Shark Tank - Saturday Night Live

A pair of radical thinkers tries to sell the Sharks on an up-and-coming organization: ISIS. Get more SNL on Hulu Plus: Get more SNL: Full Episodes: Like SNL: Follow SNL: SNL Tumblr: SNL Instagram: SNL Google+: SNL Pinterest:

Shark Tank - Saturday Night Live sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12976

Shark videos 10 years ago 11,177,026 views

A pair of radical thinkers tries to sell the Sharks on an up-and-coming organization: ISIS. Get more SNL on Hulu Plus: Get more SNL: Full Episodes: Like SNL: Follow SNL: SNL Tumblr: SNL Instagram: SNL Google+: SNL Pinterest:

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Most popular comments
for Shark Tank - Saturday Night Live

MoreDanFilms - 6 years ago
Kate's impression of Barbara was spot on!
Peace Peace
Peace Peace - 6 years ago
real truth
akasumora - 6 years ago
I'm Listening!!!
Natalie Rose
Natalie Rose - 6 years ago
Kate's Barbara impression is absolutely amazing.
Thuy Nguyen
Thuy Nguyen - 6 years ago
Guys, anyone knows how I can get subtitle for this video? Thanks so much :(
Sharty McBeatbox
Sharty McBeatbox - 6 years ago
Kate nails evvvvvvery character! She could play a cloud and be convincing
Andrew Turner
Andrew Turner - 6 years ago
All lizards and dogs are considered evil in islam. That logo would be haram and mentioning dogs is haram too.
Ales Gustin
Ales Gustin - 6 years ago
No problem, they got investment from U.S. government LOL
Kim Jong Un
Kim Jong Un - 6 years ago

10. comment for Shark Tank - Saturday Night Live

Yusra Dolan-Salvatore
Yusra Dolan-Salvatore - 6 years ago
I love the concept but I just saw Marty, man. These jokes were drier than Madagascan sand
Ban Midou
Ban Midou - 6 years ago
12k dislikes ?!?! Dumbasses ... This is gold ....
Sammy khan
Sammy khan - 6 years ago
That’s wrong they have our holy prayer on their heads mother fuckers hope you rot in hell and your generations
Outlaw Rocking
Outlaw Rocking - 6 years ago
They had to throw in the line that ISIS is a perversion of Islam. It's not a perversion or misrepresentation. It is representative of Islam and their beliefs. What do you think the qaran means when it says "kill the infidel wherever you find him"? It is taught in Islam to kill anyone who won't convert. If anything peaceful Muslims are a misrepresentation of Islam. I can't stand them at all as a whole because peaceful or violent their following a religion that tells them to kill people.
Dewaldt - 6 years ago
It's not a perversion of Islam. Its the real deal.
DravenGal - 6 years ago
This was so not funny. Kate was good though.
Wayne Geissinger
Wayne Geissinger - 6 years ago
there is NO WAY this would fly in 2018, and that's why I love it.
Elli Turkovic
Elli Turkovic - 6 years ago
I muslim and i find it offense! Isis has nothing to do with Islam!
BonI BOn TV - 6 years ago
Elli Turkovic Islam = with shit
Rodge Rodriguez
Rodge Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Kate McKinnons Barbara impersonation is so fucking spot on!! Lmfao
ChildOfTheKing7771 - 6 years ago
I remember when SNL was funny...

20. comment for Shark Tank - Saturday Night Live

Shupikai Zalira
Shupikai Zalira - 6 years ago
Love this.
True Observation
True Observation - 6 years ago
The Democrats made sure isis had plenty of funds for their cause
Robert Christian
Robert Christian - 6 years ago
nervous laughter
wero - 6 years ago
Brave of them to make this lol
Austin Carter
Austin Carter - 6 years ago
Aww hell nah
TaskForceHorse - 6 years ago
Hey! where my isus Honda commercial! this isn't funny
slick67cuda - 6 years ago
It grew because of Obama the bumbler and his sidekick horse... Michelle.
shoaib khan
shoaib khan - 6 years ago
I see arabic text on the board
Its the name of allah and our prophet, i wonder where they throw that board after shooting.
Its abusive to see that text of kalima shahadah thrown and insulted and by acting as a terrorist beside it
BonI BOn TV - 6 years ago
shoaib khan shut up lil bitch
hypnocil10 - 6 years ago
what a pathetic show , who watches shark prank
hypnocil10 - 6 years ago
thank you
BonI BOn TV - 6 years ago
No seriously are you a fucking idiot??
hypnocil10 - 6 years ago
just like your mum said when you were born
welfare bum
BonI BOn TV - 6 years ago
hypnocil10 are you a fucking idiot?
Afraa Bentaher
Afraa Bentaher - 6 years ago
This is really funny and im a muslim ITS ACTUALLY LMAO

30. comment for Shark Tank - Saturday Night Live

maddogpicture - 6 years ago
If they wanted funding they should have gone back to the clintons
Morenotedebotemalotecipote - 6 years ago
Is this fake?
claire g.
claire g. - 6 years ago
I feel bad for laughing
Skooby Snaxx
Skooby Snaxx - 6 years ago
who ever played barbara did an excellent job. like forreal therell be good money making productss n she be like "i love your business and product but i forgot to flush the toilet last night and left my kitchen lights on, and for that reason im out"
NUGNESS123 - 6 years ago
that was the least edgy thing ive seen in years
Raghdiness - 6 years ago
Why are they doing a Russian accent?
Danijel Seep
Danijel Seep - 6 years ago
Y’all the audience isn’t laughing because they’re “triggered”... they’re
Laughing because it’s not funny other than the impressions, all of which have been done before
Amina Zaman
Amina Zaman - 6 years ago
How they probably do business with Netanyahu lol
THUNDER CLAP - 6 years ago
Ultra Teen
Ultra Teen - 6 years ago
Oh my gosh
Mona Sayed
Mona Sayed - 6 years ago
You can still dress the actors in black in the way we all know how ISIS dress and totally forget about what is written in Arabic on their Turbans and Flag. !!!
Mifter Baples
Mifter Baples - 6 years ago
If this was released today it would be considered too offensive
Murad Diab
Murad Diab - 6 years ago
Lorne: So Chris are you going to speak in an Arabic accent or just use your regular voice?

Chris: Yes.
janning schrotter
janning schrotter - 6 years ago
How the fuck did I get here I put the drawn together line "toss your meds and shoot your shrink..."
SOLAIR - 6 years ago
haha man fuck isis
Frank Mann
Frank Mann - 6 years ago
Hmm, ISIS sure doesn't seem to kill any jews and they were right next door to israel. I guess ISIS didn't kill any israelis because the israelis treated injured ISIS fighters in israeli hospitals. And I guess the fact that the mossad and CIA created ISIS while Saudi Arabia helped fund them is why they never really got around to killing any israelis. But they sure did kill a whole lotta Christians and Muslims. I guess that counts for something. Somehow we gotta still try to turn this into a jewish victim story. Hmmm. And how do we fit Hitler into this? I got nothing
jimi D Cricket
jimi D Cricket - 6 years ago
The Abomination and all the criminals that were in our government at that time are the creators Founders and number one supporters of Isis Obama is Isis
jimi D Cricket
jimi D Cricket - 6 years ago
It's unbelievable criminals Saturday Night Live these criminals should be rounded up and executed they really should be they use this platform for preaching their hate and their racism Saturday night life is nothing but a criminal program it was good when I was a kid 40 years ago. Now it's just a platform for the criminals to spout their hatred of America
arslan joiya
arslan joiya - 6 years ago
Desert Lizard
Desert Lizard - 6 years ago
Fact: ISIS logo is Prophet Mohammed's stamp designed 1440 years ago. Fuck ISIS. Peace be upon the prophet!

