Shark Pool: Official Trailer

There's a shark in the pool. But it's a really nice pool... See the original at: Channel: Average Party: Shark Pool: Extremely Dark Knight: Favre Rise:

Shark Pool: Official Trailer sentiment_very_dissatisfied 754

Shark videos 11 years ago 1,127,011 views

There's a shark in the pool. But it's a really nice pool... See the original at: Channel: Average Party: Shark Pool: Extremely Dark Knight: Favre Rise:

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Most popular comments
for Shark Pool: Official Trailer

Daryl Domingo
Daryl Domingo - 7 years ago
What the ... !!! How can the shark go in the pool ??? Is this a Jock ???
Joshua Film's
Joshua Film's - 7 years ago
Terby - 7 years ago
How did the shark get in the pool in the first place? Find out in Shark Pool: The Revenge.
WishmasterTheDark - 7 years ago
Hollywood in a nutshell.
SpiderGamer182 - 7 years ago
I'm not swimming in a pool by myself again
Twisty the Clown
Twisty the Clown - 7 years ago
I wouldn't be surprised to see this in HBO's Fall lineup!
Moratachelsea Ao
Moratachelsea Ao - 7 years ago
Pool shark.
Sherryann Sieudhan011
Sherryann Sieudhan011 - 7 years ago
What a dumbass movie, sharks cant live in fresh water
Daniel Crespo
Daniel Crespo - 7 years ago

10. comment for Shark Pool: Official Trailer

Angelina Schmahl
Angelina Schmahl - 7 years ago
Omg these people are so freakin stupid the guy in the red shirt was right, just call the police or something
ASB 09
ASB 09 - 7 years ago
just shock the shit out of the bad CGI made shark....that's it....idiots
stuffykoolhost - 7 years ago
Just drain the f***ing pool.. and the shark dies.. then shark meeeeatttt.. for the party.. Then it becomes truly an awesome day..
Jonathan Jeffrey
Jonathan Jeffrey - 7 years ago
Marines Biologist.....hehehe
oceanliferules 07
oceanliferules 07 - 7 years ago
why dont they leave?
Shazard Mohammed
Shazard Mohammed - 7 years ago
lmao.......i dunn0 wen dey go stop make shit movies.....the only gud vibes in d movie wud be girls and party......
Attack On Cuteness
Attack On Cuteness - 7 years ago
CC Clark
CC Clark - 7 years ago
What did I just watch
Blake Ikonomou
Blake Ikonomou - 7 years ago
This is a stupid horror movie
Rukia - 7 years ago
So dumb

20. comment for Shark Pool: Official Trailer

The PokeBro Channel
The PokeBro Channel - 7 years ago
It's a b movie
روان الفلقي
روان الفلقي - 7 years ago
Gustabo Pisacic
Gustabo Pisacic - 7 years ago
La mas mierda de pelicula que he visto, ya no saben ni que inventar.

Por que tanto problema se hacen esos tarados?!! Salgan todos de la pileta y listo, Para qué se meten devuelta?!! Si saben que hay un puto tiburon ahí, pfff que subnormales
Gustabo Pisacic
Gustabo Pisacic - 7 years ago
Se salen y a la verga, vallanse a una playa o a otra pileta, pero no se metan devuelta estupidos, Por qué se tienen que hacer los heroes si saben que van a morir??!
Basic Reviewer
Basic Reviewer - 7 years ago
This is hilarious omg I love this
Juan Medrano
Juan Medrano - 7 years ago
Empty the pool
Unta Mc
Unta Mc - 7 years ago
This was actually horrible.
Nove Jake Tangaro
Nove Jake Tangaro - 7 years ago
Slowwwww signaaal
GMP997 - 7 years ago
And the soon to be released sequel, Shark In The Shower. After you see it, taking a shower will never be the same again.
Arno Nymes
Arno Nymes - 7 years ago
OMG ! Sharks can swim in a pool ! I'll never go again in a pool ! Too dangerous...
Asyiduo - 7 years ago
Dude Just Drain The Pool...

30. comment for Shark Pool: Official Trailer

Red X
Red X - 7 years ago
Okay what... I mean if they don't want to die why do they keep going into the pool
M I D N I G H T - 7 years ago
But don't Great Whites live in salt water and not fresh water
Daria Mara
Daria Mara - 7 years ago
Wtf why would u go in the pool if there's a shark JUST DONT GO IN THE FUCKING POOL
ItzSniperGame - 7 years ago
Wtf is this Just don't go in the pool
DeepGamingWater Adventures & More
DeepGamingWater Adventures & More - 7 years ago
I heared it said "Dick"
Mutra The Mutration
Mutra The Mutration - 7 years ago
I think this would be a perfect movie for Dark Reindeer to review.
Daniel Hayward
Daniel Hayward - 7 years ago
I just love that guy just dont go in the pool
Jenni Barnes
Jenni Barnes - 7 years ago
why the fuck don't they just leave and call animal services
Antonio M
Antonio M - 7 years ago
3 things:
1. Did anyone notice that the shark's fin changes
2. 0:40 Why is she the only one who notices the shark.
3. 2:09 If you change the speed to 0.25 and look at the water very carefully, you can see someone moving the fin
ᗰIᘔᘔ ᑕᕼᑌᒪᗩ
ᗰIᘔᘔ ᑕᕼᑌᒪᗩ - 7 years ago
Once again another stupid shark movie dont make no sence wtf stupid movie
isabel lozano arias Lozano
isabel lozano arias Lozano - 7 years ago
this is fake.
Kazakhstan - 7 years ago
You are so right. Sometimes movies are so stupid that I wonder how come they become classics!
Ifyoudon'tlikemethenfuckoff - 7 years ago
Is this actually gonna fucking happen?
lily cormack
lily cormack - 7 years ago
theyre so dumb just dont go in the goddam pool
gem bee
gem bee - 7 years ago
I find this hilariously dumb, the pools not that big. Literally anyone could see it.
Roy Logan
Roy Logan - 7 years ago
This needs to be a real movie. I would see it just for the flat out dumb idea of a shark in a pool. Will somebody please make this a movie.
MF 7448
MF 7448 - 7 years ago
bomb ass girls
Mt. Theodore Alan
Mt. Theodore Alan - 7 years ago
Thas crazy!!!! But those asses were on point tho.
It’syourboyMatthew 56
It’syourboyMatthew 56 - 8 years ago
Listen to the guy who says stay out of the pool!!!!!!!!!
Black Diamonds Dimension
Black Diamonds Dimension - 8 years ago
1:03 I thought that was Colleen Ballinger

