the stragglers go hungry. No rational thought from a higher brain center tempers that impulse.
Fardin Mahzoob
Fardin Mahzoob - 7 years ago
There were sharks everywhere in this beach.
Fardin Mahzoob
Fardin Mahzoob - 7 years ago
Thousands of sharks spotted off North Carolina beach during feeding frenzy.
Slapshock Redeemer
Slapshock Redeemer - 7 years ago
In my opinion sharks are being hunted by a larger pray in the ocean. I didn't a single fish on the shore that are hunted by the shark.
LilPump fan
LilPump fan - 7 years ago
The is the most viewed video featureing my state
Mohammad Sahidullah
Mohammad Sahidullah - 7 years ago
This is North Carolina beach.
Mohammad Sahidullah
Mohammad Sahidullah - 7 years ago
There were sharks everywhere at the North Carolina feeding frenzy beach.
Aquatic Terra Firma
Aquatic Terra Firma - 7 years ago
This happens every fall, you have to be at the right place at the right time. Finger mullets are making the run out the inlet, the drum are waiting for them and the sharks are waiting for the drum. I have seen this 10-=15 times in my 25 years on the NC coast fishing. I have had to jump as the sharks go between my legs while casting to the drum. Its a special thing to witness, I do charter and for more info and if you want to see this and catch one fish after the other let me know.
Michael Greenwood
Michael Greenwood - 7 years ago
Hurricane Observers Report:  (Observer in UK.)       
         Hurricane Jose is due east of Hatteras as I write.  Just close enough for some waves a little above normal to be seen rolling on to the beaches. But far enough away for those waves not to be a serious threat. The Hurricane's central Eye is at 35 degrees 27', 71 degrees 46'W.   250kms due east.
          If the hurricane continues the south to north path of the past 3.5 days almost due north along Longitude 71/72.  Then Hurricane Josor (Jose) should pass Point relatively safely.The Hurricane has been weakening weekend from a category 2 hurricane to a category 1 hurricane.  At present it is only just in the category 1 hurricane category with some winds gusting to 74mph about 50kms from the hurricanes eye. About 200kms from Hatteras Point.
          On the beaches themselves the winds are shown by tracking software to be 40-44mph. Storm Force 8.  Not expected to increase to Storm Force 9 unless the hurricane changes direction from longitude -71 degrees West.
          Posted Tuesday September 9th 2017 @ 12.54PM GMT BST (7.54AM East Coast time).
Samantha Hewett
Samantha Hewett - 7 years ago
how meny sharks
Денис Дмитровский
Денис Дмитровский - 7 years ago
Бедная акула...
Band Geek
Band Geek - 7 years ago
Go to South Carolina, Myrtle Beach. I've never seen a shark close to the shore before there but I have seen a huge shark by the peer (it's not there anymore, hurricane got it) and the shark swam up and ate a little shark. You can go really far out and not get eaten by a shark though but regardless there's always gonna be sharks in the ocean

30. comment for Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina

SEAN TORRES - 7 years ago

2115virgo13 - 7 years ago
1olddirtroad - 7 years ago
Buffet night at the Golden Corral
ken C.D
ken C.D - 7 years ago
that shark would look good on my dinner plate with chips ( yum )
Melissa  Stoltz
Melissa Stoltz - 7 years ago
that is a bunch of sharks
Txa Ov Thqac Uni Saxi Vra ATOYAN
Txa Ov Thqac Uni Saxi Vra ATOYAN - 7 years ago
jenny hartman
jenny hartman - 7 years ago
I wonder why they are so close to the shore
John Kraemer
John Kraemer - 7 years ago
Wow! That's crazy!
Bonham House
Bonham House - 7 years ago
Is that a good time to go on?
valentin shapoval
valentin shapoval - 7 years ago
I would take those sharks and made some good food with it!!
Char Shark
Char Shark - 7 years ago
I am so jealous, what an AMAZING experience!!!
hema sa3eed
hema sa3eed - 7 years ago
A M - 7 years ago
I'd gather all the people on the beach and tell them "how much money you wanna bet i can run past all those sharks and back again?"
mage huber
mage huber - 7 years ago
das müssen bullenhaie sein! die einzige haiart die im Süsswasser ,salzwasser und auf dem land vorkommt!
Jeff Keys
Jeff Keys - 7 years ago
it is amazing how do they not get stranded
Abdullah Nasar
Abdullah Nasar - 7 years ago
goodnight msn
Abdullah Nasar
Abdullah Nasar - 7 years ago
Abdullah Nasar
Abdullah Nasar - 7 years ago
Erin Taylor
Erin Taylor - 7 years ago
Wow! I think they are all bull sharks. Yikes!
Splendid Mendax
Splendid Mendax - 7 years ago
be fun to toss Trump in that. lots of chuckles

50. comment for Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina

Phillip Loco
Phillip Loco - 8 years ago
Go have a swim I dare you LOL
4.9cop blank
4.9cop blank - 8 years ago
that was a good day to help blind people enjoy the surf
SLMA LAIOS - 8 years ago
Lol all I can think about is Sand burn lmao good thing sharks have thick ass skin
Robyn Nunya
Robyn Nunya - 8 years ago
Not so unusual they were obviously after bait fish.
LiveFromNC - 8 years ago
Nice video! Check us out at LiveFromNc.
Michelle Gore
Michelle Gore - 8 years ago
I wish I could have been there. That is to cool.
Daniel Andrew Vegan Aesthetics
Daniel Andrew Vegan Aesthetics - 8 years ago
they look less creepy here..
Reymundo Navarro
Reymundo Navarro - 8 years ago
i woulda been eating shark for breakfest
Reymundo Navarro
Reymundo Navarro - 8 years ago
thats ubserd step in the watter id lasso one
H2o Echo
H2o Echo - 8 years ago
this isn't rare. I see it all the time.
Christian le Bordelais
Christian le Bordelais - 8 years ago
john basedow
john basedow - 8 years ago
They have the entire ocean to destroy things with their mouths, they cant just leave the shore for us??
cantwebecivil - 8 years ago
+Brian Recker You said the men were out fishing.. for blue fish..? If they caught a shark would they be allowed to keep it, or do they need a different permit for that?
Chris Kane
Chris Kane - 8 years ago
Are those bulls
Utaha - Senpai
Utaha - Senpai - 8 years ago
I will go and kick them to help them to get in the sea LOL
Chris Parker
Chris Parker - 8 years ago
reason why I don't get in the water !!!!
Anna Weissenberg
Anna Weissenberg - 8 years ago
Poor sharks some body put them back in deep water
kay2382 - 8 years ago
Anna Weissenberg why dont u do it?
kons varka
kons varka - 8 years ago
swimming anybody?
Black ops Nation
Black ops Nation - 8 years ago
omg :o
ferny castillo
ferny castillo - 8 years ago
what kind of sharks are these?
Fleece Johnson
Fleece Johnson - 8 years ago
Dont see any houses around so is this Carova?
Tomoe san
Tomoe san - 8 years ago
Archie Ray & Lisa Shue
Archie Ray & Lisa Shue - 8 years ago
I'm headed here for 5 days maybe I will get lucky & get to see a shark
Jesus Avila
Jesus Avila - 8 years ago
Im going saturday ):
Grey - 8 years ago
Well, now I know where I'm not vacationing.
Sandra E. Perez
Sandra E. Perez - 8 years ago
This is an unusual situation. They should call the stranding network to help those poor sharks. I hope they have not left to die on the shore.
dasun13 - 8 years ago
Stephen Deac
Stephen Deac - 8 years ago
Amazing video!  To think that we can encounter a shark at knee deep water?  Amazing
Shirley Mitchell
Shirley Mitchell - 8 years ago
you have stupid ass videos
Fabian Kristoffersen
Fabian Kristoffersen - 8 years ago
most shark attacks happens at knee depp water
Jack Bitter
Jack Bitter - 8 years ago
More like toe deep at some points
Seth Whit
Seth Whit - 8 years ago
This normal for black tail shark them and Dolphins do it eat fish
Jared Gallegos
Jared Gallegos - 8 years ago
Same here
Honesty Counts
Honesty Counts - 8 years ago
someone needs to get some stainless steel wire chain link fencing and create a 'safe swim zone', 50 feet out, and 200 feet wide. That might not seem like very much but at least it is better than NOTHING. And that way you know for sure you can let your kids go out and swim safely, with no risk of sharks attacking the children.
Gracie Earnhardt
Gracie Earnhardt - 8 years ago
True story
hHarVv - 8 years ago
Engrish plox
SumaQ Grupo
SumaQ Grupo - 8 years ago
the sharks are starving ... humans are finishing with all the fishes from oceans as the same way they do it with the rainforests!
heidi Holiday
heidi Holiday - 8 years ago
Wish dat bees OBOLA dey feeding on.
heidi Holiday
heidi Holiday - 8 years ago
Obola's little pin haid wouldn't be much of a meal,but just consider it a between meal snack.
heidi Holiday
heidi Holiday - 8 years ago
I stand corrected!!!
Boondock Saint
Boondock Saint - 8 years ago
Sharks don't eat shit
Erica Minjarez
Erica Minjarez - 8 years ago
For prayer call 1(800)329-7827 or 1(800)DAY-STAR
Jesus loves you so much!
FlawlessObby24 - 8 years ago
lol i went to that beach last year and saw like 20dolphins and 14 sharks
christy white
christy white - 8 years ago
My sister was born in South Carolina Idk
Hussein Hamir
Hussein Hamir - 8 years ago
Who is feeding on who? R the birds eating the sharks or vice versa?
Oh Dear
Oh Dear - 8 years ago
The sharks are after the fish. The gulls are also after the fish. The gulls will also feed on any fish scraps missed by the sharks in their feeding frenzy.
Marisol Glandel
Marisol Glandel - 9 years ago
City Physio
City Physio - 9 years ago
Laniya Dedmon
Laniya Dedmon - 9 years ago
well thank you pretty lady
Paul Gs
Paul Gs - 9 years ago
Kaljamaggara - 9 years ago
holy mom so many sharks :O
Nathan Weiler
Nathan Weiler - 9 years ago
Was this the putter banks?
Oh Dear
Oh Dear - 8 years ago
Cape Lookout
Yazmin Klemstein
Yazmin Klemstein - 9 years ago
don bot
don bot - 9 years ago
Reminds me of what we call Jubilee down here on the southern Gulf coast. Every few years the water will fill with extra oxygen and the bait fish come in by the millions. The game fish and bigger fish and sharks follow. We will catch trout two or three at a time every cast and dolphin would knock us down swimming between us catching trout. The sharks too come in and are chasing fish everywhere all around you. It is the craziest thing you have ever seen in your life. Literally, fish everywhere... And as fast as it starts, it is gone lol...

Also reminds me of what us locals always knew... that any time you went in the water you were surrounded by sharks lol. This would easily be seen when news helicopters would fly down and take pictures of old man and woman wading in less than waste deep water surrounded by over a hundred sharks and never knew it, lol. I bet they had a heart attack when they saw the footage lol...

