Shark Attacks Spearfisherman || Florida Keys 2017

The short clip of me getting attacked by a 7-8ft reef shark. We were spearfishing near Middle Sambo reef off Boca Chica in the Keys on Sunday when this shark came out of nowhere. He first went at my dive buddy Justyn but immediately turned toward me. He first bit my left fin then took a chunk out of the right one before biting my leg and cutting the speargun line. I assumed he was trying to steal the black grouper i was holding. But after I lost the grouper and watched it swim to the bottom, the shark kept coming at us! Justyn went back down for my gun and actually shoved it in the sharks mouth like a badass!!!! The shark then took it straight to the bottom while we rushed back to the boat and safety. Always dive with a buddy and someone who is trained in first aid! I would not have made it back to the boat without the help of another strong swimmer and would have bled out had I not been patched up so well by Amanda. The shark tore through the skin, fat tissue, muscle, muscle sheath, and unfortunately my tibial artery which caused me to lose more than a liter of blood. This clearly could have been much worse! Happy to still have my leg even with a piece missing! And we even got my Koah speargun back!!! 🦈 🦈 🦈 🦈 🦈 🦈 0:33 - OH GAWD SHARK! 0:48 - Ew... 3:30 - SHARKS?? 3:45 - AW F*CK Thanks to everyone that was there or came to help! Pictures of the wound were quite graphic and have been left out. To view them click the following link: #NoThatsMYLeg #TheTaxManStrikesAgain To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email

Shark Attacks Spearfisherman || Florida Keys 2017 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 695

Shark videos 7 years ago 2,256,937 views

The short clip of me getting attacked by a 7-8ft reef shark. We were spearfishing near Middle Sambo reef off Boca Chica in the Keys on Sunday when this shark came out of nowhere. He first went at my dive buddy Justyn but immediately turned toward me. He first bit my left fin then took a chunk out of the right one before biting my leg and cutting the speargun line. I assumed he was trying to steal the black grouper i was holding. But after I lost the grouper and watched it swim to the bottom, the shark kept coming at us! Justyn went back down for my gun and actually shoved it in the sharks mouth like a badass!!!! The shark then took it straight to the bottom while we rushed back to the boat and safety. Always dive with a buddy and someone who is trained in first aid! I would not have made it back to the boat without the help of another strong swimmer and would have bled out had I not been patched up so well by Amanda. The shark tore through the skin, fat tissue, muscle, muscle sheath, and unfortunately my tibial artery which caused me to lose more than a liter of blood. This clearly could have been much worse! Happy to still have my leg even with a piece missing! And we even got my Koah speargun back!!! 🦈 🦈 🦈 🦈 🦈 🦈 0:33 - OH GAWD SHARK! 0:48 - Ew... 3:30 - SHARKS?? 3:45 - AW F*CK Thanks to everyone that was there or came to help! Pictures of the wound were quite graphic and have been left out. To view them click the following link: #NoThatsMYLeg #TheTaxManStrikesAgain To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email

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Most popular comments
for Shark Attacks Spearfisherman || Florida Keys 2017

Corey johnson
Corey johnson - 6 years ago
dont have dead fish on you in the water...key to survival. fish from the boat fuck lol
Shayna Correll
Shayna Correll - 6 years ago
You are in there territory. Shame on you.
Stephen Lavoie
Stephen Lavoie - 6 years ago
chick on the boat looked pretty hot
Carguy 2204
Carguy 2204 - 6 years ago
That shark went back and told his buddies "damn they do taste like shit"... "You were right Brutus"...
Carguy 2204
Carguy 2204 - 6 years ago
Man this is why I carry my special custom made underwater flintlock dueling pistol.. I would have busted a flint in that mothafuckas ass..
Continued Wisdom
Continued Wisdom - 6 years ago
Lol dude was like aww FUCK!
KAT COP - 6 years ago
wнy yoυ ĸιĸlιng ѕнarĸѕ yoυ тнe one ιn da ocean jerĸѕ donт yoυ ĸnow ѕнιтѕ goιng eхιѕтenт
Pink Diamond
Pink Diamond - 6 years ago
Oml was the white stuff his bone?
Scoo tube
Scoo tube - 6 years ago
Poor guy

10. comment for Shark Attacks Spearfisherman || Florida Keys 2017

LittleSharkLove - 6 years ago
Well that’s your fault
rafael alavrez
rafael alavrez - 6 years ago
Estas cosas me alegran muchisimo!!
eso esta muy bien que te pase por cabron! te metiste en la casa del tiburon. mas que eso tenia que hacerte!!
Max Gustafsson
Max Gustafsson - 6 years ago
''80% of shark attacks happen in shallow water. No shit that is where all the people are.'' Bull Burr.
Jason Berry
Jason Berry - 6 years ago
I'd like to know how your friend stopped the bleeding if the shark bit through your Tibial artery? Did you go to the hospital afterwards?
Jason Berry
Jason Berry - 6 years ago
I'm not saying you're lying because you obviously got a wound but I highly doubt you would've bled out, it didn't look like you were bleeding that bad at all, let alone it doesn't look like you nicked an artery or anything, also you have fucking idiots on the boat they should've brought the boat to you first of all. you should've yelled for them to come rescue you also, you should not have swam back to the boat. You have the boat come for you. You guys are all to an experienced to be doing this looks like.
Frisko Jack
Frisko Jack - 6 years ago
Well deserved.
Mike D
Mike D - 6 years ago
Dumb ass shouldn't of flopped so much keep your eyes on it and stab that shit I know it's easier said then done but still
michael gratton
michael gratton - 6 years ago
I would have shot the guy on the boat through the foot with the spear gun, i mean what part of "Help were being attacked by a shark" did he not understand lol!
The Expert
The Expert - 6 years ago
That was a a Reef Shark ...... they love to bite ...... I see them all the time in the Keys. However we see more Hammerheads than any other shark in the Keys. Great Whites pass by the waters off the Keys on their way to Mexico. Mako, Bulls, and Tigers are known to come out of no where on your ass. Bottom line is only a fool with a death wish spear fishes the waters of the Caribbean. People go missing in those waters all the time......
RushingWindz - 6 years ago
Is this deep enough for cargo ships to pass through?

20. comment for Shark Attacks Spearfisherman || Florida Keys 2017

Гуру Насущного
Гуру Насущного - 6 years ago
Shit this is fuckin hurts
optimus nette
optimus nette - 6 years ago
Iuhas Dan
Iuhas Dan - 6 years ago
Jesus, you lost 1 liter of blood from that bite, this shit's fucking scary, glad you're okay. Did you say your buddy injured the shark? Did he kill it?
Psyched Charisma
Psyched Charisma - 6 years ago
Wow very luck swipe could have been a lot worse than it was
the no spin ninjas
the no spin ninjas - 6 years ago
he wasn't bit he stabbed himself with the spray as he backed up
Trevor F. Phillips
Trevor F. Phillips - 6 years ago
He should become a shark rapist for revenge.
John Cha
John Cha - 6 years ago
LMFAO at ur buddiea face and reaction.... whew man good video bro... get some
Giorgos Thomaidis
Giorgos Thomaidis - 6 years ago
You are so lucky that was just a Reek Shark..
Lexington - 6 years ago
Aren't groupers protected by law? I think these guys are idiots. You all think they have big balls because they go in the water and stab fish? While sharks are present? Sounds kinda stupid to me. Idiots. I say you get what you get when you do something idiotic.
Andy Dawg
Andy Dawg - 6 years ago
Karmas a bitch lmao

30. comment for Shark Attacks Spearfisherman || Florida Keys 2017

Rd Harwood
Rd Harwood - 6 years ago
This is why I’m afraid to do stuff like this!!! But would love to spear fish
San Francisco California
San Francisco California - 6 years ago
I hope your balls are ok?
Esthepanie Estrada
Esthepanie Estrada - 6 years ago
It’s a baby shark
Michael Indrawan
Michael Indrawan - 6 years ago
That is karma
Finally fish got revenge
Because they got spear
Then shark attack you
Chunk Sawastuk
Chunk Sawastuk - 6 years ago
Aw he'll nah
chris omaga
chris omaga - 6 years ago
justin get my gun lol
papio masta
papio masta - 6 years ago
hope you made it to the hospital ok
papio masta
papio masta - 6 years ago
daym bro...looks like he just missed the muscle that runs down your chin
Putra Risky
Putra Risky - 6 years ago
Its hungry shark time,,..
bray bray
bray bray - 6 years ago
Wayne Andersen
Wayne Andersen - 6 years ago
The shark didn't want him, he wanted the fish. Years ago, I got rolled from behind for my pear stringer of fish. Buddy shot him with a powerhead. Thought I was bitten. Be careful in the keys, sharks are all around, especially out back. BTW No more powerheads in Fl. Keys.
ace360seal - 6 years ago
Well time to sell my fishing gear it was nice while it lasted
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
If you pause the video before the shark gets to him you can see how small the shark is in relationship to the divers flippers. If that little thing can do that kind of damage, imagine what could've happened if it were much larger than that... Could've taken the driver's entire leg.
Corey Bronson
Corey Bronson - 6 years ago
I'd be the guy @3:45 "aww fxck"
Jammin Woodard
Jammin Woodard - 6 years ago
Ha ha ha ha. Now u want help
Preston Smith
Preston Smith - 6 years ago
Can we please talk about the complete lack of responsibility or, frankly, cares given by the people operating the boat? No attempt to move in and see why they're screaming, just toss him a floaty when he's already 5 feet from the boat, well bled out, with the adrenaline wearing off. They should be very focused on those divers, instead of trying to flirt with that girl.