50. comment for Shark Pool: Official Trailer

BLACK TIGER Bt - 8 years ago
how the shark came in pool
Sharlene Hae Joong
Sharlene Hae Joong - 8 years ago
Audrey Tharp
Audrey Tharp - 8 years ago
Hold up did I see the kid from Stuart Little
FakeWhite G
FakeWhite G - 7 years ago
Audrey Tharp at 1:16
Emma Flake
Emma Flake - 8 years ago
What the crap? How the heck did a shark get in the pool?
Isiah Banks
Isiah Banks - 8 years ago
0:17 those asses
im1who84u - 7 years ago
Even in "slowmo" I can't get enough of them. There's a lotta things a guy would do for an ass like that.
Freestyle123 Patrick
Freestyle123 Patrick - 8 years ago
wie kommt ein Hai in einen pool
Brendan Walsh
Brendan Walsh - 8 years ago
lol i love that guy "Just dont go in the pool"
Voracious Bass Booster
Voracious Bass Booster - 8 years ago
wtf is this?
Irene Rios
Irene Rios - 8 years ago
who the fuck put a shark in one pool? How can a shark goes from the ocean to the pool? wtf is that movie?
••• - 8 years ago
TheKing OfSadness
TheKing OfSadness - 8 years ago
This People are stupid
zoex Theiß
zoex Theiß - 8 years ago
lasst doch einfach das Wasser ablaufen
Mike Lang
Mike Lang - 8 years ago
how the fuck did the shark get in the pool
Valerie Sanclemente
Valerie Sanclemente - 8 years ago
This movie would suck first of all if there was a shark in the pool why didn't they just notice as soon as they got in?!?!! it's so dramatic and how the heck could a shark get into a pool and no one notice that until someone said "SHARK?!?!"
Lorenzo Munguia
Lorenzo Munguia - 8 years ago
this is stupid
Rift Gaming9958
Rift Gaming9958 - 8 years ago
And how exactly did a great white shark get in the pool
TheDoomGod - 8 years ago
Oliver Blinston they put me in a trance-like state I couldn't stop them! and out of the Blue I woke up in a fucking pool,
Rift Gaming9958
Rift Gaming9958 - 8 years ago
How deep is the fucking pool
patrick sutton
patrick sutton - 8 years ago
Beside a shark would be very notice able in a pool
Preston garvey
Preston garvey - 8 years ago
Its so shit and cringy
Hannah Kramer
Hannah Kramer - 8 years ago
I would watch this. I bet Asylum would make it.
maximusdarkultima - 8 years ago
what's the sequel? shark tub?
BatmanVsSombies - 8 years ago
shark in the drainage or shark in the faucet or shark in the rain
maximusdarkultima - 8 years ago
love how the shark's always like: swiggity swooty comin' for those booty
Arcadego.7 2
Arcadego.7 2 - 8 years ago
Arcadego.7 2
Arcadego.7 2 - 8 years ago
chloe atkinson
chloe atkinson - 8 years ago
this is so stupid
Eduard Neubauer
Eduard Neubauer - 8 years ago
wie zur Hölle kommt ein hei in den Pool
ShadowPirateX - 8 years ago
The dude in the red shirt is a true hero.
Henri - 8 years ago
I'm fucking dying, OMG the red guy haha. XD
Spudfunk - 8 years ago
theres a movie about sharks in the snow on a ski hill. except it isnt a joke
Carbocide_warrior - 8 years ago
Hmm how can a great white survive on a chlorinated pool?. How could you not see a great white swimming in the pool before you got in?. How the fuck did a great white shark get into the pool to begin with?. oh oh i get it.... a high school prank rite! rite! lol. Hmm I guess if they just his the drain plug on the filter thats not in the pool then the shark would die.
Fabian ??? :D
Fabian ??? :D - 8 years ago
the badest Movie in the world
Habzter - 8 years ago
The badest grammar in the world... I'm sorry, I just had to...
Jayson Colbert
Jayson Colbert - 8 years ago
sharks and bad movie editing..... fap my silly
Leander Devisser
Leander Devisser - 8 years ago
who came with this
Leander Devisser
Leander Devisser - 8 years ago
who came up with this
Voltz Gaming
Voltz Gaming - 8 years ago
how the heck did the shark even went inside the pool lol
andersson. - 8 years ago
Sums up every dumb shark movie
Rift-TrackGaming - 8 years ago
LOL I love that there's one smart guy amidst a bunch of stupid--almost want to watch it just for that.
Rift-TrackGaming - 8 years ago
Yes, I know-- still would watch it
bitspot - 8 years ago
it's fake you know right?
patrick sutton
patrick sutton - 8 years ago
Why would a shark be in a pool? That's weird.
patrick sutton
patrick sutton - 8 years ago
+Caca Murtagh , how is that a joke?
Caca Murtagh
Caca Murtagh - 8 years ago
Blobfish - 8 years ago
Why just why
Blobfish - 8 years ago
It's funny XD
Blobfish - 8 years ago
OHHH nvm
xspeeder1976 - 8 years ago
The guy that said don't go into the pool probably know how to handle the antagonist in reality
a2pha - 8 years ago
This would make a great movie - especially with the shark craze going on now (2016).
Random TV
Random TV - 8 years ago
How the hell did the shark get into the pool and why they all stayed there to be able to do it's not like they're stranded please tell me this is not a real film.
Random TV
Random TV - 8 years ago
+Caca Murtagh I know it isn't
Caca Murtagh
Caca Murtagh - 8 years ago
It is not a real movie.... I am shocked the amount of people who need to be told this.
Tim Thomas
Tim Thomas - 8 years ago
are you fucking kidding me!! this is the most fake low budget bullshit ever seen!!!
Tim Thomas
Tim Thomas - 8 years ago
+Caca Murtagh No shit its not a real fucking movie point im making is ITS A WASTE..but of course it takes a blonde not to read between lines.
Caca Murtagh
Caca Murtagh - 8 years ago
Idiot... It is not a real movie.... I am shocked the amount of people who need to be told this.
Nicholas Navarro
Nicholas Navarro - 8 years ago
they make look its big deal just call the the fucking cops and shot with those shotguns they have shot iy
Daisy Murillo
Daisy Murillo - 8 years ago
The weird this and some thing thats honestly some easy logic is trying to empty out the pool .. BUT HEY IM ONLY SUGGESTING
Habzter - 8 years ago
I honestly have no clue what this means...
I am super serious
I am super serious - 8 years ago
If this was real...I would so watch it.
Crested Gecko
Crested Gecko - 8 years ago
This is so fake
Caca Murtagh
Caca Murtagh - 8 years ago
Clearly you dope... You don't have to call it fake it is obvious it is a joke a parody...
Joe King
Joe King - 8 years ago
Omg this is just copying shark night but just way more stupid.
Leo's World Kids
Leo's World Kids - 8 years ago
Guys, this is Funny or Die. Of course it is a fake "Official Trailer". Yes it's fake but they wrote "Official" as a joke. I can't believe I have to explain this.
Arno Nymes
Arno Nymes - 7 years ago
No you're wrong, it's a real pool-shark attack !
amir12345681 - 7 years ago
Leo's World at 0:00, it clearly say
bitspot - 8 years ago
i dont think that everyonis is as smart as you or tge others who did understand the joke
jessy narvaez
jessy narvaez - 8 years ago
wow dumb college people
Steven Orourke
Steven Orourke - 8 years ago
This looks amazing
Acroztic Temperrz
Acroztic Temperrz - 8 years ago
"Dammit, it's too hot out" BOI wtf is wrong with you go take a goddamn shower

