SCARY SHARK ATTACKS captured by GoPros compilation Vol.1

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SCARY SHARK ATTACKS captured by GoPros compilation Vol.1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 348

Shark videos 8 years ago 526,990 views

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Most popular comments
for SCARY SHARK ATTACKS captured by GoPros compilation Vol.1

Geo Skan
Geo Skan - 6 years ago
I would have chewed the first guy's legs off and spat them out... F***ing teach him to shock me in my home!
barryschwarz - 6 years ago
The guy surfacing from 0:31 is supposed to wait 5 minutes at 5 meters to decompress. He waited less than a minute.
The decompression times are very conservative - 5 minutes is probably longer than you need for a 30 meter dive - but he was still at risk for surfacing so soon. And I don't blame him one bit.
Uno - 7 years ago
"the shark ran away" yes good sharkies have legs
JBT AJ - 7 years ago
I thunk That was a dolphin
yer boi Meep
yer boi Meep - 7 years ago
So if sharks mistake us for seals would it be smart to swim by keeping our arms and legs spread out?
Steven Wallace
Steven Wallace - 7 years ago
I just HAVE to know how the conversation goes to start something like this!! "Say bro, lets go out in the ocean bruh where there is man eating sharks dude...and like swim and them". "But what if they get close brah?". "Well we can just like...try and hide or just stab and shoot em ya know?" "Alright dude lets head out after lunch"
Nicole Esola
Nicole Esola - 7 years ago
I feel like the shark at 2:55 was like “oh...fuck... a miscalculation was made.... back into the water I go”
jae yum
jae yum - 7 years ago
i’m sorry but the first one that guy was dumb as fuck for shooting the shark
Oscar Garcia
Oscar Garcia - 7 years ago
This Shit gave me fucking anxiety!!!!! I just ask myself ! Why? why?? why???

10. comment for SCARY SHARK ATTACKS captured by GoPros compilation Vol.1

Megsykat 406
Megsykat 406 - 7 years ago
Megsykat 406
Megsykat 406 - 7 years ago
What was the first person doing? Going around stabbing sea creatures for fun? Plus the second one, wasn't even an attack
Matt Gray
Matt Gray - 7 years ago
Thumbnail clickbait
rvrbarnacle79 - 7 years ago
Dip shit spear fishermen. Any hunting with a gun is pussy
ice cold 46
ice cold 46 - 7 years ago
1:50 to 2:01 "WOOOOOOOOO"
Paul Lee g
Paul Lee g - 7 years ago
So that's what it feels like to be a useless fish just flopping about all flipping useless .well done for keeping your minerals
Amellow - 7 years ago
One of the videos was fake af i dont know why people waste their time making hoaxes.
T Gyalten
T Gyalten - 7 years ago
Clickbait. This is just sharks doing their thing, what attacks.
ReliCANT - 7 years ago
8:07 that time it looked like a dolphin does anyone agree
Ricardo Clemente
Ricardo Clemente - 7 years ago
you should't go down there mate

20. comment for SCARY SHARK ATTACKS captured by GoPros compilation Vol.1

Gary Mckee
Gary Mckee - 7 years ago
I don't feel sorry for these idiots plus they shouldn't be hurting the sharks they belong in the ocean
Michael Song
Michael Song - 7 years ago
The third video. I initially thought that was a dolphin or something, but nope. Freezing frame and really looking confirmed that it was a shark (dunno what kind).

Having said that, the first video was the scariest one by far.
JAR ENT - 7 years ago
The first one is a oceanic white tip, aggressive sharks.
Jevangood - 7 years ago
So I guess that thumbnail is bs huh.
Shawn Snyman
Shawn Snyman - 7 years ago
Wtf these are mainly shark encounters. And that last vid had a dolphin near him not the fucking shark
Daniels channel
Daniels channel - 7 years ago
Some sharks don't even want you they just mind they're own business
Emerson Arguijo
Emerson Arguijo - 7 years ago
So if a shark is in the ocean where it lives then its attacking.. call it for what it is "encounters" not shark attacks
Nathaniel Melnitsky
Nathaniel Melnitsky - 7 years ago
they didn't shoot the shark idk why the guy said that the bands on the gun didn't even release he just pushed it away to show that its worth it for the shark. Also at the end when the shark is "1 meter away from his feet" its not even a shark look closely 8:07 its a dolphin.
aliGol D
aliGol D - 7 years ago
Just how sharks are free to roam the ocean and kill what they want why can't we roam the ocean and do the same lol? Hypocrites
2112 Bangkok
2112 Bangkok - 7 years ago
"you rollin'" you bet Bob!

30. comment for SCARY SHARK ATTACKS captured by GoPros compilation Vol.1

Gavin Ferguson
Gavin Ferguson - 7 years ago
I thought the first one was funny just watching it swim and than instantly goes for the dick
Jace Beleren
Jace Beleren - 7 years ago
This whole mistaken identity thing is really overblown. It's not that hard to imagine a hungry shark wanting to eat a person.
sixtyton angel
sixtyton angel - 7 years ago
you mess with the bull.....etc etc etc
Young Maverick
Young Maverick - 7 years ago
Every shark encounter video there's always the same idiots who sound like Native Americans "It's the sharks home and humans are invading and taking over."

