SHARK ATTACK! - Playstation VR "Shark Encounter" Gameplay

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SHARK ATTACK! - Playstation VR "Shark Encounter" Gameplay sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5111

Shark videos 8 years ago 10,828,293 views

Leave a 'Like' if you guys want more VR gameplay on the channel! ● CHELS TRYING THE SHARK GAME: Check out my vlog channel: Check out my main channel: Follow my primary twitter: Follow the TmarTn2 twitter: Like me on Facebook: Thank you for watching!

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Most popular comments
for SHARK ATTACK! - Playstation VR "Shark Encounter" Gameplay

VelvetPlayzYT :Gaming,Animating,Memes,And MORE!
VelvetPlayzYT :Gaming,Animating,Memes,And MORE! - 7 years ago
UYA Commando
UYA Commando - 7 years ago
Holy cow 10 mill nice 2018 anyone ?
Clapug Gaming
Clapug Gaming - 7 years ago
Cameryn Garcia
Cameryn Garcia - 7 years ago
Cameryn Garcia
Cameryn Garcia - 7 years ago
Cole Ricken
Cole Ricken - 7 years ago
The rays are manta rays
Jake Austen
Jake Austen - 7 years ago
manta rays and the hangy things are its moth
Thunderheart animations
Thunderheart animations - 7 years ago
It's meters...... I-its meters.. get it right! :,
Dinne Diardi
Dinne Diardi - 7 years ago
7:56 oooo that's really dark

10. comment for SHARK ATTACK! - Playstation VR "Shark Encounter" Gameplay

TeaTime - 7 years ago
2018 anyone ??
Xristos Kesanidis
Xristos Kesanidis - 7 years ago
Why you stopped playing with ya dogs?
GoodKiller5554 Gamer
GoodKiller5554 Gamer - 7 years ago
that screm bro
little wolf
little wolf - 7 years ago
I have that game and also rush of blood when you put the vr on it looks so real it's amazing I had the same reaction
jennie woods
jennie woods - 7 years ago
Dag Rømma
Dag Rømma - 7 years ago
You was scared
The helping dolphin desserts to help me
The helping dolphin desserts to help me - 7 years ago
cool game,,,, STOP taking the Lord's name in Vain!!!!
tonya lee
tonya lee - 7 years ago
I'm crying
tonya lee
tonya lee - 7 years ago
I'm having a pank atak
Zoey Wiktorek
Zoey Wiktorek - 7 years ago
I can’t take sharks not sharks

20. comment for SHARK ATTACK! - Playstation VR "Shark Encounter" Gameplay

Jennifer Struth Simpson
Jennifer Struth Simpson - 7 years ago
My sons friend has be on ps4
Carla the gamer
Carla the gamer - 7 years ago
Susana Rendon
Susana Rendon - 7 years ago
Thumbs up if u are whaching this in 2018
Chris Johnson 10295
Chris Johnson 10295 - 7 years ago
It's meters
HolyVega - 7 years ago
Wow this video blew up outta nowhere
KevinFunniest - 7 years ago
3:49 ● "Whats up Mr. Krabs." ~ Trevor
Mark Mbooh
Mark Mbooh - 7 years ago
Wow cool
MoreLaBonte01 Playz
MoreLaBonte01 Playz - 7 years ago
2018 anyone?
Phoenix Flamer
Phoenix Flamer - 7 years ago
I watched this video a few months ago. I was in my bunk bed watching this around midnight. When the shark charged the cage at 12:30 I got so FREAKING scared that I fell off the top bunk and broke my wrist.
I was just watching this 2 hours ago and got scared at the exact same time by the same thing while walking down some stairs. Fell and *broke the same wrist*. I am now sitting in the hospital waiting to be discharged. Lol. I am laughing so hard Right now
I am just now finishing the video for the first time.
Brayden Mann
Brayden Mann - 7 years ago

30. comment for SHARK ATTACK! - Playstation VR "Shark Encounter" Gameplay

Vape girl
Vape girl - 7 years ago
And now your scrolling in the comments for comfort x
Nathaniel Farrell
Nathaniel Farrell - 7 years ago
Oh that was creepy I just threw my phone at my brother
Catninja - 7 years ago
4:30 i think they are called mantines or devil rays or something
Nate the metalhead
Nate the metalhead - 7 years ago
Game or not I wouldn't be able,to play this...I have a fear of the ocean and sharks
Dalton Cook
Dalton Cook - 7 years ago
do zombie applications
karen aguirre
karen aguirre - 7 years ago
Iful Toxcit gamers
Iful Toxcit gamers - 7 years ago
sports kid
sports kid - 7 years ago
OfficalDolphin - 7 years ago
E & Kam
E & Kam - 7 years ago
Awesome video! im like crying, if you could, subscribe to me and I'll subscribe to you!
Ghost_0007 H
Ghost_0007 H - 7 years ago
Golden R
Golden R - 7 years ago
I forgot the deep volcano,sooooo,
Golden R
Golden R - 7 years ago
But,well,stingray-deadly,crabs-deadly,big carrete fish-deadly,jellyfishes-totaly deadly shark-totaly terrifying deadly
Golden R
Golden R - 7 years ago
Ya right,dude
Liam M
Liam M - 7 years ago
Liam M
Liam M - 7 years ago
this vr game is cool, i like sharks and under water!!!
xxSATURNxx - 7 years ago
I really enjoyed this! Definitely getting one!!!!!
Alex Ecarma
Alex Ecarma - 7 years ago
Hot magma
Alex Ecarma
Alex Ecarma - 7 years ago
That red stuff is magma hor magma
My friend you could literally get up and look over the edge it is crazy
Brian Ware
Brian Ware - 7 years ago
How do you get this game