100. comment for Shark Pool: Official Trailer

B.J.O Productions
B.J.O Productions - 8 years ago
just do it
B.J.O Productions
B.J.O Productions - 8 years ago
is this a piss take why would you go In the pool in the first place and how dose the shark disappear and reappear again I'm calling BULLSHIT
B.J.O Productions
B.J.O Productions - 8 years ago
+Caca Murtagh don't call me a fool either you don't know who you are talking to
B.J.O Productions
B.J.O Productions - 8 years ago
+Caca Murtagh I don't think it's real and don't talk to me
Caca Murtagh
Caca Murtagh - 8 years ago
You fool, of course it is fake... " I'm calling BULLSHIT" Really you sap, it is so obvious it is bullshit you don't need to call it. Wow, i am so shocked the amount of people who think this is real.
Kailoh Manisa
Kailoh Manisa - 8 years ago
Ilove Hollo
Ilove Hollo - 8 years ago
If I was there I would leave like fuck it u people gonna bc ur still in the pool
MNI J - 8 years ago
a shark can't even be in a pool lol different water types for them
MNI J - 8 years ago
lol thanks i knew that obviously duh
Caca Murtagh
Caca Murtagh - 8 years ago
That is why this is a joke, a spoof a parody and not a real movie...
Dino Prima
Dino Prima - 8 years ago
South Florida Fishing
South Florida Fishing - 8 years ago
Better idea is to drain the pool ...
J Mae
J Mae - 8 years ago
Makes me wonder if this is a trailer for a actual Shark B movie. Another in a long line of shark movies so bad they are kinda good.
Elizabeth Orellana
Elizabeth Orellana - 8 years ago
i like sharks
jkrafaxcx ayb
jkrafaxcx ayb - 8 years ago
so stupid
pig - 8 years ago
just don't go in the pool
eksine - 7 years ago
it's because this is a parody, every teen movie with tits in it has this storyline. they ignore all the obvious danger and do it anyways, because, just because. what you're noticing is the similarity in the acting
jakel griffin
jakel griffin - 7 years ago
Oh its fake i did not know
Nessa Skye
Nessa Skye - 7 years ago
Joke King
I was in the internet at 8. But you're also wrong, the age is 13+. Check your facts mate.
Aniyah Carter
Aniyah Carter - 7 years ago
wait, it's not a real movie?
캐틀린 - 8 years ago
Sarah Leslie-Marie also this isn't a bad video to watch so my parents don't really have to monitor my what I'm watching, also I don't watch really rude things, so don't get my parent involved
Also what do you mean by "are you one of those girls who find it attractive to come across like this?"
Come across like what, I'm not here to get boys cause I really don't give a shit about that, id rather have education to be honest
Joke King
Joke King - 8 years ago
Caitlyn Clarke Also, get off the internet if you're a child. The internet is for adults. Don't go around the internet where you shouldn't be and act like we're the parents that should be monitering what you're doing.
Idk where those parents are, but we're not them. So if you're a child, please get out of here! This isn't the Disney channel, ok?
Joke King
Joke King - 8 years ago
Caitlyn Clarke Are you one of those girls who thinks it's cute to come across this way? It isn't. Guys don't feel attracted to women who will breed their lineage out with natural selection.
Joke King
Joke King - 8 years ago
Caitlyn Clarke Wow...
Kootz Walker-Ben
Kootz Walker-Ben - 8 years ago
Caitlyn Clarke it was funny and dumd
Renan William
Renan William - 8 years ago
I watсhed Тhе Shallоws full mоviееeе hereе Shark Pool: Officiaaаal Trailer
Fazal Ali
Fazal Ali - 8 years ago
ɷɷɷ I Havee Watched Thiss Movieeee Leakedd Versionnn Here : -
diamond lps
diamond lps - 8 years ago
no it not a movie
Asian Memelord
Asian Memelord - 8 years ago
i cant belive shes dead how many more people is this thing gonna kill. Uuum get out of the pool :/
B.J.O Productions
B.J.O Productions - 8 years ago
+Zingtron that's not going to happen I severed in the royal forces for 5 years I have retired now.
캐틀린 - 8 years ago
+Zingtron also how am I whining? I'm saying that she should act her age and stop being rude to people.
캐틀린 - 8 years ago
+Zingtron fuck off mate, unlike you I don't threaten shit that like, you're the immature cunt who's saying you would kill someone for sticking up for me and saying the truth. You're fucking messed up
Zingtron - 8 years ago
+Gaming cooiemonster how about i take my fist and bash in your skull slowly over 3 years? how's that sound?
Zingtron - 8 years ago
+Caitlyn Clarke wow stop being a little whiner. boo hoo cry cry you baby
B.J.O Productions
B.J.O Productions - 8 years ago
+Caca Murtagh you are a bit old to be coming on these videos and commenting to people's comment get the fuck outta her and act your age and watch stuff that is useful to an adult not this
캐틀린 - 8 years ago
+Caca Murtagh for your profile pic, you look like a mum, or at least 15 years older than me, who's making fun of a child, not very mature for an adult is it? Also of course I know it's fake, I was trying to make an idiotic joke! How the fuck am I a clown
Caca Murtagh
Caca Murtagh - 8 years ago
you don't have to think it is fake, it is so clearly fake. They are not trying to trick you into thinking it is a real movie as anyone with sense can tell it is not a rel movie.. " I still think it's fake" wow it is a fucking spoof a parody you clown.
Clara Kok
Clara Kok - 8 years ago
Me too
CardboardDragon - 8 years ago
the logic is just wah thet would have noticed the shark especially if the emptied out the pool
Tessa Nicacia
Tessa Nicacia - 8 years ago
lol me too
Boy meets Evil
Boy meets Evil - 8 years ago
Bad Movie
CødenameX - 8 years ago
hahaha wtf did I just watch, actually idc I wanna watch it
Otakusan Kunichiwa
Otakusan Kunichiwa - 8 years ago
The blonde guy with the blue shirt is pretty hot
Andy Max
Andy Max - 8 years ago
+George Rivera Hey there Bikini buns your back
George Rivera
George Rivera - 8 years ago
+Sofia Fatalle I luv u
Andy Max
Andy Max - 8 years ago
Otakusan Kunichiwa
Otakusan Kunichiwa - 8 years ago
i'm going to send you a message +Andy Max
Andy Max
Andy Max - 8 years ago
i know but i would like to chat live with you
Otakusan Kunichiwa
Otakusan Kunichiwa - 8 years ago
+Andy Max
Humm no... but I just send you my email
Andy Max
Andy Max - 8 years ago
You got skype by chance? Just email me your name and ill give you a quick special call
Andy Max
Andy Max - 8 years ago
sure go ahead babe
Otakusan Kunichiwa
Otakusan Kunichiwa - 8 years ago
I'm gonna send you a message with my email (I can't put it in here)
Andy Max
Andy Max - 8 years ago
lol give me your email address and youll find out
Otakusan Kunichiwa
Otakusan Kunichiwa - 8 years ago
+Andy Max
 you ass is great too?
Andy Max
Andy Max - 8 years ago
lol well great your ass is amazing glad for you
Otakusan Kunichiwa
Otakusan Kunichiwa - 8 years ago
+Andy Max
yeah, i go to the gym and work my ASS off
Andy Max
Andy Max - 8 years ago
Um yea PS4 not Xbox but ill let you off with a compliment, you maybe dumb but you got a sweet ass if thats your real profile pic right there.
Otakusan Kunichiwa
Otakusan Kunichiwa - 8 years ago
+Andy Max
ok than shove you x box up your ass LOL
Andy Max
Andy Max - 8 years ago
Actually no ive got work to do and to top it all I just got home chilling. Videos games are great you dont know what your missing people like you only play them for stupid attention but hey believe what you wanna wont hurt me.
Otakusan Kunichiwa
Otakusan Kunichiwa - 8 years ago
+Andy Max
 HAHAHAHAHA YEAH RIGHT. You're probably all day in your house playing with your video games and masturbating