Most of the time you never know they are there. Many times I have had them take my fish right off my hook as I brought it into the net, lol... I have caught up to six foot blue shark while wade fishing. It is eight foot and bigger that you have to worry about... big Tigers or stupid bull shark... even small bull shark will bite you in six inches of water... hate them... only good one is a dead one.... but most sharks never bother you... they know you are not their prey.... but a big Tiger will eat anything lol.... hammerheads are bad too but usually don't see them in close...

Nice footage...

the bot
Richard Columbia
Richard Columbia - 9 years ago
here at tybee in Georgia I am always catching baby black tips and bluefish if you can get your line far enough you will catch pompano all just using some cut mullet never live mullet
the bot
the bot - 9 years ago
+MrCurtisass ha ha, i am glad u think so. i love idiots like u that trash things others say because they have never experienced anything themselves. lol.. get off the couch away from youtube and playstation and go live u moron.

there have been hundreds who have experienced this phenomenon. last time we were lined up in knee deep water catching two trout every cast. the dolphin knocked my brother and i down chasing trout in between us almost beaching itself. your just a punk that does know anything let alone what i am talking about. go troll someone else moron. oh and if you google footage from texas of couple wading in shallow water with around 75 to 100 sharks swimming all around them. u don't know nothin boy, i grew up on this water. go play with ur playstation mommy is calling...
MrCurtisass - 9 years ago
+don bot     BULLSHIT !!!
Jose Davi
Jose Davi - 9 years ago
Ms. CeCe
Ms. CeCe - 9 years ago
I'd never get in this water while on vacation here. this would ruin it for me ..but an awsome sight!
Stormin1987 - 9 years ago
It is well known in history that sharks use to follow the slave ships for 400 years as they brought Hebrews (aka the real Jews, the Black African Americans )into American to serve as slave.... The first slave ships docked in the carolinas.... So the cause of the raise of shark attack is simply a cause of animal migration for food they have it genetically implanted in their heads of where to go to find food after so many generations of sharks have followed the Atlantic slave trade route as a reliable source of food!!!! The white scientists will never expose this information but I'm 200% sure that is the reason not to mention how all over the world fish are washing up dead, the sea is dying and the food is running out just as it was prophesied in the bible about the last days.... Christ which was a black man from the tribe of juda will be returning soon to save his people.... Read your bible to figure out who the true people of God are... I will tell you it is not the jewISH people in Israel right now it is the blacks and Latino of native Indian decent.... What does the suffix ish mean, look it up. The whole world has been lied to!!!!!!
Reverted RF
Reverted RF - 9 years ago
ik this already lol
Joseph Badger
Joseph Badger - 9 years ago
No it was Virginia which is more south I think
The CARMEN español
The CARMEN español - 9 years ago

100. comment for Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina

UglyBonnie - 9 years ago
Black fin sharks are delicious, especially at 10 lbs or smaller. Some of these are a bit large, but it would be easy to grab a shark by the tail and pull him out. I know from experience. And that's a lot of good eating even after freezing and thawing, which you can't do with the blue fish.
Yelissa Angel
Yelissa Angel - 9 years ago
Help it and not just stare at it magets
SpareUs Hilton
SpareUs Hilton - 9 years ago
Are you sure those are sharks? Because they sure look like lawyers to me. In fact, I'm pretty sure this is a video of them trying to get the right to sue Volkswagen over its diesel cheating scandal.
Jim East
Jim East - 9 years ago
Like Walmart on black Friday.
John O
John O - 9 years ago
Sharks don't like to get too close to shore because they get sand in their gills but will do it especially when they are feeding on a school of fish or extra hungry. It is an especially good time to avoid them as they are more desperate than normal.
HarryDaHuman - 7 years ago
Thanks for the info?
verseoners - 9 years ago
I cant even imagine how horrible it would be if you were to walk out into that water wow
Kelvin Liew
Kelvin Liew - 9 years ago
Glad there are still sharks in the ocean but yeah glad to be on terra firma
Kenneth Kanniff
Kenneth Kanniff - 9 years ago
Fuck these guys id get one of those
melanierodriguez2306 - 9 years ago
because now they are getting closer and closer i almost die because a shark almost bite me and i am 8 years old just joking i had never seen a shark and i hope i never see one but maybe i will i hate SHARKS I WANT TO KILL THEM ALL I DO NOT LIKE IT AND IF I SEE ONE I WANT TO DIE I AM NEVER EVER GOING TO THE BEACH
andrew griffith
andrew griffith - 8 years ago
shit the fuck up pussy
melanierodriguez2306 - 9 years ago
that is why i hate the beach
amber todd
amber todd - 9 years ago
i am glad i moved from north carolina
G5X - Limitless
G5X - Limitless - 9 years ago
Such sharks!~!
Eusebio Bigham
Eusebio Bigham - 9 years ago
That would be cool to watch, but I'm not going anywhere close to that.
Blueredding Explode
Blueredding Explode - 9 years ago
Where was this event exactly. North Carolina is too broad.
Oh Dear
Oh Dear - 8 years ago
+Blueredding Explode