50. comment for SHARK ATTACK! - Playstation VR "Shark Encounter" Gameplay

Gianna Merola
Gianna Merola - 7 years ago
Is there an app?
jays4forces - 7 years ago
So we are stuck and we lost comms but there is a jelly fish lol
Mattie Bowman
Mattie Bowman - 7 years ago
I have played this before
misslilymac - 7 years ago
I played this on my dads vr
It’s Kenzie
It’s Kenzie - 7 years ago
If I was him I would of thrown the vr system run and say HOLLY FUDGE, NO
asmr glitter
asmr glitter - 7 years ago
my dad has the VR
Anthony C
Anthony C - 7 years ago
I had. a Sam had saut
Erica Svuba
Erica Svuba - 7 years ago
The red stuff was Volcaneoes
Kayla Stevenson
Kayla Stevenson - 7 years ago
So I have a major question when we buy a vr could we just buy the headset or do we have to buy camera and hand things too?
Isabella Amaral
Isabella Amaral - 7 years ago
This game is so scary I'm scared of sharks
Leana Gallagher
Leana Gallagher - 7 years ago
Gracie Games
Gracie Games - 7 years ago
He should have been standing up so u feel like ur in the cage.
Gracie Games
Gracie Games - 7 years ago
I played this at my friends house last night and she told me it was on coral reef (one without the shark) and I was facing the wrong way when he came but I heard a bang so turned around and saw him ripping the thing off and I no joke felt like i was there you don’t get it so I literally screamed (then shut my mouth coz I thought I was under water XDD) and her dad came down and told us off coz it was like 3am and we woke her lil brother up oops Edit: also before the shark came there was sting ray and I thought they were gonna eat me for some reason so I was acting all tough but my eyes were closed the whole time xd
Misty Johnston
Misty Johnston - 7 years ago
Giano12345678 - 7 years ago
Cool vid bro
lps lover 300
lps lover 300 - 7 years ago
It's like 47 meters down
murali 1974
murali 1974 - 7 years ago
play IGI
Issac Balderas
Issac Balderas - 7 years ago
That shark got wrecked bad!! XD
Julien Xy
Julien Xy - 7 years ago
when I played this I didn't expect sharks and I could not open my eyes I was so scared someone told me before the game started look out for the sharks...
LutscherToni - 7 years ago
@10:32 the shark encounter starts
Rebeka Ramos
Rebeka Ramos - 7 years ago
looks real I love it.
Rebeka Ramos
Rebeka Ramos - 7 years ago
looks real I love it.
Rebeka Ramos
Rebeka Ramos - 7 years ago
looks real I love it
Jordan Baker
Jordan Baker - 7 years ago
Mattybraps and Jacob sartorious get into a plane crash.....

Who survives? Our ears.
GTR FTW11 - 7 years ago
13.37 mad me die
Xavier Alanis
Xavier Alanis - 7 years ago
The shark had a full shot to get you
BROOKE MINAJ - 7 years ago
How do you walk??
Guest 666 p
Guest 666 p - 7 years ago
the VR si Cool.
Ilona Kalėdienė
Ilona Kalėdienė - 7 years ago
Althea Ashman
Althea Ashman - 7 years ago
anas Anous
anas Anous - 7 years ago
Chelsea Buskirk
Chelsea Buskirk - 7 years ago
Do more
just a pekin duck
just a pekin duck - 7 years ago
Can someone please tell me what this game is called
Brax - 7 years ago
10:45 is when the shark arrives.
Nash Lantey
Nash Lantey - 7 years ago
Brax oh god thank YOU SO MUCH
Shannon Thomas
Shannon Thomas - 7 years ago
The gelly fish were so pretty
ASH JeNSen - 7 years ago
The shark took your door. That was funny
Claudia Munoz
Claudia Munoz - 7 years ago
loved it freaked me out!!!!!!!!
Tichina Dunkley
Tichina Dunkley - 7 years ago
Makoonz 78
Makoonz 78 - 7 years ago
The Unspeakable Minor
The Unspeakable Minor - 7 years ago
this is like jaws #jawsLife
Autumn Keefhaver
Autumn Keefhaver - 7 years ago
I tried this demo at best buy the other day on. before i tried it i thought yeah right this is gonna suck just like the other headsets ive used. i swear i wanted to reach out and touch all the sea creatures. it was so awesome, only thing i recommend is dont try it out if you have a headache because it will make it worse. i recommend this game to anyone, it is an trip for sure.
RyLee_ Arts
RyLee_ Arts - 7 years ago
Please do more VR!
elley Welch
elley Welch - 7 years ago
so cool
Cookie Pets
Cookie Pets - 7 years ago
The sting rays with the flabs are called manta ray
Trystyan Carter
Trystyan Carter - 7 years ago
I have that
jphirya - 7 years ago
Mataray=hangy downy flappy thingy
lps hunajatassu :3
lps hunajatassu :3 - 7 years ago
Cool and creepy
Jonathan Persaud
Jonathan Persaud - 7 years ago
Your not looking around properly
Zinon Stamoulis
Zinon Stamoulis - 7 years ago
Watch that funny reaction of my mum
Braćala Vanily
Braćala Vanily - 7 years ago