1. Last time I checked you are human also.
2. There is no such thing as "Their home." That goes for any animal. Do you think a lion will care if it's your house? No they still would go in your house and kill you in your house.
3. Do you think sharks care if another shark killed a human? "Oh my God why did you kill and eat that poor human for food? He was just exploring the water."
People need to stop acting like they're retards. They have every right to stab, shoot, harpoon, or kill those sharks as with any animal. Fucking dumbass PETA organization ass people.
Akasha Kirby
Akasha Kirby - 7 years ago
Young Maverick what an idiotic comment wow
Xboxmaster456 - 7 years ago
I agree with defending yourself against sharks if they come close to you, but I absolutely hate the shark fin trade in asia
aliGol D
aliGol D - 7 years ago
Kostas Diellas ikr
Reddragonknight - 7 years ago
Young Maverick good bro i loking the coments for this one.....
SentryDuck 04
SentryDuck 04 - 7 years ago
The only thing scary about these is the annoying ass noise of the bubble and the camera hitting the water
Layhz -
Layhz - - 7 years ago
bro lowkey the water noise is annoying, ik you cant do anything about it but i never really focused on how annoying it actually is
KOKO BOSS - 7 years ago
Luke Carter
Luke Carter - 7 years ago
The shark ran away wtf does it look like it has legs
Vic Damon
Vic Damon - 7 years ago
I wish that first guy had got eaten. Dick head
Ante Brekalo
Ante Brekalo - 7 years ago
I am so scared that I am watching this on slow motion. Sometimes on leaps
Shelby Damron
Shelby Damron - 7 years ago
I was like "oh look at that lil fishy" NOPE IT WAS A GOD DAMN SHARK
Cal cic O
Cal cic O - 7 years ago
How the fuck that guy was so calm front of a shark damn I would be a fucking jetski
Scott Maple
Scott Maple - 7 years ago
The last one looks to have received aid from a dolphin. The last sighting of the shark in the video at 8:40 looks like a bottle nose dolphin coming from the opposite direction. The bulbous cranium and narrow beak are the give away. Have a close look. You had a guardian dolphin thwarting that shark.
lilvince321 - 7 years ago
kill them all they threaten the greatest species humans, all other animals gravel at our feet knowing we are the alpha males of the world
Squidwards Anus
Squidwards Anus - 7 years ago
That guy in the thumbnail is fucked
Taylor Gaston
Taylor Gaston - 7 years ago
I would shoot that shark in a heartbeat. it is obviously circling your ads looking for a vulnerability
RossyRedYT_ Gaming
RossyRedYT_ Gaming - 7 years ago
i dont like the ocean anymore only the reef
Nathan Bona
Nathan Bona - 7 years ago
RossyRedYT_ Gaming there are four common types of reef shark. I'd say the first one in this clip was a black tip reef shark. They're normally timid but clearly they'll attack if provoked. This Just a heads up if you go reef diving, stay safe and be aware of your surroundings. Eels, rays and octopus can be just as dangerous.
xX Timmy Turner
xX Timmy Turner - 7 years ago
that shark was minding its own business
Barry Peterson
Barry Peterson - 7 years ago
the first one if he didn't hit the shark he probably wouldn't of even bothered him
ATLAS SDB - 7 years ago
that last video it was a shark and a dolphin