I watched your videos. Were you surprised to find gators in the river?
Oh Dear
Oh Dear - 8 years ago
+Blueredding Explode A few years ago, a neighbor in Oak Island, NC was surprised to find an alligator in her backyard. I suppose they are everywhere now.
Blueredding Explode
Blueredding Explode - 8 years ago
+Oh Dear I just posted me almost catching a gator in Brunswick county N.C.on a fishing pole. It attacked my bait and was hooked! And a video of it Attacking a flounder it caught later in the day. Enjoy
Blueredding Explode
Blueredding Explode - 8 years ago
Oh Dear
Oh Dear - 8 years ago
Cape Lookout, NC
CoolGuyMcGruff - 9 years ago
Perfect day to go swimming with a Bacon & dead fish wetsuit
Mr. Depressed Puffin
Mr. Depressed Puffin - 9 years ago
Who else wants a pet shark?
65 TossPowerTrap
65 TossPowerTrap - 9 years ago
never going back in the water again
Janeth Rodriguez
Janeth Rodriguez - 9 years ago
Caidence Gorjuss
Caidence Gorjuss - 9 years ago
Wow I don't wanna go in the water but I do wanna see it
Ryan Alaniz
Ryan Alaniz - 9 years ago
Anna Colleen W. Etters
Anna Colleen W. Etters - 9 years ago
Well, THAT'S enough to keep me out of the water, forever...
pOiNtLeSs PoTaTo
pOiNtLeSs PoTaTo - 9 years ago
goatboy - 9 years ago
Hey who wants to go surfing!
Joseph Gelb
Joseph Gelb - 9 years ago
Yeh the one dude should pet them next video
Tohru Dyvehd
Tohru Dyvehd - 9 years ago
Bijoux - 9 years ago
Yikes, that far in from the sand!
Ruthy. samaria
Ruthy. samaria - 9 years ago
I love sharks I wish I was there
Clint Smith
Clint Smith - 9 years ago
thats right by my house
SWIFT95330 - 9 years ago
just trying to scratch their belly. give them a hand.
i Bunn
i Bunn - 9 years ago
Omg I wish I was there! I scared to go back in lol!
i Bunn
i Bunn - 9 years ago
Omg I wish I was there! I scared to go back in lol!
Zoltan Tarsoly
Zoltan Tarsoly - 9 years ago
Thank you for the great video and I respect you for letting the shark go in strad of killing it. We need more fishermen like you two. Thanks again. Zoltan
Assimata Mohamed
Assimata Mohamed - 9 years ago
Ryan Baker
Ryan Baker - 9 years ago
Did you get any shark teeth
Amanda A.
Amanda A. - 9 years ago
4 some reason I want to pull one out and make it my pet...Nah it'll never happen...or will it?
Preppy Piggy
Preppy Piggy - 9 years ago
Not true I live on the beach
Boba Te
Boba Te - 9 years ago
Mann, I wish I was there that day with my big ol fishing rod!! Forget Salmon, shark would have been tastier.
Real Active
Real Active - 9 years ago
James Walker
James Walker - 9 years ago
I was at Sunset Beach, NC in late June, 2015.  We had 4 shark attacks in the two weeks I was there.  2 kids lost limbs on the same beach (Ocean Isle, I believe) within 90 minutes of each other.  I just did some surf fishing and I would go in waist deep to cast my line and I admit I did get a little freaked out a few times.  N.C. is not known for dangerous shark attacks (usually if someone gets bit the shark just gives a bite and realizes that we're not very tasty and releases) but I know there are Bull and Tiger sharks native to the waters. 
I'm really searching for a good Captain Quint quote to sum up...but I can't bring one up.
CatHarlem - 9 years ago
Dick Glover
Dick Glover - 9 years ago
Who de do?
natifa yorke
natifa yorke - 9 years ago
You guys need to come to the Caribbean # St. Vincent and the grenadines
michael therrien
michael therrien - 9 years ago
I saw a shark for the first time today while fishing in NH and the Aussie who caught it picked it up and cradled it in his arms.
Alexandra ioana
Alexandra ioana - 9 years ago
I'm going to north carolina in august. guess i won't be in the water
Brian's Pet's
Brian's Pet's - 9 years ago
Everyone lets go swimming!
Courtney Butler
Courtney Butler - 9 years ago
it'll be great we can even invite the in laws
dasa5023 - 9 years ago
+Erica Miller lol
Erica Miller
Erica Miller - 9 years ago
I am all for swimming with the Sharks.... No biggie all the can do is eat me..
yourbretherend - 9 years ago
its the start of Sharknado!
mzpurplemist - 9 years ago
That was actually, kinda cool to watch. :D
Ibn Olu
Ibn Olu - 9 years ago
Andrew Das
Andrew Das - 9 years ago
Look at the right of your screen at 1:35 that shark is huge!
Mackenzie Montgomery
Mackenzie Montgomery - 9 years ago
WOW! That's awesome!
Edward White
Edward White - 9 years ago
Chuck Norris was swimming that day.
TheFancyEvil - 9 years ago
Don't wanna jump in there
marla sweet
marla sweet - 9 years ago
this is called,,,SHARK,,,hehehe lolz,,,,
Apcometri - 9 years ago
beautiful..i love sharks
Liam Coote
Liam Coote - 9 years ago
Leonice Lima
Leonice Lima - 9 years ago
Look closly at the 1 min and 16 sec you will see that it is a dolphin not a shark
gnatman1102 - 9 years ago
Wrong. Dolphins have horizontal tail fins, formally called a fluke.
Leighthomas - 9 years ago
" We want it to be clear that Cape Lookout and the surrounding beaches of Eastern North Carolina are extremely safe for swimming..."
Nina Dees
Nina Dees - 9 years ago
one nope for every shark
John Keys
John Keys - 9 years ago
so much for being safe in shallow water
bryana - 9 years ago
Let's wait for that one guy to be like "I'm gonna touch one!"
Kathy Valles
Kathy Valles - 9 years ago
It's fun at the beach I went today it was fun
CaptinCookie - 9 years ago
How many sharks were there I live in North Carolina and all but I wouldn't be in water on that day
Lukas Lewter
Lukas Lewter - 9 years ago
Im scared to go to Topsail Island now....
Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel - 9 years ago
I wouldve pulled one out and kept it as a pet , its name wouldve been Bruce
mr howard eats pants
mr howard eats pants - 9 years ago
annnnddddd yet my parents are taking us to north carolina still....
mr howard eats pants
mr howard eats pants - 9 years ago
yes i did it was great
Sparra Lina
Sparra Lina - 9 years ago
+Michael the goddamn kitten    Hope you went down well...   with lots of salt    ;)
Dem Legz
Dem Legz - 9 years ago
Holy shit I knew ghost existed 8D
mr howard eats pants
mr howard eats pants - 9 years ago
my ghost is typing rn
Dem Legz
Dem Legz - 9 years ago
Sparra Lina
Sparra Lina - 9 years ago
+Toihl Lekill Apparently ! Lol, rip young Michael.
Dem Legz
Dem Legz - 9 years ago
+Sparra Lina I think we have the answer
Sparra Lina
Sparra Lina - 9 years ago
+Michael the goddamn kitten let us know if you make it back :)
Ahmad Naseem
Ahmad Naseem - 9 years ago
AJ Thompson
AJ Thompson - 9 years ago
this is very rare. however the recent shark attacks here idk what to think it has been getting worse these days and I think it would be safer not to go into the ocean.
AJ Thompson
AJ Thompson - 9 years ago
+Ryan Deighan no need for sarcasm  sweetie and I knew that its just sharks don't eat everything in the water  geez 
gink ghost
gink ghost - 9 years ago
+AE Friends4Lyfe112 oh no there are Sharks in the Ocean? my god!!!!
Karen Piotte
Karen Piotte - 9 years ago
You have action like that and only record for 1:33?
solidsnake4214 - 9 years ago
What kind of sharks were those?
KhaanMan66 - 9 years ago
To answer your question truthfully, I think they're black tip reef shark. Heard one of the beach goer said something along that line.
Birky 1978
Birky 1978 - 9 years ago
+John Keys hahahaha brilliant
John Keys
John Keys - 9 years ago
+solidsnake4214 special needs sharks.
Tiger - 9 years ago
"We want it to be clear that Cape Lookout and the surrounding beaches of Eastern North Carolina are extremely safe for swimming. The presence of these sharks and large schools of fish is actually a sign of a very healthy ecosystem."   .....Seriously? So these sharks aren't... dangerous?
Gonnaneed Abiggerboat
Gonnaneed Abiggerboat - 9 years ago
This is insane ...
Laura Henderson
Laura Henderson - 9 years ago
What kind of sharks were they?
Taylor Amerson
Taylor Amerson - 9 years ago
Thats happening at myrtle beach now
Comic Trips
Comic Trips - 9 years ago
This Summer is the 40th anniversary of Jaws being released? Coincidence? Who cares, never swimming again.
Man of Water
Man of Water - 9 years ago
1-2 ft Flat to poor conditions. With a chance of death.
jrich3126 - 9 years ago
This proves that evolution is a lie and creation is the truth. If evolution was true then how would these creatures exist with such complex relationships. Only creation by the lord God can be the cause of this.
ItsJustKaylee - 9 years ago
that shark was getting beached I hope it didn't die!
David Folsom
David Folsom - 9 years ago
I woulda grabbed that beached on by the tail and yanked it clear out.... good eatin and biggest shark caught by hand baby!
Kurisuthian - 9 years ago
why are you guys not swimming? it seems to me that sharkies wanna play with you guys :(
Matt Lummus
Matt Lummus - 9 years ago
Most of those sharks wouldn't bother humans outside of the frenzy. Too much work for these "little" guys :)
Maxim Stanchenko Станченко
Maxim Stanchenko Станченко - 9 years ago
Главное - далеко не заплывать - там могут быть акулы....  :)
shiv - 9 years ago
their washed up ashore feeding
henriko foda
henriko foda - 9 years ago
Ырысбек Арапбай
Ырысбек Арапбай - 9 years ago
RENEE REYES - 9 years ago
Top 10
Top 10 - 9 years ago
Monte Walsh
Monte Walsh - 9 years ago
This must be exactly what the sailors from the USS   INDIANAPOLIS saw  after their ship sank after delivering the Hiroshima bomb.
Alan Meijer
Alan Meijer - 9 years ago
did you wade in to see what kind of prey they were devouring? or were you worried they might not be that picky?
Luis Peregrina
Luis Peregrina - 9 years ago
7.788.022 views and no comments?
Constacis 00000
Constacis 00000 - 9 years ago
Everzthing is a cartoon.
Nigelxman - 9 years ago
Wow!  Truly amazing footage.
Rain_4_Rowan Camille
Rain_4_Rowan Camille - 9 years ago
That is so crazy. I wish I could have been there to see it!
sera56jase - 9 years ago
+Louis De Groelard Help them do what exactly?
sera56jase - 9 years ago
+ouivalerie brooks Killer whales are not well known to kill people.
TheSteadyGrounds - 9 years ago
+Rain_4_Rowan Camille One of them might take a bite of a tit. That Strawberry Vanilla tit
Amber Dariano
Amber Dariano - 9 years ago
+Bryan Chambers lol ya
Ashley Chambers
Ashley Chambers - 9 years ago
+Amber Dariano​ i sometimes wish a higher life form would come down and do all of that for me. Lol
Amber Dariano
Amber Dariano - 9 years ago
+Bryan Chambers agreed
Ashley Chambers
Ashley Chambers - 9 years ago
+Amber Dariano yes, i agree with you. I feel that the only reason to have any of the planets wild life in captivity should be to protect them, heel them or to help them repopulate. What do you think?
Amber Dariano
Amber Dariano - 9 years ago
+Bryan Chambers ya but notice how that there has never wild attack. Which proves my what i am going over. Killer whales/Orcas do not belong in captivity
Ashley Chambers
Ashley Chambers - 9 years ago
+Amber Dariano yes huh, awhile back one of the killer whales at seaworld killed one of the trainers.
Amber Dariano
