SHARKS and MINNOWS / That YouTub3 Family

We play sharks and minnows at the park. One person is the shark and everyone else is the minnows. The minnows start on one side of the field and must run to the other side without getting tagged by the shark. If the shark catches a minnow that minnow becomes seaweed. Seaweed can then try to catch minnows too but they must stay in one place. This is a family fun game for children to play in the pool, on the soccer field, or running around at school games. Be #ThatYouTub3FamSquad and get a shoutout in our next weeks video: Follow our Instagram: Copy this link and put it in your bio: Comment on our Instagram Pics We will shout out one person in next weeks video! Please subscribe to be a part of That YouTube Family! We are That YouTub3 Family! "That YouTub3 Family" is a super fun and entertaining family vlog channel. Our daily videos highlight the fun we have as a family. Please subscribe and become a part of our YouTube Family. We do an assortment of videos on this channel such as secret ninja missions, pranks, daily family vlogs, behind the scenes, outrageous challenges, really fun games, and what is that videos where the kids try to guess what an object is. We like to get messy and have tons of fun. Audrey is 18 years old and a senior in high school. Jordan is 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. Jake is 12 years old and in 6th grade. Ty is 8 years old and in 3rd grade. For Business Inquiries Please Email: Our Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6792 N. Logan, Utah 84341 Check out our Sardines Playlist: Check out our Family Game Night Playlist: Check out our Family Challenges Playlist: Our children also have their own YouTube Channels. Please be sure to check them out and subscribe. AllAroundAudrey: JustJordan33: Jake and Ty: Did you enjoy this video? Here are some other videos we think you might like. Operation Slime Challenge: Coke and Mentos Challenge: Lip Retractor Challenge: Fast Food Fondue Challenge: Rainbow Ice Bath Challenge: Never Have I Ever: Twisted Twister: Hungry Hungry Hippos Game Twist: Family Lip Retractor Challenge: FOLLOW US! Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Please Subscribe to be notified when we post another video. Music: “Cartoons For All” by Jay Man “Comical Chase” by Jay Man “Round and Round” by Jay Man “Round in Circles” by Jay Man Thanks For Watching! -That YouTub3 Family

SHARKS and MINNOWS / That YouTub3 Family sentiment_very_dissatisfied 186

Shark videos 7 years ago 665,820 views

We play sharks and minnows at the park. One person is the shark and everyone else is the minnows. The minnows start on one side of the field and must run to the other side without getting tagged by the shark. If the shark catches a minnow that minnow becomes seaweed. Seaweed can then try to catch minnows too but they must stay in one place. This is a family fun game for children to play in the pool, on the soccer field, or running around at school games. Be #ThatYouTub3FamSquad and get a shoutout in our next weeks video: Follow our Instagram: Copy this link and put it in your bio: Comment on our Instagram Pics We will shout out one person in next weeks video! Please subscribe to be a part of That YouTube Family! We are That YouTub3 Family! "That YouTub3 Family" is a super fun and entertaining family vlog channel. Our daily videos highlight the fun we have as a family. Please subscribe and become a part of our YouTube Family. We do an assortment of videos on this channel such as secret ninja missions, pranks, daily family vlogs, behind the scenes, outrageous challenges, really fun games, and what is that videos where the kids try to guess what an object is. We like to get messy and have tons of fun. Audrey is 18 years old and a senior in high school. Jordan is 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. Jake is 12 years old and in 6th grade. Ty is 8 years old and in 3rd grade. For Business Inquiries Please Email: Our Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6792 N. Logan, Utah 84341 Check out our Sardines Playlist: Check out our Family Game Night Playlist: Check out our Family Challenges Playlist: Our children also have their own YouTube Channels. Please be sure to check them out and subscribe. AllAroundAudrey: JustJordan33: Jake and Ty: Did you enjoy this video? Here are some other videos we think you might like. Operation Slime Challenge: Coke and Mentos Challenge: Lip Retractor Challenge: Fast Food Fondue Challenge: Rainbow Ice Bath Challenge: Never Have I Ever: Twisted Twister: Hungry Hungry Hippos Game Twist: Family Lip Retractor Challenge: FOLLOW US! Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Please Subscribe to be notified when we post another video. Music: “Cartoons For All” by Jay Man “Comical Chase” by Jay Man “Round and Round” by Jay Man “Round in Circles” by Jay Man Thanks For Watching! -That YouTub3 Family

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Most popular comments
for SHARKS and MINNOWS / That YouTub3 Family

Daisy Ray
Daisy Ray - 7 years ago
,i love your videos but this game is called balldog i'm not sure if it in America or just England because i'm from the UK
Kaitlyn Flessner
Kaitlyn Flessner - 7 years ago
At our school we start playing this game in 5th grade and call it swim fishy swim. our 5th grade teachers made up the name
Jeffersonlara 12182211mc
Jeffersonlara 12182211mc - 7 years ago
Can you get thatyoutubfam famey10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
the gaming hippo
the gaming hippo - 7 years ago
I call this game spider and flys.
The spider is in the centre and the flies go from one side to the other try g to not get tagged. If they happen to get tagged then they become trappednina web. They can move everything apart from their feet. They have to help the spider catch the other flie
Kylee Kiess
Kylee Kiess - 7 years ago
Jordan is so crazy like me
Debra Balderas
Debra Balderas - 7 years ago
Tia Cunningham
Tia Cunningham - 7 years ago
Jordan was the best shark
Cairo Bentley
Cairo Bentley - 7 years ago
I like this game
Emma Scott
Emma Scott - 7 years ago
That game look really fun I am going to try it with my friends keep up the amazing work

10. comment for SHARKS and MINNOWS / That YouTub3 Family

Arieana Rose
Arieana Rose - 7 years ago
I played that game
Greysen Nation
Greysen Nation - 7 years ago
I think mom did not tag ty in time
PokemonBrickvenPlays - 7 years ago
crystal bretz
crystal bretz - 7 years ago
ho that youtub3 family I just wanted to say when ever im sad you guys cheer me up keep doing the great work
Angie Roset
Angie Roset - 7 years ago
Play man from mars
Vedder Holden
Vedder Holden - 7 years ago
Yes Mom did tag ty
how did they get the top angle
sherniqueify - 7 years ago
Bailee _twilight4life
Bailee _twilight4life - 7 years ago
At school we call it octopus and there's the octopus that is a tagger and everyone else is fish and if you get tug your seaweed but rather than Everyone running randomly we call out people by saying things like " if your wearing red" and if they are they have to run
Ryan Tew
Ryan Tew - 7 years ago

20. comment for SHARKS and MINNOWS / That YouTub3 Family

Jameson Seefeldt
Jameson Seefeldt - 7 years ago
yes mom tag ty
Ava Davies
Ava Davies - 7 years ago
I cheered Ty on
Jayson Williams
Jayson Williams - 7 years ago
This video is amazing
That's called fishy fishy cross the ocean too
Samantha Cadena
Samantha Cadena - 7 years ago
Mom did get Ty
Jimmy Farley
Jimmy Farley - 7 years ago
Yes mom got ty
Lozicles Wc
Lozicles Wc - 7 years ago
You should play bulldog
unlimited content
unlimited content - 7 years ago
Kyra Fortney
Kyra Fortney - 7 years ago
This video is very good
CGN 135
CGN 135 - 7 years ago
The dad can't get that close

