Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina
Shark videos 10 years ago 12,605,183 views
On Thursday, October 9 at around noon, while at a retreat at Cape Lookout National Seashore off the coast of North Carolina, the leaders of One Harbor Church witnessed a shark feeding frenzy. The men were out fishing for the evening’s dinner when they stumbled across more than 100 sharks attacking a school of blue fish. As seagulls and pelicans joined in on the meal, the men began to cast into the surf, catching fish without the use of bait. For more than five minutes, the sharks were observed swimming in and out of the surf, some of which became beached in the fury. Donnie Griggs, the cameraman who captured the footage, is an avid waterman who spearfishes, dives, swims and surfs at Cape Lookout often. We want it to be clear that Cape Lookout and the surrounding beaches of Eastern North Carolina are extremely safe for swimming. The presence of these sharks and large schools of fish is actually a sign of a very healthy ecosystem. To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email licensing@storyful.com
10. comment for Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina
20. comment for Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina
Hurricane Jose is due east of Hatteras as I write. Just close enough for some waves a little above normal to be seen rolling on to the beaches. But far enough away for those waves not to be a serious threat. The Hurricane's central Eye is at 35 degrees 27', 71 degrees 46'W. 250kms due east.
If the hurricane continues the south to north path of the past 3.5 days almost due north along Longitude 71/72. Then Hurricane Josor (Jose) should pass Point relatively safely.The Hurricane has been weakening weekend from a category 2 hurricane to a category 1 hurricane. At present it is only just in the category 1 hurricane category with some winds gusting to 74mph about 50kms from the hurricanes eye. About 200kms from Hatteras Point.
On the beaches themselves the winds are shown by tracking software to be 40-44mph. Storm Force 8. Not expected to increase to Storm Force 9 unless the hurricane changes direction from longitude -71 degrees West.
Posted Tuesday September 9th 2017 @ 12.54PM GMT BST (7.54AM East Coast time).
30. comment for Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina
50. comment for Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina
Jesus loves you so much!
Also reminds me of what us locals always knew... that any time you went in the water you were surrounded by sharks lol. This would easily be seen when news helicopters would fly down and take pictures of old man and woman wading in less than waste deep water surrounded by over a hundred sharks and never knew it, lol. I bet they had a heart attack when they saw the footage lol...
Most of the time you never know they are there. Many times I have had them take my fish right off my hook as I brought it into the net, lol... I have caught up to six foot blue shark while wade fishing. It is eight foot and bigger that you have to worry about... big Tigers or stupid bull shark... even small bull shark will bite you in six inches of water... hate them... only good one is a dead one.... but most sharks never bother you... they know you are not their prey.... but a big Tiger will eat anything lol.... hammerheads are bad too but usually don't see them in close...
Nice footage...
the bot
there have been hundreds who have experienced this phenomenon. last time we were lined up in knee deep water catching two trout every cast. the dolphin knocked my brother and i down chasing trout in between us almost beaching itself. your just a punk that does know anything let alone what i am talking about. go troll someone else moron. oh and if you google footage from texas of couple wading in shallow water with around 75 to 100 sharks swimming all around them. u don't know nothin boy, i grew up on this water. go play with ur playstation mommy is calling...
100. comment for Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina
I watched your videos. Were you surprised to find gators in the river?
I'm really searching for a good Captain Quint quote to sum up...but I can't bring one up.
и купи премиум ютуба
I have never seen a shark before but holy sh×t that's a lot of sfark's!
Sharknado wouldn't look so stupid now, would it?
.....my parents lied
Es mas increible, que es lo que desorienta a los peces.
Luckily, the week before I had read all about sharks in Reader's Digest. They are scavengers and not predators. Article said to avoid eating each other in a feeding frenzy the sharks only attack the 'scared'. This was before leashes on surfboards so sometimes I would lose my board and have to resolutely swim about 5 or 10 yards to retrieve it. I would see fins cutting through the water on my way to my board. Get on it and go back out.
By the time I had been out in the midst of them for about 45 minutes I could tell the people on the pier were signaling me to stop. The ambulance was there. I got out. They came to me and said come up here and look at where you were. I went up on the pier. They had dumped 3 55-gallon drums of cow's blood into the water. At any moment one would see 6 to 8 packs of 6 to 8 sharks 6 to 8 feet long. Tiger sharks. I told them sharks are scavengers and I was able to do what I did because I was not scared.
Didn't anyone on the pier take a picture of this event? Let me know.
She dun made.
It could have been about fluffy little kittens, and it would have come up, lol.
Well, you seem to have no aspirations to be better than the black people you hate... Hopelessly ignorant, shameless, and only a part of the problem in the US. Do you not realize your hypocrisy?