50. comment for Shark Tank - Saturday Night Live

Bellches100 - 6 years ago
Kate’s is hilarious
Tom Jones
Tom Jones - 6 years ago
Not too funny, flop.
Lil Penguin
Lil Penguin - 6 years ago
Snl is offensive but this is too far
Jon Fleet
Jon Fleet - 6 years ago
Kate McKinnon is crazy underrated. This impression was spot on. Lol.
FadedRed - 6 years ago
I didn’t like the end but I thought the breakfast pasta was better
djbardia22 - 6 years ago
Funny thing is that Isis is fully supported by US Israel And Saudi government
Random Stranger
Random Stranger - 6 years ago
My goodness!!! Barbara's impression was on point! Lol
Dillonvanr - 6 years ago
Dafuq happened to that zebra from Madagascar
Anas Ahmed
Anas Ahmed - 6 years ago
I almost forgot to watch this today
ResidentEvil rican
ResidentEvil rican - 6 years ago
Chris rocks hands always do this stupid thing idk how 2 tell it but jus look
ChiliContestWinner - 6 years ago
It would have been funny if they showed the CIA as ISIS backer which is the truth.
prithvi bumia
prithvi bumia - 6 years ago
Omg ,perfect look alikes!
Candice Nicole
Candice Nicole - 6 years ago
Omg. Lol!
Geeth duno
Geeth duno - 6 years ago
Random video channel 3.0
Random video channel 3.0 - 6 years ago
This is very insulting to the muslims and Islam itself
Asahar Elmi
Asahar Elmi - 6 years ago
That just went too far
Moosa Manzoor
Moosa Manzoor - 6 years ago
I'm a Muslim and still not insulted.
Gunnar Swee
Gunnar Swee - 6 years ago
How’d they get this on tv this is so bad
Keiji Greig
Keiji Greig - 6 years ago
This will cause a problem
Popcorn Man
Popcorn Man - 6 years ago
IceColdSophist - 6 years ago
Abbie Funk
Abbie Funk - 6 years ago
AHA omg xD
What the f*ck did you just say?
What the f*ck did you just say? - 6 years ago
chris rock is a racist disgusting pig
Md Nor Che Din
Md Nor Che Din - 6 years ago
isis=mossad cia nice try dumbnut
KJ from OC Podcast
KJ from OC Podcast - 6 years ago
Not a lot of laughter in this one
Jay Jackson
Jay Jackson - 6 years ago
I thought the person on the far left was fletcher
izabella beltran
izabella beltran - 6 years ago
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Jaxonn Knapp
Jaxonn Knapp - 6 years ago
i love thisis
Lead Foot
Lead Foot - 6 years ago
LMAO Hilarious seeing that ISIS map in this video.
They're but a mere few specks on the map now lol
CerTile - 6 years ago
Don't get triggered, they are criticizing the hypocrites ISIS, not Islam.
Zakenmaru - 6 years ago
Forget the fact that this was wildly offensive, it wasn't even funny.
Sarah Fouda
Sarah Fouda - 6 years ago
It is offensive as it makes fun of Muslims in many ways like the phrase (la ilah ila allaah =لا اله الا الله ( that is written on the board and on their forehead and Isis are not Muslim they are playing with the name of Muslim to let the world hate Muslims and bringing all of that an put it on TV in a show like SNL is also offensive and I sure any body that is not racism or Muslim saw that video won't ever watch SNL again
Michael Brooks
Michael Brooks - 6 years ago
That was not good!
Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne - 6 years ago
Marty wanted to visit Connecticut. Now he's in ISIS.
عبد الله
عبد الله - 6 years ago
Islam is the best thing in the world
Learn about it and you will be surprised
Ahmed Kogno
Ahmed Kogno - 6 years ago
ولاد ألعهره
Steven Rodriguez
Steven Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Damn Chris Rock, did Adam Sandler give you the idea for this?
beats fanatic
beats fanatic - 6 years ago
Ninja Samurai
Ninja Samurai - 6 years ago
Is that chris rock???
Kevin Tran
Kevin Tran - 6 years ago
"You mind me of the bad guys in the bible." lol
Seth Jimerson
Seth Jimerson - 6 years ago
Fuck Terrorist
FullTangClan - 6 years ago
I remember when SNL was funny
London .CHANEL
London .CHANEL - 6 years ago
Multinational brand .. unusable lands .. lol
That man could be Denis Cuspert (Deso Dogg).
It's funny but they still could make it hilarious,, or maybe they didn't want to anger some people!
Pray Unceasingly
Pray Unceasingly - 6 years ago
Aaand they assumed ISIS is a perversion of Islam. Propaganda
baseball1090 - 6 years ago
this is really really fucked up what has happened to saturday night live they should cancel it after this
Mst dbr
Mst dbr - 6 years ago
الله ينعلكم كاملين كلاب اولاد كلبات
mogur00 - 6 years ago
didnt laugh or smile once... LAME
Robert Hininger
Robert Hininger - 6 years ago
Wow lorne micheals is really sucking that liberal cock lately none of this shit is funny and why is kate mckinnon in every sketch shes not funny
mmogamerguy - 6 years ago
um the isis one is fcking officive
Legit Ashley
Legit Ashley - 6 years ago
This is why other countries hate us

100. comment for Shark Tank - Saturday Night Live

Preston O. Simmons
Preston O. Simmons - 6 years ago
Chris Rock sounds Like a Irish, Nigerian zebra!!!
iOSGAMER - 6 years ago
It’s Chris Irock (iraq)
Hypixzle 721
Hypixzle 721 - 6 years ago
That was almost painfully unfunny.
Koo Woo
Koo Woo - 6 years ago
I lost it when they got to everything you stand for lol
Koo Woo
Koo Woo - 6 years ago
lol unusable land
alwaysxnever - 6 years ago
"You remind me of the bad guys in the Bible". Lol too much.
Ryan Lemus
Ryan Lemus - 6 years ago
This video was published on my birthday
Tiny Staryu
Tiny Staryu - 6 years ago
islam is evil
Madeleine Schneider
Madeleine Schneider - 6 years ago
I thought it was funny lol
Jared Flores
Jared Flores - 6 years ago
Why are men wearing hijabs
mannyistheman2221 - 6 years ago
Pasta and pancakes I think I'm going to throw up. the pancakes were fine without her intervention
noxabellus - 6 years ago
Why did youtube recommend this out of nowhere? I haven't watched SNL in months
Glenn Weeks
Glenn Weeks - 6 years ago
funny sorta...
Cole Crosby
Cole Crosby - 6 years ago
0 chill
Jawadlatif Khan
Jawadlatif Khan - 6 years ago
Stop interfering religions
Eliot Brun
Eliot Brun - 6 years ago
Jury entertainment clothing friendship appeal rate grant edition instructor factory survivor adventure
Just Ross
Just Ross - 6 years ago
tries to be watch but everyone in my house doesn’t know how to chew food without slurping and snacking and I can’t even hear it
LovisaColdeyes - 6 years ago
When I saw the amount of dislikes, I thought this was going to be way more controversial than it actually is
Nick Tumia
Nick Tumia - 6 years ago
First and foremost I want snl to BE SUCCESSFUL so with that said . Snl trying to be crazy ans outrageous. Yea they did it somewhat but they missed the mark. NEEDED ALITTLE BIT MORE BRAINS & TALENT. & def is lacked here .
Ethan Hill
Ethan Hill - 6 years ago
Chris mispronounced Dirk's last name.
Ronald Halverson
Ronald Halverson - 6 years ago
Considering the moral integrity of the ruling class it would of wrung truer if they made a deal.
Andres Fontan
Andres Fontan - 6 years ago
Not going to lie, that ending kind of sucked.
Angry Angry
Angry Angry - 6 years ago
Tom Powell
Tom Powell - 6 years ago
control depending atmosphere go helicopter annual grief schedule country digital difference finish.
Rashid Aman
Rashid Aman - 6 years ago
ISIS : If pentagon increase black budget for us , we'll grow easily .
Blu_AntrX - 6 years ago
Isis is no more lol
Jairo Herrera
Jairo Herrera - 6 years ago
If Kimmel manage to get the real sharks, then so can SLN: Instead of getting some actors.
LoveliAngelVibes - 6 years ago
Every character she plays is spot on...she must be an alien.
Raphael Robles
Raphael Robles - 6 years ago
This wasn’t that good
Michaelangelo Right
Michaelangelo Right - 6 years ago
I called the proper authorities. Home Land Security , for 30 million dollars bounty. Lmao.
Randy Angel
Randy Angel - 6 years ago
Why do people think we founded isis?
David Alejandro Olivares Sánchez
David Alejandro Olivares Sánchez - 6 years ago
Too soon SNL?
Michael G. Sobhy
Michael G. Sobhy - 6 years ago
SoOoOoOoOo funny. Please, do more videos about ISIS and middle East
mohammed hassain
mohammed hassain - 6 years ago
Could have added more funny punch lines, but I liked it.