30. comment for SHARKS and MINNOWS / That YouTub3 Family

Jesse Hagan
Jesse Hagan - 7 years ago
He got over the line
Hayden-Roblox and More
Hayden-Roblox and More - 7 years ago
Emily Hudson
Emily Hudson - 7 years ago
Btw in England we call this British bull dog the only difference is that the people who get caught don't stay in the same place they run around getting them to
Angelina Contreras
Angelina Contreras - 7 years ago
You are not fast
Anwar B
Anwar B - 7 years ago
I am. Grtie
Addison Davies
Addison Davies - 7 years ago
Its so nice how jake comes back for his sisters
morgyn Bronson
morgyn Bronson - 7 years ago
And the shark faces the other way until you hear there foot steps
morgyn Bronson
morgyn Bronson - 7 years ago
If you get taged you are the shark as well
ariana treto
ariana treto - 7 years ago
I would love to be pinned
jose alvarado
jose alvarado - 7 years ago
Ya ta school
Cliff Sampson
Cliff Sampson - 7 years ago
Taitlyn Greatrix
Taitlyn Greatrix - 7 years ago
No I have not played sharks and minnows
Taitlyn Greatrix
Taitlyn Greatrix - 7 years ago
You should play the game sharks and mineost
RSpuppies RSpuppies
RSpuppies RSpuppies - 7 years ago
I think mom taged Tyler in time but maybe that is just me
katie Slime lab
katie Slime lab - 7 years ago
YouTube family you are such a fun and very entertaining
Addison Davies
Addison Davies - 7 years ago
In the uk we call it sharks and fishes or tangled octopus
Divya Gautam
Divya Gautam - 7 years ago
I love sharks
Sean Misner
Sean Misner - 7 years ago
Jake won when mom was it lasts
Kaii Gangg
Kaii Gangg - 7 years ago
I subscribed to your channels
magic day life
magic day life - 7 years ago
No but you guys should play shark and Pirates

50. comment for SHARKS and MINNOWS / That YouTub3 Family

Larry Whitaker
Larry Whitaker - 7 years ago
When the mom lost her shoes I felt uncomfortable, because at my old place I lost. My shoes and got a huge nail in my foot...
Nataliia Koropetska
Nataliia Koropetska - 7 years ago
Cool videos
Kaelynn Pampa
Kaelynn Pampa - 7 years ago
Lexi Meyer
Lexi Meyer - 7 years ago
The pool was at the YMCA and there were 4 sharks.
Lexi Meyer
Lexi Meyer - 7 years ago
Yes I have. I have played it in a pool
Bob and Mim-Mim Show!
Bob and Mim-Mim Show! - 7 years ago
Ty got out
clunny montas
clunny montas - 7 years ago
Ty is
Kiki Kiwi
Kiki Kiwi - 7 years ago
Biella Windson
Biella Windson - 7 years ago
Crystal Fox
Crystal Fox - 7 years ago
I play this in gym class but we are not see weed
Tuy Vannat
Tuy Vannat - 7 years ago
I saw Audrey drop her phone
Rainbow sprinkles 99
Rainbow sprinkles 99 - 7 years ago
Play this in the playground
Selina Harris
Selina Harris - 7 years ago
Stefana Atlas
Stefana Atlas - 7 years ago
I have ty  shrt
Just Lexi45
Just Lexi45 - 7 years ago
I like playing this game at school
jazz J
jazz J - 7 years ago
That's not how you play. If the shark touches the minose so the minose turn into sharks
Asia Thompson
Asia Thompson - 7 years ago
Hi that YouTube family I love your vidos whoch them evre day
Wendy D.
Wendy D. - 7 years ago
I play sharks and minnows too at my school in gym class
Zoey Suggs
Zoey Suggs - 7 years ago
That isn't how you play sharks and minnows but that is better than the real rules
Pumpkin And Sofeo Cut
Pumpkin And Sofeo Cut - 7 years ago
Yes she taged Ty
Akira Campbell
Akira Campbell - 7 years ago
can you play hide and go seek
Happy JJ
Happy JJ - 7 years ago
Mom tagged ty
Boxer Doglover
Boxer Doglover - 7 years ago
i always play this with my family and friends at the pool
THOR THE BEAST - 7 years ago
Ty is safe
Nick Mitchell
Nick Mitchell - 7 years ago
Logan was so cute and Jordan is pretty and Jacob is brave and Ty is fast and mom you make sure your kids are safe and dad makes video's for your kids
Miranda Pilkington
Miranda Pilkington - 7 years ago
I love to play this game
Audree Osborn
Audree Osborn - 7 years ago
mattwatson00 - 7 years ago
Cool game you played
Fun with Savannah Baird
Fun with Savannah Baird - 7 years ago
The way I play sharks and Minos is one person is the shark and if you get tagged by the shark you become a shark
Holly Fun
Holly Fun - 7 years ago
There is a under way to play that 3sea crackers you call out one
sceneca - 7 years ago
yes do you guys like chocolate stars but dark chocolate
Diane Randolph
Diane Randolph - 7 years ago
Ty is my favrit
Yvette Berg
Yvette Berg - 7 years ago
thats my game i love this game so much
Natalia Klemptner
Natalia Klemptner - 7 years ago
I have played sharks and minnows in my summer camp
Sam Acres
Sam Acres - 7 years ago
No ty did not get out
Milah Seaux
Milah Seaux - 7 years ago
We have a game like that at my school but it's called sharks and whales
Diane Randolph
Diane Randolph - 7 years ago
Play sharks and dofen
M and N's Adventure's
M and N's Adventure's - 7 years ago
Can I get 8 likes because I am sick
Fifi Vill
Fifi Vill - 7 years ago
I know I’m late but where I live it’s called fish and sharks
Spooks Gaming
Spooks Gaming - 7 years ago
Audrey pooped out her phone XD
Ava Johnson
Ava Johnson - 7 years ago
The shark should be on the other side
Kinsley armstrong
Kinsley armstrong - 7 years ago
I live you guys to the end of the world I know I'm late but I love to watch y'all over and over again
Molly Moll
Molly Moll - 7 years ago
The way I play is there is one person in the middle and the sharks are boys and minnows are girls and the yell out either sharks,minnows on both and the people will run to the other side then repeat till everybody is seaweed
Noelle Anthony
Noelle Anthony - 7 years ago
This game is fun in a pool
Jasmin Medrano
Jasmin Medrano - 7 years ago
Why does jake keep falling
Jax&Josh wilson
Jax&Josh wilson - 7 years ago
we call this game octapus
Lover Slime
Lover Slime - 7 years ago
Every body keeps on getting mom
jeraldin Contreras
jeraldin Contreras - 7 years ago
Gracie Yelm
Gracie Yelm - 7 years ago
i have watched this 20to30 times
Dee Abrams
Dee Abrams - 7 years ago
I love your vids so much that I have to go back to watch vids of URS and watch ur old whans

