Shark Steals Fish off Fisherman's Line

While deep sea fishing, this fisherman thinks that he's lost his fish when suddenly a shark comes up and takes what's left of his bait! Hi and welcome to Daily Picks and Flicks – viral videos, funny pictures and odd news blog. We cover all the funny, interesting and strange stuff that is buzzing around the world. The weirder the better. Each day, we surf the web in an effort to find interesting, entertaining and unique videos, pictures and weird news stories. If you like what you find here, please recommend us to your friends. We already like you. All the videos on this channel have been properly acquired from their rightful owners. For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmedia(dot)com

Shark Steals Fish off Fisherman's Line sentiment_very_dissatisfied 96

Shark videos 10 years ago 3,042,886 views

While deep sea fishing, this fisherman thinks that he's lost his fish when suddenly a shark comes up and takes what's left of his bait! Hi and welcome to Daily Picks and Flicks – viral videos, funny pictures and odd news blog. We cover all the funny, interesting and strange stuff that is buzzing around the world. The weirder the better. Each day, we surf the web in an effort to find interesting, entertaining and unique videos, pictures and weird news stories. If you like what you find here, please recommend us to your friends. We already like you. All the videos on this channel have been properly acquired from their rightful owners. For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmedia(dot)com

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Most popular comments
for Shark Steals Fish off Fisherman's Line

Rey Sierra
Rey Sierra - 7 years ago
dali lama
dali lama - 7 years ago
The content in this video is off the hook!!!
Suhail Yalda
Suhail Yalda - 8 years ago
thats not shark<<<
Paul Suarez
Paul Suarez - 8 years ago
nice one helping to kill a beatiful fish like fact the hook from the marlin might rip the guts out of the shark.
Nintendo Gamer
Nintendo Gamer - 7 years ago
Paul Suarez-Give me a break. You have clearly never gone fishing in your life. Maybe go outside sometime and go fishing, and then you'll realize it's not lethal to the fish. Retard.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
He couldn't control it, moron. The shark attacked the fish. What was he going to do?
Matt Allison
Matt Allison - 8 years ago
the oh no makes it
brian sachuo
brian sachuo - 8 years ago
tht scared the hell out of me had my face in the whole screen when i see a messed up fished
WhitesnakeFan2002 - 8 years ago
that shark is an asshole
Jared white
Jared white - 8 years ago
Why is there a shark in a lake?
Nintendo Gamer
Nintendo Gamer - 7 years ago
Igot Akai
Igot Akai - 8 years ago
Looked like a Great White, definitely not a lake. Lake Nicaragua has Bull Sharks though.
Nikky - 8 years ago
That ain't no god damn lake.
Wilson Outdoors
Wilson Outdoors - 8 years ago
I jumped!

10. comment for Shark Steals Fish off Fisherman's Line

Megalodon - 9 years ago
Ha! That never gets old! I love when they steal from fisherman! That actually happened to me once. I hooked a big one and right before I could get it to the surface, some shark came and snapped the line with its teeth. It was great!
Sema Karacan
Sema Karacan - 9 years ago
kimseylede işim yok
Mr.Money - 9 years ago
That shark was a bit of an a hole.
Jay Vasquez
Jay Vasquez - 9 years ago
maybe that bitch can catch some teeth.
Jay Vasquez
Jay Vasquez - 9 years ago
been kind of nice if both those rednecks would of been hooked to that line with the fish laughing at them. I would love too see that moo
Nintendo Gamer
Nintendo Gamer - 7 years ago
The predator-prey dynamic between human and fish doesn't work like that. Get an education.
DatCarGuy310 - 9 years ago
0:38 Ohh nah ooh
Mirvat Majzoub
Mirvat Majzoub - 9 years ago
رمزي الحربي
رمزي الحربي - 9 years ago
الشايب شكله كااااي هههههه
VIIStar - 9 years ago
gotta pay your tax to the men in grey suits :3
Sidnei Esbízera
Sidnei Esbízera - 9 years ago
we need a bigger boat....