Who created them is not important, how to stop and revert them from their miguidance is. In the beginning it was just war against oppresive dictatorship and now they are all rogue.
AllTheWayUp truuu
AllTheWayUp truuu - 6 years ago
This show just isn't funny anymore
molokofreak - 6 years ago
we all know how the scetch should really end.
SASUKE Uchiha - 6 years ago
digital subliminal messages
digital subliminal messages - 6 years ago
S T O P. R A P E I N G B A B I E S
On my way again
Poor new York ....can't keep the crazies away know it's bull shit cause aran people don't ride subways....///
Hach _Hachet
Hach _Hachet - 6 years ago
Imma use that now "may you only have daughters"
Tyler - 6 years ago
As soon as I saw the thumbnail.....
Max Cohen
Max Cohen - 6 years ago
MEGAMOVIELORD mnmoviereviews
MEGAMOVIELORD mnmoviereviews - 6 years ago
Bruce Fultz
Bruce Fultz - 6 years ago
This is not Funny its Liberal horse shit
spongebobmx - 6 years ago
Chris rock has no Arabic accent.
Julianne Hannes
Julianne Hannes - 6 years ago
New diet, think of pasta and breakfast eaten together and lose appetite
Chammy Calms
Chammy Calms - 6 years ago
Kate looks like Katty Perry tbh...
BoomShakaLaka - 6 years ago
Lol leftists are pissed Trump is destroying ISIS
Alee 998
Alee 998 - 6 years ago
ISIS is BULLSHIT they are using our religion name to make money and kill innocent people so #Fuckisis
Tran d'Ciné
Tran d'Ciné - 6 years ago
"I see some potential merchandising from your brand. How about I invest in 50% of your your production costs?"
-John Mccain
mahoraner niall
mahoraner niall - 6 years ago
Don't mind me, just here for the comments
Melody Jefferson
Melody Jefferson - 6 years ago
I'm surprised they agreed that ISIS skit
Pamela Davis
Pamela Davis - 6 years ago
They had Kevin nailed
ANecessities - 6 years ago
This is just somewhat maybe a pinch of controversial.
dmxdxl - 6 years ago
They gone git death threats for this man watch...
connor mcdonald
connor mcdonald - 6 years ago
shaza mohamed
shaza mohamed - 6 years ago
For ur information Isis aren't real Muslims they are only having the name coz real muslims aren't bad as u think
Nathan Weaver
Nathan Weaver - 6 years ago
That not funny that offensive and fucked up Fuck u
Saira Aslam
Saira Aslam - 6 years ago
Isis: Americans killing people and then acting they're Muslims.
Hatred for Americans just increases day by day but it's not like we're gonna do something because Americans will kill us before we can open our mouths
Saira Aslam
Saira Aslam - 6 years ago
Tim Eulenspiegel Israelis (jews) are the reason why this world is doomed
Ritesh Trikha
Ritesh Trikha - 6 years ago
Back when SNL was decent
Ryan Velez
Ryan Velez - 6 years ago
Im curious as to when Mark Cuban was “burned before”
yassir ali
yassir ali - 6 years ago
Did you called Homeland security on CIA agents ? You fools lmao
Rahul Sree
Rahul Sree - 6 years ago
ISIS ia a rebranded name of already existing Islamic terror which dates back to 1500 AD. America may have been responsible for the name "ISIS" especially Obama who was soft on them. But Islam is fundamentally violent religion. Just read the Quran if you want to understand their violent mindset and their narrow mindedness.
ShowerhandL BreakUpInfinity
ShowerhandL BreakUpInfinity - 6 years ago
Michael Soland
Michael Soland - 6 years ago
A crack social media team! OMG
Michael Soland
Michael Soland - 6 years ago
So many famous people in this one, anyone else notice the Velocitaptor?
Dominik Musial
Dominik Musial - 6 years ago
Is that like an American Dragon's Den or something?
Dioxholster - 6 years ago
Chris Rock ruined it, would've been funnier had they been in disguise. The Onion did better, watch the 9/11 guy
Raj - 6 years ago
Hahaha! I thought ISIS and ISIL was just make believe terrorists played by the IDF and our hilariously inept and corrupt US military?
Stheno gorgon
Stheno gorgon - 6 years ago
Madagascar zebra
rolf778 - 6 years ago
I feel that my intelligence has been insulted by the ignorant comments. But maybe that's what life is, maybe ignorance is really a bliss.
crypto - 6 years ago
racisttttt bitchessss.... hypocrite Americans
Health Products Reviews
Health Products Reviews - 6 years ago
UN Created ISIS For Oil
Trang L
Trang L - 6 years ago
okay but those shark impressions were spot on
Sammy Gonzalez
Sammy Gonzalez - 6 years ago
The actors did great on the sharks
WhatILike Memes
WhatILike Memes - 6 years ago
RafayM - 6 years ago
That was offensive !!!!!!!! Anyways , hope you have a good day mate !!!!!!
Garrett Lapina
Garrett Lapina - 6 years ago
Yikes! Oh dear!
Websolutions - 6 years ago
Europe is pushing with this religion not only Islam but also Christi by using such shameful things
You talk about bile as well you have no respect for religion today, which gave you power
Piper - 6 years ago
Its funny now but one day the name isis on the news wont be funny
Green mint
Green mint - 6 years ago
Lol i think theyre joking
AHMED ZAKI - 6 years ago
So funny
Smooth Operator
Smooth Operator - 6 years ago
Lol. It's funny because it's true how the US created ISIS to create havoc in the middle east.
Jordan Gate
Jordan Gate - 6 years ago
This was kind of pathetic. Kenan Thompson was funny, but most of this was butchered by Chris Rock's garbage accent. So much potential though.
ali farooq
ali farooq - 6 years ago
This is the country who can't even control their school childern from guns and arms.....
With Love
With Love - 6 years ago
This looked extremely offensive, I clicked immediately. :)
Vyom - 6 years ago
What I've always wondered is why Americans think they are the target of Terrorist attacks by ISIS when ISIS has mainly killed people in Iraq and Syria.....
dantemike1 - 6 years ago
Two fucks...representing ISIS that was created by Obama. Obama needs a bullet through the head.
-Gemberkoekje- - 6 years ago
"Who is ready to invest in the destruction of the west"
Golden 47
Golden 47 - 6 years ago
As a Muslim this was hilarious as I been watching shark tank for a long time
Large Soda
Large Soda - 6 years ago
next up, Charlottesville Nazis pitch white power
jacob fajardo
jacob fajardo - 6 years ago
This shit is funny
Mr. Potato
Mr. Potato - 6 years ago
Yeah you can not invest in them at all now because thank god ISIS is losing control over Iraq and Syria.
Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock - 6 years ago
SNL is weapons-grade cringe nowadays.
kurt cobain
kurt cobain - 6 years ago
Offensive or not this just wasn't funny.
Hal Sy
Hal Sy - 6 years ago
pancakes and pasta made me vomit
MothInHead - 6 years ago
"You know, you remind me of the bad guys in the Bible." Ahahahahaha
Strela Luk
Strela Luk - 6 years ago
unknown unkown
unknown unkown - 6 years ago
Its amazing how we take something so EVIL, and make jokes about it.
TableTurn - 6 years ago
Not funny. Make the same thing of nazism
Mercedes Benzos
Mercedes Benzos - 6 years ago
Charlie Chaplin did it in "The Great Dictator", the movie and play "The Producers" did it...
TableTurn - 6 years ago
Look at yourself. Fat, stupid and racist
Bowler Guy
Bowler Guy - 6 years ago
Just 3.5 years ago it was ok to joke about this. Today it's deemed offensive.
Marta Šillere
Marta Šillere - 6 years ago
Thats the fifth time I’ve heard this today :D
ملوك الترجمة
ملوك الترجمة - 6 years ago
Chris Rock is a cunt
Syafiq Tubes
Syafiq Tubes - 6 years ago
Don't ever put Allah's and Muhammad's name on your show for funny entertainment. You just disrespect god you should regret.
Gurung pasang
Gurung pasang - 6 years ago
Syafiq Tubes
Syafiq Tubes - 6 years ago
You guys made shame to the Islamic people. You guys should be ashamed of yourselfs being racist. I don't find this is funny because this is hate.
Robert W
Robert W - 6 years ago
Steve Paparazzi is the world's greatest hero!
Abe Jingga
Abe Jingga - 6 years ago
waaah so funny lah puih
Fashion Store
Fashion Store - 6 years ago
This app (Link Here >>> ) has been my best friend for the past couple of months because it has given me exactly what I’ve been looking for and that is freedom. I don’t have to spend a lot of time in front of a computer anymore because this software works on its own and gives result better than what I’ve been getting without this software, while giving a whole bunch of time to this trading.
james marshall.
james marshall. - 6 years ago
People that are offended: just remember your view is not a fact, it is your opinion.
SurpriseMe VEVO
SurpriseMe VEVO - 6 years ago
mr. wonderful looks like ..... mr. President.
jwang604 - 6 years ago
Wow I’m a Trump supporter and hate the leftist liberal political correctness but this isn’t even remotely amusing. It’d be more entertaining if SNL had the balls to mock the pedophile Mohammed. Fucking pussies!
Rocket launcher 99
Rocket launcher 99 - 6 years ago
So this is how isis starts in a room during a meeting
Tom Cruise Missile
Tom Cruise Missile - 6 years ago
"pervision" my ass.
Darby S
Darby S - 6 years ago
They left the part out where they stone and yell at Barbara for having an opinion or even speaking.
Member_TaunTauns? - 6 years ago
worst sNl skit, not because of the subject matter.....feel like anyone could make up a better skit
BartelDoo - 7 years ago
It's funny to me how violent muslims say other muslims aren't really muslims, and the other muslims say violent muslims aren't muslims
fuck you
Berly Tannyono Putra
Berly Tannyono Putra - 7 years ago
The woman's voice sounds like Steve Buscemy
Devil's Own Hacker
Devil's Own Hacker - 7 years ago
Wow surprise ending
Connor Harris
Connor Harris - 7 years ago
Funny, exactly what muslims sound like. Islam=isis
Alex Stelling
Alex Stelling - 7 years ago
I was hoping to like this, but this is shit! The cast impersonations are shit, especially the guy playing Mark.
Edgar Camacho
Edgar Camacho - 7 years ago
Barbara Impersonator was on point. Lol
Crypto Ninja
Crypto Ninja - 7 years ago
Thumbs down for 30 second ad.
Tom Mcgrenere
Tom Mcgrenere - 7 years ago
Finally something funny and relevant.
Tom Mcgrenere
Tom Mcgrenere - 7 years ago
Andrew Levitt
Andrew Levitt - 7 years ago
I actually would eat some pasta for breakfast.
Mehmet Aydın
Mehmet Aydın - 7 years ago
Muslim trigir
ToeJ - 7 years ago
This didn’t make me laugh at all....
Flying Nimbus
Flying Nimbus - 7 years ago
wtf is.....the only thing funny is the fact they think people would find it funny even the audience isn't laughing
Flying Nimbus
Flying Nimbus - 7 years ago
RedBlood GAMING it dies down near the end. Chris rock had to only find 1 accent he changed it 5 times
RedBlood GAMING - 7 years ago
Moumen Etbail the audience is clearly laughing.
wisewajid - 7 years ago
Islamic State is promoted by the media! Hate spreaders.

