Shark Attack Brazil - Girl Attacked by Shark Video Caught on Government Camera

Caught on Video - Shark attacks 18 year old girl in Boa Viagem Beach in Recife, Brazil. Shark attack warnings are all over this beach and the girls knew how dangerous the waters were. Over the past 21 years there have been 58 reported shark attacks on humans in the area with 28 human deaths. Subscribe Teenager Bruna Gobbi and her female cousin Daniele ignored warning signs and swam into deadly shark waters. The raw video shows the teenage girls drowning in the deeper water as lifeguards rush to save them moments before a shark bites Bruna's left leg creating a pool of blood in the ocean. Bruna was drug back to shore and was taken to the hospital. At the end is a graphic video that shows the aftermath of Bruna's leg and the deadly shark bite. Unfortunately Bruna did not survive this encounter and my heart goes out to her family. RIP Bruna Gobbi. Although this shark wasn't identified, it is believed to be either a bull-shark or a tiger-shark as they are both very common in this area. Facebook Twitter Adam's Epic Wildlife Blog Shark Attack Caught on Video Recife Brazil News Story (Daily Mail) Shark Attack News Video Visuals Public Domain Tiger Shark Bull Shark Audio Royalty Free Music & Effects obtained from

Shark Attack Brazil - Girl Attacked by Shark Video Caught on Government Camera sentiment_very_dissatisfied 398

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Caught on Video - Shark attacks 18 year old girl in Boa Viagem Beach in Recife, Brazil. Shark attack warnings are all over this beach and the girls knew how dangerous the waters were. Over the past 21 years there have been 58 reported shark attacks on humans in the area with 28 human deaths. Subscribe Teenager Bruna Gobbi and her female cousin Daniele ignored warning signs and swam into deadly shark waters. The raw video shows the teenage girls drowning in the deeper water as lifeguards rush to save them moments before a shark bites Bruna's left leg creating a pool of blood in the ocean. Bruna was drug back to shore and was taken to the hospital. At the end is a graphic video that shows the aftermath of Bruna's leg and the deadly shark bite. Unfortunately Bruna did not survive this encounter and my heart goes out to her family. RIP Bruna Gobbi. Although this shark wasn't identified, it is believed to be either a bull-shark or a tiger-shark as they are both very common in this area. Facebook Twitter Adam's Epic Wildlife Blog Shark Attack Caught on Video Recife Brazil News Story (Daily Mail) Shark Attack News Video Visuals Public Domain Tiger Shark Bull Shark Audio Royalty Free Music & Effects obtained from

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Most popular comments
for Shark Attack Brazil - Girl Attacked by Shark Video Caught on Government Camera

Ärvørë Då Älmå
Ärvørë Då Älmå - 6 years ago
bosta você não traduz a merda do vídeo
DERPY JAYDEN - 6 years ago
I think is bull shark attack
Anomic Anchorite
Anomic Anchorite - 7 years ago
The shark was most certainly a bull shark! Their prefered habitat was the murky estuary where the Rio Beberibe and Rio Capibaribe rivers converge and drain into the ocean, not the clear blue reefs along Boa Viagem. The estuary was destroyed by the Ministério dos Transportes when the sea port was built there. The sharks are getting revenge for losing to imminent domain.
Anomic Anchorite
Anomic Anchorite - 7 years ago
Restauração = Restoration DOIDO! I'm an American married to a Brazilian from Recife and I've been to exact same beach many, many times. Anyone who has ever been there (or any Brazilian city) would know that she was bleeding to death while the ambulance was stuck in traffic! Brazilian healthcare is just as capable and modern as the US and EU, you just need to get to the hospital. FYI: Brazilians also have the constitutional right to healthcare.
Danyel Henrique
Danyel Henrique - 7 years ago
Restauração Does not mean Restaurant, where the hell did you get that from??
Densil Grant
Densil Grant - 7 years ago
Good Job shark
Rob Rowe
Rob Rowe - 7 years ago
how stupid can you be don't swim shark invested water
Kimilicious .booty
Kimilicious .booty - 7 years ago
it was a tiger shark I seen in another video that was in another language
Carol Overholt Overholt
Carol Overholt Overholt - 7 years ago
the shark attack. in Brazil was terrible but the lesson to be. learned is when people say a shark is out there don't go swimming.

10. comment for Shark Attack Brazil - Girl Attacked by Shark Video Caught on Government Camera

stephen hammond
stephen hammond - 7 years ago
they should have applied a tourniquet
Anita Wolkoff
Anita Wolkoff - 7 years ago
The name of the hospital in English would be Restoration Hospital.
Rhaylla Oficial
Rhaylla Oficial - 8 years ago
Fala a minha língua? rs
Rebecca Caroline
Rebecca Caroline - 8 years ago
Its not Restaurante!!! Its Resurrection Hospital!!! And btw, they wernt swimming in the danger zone, they where pulled by the tide waves which was the reason the life guards had gone in, then that led to the attack! Get ur facts straight!
​​​ ​​​​​​ ​ ​​​ ​​​​​​
​​​ ​​​​​​ ​ ​​​ ​​​​​​ - 8 years ago
Who the fuck's that random girl at the end of the video standing awkwardly? Outta nowhere.
Ninjatrouble1 - 8 years ago
dumb boy its restauration hospital ....
Sathish Veerabadrappa
Sathish Veerabadrappa - 8 years ago
It is a wight share
dirtyDuzzin thegamer
dirtyDuzzin thegamer - 9 years ago
You said you will show us the leg!!
Vitor Gabriel
Vitor Gabriel - 8 years ago
+Luccile yes, my cousin also died aki in reef was horrible
Vitor Gabriel
Vitor Gabriel - 8 years ago
They are very strong scenes
Vitor Gabriel
Vitor Gabriel - 8 years ago
São senas muito fortes
yytrium mb
yytrium mb - 9 years ago
hahah good for her she die go to show that she was not raised right and did not know how t read lol stupid bitch
yytrium mb
yytrium mb - 8 years ago
wait no 5 
no wait  3  yah  its  3
yytrium mb
yytrium mb - 8 years ago
Catified - 8 years ago
Hmm well your douchiness and asshole level is 100, where as looking at your grammar your 8
Roomy - 9 years ago
There's one important fact: She's a fucking moron for ignoring all the warnings and alerts telling her to stay the hell out of the water because she'll die. She ignored them, and she died.
MonstA - 8 years ago
Emily its the truth, she was trying to be a rebble and a cool girl but she died because of it
Emily Pareja
Emily Pareja - 8 years ago
dude that is disrespectful

20. comment for Shark Attack Brazil - Girl Attacked by Shark Video Caught on Government Camera

Aidan nelson
Aidan nelson - 9 years ago
Tiger shark there unpredictable really unpredictable.
the one
the one - 9 years ago
+Aidan nelson humans are unpredictable swimming in oceans with animals who eat other animals so unpredictable
Manolis Tri
Manolis Tri - 9 years ago
Mia Maldonado
Mia Maldonado - 9 years ago
that's so sad
Hailey Depatie
Hailey Depatie - 9 years ago
It was mostly her fault not the sharks
PoLterGhast / GDTeRra
PoLterGhast / GDTeRra - 6 years ago
Hailey Depatie Yeah, because they were reckless and ignorant to the warning signs. And sharks take all of he blame...
Joanne Rochon
Joanne Rochon - 9 years ago
It was a tiger attack how i know the bite size of it
Sharks gotta' eat too...just like all God' creatures. Don't wanna' get bitten or eaten,...stay away from them and where they eat, ain't "rocket surgery" people; maybe it just natures way of culling the ignorant and arrogant.
joanne greenwood
joanne greenwood - 9 years ago
dont blame a shark EVER its mean
PoLterGhast / GDTeRra
PoLterGhast / GDTeRra - 6 years ago
GrumpyCat2004 Humans don't know any better either. The time it took me to write this comment 50 sharks were killed by now!
GrumpyCat2004 - 8 years ago
sharks dont know any better thou... but still... it killed her
Mike G
Mike G - 8 years ago
+Kenzie T Wtf we kill hundreds of millions of sharks a year, they kill one of us a year. Grow up.
Kenzie T
Kenzie T - 9 years ago
Wtf it killed her. Grow up
woff woff
woff woff - 9 years ago
r.i.p. one death is one too many..
rkssurf - 9 years ago
Without sharks everything in our infirm net would be messed up. Sharks attack humans on accident.
the one
the one - 9 years ago
+rkssurf i'm 100 percent sure the shark opens his mouth and deliberately bit the girl to get a good chunk of meat to see if the girl would be a good meal - no one or nothing accidentally try's to eat something else with intentions of not eating it - that is like saying you accidentally caught of fish because the metal un edible hook had a plastic lure connected to it and the fish didn't mean to try and swallow it it was mere accident ?
evil grass
evil grass - 9 years ago
ignored warning signs. *lol

30. comment for Shark Attack Brazil - Girl Attacked by Shark Video Caught on Government Camera

ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
Yet another reason to eradicate the species.  Kill all sharks and spiders.
Sherlyn Doctor
Sherlyn Doctor - 9 years ago
I feel bad for her
Kader Yasier
Kader Yasier - 9 years ago
you stupid even if it said buoy  it is pronounced boy
pinkpoo007 - 9 years ago
What the hell are you showing this tragedy for. Shameful! Don't blame the shark. Having said that, ignore warnings. Then your throwing a dice. Idiots
Julianne Wilson
Julianne Wilson - 9 years ago
i know but its kinda what she gets for not paying attention to warnings and advice
r.i.p gobbie
Carlos Deliz
Carlos Deliz - 9 years ago
Rest in peace
Fire Wolf
Fire Wolf - 9 years ago
i pahesd the video and took a closer look at the dorsel fin i know sharks that one is a bull shark fun facked bull sharks are the only sharks that live in shalow water so this has to  be a bull shark.
TJ Noble
TJ Noble - 9 years ago
As one falls another rises
Louise Jognson
Louise Jognson - 9 years ago
I'm so sorry for there lost.
izzak jenkins
izzak jenkins - 9 years ago
Every time you swim in the ocean you are taking a risk of getting attacked. You are increasing your chances of getting attacked if you don't follow the rules.
Victor Garcia
Victor Garcia - 9 years ago
I thjnk it was tiger shark because tiger sharks a are deadly to human
Paola Benson
Paola Benson - 9 years ago
RIP Gobbi i am so sorry Gobbi's family
Luíza Castoldi
Luíza Castoldi - 9 years ago
restauração does not translate to restaurant (restaurant is restaurante) restauração = restore
Maximo Autisimo
Maximo Autisimo - 9 years ago
It has to be a bull shark due to tiger shark keep biting and that can rip her leg off btw rip
Brianna W
Brianna W - 9 years ago
Don't blame the Sharks there not smart enough to know that it's not a fish mostly they think ur a fish
PoLterGhast / GDTeRra
PoLterGhast / GDTeRra - 6 years ago
Aileen Ortega Actually it is because if our lack of fat content that seals have
GrumpyCat2004 - 8 years ago
+T Daynke actually no...
Aileen Ortega
Aileen Ortega - 9 years ago
+Majestic Eye I took a class in highschool and sharks actually don't like the taste of humans. We have too many bones.
Sam Leonetti
Sam Leonetti - 9 years ago
No. They eat humans, because they eat meat -_-
Yuliana Morales
Yuliana Morales - 9 years ago
What is that
Zachary Vanburen
Zachary Vanburen - 9 years ago
Ot does not translate to restaurant, it translate to Restoration
Lori Campbell
Lori Campbell - 9 years ago
This dude is an aweful host. I wna see the story but he just kills me.
mangle and the puppet
mangle and the puppet - 9 years ago
Please watch my videos
Frostyte - 9 years ago
You have no videos
MrRancid1988 - 9 years ago
"If you go past the buoy, its not the shark's fault"....If you go in the water its not the shark's fault. People don't have gills and fins for a reason. Or try to find some freshwater to swim in/ some place people aren't attacked so often.

50. comment for Shark Attack Brazil - Girl Attacked by Shark Video Caught on Government Camera

Alfie Willis
Alfie Willis - 9 years ago
Reef shark
Gabby MLP
Gabby MLP - 9 years ago
There should not be any shares in the world, why do got have diely thing.
Neil Farrington
Neil Farrington - 9 years ago
i cant believe people are stupid enough to swim in areas where sharks are when all they have to do to be safe is swim at a swimming pool but that would be to easy they all get what they deserve once in the sea you are instantly on the menu.
Nicole Wangen
Nicole Wangen - 9 years ago
HyperNova 2.0
HyperNova 2.0 - 9 years ago
For those of you who say that sharks are killers and should be destroyed and pay for what they did, think about this. You swam into their homes. You taunted them. Saying it is the sharks fault is just like saying, if someone you dont know walks into your home and you defend your self by any means nessisary because you are scared, is bad and you need to die. Respect to those who have died but try putting yourself in the sharks position, before blameing it and calling it a monster
Sidious1 - 9 years ago
Natural selection
amilcardoesgaming1 - 9 years ago
Is that in England OMG
Latina Barbie
Latina Barbie - 9 years ago
Adamn, my little boy loves watching your videos. But Restauracao means Restoration ;-)
Gta 5 gamer
Gta 5 gamer - 9 years ago
Come to Australia where I live so many dangerous animals
Luna_ Wolf
Luna_ Wolf - 9 years ago
+ +
Kenneth Yee
Kenneth Yee - 9 years ago
I wish she survived the attack RIP
Arthur Matos
Arthur Matos - 9 years ago
Forget about the Hospital issue or even the name, we should have a first aid kit special, for shark attacks, help have to come as soon as possible, adrenaline, blood, maybe shock or whatever, we need those thing at the beach, no half an hour after, at the hospital, after an God damn ambulance and... and.... TKS...
Xel Urban
Xel Urban - 9 years ago
C'mon man... Do a bit of research, you sound stupid and the ç is pronounced like an s.  Restauração in Brazilian Portuguese means restoration but also means recuperation. So if you were to name a Hospital in English it would translate to Recovery Hospital.
Communistic Coyote
Communistic Coyote - 10 years ago
Humans fucking deserve it our kind is so fucking horrid, without us the world would be natural
Erick Alex
Erick Alex - 7 years ago
Communistic Coyote Easy talking this shit about someone you didn't even know. Humans are part of the nature. Not happy? Kill yourself.
Weapons Of Warfare
Weapons Of Warfare - 9 years ago
So u deserve to be eating alive by a shark? Have fun
Wilma Alblas
Wilma Alblas - 10 years ago
R.I.P ;(  :,( :,(
DaynaFL Msp
DaynaFL Msp - 10 years ago
It would have been a tiger shark because bull sharks sharks don't stop
Philip ,Vincent Hilado
Philip ,Vincent Hilado - 10 years ago
Rest in peace...
Shogunking - 10 years ago
I guess she did not know how to read. I don't take chances with sharks. Your are in a total disadvantage. Rather go against a  bear in a forest situation.
PokeCrafter Gaming
PokeCrafter Gaming - 10 years ago
A ghost shark
Sherif - 10 years ago
Stupidity, it comes in many forms..
Jeff Schwartz
Jeff Schwartz - 9 years ago
+/-_PREDATOR-_\ The difference between genius and stupidity - is that genius has limits! - Albert Einstein
ramairgto72 - 10 years ago
Human arrogance ..
chris mission
chris mission - 10 years ago
The reason there is so many shark attacks in boa viagem is because the government by building the ports nearby destroyed the Eco system of the sea in Recife Brazil. The shark signs first eluded me when I lived there and I thought ppl were just friendly waving at me when I first entered the danger zone. Luckily nothing happened and I learned my lesson rip gobbi
Mia Soza
Mia Soza - 10 years ago
rip i hope the best for familay i will keep them both in my prayer sorry for yalls lost :<
TrueGamurs Network
TrueGamurs Network - 10 years ago
I think you should come to Britain the most dangerouse animal we have are foxes and cows
Bruno Bessow
Bruno Bessow - 8 years ago
Nah, too many ragheads in Britain. I'll stick with the sharks, thank you.
Bruno Bessow
Bruno Bessow - 8 years ago
Nah, too many ragheads in Britain. I'll stick with the sharks, thank you.
Tony Townsend
Tony Townsend - 9 years ago
Britain, as well as other country in the world has the most dangerous animal in the history of the planet. Humans.
Matt768 - 9 years ago
+JamesRegeCarling there are basking sharks in Cornwall in the summer but they don't eat people only plankton. Although in 2012 or 13 yes there was a great white spotted on several occasions I live in Cornwall and a few beaches were closed off because of the shark.
John Doe
John Doe - 10 years ago
Come to America, we have the Tea party. 
JamesRegeCarling - 10 years ago
The Sun said that there was a Great White Spotted in Cornwall?
PieSlicex - 10 years ago
And seagulls, they can be nasty!  
José Silva
José Silva - 10 years ago
Restoration not restorant. 
Nick Pekurny
Nick Pekurny - 10 years ago
I think that you should stay in the markers because sometimes it pays RIP.
Achilles Trojan
Achilles Trojan - 10 years ago
"Restauracao" means Restoration
Arianna Brown
Arianna Brown - 10 years ago
right chris cox
Ivan Reinoso
Ivan Reinoso - 10 years ago
hey dude, nice vid.. I like your vids.. im from brazil and to watch that is so tragic.. poor girl, but you what theres signs everywhere on that beach.. it was kind of her fault to have ignored the dam signs..
Glasses - 10 years ago
Humans weren't meant to be in the ocean. They were meant to roam the land. This is what happens when you break the laws. 
Margaret Gem Martinez
Margaret Gem Martinez - 10 years ago
Is a cow
S V - 10 years ago
Natural selection
Isla Thomson
Isla Thomson - 10 years ago
Or rare shark
Isla Thomson
Isla Thomson - 10 years ago
Taylor Brown
Taylor Brown - 10 years ago
bueys arnt pronounced booies they are pronounced boys 
Luke Kassai
Luke Kassai - 10 years ago
I think that they should put a gait on the area and bait

Stoopid Monkey
Stoopid Monkey - 10 years ago
i hate the fact that people make a bad influence on sharks. The only time they attack is when youre in their terratory,if their a aggressive shark (bull shark and tiger shark), or they mistake you of being a seal. Honestly, if i had the chance to swim with a non aggressive shark (with protective gear of course) i would do it.
Codi Maddox
Codi Maddox - 10 years ago
I agree when you enter the water you're in the sharks territory you are responsible for your own life at that point, I am sorry this is very sad that she died tho. Rip
Margaret Gem Martinez
Margaret Gem Martinez - 10 years ago
I love her;(
Randie Endik
Randie Endik - 10 years ago
my god.... so creepy
NPCfishing - 10 years ago
Her fault for ignoring the damn WARNING SIGNS. 
Lujoja - 10 years ago
Apparently she and her cousin were dragged past the buoys by the underflow of the current which is why they were panicking and starting to "drown". The shark would have been drawn in by her distress (ie. splashing around) which explains why it attacked her. If this is the case, then perhaps it is the current that is more dangerous than the sharks in this area and more publicity about the strong underflow would help. 