"...uhh you guys good?"
NO piss off

"Somebody help me"
"Ok, here you go"
"Not you" Still has to exert full energy to pull himself into the boat

Find a new crew dude. Besides this Justyn character. Yeah keep him around.
Dragon Legend
Dragon Legend - 6 years ago
The smaller ones are the ones you need to watch out for. They’re much more agile.
T T Moore
T T Moore - 6 years ago
the shark just wanted a lil taste.
Erwin List
Erwin List - 6 years ago
Next time use the spear not the fins.
Aron Weston
Aron Weston - 6 years ago
shouldn't spearfish, regardless of recklessly shooting unsuspecting animals - you play in a sharks territory you'll get fucked up haha

50. comment for Shark Attacks Spearfisherman || Florida Keys 2017

Soul0Stealer - 6 years ago
What they call a love or curiosity bite. Plus I've seen pictures of injuries similar to that one where the shark simply brushed up against them quickly and tore some skin off.
Karim Bauer
Karim Bauer - 6 years ago
In kindergarden we learn not to swim with a bleeding fish in shark infested water. You sir clearly didnt listen in kindergarden
Crown Commando
Crown Commando - 6 years ago
My buddy, Kim Seibel, invited me on a spearfishing trip for my birthday. I had to work. Kim went with his cousin and was eaten by a Mako shark off Grassy Key in 1982.
Thomas Jeffery
Thomas Jeffery - 6 years ago
Thoes people in that boat are a bunch of dickheads for making this dude swim all the way to the boat after getting bit by a ducking shark.
Qwertyfied - 6 years ago
I just bursted laughing when the guy who jumped in the water asked what happened and the
guy who got bit said "SHARK." He was like SHARKKK?! Imma get out of here fast. Hahahahahahahahahahhaahha
LopezMinton - 6 years ago
Amazing how a man's mind goes from terrified to tits
your not special
your not special - 6 years ago
this is not a shark attack hahahaha he shot himself with the spear gun if a shark like that got a hold of his leg he would no longer have it you can tell by the wound also that its from the tip of his spear either way that fucking sucks and was caused by the sharks actions
your not special
your not special - 6 years ago
If your the person in this video that this happened to?...then you were there so I will take your word for it lol and no I did not study the wound very close it just looked like to me that it was from the spear shooting away from you and catching the front of your leg/shin area... I figured if the shark did get a hold of your leg there would have been a lot more damage and im not saying that was nothing it looked like it would hurt pretty damn bad....pretty crazy video though thanks for posting it
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 6 years ago
+your not special Do you even know how a speargun works? Clearly not. Take a look at the pictures. You can see individual lacerations caused by each tooth. Video would be much funnier if I did shot myself though haha
your not special
your not special - 6 years ago
he should have made the title "shot myself with a spear gun" would have got 10x as many views
your not special
your not special - 6 years ago
he took it like a champ im sure it didnt feel very good probably from being in shock
Nathan Lamberth
Nathan Lamberth - 6 years ago
Get the gun? How about you get in the boat?
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 6 years ago
+Nathan Lamberth Nah that’s a Koah roller. Best gun ever made!
Steevixe Gp
Steevixe Gp - 6 years ago
NAT le PRO✅ - 6 years ago
Duffer Man
Duffer Man - 6 years ago
on my boat i the Navy, when we stopped to swim, we would have Shark Watch on topside with an M16. Just to make sure when its eating you we put you out of your misery. Good thing ya'll didnt have a shark watch
miopera40 - 6 years ago
You need to shot the bull when on range and leave all the conservationism and technicalities behind guys, better one shark less than getting bite by one
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 6 years ago
+miopera40 I’d rather get hit than kill a shark...
Roman Macík
Roman Macík - 6 years ago
This Idiot was holding a speared bleeding dead fish.Shark wanted the fish in his hand not his fucking leg...
Dirty China
Dirty China - 6 years ago
Yup.. he started panicking as soon as he saw the shark and started kicking like an injured fish so he got bit like one. Should of had that speargun out in front of him to fend off the shark. Worst thing you can do is flail like a dieing bird in front of any preditor animal.
Yoguita Gerage
Yoguita Gerage - 6 years ago
HookedOnTheBay - 6 years ago
The guy who yells "OH FUCK! HOLY SHIT" Really isnt helping the situation lol
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 6 years ago
+HookedOnTheBay Nope but his dumb reaction certainly lightened the situation lol
Teo ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ
Teo ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ - 7 years ago
Ай,да не ссы.До свадьбы заживет
Alex - 7 years ago
Bet you had the smell of fish/blood on you. Or maybe even had fish on your belt. If so, no sympathy at all really
Robert Valdes
Robert Valdes - 7 years ago
Wrong technique to dive in the Ocean. You can tell these guys did not have lots of experience. You need to be 3 people at least and one speargun loaded at all times for self-defense.
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 6 years ago
+Robert Valdes Science. It was bound to happen eventually. Sharks around here are excessively aggressive and will show up in seconds just to the sound of a gun. This spot was supposed to be a smash and grab but apparently the shark was faster.
Ben Hall
Ben Hall - 7 years ago
I got an idea how bout yelling to the boat to come to them instead of quietly swimming to them...
[GM[Khenn Smith
[GM[Khenn Smith - 7 years ago
YALES YALES - 7 years ago
patryk Karft
patryk Karft - 7 years ago
Wy zwarowalita
Mike Brown (Bassist)
Mike Brown (Bassist) - 7 years ago
Note to self: Don't swim in shark infested water!
Ørganic - 7 years ago
I thought he shot himself in the leg at first lol.
Joe Wise
Joe Wise - 7 years ago
Never turn, panic or try to swim away from a shark, this guy broke all of the above.
Eliazar De La Cruz
Eliazar De La Cruz - 7 years ago
Keep that pointy spear fixed forward. Good footage.
Seth Cornell
Seth Cornell - 7 years ago
Dude, get a whistle. You should have been out of the water much quicker.
Laser Potato
Laser Potato - 7 years ago
Yeah ive only been scuba diving for 37 and a half years what do i know
Ben V
Ben V - 7 years ago
Glad you made it buddy! I was planning on going spearfishing alone with my peddle board. I won't after watching this.
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
+Ben V If you know the waters and know you can make it back in the worst case scenario, then go for it! It always a fulfilling adventure when you can get it done under human power. My advice though... always dive with a safety/dive buddy. Good luck out there!
Make Persia Great Again
Make Persia Great Again - 7 years ago
Holy shit
Nate V
Nate V - 7 years ago
One of the many dangerous perks of entering the ocean water. Where you are sure is beautiful though. Scary and Im sure it was very painful but there had to be some sort of relief to look down and see your leg still in one piece.
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
+Nate V I was definitely relieved to see I still had a leg! Haha
bhuiyan shaikot
bhuiyan shaikot - 7 years ago
Omg !!
jar nuggs
jar nuggs - 7 years ago
Bro so ok but cringe at the ahhhhaah
Annette Betancourt
Annette Betancourt - 7 years ago
Why didn't the boat come to them?
iwatchkittenvids45 - 7 years ago
"Awww fuck. Holy shit. - two useless fucks"
voidz - 7 years ago
Just stick em with the pointy end
MIKE BadExample
MIKE BadExample - 7 years ago
Sh!t bro good u ok
Zeon :D
Zeon :D - 7 years ago
Not common but it happened because of the dead grouper. The shark smelled the fish and thought you were food.
Jo Je
Jo Je - 7 years ago
Glad you are okay man.
nowri mu
nowri mu - 7 years ago
I love how at 3:32 they're just like

Balls of steel
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
+nowri mu yea that one. His reaction was the best. We were dying laughing watching this when they were stitching it up my leg lol
Squishy‘s and slime Lps
Squishy‘s and slime Lps - 7 years ago
Blacknight Gray
Blacknight Gray - 7 years ago
Sharks can smell blood
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Austin Rice
Austin Rice - 7 years ago
Austin Rice
Austin Rice - 7 years ago
No a bite it was the skin of the shark thats is super abrasive and acts like sandpaper
Ricard Rinaldo
Ricard Rinaldo - 7 years ago
When the hunter becomes the prey, I love it.
Go vegetarian!
Bruno Penava
Bruno Penava - 7 years ago
Its just a minor injury, there were worst cases where the leg was bit off
Sam Warren
Sam Warren - 7 years ago
It’s stupid stuff like this that spreads unreasonable fear about sharks.
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
I hope not. I love sharks and people really shouldn’t be afraid of them. The sharks around this area are so aggressive because of that exact problem. People get scared and let them have their catch so they always come for it. Stupid. If you shoot a speargun around here, and even at anything, there will be sharks around within a minute.
John Newby
John Newby - 7 years ago
Nice scar to show the ladies!!!
Ben Golden
Ben Golden - 7 years ago
The shark came through took a little nibble didn’t like it so he bounced