Wasn't funny at all
Un Known
Un Known - 7 years ago
Good skit concept, poor execution
EDIT: pun unintended
The Godfather
The Godfather - 7 years ago
TEH BIG - 7 years ago
I hate the girl she trying to be funny soo bad but she nit
Colonel Indiana Long Nuts
Colonel Indiana Long Nuts - 7 years ago
2:38 I hate that dude hes annoying and not funny at all
therealtubeplayer - 7 years ago
I swear the realest thing she said in that whole video was "you sound like the bad guys in the Bible." Think about it.
TwoAyem - 7 years ago
Donut Operator
Moody _3030
Moody _3030 - 7 years ago
This is fucked up
bob tony
bob tony - 7 years ago
not offensive or funny, just cringeworthy......
der Schäfer
der Schäfer - 7 years ago
By "small, hateful perversion" they actually mean "faithful implementation".
XainonN - 7 years ago
4:38 When 2 guys with Kalashnikovs are afraid from 3 Agents with pistols.
Snape - 7 years ago
Read this please:
It is very disrespectful to link this shitty thing called isis with islam . Please wake up people they aren't muslims they killed muslims as well as many other people . Just like KKK who claimed themselves to christians they are the same people but choosing to act in the name of different a religion. Thete is no existent verse in quran that says kill innocent people and don't go to google to bring me a fake verse , go get a real Quran and search in it . Allah told us not to start a war unless for defending ourselves and there had to be rules too by not killing females, children , old people , disabled people or anyone who don't want to fight. The prophet had once a neighbour who would always throw trash on his door , one day he got really sick so the prophet visited him so he can give him any help. There are so many proofs to show how peacful our religion is . 95% of muslims women choose to wear hijab by choice and many other don't wear it WE ARE NOT OPRESSED , We literally live normal lives like you go to buzzfeed and look at the muslim women and see how they really are. Look about all the achievements muslim women have done through all the years and still doing. There are 2 billion muslims in the world don't tell me we are all fool to follow a religion that promotes killing because IT DOESN'T . Isis is less than . 0.1% of the population of the world yet see how they are affecting all of us . Please don't start a fight with me all i'm trying to do is saying the truth please be peaceful with each other and the world will be a better place. Please respect the other persons beliefs even if you're not convinced because we are all different yet we always forget to remember that we are all Humans living on a same planet eating the same food and having similar ups and downs❤✌
rn jz
rn jz - 7 years ago
Should also make a video how ur country steals oil and gold from other countries. that would be funny too ??
Boom - 7 years ago
If you’re offended by this video, especially if you’re a Muslim, you’re apart of the problem.
ملوك الترجمة
ملوك الترجمة - 7 years ago
Shame on you Chris
cuteori 94
cuteori 94 - 7 years ago
One word - why??
David Edwards
David Edwards - 7 years ago
Oof.... SNL seems to be taking their comedy cues from the New Yorker
Milano ita
Milano ita - 7 years ago
Islam is innocent of them.
This is not Islam ... isis deformation of Islam.
Enas Al AMIL
Enas Al AMIL - 7 years ago
NOT FUNNY.... sorry
Neil Zutshi
Neil Zutshi - 7 years ago
"You know, you remind me of the bad guys in the bible."