Amber Dariano - 9 years ago
+ouivalerie brooks um there has never been a killer whale attack let alone killing?? please dont misinform people
melanie taylor
melanie taylor - 9 years ago
+Mike Anderson exactly! What is feeding on them, pelicans?
David M
David M - 9 years ago
+Rowan Murski that would be cool to see in person.shut I'm not getting in the ocean anymore even here in California were getting sharks closer the the beach.crazy things are happening.
ouivalerie brooks
ouivalerie brooks - 9 years ago
+Ken Li he was way too close, well I haven't seen sharks on shore but killer whales well known to kill people and baby walrus from the sand, roll them out to sea.
Ken Li
Ken Li - 9 years ago
+Louis De Groelard what if he got eaten?
Mike Anderson
Mike Anderson - 9 years ago
+Louis De Groelard yes, help them. And have one take a bite out of your hand when you try...they're sharks, not dolphins.
Bruno Souza De Jesus
Bruno Souza De Jesus - 9 years ago
Manred  Mandela
Manred Mandela - 9 years ago
Stupid people they could have take one and cook it he would have saved 20 dollars the average amount for bake and shark
justhateme israel
justhateme israel - 9 years ago
This isn't a frenzy. Looks to me that they were beaching themselves. Fish especially whales/dolphins beach themselves when they can't tolerate a frequency of sonar probably caused by a submarine or navy vessel operating in the area. Horrible stuff
Mollygaga42 - 9 years ago
This would never happen in Asia they've already over fished there oceans but then again if this were to happen in Asia there fins would be cut off and they would push them back in the water still alive.
Red Fire52
Red Fire52 - 9 years ago
Estevan Martinez
Estevan Martinez - 9 years ago
I would've tried grabbing one. And then help it back to water of course
motita teofilo
motita teofilo - 9 years ago
Aca en la costa Argentina los tiburones chicos se acercan a la orilla cuando hay Toninas .Las Toninas atacan a los tiburones porque son predadores de sus crias
forever hayleyy
forever hayleyy - 9 years ago
Remind me never to go to the beach:))
Michael Hoey
Michael Hoey - 9 years ago
i am sad
Dan Tucci
Dan Tucci - 9 years ago
Tardisius - 9 years ago
" Fish are Friends, not Food." =))
7 Days
7 Days - 7 years ago
TekkenZZ - 9 years ago
roman slepcik
roman slepcik - 9 years ago
very nice .!! i jealous this wonderful place ;)
DankKnight - 9 years ago
What In The EEEND !??
Flixoran - 9 years ago
I saw a lemon shark off the pier in Emerald Isle at that beach in North Carolina. It was really cool
FREE GOD MC - 10 years ago
Females in labor
zzztubazzz - 10 years ago
so fake
g3audiodesign - 10 years ago
Sadie Lassman
Sadie Lassman - 10 years ago
WOW thank you for catching that and sharing it with us all! What a sight to behold in the wild! I would have never seen it otherwise!
Josh Childs
Josh Childs - 10 years ago
Fins , by Jimmy Buffet should be the background music. 
Bibi Naz
Bibi Naz - 10 years ago
Which beach is this?
Vaz Zav
Vaz Zav - 10 years ago
its like Republicans jumping for that nickel from the Koch Brothers
Miu Iruma
Miu Iruma - 10 years ago
Why didn't someone help them I would
Marites Baradas
Marites Baradas - 10 years ago
Ang dami shark fish naka takot.,marami sila.
Meatwood Flac
Meatwood Flac - 10 years ago
Id skim that
Ciara Boyles
Ciara Boyles - 10 years ago
They look like dolphins
Shailo Overton
Shailo Overton - 10 years ago
How many sharks
Gustavo Olaso Alvarez
Gustavo Olaso Alvarez - 10 years ago
эндэрталец играет
эндэрталец играет - 10 years ago
иди возьми её и продай за 5 копеек 
 и купи премиум ютуба
Indra D. Bachrie
Indra D. Bachrie - 10 years ago
awww... family bonding...
Katherine Uribe
Katherine Uribe - 10 years ago
Love it! Nature is amazing.
krylesangerbeaver - 10 years ago
I hope the beached sharks were not just left to die, but maybe I'm overly optimistic =/
zeeg1972 - 10 years ago
MilkyPvP // Skin's and Graphic
MilkyPvP // Skin's and Graphic - 10 years ago
Miracle Carter
Miracle Carter - 10 years ago
I lived in nc for four years
Kyia Aiello
Kyia Aiello - 10 years ago
i was there on the beach that day
Dunim Barrios
Dunim Barrios - 10 years ago
Nerd Sisters
Nerd Sisters - 10 years ago
Holy crap
newstart49 - 10 years ago
 Had a similar thing happen many years ago at our coast/beach. We grabbed one for dinner.  Pick a SMALL one by the tail- they are very powerful and will knock you on your butt.
Laura Taklaja
Laura Taklaja - 10 years ago
okaydude - 10 years ago
thougt it was birds
DudeForSureMan - 10 years ago
good shooting Donny
Andrea Barrett
Andrea Barrett - 10 years ago
oh god sharknado is real
WORLD GTA SA GAMER - 10 years ago
This is dolphin
Geo - 10 years ago
1:18 need some help there buddy?
SEC studios
SEC studios - 10 years ago
What the heck!
I have never seen a shark before but holy sh×t that's a lot of sfark's!
Qydria - 10 years ago
It is more likely than not that I would approach them and be aww what a cute little fish that looks like a shar- gets eaten 
TheRepty818 - 10 years ago
Anybody have any idea what types of sharks we're looking at here. 
pandoraish - 10 years ago
I'm looking for the same answer....anyone?
Doctor Who?
Doctor Who? - 10 years ago
That last shark at the end was struggeling
the Greatjon
the Greatjon - 10 years ago
Sharknado (sigh)....we're on to Cincinnati...
Senpai Shadow
Senpai Shadow - 10 years ago
so that's where they hid the bodies. not bad..
Zoits McGoity
Zoits McGoity - 10 years ago
quit bein a pusswaffle and grab one
The Beemer
The Beemer - 10 years ago
Alright, this is a little to close to home.
jeva NFG
jeva NFG - 10 years ago
69 sharks died during the making of this video.
Pastry-Art - 10 years ago
Is it just me or are those birds stupid? Why are they getting so close to the sharks?
chris Garcia
chris Garcia - 10 years ago
what kind of shark is it ?
Your Average American
Your Average American - 10 years ago
I would jump in there and start raping the shit out of those sharks
Nick Wills
Nick Wills - 10 years ago
 subscribed because it was on 699. had to do it
alloutloljohn - 10 years ago
What if all of a sudden a tornado shows up?
Sharknado wouldn't look so stupid now, would it?  
MooHa Ga
MooHa Ga - 10 years ago
this is how sharknado started ... 
Delicious Apple
Delicious Apple - 10 years ago
Kill it!! Kill it with fire!! ohhh, wait...
Nickolas Zuliy
Nickolas Zuliy - 10 years ago
north carolina, now the state of NOPE
Darker - 10 years ago
Thats how sharks get diabetes.
DidaxS - 10 years ago
Poor animals
Alex Chhay
Alex Chhay - 10 years ago
Cows kill more people, thank goodness it wasn't cows.
MalaxMeister - 10 years ago
Who Came Here trough the Fine Brothers
Guillermo Bosque
Guillermo Bosque - 10 years ago
Digilady99 - 10 years ago
Sharks getting on land to feed… HOLY CRAP! IT'S SHARKNADO…almost! 
CharleSniper - 10 years ago
Darlyng Cristi
Darlyng Cristi - 10 years ago
Aprenden español escaneado es genial aprendanlo porfa no entiendo ni una caga
SHOORTYS - 10 years ago
Awesome footage! Bait must have been stacked!
Sam Harding
Sam Harding - 10 years ago
I live in Beaufort nc which is right next to cape lookout and shackleford bank and I've never seen a shark so its pretty crazy seeing all those sharks
Outdoors360 - 10 years ago
Awesome footage! #Outdoors360approved
erickv1977 - 10 years ago
military weapon experiments, again 
Jennifer Valera
Jennifer Valera - 10 years ago
Ah today's a good day to go swi... Nevermind
Chris Costello
Chris Costello - 10 years ago
What kind of shark is that r they nurse
Robert Wheeler
Robert Wheeler - 10 years ago
that's not funny u should call wat u call it the merense ya because that shark could drown
js290 - 10 years ago
Nothing a little oil spill couldn't fix...
Elsa Innamorato
Elsa Innamorato - 10 years ago
I like the chuck noris joke! amazing video you dont get to see this everyday, very rare footage, 
Claudio Hibma
Claudio Hibma - 10 years ago
Hooo the evolution's fish
jaimebasurto1 - 10 years ago
I will think twice before swimming in those beautiful healthy waters.
undersixty - 10 years ago
Great footage! Would have loved to see this in person. What kind of sharks are they? Were they all the same? Does this happen a lot there, or annually?
Rixar13 - 10 years ago
Lunch Time.
MikiMLG - 10 years ago
Rick Lloyd
Rick Lloyd - 10 years ago
One time I was out surfing by Bob Hall Pier in Corpus. We could see there was more people than normal fishing the pier and they were pulling in a lot of big fish. When we were done surfing, we went up on the pier to see what they pulling in. It was sharks. The whole pier was lined with 100's of sharks. Mostly smaller sharks but a few decent sized ones. It was still enough to send a chill down my spine.
Michael Dour
Michael Dour - 10 years ago
that was so cool
Cameron Bunger
Cameron Bunger - 10 years ago
Holy crap
Micah Kelly
Micah Kelly - 10 years ago
Wher exactly is that
Trouble God
Trouble God - 10 years ago
Am I the only one that thinks this is cute?
WayTooMuchParker - 10 years ago
Who wants to go for a swim?
Rosa Jones
Rosa Jones - 10 years ago
My parents told me sharks don't come close to the shore
.....my parents lied
tantan tan
tantan tan - 10 years ago
"We're going to need a bigger beach"
tomwill vids
tomwill vids - 10 years ago
I think these sharks are giving us a sign for something.....
Jamie Cutts
Jamie Cutts - 10 years ago
Sharknado vs Birdemic
ثامر الرميح
ثامر الرميح - 10 years ago
I would have liked to be there to see
Alberto - 10 years ago
incodan1 - 10 years ago
Michell Doan
Michell Doan - 10 years ago
Bazuzeus - 10 years ago
Maybe rare in Carolina, but quite common everywhere else
Ya Mans Shmeat
Ya Mans Shmeat - 10 years ago
It's not a feeding frenzy unless they bite each other
Holly Stephens
Holly Stephens - 10 years ago
WISH I HAD BEEN THERE TO TAKE PHOTOS, glad you were not swimming !!!  Thanks for sharing 
Engin catoon
Engin catoon - 10 years ago
benserv02 - 10 years ago
comments in this vid are epic!
fabio rosa
fabio rosa - 10 years ago
subscribe to my channel
fabio rosa
fabio rosa - 10 years ago
visit my channel
fabio rosa
fabio rosa - 10 years ago
SydTheGoat - 10 years ago
1:20, shark-face !
Alina Ernst
Alina Ernst - 10 years ago
Was ist daranbso schlimm
Failer33xD - 10 years ago
Poor sharks ;-;
theash3s - 10 years ago
i wish i could push that guy to feed those poor sharks :) 
Amal - 10 years ago
WadeLive - 10 years ago
Shark week thanksgiving
Chinese. - 10 years ago
No son tiburones son toninas, (especie paresida aun delfin y un tiburon)
Антон Павлов
Антон Павлов - 10 years ago
и что тут такова
Karma Dreadwhisper
Karma Dreadwhisper - 10 years ago
I know this guy
FionaAppleAddict - 10 years ago
Check out "SUICIDE KID - For Headphones"! ;)
Basili Leonov
Basili Leonov - 10 years ago
The winter is coming!
Basili Leonov
Basili Leonov - 10 years ago
From Russia with love!
Will G
Will G - 10 years ago
Did the sharks die?
Ketchupboyz Sorot.T
Ketchupboyz Sorot.T - 10 years ago
Chloe Wynn
Chloe Wynn - 10 years ago
Next time pick it up