My biggest concern is Muslims, fuck those shits.
Don't know why some people interpreted as an attack on white people.
i-is it shark week already?
Anti-racists tell us there's a race problem in ALL White countries that can only be solved by bringing in masses of non-Whites.
They have no problem with all-Black countries or all-Asian countries.
Only White people must become minorities in their own lands.
Under international law, that is genocide, but anti-racists call it "diversity."
Diversity means chasing down the last White person.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
Jen Psaki
Probably do. A little bbq sauce...
Fuck it. Break out the BBQ sauce.
If a beaver building a dam is a part of nature, then a bunch of humans building a space station is also natural.
Nice comment!
Just man up and put sommoe seas'n on dat bitch.
C'mon, you can do it....
What a wild history those islands have going all the way back to the original natives of the main island, including the Picts up in the Highlands and then the arrival of Julius Caesar in 55 BC.
It's just absolutely fascinating to me to sit and ponder all the shit that happened over there. I guess you could say the same for just about any country or area, but England's history is especially unique.
(y) :-)
Great :P
It'd be nice if this comments section thing would show the SPECIFIC comment to which you're responding instead of just what user.
Some of these threads have hundreds of comments. It'd be nice to have a quick reference instead of having to re-explain what comment you're talking about.
I read your other comments too, I was a born again who left the faith too, also for various reasons like you said.
I assume you are referring to meat from the sea?
Mmmmm frooosting~
You too :P
Nooo no no no... YOU did not quote that, you totally misread. I was talking about the video/documentary in that comment and past the hour mark the narrator said that so I was quoting him. Sorry if it seemed I was quoting you..
I'm sorry, but respectfully, again, we are a part of nature and anything we do or build is natural. You can look at my previous comments to confirm this.
No sweat, though, I ain't mad at ya, even a little bit, you actually watched the video, and that's all I can ask.
Your opinion is yours to do with what thou wilt. lol.
Seriously, I enjoyed this discussion with all of you. This is how we learn.
(Back) But I am ending it here :P
It's 5:30am and I am getting sleepy, it was nice chatting with everyone. Have a nice life!
I hail the bathroom which I need to visit, brb...
That made your recent comments make much more sense now, I see xD
Was so confused when you used that term cause it didn't fit at all :P
I thought novichoks were chemical weapons? Not people...confused D:
Thanks I guess :D
No idea what a novichok is though...?
I am alive and disease free, without any disabilities, so I am fine with my life :P
I did indeed, yet I haven't even watched Titanic xD
"Jack, come back!"
I appreciate the concern but I am fine with my choices and beliefs in life.
Well I was born in a family of religious belief (Christians) so that explains my name. Though I personally grew out of religious beliefs, for various reasons, the rest of my family still believe.
I am not, how come you ask?
And I recommend not to watch it.
Other than that the video was mostly decieving.
Nothing specific to note I guess. Well 1 of his last quotes which went something like "nature is not responsible for these actions, we are" really threw me off. Since we are a part of nature, nature is obviously responsible. It totally goes against his "Earthlings-we are all living beings and have equal rights to life" since suddenly, apparently, we are not a part of this earth and it's life/nature.
I was quite the opposite, well not entirely. I had a much, emotionally, greater interest in animals when I was younger rather than now when I look at things in a more logical way.
But if I compare to the general person I can see your point pretty clear. Kids love all those animal shows and zoos etc.
On another note: I am almost done watching the documentary and so far I am pissed at the ones making the video. Other than that my opinions and thoughts are the same as always.
When I was about 12 to 15, I had no compassion whatsoever for wildlife and animals in general.
It's only after time goes by, you get a bit older, that you develop more compassion and sympathy.
It must be something about being a young male- we are a violent species and I guess at that stage in life, we really don't know too much and consequently, we can be brutal SOB's.
Don't know what it is. But at least for me, that seems how it went down.
Now that I'm 42, I can't act like I always had the attitude I do now, and if I caught a 12 year old abusing an animal, I'd have to remember where I came from and how I was then.
Nom sayin?
So they just want to show us how "horrible" animals are treated with any reason other than just to make us know? I guess that's a legitimate reason.
Also I think it's most likely inevitable to not kill that much that fast because of others demand (supply demand thing) and people most likely will not demand less only more as we are a increasing population.
Side note: Though having fun doing it (so far some did) is more a personal thing and I think that it should be excluded for most people in that line of work.
We tend to think it's all about us, but there are countless others that suffer due to our actions- or lack thereof, for that matter.
So that's it. No vegetarian vs meat eater thing, just an expose on how the rest of life is treated.