Loser bitch
Otakusan Kunichiwa
Otakusan Kunichiwa - 8 years ago
+Andy Max
So much hate LOL, you're probably one of those lame guys who NEVER get any attention from the girls
Worthless piece of shit LOL
Andy Max
Andy Max - 8 years ago
Yea your pretty much one of those dumb idiots that would be in this movie....just for attention
XAN19936 - 8 years ago
1:22 is that the little kid from Stuart Little?
• GaLaXy •
• GaLaXy • - 8 years ago
Liam Piekarski
Liam Piekarski - 8 years ago
How does a shark get into a pool in the first place
Matt - 7 years ago
It used apple maps.
GMP997 - 7 years ago
Oh, there's ways, there's ways that you wouldn't even fuckin' understand on how sharks can get into pools.
Sandra Yeung
Sandra Yeung - 8 years ago
dinogames the vent would have to be huge though
Meta Knight
Meta Knight - 8 years ago
Anthony Korzeniewski lolol
Anthony Korzeniewski
Anthony Korzeniewski - 8 years ago
How do you know that it can't? What are you, a marines biologist or something?
bitspot - 8 years ago
through the vents
Crested Gecko
Crested Gecko - 8 years ago
The real question is why everyone keeps getting in
cathy alfaro
cathy alfaro - 8 years ago
how a shark in the pool is a party!!!
cathy alfaro
cathy alfaro - 8 years ago
me to
Bella Twin Lover
Bella Twin Lover - 8 years ago
Exactly what I said
Joker WestSide
Joker WestSide - 8 years ago
Haha this movie is funny af and the guy with the red straped t-shirt is the only smart one
Christen Brawny
Christen Brawny - 8 years ago
Lol, I for one think this looks funny
UmarpakistaniLahore Umarpakistani
UmarpakistaniLahore Umarpakistani - 8 years ago
+Caca Murtagh 00966541039468 my whatsaap
Caca Murtagh
Caca Murtagh - 8 years ago
Are you going to go watch it Cee?
UmarpakistaniLahore Umarpakistani
UmarpakistaniLahore Umarpakistani - 8 years ago
Tiger Yang
Tiger Yang - 8 years ago
this better be fake.
jeremy conforti
jeremy conforti - 8 years ago
Are you really serious? face palm
Scarfs6080 - 8 years ago
I'm not even kidding every time I go in someone's pool I get so scared there might be a shark in it
Scarfs6080 - 8 years ago
+coxanova g lmfao that's funny
Sarah Elizabeth :3
Sarah Elizabeth :3 - 8 years ago
. I was born in florida
coxanova g
coxanova g - 8 years ago
+Galaxy Disaperance Only Florida Disney hotels.....

too soon?
Lauren Hannah
Lauren Hannah - 8 years ago
I used to have nightmares about exactly this.
Sarah Elizabeth :3
Sarah Elizabeth :3 - 8 years ago
I can be Onto of the water, BUT I CANT GO UNDERWATER!
PancakePuppy - 8 years ago
Omfg I though I was the only one! I cant be in a pool alone because I get terrified and swim for my life to get out, I can only be in a pool next to other people
Sarah Elizabeth :3
Sarah Elizabeth :3 - 8 years ago
Or at a hotel I'm scared there is a crocodile in it.
Madiana Geronimo
Madiana Geronimo - 8 years ago
how the shark get in pool
TheDoomGod - 8 years ago
mami rodriquez Now i know how orcas feel at seaworld
oNIDW - 8 years ago
Still has a better script than sharknado imo
jonathan parker
jonathan parker - 8 years ago
OMG this is simple just drain the pool and kill the shark or just don't go in it lol
Is this suppose to be funny or scary!!
jonathan parker
jonathan parker - 7 years ago
Honorkid2 true but u can also use something to drain it without going in the pool...
NickTheCeratosaurus - 8 years ago
jonathan parker Do not kill shark. Real shark would never aft like that
maximusdarkultima - 8 years ago
nah, the chlorine in the water should do the job
Caca Murtagh
Caca Murtagh - 8 years ago
It is a spoof so I'd say funny. You do know this is not a real movie right..
Honorkid2 - 8 years ago
they have to get in to drain it...
mel - 8 years ago
+Ava Grace It's a funny spoof apparently
VAD UnicorN
VAD UnicorN - 8 years ago
Omg! :/ WTF this shit? :/ This is not funny just simple shit.... :P :P
Michael Cook
Michael Cook - 8 years ago
no sense of humor is a side effect of stupidity and numb mindedness. this is a funny spoof! I can't believe some of the comments. Its disheartening the amount of dummies in the world. How can there be more laughter with so many nincompoops lacking a sense of humor. you morons anger me with your numbskullery and dumb dumb dey deyness. this was a clever spoof. I enjoyed it a lot. thumbs up.
Michael Cook
Michael Cook - 8 years ago
+kevin Chavero apparently lots of people care numbskull...sadly there's no cure for dipshit. sorry bud.
Yo It's me
Yo It's me - 8 years ago
No one cares faggot
Luis M Gomez
Luis M Gomez - 8 years ago
There stupid
Damon Grimes
Damon Grimes - 8 years ago
just stay out of the pool idiots and call someone to get rid of it and how did it even get in there?
RakshasaR - 8 years ago
wat is this
Film Buff
Film Buff - 9 years ago
The guy with the red is the only good thing about this silly movie
Meta Knight
Meta Knight - 8 years ago
Sofiane Daoui just don't go in the pool
Film Buff
Film Buff - 8 years ago
+Caca Murtagh yep xD
Eunice Anderson
Eunice Anderson - 8 years ago
Caca Murtagh
Caca Murtagh - 8 years ago
It isn't a movie.
Georgia Bavister
Georgia Bavister - 9 years ago
This is crap
terrell gregorz
terrell gregorz - 9 years ago
man.. com on.. is this a real movie?
Dudes Playhouse
Dudes Playhouse - 9 years ago
How have we never seen this before!!!!!!
Cole Belinsky
Cole Belinsky - 9 years ago
This looks a-lot better than The Attack of the Jurassic Shark.
Buddhapup Love
Buddhapup Love - 9 years ago
This ain't a real movie, is it?!
Jibril Khan
Jibril Khan - 9 years ago
very stupid movie
Nolen Hypebeast
Nolen Hypebeast - 9 years ago
Wow just don't go into the pool
Zlad The Impaler
Zlad The Impaler - 9 years ago
Not to state the obvious or anything, but how the fuck do you not notice there's a shark in the pool?
Emperor Asterisk
Emperor Asterisk - 9 years ago
how can people be so stupid....listen to the guy...God sake don't get in the pool, people
STARHEXER - 8 years ago
+Zeref “Emperor” Dragneel How many more people is this thing gonna kill? WHat the hell? This movie was full of idiots. And one smart guy.
AllyCatMusic - 9 years ago
Just, don't get in the pool.
Jeronimo McArthur
Jeronimo McArthur - 9 years ago
Just call animal patrol to get the shark out
spacemonkey1776b - 9 years ago
This the future,,, reason drowned out by boobs,, beer,, and bros.
Dawson Foor
Dawson Foor - 9 years ago
is this movie real or fake??
Ahmed said
Ahmed said - 9 years ago
Beasty - 9 years ago
satan jr
satan jr - 9 years ago
WTF.... i would liaten to the guy that said to not go in the pool..... how stupid are people. don't get in the pool. get a shotgun. an shoot the damn shark.
OB D - 9 years ago
the guy saying don't go into the pool would be me
Khaled Alsharief
Khaled Alsharief - 9 years ago
hananiah Robart
hananiah Robart - 9 years ago
shark pool
cyberwolf cwg
cyberwolf cwg - 9 years ago
this trailer is stupid
Tom Hay
Tom Hay - 9 years ago
That kid saying don't go in is just me...
Sarah Elizabeth :3
Sarah Elizabeth :3 - 8 years ago
yep.. me to. Is this a real movie?
merman Fish
merman Fish - 9 years ago
We Love Everything
We Love Everything - 9 years ago
Argh!!! SCARY
won hung low
won hung low - 9 years ago
seems like a real beautiful pool ...damn i think i would go in the pool also !
ERLproductions - 9 years ago
Is this some kind of joke?like, wtheck?!
Xx 52SHARK18 xX
Xx 52SHARK18 xX - 9 years ago
saltypork101 - 9 years ago
Would so watch this
Daniel Carvalho Silva
Daniel Carvalho Silva - 9 years ago
I can't stop thinking of excuses people would keep making to go to the pool.

