Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White

Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White SUBSCRIBE: We upload a new incredible video every weekday. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss out! JAWS WARS! A VICIOUS great white shark bursts from the water to rip into another SHARK. The sensational moment was caught on camera by Adam Malski, 33, as the fish proved why it has the reputation of the ocean’s most fearsome predator. The 4.8m shark – named ‘Gilbert’ – attacked the rival fish 50 miles from Australia’s shore. The larger animal survived the encounter but the smaller shark has not been sighted since. Footage: Adam Malski Producer: Nick Johnson Editor: Kyle Waters FACEBOOK: Like Barcroft TV - TWITTER: Follow @Barcroft_TV - WEBSITE: For licensing & business enquiries, visit the Barcroft Media site -

Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1353

Shark videos 10 years ago 9,853,755 views

Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White SUBSCRIBE: We upload a new incredible video every weekday. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss out! JAWS WARS! A VICIOUS great white shark bursts from the water to rip into another SHARK. The sensational moment was caught on camera by Adam Malski, 33, as the fish proved why it has the reputation of the ocean’s most fearsome predator. The 4.8m shark – named ‘Gilbert’ – attacked the rival fish 50 miles from Australia’s shore. The larger animal survived the encounter but the smaller shark has not been sighted since. Footage: Adam Malski Producer: Nick Johnson Editor: Kyle Waters FACEBOOK: Like Barcroft TV - TWITTER: Follow @Barcroft_TV - WEBSITE: For licensing & business enquiries, visit the Barcroft Media site -

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Most popular comments
for Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White

Robyn Marie  Swinn
Robyn Marie Swinn - 7 years ago
These sharks were not attacking each other. Just before a strike a sharks eyes are protected so they effectively attack blind. With these two, neither could see at the point of collision. They were both going for the bait, not each other, if they were then there would of been a lot of blood rather than just ramming into each other
Siya Sharma
Siya Sharma - 7 years ago
You idiots! They were just French kissing!
Sharon Roberts
Sharon Roberts - 7 years ago
Jessius Christ are you sure that is not like you know a megaladon shark
Liz Valenzuela
Liz Valenzuela - 7 years ago
tradesman1000 - 7 years ago
They both were focused on the bait heading in the same direction and saw each other at the last minute. Then collided that’s all that was.
PsyMongazoid - 7 years ago
Nictitating membranes cover their eyes when biting so they're effectively blind for a few seconds.
AS P - 7 years ago
Now kiss, great white shark version
Angel Cry Forever
Angel Cry Forever - 7 years ago
That was a good kiss
Techno Biology
Techno Biology - 7 years ago
โอ้วๆๆๆๆๆ ฟักยู ฟักมี...ไอ้ห่ากูตกใจ

10. comment for Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White

Supes Me
Supes Me - 7 years ago
Looked more like accidental Collision IMHO
Antonio José Santos
Antonio José Santos - 7 years ago
Eles só estão se beijando
dexm2010 - 7 years ago
They're just making out out bro... :)
Nick Galicz
Nick Galicz - 7 years ago
Greta white is NOT the most formidable creature in the ocean...Orca can make mince meat out of a GW any day it want's and they do.
Nicholas Davis
Nicholas Davis - 7 years ago
Well... I'm moving to Canada
Mark Marsh
Mark Marsh - 7 years ago
Great Whites are no longer considered to be "The Ocean's Most Formidable Predator." .....Orcas have recently been filmed eating them for lunch.
FlyingShazbot - 7 years ago
....Nice click bait.
Tiger Cub
Tiger Cub - 7 years ago
Why not a great white vs makl shark
daro ChaNNeL
daro ChaNNeL - 7 years ago
Accident at work. No attack
Kopie - 7 years ago
The Great White Shark won!

20. comment for Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White

HONKEY KONG - 7 years ago
Maybe they were just kissing?
NOE MARTINEZ - 7 years ago
ahwww they kissed
Arturo Salazar
Arturo Salazar - 7 years ago
Poor sharks getting a bad reputation, they were just kissing!
Brianna And Madison
Brianna And Madison - 7 years ago
Sharks are blind right after they comp there teeth down he missed the food right in front of him because he chomped down to early which then made him bonk right into the bigger shark so I don't think they were trying to attack each other but that is just my opinion
Google Translator
Google Translator - 7 years ago
Imagine getting a double blowjob from these two. Hot.
khubaib mohamed
khubaib mohamed - 7 years ago
the man in the background seems like he got an orgasm out of it!
Kenxxking - 7 years ago
It's looks like they are kissing
Waffle - 7 years ago
And when sharks attack the prey (the meat in the water) their eyes go back into their head shelding their eyes and then that causes them to not be able to see and so 2 sharks saw the bait so then they ran into each other
Waffle - 7 years ago
There was bait
Waffle - 7 years ago
They weren't eating each other

30. comment for Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White

Julian Cosme Cruz
Julian Cosme Cruz - 7 years ago
Sean Warren
Sean Warren - 7 years ago
Oops, Oops, my bad!!! Ouch!!!

In retrospect, the young attacked the old... interesting indeed... Quite the mistake.
eatass - 7 years ago
Richard Weed
Richard Weed - 7 years ago
How do 7,492 likes and 1,250 dislikes equal 9,593,804? Must be the new math.
Lolec - 7 years ago
Oh this is the first time i have watched sharks fighting
Will H
Will H - 7 years ago
Or it just missed the bait and hit the larger shark...
TMOD Aka The Master of Disaster
TMOD Aka The Master of Disaster - 7 years ago
Big shark was going for the bait, small shark landed in big sharks mouth, end of story.
Mike Tank Brown ll
Mike Tank Brown ll - 7 years ago
I bet it was really over a female shark that was near by. Us males would die over some pussy. This is a prime example of it.
David Rook
David Rook - 7 years ago
Great Whites have the biggest one rules going, and apparently Jr. was not respecting that rule.
Hog Mouth Fishing Charters
Hog Mouth Fishing Charters - 7 years ago
That's because you got beat out jack asses they were both gone for the bait and I fucking ran into each other that's why they did that you fucking morons you're trying to do research but you're fucking making them attacking each other fucking dumbasses!
Atomic Foxxy
Atomic Foxxy - 7 years ago
42 is voicing this
SEELEYJP - 7 years ago
the shark didnt even bite down.....this wasnt an attack......they just ran into each other........drama
You're Sweet
You're Sweet - 7 years ago
aww sharkanie was cheating again...
Cody Green's Mom's Broken Vibrator
Cody Green's Mom's Broken Vibrator - 7 years ago
I don't like sharks.
Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne - 7 years ago
The shark is 2/3 black. Fuck a great white
David Riley
David Riley - 7 years ago
Real men use stick shift
Real men use stick shift - 8 years ago
OH NOOO is the water ok
Haz 774
Haz 774 - 8 years ago
They ran into each other their eyes roles up when they attack
The Guardian
The Guardian - 8 years ago
Is it just me, or did it seem like the little shark inadvertently bumped into the bigger one.
TheDommer mma
TheDommer mma - 8 years ago
it was a kiss

