Sea-Section: Incredible Shark Birth Caught on Camera

Sea-Section: Incredible Shark Birth Caught on Camera SUBSCRIBE: We upload a new incredible video every weekday. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss out: A family outing turned into a shocking emergency c-section shark birth caught on camera. Restaurant owners Beth Cordell, 44 and Lindsey Cordell, 44, were walking along the coast of Georgia, USA with their three children and a friend when they noticed a shark that washed up on shore. Their son, Lindsey Cordell, 13, recorded the astonishing footage. Strangers gathered and helped remove a hook from the 6ft shark’s body when they noticed movement inside its stomach. Realizing the shark was pregnant, another beach goer volunteered to cut the mother open, exposing the wriggling newborns inside. Three shark pups were successfully rescued and released back into the ocean. Videographer / Director: Beth Cordell Producer: Samantha Grillo Editor: Kyle Waters FACEBOOK: Like Barcroft TV - TWITTER: Follow @Barcroft_TV - WEBSITE: For licensing & business enquiries, visit the Barcroft Media site -

Sea-Section: Incredible Shark Birth Caught on Camera sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1214

Shark videos 10 years ago 4,747,107 views

Sea-Section: Incredible Shark Birth Caught on Camera SUBSCRIBE: We upload a new incredible video every weekday. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss out: A family outing turned into a shocking emergency c-section shark birth caught on camera. Restaurant owners Beth Cordell, 44 and Lindsey Cordell, 44, were walking along the coast of Georgia, USA with their three children and a friend when they noticed a shark that washed up on shore. Their son, Lindsey Cordell, 13, recorded the astonishing footage.  Strangers gathered and helped remove a hook from the 6ft shark’s body when they noticed movement inside its stomach. Realizing the shark was pregnant, another beach goer volunteered to cut the mother open, exposing the wriggling newborns inside. Three shark pups were successfully rescued and released back into the ocean. Videographer / Director: Beth Cordell Producer: Samantha Grillo Editor: Kyle Waters FACEBOOK: Like Barcroft TV - TWITTER: Follow @Barcroft_TV - WEBSITE: For licensing & business enquiries, visit the Barcroft Media site -

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Most popular comments
for Sea-Section: Incredible Shark Birth Caught on Camera

Bella Skeeter
Bella Skeeter - 6 years ago
Wow the umbilical cord is just ripped from them. Ouchie
football explosions
football explosions - 6 years ago
Your dumb because the baby can’t get food now because the Mum died and you should not ever do that
EpixDevo - 6 years ago
Its either in savannah or brumswick
AntCoolGuy - 6 years ago
Josef TGC
Josef TGC - 6 years ago
The smilling Cat
The smilling Cat - 6 years ago
If i was the baby shark
Cedric L
Cedric L - 6 years ago
rescued and instantly released in the ocean without a mom to show how to survive and protect you ? LOLZ Im pretty sure these babies are dead fast
Maria Octaviano Matildes
Maria Octaviano Matildes - 6 years ago
Aww thats so adorable
team 10 fan
team 10 fan - 6 years ago
She literally stabed him and she knows there was babies

10. comment for Sea-Section: Incredible Shark Birth Caught on Camera

team 10 fan
team 10 fan - 6 years ago
Awh poor shark
Clockwork and Natalie
Clockwork and Natalie - 6 years ago
I feel sad for the mother shark imma cry :’<
iiHyperAdrian - 6 years ago
The sad thing is that their mother died
sophie moulder Moulder
sophie moulder Moulder - 6 years ago
that dies with babbys
sophie moulder Moulder
sophie moulder Moulder - 6 years ago
why that por sharck
xthe.blinkuexx l
xthe.blinkuexx l - 6 years ago
Poor shark
Konjali - 6 years ago
It's sad that the mother never got to see her babies
Lars Ikink
Lars Ikink - 6 years ago
Subnautica ending in real life
Rustin Stardust
Rustin Stardust - 6 years ago
Wow. Totally assumed that being fish, shark babies would hatch from eggs which had already been laid by the mom.
flamowlX - 6 years ago
What if they stabbed the pups

20. comment for Sea-Section: Incredible Shark Birth Caught on Camera

ManFat - 6 years ago
The mother would be proud
Ok - 6 years ago
I don't sea why you made a really unpunny joke in the title.
Nikkile Bacol
Nikkile Bacol - 6 years ago
I enjoyed watching this.
Devan McClaine
Devan McClaine - 6 years ago
All full term, too....
The trashiest trash to ever trash a trashy trash
The trashiest trash to ever trash a trashy trash - 6 years ago
I like the pun in the title!
slazer bolt YT Gameing
slazer bolt YT Gameing - 6 years ago
Such nice people to just cut a shark open to save baby sharks
Kay the Unicorn kitty
Kay the Unicorn kitty - 7 years ago
So cute
Ya ya Yang
Ya ya Yang - 7 years ago
I feel bad that the mothwr didn't make it
Radio The Doggo
Radio The Doggo - 7 years ago
What did they do to the mother
Jay _
Jay _ - 7 years ago
Good job saving 3 things that would eat u in a heartbeat

30. comment for Sea-Section: Incredible Shark Birth Caught on Camera

Biggie Monster
Biggie Monster - 7 years ago
ibrahim64gaming - 7 years ago
i pressed 3 buttons the subscribe notification and the like
Christian Enriquez
Christian Enriquez - 7 years ago
....but the mother died
Sylie Deocareza
Sylie Deocareza - 7 years ago
how about the mommy she will throw in the. garbage truck or she will. bring in house and eat
iHeart J'shai
iHeart J'shai - 7 years ago
Imagine the baby sharks reaction "Dada?"
Foxie - 7 years ago
Did anyone notice he stabbed the baby the first one to move?
Heather Weaver
Heather Weaver - 7 years ago
WHAT if you stabbed the baby with units and put it in water straight away so don't drown
Alto 2DMax
Alto 2DMax - 7 years ago
ignorant people in this comment section bug me. first, the mother was already dead and sharks have extremely thick skin so stop complaining that he was too rough with his knife. Second he didn't cut the pups e cut the sac around the pup which is a good thing otherwise the pup wouldn't have been able to move. Yes they released the pups in the ocean. shark pups are on their own the moment they are born. They don't need a mother to protect them. everything they know is in their instincts which they are born with and they are fully capable of hunting, protecting, and raising their own pups.
Lil Mistake
Lil Mistake - 7 years ago
Why would u release the shark later on it’s probably going to eat someone
Child- ren
Child- ren - 7 years ago
There nice people but I feel sorry for the mum died:(
Jess Merrett
Jess Merrett - 7 years ago
Wow the pun
Jc the Night furry
Jc the Night furry - 7 years ago
R.I.P Mama Shark, happy for baby
Sabrina de Carvalho
Sabrina de Carvalho - 7 years ago
Can the babies survive on their own??
angel baby
angel baby - 7 years ago
The second one was dead
Syd Adlein S Gutierrez
Syd Adlein S Gutierrez - 7 years ago
When im in that place i shoud keep one baby shark
julie yang
julie yang - 7 years ago
I'm kinda sad that the mother didn't survive
Qwerty Asdfghjkl
Qwerty Asdfghjkl - 7 years ago
Imagine all the times you swallowed the water whenever you went swimming in the ocean
Dhini 5922
Dhini 5922 - 7 years ago
Baby shark dudududududu
Dilara Eroglu
Dilara Eroglu - 7 years ago
With the knife he could hurt the baby sharks
Midnight Wolf
Midnight Wolf - 7 years ago

50. comment for Sea-Section: Incredible Shark Birth Caught on Camera

ako_si_kim2x cannen
ako_si_kim2x cannen - 7 years ago
the mother is dead
Julideh Fontanez
Julideh Fontanez - 7 years ago
love for paws
It was already dead
Sam Lopez
Sam Lopez - 7 years ago
I'm just saying wouldn't the pups die without getting shown how to be a shark in general
Drawing Freak
Drawing Freak - 7 years ago
Is the mom ok
Julideh Fontanez
Julideh Fontanez - 7 years ago
Drawing Freak
It died before giving birth
Outer Kid
Outer Kid - 7 years ago
MaXim Game Club
MaXim Game Club - 7 years ago
shark mom : LET ME SEE THEM BEFORE I D-- dies
Chloe K
Chloe K - 7 years ago
Ugh people frustrate me beyond belief! The person cutting the mother open hadn’t known the babies were in there, so you can’t exactly moan at him for ‘careless’ cutting of the stomach.
Moe Pods WithASideOfChanSalt
Moe Pods WithASideOfChanSalt - 7 years ago
Stop whining at the shark’s death. She died probably knowing she was passing on life.
Analicia Zamora
Analicia Zamora - 7 years ago
did the mommy shark die
sunflowergore - 7 years ago
Analicia Zamora they found it washed up. it was already dead
duhitzkaylalol XD
duhitzkaylalol XD - 7 years ago
This one is sad because the mother is dead
ilona buividaviv
ilona buividaviv - 7 years ago
Devels devels pumpkin devels killing sharks
baby - 7 years ago
That poor mother shark, RIP.
everything is awsome
everything is awsome - 7 years ago
This is really bad that is the most horrible thing they could have ever done baby sharks cant live alone like that they cant survive without there mother to teach them thing like how eat or do enything they did a horrible thing to those shark
sunflowergore - 7 years ago
everything is awsome sharks are on their own the second they’re born.
Role Plays With Grace
Role Plays With Grace - 7 years ago
I'm so stupid!! I was like omg!!! There cutting a live shark in half to recur the babe. Lol, wow me, just wiw
sunflowergore - 7 years ago
RabbitCrazyVLOGS the shark was already dead. it washed up on the beach
Mikayla Yuson
Mikayla Yuson - 7 years ago
That was so sad! I hope the mother is in shark heaven watching over her babys
PENTAHOLIC - 7 years ago
Baby shark doo doo doo
kia - 7 years ago
Ha SEA-section......thats hilarious
Ciaran Murtagh
Ciaran Murtagh - 7 years ago
So sad and cute :)!!-
Angie Tung
Angie Tung - 7 years ago
The poor mommy shark died.....☹️
Mikey Patterson
Mikey Patterson - 7 years ago
I cryed decir I loved it
FionaLeigh 123
FionaLeigh 123 - 7 years ago
Is the mother shark dead
sunflowergore - 7 years ago
Fluffy Fiona yeah, they found it already dead.
christin catt
christin catt - 7 years ago
Felt bad for mother but at the same time happy for babies...!
Rhythm - 7 years ago
ѕιpѕ тae
ѕιpѕ тae - 7 years ago
0:06 he just went there and stabbed the poor mother..☹️
But goodjob on rescuing the pups!
Mystic Moon
Mystic Moon - 7 years ago
Feel bad for the mother they opened her so wide
IanSoon MX
IanSoon MX - 7 years ago
So cute little shark, but the mother died :(
TheFCUTE_alex - 7 years ago
Read the first sentence of the title. Get the pun? And why is no one talking about this except another comment?
matty naylor
matty naylor - 7 years ago
Yayyy you saved the sharks that are eventually gonna bite your leg off haha like but good work people no point in letting them die
Macaroni And Cheese
Macaroni And Cheese - 7 years ago
3 Baby shark doo doo doo
Dark Destroyer
Dark Destroyer - 7 years ago
Aldrich Robinson
Aldrich Robinson - 7 years ago
I guess this really was a "sea section"