The Jewish writers didn't have to balls to call out the Qur'an. Very sick and pathetic. It looks like there really is going to be an Alt Right surge.
spectacledllama - 7 years ago
Donut operator anyone
Siyaam Ajaz
Siyaam Ajaz - 7 years ago
This is just weird and dumb
Pinot Noir
Pinot Noir - 7 years ago
Dragon Actual
Dragon Actual - 7 years ago
"perversion of islam"

i though they are the real thing
Mohamed Fouad
Mohamed Fouad - 7 years ago
Offensive to Islam & me as a muslim, you can attack ISIS all you want and I will join you and laugh my ass off, but show some respect to billions religion beliefs and stop slipping it in!! such a racist act
Rudy Lucar
Rudy Lucar - 7 years ago
Isis look like naruto characters
Ron Cameleon
Ron Cameleon - 7 years ago
Everyone in the world arresting these guys but Now 60 isis stepped in Canada and are free in our land thanks to Justin Turdeau is this normal?
John Ovalle
John Ovalle - 7 years ago
this skit was so unfunny it's painful to watch
Cody Mathes
Cody Mathes - 7 years ago
It’s astounding how unfunny this is
Ethan3GT - 7 years ago
Except it’s not a perversion, to fundamentalism.
Gib Nob
Gib Nob - 7 years ago
Who came here after DonutOperator's video
2963gloydboy - 7 years ago
This was ok to mock that year do it now all kinds of feelings would be hurt and protests and shit
BIGWORM 510 - 7 years ago
I love Chris Rock but this flat out sucked. Please SNL give Dave Chapelle a call.
Canadian Magd
Canadian Magd - 7 years ago
:D arab are real ugly losers
Jimmy Wales
Jimmy Wales - 7 years ago
damn looks like im the only person who thought this was hilarious
William Francis
William Francis - 7 years ago
Chris Rock is one of the best stand up comedians I've ever seen but he should not be in movies or in sketch comedy.
SalemKid - 7 years ago
this isnt even making me smile nevermind laugh
i is
SR Films
SR Films - 7 years ago
Stupidest shit I’ve ever seen
Scott  Velez
Scott Velez - 7 years ago
Small perversion of Islam? Nah, Al Qaeda was around and big long before these guys. They were the pioneers. ISIS is just copying.
Keagan Krossman
Keagan Krossman - 7 years ago
I found this to be cringe and unfunny as fuck. Just to be clear, I was not offended at all! Just didn't laugh during the video.
Captain Random
Captain Random - 7 years ago
"Religion of peace" more like the cult that needs to die
Immortal - 7 years ago
You know you are in rough times when people get offended FOR ISIS.

This wasnt funny though, they tried to hard.
Saloni tekriwal
Saloni tekriwal - 7 years ago
Can we just appreciate how amazing Kate was as Barbara .
Jack Charge
Jack Charge - 7 years ago
Who created and funds us? America does!!
saetyr - 7 years ago
The funny thing is; that skit is not funny at all... And even my funny comment is made not funny cuz the skit was so not funny... Funny that... But not funny...
انا من الموصل عاشت الذهبيه و الجيش والحشد والشرطه
انا من الموصل عاشت الذهبيه و الجيش والحشد والشرطه - 7 years ago
I've lived under isis ruling for 2 years
Jeonghu Tami Lim
Jeonghu Tami Lim - 7 years ago
This could work
Mohammed Arqam
Mohammed Arqam - 7 years ago
What was America Doing In That Unusable Land
Double Standards
Looted Oils And Golds And Destroyed The Whole Country
Sev Black
Sev Black - 7 years ago
When you're doing a sketch with 8 people and only one of them is actually funny you're going to have a bad time.
MOVED - 7 years ago
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 7 years ago
"May you only have daughters" lmfao
Jeyan Mehta J
Jeyan Mehta J - 7 years ago
Anyone in 2018
smokyp3nguin - 7 years ago
This audience sucks. This is great.
judopathoftruth - 7 years ago
I mean the term on there heads in often found in the koran.
La Ila ha inallah.
Now everyone thinks that correlated to a muslim
Its all part of the us and them movement
judopathoftruth - 7 years ago
I think this is more insulting to muslims as they proudly display allah (god in arabic) and the isis logo which itself is hijacked from islam.
If i was a muslim I'd be really offended by this. Snl a zionist organization takes great joy in that
Why would they even allow that to be portrayed. Seems there is no grey area with using islam as a joke.
Tom Tom
Tom Tom - 7 years ago
Obama invests!

Oh and this is racist...
Di Da
Di Da - 7 years ago
How can you do the irony of saying (لا اله الا الله) in this way ..
You will have the same feeling if i do like you with the Cross or Church symbol .. are you will laugh ?
This is racism
Do not talk about what you do not understand please
I'm not talking about Isis .. They do not represent me
Ben Nelson
Ben Nelson - 7 years ago
And then Trump was elected and crushed ISIS within a year.
Kyara Black
Kyara Black - 7 years ago
LOL so funny!
Mike T
Mike T - 7 years ago
actual ST is funnier than this
stvnburg - 7 years ago
The Unknown
The Unknown - 7 years ago
Wasn't a very thought out or well scripted skit..
MMA WORLD - 7 years ago
no niggaz in isis
MMA WORLD - 7 years ago
u funny nigga
mohamed wael
mohamed wael - 7 years ago
I hate isis because I’m Muslim
Zeko الجملي
Zeko الجملي - 7 years ago
شو يعني
Raymond Harvey
Raymond Harvey - 7 years ago
all those people isis has killed and a comedy skit about them just ain't funny
Wepa Gurbanov
Wepa Gurbanov - 7 years ago
Wtf worst video I have ever watched. People are going too crazy with their ideas
MrPaglissi - 7 years ago
This might have been funny if SNL had a talented cast.
Mətləb Qurbanlı
Mətləb Qurbanlı - 7 years ago
Mətləb Qurbanlı
Mətləb Qurbanlı - 7 years ago
Ray The Gamer
Ray The Gamer - 7 years ago
This is fake can't believe I fell for it
I am trying to be an anonimous
I am trying to be an anonimous - 7 years ago
ISIS doesn't hate the west they hate Russia and it's ally.
mohammed dorra
mohammed dorra - 7 years ago
islam is not isis we have 230 man killed by them in egypt we are suffering from those bitches
bacara18 - 7 years ago
Ken - 7 years ago
they said how do you rid the world of the western pig and vile jew!!.. this is said on purpose?? to make stupid people think that jews are still under attack?, but isis has not attacked Israel as far as I know.. yet Isis has cleared the way for new Israeli they continue their genocide on Palestinians..
Dalton Todd
Dalton Todd - 7 years ago
ISIS isn't a perversion of Islam. It's actually very faithful to its teachings.
jorge vargas
jorge vargas - 7 years ago
I’m not triggered, but this was just not funny, too over exaggerated.
Vivid Vision
Vivid Vision - 7 years ago
Omg im dead lol
hambone31000 - 7 years ago
I wish American and Brit business were as ethical as the Sharks at the end In real life For example, "When American soldiers dragged their boats to the shore in Normandy and faced Gerry for the first time, they may have been greatly surprised to find that June 1944, plenty of Nazi trucks outfitted with engines created by Ford and General Motors."
hambone31000 - 7 years ago
I wish stuff like this happened in real life. American and British business didn't mind selling to Hitler's Nazi Germany. I wished they went against them like in this parody.
Jack Williams
Jack Williams - 7 years ago
I'm really mad at how dead the audience was. That dirk nowitzki joke was gold
crazynico101 - 7 years ago
They could have added another layer by putting over the top music in it.
Dhanu Parwito
Dhanu Parwito - 7 years ago
People in the comments be like "Nowadays people are so sensitive" when comedy talks about things like this.
But when they talked about lgbt, feminism and bullshits like that, they be offended easily
KH MAN - 7 years ago
U should stop RACISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kayla Leave
Kayla Leave - 7 years ago
This shit is so funny
Sam Anderson
Sam Anderson - 7 years ago
SNL and democratic party created ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
Kaler Putatma
Kaler Putatma - 7 years ago
ISIS never attacks Israel by the way as it is created by Israel.
TheMusketITuckedIt - 6 years ago
Kaler Putatma What are they gonna do, shoot at their walls and car bomb it? You conspiracy nuts are so dumb lol
EganTheMan - 7 years ago
Small hateful perversion of Islam?
Lol because Islam is so peaceful and accepting
Alaaeddine Stitou
Alaaeddine Stitou - 7 years ago
Bad peoples... if you just get paid ... to play
Not nice
Naelao Nono
Naelao Nono - 7 years ago
I can't believe how racist are the snl , I'm a Muslim and Isis doesn't present us , I have more then 5 churches in my city, and we respect all religions, even since Donald trump banned the LGBT community from the military, after that moment my country puts a law that said every man and woman all gender are welcome to be served at the military.
Special Spoon
Special Spoon - 7 years ago
BOSS - 7 years ago
I am glad Chris said small hateful perversion of Islam and not radical Islam cause Isis are not Muslims
Fucked Gplus
Fucked Gplus - 7 years ago
Indeed thier social media team arent bad when it come to good looking beheading
Fucked Gplus
Fucked Gplus - 7 years ago
It will make your head fall
Salleh Mohamad
Salleh Mohamad - 7 years ago
I wished they would have just dropped by the Shark Tank studio and does it for real in front of the real Sharks just like Jimmy Kimmel and Queen Latifa had done. COuld have been more funny that way.
NoushBills hd
NoushBills hd - 7 years ago
Making Islam look bad
Liberals need help Amen
Liberals need help Amen - 7 years ago
Are next product is called...
"Trump". A way to bring liberal babies to their knees and have nothing positive or encouraging about him because their precious lady friend wasn't elected.
"Trump". Will change the way you see Liberals and the media