Ultimately she took a risk when she ignored the warning signs about sharks in the area. You cannot blame the sharks because it is their natural habitat and they are only doing what is in their nature as predators. However, as I have said, maybe putting up warning signs about the underflow would make the beach a little safer.

I don't think it is anyone's "fault". People always look to blame something when in reality this just appears to be a tragic accident. I cannot believe that they'd swim beyond the buoys deliberately and more so not receive warnings from the lifeguards. The lifeguards are supposed to be observant and try and prevent these situations happening in the first place, which they could potentially have done by shouting out a warning like: "Don't go past the buoys!" as the girls neared them. Sharks don't care about buoys so the risk was more so just entering the water in the first place because they could still be attacked on the "safe" side of the buoys. As they say: "most shark attacks happen in depths of around only three feet of water". Therefore, I cannot blame her either...

There were a number of factors but none of them were the primary cause, so I believe this to be a tragic accident with little blame on anyone's part - especially the shark's!

RIP Bruna.
FL4M3 bigD543
FL4M3 bigD543 - 10 years ago
Proof that government watches all of us
Andrian Sutjianta
Andrian Sutjianta - 10 years ago
It's just my opinion, but it's probably a tiger shark. a bull shark would've finished her in the water, killing her instantly. Anyway, sorry about what happened.
jazzy4266 - 10 years ago
Well the oceans not a pool That's the Sharks home ......swim at your own risk .....sorry about the loss.
random86syringes - 10 years ago
She got what she deserved.
MULE!! - 10 years ago
what if you get attacked by a shark
Shadowfan1 The Skelebro
Shadowfan1 The Skelebro - 10 years ago
bet gobbi got murderd by a tiger shark
nita webster
nita webster - 10 years ago
It is her fault for not obeying signs
Joe Guartan
Joe Guartan - 10 years ago
Dude she saw the signs and ignored it
MULE!! - 10 years ago
it might not because maybe she didnt saw the sign 
nita webster
nita webster - 10 years ago
Wow me and my sister think it her fault for not obeying signs
Ricardo Peres
Ricardo Peres - 10 years ago
Restauração = 'Restoration' or 'healing'. It reads like 'Res-tuh-oo-rah-suh-ow'.

100. comment for Shark Attack Brazil - Girl Attacked by Shark Video Caught on Government Camera