100. comment for Shark Attacks Spearfisherman || Florida Keys 2017

jacket smith
jacket smith - 7 years ago
Let the shark have the fish dont be a lemmon head
dakidjahsiah - 7 years ago
that boat took forever they wanted to see you ate too
dakidjahsiah - 7 years ago
shark should've ate you like some chicken nuggets.
SurfItable - 7 years ago
Co za ciota jebana. Ooniuee kto pozwolil tej ciocie plywac z innymi. Jebany nezuzyteczny dzieciak
mohammad alkarmy
mohammad alkarmy - 7 years ago
Be thankful that wasn't a great white or a bull still took an L but still could have been your life if it were one of those two
hikefilm - 7 years ago
I get my fresh fish at the pier
Animal8u Fz-09
Animal8u Fz-09 - 7 years ago
I mean honestly what do you expect you in a fish that's bleeding that you just speared as far as the shark's nose you're the flapping around fish that's bleeding in the
Allen Kemmett
Allen Kemmett - 7 years ago
sigh... because of complete knobs like this, sharks will eventually "fear" humans.. GOOD JOB BRONZE!!!
Maurice Harting
Maurice Harting - 7 years ago
This is fake! When a shark bites you there will be lots of blood and there was none!
Mr M clark
Mr M clark - 7 years ago
I'm Sorry but i always root for the fish/sharks when it comes to spear fishing lol,it's only right
Arthur Kapp
Arthur Kapp - 7 years ago
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Hahahaha this one
markie698 - 7 years ago
Good thing the Friends in the boat rushed over, You need new friends
Resident Evil
Resident Evil - 7 years ago
Gang bang was on boat......thats why late..........fucking shark
sweetassugar69 - 7 years ago
The fish at the end of your spear.......has exactly the same thoughts as you when the shark came for you know how it feels like
Tiger H. Lore
Tiger H. Lore - 7 years ago
What the hell is the boat driver doing? Are they the beneficiaries of a fat life insurance policy on you or something? They’re like, “Just wait another 30 seconds. Maybe the shark will come back.”
Andre - 7 years ago
The shark is super hero! :):) You are very stupid man! :(:(
NukSooKow 1980
NukSooKow 1980 - 7 years ago
Holy fuck! You stayed really composed through that, man. I'd have left brown deposits all over that sea. Jesus!
Taylor - 7 years ago
What sucks most is you lost that fish!
MindTravler - 7 years ago
Pussy. It was just a nip.
NA NA - 7 years ago
FACT: The weak land human being is now 100% DEFECTIVE! He literally will be living the rest of his life with a huge gap in his leg! Let's hope he's married and won't leave him! Otherwise, he's going to have to accept being lonely for the rest of his life! ONLY Jesus can literally heal that deep flesh gap!
NA NA - 7 years ago
FACT: Unless I am wearing a chainmail suit of electricity, THEN there is no way I am going in the water! Sharks are GETTING PISSED OFF that we are in their territory!
acidexpierence - 7 years ago
Serves you right bitch
NA NA - 7 years ago
100% agree. Humans go in dangerous areas 100% UN-PREPARED!!!!!!!!!! Sheer stupid egos!
irfan123100 - 7 years ago
Yummy, fresh meat!
accradata - 7 years ago
What was that mate? Grey whaler? Dirty fucker would've hit you from behind if you didn't see him
ikenna unamadu
ikenna unamadu - 7 years ago
Expected Click Bait.... Got Shark Bait
josh48315 - 7 years ago
Why didn't the dipshits on the boat drive the boat over and pick you guys up? Instead they just sat there while you struggled to swim back to the boat and being left vulnerable for another attack.
Tong Ho
Tong Ho - 7 years ago
are you ok sorry for that must hart a lot :(
Yoongi Min
Yoongi Min - 7 years ago
Omg.. omg i thought that more sharks gonna come
Hanchio Bendito
Hanchio Bendito - 7 years ago
He was making some commotions and I calm movements before he got bit. That’s what happens.
Laser Potato
Laser Potato - 7 years ago
Never hold your leg and swim away like your hurt your not gonna bleed out and your not stoping the blood from getting in the water your only telling the shark your wounded prey and that your easier to pick off
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
+Texan Fire Holding your hand against an open wound in the water allows the blood to accumulate. Holding it then releasing will tell you how much you are bleeding.
Short version. Checking to see how bad I was actually bleeding.
SunKiss-da-dread ISRAEL
SunKiss-da-dread ISRAEL - 7 years ago
Esau is brave......stupid as hell...but a brave cunning hunter none the less!
Edgar Jr Florida
Edgar Jr Florida - 7 years ago
I wonder why you were there knowing that it's a shark's place.
Seokjin Kim
Seokjin Kim - 7 years ago
He was supposed to stay calm when he saw the shark and slowly swim somewhere else and keep distance from te shark or use that thing he was holding to keep the distance
Sarah Willson
Sarah Willson - 7 years ago
Still not sure how he grazed his leg. I didnt see a a shark or any blood.
prototipe12 - 7 years ago
3:27 dont see more
James Raniolo
James Raniolo - 7 years ago
Great video! As someone who has been in this situation 30 or more times and never been bitten here is the correct action: Next time swim straight at him with your spear painted right at him as well. I usually dream and yell as well. When close enough smash your spear into his face and push him off you with it. Remember that when spearfishing you are the alpha. Sharks don’t want to bite you... they want to eat your fish. You put you leg Right between the fish and the sharks mouth by trying to swim away in fear. You can’t out swim a shark. You can smash him in the face and then watch him swim away which they almost always do once you poke them hard enough. Next time be the alpha.
James Raniolo
James Raniolo - 7 years ago
Next time face right at that fucker the whole time he is in the water with you with the spear tip between him an you and as soon as he comes in charge AT HIM and smash him in the fucking face with all of your might while screaming like a banshee. After that they almost always just swim away; i had one reflexively push me back through the water a bit but not too far before he turned off . If it comes back in again then keep facing him and do it again. Do it that way and you are more likely to end up with a big smile and good story to tell over beers than running to a hospital than a big gash on your leg.
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
+James Raniolo 30 or more times is a fair amount but still not enough. You certainly have the experience to know how difficult it is to change your direction of travel underwater 180*. Simply wasn’t enough time so I just had to keep him off my torso. FYI the fish got away and the shark didn’t go after it. Instead, it came back around at my buddy. Sharks can get pissed/territorial.
spearfishing La paz
spearfishing La paz - 7 years ago
No debiste nadar
Jm Besina01
Jm Besina01 - 7 years ago
I know why the shark attacks you cos shark may see you but if you run away it means you're an enemy so if you see sharks dont run away touch there gills or eyes like your washing them so it means you can fight then so the shark wont able to attack you too bad you dont know about see creatures im just 13 years old and im from Philippines good luck next time
Green Saturn
Green Saturn - 7 years ago
idiot experts says shark dont attack human stupid experts.
Ron Mac23
Ron Mac23 - 7 years ago
The cut doesnt look like came fromback the sharks bite but instead from his he washehe swaying that spear wildly to avoid the shark checking him around..^^..(shark usually "checks"/nudge/bumps unknown prey first before attacking).
mxmbmx - 7 years ago
What did you expect?
Peter Schmitz
Peter Schmitz - 7 years ago
next time just leave the fish there
Ahammer C
Ahammer C - 7 years ago
Whoever was driving the boat is a fucking idiot
Diti Diti
Diti Diti - 7 years ago
That shark should play call of duty
Kris Mutou
Kris Mutou - 7 years ago
this video should be posted on (sharks are friendly) sites
80s day
80s day - 7 years ago
I wonder did those spearfishman really call the boat to move close fast? If they did, why the boat move slow to them in this deadly situation? You guys just lucky when swimming to the boat just because the shark didn't make another deadly attack.
Bryson And silvia
Bryson And silvia - 7 years ago
I like how the majority of these comments are how u were calm and how big of balls u have lol I'm over here glad u dint lose ur entire leg
IHAR MIKHNO - 7 years ago
This is not a bite. It is a scratch by the sharks rough skin. He is very lucky to have his leg.
MrNoodle1664 - 7 years ago
Yeah thats it, get attacked by a shark where you now have a hole in your shin, then send your friend to get your poxy gun! mmmmmm ooooookkkkkkaaaaaayyyyyyyy!
Corvin666 - 7 years ago
"Justyn, go serve as bait while I swim to safety"!
Adrian Martinez
Adrian Martinez - 7 years ago
inexperienced divers
Bacon Troll
Bacon Troll - 7 years ago
Adrian Martinez A shark.
Brent Pugal
Brent Pugal - 7 years ago
MY LEG!!!!!!!
Supa Mario
Supa Mario - 6 years ago
Brent Pugal u would scream too like this u fucking pussy that fucking hurts
Joshua Allen
Joshua Allen - 6 years ago
"Get my gun"
nightwalker 983
nightwalker 983 - 7 years ago
Brent Pugal lol
anthony ortaleza
anthony ortaleza - 7 years ago
shark almost attack u inclose, but ur wounds you get them by being so confuse inwater, if u stay calm i guess u have winning rate, the moment u flap ur legs u hit urself with that razor sharp spear
lawrence perkins
lawrence perkins - 7 years ago
Really dude the assholes on the boat made you swim back to the boat!
Time to find new spearfishing partners
Your lucky it didn't come to finish the job!!!
rich g
rich g - 7 years ago
Dont feed the sharks
Hazelhurst Dr
Hazelhurst Dr - 7 years ago
Nice high quality video. Scary shit.
jodi webb
jodi webb - 7 years ago
Was that a bull shark
Seal Clubba
Seal Clubba - 7 years ago
Ok you guys on the boat... you guys are assholes. Lol my god these dudes are swimming frantically to the boat and y'all are all like, "hey Kev got another beer in the cooler, brah?" "How bout them Dolphins? Great defense this year."
sammy ThePicklePumpkinBBG
sammy ThePicklePumpkinBBG - 7 years ago
Jesis christ are you ok
lil dogs
lil dogs - 7 years ago
Not even a shark
Evan Van Camp
Evan Van Camp - 7 years ago
Hope you feel better!
Maria Garcia
Maria Garcia - 7 years ago
Stupid guy he can’t shoot the poor animal the only reson the shark Attacked was because they get confused between you and actual animal that’s why you shouldn’t be swimming away from the boat well at least not that far
Kiran Chavan
Kiran Chavan - 7 years ago
Hats off For your Bravery!!
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
What is the fish on your side?
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
I have one honest question for you... Do you still spearfish?
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
Yeah, so whoever was piloting the boat wouldn't be my friend anymore if I were you. Your were in the water for three minutes after getting bitten, and I didn't see that boat coming toward you the whole damn time.
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
In the ocean, how far does the sound carry of a person shitting themself?
Veggie Soup
Veggie Soup - 7 years ago
Ouch. I say accidently bitten because he was holding a speared dead fish. Shark probably wanted the fish.
Лёлик Орлов
Лёлик Орлов - 7 years ago
Amazing !
ObsidianFX - 7 years ago
If that were to happen to me i wpuld fucking run on water bruhh
So Specially Me
So Specially Me - 7 years ago
Omgosh so glad you are okay. That was bad bad form on the sharks part .. :/
MrGenedancingmachine - 7 years ago
Javier serrano guerra
Javier serrano guerra - 7 years ago
Shark was getting the fish that was the problem
Pamela Duncan
Pamela Duncan - 7 years ago
I would of freaked out! I would have neeeded that boat to come to me. Glad you made it!
Tim Murphy
Tim Murphy - 7 years ago
Shark said "gimme that fish mutha fucka!"
Kamil Pluta
Kamil Pluta - 7 years ago
Mam do a tatoo with shark on your left leg :D Will be cool
J M - 7 years ago
I can hear the people in the boat saying, "if you can swim back to the boat we will take you to shore" dumbasses didnt even try to move the boat towards him.
Calvin smith
Calvin smith - 7 years ago
Could have been worse
ziggy Diaz
ziggy Diaz - 7 years ago
how about the chain mail suit anti shark's bite.
Eduardo Santos Santos
Eduardo Santos Santos - 7 years ago
Is that karma??
اسسكاور F_16
اسسكاور F_16 - 7 years ago
انت كفرر
اسسكاور F_16
اسسكاور F_16 - 7 years ago
it Nightmare
it Nightmare - 7 years ago
Luke Holman
Luke Holman - 7 years ago
In Soviet Ocean fish spears you
Harleyquinn Gaming
Harleyquinn Gaming - 7 years ago
I could see his bone ewwwww
Chris Murton
Chris Murton - 7 years ago
I have to say you guys handled that situation very well from beginning to end. The adrenaline rush must have been immense & probably helped to take the edge of the pain initially, I’ll bet you felt that wound when you got into the boat though.
