Sardine Feeding Frenzy: Whale, Shark, Dolphin and Sea Lions | The Hunt | BBC Earth

A sizeable shoal of Sardines proves to be quite a magnet for a variety of different sea predators. Surprisingly, none of the predators on display attack each other, instead they corral the ball of fish, taking turns to eat. Taken From The Hunt Subscribe to the BBC Earth YouTube channel: Want to share your views with the team behind BBC Earth and win prizes? Join our fan panel here: BBC Earth Facebook BBC Earth Twitter BBC Earth Instagram Visit for all the latest animal news and wildlife videos This is a channel from BBC Worldwide, trading as BBC Studios, who help fund new BBC programmes.

Sardine Feeding Frenzy: Whale, Shark, Dolphin and Sea Lions | The Hunt | BBC Earth sentiment_very_dissatisfied 431

Shark videos 7 years ago 1,607,721 views

A sizeable shoal of Sardines proves to be quite a magnet for a variety of different sea predators. Surprisingly, none of the predators on display attack each other, instead they corral the ball of fish, taking turns to eat. Taken From The Hunt Subscribe to the BBC Earth YouTube channel: Want to share your views with the team behind BBC Earth and win prizes? Join our fan panel here: BBC Earth Facebook BBC Earth Twitter BBC Earth Instagram Visit for all the latest animal news and wildlife videos This is a channel from BBC Worldwide, trading as BBC Studios, who help fund new BBC programmes.

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Most popular comments
for Sardine Feeding Frenzy: Whale, Shark, Dolphin and Sea Lions | The Hunt | BBC Earth

An Alien from outer space
An Alien from outer space - 6 years ago
Sardine commander: Prepare our defenses!
farhanpwns - 6 years ago
Nitin Sharma
Nitin Sharma - 6 years ago
Hell yeah.. this is animated right.....
Sunny Weng
Sunny Weng - 6 years ago
Loved the video! Great cinematography and music, gives the frenzy a good hype
The RTR Shows
The RTR Shows - 6 years ago
I thought whales eated microorganisms please tell me about it
Peacock For Sale
Peacock For Sale - 6 years ago
I wish whale entered the arena little early
Danne Digamon
Danne Digamon - 6 years ago
This is so intense i cant breathe
Harry H
Harry H - 6 years ago
the first time I saw birds swimming under water like this
bananian - 6 years ago
How are there still sardines left?

10. comment for Sardine Feeding Frenzy: Whale, Shark, Dolphin and Sea Lions | The Hunt | BBC Earth

kulitmed - 6 years ago
EPIC. Whoever got all this footage needs to have all the money
Dokkebae bae
Dokkebae bae - 6 years ago
Absolutely satisfiying when the whale showed up
Steve L
Steve L - 6 years ago
Are u all annoyed by this loud ass iphoneX ad on every damn video?
Rigel YT
Rigel YT - 6 years ago
3:39 When A Fat Man just eated all foods of the party
Maurice D. Alexander
Maurice D. Alexander - 6 years ago
governing dynamics gentlemen - the best result will come if every one in the group does whats best for themselves, and the group
Arnie Calang
Arnie Calang - 6 years ago
Is it a bad thing if I’m crying right now? For a lot of reasons. I don’t know but that was both beautiful and pitiful to watch.
Zilla rex
Zilla rex - 6 years ago
I like how the music drastically changed after the sharks arrived.
CRaptor - 6 years ago
Wow, so much protein.
Frea - 6 years ago
It's CGI right?
Любава Мир
Любава Мир - 6 years ago
Хорошая компьютерная съемка) прям как настоящие)

20. comment for Sardine Feeding Frenzy: Whale, Shark, Dolphin and Sea Lions | The Hunt | BBC Earth

이가람 - 6 years ago
Sarmad Hassan
Sarmad Hassan - 6 years ago
سبحان اللہ۔ اللہ کی شان۔ بیشک وہ ہی پالنے والا ہے۔It is the Allah who feeds his creatures. He is great
nikki desusa
nikki desusa - 6 years ago
Kids were playing with food and then grandpaa enters
jewel rani
jewel rani - 6 years ago
It's amazing to see this kind of video. Thanks to BBC
ej caparida
ej caparida - 6 years ago
স্বাধীন বাংলা
স্বাধীন বাংলা - 6 years ago
its like all powerful nation attack in syria
Antalgu - 6 years ago
3:38 so epic
Srividhya Sridhar
Srividhya Sridhar - 6 years ago
It was amazing
Smoke _B_Loud
Smoke _B_Loud - 6 years ago
I’m high asfuc and that was crazy
HerrMasterLizard - 6 years ago
Sardines, the instant noodles of the sea

30. comment for Sardine Feeding Frenzy: Whale, Shark, Dolphin and Sea Lions | The Hunt | BBC Earth

Purushotham Ramesh
Purushotham Ramesh - 6 years ago
can someone tell me the name of the background music
Birdy Cat
Birdy Cat - 6 years ago
Now watch it like it's a WW2 documentary

Sardines=Germany, Italy, and Japan
Copper Shark=Soviet Russia
Thomas Klein
Thomas Klein - 6 years ago
Kanoj Patil
Kanoj Patil - 6 years ago
anwar hasan
anwar hasan - 6 years ago
rip sardin.
armst012 - 6 years ago
Whoever was the navigator for that sardine ball needs to be fired!!!
stoneeh - 6 years ago
So is the point of forming a swarm to get eaten more efficiently? Just spread apart and swim down to the depths, they'll never even get a small percentage of you.
Julia N
Julia N - 6 years ago
crying now
Monti Blanc
Monti Blanc - 6 years ago
XPopCornX - 6 years ago
Electrohops Gcp
Electrohops Gcp - 6 years ago
Sardines are like a bomb squad
nelsonta00 - 6 years ago
Like always from BBC the great and somewhat questionably pervasive camera recordings, great orchestration in the background, and a British narrator along the likes of Attenborough makes the documentary amazing.
isaac gomez
isaac gomez - 6 years ago
chicagoruffryder - 6 years ago
The graphics are so fake on this. And the Marcus Aurelius voice is annoying. So is the background music.
ItssLeafer - 6 years ago
Is this real???
Kishore S
Kishore S - 6 years ago
Anyone Knows the name of Music
Kishore S
Kishore S - 6 years ago
Where can I get the music?
Farhan Ilaik
Farhan Ilaik - 6 years ago
Epic :v
Kholid Fakhriy
Kholid Fakhriy - 6 years ago
still remains 400 more sardines dislike this video.
Chester Mccheesyton
Chester Mccheesyton - 6 years ago
I love David Attenborough

50. comment for Sardine Feeding Frenzy: Whale, Shark, Dolphin and Sea Lions | The Hunt | BBC Earth