20. comment for Shark Steals Fish off Fisherman's Line

yoe91 - 9 years ago
that's a great white I reckon.
yoe91 - 9 years ago
+Michael Kilduff just the thought of that, the mere idea, would see me very, very uncomfortable on that tiny little boat..
Michael Kilduff
Michael Kilduff - 9 years ago
You'd be right
m1bmf og
m1bmf og - 9 years ago
That was intense
Mark Rogers
Mark Rogers - 9 years ago
That was awesome brah
Semi - 9 years ago
Gal Shaviner
Gal Shaviner - 9 years ago
I'm not sure people are aware of the fact that the shark saved the poor fish life, he didn't bite or eat him.
Nintendo Gamer
Nintendo Gamer - 7 years ago
Hey, would you look at that, it's a retarded leftist!
DJMlodoz - 9 years ago
+DailyPicksandFlicks Is that A fin Nor sportfisher st50?  How does it work, I just bought that reel for stingrays and I have yet to use it
Suprematista - 9 years ago
I'm worried about the Shark eating the Hook through the fish, surely it will kill him...
User112 8827
User112 8827 - 9 years ago
Did i see what? Sorry i missed it.
Mike Eh
Mike Eh - 9 years ago
im sittin at a computer desk and I almost shit meself too
mcrfan343 - 9 years ago
Shark was like "YONK!! My fish, bitch!!!

30. comment for Shark Steals Fish off Fisherman's Line

xxsnip3rboyx - 9 years ago
Hey guys check out the new page head on over and drop a like and see what we have installed!
le geekeur tiziano
le geekeur tiziano - 9 years ago
Lego Lover
Lego Lover - 10 years ago
out the boat
Lego Lover
Lego Lover - 10 years ago
out the boat
Lego Lover
Lego Lover - 10 years ago
if the fisherman falls in the boat...
EnderTeams - 10 years ago
NEVER_AGAIN - 10 years ago
Stupid shark doesnt the shark know that sharks are naturally herbivores ... -_-
JullianneNYC - 10 years ago
0:40 yoink! 
Alpha Columbia
Alpha Columbia - 10 years ago
Ivan CHRISTOPHE - 10 years ago
Trop fort comme vidéo.
James Bond
James Bond - 10 years ago
Here in Puerto Rico Sharkies always tax you!!
Jonathan Ng
Jonathan Ng - 10 years ago
lol are they crazy, they saw a shark and they laughed........ like as if their boat is big enough........  did they even see jaws lol
Carla Columna
Carla Columna - 9 years ago
There is no Rekord of a white shark attacking a boat. Ever.
Wade Vandoloski
Wade Vandoloski - 9 years ago
I mean jaws was fake and they're perfectly safe soooo
the cool zombie
the cool zombie - 10 years ago
Sharknado 4
jculi - 10 years ago
Obv photoshop
Max Shaw
Max Shaw - 10 years ago
Jeff The Ripper
Jeff The Ripper - 10 years ago
just catch them both
lostshark Nostalgia Center
lostshark Nostalgia Center - 10 years ago
+Jeff The Ripper It's Dave the Dipper
Jeff The Ripper
Jeff The Ripper - 10 years ago
Ineedhelpplw - 10 years ago
It's Jack the Ripper
m I o . o I m
m I o . o I m - 10 years ago
May you grow big and strong, young shark.
Julie J
Julie J - 10 years ago
The guy was like " dam I caught a big fish!" But then the shark comes
JAMES WU - 10 years ago
"The Old Man and the Sea"  Ernest Hemingway
agatha mg
agatha mg - 10 years ago
Jahn Butler
Jahn Butler - 10 years ago