I’m always telling my partner that whatever happens in life you must try to remain cool, calm & not lose your head. This is a prime example of that in an extremely stressful situation.
Glad it wasn’t worse for you, well done guys good teamwork.
dmatthieu2 - 7 years ago
Why u got panicked?? It wanted the fish...that why u got bitten.
Fixedguitar - 7 years ago
I’d like to see that shark pull that shit on dry land.
Reuben T.
Reuben T. - 7 years ago
Bruh if I was boutta do this shit I’d wear some ballistic military grade armour or some shit like bitch tf u doing?
TedGames - 7 years ago
That man was a champ he toke it like nothing
Bach Frog
Bach Frog - 7 years ago
What a baby
SpacecerPlayz SpaceAndGames
SpacecerPlayz SpaceAndGames - 7 years ago
Poor guy
Scottishroad35 Scots
Scottishroad35 Scots - 7 years ago
Oh geez. Oh geez. You should have worn a shark suit!!
Carthage Dye
Carthage Dye - 7 years ago
Nom! Nom! Nom!
Dynamic Joe
Dynamic Joe - 7 years ago
Fueron 4 minutos pero a mi me parecieron 4 horas :v
Cedric Albiez
Cedric Albiez - 7 years ago
That was more or less just a scratch ..lucky he didnt bite off your leg
Dakota Alford
Dakota Alford - 7 years ago
Ok for everyone freaking out its a minor injury. Im an emt i can honestly say that considering the zero signs of shock. I read an article where he said he lost a liter of blood. No bud you did not loose that much and stay conscious. But keep spreading the fear of sharks. He also claims his tibial artery was cut yet the blood flow is minimal. Quit feeding the shark stigma and remember his ass wants the fish not you dont be afraid to give the shark your catch so you can keep from this happening. Might not have worked but he was dumb trying to out run it. God the junkies i deal with have more of a brain than this dude
Michael D
Michael D - 7 years ago
Sorry, but the shark did not bite you. As you started to panic and tried to swim backwards you slashed your leg with your spear. If the shark had bitten you , you wouldn't have a leg left.
GSON Pranker
GSON Pranker - 7 years ago
Michael Pissoff
Michael Pissoff - 7 years ago
All these shark attack videos with these stupid spear fishermen. What do you expect? Your spearing fish in the ocean dumb ass!!!!!
Mane Sasa
Mane Sasa - 7 years ago
Shark tattoo,doesn't getting more real than this.. dopeee
david chizi
david chizi - 7 years ago
And sometimes even the hunters.......can find themselves on the menu
Yardie Fitness
Yardie Fitness - 7 years ago
I guess the spear in his hand was just a souvenir...
Gelina Argueta
Gelina Argueta - 7 years ago
william palevo jr
william palevo jr - 7 years ago
Bunch of f**king idiots on the boat!!!
Herbin' Avenger
Herbin' Avenger - 7 years ago
That wound doesn't look like a bite. It appears to be a nasty scrape from the shark's skin though possibly teeth. I had a fin taken by a young shark off Maui. They are quick, Could have been worse.
Jenny Vasquez
Jenny Vasquez - 7 years ago
3:33 - "Sharks!" .. "Shark?" (so calmly, LoL) .. I'd be like, "%*@!!#"
Sorb - 7 years ago
He dont liked the taste
Cmon DevOn H
Cmon DevOn H - 7 years ago
Better get out quick or stop the bleeding because blood attracts great white sharks right?
Hallye - 7 years ago
Get out the water
Brandon Hwang
Brandon Hwang - 7 years ago
Oh my god
Matias Ale
Matias Ale - 7 years ago
Que dolor
Philip Stein
Philip Stein - 7 years ago
We are in Florida every summer
rodrod - 7 years ago
Emerson Silva
Emerson Silva - 7 years ago
Eita dentes de tubarao sao muitos afiados
knightryderbelow - 7 years ago
Insanely fast! Couldn't even really see the bite. Thank God thats all he got from you, could've been a whole lot worse.
seilaaaaaaaaa9 - 7 years ago
What a nightmare!
Kiowa Kerth
Kiowa Kerth - 7 years ago
1k subs
Gets bitten by a shark
1.8 million views
Bert Sonder
Bert Sonder - 7 years ago
Omg that hurts for sure
Ana Nieskes
Ana Nieskes - 7 years ago
Hi there Its your mum
Hi there Its your mum - 7 years ago
That looks painful
Jon Doe
Jon Doe - 7 years ago
People on the boat seem like morons!!
Henry Sell
Henry Sell - 7 years ago
K shark just wanted the fish that he had in his hand that's why the sharks been around his blanket
Eugene (Gene) Randle
Eugene (Gene) Randle - 7 years ago
Never, ever, ever, ever keep fish right next to you. If possible, get them out of the water as you catch them. If not possible, keep them on a LOOOOONG tether that you make sure stays way away. This is what happens when a shark goes after your fish and misses.
Keith Mann
Keith Mann - 7 years ago
Once you have shot a fish, you want it on the stringer, on the float and as far away from yourself as possible. Here is a good example of stringer and float set up.
slavik3941 - 7 years ago
Нытик. Американцы, как девочки.
Zachary Lansden
Zachary Lansden - 7 years ago
At least he didn't get bit on his artery
redcinos - 7 years ago
Misunderstood creatures? They're not violent they're gentle?!. Shark are harmless... but, evidence to the contrary
Ross M. Brown, R
Ross M. Brown, R - 7 years ago
Yummy Yello, Oogle Orange, Irresistible Red - Yum Yum Yum !!!
velmiux crazy
velmiux crazy - 7 years ago
eric pieper
eric pieper - 7 years ago
Two words, Power head
eric pieper
eric pieper - 7 years ago
357 power head works wonders on sharks
David L'Hostis
David L'Hostis - 7 years ago
This is their territory. Don't kill them
pajerok - 7 years ago
Cheeky Monkey
Cheeky Monkey - 7 years ago
Could have been a lot worse than slight leg gash. I worried when you were bleeding because of the adage of sharks smelling blood.
paul m
paul m - 7 years ago
silly bastard what did he expect
Alphazone - 7 years ago
This is why I refuse to go in the ocean. No reason at all to myself in such a vulnerable state. Fuck that.
Juno Donat
Juno Donat - 7 years ago
Or you can buy your seafood at the supermarket.
Jimmy Tan
Jimmy Tan - 7 years ago
was your leg gashed by the spear head barb. ? Maybe the shark didn't do it but your barb hit your leg while you were pushing the shark off with your spear shaft.. If the shark is aggressive he would have kept on coming to you, but he did'nt
Stricky - 7 years ago
"Guys! Sharks are harmless they never attack people. All the misunderstandings of sharks is just from media and movies creating a bad stigma around them." Every fucking retard ever.
Nice for the rescue, take your time
Lex Gomez
Lex Gomez - 7 years ago
That's gonna hurt come winter!
Kyle Knight
Kyle Knight - 7 years ago
it looks like it's just a flesh wound, but sounds worse
Matt .Green
Matt .Green - 7 years ago
That's what happens punk when you go into their domain and try to kill their friends. Title should be 'Human attacks fish' not your stupid title. Stick to land sir.
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
So... you must be a vegan then?
Michael Nonya
Michael Nonya - 7 years ago
He didnt like your flavor .
mredizon00 - 7 years ago
Legend has it you wont get attacked by shark if you stay on land.
YoungInsane - 7 years ago
Damn bro that's crazy I bet you're adrenaline was rushing like crazy you're truly blessed to have made it with just a scratch tho
Mission Mike
Mission Mike - 7 years ago
shark bites him and first thing he says to his friend is: "GET MY GUN!!" This guys nuts are made of steel
HI I'm a perso
HI I'm a perso - 6 years ago
Mission Mike lmao, I love your response
Mission Mike
Mission Mike - 6 years ago
Hey I’m not about to waste my life on a YouTube-comment argument. Idk what kind of free time you have, but I’ll pass
Crown Commando
Crown Commando - 6 years ago
Mission Mike
Self defense? Notice how long it took to get to the boat.
Luis Silva
Luis Silva - 7 years ago
The question is, why were you there in the first place? didn't you know about sharks in Florida ? If you did...why ?....Try a pick-nick in Serengeti next time.
sexy monkey
sexy monkey - 7 years ago
If i was a sea creature , human doesn’t seem so tasty
just a graze...pussyhole floridian
truth serum
truth serum - 7 years ago
Why does she have socks on?
Augustus Gloop
Augustus Gloop - 7 years ago
Prob got bit cause you got that bright ass orange shirt on.
Copperhead - 7 years ago
Finally a proper shark bite video.. and yet so many guys are more amazed to see a chick in her bikinis?
Sam Nitkoffsky
Sam Nitkoffsky - 7 years ago
I'm not a big fan of museums or antique stores but I'd rather be with my gf at one of these venues then be out in open water in the sharks' play land. Staring at an old dusty painting may bore me to death but that sure beats being chomped to death by a shark. This guy was very lucky. He lived to tell his story and has a video to boot for ultimate bragging rights.
DylanMC Plays
DylanMC Plays - 7 years ago
You are so lucky you didnt die
Tomy ck
Tomy ck - 7 years ago
i think if he stay calm he could handle the shark with no problem at all.
Ehudgeist - 7 years ago
Ouch man
Major Kong
Major Kong - 7 years ago
Wearing bright colors and with dead fish in your hands... Dude
Samj02 - 7 years ago
You were caught lacking...stay woke or mr sharkman will get you
Karim Tabaza
Karim Tabaza - 7 years ago
Ow ow ow ow ow
MrBreakfest - 7 years ago
liol bitch buck up
Christian Hunt
Christian Hunt - 7 years ago
those people were probably doing a porno
Christian Hunt
Christian Hunt - 7 years ago
holy shit
Al Pra
Al Pra - 7 years ago
any analysis why this small shark attacking ?
ava and kelly channel
ava and kelly channel - 7 years ago
I would cry
dark Knights Slayer
dark Knights Slayer - 7 years ago
well I be damde
Evil Banjos
Evil Banjos - 7 years ago
His leg coulda been hanging off and they make him swim back? Damn son, you cold.
208miuwu - 7 years ago
Your a trooper brother some other people would of went full panic and flipped out, you kept your cool good shit brother keep diving.
Johnson Vu
Johnson Vu - 7 years ago
When I want to start learning how to spearfishing and then i see this video fml. Ever heard of Shark Shield? I wonder if it works.
TabproMalaga - 7 years ago
First he attack to the shark
Gaby's Hairvlogs
Gaby's Hairvlogs - 7 years ago
I feel bad for you
Shannon Gannon
Shannon Gannon - 7 years ago
Cat G
Cat G - 7 years ago
What the hell is wrong with the people on the boat? They make him come to them. They should have started the motor and got him out asap!
WarJah104 - 7 years ago
"and here we have helpless americans" :D That shark was tiny and one of those lethal ones. I have had a lot worse "cuts" by falling with my skateboard :D
Vonda Hartsock-Oneil
Vonda Hartsock-Oneil - 7 years ago
Let's just take our time getting back to the boat! He just nibbled on you anyway. Curious to see if your food or not. But duh, we all know that. I won't go in the ocean even to my ankles lol. That's just a big NOPE for me.
Despiser Despised
Despiser Despised - 7 years ago
These guys forgot to bring the P when they packed their Chum....
Alex Ahonen
Alex Ahonen - 7 years ago
Sharks just testing you it doesnt have any hands to feel only thing he has is its mouth and its full of sharp teeth just testing are you good meat or just shitty
Can Sezer
Can Sezer - 7 years ago
It is not about the size but speed of the shark that comes at you over and over again .Thank god you r alive !...
ScottTheAngel - 7 years ago
Should never try to swim away just use the harpoon to block it.
Nc0 | HDGamingGerman
Nc0 | HDGamingGerman - 7 years ago
Deserved 100 %
Terrigal Australia
Terrigal Australia - 7 years ago
that was really close!
Tinkerbell Dog
Tinkerbell Dog - 7 years ago
Sucked in! Get another sport.
FishFanatic - 7 years ago
You entered the shark's domain, now you have to face the consequences
Lil ZUZU - 7 years ago
Your stringer was way to close to you
That Russian Guy
That Russian Guy - 7 years ago
Guy is a badass but cryed too much....
GamersGotTalent - 7 years ago
For al those people saying " why didnt the boat move towards him"' its because it was already attached to a booey and it would tale longer to just attache it to a new One then the guy just swimming over.
Alberto Zarate
Alberto Zarate - 7 years ago
el resultado fue demasido predecible, el tiburon reacciono al verte huir, literalmente le diste tu pierna, antes de retirarte debiste acercarte a el en vez de huir, y darle un pinchazo de advertencia, y exquisita la elfa.
Jesse Tuominen
Jesse Tuominen - 7 years ago
what shark it was ?
John Lynch
John Lynch - 7 years ago
However not the smartest thing to put the hand your we’re holding your dead fish in, on your open wound
John Lynch
John Lynch - 7 years ago
That’s a deep cut, but the salt water is actually good for it
Kurwa Blead
Kurwa Blead - 7 years ago
Fishing Rod
Fishing Rod - 7 years ago
I actually was studying the clip.. At 0:37sec. You can see Justin pointing his unloaded gun to the shark when he was coming for you. Maybe that was the accion that drove the shark away from him and towards you. He stood his ground. You on the other hand moved away from it, so it kept coming at you. I know that was a normal reaction...I don't know what I've would done. One thing, would you or any of your bodies would consider to shoot the shark.. as the last resort?