Thank me later

100. comment for SHARK ATTACK! - Playstation VR "Shark Encounter" Gameplay

Alex Murphy
Alex Murphy - 7 years ago
I'm buying the VR tomorrow bro
nancy romano
nancy romano - 7 years ago
Cooper is so cute I have a dog just like him her name is Susie but she’s a mini Golden retriever
Nicholas Neish
Nicholas Neish - 7 years ago
Vr is so cool wow i have one to bro same as you wow l'ameo
Will Hillman
Will Hillman - 7 years ago
i got one for christmas let my little brother try the shark game he does not want anything to do qith it no more
Lays Lover
Lays Lover - 7 years ago
My favorite word of the video is "DID HE JUST BURP"
Stephanie Garza
Stephanie Garza - 7 years ago
Hey bro.
Gabie Huntley
Gabie Huntley - 7 years ago
What’s a torpedo
WolfXxX_ Gamer
WolfXxX_ Gamer - 7 years ago
12:0 did he just burp!?
WolfXxX_ Gamer
WolfXxX_ Gamer - 7 years ago
Sorry 12:07
chuck Doyle
chuck Doyle - 7 years ago
Andrew  Stevens
Andrew Stevens - 7 years ago
Wow your a total douche man
D0XY - 7 years ago
thats the chair i use
john paul magno
john paul magno - 7 years ago
Bro you dont need the air kit. Its just a vr but, if its real life then.... oh well
john paul magno
john paul magno - 7 years ago
Oh my gosh like the shark could just go in
john paul magno
john paul magno - 7 years ago
Good thing thats not real
Anna Servellon
Anna Servellon - 7 years ago
That's so awesome
Anna Servellon
Anna Servellon - 7 years ago
Sydney Morris
Sydney Morris - 7 years ago
When I was a little kid I would have nightmares of being in the ocean with sharks
Eva Figueroa
Eva Figueroa - 7 years ago
sharks are in Mexico
julianna kyla D. romitman
julianna kyla D. romitman - 7 years ago
sans the skele-pup
sans the skele-pup - 7 years ago
I feel like this shark is based on the megaladon
steve vansant
steve vansant - 7 years ago
subsribed love the video!
Emma Epp
Emma Epp - 7 years ago
Dude I have that guys yall know that guy that fought of that shark thats my brother
Carson Leonard
Carson Leonard - 7 years ago
it is a manta ray
kevin thorman
kevin thorman - 7 years ago
How can I plau this game
Ok k
Ok k - 7 years ago
The VR IS so cool
Keira Rheault-flegel
Keira Rheault-flegel - 7 years ago
I have the game
And vr
Dirtroad D
Dirtroad D - 7 years ago
the vr is amazingly real feeling. especially the scary games I swear its like your really there. make sure wear the headphones
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan - 7 years ago
I've got 1 of these
George Goldby
George Goldby - 7 years ago
Just got the vr for Christmas how many likes can I get
George Giannopoulos ZL1 2015 2017
George Giannopoulos ZL1 2015 2017 - 7 years ago
is very nice realistic i play today VR
Zapper Gaming
Zapper Gaming - 7 years ago
4:36 is a mantaray
Funtime Foxy
Funtime Foxy - 7 years ago
I'm gonna get nightmares now
Funtime Foxy
Funtime Foxy - 7 years ago
Mommy mommy I'm scared I want my mommy this is scary I'm scared
Edith Couch
Edith Couch - 7 years ago
I am
Edith Couch
Edith Couch - 7 years ago
Lucas Kempin
Lucas Kempin - 7 years ago
Sick vr
Jacoby Booth
Jacoby Booth - 7 years ago
4:31 it’s called a stingray
Layton Bench
Layton Bench - 7 years ago
Layton Bench
Layton Bench - 7 years ago
Layton Bench
Layton Bench - 7 years ago
Layton Bench
Layton Bench - 7 years ago
Tanner Notter
Tanner Notter - 7 years ago
I'm sick from the VR thing I have
Tonee Simmons
Tonee Simmons - 7 years ago
it was not scary it was cringy
Anto Vipro EO
Anto Vipro EO - 7 years ago
Good thx you walkam
iiOmqItsGabby RBLX
iiOmqItsGabby RBLX - 7 years ago
Emma Stone
Emma Stone - 7 years ago
I tried this out at GameStop yesterday, it was awesome!! I got a bit anxious when it went in the darkness lol
Brian Garon
Brian Garon - 7 years ago
THIS LOOKS FUN! However I'm poor so I guess i'll be resigned to my mario 64.
B Deeter
B Deeter - 7 years ago
Guarand galaxy tell game episode 5
JarmanVI And minecraf
JarmanVI And minecraf - 7 years ago
That is box jellyfish
Gordon Shaw
Gordon Shaw - 7 years ago
I love sharks
Sophi Awesome
Sophi Awesome - 7 years ago
thumbs up if your b day is soon
this is my name _-_-
this is my name _-_- - 7 years ago
Maggie The Gymnast
Maggie The Gymnast - 7 years ago
If you are scared, you’re with me.
Alissa Painter
Alissa Painter - 7 years ago
He screams like a girl
Taliah Sheets
Taliah Sheets - 7 years ago
The sting rays were circling him
minecraft girl
minecraft girl - 7 years ago
Theo Lizza
Theo Lizza - 7 years ago
minecraft girl wow.. That was a big reaction
mateo _gamer 365
mateo _gamer 365 - 7 years ago
pinche loco
my roblox family time
my roblox family time - 7 years ago
that shark is fat
Joshua Shepherd
Joshua Shepherd - 7 years ago
Same here
Arctic Blaze
Arctic Blaze - 7 years ago
Yoooo my names conner!
Leroy Yorke
Leroy Yorke - 7 years ago
Aaaaaah the caj is rusty aaaa jaws is comeing for you aaa
Team EKSO - 7 years ago
SUZANA JOVANOVIC - 7 years ago
Mika - 7 years ago
Just another day in tha Office :-)
Stephanie Vervaart
Stephanie Vervaart - 7 years ago
12:27 what would you do in this situation
Br Ee
Br Ee - 7 years ago
Hey I have that same game that’s cool how you had the same game too
Brandi Raulerson
Brandi Raulerson - 7 years ago
rip arya the dog you belonged to dwarf mamba
Shad Ebinger
Shad Ebinger - 7 years ago
Looks too cartoonish.
LittleMidget - 7 years ago
On Halloween day I tried the exact same VR as yours, and I’m gonna say.. It was super scary..
Andres Gonzalez
Andres Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Like si no hablas ingles.
marlene Reyes
marlene Reyes - 7 years ago
the vr is so cool
Charles Carrier
Charles Carrier - 7 years ago
i have already done it, it was just amazing
Kamy Playz
Kamy Playz - 7 years ago
Those r manta rays
Amy Roman
Amy Roman - 7 years ago
your so cool and funny
Thomaself360 The typical vloger /gaming
Thomaself360 The typical vloger /gaming - 7 years ago
If you are 6 or 5 watching this you might not know that
Thomaself360 The typical vloger /gaming
Thomaself360 The typical vloger /gaming - 7 years ago
And they eat seals
Thomaself360 The typical vloger /gaming
Thomaself360 The typical vloger /gaming - 7 years ago
Sharks are not very bad they think humans are seals
lynsey delaune
lynsey delaune - 7 years ago
Emilly Morais
Emilly Morais - 7 years ago
Emilly modais.
lynsey delaune
lynsey delaune - 7 years ago
I’m i
Emily Rebollar
Emily Rebollar - 7 years ago
12:45 who is up
Aubrey Peck
Aubrey Peck - 7 years ago
Ur omar sebile
Emmy 0765
Emmy 0765 - 7 years ago
Sooo cool
Iliasa Milana Sultanova
Iliasa Milana Sultanova - 7 years ago
Hanging downy flappy thinges
E Tor
E Tor - 7 years ago
10:45 is when the spooky shark shows up
Pewdipie Jr
Pewdipie Jr - 7 years ago
I did this one