50. comment for Shark Steals Fish off Fisherman's Line

Adam N
Adam N - 10 years ago
Lazy shark
syngon smythe
syngon smythe - 10 years ago
"You"re going to need a bigger boat."
MrRetroDinosaur - 10 years ago
This doesn't help with my galeophobia
thisismyownstation - 10 years ago
I'm more afraid of that lady's smile
小西裕二 - 10 years ago
ビビったーー(@ ̄□ ̄@;)!!
Sharlene Gray
Sharlene Gray - 10 years ago
My brother had a similar thing happen to him when he was a kid fishing off of the South Island of NZ except the shark didn't come back for the head, just took the body and left.
styve loko
styve loko - 10 years ago
Aqui no brasil tubarao nao roba o nosso peixa nao kkkkk
Patrick Wright
Patrick Wright - 10 years ago
Sharks are assholes
art and craft ideas
art and craft ideas - 10 years ago
Alessio Morricone
Alessio Morricone - 10 years ago
I even startled!
Marcelo Lira
Marcelo Lira - 10 years ago
Quem veio aqui pelo G1 dá um joinha.
Guerrilha - 10 years ago
Shark Won!
goatanything - 10 years ago
New undies for everyone!!!   LOLs
Daniel Caiado
Daniel Caiado - 10 years ago
The shark mauled the fish first, thats when they thought they had lost him, then when he tries to pull some more the shark comes to take the rest.
Júlio Galax
Júlio Galax - 10 years ago
Um dias desses um quis fazer isso aqui no Brasil, se deu mal, pulei na água e enchi ele de tapa, até que ele soltou o meu peixe. Aqui não tubarão, kkkkkkk...
Felipe Melo
Felipe Melo - 9 years ago
Achei esse vídeo pelo link no site da Globo... Kkkkkkkkk
GDI - Global Defense Initiative
GDI - Global Defense Initiative - 10 years ago
só da br
Jean Capoeira
Jean Capoeira - 10 years ago
Mentiroso, que conversa de pescador rsrsrsrsrsrs....
Jarbas Miranda da Silva
Jarbas Miranda da Silva - 10 years ago
Essa foi boa
Jonny C
Jonny C - 10 years ago
David Craig
David Craig - 10 years ago
Considering what just happened. His language was quite mild
silvertrigga - 10 years ago
Main reason I don't go in the water... white people are brave
PrinceBejita - 10 years ago
+silvertrigga more like shocked and careless,whatever i dont think this has to do anything with skin color :) But i dont see a problem in taking pride in these things individually... anyways :D Thank "god" important things in life are not bounded by physical barriers.....i mean naturally :P
stumpedII - 10 years ago
+silvertrigga LOL BRAVE! LOL! Going past the place i used to water skii and swim off a boat i saw some guy hauling in a shark.. i have never been in the water since. lol brave hhaahahaha.. not sure that's the word for it....
DISTRESS - 10 years ago
That lady must be a redneck cause she be missing teeth
Brandon Hickory
Brandon Hickory - 7 years ago
Never judge a book by its cover, and even if she is so fucking what, your grammar sucks so i should automatically assume your a nigger, but you might not be.
Dj Roxanne
Dj Roxanne - 10 years ago
I didnt like that they were called rednecks, i was going to say something then the one attacked us so... i dont know in your country or NZ but in ours deep sea fishing charters are expensive to own a boat more so, i mean we all own boats in Michigan but theyre not deep sea fishing boats so in either country im pretty sure they are not rednecks or bogans..that stupid show where the guy is catching a fish by putting his hand in its mouth hes a redneck..
1993DJC - 10 years ago
Australia and NZ don't have rednecks. We have bogans. (Not saying that they are bogans)
Dj Roxanne
Dj Roxanne - 10 years ago
+DragonDante19 well no i beautifully white straight teeth but then my parents could afford braces, i have all my limbs, and i've never been to any of those places, but the people that have and have lost limbs did so for my freedom, its bit different than one asshole calling some girl with a meth habit a redneck.. 
Eduardo Kavaguti
Eduardo Kavaguti - 10 years ago
That's America, everyone have crooked or missing teeth, don't they? Or even missing limbs for stepping on mines in Iraq or vietnam, that's how I depict that country, at least xD
petty wap
petty wap - 10 years ago
+Andrea Chavez he sounds more like a pirate.
Andrea Chavez
Andrea Chavez - 10 years ago
And you "be missing" a brain a knowledge of the English language, moron.
Chance Pemberton
Chance Pemberton - 10 years ago
And you are missing the intelligence to keep your derogatory comments to yourself. 
DISTRESS - 10 years ago
I think I just about shit meself Lucky Charms
tomtalker2000 - 10 years ago
I think your gonna need a bigger boat there fella...(g)
stumpedII - 10 years ago
+tomtalker2000 BIGGER DIAPER TOO
Josh Hamilton
Josh Hamilton - 10 years ago
@ the end: "I think I just about shit myself", haha
Autumn Leaf
Autumn Leaf - 10 years ago
Meself* ahahah
Ardenwolfe - 10 years ago
That was crazy.
matereymate - 10 years ago
even after i know he's coming and see it back it's hard to see him before the bite

one quick sonofavitch
Megalodon - 9 years ago
The secret is the camouflage. The belly is white so that you can't see it when you're below looking up, because it blends in with the light from above. The upper body has a darker coloration so that when you look down, it blends in perfectly with the water. So, whether you are above or below, you would still have hard time seeing it.
Rayvyn007 - 10 years ago
Free lunch!
David Strussenberg
David Strussenberg - 10 years ago
1,000 Likes!!!! Perfect reaction!
David Strege
David Strege - 10 years ago
Do you know where this was? what kind of shark?
Brandan Lau
Brandan Lau - 9 years ago
Bull shark
Shaquille McNeill
Shaquille McNeill - 10 years ago
peterviegal166 - 10 years ago
+David Strege Bloody pelican, easy to tell its a great white.
Old Fart Films
Old Fart Films - 10 years ago
As noted in other comments, a young great white. Location: The Bay of Islands, New Zealand.

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