Gerany Norori
Gerany Norori - 10 years ago
i felt bad for them
Gerany Norori
Gerany Norori - 10 years ago
cruelty to mice
John Sheedy
John Sheedy - 10 years ago
Not the sharks fault they live in the ocean humans don't belong there
Sergio Ramirez
Sergio Ramirez - 10 years ago
Damn!!!! Youtube swapped videos my other comment was for another video!!!!
Sergio Ramirez
Sergio Ramirez - 10 years ago
I support the mice
Varietyllamas Llamas
Varietyllamas Llamas - 10 years ago
First she passes up warning signs then she can't swim
StayClem - 10 years ago
Welcome to brazil. Wake up in a bathtub full of ice with a missing kidney. Then get killed by a shark
Thomas Bossero
Thomas Bossero - 10 years ago
The people are asking for it, there are signs in recife that say no swimming shark infested waters she deserved it lol!
Matthew Knight
Matthew Knight - 9 years ago
+Thomas Bossero She didn't deserve it your idiot, she didn't deserve to die. It was a mistake, we always think everything is going to happen with the others but not with us, that is the problem and that's what happened in their case. If it were you maybe I would say you deserved it because you're a douchebag.
marcos viana
marcos viana - 10 years ago
restauracao= retore  restaurante= restaurant and its res-t-ow ra-saan-o
журналист - 10 years ago
Bullshark I reckon. Sandy murky beach, close to shore.
Saviour86 - 10 years ago
Im sorry, Im supposed to feel sorry?
Daniel Alvares
Daniel Alvares - 10 years ago
Restauração is Restoration. Try Google Translate. Pff
duckman195 - 10 years ago
That's where the shark lives. Don't mess with a sharks home. FOOL !!!
VegetaSanSSJ - 10 years ago
Make the water safe? The sea belong to the sharks not us.
7Prophecy7 - 10 years ago
actually it belongs to the orcas ever since they found out about tonic immobility  ;)
degenerate - 10 years ago
it was a tiger shark same attacks though
Kelly Kihneman
Kelly Kihneman - 10 years ago
Poor bruna
Marshall Mathers
Marshall Mathers - 10 years ago
Rip gobbi
Nathalie Ghobrial
Nathalie Ghobrial - 10 years ago
This her fault if she died. There were warning signs and she ignored them and swam anyways so if she's attacked it's no one's fault but her's
Vitória Nunes
Vitória Nunes - 10 years ago
For ALL the beach have signs calling attention to the risk of attacks. She was alerted by people in the locality to not go much inside the sea, because it's dangerous. I say this because I live in Recife and always go to Boa Viagem Beach. (Sorry, my English is a shit xD)
Nathalie Ghobrial
Nathalie Ghobrial - 10 years ago
MULE!! - 10 years ago
MULE!! - 10 years ago
+Nathalie Ghobrial maybe not
Nathalie Ghobrial
Nathalie Ghobrial - 10 years ago
MULE!! - 10 years ago
+Nathalie Ghobrial i think he meant that she didnt saw the sign
nita webster
nita webster - 10 years ago
I think your right
Nathalie Ghobrial
Nathalie Ghobrial - 10 years ago
He said it herself in the video that there was signes and she ignored them and went into the water anyways
Mayna Cannon
Mayna Cannon - 10 years ago
If there was a sign I am pretty shor that she would not swim dummies
Gilberto Uchiha
Gilberto Uchiha - 10 years ago
? ?
Gilberto Uchiha
Gilberto Uchiha - 10 years ago
But she go the same way
Gilberto Uchiha
Gilberto Uchiha - 10 years ago
In recife there are a hundred warnings abaut shaks
Kate Fishman
Kate Fishman - 10 years ago
The people in this video are being so silly. I mean COME ON think of how many thousands of people go to that beach, in the last ten years there have only been 58 fatalities thats actually a really low odd, when the woman in the video talks about "yeah that's legit, the odds are really high" she clearly has no knowledge on the subject whatsoever. Anyone who knows anything about sharks or has bothered to do any research whatsoever will know that the odds of being attacked by a shark are way, WAY less than even .5%
That's not high odds, it's simple science people
My heart goes out to this girl and her family, but really this was a very low chance occurence and like people said it's the sharks home not yours, you go swimmming knowing the risks. 
CRAZYR071166 - 10 years ago
Restauraquio? Huhahahahahaha!!! That was too funny. Restauração means restoration or preservation. And the way you pronounced it was wayyyyyy off. 
CRAZYR071166 - 10 years ago
I remember watching this video as it was first shown here in Brasil, as well as some "specialist" saying that it was probably a Bull Shark, though there no concrete evidence for it.
Joe Guartan
Joe Guartan - 10 years ago
I think it is the tiger shark since the bull shark would of finish her in the water since bull shark gets the sense of the blood which makes them so rage mode which leads to a dangerous kill
Dawn Levitt
Dawn Levitt - 10 years ago
I don't get it. the ocean shouldn't even have people in it it's the sharks and any other animals terror Tory so I say why let people go in the ocean but still R.I.P :(
Focus Addiction
Focus Addiction - 10 years ago
Restauracao - Restoration.
jounouchi123 - 10 years ago
It translates to restoration!
paula sanchez
paula sanchez - 10 years ago
Blue or bull or tiger shark rest in peace Brunel
chris cox
chris cox - 10 years ago
Oh for god sake people there are animals, what do you expect when you cross in the territory. Why can't people grasp that?
Stoopid Monkey
Stoopid Monkey - 10 years ago
Some chinese people think that finning shark fins is like a good "luck" charm. Idiots.
Mike Starwind
Mike Starwind - 10 years ago
+Kim Karniol
Psychic Blueberry
Psychic Blueberry - 10 years ago
god damn finally someone with actual sense!
Gisselle Hernandez
Gisselle Hernandez - 10 years ago
thats not trow
Heike Kisner
Heike Kisner - 10 years ago
well what I have to say about shark attacks their are time you better do not go and swim. Sharks have special time during the day they go food hunting Stay out of the water at night and during dawn and dusk. Sharks hunt most actively at these times, and they're harder for you to see in dark conditions. Also in shark-prone areas try to avoid overcast days, as it approximates the light levels at dawn and dusk's feeding times.Stay out of the water if bleeding. If you have an open wound. Women need not be concerned if they are experiencing menstrual bleeding. Tampons remedy this, and without one the amount of blood released in a 30-45 minute dive would be exceptionally minuscule.Stay out of the water if fish blood or Baitefish around they are sharks menu.Avoid murky water , harbor entrance, channels.and steep drop-offs.
John Yeichner
John Yeichner - 10 years ago
they are stupid
that is what can hapen it is all there falt
TheKav098 - 10 years ago
Ugh look up Portuguese... it doesn't mean restaurant? It means revival.  
Heather yeichner
Heather yeichner - 10 years ago
I think it was a bull shark
Josh Miller
Josh Miller - 10 years ago
Know what shark it was? Almost a full one.
Josh Miller
Josh Miller - 10 years ago
Anyone that swims in the ocean is not very bright. News Flash! Sharks and other water predators will eat you. The ocean is so polluted the fish hang around the shores more often. But people still do it. Sorry about the loss RIP.
Joe Guartan
Joe Guartan - 10 years ago
Sharks don't eat humans they just attack them for being around their territory
Waxi Waxington
Waxi Waxington - 10 years ago
Why is this blonde dumb bitch smiling wtf
Joe Guartan
Joe Guartan - 10 years ago
Are you stupid that's just a picture of her cousin before the attack
gabriel vargas
gabriel vargas - 10 years ago
tiger shark
TheDazinator - 10 years ago
Bull Shark
Baca king
Baca king - 10 years ago
Bull shark
yew368 - 10 years ago
ItzCrazeee - 10 years ago
Your mother has aids
yew368 - 10 years ago
great white
Aidan Vigus
Aidan Vigus - 10 years ago
R.I.P sorry for your loss Gobbi family :(
jose gutierrez
jose gutierrez - 10 years ago
That's sad
beachbabe369 - 10 years ago
It had to be a bull shark
Just my opinion
Kay Dog
Kay Dog - 10 years ago
it is sad and all but she chosen to pass the worning sihgns so it's her fallt
Kay Dog
Kay Dog - 10 years ago
it's not the sharks falt they did not lisin to the rules
Christopher Peoples
Christopher Peoples - 10 years ago
Go sharks
al brown
al brown - 10 years ago
This guy is a hero and so is his blonde girlfriend.
Rod Rodriguez
Rod Rodriguez - 10 years ago
L0TTIED0LL - 10 years ago
So sad rip
Ricardo Cunha
Ricardo Cunha - 10 years ago
it is Hospital da restauração, it's sounds like "S" not like "C"  something like restauración in spanish, it means restoration's hospital
kevin patani
kevin patani - 10 years ago
what kind of beach is that beach people and sharks wtf shit 
koldemig - 11 years ago
i didnt see any attack fake adverticing dude
Umanbrozero - 11 years ago
No offence I mean it's sad and all but still they ignored signs and still swam in the shark infested water.
K23 - 11 years ago
Shawnna Pyrchalla
Shawnna Pyrchalla - 11 years ago
Sorry for the loss.
Запасной канал
Запасной канал - 11 years ago
woooooooooooooooow. EXCELLENT!!! Mother Nature takes vengeance!!!
Kagami Nakayama
Kagami Nakayama - 11 years ago
Dude, anyone can die by losing blood here, because here is Brazil o.o Brazil have few investiments in health, many people die waiting in hospitals .-.
ItzCrazeee - 10 years ago
al brown
al brown - 10 years ago
What is a penor?
ItzCrazeee - 10 years ago
Can i suck your penor
al brown
al brown - 10 years ago
You are hot.
Shane Kibler Wrestling
Shane Kibler Wrestling - 11 years ago
I'm so sorry
Weird Scary Child
Weird Scary Child - 11 years ago
I fill so sorry RIP
GameWithJustin - 11 years ago
Sand Tiger or bull shark
Armandy Jocabed
Armandy Jocabed - 11 years ago
Joel Acevedo
Joel Acevedo - 11 years ago
It would be a tiger shark because of there teeth it would have a big blood pile
Ryan Wooldridge
Ryan Wooldridge - 11 years ago
I am so sorry :(
WOC AWT - 11 years ago
Bull shark that was probably a bull
shark because I'm shocked how you about probably going to configure nonemotional Bellevue Greatwhite
Luk - 11 years ago
Sharks may be a bitch but they can't be extinct because they are killed very brutally
The true LedgendZzz
The true LedgendZzz - 11 years ago
Not a bull they keep attacking must have been a tiger
steven homewood
steven homewood - 11 years ago
Seek help weirdo
colorado judiciary
colorado judiciary - 11 years ago
IndraEMC, cliffs don't chase you.  Lets open up sport fishing for bulls, tigers, and whites.  People go in the ocean, why not make it safer?
colorado judiciary
colorado judiciary - 11 years ago
I couldn't really follow the train of your 'sentence' but I would say human life trumps animal life, thus fish out the man-eaters.  The only down-side, besides the indefensible 'we shouldn't kill animals argument', is that the ecology will change without whites, bulls, tigers; more so than the change in ecology resultant from other human activities?  Of course not.
akaru - 11 years ago
yeah and you will regret it when sharks is gone and if you think sharks is the only thing why so many people die in the ocean thts wrong there are so many animals tht kills people in the ocean more then sharks so why dont hunt them?
Andrew Towns
Andrew Towns - 11 years ago
This guys is an F$%#&% imbecile, his translation is wrong and does not represent the facts at all, this should get removed from youtube 
Jaedra Hopkins
Jaedra Hopkins - 11 years ago
she shouldn't of went in the lake
zak ashcroft
zak ashcroft - 11 years ago
this man is a nut job
White Teacup
White Teacup - 11 years ago
R.I.P gobbi
DaSnipy - 11 years ago
Nature's Own Way to Clear the gene pool of DUMB FUCKS who cant read the warnings.
Jesus Condom
Jesus Condom - 11 years ago
What people needs to realize is that the ocean is owned by the animals and not humans.
Every time you swim in it you take a risk. Don't blame the sharks.
Madison Skelly
Madison Skelly - 11 years ago
um.. i have been to surf side beach a lot since i was about five or younger i know for a fact all beach's have a warning sign sharks in this area sign and more if you stay past these you should be fine like she said it is not the sharks fault if you pass the lines
norbaracer13 - 11 years ago
for some reason I cant take this guy seriously...idk why
Sonsho - 11 years ago
Me too, i'm checking the comments right now to make sure this isn't fake..It might be his facial expressions..
panic! with twent one pilots
panic! with twent one pilots - 11 years ago
RIP :(
erranh - 11 years ago
kill the sharks... lol why not kill all the other deadly things on the planet... can you count all 10000000 diffrent things please?
Nathan Ross
Nathan Ross - 11 years ago
It might be my drug sub
Mason Mitchell
Mason Mitchell - 10 years ago
what does that have anything to do with deadly shark attacks
abdellatef abdo
abdellatef abdo - 11 years ago
omg Morocco but country
Jayme Casey
Jayme Casey - 11 years ago
awwww sad):
Emma - 11 years ago
If they had brains they would  put a fence around the pool T_T
lumgs2009 - 11 years ago
My friend, Restauração is pronounced something like "restaurassao". And it doesn't mean restaurant, it means restoration. Please google it up before posting nonsense.
Jackie Torres
Jackie Torres - 11 years ago
Do u think people tell them shark live in the waters,but they don't listen :( RIP
Ernest Jay
Ernest Jay - 11 years ago
They KNEW there is a tons of deadly shark in there, and still they SWIM in there... i can't believe people are this stupid.