"Hey, what's that noise?"
"Sounds like it came from the pool..."
"Let's go check it out!"
"What? Check out-- There's nothing-- I mean, the shark--"
"Damn it, dude, maybe it's someone there who needs our help! We have to be sure!"
Daniel Carvalho Silva
Daniel Carvalho Silva - 9 years ago
+Daniel Carvalho Silva
Two stoner kids hanging out and smoking weed.
"You know what, dude?"
"What, dude?"
"You know that... shark, dude?"
"Yeah, man, that crazy shark in the pool, right?."
"I think... You know, I think... Like, you know what I think he needs?"
"What, man?"
"I think he just... you know... just gotta chill, dude."
"Oh, yeah, man."
"Yeah, like, we're all just chilling here, right? And the dude's all... I don't know, man, dude's got some bad vibes. I think we gotta help him relax, man."
"How we gonna do that, man?"
"You know what, dude? How about we, like, just go in the pool and, like, when the shark comes, we just tell him 'hey shark, check out this stuff' and then... then, we, like, pass him a joint, right?"
"Oh, yeah, man, it's gonna be awesome, the shark's gonna be like 'yeah, man, party time'. Ain't that right, other dude?"
"What are y-- you wanna give-- but sharks don't smo-- what?"
"Damn it, dude, the shark's going through a bad time, man! He just needs to relax! We gotta help him!"
"H-- how are you gonna even-- how's he-- he's gonna smoke a joint underwater?"
Daniel Carvalho Silva
Daniel Carvalho Silva - 9 years ago
+Daniel Carvalho Silva
Woman screaming and running into the pool:
"What happened? Did he fall in the pool?"
"NO! He's crying! He dropped his baseball cap in it!"
"Oh my god! We gotta help him!"
"There's only one way, people... We have to go in the pool!"
"Um... Can't we just... like... grab it? Or, like, maybe with a... a pool cleaner or some--"
"Damn it, dude, there's no time for this! WE HAVE TO HELP HIM! I CAN'T JUST LEAVE SOMEBODY IN DANGER ANYMORE!"
"Please be careful. For me!"
"Just... like, a hook would be good, y'know? Like... a fishing rod, or something."
Luis Noguera
Luis Noguera - 9 years ago
como carajo yego ese puto tiburon en
esa pisina
makhetha mathibeli
makhetha mathibeli - 9 years ago
that's annoying
leo - 9 years ago
You americans are sad people
leo - 8 years ago
+watjuhjo Im just trolling you child
watjuhjo - 8 years ago
+leo You curse out an antire nation of people because you didn't like a spoof trailer? You are a sad individual.
Megakng579 Afterhours
Megakng579 Afterhours - 9 years ago
Neo my leo
Janice Mullins
Janice Mullins - 9 years ago
why would that guy be hanging his legs over the pool and tell the other not to go in.
Ferry192 - 9 years ago
drugs can do more than that fuck you troller ppl
iguana golf
iguana golf - 9 years ago
cant you just drain the pool?
Max Ubaldo
Max Ubaldo - 9 years ago
poke the shark at the eyes and gills.
Max Ubaldo
Max Ubaldo - 9 years ago
i'm not going in that pool.
nasonchan - 9 years ago
they should actually make this into a real movie. Sure it'd be stupid but extremely entertaining in my opinion.
BearNutsFan - 9 years ago
Dammit... I thought this was real...still not removing it from my creature feature playlist, it's to damn funny. But one thing is bugging me, what is the name of the song playing in the beginning?!
zahire Coates
zahire Coates - 9 years ago
this got to be dumbest movie ever
Adrian de boi
Adrian de boi - 9 years ago
Just don't go in the pool best idea 10/10
Bernard Wiseman
Bernard Wiseman - 9 years ago
Guys? This is a comedy channel. It's a spoof.
Raymond Miranda
Raymond Miranda - 9 years ago
I'm Never Going In A Pool Never
Bernard Wiseman
Bernard Wiseman - 9 years ago
+Clay Campbell Yes. Yes i am. Look at this channel's other videos. It's all comedy.
Clay Campbell
Clay Campbell - 9 years ago
+Bernard Wiseman Are you sure? Have you seen some of the stuff being made out their?
Zach civiello
Zach civiello - 9 years ago
How did they not see the shark when they went there?
Alfonso albala hidalgo
Alfonso albala hidalgo - 9 years ago
The next film: shark in the shower!
alphakillson - 9 years ago
I want this to be real.
Barbie Carter
Barbie Carter - 9 years ago
This film wouldn't be any more stupid but at least they could of made the pool dark and like 15 times bigger
Aryianna Dolly
Aryianna Dolly - 9 years ago
Sparkles8 :
Sparkles8 : - 9 years ago
LMAO! Are you serious? It's easy just don't go in the pool!
ingrid zenabi
ingrid zenabi - 9 years ago
Here's and idea drain the pool
JD Comedy
JD Comedy - 9 years ago
It's a fake when it showed the shark it was in the ocean
•Mxllie• - 9 years ago
'Everybody in the pool be really careful'