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
You're totally right. The problem was I was swimming in that direction and it came up from behind. Normally swimming right at it would scare it away but there wasn't nearly enough time to change directions. Next time... he probably would shoot it. I still dont think I would though. Still love sharkies!
Jim D
Jim D - 7 years ago
LQQKS like a brush burn........
3rd Street Pictures
3rd Street Pictures - 7 years ago
Ummmm...swim to the boat
Radley2612 - 7 years ago
Just stay calm and sing Brown shit in the drink tra la la la la theres some brown shit in the drink tra la lalala la
Radley2612 - 7 years ago
I would 100% have left him Michael Phelps style sorry
Darry Modz
Darry Modz - 7 years ago
You were very lucky.your bless
The Right Winged Bastard
The Right Winged Bastard - 7 years ago
that was a very aggressive attack. Might have been territorial or just hungry af.
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
Or it might have attacked because it's a shark.
Veggie Soup
Veggie Soup - 7 years ago
The Right Winged Bastard~ I say accidently bitten because he was holding a speared dead fish. Shark probably wanted the fish in his hand.
popewinslove - 7 years ago
are all the people in this vid retarded
Steven colley
Steven colley - 7 years ago
I think I would have started making my way to the boat a little bit quicker
Tangobaboon - 7 years ago
Fuck man your calm as shit shouting "justin get my gun" with no shake in your voice or anything props to you best shark video I've seen on youtube
Hunter Mirr
Hunter Mirr - 7 years ago
I wouldn't even be worried about the bite, I'd be worried about the blood in the water. Guarantee you within 10 minutes, there were half a dozen sharks smelling that blood and on their way.
Marlin Roth
Marlin Roth - 7 years ago
When sharks are hungry, angry, curious, threatened, or pretty much any emotion, they respond to their emotion by biting something or slamming into it. All things considered, that is a minor injury from a shark bite, and now you have the most baller story to get the ladies for the rest of your life. Congratulations.
Freddy De La Torre
Freddy De La Torre - 6 years ago
Sharks are water doggos
bernardo moura
bernardo moura - 7 years ago
Cade os br
Jah Roos
Jah Roos - 7 years ago
I like how he kept calm
Arriyan Bose
Arriyan Bose - 7 years ago
That was a nasty wound!!
Brother Jördh
Brother Jördh - 7 years ago
Justin get me my gun imma bout to shoot diss bitch.
Jay - 7 years ago
0:38 the attack was super lightning quick. No wonder experienced divers have no chance against these beasts
nice shirt
nice shirt - 6 years ago
As a fisherman who works on a ship that trolls, I admit there's a lot of truth to what you said but there's far more food in the ocean for consumption than on land, so I mean what do you expect?
newbreedian - 6 years ago
Lol dude you must not understand the Eco system. Sharks are necessary for a healthy ocean. Just like wolves are essential to a healthy forest and wilderness. You know what DOES eat too much out of the ocean tho?? Humans and their mass meting and trolling. Lol
your not special
your not special - 6 years ago
sharks are very much so beasts the kill just about anything they come across except huge whales and orcas the ocean would be a lot better off if we cut the shark population in half they eat way too much...
Shiryu610 - 6 years ago
Sharks are NO beasts!! I hate when people saying this.
Crispy Cuck
Crispy Cuck - 6 years ago
Sharks are particularly interested in humans for a snack, like the comment above said, It was likely just checking them out-out of curiosity.
your not special
your not special - 6 years ago
I think the shark is going to attack if and when it wants to no matter what you do.....if it was that close to me I would hit/kick it also rather than do nothing and hope that it keeps swimming by sharks are very very fast and with it being that close you would have no time to try to get out of the way
XFMitch - 7 years ago
He wasn’t an experienced diver. Experienced diver know to never swim away from a shark
callum - 7 years ago
He kick it in the face otherwise the shark probably wouldn’t have attacked it was probably just checking them out
iwatchkittenvids45 - 7 years ago
His fish that he speared was kinda like bait and he the line
Zayd Lee
Zayd Lee - 7 years ago
David Murphy exactly
David Murphy
David Murphy - 7 years ago
No he was stupid he kicked his feet too much and that makes you look like bait.
Dick Sherman
Dick Sherman - 7 years ago
I love all these sjw (shark justice warriors) in the comments. Like you have to justify the actions of a wild animal. I personally love sharks, but I understand that they are wild and streamlined killers. The shark was not curious right here, it was attacking him over food. That is a possibility, stop being such pansies. Glad you’re in once piece man
alexandre Santos
alexandre Santos - 7 years ago
Por isso q não me meto a mergulhar, fui nadar e dei de frente com um.
marvelous fishing
marvelous fishing - 7 years ago
Someone else was s*** their pants
marvelous fishing
marvelous fishing - 7 years ago
Mad respect s for asking for ur gun in a time like that and dying for not reacting fast enough
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael - 7 years ago
I expected him to say "I might go down, but I'm taking you with me"
Inziswap 012
Inziswap 012 - 7 years ago
Oh shit !!!
Arsenick - 7 years ago
first off that sucks you got injured but im glad you lived threw it
RavnDream - 7 years ago
That other comment aside, glad you got out alright.
RavnDream - 7 years ago
"Durrrrrr sharks don't eat people! Sharks are peaceful and completely harmless and eat seaweed!" - Shut up.
Roman Hamm
Roman Hamm - 7 years ago
Yup. I prefer to catch fish from boat, the smart way.
Roman Hamm
Roman Hamm - 7 years ago
Over The Edge Ok. Get me outta Alaska and into dive gear in Florida. Not everyone does this and not everyone can ya dingus.
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
The boring way
Citizenthirteen - 7 years ago
They say that 90% of sharks have been eliminated . I'd hate to see what it'd be like if this 90% were back.  In many parts of the ocean when you catch a fish theres a shark or several there in a few minutes.
luca braconi
luca braconi - 7 years ago
go to play tennis don t play with fish
ZErrOR !
ZErrOR ! - 7 years ago
Well hopefully sharks dont like shit cause i would have been shitting all 4 minutes
craig wickett
craig wickett - 7 years ago
My girlfriend on her period lol
Owen LaRose
Owen LaRose - 7 years ago
Radley2612 - 7 years ago
Get out of my fridge
B. Carlsen
B. Carlsen - 7 years ago
Stop putting yourself in the tiger's cage! You are out of you literal depth spear fishing. You are lucky and stupid enough to try this again...
BoSsKVNGChains MT - 7 years ago
Omg get out water
Danny - 7 years ago
I have a pencil dick
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Shhh! Don’t give my secrets away...
Double-D Tru-G
Double-D Tru-G - 7 years ago
If you thought that twig would save u m8 you must be as stupid as i am smart enough not to get in any shark infested waters
Tommy Hardie
Tommy Hardie - 7 years ago
Was that the bone
Anthony Vincent
Anthony Vincent - 7 years ago
runkorko - 7 years ago
Kinda fake...
Gaming Legend
Gaming Legend - 7 years ago
That must burn
Kalyn Vang
Kalyn Vang - 7 years ago
that is BAD!!!!!!!
sahiel5 - 7 years ago
ppl on the bout are preaty dumb no to rush to help imiedlity
The u.s team kids HD
The u.s team kids HD - 7 years ago
Some poeple say if you get bite by a SHARK you get dietbities.
Other poeple say you get a silver tooth
Srh Rg974
Srh Rg974 - 7 years ago
Il va leur foutre la paix aux poissons maintenant vous croyez ?
Hunter Mitchell
Hunter Mitchell - 7 years ago
I'm sorry
Hunter Mitchell
Hunter Mitchell - 7 years ago
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
+Lovee Roses Is that why every village/city over the last 5000 years that prospered was on the water?... hmmm good luck with that line of thinking
Madman - 7 years ago
Instead of swimming away like that which caused the shark to start chasing him he should of just stayed still and pointed the spear gun at him and he would of not gotten bit
Safet Hamzagic
Safet Hamzagic - 7 years ago
It went for the fiah
Levi Ackerman
Levi Ackerman - 7 years ago
Dude that must hurt so bad in salt water
Margie Lara
Margie Lara - 7 years ago
Can't see a tang
Khlfannew Asder
Khlfannew Asder - 7 years ago
Oh my gosh
Sea Hunters
Sea Hunters - 7 years ago
Nerve swim away from a shark!
Atlantergutane - 7 years ago
Obviously fake. And heavily edited. I can tell because I went to editing school
Molis Guardian
Molis Guardian - 7 years ago
JohnnyO - 7 years ago
That's why you spear the shark when it attacks you. Duh
*Abdulrahman* ,
*Abdulrahman* , - 7 years ago
Shit imagine the pain from salty water entering your blood
La Quête du Fun
La Quête du Fun - 7 years ago
best friend ever. wow.
Emero Baynes
Emero Baynes - 7 years ago
You son got balls lol
Radley2612 - 7 years ago
You don't taste good bro
Jaqui Lannette
Jaqui Lannette - 7 years ago
I have Thalassophobia don't know why am even watching this
Bersej rijaya boroda
Bersej rijaya boroda - 7 years ago
СТОНЕТ как ебаная сучка.Америкосы блядь.
lily - 7 years ago
this guy is so lucky it was just a chunk instead of the whole thing
Bryce Schuske
Bryce Schuske - 7 years ago
Damn brother...I am glad you’re ok. You kept your cool though. Nice
Jayne Earle
Jayne Earle - 7 years ago
Why didn't he seem in a big hurry to get out of the water??
Lachlan Shalala
Lachlan Shalala - 7 years ago
Bro I cringed as soon as I saw that massive wound on his shin
Galactic Confederation
Galactic Confederation - 7 years ago
The ocean is their territory can't get mad when try to eat you. You become prey soon as you enter the ocean waters.
Philippe Virgili
Philippe Virgili - 7 years ago
TheSinisterEyes1 - 7 years ago
This is why i support dynamite fishing cause fuck these sharks
Lit Games
Lit Games - 7 years ago
Omg I feel so bad for you and I cant look at the bite
co122189 - 7 years ago
also i really think earth has had enough of the white man raping it...seriously, i have anyway...just out here trying to document nothing so you can put it on Facebook...just ugly souled people honestly so arrogant no respect for nature at all...thats why you have shows where you go 'survive' ...stay in your concrete caves with your computers n shit where you are safe...
co122189 - 7 years ago
Thats what happens when you have dead fish in the ocean...
YouMockMe - 7 years ago
Does the word "ironic" come to mind?
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Badd Mann
Badd Mann - 7 years ago
Well u did many things wrong like go that far from the boat u have to get the fish u shoot out the water immediately or u attract sharks thus y u cannot go that far from the boat it should be right above you
evolved monkey
evolved monkey - 7 years ago
If that was a probing attack was a nasty one, that species is somehow agressive, I was expecting him to be circling you guys until you got to the boat cause of the blood in the water, glad you are ok and hope it healed well, you have a nice story to tell.
Fremen Warrior
Fremen Warrior - 7 years ago
Yeeeey for the shark!!!
Andy M
Andy M - 7 years ago
I gotta say, I wanna buy you a beer man. Not drastically panicked. Remained composed. Hats off.
blinknudead lamine
blinknudead lamine - 7 years ago
pause 3:25,50 fucking down syndrom
orasis - 7 years ago
Why are you fucking around in the Shark's kitchen? Shark's aren't fucking around in yours.
BW 199x
BW 199x - 7 years ago
Fuck! Those pictures are brutal.
Jánosné Gábor
Jánosné Gábor - 7 years ago
jeee fish háhá
dropdeadalina - 7 years ago
that's what you get for trying to kill his ocean friends!!!
Jennifer-Michelle Covarrubias
Jennifer-Michelle Covarrubias - 7 years ago
well you cant blame the shark because one he was Spearfishing two he swan away from the shark making the shark chase after him
alexito pro
alexito pro - 7 years ago
I detest sharks
Robert Huffman
Robert Huffman - 7 years ago
Thug sharks says just give me the fish and on one has to get hurt. Sorry you got bit by that thug shark.
goat balls
goat balls - 7 years ago
Lucky it wasn't a white shark. Leg would have been gone!
Putra Risky
Putra Risky - 6 years ago
Bethany Beebe did you see the video, he was attack by that shark. Oke if you dont beleave. Just send your self to the sea with their teritorial or some a lot hungry shark.. that you will prove it..
Crown Commando
Crown Commando - 6 years ago
VeryLongUsernameThat Doesn'tMakeTooMuchSense 1
Google it
Crown Commando
Crown Commando - 6 years ago
goat balls
I don't know anyone that ever saw a white shark in the Keys.
Sliferslacker21 - 7 years ago
Bethany Beebe Also, if you want to know more about the USS Indianapolis, here are some sources on that other than Wikipedia.
USS Indianapolis Survivor Recalls Four Days in Shark-Filled Sea, Washington Post