Get it?

Cause it has fish
NickAtNick - 7 years ago
It's sad that the mother died :( It's really sad because her shark babies will live by themselves :(
sunflowergore - 7 years ago
BLOXNick sharks are on their own after they’re born
Ilovestitch - 7 years ago
Rest In Peace amazing sharkmom
Janet Tan
Janet Tan - 7 years ago
The dude cut one of the baby sharks awe
Amelia Rose
Amelia Rose - 7 years ago
this video is both sad and happy, great chance for the babies even though the mother died
Henry Rubio
Henry Rubio - 7 years ago
Eesha Kaur
Eesha Kaur - 7 years ago
How sad mum dead
Kittylovely222 AJpw
Kittylovely222 AJpw - 7 years ago
Rip mother but this person is very helpful
KissingThe80s - 7 years ago
I can't tell if they are happy the baby made it or there happy the shark died No more Jaws for you
Unsub If you want I have a new account
Unsub If you want I have a new account - 7 years ago
Why did they cut open the mom?? They should have brought it to a animal hospital, so the mother wouldn't die
sunflowergore - 7 years ago
Abby- Roblox and more the shark was already dead. it had washed up on the beach.
LuvieLovie Love
LuvieLovie Love - 7 years ago
Stuffy - 7 years ago
Human kindness <3
caseila anindia
caseila anindia - 7 years ago
Ερμιονη Βελωνια
Ερμιονη Βελωνια - 7 years ago
Why the shark is dead?
rosidah othman
rosidah othman - 7 years ago
Who will take care of the babies? :(:(:(:(
sunflowergore - 7 years ago
rosidah othman baby sharks take care of themselves. they won’t even care about their siblings, just survival. they’re on their own from the second they’re born
happy. times
happy. times - 7 years ago
Perla Yassine
Perla Yassine - 7 years ago
That's just disgusting but when he put the knife inside at first I was like "OH MY GOODNESS"
Ivy The Wolf
Ivy The Wolf - 7 years ago
Then the Baby sharks Grow up and Eat People Again
Dinh-licious - 7 years ago
420 cbrYT
420 cbrYT - 7 years ago
I seen this happen in person few times

100. comment for Sea-Section: Incredible Shark Birth Caught on Camera

Porbeagle  Master
Porbeagle Master - 7 years ago
What kind of shark is that?!
Android Mods - Gaming
Android Mods - Gaming - 7 years ago
Even that sharks for some some people are targets I cried that the mother shark died :(
Matt's Manor
Matt's Manor - 7 years ago
O I get it sea section haha
Rosé's Pastaa
Rosé's Pastaa - 7 years ago
Oh heck NO sending back THREE sharks in the sea