100. comment for SHARKS and MINNOWS / That YouTub3 Family

Reese Wells
Reese Wells - 7 years ago
Darnell Moncrease
Darnell Moncrease - 7 years ago
I love your video
Jill Gerber
Jill Gerber - 7 years ago
Yes I have. I love your videos
Quinn Nicole
Quinn Nicole - 7 years ago
Yes I play it at soccer practice
Awsome Ehra
Awsome Ehra - 7 years ago
Slow motion Audery dropped her phone
AJ Sierra
AJ Sierra - 7 years ago
I love you guy,s so much.
diane anderson
diane anderson - 7 years ago
OMG replay this at school in PE it's my favorite
UGA VS ZUZA - 7 years ago
That YouTube family mum taged ty ty
Mike Snyder
Mike Snyder - 7 years ago
yes but in sand
Jonathan Victor
Jonathan Victor - 7 years ago
I think Mom did get Ty in time
Christian francois
Christian francois - 7 years ago
Christian francois
Christian francois - 7 years ago
Cure Nikki
Cure Nikki - 7 years ago
I love you guys :D
Panda universe
Panda universe - 7 years ago
Yes at my school and loan's so cute
GamesBy Monique
GamesBy Monique - 7 years ago
This is octopus it's literally the same thing
DJ Troupe
DJ Troupe - 7 years ago
This is just octopus
ShadowsToSatisfy Gaming
ShadowsToSatisfy Gaming - 7 years ago
Last digit of likes is seaweed color
4:Real Seaweed Color
5:Candy corn mix
10:Your Choice/All
0:No color

Closest day out of these is your birthday to tell your seaweed scent
1:Birthday Cake
4:Sour Apple
7:Chicken Biscuits
10:Your Choice/All
0:No Scent

comment below what you got.
I got Candy corn with pumpkin=Halloween seaweed Yay
Sierra Torres
Sierra Torres - 7 years ago
You should play ninja again
Jenny Phadkrathok
Jenny Phadkrathok - 7 years ago
I play that at gym
Craft World
Craft World - 7 years ago
Mom tagged ty
Cordae Mazyck
Cordae Mazyck - 7 years ago
Sjarken Reven
Sjarken Reven - 7 years ago
Sjarken Reven
Sjarken Reven - 7 years ago
Sophie Kendall
Sophie Kendall - 7 years ago
We play sharks and minnows at recess almost every day
Blanka D
Blanka D - 7 years ago
Yes I played
Donna Bates
Donna Bates - 7 years ago
Laura Lopez
Laura Lopez - 7 years ago
Mom tag ty in time yes
Gamerboys LnO
Gamerboys LnO - 7 years ago
Yeah i cant belive in your kablunk swicht ty like almost everythi g
Kennady Hubbard
Kennady Hubbard - 7 years ago
did anyone see Audrey drop her phone
Judy Holden
Judy Holden - 7 years ago
Yes I have
Bonnie Burke
Bonnie Burke - 7 years ago
in canada its called octopus
I'm Jim
I'm Jim - 7 years ago
Like the upper cam like if you agree
clarence lucious
clarence lucious - 7 years ago
I play it at school
James Jay
James Jay - 7 years ago
By the way Logan is so cute
gerard ohara
gerard ohara - 7 years ago
Yes mom did get Tay
Kaitlin Cruz
Kaitlin Cruz - 7 years ago
And yes I have play Sharks and Minnows because at swim practice
Kaitlin Cruz
Kaitlin Cruz - 7 years ago
Yes Mom got him in time
Nicholas Montrone
Nicholas Montrone - 7 years ago
I think mom taged him
Nicholas Montrone
Nicholas Montrone - 7 years ago
Yeah!!!we play it a school almost everyday when we go outside
Maiya Gonsalves
Maiya Gonsalves - 7 years ago
Mom tagged Tyler JUST in time so Tyler should be out.
Kaitlin MacKInnon
Kaitlin MacKInnon - 7 years ago
congratulations to making 1 million subcribers
Miriam Herrera
Miriam Herrera - 7 years ago
Yes mom bid get ty in time
isabella and madyson dewitt DeWitt
isabella and madyson dewitt DeWitt - 7 years ago
Can you guys play popcorn monster it's a game I made up and what you do to play is you get a ball and someone or the team steals the ball while the monster is sleeping and once you steal the ball the monster wakes up and starts to chase you the monster hid a suprize and you got to find it before the monster gets you or the team please play it. thank you Madyson
Lourry Jane Cobar
Lourry Jane Cobar - 7 years ago
Me and my friends were outside today and we played sharks and minnows outside on the street but there was no cars because it not busy so i ran very fast and i baily made it
J Gerrard
J Gerrard - 7 years ago
Audrey dropped her phone when Dad was the shar
J Gerrard
J Gerrard - 7 years ago
J Gerrard
J Gerrard - 7 years ago
Audrey dropped he
J Gerrard
J Gerrard - 7 years ago
Noooooooooòoooooooooooo didn't mean it
J Gerrard
J Gerrard - 7 years ago
Audrey doped her phone when Dad wacke
J Gerrard
J Gerrard - 7 years ago
Noooooooooooooooo I didn't mean
J Gerrard
J Gerrard - 7 years ago
Mom taged ty
Yuri. - 7 years ago
Did Audrey Pick Up Her Phone?
Michael Bourke
Michael Bourke - 7 years ago
This is just like octopus except with a different name!
Tyce Radio
Tyce Radio - 7 years ago
Mom did not tag tie he jumped to the line when tagged
Carmel Totman
Carmel Totman - 7 years ago
Ty is tagged mom
odaddy71 - 7 years ago
play it more
Hoisum Lai
Hoisum Lai - 7 years ago
I know how to play it
Gamer Girl
Gamer Girl - 7 years ago
You guys should play
Sharks and lifeguards
chitt71 - 7 years ago
I played this at my olqa school in gym but with octopuses and sea wead
Paige Macfarlane
Paige Macfarlane - 7 years ago
i have played octopus before. octopus is the same thing except instead of the shark it is an octopus. P.S I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU GUYS SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO MUCH YOU ARE MY FAVORITE YOUTUBERS! you should play sardines at a museum.
Jolee I love you Wilt
Jolee I love you Wilt - 7 years ago
We play Sharks and Minnows at school it's really fun
Kylee Cridge
Kylee Cridge - 7 years ago
Hi thatyoutub3 Family my name is Kylee marie cridge it is not called sharks and minnows its called octowpus
Kou Xiong
Kou Xiong - 7 years ago
Surfers drop her phone but did she grab it or left it there
Shyla Lucas
Shyla Lucas - 7 years ago
You didn’t tag ty mom
Stephane Laluque
Stephane Laluque - 7 years ago
Yes your mum did touch Ty
Reza Ahmadi
Reza Ahmadi - 7 years ago
Your mom got tagged by Logan
Clarisha James
Clarisha James - 7 years ago
This video is the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest
Marleyann Riddles
Marleyann Riddles - 7 years ago
Marleyann mom did not get ty on the arm
chad b
chad b - 7 years ago
I♡you guys
Yolanda Chandler
Yolanda Chandler - 7 years ago
can you go to my house to play sharks 906 tala
#AllyIsElite Xx
#AllyIsElite Xx - 7 years ago
Does anyone feel like Logan likes dad the best?
Betsy Jo Breedlove
Betsy Jo Breedlove - 7 years ago
Unicorn Are magical
Unicorn Are magical - 7 years ago
Mom didn't catch ty in time
Cloud Nine
Cloud Nine - 7 years ago
Yes I've never been a shark
Ronaldo 1237
Ronaldo 1237 - 7 years ago
Si i did today
Ana Bustos
Ana Bustos - 7 years ago
I am sorry you have 155dislike
lizzy 2009
lizzy 2009 - 7 years ago
I love you guys so much!!
Amber Foxy
Amber Foxy - 7 years ago
i have play something like this, shark, whale, fish
Ali Jimenez-Anders
Ali Jimenez-Anders - 7 years ago
I have it is really fun I play it at school
Abraham Johnson
Abraham Johnson - 7 years ago
Ty made it passed Mom
Hailey Nobbe
Hailey Nobbe - 7 years ago
I️ have played it sense I️ was six and I️ am now nine
Gamingwith Bre
Gamingwith Bre - 7 years ago
Isn’t this basically fishy fishy cross my ocean
Amy Montemayor
Amy Montemayor - 7 years ago
Moms scream is so funny I'm crying and laughing
Abigail Zamorano
Abigail Zamorano - 7 years ago
Yes I have played sharks and minnows
Mason Bottley
Mason Bottley - 7 years ago
Is it just because I’m English or do I call it bulldogs
Micayla H
Micayla H - 7 years ago
I have played sharks and minnows, especially with family and friends or at the pool.
Charlie Rich
Charlie Rich - 7 years ago
i have played sharks and minnows its really fun
Claire's Ice Cream Palace Sundae
Claire's Ice Cream Palace Sundae - 7 years ago
Play ocean
Claire's Ice Cream Palace Sundae
Claire's Ice Cream Palace Sundae - 7 years ago
Play oo
Nena Pena
Nena Pena - 7 years ago
mom got ty
Nena Pena
Nena Pena - 7 years ago
Izela Barbis
Izela Barbis - 7 years ago
Yes mom did tag ty in time because he was going to jump and got him
odaddy71 - 7 years ago
kinley wash
kinley wash - 7 years ago
Hello lol
0012117 - 7 years ago
Instead of Sharks and Minnows, in Hong Kong we play octupus
Steelerkid92productions - 7 years ago
Can you guys play Mario odyyesy it is a cool game
roxie unicorn
roxie unicorn - 7 years ago
hey that you tube family i love your vidios but you need to sometimes change the rules of the game so that it is funner to watch no fenc taken right love yall bye
Emakaka123 - 7 years ago
That Youtub3 Family you guys are the best!! Can you guys please play spoons upstairs and put the objects downstairs (Ty hides them since his arm is broken) and when you get 4 of the same cards you have to run downstairs and try to find where Ty hid them, then last round whoever won the whole game goes against Ty with the objects on the table. Also if you do this can you give me a shoutout in this video.
emilia plays
emilia plays - 7 years ago
Audrey's phone fell out
Chloe Miller
Chloe Miller - 7 years ago
You should play shark a tack
Aliyah Jakes
Aliyah Jakes - 7 years ago
Play Fishy fishy cross my ocean
Quay Sudler
Quay Sudler - 7 years ago
I played this with my friends
Dowo - 7 years ago
Hey! This is like my school game! But theres 3 people in the middle and yeah :D its called "Leones Correos" cause my school is spanish