Worst Shark Attack In History, Smithsonian Magazine

Only reason sharks didn't attack the Titanic victims is due to it being too cold for them, interestingly enough. I used to always wondered why we didn't hear about shark attacks with them.
Sliferslacker21 - 7 years ago
Bethany Beebe It's not really a fight if you turn it into a debate and argue your point more clearly and precisely with facts. There are many sources where you could fight the case of sharks not meaning to attack humans. For example, , states your case easily. However, even if they don't mean to they still do, and that is the issue.

Keep an open mind on the internet and in real life. If you're really all about keeping an opinion, back it up with facts like some of the other commenters did. Debating is all about getting your point across; you win if you can change someone's outlook towards something. Keeping an open mind also allows you to accept that some people's opinions can't be changed and that's alright. Diversity is one of humankind's greatest accomplishments.
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
Sliferslacker21 i done fighting with people but i do believe that sharks dont mean to attack humans and it not hard to either!bye
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
Sliferslacker21 bye i am done fighting with people!!
Sliferslacker21 - 7 years ago
Bethany Beebe Bethany, I know how much you want to believe that sharks don't mean to attack humans but not all sharks are nice. There are sharks that will mean to attack humans for survival; and the USS Indianapolis was real. That whole argument 'how do you know it was real' etc. is an extremely immature argument considering that whole story is usually covered in history class and it is obviously real history. Wikipedia can lie, but that's why you look at the sources on the bottom and go to those instead to fact check information. It honestly sounds like all you did was research the parts about sharks that you only want to hear and if you go into ocean waters thinking you can just get any shark, then you will get seriously injured. I love sharks too, but you have to open your eyes to all information and not just part.
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
pilsatortube sharks is what we need in the ocean and if they where gone we would be gone too!
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
pilsatortube they dont mean to attack human that what sayed so who stupid now?
pilsatortube - 7 years ago
now you agree they attack humans! case closed! fucking retarded bitch!
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
pilsatortube i didnt say sharks dont ATTACK humans i sayed they don't mean to attack humans!i seen the video and most of people survived them and only like 3 to 4 didnt make it!i am not a troll on the internet!
pilsatortube - 7 years ago
I am mad for one reason only you keep ignoring all the facts I gave you still believing you are right that sharks don't attack humans! You surely have mental issues!!!!! And spear fishing is one way to get attacked by a shark yes! But out of those 10 cases one was spear fishing! All the victims every year that loose limbs or die to shark attacks are facts! You are just a fucking troll on the internet!
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
pilsatortube oh because your mad that i am right?by the way one them was from spear fishing!I AM NOT LYING TO MYSELF!
pilsatortube - 7 years ago
none of those 10 victims in the video I linked you was spear fishing lol! And the tragedy of that groom (case3) that got killed by a shark in front of his freshly married wife on their first day of honeymoon was heartbreaking last year! Stop paying all those victims a disrespect by lying to yourself! I really really hope you get eaten by a shark if anyone deserves to get attacked and killed by a shark it is you!
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
pilsatortube spear fishing is the most dangerous thing you can do in ocean because if you have a bleeding fish on your side the shark will smell the blood of fish and which in this video the shark was after the fish on its side of the guy and not everything you read on the internet is true!
pilsatortube - 7 years ago
I follow evey shark attack in the news! LOL you should read more! They happen every month around the globe! WHy are you so ignorant to facts I mean saying the USS Indianapolis story might be false?!?!? wtf it has more than 300 eye witnesses and you call each of them a liar! Imagine wha tthey went through.. also the rescue crews have detailed eye witness reports! there History books about that and documentarys you can look up! Also here watch this and tell me their body parts just mystically disappeared ! LOL
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
pilsatortube they could of made up the names!!
pilsatortube - 7 years ago
with every persons name and all the details all well documented cases! And ALL TRUE ! you dumb ignorant fuck !
pilsatortube - 7 years ago
Here is a list of all the shark casualties in the us alone lately:,_unprovoked_shark_attacks_in_the_United_States
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
pilsatortube Wikipedia is not true!
pilsatortube - 7 years ago
its a well documented part of history - pull your head out of your ass!!! LOL wtf Here from Wikipedia: Every year around 80 unprovoked attacks are reported worldwide! You also might read up on the well documented Jersey Shore attacks from 1916! Also why do you think there are plenty of beaches around the world closed for swimmers based on sharks with no swimming signs that warn of sharks?!?!? you must be the most ignorant person on the whole www!
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
pilsatortube how do you know that stupid story is true!!!end of story!
pilsatortube - 7 years ago
I already won the argument many times! You don't even care about the evidence or the links I gave you! You are full of shit living in a dream bubble that sharks are pets and don't attack humans! Totally untrue bullshit! I am right: Sharks attack humans all the time! You are wrong and stupid! End of story!
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
pilsatortube you should search up sea shepherd and i we kill more sharks then they attack us!so do you give up yet and you finally agree i am right and you are wrong?
pilsatortube - 7 years ago
they don't care what it is.. that's why they ate over a 100 of the Indianapolis sailors! they get attracted by movement and blood period! you are stupid as fuck if you don't get it that they attack and eat people! I hope you are one of those 12 one day!
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
pilsatortube that dont mean to attack humans.when they are looking for prey so their eyes are shield so they cant see and search up how many shark attacks happens in a year!i think they say 12!!!
pilsatortube - 7 years ago
How come that over 100 sailors of the USS Indianapolis got eaten by sharks during world war two?!??! Every scientist will tell you that sharks attack and eat humans! IF shrks don't attack humans how come they do all the time?!?! Here from the Indianapolis: The first night, the sharks focused on the floating dead. But the survivors’ struggles in the water only attracted more and more sharks, which could feel their motions through a biological feature known as a lateral line: receptors along their bodies that pick up changes in pressure and movement from hundreds of yards away. As the sharks turned their attentions toward the living, especially the injured and the bleeding, sailors tried to quarantine themselves away from anyone with an open wound, and when someone died, they would push the body away, hoping to sacrifice the corpse in return for a reprieve from a shark’s jaw. Many survivors were paralyzed with fear, unable even to eat or drink from the meager rations they had salvaged from their ship. One group of survivors made the mistake of opening a can of Spam—but before they could taste it, the scent of the meat drew a swarm of sharks around them. They got rid of their meat rations rather than risk a second swarming.
The sharks fed for days, with no sign of rescue for the men. Navy intelligence had intercepted a message from the Japanese submarine that had torpedoed the Indianapolis describing how it had sunk an American battleship along the Indianapolis’ route, but the message was disregarded as a trick to lure American rescue boats into an ambush. In the meantime, the Indianapolis survivors learned that they had the best odds in a group, and ideally in the center of the group. The men on the margins or, worse, alone, were the most susceptible to the sharks.