50. comment for SCARY SHARK ATTACKS captured by GoPros compilation Vol.1

Valter Pina
Valter Pina - 7 years ago
After this video I will have to go to my dictionary and search the meaning of "Attacks"
Zachylolz - 7 years ago
sorry but lmfao at 2:55 thst shark was like "alright, got my coffee, got my new suit and i should be early to work! today is going grea--- AAHH OW DAMNIT"
Uncle Ossas
Uncle Ossas - 7 years ago
that huge shark ! 1:51
Tupolew Tu-154
Tupolew Tu-154 - 7 years ago
Stop naming harnless shark encounters as attacks, you pussies! And when you hurt the shark, he will let you pay for that.
David CH
David CH - 7 years ago
Who is the real monster?
All this people who hunts with scuba tanks, do they think to be cool or what? They really deserve that kind of situation
lazybone1985 Bone
lazybone1985 Bone - 7 years ago
scuba diving + spear/harpoon fishing is illegal... i hope all of u get eaten by shark soon
Cori di Valentina
Cori di Valentina - 7 years ago
a new kind of STUPID!!!
Nessence - 7 years ago
First one was an attack..the rest just seem to be encounters....
Nice Nugget
Nice Nugget - 7 years ago
It was kinda of a encounter because the shark didn't care about him and he injured the shark then the shark tryed to attack
Vibra S
Vibra S - 7 years ago
this is crazy
TitanDestroyer - 7 years ago
Caress The Breast
Caress The Breast - 7 years ago
Don't feel bad for anyone attacked by a shark. Getting in the ocean is a choice. And a fuckin stupid one.
Master Piece
Master Piece - 7 years ago
these weak minded fuckers! shooting sharks with babies next to them! these full on CUNTS need fucking eating by sharks! the more these fuckers are done away with, the fucking better! little weaklings.
Rob S.
Rob S. - 7 years ago
dont piss off them ocean gangsters
Charlie White
Charlie White - 7 years ago
Holy shit was the 3rd clip San-O?
The Mantis Shrimp
The Mantis Shrimp - 7 years ago
I can just tell after watching the first one, half of these clips are gonna be idiots poking sharks for no reason and getting bitten as they should lol.
Freewaycola - 7 years ago
I think the video should be called shark encounters
officiallyxchanel - 7 years ago
I feel bad for the shark that got hit by the surfer :(
shelby - 7 years ago
I'm so happy the shark went at him for the first video, dumb ass want to stab a poor shark
MrRodpec - 7 years ago
shelby You are obviously mentally's ok
Reddragonknight - 7 years ago
Poor shark??? Really bro but if he attack you when you Just siting on water Who is poor then....
Georgia Mincer
Georgia Mincer - 7 years ago
It's called the Benz
Peaches Mulder
Peaches Mulder - 7 years ago
Anyone else having chest pains watching this?
golo5000 - 7 years ago
Holding a speared fish can attract shark to you,...LOL
Mibu Bimu
Mibu Bimu - 7 years ago
+dsadsa sadsada But he literally followed the shark for a while
Mibu Bimu
Mibu Bimu - 7 years ago
2:58 poor shark the guy literally bumped into him.. :o
duncan walker
duncan walker - 7 years ago
And I bet they all will be back in the water next weekend, mad mother fuckers
Xará Pra Deus
Xará Pra Deus - 7 years ago
monkeymanxxl - 7 years ago
The shark was interested in nothing more than the stringer of dead fish he was trailing behind him. If he caught those dead fish loose the shark would want nothing to do with him
Noemi Rodriguez
Noemi Rodriguez - 7 years ago
The guy in the dirt clip deserved it like u are in the sharks home and u tried killing it? Like bihhhh fuk u
Yaboy - 7 years ago
I've been to that beach in cali w that power plant at the last one.. living in florida at the time where the beach gradually goes down in depth compared to cali where it just drops off as soon as you step into the i said fuck that and i wasn't getting in at all lol
Someone - 7 years ago
WHy was the first shark so fucking cute
Joch Noch
Joch Noch - 7 years ago
Most of these aren't attacks. They are just encounters
Blu - 7 years ago
Some of those videos are totally fake
中村ヌーノ - 7 years ago
I dont fuck with the ocean
matt smith
matt smith - 7 years ago
did that guy at the end have a grill on his board???
uncommonclassix - 7 years ago
Tag the videos and their owners, please. Its a decent compilation but its also stealing since you didnt tag anyone or give anyone else credit for their creations...
Stephen Sharp
Stephen Sharp - 7 years ago
It's crazy that shark gaming videos get more views than the actual thing
Red Lotus2232
Red Lotus2232 - 7 years ago
The first one was his fault, if you stab a creature it's either going to run/swim away or attack you. Plus in one of them it said. "The shark ran away after being shot" sharks can't run O_O they swim... RUINED THE VIDEO DX
Dawn Hardin
Dawn Hardin - 7 years ago
seriously why are people going around shooting at sharks when they weren't even being approached? Humans put themselves in a sharks habitat/home for fun and don't see sharks coming up on land shooting at us just because they may get spooked. Stop being a dumbass poking at them and chasing them around! If you're lucky enough to see one in it's natural state, then enjoy the beautiful creature don't try to provoke it! If you leave them alone they usually won't bother you!!!
lpslover 123
lpslover 123 - 7 years ago
Or have they all ready made one
lpslover 123
lpslover 123 - 7 years ago
They should make a shark detector
Giii The pineapple
Giii The pineapple - 7 years ago
These were not all attacks. Some were just sharks swimming around which is all they can's where they live and we were the ones to invade their property not the other way around
aliGol D
aliGol D - 7 years ago
Giii The pineapple it's no ones property sharks go were they want so do we its free
Emily Dickenson
Emily Dickenson - 7 years ago
the first one the shark was defending himself.
Bram Driessens
Bram Driessens - 7 years ago
The shark........ Ran..... Away?
Miserable Shrimp
Miserable Shrimp - 7 years ago
Attack on titan lol
KingSlayer 77
KingSlayer 77 - 7 years ago
the first one was like mate you want to skabble
KASAT - 7 years ago
Idiot. Dont touch shark!!
coachgeofft - 7 years ago
dislike because only one vid, the first, was an attack, and even that was a retaliation from being poked with speargun!! clickbait
chicity37 - 7 years ago
fuck that clickbait thumbnail hahaha cool video though
David Sharp
David Sharp - 7 years ago
Is that not a dolphin 8:08
Bobby Stamper
Bobby Stamper - 7 years ago
the shark at 5:00 move outta the way I'm late to work!? feels bad comes back saying "I'm sorry do you have a minute to talk about our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ"!?
Therealdeal I'mwrongbut
Therealdeal I'mwrongbut - 7 years ago
The last one is clearly a dolphin. pussy

100. comment for SCARY SHARK ATTACKS captured by GoPros compilation Vol.1

Steven Haskell
Steven Haskell - 7 years ago
the first shark nearly took his dick off
Kim jong un
Kim jong un - 7 years ago
i like eat shark
Angela Bees
Angela Bees - 7 years ago
That is why I will never go in the ocean.