I'm out
Daniel Argersinger
Daniel Argersinger - 7 years ago
Nice people
MonsterHighGirl - 7 years ago
RIP Mother shark
Dragon - 7 years ago
That shark was already dead right????
Elyssa Cameron
Elyssa Cameron - 7 years ago
I did this to a tiger and a mouse but I had gloves on
Flynn - 7 years ago
No sharks were harmed making this video
smiler - 7 years ago
He definitely sliced through a pup. He was a typical guy... rough and lacked finesse
Xavier K
Xavier K - 7 years ago
I want one
Blidaru Stefan
Blidaru Stefan - 7 years ago
that's kinda gory.
Ball 4Life
Ball 4Life - 7 years ago
The thing is baby sharks cant survive without their mother
Ayeee itz natalie
Ayeee itz natalie - 7 years ago
The baby sharks are going to die! They learn to hunt from there mom and get food from there mom. Imagine you barley born and just gone into the ocean without a mom to get out food. I would be confused. A perditor will eat them, you technally didn't save it...poor sharks.
Danish Dragon
Danish Dragon - 7 years ago
You pretend you know so much about sharks lmao mother great whites leave their babies as soon as they're born
sunflowergore - 7 years ago
Ayeee itz natalie sharks are on their own the second after they’re born.
Janiyah Johnson
Janiyah Johnson - 7 years ago
Eww ahhh
Janiyah Johnson
Janiyah Johnson - 7 years ago
:( the mom died
MJP Boisvert
MJP Boisvert - 7 years ago
I'm just happy they were born.
Fried Ribs
Fried Ribs - 7 years ago
They killed the mom
Floopy's Gaming
Floopy's Gaming - 7 years ago
Its sad that there mother died
Alex Rodriguez
Alex Rodriguez - 7 years ago
poor shark :´(
sunflowergore - 7 years ago
Alex Rodriguez it was already dead.
Hey It’s Wolfie Perez
Hey It’s Wolfie Perez - 7 years ago
Ew this was gross a
LARA COLLINS - 7 years ago
Wth they will not live they do not have a mum to get them food or pertain
Fast Break 386
Fast Break 386 - 7 years ago
Did the mom die? I think she did?
Penguin Dash
Penguin Dash - 7 years ago
You know that could of been the food it are because sharks like to other shark babies
Emile Culturboii
Emile Culturboii - 7 years ago
Why are they throwing it back in the oceans? These sharks my kill people
Emile Culturboii
Emile Culturboii - 7 years ago
Omma Suho Approves This
Omma Suho Approves This - 7 years ago
Aaaauuuooow so cute
itz 2apple3
itz 2apple3 - 7 years ago
It's sad that you have to kill the momma shark
THESEEKER Desperate - 7 years ago
i think he accidentally cut the baby shark
• ZhaxeX•
• ZhaxeX• - 7 years ago
They killed the shark
Sophie Bess Graham-Green
Sophie Bess Graham-Green - 7 years ago
They literally cut up the shark!
Madicorn Gaming
Madicorn Gaming - 7 years ago
I am happy for the babies but cutting open the mom that's wrong!!!!!
PastelLlamas - 7 years ago
But the Mom shark was Killed! D:
Eliza Mora
Eliza Mora - 7 years ago
that cute
Hannah chung
Hannah chung - 7 years ago
Can they live without their mother??
William kk
William kk - 7 years ago
New born sharks need their mother or they will died in the wild
Ngoc Tran
Ngoc Tran - 7 years ago
Zockerin_3000 - 7 years ago
The shark dont live anymore or?
myo win
myo win - 7 years ago
The mother Shark always tried to eat the baby after birth so thats a good thing the mom is dead , idk why they (the shark) do that though :/
J&A Juliana&AA
J&A Juliana&AA - 7 years ago
so sad
Kookiejar 1419
Kookiejar 1419 - 7 years ago
Kookiejar 1419
Kookiejar 1419 - 7 years ago
Kookiejar 1419
Kookiejar 1419 - 7 years ago
Why da hell am I watching this.
Memphis The Husky
Memphis The Husky - 7 years ago
Jacq Rangi-Foot
Jacq Rangi-Foot - 7 years ago
Does the mother shark die
Jesus Godinez
Jesus Godinez - 7 years ago
Any one noticed how he stabbed the shark in the start?
Kittycatboo kitty
Kittycatboo kitty - 7 years ago
Wow why did u cut a nice shark what happens if people did that to u
Kittycatboo kitty
Kittycatboo kitty - 7 years ago
。某某人 。
。某某人 。 - 7 years ago
that is cyprinoid gp
assassin Bonnie
assassin Bonnie - 7 years ago
wyatt welch
wyatt welch - 7 years ago
get it sea section
david fancher
david fancher - 7 years ago
you are animal abuse and hurt babies . how you feel that if you are sting fish someone bet up and cut up how you feel that? babies need mommy
TkR pixl
TkR pixl - 7 years ago
Its Skylar 25
Its Skylar 25 - 7 years ago
this was sad caz who is the baby sharks going to live by themselves??
This Equestrian
This Equestrian - 7 years ago
Will the shark pups be able to survive without its mum
Sophie Whitney
Sophie Whitney - 7 years ago
Was the mum shark dead?
Kina Lyne
Kina Lyne - 7 years ago
Omg!!! These ppl are so heartless!! Now the mother is dead!
Olivia Gordon
Olivia Gordon - 7 years ago
OMG the poor shark
Mikala Tenny
Mikala Tenny - 7 years ago
I didn't know you were supposed to cut a shark
Jack Zeiss
Jack Zeiss - 7 years ago
Do sharks not need any sort of parental guidence? What did they do once they got out in the ocean I wonder...
Agartha - 7 years ago
Man the siblings of Orphan of Kos were a lot luckier.
kim martinez
kim martinez - 7 years ago
Legendary galaxy girl
Legendary galaxy girl - 7 years ago
is the shark ilive
Jun bo Zeng
Jun bo Zeng - 7 years ago
Is it basically cutting it open
Dom Kippies
Dom Kippies - 7 years ago
Yum yum those sharks were other greater shark breakfasts. Blood on the baby sharks will bring way more attention to those baby sharks.
Swedish Communist
Swedish Communist - 7 years ago
Im crying
Ink - 7 years ago
Junior Ingram
Junior Ingram - 7 years ago
We need more people like this in the world
Emily Mc
Emily Mc - 7 years ago
This is how you get on the friendly side of a shark
Rameez Khan
Rameez Khan - 7 years ago
23pz0935 - 7 years ago
How could People kill These anderer animals if It is pragnet
I don't like that
Arthuroq Nathan Bartolome
Arthuroq Nathan Bartolome - 7 years ago
awww GROSS
cheyanne green
cheyanne green - 7 years ago
Does the mother shark live
Mike Hayes
Mike Hayes - 7 years ago
is it gonna be okey
Sorrell Minett
Sorrell Minett - 7 years ago
animal cruelty
dannyb20 vtec
dannyb20 vtec - 7 years ago
he saves those sharks..few years later there responsible for attacking a kid ..
LT - 7 years ago
so is the mother dead?
MarlonMax - 7 years ago
very sorry for the Mom
Katelyn Hinson
Katelyn Hinson - 7 years ago
awwwwwwwwwwwww poor shark
MLG Lillie
MLG Lillie - 7 years ago
Stranger needs a life
Stranger needs a life - 7 years ago
poor mom shark
Macca TheAlpaca
Macca TheAlpaca - 7 years ago
Shark fin soup anyone?
Maxiimoe _
Maxiimoe _ - 7 years ago
It's sad that the mum died and that the babies would have died if the people didn't save them but it's also amazing that the babies were safe
Unicorn_beast973 - 7 years ago
Shark momma dead
Heke - 7 years ago
was the shark dead??
BluZx turtle
BluZx turtle - 7 years ago
i know why the shark was dead cause when a shark gives birth the babys eat there moms stomach
Andrea Harris
Andrea Harris - 7 years ago
that is sssssooooo swet
Mikayla Dos Santos
Mikayla Dos Santos - 7 years ago
so the mom has to die
sebastian cubillos
sebastian cubillos - 7 years ago
Pobres hp de mierda ojala le hicieran eso a la esposa embarazada aver que siente gran pendejo de mierda malparidos
Lara Ahmad
Lara Ahmad - 7 years ago
he killed one ....
Ian Ocampo
Ian Ocampo - 7 years ago
That's not giving birth if you cut them open to death
Question Mark
Question Mark - 7 years ago
I love how the dog was sitting there like what the actual freak!
gianni sampo
gianni sampo - 7 years ago
so much luck that fuckface ddint stab the babys lol.
xXSnowWolfXx - 7 years ago
aww its a cute lil black tip baby my favourite shark is a lemon shark their really cute. am i the only one?
D Casiano
D Casiano - 7 years ago
cool and digusting hmm coolusting
Tiffany Pergande
Tiffany Pergande - 7 years ago
that was adorable and my grandma loves helping animals
Lola Dreams
Lola Dreams - 7 years ago
Why must U be so rude fuck u
Angelin Halim
Angelin Halim - 7 years ago
Migdalia. Meza
Migdalia. Meza - 7 years ago
is the mom ok
Sprinkle Of Sugar
Sprinkle Of Sugar - 7 years ago
YOU STABED A SHARK TO GET THE BABIES OUT!!!!! REALLY!!!! (I am not a vegetarian!)
MatthewIsAsian - 7 years ago
I would take the Shark home and get it stuffed and oiled so it doesn't stink
Michelle Leord
Michelle Leord - 7 years ago
sea section... forking sea section oye...
JeffTheTommyActBoy do
JeffTheTommyActBoy do - 7 years ago
I'm happy that the baby shark was born and you are a true hero but the mother shark died ;(
Leo - 7 years ago
this is how you don't have to do a c-section
Raul Moore
Raul Moore - 7 years ago
By saving 3 shark lives they put 3000 humans lives at danger
dino - 7 years ago
The baby sharks should grew up by now..
welp. not going to that ocean.
TidalWave Oceanclan
TidalWave Oceanclan - 7 years ago
Hahah sea-section
Roger - 7 years ago
Should have kill the damn things. Sharks eat people!
Gloria Allen
Gloria Allen - 7 years ago
ThatOneGuyJames - 7 years ago
Lol I know everyone's all like "awwww so cute" but no he killed the shark what kind cute are you thinking
Josie Hassell
Josie Hassell - 7 years ago
was the shark dead
Roblox girl 234
Roblox girl 234 - 7 years ago
I feel bad for the mama shark because she died and the babies are saved....
Katie Hill
Katie Hill - 7 years ago
awww that is so cute
Thuringwethil Vaire
Thuringwethil Vaire - 7 years ago
I hope they made it back to the deep ocean and weren't just caught in the shallow tides...
Peter Marion
Peter Marion - 8 years ago
I'm back on this side of youtube again...
Fadi A
Fadi A - 8 years ago
lol wait so they killed the mother and saved the babies? good stuff.
Galaxy Tube
Galaxy Tube - 8 years ago
But the mother died :(
Desiree - 8 years ago
he just stabbed the fuck outta that damn
PandaProductions - 8 years ago
im sorry but...ewwww
LittleBoy - 8 years ago
well the sad thing is there babies there probably dead in that huge beach so many preditors
Samantha V.
Samantha V. - 8 years ago
0:46 another bitch goer?
Mikaela Renè
Mikaela Renè - 8 years ago
stabs the shark somehow the babies are still alive
1.123 4
1.123 4 - 8 years ago
this idiot sticking his huge blade violently in it makes me speechless. how can a grown man be such an idiot?
Rosha Parker
Rosha Parker - 8 years ago
poor mom
fabian and Friends
fabian and Friends - 8 years ago
that is gross
tristan brannon
tristan brannon - 8 years ago
it's dead??
kaptan miralay iş başında 2
kaptan miralay iş başında 2 - 8 years ago
yazık denen bişey var oçlar ne güzel anne olacaktı niye kestinis alah sizin bin belanızı versin
Ervy M
Ervy M - 8 years ago
Sharks do not care for their babies after they are born, but they do search for a safe place where they can lay their eggs or give birth. So the babies are good
Two funny Brothers
Two funny Brothers - 8 years ago
Are they going to put the shark together ¿
Lyka Pong
Lyka Pong - 8 years ago
That is sad the mum died
Kim Moreels
Kim Moreels - 8 years ago
lol for real wtf it was dead on the beach but they managed to saved 3 babies sharks.
I want to Die
I want to Die - 8 years ago
It's dead dumbass
Two funny Brothers
Two funny Brothers - 8 years ago
Bigswifty75 - 8 years ago
so many pirated and monetized versions of this on YT
Igs Kal
Igs Kal - 8 years ago
4 szarcs
Nieveso Correa Carbo
Nieveso Correa Carbo - 8 years ago
eres un cavron
lauren jonas
lauren jonas - 8 years ago
Did they just kill the shark
MrLeviNielsen - 8 years ago
No a dead shark washed up on shore.
oliwia geppus garnisz
oliwia geppus garnisz - 8 years ago
jaki słodkie drży rekinki
Y Lowz
Y Lowz - 8 years ago
Just by letting them out u know next time someone swims inside there will be the little babys breakfast
weinerberg - 8 years ago
Gamer Lowz goof
Carli Musak
Carli Musak - 8 years ago
Ewwww that's so gross but adorable
john culpepper
john culpepper - 8 years ago
baby shark was about letting them die
Dragica Katic
Dragica Katic - 8 years ago
that's so mean
MrLeviNielsen - 8 years ago
Melissa Briceno
Melissa Briceno - 8 years ago
igava päeva algus
igava päeva algus - 8 years ago
ooh good how save the babyes
Trap Money
Trap Money - 8 years ago
Lol nice! Sea section hahaha
INHALE THE MEMES - 6 years ago
Haiyan Zhang
Haiyan Zhang - 7 years ago
the mother was already dead
PreciousBundlesNursrey - 7 years ago
Well she was dead..what were they suppose to do throw a memorial service for a freakin shark
Fabián - 8 years ago
yeah sure, they should've called jesus to revive her..
Mark Neill
Mark Neill - 8 years ago