him77786 - 10 years ago
акулы наспор проиграли другим акулам, вот и отрабатывают 
TheKranski - 10 years ago
The straggler would've cooked up nice with some chips.
Garrett Estep
Garrett Estep - 10 years ago
Sharknado is possible, God isn't real though. Hahaha
seek M
seek M - 10 years ago

Es mas increible, que es lo que desorienta a los peces.
Слава Севостьянов
Слава Севостьянов - 10 years ago
Catch her ​​!!!! This soup floats!
salted nut
salted nut - 10 years ago
That is my nightmare. I'm buying a harpoon gun
viceroyzh - 10 years ago
"extremely safe for swimming"? for sharks, yes
Subhojyoti Saha
Subhojyoti Saha - 10 years ago
Jaws 100 :P
TLATLAUHCA - 10 years ago
Poor sharks :(
Hugo Hernández
Hugo Hernández - 10 years ago
Sharknado is coming.
tuxrunner - 10 years ago
They are really hungry.
Yani C
Yani C - 10 years ago
I hope the ones who got beached made it back to the water.
reinplat - 10 years ago
The region's blue fish community may not agree with you on this one.
Guled Abshir
Guled Abshir - 10 years ago
Fec u shark eating ma fish
Utony Nguyen
Utony Nguyen - 10 years ago
The sharks are coming the sharks are coming ... <humming some tune I heard a while ago> LOL
Freezatje - 10 years ago
help the animal ffs
FloriiiAN - 10 years ago
Nice :D
Thepool2go - 10 years ago
I wonder if you ran out into that water and tried to swim out to sea, do you think the sharks would just all maul you or would you have a decent chance of getting past them while they were distracted. ^_^
Piet Parra
Piet Parra - 10 years ago
whyy didnt you grab 1??
Tmej H
Tmej H - 10 years ago
Pobres seguramente son afectados por ondas (Haarp)que hacen que pierdan la orientación.
Péter Kiszelka
Péter Kiszelka - 10 years ago
sharknado is coming
Yuna - 10 years ago
Joseph Turnage
Joseph Turnage - 10 years ago
In 1969 I had just got my license. Ventured down to the Emerald Isle pier one Sunday afternoon to go surfing on my 6'8" Vardeman v-bottom surfboard with a short 6" skeg. As the surf got bigger I noticed the other surfers whom I didn't know as I wasn't from there were leaving. I just went further out as the surf got bigger. There were sharks in the water.
Luckily, the week before I had read all about sharks in Reader's Digest. They are scavengers and not predators. Article said to avoid eating each other in a feeding frenzy the sharks only attack the 'scared'. This was before leashes on surfboards so sometimes I would lose my board and have to resolutely swim about 5 or 10 yards to retrieve it. I would see fins cutting through the water on my way to my board. Get on it and go back out.
By the time I had been out in the midst of them for about 45 minutes I could tell the people on the pier were signaling me to stop. The ambulance was there. I got out. They came to me and said come up here and look at where you were. I went up on the pier. They had dumped 3 55-gallon drums of cow's blood into the water. At any moment one would see 6 to 8 packs of 6 to 8 sharks 6 to 8 feet long. Tiger sharks. I told them sharks are scavengers and I was able to do what I did because I was not scared.
Didn't anyone on the pier take a picture of this event? Let me know.
Chance Paladin
Chance Paladin - 10 years ago
That's a whole lot of NOPE! 
hy w
hy w - 10 years ago
So.. birds attack shark?
Игорь - 10 years ago
где конфуз бля
bloomitsch - 10 years ago
You could hold still and not grab that one too triggerhappy shark, man that would of been a meal for neighbours and your fam :D
Anthony Romero
Anthony Romero - 10 years ago
I would honestly try and fetch myself a helpless shark from there, although they're almost never truly helpless..
Kuv Hlub Haiv Neeg Hmoob
Kuv Hlub Haiv Neeg Hmoob - 10 years ago
i would have grab one of the shark by the tail, pull it to shore and knife it in the gills. and take it home to gutter and cook LMAOOOO jkayyyyy
VOZDRA BiH - 10 years ago
mmmm Fish & Chips
RealzFoSho - 10 years ago
Really bad time for a tsunami.
Pizza Cheeser
Pizza Cheeser - 10 years ago
fake and gay
Lazarus LongNL
Lazarus LongNL - 10 years ago
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh-duh................. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh-duh..... DUuuuuuuuuuuuhd-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-TUHDUDHAUUUUH....
Masha Mania
Masha Mania - 10 years ago
Masha Mania
Masha Mania - 10 years ago
Вы уверены ичто это акула???
Austin K
Austin K - 10 years ago
Some of them were beached?
Samantha - 10 years ago
I agree.. people are commenting 'should've eaten them' I'm like no.. they are beached. But them back in the water. 
Jupgraded3 - 10 years ago
Fuck sharks!
dannass5 - 10 years ago
Dont let these sharks be by the shore! Think about it, maybe evolution will give them legs so they dont die by getting stuck in the sand.. SHARKS WITH FEET. FUCK THAT.
Mos Deffo
Mos Deffo - 10 years ago
I've never told anyone this before but I'm part shark 
NXL269 - 10 years ago
1:25 dinner time
John schweiger
John schweiger - 10 years ago
you should have went in the water to get better footage 
Larry - 10 years ago
I don't like the ocean anymore
Isis-chan - 10 years ago
Man, I live near there…Should've went swimming. 
Edyr Arteaga
Edyr Arteaga - 10 years ago
Hey i know one of those sharks, i beat him up in front of his girl friend, good times
notmyrealname - 10 years ago
Ok, so avoid the beaches of North Carolina. Got it.
Amburkoenigs - 10 years ago
Tako Sukiti
Tako Sukiti - 10 years ago
Sharks are such beautiful creatures
Kiwi YT
Kiwi YT - 10 years ago
Артем Фатеев
Артем Фатеев - 10 years ago
Блядские СМИ,в край уже охуели!
Lifted State
Lifted State - 10 years ago
Jump in, no balls
Danny 2x4
Danny 2x4 - 10 years ago
Damn nature you scary
Ezequiel Hernandez
Ezequiel Hernandez - 10 years ago
Plz go to my channel and give me 1 like to do a glitch
Alexander Santaella
Alexander Santaella - 10 years ago
look at all those sharks!
Zack Klapman
Zack Klapman - 10 years ago
And on that day, Jesus made sure there was plenty of fish for the murderous sharks.
Anna Cornykova
Anna Cornykova - 10 years ago
+Liam Brown
She dun made.
Alejandra Reyna
Alejandra Reyna - 10 years ago
I apologize to all the Christians in the world -.-
Liam Brown
Liam Brown - 10 years ago
+Alejandra Reyna You just made every single christian look bad with that statement.
zProDiiGyz-_ {1v1er}
zProDiiGyz-_ {1v1er} - 10 years ago
+Alejandra Reyna then I would say you sir......... are retarded lol jk 
Alejandra Reyna
Alejandra Reyna - 10 years ago
+zProDiiGyz-_ {1v1er} and what if I told you I dun give a pepperoni !
zProDiiGyz-_ {1v1er}
zProDiiGyz-_ {1v1er} - 10 years ago
+Alejandra Reyna What if I told you...... its pronounced fish, not fishes.
Zack Klapman
Zack Klapman - 10 years ago
You knows what I mean.
Infamous4215 - 10 years ago
What if I told you...sharks are fish?
Alejandra Reyna
Alejandra Reyna - 10 years ago
Fishes were first -.-
Jari Rizvi
Jari Rizvi - 10 years ago
Happiest day of their lives
georgie o'donnell
georgie o'donnell - 10 years ago
If the shark was stuck and couldn't get back out to sea, I would of tried to help.
kineticsurf - 10 years ago
Maybe I missed some info posted earlier but I would be interested in what type of sharks they are. Hard to tell, maybe an ickthyologist is out there that can offer a pro opinion? My three guesses are: blacktip /spinner sharks(fairly harmless), sandies(again fairly harmless) or bulls(bona fide maneaters). Anybody?
14kip - 10 years ago
Reminds me of jaws ! Brody shoots in the water thinking there's a shark ! It's just bluefish!!! This time it's actual sharks and bluefish '
Jessica Seg
Jessica Seg - 10 years ago
That is so cool
Attila Krajcsovics
Attila Krajcsovics - 10 years ago
Poor Sharky
Fart See
Fart See - 10 years ago
wow: a real life sharknado his North Carolina! lol
jesuo1982 - 10 years ago
Is a shark with Ebola
G1Hexatron - 10 years ago
I could only think crossbow the entire time watching. If they only had a crossbow.
землянин - 10 years ago
А почему так??
andy elliott
andy elliott - 10 years ago
The presence of these sharks and large schools of fish is actually a sign of very hungry sharks,have a nice swim! 
Jerb Channel
Jerb Channel - 10 years ago
Sharks wanted to evolve.
las negradas
las negradas - 10 years ago
las negradas
las negradas - 10 years ago
Ah ok
D H - 10 years ago
White people be like "let's go touch one".
CaptainRay - 9 years ago
+gostt tgn I was pointing out the racist things people say :)
gostt tgn
gostt tgn - 9 years ago
+CaptainRay jajajajajaja and youre the first stupid racist pussie by comments like this ;)
Mollygaga42 - 9 years ago
Black people like lets go kill it for no reason at all
Anna Cornykova
Anna Cornykova - 10 years ago
It could have been about fluffy little kittens, and it would have come up, lol.
Derrick/Fusions - 10 years ago
Why are all you rucking prick niggas hating on black people if you hate black people then just don't comment you stupid fucks
blindstuff - 10 years ago
How does a shark video become about race?
Icewind007 - 10 years ago
+Charles Martel "I hate niggers and gladly admit to being racist. Blacks in general are even more racist than white people are, but conveniently overlook the fact."

Well, you seem to have no aspirations to be better than the black people you hate...  Hopelessly ignorant, shameless, and only a part of the problem in the US.  Do you not realize your hypocrisy? 
CaptainRay - 10 years ago
+Charles Martel Hmmm...from what I know, Black people are generally nice.

My biggest concern is Muslims, fuck those shits.
Charles Martel
Charles Martel - 10 years ago
I live in a nice house in a white neighborhood, no gang shootouts, no crackheads, neighbors respect each other. No Michael Browns strong arming the local store, then assaulting an armed police officer and DERSERVEDLY getting their black, thug, gangbanging, nigger ass shot dead. FUCK YOU.
MS - 10 years ago
+Charles Martel You're just uneducated Trailer Trash, you can't help it if your mom did your uncle cousins dads brother and then your racist ass piece of Shite popped out on the astro turfed bathroom floor. Douche Nozzle!
Icewind007 - 10 years ago
+RedcapCreations You must be talking to zombies... Never trust a zombie.
CaptainRay - 10 years ago
+Daniel Hopkins That was my whole point...

Don't know why some people interpreted as an attack on white people.
D H - 10 years ago
+CaptainRay I'm not entirely sure where you are coming from, but I am white. But if you want to get technical Mexicans, black people and middle eastern people are MUCH more racist. I grew up in an all black neighborhood with the exception of my family, of course, and everyone was very racist against me and my family. Mexicans and Middle eastern people hate black people (and white people for that matter). Not entirely sure where you are going with this though... shrugs
Charles Martel
Charles Martel - 10 years ago
Voting 99 % for the most incompetent president in history just because cause he's black, that's not racist. The non stop violent black on white assaults endemic throughout the USA, that's not racist. I hate niggers and gladly admit to being racist. Blacks in general are even more racist than white people are, but conveniently overlook the fact. Fuck you.
CaptainRay - 10 years ago
Half the time white people are pussies and the other half white people are stupid. And 100% of the time white people are racist. The Non-racist Internet definition of White people.
Redcap - 10 years ago
Dead people be like "Good idea!".
m I o . o I m
m I o . o I m - 10 years ago
wakes up