But instead theres a line in the middle that u cant go out off but u can mvoe around on the line
And you count down to 10 if they havent passed yet
Ana A
Ana A - 7 years ago
Did mom tag ty in time yes:
Pokémongirl Vass
Pokémongirl Vass - 7 years ago
This game in the U.K. Is called bulldog or British bulldog
Rock Kick Ass Boo
Rock Kick Ass Boo - 7 years ago
You a guys are the best
Abdoulay Sacko
Abdoulay Sacko - 7 years ago
I played it!!!
Emily tube Elianna tube
Emily tube Elianna tube - 7 years ago
I play this game at school
Lil HC
Lil HC - 7 years ago
I play this game in gym
Piper Nash
Piper Nash - 7 years ago
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo she did not tag TyTy
Hope Pinkosky
Hope Pinkosky - 7 years ago
Ojre your phone
Leena Jaber
Leena Jaber - 7 years ago
Queen Galaxy Girl6790
Queen Galaxy Girl6790 - 7 years ago
I'm sad because on holiday we were going to Malaysia but my dad has to work in holiday so I don't think I can go to malaysia ugh I hope my sister could. Find a way to go to lego land without using a buss ;(
Jessica Rodriguez
Jessica Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Mom got tye
Crazy Frog
Crazy Frog - 7 years ago
I love shark and minnows
harichandana shivani
harichandana shivani - 7 years ago
I love you so much that YouTube family
Catherine Flanigan
Catherine Flanigan - 7 years ago
Can you please play more of this game
Baby Angel
Baby Angel - 7 years ago
I love you so much and your family is the most beautiful girl and boy
ThePowerofTheL - 7 years ago
I have played this
Azizah Mohamed Tayub
Azizah Mohamed Tayub - 7 years ago
I also played sharks and minnows with my cousins but we played snakes and ants
Azizah Mohamed Tayub
Azizah Mohamed Tayub - 7 years ago
Mom got ty
Adriana Ngiem
Adriana Ngiem - 7 years ago
Right when the video started its so funny how Audrey phone falls out
Tracy Rickard
Tracy Rickard - 7 years ago
Play bulldog
Its Des
Its Des - 7 years ago
I ❤ your vids cuz its fun u guys make me smile
Natasha Roberts
Natasha Roberts - 7 years ago
Can you do more eat it and were its please
Mohamad Asim
Mohamad Asim - 7 years ago
Mohamad Asim
Mohamad Asim - 7 years ago
Terr Bear
Terr Bear - 7 years ago
Ashley Licay
Ashley Licay - 7 years ago
Plz play more sharks and minnows
Nora Burgos
Nora Burgos - 7 years ago
Logen got Jack when DAD was it.
Victoria Dos Santos
Victoria Dos Santos - 7 years ago
That game is fishy fishy cross my ocean
Kaitlyn Cruz
Kaitlyn Cruz - 7 years ago
Sharks and Minnows is the exact same as Fish and Whales
Angela W
Angela W - 7 years ago
I love you tiy
John Gonzalez
John Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Ty was out she got him when he was jumping.
kathleen smith
kathleen smith - 7 years ago
well done love you you are the best youtubers ever thankyou for makin a youtube chanell
Patrick Sanchez
Patrick Sanchez - 7 years ago
Stojanka Osmanovic
Stojanka Osmanovic - 7 years ago
I,ve played this game at school
Danna Funes-Jurado
Danna Funes-Jurado - 7 years ago
watch your videos everyday
Kaliyah Ryan
Kaliyah Ryan - 7 years ago
Mom tagged ty
William Wright-Tufui
William Wright-Tufui - 7 years ago
Mom made it in time because after she tagged ty ty he jumped
Divesh Sami
Divesh Sami - 7 years ago
you guys should play Nerf  battle
Aimee B
Aimee B - 7 years ago
Robert Rodgers
Robert Rodgers - 7 years ago
Jake got tagged in stead of Audrey
Charlie Hildebrandt
Charlie Hildebrandt - 7 years ago
I played this game
Nigel Howorka
Nigel Howorka - 7 years ago
Mum did tag Ty
Kelsie Costello
Kelsie Costello - 7 years ago
44in you can't 44 and then you hi so why are you can't 44 years ago it's a mum was it Audrey Jake dad and Ty and Jordan will hide and Mum have to turn it then it's a bit like to give you just played now just then this video I love Audrey and Jordan with the long hair I was so cold you could just got very long hair and I've got like it down to my feet on my hair so long
Tonya Still
Tonya Still - 7 years ago
It's kind a like trees in the wind
Glen John
Glen John - 7 years ago
no she bident
rachel bullock
rachel bullock - 7 years ago
Play bulldog so 1 person is it and you can move if you tag some on you say bulldog befor they get to the other side
Marley Cummings
Marley Cummings - 7 years ago
You guys are the best
Justakid 123
Justakid 123 - 7 years ago
I play this at school
Maureen Christos
Maureen Christos - 7 years ago
Cringey dab???
Widgames1234 - 7 years ago
i play octopus tig at school
Ashwood and Purple monkey
Ashwood and Purple monkey - 7 years ago
Love ur vids u brighten my day
Ashwood and Purple monkey
Ashwood and Purple monkey - 7 years ago
I wish that was how i was tote to play because i am the last one all the times that we play and i am running for like one hour un tell i quit
Azizuddin Nemati
Azizuddin Nemati - 7 years ago
I have
susieca69 - 7 years ago
Tyler @squad Logan @squad
vanessa rivera
vanessa rivera - 7 years ago
Shout me out i followed your insta and hit the sub and hitted the bell
Marianne Diaz
Marianne Diaz - 7 years ago
Yes she got ty in time
Katherine Patterson
Katherine Patterson - 7 years ago
Hi I love that YouTube family keep up the great work
Sophie and Sean Gaming
Sophie and Sean Gaming - 7 years ago
Audrey pooped out her phone
bostontham - 7 years ago
awesome game
Lps Lover
Lps Lover - 7 years ago
This is just like fishy fishy
Evelyn Clark
Evelyn Clark - 7 years ago
You guys should play bull dog
Synthxx - 7 years ago
Audrey pooped her phone xD
Aubrey Gilson
Aubrey Gilson - 7 years ago
thell as a subscribeb
Rachel Boyette
Rachel Boyette - 7 years ago
I know that Logan likes balloons but my dog is scared of them.
Emely Madera
Emely Madera - 7 years ago
I. Play. that. at. School. Sharks. and Minnows. I. Love. You. All
michael sanchez
michael sanchez - 7 years ago
I have not played shark and minnows
shazia anas
shazia anas - 7 years ago
It's just like the game bulldogs
Ari girl
Ari girl - 7 years ago
Play smog
It is where you make a circle and put something in the middle. That something will be an "egg". Someone is the smog and they can't stand over the egg they can only go around. Then there is a tapper( someone who taps players to go in the circle). The. The players go in and try to get the egg. If they get it with out being tagged by the smog they win but to win they have to go out of the circle.
Julia Bråstein
Julia Bråstein - 7 years ago
I have play this game before it,rellay fun bye
All around Rayleigh Henderson