Ruth Reyes
Ruth Reyes - 6 years ago
The Hundredth Monkey
The Hundredth Monkey - 6 years ago
survival of the fittest . eat or be eaten.
one day humans will have to return to natures law
Joseph Waldrup
Joseph Waldrup - 6 years ago
I thought this would be easy, just swim and open your mouth. But those Sardines are smart lol.
Nathan Tait
Nathan Tait - 6 years ago
Makes me want to peel a can of sardines
Luna Eclipse
Luna Eclipse - 6 years ago
I forgot Sardines swam in schools.
ozzoto lol
ozzoto lol - 6 years ago
that was amazing.. it was like nature transformers movie.. otobot vs decepticon.
Ultima ZillaRex
Ultima ZillaRex - 6 years ago
All of this is awesome! Especially the music!
SHERRY SHOPPINGS - 6 years ago
The whale just cleaned it
Gregory - 6 years ago
that school got murked to high heaven my days
Kamikaze Potato
Kamikaze Potato - 6 years ago
Kinda sad the sardines' entire civilisation got eaten so quick lol
Jackson Fox
Jackson Fox - 6 years ago
The music was so perfect with the video. An orchestra of death
funandlala - 6 years ago
1:37 One of the best nature scenes I've ever seen ♡ Wow ♡ My favorite part is when the birds were swimming ♡
s.k technical tech
s.k technical tech - 6 years ago
Village fisherman
Village fisherman - 6 years ago
best video in this world
joseph thadeus
joseph thadeus - 6 years ago
Thats the best climax ever........
Binta Habibi
Binta Habibi - 6 years ago
Amazing proficiency
Nikolas Douglas
Nikolas Douglas - 6 years ago
I love how the score becomes more sinister as the Sharks arrive at 2:42. And 3:30 shows why.
Avani Angara
Avani Angara - 6 years ago
We humans should just leave Earth...leave these beautiful creations of God to themselves. So Amazing!
Sarath Kumar
Sarath Kumar - 6 years ago
Sardines are scared, not brave enough to fight back and hiding behind one another.
jagara1 - 6 years ago
Mr Whale - a word about table manners is warranted I think.
Everyone else was taking their turn with the canapés, however your one gobble strategy is just greedy and rude.
Victor Manuel
Victor Manuel - 6 years ago
Sardines are in the ocean as the grass on the Savannah
Teyo - 6 years ago
Rip sardines
Funky kitty
Funky kitty - 6 years ago
it's called team work
annakeye - 6 years ago
That was absolutely brilliant footage. The one quibble is that shark do not make growling sounds like lions, so why bother putting that in there?
h31212 - 6 years ago
San Fran
San Fran - 6 years ago
so beautiful
Blake - 6 years ago
Lucky cameraman!
Freddy Pedraza
Freddy Pedraza - 6 years ago
My food is eating my food, tuna with sardine
Max Brazil
Max Brazil - 6 years ago
Mike Stefano
Mike Stefano - 6 years ago
This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen!
Alaskan - 6 years ago
poor sardines, they are delicious
Juan Gonzalez
Juan Gonzalez - 6 years ago
amazing and when the whale showed up jaw droping
Hiranya Rabha
Hiranya Rabha - 6 years ago
And because of that whale a few could get away I think.
C M - 6 years ago
Whale came in like a boss.
Kaan Isik
Kaan Isik - 6 years ago
this is unfair to sardines come one at a time
Lil Icey
Lil Icey - 6 years ago
I just witnessed a genocide
Deon Dean
Deon Dean - 6 years ago
But where can I get that amazingly dramatic soundtrack?????
Kishore S
Kishore S - 6 years ago
Deon Dean even I need it
Kong Mey Ling
Kong Mey Ling - 6 years ago
That whale is a hacker
Steven Carreon
Steven Carreon - 6 years ago
Poor sardines, at the bottom of the food chains and inside cans
epicalex91 - 6 years ago
Lmao i thought i was seeing shit when i saw those birds
Youtube User
Youtube User - 6 years ago
the whale was just like "Guys!! can i take one bite xD
zacharycat - 6 years ago
Sardines came from the island of Sardinia but are now nearly extinct there.
Austin Bulis
Austin Bulis - 6 years ago
Now that is nature at it's finest!
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 6 years ago
You feel bad for the sardines, then you feel bad if the predators starve, and then you realize, “There is about 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 sardines in the ocean.”
Skip2MyLoo - 6 years ago
Even the birds getting in on the action
As 0109
As 0109 - 6 years ago
That is very epic
Cian Doyle
Cian Doyle - 6 years ago
The underwater birds are so cool
thedrew4you - 6 years ago
Seals: "Lunch!"
Sardines: "You guys are too slow!"
Tuna: "Lunch!"
Sardines: "Sh*t run!"
Birds: "Lunch!"
Sardines: "No fair! Hax!"
Shark: "Lunch!"
Sardines: "You guys are jerks!"
Whale: "Hold my beer..."
Sardines: ...
Daniel Custodio
Daniel Custodio - 6 years ago
abdul039 - 6 years ago
Good day to not be sardine.

100. comment for Sardine Feeding Frenzy: Whale, Shark, Dolphin and Sea Lions | The Hunt | BBC Earth

Attack Titan
Attack Titan - 6 years ago
ultranitro - 6 years ago
Dude that whale in the end is like "Mine!" and eats it all. Hahahaha
T’Keyah Gaston
T’Keyah Gaston - 6 years ago
Simon Lisbjerg
Simon Lisbjerg - 6 years ago
Amazing ending!
Snakey Mations
Snakey Mations - 6 years ago
Jibril Fibel
Jibril Fibel - 6 years ago
Attack of Predators
pew dope
pew dope - 6 years ago
It is like a movie
Cupcake Juggernaut
Cupcake Juggernaut - 6 years ago
If only my teams are like this :(
Reality Fights
Reality Fights - 6 years ago
the whale was like
ناصر السبيعي
ناصر السبيعي - 6 years ago
I eat tuna everyday lol
Matthew TV
Matthew TV - 6 years ago
The Feeding Frenzy game
BubbleClover Playz
BubbleClover Playz - 6 years ago
Whale comes in like:

Whale: Im gonna take all of that thank you..!
Angelo 23
Angelo 23 - 6 years ago
Eat all you can sardines only seafood buffet. Everyone is invited, with one hour time limit. Enjoy!
maouloudou kane
maouloudou kane - 6 years ago
anyone notice how they all vanished as the whale approached?
goerge vasquez
goerge vasquez - 6 years ago
Rip brother rip
Balakrishnan Swaminathan
Balakrishnan Swaminathan - 6 years ago
What do the few who were not swallowed by the whale do
Lex Co
Lex Co - 6 years ago
The whale finish was spectacular!
Delano Shank
Delano Shank - 6 years ago
I guess you can say.. THAT WAS A MOUTH FULL
Mr Shark
Mr Shark - 6 years ago
Its me boi
SmolPaperJam - 6 years ago
Whale: hEy gUyS lEfToVerS fOr mE?
Shark: NO!
Seal: NO!
Sardines: NO!
TheGhost - 6 years ago
Is this video real? It looks too unreal. It was such an amazing experience watching it, that I don't believe it. It's just too beautiful.
Marianne Uy
Marianne Uy - 6 years ago
It’s a warzone !
Emperor Vader168
Emperor Vader168 - 6 years ago
Started watching about nature and it’s beautiful now
Milton Ortiz
Milton Ortiz - 6 years ago
Ocean wars: fall of the sardine empire
Monkey Do
Monkey Do - 6 years ago
Joshua Lave
Joshua Lave - 6 years ago
Everything gets out the whale's way as soon as they see it coming. What a beast.
Zane M.
Zane M. - 6 years ago
Is this a real video
Revolting Swan
Revolting Swan - 6 years ago
I thought the whale was pregnant
Jetty Prudhvi
Jetty Prudhvi - 6 years ago
predators coming one after the other and the MUSIC is the highlight of this video which made the video cinematic
James Go
James Go - 6 years ago
Poor sardines
David Obah
David Obah - 6 years ago
T O - 6 years ago
Shit escalated quickly
S P - 6 years ago
What's that bird?
David Lopez
David Lopez - 6 years ago
so close yet so far away
Olley pang
Olley pang - 6 years ago
Sardine getting sardine
абвгдђежзијклљмнњопрстћуфхцчџш - 6 years ago
Notice how everybody suddenly disappears right before the whale shows us that's respect haha
Xander VGL
Xander VGL - 6 years ago
This was really satisfying to watch, especially death by whale at the end.
Stomper 100
Stomper 100 - 6 years ago
This is most amazing thing I've ever seen..
fulhit badr
fulhit badr - 6 years ago
Gokgazza Gok
Gokgazza Gok - 6 years ago
This was animated right
Tone - 6 years ago
That one Sardine that manage to survive is going to obtain planet destroyer level strength and seek revenge against those who were there during the Sardine Feeding Frenzy massacre.
THett - 6 years ago
Damn that whale just got a tactical nuke
Clash Clans
Clash Clans - 6 years ago
Ww2 in a nutshell
az b
az b - 6 years ago
Lester Crest
Lester Crest - 6 years ago
Is this cg?
PGRFN - 6 years ago
The whale is that guy
Pochy Rodriguez
Pochy Rodriguez - 6 years ago
that whales like ,ya had enough to eat already is my turn now.
Alpha .B
Alpha .B - 6 years ago
That is so cool lol
Salt_e - 6 years ago
i love that there's all this victorious music, when sardine families are being split apart as their children scream in agony
Faith 2019
Faith 2019 - 6 years ago
Man... It must be absolutely terrifying for those poor fish. :(

I can't even imagine how absolutely horrifying it would be to be in their scales but such as nature I suppose.
PabloGoal - 6 years ago
This was amazing, so much coordination and the cinematography was superb. Feel bad for the sardines after so much effort but well, it’s nature...

Does tuna eat sardine?
robert white
robert white - 6 years ago
The whale is me getting the last chicken drumstick
Aidan Southwick
Aidan Southwick - 6 years ago
Camera man: holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit. Not the face
SilenceStabber - 6 years ago
They haven't showed the biggest killers, the humans on their boat, fishing the sea empty.
737446738384 73782886383784 675
737446738384 73782886383784 675 - 6 years ago
All that lift,gone in a minute
Marzia Reza
Marzia Reza - 6 years ago
I love dolphins i watched a dolphin show in Japan
supergamer2401 - 6 years ago
Chiranjivi Dharam
Chiranjivi Dharam - 6 years ago
I love you shark
little jimmy
little jimmy - 6 years ago
I saw a group of sardines that survived the whales mouth at the end epic.
Richard Stephano
Richard Stephano - 6 years ago
Whale "ey watcha guys doin? Eatin? Let me have some"
zookeeperchris - 6 years ago
Music is amazing
Rishit Shetty
Rishit Shetty - 6 years ago
I'd saw this programme yesterday,watching that blue whale eating that giant mass of krill almost made me cry because its so beautiful.

Krill:Well.....seeing us die is beautiful?!! D=<
Edit:Uhm,did the bluewhale ate the krill or sardines?
Just A Regular Guy
Just A Regular Guy - 6 years ago

Has people who can narrate the complex dynamics involving a group of predators and prey


Has staff that becomes outraged when people express concerns regarding demography
Hernán Vulliez
Hernán Vulliez - 6 years ago
A school of sardines disliked the video.
K Mckivey
K Mckivey - 6 years ago
Haha Teflon shark has arrived with his security team, and a back up.
K Mckivey
K Mckivey - 6 years ago
Life is tough being a sardine lol they get it from all ends. Even tuna!
Carl Scholer
Carl Scholer - 6 years ago
Tuna eating sardines. Two of my favorite foods are eating each other!
vin 950
vin 950 - 6 years ago
whoa i had no idea there were birds that could swim like that.
rikysix - 6 years ago
It sucks to be a sardine
Pinoy Gaming
Pinoy Gaming - 6 years ago
Poor sardines but that's the way life goes
Bridge Animator X
Bridge Animator X - 6 years ago
Watch this makes me hungry
Timo Noorman
Timo Noorman - 6 years ago
The whale be like "GIVE IT TO ME"
Timo Noorman
Timo Noorman - 6 years ago
Ocean you suprised me
momin - 6 years ago
Lmao @ all the dumbasses thinking this is real footage
Drugs Are Bad, MKAY
Drugs Are Bad, MKAY - 6 years ago
Reminds me of how the north takes over Kings landing in season 8 finale of game of thrones. Oh and spoiler alert
gingerbreadprime23 - 6 years ago
the music tho
stale memes fuel me
stale memes fuel me - 6 years ago
"I have felt a great disturbance in the force...It's as if millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced..."
Muan - 6 years ago
What is this, a crossover episode ?
Abigail Allain
Abigail Allain - 6 years ago
every new animal made it crazier and more intense. what a wild show.
ABHINAV S KUMAR - 6 years ago
One of the best footage in youtube
Richard Baratheon
Richard Baratheon - 6 years ago
now i''m hungry
Vishnu Karthik
Vishnu Karthik - 6 years ago
V should credit the sea lion and mainly the tunas for pushing the group towards the surface... Btw i was just wondering ... What if there was that only 1 sardine that escaped from this war :-D
Aint no HypeTrain
Aint no HypeTrain - 6 years ago
Schools in sessi- oh my...
CTPH_ 17
CTPH_ 17 - 6 years ago
Country United vs an empire
Vulgar History
Vulgar History - 6 years ago
Whale, Sea lion, Dolphin, Tuna, Shark Alliance.
ItsTheCrazyCrafters - 6 years ago
Kovah Yang
Kovah Yang - 6 years ago
Sardine Feast
Difficulty: Hard

Sea lions have joined the server
Tuna Gang joined the sever
Birds joined the server
Copper sharks have joined the server
Dolphins have joined the server
Unknown joined the server


Level complete!