P.S. Anyone else have the Jaws theme going through their head watching this?
Wolflover 59
Wolflover 59 - 7 years ago
Again stupid idea for FLIPPERS in shark infested waters I mean get it through your thick skull some eat seals and agin it looks like a seal to them
Ethan - 7 years ago
This is why I don't swim in the ocean.
RuleofFive - 7 years ago
The guy on the surf board collided with a shark that was breaching. I don't think the shark was attacking him. Some good footage though. I think its more terrifying when they disappear for a minute or two only to circle around instead of them being right in front of you were you can see them.
A'J - 7 years ago
how come he isn't drowning? he got huge balls of steel right there.
Emi Carter
Emi Carter - 7 years ago
When your thalassaphobic but your a gangsta
DEAD Chronic
DEAD Chronic - 7 years ago
It must suck seeing a shark so close to you than fads away coz you dont know where it's ganna pop up next
Diane Farley
Diane Farley - 7 years ago
Moral of story: Don't start trouble unless you want to end up in it. Too many folks stir up trouble in all situations as a hobby. Too bad the consequences of their actions are often nowhere near as well deserved as seen in the first video.
Alambike - 7 years ago
Idiots! There's only one attack because the moron speared the shark.
Tania Path
Tania Path - 7 years ago
This person is so stupid that shark didn't attack the surfer because it looks like a seal that was a spinning shark
PerfectGoth - 7 years ago
Most are not attacks. A lot of these clips are just divers in the presence of sharks.
Tak 'Vakamai
Tak 'Vakamai - 7 years ago
Why does this channel only have 1 video? I want more sharks.
Bill Cosbey
Bill Cosbey - 7 years ago
this is click bait bitch
Alex Zones
Alex Zones - 7 years ago
this is why I left the ocean's coast! Fuck Sharks!
Richard Weed
Richard Weed - 7 years ago
You can have the greatest gear and toys in the world, but if you only have half a brain you will be at the mercy of the oldest animal on earth. Lets see. I have a camera. Check. I have a speared fish that's bleeding on the end of the spear. Check. I have to decompress for another 20 minutes. Check. The shark can appear from anywhere in this murky water. Check. I'm making a lot of sounds that the shark seems to be honing in on. Check.
Javier Ruiz
Javier Ruiz - 7 years ago
First one is a fucking dumbass. He attacked first.
Dwayne Russell
Dwayne Russell - 7 years ago
Its a dolphin that saved them
The Tops MilFinJak
The Tops MilFinJak - 7 years ago
The second person was stupid
SSSweetShot - 7 years ago
not really 'attacks' more like 'encounters' ?
MR. ANONYMOUS - 7 years ago
i love how the second guy in the first clip is more concerned than the guy that got bit
Seth Lillig
Seth Lillig - 7 years ago
that was really cool but I can't believe that the guy didn't see the shark and ya that was a dolphin
KcCreations Gaming
KcCreations Gaming - 8 years ago
These are decently filmed scenes, but not actual shark attacks
Wancroc Slayer
Wancroc Slayer - 8 years ago
The third one is so freaking frightening
BEATmyguest31 - 8 years ago
"if you cant take the teeth, get out of the kitchen".
Saracakes - 8 years ago
It's scary how well sharks disappear and reappear.
Eve Wheeler
Eve Wheeler - 8 years ago
I hate sharks so why am i watching this?
Seve Hynes30
Seve Hynes30 - 8 years ago
That suffer video thing was funny cause like the shark looked like it was like "HEY BRO U MAKES NG A VIDEO I WANNA BE IN IT"
calibomber209 - 8 years ago
Dolphin to the rescue. Last vid I'm sure that dolphin was making sure the humans are safe. It's sad humans don't do the same
Hermann Chan
Hermann Chan - 8 years ago
1st one should have died what is this nigger doing???
gerry3x - 8 years ago
If you're spearing fish and floating around with a line of dead fish you are ringing the dinner bell for sharks, all kinds. Sting Rays and Yellow Tuna are the worst.
Young Skate Nation
Young Skate Nation - 8 years ago
First get true informations, then write things in your video about sharks :)
Explorer Mike
Explorer Mike - 8 years ago
This is actually a good collection of scary shark vids. The one where the great whites keep returning closer and closer until the diver shoots the speargun is the scariest. I wouldn't have waited that long to shoot.
Explorer Mike
Explorer Mike - 8 years ago
This is actually a good collection of scary shark vids. The one where the great whites keep returning closer and closer until the diver shoots the speargun is the scariest. I wouldn't have waited that long to shoot.
Arvpghqxz - 8 years ago
3:25 Sharks often attack surfers because surfers go into the water, LoL.
And surfers refuse to tell the public about this fact.
Princess Vanessa
Princess Vanessa - 8 years ago
don't worry diver in the very 1st clip it was a little tiny shark so u can survive it or NOT [just maybe]
AsHLiegh STeVie MaRie-HoPe
AsHLiegh STeVie MaRie-HoPe - 8 years ago
What type of shark is that in the thumbnail..???!!!! Honestly It looks so unreal and awesome!
The Wolf of Fire
The Wolf of Fire - 8 years ago
I have a feeling that shark regretted trying to attack the board, because it slow motion, it look like he took quite a hit when he went for it.
Trey Stephens
Trey Stephens - 8 years ago
I hope that thumbnail is photoshopped because, fuck!
Christopher Biggs
Christopher Biggs - 8 years ago
what shark attacks? i counted 1. what complete bollocks.
Romi Stymiest
Romi Stymiest - 8 years ago
1st one kinda had it coming... he attacked 1st
Ollinek - 8 years ago
Eh, they shot spear at shark and it attacks, let me thing, if somebody would shot you with speargun, you shouldn't attack him?