All around Rayleigh Henderson - 7 years ago
Aww I love how u guys are always including little Logen in what u guys do it’s so nice and he’s super adorable
sharon marsh
sharon marsh - 7 years ago
You should play sardines in minecraft
Angie Turner Gregory
Angie Turner Gregory - 7 years ago
Y'all should play Marco Polo
Dorothy Day
Dorothy Day - 7 years ago
She did
The Queen Of Bears
The Queen Of Bears - 7 years ago
Did you see when Audrey was doing a weird dance her phone fell out of her pocket! Like if you saw that
Olivia hnson
Olivia hnson - 7 years ago
We have a thing in our school were if you are seaweed you have to sing (funky funky seaweed ×2)but like your vids
Dennis McCoy
Dennis McCoy - 7 years ago
No mom did not get ty
dRicky Delgado
dRicky Delgado - 7 years ago
No comeon is a no stop scriming jordan aand your dabs or not good they're feoli g
Madysyn Neugebauer
Madysyn Neugebauer - 7 years ago
Does Audrey work at subway
Totten 12
Totten 12 - 7 years ago
Ty didn’t get taged
Caleb Dow
Caleb Dow - 7 years ago
Audriana Rodriguez
Audriana Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Yes I have can you play it again anther time
Koby Powers
Koby Powers - 7 years ago
Yes in my pool
Paige Matthews
Paige Matthews - 7 years ago
Haley Chaffin
Haley Chaffin - 7 years ago
You got him in time
Mia L
Mia L - 7 years ago
Dear thatyoutube3family i love ur videos so much thank you
Stephanie Hubbard
Stephanie Hubbard - 7 years ago
Play sharks in lava please
Ruby Osity
Ruby Osity - 7 years ago
Yes at my club I go to!
Jasmine Liu the magical fox
Jasmine Liu the magical fox - 7 years ago
Mom did teg ty
quickpantry25 - 7 years ago
I play this game in PE, but you didn't play it right!!!!!!!
bajots - 7 years ago
Aerish Flores
Aerish Flores - 7 years ago
when Audrey dropped her phone it looked like she pooped it out XD
Sierra Mitchell
Sierra Mitchell - 7 years ago
Did ya'll see audrey ' phone fall out in the slow-motion
Melissa Saa
Melissa Saa - 7 years ago
Kyla Cloud
Kyla Cloud - 7 years ago
Great job Logan
Ashlee Marolf
Ashlee Marolf - 7 years ago
You should play octopus tag its kinda the same thing
Kayleigh and friends
Kayleigh and friends - 7 years ago
Did Audrey get her phone back or not
Deidra1989 Smirh
Deidra1989 Smirh - 7 years ago
No ty is save
jessica challengesOMG
jessica challengesOMG - 7 years ago
best youtubes ever
Brody Gebbia
Brody Gebbia - 7 years ago
I play it at my school
laura mccarthy
laura mccarthy - 7 years ago
Hayde Corpus
Hayde Corpus - 7 years ago
Not yet please shoutout please
Taylor Folsom
Taylor Folsom - 7 years ago
I love you guys you make me laugh
Haylee Chapman
Haylee Chapman - 7 years ago
You it's are the best thank you for making my day!!
Nehel B
Nehel B - 7 years ago
mom got ty
Lil Curry LC Gaming
Lil Curry LC Gaming - 7 years ago
Hi That Youtub3 family! Iove you guys so much right after school i will always watch your videos and like your videos for like the whole day! I love your games you all do and I love your chanel I have ypur post notifactions on and i have been subscribed for a long time and i like and comment I love you guys!
Stephanie Stelly
Stephanie Stelly - 7 years ago
Mom tag tiy
Someone Quiocho
Someone Quiocho - 7 years ago
I play this with my family
GlitterUnicorn_star Girl squad Roblox!
GlitterUnicorn_star Girl squad Roblox! - 7 years ago
This is just like sharks and jellyfish but different name
Galaxy Gamer
Galaxy Gamer - 7 years ago
That youtub3 Family every day you make me laugh any smile
Brian Love
Brian Love - 7 years ago
Mom got ty
Reina Lemus
Reina Lemus - 7 years ago
I think mom got ty
Katie Amour
Katie Amour - 7 years ago
no tye was good his foot was hovoring over the line
kitty 101
kitty 101 - 7 years ago
MOM tag ty because when ty jump mom tag ty
Kristin Peck
Kristin Peck - 7 years ago
I love you guys a girls I wanna meet you guys and girls right now!
Kyle Fujimoto
Kyle Fujimoto - 7 years ago
You guys sould try octopus it is really the same thing
Kyle Fujimoto
Kyle Fujimoto - 7 years ago
Melissa Fuentes
Melissa Fuentes - 7 years ago
Mom tagged ty in time
clyde lock
clyde lock - 7 years ago
when you were being silly your phone fell out your pocket
Violet Wendel
Violet Wendel - 7 years ago
How do get the camera up so high up
Laila Robinson
Laila Robinson - 7 years ago
big fan i really want to be in 1 off your vids
Sophia Paluy
Sophia Paluy - 7 years ago
I love shark in mellow
Jana Gilbert
Jana Gilbert - 7 years ago
Ty did got tag
Renato p, Bato Bato
Renato p, Bato Bato - 7 years ago
the best channle that i ever watch i love you pepoel
Jennifer Winters
Jennifer Winters - 7 years ago
Why does it have a 3 in YouTub3 family???????
AlikaIsAwesome - 7 years ago
Ty won first round
Jose G
Jose G - 7 years ago
mom did tag ty
Debbie Patterson
Debbie Patterson - 7 years ago
Freeze tag with a ball
Charles Tucker
Charles Tucker - 7 years ago
Ty cheated
Hunter DELOACH - 7 years ago
Can you please play flag tag ?!?!? All you need is 3 different color shirts to have 2 on each team.
Latif Sayfullayev
Latif Sayfullayev - 7 years ago
Mom didn't touch ty
Latif Sayfullayev
Latif Sayfullayev - 7 years ago
I love you guys
gigi Jones
gigi Jones - 7 years ago
I love this idea love you guys can you give me a shoutout
Mrs R. Marko
Mrs R. Marko - 7 years ago
Did Jordan say Gaudrey?
Terry Brooks
Terry Brooks - 7 years ago
Can you please play hide and seek instead but sardines
Kisha Garcia
Kisha Garcia - 7 years ago
I played sharks and minnows for P.E like a thousand times but we
have 4 sharks and the rest are minnows it's so fun to play love
the game❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Galaxy girl XOX
Galaxy girl XOX - 7 years ago
We played this for P.E in school but we call it sharky sharky
Yolanda Crawford
Yolanda Crawford - 7 years ago
I love sharkes and minnows we play it at are school
Princess Unicorn Cupcake
Princess Unicorn Cupcake - 7 years ago
We play this at my school but we call it fishey fishey crouse my ocean
White Tiger Girl
White Tiger Girl - 7 years ago
I do this in gym
Typical Noodles
Typical Noodles - 7 years ago
you make my day
Colin Obrien
Colin Obrien - 7 years ago
Hi that youtub3 family! I was wondering if you could play a game that I made up called North Pole. In the game there are two elves and two naughty kids and one Santa. The Santa sits there and tells the elves if there's a naughty kid coming towards him, and the elves have to stay in a certain area to tag the naughty kids. the naughty kids can go anywhere in the area and the goal of being a naughty kid is to tag Santa and get out of the elve's area where they can tag you without being tagged by an elf.