Level:Sardine Feast

Score: 10/10

Level Ranking:
1st:Whale. Gold
2nd:Tuna Silver
3rd:Dolphins Bronze
4th:Sea lions Copper
5th:Copper Sharks
6th:Sea Birds
Senpapi Sama
Senpapi Sama - 6 years ago
I love how everybody's working together to get the sardines and then the whale just swoops in and eats all of their hard work
VuurwerkZaak - 6 years ago
Whale: hold my beer
Иван Калиткин
Иван Калиткин - 6 years ago
Whale is the boss of the gym
Julian Lim
Julian Lim - 6 years ago
Whale whale whale, what do we have here
-Dash. - 6 years ago
I can relate to that whale.
Justin Y.
Justin Y. - 6 years ago
London James
London James - 6 years ago
The whale came in like "are you going to eat that?"
Rarest Wildcats
Rarest Wildcats - 6 years ago
This looks like The Hobbit war scene when more and more people join just to be noticed
broootal warp
broootal warp - 6 years ago
Giant fishball for everyone to chomp at
napis224 - 6 years ago
kesepakatan yg baik
A Fucking Weeb
A Fucking Weeb - 6 years ago
This music sounds like it came straight out of the Shadow of the Colossus OST
KajurinP - 6 years ago
This was epic.
A Fucking Weeb
A Fucking Weeb - 6 years ago
Damn, that squad tho
Daddy Tachanka
Daddy Tachanka - 6 years ago
Sardines are literally like the worst type of fish to be, you just get eaten by everyone...
wickandde - 6 years ago
No idea how much the person who filmed this gets paid but I'm sure it's not enough
laventier - 6 years ago
wow amazing.. the whale likes the ultimate boss
Zen Rhees
Zen Rhees - 6 years ago
How are sardines not extinct?
Vladimir Novitski
Vladimir Novitski - 6 years ago
Vladimir Novitski
Vladimir Novitski - 6 years ago
This must be CGI tho, no way they caught such a perfect scenario on camera, right?
Bishal Limbu
Bishal Limbu - 6 years ago
This is videography at its finest
Dirt Track Dave
Dirt Track Dave - 6 years ago
Wow what a frenzy that was, like group of missiles launching into their target from all directions. Awesome vid!
zxx zxx
zxx zxx - 6 years ago
Thanks BBC
KIRAN T Raj - 6 years ago
The whale is like play time is over ,I’ll do the honors
Mitch Droese
Mitch Droese - 6 years ago
I always feel so bad for these schools of little fish.
Abu Bakar Mohd Aris
Abu Bakar Mohd Aris - 6 years ago
Kapryle Vhan
Kapryle Vhan - 6 years ago
This is why we shouldn't overfish
GTBravo - 6 years ago
Underwater Star Wars
LifeAsTiffany Heaw
LifeAsTiffany Heaw - 6 years ago
For some reason,i thought that tuna and sardines were actually friends and not eat each other...
Crypted Head
Crypted Head - 6 years ago
The sound when whale devoured those sardines is freaking
Danielrules - 6 years ago
Was not expecting that whale
Naet - 6 years ago
This is like a boss battle lol. Amazing how the predators are working together!
muhammad hidayat
muhammad hidayat - 6 years ago
love the ending......beautiful
Lidya Loekito
Lidya Loekito - 6 years ago
It’s like Infinity War. When you wish all fishes became one.
Luc Manders
Luc Manders - 6 years ago
The fish that follow sharks are just like "what do you want i got a shark friend"
Bradely  Dowling
Bradely Dowling - 6 years ago
Now I’ve seen everything
Otto The German pilot
Otto The German pilot - 6 years ago
Sardines: AHHHHHH! help me AHHHHHHH!