50. comment for Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White

Iho Pissulyajnen
Iho Pissulyajnen - 8 years ago
what is the fucking idiot screaming there ?
ZAZOU - 8 years ago
Tara Bowring
Tara Bowring - 8 years ago
gaga lol
BEN J __
BEN J __ - 8 years ago
Thats not a fight! They are just kissing!
idid yourmom
idid yourmom - 8 years ago
two great whites fighting and a glorious orgasm in the background. damn nature you scary
LiqurMeUp - 8 years ago
I have to agree. more like to blind fucks walking into a door. Not attacking each other. Open a book.
FrozenEternity - 8 years ago
Sharks eyes roll closed just before they bite. The sharks could not see where they were going just before they striked
Smitty Werbanjagermanjenson
Smitty Werbanjagermanjenson - 8 years ago
And yet another shark on shark crime..
Jerm G
Jerm G - 8 years ago
KJ zow white sharks lives matter thou
joaquinbond007 - 8 years ago
It's just a larger shark showing the smaller one who's boss. There's a pecking order among great whites. The largest one always eats first.
lourdes reyes
lourdes reyes - 8 years ago
Feel bad for,them
Viktorija Bdilbaite
Viktorija Bdilbaite - 8 years ago
1st great white shark:GET AWAT FROM MY DINNER!!!!.2nd great whit shark:WELL YOUR MY DINNER!!!!.well it did look like the 2nd great white shark was trying to eat the 1st oneXD
Savage Dude
Savage Dude - 8 years ago
the other one is huge
Tajanae Granger
Tajanae Granger - 8 years ago
please never stop loving the things you do
RoZoe - 8 years ago
it's not the ocean's most formidable predator
Sean Brown
Sean Brown - 7 years ago
Paul Thomson haha
Paul Thomson
Paul Thomson - 7 years ago
RoZoe no its not. Steven seagal in speedos and a snorkel is the oceans most formidable predator .
PickleJarr - 8 years ago
Isn't it because they are temporarily blind when they bite or is it after they take the bite? Because it might explain why they pretty much crashed into each other?
Chris L
Chris L - 8 years ago
PickleJarr yeah the sharks eyes will roll back for protection when they strike so the big one most likely started to make a move from a lower depth and didn't realize the smaller one had moved in.
#Black #African #savage #kid
#Black #African #savage #kid - 8 years ago
PickleJarr they didn't see each other it's this simple
Carlota Magbag
Carlota Magbag - 8 years ago
Its not a great white its a mako sharks dont you see its smoller the
GabePlay Z
GabePlay Z - 8 years ago
watch my rocket league vid 4 a giveaway and a shoutout
MeargleSchmeargle - 8 years ago
When 2 great whites french kiss.
Mack Lee
Mack Lee - 8 years ago
Why is it 'epic', you dumb fuck.
Romeo Bobby
Romeo Bobby - 8 years ago
0:38 lol
Netanel CAE
Netanel CAE - 8 years ago
amasamadi - 8 years ago
im pretty sure the smaller one is not a great white shark idk for some reason it just looked like a blacktip or a mako
Derek Robinson
Derek Robinson - 8 years ago
Look's like two juvenile shark's Still awesome footage not many videos showing this kind of behavior
EcceSignumRex - 8 years ago
not that gratifying -
crazydiamente1 - 8 years ago
neither shark has visible teeth
i'll leave it to viewers to join the dots
but CLEARLY... there is no "attack"
just another distroted media sensation, another poor dope shoving his head up his own arse in the vain hope of grabbing some attention, and I'm puzzled what motivates humans to behave in such a way
but they do it often, entire organisations (Murdoch etc) behave this way
Martin Mizzi
Martin Mizzi - 8 years ago
The big one kept it's mouth slightly open all the way and did not bite down hard. It was unintentional. He was going for the bait. IMHO.
IanIsAwesome6529 - 8 years ago
0:39 I actually felt that on my forehead...
Atom G
Atom G - 8 years ago
Or when the bigger one opened its mouth the smaller one went its way
tangled Line
tangled Line - 8 years ago
Pretty obvious the bigger shark was going for the bait. Looks like the smaller one passed the red light.
Village Boy
Village Boy - 8 years ago
This isn't the oceans most formiddable predator!! The L.A Pod Orca is!!!!
Nya Stclair
Nya Stclair - 8 years ago
The smaller one didnt even get bit......The big one realized what was happening and didn't chomp down...there would have been blood....CRYSTAL CLEAR water after the "attack".....clickbait shit
The Secret 5th
The Secret 5th - 8 years ago
Imagine the Sharks talking. If it was an accident "Oh my god Phil! I'm so sorry" If it wasn't "yeah,fuck you Phil"
linotheundead - 8 years ago
Lol, you fucking retards. The bigger one didn't attack the other one, they were both going for the bait and the smaller one simply got in the larger one's way.
-No Name-
-No Name- - 8 years ago
Alex The Shark Boi
Alex The Shark Boi - 8 years ago
The small shark just goes on the wrong way
Renata matekuare
Renata matekuare - 8 years ago
cool vid but why a big great white attack a little one is that strange
Rob Cox
Rob Cox - 8 years ago
That little shark dun fucked up.
Harley Cooper
Harley Cooper - 8 years ago
i got a fiver on the small shark size doesnt count :3
passthelimejuice - 8 years ago
I can't believe these things are in the ocean.
NoTimeToExplain - 8 years ago
+funnyguyhahahaha we don't know, some speculate that the Megalodon actually still roams the deep oceans, massive squids. A big great white is probably the more sane things we can expect down there
funnyguyhahahaha - 8 years ago
+NoTimeToExplain like what?
Sam Hux
Sam Hux - 8 years ago
I know right!
NoTimeToExplain - 8 years ago
Seeing how little of the ocean we have actually explored there are probably scarier things down there
Exoticvet fan
Exoticvet fan - 8 years ago
This not fighting the biggest great white couldn't see because it was about to attack that piece of meat that the people had and then the other great white jumped up trying to attack the same thing but as it was going in it had to cover its eyes so it kissed and the bigger shark thought it had the meat so it dove down and the other shark panicked and so that is what happens I can see why they thought they were fighting though
Amanda Melendez
Amanda Melendez - 8 years ago
dude that was epic
kurojin97 - 8 years ago
Both were going for the bait....the smaller one mistakenly overlooked the bait and as the bigger one came in closer to the bait the smaller one realized he was in deep shit.....I don't think, since it's clearly edited, the bigger one even ate or attacked the little guy......
hadphill - 8 years ago
"And that is all you need to know about business"- Michael Scott
Cody Turner
Cody Turner - 8 years ago
Nope it was a mistake the sark put it is eyes in its body to protect is eyes and try's to get the bait a bumps in to etch other
احمد الجهني
احمد الجهني - 8 years ago
well his taste was pretty dilicuse :p

احمد الجهني
احمد الجهني - 8 years ago
+Progoon 15
No you f off!
Progoon 15
Progoon 15 - 8 years ago
Lol f off
Stephen Finnan
Stephen Finnan - 8 years ago
Never thought Great Whites were cannibals.
Jevon Robbins
Jevon Robbins - 8 years ago
cool fight
Jonathan   Nunez
Jonathan Nunez - 8 years ago
Cameren Johnson
Cameren Johnson - 8 years ago
The male one was probably trying to mate.
احمد الجهني
احمد الجهني - 8 years ago
+Tech Slayer

I don't know probably becuse I'm a shark!
Who knows...
Trevali - 8 years ago
+mr “the white shark” ahmad How do you have 60 subscribers and no videos?
احمد الجهني
احمد الجهني - 8 years ago
well I was the male one and I was just hungry .
so I taste that tiny white ..
The Bread Of Life
The Bread Of Life - 8 years ago
Ha, stupid shark, killing each other.. Oh.. wait.. ironic with humanity

100. comment for Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White

IndigoVibes - 8 years ago
I think science has already proved that they are actually making out.
The gr8 Papyrus
The gr8 Papyrus - 8 years ago
i heard you like seeing shark eat/fight each other so i made this picture
فتك الفتاك
فتك الفتاك - 8 years ago
shark is was like peeek a booooo
JRB - 8 years ago
ohhhhhh ohhhhhhh sh#!
Mario Mirdita
Mario Mirdita - 8 years ago
But on is 100% bigger!!
Eggsdayz - 8 years ago
This is very likely happened because the bait. The larger shark accidentally attack smaller one.
cookie Quinn
cookie Quinn - 8 years ago
sorry I don't like this a hate animal vialans
Loveya226 - 8 years ago
Noah Guglielmin
Noah Guglielmin - 8 years ago
I don't understand barcrodt tv the great white shark isn't the top predator its the killer whale btw it kills great whites
Emodragonfly - 8 years ago
poor little shark. You can clearly see that was a mistake by the sharks. I was hoping that the smaller one managed to escape with injuries... but I think it might be dead. Poor thing.
Catherine Burke
Catherine Burke - 8 years ago
Guys, relax. They were only kissing. Shark love. <3
Romulan2469 - 8 years ago
+Catherine Burke The deadly kind of love.
Magnum Chocolate
Magnum Chocolate - 8 years ago
hotboyjameshh - 9 years ago
They're French kissing
NCS DEADMOUSE - 9 years ago
No it's mako shark that attacked the great white shark can you see
Christy O'Dell
Christy O'Dell - 9 years ago
This was awsome
Random Person
Random Person - 9 years ago
one of them was probably flirting with the other ones girlfriend
Random Person
Random Person - 8 years ago
+mr “the white shark” ahmad lol
احمد الجهني
احمد الجهني - 8 years ago
nah I was just hungry..
UltimateDriftR - 8 years ago
ian inoc
ian inoc - 9 years ago
small shark maybe has an eye sight problem? :(
stig0117 - 9 years ago
Defo attack, comes up and grabs the little one who is having a nose. That big one was a monster, not sure he would be bothered with that tiny bit of bait they had going. He's just board of eating seals and dolphins.
Champion`s Gaming championgamer
Champion`s Gaming championgamer - 9 years ago
this video is soo cool!!!!
دار الهدى للاطفال
دار الهدى للاطفال - 9 years ago
فيديو رائع وممتاز
RotInPixels - 9 years ago
the dude in the background needs to shut the hell up...
DORIAN PRIME - 9 years ago
you will notice the jaw was never extended which means it was a fight with the intention of domination not killing
Sean Brown
Sean Brown - 7 years ago
DORIAN PRIME looks to me like it wasn't a fight at all but an accidental collision
GK Chase
GK Chase - 9 years ago
"This shark on shark attack is still an incredible event to have caught on camera" we're going to put a big annoying logo over half of it.
Gabriel Hernandez
Gabriel Hernandez - 9 years ago
My sister and I when she gets the last slice of pizza
Paul Huneault
Paul Huneault - 9 years ago
i thought sharks close there eyes before they attack. so that there eyes don't get damaged? so it probably was by accident that the bigger shark attacked the smaller one and chomped on it thinking that it was the bait.
ASY - 9 years ago
I saw this video
sk8ingonfire - 9 years ago
no fight happened here
NinjaOnANinja - 9 years ago
Wow, the fact they are saying it was intentional pisses me off.
They baited them into one another.
Sharks don't avoid one another. The smaller one avoids the bigger one. And they basically set it up to get jacked up.
You can tell by the other shark trying to swim in a panic. That would not have happened without human intervention.
Seems like they are trying to say it was intentional so that they can sleep at night.
Caitlin Brown
Caitlin Brown - 9 years ago
That would have been cool to see from underwater.
DarkenedAndrew - 9 years ago
This wasn't an attack, just 2 dumb sharks hitting each others face. They didn't even try to bite each other, it was more like "do'h! Excuse me good sir, my bad".
Ethan - 8 years ago
DarkenedAndrew they even said that it may have been an accident...
joeashbubemma - 9 years ago
No blood in the water? I think the big one missed.
Rosetta Davis
Rosetta Davis - 9 years ago
Me me mega megaldon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fireonex - 9 years ago
BlaRaRa33 - 9 years ago
it was obviously just going for the food