Phoebe Crockety-watkins the mother was dead they were saving the baby
Premanator2000 - 8 years ago
So did they just leave the sharks corpse there or
mayleen hernandez
mayleen hernandez - 8 years ago
how is it caught on camera u are right in front of the shark
natalia spinoza
natalia spinoza - 8 years ago
le pasó a la mamá del tiburón
Cynthia Bregje
Cynthia Bregje - 8 years ago
jamaica verde
jamaica verde - 8 years ago
wy do thet kill the mum
Chesnea Livingstone
Chesnea Livingstone - 8 years ago
Omg did antone notice the dog poop beside the shark XDDDDD
pit man
pit man - 8 years ago
why did you let them go. kill them all big small a good shark is a dead one. its going to come back and kill someone
small white dog
small white dog - 7 years ago
pit man the only good idiot is a dead idiot
people like don't even know wtf an ecosystem is seriously I've had enough with idiots
Alisharksurf Smith
Alisharksurf Smith - 7 years ago
Baby sharks live on their own
Sergio Rodriguez
Sergio Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Ali Major619 bbbb
Hung Sandra
Hung Sandra - 8 years ago
Ali Major619
Bastiaan Bogers
Bastiaan Bogers - 8 years ago
They're only attached to their mother during the pregnancy. After that, they're independent.
Trevor Negron
Trevor Negron - 8 years ago
Garr JKM no they do t why do u think baby sharks attach to the mom
Ali Major 666
Ali Major 666 - 8 years ago
Garrjkm Herps
Garrjkm Herps - 8 years ago
Ali Haidari baby sharks care for themselves
Leila Leila
Leila Leila - 8 years ago
It looks like they accidentally cut one of the pups ☹️
Ria Cardona
Ria Cardona - 6 years ago
It did look like that at first but it was just the sac around the newborn.
Alto 2DMax
Alto 2DMax - 7 years ago
he cut the sack that was around the pup.
James Raupp
James Raupp - 8 years ago
wtf I hate you
James Raupp
James Raupp - 8 years ago
wtf I hate you
Kiley del Mar
Kiley del Mar - 8 years ago
so happy I'm crying
HACKIN GAMER - 8 years ago
I 30 pet sharks they will bite new people that havnint seen be for
All Shipper
All Shipper - 8 years ago
i wonder what fish made such a terrible bite .
piplup2009 - 8 years ago
i didn't know they started reuploading videos for blind people
Oyuka Davaa
Oyuka Davaa - 8 years ago
Why stab so hard man? you could have injured the babies as well
Alto 2DMax
Alto 2DMax - 7 years ago
he didn't hurt them. he cut the sack. which is good. and sharks have extremely thick skin.
Emiko Misaki
Emiko Misaki - 7 years ago
He didnt know
thot tiana
thot tiana - 7 years ago
Oyuka Davaa he did
Jen Eagles
Jen Eagles - 8 years ago
If I decided I was going to rescue it I would bring the babies with me tell they grow up and then I will release them back after I feed them
Cine Esti
Cine Esti - 8 years ago
yeah just take care of them in your bathroom right
vera wassenaar
vera wassenaar - 8 years ago
Yeah cut in the shark.......
Bang Yoon
Bang Yoon - 8 years ago
Ganush Kumar
Ganush Kumar - 8 years ago
Hunnybean - 8 years ago
Are they gonna die BC their mum is dead and won't feed them
Blake Hackman
Blake Hackman - 7 years ago
Sharks are alone when they are born
BritishPrivateer - 8 years ago
Their moms are the same as turtle moms.
proxx jha gang
proxx jha gang - 8 years ago
Safwan Murtada
Safwan Murtada - 8 years ago
سبحان الله
A_Cirious_Gamer - 8 years ago
So what happened to the baby sharks? Did they eat them, take them to an aquarium or leave it in the ocean?? Hopefully they did the right thing.
gelica8809 - 8 years ago
A_Cirious_Gamer - 8 years ago
+BellaBoop Too bad not everyone is graced with reliable Internet...
bellayish - 8 years ago
If you listened, they put them in the ocean.
Wanessa  Pinheiro Lopes
Wanessa Pinheiro Lopes - 8 years ago
muito bem
Erin K
Erin K - 8 years ago
One time I was at the beach with my mom and a baby shark got washed up it was still alive. Everyone screamed and ran away but my mom grabbed it's tail and threw it back in the water. I never washed back up so it survived :)
edmund rhei morada
edmund rhei morada - 8 years ago
I feel bad for the mother...
winterwolf gaming
winterwolf gaming - 8 years ago
did you kill the mom shark
Debbie B
Debbie B - 8 years ago
no, shes was already dead
Nyloaf - 8 years ago
why/how did I get here
Divya Mohan
Divya Mohan - 8 years ago
Mother shark is killed to make the baby sharks live! thats horrible :|
Sean Lewis
Sean Lewis - 8 years ago
Not at any point did it say the shark was killed to save the babies. If you'd listened, you would have heard that the mother was already dead
ahowls - 8 years ago
mother shark was already dead, baby
itwasntme ,
itwasntme , - 8 years ago
it's sad and great
karen arce
karen arce - 8 years ago
iuuuuu :(
Ofelia Ferrusquilla
Ofelia Ferrusquilla - 8 years ago
How rude you guys
FoxiRex 2007
FoxiRex 2007 - 8 years ago
Solo Warrior321
Solo Warrior321 - 8 years ago
the sad part is the baby sharks didn't have a mother to raise them :(
Just Jiwon
Just Jiwon - 8 years ago
+Tyler Epler mother sharks actually sometimes eat their own babies. So...
Solo Warrior321
Solo Warrior321 - 8 years ago
Trust me I'm sad because of that I need my mother if I was a shark
Phet Peg
Phet Peg - 8 years ago
Sharks don't need their mothers.
Emily Flowers
Emily Flowers - 8 years ago
dayum stabbing hard
AnnaBelle Nowland
AnnaBelle Nowland - 8 years ago
NATURE LOVER - 8 years ago
Nice pun in the title of the vid!!
Jumpy J
Jumpy J - 8 years ago
SEA sectioned
Shadowblaster25 - 8 years ago
I like sharks turtles
Carson Drew
Carson Drew - 8 years ago
did the mommy shark die I don't have time to watch
Ryan Barton
Ryan Barton - 8 years ago
+Carson mccoy
Carson Drew
Carson Drew - 8 years ago
Yeah problem with that
Ryan Barton
Ryan Barton - 8 years ago
But you have enough time to comment.
Olivia Liendo
Olivia Liendo - 8 years ago
so a dorubl
Noob Gamer
Noob Gamer - 8 years ago
It is a bady shark
Russian turkey
Russian turkey - 8 years ago
It's so sad because the babies don't have a mother making me almost cry
Slurpeeplayzz _
Slurpeeplayzz _ - 8 years ago
I was scared because they could of stayed one of the sharklings
That one girl
That one girl - 8 years ago
did some die since it said 3 were successfuly returned?
MrsPinkyoshi83 - 8 years ago
No. There were only 3 babies in the mother's womb.
d - 8 years ago
But now they have to live without a mother...but at least they're alive :)
Pamela Love
Pamela Love - 8 years ago
is the mom dead
Jay-Jay Hibbs
Jay-Jay Hibbs - 8 years ago
Kali-Nykole Robinson
Kali-Nykole Robinson - 8 years ago
mom live
Creepy - 8 years ago
now they don't have their mommy
Creepy - 8 years ago
Still though, poor shark died before the babies were born
Angel Lucia
Angel Lucia - 8 years ago
They don't need one. Shark pups are born independent; they don't rely on parental care and aren't at any disandvantage because she's dead.
Cruz Cervantes
Cruz Cervantes - 8 years ago
Amanda Langdale
Amanda Langdale - 8 years ago
You are nice who ever did that:)
Hero Is The Best
Hero Is The Best - 8 years ago
did the shark die or not
(mother shark)
Ryan Barton
Ryan Barton - 8 years ago
All he had to was look at the shark....
Jay-Jay Hibbs
Jay-Jay Hibbs - 8 years ago
+shitty matsu lol exactly what I was thinking mate HAHA XD
gooey ghost
gooey ghost - 8 years ago
the video literally said that the shark was already dead. why do people just not listen?
Zoe Evans
Zoe Evans - 8 years ago
Just saying but what happens to the mother after that
Jay-Jay Hibbs
Jay-Jay Hibbs - 8 years ago
She goes back to swim happily without her stomach (:
LPSFab Pruduction
LPSFab Pruduction - 8 years ago
Too bad the shark is dead
Feels bad man
Feels bad man - 8 years ago
The dog in the background is the same kind of dog i have.
Ryan Barton
Ryan Barton - 8 years ago
Kitty Kat
Kitty Kat - 8 years ago
Albou1 Gaming
Albou1 Gaming - 8 years ago
When there is a SHARK!!!!!
Albou1 Gaming
Albou1 Gaming - 8 years ago
Wtf why did someone bring a freaking dog to the beach?!!
Ryan Barton
Ryan Barton - 8 years ago
Dogs go to the beach all the time. Wtf are you talking about?
Jay-Jay Hibbs
Jay-Jay Hibbs - 8 years ago
It's common to do that!
Christian loyl agrabio
Christian loyl agrabio - 8 years ago
sad story.. u save shark. shark kills everything no offence but i think they just let that shark alone and let the nature decide...
Jay-Jay Hibbs
Jay-Jay Hibbs - 8 years ago
Good job they didn't do what you thought. They saved lives that's a good thing nature would've killed them.
Vincent Heckman Jr.
Vincent Heckman Jr. - 8 years ago
is the mom shark dead
Jay-Jay Hibbs
Jay-Jay Hibbs - 8 years ago
+Ofelia Ferrusquilla
Ofelia Ferrusquilla
Ofelia Ferrusquilla - 8 years ago
Hey you don't talk to him like that okay if you were him would you say that if no or yes then shut up
Jay-Jay Hibbs
Jay-Jay Hibbs - 8 years ago
No couldn't you see her tail flapping about as she was being cut open? Jeez look harder next time.
A H - 8 years ago
+sekela Mwakitwile why would it make you puke
Huffy - 8 years ago
+Josh Lukowicz it means it's gonna make me puke
A H - 8 years ago
Vomit worthy?
Laila and Nae nae react
Laila and Nae nae react - 8 years ago
That was so cool
amanda thompson
amanda thompson - 8 years ago
gude jeb
Jiggle bread
Jiggle bread - 8 years ago
cuteness over 9000
Angel Lucia
Angel Lucia - 8 years ago
Sharks don't care for their young. If a shark pup encounters its own mother, she's as likely to eat it as any other shark is. They aren't at any disadvantage because she's dead.
Bring Me The Chemical Paniced Pilots
Bring Me The Chemical Paniced Pilots - 8 years ago
can they survive all alone?
Angel Lucia
Angel Lucia - 8 years ago
Shark pups are born independent. They take care of themselves fromthe moment they're born. Even if the mother was still alive, she wouldn't be caring for them. I can't promise that some other predator won't come along and eat any of them (nature sucks that way), but if it makes you feel better, they aren't at a disadvantage because of this.
cringey cringer gaming
cringey cringer gaming - 7 years ago
Keisha Campbell literally
Zayn Matik
Zayn Matik - 7 years ago
They will come back to Thank those people who saved their lives.
Kehlani안녕 하세요
Kehlani안녕 하세요 - 7 years ago
Phet Peg Because he carelessly pulled them out...
David Lanyi
David Lanyi - 8 years ago
TheLegendary PBandof
Phet Peg
Phet Peg - 8 years ago
Artist_1n SeSSion
Artist_1n SeSSion - 8 years ago
I nearly threw up while watching this
Bridget King
Bridget King - 8 years ago
How sweet but it's sad that the mother died
Md. Jahangir Alam
Md. Jahangir Alam - 8 years ago
Amazing , never seen before.
Rumen Simeonov
Rumen Simeonov - 8 years ago
Allysa Ica
Allysa Ica - 8 years ago
That true SHADONINJA BAA i like what you say... you have the kindness
LD - 8 years ago
guys, my dog daisy is a king Charles who is pregnant and I don't know when she got pregnant and I wanna know some things
how many puppies might she have
how long her breed can be pregnant for
and how much a hyrbid of king Charles and Shi Tzu puppy cost XD
LD - 8 years ago
The puppies were born a few weeks after I posted the comment
She had 4 one didn't survive and we gave 2 away a few weeks ago =(
My Life As Aidan
My Life As Aidan - 8 years ago
I'm guessing the puppies are already. Born how are they? And if you don't want more puppies u should get Her spayed
Roblox Gameplay
Roblox Gameplay - 8 years ago
God bless you whoever save the babies
Katie_hailey SISTERS
Katie_hailey SISTERS - 8 years ago
#slime Girl 0
Frisk flowerfell gamer
Frisk flowerfell gamer - 8 years ago
not cool and bie tibure not cool
Phet Peg
Phet Peg - 8 years ago
English please
Montgomery Montgomery
Montgomery Montgomery - 8 years ago
tho its sad the mother is ded
Jay-Jay Hibbs
Jay-Jay Hibbs - 8 years ago
It's sad that you can't construct a proper sentence.
GoBlue576966 - 8 years ago
Little up tight for a random comment aren't ya?
GoBlue576966 - 8 years ago
Who said anything about judgement? I never called you an idiot or anything. I just asked if you saw a documentary. You're reading too much into simple words. However that can be a judgment as that is pretty typical on youtube, but for the original comments, no judging.
Montgomery Montgomery
Montgomery Montgomery - 8 years ago
+GoBlue576966 no don't judge me
GoBlue576966 - 8 years ago
She swam off and is in good health. Didn't you see the Nat Geo documentary?
De De
De De - 8 years ago
So basically you kill the shark to make it have birth