Sea lions and sharks: *eats some Sardines

Blue whale: HERE I COME!! *eats them all
ABEED KHAN - 6 years ago
Troy Gardner
Troy Gardner - 6 years ago
fishies fishies everywhere...not a bite to eat
TheDorianTube - 6 years ago
This felt like a scripted action scene. Started slow, built up suspense, introduced new allies, old enemies cooperating, fast combat, chasing, fear and the over the top climax. Whoa. 90% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes lol. Best video I've seen this month.
Mukrim Mowlana
Mukrim Mowlana - 6 years ago
im fine with dolphines eating sardines
Travis Schwartz
Travis Schwartz - 6 years ago
I can never get over how wide that whales mouth opens and how many fish it eats in less than a second
WhiteTigerForever25 - 6 years ago
That was amazing!
BullenShetUngen - 6 years ago
True Teamwork
Behemothius - 6 years ago
When the tunas arrive, it's like Gandalf arriving with Rohan army.
Manan Qureshi
Manan Qureshi - 6 years ago
Life is cruel
Fasih Hussaini
Fasih Hussaini - 6 years ago
Sucks to be a Sardine.
jjda jjkx
jjda jjkx - 6 years ago
More intense than a horror movie
vangelis sfs
vangelis sfs - 6 years ago
Seals,tuna,sharks,birds,dolphins,whale......if not a bad day then what?
Hazim Aamir
Hazim Aamir - 6 years ago
The whale is the best part
Omg the hole vid is perfect
M17 - 6 years ago
I'm pretty sure this wasn't engineered by omniscient being! It's very random and meaningless! What's the point of creating life just to prey on another?
The more you see the more it becomes clearer that life is just an accident.
Sabin Pun
Sabin Pun - 6 years ago
its animated
kanav kapoor
kanav kapoor - 6 years ago
Waqas Ali
Waqas Ali - 6 years ago
Every one is struggling for life
Lilliz91 - 6 years ago
Damn and we humans unnecessarily over fishing the sea on top of that.
Daniel Thompson
Daniel Thompson - 6 years ago
that was the BEST animal video I have ever seen
飴玉林檎 - 6 years ago
whale took whole
Ali  G
Ali G - 6 years ago
good example for north korea rusaia and the US to not attack each other
Alex Alexx
Alex Alexx - 6 years ago
I knew about tiger shark but this one is lion shark I guess @3:31
Young Blade
Young Blade - 6 years ago
This was beautiful
Princess Demon
Princess Demon - 6 years ago
I would hate to be a sardine they got alooooooota predators.
Pokemon PSA - Brad
Pokemon PSA - Brad - 6 years ago
What a rush for that camera man
Anjan Kumar
Anjan Kumar - 6 years ago
Damn it feels good to be a shark (gangster)
ShareBliss - 6 years ago
341 sardines dont like this can understand lol
Il Sommo Imperatore
Il Sommo Imperatore - 6 years ago
but this video is computer made right?
Sabrina Ambrosio
Sabrina Ambrosio - 6 years ago
They might of used computers to get better footage but everything else is camera work
ezzzert ezzzert
ezzzert ezzzert - 6 years ago
Il Sommo Imperatore exactly
Captain Falcon
Captain Falcon - 6 years ago
3:39 imagine if they were more aggressive than this
Heartless - 6 years ago
"Don't worry chums we got this, that whale's mouth ain't that big, just swim to the center and you'll be ok--OH, OH GOD!"
Mawloud Bahr
Mawloud Bahr - 6 years ago
It seems the whale at the end was very hungry.
Wickerless - 6 years ago
Thats basically genocide.
Lps Taylor
Lps Taylor - 6 years ago
The whale was the grand fanalley if I know how to spell ;-;
Hitchhiking Pioneer
Hitchhiking Pioneer - 6 years ago
I like how they all get the hell out of there once the whale comes.
Allen Evans
Allen Evans - 6 years ago
338 morons didn't like it. Beautiful feast.
Host Joe
Host Joe - 6 years ago
That was beautiful
Zeeshan Nasir
Zeeshan Nasir - 6 years ago
Wowww, team work and wtta last shot
Trini Star
Trini Star - 6 years ago
the birds can swin underwater wow! that was cool!
Jollvardscoots - 6 years ago
Doloresanto - 6 years ago
That whale came in like woah.
Anony Mous
Anony Mous - 6 years ago
birds flying underwater
Urban Nomad
Urban Nomad - 6 years ago
Subhana Alkhale9
SkyGirl Gaming
SkyGirl Gaming - 6 years ago
the whale shows the ''noobs'' how it goes lol
One strong boi
One strong boi - 6 years ago
This is a cats dream
Martin Hansson
Martin Hansson - 6 years ago
wow just wow, I cant tell if its for real or cgi
FateStrife - 6 years ago
Nice animation, but the fake looking tuna and their spaceship sound-effects gave it away big time
Jan Kossuth
Jan Kossuth - 6 years ago
that whale is called bigboy21
Hey There
Hey There - 6 years ago
I wonder if the whale ever gets a mouthful with birds and tuna by mistake.
basil shibu
basil shibu - 6 years ago
anyone knows what is the background score?
dingo23451 - 6 years ago
Sardines getting rekt from all angles. gg ez no re
Ronaldo Rojas
Ronaldo Rojas - 7 years ago
only if the world could do the same to end all the problems it has created a swell as these animals do in hunting .
JJ Wackadoodle
JJ Wackadoodle - 7 years ago
I’m shook. Them other predators was cute and all but that whale said shop and snatched all that food
Benson Denis
Benson Denis - 7 years ago
Get out of my way 3:39
Big Baby Anna
Big Baby Anna - 7 years ago
Holy Mackerel
Souradeep Sinha
Souradeep Sinha - 7 years ago
whale comes and steals the show,, like a true MVP..
ZeJAlt - 7 years ago
after the birds, I expected some giraffes to appear too
TechieGuy - 7 years ago
Go team seals!!!!
Go team tuna!!!
Go team shearwaters!!!
Common team shark!!
Not working! Calling whale...
Yes! We did it!
ChiRon Chiaren
ChiRon Chiaren - 7 years ago
What I would give to not be a sardine ._.
Ludric NullEins
Ludric NullEins - 7 years ago
Multikill +100
Thomas Admanda
Thomas Admanda - 7 years ago
This is the reason i became a marine biologist, then im on the top of food chain of the ocean kingdom. How crazy is that..
Jeffy 4 President
Jeffy 4 President - 7 years ago
Something's a bit fishy about that video
Damien Pimentel
Damien Pimentel - 7 years ago
That was glorious.
Marvelle Banks
Marvelle Banks - 7 years ago
That whale did the LEAST amount of work, got the greatest payoff in ONE GULP and rode off into the sunset!! #BOSSLIFE #LIFEOFABOSS
Java Eagle
Java Eagle - 7 years ago
Now I wanted a sardene
Seyhan Tabanlı
Seyhan Tabanlı - 7 years ago
tüm sardalyalar bitti şerefsizler hani biz3
LALAT_IDJO - 7 years ago
poor sardines
Joe Quinn
Joe Quinn - 7 years ago
1:34 are those birds?
Karnicle - 7 years ago
3:39 when the max level player visits the low level starting area
Pakistan Corner
Pakistan Corner - 7 years ago
Pratama Yunan
Pratama Yunan - 7 years ago
Sardines conference at the ocean.
Justin Pope
Justin Pope - 7 years ago
Pearlescent_night - 7 years ago
Is this actual captured footage or is it cgi
wilson blauheuer
wilson blauheuer - 7 years ago
Sardines should have went deep   first thing.
Nighthawk Dutch chameleon
Nighthawk Dutch chameleon - 7 years ago
Renzo Osuna
Renzo Osuna - 7 years ago
After filming this, those humans have killed all of them including the predators. :(
Luca Reale
Luca Reale - 7 years ago
The 323 dislikes are sardines
Nighthawk Dutch chameleon
Nighthawk Dutch chameleon - 7 years ago
Damn that whale is epic
IMDB TUBE - 7 years ago
Is this a real footage or its a 3d animation only?
TheMojoLemon - 7 years ago
That whale owned them all!
Buffalocat - 7 years ago
Report whale for Ks
BlackCejaz - 7 years ago
2:51 definitely CGI. I didn't notice the animation when I watched the first time the video but I was thinking it was all too convenient for all of these animals to be there and the whale popping up out of nowhere conveniently for the last bite. Very slick of you, BBC
aldibeta - 7 years ago
aquatic battle of Cannae
Corporaal - 7 years ago
3:38 aaaaaaaaaand it's goooone
Helsinki Oslo
Helsinki Oslo - 7 years ago
That finishing move was epic
MrBigT - 7 years ago
An enemy of my enemy is my friend
- such a weird conspiracy in nature.Imagine Sharks ddnt even attack bigger meal, the seals. Humans would have done some backstabbing for sure