nice click b8 m8
Skirmixstudios - 9 years ago
The sharks were not fighting they collided with each other because sharks roll back their eyes to protect them leaving them blind for some moments.
Æe Nema
Æe Nema - 9 years ago
I couldn't see what's going on, you didn't repeat it enough times.
Matt Dorst
Matt Dorst - 9 years ago
It's more entertaining than watching human fight, yeah? Chum the waters and watch the hungry compete for resources. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?! Thumbs down
Sue Klein
Sue Klein - 9 years ago
Jimmy Gomez
Jimmy Gomez - 9 years ago
Von Faahquard
Von Faahquard - 9 years ago
Great white sharks are NOT the oceans most formidable predator. That would be the Orca.
Long street
Long street - 9 years ago
i hope more sharks eat each other
Ozziejoe - 9 years ago
Very rare footage right there mate! Thanks for sharing :)
Petty Patty
Petty Patty - 9 years ago you don't see any blood though! Also...why didn't they have cameras positioned under water to follow up and see if it were a deliberate attack or if the shark said "Oops! My bad! I didn't SEE YOU! You shoulda let me know you were coming! We still cool?" OR was it a revenge strike cause he knocked up his sister? Or it was the angry girlfriend (he cheated on) or the 'other' female who stole her man...and she said..."See bitch! You thought it was OVER and DONE? That's what 'chu get for (sleeping on me)--I TOLD you I was gon' GET chu!" LOL!
Michael Anaya
Michael Anaya - 9 years ago
Michael Anaya
Michael Anaya - 9 years ago
Karen Piotte
Karen Piotte - 9 years ago
Most Awesome! Looked like the small one swam right past the bait and the big one was putting him in his place.
IPRRD M - 9 years ago
Sharks are such faggots!
Shadow Bat
Shadow Bat - 9 years ago
Um no that's not a great white vs great white it's a great white closing its eyes witch it does when about to snatch it for protection it just so happened another shark saw the meat to
Adi Narayan
Adi Narayan - 9 years ago
The little one has no business hanging around the bug one lol
The small shark attacked the big shark ,the annoying people are blind here
Greendude360 - 9 years ago
The great white did not attack the other shark
Logjam5 - 9 years ago
Why is this guys voice tied to so many videos, Get someone else please!
The Red Buffoon
The Red Buffoon - 9 years ago
I'm not convinced that was an attack, I think the smaller one basically ran into the larger one when they were both going for the bait, it's the smaller shark that really appears to head for the larger one & I doubt that a smaller shark would ever attempt to attack the larger one deliberately. Still an amazing thing to see though.
Lachie Moore
Lachie Moore - 7 years ago
Maybe I'm a bit late but I agree. I don't think it started out as an attack due to the speed of the larger one and usually they go for the torso. Also as others have pointed out it the jaws didn't open up as much as what it would've done, however like you said it would've seen it as a competitor and gotten protective of the bait and you can see how it follows the smaller shark back down rather than going for the bait. Also I'm curious about how you found out that the smaller one hasn't been seen since the incident?
Ryan Greef
Ryan Greef - 7 years ago
The Red Buffoon yed, but regarlesd thry fought
Dream Gene Exotic Reptiles
Dream Gene Exotic Reptiles - 7 years ago
I agree!
Smith Queen
Smith Queen - 7 years ago
Agreed, sharks close their eyes before biting. The little one just missed the bait
c'mon mannn
c'mon mannn - 8 years ago
Megalodon they clearly both let go.
Megalodon - 8 years ago
I disagree. Even if it didn't start out as an attack on the smaller shark, it appears that it did escalate into one. The fact that the smaller animal hasn't been seen since supports this. Perhaps the larger shark saw the smaller one as a competitor trying to take its food. Once a shark claims a meal, they can be very protective of it. One of the Jersey Shore Attack victims was attacked when trying to retrieve the body of a previous victim. Many other attacks started the same way.
Caitlin Brown
Caitlin Brown - 9 years ago
That's what I was thinking as well.
Katie C
Katie C - 9 years ago
Th0ughtf0rce - 9 years ago
+The Red Buffoon Judging by their mouths, I agree. Their lips pull back when they move in for a bite. Compare with this one: /watch?v=iwOzHe9KRvs
Truth Reigns Forever
Truth Reigns Forever - 9 years ago
I theorize that the "Bigger" shark attacked the small one because it didn't want the small shark to eat the bait. "This piece of food is mines" asserts the bigger great white.
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 9 years ago
+Truth Reigns Forever Pretty much this.
St. Mark
St. Mark - 9 years ago
the big one went for the bait but when the small one swam by his instincts took over.
Devan Eng
Devan Eng - 9 years ago
Wait are people supposed to jerk off to this?
romanek shark
romanek shark - 9 years ago
lucky video catch
salim kahar
salim kahar - 9 years ago
GALAU. .G +.?
salim kahar
salim kahar - 9 years ago
+Cewek Pati oky..Terimakasih. .sahabat ku!
Gak pa - pa..!
Maafkan ..buat selanjutnya. ..
Mlm mlm...sis..!
Cewek Manyun
Cewek Manyun - 9 years ago
Oooo bgtuu nomorku aja udah 1 th ngk inget mas...
salim kahar
salim kahar - 9 years ago
+Cewek Pati ..y..!
Tapi haru menyimpan nomor mu..baru bisa..!
Klw boleh kirim ke nomor mu ja..!
Dan untuk diingat. .
Tuhan tetap memihak kepada Yg benar. .
Kiriman nomor mu..sis..
Cewek Manyun
Cewek Manyun - 9 years ago
Oooo id line aku mas fyansa
salim kahar
salim kahar - 9 years ago
+Cewek Pati maaf. .sis..!
Aku gak da bbm. .!
Yg ada..
2.watsaff. .
Klw Mw hubungin aq. .
lewat itu..