leandro neves
leandro neves - 8 years ago
The shark was already dead '-'
Barek Obema
Barek Obema - 8 years ago
Just imagine if this happened in china
Shrek The Savage
Shrek The Savage - 7 years ago
iIrishLlama it's the truth! Have you seen what they do to domesticated dogs? I'm not even trying to be offensive. They eat everything!
HermioneElla_101 - 7 years ago
Shrek The Savage That is offensive to some people just because they do something that you don't like doesn't mean they are bad.
Fabián - 8 years ago
in some kind i gree with you, i dont care if i eat a chicken, a snake, a kangoroo or a dog. food is food, there are no animals more worth than oters BUT i totally disagree the way animals are treated, especially in china.
shedevl29 - 8 years ago
Panda diy
Panda diy - 8 years ago
Edie Valen ya
Ryan TR
Ryan TR - 8 years ago
Edie Valen what? Why we talking this again
Edie Valen
Edie Valen - 8 years ago
+Ryan TR​ can you not?
Garrjkm Herps
Garrjkm Herps - 8 years ago
Barek Obema Shark fin soup
Edie Valen
Edie Valen - 8 years ago
+Ryan TR and what makes that okay? It's still wrong
Edie Valen
Edie Valen - 8 years ago
+ Ryan TR I know what that is and it's more of a delicacy and from what I know of its not popular here. Which I don't agree with either
Ryan TR
Ryan TR - 8 years ago
Edie Valen no, i meant you are cute, and also try to google"balut(food)", we also BBQ that
Ryan TR
Ryan TR - 8 years ago
Edie Valen cute
Edie Valen
Edie Valen - 8 years ago
+Ryan TR from my understanding the eggs aren't fertile, so there are no babies in the eggs although also I don't agree with the way farms keep the chickens locked up in tight spaces and kill them once they can't produce anymore eggs. it's cruel and disgusting.
Ryan TR
Ryan TR - 8 years ago
+Madeline Hoffman
wtf, dont you even eat eggs? you can fried a chicken's baby but not sharks'?
Madeline Hoffman
Madeline Hoffman - 8 years ago
+Ryan TR thats so sick how could you say sutch a thing =(........
xX_KillerModz587 is my ps4 name
xX_KillerModz587 is my ps4 name - 8 years ago
Ryan TR
Ryan TR - 8 years ago
We'd bbq them all together
camaroman101 - 8 years ago
baby shark fin soup
moonaware vv
moonaware vv - 8 years ago
but did the mother die?
Jay-Jay Hibbs
Jay-Jay Hibbs - 8 years ago
It's clearly obvious that I know it can't swim back to sea without its fucking stomach that's how you should know I was being sarcastic.
O.G.alex - 8 years ago
+Springtrapeze lol ikr
Springtrapeze - 8 years ago
+O.G.alex Exactly!
O.G.alex - 8 years ago
+Jay-Jay Hibbs how would he know dumb shit it's text it's not like he can hear a voice or see someone to find out if it's sarcasm or not idiot
Springtrapeze - 8 years ago
+Jay-Jay Hibbs Ya know how hard it is to judge non-obvious sarcasm with just text? And come say that to my face and find out what happens, you little shit.
Jay-Jay Hibbs
Jay-Jay Hibbs - 8 years ago
It was sarcasm you dumb shit.
Springtrapeze - 8 years ago
+Jay-Jay Hibbs She was already dead, you moron
Jay-Jay Hibbs
Jay-Jay Hibbs - 8 years ago
No she survived being practically cut in half its a miracle.
O.G.alex - 8 years ago
Springtrapeze - 8 years ago
She was already dead
Thais Sapp
Thais Sapp - 8 years ago
You gust poking the shark that's hurt ful
Springtrapeze - 8 years ago
They were helping Her birth Her babies, she was already dead, you fuckin' idiot!
XNoLimitzZ - 8 years ago
Pore shark tho
broccoli - 8 years ago
If I was there I just be poking the dead shark
camaroman101 - 8 years ago
thats gross, keep it in your pants
I'm in the trash can if you need me
I'm in the trash can if you need me - 8 years ago
did they stab the baby sharks?
Random stuff :D -and more :D
Random stuff :D -and more :D - 7 years ago
Baiba Sirsnina one was slightly cut by accident but it still survived
Koen Poen
Koen Poen - 8 years ago
Sabrina Said
Sabrina Said - 8 years ago
No they just cut open the womb
NORKIE - 8 years ago
glad they were not the asshole type of human that would kill them just for a selfie.
Whit Lamar
Whit Lamar - 8 years ago
Kdd hong
Kdd hong - 8 years ago
won't it dead if this little ones without mother?
E•V•E•R•L•I•N - 8 years ago
+Fallen Angel no, you're right. Sharks are mentally developed to live by themselves, plus mothers leave babies at birth anyway.
Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel - 8 years ago
No, After sharks are born they are on their own, I think only certain fish stay with their mothers after. By fish I mean sharks, I may be wrong.
Springtrapeze - 8 years ago
It was already dead, and how else were they supposed to get the Pups out? It's not like She could still push.
liza gonzales
liza gonzales - 9 years ago
Did the mother die or is she alive?
Rick Dagondon
Rick Dagondon - 8 years ago
Is that an obvious question? What if i cut your stomach will you live?
BlueHorse17 - 9 years ago
Hope they survived.
Monica James
Monica James - 9 years ago
Monica James
Monica James - 9 years ago
thank god that little those kids in nwayer
Fábio Oliveira
Fábio Oliveira - 9 years ago
linda iniciativa vamos salvar o planeta good job save on the planet very beautifull action
David Graham Scott
David Graham Scott - 9 years ago
the Chinese would have made soup from the baby sharks. Scooby-Doo
TheDGSexperience - 8 years ago
It's not's a literal truth. You should read the Seoul Times:
Springtrapeze - 8 years ago
Probably. Probably not.
David Graham Scott
David Graham Scott - 9 years ago
the Chinese would have made soup from the baby sharks.
David Graham Scott
David Graham Scott - 9 years ago
the Chinese would have made soup from the baby sharks.
叶双伟 - 9 years ago
Omg the baby
✦ƑŁᗩƧЋỶ✦ - 9 years ago
The Sharks died most likely unless there one of those fish that can live with no one to protect them
Hello There
Hello There - 8 years ago
Sharks are independent from birth
Rade - 9 years ago
Thing is they don't know wtf to do so they starve to death.
Hello There
Hello There - 8 years ago
Sharks are independent from birth
katkoon - 9 years ago
You have just entered the beautiful side of YouTube ;")
shark Boyy
shark Boyy - 9 years ago
that poor bull shark
john hickson
john hickson - 9 years ago
without the mother the shark cubs are going to be quick prey. which of course is a sad thing
Hello There
Hello There - 8 years ago
Sharks are independent from birth
Therese - 9 years ago
Budderface3 Vlogs
Budderface3 Vlogs - 9 years ago
Did the mother survive
Goku Godly
Goku Godly - 9 years ago
labyrinthgirl17 - 9 years ago
I guess they were not full term. Most shark pups eat their siblings until there is only one left, at least, that's what my knowledge of the subject tells me, I could be wrong. :)
PinkStar Gaming
PinkStar Gaming - 9 years ago
The mother is dead now.
Springtrapeze - 8 years ago
It already was
Kaji - 9 years ago
RoboticLegendary - 9 years ago
this is the coolest thing i ever seen
why would she say that...