Devoted Defender
Devoted Defender - 7 years ago
Whole ocean gangs up to merc some sardines
That Country Feller
That Country Feller - 7 years ago
The whales mouth like quadrupled in size
Aragorn Stellar
Aragorn Stellar - 7 years ago
Poor sardines.
Venumadhav Rayasam
Venumadhav Rayasam - 7 years ago
This video is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. Hands down. Holy guacamole. Reminds me of the opening scene to the Deep Blue episode on Planet Earth.
Jeff - 7 years ago
amazing lunch of the whale
Jive Junior
Jive Junior - 7 years ago
The real question is: Which species was the real MVP?
Copper sharks (and Pilot fish bodyguards): [INTIMIDATION BONUS]
Common dolphins: [LONGEST KILL STREAK]
Bryde's whale: [FINISHER BONUS]
Rad Dog
Rad Dog - 7 years ago
1:03 TUNA
David McNamara
David McNamara - 7 years ago
2:43 "Our Battleship has arrived"
hank the tank
hank the tank - 7 years ago
what a scam the whale's final bite!!!
Rehan Niazi
Rehan Niazi - 7 years ago
poor sardine,,,,,,,,,
TheWrestler - 7 years ago
Play Of The Game Whale as Bruda Whale
Winter4Hope - 7 years ago
Mind-blowing. How they all work together!
areeb1296 - 7 years ago
What kind of whale was that?
Largos Brazos
Largos Brazos - 7 years ago
please i want an extended footage of this, all those interspecie interaction and work is life
Largos Brazos
Largos Brazos - 7 years ago
EXTRAORDINARIO, wow que grandeza que magia que excelenta tomas
BeRBLXCol - 7 years ago
Nice video
Nature+ fight=nature fight
Whale: no more food for you guys
Piquero Argiráspide
Piquero Argiráspide - 7 years ago
The greatest show on the Earth.
Dr Gru
Dr Gru - 7 years ago
Wow... Just like world War 2...sardines are the axis power while the predators are allied... And tha whale is USA,she ended the sardines like atomic bomb
Farooq Tv
Farooq Tv - 7 years ago
One last big bite of whale and the game is
Cubic Karl
Cubic Karl - 7 years ago
That whale is definetly my ally In ML
Experiment King
Experiment King - 7 years ago
Masterclass video clip
Aiman Hakim
Aiman Hakim - 7 years ago
Most epic feeding frenzy ive ever seen
M. Khan
M. Khan - 7 years ago
Whale: ill show u how its done!!
Baha Toddy
Baha Toddy - 7 years ago
I'm amazed by the coordination it was like a deadly dance.
Hide Suzuki
Hide Suzuki - 7 years ago
makes me hungry
TheKay830 - 7 years ago
cluster of sardines disappeared in a second, just by one bite of whale!!........OMG!
Drimz - 7 years ago
we should stop fishing sardine. maybe tuna can replace them
toge Ka
toge Ka - 7 years ago
The whale just ate one whole generation.
Srinivas Kari
Srinivas Kari - 7 years ago
Thrilling and majestic
aLviano 171
aLviano 171 - 7 years ago
Like a boss
Marc Costa
Marc Costa - 7 years ago
David Attenborough :)
Akhil Vyas
Akhil Vyas - 7 years ago
That knockout blow was A.W.E.S.O.M.E!
Delia Vega
Delia Vega - 7 years ago
Feeding Frenzy. Feeding Frenzy. MEGA FRENZY.
brutality king
brutality king - 7 years ago
Rony Wahyudi
Rony Wahyudi - 7 years ago
The Whale eat like a boss
VeronicasTouch - 7 years ago
Sucks to be a Sardine. Even the tuna want to eat you.
ADC MONSTA - 7 years ago
I thought this was computer animation. I cant believe i was wrong. I mean the production is amazing.
유도원 - 7 years ago
Mark Rennels
Mark Rennels - 7 years ago
well if the ocean tasted like mustard sauce,,I'd be there too!! yum.
JanaKi1995 - 7 years ago
This was a good watch.
BananaCake26 - 7 years ago
This would be better without the ridiculous fake sound effects.
Rafael Suprayogi
Rafael Suprayogi - 7 years ago
Poor sardine
Gonjo Guaiya
Gonjo Guaiya - 7 years ago
Poor sardines
Brandon Harrington
Brandon Harrington - 7 years ago
Amazing capture of nature
Bing Bong
Bing Bong - 7 years ago
Vegan cry inside
Scott Haliday
Scott Haliday - 7 years ago
Looks like my family at Thanksgiving dinner.
mmjamel96 - 7 years ago
Poor sardines
Maya Thompson
Maya Thompson - 7 years ago
I don’t know why I was rooting for the sardines
Finn Truman
Finn Truman - 7 years ago
And the winged hussars arrived!
Sam 109
Sam 109 - 7 years ago
Was the whale a blue whale
mufeez ahmed
mufeez ahmed - 7 years ago
imagine watching this with the rains of castamere in the background.
Cameron Morris
Cameron Morris - 7 years ago
kinda almost hard to believe someone really filmed all of this
Adenylatcyclase - 7 years ago
tuna is so delicious I always forget they are predatory fish :D
also lol at that whale going for the ks at the end
Ashley Tang
Ashley Tang - 7 years ago
live footage of me playing KCC
장민우 - 7 years ago
무리하나가 사라졌어...3:42
Ankit Tuli
Ankit Tuli - 7 years ago
Just amazing!
toh bao jie
toh bao jie - 7 years ago
this is so well made
Adi Haryo Yudanto
Adi Haryo Yudanto - 7 years ago
Katie Clarke
Katie Clarke - 7 years ago
3:40 When your friend is coming at you for food but you don't want to share it.
Screencapped and Emailed to my lawyer
Screencapped and Emailed to my lawyer - 7 years ago
...Swimming birds ? What the fresh hell ?
Nicholas John
Nicholas John - 7 years ago
The whale a savage
Aw Hek it's a Snek
Aw Hek it's a Snek - 7 years ago
This is my favorite crossover episode.
Seven Fury
Seven Fury - 7 years ago
Mia Hansen My Dudes
Mia Hansen My Dudes - 7 years ago
This is so cool
jay jackson
jay jackson - 7 years ago
The Avengers: Deep blue edition.
Your Average Android Guy
Your Average Android Guy - 7 years ago
Damm yo rip sardine
orenoishadoukuurass - 7 years ago
When you and your mates perform a well executed plan on battlefield
Miha Chentsov
Miha Chentsov - 7 years ago
See, Kids, if you dont study well, you will be a sardine next life
A Iluminada
A Iluminada - 7 years ago
Tuna and Gannet too
Arcsecant - 7 years ago
What a waste of sardines. We need to get rid of those whales. How many starving kids could be fed by those sardines?
DNT MIND - 7 years ago
すごすぎだろww こんな映像滅多に撮れんと思うわ(°_°)
Matt - 7 years ago
a64750 - 7 years ago
HD's the best, ever.
Taufu'a'alemalo Ella
Taufu'a'alemalo Ella - 7 years ago
I'm so dumb I didn't even know that Tuna eats fish...bruh
sharon thomas joseph
sharon thomas joseph - 7 years ago
Upload rest of the part
Jack Mathis
Jack Mathis - 7 years ago
I was like there was no whale then boom right at the end lol
Cyril Gomez
Cyril Gomez - 7 years ago
man....wat did i just watch ?!
Gabriel - 7 years ago
uh.. How can sardines still exist ??
Silver Night
Silver Night - 7 years ago
The battle of Canie
Netsaurus - 7 years ago
Who are this species of whale?
Rafael Gapud
Rafael Gapud - 7 years ago
blue whale is NOT Fat
Abhishek Patnaik
Abhishek Patnaik - 7 years ago
ひさん - 7 years ago
Whale is taste good.
Whale is daily food as fish from old day.
Anti-whaling is prejudice.
Rasta Lion
Rasta Lion - 7 years ago
If predators can get along, why The white men cant do the same with all the races?
Pintu Y k
Pintu Y k - 7 years ago
Shake B
Shake B - 7 years ago
Ok, the sharks are stupid. They could've ate alot of yummy seal meat..
game over
game over - 7 years ago
I love this man's voice it is do claiming he would be a great actor
Michael Jara
Michael Jara - 7 years ago
Didn't think I could feel sorry for a sardine
Marina Dolphin
Marina Dolphin - 7 years ago
okinoboo - 7 years ago
Simply amazing! God is Great
Rucha Shinde
Rucha Shinde - 7 years ago
feel sad fr sardines
Lockon Stratos
Lockon Stratos - 7 years ago
I can do that
Fadhil Zulkafli
Fadhil Zulkafli - 7 years ago
3:43 that how the whale vaping LOL
Gumzilla xtreme
Gumzilla xtreme - 7 years ago
You forgot the birds and tuna in the title.
thaw martin
thaw martin - 7 years ago
It really does suck to be a sardine..what food chain?
K.M. M.
K.M. M. - 7 years ago
is this cgi???
Mohit Shetty
Mohit Shetty - 7 years ago
How do sardines survive ?
sulaiman abdurrosyid
sulaiman abdurrosyid - 7 years ago
the whale part is sooooooo epic!!! very like it