it's like there is a huge sign "Don't jump from this cliff, you will die" and still 52 people jump off that cliff.
Erick Alex
Erick Alex - 7 years ago
Ernest Jay I have been in this beach. It's pretty much safe if you don't go deep.
Josh Miller
Josh Miller - 10 years ago
That's because people have gotten more dumb last 100 years. Flouride in water n toothpaste. Aspartame in gum and diet soda. Cancer causing food colorings. I could go on and on.
subh1 - 11 years ago
and then blame it on the cliff. Or the hamburger that they had for dinner the night before. Doesn't matter.
Alyssa Gaunichaux
Alyssa Gaunichaux - 11 years ago
We already have warnings so why take the freaking risk? When we enter the natrural waters, we are entering a whole another world that we are not welcome in. Like a dragon in New York City. It doesn't belong here! So why are we messing with them! Water life is like us, except wih different abilities. I hate to complain on this tragic story, but I just wanted to get this out! RIP and remember, when you are entering the ocean, never forget there are deadly creatures in there.
Brian Santos
Brian Santos - 11 years ago
Is that the fin of a shark at the top and the 2 girls a the bottem???
Kriston Renshaw
Kriston Renshaw - 11 years ago
"It's only right this killer is hunted?"  What a joke...  You choose to swim in the shark's domain and get eaten, thats your own fault... 
Peter Huson
Peter Huson - 11 years ago
Nyla Delco
Nyla Delco - 11 years ago
R.I.P I'm get my heart to her family
Renatta Laport
Renatta Laport - 11 years ago
the translation of restauração is not restaurant… restaurant is restaurante in portuguese… i suggest you dig deeper instead of just typing it into google translate so find the correct translation before you make silly comments about it, its not ironic at all… Restauração means reconstruction, revival, rehabilitation…. not restaurant...  RIP
Pedro Maia
Pedro Maia - 11 years ago
Restauração in Recife is the name of the biggest urgent public hospital, named Hospital da Restauração (HR). They have good urgent medical services.
WhiteEmerald1991 - 11 years ago
I wonder if those two girls would go pass Area 51 warning sign or stroll right into Compton. 
WhiteEmerald1991 - 11 years ago
i wanna say she deserved it. I don't think she deserved it tho. But i think i really want to say that those two girls are really really really stupid. 
Pedro Flores
Pedro Flores - 11 years ago
I saw this in the news when I was in Brazil visiting! I didn't understand what they were saying in the news because it was in Portuguese lol
MikehasHobbies - 11 years ago
People forget to understand that "the Ocean" is not your playground. How can you say lets kill that big shark that swimming in their natural habitat? why cause it did its natural insthink and tried to eat you? Cause if thats the case. Then, I want to walk into your kitchen and help myself with whatever you have. Then if you try to attack me while i am there, its ok for me to burn you on the stake. or go into a murderous rampage. 
Rogue Reaper
Rogue Reaper - 11 years ago
Humans can be illogical, that cannot be denied..
It really is simple though, don't go into the ocean (gasp) its genius isn't it..
FZUKS SZAK - 11 years ago
I'm not being nasty but if there is a warning sign why would you go into the water 
Joshua O'Sullivan
Joshua O'Sullivan - 11 years ago
It's a shark's instincts to protect its habitat just like if some random person walks into your house are you just going to let them come in?
John Jeffrey
John Jeffrey - 11 years ago
You mean like...the shark is the ocean's "bouncer"? 
Umm...sharks are not protecting the ocean..just looking for a snack..and it's like she just said EAT ME! when she should have followed the warnings...dumb girl in a bad place...
KingKong19100 - 11 years ago
Why the sharks? It's the stupid girls who ignored the warning signs and went into the sharks territory.
Theepic18guy - 11 years ago
R.I.P. However they chose to ignore the warning signs, and it's stupid that people think that it's the shark's fault this happened.
Pepridgefarm - 11 years ago
i hate sharks
Pelon Garza
Pelon Garza - 11 years ago
Sammy Lynn
Sammy Lynn - 11 years ago
John Jeffrey
John Jeffrey - 11 years ago
+IndraEMC That's the thing..they usually don't eat people unless people do stupid swim in water that they shouldn't...
Ernest Jay
Ernest Jay - 11 years ago
+John Jeffrey, don't worry... shark will eat her :D
John Jeffrey
John Jeffrey - 11 years ago
They hate you too...STUPED HUMAN
Sammy Lynn
Sammy Lynn - 11 years ago
Joe Guartan
Joe Guartan - 10 years ago
Dude she does not hate sharks she is just amazed how a shark can rip of flesh why you got to take it in a negative way
dcsmooth - 10 years ago
Wow! You really hate sharks, don't you? I've noticed your anti-shark comments on a few videos and I have to wonder......Did you have a personal negative encounter with a shark? Why the shark hate? Did a shark steal your car or something? Wait a munute, are you doing that "trolling" thing? I'm not really sure what that even means though.
Paige Fiske
Paige Fiske - 11 years ago
No shark should be killed they have been around for over 400 million years when we enter the water it's there turf who's with me
RedHot Aarron
RedHot Aarron - 11 years ago
What about us surfers!
The Molecule FX boulder
The Molecule FX boulder - 11 years ago
+RedHot Aarron  Agreed, lets fish them out and let the non-man-eating sharks fill their ecological niche.  As for Paige and Miki, should we not eat hamburgers since cows have been here longer than us?  Should we not go hiking because that is the natural habitat of mountain lions?  The key danger of sharks is: a) you can't see them approach you, b) they are faster than us in the water.  We can follow Miki's advice, the ocean is now off limits for humans, or we can do as we always do; modify the environment to suit our needs. 
RedHot Aarron
RedHot Aarron - 11 years ago
All sharks shall die!
Paige Fiske
Paige Fiske - 11 years ago
It's are falt the sharks were well before us there just misunderstood give them a break
Kathleen wildredge
Kathleen wildredge - 11 years ago
ian jeurink
ian jeurink - 11 years ago
Azza B
Azza B - 11 years ago
jake harvey
jake harvey - 11 years ago
It could of also have been a great white shark it may of swam out of area but what sharks do they do up to the victim and pick at it tiger sharks finish the kill
WebkinzLover995 - 11 years ago
fmoa - 11 years ago
she got gobbi up by a shark.
Andres Rios
Andres Rios - 11 years ago
It's not the sharks fault,when we go into ocean water we are going into their world not ours we do not belong in water RIP
Raven Rodriguez
Raven Rodriguez - 11 years ago
Just for the record: Sharks have been in the waters for around 400 million years, we're the invaders.