she clearly doesnt live that aweosme lfie
Lexie GiaLynn
Lexie GiaLynn - 9 years ago
that's so cool ! there are some very sweet people in the world ! i would've been too scared to touch the shark
Domican Mate
Domican Mate - 9 years ago
What that kind of shark is that but i think it a white tip shark not sure
Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel - 8 years ago
I do believe its a black tip. Idk.
Brian Torres
Brian Torres - 9 years ago
I'm 75% sure those pups died by going back into the sea
okänd okändsson
okänd okändsson - 9 years ago
+Brian Torres No from the moment they are born, sharks can take care of themselves.
Max Martin
Max Martin - 9 years ago
Why let them go by their selves they could get killed
DannyBeatzEnterprise - 9 years ago
its like anchorman
Maria Lopez
Maria Lopez - 9 years ago
Awe how cute. Being born from a dead mother
Syanne Cartier
Syanne Cartier - 9 years ago
Why do they stab the shark
Kelly Patterson
Kelly Patterson - 9 years ago
Irresponsible! Those baby sharks are now food!
Sentinel Owo
Sentinel Owo - 9 years ago
It's so gross
Xavierxenz - 9 years ago
6 years later, They are eaten by the 2nd shark
UrZ Fight4URight
UrZ Fight4URight - 9 years ago
I came from Flocke the Polar Bear...
Geridithienn - 9 years ago
Poor mama shark. She would've been glad to see her babies grow up to be ferocious killers.
Issy.Major_ 32
Issy.Major_ 32 - 9 years ago
dont sharks lay eggs?
Juan22 Romero
Juan22 Romero - 9 years ago
esestupido que le agan eso aun povre ani mal
Laylatee - 9 years ago
Raging Bull
Raging Bull - 9 years ago
Wait. Fish are not Mammals but, fish, are Sharks the only non-mammals that give live birth?
Kraken - 9 years ago
~3 years later~
Watch him get killed by the shark he saved
Paulina Pinon
Paulina Pinon - 9 years ago
LOL the dog is like O.O BRAH
Melissa Haggard
Melissa Haggard - 9 years ago
SwagKiller1200 - 9 years ago
I cried about his mom :(
Mckenzie Frenzy
Mckenzie Frenzy - 9 years ago
then what did he do to the black tip shark mama?
Banana Jin
Banana Jin - 9 years ago
Lime sharks or something like that are the only sharks who don't lay eggs
Rob Nonya
Rob Nonya - 9 years ago
they should have gave them to Seaworld where they can be raised to perform tricks and have a healthy long life. Without the Mother they will not live long. They need her milk and guidance..
AngelEmfrbl - 9 years ago
+Austin Johnson You can't really teach sharks to do tricks anyway... 
ORI Aomine
ORI Aomine - 9 years ago
Milk and guidance what the fuck.
Austin Johnson
Austin Johnson - 9 years ago
Seaward is a terrible place bruh they force the animals to do tricks
Elaine Nunnery
Elaine Nunnery - 9 years ago
They died in the water didn't they
Lorny 7
Lorny 7 - 9 years ago
the kids are like yay shark babies yay just ignoring the fact theres a dead shark mom yay
Hondakid64 - 9 years ago
those pups are most likely dead, they stick with their mom for 2 years until their big enough too defend them selfs.
Aaron Smith
Aaron Smith - 8 years ago
You're talking about a whale. That wasn't a whale.
Geridithienn - 9 years ago
+Chris Wheeler No, baby sharks can survive on their own the first moment they're born
Kieran Clark
Kieran Clark - 9 years ago
no they really don't. don't talk bs
Breanna Ironshield
Breanna Ironshield - 9 years ago
Poor Shark!:(
Every day Awesomeness
Every day Awesomeness - 9 years ago
Do you know you mite killing the mother
Borat Sagdiyev
Borat Sagdiyev - 9 years ago
they should not be rescued,i like every animal on the planet and i am huge fan of animals,but only good animals...i hate those which are evil and mean,and i have no regret to kill those,because by killing one evil you can save hundred good animals !!!
and in this case one of those 3 sharks could hurt some of the kids from this guys later in life !!!
so dont be foolish good,be smart good
you just returned killers to heir own world water,like you released from the jail three serial killers on the land
Jay-Jay Hibbs
Jay-Jay Hibbs - 8 years ago
+AngelEmfrbl all those things you listed were all caused by us in the first place. we cause a huge negative impact to this planet.
AngelEmfrbl - 8 years ago
+Jay-Jay Hibbs Oh...And yet... we are also trying to preserve nature as well as destroy it.What other species extracts DNA to bring back extinct species back...? Or those trying to create nature reserves to protect the rain forest....? Or trying to figure out how to make fish supplies maintainable...?