I’m never going in the ocean again
For Ipad
For Ipad - 7 years ago
Need yakeen : means faith
Zac Hay
Zac Hay - 7 years ago
this is why scuba divers usually bring guns
Jack Smith
Jack Smith - 7 years ago
Dis is acc calm
Linglbc - 7 years ago
I played this it took forever to reach the shark
Jay Colt Peña
Jay Colt Peña - 7 years ago
Dont ever say bad words so that I can watch you
Italooo - 7 years ago
hey man, are you using ps4 pro? or the normal ps4? and what is the immersion scale, on a scale of 0 to 10, what is the immersion?
Denise Ray
Denise Ray - 7 years ago
Denise Ray
Denise Ray - 7 years ago
Those are mantras not handy downy flappy things
Toby Berrett
Toby Berrett - 7 years ago
this is why i HATE the sea and why i wound never go scub
a dying
Rhys McConville
Rhys McConville - 7 years ago
Your a pussy I played that and I'm 9 ya pussy!!!!!!!!!!
Vanessa Honey Blogging
Vanessa Honey Blogging - 7 years ago
I did the same vr game I was scared of that shark I left in tears it felt real
yu gi oh fan
yu gi oh fan - 7 years ago
vr is scary when you put it on scary games
DU Recorderfan
DU Recorderfan - 7 years ago
its a freaking great white shark
TopsPro Muffin
TopsPro Muffin - 7 years ago
Brylle Ayson
Brylle Ayson - 7 years ago
Vr is super super amazing
Brylle Ayson
Brylle Ayson - 7 years ago
Maria Sanchez
Maria Sanchez - 7 years ago
Bro this is dope VR is lite
Mia Worden
Mia Worden - 7 years ago
I love watching VR vids.
jay mendoza
jay mendoza - 7 years ago
I cant aford this
Annette Belanger
Annette Belanger - 7 years ago
Hawk_490 - 7 years ago
i want sharks to go extinct SHARK FIN SOUP
Fitzies - 7 years ago
Lizard Squad
Lizard Squad - 7 years ago
Savy Savy
Savy Savy - 7 years ago
Tmar you went all the way to the midnight zone!
Mia Harrison
Mia Harrison - 7 years ago
i was kinda scared he would die
rembrant34 - 7 years ago
Pass the bong. This could be fun.
Richie Ramos
Richie Ramos - 7 years ago
Dat VR iz dope
Anthony Villareal
Anthony Villareal - 7 years ago
Kaylee mystic12
Kaylee mystic12 - 7 years ago
This JAWS on a new level!
Matthew Freye
Matthew Freye - 7 years ago
“That’s my air canister bro!”
Matthew Freye
Matthew Freye - 7 years ago
Bro, you’re awesome! Hahaha! Love it man.
francisco jimenez
francisco jimenez - 7 years ago
Brittany : I hate sharks. I love UNICORNS!!!!!!!
Oblivion Woolf
Oblivion Woolf - 7 years ago
"I don't think I've ever seen those handy downy flappy things."
That there's a manta ray, son haha
Great video! Beautiful graphics!!
Alayna Allen
Alayna Allen - 7 years ago
This is why you should never go on a cruise for vacation
ITS_ SHIN - 7 years ago
nooo im so scar!
Youssef Eleraki
Youssef Eleraki - 7 years ago
Christopher McGarry
Christopher McGarry - 7 years ago
Dude this video was class do more plz it's so good
Enard Gamer
Enard Gamer - 7 years ago
If you see one on the beach run and cry for help to the cops because its really toxic
Leah Govan
Leah Govan - 7 years ago
I could watch these jelly fish all day
elz 123
elz 123 - 7 years ago
I've played this before