Plus, they are not out there to hunt, kill, and eat us. They're just sharks acting like sharks. They feed on anything that moves, so we better move out of their way.
gabriele pranskeviciute
gabriele pranskeviciute - 11 years ago
my country does not have shark atacs becous im in europ
Joe Blow
Joe Blow - 11 years ago
Gabriele, the EU must have you brainwashed, just like most Europeans. Try Googling shark attack England, shark attack Spain, shark attack Italy, shark attack France, shark attack whatever country you live in. I guarantee that there are sharks in Europe. Cheers.
ConnerPeacePuppyGirlyGirlPeaceOnEarth - 11 years ago
Type of shark, killer or great white.
Chadasy Ann Silva
Chadasy Ann Silva - 11 years ago
You all are just cruel. If your not gonna say things nice than don't Say anything at all.. May god Forgive those who have no Respect!!!!
s s
s s - 11 years ago
Feeling hard for that girl who domied but come on people dont swin in their land and they wont come on our land
Mr Questioner
Mr Questioner - 11 years ago
Blood tranfishion won't work cut aroter blood spitting out
Kathleen wildredge
Kathleen wildredge - 11 years ago
I think utter was a great white
Meachraxs - 11 years ago
Is it Rey
Meachraxs - 11 years ago
Vicki Jo
Vicki Jo - 11 years ago
Does swimming between the buoys make a diffference? I have a feeling sharks don't read...
Lee Afflerbach
Lee Afflerbach - 11 years ago
with all due repect to her family and friends she should have listened to the warning signs, its her own fault she died RIP
Ellis Quirk
Ellis Quirk - 11 years ago
Tiger shark
Gareth Aylott
Gareth Aylott - 11 years ago
The worlds biggest shark is a megalond
Alicia Friend
Alicia Friend - 11 years ago
You're more likely to be killed by a cow than a damn shark.
lizzie2001 - 11 years ago
I am so sary
Martyna Skisaker
Martyna Skisaker - 11 years ago
so good dood!
TheMinipily - 11 years ago
I think it was a bull shark. They've been known to attack anything that moves really.
Nadia Fernandez
Nadia Fernandez - 11 years ago
So sad
MGB_GAMES - 11 years ago
My braziliam i braziliam eu sou brasileiro
kurojin97 - 11 years ago
Years ago the Discovery Channel or someone did a study of Recife and it's increase in shark attacks. Bull sharks frequented the area during migration season. Turns out that that area used to be abundant with fish until it became a port where large vessels brought cargo from around the world.... The area where the fish lived is where the sharks would feed, and since the habitat was destroyed the migrating sharks, obviously hungry, ate what was in place of the missing fish.....
Bob Blanchfield
Bob Blanchfield - 11 years ago
when you enter into the domain of things that are wild,be it a fish or large mammal,you need to be alert to the possibility of being attacked.this hold true all over the world.
Daniel Utterback
Daniel Utterback - 11 years ago
rckymtn3 - 11 years ago
Sensationalizing a shark attack, then plastering a huge RIP graphic under her photo then looking sad as you offer condolences is a bit strange, so is your Australian bush hat. The girls cute though, but it's like she wants to go back to the couch, and is humoring you in your kitchen studio because you pay the bills. Overall? 2 out of 10.
Josh Loiola
Josh Loiola - 11 years ago
Restoration hospital**
RMS414 - 11 years ago
MaggsKayD - 11 years ago
Geez that sad see i would never smim if that was there and just saying the pl over there were not EVEN SEENING A GIRL THERE SMIMING OMG sorry for saying that but i wouldnt do that at all R.I.P Gobbu... :(
Clara Gainey
Clara Gainey - 11 years ago
rip see thats why i dont swim in the oean i watch to much tv and i will not let my child in that kind of water if it was the last thing to do on earth
Lucas Melo
Lucas Melo - 11 years ago
It's restauração from restored
gokula kannan b
gokula kannan b - 11 years ago
people interrupt shark diversity must have to avoided
hc0315 Gaming
hc0315 Gaming - 11 years ago
your vids suck
Jewels Petersen
Jewels Petersen - 11 years ago
HUH???? Would love to know what "stream" these so called attacks have taken place in...articles would be nice :)
DNO 22
DNO 22 - 11 years ago
Imunderpar4win - 11 years ago
ConnerPeacePuppyGirlyGirlPeaceOnEarth - 11 years ago
Shiva Parnaztala
Shiva Parnaztala - 11 years ago
Ana Fayet
Ana Fayet - 11 years ago
This area of ​​Brazil became shark infested b/c all fishers clean their boats in this area and throw fish scraps into the water.
Tati - 11 years ago
Omg rip
Aninha Gueiros
Aninha Gueiros - 11 years ago
LOL How did you translate "restauração" to "restaurant", that's hilarious... Also, she didn't die of blood loss, she had blood transfusions but her heart kept failing even before she reached the hospital. Anyway, there are signs everywhere along that beach stating the dangers of shark attack, but people take their chances anyway. Go figure.
James Nguyen
James Nguyen - 11 years ago
She ignored the rule not to cross
soldyYT - 11 years ago
Well LOL r.i.p DUMBY
soldyYT - 11 years ago
i think that i AM A HO BO ILL ADMIT IT
ZMHunter - 11 years ago
isn't restauracao, it's restauração and restaurante = restaurant if you need help with portuguese words you can call me. i'm brazilian
Laura Hensley
Laura Hensley - 11 years ago
por girl
T Sonka
T Sonka - 11 years ago
You are no longer top of the food chain once you enter the ocean................
SkylinesBR - 11 years ago
Here in Brazil, these situations do not happen every day. Mainly Numas most popular beaches of Brazil to Recife. My condolences for this girl who died on the reef also today there are no cases on this here Brazil. As had already spoken that evil happens in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Bahia and etc ... Several cases of disappearances have here, etc ... Bad Brazil is a good country that never, ever, happens every day (Mostly in Recife). I am sorry for her death.
marom83 - 11 years ago
Words are important too. Sharks don't INFEST waters. Sharks live in the water. It's their home and element.
Taylor  Fan
Taylor Fan - 11 years ago
That was stupid to cross the buies There are sighns for a reson
Taylor  Fan
Taylor Fan - 11 years ago
sumit bhartia
sumit bhartia - 11 years ago
Anyone is able to effortlessly earn over 4500 dollars every month just by filling in basic online surveys at home. This website shows precisely how\1jIU0e
Dungeons Dragons
Dungeons Dragons - 11 years ago
there were signs and they still did not listen.the signs were there because sharks can easily kill a people wow should have listened sorry but to sharks we are on the foot chain did this two girl not know that wow dumb.
diogo - 11 years ago
damn my hometown to :( its true that beach is very famous and known for its shark attacks
LINKTheReaper - 11 years ago
its an animal and it was hungry so why hunt it? yes its sad that she died but killing the shark wont solve anything
John R.
John R. - 11 years ago
Sharks gotta eat too..
SoTwistedPhil - 11 years ago
Video looks like a bad high school project
Brian Winters
Brian Winters - 11 years ago
You people need to realize, we are entering there 'home'. Their turf. Really if a human goes in to the water via boat, and hunted a shark just for 'fun', would we think anything of it? No. But if a shark attacks a human, whether as a test bite, or for a meal, we slam the names of all other species that could possibly kill a human being. Stop being so narrow minded, We are NOT the only damn species on this planet, just as much as a human would hate being eaten, a shark would hate being hunted. Ha
Sarah Williams
Sarah Williams - 11 years ago
Sharks do not always throw their prey. They attack us as we are in their prime hunting zone, the surf, where their usual prey is. Unless the shark is an Oceanic Whitetip who is opportunistic and will try to eat anything, we are not targeted by sharks. We're simply in the wrong place, usually at the wrong time. Also unfortunately for us, any exploratory bite can be fatal too.
gokuthebeast27 - 11 years ago
I feel bad om cring
Crazyeyes McGraw
Crazyeyes McGraw - 11 years ago
Notice the shark did not throw her and she was it would a seal. Bottom line the myth of sharks attacking humans because of mistaking....they attack because we are an easy meal. We are not on their natural menu, but once we are in the water we become food. Stay out of the water, go swim in a pool.
hitokira9000 - 11 years ago
LOL make the beach safe track n kill it? EXCUSE ME? have you seen the amount of sharks WE kill YEARLY in comparison to what they have done?! Im not justifying the death in anyway. it was nature thats it. BUT STILL. WE KILL 100 MILLION TIMES MORE SHARKS THAN THEY KILL HUMANS YEARLY. go educate yourself before putting such a dumbass comment here.
heidi bah
heidi bah - 11 years ago
Rip do sad
Mariana Cancino
Mariana Cancino - 11 years ago
Awww R.I.P gobie and u dont blink do u...
Mason Janney
Mason Janney - 11 years ago
Megan Ward
Megan Ward - 11 years ago
poor gobie. I think it's a bull shark
Marco - 11 years ago
Your translation of the name of the hospital is completely wrong.. RESTAURACAO Hospital means Hospital RESTORATION and not RESTAURANT hospital
Billy Gates
Billy Gates - 11 years ago
Billy Gates
Billy Gates - 11 years ago
It's not sad be use she did read the sign so DONT R.I.P
Huu John
Huu John - 11 years ago
Wow 28 humans deaths vs. 10,000,000 millions shark deaths each year! Humans don't belong in the water to begin with so get over yourselves and respect life! Because if it breathes and bleeds then it can feel pain too.
JaCk0olAnteRn - 11 years ago
an average of 4.4 fatal shark attacks per yer..... estimated between 30 million to 70 million fatal human attacks per year i think its safe to say that it is a little more then 10x
Granit98 - 11 years ago
Great white shark i would say
yoshithebestcoolshow - 11 years ago
R.I.P :(
Tyrone for life
Tyrone for life - 11 years ago
IzzyIsabel12345 - 11 years ago
That is sad
MF - 11 years ago
seu cú
Luzer Mendes
Luzer Mendes - 11 years ago
The name of the hospital is Restauração = restauration!
Eric Coelho
Eric Coelho - 11 years ago
restauração translates to restauration, actually FYI
sfwdcivic - 11 years ago
Never go swimming dusk till dawn or in murky water. Sharks do not have good eyesight and primarily rely on sense of smell, touch, and electrical impulses. When she was struggling to stay afloat the shark picked that up as a distressed potential meal. A shark will take a bite first then if it taste like food it will come back and eat it. Notice most shark attacks are bites only rarely does a shark fully devour a human. Judging by the size of the splash that looked like a 500-1000 pound shark.