"Trump". Will help you see change
[CDG]_Ix_Diego_Ix_ 87
[CDG]_Ix_Diego_Ix_ 87 - 7 years ago
Allahu akbar fuckin americans Isis
Amber Cranston
Amber Cranston - 7 years ago
american built on stolen oil, rape, slavery, and taking other people land and natural resources, usa and isis are twins in that sense
VegasGirl35 - 7 years ago
This skit had the potential to be hilarious, but the writing fell flat. SNL truly is garbage.
Mount Lel 123
Mount Lel 123 - 7 years ago
Thoose 2 black isis dudes might be from Boko haram
laylaeissa73 - 7 years ago
am listening
Jaenisch - 7 years ago
retarded ass skit
Raji Abeykoon
Raji Abeykoon - 7 years ago
Not funny , miss mad tv
- Moon -
- Moon - - 7 years ago
ISIS is krakalakin
tuttt99 - 7 years ago
I think they jumped the shark on this one
Joseph M
Joseph M - 7 years ago
I love all Muslim but hate isis
crimeriddim - 7 years ago
this was unfunny cuz i was expecting shit to go down and i was expecting them to roast the shark hosts in some way but lol snl is way funnier and crazier than this
Luke Mckenzie
Luke Mckenzie - 7 years ago
C-Can they do that...?
greveeen - 7 years ago
This is so lame even the people of North Korea wouldnt laugh and clap even if their life depended on it
Alex - 7 years ago
Chris Rocks cannot do an arabic accent to save his life.
ey693 - 7 years ago
i love the new isis logo
Mark Chavez
Mark Chavez - 7 years ago
That Barbara was on point...
E Middlebrooks
E Middlebrooks - 7 years ago
Not funny. Saturday night live isn't what it use to be.
Grickery - 7 years ago
Oh my god!
USS Gerald R. Ford 12th CSG
USS Gerald R. Ford 12th CSG - 7 years ago
TBH the ISIS investment wouldn’t be bad. Fund it and help it with full fledged establishments and get their oil trade working with no restrictions. Maintain enough internal order to benefit and enough chaos.
tonySolis - 7 years ago
In very bad taste. Shame on them.
Ahmad Pickett
Ahmad Pickett - 7 years ago
I hope that no one is mad about this even though it's fake
GringoleboZebulon - 7 years ago
Now let's see a Saturday night live about Zionists making offers about stealing, killing, and destabilizing a whole country? Oh right, you wouldn't dare to unleash such vitriol or abuse against Jews cuz you know you'd be out of job by Monday. Zionism is far more dangerous than ISIS. Before i get labeled as an anti-semite, let me say two things. 1) Not all Jews are Zionists but all Zionists are Jews. 2) Fuck you.
Anthony Zanoni
Anthony Zanoni - 7 years ago
The audience did not like that sketch lmfao
223554545 - 7 years ago
the words are " THERE IS NO GOD ONLY ALLAH" لا اله الا الله

he is the only mighty god with no son no mother no father , the only way to really worship him is by practising islam , in islam there is no block between u and him only call his name when praying .
Prod L
Prod L - 7 years ago
ugh, the Mark Cuban impression is just terrible. Could they not have found anyone better to do the job?
Ayesha Anwar
Ayesha Anwar - 7 years ago
Where is genghis?...he would win hands down...

Chris 1
Chris 1 - 7 years ago
Not funny. Yanks cannot do humour
IDontHaveSpaces - 7 years ago
How is this not considered non politically correct but calling someone a nigger is
bLaCjAcK Daniels
bLaCjAcK Daniels - 7 years ago
You know, just because something yields opportunity to create a skit doesn't mean you have to take it..but that's one of the differences between decent human beings, and those on SNL. There's no respect for morality or the victims of these assholes, it's all about making more bad comedy.
Patrick Culliton
Patrick Culliton - 7 years ago
It’s funny how much Kate looks like Barbara
PoGirl - 7 years ago
So some liberal terrorist thought this was good idea?
Baruch Spinosa
Baruch Spinosa - 7 years ago
PedalTheGlobe - 7 years ago
They were all spot on except Mark Cuban.
FMTYFILMS - 7 years ago
Damn, this could really have been funny... What happened?
Tommy Lee Jones
Tommy Lee Jones - 7 years ago
This is stupid.
BetterKeepUp - 7 years ago
That does not look like Mark Cuban
Lork Lorkman
Lork Lorkman - 7 years ago
the only good impression was barbara...the rest was shit like this skit
Ball Animations
Ball Animations - 7 years ago
Fucken rasict cunts
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
I mean of course barbara's out...
Celestial Void
Celestial Void - 7 years ago
This is so freaking racist like seriously not every Muslim is a terrorist part of ISIS this isn’t funny it’s just plain racist
Young Frankenstein
Young Frankenstein - 7 years ago
+Otaku5 First, fucknut, Islam isn't a race, it's a religion. If you don't know what the word means, don't use it. Second, every Muslim follows the teachings of Muhammad. Muhammad told them to follow the Quran. The Quran says:
"Quran 8:12 - Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Quran."
"Quran 8:60 - Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels."
"Quran 9:5 - When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them."
Of course, you're an ignorant bleeding heart who will either just flat dismiss these facts, deny these facts, or the weakest move of all, try to bring about some "whataboutisms" involving other religions or something in an attempt to change the subject because you want to pretend you didn't learn these facts. That Muslim friend of yours? Ask them if they're practicing taqiyya on you.