I would not say we are witout in, but there are plenty of animals who don't even care if another species goes extinct unless they starve to death.

And if we are to compare destruction, then mother nature and fate are bother very good at doing a lot more damage then we do. Even now, our sun is a ticking time bomb waiting to expand and slowly up our entire planet. And mt. St Helen threw up more pollution then we had in 200 years when it went off. Don't write us off completely just yet mate, most of our understanding came in the last 100 years.

As Evil as we are, we are equally as caring.
Jay-Jay Hibbs
Jay-Jay Hibbs - 8 years ago
We are the most evil animals so do you think the human race should die out?
AngelEmfrbl - 9 years ago
+Bumble Bee most people also think of sharks as all being like the Great White, a lot of them eat small fish and some plankton. The Whale Shark is utterly harmless and will spite out humans who try to get in their mouth as they can eat them... Or swallow them for that matter. 
munjan - 9 years ago
dont be foolish
munjan - 9 years ago
dont be foolish
munjan - 9 years ago
dont be foolish
zombiekiller0023 - 9 years ago
+Borat Sagdiyev he got your arse on that one
zombiekiller0023 - 9 years ago
+Borat Sagdiyev he got your asss on that one
zombiekiller0023 - 9 years ago
+Borat Sagdiyev he got your ass on that one
zombiekiller0023 - 9 years ago
+Borat Sagdiyev he got your ass on that one
zombiekiller0023 - 9 years ago
+Borat Sagdiyev he got your ass on that one
Bumble Bee
Bumble Bee - 9 years ago
Carelessly killing animals..even the ones you consider bad...messes up the whole food chain. Without them...there wouldn't be an us. Sharks aren't evil...they do not intentionally kill humans...just like every animal...they see us as potential would kill us. But they don't go 'Oh hey...look a human..kill them'...No. Remember....dogs were once wolves...dogs do kill people...cats have known to kill people...babies etc. Animals are animals and a very important :) I love all animals :)
Borat Sagdiyev
Borat Sagdiyev - 9 years ago
+Kevinhigh teck oh yeah
name some good animals? lets say 5
and also what you think about rabbits,are they good?
NordicGamer Minecraft
NordicGamer Minecraft - 9 years ago
+Borat Sagdiyev so we should get killed sense we are those who kill msot good animals
Borat Sagdiyev
Borat Sagdiyev - 9 years ago
+Alyssa Sarkisian everyone have their ways of looking at things,and that ways are changing very often
my way is this
every shark that is on the coast or near the coast should be killed,and that will not have impact on ocean eco,theres plenty more in the middle and around the middle,we just must kill the ones at the coast
i love animals but hate and will not have problem to kill evil ones
after watching a video with a beautiful girl swimming with only one arm,because shark bit of the other arm,i would like to kill all fucking sharks and burn them in a furnace
that poor innocent girl,its so sad to watch her like that
and who knows how much kids were eaten or  injured by sharks
SO,ok let them live in the middle,but one near the coast should be dead
because if they are seen near,they will probably come back and be there often,and also those which this stupid guy free,will probably be near the coast as well
so,only the ones who are away and almost never get near to coast are the ones which we can leave in life,but other who asking for trouble must be killed
i wont to see again some girl without arm
Alyssa Sarkisian
Alyssa Sarkisian - 9 years ago
You're more likely to drown in the ocean than be eaten by ANY shark. Unless you are in the middle of the ocean and you get cut badly I think you should be fine. He was morally doing the right thing and doing whatever he could to help the babies have a chance in life. Everyone deserves a chance, animal or human.
Sis Mel
Sis Mel - 9 years ago
+Borat Sagdiyev Sharks aren't evil, thsy do things off instinct. They're need in the ocean.
Nyanyanya - 9 years ago
+Borat Sagdiyev What's my country has to do with this? XDDD Lol. Are you gonna ask what's my race next? XDDD seriously what is your great logic tries to imply here. But nah, not interested in long conversation, esp the boring one.. bye~
Borat Sagdiyev
Borat Sagdiyev - 9 years ago
+Nyanyanya well honey you are wrong,humans are not only evil and mean beings on the planet,animals are also,some of the animals are worst than the medium evil humans,and some humans are worst than medium evil animals...
tell me from which country you are and then we will talk honey
tell me what is your opinion about animal called rabbit or bunny? it will be good to say as much more as you can
Borat Sagdiyev
Borat Sagdiyev - 9 years ago
+Symaryha Wentz i dont even know how to start answering on this,because you said too much things in wrong perspective,are you a girl?
Nyanyanya - 9 years ago
+Borat Sagdiyev Jiezz this type of comments really make me wonder, these kind of people have good access to the internet but not good access to education? The only animal capable of being 'evil and mean' is homo sapiens, go kill those, you will make this world a better place.
shawn rush
shawn rush - 9 years ago
You obviously didn't pass 6th grade predators are need for ecosystems if their are none and no way to control the population there will be too many organism not enough resources and they will all die. This how the human race is destroying itself. With your logic we should now kill all predators. Who's the biggest predator a human so help your theory along.
Symaryha Wentz
Symaryha Wentz - 9 years ago
+Symaryha Wentz Can't* Lover* I'm on my phone so... typos...
Symaryha Wentz
Symaryha Wentz - 9 years ago
Dear god. You can be an animal love if you only love "good" animals. It's not their fault they have to eat meat. Your car goes outside and kills things all the time. It's part of nature. No animal is evil or mean.
Gogo Zeh Games
Gogo Zeh Games - 9 years ago
i love people who help animals
Mac Pelle
Mac Pelle - 9 years ago
Whos gunna clean up the shark guts tho
DuskThunder9 - 9 years ago
Gothic Stasy
Gothic Stasy - 9 years ago
thats creepy wen the shark was cut but the bay its ok
lf2game - 9 years ago
I wonder if the babies can survive on their own
Fareeda Raheem
Fareeda Raheem - 9 years ago
Well done saving the babies
TheVictimOfAshera - 9 years ago
one Deat shark ... too shark live b
TheVictimOfAshera - 9 years ago
one Deat shark ... too shark live
Cutey Peridot
Cutey Peridot - 9 years ago
Awwww, so cute....cries And sad.
Kit Kat Candy
Kit Kat Candy - 9 years ago
why did they snatch them and drag them like that they were just infants
Kit Kat Candy
Kit Kat Candy - 9 years ago
+Torye Perry​ and +Zerum Crowe​...Oh... thx!!
Zerum Crowe
Zerum Crowe - 9 years ago
+KIT KAT CANDY because 1, they&#39;re wild animals. 2, avoiding being hurt themselves. 3. the babies don't care. shark pups aren&#39;t the same as humans. if you threw a human child like that it would die, but most animals are built to survive (on their own) from the second they&#39;re born.
Torye Perry
Torye Perry - 9 years ago
+KIT KAT CANDY they were trying to avoid the teeth by moving swiftly. Just precaution
bryan licup
bryan licup - 9 years ago
So sad :( dead mom no mom for the baby's
Elisa Chinellato
Elisa Chinellato - 9 years ago
Leon Breuß
Leon Breuß - 9 years ago
there is a cut at the skin of one of these baby ! 00:48
Danish Dragon
Danish Dragon - 7 years ago
So? It didn't exactly die from it, did it now?
JohnnyThe AwesomenessSauceda
JohnnyThe AwesomenessSauceda - 9 years ago
it wasn't a cut. it was the pouch that sharks are born from
Biggins - 9 years ago
Tatum Skaff
Tatum Skaff - 9 years ago
At 1:17 that guy just pulled the shark by the tail and its face was sliding on it!
An Utter Nonce
An Utter Nonce - 9 years ago
That's killing the shark
Poppy Kirwan
Poppy Kirwan - 9 years ago
It was already dead....
Christopher Carter
Christopher Carter - 9 years ago
Diana Venegas
Diana Venegas - 9 years ago
it sad
rory farrell
rory farrell - 9 years ago
would a new born shark be able to survive on its own?
kevin bryant
kevin bryant - 9 years ago
I nerlee cryd
Walter Hager
Walter Hager - 9 years ago
that's some Macgyver shit there.
Rdogthecreator☺ - 9 years ago
He cut one of the babies down its side and probably killed the mom
Alto 2DMax
Alto 2DMax - 7 years ago
he didn't cut the pup. he cut the sack the pup was in.. which is good because if he didn't, the shark would have not been able to move.
pitchfork - 7 years ago
no, the mum was dead and three were rescued- we don't know how many died.
IAmTape - 7 years ago
Rdogthecreator☺ Boiiiiiii
Katherine Rich
Katherine Rich - 8 years ago
the mum was already dead and all three were clearly alive.
The Retard
The Retard - 9 years ago
Mom was already dead
Carla Columna
Carla Columna - 9 years ago
+Rdogthecreator☺ Yeah, because humans can obviously inflict such huge bites ._.
javii - 9 years ago
+Yasmine Al Areiby it was an accident bro but who really cares
Yasmine Al Areiby
Yasmine Al Areiby - 9 years ago
The mommy shark was already dead but they need to save the babies
Jessica Reed
Jessica Reed - 9 years ago
He is one stupid guy he is stabbing the shark to die
Jasmine Herrera
Jasmine Herrera - 9 years ago
Jasmine Herrera
Jasmine Herrera - 9 years ago
The ahark was already dead you dumbass
Alexandra Beckford
Alexandra Beckford - 9 years ago
The shark was already dead..
City mos
City mos - 9 years ago
that are you
William Arrowsmith
William Arrowsmith - 9 years ago
1:05 ummm that ones not moving
Tahriya Wilson
Tahriya Wilson - 7 years ago
William Arrowsmith
Ali Imtiaz
Ali Imtiaz - 7 years ago
William Arrowsmith don't worry it's alive was a late bloomer
Rin Okumara
Rin Okumara - 9 years ago
Elly The Artist
Elly The Artist - 9 years ago
Alexsandra Magana
Alexsandra Magana - 9 years ago
that's so sad that the shark mother died
Depression Dev
Depression Dev - 9 years ago
And you stabbed a baby too
Depression Dev
Depression Dev - 9 years ago
Wow the mother is dead now
Alexandra Beckford
Alexandra Beckford - 9 years ago
it was dead before...
Stella Blank
Stella Blank - 9 years ago
That's so awesome
ESX_ miracle
ESX_ miracle - 9 years ago
i saw this vud already
amaya marshall
amaya marshall - 9 years ago
Delaney Flynn
Delaney Flynn - 9 years ago
it wasn't the baby shark that got cut it was like organs or something around it
Shawn Martinez
Shawn Martinez - 9 years ago
Elizabeth Adams
Elizabeth Adams - 9 years ago
Even if he accidently cut a baby, they definitely all would have died if they had just been left there. At least now they have a chance. Great job:)