Diego - 11 years ago
brazilians only care about party, pussy, alcohol and mary juana... and soccer and carnaval and beachs
Diego - 11 years ago
and if you go to restauração hospital, youre going to find thousands of people who got shot ( fire arms ),,, lots of drug dealers, hookers, thieves and etc... brazil is a place with no roles ( sad but true. ) and there is no doctors also... if you are a doctor and you work for the government, you just have to go to work, clock in and go back home.. after 8 hours you go back to work and clock out ! thres no one watching it.. politicians are also robbers so nobody cares.. who cares..
Diego - 11 years ago
i live in boa viagem beach and i already saw two sharks swimming next to people.. when it happens everyone goes out of the beach but they keep moving back to the beach after the shark goes away.. it happens more with tourists.. they dont respect the tags of warning ( sorry for the english
alex gonzalez
alex gonzalez - 11 years ago
250,000 sharks a day is 250,000 x 365 = 91,250,000 a year,so where did you get all those sharks?
Pedro Quass
Pedro Quass - 11 years ago
I'm from Brazil, and this really happend.... Unfortutanelly we don't have an organizatio to get or not to get in some areas of water, that's the reason she was bitten, and the reason she died is because we don't have hospitals with apropriated material to make transfusions....the government in Brazil is FUCKING with his population, and unfortunally they want to turn us into a communism.(I know this sounds crazy), but they are doing it by bringing cuba doctors to our country, a place with no inf
wahida tahir
wahida tahir - 11 years ago
u know this is. so fake! he is not even that serious
David Oze
David Oze - 11 years ago
If anyone wants to see the uncensored footage of the bite, here: /watch?v=aaOG1-WmJf0 Much worse than I expected :( Poor girl.
David Oze
David Oze - 11 years ago
Humans kill and fin 250,000 sharks a day, everyone's fine with it. A shark attacks 1 human, everyone loses their minds.
SkuMFuK 97
SkuMFuK 97 - 11 years ago
Got fucked Dump bitch! Poor shark , picked the rotten food of the beach
Jake Dragonfire
Jake Dragonfire - 11 years ago
really? it's right to kill off every shark then? my heart goes out to the girl's family but they made a very stupid mistake. they should've read the sign and stayed away.
Ivan Cunha
Ivan Cunha - 11 years ago
Restauração translates into restoration and not into restaurant. Check your facts dude...
Shmidy VonStoop
Shmidy VonStoop - 11 years ago
She was stupid and deserved it, don't go somewhere you that is dangerous that has warnings,
Kiko M
Kiko M - 11 years ago
We kill 38 million sharks per year...Sharks kill 5 people per year(worldwide)
Indarra girlzz
Indarra girlzz - 11 years ago
RIP gobbi
ashley barnes
ashley barnes - 11 years ago
mmmmm.... talentless
lamebubblesflysohigh - 11 years ago
8000 sharks are killed for their fins every 2 hours.
ICE YESMAN - 11 years ago
I saw the shadow underwater right when the shark attacked It was a big shark :/
Tampa123 - 11 years ago
If you have a chance check out La Reunion and Second Beach (SA). Something has happened there as well that resulted in bull sharks becoming extremely aggressive in recent years. Second Beach is the deadliest stretch of beach in the world and La Reunion has banned surfing and swimming until October of this year due to an unprecedented number of fatalities the last five years. Horrific and savage attacks.
Tampa123 - 11 years ago
The shark responsible for the attack is the cabeça-chata.
Luis Felipe
Luis Felipe - 11 years ago
Bah mas que loco ignorante...
dude donde
dude donde - 11 years ago
And if you fight back the sharks think that's not food cuz fish can't fight back
dude donde
dude donde - 11 years ago
Everybody sush about killing sharks they can see very good so they mistake people as fish
WeArrLegion - 11 years ago
People raging against shark should be neutered and maybe even put down... When will the world be freed from these shortsighted ill-minded pathetic lifeforms. If sharks were maneaters there would be no swimming in the oceans. Sharks should be thanked and maybe even worshipped. They are the catalysts of evolution. But I'm afraid people will never learn. And on the day the oceans go wrong I'll laugh at the human-disgrace, uhm race as they go down with it :(
thomas tudhope
thomas tudhope - 11 years ago
Sharks will only attack you if you're wet.
aburkie111 - 11 years ago
Many species of shark are very close to being extinct. Sharks don't just eat fish. They eat seals, dolphins, whale carcasses, crustaceans, birds, squids, turtles, and sea snakes, as well as fish. Shark attacks against humans are rare, but anyone who swims in the ocean should realize the danger. Especially when there are warning signs. The sharks shouldn't be killed in huge numbers because some people weren't paying attention to warnings.
phb2911 - 11 years ago
I lived in that area when I was a kid... I used to spend the summer in that very beach and I never heard anybody talk about bull sharks over there... I truly believe it was a tiger shark...
debbyzinha1000 - 11 years ago
I watched the interview video of the witnesses just now, they were in the shallow water but didn't know how to swim and got dragged to the deep by the waves. And she had 3 heart attacks before she died
debbyzinha1000 - 11 years ago
Restauracao = restoration lol not restaurant
kitnbent - 11 years ago
They're not even close to be extinct, and if we lower the number of sharks the sharks that are left have more fish to eat. And they are less likely to attack humans.
aburkie111 - 11 years ago
We actually kill 5,000,000 times as many sharks as sharks kill humans. Literally five million times as many sharks are killed by us than we are killed by humans. On average, about 10,000 sharks are killed by humans every hour, accounting for about 100 million killed each year.
Mateus Gamer
Mateus Gamer - 11 years ago
quem aki e brasileiro e quem não e saiba que brasil não e com z
Roberto Netto
Roberto Netto - 11 years ago
Man im from Brazil . The translation of he name of the hospital is RESTORE, not restaurant...
ericjungleboy - 11 years ago
I swam at that beach every day for a couple of weeks when I was there. They said not to go to deeper water past the reef because of the sharks, but in this case the girls were swimming in shallow water. It was probably a reef pass (a place where there's a break in the reef and access to the open ocean) because you can see the waves coming in closer to shore. That's the most dangerous kind of place you can be along that beach.
Adi Med
Adi Med - 11 years ago
I am Brazilian… This Beach (Boa Viagem in Recife) particularly has a lot of warnings... is well know for everyone that sharks are in that area… to complicate this situation one huge port was constructed on the reproduction site of those sharks… unfortunately many people take the risk and go swim there… The ocean is home of those species… If you go swim in a place like that you take your risks… We are the intruders in their habitat after all…
Wilbert diaz
Wilbert diaz - 11 years ago
Vivianne Alves
Vivianne Alves - 11 years ago
I live in Recife, close to Boa Viagem. Really, this beach is very dangerous, even if you are in the shallows, the waves will pull with tremendous force!! May God comfort the hearts of family Bruna!!
Ally Buckner
Ally Buckner - 11 years ago
It really ticks me off how someone said to hunt down this shark because if sharks are common in the area if you identified the species of the shark you wouldn't be able to identify the individual shark. Plus, killing more sharks would make the ecosystem even more unbalanced. But I do feel bad for this girl and my heart goes out to her family. RIP Bruna
anton constantine
anton constantine - 11 years ago
Just show the footage, nobody clicked on this hoping to see two American idiots talking crap and piggybacking off a tragedy to get FaceTime on YouTube.. Wankers
Kim Kruger
Kim Kruger - 11 years ago
Epic Wildlife
Epic Wildlife - 11 years ago
That's pretty crazy.
HOSTILExARCHER - 11 years ago
Looks like you did not pay attention to the vid.
Brennon Johnson
Brennon Johnson - 11 years ago
Us humans r killing 10x more sharks than sharks kill people and that causes unbalanced ecosystems
Hugo Ribeiro
Hugo Ribeiro - 11 years ago
Cuba has the same shark species that live in this area, yet they rarely attack humans because there the ecosystem is balanced, there's plenty of food resources, clean water... In Brazil, there was a slaughterhouse throwing the blood of the cows at the sea, attracting sharks. Also, a great harbor has been built there, which poluted the area, destroied the ecosystem and with that, food resources. Result, humans became a prey to sharks so they can feed and live. Joke's on our goverment.
Hugo Ribeiro
Hugo Ribeiro - 11 years ago
Cuba has the same shark species that live in this area, yet they rarely attack humans because there the ecosystem is balanced, there's plenty of food resources, clean water... In Brazil, there was a slaughterhouse throwing the blood of the cows at the sea, attracting sharks. Also, a great harbor has been built there, which poluted the area, destroied the ecosystem and with that, food resources. Result, humans became a prey to sharks so they can feed and live. Joke's on our goverment.
hailey bear
hailey bear - 11 years ago
I can't believe that
NellieMay DiPinto
NellieMay DiPinto - 11 years ago
Actually I do LOVE sharks!!! They are so cool and so not as vicious or man eating as people say and make them look!
NellieMay DiPinto
NellieMay DiPinto - 11 years ago
I'm American! Although there have been shark spottings in a town about in hour away from me. :(
Sam Myers
Sam Myers - 11 years ago
Retard commenting sharks should still be hunted, I feel bad she died but it kinda was her fault
Joaquim Guedes
Joaquim Guedes - 11 years ago
Hospital da Restauração = Hospital Restoration
Lenance Link
Lenance Link - 11 years ago
we are only swimming in the nearby coastline's its not us to blame... infact its not really anyones fault apart from those girls from avoiding the warnings...
Michael Schlosser
Michael Schlosser - 11 years ago
Shark attacks aren't common
Nick Craft
Nick Craft - 11 years ago
I think that if thay say don't go in the water then you don't go in the water simple as that
Riley Walls
Riley Walls - 11 years ago
Restauracao is "restoration" Rest-ow-ra-sau
Neville Peters
Neville Peters - 11 years ago
lol osbourne is stupid cuse a shark does it by accident he doesnt know that whe are humans it thinks were seals he only lets go when he feels ur bones cuse seals dont have hard bones and then he lets go bud normally the person is already dead :(