Cewek Manyun
Cewek Manyun - 9 years ago
Nahh iyaa kan...punya bbm mas
salim kahar
salim kahar - 9 years ago
+Cewek Pati heee..
aku juga gak tau..sis...!
Betul juga kata mu..
Sepertinya. .merasa bosan..!
Cewek Manyun
Cewek Manyun - 9 years ago
Galauu itu apa maa
Lupita Medina
Lupita Medina - 9 years ago
Stupid shark I didn't want to say it but stupid shark the big one attacked first ifu pause it the big shark opens his mouth first the little one tryed to escape stupid shark u could go suck my lil bros DICK
parraphrase - 9 years ago
Evil ushawn tews uz dat da bigga shak iza fidest. sow weze gotz to say eat fishn kips. Y? u Ass? Well cauze we'z da mosn evolvo'd wit meeeens dat we needss too domino ate. UC DumE? Evil U Shawn! YEah evin doe it'z day tewwitowy Iz takin ova cauz I's da big moon key, evolvo'd to savive!
Jack Hamster
Jack Hamster - 9 years ago
"The oceans most formidable predator" are orcas or arguably sperm whales... not great whites.. They are still a formidable predator though.
Jack Hamster
Jack Hamster - 9 years ago
Sharks have nothing on orcas... literally nothing.. dummer.. smaller.. lonners vs pack hunters... give me a break a GWS is at best yammy orca bait... and a distraction and entertaining for the cunning sea wolves... there s no comparison to be made here really
Adam - 9 years ago
+A S R I believe Orcas have a far higher success rate in hunts than White Sharks do. A lot of that is admittedly down to the fact that they hunt in packs, but they rarely miss when they set their sights on a prey item.
A S R - 9 years ago
+Jack Hamster Sharks are still the better hunters and have better hunting weaponry.
Tom Nguyen
Tom Nguyen - 9 years ago
they both fight over my balls. my itchy itchy balls.
Dion Thomas
Dion Thomas - 9 years ago
Its is not a fight the smaller shark got in the way of the other shark and the other shark was trying to get the bait that the fisher man had
Xochitl Mia
Xochitl Mia - 9 years ago
So the smaller Great White Shark  is died
Rosa Astacio
Rosa Astacio - 9 years ago
this is so cool two of the most hungry fish attack each other
Short Fuse
Short Fuse - 9 years ago
i like when it bumps its snout into the camera...."THUMP!"
X BOX FOR DAYS - 9 years ago
At school im researching the great white shak
Tellulun - 9 years ago
Lol the idiot people on the boat who are fapping the shit out of themselves for it, while the sharks are fighting!..
Seb Chada
Seb Chada - 9 years ago
Why oh the insanity ohhh the insanity those poor skippy were not caught by anybody onboard the boat, most fishermen never get that many silver trevally around their boat ever and those mean shark guys don't even care about the best fighting fish (power or whatever per kilo ratio) in the sea.
Jabb Throne
Jabb Throne - 9 years ago
How's is this animal cruelty, this nature.
Serapis Bey
Serapis Bey - 9 years ago
If they deliberately placed the bait near the sharks then it is only natural for them to fight for the food. Then you people are to be blamed by the casualty of the smaller shark!
Serapis Bey
Serapis Bey - 9 years ago
+jujulio lezesuiglaz ikr.. hmmmm.. WE NEED PETA FOR THIS WE CAN'T DO THIS ALONE! HAHA
jujulio lezesuiglaz
jujulio lezesuiglaz - 9 years ago
true that; tv crews who go after sensationalism; often pour a lot of blood to get what they want. some days later shark attacks on humans are reported....but hey; money is money
Brendan Jackson
Brendan Jackson - 9 years ago
And the Orca's all like " Bitch, please. "
Kiri Kiske
Kiri Kiske - 9 years ago
dam nature yo scary!
Kiri Kiske
Kiri Kiske - 9 years ago
everyday life in australia :P
Jeff Rogers
Jeff Rogers - 9 years ago
He wasn't aiming for the shark he was going for the bait and missed which makes these filmmakers douchbags
Ben Rogers
Ben Rogers - 10 years ago
I heard some where sharks close there eyes when they attack
Canadian cryptids Canada's beasts
Canadian cryptids Canada's beasts - 10 years ago
It does not look like it drew blood??
TheHuskeePhatboy - 10 years ago
Is it weird that i jacked off to this???
Hippy Gumbo
Hippy Gumbo - 10 years ago
The sharks are fighting over the food that those insecure needle dicks on the boat are taunting them with...what a piece of work is a man!
Pasu suel
Pasu suel - 10 years ago
or its a territorial bite. near the bait.
Igor Oliveira
Igor Oliveira - 10 years ago
The sharks were just kissing.
Mary Quillen
Mary Quillen - 10 years ago
hmrhuang - 10 years ago
That is rare to see!  I thought large sharks usually establish a hierarchy at a feed rather than risk a fight -- I guess the smaller one didn't get the message from the larger one....=)
matteo mazzamuto
matteo mazzamuto - 10 years ago
at minute 1:15 when the smaller shark realize that he made a bullshit
K Pierce
K Pierce - 10 years ago
This shark on shark crime has got to stop
shrimpboy944 - 10 years ago
Neither shark attacked the other! Their mouths were never open and they both basically collided into each other while going after the bait in the water..
iway - 10 years ago
eZ get wr3cked Shark!
Justin Williams
Justin Williams - 10 years ago
That moment when you see the guy who banged your wife lmao
Sno Man
Sno Man - 10 years ago
Looks like both were going for the bait and accidently ran into each other and didn't bite down and let each other go
Last Life
Last Life - 10 years ago
Did the bigger shark actually eat the smaller shark? I kinda doubt it.
kool9927042113 - 10 years ago
Maybe they were trying to kiss before they eat bait for dinner and the big shark failed to kiss, so it decided to eat its mate so it doesn't get embarrassed in front of humans.
Joel Embiid's official burner account
Joel Embiid's official burner account - 10 years ago
Wait what happened after? Who's to say this was an attack? The larger shark may have been attempting a rescue mission, srsly
Sk8jitsu - 10 years ago
i think sharks need to start fighting more often...fuck peta
Anes Sadoon
Anes Sadoon - 10 years ago
Insanity Girlz
Insanity Girlz - 10 years ago
oh my god soo awesome
Life Theories
Life Theories - 10 years ago
lol I'll laugh when you get eaten for baiting sharks....Which is illegal i think? 
Carlos Galarza
Carlos Galarza - 10 years ago
That small great white got wrecked
Popcorn - 10 years ago
I'm an Australian and I've come face to face with a kangaroos he biggest one in the group and wrestled a big wild pig and fallen on to a echidna and next I want to go swimming with sharks and that's what you got to do to be an Australian I've done all of that beside sharks what you got to do to be an Australian and ride a 450 motor bike ( I'm 14 )
Sky Fly
Sky Fly - 10 years ago
Amazing awsesome
Fca Socias
Fca Socias - 10 years ago
Megustaria que lo esplicaran en español por que no e entendido nada
Jarret Voorhies - JSV Motorsports
Jarret Voorhies - JSV Motorsports - 10 years ago
Great Whites are awesome!  It's all fun and games till you get on the surface.  
Sun4Niebieskieoczy - 10 years ago
do you people realize that by just watching and not killing these beasts you are basically just allowing these stupid ugly monsters to then attack and hurt your brothers and sisters on the surf boards? Let's see you get all puffed up about my comments instead of agreeing and getting to work and eating the sharks like we do here - and we eat these bastards RAW with soya sauce - yummy
Buddy Chum Pal 》Miah nii《
Buddy Chum Pal 》Miah nii《 - 10 years ago
It looks like the attacker shark missed the meat bait and hit another shark by accident, but I might be wrong.
Zac Hart
Zac Hart - 10 years ago
Only in Australia :)
Frank Reynolds
Frank Reynolds - 10 years ago
That shark that is yelling sounds like it is either really scared or in a lot of pain.
default - 10 years ago
if you ask me it looks more as if the Great White (on the right) was attempting to snatch the bait, but completely missed of course. 
fishnhunt - 10 years ago
Looks to me like the smaller shark is the one that attacked the bigger one, realized he made a mistake and tried to retreat.
luvoucho - 10 years ago
Beautiful creatures of power who use it much more wisely than ourselves ! They knew each other, that was not two sharks hurting each other that was more of a play tussle, when you consider what they are capable of that was play !
Tevita Basaga Vukinamualevu
Tevita Basaga Vukinamualevu - 10 years ago
Damn what a coincidence
Billy Bob Twinkle
Billy Bob Twinkle - 10 years ago
Heck! that damn fish gone at that other fish like a thirst struck redneck to moonshine damn critter ate him up all crazy like heck. Gawwlly there be no swimmin for Billy Bob down them parts!!
Hacker Man
Hacker Man - 10 years ago
Great Whites close their eyes when they go for attack to protect their sight. It saw and smelt the bait and went for it at the same moment another one did.
Mathew Stone
Mathew Stone - 10 years ago
sonrouge - 10 years ago
And that is why, no matter how many times I hear about great whites not being mankillers, I will always hold a great deal of respect for them.
Chris Vesey
Chris Vesey - 10 years ago
Skittz Rainbow
Skittz Rainbow - 10 years ago
That's fake
Jake Hudson
Jake Hudson - 10 years ago
Wow truly amazing
PressPooToContinue - 10 years ago
Shark spelt backwards is Krahs
Ryan G.
Ryan G. - 10 years ago
Otherwise described as: A fish ate a fish. 
vertabrate1 - 10 years ago
you know when i watch this i can almost here that theme for that famous star trek episode where Spock and kirk fight each other.
alexiaNBC - 10 years ago
Most sharks don't attack each other unless food is absent or they both see prey that they both want. This scene itself looks more like the sharks smelled the same food and ended up bumping into each other by accident
Grenge g
Grenge g - 10 years ago
l was wrong about everyhting
l was wrong about everyhting - 10 years ago
Um change the title douchbag
Цезарь и Джулия
Цезарь и Джулия - 10 years ago
Добро пожаловать на мой канал!
YihReng Tan
YihReng Tan - 10 years ago
The amount of propaganda on these sort of videos is astonishing. Definition of propaganda? Certain ideas, news etc which are often inaccurate of biased. Ppl insulting one another over race, religion and ideology
XxScArEcRoWxX1 - 10 years ago
Man wheres the rest of the video. The full thing would of been nice. But oh well. Yes oh well
Jaroslav Záruba
Jaroslav Záruba - 10 years ago
nearby orca: "aww that's cute"
Cooper Carr
Cooper Carr - 10 years ago
Watch incredibly as two great white sharks bump into each other and are sensationalized for views. 
Ash Richards
Ash Richards - 10 years ago
The sharks clearly were going for the bait. They both just happened to come in at the same time and not realize until they both collided with the smaller shark and released and swam off. there was no attack there, if so you would have seen them physically trying to harm one another. I believe it wasn't an attack just a simple mistake ..!
Mark Jennings
Mark Jennings - 10 years ago
That's one love bite that I don't want to have.
Jia Fu
Jia Fu - 10 years ago
is not attacking is crush into each other
Jake The Dog
Jake The Dog - 10 years ago
Jake The Dog
Jake The Dog - 10 years ago
Jake The Dog
Jake The Dog - 10 years ago
Jake The Dog
Jake The Dog - 10 years ago
Jake The Dog
Jake The Dog - 10 years ago
Jake The Dog
Jake The Dog - 10 years ago
Jake The Dog
Jake The Dog - 10 years ago
Jake The Dog
Jake The Dog - 10 years ago
Jake The Dog
Jake The Dog - 10 years ago
Jake The Dog
Jake The Dog - 10 years ago
Jake The Dog
Jake The Dog - 10 years ago
خالد الحويطي
خالد الحويطي - 10 years ago
ياللهول ماهذا
Teresa van Lieshout
Teresa van Lieshout - 10 years ago
They were going for the meat line...
darren critch
darren critch - 10 years ago hit that up and start saving money first $5 is free
Augustus ll
Augustus ll - 10 years ago
0:02 The guy in the background sounds like he just came...
MoeGreensLeftEye - 10 years ago
Shark vs shark: shark wins!
reaper13av - 10 years ago
Looks like the big one was coming up for the bait and the other one just got in the way. They didn't even draw blood.
tailsawsome17 - 10 years ago
Chris C
Chris C - 10 years ago
That guy screaming when the sharks come up is really freaking annoying.   They should cut the sound off there.
MilliesVlog - 10 years ago
this is what happens when you do not pay borrowed money back.
Ketzal7 - 10 years ago
just going point it out, no blood... maybe the little one was saving the big one from the bait! ;)
jean-marc Cousin
jean-marc Cousin - 10 years ago
it's impressive but not surprising when you see that the two sharks are attracted to the same bait. Man causes things that are not natural
1000hpHONDA - 10 years ago
The sharks could have kept duking it out but that guy that screamed seemed to frighten them.
Shannon - 10 years ago
Poor shark D:
hovadopekelne - 10 years ago
... it's just me, or majority of people are really so stupid to believe that bigger shark attacked smaller shark. All I see are two sharks getting into collision in frenzy, excited by bait. There was no attack, no bite, no blood, no violence ...
The6avenger - 10 years ago
shark attack my ass, both shark goes for the same bait, the small shark goes to eat the bait, but misses and bit the big shark by accident, as big shark happened to be right next to the bait. big shark thinks its getting attacked and goes in defend mode. little shark goes " it was an accident, i was only going for the bait"
Nikolai D
Nikolai D - 10 years ago
TheNegativeOne - 10 years ago
Durade - Sandstorm
роман Ромыч
роман Ромыч - 10 years ago
когда показать нечего надо показать 10раз одно и тоже
Different stuff
Different stuff - 10 years ago
Graeme Pennell
Graeme Pennell - 10 years ago
Lol its not a fight u ass clowns. Great white comes from left tiger from right. Clearly both trying for same piece of bait meat. However bait gets towed away just before tiger gets there shows u retards that its a shark fight. Don't join the police as detectives please......
traingp7 - 10 years ago
I'm bigger than you are GET IN MY BELLY!
Aleksa Zelenbaba
Aleksa Zelenbaba - 10 years ago
Holy shit
Logiepie - 10 years ago
OMG!! >.<! 
James Ryen
James Ryen - 10 years ago
It was just shark kiss.....
余柏穎 - 10 years ago
They just had a intensely french kiss. Not big deal.
max toller
max toller - 10 years ago
SapphireUnique - 10 years ago
the guy yelling is annoying as fuck
Marga Medina
Marga Medina - 10 years ago
Me gustaría que pongan vídeos de ROBERTO Carlos ,Pablo alboran ,Enrique iglesias,melodías, los recodos
Aleksa Zelenbaba
Aleksa Zelenbaba - 10 years ago
i think the little shark attacked the big one first 
minibeast21 - 10 years ago
man if that smaller shark just happened to get caught in the way & ended up being an extra meal for that bigger shark that was originally aiming for the bait, it has to be one of the unluckiest shark ever! lol
Dr. Dominik Münch
Dr. Dominik Münch - 10 years ago
They're not fighting each other they both just went for the bait at the same time and got caught up with each other. sharks close their eyes in the last moment before an attack to protect them, so they both just didn't see where they were going. 
robaxx - 10 years ago
The title is click-bait The two sharks clearly ran into each other.
Mike Emmons
Mike Emmons - 10 years ago
could also have been a sexual assault, great whites like it rough.
Enduro Minor
Enduro Minor - 10 years ago
m8 that's straya 4 ya
paulbitea - 10 years ago
Mr Derp!
paulbitea - 10 years ago
a great event to catch on camera, then put huge black subtitles that obscure the image over the top, nice one ;)
Noisydad - 10 years ago
OMG - You mean wild animals actually DONT hold hands while they're skipping through the wild in fuzzy focus?
merika belte
merika belte - 10 years ago
To me that pooked like the shark was eating a dolphin or a smaller version of its self :O
Sonic Hegehog
Sonic Hegehog - 10 years ago
Congratulations to attract sharks with bait and get used not to hunt any more. So the day this smart Aussie will stop feeding the poor shark it will risk to eat an innocent diver who  will be the next bait and meal  . And many people will tell that sharks are bad and will never think of someone else making a moovie on sharks no matter what will succeed after !
Musulman ةةة
Musulman ةةة - 10 years ago
Joshua Dabelstein
Joshua Dabelstein - 10 years ago
swada02 - 10 years ago
I felt so bad and sorry for the smaller Great White to be honest. He would have been a juvenile compared to the other beast of a shark. Poor thing would have got absolutely destroyed because the larger shark bit it when it had its mouth wide open. Brutal injury and it would have suffered a lot I think before death. This video really saddened me because it was caused by humans luring the sharks to catch them. And then this unfortunate even occurred and a young shark met a painful death.
Tankspeed12 - 10 years ago
The biggest and strongest always wins. That's how the animal world works
Anon Amos
Anon Amos - 10 years ago
is that ali g talking over this vid
worshipguitarguy - 10 years ago
Too much writing. Want to see the pic but the your writings in the way :(
MsJubjubbird - 10 years ago
It is very unusual. Normally when it comes to feeding great white sharks will swim past each other and size each other up and the largest one will be allowed to eat first. It's very orderly and the rules are usually followed. Maybe the little one got too close to the food and the big one thought it wasn't following the rules. 
Kayley Rodier
Kayley Rodier - 10 years ago
They both just went for the bait at the same time and as people know they can't put on the breaks and reverse! So it was more of a collision than an 'attack' :/
Can't tame Me
Can't tame Me - 10 years ago
Barcroft TV are displaying sharks attacking bate in a provoked display for the camera. So essentially they are using sharks as unwilling candidates in some show of frenzy. Fuck off.
Ozzy Doop
Ozzy Doop - 10 years ago
nice way to capitalize on premeditated footage caused by human idiots, purely accidental too, not an attack by any means, any fool can see that...
dzte - 10 years ago
PS3 Sucks!
Jack Smith
Jack Smith - 10 years ago
Either the smaller shark is really dumb or it was attacking the bigger shark. Because it missed it entirely. 