I caraped myself
kitty girl:3
kitty girl:3 - 7 years ago
I live in Michigan we have no salt water so no sharks
Yuksa - 7 years ago
TheFrogIncident - 7 years ago
Someone should make waterproof vr so you could do it underwater
Hege Anita Nilsen
Hege Anita Nilsen - 7 years ago
Great whites are surface predators not deep sea predators
Celine Miel
Celine Miel - 7 years ago
KawaiiPanda123 - 7 years ago
I did this with my almost boyfriend (who we both admitted liking eachother and send hearts too) and we both screamed like girls, even knowing i am a girl XD
Normis LT
Normis LT - 7 years ago
Its so scary!
Natasha Sands
Natasha Sands - 7 years ago
What would happen if he had gotten eaten?!?
m-n-ice - 7 years ago
Pushpa Sunwar
Pushpa Sunwar - 7 years ago
Heyyy I call my friend JJ
Denton Offutt
Denton Offutt - 7 years ago
You scared under water blue ocean
Jaide Robison
Jaide Robison - 7 years ago
It I a proven fact that sharks attack from below there for this game has crappy logic annddd it is also proven sharks only swim forward and in this we saw alot of fast turns witch is impossible for sharks
Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons
Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons - 7 years ago
Does no one bother to realize that if a human ever dived that deep without a sub, their head would blow from the pressure.
Cinata - 7 years ago
That was fun.
Monsterboy2341 - 7 years ago
Ok the game devs really made the Great White a lot more aggressive than they really are
Austin  Perkins
Austin Perkins - 7 years ago
14:01 Boulder Ex-Machina! Anyone who watches "Cinema Sins" will get that reference.
Sophia and Ciara
Sophia and Ciara - 7 years ago
I have a VR to
Lacy Saltzman
Lacy Saltzman - 7 years ago
He should have done it standing up that would have been more fun
Sarah Presnell
Sarah Presnell - 7 years ago
I want one of these so bad
Abigail Flores
Abigail Flores - 7 years ago
It’s like 47 meters down
nimble candy 6336
nimble candy 6336 - 7 years ago
When the shark flies over the cage:
Me: Oh that's nothing
When the shark bites the cage the first time:
When the shark bites the cage to second time:
When the sharks comes in the cage:
Me:OMG OMG Passes out
Wolfinkapantera 8910
Wolfinkapantera 8910 - 7 years ago
Jellyfish!!! I'm a bit afraid of them, but they looks so beautiful in the darkness <333
teddy ninja
teddy ninja - 7 years ago
They are danceing win and sting ray sees a humen it dances to jret
Bobby Allen Laster
Bobby Allen Laster - 7 years ago
It's meters
Moira Damberger
Moira Damberger - 7 years ago
Sharks are not mean my dad pets sharks.
Syacey Brunson
Syacey Brunson - 7 years ago
im outcha movin my head to.smh
Kamalu Reyes
Kamalu Reyes - 7 years ago
can you give me a vr
Sandy Turner
Sandy Turner - 7 years ago
I have a vr
Krazy Kitty
Krazy Kitty - 7 years ago
10:45 thank me later
Krazy Kitty
Krazy Kitty - 7 years ago
omg this reminded me of 47 meters down
Devanhy Mendez
Devanhy Mendez - 7 years ago
Krazy Kitty ya you each it buds
Amazing Coolgirl
Amazing Coolgirl - 7 years ago
So scared to watch
kev dar
kev dar - 7 years ago
Ive played that at my mums cousin play station VR
Sarah Bixler
Sarah Bixler - 7 years ago
I saw 47 meters down the shark movie where the cage cables break and there stranded on the bottom of the ocean then the day after that my older cousin made me play this VR and told me that it was calm .... Then a shark came
Katryn Yevtukh
Katryn Yevtukh - 7 years ago
Hange Downey flappy things
Liz Lochan
Liz Lochan - 7 years ago
Pasta cut receipe
Ross Thompson
Ross Thompson - 7 years ago
On the leg
Ross Thompson
Ross Thompson - 7 years ago
I've gotten stung by a jellyfish that was 5 feet long
Clo Wat
Clo Wat - 7 years ago
10:40 is when the shark comes
Shelia Chambers
Shelia Chambers - 7 years ago
I'm a kid no cursing
Paul Clarke
Paul Clarke - 7 years ago
If you get stung by a jellyfish you have to pee on yourself
bob hay
bob hay - 7 years ago
this is scary demo that shark looks freaky in vr
mark turner
mark turner - 7 years ago
graphics look crap
T.S.V.A -
T.S.V.A - - 7 years ago
Let's play the floor is lava... every like survives
Mia Harrison
Mia Harrison - 7 years ago
if this was real he would actually die but in a lucky chance to survive but still this VR is cool
Cami Xoxo
Cami Xoxo - 7 years ago
13:59 I'm going to get you! Hit him Ricky ! really Ricky
Jacq C
Jacq C - 7 years ago
DID HE JUST BURP?! I lol'd so hard!
Amelia Lind
Amelia Lind - 7 years ago
Not for me I'm afraid of darkness deep waters and sharks
Alyssa Torres
Alyssa Torres - 7 years ago
hangy downy flappy things XD
Sue Archer
Sue Archer - 7 years ago
Just imagine if it was on like a movie theater screen like if it would give u anxiety
Melissa Abeldano
Melissa Abeldano - 7 years ago
That’s odd sharks can’t swim back words
The_Binie Bros
The_Binie Bros - 7 years ago
Melissa Abeldano duh it’s vr
Vaporia [Vaporeon XYZ]
Vaporia [Vaporeon XYZ] - 7 years ago
