SCARY SHARK ATTACKS captured by GoPros compilation Vol.1
Shark videos 8 years ago 526,990 views
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The decompression times are very conservative - 5 minutes is probably longer than you need for a 30 meter dive - but he was still at risk for surfacing so soon. And I don't blame him one bit.
I thunk That was a dolphin
10. comment for SCARY SHARK ATTACKS captured by GoPros compilation Vol.1
20. comment for SCARY SHARK ATTACKS captured by GoPros compilation Vol.1
Having said that, the first video was the scariest one by far.
30. comment for SCARY SHARK ATTACKS captured by GoPros compilation Vol.1
1. Last time I checked you are human also.
2. There is no such thing as "Their home." That goes for any animal. Do you think a lion will care if it's your house? No they still would go in your house and kill you in your house.
3. Do you think sharks care if another shark killed a human? "Oh my God why did you kill and eat that poor human for food? He was just exploring the water."
People need to stop acting like they're retards. They have every right to stab, shoot, harpoon, or kill those sharks as with any animal. Fucking dumbass PETA organization ass people.
50. comment for SCARY SHARK ATTACKS captured by GoPros compilation Vol.1
All this people who hunts with scuba tanks, do they think to be cool or what? They really deserve that kind of situation
100. comment for SCARY SHARK ATTACKS captured by GoPros compilation Vol.1
P.S. Anyone else have the Jaws theme going through their head watching this?
And surfers refuse to tell the public about this fact.
i wont go swimming with great whites
fuck you
and -letlive and stayaway -from -theshark- if- you do- not- like- sharks!It is not for saying that this channel is dumb, I love sharks, you got great videos but the title "attack" make me sad about how people feel wrongly about sharks.
Shark 2016
I get what you're trying to say, I'd be scared shitless if I ever encountered a GW while I'm in the water, because they're still a dangerous creature, but if you represent no harm to them, it's more likely that they won't bite
DEAD Wrong.
Theres been several fatalities caused by GW sharks in perfectly clear water. GW put their teeth into anything to find out more about the object. Even metal. GW prefer to hunt in murky water for the surprise kill as they CAN SEE VERY WELL IN MURKY AND DARK WATER BECAUSE OF HOW THEIR EYES ARE DESIGNED. You clearly have close to 0 knowledge about sharks and all you know is seen and learned from some "green" documentaries and its provoking how you spit out arguments that are dead wrong. And now an easily manipulated guy such as Squanchy bought everything you said and thats actually dangerous. I can imagine him telling his kids to jump into clear water with a GW because its "safe".
And sharks definitely know which way you are facing, they are a lot more intelligent and perceptive than you give them credit.
Resorting to attacking or trying to harm the shark is a much stupider idea because some sharks become very aggressive when threatened.
its shoot the shark and he will probably go away or gamble that he will either go away on his own or bite you and potentially kill you
That's....interesting. I had no idea. I didn't realize it came from pressurized air......I assumed it was the nitrogen already in your body. I'm corrected, then......
When you dive past a certain depth, you have to return to the surface slowly and wait specific amounts of time at specific depths otherwise you will develop something called "decompression sickness" or, the "bends" which is when the change in pressure causes bubbles to form in your blood that can easily do permanent damage and even kill you. Airliners are pressurized for this same reason.
If you Google "the bends" I'm sure you'll find a much better explanation than mine.
I think your channel has potential, if you add this and keep making content regularly then you might get some places.