FBZero - 9 years ago
The sound effects sound like dead rising 3
Revan1231 - 9 years ago
Lol great spoof, thats literally how bad these types of films are today.
delbobs123 - 9 years ago
how did the shark even get in the pool
Anthony Hernandez
Anthony Hernandez - 9 years ago
The guy pot it
gone fishin
gone fishin - 9 years ago
MKManiac - 9 years ago
It's so stupid, but that booty though.
Giraffes eat stuff
Giraffes eat stuff - 9 years ago
Joshua Farrar
Joshua Farrar - 9 years ago
Milo Wormy
Milo Wormy - 9 years ago
It's both sad and amazing how many people are unable to grasp the concept of a spoof...
Rob Van Sant
Rob Van Sant - 9 years ago
I know, my palm is pressed against my head trying to grasp the fact that these idiots have no clue that this is a spoof on every shark movie and the easily avoidable situations people find themselves in.
Marvin Hamilton
Marvin Hamilton - 9 years ago
seriously, this is a movie!?!?!?
TheSpasticAvenger - 9 years ago
+Marvin Hamilton I wish!!!
Tenryuu Lover
Tenryuu Lover - 9 years ago
Sando G
Sando G - 9 years ago
First of all you never fucking see the girls faces only there booty second of all that guy who only says: just don't go in the pool. I don't Think anybody is like that and a shark movie does not want a character like that third of all this looks like a very very crappy movie
pyrojulesiac - 9 years ago
You spelled stupid wrong. Ironic much?
Raymond Gill
Raymond Gill - 9 years ago
this summer on sifi.....
Forever PvM
Forever PvM - 9 years ago
listen to the "dont go in the pool kid"
spacemonkey1776b - 9 years ago
+Forever PvM Our future man,, thats why berni sanders isnt wining by a landslide.
Angel Krom
Angel Krom - 9 years ago
And why didn't they just stay out of the pool?Or maybe LEAVE!The idiots in this world
Momo - 9 years ago
Haha I would be the person who tells peookle just to not go in the pool
CommonSenseCreations - 9 years ago
ase someone make a film based on this
George Whibbleton
George Whibbleton - 9 years ago
what the hell
RobGrimesAllDay - 9 years ago
How the fuck did the Shark get in the pool in the first place?
Arno Nymes
Arno Nymes - 7 years ago
It's a mad scientist's experiment ! (Or an illuminati plot...) ! It's obvious !
Seth Winters
Seth Winters - 9 years ago
Um, there was a Sharknado 2, but this is not the sequel
Impure Creature
Impure Creature - 9 years ago
Xenath Cytrin
Xenath Cytrin - 9 years ago
+Rahb-Milly112 This movie is the sequel to sharknado.
Zach Alex
Zach Alex - 9 years ago
+Rahb-Milly112 The Illuminati
Scarlet Waffles
Scarlet Waffles - 9 years ago
+Rahb-Milly112  IKR
Dale Holcomb
Dale Holcomb - 9 years ago
+Rahb-Milly112 Someone put it in there as a prank :-P
Captain Huzan
Captain Huzan - 9 years ago
+Rahb-Milly112 Its SyFy. They masterbait when they make these movies
Mariell Gullestad
Mariell Gullestad - 9 years ago
Still more realistic then sharknado
Jacobs world Skinner
Jacobs world Skinner - 7 years ago
Mariell Gullestad
Ketchup - 8 years ago
+Daniel Tar I'm not American. I just know english.
Ketchup - 9 years ago
+Mariell Gullestad Than*
Ryan Ramirez
Ryan Ramirez - 9 years ago
How the fuck does a shark get I'm the pool 0.o >
Greta O
Greta O - 9 years ago
yeah guys there MIGHT be a shark in the pool but you know let's swim in it anyway
Maybz Läßig
Maybz Läßig - 10 years ago
Who brought that shark on the pool??
hatsumi - 10 years ago
Love those Trailer. No need for buying the movie. Everything seen.
baby alysha
baby alysha - 10 years ago
that funny when he kept on saying just don't go in the pool lol
Atest Zen
Atest Zen - 10 years ago
This is fucking STUPID!
Mathijs van Neck
Mathijs van Neck - 10 years ago
This whole movie could be smaller if they just called the damn cops or whatever
Rainbo Bread
Rainbo Bread - 10 years ago
need to get laid
mono monkey
mono monkey - 10 years ago
this is the funniest clip ever!
Alyaah Ceballos
Alyaah Ceballos - 10 years ago
This is a stupid trailer
h2o1666 - 10 years ago
I would of watched this movie if someone would make it
Metalhead - 10 years ago
I luv this "fake" trailer, it just hit all the stupid dramatic points of the other horrible syfy shark movies!
its. shakiki
its. shakiki - 10 years ago
Dani Windau
Dani Windau - 10 years ago
I would watch that.
SxFx Clan
SxFx Clan - 10 years ago
the fin is so fake
SxFx Clan
SxFx Clan - 10 years ago
Steff Eaton-Lewis
Steff Eaton-Lewis - 10 years ago
Actual genius. I really want this to be made!
...... 'no really, just don't go in the pool'
lisalmf123 - 10 years ago
Why has this not become an offical movie? LOL!
Dylan Roberts
Dylan Roberts - 10 years ago
The inevitable next step in shark movies.
Guardian - 10 years ago
where can i watch the movie?
shiTfuCKinghaPPens - 10 years ago
just WHY?!?! that sucks in so many ways...
abduran77 - 10 years ago
so fake and kinda of funny
Yamba Champion
Yamba Champion - 10 years ago
i am loving it
IronWolf HD
IronWolf HD - 10 years ago
Gayest trailer ever
Joshua Film's
Joshua Film's - 10 years ago
Get out of the pool i wold get the i out of ther or kill it
jessica parker
jessica parker - 10 years ago
Freddy Kreuger
Freddy Kreuger - 10 years ago
Paulascs - 10 years ago
Wow, sharks are so versatile! And so resistant, they're practically roaches!
Jacob Lindborg
Jacob Lindborg - 10 years ago
"Based of the best selling book"
Incog Neato
Incog Neato - 10 years ago
This is a joke everybody. A parody off of bad horror movies. 
andrew jakcson
andrew jakcson - 10 years ago
how did the shark even get there
andrew jakcson
andrew jakcson - 10 years ago
dumb ass movie
Santiago Aaron
Santiago Aaron - 10 years ago
lozza24k - 10 years ago
This is fake
Michael Hook
Michael Hook - 10 years ago
Next summer... Bear Yard
Brooke Remanda
Brooke Remanda - 10 years ago
Just listen to the guy don't go in the pool and how did the shark get in the pool with no one noticing and how did it get in
Final Divide3
Final Divide3 - 10 years ago
Okay is this movie based on dumb asses
Jay Rodríguez
Jay Rodríguez - 10 years ago
hahaha i love it, the actors are pretty good.
asscake the kitsune
asscake the kitsune - 10 years ago
and why didn't they just listened to the nerd D:?
Shadowfall poole
Shadowfall poole - 10 years ago
Sharks just LOVE fresh water...
Earl Pettey
Earl Pettey - 10 years ago
some rich people have saltwater in their pools.
Bastion Monk
Bastion Monk - 10 years ago
Most realistic monster-beach film. Although they better could have chosen an Alligator in the pool. Those beast sometimes slip into pools.
Bastion Monk
Bastion Monk - 10 years ago
+najhoant I know. However, the plot is the most realistic I've seen so far in its entire genre.
najhoant - 10 years ago
You get that this is a fake trailer, right?
Anubis twofivenine
Anubis twofivenine - 10 years ago
Gatsby O.
Gatsby O. - 10 years ago
like the other guy said we dont need to think just dont go to the pool wew wat a bunch of azz halls
Frederick Mateus Tanubrata
Frederick Mateus Tanubrata - 10 years ago
Must be high on acid
alex king
alex king - 10 years ago
Can't they drain the pool?
P.A.S - 10 years ago
if there's a shark in the pool, then why they don't just call police or some another public service? so weird.. 
Jun Rey Mila
Jun Rey Mila - 10 years ago
ignore shark focus on girls ass!
Jun Rey Mila
Jun Rey Mila - 10 years ago
asscake the kitsune
asscake the kitsune - 10 years ago
im a girl >:C I find u offensive bro. AND DONT STARE AT MY FRICKEN ASS
Ookami inazuma
Ookami inazuma - 10 years ago
XD well think of it like this this probaly would have been better then mega shark vs mecha shark
Ian Thorne
Ian Thorne - 10 years ago
Still more realistic then Sand Sharks...
10_scarymovies_lane ._.
10_scarymovies_lane ._. - 9 years ago
+DanielRinerMusic it's on netflix
Or download it
Pete Ruska
Pete Ruska - 9 years ago
+Richiesworld gaming and animation vids I haven't seen 2 yet. :(
10_scarymovies_lane ._.
10_scarymovies_lane ._. - 9 years ago
+DanielRinerMusic I loved sharknado 2 hated the 1ST and hoping to enjoy sharknado 3
asscake the kitsune
asscake the kitsune - 10 years ago
the comment was old and she was being mean to me at the time flies away
asscake the kitsune
asscake the kitsune - 10 years ago
but what school is it?
if you cant answer this i know ur not alisha
Biochemitra - 10 years ago
+izzy barr Our school, doi.
asscake the kitsune
asscake the kitsune - 10 years ago
what school do i go to then?
Biochemitra - 10 years ago
+izzy barr
Yep. That's me.
asscake the kitsune
asscake the kitsune - 10 years ago
Biochemitra - 10 years ago
More realistic? My grandfather was killed by a sandshark, you asshat!
asscake the kitsune
asscake the kitsune - 10 years ago
well it is a bit realist becuz if a tornado runs over water it can sometimes pick up fish (including sharks) and then come onto land :D
Pete Ruska
Pete Ruska - 10 years ago
+izzy barr How can a movie about sharks in a tornado be stupid? You are outta your mind, doe.
asscake the kitsune
asscake the kitsune - 10 years ago
sharknado was just stupid. exepect for the part when the guy uses the chainsaw jumps into the sharks mouth and comes out le butt XD 
asscake the kitsune
asscake the kitsune - 10 years ago
ikr! my friend acutally belives sand sharks can swim in the sand and they killed her "cousin" whos fake by him going on the sand WTF IS HER PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!
Pete Ruska
Pete Ruska - 10 years ago
It's not more realistic than Sharknado though.
maassxarmliz1 - 10 years ago
this in not horror  its commedy
cause how stupid are they  theres a shark in the pool  still they want to go in that pool  just go to another      why is a shark dong in there   
reallydumbforeal1 - 10 years ago
I came here for the asses in the thumbnail
Block Noobs
Block Noobs - 10 years ago
the sequel to Sharknado? 
Marisol Flores
Marisol Flores - 10 years ago
Is That Even A Real Movie ?
Elias Stelter
Elias Stelter - 10 years ago
its not even a movie!!!
Elias Stelter
Elias Stelter - 10 years ago
this is the worst movie ever 
Ella Mason
Ella Mason - 10 years ago
Really good fake trailer
Casey Mills
Casey Mills - 11 years ago
You must be a real genius to think this is a real movie...clearly it was just made for fun and laughs if you have a sense of humor.  This generation is doomed.
frollard - 10 years ago
I take it you haven't seen shark avalanche then...
Pete Ruska
Pete Ruska - 10 years ago
+RevolvingElk Why can more people not be like you? This generation is doomed (not being serious)
James Falconer
James Falconer - 10 years ago
There is actually an entire genre of movies just like this. It is somewhat understandable that people might confuse this for a real thing. I mean, as long as they aren't aware that they're on a youtube comedy channel. Also, the jokes and stuff.
Point is, you shouldn't be so judgmental. Nor should you judge the intelligence of an entire generation based upon the comments section of a youtube video.
Joshua Khan
Joshua Khan - 11 years ago
Lol just do not go in the pool but it is so hot :-(
Laila Kehm
Laila Kehm - 11 years ago
That's was such a fack shark
Nerdy Reptiles
Nerdy Reptiles - 11 years ago
wow stupid hows can a shark go in the pool where are they coming up with these movies they are so lame lol.......
sviner0 - 11 years ago
That looks fake.
Sue-Donna Rombley
Sue-Donna Rombley - 10 years ago
Noo. Shit HAHA! there are still people like this in the world makes me laugh soo hard HAHA!(Peoplelikeu)
Stevebomer - 11 years ago
Why are they arnt calling the police and why are those chicks twerking their asses to the shark? What ideots
I AM DOCTORCAT - 11 years ago
On pool, that don't shark, that's little boy
SmokeRingsPipeDreams - 11 years ago
Sucked in again by a video with tight female buttocks! 