Are you scared
Amelia Harris
Amelia Harris - 7 years ago
Iv already told myself that I'm never ever going to scubadive
kingmason 6109
kingmason 6109 - 7 years ago
Tmar what his pants
Amelia Harris
Amelia Harris - 7 years ago
jam jam
jam jam - 7 years ago
this is awesome my friend wants a vr
S-T- V
S-T- V - 7 years ago
The rays u saw are called Eagle Rays!
Relly Rell
Relly Rell - 7 years ago
So cool
I am his friend
My name is lui channel Deser
My name is lui channel Deser - 7 years ago
In first person mode
Pauline Lacap
Pauline Lacap - 7 years ago
I sub and like
Kelly Perdue
Kelly Perdue - 7 years ago
Anjolina Galvao
Anjolina Galvao - 7 years ago
its actually magma.
Krislyn  Rodriguez
Krislyn Rodriguez - 7 years ago
I got scared when the shark came
Zoey Gillen
Zoey Gillen - 7 years ago
I actual feel like I'm seeing this 4:47 isn't that the point
henry watt
henry watt - 7 years ago
Josiah Ortiz
Josiah Ortiz - 7 years ago
i would pee my pants a lot
Josiah Ortiz
Josiah Ortiz - 7 years ago
I would pee my pants a lot
xtreme gamer
xtreme gamer - 7 years ago
Sarah Rankin
Sarah Rankin - 7 years ago
They are really rear
Sarah Rankin
Sarah Rankin - 7 years ago
The rays are manta rays
Amaya Kuroski
Amaya Kuroski - 7 years ago
I admit that when I saw the shark attack I screamed and threw my phone. Oops.......
Xpert Warrior 007
Xpert Warrior 007 - 7 years ago
Amaya Kuroski Lmfao
Rosalinda Cruz
Rosalinda Cruz - 7 years ago
Nice game
Sarah Gaston
Sarah Gaston - 7 years ago
Have you ever seen 47 meter down
Katarina Luning
Katarina Luning - 7 years ago
11:14 IM DIEING!!!!
Angelica Rope
Angelica Rope - 7 years ago
Gettin one for xmas.
The grillby In Undertale
The grillby In Undertale - 7 years ago
It doesn't even look like a shark... it looks like the "Megalodon"
Which other scientists think they are extinct and still unknown.
Cheyann Morgan
Cheyann Morgan - 7 years ago
I love how they say something huge is swimming down there and they keep putting him closer to it
sonny andasan
sonny andasan - 7 years ago
can i have vr to?
CountessAmerica or GIFfany
CountessAmerica or GIFfany - 7 years ago
headphone warning..
Tamerah Robinson
Tamerah Robinson - 7 years ago
Its sooo pretty
Omg Herobrineisthere
Omg Herobrineisthere - 7 years ago
Millie Monahan
Millie Monahan - 7 years ago
Watch me never become a marine bioligist
KitKat :3
KitKat :3 - 7 years ago
It may just be me, but I think these sharks have horrible aim.
foxy th pirate fox 420
foxy th pirate fox 420 - 7 years ago
This looks like 47 miders down
blackhud 303 opposite
blackhud 303 opposite - 7 years ago
Siri the phone
Siri the phone - 7 years ago
Avichai Francis
Avichai Francis - 7 years ago
Those weird looking crabs are king crabs
GalaxyzPlayz xz
GalaxyzPlayz xz - 7 years ago
Play Duck Season
Iyaki Yamashiro
Iyaki Yamashiro - 7 years ago
But I didn’t make a vid
Iyaki Yamashiro
Iyaki Yamashiro - 7 years ago
I played that Before and holy it scared me
Lina Nolasco
Lina Nolasco - 7 years ago
Super cool bro how much that?
Vannessa Play Toys
Vannessa Play Toys - 7 years ago
Like your videos it's so good you don't talk to much!
Dfast Banana
Dfast Banana - 7 years ago
He is not paying attention when there talking!
Robert Riley
Robert Riley - 7 years ago
Kiera Compton
Kiera Compton - 7 years ago
I am afraid of shark a lot their was lots of anxiety in this video for me when I'm in a swimming pool I look back because I think it's behind me!
George Deal
George Deal - 7 years ago
Plz stop saying sh
Stephen 1982
Stephen 1982 - 7 years ago
You got away from the shark but you now have the bends. You are probably going to die anyways.
George Deal
George Deal - 7 years ago
You did it agein
George Deal
George Deal - 7 years ago
Like so shark can see plz
George Deal
George Deal - 7 years ago
09sharkboy at the time 6:30 you seas the sh word
요하너ᅵ스ᄋ - 7 years ago
Why even put your face in the video if it's just you looking around with a massive VR system planted in your face
Joe Martin
Joe Martin - 7 years ago
I played this to
Siky dosntcare
Siky dosntcare - 7 years ago
omg don't give me memories I played the game its not ok
jade9963 aj
jade9963 aj - 7 years ago
I don't know is real???
jade9963 aj
jade9963 aj - 7 years ago
Is a megalodon
Iviwe Z
Iviwe Z - 7 years ago
Wow VR seems cool
AudreyIsMeh YT
AudreyIsMeh YT - 7 years ago
They jellyfishes are like.."WERE GONNA SAVE YOU!!! :3"
Lexi 2926
Lexi 2926 - 7 years ago
They are manta rays
Lily Flores
Lily Flores - 7 years ago
The VR is So Awesome
Mr. Pututuy
Mr. Pututuy - 7 years ago
this is crazy!
young goon
young goon - 7 years ago
This youtuber money hungry
AudreyTheSadPotato - 7 years ago
Oh there's two... WOAH
Grayson Tipton
Grayson Tipton - 7 years ago
I've seen bigger rays
ethan garrido
ethan garrido - 7 years ago
+1 new subscriber
ethan garrido
ethan garrido - 7 years ago
ethan garrido
ethan garrido - 7 years ago
The girl: what’s going on down there?!