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Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
pilsatortube dont matter about the size but i think it would be cool whatever size it is!!p.s. if you want prove then you should ask a marine biologist or ask google!us humans kill over 100 million sharks so we are the monster!
pilsatortube - 7 years ago
8 foot is TINY LOL that's ridiculous I am 6 foot 3.... and we have tons of storys in th enews from people getting killed by sharks every year! and guess what it was always big sharks not TINY 8foot baby sharks!
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
VeryLongUsernameThat Doesn'tMakeTooMuchSense 1 search it if you search it up on the internet it will show that sharks don't mean to attack humans and it is on many websites!
VeryLongUsernameThat Doesn'tMakeTooMuchSense 1
VeryLongUsernameThat Doesn'tMakeTooMuchSense 1 - 7 years ago
Bethany Beebe let’s see some sources
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
VeryLongUsernameThat Doesn'tMakeTooMuchSense 1
VeryLongUsernameThat Doesn'tMakeTooMuchSense 1 - 7 years ago
Bethany Beebe like the other guy said , they are predators and we are obviously outmatched in the ocean, so they’ll easily attack a human if they have the chance.
pilsatortube - 7 years ago
please go and swim with white sharks, you do us all a favor! :D
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
pilsatortubeFOR 1 i am pretty educated about sharks,FOR 2 i am not a b,FOR 3 SHARKS DONT MEAN TO ATTACK HUMANS!!!
pilsatortube - 7 years ago
sharks kill humans every year go educate yourself clueless bitch!
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
Sliferslacker21 i watch him alot
Sliferslacker21 - 7 years ago
Bethany Beebe Sharks are complicated. They WILL attack humans if they are being territorial, extremely hungry, mating season, etc. Sharks don't need a reason to attack us, they just do. Some sharks only nibble and then will leave us alone once they figure out we aren't their prey. But sharks HAVE and STILL attack/kill people. I'm with you Bethany when it comes to how sharks are treated, but we can't expect them to be friendly. I have an idea you would love Johnathon Birds videos, he literally plays with and pets sharks, even hand feeds them! You should totally check it out if you love sharks, he's awesome!
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
Punk for one i do know alot about sharks and it proven
by science that sharks dont to attack humans because that are hunting for prey they Shied thier eyes so they cant see stupid idiot!
BlastJuice - 7 years ago
Bethany Beebe If ypu werw from Bosnia you whould have problems spelling you idiot if you dont know any shit about sharks stop fucking commenting
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
BlastJuice - 7 years ago
Bethany Beebe sharks are the sea predators you stupid idiot shark whould eat a human without mercy
Bethany Beebe
Bethany Beebe - 7 years ago
roshane miller
roshane miller - 7 years ago
tis but a flesh wound jk
Brians Art for Animals
Brians Art for Animals - 7 years ago
Luca Viglino
Luca Viglino - 7 years ago
I think he failed trying to run away. Better point him with the spear not showing to be feared.
Wisdom King
Wisdom King - 7 years ago
Kill it .
Michael Song
Michael Song - 7 years ago
I can't tell what kind of shark that was. Doesn't seem to be a bull, since that thing would chase you. It's too small to be a White. I didn't see any stripes on its back, so that rules out a tiger. Maybe a Mako?
bichillocv - 7 years ago
Why the fuck didn´t he shoot that mother fucker piece of shit shark
Palash Priyanshu Dutta
Palash Priyanshu Dutta - 7 years ago
Dude massive respect
Jiren The savage
Jiren The savage - 7 years ago
payback is a bitch good on the shark lol
Non Existent
Non Existent - 7 years ago
dam this son of a bitch was fast. even a simple warning bite is probably enough for us humans , hope the guy is well.
Kevin Decoteau
Kevin Decoteau - 7 years ago
He was probably going for the dead fish you were carrying.
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Really?! I thought he was going for the air I was breathing!!
Dennis Morris
Dennis Morris - 7 years ago
Well ur in the gd ocean sharks are like ocean ngrs, what do expect?
Kania Permata
Kania Permata - 7 years ago
That must be really painful :(
ChuckyT - 7 years ago
Two things: That cloud pattern at about 3:07 was Awesome!  2nd: All's fair in love and spear fishing! You go trying to kill fish, in their home, You assume the risk. (3rdly, if I may; Man-up, dude.... You should have been able to climb that ladder without help from a girl...)
Substandard Gamer Kiba
Substandard Gamer Kiba - 7 years ago
Next time put a chain mail on.
jon snow
jon snow - 7 years ago
I hope you killed that cunt fam
NOGAMI PO EBALU - 7 years ago
First views of his wound when it was under water really chocked me, its not too serios but too realistic
Adel Hussain
Adel Hussain - 7 years ago
another cickbait .....
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Jaume Genaro
Jaume Genaro - 7 years ago
the "black" guys reaction was exactly my reaction
hack er
hack er - 7 years ago
He needs in help now!
BorisThe BDodger
BorisThe BDodger - 7 years ago
Dumb question but why not take the boat to the injured guy instead of making him swim all the way back with a chunk out of his leg?
abo Aseel Alnaseri
abo Aseel Alnaseri - 7 years ago
Compilation of my modest cruise and cooking fish and some of the sea snails happy with your pressure☺
jimmy rock
jimmy rock - 7 years ago
I hate water sound.
Miguel Andrés Chávez Ibarra
Miguel Andrés Chávez Ibarra - 7 years ago
rob snowy
rob snowy - 7 years ago
its just a little scratch you pussy!!
Leave Gods creatures ALONE!!
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Masta Zone
Masta Zone - 7 years ago
White ppl be like "Ooooh there's an hungry gigantic white shark AND a killer whale in the water, quick, grab the GoPro and jump in!!!"
Masta Zone
Masta Zone - 7 years ago
There's never a black man doing this kind of stuff lol
Masta Zone
Masta Zone - 7 years ago
We caucasians are crazy af lol
have a nice day have a nice day
have a nice day have a nice day - 7 years ago
full wet suit next time, and why did the clown driving the boat take so long to get to you.
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
And your reached this conclusion how?
have a nice day have a nice day
have a nice day have a nice day - 7 years ago
white skin? sharks love white looking flesh, dinner time.
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
The water is 85-90 degrees. No thanks!
AlrightSirFreak - 7 years ago
Well, if I go spear fishing I expect sharks to appear and try to get their food=fish from me. People act so dramatic here in the comments.