i-is it shark week already?
daniel medina
daniel medina - 10 years ago
este video es bonito 
Adriana Adri
Adriana Adri - 10 years ago
Hope the sharks can return to the see by themselves.
aprilya azahra
aprilya azahra - 10 years ago
I am sad to see it, humans should help him and return him to the sea not catch it, I want the next generation to see the sharks not eat it
Is Taxation Theft?
Is Taxation Theft? - 10 years ago
Josh Feng
Josh Feng - 10 years ago
How did the Sharks get there? And that is pretty sad all those shark could have died
Johnathan Lu
Johnathan Lu - 10 years ago
Cindy Goodwin
Cindy Goodwin - 10 years ago
wow totally mental
RPG World
RPG World - 10 years ago
Lawrence Bader
Lawrence Bader - 10 years ago
Come on in! The water's fine!
Eilidh M
Eilidh M - 10 years ago
Izhar Haque
Izhar Haque - 10 years ago
Help me reach 34million subs by tomorrow thanks.
cocod5 Gaming
cocod5 Gaming - 10 years ago
Looks like they have had recent sharknados
Алем Култан
Алем Култан - 10 years ago
а че с ними?
gotjuice1883 - 10 years ago
I heard sonar testing? ???
xxx_fazemlgproswegscoper420blazeitswegswagsweg _xxx
xxx_fazemlgproswegscoper420blazeitswegswagsweg _xxx - 10 years ago
What's 9+10
владимир путин
владимир путин - 10 years ago
чтоб вас там сожрали янки ебучие
Dabig Ragu
Dabig Ragu - 10 years ago
Nice catch guys.
ID500-URF кремлебот
ID500-URF кремлебот - 10 years ago
Хватай за хвост, да уху иди вари.
AppleServiceUfa - 10 years ago
Не показывает видео
akielstraker - 10 years ago
All of my nopes. o_O
Luisito Izquierdo
Luisito Izquierdo - 10 years ago
Nony Ghanem
Nony Ghanem - 10 years ago
سبحانك ربى
Renaldo Matadeen
Renaldo Matadeen - 10 years ago
AllexxxSan I
AllexxxSan I - 10 years ago
Почему пиндосы не учат этих акул демократии и толерантности? Непорядок. Нужно срочно их разбомбить, ведь они ещё и Эболу переносят по приказу Путина. У Псуки есть доказательства из фейсбука  японского мальчика.
Last One Standing
Last One Standing - 10 years ago
Oh my god!!!! That is incredible!!!!! I"ve never seen anything like that!!!!
Necro Gamez
Necro Gamez - 10 years ago
almost christian
almost christian - 10 years ago
Sharknado is real!
Justin - 10 years ago
I know it would be dangerous and stupid....but i want to try and run through all those sharks :/
Valdemar - 10 years ago
И как там поплавать?
Lia Maulana Firmansyah
Lia Maulana Firmansyah - 10 years ago
So many sharks in these sea
Rich Mahogany
Rich Mahogany - 10 years ago
I mean if you're a bird and you get eaten by a shark...you're just fail. 
John F
John F - 10 years ago
Eric Cartman
Eric Cartman - 10 years ago
Should've throw a grenade or dynamite stick.
forscuko - 10 years ago
rusty l'espérance
rusty l'espérance - 10 years ago
Ink Lead
Ink Lead - 10 years ago
Seems like a nice place to chill, eat your sammwitch, take a swim... mmm
Balrog Maier
Balrog Maier - 10 years ago
Русские и белорусы, как и большинство европейцев, более чем на 90% имеют группу крови I (О), а этнические украинцы на 40% носители группы III (В). Группа III (В) служит признаком народов, ведущих кочевой образ жизни (куда и относятся и хазары), у которых она приближается к 100% популяции.
BinkieMcFartnuggets - 10 years ago
Coming to SyFy this Fall: Sharknado 3: Dat Sharkwavetho
Danny James
Danny James - 10 years ago
Wow! A whole beach full of nope.
Виталий Муругов
Виталий Муругов - 10 years ago
А ЧЕ пендосы не купаются таблички же не стоит опасность?)))))
JahRasta01 - 10 years ago
"C'mon in boys, the water is fine."
Poceluev555 - 10 years ago
Русские давно бы уже вытащили за хвост, хоть одну да вытащили. Пиндосы ну тупые.
malinkarostov - 10 years ago
Goran P
Goran P - 10 years ago
Steve-O would like to surf there :D
Michael Catacutan
Michael Catacutan - 10 years ago
Anyone want to go swimming?
Medivhmen - 10 years ago
here is the challenge , get in the water
PaigeAddor - 10 years ago
thats not fucking terrfiying at all
mundotaku - 10 years ago
LOL, and people say it is creepy to go to the beach in Florida.
Jejking - 10 years ago
Ah.. don't you love the smell of brutal fish murder in the morning?
Lainey Lowe
Lainey Lowe - 10 years ago
i found this intresting. i go to the outer banks eve year for vacation, and ive only ever seen one shark. that was this year. also big stingrays have been jumping out of the water right where the waves break. and they are big too. we asked the aquarium manager, and they said theve seen nothing like it. make you wonder...
DJ_URBAN_BG - 10 years ago
go to swim
Luis Gonzalez
Luis Gonzalez - 10 years ago
Lol for a second I thought the sharks were birds stuck in the water
ErinK625 - 10 years ago
This is incredible!!! Wish I'd been there for this!! What kind of sharks are these?? Duskys, Browns?? Is this rare or would they normally follow blues into the shallows like this?? Just wondering if it's possible for a repeat pattern to start happening like this since they usually go to the same places for feeding, mating, etc...
xrayhatchSteph - 10 years ago
Wow !
Stiven gonzalez
Stiven gonzalez - 10 years ago
Go! Go!
frizzy brizzy
frizzy brizzy - 10 years ago
im moving to oak islands in north carolina in a year 0.0!!!
frizzy brizzy
frizzy brizzy - 10 years ago
0.0 no...
zProDiiGyz-_ {1v1er}
zProDiiGyz-_ {1v1er} - 10 years ago
+frizzy brizzy Take your cat 4 a swim 2 XD
frizzy brizzy
frizzy brizzy - 10 years ago
XD lol if i see one shark then NO lol
Luigi Bianco
Luigi Bianco - 10 years ago
Anti-racists tell us there's a race problem in ALL White countries that can only be solved by bringing in masses of non-Whites.
They have no problem with all-Black countries or all-Asian countries.
Only White people must become minorities in their own lands.
Under international law, that is genocide, but anti-racists call it "diversity."
Diversity means chasing down the last White person.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
zProDiiGyz-_ {1v1er}
zProDiiGyz-_ {1v1er} - 10 years ago
+Jose Blanco here we go again. 
Jose Blanco
Jose Blanco - 10 years ago
+zProDiiGyz-_ {1v1er} You anti-Whites are always very profane.
zProDiiGyz-_ {1v1er}
zProDiiGyz-_ {1v1er} - 10 years ago
Its like a newspaper article from the old days. lol
zProDiiGyz-_ {1v1er}
zProDiiGyz-_ {1v1er} - 10 years ago
Where the fuck did this come from?
Bossonedarkone Bossone
Bossonedarkone Bossone - 10 years ago
Truc de fou lol
Christian Tovar
Christian Tovar - 10 years ago
I think it just might be me but I want to get a shark pet.
Johnatan Butron
Johnatan Butron - 10 years ago
mmm.. interesante, este es un efecto inusual ocurra a cierta temporada mientras la otra especie de pez escapando de todas esas amenazas, aves  pelicanos y tiburones detras de una particular criatura, gracias a su estilo de mar tendra mucha riqueza en su litoral.
Joe Green
Joe Green - 10 years ago
Come on in, the water's fine. As you can see, it's a beautiful day here ay Amnyville beach. And Amnyville means 'friendly.'
River's Life
River's Life - 10 years ago
wildchicken123 aj
wildchicken123 aj - 10 years ago
if i had a chance i would of grabbed a shark and start swinging it in the air 
ilovedragons - 10 years ago
What are the sharks eating? People?
Lukas Kadyrbekov
Lukas Kadyrbekov - 10 years ago
nice dolphins
Jen Sinclair
Jen Sinclair - 10 years ago
BlacktipH - 10 years ago
Awesome video! I love it when they feed like that! 
Neo lantis
Neo lantis - 10 years ago
new ad, come be a part of our eco system....literally
Ядер - 10 years ago
Это что смертельная битва чаек с акулами?)))...
андрей осипов
андрей осипов - 10 years ago
Russian submarines off the coast of America!!!
Jen Psaki
wc02 - 10 years ago
thats crazy.  You could get eaten alive.
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
I live on the shore. the fisherman in me wanted to grab that one struggling to get back in by it's tail and drag it back up.... I'd have probably tried, too... I've done more stupid shit than that. Sharks are good fuckin' eating. Damn good. Mako is the best. I've even eaten sand sharks and they were delicious. (the ones you get on the Jersey coast.)
konosm gr
konosm gr - 9 years ago
+2eelShmeal What kind of a cunt would upvote, thus subsequently advocating this yankee fucking prick.
Fluxtroid - 9 years ago
+Jackson Whatley I feel sorry for you.
Barack Hussein Obama II
Barack Hussein Obama II - 9 years ago
+Fluxtroid i eat your moms meat
2eelShmeal - 9 years ago
+sutrkane Stop. You're getting me hungry!
sutrkane - 9 years ago
+2eelShmeal Not all sharks taste good. Some of them do not have urinary systems and pee through their skin. Nobody likes pee flavored meat.
001GenLee - 9 years ago
+2eelShmeal that's something I want to try one day, is shark. I've heard they are very fishy tasting, are they? I'd also love to try sting ray. I LOVE seafood!! =) Love fresh crab meat, fresh shrimp, lobster, baby octopus, yes, and they are very rubbery, but i'll still eat one now and then. Whoever else doesn't like seafood doesn't know what they're missing! Love deviled crab too!
Christopher Ramirez
Christopher Ramirez - 9 years ago
+2eelShmeal Check out my nephews dance video on this case study http://youtubemasterstudy.com
2eelShmeal - 9 years ago
+John Strickland
Probably do. A little bbq sauce...
John Strickland
John Strickland - 9 years ago
People taste better.
Danihelus Alpha
Danihelus Alpha - 9 years ago
+2eelShmeal Agreed. :D (on your first and second comments that is.)
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+Ryan Nguyen Awesome!! I don't think I'd mess with one of those! Good luck on your project.
Person Person
Person Person - 10 years ago
sand tiger sharks are my 3rd grade animal project im doing on D:
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
Fuck it. Break out the BBQ sauce.
Faust1169 - 10 years ago
+2eelShmeal Some people would like eating humans.NOM NOM
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+Davi Fernandes Yes. We are all a part of nature and therefore everything we do is natural.

If a beaver building a dam is a part of nature, then a bunch of humans building a space station is also natural.
Davi Fernandes
Davi Fernandes - 10 years ago
+Guy Pierce exactly. the sons of god got themselves extracted from the real world
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+elita autobot Sadly, they don't feel the same way toward you. NOM NOM
Miu Iruma
Miu Iruma - 10 years ago
Gross I love sharks I could never eat them
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+Bart De Bock LOL! I get ya. No matter where rotting flesh is, It is still available to SOME organism, therefore it is not wasted, and you are RIGHT. I guess I'm just thinking on my own level as to how I'D use it, not thinking of the smaller organisms.

Nice comment!
Bart De Bock
Bart De Bock - 10 years ago
the only way to truly be wastefull would be to chuck a corpse into space where no life can reuse it, or burning corpses to ash, althought i don't know if that does actually get rid of all the nutrients
Bart De Bock
Bart De Bock - 10 years ago
somewhere in this bloody well massive comment chain someone mentioned being wastefull with not eating everything a corpse provides, but may i remind you all that almost nothing on this planet goes to waste, if a corpse rots in the middle of a forest it gets broken down by micro-organisms and reabsorbed by the trees.
k m
k m - 10 years ago
im with you mate, im from the pacific islands and shark is fucking tasty. no bones! :D haha
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+flarp funf Rubbish? FUCKIT.  Drop some seasn'n on dat shit too...
flarp funf
flarp funf - 10 years ago
+2eelShmeal  rubbish, you can escape it by eating smaller fish where all the contamination doesn't deposit as much as it does in the sharks or so i've read
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+flarp funf You can't escape it, my friend.

Just man up and put sommoe seas'n on dat bitch.
flarp funf
flarp funf - 10 years ago
are you even ever so slightly aware of how contaminated sharks are, the amount of mercury in them etc? in fish contamination levels and quality, they're like (everyone loves) raymond's mother saying her honey moon with the father was like being his personal toilet
Selena The Awesome
Selena The Awesome - 10 years ago
are people still commenting here? HELLO WORLD XD
BSBCHREAF - 10 years ago
that's a lot of shark fin, yum.
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+Joshua Bellman That's hot.
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+Joshua Bellman LOL. It's all good. -Just don't ask me to scratch it.
Fluxtroid - 10 years ago
+2eelShmeal Man I love you. Your humour is on my level.
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+Joshua Bellman Very good, now what did I say prior to that?

C'mon, you can do it....
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+Joshua Bellman I think I actually said something along those lines in my comment. You're certainly entitled to your opinion... Have you read it?
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+Fluxtroid Nice. I have read 3 of the 6 volumes of Hume's History of England- and let me tell you, it's fascinating albeit brutal, especially in the earlier volumes...

What a wild history those islands have going all the way back to the original natives of the main island, including the Picts up in the Highlands and then the arrival of Julius Caesar in 55 BC.

It's just absolutely fascinating to me to sit and ponder all the shit that happened over there. I guess you could say the same for just about any country or area, but England's history is especially unique.
Exquisite XOX
Exquisite XOX - 10 years ago
Fluxtroid - 10 years ago
+2eelShmeal Yeah mate I am a Brit. In the RAF.
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+norxcontacts I'd rather have the mercury than Mansanto's growth hormone shit and genetically modified bullshit.
MilkCap - 10 years ago
Mercury is delicious.
Zaiwei Cheng
Zaiwei Cheng - 10 years ago
need more ppl like you man, consumption done the humane way, not just stupid finning that kills millions of sharks in a painful way
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+Fluxtroid Thanks. -Added ya. Are you a Brit? Just curious...
Fluxtroid - 10 years ago
+2eelShmeal Hell yeah I know what you are on about dude :P
Jammy De
Jammy De - 10 years ago
 (y) :-)
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
Great :P
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+XxKingKristianxX It's all goooood. ( the quote thing)

It'd be nice if this comments section thing would show the SPECIFIC comment to which you're responding instead of just what user.