Alto 2DMax
Alto 2DMax - 7 years ago
Elizabeth Adams he didn't cut a pup. he cut the sack that the pup was in. which was a good thing.
Alto 2DMax
Alto 2DMax - 7 years ago
Tauren Li actually shark pups are on their own from birth. all their instincts and fully capable. there are always a few casualties when giving birth to so many. most of them survive though.
Tauren Li
Tauren Li - 7 years ago
Elizabeth Adams they died without the protection of there mother, and they dont know how to hurt
Matti - 9 years ago
Olivia Bennett
Olivia Bennett - 9 years ago
sorry whatever I said I didn't mean it I meant to say I hope they did not kill it
Devyylion - 9 years ago
And if you did not know the mother will eat the babies if they don't get away.
The Griffenn
The Griffenn - 9 years ago
a third of baby sharks are eaten by their own mother, and no sharks care for their young. (Some are even eaten in the womb by other baby sharks.
bruce the moose
bruce the moose - 9 years ago
The mother was washed up meaning she was already dead
Scanova the Carnotaurus
Scanova the Carnotaurus - 9 years ago
1.Baby Sharks don't need their mother at all.2.they found the mother already dead
infantry3358 - 9 years ago
New born sharks are on there own the second there born!!...the mother gives them nothing at all!...there's no such thing in all the worlds oceans as shark mothers raising or careing for there babies!...and so you no the mother shark was dead when she washed onto sure there was no saving her!
worst channel
worst channel - 9 years ago
we need more people like this unlike the Chinese
Alexandra Beckford
Alexandra Beckford - 9 years ago
what did the Chinese do?
Reuben - 9 years ago
not all chinese are like this m8
1343 - 9 years ago
Fuck up you racist shithead.
Simone Emmrich
Simone Emmrich - 9 years ago
Abdul Nouaim
Abdul Nouaim - 9 years ago
That's sad
DrREX IRL - 9 years ago
+Abdul Nouaim why is it sad? it awesome! they saved baby sharks....
smaz eleu
smaz eleu - 9 years ago
wonderfull ^^
Oscar Cedron
Oscar Cedron - 9 years ago
loco jajajajajaj
Chandan Dutta
Chandan Dutta - 9 years ago
Great work, glad to see that someone saved them :-) Although, 2nd shark puppy got hurt :-(
Literal Trash
Literal Trash - 9 years ago
Gross but cute
ZEKZ - 9 years ago
The Pajamas Team
The Pajamas Team - 9 years ago
Daniel Molinero
Daniel Molinero - 9 years ago
best thing I ever seen thank you
Lauren smith
Lauren smith - 9 years ago
leave untamed animals alone
CheetahGameZ - 9 years ago
that was gross
Lily Cash
Lily Cash - 9 years ago
But did they live without a mother?
Damon Finlay
Damon Finlay - 9 years ago
Aww those are nice people
Biack_G3mer - 9 years ago
Asifah Yahya
Asifah Yahya - 9 years ago
fuck you
Oscar Alviso Perez
Oscar Alviso Perez - 9 years ago
Scanova the Carnotaurus
Scanova the Carnotaurus - 9 years ago
+Gustavo Monte dude, just cause u got my back doesn't mean I agree with what ur saying, just relax man, no insults are needed at all
Acesempa - 9 years ago
+Scanova the Carnotaurus I'm helping u the fuck you got me fucked up
Scanova the Carnotaurus
Scanova the Carnotaurus - 9 years ago
+Gustavo Monte how about you take a chill pill...I mean good lord 
Scanova the Carnotaurus
Scanova the Carnotaurus - 9 years ago
The shark was already dead, the babies would've died if they didn't do it
Darth Maul
Darth Maul - 9 years ago
It was washed up on there
Charito Frqncisco
Charito Frqncisco - 9 years ago
well thats a good birth
vina chambers
vina chambers - 9 years ago
Boston - 7 years ago
Uhh were you expecting them to or something?
sxphho - 7 years ago
vina chambers Yeaa lmaoo he was like aggressively stabbing the shark.
Zyankali - 7 years ago
Its dead by now.
ShaDOWninja Bàa
ShaDOWninja Bàa - 9 years ago
+S.A.M. the mother was already dead when they found it.. they just cut her up so to save the babies inside.
retarded wizard potato
retarded wizard potato - 9 years ago
+S.A.M. a sacrifice... but a good one. one for three right?
DrREX IRL - 9 years ago
+vina chambers They didn't kill anything, they saved the babys
Jagjit Tung
Jagjit Tung - 9 years ago
we this video sucks
Daniel Engle
Daniel Engle - 9 years ago
From the moment they are born sharks are on their own. Only some mammals need their mothers after birth.
The Common People
The Common People - 6 years ago
Ashen Empress also platypuses are the only mammals that lay eggs
Borat Sagdiyev
Borat Sagdiyev - 9 years ago
+Daniel Engle thanx for reminding me bro...sad is life for them without parents
Yeah Boi
Yeah Boi - 9 years ago
Sharks aren't mammals
Ashen Empress
Ashen Empress - 9 years ago
+Asawer Khan Really?? Were you taught that in school as well?
A Khan
A Khan - 9 years ago
+Ashen Empress in all my 18 years of life, I've been taught that sharks are mammals. Wow, I feel so stupid now! Googled it too, you're right. Thanks for that.
Ashen Empress
Ashen Empress - 9 years ago
+Asawer Khan No no. Mammals are warm blooded creatures, and the mothers nurse their young with their mammary (hence the word "mammal") glands. Sharks are cold-blooded and don't have mammary glands.
That doesn't mean cold-blooded creatures are incapable of live births though, but most of the time they lay eggs.
A Khan
A Khan - 9 years ago
+Amanda Henslee sharks are mammals, you just saw that baby shark come out of the mother's stomach
Hawkfeather - 9 years ago
+Daniel Engle sharks aren't mammals
Daniel Engle
Daniel Engle - 9 years ago
+max compton did you even read what I said before commenting
max compton
max compton - 9 years ago
All mammals need their mothers I think u meant fish
Lucy Sun
Lucy Sun - 9 years ago
Shadowpixel - 9 years ago
this was so gross but also amazing and i'm so glad sharks don't need their moms when they are born
illegal Eagle
illegal Eagle - 9 years ago
I Don't know what to feel about this video..
Ger Vi7
Ger Vi7 - 9 years ago
The sad thing is that the mother died
tcm vlogsss
tcm vlogsss - 9 years ago
For all the people that think he killed the shark he didn't
Micheal Cooper
Micheal Cooper - 9 years ago
Sadly she did not survive to see her babies );
Mary Anne
Mary Anne - 9 years ago
That's sad I think the babies already died because of starvation and survival
Olivia Bennett
Olivia Bennett - 9 years ago
Why did u kill the dam thing
Acesempa - 9 years ago
+Olivia Bennett yes
Olivia Bennett
Olivia Bennett - 9 years ago
+Gustavo Monte who me
Acesempa - 9 years ago
+Scanova the Carnotaurus yea she's a dumbass over dramatic bitch
Scanova the Carnotaurus
Scanova the Carnotaurus - 9 years ago
+Olivia Bennett but you said....nvrmind
Olivia Bennett
Olivia Bennett - 9 years ago
+Scanova the Carnotaurus I hope they did not kill the shark
Scanova the Carnotaurus
Scanova the Carnotaurus - 9 years ago
+Olivia Bennett so you hope they killed the shark? 
Olivia Bennett
Olivia Bennett - 9 years ago
I hope not
Scanova the Carnotaurus
Scanova the Carnotaurus - 9 years ago
They didn't, they found the shark dead on the beach
RamyZ Singh
RamyZ Singh - 9 years ago
great worked my dear
Sina Schiewick
Sina Schiewick - 9 years ago
So ein ..............das macht mann doch nicht du ..... mann sollte so welche Menschen weg sparen du .....
XenoX - 9 years ago
du du du bist dumm wie scheisse scheisse scheisse
Aleksandr - 9 years ago
for all the people getting buttery and saying, "HE KILLED THE MOTHER HEARTLESS BITCH" the mother was dead already. knowing
Cora Bradford
Cora Bradford - 9 years ago
Fuck you can't kill a shack bitch
zog noty
zog noty - 9 years ago
Saryah Blackman
Saryah Blackman - 9 years ago
Kayori Powell
Kayori Powell - 9 years ago
You are mean you know that was its mom and it's only mom the get
Kayori Powell
Kayori Powell - 9 years ago
The shark was pregnant and you killed it
Tah Chee Chiam
Tah Chee Chiam - 9 years ago
They did not kill it she just washed up to shore and died
beanie boo gueen Cabrera
beanie boo gueen Cabrera - 9 years ago
He is very nice
Sweetplusheenlife - 9 years ago
Haha..."SEA"section xD...ahhh...fanny fanny
Cristal Justice
Cristal Justice - 7 years ago
Sweetplusheenlife what what I don’t understand o.o
Lily Reveles
Lily Reveles - 9 years ago
rocknjerr - 9 years ago
Amazing.  A beautiful event.  They saved three baby sharks.  Just beautiful.
Descendant of Kraff
Descendant of Kraff - 9 years ago
How did no one get sick? I'd be gagging
Steve Toon
Steve Toon - 9 years ago
+Descendant of Kraff - The Mighty Kraff would be ashamed of you!
Dark night
Dark night - 9 years ago
Edie Lee
Edie Lee - 9 years ago
Well I'll bet if you were there, you probably wouldn't have even touched the Dammm thing... :-\
tim shift
tim shift - 9 years ago
Don't the sharks need their mom for the first few weeks or somthing?
Katie frasher
Katie frasher - 9 years ago
No they are completely independent from birth. It's said that babies can be eaten by the mom.
Helen Houghton
Helen Houghton - 9 years ago
Scanova the Carnotaurus
Scanova the Carnotaurus - 9 years ago
They found the shark dead on the beach Sherlock
Nicholas Gurrera
Nicholas Gurrera - 9 years ago
Are you stupid?
Kathleen Crowell
Kathleen Crowell - 9 years ago
Was the mother ok?
Raiyaan Khan
Raiyaan Khan - 9 years ago
Like are you that dumb? If you can't tell, they cut her WHOLE body open. That doesn't fix itself you know - you need stitches. Plus throughout the whole birth she didn't move. She's dead!
Izabella Dewberry
Izabella Dewberry - 9 years ago
So cool:)
darius gosal
darius gosal - 9 years ago
Why stab a whole knife in a pregnant shark.
Nikolas Riggs
Nikolas Riggs - 9 years ago
Evetyone the shark is dead so these people are heros
Troy Baker
Troy Baker - 9 years ago
Idiots they all died no baby sharks were "rescued".
Toni's World
Toni's World - 9 years ago
People are making a huge difference in the world by helping is hopeless animals
Ken P
Ken P - 9 years ago
I cannot see clearly but


its not clear but i can see it

So most probably that baby died soon after this .
Alto 2DMax
Alto 2DMax - 7 years ago
he cut the sac around the pup. He didn't cut the pup itself
Bree Radley
Bree Radley - 9 years ago
As if he meant to.
Kat Dreemurr
Kat Dreemurr - 9 years ago
aww the sharks are so cute i wish i was there to pick it up in put it in the ocean but i want a picture of a cute little baby shark
Mr.Sapo - 9 years ago
You fucking man
Luke 1999
Luke 1999 - 9 years ago
Feel bad for the mum
katy the cat
katy the cat - 9 years ago
Pero porq no les llevan a sus casas porq en el mar hay muchos depredadores q se comerán a las crías de tiburón

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