"A radical Muslim wants to cut your infidel head off. A "moderate" Muslim wants a radical Muslim to cut your infidel head off."
Isaac Mintman
Isaac Mintman - 7 years ago
Genocidal regimes are not tricky to do business with America has been doing business with them for decades
jack black
jack black - 7 years ago
it took Chris rock and ISIS to bring you fuckheads out of a lefty liberal monstrosity
Adolf Satan
Adolf Satan - 7 years ago
Lol awesome
Ben Ferraiuolo
Ben Ferraiuolo - 7 years ago
Lol kind of funny but I am surprised people think ISIS is a perverted type of islam. Obviously no one has read the Quran otherwise they would have noticed the part where they cut someones feets off and let them rot next to their body. Or what about the part in the Quran that talks about how to marry a woman BEFORE she gets her monthly period. Pedophilia and murder is what some portions of the Quran teaches. Hmmmmmm. Looks like ISIS is following islam almost to the letter. Check out this site:
Mr Goodman
Mr Goodman - 7 years ago
erick zavala
erick zavala - 7 years ago
all I see in the comment section is offended old men and hill billies
ابن مزنان 717
ابن مزنان 717 - 7 years ago
كس امكم
Bilenaire - 7 years ago
Somebody should be sued.
DDRUTOU - 7 years ago
That was a whack ending
Van Elisabet
Van Elisabet - 7 years ago
not funny at all!, waste of time!
DerickTherving - 7 years ago
It's not a "perversion" of Islam, ISIS is correctly following their warrior and child-rapist leader Muhammad.
paul bonethruster
paul bonethruster - 7 years ago
This show just sucks now it's like they don't even try to be funny just worried about pushing political narratives
headmastermarvel88 - 7 years ago
Altaf Asad
Altaf Asad - 7 years ago
whats funny is America supports ISIS
Dead Inside
Dead Inside - 7 years ago
good one haha,. people with no sense of humour, I hope you get offended hah. Well, I dunno, everyone's got their opinions. Peace be with y'all even those offended heh.
Fairunknown - 7 years ago
Not funny.
l0lz I eat food
l0lz I eat food - 7 years ago
Kevin in the parody looks like Putin.
Aliboser - 7 years ago
as a Muslim, i found that extremely funny!
Zachary JBo
Zachary JBo - 7 years ago
Whats funny to me about this is that if Isis watches this. This could make them hate Americans more. lol
Samuel Alzate
Samuel Alzate - 7 years ago
Do these children seriously not know who Chris rock is???
Max - 7 years ago
WOW HAHAHAHHA! THAT WAS SO NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S O - 7 years ago
Great concept, terrible execution.

This reminds me why I do not watch SNL. I love Chris Rock and Shark Tank, I'd wish I enjoyed this. But, it's terrible.