Dhrea Jaymes
Dhrea Jaymes - 7 years ago
12:22 good part
Darkrai Guy
Darkrai Guy - 7 years ago
It's a mantaray not a stingray
bendyprissy - 7 years ago
This is should see it for real!
Daberkinggg The Robloxian
Daberkinggg The Robloxian - 7 years ago
Like me if you love roblox i love it and search me im daberkinggg
Kakashi Hatake
Kakashi Hatake - 7 years ago
Emmanuel Roman no one cares
OSleif the CAT
OSleif the CAT - 7 years ago
Ok, I will
Zeuxain - 7 years ago
Emmanuel Roman shut up no one cares
Dwayne Bridges
Dwayne Bridges - 7 years ago
I did not wach i listens im scared to wach
khurram khan
khurram khan - 7 years ago
i dont have a VR :(
Zoey Van Ginkel
Zoey Van Ginkel - 7 years ago
2:16 Reach for the fish!! I know I can!!!
Stacey Young
Stacey Young - 7 years ago
Wow people have made this world so much better
Lee13blogs - 7 years ago
11:11 atacks
Fiona Tan
Fiona Tan - 7 years ago
Enny Urbaez
Enny Urbaez - 7 years ago
I have don that VR game before I love the tree sixty view
Aladoar - 7 years ago
“Hangy downy flappy things”
Michael Hicks
Michael Hicks - 7 years ago
oh man hes lurking and turking out there
Justin Carver
Justin Carver - 7 years ago
imma gonna have nightmares arent I...
Justin Carver
Justin Carver - 7 years ago
I gotta extreme fear of sharks trying to get rid of it wit exposure. bad idea eh
Tristan Jonesfunky
Tristan Jonesfunky - 7 years ago
The Pack
The Pack - 7 years ago
Cool vid keep it up!!
Imogen Louise
Imogen Louise - 7 years ago
this is scary I was sweating watching it
Papi dave99
Papi dave99 - 7 years ago
I love your vedo it so great and I sub to your vedo
ninjamaster 9134
ninjamaster 9134 - 7 years ago
Xd the sharked burped
Ava Brewer
Ava Brewer - 7 years ago
dragon fist It. Is. Shark. Burped
ninjamaster 9134
ninjamaster 9134 - 7 years ago
Milked the blood
Just Humans
Just Humans - 7 years ago
Hangy downy flappy things. I can't believe you haven't seen those!
Just Humans
Just Humans - 7 years ago
Oh also, this is too deep for someone in the ocean to survive in a cage. Sorry that I love science...
BobbieJo Limones
BobbieJo Limones - 7 years ago
seeing the manta rays made me feel so peaceful
Tyzoin MC Gaming
Tyzoin MC Gaming - 7 years ago
Sharks are not that hostile
jacqueline morais
jacqueline morais - 7 years ago
Soooooooooo cool
Anthony Zinni
Anthony Zinni - 7 years ago
I want one!!!
Sophia Yu
Sophia Yu - 7 years ago
Sophia Yu
Sophia Yu - 7 years ago
I'm only gonna say a lot because i'm trying to hide in the comments .-.
Sam Jackson
Sam Jackson - 7 years ago
can you make your pall scard in that shark game
Gamer Lit
Gamer Lit - 7 years ago
10:45 for shark attack
r.i.n.a - 7 years ago
like I'm so scared of the ocean
r.i.n.a - 7 years ago
I'm scared of small sharks in the aquarium
Umbreon XoX
Umbreon XoX - 7 years ago
When the shark got hit my the rock i died! :D lololol
Jakaya Welch
Jakaya Welch - 7 years ago
Valenda Nazarek
Valenda Nazarek - 7 years ago
I just got one of those and I am 9 and I DID that game and I was just about to get bitten by a shark but the power went out I am not lieing
Coconut Lovers
Coconut Lovers - 7 years ago
Shark at 10:45 like if I helped
Taco of games
Taco of games - 7 years ago
I've been in a virtual reality thing and it was really scary because there was a girl with a white dress with a knife and cut my neck
Fatoom Life
Fatoom Life - 7 years ago
I have played the game
Hufflepuff Lxve
Hufflepuff Lxve - 7 years ago
“Those hangy downy flappy things”
Marta H
Marta H - 7 years ago
Pleas do more video about super mario odissey
Subscribe to Me
Subscribe to Me - 7 years ago
Who came just for the shark attack
Toylover 09
Toylover 09 - 7 years ago
Who thinks he should to the sinking of the Titanic like if you agree
Eeveecorn Yay
Eeveecorn Yay - 7 years ago
Mangledons were the biggest sharks in the world, you would need 7 great whites to get the size of a Mangledon.
They’re extinct sadly. 12:22 for intense situation
PrcPride1 - 7 years ago
Never use those tin can cages. They antagonize sharks & take it as a challenge.
صمت القلب
صمت القلب - 7 years ago
John Paul Tercio
John Paul Tercio - 7 years ago
i want vr
Niraj kumar
Niraj kumar - 7 years ago
Hello sir are we meeting with you tomorrow tomorrow on Friday night I have a meeting at my office at about five or
Snixers - 7 years ago
I don’t want to get radiated
Kristin & Audrey
Kristin & Audrey - 7 years ago
when will the sharks come
Nolan Ridley
Nolan Ridley - 7 years ago
Those are not rays there man manarrays
Isaiah Howard
Isaiah Howard - 7 years ago
The VR is so cool.
Sandy Kilman
Sandy Kilman - 7 years ago
Jony Mireles
Jony Mireles - 7 years ago
nino di pieri
nino di pieri - 7 years ago
Isaiah Howard 0 0 yrrs4ete5r
R Savage
R Savage - 7 years ago
Isaiah Howard
Bay is
HH magic
HH magic - 7 years ago
I have it but it's broken
Spit Fire
Spit Fire - 7 years ago
I got it for christmas
RYTIOP PiRKONEN - 7 years ago
Isaiah Howard
Demus Vaquera IV
Demus Vaquera IV - 7 years ago
Isaiah Howard I love the VR
Godfre Deko
Godfre Deko - 7 years ago
Isaiah Howard yea
Adriana Reyes
Adriana Reyes - 7 years ago
Isaiah Howard I know right! I just got one yesterday
Cesar Gonzalez
Cesar Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Ian Tayer
Ian Tayer - 7 years ago
Chase Glasgow
Chase Glasgow - 7 years ago
Isaiah Howard gg
Wyvern Phoxx
Wyvern Phoxx - 7 years ago
Awesome. Have fun dude :D
Johnny Valles
Johnny Valles - 7 years ago
Tara Adams hugumasonx
Johnny Valles
Johnny Valles - 7 years ago
Isaiah Howard ,yhckchducjdhxhxhxhcjj j
Youtubeking Gaming
Youtubeking Gaming - 7 years ago
Isaiah Howard I've done it the shark is sooo scary
PUG - 7 years ago
eric madden
eric madden - 7 years ago
Isaiah Howard r
mom Lindström
mom Lindström - 7 years ago
SWOOP the DINOBOT - 7 years ago
KILLERDUDE5023 I just got one today from black friday. It's awesome it bluetooth connects to your phone and has a controller.
KILLERDUDE5023 - 7 years ago
I'm getting vr in about 8 days because well black friday. I mean it may just be 50$ less but its still a lot compared to original.
Natthaphon Pongkhet
Natthaphon Pongkhet - 7 years ago
Isaiah Howard ii
SLISTIS fummel
SLISTIS fummel - 7 years ago
WolfgamerPRO YT
WolfgamerPRO YT - 7 years ago
Tara Adams
Tara Adams - 7 years ago
i am going to get that vr for chrisms
Lucy Ruhland
Lucy Ruhland - 7 years ago
12:28 shark : "boo"
Dakota Brown
Dakota Brown - 7 years ago
I scared my friend by saying AHHH!
Birdiesreturn331 I.
Birdiesreturn331 I. - 7 years ago
That weird looking crab is a tanning crab I'm from Alaska
Adamski - 7 years ago
how u make your VR full screen ...if you see on mine I got black corners :( pls help?
Nadeiah Walters
Nadeiah Walters - 7 years ago
xxEmmaxx YT
xxEmmaxx YT - 7 years ago
Eva Ray Herrera
Eva Ray Herrera - 7 years ago
This is awesome
Ni Ni Bear
Ni Ni Bear - 7 years ago
My notifications are on
GCS Nerfers
GCS Nerfers - 7 years ago
Alex Tronquet
Alex Tronquet - 7 years ago
everything is Rosy u caught me
malian wolfhatrd
malian wolfhatrd - 7 years ago
Is crazy
Z D - 7 years ago
Hey guys whats the Nausea like with these VR headsets? headaches? How long can you play until you realize you are about to throw up?
czarate189 - 7 years ago
I love you amor kiss. ME
Dagoptar - 7 years ago
How do you record what you're seeing on the screen? If anyone could advise on this I'd be really grateful. Thanks
Ashley Gamer
Ashley Gamer - 7 years ago
Sharks don't know what we are because they can't recognize our smell and can't see us <idk why> so they taste us to see what we are... Sharks actually don't want to hurt use (BTW first time I went into the ocean a small shark like creature came up to me and let me pet it I think it was a tiger shark)
Speed Painter
Speed Painter - 7 years ago
15:32 for shark attack
Soccer Ball
Soccer Ball - 7 years ago
"Oh he took me door, you can have that,, keep it just dont come back..."
Soccer Ball
Soccer Ball - 7 years ago
Soccer Ball
Soccer Ball - 7 years ago
"Homie just took my air canister?!"
DarkDrawingle JAM13
DarkDrawingle JAM13 - 7 years ago
I think the shark just burped
John Portwood
John Portwood - 7 years ago
I am getting. The v.r but not the game
John Portwood
John Portwood - 7 years ago
That shark is friken bull crap
The 3 Sister savages
The 3 Sister savages - 7 years ago
The big sting rays are called devil rays
Riley Sartoruis
Riley Sartoruis - 7 years ago
Here is the replay button 0:00
The Flying Sheep
The Flying Sheep - 7 years ago
Become sP0oKEd
Matilda E. Olmedo
Matilda E. Olmedo - 7 years ago
When those things go around you that means that they are communicating with the sharks
Cheese Pizza
Cheese Pizza - 7 years ago
Those aren’t rays there are mana rays I was in Hawaii and went swimming with em
Zoey's YouTube Channel
Zoey's YouTube Channel - 7 years ago
Who is watching this in 2017