Izabella Koch
Izabella Koch - 7 years ago
Audrey phone came out
Hey guys It's carys
Hey guys It's carys - 7 years ago
We call that sharks and fishes
Austin Eli
Austin Eli - 7 years ago
Play sharks and minnows but in soccer addition like did in Soccer practice
Nick Brockmann
Nick Brockmann - 7 years ago
mom with the ancols
Suzie song
Suzie song - 7 years ago
Mom tagged ty on the arm
Anna Love 670
Anna Love 670 - 7 years ago
Why is Dad always it?
Kylie Holler
Kylie Holler - 7 years ago
ty was over his foot just made it by a second before mom tagged ty
M Rivs
M Rivs - 7 years ago
Mom got ty
Kat Wallace
Kat Wallace - 7 years ago
Mom did tag ty
Kat Wallace
Kat Wallace - 7 years ago
Play mincecraft sardines plz
Ruby Konkel
Ruby Konkel - 7 years ago
You should play 0gravity!
Erica Barker
Erica Barker - 7 years ago
Can you play. Sardes. In. The. Casle
xOkayJadex - 7 years ago
in england we call this stuck in the mud
Jasmine Peppers
Jasmine Peppers - 7 years ago
Play pickle
amine khorchef
amine khorchef - 7 years ago
My name is Anas and I am 7 years old and I love watching any video in which Ty . I want to know more
And how to contact you until you become my friend .
Nika Van Vuuren
Nika Van Vuuren - 7 years ago
please play sharks and minnows in a playground it will be really funny and you guys are my favourite youtube family you always make me laugh hwen i watch you guys pleases play more games like hello neighbor
Garry Custodio
Garry Custodio - 7 years ago
And that is shark and minnows
Garry Custodio
Garry Custodio - 7 years ago
Me and my friends played a game
Kj Skiez14
Kj Skiez14 - 7 years ago
Mum did tag ty
Fun Times And Dancing
Fun Times And Dancing - 7 years ago
Keep up the videos I always watch them after school. Oh yea why not playing freeze tag at the playground. Two person has to tag the other players and if someone which is not the tager must tap the person which is frozen.
Luke ology
Luke ology - 7 years ago
Loved this game so much I love it since elementary!!!
Fukiyu San
Fukiyu San - 7 years ago
I love you guys do more 3am plz
Margarite Khiani
Margarite Khiani - 7 years ago
You guys are awesome
Ivan Luna
Ivan Luna - 7 years ago
Vince Gower
Vince Gower - 7 years ago
Zombie fish FIFI ICE
Galaxy Music 2
Galaxy Music 2 - 7 years ago
Did anyone notice when dad was looking at Audrey her phone fell on the ground
bryan ruiz
bryan ruiz - 7 years ago
Or you guys can play graveyard. So this is how you play it,one person is it and the it person shouts graveyard and everyone needs to run to the other side and if you get it you need to help the tagger get other persons and the last one gets to be it or pick somebody to be it besides the person who is already it to be fair.
bryan ruiz
bryan ruiz - 7 years ago
Can you guys play rainbow.This is how you play it one person is the tagger everyone starts on one side of the field and the tagger has to say a color like black and whoever is wearing black needs to run across.If the tagger says rainbow you all need to run if you get tagged you help the tagger get other people the last one is it.
Miah G
Miah G - 7 years ago
Me and my family call that fishe fishe cross my ocean
Faata Leafa
Faata Leafa - 7 years ago
my after loves your videos so much
Faata Leafa
Faata Leafa - 7 years ago
my daughter loves your videos she watches your videos everyday
Lilly Msp Gaming
Lilly Msp Gaming - 7 years ago
I love these family games!!! We can see your awesome personalitys!!!!!!!
Ramisa Amin
Ramisa Amin - 7 years ago
I played this game at school for a warm up because I was doing p.e
Flora Rogers
Flora Rogers - 7 years ago
Audreys phone fell
Hazel lorence
Hazel lorence - 7 years ago
how did the camera get to the sky?????
Saambavi Parameswaran
Saambavi Parameswaran - 7 years ago
Mom did tag ty because she tagged him before he leaped over the line
Ant C
Ant C - 7 years ago
Yes I have played shark and minnows
Ant C
Ant C - 7 years ago
I don’t think so
Juju Juju
Juju Juju - 7 years ago
Isn’t this game actually called OCTOPUS
Frank Cavelli
Frank Cavelli - 7 years ago
can you give me a shout out in your next video please.And can you guys do more challenges like
slime vs 1,000 divert knife please.
Zion Weston
Zion Weston - 7 years ago
She did to tag Ty in enough time
E.G. Channel
E.G. Channel - 7 years ago
Did you notice in the very beginning Audrey's phone fell out
Miranda Sings
Miranda Sings - 7 years ago
Play fishy fishy cross my ocean
Michelle Jordahl
Michelle Jordahl - 7 years ago
Yes I have I would like you to play. cross my Chinese wall
meyaaa18 FaithAndr3a
meyaaa18 FaithAndr3a - 7 years ago
In the Philippines that is called "PATINTERO", btw I'm from the Philippines
Awesome Hotdog
Awesome Hotdog - 7 years ago
Mom tagged ty
It's Gwen
It's Gwen - 7 years ago
I love you guys so muccchhh
Can you guys do more hello neighbor
Keep up the good work
MemeLord825 - 7 years ago
Anybody else think Logan should've been shark? He looks so adorable running around trying to play with them❤️ you all!!
Jade Pickering
Jade Pickering - 7 years ago
Audrey when you were doing that fingers your phone fell out
Deanna Burch
Deanna Burch - 7 years ago
Your my favorite YouTube channel this game looks fun
Georgia wyld
Georgia wyld - 7 years ago
mum got ty
Sabaya Five girls
Sabaya Five girls - 7 years ago
Mum tagged Ty then Ty jumped over the line so yeah!
Madi Piebenga
Madi Piebenga - 7 years ago
I don't know if any of you guys call it this, but we call it bull rush
Madi Piebenga
Madi Piebenga - 7 years ago
Well it's kind of like bull rush
Toni Williams
Toni Williams - 7 years ago
Are you on Minecraft
Fakiha Aayma
Fakiha Aayma - 7 years ago
I have played sharks and minnows before
Laela Tennant
Laela Tennant - 7 years ago
That is called open gates
Top M's
Top M's - 7 years ago
Aurdreys phone did she pick it up?!?
Love Potato
Love Potato - 7 years ago
Can I pls have a shoutout I love you
cousin universe kk
cousin universe kk - 7 years ago
pls do again that game....
Lylah Mena
Lylah Mena - 7 years ago
You gis are boring!
Madison Sobczak
Madison Sobczak - 7 years ago
I p
Madison Sobczak
Madison Sobczak - 7 years ago
Sorry I messed up I said I was exposed up but I played sharks and nails at my new school and at my house at the park
MVP REY - 7 years ago
Nice game guys keep up the good work I love you so much
Tarsh Gambhir