(I blame myself) 
SmokeRingsPipeDreams - 11 years ago

Noooooo, ... no touching, just looking!
I don't Know anything life is SO boring
I don't Know anything life is SO boring - 11 years ago
Omg i taught this was a real trailer
Rylie Collins
Rylie Collins - 11 years ago
this is basically every horror movie ever, a group of idiot kids do something moronic, there's that one smart guy...guess who lives...the smart one
Cain1134 - 11 years ago
Chances are the shark realizes it too as it seems to be ignoring him when his sitting on the edge of the pool in favor of eating the other idiots.
Lovalux - 11 years ago
such lame dry humor
CaptainXDFalcon - 11 years ago
omg dont go into pool there is a shark and nobdy cares xd
Tobsidian lp
Tobsidian lp - 11 years ago
wer ist alles wegen pietsmiet hier
Johannes Teschemacher
Johannes Teschemacher - 11 years ago
Pietsmiet armmmyyyy
MrRevolutionHD - 11 years ago
haha :D
Michael Münger
Michael Münger - 11 years ago
Ich weiss nicht zu wie vielen Videos mich PietSmiet schon hingeführt hat :D
Fabian Spampinato
Fabian Spampinato - 11 years ago
PietSmiet! :o
angelique therese
angelique therese - 11 years ago
where could i watch the full movie of this fucking movie? xD
Dominic Dewhurst
Dominic Dewhurst - 11 years ago
Read the description :D
Connor Ray Hall
Connor Ray Hall - 11 years ago
One of the funniest funny or die videos i've seen haha
Carlos Atwell
Carlos Atwell - 11 years ago
I'd watch this one.
Peter Choe
Peter Choe - 11 years ago
should've been 3d
Bonnie Sias
Bonnie Sias - 11 years ago
Alyce Gray
Alyce Gray - 11 years ago
Best fake movie trailer ever.
Cool Kid With Swag
Cool Kid With Swag - 7 years ago
MovieClips. But the trailer is real
MovieClips. - 7 years ago
UNDRGRND this is not a actual movie you dumbfuck
UNDRGRND - 11 years ago
What do you mean with "fake"?
Augustine Sesay
Augustine Sesay - 11 years ago
Guys like "just dont go into the pool. Yet no one listens -_-
Loel Vingson
Loel Vingson - 11 years ago
The shark was a human
ZK Gaming
ZK Gaming - 11 years ago
ZK Gaming
ZK Gaming - 11 years ago
Parody of shark night lol
Idgarad Lyracant
Idgarad Lyracant - 11 years ago
In a world with a generation too busy to be bothered to write letters, and in a place where 150 characters is 10 characters too many, at time where cognitive functions have been stunted by thousands of hours of being raised on commercials periodically interrupted by product placement disguised as entertainment, one genre of film dares to defy artificial reality programming that is tailored to key profitable demographics by ensuring bored youtube commenters like me can write obscenely long run one sentences peppered with bad grammar and worse punctuation. This summer between being unemployed and blaming republicans for a crappy job market and democrats for demanding immigration to fill jobs that millions of unemployed people are apparently unqualified for, like cleaning bathrooms or picking fruit, run, don't walk, to the nearest theater that hasn't gone bankrupt with the advent of cheap home theater solutions manufactured in a country that was able to underbid the labor because your minimum wage priced you out of the international labor market, and watch SHARK POOL in 3D, with glasses made in yet another country that you can't emigrate to if you wanted to because they'll only take people with masters or PHD level degree. SHARK POOL from the executive producer of "Ow My Balls".
cronolucca - 10 years ago
I was pissed drunk 1 minute ago. After I read this illuminating post by a gentleman unknown, I feel sober and ready to carry out the ultimate endeavor to clutch an atom the does not sink in alcohol intoxication. It's uncanny. Thank you, Idgarad.
Idgarad Lyracant
Idgarad Lyracant - 11 years ago
Classy. So do you have anything to contribute or just trying to get in your daily insult quota?
Neptune Archangel
Neptune Archangel - 11 years ago
Is this like a parody of sharknado?
smaulee - 11 years ago
i would watch this
angelique therese
angelique therese - 11 years ago
when will this be showing? or did it already show? is it a short film or a movie?
BeeGee1004 - 11 years ago
I can't wait to see this!!
zvy007 - 11 years ago
same thing i thought
TheCubrock - 11 years ago
"Don't go in the pool, just don't" Has feet dangling over the pool 
xferalxchamorux - 11 years ago
this is about as intelligent and creative as most films made these days.
TrayMcBong - 11 years ago
Why is that not a real movie? I would watch the shiiiiit out of it :D
Slothtus 130502
Slothtus 130502 - 11 years ago
Ha ha ha I love this so much!
Alexa Appleman
Alexa Appleman - 11 years ago
Its not a real shark... Its sharkesha
Vid čufer
Vid čufer - 11 years ago
is this for real
Need coffee
Need coffee - 11 years ago
Not a real movie right?
Roxana Noriega
Roxana Noriega - 11 years ago
Ke es eso
Mourmour Man
Mourmour Man - 11 years ago
Brad gamer Blogger Tuber Literally!
Brad gamer Blogger Tuber Literally! - 11 years ago
They could just drain out the pool AND HOW THE FUCKING HELL WOULD A FUCKING SHARK!!!!! GET IN A MOTHERFUCKING POOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
matichable - 11 years ago
Mich | Nope
Mich | Nope - 11 years ago
That movie makes no sense... I mean, how did a shark end up in a pool? A pool!?
Kathie McNamee
Kathie McNamee - 10 years ago
Ooo i guess ppl r being dump they just love fresh watwr
Sean Kearns
Sean Kearns - 11 years ago
Fucking Obama-care man! 
BeeGee1004 - 11 years ago
Somebody caught a shark and put it in there!! How else?!?!
Crystal Mendoza
Crystal Mendoza - 11 years ago
Mich, you know this is a joke right?
BillyAndHisGames - 11 years ago
+Libertine DeSade Sharkastic
Libertine DeSade
Libertine DeSade - 11 years ago
+Mich | Nope I really hope you're being sarcastic. Hahahaha!!
Greg0516 - 11 years ago
Yeah, that's exactly why this movie makes no sense...
James Heilman
James Heilman - 11 years ago
The one actual smart guy haha XD "no just don't go In the pool...just don't"
Mostafa abdl naby
Mostafa abdl naby - 11 years ago
empty the pool -_-
Maksim Asenov
Maksim Asenov - 11 years ago
i can't find it
Maksim Asenov
Maksim Asenov - 11 years ago
how can i download this film ??
pontywaun - 11 years ago
Just stay out of the water! SHUT UP! :P
Keith McKellar
Keith McKellar - 11 years ago
after the third person i'd have said fuck it and left , it's clear none of them should breed 
Keith McKellar
Keith McKellar - 10 years ago
oh yeah i know 
Crystal Mendoza
Crystal Mendoza - 11 years ago
You do realize this is a joke, right?
MissyAfia618 - 11 years ago
This is literally one of my favorite things ever!!!!!!
gillyfluffball - 11 years ago
i want this to be a REAL movie
Marco Garcia
Marco Garcia - 11 years ago
i got to see this movie its too funny
Nnn Nash
Nnn Nash - 11 years ago
Hehehhe Hilarious
Lady Irina
Lady Irina - 11 years ago
Olivier Bufole
Olivier Bufole - 11 years ago
Funny but accurate at the same time
Katharsis939 - 11 years ago
I would watch it :)
Msptomb - 11 years ago
MongrelArchitect - 11 years ago
Still better than sharknado
normandyangel - 11 years ago
Pretty much tackled every cliche possible in this trailer 
normandyangel - 11 years ago
+Herolicar Bufole Like how in every scary teen movie they always try to confront the problem instead of running away from it until its too late. Like instead of staying away from the pool they wanted to get into pool, they could have called 911..okay problem solved but instead they want to confront the problem and swim in the pool...
Olivier Bufole
Olivier Bufole - 11 years ago
Ivan dennehy
Ivan dennehy - 11 years ago
BionicGroin - 11 years ago
marines biologist
Impure Creature
Impure Creature - 11 years ago
Hey can u guys make make more vids of shark pool that was amazing lol
knightridres - 11 years ago
Each to their own & all that, but most of us have to go to work everyday & bust our arse for peanuts & there's dumb cunts turning out pieces of shit like this !
Andrew Davis
Andrew Davis - 11 years ago
Cameron Colson
Cameron Colson - 11 years ago
George Little's in this! 1:21
A Campbell
A Campbell - 11 years ago
Still a better love story than Twilight
everydarnnameistaken - 11 years ago
best. movie. ever.
darian hall
darian hall - 11 years ago
yea the apocalypse begun.
Lord dragon
Lord dragon - 11 years ago
yes so? i am a zombie now
darian hall
darian hall - 11 years ago
this was made by funny or die you died 3 weeks ago
Lord dragon
Lord dragon - 11 years ago
hey that was rude sir i was just sick of the ideas of shark movies at that time so please don't get angry for a comment that was 3 weeks old ok?
darian hall
darian hall - 11 years ago
that is the point you fucking retard take a joke and stop being a buzzkill
Lord dragon
Lord dragon - 11 years ago
vitamenwater91 - 11 years ago
u dont say
Zryi Blackwood
Zryi Blackwood - 11 years ago
Motherfucker Looks whos acting all tough now, you peace of shit i'm seriously getting tired of this bullshit. Stop Fucking Replying, i sent you my fucking adress, come over if you want mother fucker just know you will be trampling on my fucking property and i will fucking kill you for tresspassing mother fucker. And stop saying i have a god damned mask THIS IS WHO I AM YOU STUPID FUCK. and makeing Peace? THERES never fucking peace when you start being an asshole. Now whats your next move bitch
Zryi Blackwood
Zryi Blackwood - 11 years ago
you really don't know when to stop after i said To just walk away. How pathetic are you.
Honey Bonnie
Honey Bonnie - 11 years ago
Kick the fuck back dude - if you want 2 settle this FACE 2 FACE - gimme ur FB link & PM ur address - I'm done with this kiddy shit... I tried making peace but you like grenades...
haqdaar - 11 years ago
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whoskobeyy - 11 years ago
All dat ass.
leon chalita
leon chalita - 11 years ago
I checked on imdb
leon chalita
leon chalita - 11 years ago
The black guy does the voice of lamar in gta v
CallMe Yeldarb
CallMe Yeldarb - 11 years ago
The shark would die quickly due to the corners of the pool.
Can u fucking handle it?
Can u fucking handle it? - 11 years ago
I want to see this I would pay money to see a real movie out of this.
Lord dragon
Lord dragon - 11 years ago
OMG THIS IS FULL OF IDIOTS the only sane person in this is the one who says don't go in the pool
Zryi Blackwood
Zryi Blackwood - 11 years ago
I already finished it you dumb ass, You just won't stop. and I'm not your "bro" i didn't ask for forgiveness. So go fuck yourself.
Honey Bonnie
Honey Bonnie - 11 years ago
Don't start what you can't finish... I forgive you bro... Where is that picture on your display pic 4rm?
Walter Bishop
Walter Bishop - 11 years ago
Butts. That is all.
Mad Media
Mad Media - 11 years ago
yea isn't it great
Pollo Frito
Pollo Frito - 11 years ago
This is why you're not a comedy writer.
Pollo Frito
Pollo Frito - 11 years ago
Shut up, idiot. Jesus Christ. You fucking blow-hard.
Zryi Blackwood
Zryi Blackwood - 11 years ago
EckoProxy - 11 years ago
thats the joke, remember sharknado??? XD That`s stupid!
Honey Bonnie
Honey Bonnie - 11 years ago
Mask as in: act like a tough guy by using insults 2 put people down... Listen dude: Idk you and u don't know me - I was just pointing out that u were messed up... How bout we just agree 2 disagree... Kinda kewl how we are both some how Bunny's... Oh & I like your profile picture - I wonder who drew it.
BorderlinePimp - 11 years ago
thats part of the joke
murad akraba
murad akraba - 11 years ago
I love that movie haha
Scott Hogshead
Scott Hogshead - 11 years ago
DJ Time Dragon
DJ Time Dragon - 11 years ago
a-are this joke, spencer-kun?
KoryAlexander - 11 years ago
qwelton - 11 years ago
the "don't go in the pool" guy shoulda got snatched by the shark at the end.
Andrew Shuboy
Andrew Shuboy - 11 years ago
LOL I love that guy who says don't go in the pool.
PMReMix - 11 years ago
Stop trying to ruin the party, dick!
Cornelius Maximilianus
Cornelius Maximilianus - 11 years ago
damn those asses at 0:17
Muzi Tshabalala
Muzi Tshabalala - 11 years ago
We all know who's gonna die first
Sense Deletion