Some of these threads have hundreds of comments. It'd be nice to have a quick reference instead of having to re-explain what comment you're talking about.

I read your other comments too, I was a born again who left the faith too, also for various reasons like you said.
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
+Ronald Yip
I assume you are referring to meat from the sea?
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
+Selena The Awesome
Mmmmm frooosting~
You too :P
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
Nooo no no no... YOU did not quote that, you totally misread. I was talking about the video/documentary in that comment and past the hour mark the narrator said that so I was quoting him. Sorry if it seemed I was quoting you.. 
Selena The Awesome
Selena The Awesome - 10 years ago
+XxKingKristianxX You too man! It was fun meeting you. It's only 11:31 over here in Russia (America XD) Yeah this won't be the last time we talk. You're too awesome for that. Have an awesome life yo. With frosting cuz why not. 
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+XxKingKristianxX With respect, I never said that "nature is not responsible for the actions, we are"

I'm sorry, but respectfully, again, we are a part of nature and anything we do or build is natural. You can look at my previous comments to confirm this.

No sweat, though, I ain't mad at ya, even a little bit, you actually watched the video, and that's all I can ask.  

Your opinion is yours to do with what thou wilt. lol.

Seriously, I enjoyed this discussion with all of you. This is how we learn.
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
+Selena The Awesome
(Back) But I am ending it here :P
It's 5:30am and I am getting sleepy, it was nice chatting with everyone. Have a nice life!
Selena The Awesome
Selena The Awesome - 10 years ago
+XxKingKristianxX Bathrooms are also hail-able, I suppose. XD To a certain extent.
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
+Selena The Awesome
I hail the bathroom which I need to visit, brb...
Selena The Awesome
Selena The Awesome - 10 years ago
+XxKingKristianxX It always fits in Mat Rossiya!! ALL HAIL THE FREAKING MOTHERLAND!
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
+Selena The Awesome
That made your recent comments make much more sense now, I see xD
Was so confused when you used that term cause it didn't fit at all :P
Selena The Awesome
Selena The Awesome - 10 years ago
+XxKingKristianxX Uhh.  in my book of Russia, it is a term that means newcomer. Also known as noob XD
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
+Selena The Awesome
I thought novichoks were chemical weapons? Not people...confused D: 
Selena The Awesome
Selena The Awesome - 10 years ago
+XxKingKristianxX How can you not? We're all secretly Russian, you know. And not knowing just makes you even more of a novichok than I am! :D ahaha
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
+Selena The Awesome
Thanks I guess :D
No idea what a novichok is though...?
Selena The Awesome
Selena The Awesome - 10 years ago
+XxKingKristianxX haha! i am so adding you. you seem hilarious and we're both novichoks. thats gotta count for something LOL!
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
+Selena The Awesome
I am alive and disease free, without any disabilities, so I am fine with my life :P
I did indeed, yet I haven't even watched Titanic xD 
Selena The Awesome
Selena The Awesome - 10 years ago
+XxKingKristianxX Fine isn't great! You haven't lived until you live. And wow. Did you seriously just throw Titanic at me? XD I've actually never seen that and had to look it up. I can be such a novichok sometimes.
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
+Selena The Awesome
"Jack, come back!" 
I appreciate the concern but I am fine with my choices and beliefs in life.
Selena The Awesome
Selena The Awesome - 10 years ago
+XxKingKristianxX You left the belief? 0.0 Wow. I feel you though, since I left but when i came back I was the happiest I've ever been in my whole life. I can't believe you haven't came back yet! :(
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
+Selena The Awesome
Well I was born in a family of religious belief (Christians) so that explains my name. Though I personally grew out of religious beliefs, for various reasons, the rest of my family still believe. 
Selena The Awesome
Selena The Awesome - 10 years ago
+XxKingKristianxX Trust me I won't. And I ask because of your username. I'm actually looking for christian friends. 
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
+Selena The Awesome
I am not, how come you ask?
And I recommend not to watch it.
Selena The Awesome
Selena The Awesome - 10 years ago
+XxKingKristianxX thank you for that awesome review. totally not going to watch it now! also, are you a christian?
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
Other than that the video was mostly decieving.
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
There, done with it, finally. I am pissed at the video for various reasons. I also (as expected) still have same opinions and thoughts on animals and such. 
Nothing specific to note I guess. Well 1 of his last quotes which went something like "nature is not responsible for these actions, we are" really threw me off. Since we are a part of nature, nature is obviously responsible. It totally goes against his "Earthlings-we are all living beings and have equal rights to life" since suddenly, apparently, we are not a part of this earth and it's life/nature.
ian malcom
ian malcom - 10 years ago
well at least you don't kill sharks just to kill them
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
I was quite the opposite, well not entirely. I had a much, emotionally, greater interest in animals when I was younger rather than now when I look at things in a more logical way.

But if I compare to the general person I can see your point pretty clear. Kids love all those animal shows and zoos etc. 

On another note: I am almost done watching the documentary and so far I am pissed at the ones making the video. Other than that my opinions and thoughts are the same as always.
Andrew Maxwell
Andrew Maxwell - 10 years ago
+2eelShmeal Well... kinda, but now that you're older and wiser it's you're job to impart that wisdom on the youth.
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+XxKingKristianxX You know what's weird about that- It's funny you mention it.

When I was about 12 to 15, I had no compassion whatsoever for wildlife and animals in general.

It's only after time goes by, you get a bit older, that you develop more compassion and sympathy.

It must be something about being a young male- we are a violent species and I guess at that stage in life, we really don't know too much and consequently, we can be brutal SOB's.

Don't know what it is. But at least for me, that seems how it went down.

Now that I'm 42, I can't act like I always had the attitude I do now, and if I caught a 12 year old abusing an animal, I'd have to remember where I came from and how I was then.

Nom sayin?
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
Oh and for the entertainment part, it's not really "news" if so to speak and I personally don't favor hurting life for entertainment and I hope I never will enjoy it.
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
So they just want to show us how "horrible" animals are treated with any reason other than just to make us know? I guess that's a legitimate reason.

Also I think it's most likely inevitable to not kill that much that fast because of others demand (supply demand thing) and people most likely will not demand less only more as we are a increasing population. 

Side note: Though having fun doing it (so far some did) is more a personal thing and I think that it should be excluded for most people in that line of work.
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+XxKingKristianxX Sure.  It's been about 2 years and I really don't want to watch it again, but it's simply about having compassion for the other creatures we share the planet with.

We tend to think it's all about us, but there are countless others that suffer due to our actions- or lack thereof, for that matter.

So that's it. No vegetarian vs meat eater thing, just an expose on how the rest of life is treated.
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
Didn't they say what their idea of earthling was at the start of the viedo? I must rewind! Ineed they did.
On another note (as I am still watching) I still don't see the point of this video if it's not something around that "you shouldn't eat meat" or "beware, everything you buy have been brutally hurt so don't buy it. Go to some town butcher and get it fresh and clean where it has been taken care of" Maybe I am missing out the point, dunno. Enlighten me.
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+XxKingKristianxX hahaha!

Yeah, I still eat meat too, but I guess that video is more about sympathy for ALL earthlings. It's not so much about not eating meat.

When we say 'earthlings', we conjure up the idea of people only, but the truth is, every living creature on this planet is an earthling.

It took me a bit to figure out that that's why they named it that....
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+Selena The Awesome Awesome.

I have come a long way, so fair warning- some of my videos and comments you may not like-

But I try to get along with as many people as I can- until they show me I can't. thanks and I responded in kind.
XxKingKristianxX - 10 years ago
I personally agree with how silly it is for people to not consider us a part of nature. I also (as of right now) am watching the documentary and I already know that I won't change my opinion on eating meat and killing animals no matter what but because I feel the need to prove my own point I now must watch it (damn me). 
Selena The Awesome
Selena The Awesome - 10 years ago
+2eelShmeal This may be random but from what I can see by your comments you are a very friendly and smart person and you respect people. You are now added to my awesome crew. 
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+Rachel Cunningham No prob.

It's the cover of a book called the Anglo-American Establishment by Caroll Quigley.

Basically, an upside-down flag at sea is a sign of distress. That's the short version. ;)
Rachel Cunningham
Rachel Cunningham - 10 years ago
Random but why is your picture an upside down American flag with a Union Flag in the background?
Selena The Awesome
Selena The Awesome - 10 years ago
+Joshua Bellman Thats great for you! I'm serious. I'm happy that brought you understanding. And that is an example of how the things in our life that we were delivered from bring us knowledge. But no one should be forced to do anything. And I just don't like dwelling on it although I do know about it. It makes me sad and I don't want to be sad. I know what the animals go through but I don't need any more examples floating around in my mind when I'm trying to be at peace. I think it is horrible what happens to them but I don't like dwelling on the subject.
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+Joshua Bellman BTW, 'Earthlings' is not merely just about how animals are raised and slaughtered. It goes WAAAY deeper.

Watch it if you haven't already, if you like.
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+Joshua Bellman I agree with you, but she's got to decide when and if she's ready.

If I had my way, I'd make it part of the high school senior's curriculum. I don't know how old she is and that shit can be truly disturbing.

But at some point, it does need to be seen. 
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+Selena The Awesome Not a problem, you're welcome.
Selena The Awesome
Selena The Awesome - 10 years ago
+Joshua Bellman um thank you but i think i know what ur talking about. i've heard enough of that and i really don't like it. i dont think im going to watch it now. actually im not. well thank you for explaining it to me. you too,+2eelShmeal 
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+Selena The Awesome Yeah, it's really horrific. Be warned. It exposes what humans do to other animals on a daily.

It's seriously one of the most disturbing things I've seen on YT. Just horrible.

I can really see where vegetarians and vegans are coming from after watching it.

It's really bad, but that said, I think if more people watched it, maybe then we would speak out about all the abuses going on this fucked up world, not to mention all those to humans as well.
Aquascape Dreaming
Aquascape Dreaming - 10 years ago
+2eelShmeal I think you missed the whole point of the argument that extreme conservationists are making. When an animal builds a nest it may dislodge let's say an ant nest or mouse's burrow at the very most. When humans build anything more than a mudhut with adequate housing they begin to destroy multiple burrows and nests and the impact is greater. Personally I don't think its as bad as all that but if you're going to argue a point regarding conservation then it might pay to actually know what is being argued.
Selena The Awesome
Selena The Awesome - 10 years ago
+2eelShmeal I feel the same way. I always the respect the animal I'm eating whether it be to thank it for its life  or not waste any bit. What exactly is Earthlings about? I don't want to google it. I'm kind of afraid 0.0
Selena The Awesome
Selena The Awesome - 10 years ago
+Guy Pierce Very insightful of you. A lot of people don't think of humans the same way as animals. I think it's stupid.
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+CodxMasterxJoey Not sure about the raw liver part, but we can eat all the meat on a shark, for sure.
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+ASAFYY That is very true. In fact, I think we are more vegetarians than meat eaters.

However, I do like meat. The thing is, when you take an animal from the wild, you can cull it mercifully. It can have a quick death, being unconscious after the first smack to the head.

Also, it didn't have to spend its life jammed into some cramped quarters like our chickens and other animals have to live- I think it's pretty fucked up that people treat animals like they do for profits in these corporate animal concentration camps.

