Shark Tank - Saturday Night Live
Shark videos 10 years ago 11,177,026 views
A pair of radical thinkers tries to sell the Sharks on an up-and-coming organization: ISIS. Get more SNL on Hulu Plus: Get more SNL: Full Episodes: Like SNL: Follow SNL: SNL Tumblr: SNL Instagram: SNL Google+: SNL Pinterest:
10. comment for Shark Tank - Saturday Night Live
20. comment for Shark Tank - Saturday Night Live
Its the name of allah and our prophet, i wonder where they throw that board after shooting.
Its abusive to see that text of kalima shahadah thrown and insulted and by acting as a terrorist beside it
welfare bum
30. comment for Shark Tank - Saturday Night Live
Laughing because it’s not funny other than the impressions, all of which have been done before
Chris: Yes.
50. comment for Shark Tank - Saturday Night Live
They're but a mere few specks on the map now lol
Learn about it and you will be surprised
That man could be Denis Cuspert (Deso Dogg).
It's funny but they still could make it hilarious,, or maybe they didn't want to anger some people!
100. comment for Shark Tank - Saturday Night Live
Who created them is not important, how to stop and revert them from their miguidance is. In the beginning it was just war against oppresive dictatorship and now they are all rogue.
On my way again
Poor new York ....can't keep the crazies away know it's bull shit cause aran people don't ride subways....///
-John Mccain
Hatred for Americans just increases day by day but it's not like we're gonna do something because Americans will kill us before we can open our mouths
You talk about bile as well you have no respect for religion today, which gave you power
Wasn't funny at all
EDIT: pun unintended
It is very disrespectful to link this shitty thing called isis with islam . Please wake up people they aren't muslims they killed muslims as well as many other people . Just like KKK who claimed themselves to christians they are the same people but choosing to act in the name of different a religion. Thete is no existent verse in quran that says kill innocent people and don't go to google to bring me a fake verse , go get a real Quran and search in it . Allah told us not to start a war unless for defending ourselves and there had to be rules too by not killing females, children , old people , disabled people or anyone who don't want to fight. The prophet had once a neighbour who would always throw trash on his door , one day he got really sick so the prophet visited him so he can give him any help. There are so many proofs to show how peacful our religion is . 95% of muslims women choose to wear hijab by choice and many other don't wear it WE ARE NOT OPRESSED , We literally live normal lives like you go to buzzfeed and look at the muslim women and see how they really are. Look about all the achievements muslim women have done through all the years and still doing. There are 2 billion muslims in the world don't tell me we are all fool to follow a religion that promotes killing because IT DOESN'T . Isis is less than . 0.1% of the population of the world yet see how they are affecting all of us . Please don't start a fight with me all i'm trying to do is saying the truth please be peaceful with each other and the world will be a better place. Please respect the other persons beliefs even if you're not convinced because we are all different yet we always forget to remember that we are all Humans living on a same planet eating the same food and having similar ups and downs❤✌
This is not Islam ... isis deformation of Islam.
The Jewish writers didn't have to balls to call out the Qur'an. Very sick and pathetic. It looks like there really is going to be an Alt Right surge.
i though they are the real thing
This wasnt funny though, they tried to hard.
This could work
Double Standards
Looted Oils And Golds And Destroyed The Whole Country
La Ila ha inallah.
Now everyone thinks that correlated to a muslim
Its all part of the us and them movement
If i was a muslim I'd be really offended by this. Snl a zionist organization takes great joy in that
Why would they even allow that to be portrayed. Seems there is no grey area with using islam as a joke.
Oh and this is racist...
You will have the same feeling if i do like you with the Cross or Church symbol .. are you will laugh ?
This is racism
Do not talk about what you do not understand please
I'm not talking about Isis .. They do not represent me
But when they talked about lgbt, feminism and bullshits like that, they be offended easily
Lol because Islam is so peaceful and accepting
Not nice
"Trump". A way to bring liberal babies to their knees and have nothing positive or encouraging about him because their precious lady friend wasn't elected.
"Trump". Will change the way you see Liberals and the media
"Trump". Will help you see change
he is the only mighty god with no son no mother no father , the only way to really worship him is by practising islam , in islam there is no block between u and him only call his name when praying .
"Quran 8:12 - Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Quran."
"Quran 8:60 - Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels."
"Quran 9:5 - When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them."
Of course, you're an ignorant bleeding heart who will either just flat dismiss these facts, deny these facts, or the weakest move of all, try to bring about some "whataboutisms" involving other religions or something in an attempt to change the subject because you want to pretend you didn't learn these facts. That Muslim friend of yours? Ask them if they're practicing taqiyya on you.
"A radical Muslim wants to cut your infidel head off. A "moderate" Muslim wants a radical Muslim to cut your infidel head off."
This reminds me why I do not watch SNL. I love Chris Rock and Shark Tank, I'd wish I enjoyed this. But, it's terrible.
SNL completely blows now.
Why would you make a such a childish joke based on someone's religion
O i am laffin
I didn't even realize Snl was still a thing.
This was so unfunny. Really corny.