Sense Deletion - 11 years ago
Your profile picture is great.
Zryi Blackwood
Zryi Blackwood - 11 years ago
dude what mask my face is all over my channel. seriously just stop i'm done here. i'm arguing with an idiot who gets offended over a silly comment on the internet.
Daniel French
Daniel French - 11 years ago
Not that bad.
Jordin Lissone
Jordin Lissone - 11 years ago
Typical Rick
gary k
gary k - 11 years ago
Smallworlds Gold Helper
Smallworlds Gold Helper - 11 years ago
123courage - 11 years ago
Nathan Lelliott
Nathan Lelliott - 11 years ago
Great white in a pool holy shit
noah reynoso
noah reynoso - 11 years ago
Shark just wanted sine booty.
Kura Domowa
Kura Domowa - 11 years ago
I realy hope it's not coming soon move but a joke... So stupid
Honey Bonnie
Honey Bonnie - 11 years ago
Take off that mask and show reveal your face. It's kewl that you get laid - didn't think you did but congrats (not that it's an accomplishment but not all guys do).... I like 2 use "2's" and "1's" to write because I have autism. I like to "see" the #s not read them. I can be taken seriously - all I have 2 do is be serious & joke around when the opportunity arrives.
Tiffany Taylor
Tiffany Taylor - 11 years ago
Madison Diebler
Madison Diebler - 11 years ago
I know it's stupid, but this has always been an irrational fear of mine.
SuperSk500 - 11 years ago
This is so stupid
soosmena - 11 years ago
Girls shaking ass in pool I like this movie already lol
jbmac98 - 11 years ago
I swear I thought this was real at first and look at those jiggly things
jraagent31 - 11 years ago
beer, bitches, babes, and the POOL!
MrMello247 - 11 years ago
You mean to tell me Syfy hasn't grabbed this up yet?
davidfarmer32 - 11 years ago
1:29-1:46 lmao
DAVAD M DAVAD - 11 years ago
A party full of Republicans and one Democrat.
ThisIsNotAConspiracy - 11 years ago
This is how I feel about every shark movie.
Zryi Blackwood
Zryi Blackwood - 11 years ago
no i would deffinately do this in real life i do this shit all the time. 2nd i don't "Hide" i wasnt hiding from anything right now if you wanted to see my face all you gotta do is ask. I have a girlfriend thank you very much, getting laid is never a problem. not that its important. if what i'm doing is so pointless you sure are taking your time telling me about it. why the way Stop using 2 and 1 to talk little boy. for to too one. spell it out no one will take you seriously like that.
Firme OG
Firme OG - 11 years ago
I like the trailer cause of the girls :)
Afro Zombie
Afro Zombie - 11 years ago
lol same
AirGosling - 11 years ago
SO FUNNY FROM 1:26 to 1:49 :)
yoga flames
yoga flames - 11 years ago
monotonesarcasm - 11 years ago
It's not like you're not gonna look at a good ass anyway. If girls put them on display, then it's our job to make sure their great assets get the attention they deserve.
harry glithero
harry glithero - 11 years ago
Is everyone on YouTube dumb as fuck? This is not for a real film, it's just a video to make people laugh
Jon Kimberson
Jon Kimberson - 11 years ago
No.I know this is a fake trailer for a fake just saying why do they put nobodys in it
DirtDude117 - 11 years ago
Don't feel so bad...they were nice asses...
chillin santa
chillin santa - 11 years ago
Don't go in it
rockbandwii61 - 11 years ago
Is dis real?
ForseMaster - 11 years ago
We are all animals man, we have to get used to it.
West Mantooth
West Mantooth - 11 years ago
That one guy telling everyone the most sensible thing, Thats how i feel about human beings in THE REAL WORLD.
Shift4g - 11 years ago
Julian Cigarroa
Julian Cigarroa - 11 years ago
i wonder how he got in there
pat442389 - 11 years ago
ok ill go slow.... at forty seven seconds (into this video) the actress with blond hair center screen looks like a girl on the MTV show, "The Real World". i think shes from the real world Austin cast. on their first day there, the man she eventually married (a guy from boston, named danny) was punched in the face outside a bar and broke his nose / cheek bone. i was wondering if that was her and if anyone else thought that.
Abel Jr.
Abel Jr. - 11 years ago
Darius - 11 years ago
Ahmed Alnoor
Ahmed Alnoor - 11 years ago
you're not pathetic.. you're a guy, just like us ;)
Juan Chicas
Juan Chicas - 11 years ago
I don't want to see this movie because the trailer pretty much spoiled the movie!!
Giovanni Pereira
Giovanni Pereira - 11 years ago
That was alright. Good laughs
Fleece Johnson
Fleece Johnson - 11 years ago
no they arent
Josh - 11 years ago
i think you missed a word
Konner69 - 11 years ago
wow someone made this movie just to see girls in bikini's and try to have sex with them while they were on set, because you can't tell me this is legit
aooc1234 - 11 years ago
1:20 is dat de white kid from like mike?! :D
BasicMonster - 11 years ago
Are fucking stupid?
Evan Morgan
Evan Morgan - 11 years ago
By the way, @ 1:21 that's Stuart Little all grown up.
thelonestranger777 - 11 years ago
LOL I didnt realize this was a parody until halfway through the video. Spent a minute thinking how shitty movies are nowadays XD
pat442389 - 11 years ago
at :47 is that that girl from the real world who married that guy danny from boston? the guy who got beat up on the 1st day on Real World Austin
Jon Kimberson
Jon Kimberson - 11 years ago
How come they put a bunch of nobodys/douches in movies like this
Matt Edwards
Matt Edwards - 11 years ago
bouncy bouncy bouncy...
Spencer Teolis
Spencer Teolis - 11 years ago
I never feel bad for clicking on ass or tit thumbnails I just always click on the most interesting thumbnails, and ass and tits are pretty interesting imo. and it also feels silly to not click on a video simply because there is an ass or tits in the thumbnail.
RJ Davis
RJ Davis - 11 years ago
Holy shit the kid from Jerry Maguire is in this!!!! pause it at 1:20 totally him with the sunglasses
Kristof Bergeman
Kristof Bergeman - 11 years ago
And then i'm talking about this movie, sharknado is just stupid :)
Kristof Bergeman
Kristof Bergeman - 11 years ago
Didn't know what sharknado was , but ok, making something stupid look cool is still stupid, making something stupid even more stupid might be cool,...
BA NE - 11 years ago
better than twilight !
Honey Bonnie
Honey Bonnie - 11 years ago
Not on purpose, I mean: yes: on purpose. 2 show you what you did 2 me - cuss me out, 4 no apparent reason, over cyber space... Yo You wouldn't do this in "real life" , right? Why bring it online? Because you could "hide" behind the screen. Listen kid: hiding won't get you laid... & neither will doing pointless thing will... I hope you will move on 2 a better & more exiting life, young 1.
Zryi Blackwood
Zryi Blackwood - 11 years ago
You realize you JUST did the very thing you were complaining about right?
CCV334 - 11 years ago
"don't go in the pool" if only it were that simple.
pks7777777 - 11 years ago
I know that feel bro *hug*
OrginalWaffleNator - 11 years ago
You know this is YouTube right? I think you came to the wrong website if you were looking for that.
FelipeHadron - 11 years ago
Still a better movie than Sharknado!
Honey Bonnie
Honey Bonnie - 11 years ago
Yeah cuz assholes like you will critizes a no face-stranger over cyber space... I'll learn from this & not post random hatefull, offensive, useless, fucked up shit in the future... I apologize if I offended any1... All I want is 2 be happy & let others live.
Byron Brown
Byron Brown - 11 years ago
Well that looked shit. Really shit. I wouldn't watch this if I got paid.
SupaDupaEddie - 11 years ago
fuck coco liked this video but it was a waste of my time.
Pepsimaximo1 - 11 years ago
It was him that wrote the comment, so I think he would know if it was sarcasm or not...
Zryi Blackwood
Zryi Blackwood - 11 years ago
oh you mean YOU.. O.o yeah sarcasm + internet = Fail don't ever do it.
Zryi Blackwood
Zryi Blackwood - 11 years ago
That wasn't sarcasm you idiot.
B4dGrapesForever - 11 years ago
Quiet! Let him think...
Benjamin Rennie
Benjamin Rennie - 11 years ago
How about draining the pool?
Benjamin Rennie
Benjamin Rennie - 11 years ago
how about drain the pool. then the shark will die.
Benjamin Rennie
Benjamin Rennie - 11 years ago
how about drain the pool. then the shark will die.
Bravo Kilo
Bravo Kilo - 11 years ago
Don't go in the Youtube?
LeVan - 11 years ago
Don't go in the pool...judt dont do it
stuff4ever - 11 years ago
That's called been a man. Good job!
noodles - 11 years ago
Just don't go in the pool... Simple.
Dinoscarex - 11 years ago
Yeah, because when anyone read "Shark Poll" the first thing that comes to the mind is porn
Honey Bonnie
Honey Bonnie - 11 years ago
Sarcasm is hard 2 catch over text... Thanx 4 the kind words.
SteroidsMakeMeStrong - 11 years ago
To be fair, those were nice asses.
Theodore Nightshadow
Theodore Nightshadow - 11 years ago
hysterical This had me crying
Dtrollmancan - 11 years ago
You can read =O
Teddy Mwenda
Teddy Mwenda - 11 years ago
none just dont go in the pool lmao ohhh shit
Brother Layth
Brother Layth - 11 years ago
Mikule Walters
Mikule Walters - 11 years ago
Lmao this shit had me weak
James Cotton
James Cotton - 11 years ago
Looks better then that shitty video sharknado
Rodrigo Pellegrini
Rodrigo Pellegrini - 11 years ago
LOL indeed we all know.
Reviage - 11 years ago
Misunderstood shark just wanted to party with the hot girls and motorboat their asses :(
mzzctv - 11 years ago
the new sci-fi movie
GodBlessYou2008 - 11 years ago
i'm here for dat ass
Joshua Payne
Joshua Payne - 11 years ago
10/10 would watch
speed07 - 11 years ago
wasted time
Happiness Bunny
Happiness Bunny - 11 years ago
I stupid trailer... yes I love it
Wynaro - 11 years ago
What are you talking about? Youtube's the best place on the internet to find asses. Every video on the whole website is full of them. Big ones, small ones, cute ones, kinda stupid ones, just look through the comments section and you're bound to find more than you can handle.
Zozo Mozo
Zozo Mozo - 11 years ago
Josh Shaffer
Josh Shaffer - 11 years ago
MattSquaredGaming - 11 years ago
Ummmmmmmmm drain the pool :p
unamaxify - 11 years ago
eww saltwater pool
Brett Hamblin
Brett Hamblin - 11 years ago
So I hear you've been telling people not to go in the pool. Hahahaha
Erik - 11 years ago
Stop kidding or they make that movie right after sharknado :D
Daniel Yanes
Daniel Yanes - 11 years ago
Lmfao @1:29
Zryi Blackwood
Zryi Blackwood - 11 years ago
The Trailer is fake you dumb shit. and ALL movies are fake.
Zryi Blackwood
Zryi Blackwood - 11 years ago
They're stupid. If you're going to call some one stupid don't show your stupid. Spell correctly ya moron.
Zryi Blackwood
Zryi Blackwood - 11 years ago
It's a joke
Zryi Blackwood
Zryi Blackwood - 11 years ago
I saw this movie. It's worth it. Best movie ever xP xD
Space Marine
Space Marine - 11 years ago
It's been around for a long time.
ImJasonForever - 11 years ago
lol but this was the nearest stop to him
only257 - 11 years ago
Leythan - 11 years ago
Is this for real?
I'm Atalana
I'm Atalana - 11 years ago
There stupid
Imran - 11 years ago
they did put shark instead of piranha... thats it mate
Honey Bonnie
Honey Bonnie - 11 years ago
Since when are movies fake?
Jack90714 - 11 years ago
you guys know this is fake, right?
Rithiya Serey
Rithiya Serey - 11 years ago
still better than sharknado
Seedr0 - 11 years ago
that's what she sadi
Seedr0 - 11 years ago
Michael Buble?
Sean Patrick
Sean Patrick - 11 years ago
K. D.
K. D. - 11 years ago
what do you mean???
K. D.
K. D. - 11 years ago
This video makes you comment irrelevant.
Hynee - 11 years ago
Nobody likes the sensible guy... beyond that it's funny, but that's about the only joke.
Rodrigo gp
Rodrigo gp - 11 years ago
The whole movie is in the trailer good luck traying to sell this lolol you are so fucking stupid you just ruined a good plot. What a shame
Wuml sag
Wuml sag - 11 years ago
i cant believe they spoiled the ending

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The "Shark Pool: Official Trailer" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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