mojoe jojojo
mojoe jojojo - 7 years ago
this is epic , tears of joy
Afif najib Sard
Afif najib Sard - 7 years ago
I think the whale rescuedd the fishes.
Martin A.
Martin A. - 7 years ago
I'm going to show this video to Vegans who say eating animals is unnatural
Ashley Anne Hernandez
Ashley Anne Hernandez - 7 years ago
The whale is like a boss
xKalphax - 7 years ago
like a war zone
Game Head
Game Head - 7 years ago
Dolphins, sharks, sea dogs, bigger fish, birds and a whale all working together despite their differences. Amazing
Stevo Canuck
Stevo Canuck - 7 years ago
matthew owens
matthew owens - 7 years ago
The whale comes up at the end like hey thanks guys
gyg _pa
gyg _pa - 7 years ago
That's beautiful
Amr Mohamed
Amr Mohamed - 7 years ago
Apparently more than 200 sardines disliked this video.
Rubble Rage Gaming
Rubble Rage Gaming - 7 years ago
Even when I've read the title, the whale was unexpected!
Cars1999 - 7 years ago
LOL...whale comes in..I"m BOSS!
Hydro Boy
Hydro Boy - 7 years ago
Savage whale
Captain Falcon
Captain Falcon - 7 years ago
This reminds me of cs:go
Asparagus Soup
Asparagus Soup - 7 years ago
This is clearly fake footage
Teddy Mattix
Teddy Mattix - 7 years ago
ravimy ravi
ravimy ravi - 7 years ago
The whale eat like a boss
Zidan Lintang_45
Zidan Lintang_45 - 7 years ago
1:30 this scene is breathtaking when they split to open a curtain of fishes to reveal a flock of birds on the other side
Azzrudin Jamil
Azzrudin Jamil - 7 years ago
That was intense. Best short documentary ever.
An Kha
An Kha - 7 years ago
what is the name of the music background please?
Isaiah Collins Brown
Isaiah Collins Brown - 7 years ago
If that happened in a movie I wouldn’t believe it
Oh HistoryBoi
Oh HistoryBoi - 7 years ago
3:43 Colonal be like in Battlefield Freinds
•Bergman •
•Bergman • - 7 years ago
People say animals are dumb.
Animals are smarter than most humans
Belinda Tam
Belinda Tam - 7 years ago
What an amazing video with amazing videography... I felt so excited and touched even just watching this. What a time to be alive to be able to witness these acts in nature that no one in the past could have imagined to watch
Syed Asrar
Syed Asrar - 7 years ago
The climax tho
nizar pk
nizar pk - 7 years ago
Whale entry like a Hero
Nicksagee - 7 years ago
Imagine being reincarnated into a sardine...
Mobutu Obama
Mobutu Obama - 7 years ago
Everyone is happy and im just thinking "poor sardines..."
Hello World
Hello World - 7 years ago
3:39 To be continued...
:GAB :
:GAB : - 7 years ago
Daming galunggog
Hans Purba
Hans Purba - 7 years ago
that whale is GG
Asha Lama
Asha Lama - 7 years ago
1- is this an everyday thing for THIS PARTICULAR school of fish? I know they move to different places but does this happen to them everyday? If so poor thing
2- they move so fast when attacked meaning more effort (?) to move, do they get tired of swimming? Does any fish get tired of swimming? Like how humans or other land animals get tired of walking/running?
Yah You !
Yah You ! - 7 years ago
It's like black Friday shopping, everyone is going crazy for the low low price of the sardines
Chris Freely
Chris Freely - 7 years ago
3:40 I got dis
bulate0021 - 7 years ago
That final blow..
luman224 - 7 years ago
Such an enjoyment to watch mother nature at work. Breathtaking, epic, and educational. Thank you BBC, thank you Sir David Attenborough! Gonna buy the disc to show support!
luman224 - 7 years ago
224 Sardines disliked this video
Austra Ray
Austra Ray - 7 years ago
I'm hungry...
Omar Ahmed Games
Omar Ahmed Games - 6 years ago
Austra Ray..what can I do to you
Vineeth Vin
Vineeth Vin - 7 years ago
Antonio Jones
Antonio Jones - 7 years ago
No sardine left behind
SHORT CLIPS//- From DU - 7 years ago
What kind of whale was that?
Dino Facts You Probably Didn't Know
Dino Facts You Probably Didn't Know - 7 years ago
I tried to comment on this video three times now but they won't appear.
Dino Facts You Probably Didn't Know
Dino Facts You Probably Didn't Know - 7 years ago
I tried to comment on this video twice but my comments won't appear.
Dino Facts You Probably Didn't Know
Dino Facts You Probably Didn't Know - 7 years ago
What you are about to see is for the sake of comedy. Thanks for your time and I was like these for you and your mom who has a giant crafting a good time I could come by someone who is interested you are NOT IMPRESSED a few minutes to get ready to the Brain trust you to be a part sounds like a good time out of the shower so I was just checking in the middle of a project that controlled and the other two are the whale watching this movie idea what the universe is a living and I are going out for dinner and then using the bathroom to be a part 5 gum in my channel and Elaine is the best time out of the shower so I don't think I'll be a few days before it is a good thing you are NOT IMPRESSED the dimension of them to be a little more than a month ago and Elaine is the one that is in my name but I'm a bit confused the dimension where he controlled the only thing over again but it will take the time you are NOT you have any idea was it was just the me to for my mom who has the flu I will was just a bit ago did not receive any negative I was watching now I but it I'm sure it would have a hard to find the best time for the next couple days ago I think it was just the me you for a few seconds days to the gym today or not be a big help and the kids and Elaine I was just going faster out to you to me I can you sub and Elaine I was just going out of your life I don't have any plans to the Brain the stream itself out to you to touch its way own place in mind the next couple days ago but I'm sure we will get the info from predators I was just going faster to be in your intro for a bit then go home to the Brain I was wondering I the morning to the love of God is a little bit then go home I can play WITHOUT IT CRASHING I was watching this movie I saw the ad for a bit but then again so much milk for no one has contacted you and the kids want a new car record it the way you have to be at the school is I don't was watching now I have a question for about two weeks to the Brain I will be in i speeakc I will have to check mark on the phone for a few hours on my check for a package of a good time for us and the other is the gonna be able I have been trying the universe and I are in a position with your friend and her husband.
Ivan TheGreat
Ivan TheGreat - 7 years ago
How did they film this?
Maggy May
Maggy May - 7 years ago
I watch your videos daily.. Best videos ever.. Xo
PATTON - 7 years ago
The tuna did the most work
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 6 years ago
It’s usually tunas or dolphins that do most of the work in bait balls.
Monti Blanc
Monti Blanc - 6 years ago
Clandestine Merkaba
Clandestine Merkaba - 6 years ago
They were the smallest of the predators ;)
Timo Noorman
Timo Noorman - 6 years ago
PATTON nah think the whale
Stella - 7 years ago
Whale: hey guys, is this the buffet?
Matt Morzik
Matt Morzik - 7 years ago
I like the Music
Fel W
Fel W - 7 years ago
@3:40 WHOOOMP shoo shoo everyone, nothing to see here :V
Michael Tran
Michael Tran - 7 years ago
Every other predator : (:D)
Fercarvo - 7 years ago
Ian the Bubbian
Ian the Bubbian - 7 years ago
The dislikes were from the sardines that got away
Jeesoo Lee
Jeesoo Lee - 7 years ago
What a music!
The Fruit
The Fruit - 7 years ago
Is this animated?
gyg _pa
gyg _pa - 7 years ago
That was beautiful
Stanley Roger Bawalan
Stanley Roger Bawalan - 7 years ago
Looks like CGI to me.
MayLovesHam - 7 years ago
What kind of whale was that? That was magnificent
B Marjum
B Marjum - 7 years ago
tot tota
tot tota - 7 years ago
Sardine deserves an oscar
Yo - 7 years ago
This perfectly describes American citizens.