Oscar Portillo
Oscar Portillo - 8 years ago
There's always a bigger fish
XxCHRISchaosxX - 8 years ago
Nice Nugget
Nice Nugget - 7 years ago
Ray Reddy
Ray Reddy - 8 years ago
very dangerous ercgh
Ximity - 8 years ago
'the shark ran away after being shot'
Fixingthingz4u - 8 years ago
This is aload of crap hes diving in the water and sees a shark and stresses out like hes being attacked by JAWS wtf ?
Cerberus2g - 8 years ago
I am so happy for that first shark. now you know what its like to be attacked
dizzystj - 8 years ago
No no no no thats it no I'm not surfing ever again
zen 101
zen 101 - 8 years ago
It's usually a good sign if they're seen. Any predator on the hunt would prefer stealth and camo and attack unexpectedly.
flower Aguirre
flower Aguirre - 8 years ago
hakan mavruk
hakan mavruk - 8 years ago
so i went snorking today even tho im so scared of sharks but its deep water i saw some big fish but i kept looking im the distance for any signs of sharks if i probaly saw the shark that close to me ill panick and maybe die
Rose - 8 years ago
Shouldn't this video be called "Close up shark encounters" though? Since there was only one actual attack?
jjblaster - 7 years ago
19putte92 well not really
willwhite007 - 8 years ago
okay, so where was the "super scary shark attack" like your video said ?
Andrew Hall
Andrew Hall - 8 years ago
I love how so many people in the comments section get all worked up and hot under the collar with these sorts of videos, saying the divers are awful idiots who were being so cruel to the sharks. I would like to see them maintain that attitude when something carnivorous starts getting interested in them. Really guys, you don't look informed or caring by doing that; you just look like you are trying to look informed and caring. Good compilation, by the way, although it should probably be called "Scary Shark Encounters" instead.
Robert Mcintyre
Robert Mcintyre - 8 years ago
fusionmechanic1 - 8 years ago
they really need to invent a underwater uzi gun lol
Romi Stymiest
Romi Stymiest - 8 years ago
tom missinger
tom missinger - 8 years ago
I dont think i could ever go deep sea diving way too scary
EccentricWorld - 8 years ago
I just see pesky johns in a sharks environment holding little swords like zelda poking sharks?..... then getting excited cuz they got it on their little cute go pro cam mum gave them.
Mr Skoal
Mr Skoal - 8 years ago
this video fucking sucks... nothing but a bunch of close encounters when " shark attacks on gopro" is title? all you fuckers that make your video click bait need to get shot in the dick
Fröhlisches Möpsche
Fröhlisches Möpsche - 8 years ago
Dislike.why? Well,Sharks? Yes! Attacks? Not really!
188ours - 8 years ago
In my country it is forbiden to spearfish with oxygen aids, so fish can have a chance !
sauce god
sauce god - 8 years ago
OMG the shark at 5:30 looked like megaladon
Mijn Online
Mijn Online - 8 years ago
Stabbing and shooting innocent shark, its their space. Fucking humans, go to hell
RavnDream - 7 years ago
Oh you virtue signalling cunts amuse me. If you really believe humans all ought to go to hell, how about you go first? Since you're sooooo concerned about sharks.
goshaman 2202
goshaman 2202 - 7 years ago
You are fucking retarded. If you swim away the shark will attack you in the first second because it think that you are hurt. You need to face it and fight it and scare it and you will have much more better chances. Retard
William Brymer
William Brymer - 7 years ago
Mijn Online buddy most of these people are spear fishing you know what spear fishing and free diving is right. you don't need a rod to fish and if I was spear fishing and noticed a shark comming towards me unless it was in arms reach I'd shoot it to. fuck your self prick
Indigold - 8 years ago
Mijn Online I'm with you the humans are in their natural habitat, attacks can happen but humans shouldn't be attacking them
Edward Thayer
Edward Thayer - 8 years ago
This dude has a grill on his board while a great white is right below him!
AntlerFish Guitar
AntlerFish Guitar - 8 years ago
Click Bait.1 small shark bit a diver on the at the start and he seemed fine.The rest of the video there are absolutely no shark attacks.
Compos Mentis
Compos Mentis - 8 years ago
When do the attacks happen?
Cronoviajero - 8 years ago
Great compilation, thanks.
brandon darnell
brandon darnell - 8 years ago
Why did that guy have a grill on his board?
Dirk Wessels
Dirk Wessels - 8 years ago
when I was a spearfisherman back in South Africa it was illegal to spear with scuba gear - unfair advantage. Is that no longer the case or do these guys just not care?
Lhin Doh
Lhin Doh - 8 years ago
Emilie Holmes
Emilie Holmes - 8 years ago
Why do people continue to say that humans look like seals in the water, we naturally swim wirh our arms out Aswell as our legs. Shark attacks are so rare but people still want to disregard these amazing animals. You are more likely to step in dog s××t rhen walk into a lamppost then get splashed by stupid knobheads, tnen you're wet right through and latefor work then you qhave qqq to explain yourself to your boss who can't stop looking at your shirt which has become see through from the rain, anyway the moral of the story is just don't go to work, but start surfing with the sharks
kenshiro katana
kenshiro katana - 8 years ago
no fucking way.....
i wont go swimming with great whites
fuck you
The real G
The real G - 8 years ago
kenshiro katana no one asked u 2 do tht
Oscar Talbot
Oscar Talbot - 8 years ago
dumbst shit i ever seen....white people
MrRodpec - 7 years ago