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen those hangy down flappy thing’s”
Queen Mariah Carey
Queen Mariah Carey - 7 years ago
12:25 Start of Shark Attacking the Cage
Laurize Divine Largosa
Laurize Divine Largosa - 7 years ago
AubreyTheGalYT - 7 years ago
Tip:make direct eye contact with a shark to live, slowly back to shore. Urine and Blood attract sharks. Big splashes will make the shark think your prey
AubreyTheGalYT - 7 years ago
Those rays are called Manta Rays They live in groups sometimes and go to feeding grounds sometimes, they travel by currents
Adra Woodyard
Adra Woodyard - 7 years ago
wow thats scary
Adra Woodyard
Adra Woodyard - 7 years ago
47 meters down it's so like it
Livii BlahBlah
Livii BlahBlah - 7 years ago
Their called Manta Rays
L Janz
L Janz - 7 years ago
at 13:30 i was laughing and
OfficalDolphin - 7 years ago
Don’t you mean 12:30?
Kaydence Slater
Kaydence Slater - 7 years ago
L Janz me to
UDudekid - 7 years ago
ik what it feels like I have done VR in derran brown's ghost train!
Logang Pauler
Logang Pauler - 7 years ago
Friend:have you ever seen a shark befor
Me:yeah it was big and it was so scary
Friend:OMGdid it bite
Me:no i took off my V.R glasses befor it could
Freind:WAUT WHAT i thougbt you said you saw one befor
Me:yeah in VR DUH
Dinne Diardi
Dinne Diardi - 7 years ago
Serene Serene
Serene Serene - 7 years ago
Logang Pauler mmbbbbbbb. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Nnnlllllllllllllllkllllllllllllll
Melissa Ruiz
Melissa Ruiz - 7 years ago
Melissa Ruiz
Melissa Ruiz - 7 years ago
Logang Pauler o
helina kamran
helina kamran - 7 years ago
marlene Reyes
marlene Reyes - 7 years ago
Logang Pauler. i have seen a shark bertor
777michelled - 7 years ago
Logang Pauler I'm in the logang
Allea Rafanan
Allea Rafanan - 7 years ago
Logang Pauler hahaha
Javier Eduardo Escobar
Javier Eduardo Escobar - 7 years ago
Maurice Leggon
Maurice Leggon - 7 years ago
That was insane
juanda GAMER7U7
juanda GAMER7U7 - 7 years ago
what game?
Brother Rosa's rich
Brother Rosa's rich - 7 years ago
The shark was long like if Agree
Mushroom Troops
Mushroom Troops - 7 years ago
Well I'm never going in da sea
Lina Rojas
Lina Rojas - 7 years ago
That was cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rosa Becerra
Rosa Becerra - 7 years ago
Shark attack 11:08
Engkong Wahab
Engkong Wahab - 7 years ago
More part 2 plz
Gian Gabriel
Gian Gabriel - 7 years ago
I am so scared of you
Gian Gabriel
Gian Gabriel - 7 years ago
Get ah way in the water
Unicorn Productions
Unicorn Productions - 7 years ago
You scream like a girl lol
Julianne Browne
Julianne Browne - 7 years ago
If i were in that expiriense...i would...THROW OFF MY VR GOGGLES AND RUN AROUND MY HOW LIKE CRAZY!!
Julianne Browne
Julianne Browne - 7 years ago
Oh! More jelly fish!
Julianne Browne
Julianne Browne - 7 years ago
that's weird...only one jelly fish? They're usually in a whole bunch! That's also i lil funny...!
Amber Krueger
Amber Krueger - 7 years ago
Largest shark
King kye Green
King kye Green - 7 years ago
My grandad works for PlayStation and his job is to add detail and code the game to look. Cooler ps check out the VR game job simulator on PlayStation
Itz_Haylie Vlogs
Itz_Haylie Vlogs - 7 years ago
IT'S JAWS!!!!!!!!!
That One Shipper
That One Shipper - 7 years ago
I don't think it cares about your air canister
Nantano ?
Nantano ? - 7 years ago
It's not called a school of jellyfish it's a field of jellyfish
SansGamerz /GodlySharkLegend
SansGamerz /GodlySharkLegend - 7 years ago
(Hits the rock)
Robert Kuca
Robert Kuca - 7 years ago
Best part hey jj
Javy garcia
Javy garcia - 7 years ago
thumbs up if you are watching this in 2017
Elisa Stegall
Elisa Stegall - 7 years ago
Javy garcia 2018
Elder Dragon 34
Elder Dragon 34 - 7 years ago
Nope 2018
Jason Meta
Jason Meta - 7 years ago
Eh, I Prefer 2018
Watermelon Farts
Watermelon Farts - 7 years ago
Javy garcia and thumbs down if you hate these types of comments
Random Abrar
Random Abrar - 7 years ago
Wake up bro, its the year 2099.XD
Heleina Padilla
Heleina Padilla - 7 years ago
Javy garcia a
Max B.
Max B. - 7 years ago
Oyuntsetseg Baast no it's not
Ranjit Dhillon
Ranjit Dhillon - 7 years ago
Javy j
Grace and the unboxing fun
Grace and the unboxing fun - 7 years ago
Javy garcia huh
Mia Harrison
Mia Harrison - 7 years ago
ABBE GAMING - 7 years ago
Javy garcia - Yes, I'm Watching This On Midnight To 19th November!
Oyuntsetseg Baast
Oyuntsetseg Baast - 7 years ago
Javy garcia ahh this is posted on 2017 is in it
Sydney Spurlin
Sydney Spurlin - 7 years ago
William Schmidt
William Schmidt - 7 years ago
Logan Paul
William Schmidt
William Schmidt - 7 years ago
Javy garcia p
Logan Yasss
Logan Yasss - 7 years ago
No its 2020 lol duh
Tess.Slimes - 7 years ago
I've never heard him curse
Daylin B.
Daylin B. - 7 years ago
I was scared
shantae keynes youtuber
shantae keynes youtuber - 7 years ago
So cool I'd do it in real life if I wasn't 11
Nerf Tastic
Nerf Tastic - 7 years ago
Thrilling i got through it gg
Nerf Tastic
Nerf Tastic - 7 years ago
Nerf Tastic
Nerf Tastic - 7 years ago
Nerf Tastic
Nerf Tastic - 7 years ago
Nerf Tastic
Nerf Tastic - 7 years ago
Nerf Tastic
Nerf Tastic - 7 years ago
Nerf Tastic
Nerf Tastic - 7 years ago
Jessica Cabrera
Jessica Cabrera - 7 years ago
This looks fascinating
Tosha Bailey
Tosha Bailey - 7 years ago
no sharks comes at all time stupid
DragonSlayer123 - 7 years ago
I'm watching this while I'm in the bath
lynx cat
lynx cat - 7 years ago
11:07 when the shark comes
Francesca Willis
Francesca Willis - 7 years ago
Shark eating metal cage while i eat Doritos
The Moose Bros t
The Moose Bros t - 7 years ago
45 meter down
Galaxy kitty girl
Galaxy kitty girl - 7 years ago
Galaxy kitty girl
Galaxy kitty girl - 7 years ago
Jake Vlogs
Jake Vlogs - 7 years ago
Nice work dude
ST_ Skull 1004
ST_ Skull 1004 - 7 years ago
kak. erpan...saya mau nanya 1140 itu apa ya..dan biji onta itu apa(??)
fire ball shdoman
fire ball shdoman - 7 years ago
Llama plays
Llama plays - 7 years ago
Rock just saved his life xD
iron_-eliO_o !
iron_-eliO_o ! - 7 years ago
he was going to say hollu crap but he changed it to o my goodness
The Funky Dunks
The Funky Dunks - 7 years ago
this is like 47 meter down
i like sharcks
Cody Jackson
Cody Jackson - 7 years ago
This guy is gonna jizz himself if he ever goes scuba diving. It's just a game dude.
jpz6147 - 7 years ago
why did you say s**t
Skapulartoe 0957
Skapulartoe 0957 - 7 years ago
Кто смотрел версию 2 ставь лайк
Nicole Koviak
Nicole Koviak - 7 years ago
Aileen Tasarra
Aileen Tasarra - 7 years ago
Stephen Sharer
Brandy Wadsworth
Brandy Wadsworth - 7 years ago
Brandy Wadsworth
Brandy Wadsworth - 7 years ago
Rose Banas
Rose Banas - 7 years ago
Wow 10:45 is shark attack
Fortnite To play
Fortnite To play - 7 years ago
Bro the shark is not scary it’s fine
Dylan Halpenny
Dylan Halpenny - 7 years ago
I love I was in water
Janis Paterson
Janis Paterson - 7 years ago
Brilliant video
velocit tii
velocit tii - 7 years ago
this look like 60meters down the movie
I am Groot
I am Groot - 7 years ago
I play this game while taking a bath
Anna Hudgins
Anna Hudgins - 7 years ago
12:33 for full on shark attack XD
Connie Ohern
Connie Ohern - 7 years ago
Here's a tip if you don't say bad words you will get more viewers
kimnamjoonieLP - 7 years ago
There matarays
Kid Biking _adventures
Kid Biking _adventures - 7 years ago
xD the boulder knocked the shark out xD
Varya26 !!!!
Varya26 !!!! - 7 years ago
It started to rip the ??? @ 11:10
PRESIDENT CLAIRE - 7 years ago
10:45 for shark attack
Alansavegking coolguy
Alansavegking coolguy - 7 years ago
I subcribe
Dove Snow
Dove Snow - 7 years ago
Roblox Inaya Mourad
Roblox Inaya Mourad - 7 years ago
Img i am so scarry
JepraX 11
JepraX 11 - 7 years ago
Sharks scares me
JepraX 11
JepraX 11 - 7 years ago
Try megalodon one great white is not that strong
JepraX 11
JepraX 11 - 7 years ago
I did this too!!!!!

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About SHARK ATTACK! - Playstation VR "Shark Encounter" Gameplay

The "SHARK ATTACK! - Playstation VR "Shark Encounter" Gameplay" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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