The other thing in my mind is this: If you ARE going to take an animal out of the wild to eat, you must respect that animal and not waste a damn morsel of it.

If an animal has to give its life for me to eat it, I always make sure to use every part of the animal and not be disgraceful by wasting any  of it.

Go check out a video called 'Earthlings' on YT, and you'll see the type of shit I'm opposed to.

Good point, and thanks for the comment.
CodxMasterxJoey - 10 years ago
i thought you could only eat sharks liver? or is that just when raw
Elxan Balasultanov
Elxan Balasultanov - 10 years ago
ASAFYY - 10 years ago
+2eelShmeal well sharks must eat meat to survive, humans dont.
2eelShmeal - 10 years ago
+JoeyTheNuttyCreeper Nom nom.
Jojo4434 - 10 years ago
:/ Im certainly not a fan of shark eaters but as long as its not shark finning and throwing em back in the ocean. I guess it justifies using it as food.
wonderhu - 10 years ago
Ali Sabet
Ali Sabet - 10 years ago
I would've caught one and pulled it towards the beach
The Stow
The Stow - 10 years ago
Well let's all just live our own lives how we want to. Sorry if I was rude :)
CryptoCurrency Line
CryptoCurrency Line - 10 years ago
+The Stow
I am a farmer as well, I have raised horses, cattle, and right now I have chickens, parrots, goats, quails etc... I see none of my animals as food and see them as companions and beautiful creatures that just want to live as much as we do.

As for me being vegan, it's because that's how we stay healthy and I seeked a spiritual lifestyle... The meat diet leads to cancer and artheritis and obesity and so many other diseases... Our bodies cannot properly digest animal products which leads  our bodies incubating these foods which leads to bacteria/parasites growing in your body...

I know people eat meat everyday and will continue to, but that's their deal and all I can do is give them something to think about... I consider myself more of a breeder than a farmer, I help my animals bring life as much as possible, I also have a small nursery where I raise plants... I love bringing life onto earth, I just don't take their precious lifes either...

You ever notice a spider run away from you when you go after it? That's because even though its a silly spider, all it wants to do is live its life just as bad as you want to live yours.
The Stow
The Stow - 10 years ago
+TheRoot Message I am a farmer and have been hunting since I was very young. I have looked first hand at there behavior and it is very different from ours. Also if you work out then of course you are going to be stronger. Also out of curiosity why are you a vegetarian? It has no benefit to the animals. The meat that you do not eat will simply get wasted or someone else will have it. Also we give life to hundreds of cows, pigs and chickens so we can eat them. With out us they would not have a life at all.
CryptoCurrency Line
CryptoCurrency Line - 10 years ago
+The Stow
 You are incorrect, you need to look it up... I've raised exotic animals my entire life and even own a pet store.... Animals are a lot more intelligent then you think...( I didn't see my pet when i moved for 7 years, She remembered me like it was yesterday). And people who don't eat meat are weaker? I'm a vegan bodybuilder for 8 years, 200 lbs, come and see who's weak...I'm in better shape and bigger than 90% of the meatheads at the gym... lol ( 17 inch arms at my peak)
Vegan lifestyle is getting big in the powerlifting and bodybuilding world because people are beginning to educate themselves are what good health is and not just good looks.

( Parrots that live over 100 years, find 1 partner and stay with them for life... How's that for not remembering their partners or no grief as you claim)

You have been raised in believing animals are for human consumption, and you are incorrect not only are they NOT for human consumption, they are extremely unhealthy for our bodies and create parasites like tapeworm and eventually lead to cancer.

I know where you get you beliefs from, because my family ignorantly raised me eating meat as well.. Until I was old enough to educate myself and then turn around and educate my family.

Animals are spiritual creatures, a lot more spiritual than most humans have become.
..And in the after life, you will never be able to enter the higher dimension where all the spiritual animal souls are.
The Stow
The Stow - 10 years ago
BTW I like nature and think it is amazing but it is natural to hunt and eat animals just as they do.
The Stow
The Stow - 10 years ago
+TheRoot Message animals have feelings but do not think the same way as humans do. When they feel grief they will quickly forget and most of there actions are on instincts. Look it up if you are unsure. People who don't eat meat tend to be weak as they do don't get enough nutrients or energy.
CryptoCurrency Line
CryptoCurrency Line - 10 years ago
+The Stow
Animals have families and feelings and emotions just like us... Humans are nothing but a parasitic disease on planet earth, we just ruin our ecosystems and enviroments, and we breed like cockroaches, while animals help the earth... Animal flesh tastes like shit because it actually has shit in it and you enjoy it... Humans are the ones that should be getting eaten everyday not animals.

go educate yourself on what meat does to the human body, then maybe you'll get out of obesity.
The Stow
The Stow - 10 years ago
+TheRoot Message pussy vegetation. Why do people worry about animals being killed. I hope you realise that animals do not think like us. They live off instincts and do not think for themselves. It is unnatural not to eat animals. Plus meat is the best food in the world. Its tastes amazing and is really healthy.
CryptoCurrency Line
CryptoCurrency Line - 10 years ago
+The Stow  You're a carnivore with all those parasites incubating in your body.... As myself, I have educated myself on health and do not consume dead animal flesh.
The Stow
The Stow - 10 years ago
Actually hurting animals is natural and normal considering we are carnivores. Get a life and stop being a pussy. It's the way of the world to kill animals.
Amy - 10 years ago
Ohhhhh m'y gosh
Chris Martin
Chris Martin - 10 years ago
thats just scarey
Harbin Irigoín Pérez
Harbin Irigoín Pérez - 10 years ago
QUE TONTOSSSS YO ME CHAPO UN PAR PARA MI CEBICHE !!! +Gibson Carrasco Quiñones +Henrry Espinola Fernandez 
Henrry Espinola Fernandez
Henrry Espinola Fernandez - 10 years ago
jajajajaajjaja parihuelaaaa
Romane - 10 years ago
Fuck help
Ifeanyi Ndefo
Ifeanyi Ndefo - 10 years ago
The sharks are lucky they are not in Nigeria where we really don't have animal's right, they would have been food for some of us. Lol
marvelprod - 10 years ago
1zombie4v - 10 years ago
Is it shark week ????
Jake Davids
Jake Davids - 10 years ago
Wait what caused the sharks to swim all the way up the shoreline like that? 
erickv1977 - 10 years ago
military weapon experiments unfortunately
The Pixelated Fox
The Pixelated Fox - 10 years ago
Food lol food
The Pixelated Fox
The Pixelated Fox - 10 years ago
well what makes fat people run up to food stands
soundslave - 10 years ago
The video description caused them to come to the shore...
SinerAthin - 10 years ago
Lots of bluefish.
waterdamnaged - 10 years ago
Debbie Ward Casey
Debbie Ward Casey - 10 years ago
I can't believe how close they come in - you are not safe anywhere in the ocean...
Dvir58 - 10 years ago
Wow.that is a lot of sharks.good thing you got that on film! Nice video!
MARILYNN DETWILER - 10 years ago
This is our Pastors video, keep sharing .... for our new building.   only the one by Brian Recker, please
Dave Menzies
Dave Menzies - 10 years ago
Kid Terminator
Kid Terminator - 10 years ago
I wouldn't swim in that water.
nightylol1986 - 10 years ago
mitchellkarera - 10 years ago
"We're gonna need a bigger beach."
MrBharatesh - 10 years ago
mpitanguy - 10 years ago
sand sharks definitely dont know how to duck dive hah
Childrenofworld2014 - 10 years ago
oo, how many shark..
Go_Team_Venture - 10 years ago
This would be amazing to see first hand!
Jenny Sky Grier
Jenny Sky Grier - 10 years ago
Look At All Those Chickens
Richard De Jesus
Richard De Jesus - 10 years ago
Anyone read video descriptions anymore? You know, where information of the video goes...Just wondering.
Gekkegozer - 10 years ago
Who would ever want to swim in there anymore!!
Art Life
Art Life - 10 years ago
Damn nature you scary!
gone fishin
gone fishin - 10 years ago
They are after the little sea turtles that just hatched. We have to stop this turtocide before it spreads!
treshawn wilson
treshawn wilson - 10 years ago
Okay ik I'm the odd one out but what's the big deal? Why is this "awesome"? I'm just trying to learn so could anyone help me out lol thanks
hiway280z - 10 years ago
Not something you see often.
Kresimir Kolumbic
Kresimir Kolumbic - 10 years ago
a bunch of sharks like that on the beach? should be self explanatory :) just "cool"
Frostei - 10 years ago
dumbass birds lol just fly up away from the water and u wont die. simple
Bobby Weaver
Bobby Weaver - 10 years ago
Why would anyone give a "thumbs down" to this video? Are you just THAT afraid of sharks? This was an awesome event, thank you to whomever posted it for the rest of us to see!
Fantazy Gooby
Fantazy Gooby - 10 years ago
"Look at all those chickens"
homeycdawg - 10 years ago
That is so cool!
bin Hu
bin Hu - 10 years ago
我只能说略略有些恐怖  在中国是没有这种奇景的  哈哈
glearful - 10 years ago
evolution in the process, whats next sharks with wings?
Michael - 10 years ago
Show this shit to Hollywood....they might learn something!
jamez _
jamez _ - 10 years ago
Sharks are gay
SeasonOfTheAbyss - 10 years ago
Gettin Mobile
Gettin Mobile - 10 years ago
I would have grabbed that one shark that was partially beahed by the tail and had him for dinner
Jon K
Jon K - 10 years ago
The baby crabs must have just hatched and are burying themselves to incubate
Jonathan Isenhour
Jonathan Isenhour - 10 years ago
"We want it to be clear that Cape Lookout and the surrounding beaches of Eastern North Carolina are extremely safe for swimming."

looks at all the sharks

Wayne Zhao
Wayne Zhao - 10 years ago
They look like dolphins
Ricky Spanish
Ricky Spanish - 10 years ago
amazing, If i were there I would have tried to catch that one that got beached. I know the strength of a shark but that looks smaller than the one I caught
Simon Harris
Simon Harris - 10 years ago
"I have had it with these MOTHER FUCKIN' SHARKS in the MOTHER FUCKING OCEAN."
Collegiate - 10 years ago
No more prey to eat in the ocean...
SashaM1981 - 10 years ago
Sharknado 3: The walking unfed
liam wall
liam wall - 10 years ago
dont go in the water lol
DJ D!TCH - 10 years ago
Thank you for filming this :)
AcidGlow - 10 years ago
Guess I'll just sit on the sand from now on.
DJFLEX-mk2 - 10 years ago
Oh Hell Naw ?????
WhosWikz - 10 years ago
1 million dollar if you swim right now
Top Lists
Top Lists - 10 years ago
First ever viral video that was actually shot horizontally. 
LilPump fan
LilPump fan - 7 years ago
Top Lists i know u
IlIlIlIlI - 10 years ago
+Rmo balk He edited the comment.
Orachi - 10 years ago
+Top Lists ...you know you did spell it right....
Top Lists
Top Lists - 10 years ago
+Toby Roberts Oops, that's what I meant. 

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