Oscar Talbot It's because black people can't swim.
Oscar Talbot
Oscar Talbot - 8 years ago
Necropants oh i people do dumb stuff however this is just a FACT more white people die from shark attacks than racisim...just facts...sorry but you wont find any blacks flirting with SHARKS
Necropants - 8 years ago
Oscar Talbot I like how this immediately had to go racist... dont worry, plenty of stupid black people around too.
Common Sense
Common Sense - 8 years ago
Nopety nope nope nope.
Luis Hernandez
Luis Hernandez - 8 years ago
Yes we are going back and forth with railing and kitchen cabinets with
AQUA BOMBS - 8 years ago
The first guy oh I have a weapon I'm gonna swim at th lil shark like a dick hahahahaaa you deserve what you got .
Lord Eli
Lord Eli - 8 years ago
Again I say, Stupid People doing stupid things
Prototype_Senpai - 6 years ago
goshaman 2202 your frickin gay
goshaman 2202
goshaman 2202 - 7 years ago
You are fucking stupid
Geminei123 - 8 years ago
Diving/surfing is not the stupid part. THe stupid part is diving down right on top of a shark, then following it, and when it investigates you as to why you are following it, the guy stabs it when it is not even moving toward him, so it attacked him in self defense. The divers ACTIONS were fucking retarded. The actual activity they wanted to do is not normally dangerous or stressful. But you always have them genius' who want to go swimming with some fucking sharks. Don't get me wrong, I don't see all sharks as killers. It's just mostly stupid fucks that get bitten. It's much more rare for someone to be minding their own business to be attacked by a shark. Much more common when these fucks are diving in and trying to take pictures or follow sharks that are trying to hunt and feed. Or fuck some of these idiots WANT to feed the sharks AND stand in there with them taking pictures. Natural selection my friends, natural selection. Don't get in the water just because your dumbass friend wants a photo.
Adam01 - 8 years ago
Not really, how is diving and surfing doing stupid things? some people were just in their boats enjoying themselves normally...
Hacker Jones
Hacker Jones - 8 years ago
The first video, the dude is a FUCKING idiot he deserved to die
Diane Farley
Diane Farley - 7 years ago
Hacker Jones No, he didn't deserve to die. He did deserve a lesson in live and -let live and stay away -from -the shark- if- you do- not- like- sharks!
Hooptie Hamburger
Hooptie Hamburger - 8 years ago
who's your daddy
who's your daddy - 8 years ago
not really "scary shark attacks", but still heaps better clips and less bullshit than nearly every other "scary shark attack " vid. thumbs up, but won't consider subbing until I see no.2.
Steve52344 - 8 years ago
Too bad you didn't get eaten, asshole.
Unspoken Sniper
Unspoken Sniper - 8 years ago
the sharks didnt even attack
Nice Nugget
Nice Nugget - 7 years ago
Becuase the sharks knew they were friendly
David Umstattd
David Umstattd - 7 years ago
Unspoken Sniper yeah that's why we have footage to tell the tale.
Thiccr than u
Thiccr than u - 8 years ago
most of these weren't even attacks bro you suck
Sara T
Sara T - 8 years ago
why should they be stabbed get out of there home
Emily F
Emily F - 8 years ago
Thanks for posting authentic encounters with sharks because lately I've seen so many fakes and it's so annoying so thank you!
OSN's Lotion Bottle
OSN's Lotion Bottle - 8 years ago
First clip is just lul
Nicole Aguiar
Nicole Aguiar - 8 years ago
this is really mean to say but I am going to say it anyway, some people deserve to get bitten, why follow a shark, what's the point,,
Bob - 8 years ago
Bob - 8 years ago
Linn Feagle
Linn Feagle - 8 years ago
First clip right out the gate was off-tiny reef shark biting into a leg and no blood? Not to mentionI've been with both blacktop and whitetip in the ocean inadvertently...they didn't attack me.
tara benson
tara benson - 8 years ago
Tevin Fulton
Tevin Fulton - 8 years ago
regular be pussy get the ocean with great white shark any kind shark
Simone Venafro
Simone Venafro - 8 years ago
The surfing one isn't really an attack lol
ali JAWAD - 8 years ago
ali JAWAD - 8 years ago
بنززن0مزظح0تعقذز و و311111ممخ
ali JAWAD - 8 years ago
Simone Vena
tnt19954 - 8 years ago
also am i tripping because i swear i saw a grill on that dudes surf board ahahaha
tnt19954 - 8 years ago
hahaha the shark "ran" away hahah i died
Naz Senoglu
Naz Senoglu - 8 years ago
The first one... Idk why he was shocked? That's what you get if you jab a bloody shark. Self defence goes both ways.
Live Vine
Live Vine - 7 years ago
The dude was in the sharks territory, I don't just mean in the water but properly invading the sharks space, so he kinda had that one coming lmao
Happy Madison
Happy Madison - 7 years ago
Naz Senoglu dumb move
Master Piece
Master Piece - 7 years ago
It was great to watch the shark retaliate and get a grip! haha
James Anagnos
James Anagnos - 8 years ago
ask that diver if he will ever shoot a shark again with his spear gun lol thats what you get asshole
Lou_hippocampe - 8 years ago
It is incredible the shark's image people have... On the first video the diver was dumb to attack first, the shark only replied... And on the other videos I saw no attack !!
It is not for saying that this channel is dumb, I love sharks, you got great videos but the title "attack" make me sad about how people feel wrongly about sharks.
Diane Farley
Diane Farley - 7 years ago
Sharckaddict I agree!
SicSemperEvelloMortemTyrannis TyrannyEnder
SicSemperEvelloMortemTyrannis TyrannyEnder - 8 years ago
Sharckaddict Dude you remind me of the guy who said bears are misunderstood and majestic...