This and the attack the other day will make the cull on Sharks harder to stop. Anyone realise, we're in their ocean. And from the looks of things on the beach, the man who got attacked was in deep water near a beachead - i.e. deeper and more likely for fish = food for shark. 
Sharks also attack people thinking they are food. They don't go - ooh human, I want a piece of that. It is a mistake. They taste us, go ugh and leave us. 
elvis uwejigho
elvis uwejigho - 10 years ago
Too bad
elvis uwejigho
elvis uwejigho - 9 years ago
23... 27
Eleazer Nwaekwe
Eleazer Nwaekwe - 9 years ago
pls I need one banker for dis week 11 I av lost so heavily lately both in pool n bet too pls help tanks
elvis uwejigho
elvis uwejigho - 9 years ago
2x 5x 12x 22x 28x
elvis uwejigho
elvis uwejigho - 9 years ago
Joe Uzor
Joe Uzor - 9 years ago
Pls try help me with pool game for me to pay pls
Tato San
Tato San - 10 years ago
I just see 2 sharks missing a piece of ham....
Or maybe they play...?
ramairgto72 - 10 years ago
Looks like it was a mistaken identity to me, clearly Bruce didnt immediately bite down on the smaller shark, and it's unclear what went on under the water.
Could have been "well this is not the bait, but you will do" as well. 
abbey schlink
abbey schlink - 10 years ago
Haha this was filmed where i live #westcoastrepresent
Boro Mir
Boro Mir - 10 years ago
People be like : Hey ! What were you doing with the camera??? You should have dived in and saved the shark! Oh! People these days >.<
Nicholas Webster
Nicholas Webster - 10 years ago
Nicholas Webster
Nicholas Webster - 10 years ago
sean moss
sean moss - 10 years ago
This would be a great add for specsavers.
Will Bowie
Will Bowie - 10 years ago
I wouldn't say that a shark would purposely target the smaller shark, they usually do some crazy eye rolling thing to protect their eyes when they attack something like fish or when they bump into something, so really its going in blind and the smaller shark happened to be in its line of attack...
emorozov - 10 years ago
Nado bylo ewo rastjanutj na minut 20
youtubasoarus - 10 years ago
You can see they both break it off the moment they realize what they've done. They weren't going after each other.
Salvador Cerón
Salvador Cerón - 10 years ago
Shazwan Jafaradam
Shazwan Jafaradam - 10 years ago
Wow it awesome
altclyti - 10 years ago
Did it die?
David Terryberry
David Terryberry - 10 years ago
Of course it died did you see the tail flail
Barcroft TV
Barcroft TV - 10 years ago
+altclyti It wasn't seen again...
Bubba Dewy
Bubba Dewy - 10 years ago
Damn nature... you scary!!!
megablah1 - 10 years ago
omg its bigger jaws!
chickennuggetMM - 10 years ago
did the baby shark died???
Barcroft TV
Barcroft TV - 10 years ago
+chickennuggetMM It was not sighted again...
Tommy Brown
Tommy Brown - 10 years ago
Looks like 12 year olds trying to take their first kiss
Jules Lovejoy
Jules Lovejoy - 8 years ago
Tommy Brown
Barcroft TV
Barcroft TV - 10 years ago
+Tommy Brown HA!
Just Me
Just Me - 10 years ago
Was an accident, he just happen to get in the way @ the wrong place / time 
Jacc Trippa
Jacc Trippa - 10 years ago
mufuckas probably never had a fight with another shark in their lives but i'd bet every dime i had that white people put something in the water for them to fight over.
thats the nature of the beast, make everythang thats natural do unnatural things.
Pius Mabanza
Pius Mabanza - 10 years ago
Tout puissant
ARVIN - 10 years ago
Fking bully. . .
DANNY H - 10 years ago
probably fucked his girlfriend! 
Malcolm H
Malcolm H - 10 years ago
Love me some shark on shark action.
Michael - 10 years ago
The bigger shark was clearly going for the bate...this video could have been much more interesting if one guy fell down and get eaten by sharks...though people would think that sharks are dangerous creatures, but in reality humans have caused problem with every single species ever existed.
Skeeter's Skills
Skeeter's Skills - 10 years ago
Umm it was barely an attack lol Hell, if they had tongues, they could of been frenchin it up. It was more like they ran into each other with their mouths open. Not sure what angle you were witnessing it from. Maybe watch the video again lol I'm pretty sure neither of them even closes their mouths.
linglingjr - 10 years ago
What an experience!
kevlar218 - 10 years ago
Um, more like both sharks are attacking the same bait. Cheap views for a misleading title. Another meaningless video on Youtube.
brookelovecoffee cake
brookelovecoffee cake - 10 years ago
I live near there 
I'm not going swimming this summer
Chad Vital
Chad Vital - 10 years ago
This was the most overhyped, built up video and incident I've seen a long time. All that for THAT? Nothing even happened lol. "OMG jack shit is going on!"
Briachi Garcia
Briachi Garcia - 10 years ago
Have you heard a great white shark was killed by a killer we all :( :( :(
Robert - 10 years ago
i thought  they was extinct
Gavin Ng
Gavin Ng - 10 years ago
you know where you are?!?!?! you in da jungle baby!! you gonna dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
ElectricMahatama - 10 years ago
That's how Sharks Hi Five in Australia. Fairly common.
Ahmed Elhusseini
Ahmed Elhusseini - 10 years ago
I was surprised when I saw it. Then i was even more surprised when ot said it was in australie. I didnt know australians still existed.
Ayden Cook
Ayden Cook - 10 years ago
Of course this happened in f*cking Australia... 
Louisito711 - 10 years ago
Finding Nemo Sharks say"Fish are friends, not food" but they didnt say if all sharks were friends ;o
Old School Typhlosion
Old School Typhlosion - 10 years ago
the sharks are fighting for food
MustangTogunner - 10 years ago
1:19 clearly they're making out
Engel kids
Engel kids - 10 years ago
iani1051989 - 10 years ago
i do not think they weren't attacking each other. they were just kissing (french kissing obviously) and making out. they so reminded me my x girlfriend.   
winifer j
winifer j - 10 years ago
Fuck that shit it's fake
winifer j
winifer j - 10 years ago
This suck dick
cnpjphillypwn - 10 years ago
Must have been a couple, fighting like that.
Pedro Strom
Pedro Strom - 10 years ago
wasn't the smaller one that attacked the bigger one ??
Jen G.
Jen G. - 10 years ago
Attention America. There are sharks within our govt that have plans to secretly bring down the United States. The plan they created is called the New World Order. They want to exterminate 90% of the population. They are currently poisoning the food with chemicals and GMO to give everyone slow growing cancer. They are spraying our air with toxins to harm us and cause disease. They put fluoride in our water to give us brain damage just like Hitler did. They are using vaccinations to cause people to get autism and later life cancers, MS and altzeimers. They put dental fillings in our teeth filled with mercury to break down every organ in our body and destroy our brain cells. There is so much more they are doing to us. People are waking up all over the world. Go research this on youtube and you will see prestigious insiders, military, scientists and doctors and more speaking out. The time is now to wake up. There isn't much time left. Learn how to save your family by eating organic foods and using essential oils to protect your body from toxins.
Nick Wells
Nick Wells - 10 years ago
saams like the smaller shark got away when i watched in slow mo, the smaller shark only had a small portion of its body bit 
PrankFiles - 10 years ago
Bite to the neck = death
Picturing my love
Picturing my love - 10 years ago
That orgasm though
Loro Lukic
Loro Lukic - 10 years ago
I have to say I love being Aussie.
MisterOptimous - 10 years ago
I feel sad for the small shark
Ellie Winters
Ellie Winters - 10 years ago
This is how I see this whole thing going down:

Big Shark: Oh my gosh, this piece of meat looks amazing! I'm going to eat it! Dun dun dun dun dun...
Big Shark: What the heck? OH MY GOSH IT'S STEVE! ARE YOU OK?!
Steve: Yeah, man I'm fine.
Big Shark: Ok good. Sorry dude I didn't see ya there.
Steve: It's fine. Let's go eat some more of that meat!
Big Shark: Yeah!
열방교회신정동 - 10 years ago
TheCockeyez - 10 years ago
Looked like they where kissing.
dayal williams
dayal williams - 10 years ago
Australia is hunting sharks soo distructive
Whatever - 10 years ago
Some quack said this fight was started by man i think not what a nutcase!!!!!
sharks have plenty of food to eat
Sake Bobombs
Sake Bobombs - 10 years ago
In this vid. A guy jizzing to 2 sharks making out.
D-rex - 10 years ago
Shark on shark crime
atalante972 - 10 years ago
Stop Feeding !!! Shame on everyone on this boat !
OnloOker OnlOokerov
OnloOker OnlOokerov - 10 years ago
kiss me ...
Gareth Phillips
Gareth Phillips - 10 years ago
That is great.
Owen Miller
Owen Miller - 10 years ago
Someone should of jumped in a broke it up
ChickenSoupForTheTroll - 10 years ago
So obviously FAKE!
Emmett Lazich
Emmett Lazich - 10 years ago
What a let down. That's not an attack. Just crossing paths due to the bait and the big shark telling the little one to bugger off.
anonymous - 10 years ago
they must b starving
poop licker
poop licker - 10 years ago
Ahh sharks are so adorable
Zangief-chan - 10 years ago
Yea shark on shark action
aSecret89 - 10 years ago
0:37 outch
Clarence Brown
Clarence Brown - 10 years ago
The Big shark never seems to bite down,like oops sorry about that.
mrNorthviewer - 10 years ago
Reminds me of a typical day at my office.
Gabriel Lezama
Gabriel Lezama - 10 years ago
It's Jaws vs Bigger Jaws! Just sayin'! :-D
Earl Green
Earl Green - 10 years ago
LIKE WOW!   Amos 5:8
I’ve often told my little girl that (as I was told by a German student) English is the hardest language in the world. Too many words sound alike, too many rules, twists and turns. I looked up the rule for pronouncing “ed” at the end of words and why ‘e’ is silent; and was amazed at the ease of info in our day. The Bible is a composite of information about God we should appreciate, many before us didn’t have it. Bible – like a wow!
NorthWind - 10 years ago
Earl Green
Earl Green - 10 years ago
+pierre eudson ais JESUS bless you too ... keep on being the light of Jesus in the darkness brother :)
pierre eudson ais
pierre eudson ais - 10 years ago
I am pastor Ais.i can speake spanish.i live haiti of les cayes.god bless you!
Geovannieco Colon
Geovannieco Colon - 10 years ago
The shark was going to take the bait but the smaller one went right in front of him and thats when he gets bit as you can see in slow motion
ajgar khan
ajgar khan - 10 years ago
instaPHAMOUS. COM to get 1,000 instagram follower fast as hell
MrOnionCock - 10 years ago
KSKR UK - 10 years ago
Impressive footage and something 99.9% of us will never see, but seems quite clear that it's just two Great Whites going for teh same bait at the same time. The way the bigger shark doesn't actually make contact with the smaller (considering their accuracy when striking), makes it seem more likely a collision than attack.
Stdkingz - 10 years ago
Im a sexual predator
ShadowEnigmaTV - 10 years ago
Sharks go blind for a short period of time when they go in to attack their prey to prevent damage to their eyes. So they obviously collided
VAL - 10 years ago
completement bidon , ils ont juste attrapé l'appat en meme temps !!
HHS1500 - 10 years ago
Shark on shark is the best crime
GodlessManitoban - 10 years ago
I hope the shark wins.
bullt91 - 10 years ago
Both sharks are indians
m I o . o I m
m I o . o I m - 10 years ago
I wish great whites were land or flying creatures. That would make life more interesting!
Mourad Goublié
Mourad Goublié - 10 years ago
They are just french kissing
falco830 - 10 years ago
Curve Stomp! Curve Stomp! Curve Stomp!!!!!  Errr... Splash Bite! Splash Bite! Splash Bite!!!!!
Allen Tapanes
Allen Tapanes - 10 years ago
Will that's cool
Luigi Bianco
Luigi Bianco - 10 years ago
Do White children deserve to have a future?
Tens of millions of non-Whites flooding into White countries every year will, in a few decades, mean that Whites will be a minority in every country they founded.
Black countries will remain majority Black, and Asian countries will remain majority Asian.
Only White countries will be affected by this. This is genocide under international law.
But anti-Whites don't call it genocide; they call it diversity.
Diversity means chasing down every last White child.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
andrews animations
andrews animations - 7 years ago
This has nothing to do with the video
Michael Collins
Michael Collins - 10 years ago
"Oceans most formidable predator" ...??? ...Hardly! While the Killer Whale doesn't seem to pose much threat to humans they do to everything else and are top predators of the oceans which would make them the oceans most formidable predator.
The Quasi Hunter
The Quasi Hunter - 10 years ago
There was an incident off the cost of California (Farallon Islands) where a small pod of killer whales killed a Great White, the amazing part was 'all' the other Great Whites in the entire islands abandoned their yearly feast dove to about 1,500 ft. then swam 2,000 miles before sufficing (One Great White was wearing a satellite tag), so it appears that Great Whites would rather go a little hungry and swim 2,000 miles then mess with Killer Whales.
J Cliff
J Cliff - 10 years ago
The Killer Whales sonar is so fast and accurate it literally can substitute for eye's in low visibility or even pitch black conditions. They have blindfolded dolphins and Killer Whales then have had them swim through hoops and they even had a blindfolded dolphin jump out of the water though a hoop using just the sonar. Their sonar is so fast, accurate and refined it even makes all the navy's of the world jealous.

Sonar is very fast and direct, able to update intel rapidly for tactical purposes, whereas a sharks smell and sensing motion is more as a general guidance rather than a rapid pinpoint homing in on a target. Both only use sight in the last few yards if light and/or visibility conditions allow. The Killer Whale really is an awesome smart animal and compared to the Killer Whale the Great White amounts to just a dumb fish. Killer Whales truly rule all the oceans and have for a long time...

The new consensus is the modern Killer Whales are believed to be responsible for the extinction of the huge prehistoric sea creatures, Killer Whales emerging on the screen at about the time of their extinctions, they believe that even then the Killer Whales intelligence and tactics were so outstanding that other creatures were no match for the Killer Whale... 
  The Great Whites survival to this day is due to their getting smaller... rather than being large and fewer in numbers, they down sized and more in numbers, which only give the Killer Whales more dominance over them... the Great White really has little chance combating Killer Whales and can only run for their survival.
The Philistine
The Philistine - 10 years ago
Also there have been no documented Orca attacks on humans in the wild. The attacks at Seaworld are a result of keeping a 6 ton apex predator in a fish tank combined with their high levels of intelligence and ability to feel emotions and distress. I have read articles concerning how Orca have brought drowning humans back to the surface, and also pods of Orca protecting stranded people from sharks. Obviously they are claims but it's food for thought. It's an absolute disgrace to see such magnificent creatures in captivity. I read somewhere that a few fishermen grew tired of the Orca interrupting with their business, and after changing their fishing routine/methods to trick the Orca the pod as a collective had come up with a new strategy to disrupt the fishermen within an hour lol. Quite amazing.
Troy Smith
Troy Smith - 10 years ago
let's do a little check list of the facts:

-Considered large at 18 ft. (largest recorded White Shark was 23 feet)
-Considered large at 32 ft. (largest recorded Killer Whale was 36 ft.)

