Shark Pool: Official Trailer
Shark videos 11 years ago 1,127,011 views
There's a shark in the pool. But it's a really nice pool... See the original at: Channel: Average Party: Shark Pool: Extremely Dark Knight: Favre Rise:
10. comment for Shark Pool: Official Trailer
20. comment for Shark Pool: Official Trailer
Por que tanto problema se hacen esos tarados?!! Salgan todos de la pileta y listo, Para qué se meten devuelta?!! Si saben que hay un puto tiburon ahí, pfff que subnormales
30. comment for Shark Pool: Official Trailer
1. Did anyone notice that the shark's fin changes
2. 0:40 Why is she the only one who notices the shark.
3. 2:09 If you change the speed to 0.25 and look at the water very carefully, you can see someone moving the fin
50. comment for Shark Pool: Official Trailer
100. comment for Shark Pool: Official Trailer
I was in the internet at 8. But you're also wrong, the age is 13+. Check your facts mate.
Also what do you mean by "are you one of those girls who find it attractive to come across like this?"
Come across like what, I'm not here to get boys cause I really don't give a shit about that, id rather have education to be honest
Idk where those parents are, but we're not them. So if you're a child, please get out of here! This isn't the Disney channel, ok?
Humm no... but I just send you my email
you ass is great too?
yeah, i go to the gym and work my ASS off
ok than shove you x box up your ass LOL
HAHAHAHAHA YEAH RIGHT. You're probably all day in your house playing with your video games and masturbating
Loser bitch
So much hate LOL, you're probably one of those lame guys who NEVER get any attention from the girls
Worthless piece of shit LOL
too soon?
Is this suppose to be funny or scary!!
"Hey, what's that noise?"
"Sounds like it came from the pool..."
"Let's go check it out!"
"What? Check out-- There's nothing-- I mean, the shark--"
"Damn it, dude, maybe it's someone there who needs our help! We have to be sure!"
Two stoner kids hanging out and smoking weed.
"You know what, dude?"
"What, dude?"
"You know that... shark, dude?"
"Yeah, man, that crazy shark in the pool, right?."
"I think... You know, I think... Like, you know what I think he needs?"
"What, man?"
"I think he just... you know... just gotta chill, dude."
"Oh, yeah, man."
"Yeah, like, we're all just chilling here, right? And the dude's all... I don't know, man, dude's got some bad vibes. I think we gotta help him relax, man."
"How we gonna do that, man?"
"You know what, dude? How about we, like, just go in the pool and, like, when the shark comes, we just tell him 'hey shark, check out this stuff' and then... then, we, like, pass him a joint, right?"
"Oh, yeah, man, it's gonna be awesome, the shark's gonna be like 'yeah, man, party time'. Ain't that right, other dude?"
"What are y-- you wanna give-- but sharks don't smo-- what?"
"Damn it, dude, the shark's going through a bad time, man! He just needs to relax! We gotta help him!"
"H-- how are you gonna even-- how's he-- he's gonna smoke a joint underwater?"
Woman screaming and running into the pool:
"What happened? Did he fall in the pool?"
"NO! He's crying! He dropped his baseball cap in it!"
"Oh my god! We gotta help him!"
"There's only one way, people... We have to go in the pool!"
"Um... Can't we just... like... grab it? Or, like, maybe with a... a pool cleaner or some--"
"Damn it, dude, there's no time for this! WE HAVE TO HELP HIM! I CAN'T JUST LEAVE SOMEBODY IN DANGER ANYMORE!"
"Please be careful. For me!"
"Just... like, a hook would be good, y'know? Like... a fishing rod, or something."
esa pisina
...... 'no really, just don't go in the pool'
and why didn't they just listened to the nerd D:?
Or download it
if you cant answer this i know ur not alisha
Yep. That's me.
sharknado was just stupid. exepect for the part when the guy uses the chainsaw jumps into the sharks mouth and comes out le butt XD
cause how stupid are they theres a shark in the pool still they want to go in that pool just go to another why is a shark dong in there
Point is, you shouldn't be so judgmental. Nor should you judge the intelligence of an entire generation based upon the comments section of a youtube video.
(I blame myself)
Noooooo, ... no touching, just looking!