SNL completely blows now.
Foxy Vlogs
Foxy Vlogs - 7 years ago
Racist fsha
Justine Thimb
Justine Thimb - 7 years ago
ISIS is just nothing to joke about, sorry people!
hhhk20 - 7 years ago
This show sucks ass.
HD Tigerrr
HD Tigerrr - 7 years ago
god i hate snl. not offended, just they dont know wtf to do anymore
Alex K
Alex K - 7 years ago
This sucked ass
ATG IMM - 7 years ago
Isis hasn't attacked Israel once and Israel hasn't killed a single Isis soldier. They are allies Isis is western made
Lori Elhassani
Lori Elhassani - 7 years ago
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahagsgkddgkdgistjsgahksgksgkxgkxtk!!!!!!!! cough cough hahagahahahshahahahahahaha!!!! Sorry...sorry....ahem....very funny!
The meme steam engine
The meme steam engine - 7 years ago
chauncey the gardener
chauncey the gardener - 7 years ago
hahahaahh it is what it is ;) soon isis will sponsor the Olympics
Blake Greene
Blake Greene - 7 years ago
The only good impression was Barbara's character, Mark Cuban's wasn't even close. Watching SNL is like watching a high school play, very unfunny in my opinion.
vara fouroneone
vara fouroneone - 7 years ago
I'm not offended... but I'm also not amused. SNL sucked in 2014 and continues to suck today.
Siapa Lagi
Siapa Lagi - 7 years ago
Dis disrespect the muslim
EnVadeh YT
EnVadeh YT - 7 years ago
I am listening
pollard068 - 7 years ago
never liked chris rock as a cast member, not in this sketch, but love his standup!
rollie4 - 7 years ago
not triggered, just fucking stupid. damn, I miss the good ol' days of SNL
master jackoff
master jackoff - 7 years ago
Thank god I don't watch snl anymore terrible acting from has been actors
P - 7 years ago
Is it me or is this comment section woke asf?
Unconforming Truther
Unconforming Truther - 7 years ago
Pull that skit in bloody paranoid NY, the NYPD pigs would have shot them dead or that's their agenda anyways
Kevin - 7 years ago
"perversion of islam", excuse me while I take a minute to LMFAO!
JayCookies - 7 years ago
Krazi - 7 years ago
That barbara impression tho
Aiter 918
Aiter 918 - 7 years ago
I'm in,and for that reason I'm out.
Shane Cormier
Shane Cormier - 7 years ago
It reminds me of a bunch of actors with 1 day to prepare.
zigzagbigbag - 7 years ago
Snl is so bad....the last time it was funny was when will Farrell was on. Jimmy Fallon and that short blonde chick ruined the show. The 90's was the best snl ever was.
Farha Ghani
Farha Ghani - 7 years ago
to the people who are finding my reply bad well how would you feel if they would of done your religion or ethnic backround and called them ALL terrorists well u can hate me all you want but im gonna stand up and try to stop becuase im not gonna lie some muslims do bad stuff but its not all who here has a muslim freind or etc most musims are kind and loving but the thing is that if ur a muslim u understand that in school or public places people stare at u and give u bad looks but i hope one day people would relize that not all muslims are bad
Olivia Braun
Olivia Braun - 7 years ago
Daniel _az
Daniel _az - 7 years ago
Pro_Gam3r_ 32
Pro_Gam3r_ 32 - 7 years ago
Jajaja i love this skits
Farha Ghani
Farha Ghani - 7 years ago
if you were a muslim u woud understand god porhebits killing and killing is something god would never forgive them for and they are not said to be a muslim anymore if they have killed anybody islam means peace btw & not everyone is a bad person.and answer me on this one why would all bombers be muslim if most of the people getting killed are in muslim countries ..... im not the type of person to say anything back im just saying it because recently my unlce died in a bomb back home and im wondering how it could be muslims bombing muslims
*-I I-*
*-I I-* - 7 years ago
Farha Ghani False. No hindus or atheist or any other relegion people are blowing up and blaming them on muslims. If they are give me an example. And next time do better reaserch.
Long Dong
Long Dong - 7 years ago
Islam is - like other religions with maybe the exception of Judaism & Buddhism (some good philosophical elements there) - for narrow-minded idiots.
Farha Ghani
Farha Ghani - 7 years ago
read the reply i gave soul less ginger so u could learn one or 2 things
Farha Ghani
Farha Ghani - 7 years ago
no its actually not 99.9% it might be a few but not all ive done some reasearch and have found out that most of them are not muslims but are people pretending to be muslims and bombing places up so that muslims can be hated . If all muslims were terrorists that means everyone in like america and canada would be dead because if u hadnt relized it is a fact that islam is the fasting growing religion in the world so not all muslims are terrorists ...
*-I I-*
*-I I-* - 7 years ago
Farha Ghani but it's not racist because Islam is not a race
Long Dong
Long Dong - 7 years ago
islam is a cult of death, founded by a pedophile jew-murderer. There's a reason Hitler loved Islam.
Farha Ghani
Farha Ghani - 7 years ago
@soul less ginger ummmm if u were smart u would know Islam is a religion and for us it's more than that it's a way of life
*-I I-*
*-I I-* - 7 years ago
Farha Ghani Islam isnt a relegion
Long Dong
Long Dong - 7 years ago
like wtf, they only call themselves ISLAMIC state. I'm triggered.
J MSongs
J MSongs - 7 years ago
Wow this isn't funny
Morvonte Mouton
Morvonte Mouton - 7 years ago
They try so hard to be funny. This show is ass. Kinda like impractical jokers
Austin King
Austin King - 7 years ago
This is a prime example of nonmedy
Andy Mo
Andy Mo - 7 years ago
Barbara Corcoran is the pimple on the ass of society.
Aaliyan The YouTuber
Aaliyan The YouTuber - 7 years ago
I am gonna tell you one thing. Be warned and don't associate Islam with ISIS.
Tony Geberin
Tony Geberin - 7 years ago
way to go sat night funny and educational    lol
Dave B.
Dave B. - 7 years ago
Try the ISIS skit in Canada and you'll go to jail.
Seif El Islame
Seif El Islame - 7 years ago
تبا لكم يا كفار يا أعداء الإسلام تبا لكم النصر لرسول الله لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
Mohammad Noman
Mohammad Noman - 7 years ago
This was pathetic
Why would you make a such a childish joke based on someone's religion
Sean Klinski
Sean Klinski - 7 years ago
"Small hateful perversion of Islam"
O i am laffin
Landon 247
Landon 247 - 7 years ago
Sean Klinski I was about to comment on that lol
Grimey Gein
Grimey Gein - 7 years ago
Fucking disgusting. This SNL skit is insensitive and fucking gross. Let the Dems make fun of a group who've decapitated journalists and aid workers. Fucking gross.
*-I I-*
*-I I-* - 7 years ago
Grimey Gein M8 its just a joke so no need to get triggerd
Timer Music
Timer Music - 7 years ago
Not finding any "and for that reason I'm out"- jokes in the comment section ... and for that reason I'm out.
salim mebarki
salim mebarki - 7 years ago
2:59 lmao that face
liberalguy513 - 7 years ago
Barbara is a jew, so she's out.
Dave Fischer
Dave Fischer - 7 years ago
too funny lol
Rikin Shah
Rikin Shah - 7 years ago
my name is out and for that reason i am barbara
samia kham
samia kham - 7 years ago
isis part lol
12345balla12345 - 7 years ago
Worst Mark Cuban impression ever
I didn't even realize Snl was still a thing.
This was so unfunny. Really corny.
beast boy
beast boy - 7 years ago
guys guys no arab not like this please this people is not arab you put our saying in funny show
morteza jahangard
morteza jahangard - 7 years ago
isis is usa project to kill muslims .while we have oil we must fight and kill each other and when oil finished then usa going out from middle easte
Stefan Gamble
Stefan Gamble - 7 years ago
Commit to the joke next time. Either make the joke so outrageous that no one would possibly be offended, or dont bother joking about sensitive subjects at all.
love always kate
love always kate - 7 years ago
Sidebyte - 7 years ago
I don't see a solid distribution plan... I'm out
wheredidileavemycell - 7 years ago
this isn't even remotely funny
sirj j
sirj j - 7 years ago
ISIS name is an insult ot Egyptian/Khemetic culture.
gamers hacks me
gamers hacks me - 7 years ago
i am really mad at the Isis thing i not even Muslim,there using the name of Islam as a threat
Squid ward
Squid ward - 7 years ago
Where's Obama
curiousela1 - 6 years ago
Atheist Alien Doing your momma LOL!!!
Paul Bauman
Paul Bauman - 6 years ago
Atheist Alien You don’t think it’s worth pointing fingers over ISIS do you? That’s like pointing fingers over Godzilla’s existence after the Bombing of Hiroshima.
Annice Brown
Annice Brown - 6 years ago
Atheist Alien wtf Obama
With Love
With Love - 6 years ago
Atheist Alien Duh. Don't be silly.
Fr0Ck - 7 years ago
ok i bet this has million of views because of that isis thumbnail xD
Mike Fu
Mike Fu - 7 years ago
I'M OUT.....for the reason that SNL Isn't funny anymore.
SpecialHighlights HD
SpecialHighlights HD - 7 years ago
Cuban actor sounds like cuban
luis mateo
luis mateo - 7 years ago
worse skit ever!!
dragon fire vlogs
dragon fire vlogs - 7 years ago
So the same people who crusified Trump for a travel ban then turn around and NM these dumbfuks won't be around much longer
Jimmy Zambrano
Jimmy Zambrano - 7 years ago
how the fuck do you guys not who Chris Rock is?
Gautam Kotwal
Gautam Kotwal - 7 years ago
Why no Robert?
vivecaStJohn - 7 years ago
Perversion of Islam? More like the literal interpretation of the contents of the Koran, the supposed word of God.
STM Polaris
STM Polaris - 7 years ago
No.....No......No.....Barbara wasn't out first, this isn't accurate.....I'm sorry.....
Logan Parsons
Logan Parsons - 7 years ago
It's not really a perversion of Islam
Mr Awesome
Mr Awesome - 7 years ago
Sleemohero Productions
Sleemohero Productions - 7 years ago
3:15 is my favorite
Anny EE
Anny EE - 7 years ago
This so sad, ppl are making fun of a race and religion all in one video, does nobody else think this is offensive
Hunter Williams
Hunter Williams - 7 years ago
The ISIS car Ad gets taken down but not this, I fucking hate humanity.
Henry Torres
Henry Torres - 7 years ago
I dont find anything funny about ISIS. This is disgusting.
peter janjanin
peter janjanin - 7 years ago
since when did CIA agents start showing their face.......
David - 7 years ago
American comedy is shit, it's basically children's comedy shows you the mental age of Americans if you find this shit funny.
Knight Carleen
Knight Carleen - 7 years ago
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Miso Park
Miso Park - 7 years ago
Bimbo Baggy pants
Bimbo Baggy pants - 7 years ago
One great thing about the US is that we can do skits like this and face no government punishment.
Bekir Demir
Bekir Demir - 7 years ago
USA is creator of isis
George Fritze
George Fritze - 7 years ago
how do u rid the world of the filthy western pig AND THE VILE JEW?
Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch - 7 years ago
Which idiot thought it was a good idea to cast Chris rock as Arab? He can only do a donkey or monkey accent. He's a Nigger, not a Sand Nigger.
Picket Falls
Picket Falls - 7 years ago
Barbara didn't go out immediately- unrealistic
Jeremiah Johnson
Jeremiah Johnson - 7 years ago
Who is that black person?
Justin Bozeman
Justin Bozeman - 7 years ago
1:12 a perverted version of Islam? NOPE just ISLAM!
Tariq Khan
Tariq Khan - 7 years ago
I was expecting fireworks, but it started raining in the first 45 seconds and it just got really cold. Boring, Dave Chappell would have made this really funny.
Gain Olavera
Gain Olavera - 7 years ago
They could have invested if the isis produce a biscuit called ALOHA SNACKBAR.
Nickie Barrón
Nickie Barrón - 7 years ago
Love SNL but this seems...risky
mike cole
mike cole - 7 years ago
Грозило Годзилов
Грозило Годзилов - 7 years ago
Diogenes Casares
Diogenes Casares - 7 years ago
Is 3:11 a Cuba joke?
Joshua Orrillo
Joshua Orrillo - 7 years ago
I wish we could bring back the old MadTV
Live 4 JESUS
Live 4 JESUS - 7 years ago
she you remind me of the bad guys in the Bible now that was funny and true.
Live 4 JESUS
Live 4 JESUS - 7 years ago
"a small perversion of Islam" the video said, you mean a decision to follow the actual Qu'ran. it's the muslims claiming to be peaceful who pervert it these kidnappers terrorists rapists murderers are what unperverted Islam is all about.
Young Adolf Hitler
Young Adolf Hitler - 7 years ago
F yeah, PREACH, brother!!
thesolverr - 7 years ago
Cringy AF
potatoe26 - 7 years ago
Uncomfortably not funny.
Ravinder Kumar
Ravinder Kumar - 7 years ago
only daymond and barbara are good
ozz ozz
ozz ozz - 7 years ago
ban islam....
M.H. L.
M.H. L. - 7 years ago
Abdul Rakim hahaha
Gorilla Jones
Gorilla Jones - 7 years ago
"I am ruined". lolol
Jacob pawelek
Jacob pawelek - 7 years ago
mahmud c
mahmud c - 7 years ago
isis created by israeli
brendon Ippolito
brendon Ippolito - 7 years ago
not funny idiots idiots
William Mespelt
William Mespelt - 7 years ago
SNL is so unfunny
cooldawg2009 - 7 years ago
The impressions of everyone BUT Barbara were awful. Barbara's impression was SPOT ON. Funny idea though
ThatOneShyguy - 7 years ago
Damn, even Chris Rock couldn't save this ...
Ayan Noori
Ayan Noori - 7 years ago
mother fucker what is this son of bitch

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