(*Note: These sizes are considered large but not too uncommon)
-At about 16 ft. long (2 tons) (White Shark)
-At about 26 ft. long (5.9 tons) (Killer Whale)

Speed and Maneuverability-
-White Shark 25 mph
-Killer Whale 35 mph
*Note that the Killer Whale tail fin is at the same plane as the front fins.... this gives the Killer Whale an exceptional ability to maneuver (turn) even over a fish half its size. Same for dolphins however the Killer Whales size and strength makes the Killer Whale faster than a dolphins.

-White Shark's have small brain to size ratio and though they exhibit some curiosity traits this would not a good example of a higher Intelligence at least as far as the Killer Whale adversary is concerned.

-Killer Whales have a large brain to size ratio and are considered one of the top most intelligent creatures on the planet with quick learning and problem solving abilities.

Social Behavior-
  -White Sharks are all loners and even if they are around in numbers they all act as an independent solitude animal with no team effort or coordination.

- Killer Whales not only hunts in packs but use a team coordinated effort with problem solving skills.

Situational Awareness-
-White Shark
  Smell (long range, slow, indirect)
  Motion (medium range, semi-fast, semi-direct)
  Sight (close range, fast, direct)
  Electrical pulse (close range, fast, direct)

- Killer Whale
  Taste/Smell (long range, slow, indirect)
  Hearing (long range, fast, semi-direct)
  Sonar (medium range, fast, direct) NOTE: This is where the Orca gets a huge advantage.
  Sight (close range, fast, direct)
 It really isn't hard to see Killer Whale are far superior over the Great White.
EndZiiel - 10 years ago
I just came for the Shark Vs Shark clip and got a whole bonus doco and speech. Amazing
Michelle D'Angelo
Michelle D'Angelo - 10 years ago
Fact: Sharks eat each other before they are even born
surfman88 - 10 years ago
looks like a miscoordinated bite to me. 
GFY - 10 years ago
Total accident. How stupid. Who do they think they are, the government, and we'll just believe it's an attack because they tell us it is. Accident, and stupid.
tyson1ize - 10 years ago
this was no attack they simply bumped into each other ...more sensationalistic bullshit!!
Julio Hernandez
Julio Hernandez - 10 years ago
Come on! they were just making out!
darksister - 10 years ago
Are you sure they were attaching each other? It just looked like they were both going for the piece of meat but missed and collided instead with their mouths open. Neither clamped down on the other and there was no sawing (moving their heads back and forth). Pretty sure that's what happened.
Dinko Malinko
Dinko Malinko - 10 years ago
That just sharks way of kissing
KJ DOOMS - 10 years ago
DAT nigga dead
lagerbaer - 10 years ago
What do the beeps cover up? My suggestion: First beep was fuck, second beep was shit. Discuss.
mikael mass
mikael mass - 10 years ago
ça boufferai n importe quoi ces con ! mechant !
currency collector
currency collector - 10 years ago
The only thing missing in this video is JUSTIN BIEBER in the middle of those two sharks
rick freeland
rick freeland - 10 years ago
paying user vs free user xD
Khadar Ali
Khadar Ali - 10 years ago
EricsWisdom - 10 years ago
I make funny videos. Check it out if you got a minute
Sam Shelton
Sam Shelton - 10 years ago
These sharks are obviously just trying to make out. 
Greek Pasta Salad
Greek Pasta Salad - 10 years ago
Maybe they were fighting over the bait?  o_O
Douglas - 10 years ago
These sharks aren't ''fighting'' FFS, they're going for the same bait. 
You can see them turning away from each other. Sensationalism. 
adw311 - 10 years ago
looks to me like they just ran into each other
Brian Cook
Brian Cook - 10 years ago
this is awesome footage but it was no attack, the smaller shark simply missed the bait and, as a result found himself in the jaws of the other shark. Its actually not uncommon for 2 sharks to strike simultaneously. there was a surfer in south africa who found himself in a similar situation being attacked by two sharks at once and ironically the double shark collision is actually what saved his life.
Tayla Snow
Tayla Snow - 10 years ago
its literally shark eat shark world.. amazing video though
Evan Baker
Evan Baker - 10 years ago
Really cool man
StillAReal1 - 10 years ago
i don't get whats so shocking about this ? if you throw 1 bone at 2 dog's then they'll fight for it... you never seen humans fight for money, land ect ? you never seen 2 lions fight for food ? great shot but i don't get what all the hype is about. it's just 2 sharks fighting for a bait on a hook.
Doyle Hodges
Doyle Hodges - 10 years ago
My Money is on the great white.
chocolatecigar1 - 10 years ago
Oor ooor were they making out.  The More You Know.  [insert rainbow]
Liv Adam
Liv Adam - 10 years ago
Interesting footage.  Accident or not?  Hard to know, but what I want to know, what happened?  Did the shark just release the other shark or kill it?  That would help with the first question.
KyleTheOtaku - 10 years ago
rubber chicken
rubber chicken - 10 years ago
Please wake me when Justin Bieber is bitten in half below the waist.
Jake Werner
Jake Werner - 10 years ago
Nice video editing software.
сергей бучнев
сергей бучнев - 10 years ago
акулы они такие акулы
kyle young
kyle young - 10 years ago
Sound like dude was having a orgasm, wasn't that exciting .,.
SoulDevil92 - 10 years ago
2 minutes video for a 2 seconds tape, wow
Dark Liight XxX
Dark Liight XxX - 10 years ago
Both of them were obviously going after the same bait ..
Peter94686 - 10 years ago
Are you f**** kiddin me? The "shark attack" video lasts 6 seconds (00:01 - 00:07). And all we can see is a bait and 2 great white sharks who maybe accidentally meet and fight for the bait that is thrown into the sea by a human -.-
OMFG! Boring.
Derek Medlin
Derek Medlin - 10 years ago
Robert Riley
Robert Riley - 10 years ago
That wasn't no big great white it was a small megladon ;)
winston acoustic studio
winston acoustic studio - 10 years ago
Sub my channel plz,I will sub yours back
Lil Pump
Lil Pump - 10 years ago
Someone should of jumped in there to break up the fight.
I, Creator
I, Creator - 10 years ago
Disliked this lame shit 
Cheeseberry - 10 years ago
It's pretty cruel of their owners to force sharks to fight like this.
bear0134 - 10 years ago
Fuck off cunt... What aloud of shit... Blah blah blah....
Silver Tuoise
Silver Tuoise - 10 years ago
312eastwest - 10 years ago
That's it? What a let down.Dude should of jumped in the water to get more footage.
St0n3th3Cr0w - 10 years ago
This shark on shark violence gotta stop.
Wachara Chandontree
Wachara Chandontree - 10 years ago
Stepha Jane
Stepha Jane - 10 years ago
They are blind when they go into that stage, they probably didnt even know what they were biting and let go because they realized the other thing was epicly strong. 
Tom Ellsworth
Tom Ellsworth - 10 years ago
The killer whale is the King of the sea . there is a video of a killer whale that ate a great white shark and killed it in seconds . The shark could not put up any fight at all.
Grant Wilson
Grant Wilson - 10 years ago
fank you for tha geeza commintairree
Allion1 - 10 years ago
Benjamin Maher
Benjamin Maher - 10 years ago
If you look very close you can see that this is a comment.
12coco100 - 10 years ago
I think its the bad treatment of the earth i mean nuclear plants carbon emisions dont they change the sea fish
Bailey Renolds
Bailey Renolds - 10 years ago
Fuck yeah, sharks gettin loose in South Straya, Radelaide!!
Jordi Simón
Jordi Simón - 10 years ago
que manera mas estupida de alargar un video...
mick3y mawss
mick3y mawss - 10 years ago
noob rider
noob rider - 10 years ago
Feels like the commentator didn't watch the video properly, the smaller shark clearly swims past the bait and bites the larger one?
Peorhum - 10 years ago
It is just 2 sharks going for the same bait and missing the bait and swimming into each other's mouths. Nothing more.
Childrenofworld2014 - 10 years ago
wow awesome video 2 big white Shark
Slowyslow - 10 years ago
I seen a Sharknado once , sorry twice
victor fernandez
victor fernandez - 10 years ago
The stupid overreacted screams spoil the video a little bit, yet quite awesome
Artoo /Random Videos
Artoo /Random Videos - 10 years ago
Its incredible how they managed to get this on tape!
Joe Brideau
Joe Brideau - 10 years ago
that was amazing, great job to the crew and cameraman for filming a spectacularly rare sight :D
Dave Daveson
Dave Daveson - 10 years ago
It clearly just bumps in to it whilst going for the bait. Admittedly it is a very "toothy" bump.
Jack West
Jack West - 10 years ago
Lolly Pop Sweety
Lolly Pop Sweety - 10 years ago
Ohhh myyy God!!!
Emo1996growl1 - 10 years ago
most likely an accident and like the guy said it had committed to attacking the bait, aren't sharks one of those animals that automatically protect their eyes when going for the kill? wouldn't have known any better regardless
Felipe Lopez
Felipe Lopez - 10 years ago
look the face of the bitten shark ... 0:53
staphinfection - 10 years ago
No, what happened is they both were going for the bait at the same time.  Sharks have really poor eyesight and rely heavily on their other senses.  Stop presenting this shit in a dramatic soap opera fashion just for views.
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris - 10 years ago
nigga didn't invite jerOME TO THE TEA PARTY
Jack De La Mare
Jack De La Mare - 10 years ago
What a terrible reporter
George Costanza
George Costanza - 10 years ago
You fucking idiot voted for a red headed bitch as your leader.
And she left skidmarks all over your country.Fuckers!
James Jackson
James Jackson - 10 years ago
Very happy to see them in their natural environment, swimming around and not ensnared on fishing lines put out by the fu*cking despicable aussie government to protect their precious idiot swimmers. Swim in their territory - risk being eaten. Also, agree with another comment about the despicable relentless need for severed fins from Asia. Abhorrent humans in that we masacre these wonderful creatures for a bowl of fucking soup which gets shat out later anyway. Sharks - eat as many humans as possible while you're still alive!!!
DexterousIraqi - 10 years ago
Yeah shark! Eat James Jackson
Lady Joker
Lady Joker - 10 years ago