Tarsh Gambhir - 7 years ago
This is such a nice video I could not stop laughing Good job that youtub3 Family Please tell me how my channel is Love You
Native Female
Native Female - 7 years ago
logan taged mom and she din,t even see it
Mantaj Kaur
Mantaj Kaur - 7 years ago
I have played this game but we call it Octopus
JNJ's Vlog
JNJ's Vlog - 7 years ago
I wish u could go to your house ! because you ate my fav youtuber.
JNJ's Vlog
JNJ's Vlog - 7 years ago
yasssssssssss ! mom tagged tyler
Buford Knopps
Buford Knopps - 7 years ago
Hey. I play sharks &minnows at my school in Macedonia alabama
Khaila Kate Alvarez
Khaila Kate Alvarez - 7 years ago
mom tag ty before ty jump
Gaming with Haniel
Gaming with Haniel - 7 years ago
can you guys shout me out please
Evelyn Clark
Evelyn Clark - 7 years ago
Play bullbog
Olivia Smith
Olivia Smith - 7 years ago
It's just like fishy fishy cross my ocean
Caragh K
Caragh K - 7 years ago
I'm from Canada, and in gym class (phys.Ed) we play it, but we call it dinosours and the caveman
Monet Esperida
Monet Esperida - 7 years ago
that youtube family could mail your self anywhere its ok for me if it fake:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) please
Cookiegirl Amy
Cookiegirl Amy - 7 years ago
Why didn't you pick Logan for the 3rd round?
Thecassidydiaries - 7 years ago
Mom did not tag Tyler.
savagness coolpeeps
savagness coolpeeps - 7 years ago
yes she did tag ty
Jennifer Weierke
Jennifer Weierke - 7 years ago
This is not sharks and minos this is ship across the ocean how you play is you becum a shark when you get taged is how I play it
Jane Mia
Jane Mia - 7 years ago
Is Jordan Homeschooled?
emily at christmas
emily at christmas - 7 years ago
you guys spelt youtube with a 3 as an e
Christine Shea
Christine Shea - 7 years ago
Play Pack man
Oli _ the _ unicorn101
Oli _ the _ unicorn101 - 7 years ago
I love your guys videos even though I am eleven. You guys are the best!
Felix Cante
Felix Cante - 7 years ago
On the last round mom got ty in the air before he finished
Serena Trifiletti
Serena Trifiletti - 7 years ago
yes i have i love it is so so so fun you guys are amazing i am a big fan of you guys if i ever see you i will run up to you guys and i promise that
Extreme Gamer Kid
Extreme Gamer Kid - 7 years ago
Play a game called Johny come across. There is one johny and they say johny come across and everyone else runs.if you get tagged, you are a johny to a you tag others with johny
Its_ TheMann11
Its_ TheMann11 - 7 years ago
Love y'all so much y'all should play hello neighbor at your neighbors house
SHIFTY_ORANGE - 7 years ago
mom did not get ty before he passed
Sydney Huskey
Sydney Huskey - 7 years ago
she tagged him as he going over but his foot went over the line after
Blanca Gonzalez
Blanca Gonzalez - 7 years ago
i played this game at school it was so much fun!
Quinn Johnson
Quinn Johnson - 7 years ago
You guys are so funny
Scarlett O'hara
Scarlett O'hara - 7 years ago
We play this game but we call it fishy fishy, sharky sharky.
Madison Fazenbaker
Madison Fazenbaker - 7 years ago
You should do Sardines
C Maple
C Maple - 7 years ago
I love you guys sardines videos and do you think you can do more
C Maple
C Maple - 7 years ago
More sardines videos
rose avera
rose avera - 7 years ago
Have u guys played dead fish?
Alaina Harrington
Alaina Harrington - 7 years ago
mom got ty
Joana Valencia
Joana Valencia - 7 years ago
Mom tagged ty in time
Christine Holmes
Christine Holmes - 7 years ago
Yes I've played it at school on p.e
Peyton Colenzo
Peyton Colenzo - 7 years ago
Mom didn't tag Ty at the end
Swaineygirl - 7 years ago
Mum tagged ty just in time because he jumped
Kennedy Gardner
Kennedy Gardner - 7 years ago
I am on a swim team and we play sharks and minnows in the water and there are two sharks and the rest are minnows and if the sharks tag the minnows the minnows are sharks.
Princess _Bri 123
Princess _Bri 123 - 7 years ago
Mom tagged ty in time
Peyton Colenzo
Peyton Colenzo - 7 years ago
You guys should play another game of Sardines in your house
Jessica Vaughn
Jessica Vaughn - 7 years ago
Jared Okoneski
Jared Okoneski - 7 years ago
Play stampede
Puppy Dude 17
Puppy Dude 17 - 7 years ago
Ty won
Lisa Berne
Lisa Berne - 7 years ago
Mom did not get ty
erin pearson
erin pearson - 7 years ago
is the best
erin pearson
erin pearson - 7 years ago
play whats in the box challenge and aundrey chanal
aracnid guy 1234
aracnid guy 1234 - 7 years ago
why did it look like Audrey pooped a phone 2 minutes in the video
Hey_its_amie _
Hey_its_amie _ - 7 years ago
@thatyoutubefamily in england it's called bull dog
Bekka Bubbles
Bekka Bubbles - 7 years ago
I love u guys your so inspiring please can you all do recreate sims instead of just Jordan and Audrey
Freya Marshall
Freya Marshall - 7 years ago
ty did get hit
christian padro
christian padro - 7 years ago
He got tagged
Katie Ziegler
Katie Ziegler - 7 years ago
Nope ty made it over mom was too slow
lolly5101 - 7 years ago
I haven't played that game. great for. I love you guys so much. byeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
Breanna Ehmer
Breanna Ehmer - 7 years ago
Play ships and sailors.. haha
Katarzyna Zymanczyk Montsko
Katarzyna Zymanczyk Montsko - 7 years ago
She się get tie
Amy #lol
Amy #lol - 7 years ago
Yes mom tag him
Colm Fox
Colm Fox - 7 years ago
In Belfast we call this bulldog
Hobbs And White
Hobbs And White - 7 years ago
Colm Fox in England we call it bulldog
Kaydance and Gareth
Kaydance and Gareth - 7 years ago
Mom got Ty
Vitoria Oliveira
Vitoria Oliveira - 7 years ago
Gwen Green
Gwen Green - 7 years ago
Can you play Hide seak tag. from Sofia Solis
Alex Hughes
Alex Hughes - 7 years ago
that's exactly sharky shaky
Shwe Sin Pwint Phyu
Shwe Sin Pwint Phyu - 7 years ago
It was so cut when Jordan n Audrey said mom toge!!!
Anna Gordon
Anna Gordon - 7 years ago
Jamisom Baken
Jamisom Baken - 7 years ago
Lacky Maan
Lacky Maan - 7 years ago
You should play sardines
Melissa Wills
Melissa Wills - 7 years ago
I hit the belll love you xoxo see you next time bey
Frank Moreno
Frank Moreno - 7 years ago
Katie Ziegler
Katie Ziegler - 7 years ago
I'm sick and u guys make me feel better
nenya36 - 7 years ago
did Audery get her phone
Heather de delva
Heather de delva - 7 years ago
You guys are my favorite youtubers
Jade delacerna 846178
Jade delacerna 846178 - 7 years ago
Khen Sibay
Khen Sibay - 7 years ago
And i love your video
Khen Sibay
Khen Sibay - 7 years ago
You known how this goes