dsadsa sadsada
dsadsa sadsada - 8 years ago
You are the one being ignorant here. Learn about shark behaviour, theres plenty of material out there. And stop watching those "mother theresa green balbla movies about sharks" That does nothing but manipulate people like you to think sharks are a misunderstood specie. Im not trying to tell you that sharks are serial killers looking for human flesh. But I will tell you that you will get killed by a great white, bull shark, tiger shark if you are long enough in the water with it. Thats a fact.
harleyss1968 - 8 years ago
the shark ran away   dick head
Peyton - 8 years ago
Very cool!
Alpaca Productions
Alpaca Productions - 8 years ago
The shark in the beginning was probably thinking "wtf is this dumbass seal poking me I'm gonna kill it"
TenderBar 00
TenderBar 00 - 7 years ago
Why that guy poked it in the first place. The shark was just passing through.
Nathan Bona
Nathan Bona - 7 years ago
Alpaca Productions that's a black tip. They don't eat seals haha tbh... a seal could probably hurt it just as much as it could hurt the seal
are nuzzle
are nuzzle - 7 years ago
you dont know your not a shark . idiot
SylChevona - 7 years ago
Alpaca Productions the shark had logic than that dumbass
Diane Farley
Diane Farley - 7 years ago
Alpaca Productions It was threatened, and it responded in a perfectly sane manner!
PLATOON72 - 8 years ago
Jingonite - 8 years ago
Alpaca Productions lol
Brian - 8 years ago
no you are
Alpaca Productions
Alpaca Productions - 8 years ago
Brian P kinda like you.
Brian - 8 years ago
you're dumb
PLATOON72 - 8 years ago
Alpaca Productions hahahahaha same impression of mine
Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally - 8 years ago
Play tag with these creatures you may lose something!
Derek John
Derek John - 8 years ago
First one seemes pretty fake
Layla Bishop
Layla Bishop - 8 years ago
LOL the first one's like "Don't poke me bitch! NOM"
Caleb Popa
Caleb Popa - 7 years ago
It was the divers own fault
Brian - 7 years ago
Diane Farley false
Diane Farley
Diane Farley - 7 years ago
Brian P. Actually, it IS true. That shark wasn't interested in him until he stabbed it with the prod. The shark acted in understandable self-defense.
living on wanaka time
living on wanaka time - 8 years ago
I suggest you stay away from the sea, for your own safety. ..
living on wanaka time
living on wanaka time - 8 years ago
blatantly poked and pissed off a shark which then went and bit him...
Geminei123 - 8 years ago
IDK what the diver expected to happen there tbh. He descended right on top of it, and then "chased" it? He was definitely following it, and it didn't like him following it. It was probably trying to hunt so it took the only prey item in the area that was following it..... lol Diver is dumb in the first clip. xD He also stabbed him with the prod before it was even looking at him. It attacked him in self defense at that point.... Just really bad decision making on this inexperienced divers part.
Brian - 8 years ago
no it's not
Miguel Oliveira
Miguel Oliveira - 8 years ago
This is so scary
lilvince321 - 7 years ago
almightytallestred stop white knighting for any animal other than humans, we are the supreme species all other animals are beneath us and we do what we want to those inferior animals
lilvince321 - 7 years ago
almightytallestred stop white knighting for any animal other than humans, we are the supreme species all other animals are beneath us and we do what we want to those inferior animals
almightytallestred - 8 years ago
Well, yeah, humans are scary.
Tommy Edison
Tommy Edison - 8 years ago
Damn this compilation is great. Make more please
HammerSwift - 8 years ago
ha ha it cracks me up to see dumb ass pepole like this to try and kill the inoceant mariene anmial I mean you saw it comming oh well we all have our blonde moments
tamu malone
tamu malone - 8 years ago
Jellyfish,snakes sharks,and decompression sickness plus the waves is God's way of saying GET OUT OF MY OCEAN AND USE THE CAMERA AND TECHNOLOGY!
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge - 8 years ago
Am I the only person who kept thinking they were playing a first-person shooter the first couple minutes?
TwixieRoll xx
TwixieRoll xx - 8 years ago
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge same
Bones Marley
Bones Marley - 8 years ago
Was that a dolphin that showed up at the very end on the last clip.? Btw, compared to majority of comps this one is good
Adam Barnett
Adam Barnett - 7 years ago
Bones Marley I agree
Mr Skoal
Mr Skoal - 8 years ago
please dont make another video... your just ripping off other peoples videos to make a collage of your own click bait, get shot in the dick
Extreme Videos
Extreme Videos - 8 years ago
Yes it was. Good eye! And thanks, I'll make a part 2 soon :)
Alex Langata
Alex Langata - 8 years ago
one of the best compilations on close encounters out there. congrats for your keen eyes.
kdogg - 7 years ago
Extreme Videos till this day you are still asking this question. At least that's what the legends says
Extreme Videos
Extreme Videos - 8 years ago
Thank you! More coming soon! Tell me what kind of compilations you wanna see- shark attacks, extreme sports or something else?
Blazingwolf124 - 8 years ago
2:57 hi friend the waters fine and I'm hungry
Shark 2016
NightFire201 - 8 years ago
I don't get why they shoot the shark. Just get up and leave the water and leave the shark alone
Uno - 7 years ago
Are you retarded?
Never2old - 7 years ago
xyzzyx xyzzyx Carefull !!! You could start hating yourself buddy.
Never2old - 7 years ago
xyzzyx xyzzyx why do you hang around in this world? There are murderers all over.
Paul Lee g
Paul Lee g - 7 years ago
That's what his leg said your a mental shark hugger
HECS Diver
HECS Diver - 7 years ago
HECS Diver
HECS Diver - 7 years ago
Stupid if that’s dived who shot the Great White Shark swam up it would likely attack him from below. Whites are ambush predators. Better to shoot it and show it who’s boss than lose a leg and live the rest of your life in a wheelchair unable to participate in many activities.
Garrett Coffel
Garrett Coffel - 7 years ago
You're fucking retarded
Clay Lee
Clay Lee - 7 years ago
Seems like that river is stalking the shark.
goshaman 2202
goshaman 2202 - 7 years ago
You can't leave the shark alone once it saw you. If you swim away from the shark the shark will think that you are hurt and it will attack you. You need to face the shark. You have 90% more chances to survive when you face a shark and not swimming away and then it will attack you. Please do a research :)
Alex Bringman
Alex Bringman - 7 years ago
NightFire201 well it's a good survival tip to keep an eye one the shark
916Spectre - 7 years ago
Too many people in here be getting their shark knowledge from movies like jaws just stop ✋ I grew up surfing in the Red Triangle area of NorCal, White Sharks are very common and rarely attack surfers like myself if you see them your fine it's when you can't see them is when you should be worried a lot of sharks like the White Shark are ambush predators IF they get curious they might circle you for awhile it's nothing to worry about they probably get pretty close as they check you out just don't panic stay calm they'll most likely leave after a little awhile NOW for that super rare instance they decide to bump you they rarely bite even then IF they do bite you they tend to let go almost immediately
Talal Alazemi
Talal Alazemi - 7 years ago
Ayoub Elismaeli so damn right!
Ayoub Elismaeli
Ayoub Elismaeli - 7 years ago
why don't they give the shark a kiss on the nose while their there, too mush hate in this world !
Squanchy - 7 years ago
dsadsa sadsada you clearly don't know shit about sharks, just look up ocean Ramsey's videos where she is swimming with GW, even with tiger and bull sharks, which are more aggressive than Great Whites.
I get what you're trying to say, I'd be scared shitless if I ever encountered a GW while I'm in the water, because they're still a dangerous creature, but if you represent no harm to them, it's more likely that they won't bite
T Leaves
T Leaves - 7 years ago
dsada guy, I'm done with you. I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed man.
dsadsa sadsada
dsadsa sadsada - 7 years ago
T Leaves "the test bite from sharks only happen when the shark can't identify something. In clear water a shark can see you clearly and knows you aren't prey. "
DEAD Wrong.
Theres been several fatalities caused by GW sharks in perfectly clear water. GW put their teeth into anything to find out more about the object. Even metal. GW prefer to hunt in murky water for the surprise kill as they CAN SEE VERY WELL IN MURKY AND DARK WATER BECAUSE OF HOW THEIR EYES ARE DESIGNED. You clearly have close to 0 knowledge about sharks and all you know is seen and learned from some "green" documentaries and its provoking how you spit out arguments that are dead wrong. And now an easily manipulated guy such as Squanchy bought everything you said and thats actually dangerous. I can imagine him telling his kids to jump into clear water with a GW because its "safe".
T Leaves
T Leaves - 7 years ago
Look up Ocean Ramsey and watch some of her videos. She's one of the loudest current speakers for the sharks, and my idol. :)
Squanchy - 7 years ago
T Leaves hey man, it's interesting all those things you're saying about sharks, do you mind sharing a little bit more of your knowledge?
T Leaves
T Leaves - 7 years ago
Stop watching Jaws.
dsadsa sadsada
dsadsa sadsada - 7 years ago
wtf is this shit? Did you know theres only around 3000 great white sharks in the world? Do you also know how much more water there is than land in this world? Do you also know that Great White sharks are to be found pretty much all over the world? Even though they are highly concentrated in certain areas? The odds of swimming near a Great white shark is INCREDIBLY low. If you are face to face in the open water with a great white shark you are in trouble buddy. It will circle around you for a while until its comfortable enough to bump into you taking a test bite at contact. And ripping you around like a ragged doll as soon as it sets its teeth into you. Grow up and face reality. Stay away from big sharks. They are not your pet and they are certaintly not thinking; "hey thats a human. Lets cuddle" Its an apex predator acting on instinct. And its instinct is to put its teeth into anything that may or may not be edible. it just takes its time calculating its "prey/object" before moving in to find out more about the "prey/object"
Lonely Cashier
Lonely Cashier - 7 years ago
NightFire201 I agree but they need them in case they try to attack
Alambike - 7 years ago
T leaves is right. The rest of you must have got their knowledge from Sharknado or something.
T Leaves
T Leaves - 8 years ago
Dude, if what you said was true, thousands of people would be dying from sharks every year. Millions of people swim in shark-infested waters every day, and plenty of times, they are close to big sharks without even knowing it. The test bite from sharks only happen when the shark can't identify something. In clear water a shark can see you clearly and knows you aren't prey.