THE PREDATORS = THE BANKS and Corporations

The Whale= The Government and Elite
Reza Bachtiar
Reza Bachtiar - 7 years ago
Whale : thanks guys. Ciao
omar Hirad
omar Hirad - 7 years ago
Blue whale: that's how it's done
rahul raj
rahul raj - 7 years ago
That is some high quality synchronized swimming by Sardines..Now we know who can beat the russians.
Jacob Horeczko
Jacob Horeczko - 7 years ago
CelticGamer - WWE, Sonic, and MORE
CelticGamer - WWE, Sonic, and MORE - 7 years ago
People that say fish have no intelligence haven't seen the defences of these sardines!
Destiny Legend242
Destiny Legend242 - 7 years ago
3:41 thank me later
haley0918 - 7 years ago
impekabLeTV - 7 years ago
What amazing camera work and narrating in this video. This is my favorite video from BBC
Rüstem !
Rüstem ! - 7 years ago
This was like lord of fish
Pducks.supreme - 7 years ago
TamiAllTheWay - 7 years ago
That was traumatizing
AkiHimura - 7 years ago
Where are those vegans who says eating meat or other life forms is cruel or barbaric now?.
Nizar Ismail
Nizar Ismail - 7 years ago
Marija Mifsud
Marija Mifsud - 7 years ago
3:51 whale:happy day every one !
Sabrina Ambrosio
Sabrina Ambrosio - 6 years ago
Marija Mifsud Everybody:WE DID IT
Nick nguyen
Nick nguyen - 7 years ago
can't blame 'em, sardines r cheap n delicious
Josep Sankhill
Josep Sankhill - 7 years ago
The whole family is gone.
Slayer Lost '
Slayer Lost ' - 7 years ago
Gunship - 7 years ago
This is excellent footage OMG
Del Trotter
Del Trotter - 7 years ago
BOSS VIOD - 7 years ago
R. I. p sardines.. Hahaha
CK Fellman
CK Fellman - 7 years ago
Whale, that was a big finish.
The Dude
The Dude - 7 years ago
That was amazing
Haseeb Khan
Haseeb Khan - 7 years ago
discardeddede - 7 years ago
So, what happens to the few sardines who escaped? Let's say 10 or 20 manage to survive and escape: Do they stay together and try to find another shoal of sardines to blend in with? Do other shoals accept strange fish because the bigger it is the better they are off? Or is it almost impossible for 10-20 sardines to survive and not be eaten within the next few hours?
Blahblahron blahblahson
Blahblahron blahblahson - 7 years ago
This is like the Avengers with animals under water.
Aakash M.
Aakash M. - 7 years ago
Whale = thug life
TheStockwell - 7 years ago
George Fenton's music is extraordinary throughout this and other BCC Earth series. Hans Zimmer does okay at providing sonic wallpaper, but Fenton composes genuine music which is more than just functional background music.
Hawk Who Knows All
Hawk Who Knows All - 7 years ago
Jasanjit Singh
Jasanjit Singh - 7 years ago
That whale is a savage
Da fuq?!
Da fuq?! - 7 years ago
Damn you whale! That's greedy!
Wayan Musta
Wayan Musta - 7 years ago
Whale wins
Myal_220 - 7 years ago
Why can't they eat through the barrier of sardines (not the whale)?
Lucy The Great
Lucy The Great - 7 years ago
Damn. It's Sea War.
Simon Manggau
Simon Manggau - 7 years ago
Imagine being the cameraman filming all of this..
Kat C
Kat C - 7 years ago
Anyone know what the music is at the beginning with just the seals? / have a download link?

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Dolphin Surfing in the Sea of Cortez with the crew from Pro-Windsurf La Ventana. This was definitely one of the TOP...

Shark videos

Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina

10,475 likes 12,605,184 views 10 years ago

On Thursday, October 9 at around noon, while at a retreat at Cape Lookout National Seashore off the coast of North...

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Baby Shark, Baby T-Rex, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and...

10,567 likes 10,561,576 views 8 years ago

An hour's length of kids songs by Little Angel! Subscribe for more videos: Educational Kids...

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Feeding Bull Shark | Bimini, Bahamas |...

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720p. GoPro Hero 3+. Underwater shark footage (3:20) of feeding a bull shark in Bimini Sands Marina in Bimini,...

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Baby Shark, Where is my Fin 3D? Princesses, No...

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Baby Shark has lost his Fin! Watch him on his adventure through the ocean. #littleangel #littleangelnurseryrhymes...

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The Goblin Shark, Disturbing One of a Kind Footage

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The once thought to be extinct species of Deep Water Shark, The Goblin Shark, In Hi def, Hi Speed, Slow Mo Footage...

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Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina

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On Thursday, October 9 at around noon, while at a retreat at Cape Lookout National Seashore off the coast of North...

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Baby Shark, Where is my Fin 3D? Princesses, No...

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The Goblin Shark, Disturbing One of a Kind Footage

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About Sardine Feeding Frenzy: Whale, Shark, Dolphin and Sea Lions | The Hunt | BBC Earth

The "Sardine Feeding Frenzy: Whale, Shark, Dolphin and Sea Lions | The Hunt | BBC Earth" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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