Victor Thorpe
Victor Thorpe - 11 years ago
Minha cidade é vizinha.
Andy Filmz
Andy Filmz - 11 years ago
Well, we humans are invading their territory, the oceans do not belong to us. RIP
Tim Gothreaux
Tim Gothreaux - 11 years ago
Get rid of that jacked up hat. Your not Australian
lekkki1 - 11 years ago
A tragic lesson, and the woman had the right of it. She lost so much blood so quickly that no amount of transfusions would have corrected the medical urgency. I grew up on the ocean, and believe me, when shark warnings are in effect, you take your life into your hands getting into the water.
айжан каирбекова
айжан каирбекова - 11 years ago
im excited. cant come of out the reality of getting a iphone for doing some questionnaire :) . be mature and do this, make sure you tell the address and email properly to send the giftbox. rush it here >>
Kieran Wren
Kieran Wren - 11 years ago
Andy Griffiths
Andy Griffiths - 11 years ago
Losing blood also results going into shock which could be the reason for her death
jaccep99 - 11 years ago
She was hot ):
Michael Green
Michael Green - 11 years ago
Restauracao is pronounced hes-tao-rahs-OW with emphasis on the 'ow'. Translation means restoration.
Raimundo Timéte Rego Pinto
Raimundo Timéte Rego Pinto - 11 years ago
é nois
OISN MCHUGH - 11 years ago
Holy shit
theardentone - 11 years ago
That's what salinated tide pools are for. It's like the ocean, sans fish poop and things that want to eat me.
theardentone - 11 years ago
From the looks of the aftermath video, one of her tibial or peroneal arteriies was probably severed. Most of the lower leg muscle was removed to the bone. Arterial bleeding of the sort she experienced does not make the outcome the least bit surprising. Sucks people can't understand why signs are put up in the first place. People don't drive all along the coastal areas of the world putting up "Danger, Shark Infested Waters" signs in places with no history as such.
soko2298 - 11 years ago
They should put nets in the water so sharks cant get in and people dont have to worry about shark bites rip
Dre - 11 years ago
I´m from Brazil and the Doctors said she lost 70 % her blood very quickly.
Max Marauders
Max Marauders - 11 years ago
Sharks are so amazing
logan Thomas
logan Thomas - 11 years ago
Well i wouldent be swimming in waters with the number 2nd and number 3rd most aggressive sharks in the world anyways
Danny DeVinnie
Danny DeVinnie - 11 years ago
well I'm not going back in the water. RIP
Bryce Hooley
Bryce Hooley - 11 years ago
Timmy91306 - 11 years ago
Her leg had no skin after that
J Put
J Put - 11 years ago
Well it's kind of hard not to cry if you get bitten by a shark with tons of razor sharp teeth, don't you think? And if you're killed by it then it's physically impossible to cry..
Nightraver56Eu - 11 years ago
sharks are the kings of the ocean... we need to respect that
Youkko - 11 years ago
btw that's the town's main hospital.
Youkko - 11 years ago
The hospital is "Hospital da Restauração" (something like Restoration's Hospital), not restaurant (wtf?!!)
FoOoz NoOon
FoOoz NoOon - 11 years ago
Good editing
david sharkman Dawson
david sharkman Dawson - 11 years ago
its there water simple as that! we are guests dont cry if you get bit or killed!
david sharkman Dawson
david sharkman Dawson - 11 years ago
o really! lol
wehebi mohammad
wehebi mohammad - 11 years ago
well he said that there was warning signs all over the beach, so you would be an idiot if you did. no offense
Lisa Avila
Lisa Avila - 11 years ago
Um u seem to not take this video seriously dude, its not funny tht some one died
Weirdohbro - 11 years ago
Matt Byington
Matt Byington - 11 years ago
It's clearly a CCTV/security camera, not someone with a handheld camcorder. Also, lifeguards were present, both during and after the shark attack... did you even watch the video?
Slenderman's mom
Slenderman's mom - 11 years ago
james bon
james bon - 11 years ago
yeah i saw this on liveleak. the girl's leg was really ripped off. maybe she died from massive blood loss
ffrydow - 11 years ago
It's "restoration"... and not "restaurant"!!
Nathaly Carrillo
Nathaly Carrillo - 11 years ago
You stuoid yassine , she is dead and you dont have any respect for that, please shoot yourself
Yassine Aziyas
Yassine Aziyas - 11 years ago
I think that's just her periods, don't make a whole story of that !
Anubis hoth
Anubis hoth - 11 years ago
Poor baby girl :( 21 year old rest in peace
Cristiano t
Cristiano t - 11 years ago
She was pulled into the ocean by the strong waves u guys, there were people all over the beach as if it was a beach with no danger...check it out on other videos...this was tragic :(
Rodge M
Rodge M - 11 years ago
I'm from that part of Brazil and I was on that beach with my family last September. EVERYONE KNOWS when shark season is, specially from March through August and for some reason shark attacks happen during full moon. I avoid going any further deep than my knee, no matter what time of the year it is because sharks are there all the time.
DJ Presuntinho
DJ Presuntinho - 11 years ago
taylorjax2000able Deus abençoe e descanse em paz minha oração vai para a família e amigos like your comment God bless you too'm also from Brazil I'm Brazilian. and do not understand anything ingres but with the help of google translator I understand .....muito obrigado pelo seu carinho e amor deus te abençoe sempre .meu nome rodrigo alessandro,,,,thank you for your affection and love God bless you always. rodrigo.alessandro my name
-Stand for Justice-
-Stand for Justice- - 11 years ago
he's shirt;keep calm and make a tea
taylorjax2000able - 11 years ago
God bless and rest in peace my prayer goes out to family and friends
Kraiginator48 - 11 years ago
Fabio8506 - 11 years ago
Restauração means restoration,you disgust me...
Rubens Neto
Rubens Neto - 11 years ago
Jorge Diogo Souza Costa
Jorge Diogo Souza Costa - 11 years ago
Well, It's not worth if you're into sea bath in dangerous areas. Apart from that, it's totally worth visiting.
TheBeautyanna - 11 years ago
I am from Brazil and I grow up hearing attacks at that beach,I never wanted to visit the city which is beautiful but way to many sharks since always,I don't understand why there are so many always and people still go!! And I thought the girl had survived as people posted on facebook the day that happened!
acko - 11 years ago
im brazilian and it doesnt translate to restaurant. Its Restauração, which means restoration
Marco ALAMOS - 11 years ago
That's why I have a pool I'm afraid of sharks
voxmonkeylove - 11 years ago
RIP 
voxmonkeylove - 11 years ago
This is why I don't swim lol and I live in the Caribbean. Sad but I'm afraid lol
Valynn Richards
Valynn Richards - 11 years ago
its sad she died but why would you swim in shark infested waters when you know they're shark infested?
Sidney Rocha
Sidney Rocha - 11 years ago
Restauração = Restoration
cassandra jenkins
cassandra jenkins - 11 years ago
though this is a very tragic and sad, there were signs telling people to stay from that section of the water and you would have to go past them and ignore them for the possibility to be attacked. i think that there was plenty of time to reconsider.
Thomas Tucker
Thomas Tucker - 11 years ago
He has no idea
Thomas Tucker
Thomas Tucker - 11 years ago
This guy is just a fake I
aryspereira - 11 years ago
Part 2) The trouble with the pronunciation of "cedilla" is because cedilla = a mark under the letter 'c' in some languages​​, such as French and Portuguese, that shows that 'c' has the sound of the letter 's', not 'k'. It is written as 'ç'. In time, the Dutch were defeated and expulsed from Brazil, sailed northward and founded New York City. Hugs from Rio de Janeiro
aryspereira - 11 years ago
Part 1) "HOSPITAL DA RESTAURAÇÃO" (with "cedilla", not "C" and a tilde over the letter "Ã" - diacritical mark showing pronunciation). You should pronounce in English something like: "RESTAURASSAUM". The name "Hospital of the Restoration," was given in 1953 in honor of the tercentenary of the restoration of power with the expulsion of the Dutch that invaded Pernambuco State, where the sad event happened to the poor girl who died.
Cory Foster
Cory Foster - 11 years ago
Mistaken identity!! People do not understand that it is not one individual shark in every case, although, it can happen.
Lumarini - 11 years ago
Unfortunately, the Northeast coast in Brazil is where poverty is large, good doctors are rare, and people die in the hallways in hospitals waiting for specialists who are usually too busy to help all those in pain or critical conditions. Brazilian people riots out in the streets were crying out for help and investments in jobs, education and healthcare.
TheAstarothh - 11 years ago
I am Brazilian and I live in the city and in the neighborhood where the attack took. The hospital you just say "restaurant" is actually "Restoration Hospital"!
Lisa Funtrage
Lisa Funtrage - 11 years ago
Sharks and Spider, the 2 things I fear the most
Leilani Aguirre
Leilani Aguirre - 11 years ago
The signs r there to protect people I don't think it was the sharks fault its the girls fault the shark has to live it was using self defense
Lazor - 11 years ago
um.. if them swim past signs that say it is sharks it is theirs fault. i tend to not care if there is their own fault. she was unique as a person but not as a human. and sharks do oly attack humans becouse they want to eat. why not kill all humans on this planet becouse everyone have eaten meat in some form.
wehebi mohammad
wehebi mohammad - 11 years ago
its a bull shark since its like to attack the leg first and keep attacking
Monster King
Monster King - 11 years ago
Every one shut up sharks live there in the sea now the girl should had not died.
Justin Ramos
Justin Ramos - 11 years ago
Bull shark cuz a tiger shark wouldent let go... RIP
Ryan Gagnet
Ryan Gagnet - 11 years ago
Kill all the sharks and chop down the forests.
Emilio Matos Mendonca
Emilio Matos Mendonca - 11 years ago
"Restauração" is the name of the hospital, and it means like a "restoration", not like restaurant
mANDY mECHE - 11 years ago
Ummm. Ok. Somebody should invent a clip on device that repels a shark from coming within five feet of you. Kinda like that new clip on mosquito repellant. So I can go swimming hmmmm.
Danny Borders
Danny Borders - 11 years ago
I know this sound quite cruel but its her fault...
Miiiiix - 11 years ago
bonadudeable - 11 years ago
I would NEVER get in the water at that beach!

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