And sharks definitely know which way you are facing, they are a lot more intelligent and perceptive than you give them credit.
dsadsa sadsada
dsadsa sadsada - 8 years ago
No. The shark was curious and persistent. It was not aggressive and it was not intending to attack but when sharks are curious like that they bumb into you with jaws open to take a test bite which is fatal. I know for sure im right about this. If you are ignorant I suggest studying on the matter instead of writing about something you obviously have no clue about. Not only are you writing a comment about it but you are also stating that i was wrong. Sad.
T Leaves
T Leaves - 8 years ago
Erik Rasmussen I have swam with sharks, and they would approach me repeatedly. It is just a behavioral trait that almost all sharks have and it is nothing to be worried about. Especially if you are facing the shark because very rarely will a shark attack from the front.

Resorting to attacking or trying to harm the shark is a much stupider idea because some sharks become very aggressive when threatened.
Erik Rasmussen
Erik Rasmussen - 8 years ago
NightFire201 when you dive with a shark approaching you and you dont shoot it then by all means come back and post but until then shut your trap.

its shoot the shark and he will probably go away or gamble that he will either go away on his own or bite you and potentially kill you
T Leaves
T Leaves - 8 years ago
@dsadsa sadsada this statement is incorrect. This shark was curious, not persistent. If it were intending to attack, it would have attacked when the diver's back was turned. In the murky water the shark was just getting closer to see what the diver was, but soon realized it wasn't prey which is why it did not attack.
dsadsa sadsada
dsadsa sadsada - 8 years ago
when the shark moves in slow on you like that its right before it bumps into you with mouth open and takes a sample bite. He made the right call to shoot it as that shark was on him for sure. You dont gamble with your life and hope the shark will swim by and then go away. Sharks are very persistent as that clip showed.
GrounDLifteR - 8 years ago
They should only get some shocking devices not a freakin harpoon
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge - 8 years ago
+Moi Moi
That's....interesting.  I had no idea. I didn't realize it came from pressurized air......I assumed it was the nitrogen already in your body. I'm corrected, then......
Moi Moi
Moi Moi - 8 years ago
The guy who shoots the shark does not dive with a air tank. I dive in apnea. So no decompression. And the shark probably would not have attacked it if he had not shot it . So : score is 1 for all
Redlock3 - 8 years ago
NightFire201 it's not that easy to escape.
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge - 8 years ago
(Whoops......turns out I was only right about this to the extent that it affects divers who use tanks.....not free divers)

When you dive past a certain depth, you have to return to the surface slowly and wait specific amounts of time at specific depths otherwise you will develop something called "decompression sickness" or, the "bends" which is when the change in pressure causes bubbles to form in your blood that can easily do permanent damage and even kill you. Airliners are pressurized for this same reason.

If you Google "the bends" I'm sure you'll find a much better explanation than mine.
xheppelin - 8 years ago
Small tip, on your channel; click on the gear button next to the subscribe button, and turn on "Customize the layout of your channel" and if you want to "Show discussion tab"
I think your channel has potential, if you add this and keep making content regularly then you might get some places.
Extreme Videos
Extreme Videos - 8 years ago
Thanks man! I did both of those things. I'll upload weekly or maybe even more frequently and hopefully this channel does well :)

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