9teddy(jacy and kacy dog)
0 logan their dog
Aspen and Jacks Channel
Aspen and Jacks Channel - 7 years ago
Toilet tag
SUPRESOFTGIRLZ - 7 years ago
We don’t say shark and minnows, shark and minnows we say it octopus and the rest is the same
Trisha Robynns
Trisha Robynns - 7 years ago
Please play minecraft
αll αвσυт Niña
αll αвσυт Niña - 7 years ago
Btw love your vids it makes me smile
Vincent Rosselle
Vincent Rosselle - 7 years ago
you are the best
Slime and Diys on fire
Slime and Diys on fire - 7 years ago
Play slime playground
The Adventures of Hanna
The Adventures of Hanna - 7 years ago
Mom tagged ty but he crossed the line!!
Olivia Tallman
Olivia Tallman - 7 years ago
how you play is the girls are minnows the boys are wales there will be 3 tagers if thay say minnows the minnows run if thay say whales the whales run if you get taged you do 10 pushups
Sara Burton
Sara Burton - 7 years ago
yes mom tagged ty
Olivia Tallman
Olivia Tallman - 7 years ago
i play that at my school but it is called minnos and whales
Supergirl 123
Supergirl 123 - 7 years ago
Mom tagged ty
Supergirl 123
Supergirl 123 - 7 years ago
Can you do more sardines or hello neighbor this video was great
Aishwarya Chakraborty
Aishwarya Chakraborty - 7 years ago
Mom did not get ty
Aishwarya Chakraborty
Aishwarya Chakraborty - 7 years ago
Love u jordan
Rhea Borgoyary
Rhea Borgoyary - 7 years ago
This was fun I m going to play this with my friends
Andreas Bismo
Andreas Bismo - 7 years ago
I love this video...
Peter Logan
Peter Logan - 7 years ago
Mom tagged ty.
cjjc 03
cjjc 03 - 7 years ago
Plz do another today plzz beacuese(because) i cant wait till tommorow and im sick
Pierre HANDAJANTO - 7 years ago
Alecksha 85
Alecksha 85 - 7 years ago
I've never recognised that youtube family was that youtube3 family with a 3 on it
jovaron16 nicolas
jovaron16 nicolas - 7 years ago
I love you guys keep up the good work i just watch the video today love you guys please make another video because its really awesome and i really really love you guys.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Daniel Kirk
Daniel Kirk - 7 years ago
Play freeze tag on the play ground
Man Ho
Man Ho - 7 years ago
We played octopus
David clark Mccall
David clark Mccall - 7 years ago
Yes it is so much fun
Maisy Duffy
Maisy Duffy - 7 years ago
Kayla Chote
Kayla Chote - 7 years ago
How did you get the sky point veiw

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