Glad you got out safely.
Jonathan Burkholder
Jonathan Burkholder - 7 years ago
The shark looked like he was coming in for the fish in his hand. Dude is a dumbass and caused this to shit to happen.
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Why? Your opinion is invalid.
Commedia all'italiana
Commedia all'italiana - 7 years ago
next time tell your friend to eats all the leg.... FAKE!
ATLANTIS B - 7 years ago
u should have uploaded that gun
Bernard Duran
Bernard Duran - 7 years ago
That wound looks pretty bad
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
It was really gnarly but didn't really hurt at all.. until the next day!!
Bernard Duran
Bernard Duran - 7 years ago
I mean, it just hurts just looking at it
Aria Foregin
Aria Foregin - 7 years ago
See? Sharks do not want to eat us, the shark bited probably he was curious,, disliked it and went away, if he had liked the taste, he would have attacked multiple times.
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
It did attack multiple times...
DomosLsl - 7 years ago
it s soo fake..... u can see the shark looking straight at the camera at 0:39 .......
Mike Albanese
Mike Albanese - 7 years ago
Way to hold it together bro. Man that shark hit you so quick. Spear and get out quick. Thats the rule. The young girl took immediate control.The other butt heads were like "uh a shark"?
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Agree with all of this. Shocking how quick it was. We were only in the water for a few minutes before this and had just shot the grouper about 45 seconds before this video started. We were already on our way back to the boat. It just happens so quick! Stay safe out there!
seadoggiedog - 7 years ago
oh well time for you to call south africa
GIVE ME CASH - 7 years ago
FUBAR ! - 7 years ago
Ah hahahaha.
Yılmaz DALKIRAN - 7 years ago
What did you expect, noobs? You were hunting in shark waters.
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Cute. Ever been to a beach? Also shark waters. They live in the ocean and are literally everywhere.
Call me Imposter
Call me Imposter - 7 years ago
BusBoppin Bimbo
BusBoppin Bimbo - 7 years ago
Why doesnt the boat maybe move to the person when hombre comes up yelling?
Literally Pepe
Literally Pepe - 7 years ago
I would've used Justin as a human shield and surfed that sucker back to the boat. Fuck Justin
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Best comment ever! You win the internet
Kobe - 7 years ago
This was not the video of the fisherman stabbing the shark through the mouth.
Mr X-Plane
Mr X-Plane - 7 years ago
FunAndGames - 7 years ago
Lets just say that shark is lucky that wasn't me. I would have beat the shit out of it.
Annibal Oliveira Martins
Annibal Oliveira Martins - 7 years ago
video incrivel
EternalGaming786 - 7 years ago
What would you do? :3
Marc Braun
Marc Braun - 7 years ago
Stupid hobby. The oceans are overfished enough. When morons like the ones in this video have to go out there and take the last bit of food left for the sharks no wonder they'll come searching for food at the shore lines and beaches. Find some other hobby to do morons. How about just scuba dive or something. There is no reason or justification to pursuit hobbies like this. There are mor enough alternatives!!
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Hopefully you are aware of the fact that spearfishing is actually the most sustainable forms of fishing. If not, let me enlighten you. How many times have you seen someone fishing for sport and reel in a tiny little juvenile fish, only to see it floating on the surface as soon as they throw it back in? It happens very frequently. Then you have the arguments of fish swallowing hooks, catching protected species, broken line in the water, etc and this is just for recreational fishing. Don't even get me started on commercial fishing. Spearfishing, on the other hand, is much more controlled and precise. Everything that is killed is eaten and enjoyed. We don't kill in excess and we choose only the fish we want, generally the biggest. We have days where we might come back empty handed and not for a lack of fish to shoot but because we only want "the big one" and all other killing would be pointless. We also have rules and respect the ocean. If we see an invasive fish (lionfish), it doesnt matter what we might be chasing or hunting, even if its a record size fish, we will always choose to kill the invasive species first. Spearfishing (while freediving) is also incredibly challenging. It takes years of practice and training to be able to hold your breathe, dive deep enough, keep your heart rate low, function with low O2 and high CO2 levels, and master "the hunt." So read up and you might learn a thing or two because I guarantee that in just today alone, you personally will do more damage to the oceans delicate ecosystems than we have ever done spearfishing. Driving your car today, turning on your lights at home, ordering that product on amazon, everything your do is contributing to the mass destruction of our coral reefs and marine life. Please change your attitude and do something to help! Here are some websites:
Big John Stud
Big John Stud - 7 years ago
shark was like- fuck him he taste like shit!!
Ricky Williams
Ricky Williams - 7 years ago
All he wanted was the fish why would somebody be stupid enough to tie a dead fish to their waist?
Ronald van Dienst
Ronald van Dienst - 7 years ago
Good shark!
RakanTheDude - 7 years ago
اسبح اخوي عامر اسبح
Allen Michaels
Allen Michaels - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing. This is a great video for practicing safety. The shark wanted and got the fish. The leg was a collateral damage.
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
It certainly could have! Thanks for the support!
Allen Michaels
Allen Michaels - 7 years ago
Over The Edge I see it dangling there at 0:09 and 0:10 so it seemed as though the shark charged for it. Very gutsy move considering how many divers were around. Must have been a teen. I'm glad that you're OK. It could have been much worse.
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
The shark didn't actually get the fish. The fish swam back to the bottom after the shark cut the line then the shark proceeded to come back at my dive buddy.
nour el islam Lounis
nour el islam Lounis - 7 years ago
it's bcoz of the fish he got and the dagerous one is soem ppl put the small fish they got near em and that's not really easy at all
Frankythechops - 7 years ago
if you spear fish in florida - you're kind of a moron. he's lucky it wasn't a tiger shark
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Why?? Oh because science! Not a real thing
Andykaufmann58 - 7 years ago
...wenn man unbedingt im Meer vor Floridas Küste aus purer Lust am Jagen und Töten mit der Harpune unterwegs ist , sollte man wissen, dass Haie auf Fischblut reagieren, und dort gibt es nunmal welche. Die leben da und das schon seit Millionen von Jahren...das ist nunmal deren Lebensraum und das sollte man respektieren...aber wem erzähl ich das!! Leider gibt es viel zu viele von diesen Vollpfosten auf dieser Welt...und in Amiland ganz besonders viele!!!
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Not real words.
Kazuto - 7 years ago
Sorry for that Spearfisherman :c
Lisa Alford
Lisa Alford - 7 years ago
u are amateurs in spearfishing / u got what u deserved
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
You have no idea what you're talking about. Go back to school so you can learn something. I suggest starting with English so that when you say something stupid in the future, because it will happen, you will at least be able to communicate your opinions intelligently. Hopefully doing so with a grammatically correct, and accurately spelled, assemblage of words. I'll even ignore proper punctuation if you get the other two correctly.
Motoroil - 7 years ago
Finally, real footage of a shark incident instead of the fakumentary, opinions, stock footage BS that exists out there. BUT, real as it is, you got lucky, the sharks coarse skin scratched you... you didnt have a chunk taken out of your leg.
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
I suggest you look at the pictures before making that kind of assumption. Skin abrasion on my right knee and multiple bone deep lacerations on my left shin.
Armesis P
Armesis P - 7 years ago
Fuck sharks, a famous shark hunter who wasnt bound by PC bullshit said that some sharks purposely hunted humans. Many great whites he caught had human arms and legs in their stomachs.
FlawlessOldie - 7 years ago
OR maybe they ate already dead humans Who idk Faking DROWN!!!
Daniel Timbs
Daniel Timbs - 7 years ago
Ouch that looks like it hurts
Живите пока -
Живите пока - - 7 years ago
it is fake . Where tracks blood in water ?
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Nope definitely not.
TrkG - 7 years ago
主STI注册 - 7 years ago
awww fuck
ssrojo - 7 years ago
That shark said "fk that fish nigga I'm comin' for yo ass"
Natpug - 7 years ago
i would have gotten a spear and stabbed him in the eyeballs
EDJUKATOR - 7 years ago
am I the only one who cant understand why these fucking stupid idiots didn't move the fucking boat to help, unless it's a fucking Fake i didn't see any bite Action
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Most of them lol
EDJUKATOR - 7 years ago
The Video is real but your friends on the boat are fake it's your choice
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Nope. Plenty of other morons ask the same dumb question.
Matt Clark
Matt Clark - 7 years ago
That's a little baby, shit shark. I would have easily fought it off.
Weazel News
Weazel News - 7 years ago
wow. that was intense.
Damien Christian Johnson
Damien Christian Johnson - 7 years ago
Why go in the water. dumbasses
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Better than sitting on the couch
Marmite Moringa
Marmite Moringa - 7 years ago
Those people on the boat were just oblivious haha
She Left Me For Jesus
She Left Me For Jesus - 7 years ago
why would you use your leg to kick it ? when you have the probe ! for that . NOT SMART HOPE YOU LEARNED A PAINFUL LESSON . COULD HAVE BIN WORST LIKE YOU LEG GOT BIT OFF !
Kaan T
Kaan T - 7 years ago
do You also go fishing were crocodiles and prinahas live?
Kaan T
Kaan T - 7 years ago
Over The Edge lol
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
I would if there were other good fish to eat there!
Tone Deaf
Tone Deaf - 7 years ago
mean sharks
LoveCeea Cee
LoveCeea Cee - 7 years ago
"shark came out of nowhere". Really? Maybe if you weren't competing with his meals IN THE OCEAN the shark would leave you alone. Ever heard of a "fishing rod"?
Žurkulēns - 7 years ago
I have only 1 question - why in fkcing hell you would go into waters where sharks can eat you? I fkcing dont get it...
Brian Wortel
Brian Wortel - 7 years ago
That is so crazy! #sharkweek
Roman Arnaut
Roman Arnaut - 7 years ago
It was awesome man you should be proud ♡
Lynne - 7 years ago
Stop stealing his fish man......
Jonah Mosevoll
Jonah Mosevoll - 7 years ago
Timmy - 7 years ago
Stick a bandaids on it
420 henry
420 henry - 7 years ago
Your there spear fishing, no sympathy bro your in his house you lucky bitch
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
English. It's a moderately developed language used to communicate thoughts, opinions, etc. I highly suggest you learn it, or one of the other 6909 languages, before commenting.
Zamsung - 7 years ago
My only question is why didn't the boat drive closer to you guys to help you faster rather than possibly getting bite again.
My Lord
My Lord - 7 years ago
thats fn crazy it just nicked you and that leg already look like it got bitten into chunks.
Marco - 7 years ago
Lucky guy!
Joe Murray
Joe Murray - 7 years ago
thank god amanda, your buddy and you were brave! <3
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Thanks for your support!
Joe Murray
Joe Murray - 7 years ago
omg his leg!
Jim Kavanagh
Jim Kavanagh - 7 years ago
The shark didn't "come out of nowhere." He lives there. Heh heh.
Dugi Devet
Dugi Devet - 7 years ago
This is why you dont spearfish in deep waters and this is why you dont tie bloody fish to your self.
el lechero
el lechero - 7 years ago
Your insane . Respect bro . Balls like watermellons
Cheilith - 7 years ago
I've been to Florida Keys and swam in that exact part! It's amazing, incredibly unlucky that a shark was there though.
216 hgf
216 hgf - 7 years ago
Azul Bonito
Azul Bonito - 7 years ago
Stealthy ass! Where did it even come from ? where did it go! Scary
Thizlamic - 7 years ago
Anyone else squeezing their knee??? .....FUCK!!!
Abby Bloom
Abby Bloom - 7 years ago
That's wild! At first I thought the injury was from the gun, but wow.... lucky to be alive!
Sid - 7 years ago
What kind of shark was it? Why didn't you shoot it with your gun?
Scott Martin
Scott Martin - 7 years ago
Cool shark-story scar for life.
digiorno12 - 7 years ago
Did the shark cause the would to the left knee?
Phil King
Phil King - 7 years ago
Spear fishing is the most retarded pastime ever they deserve to be attacked!
mady bali
mady bali - 7 years ago
you should do more spearfishing to get more shark attack
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
We would have had 3rd person view of this one but my buddies gopro died. I'll make him get it next time though!
mady bali
mady bali - 7 years ago
i already like it
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
Yep! Then I can get some better video of the next one lol
Sean Bean
Sean Bean - 7 years ago
how many GB is this mod?
Over The Edge
Over The Edge - 7 years ago
All the bytes!
Peki Pro
Peki Pro - 7 years ago
roses are red ,
vilotets are blue ,
i came for 1:38
and so did u
illskillya - 7 years ago
shouldnt be spearing shit in the water then shark probably felt threatened
Joey Boy
Joey Boy - 7 years ago
i think you are boss of filming that with balls man! Netherland greets
Wannabe HockeyPRO
Wannabe HockeyPRO - 7 years ago
Damn brah that's intense
Jacob Hill
Jacob Hill - 7 years ago
Y is the watter not red
Bacon Troll
Bacon Troll - 7 years ago
Jacob Hill From the salt water, it sorta prevents bleeding.
Jacob Hill
Jacob Hill - 7 years ago
Y is he full on not bliding
An Angry Crawfish
An Angry Crawfish - 7 years ago
Thats alot of bitching for a small bit of skin off the leg... ive gotten worse in an accident an didnt bitch like how he did
An Angry Crawfish
An Angry Crawfish - 7 years ago
so why the fuck didnt he swim away when he got bit? fucking idiot
Purplebeard - 7 years ago
Was the wound self inflicted with the spear, or was it an actual shark bite?
Peter O' Connor
Peter O' Connor - 7 years ago
Hey asshole keep the camera steady
Vithia - 7 years ago
And thats why i nope the fuck out of water
Dragon Legend
Dragon Legend - 7 years ago
Looks like that reef shark gave you a bit of a nip on your leg good thing it wasnt a bigger shark
The OutDoor Son
The OutDoor Son - 7 years ago
Should have used a Shark Shield!
stiicky MUSIC
stiicky MUSIC - 7 years ago
I think you speared yourself
redaljka01 - 7 years ago
hhh..they try to film some porn movie.......ahhahahaha.....dont go to water during filming porn
i4Ni C
i4Ni C - 7 years ago
Sure, lets swim around the ocean with some tasty sushi on the end of a pointy stick...what could go wrong, I mean we are at the top of the food chain.
Next we can put on a meat suit and go pet the tigers at the zoo.
Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride
Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride - 7 years ago
In Soviet Russia, fish go fishing for fishermen.
3gzotic - 7 years ago
this is not a bite, its a kiss :)
Sally Hammer
Sally Hammer - 7 years ago
the wound wasnt that bad
kieran Claessens
kieran Claessens - 7 years ago
Ofcourse he attacks.
He's keeping all the fish close to himself.
That's like a big line full of fish with a giant price attached no it (the diver).

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