Shark Attacks Spearfisherman || Florida Keys 2017
Shark videos 7 years ago 2,256,937 views
The short clip of me getting attacked by a 7-8ft reef shark. We were spearfishing near Middle Sambo reef off Boca Chica in the Keys on Sunday when this shark came out of nowhere. He first went at my dive buddy Justyn but immediately turned toward me. He first bit my left fin then took a chunk out of the right one before biting my leg and cutting the speargun line. I assumed he was trying to steal the black grouper i was holding. But after I lost the grouper and watched it swim to the bottom, the shark kept coming at us! Justyn went back down for my gun and actually shoved it in the sharks mouth like a badass!!!! The shark then took it straight to the bottom while we rushed back to the boat and safety. Always dive with a buddy and someone who is trained in first aid! I would not have made it back to the boat without the help of another strong swimmer and would have bled out had I not been patched up so well by Amanda. The shark tore through the skin, fat tissue, muscle, muscle sheath, and unfortunately my tibial artery which caused me to lose more than a liter of blood. This clearly could have been much worse! Happy to still have my leg even with a piece missing! And we even got my Koah speargun back!!! 🦈 🦈 🦈 🦈 🦈 🦈 0:33 - OH GAWD SHARK! 0:48 - Ew... 3:30 - SHARKS?? 3:45 - AW F*CK Thanks to everyone that was there or came to help! Pictures of the wound were quite graphic and have been left out. To view them click the following link: #NoThatsMYLeg #TheTaxManStrikesAgain To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email
10. comment for Shark Attacks Spearfisherman || Florida Keys 2017
eso esta muy bien que te pase por cabron! te metiste en la casa del tiburon. mas que eso tenia que hacerte!!
20. comment for Shark Attacks Spearfisherman || Florida Keys 2017
30. comment for Shark Attacks Spearfisherman || Florida Keys 2017
Finally fish got revenge
Because they got spear
Then shark attack you
"...uhh you guys good?"
NO piss off
"Somebody help me"
"Ok, here you go"
"Not you" Still has to exert full energy to pull himself into the boat
Find a new crew dude. Besides this Justyn character. Yeah keep him around.
50. comment for Shark Attacks Spearfisherman || Florida Keys 2017
guy who got bit said "SHARK." He was like SHARKKK?! Imma get out of here fast. Hahahahahahahahahahhaahha
Balls of steel
Go vegetarian!
100. comment for Shark Attacks Spearfisherman || Florida Keys 2017
Short version. Checking to see how bad I was actually bleeding.
Time to find new spearfishing partners
Your lucky it didn't come to finish the job!!!
I’m always telling my partner that whatever happens in life you must try to remain cool, calm & not lose your head. This is a prime example of that in an extremely stressful situation.
Glad it wasn’t worse for you, well done guys good teamwork.
Gets bitten by a shark
1.8 million views
Self defense? Notice how long it took to get to the boat.
Other poeple say you get a silver tooth
Google it
I don't know anyone that ever saw a white shark in the Keys.
USS Indianapolis Survivor Recalls Four Days in Shark-Filled Sea, Washington Post
Worst Shark Attack In History, Smithsonian Magazine
Only reason sharks didn't attack the Titanic victims is due to it being too cold for them, interestingly enough. I used to always wondered why we didn't hear about shark attacks with them.
Keep an open mind on the internet and in real life. If you're really all about keeping an opinion, back it up with facts like some of the other commenters did. Debating is all about getting your point across; you win if you can change someone's outlook towards something. Keeping an open mind also allows you to accept that some people's opinions can't be changed and that's alright. Diversity is one of humankind's greatest accomplishments.
The sharks fed for days, with no sign of rescue for the men. Navy intelligence had intercepted a message from the Japanese submarine that had torpedoed the Indianapolis describing how it had sunk an American battleship along the Indianapolis’ route, but the message was disregarded as a trick to lure American rescue boats into an ambush. In the meantime, the Indianapolis survivors learned that they had the best odds in a group, and ideally in the center of the group. The men on the margins or, worse, alone, were the most susceptible to the sharks.
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by science that sharks dont to attack humans because that are hunting for prey they Shied thier eyes so they cant see stupid idiot!
Glad you got out safely.
vilotets are blue ,
i came for 1:38
and so did u
Should have used a Shark Shield!
Next we can put on a meat suit and go pet the tigers at the zoo.
He's keeping all the fish close to himself.
That's like a big line full of fish with a giant price attached no it (the diver).