Didn't they say what their idea of earthling was at the start of the viedo? I must rewind! Ineed they did.
On another note (as I am still watching) I still don't see the point of this video if it's not something around that "you shouldn't eat meat" or "beware, everything you buy have been brutally hurt so don't buy it. Go to some town butcher and get it fresh and clean where it has been taken care of" Maybe I am missing out the point, dunno. Enlighten me.
Yeah, I still eat meat too, but I guess that video is more about sympathy for ALL earthlings. It's not so much about not eating meat.
When we say 'earthlings', we conjure up the idea of people only, but the truth is, every living creature on this planet is an earthling.
It took me a bit to figure out that that's why they named it that....
I have come a long way, so fair warning- some of my videos and comments you may not like-
But I try to get along with as many people as I can- until they show me I can't. thanks and I responded in kind.
It's the cover of a book called the Anglo-American Establishment by Caroll Quigley.
Basically, an upside-down flag at sea is a sign of distress. That's the short version. ;)
Watch it if you haven't already, if you like.
If I had my way, I'd make it part of the high school senior's curriculum. I don't know how old she is and that shit can be truly disturbing.
But at some point, it does need to be seen.
It's seriously one of the most disturbing things I've seen on YT. Just horrible.
I can really see where vegetarians and vegans are coming from after watching it.
It's really bad, but that said, I think if more people watched it, maybe then we would speak out about all the abuses going on this fucked up world, not to mention all those to humans as well.
However, I do like meat. The thing is, when you take an animal from the wild, you can cull it mercifully. It can have a quick death, being unconscious after the first smack to the head.
Also, it didn't have to spend its life jammed into some cramped quarters like our chickens and other animals have to live- I think it's pretty fucked up that people treat animals like they do for profits in these corporate animal concentration camps.
The other thing in my mind is this: If you ARE going to take an animal out of the wild to eat, you must respect that animal and not waste a damn morsel of it.
If an animal has to give its life for me to eat it, I always make sure to use every part of the animal and not be disgraceful by wasting any of it.
Go check out a video called 'Earthlings' on YT, and you'll see the type of shit I'm opposed to.
Good point, and thanks for the comment.
I am a farmer as well, I have raised horses, cattle, and right now I have chickens, parrots, goats, quails etc... I see none of my animals as food and see them as companions and beautiful creatures that just want to live as much as we do.
As for me being vegan, it's because that's how we stay healthy and I seeked a spiritual lifestyle... The meat diet leads to cancer and artheritis and obesity and so many other diseases... Our bodies cannot properly digest animal products which leads our bodies incubating these foods which leads to bacteria/parasites growing in your body...
I know people eat meat everyday and will continue to, but that's their deal and all I can do is give them something to think about... I consider myself more of a breeder than a farmer, I help my animals bring life as much as possible, I also have a small nursery where I raise plants... I love bringing life onto earth, I just don't take their precious lifes either...
You ever notice a spider run away from you when you go after it? That's because even though its a silly spider, all it wants to do is live its life just as bad as you want to live yours.
You are incorrect, you need to look it up... I've raised exotic animals my entire life and even own a pet store.... Animals are a lot more intelligent then you think...( I didn't see my pet when i moved for 7 years, She remembered me like it was yesterday). And people who don't eat meat are weaker? I'm a vegan bodybuilder for 8 years, 200 lbs, come and see who's weak...I'm in better shape and bigger than 90% of the meatheads at the gym... lol ( 17 inch arms at my peak)
Vegan lifestyle is getting big in the powerlifting and bodybuilding world because people are beginning to educate themselves are what good health is and not just good looks.
( Parrots that live over 100 years, find 1 partner and stay with them for life... How's that for not remembering their partners or no grief as you claim)
You have been raised in believing animals are for human consumption, and you are incorrect not only are they NOT for human consumption, they are extremely unhealthy for our bodies and create parasites like tapeworm and eventually lead to cancer.
I know where you get you beliefs from, because my family ignorantly raised me eating meat as well.. Until I was old enough to educate myself and then turn around and educate my family.
Animals are spiritual creatures, a lot more spiritual than most humans have become.
..And in the after life, you will never be able to enter the higher dimension where all the spiritual animal souls are.
Animals have families and feelings and emotions just like us... Humans are nothing but a parasitic disease on planet earth, we just ruin our ecosystems and enviroments, and we breed like cockroaches, while animals help the earth... Animal flesh tastes like shit because it actually has shit in it and you enjoy it... Humans are the ones that should be getting eaten everyday not animals.
go educate yourself on what meat does to the human body, then maybe you'll get out of obesity.
looks at all the sharks