Make FAST FREE MONEY from your friends and random people! Sign up completely FREE!
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Liam Roddy
Liam Roddy - 10 years ago
Does anybody else feel bad for the poor shark? :(
Lowjakz69 - 10 years ago
They where obviously both going for the bait, sharks close their eyes when they attack so they wouldnt have been able to see each other, so it would have been a case of bumpin heads ya know, lol case solved
Ade Enga
Ade Enga - 10 years ago
"Deliberate or not", the way you talk is still annoying.
Panda Monium
Panda Monium - 10 years ago
pffffft....they were both going for the same piece of meat and accidently collided. Shark battle my arse !  Hope they're ok.
Ej K
Ej K - 10 years ago
Errr the big ones fine but the little ones dead....because he was the big one.
Zack Young
Zack Young - 10 years ago
I'm not sure I'd make a huge thing about it. The small one that swims in from the left side misses the bait but commits to the territorial threat the larger shark presents and the large shark on the left dealt with the smaller shark trying to assert itself. It's part of nature- none too different of alpha's of any sort of group asserting their dominance and others challenging the larger beast.

I'm very unfond of people trying to demonize sharks because they have the capability to eat us. Not including bulls, great whites and some other persnickety shark species, they're just large predators we all need to treat with a healthy amount of respect. They don't chase and pursue us as a primary food source and we have little to worry about. Learn about these beautiful creatures and understand they have an extremely important place in our ecosystem. Diving with (black tip reef) sharks was one of the most serene and amazing experiences I'll count to date.
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 9 years ago
+Zack Young Dominance battles among sharks are rarely caught on film, though.
NorthWind - 10 years ago
Even if they did kill hundreds of humans per year...
Do you have any idea how many sharks we kill per HOUR?
PipiLongStawlk - 10 years ago
Dethmeister - 10 years ago
It looked like an accident.
hy re
hy re - 10 years ago
They were kissing :(
Ben Withington
Ben Withington - 10 years ago
If im not mistaken great whites close their eyes right before they strike, the shark is clearly going for the bait and the smaller one gets in the way.
Dylan G
Dylan G - 10 years ago
0:38 for shark banging head into camera
The Epoxy Experts
The Epoxy Experts - 10 years ago
It's a dog-eat-dog world out there.
KhyeZ Gaming
KhyeZ Gaming - 10 years ago
That's awesome
Juan Ulysses
Juan Ulysses - 10 years ago
At this very second, this video has 1,666,666 views. WHAT DOES IT MEAN, CHRISTIANS?! ARE THE SHARKS ILLUMINATI?!?! 
SoftestNumb - 10 years ago
to me it's just miscommunication... they just want to get that piece of that bait or chum.
Mieloka Smallwood
Mieloka Smallwood - 10 years ago
Looks like the smaller one was going for the bigger one,...the larger one on the left looks like he's headed for bait...the smaller one gets in his bite way
prozie286 - 10 years ago
Yeah, and this would not have happened if humans didn't have a string of meat dangling from the back of the boat.  Yeah I'm sure this happens in nature when it comes to feeding.  But humans cause too much damage the way it is... maybe next time they should dangle a huge net and see how many magnificent animals from the deep they can trap.
Fataris - 10 years ago
50% of wild animal died in the last 40 years and now rest them fight betwen them. Stupid animal
ThePolishSausage87 - 10 years ago
Hey i am Jack
Hey i am Jack - 10 years ago
Could only dream in seeing that! D:
beauttty072 - 10 years ago
Nizm0350z - 10 years ago
looks to me like the smaller one attacked first
Chris5044 - 10 years ago
erm looks like the smaller shark swam into the big white.. not the other way round.. people stop twisting words please
Joseph Hopkins
Joseph Hopkins - 10 years ago
"Ocean's most formidable predator." WRONG. Orcas are at the top of the food chain, and are hands down the ocean's top predator.
badadun - 10 years ago
У американцев одна эмоция на все случаи- о май гад. Всё. Других слов в мозгу у них нет.
Alexander White
Alexander White - 10 years ago
есть еще парочка - маза фака и бул щит
Kent Wang
Kent Wang - 10 years ago
I lost it at the sound of the Australian guy screaming, over and over.
ItsJimmis - 10 years ago
You are, without a doubt, the shittest narrator I have ever heard.
I'm sorry, but your fake enthusiasm is just painful to listen to.
BADLANDSx - 10 years ago
congratulations idiots..both sharks wer going for the bait and bit each other.
Another great white gone, Wildlife federation should charge these tools.
Icespoon - 10 years ago

Yes, that is a proper response...
Redcap - 10 years ago
+hamodi fooh I'm sorry, did you mean "Go play Minecraft soft boy"?
Herry Petter
Herry Petter - 10 years ago
Feed that shark some vegimite mate! Maybe it'll be alright after
Redcap - 10 years ago
I thought that would be anyone's reaction...  other than "Oi! everyone look at this!"
Izak133 - 10 years ago
That's Australians for ya
PolicemanxXx - 10 years ago
....just like humans the stronger attacks the weak, eats him without any mercy....
TryLucas - 10 years ago
Damn nature, you scary!
Lee sOo
Lee sOo - 10 years ago
totally fake... nice try hollywood
Ciel Phantom
Ciel Phantom - 10 years ago
A muslim.
A muslim. - 10 years ago
Where was this
WndelaCtm - 10 years ago
This shit only happens in Australia.
MadelineKathleen Bakke
MadelineKathleen Bakke - 10 years ago
Hmmmm I was considering maybe it's the "biting" season that Iv heard about.
WiLLiSGaming - 10 years ago
that was shit
McCoyisTheBest - 10 years ago
it looked to me like the larger one was committed to the bait and the smaller one just got in the way 
The WhoLock Network
The WhoLock Network - 10 years ago
coming soon to tv SHARK WARS
Numinor - 10 years ago
ok that was lame... u call that an "attack"?
it was just a shark fuckin with another one.
Adrian Barrios
Adrian Barrios - 10 years ago
They probably were going for the food. They close their eyes before taking a bite so they probably didn't see each other. LOL
Moose Blubber
Moose Blubber - 10 years ago
Look at those ginormous cock suckers fight
DiMeNsIoNs - 10 years ago
LOL shark on Shark... Both of these sharks had their eyes closed and were going for the bait at the same time..... What you just caught on video was two great whites running into each other with there mouths open ! Still a good video...
jeremie baillez
jeremie baillez - 10 years ago
Bad news...   Even sharks are eating each other
Lloyd Chambers
Lloyd Chambers - 10 years ago
they both were bait committed,1 1/2 size never would end up in line of target on purpose,bigger 1 didn't even serge forward after contact.but still awadome job guys n gals
3DaveP - 10 years ago
Michiel Dijksterhuis
Michiel Dijksterhuis - 10 years ago
great way to make a 2 min clip out of 3 sec video what a crock o shit
danjalderturke - 10 years ago
i want to eat a great white steak. must taste delicious. 
B Kaintz
B Kaintz - 10 years ago
Aww it was a baby
Therouanne Ragnerock
Therouanne Ragnerock - 10 years ago
Looks to me more like a passionate shark kiss.

'Let me love you'
REPTON ILLUMINUS - 10 years ago
Ryan Russo
Ryan Russo - 10 years ago
CLEARLY the shark was trying to get the bait.  
Ray Williams
Ray Williams - 10 years ago
The attacking shark has a Napoleon complex.
Jaeshon Banes
Jaeshon Banes - 7 years ago
+Igor Oliveira Kinda
Jaeshon Banes
Jaeshon Banes - 7 years ago
+Igor Oliveira bwndmtmflcglppppdbhcxjdbdbbdhjdjjdg xritjdlrer
dydusuyygcr .d.,


jtj ccz
Jaeshon Banes
Jaeshon Banes - 7 years ago
+Igor Oliveira b xxmjcxllb BZKKZKDJDJZJZHZDIUIDHDUDDIIRIRJSS JJjzjzjzjzjHHbsvshseppjcs
csb z j
Jaeshon Banes
Jaeshon Banes - 7 years ago
+Igor Oliveira ssfuhuuuu
Igor Oliveira
Igor Oliveira - 10 years ago
+Ray Williams I am actually amazed not at the amount of discussion generated, but by the low quality. The guy who said 5'11 (180 cm) was the minimum height for Roman army is a huge troll. Such a limite would result in a tiny army of tall men, which is quite the opposite of Rome's huge army of average men. Where did that guy got the 5'11 information? About Napoleon, the idea he was 5'2 - 157 cm is false, there is no controversy. His was 5'2 in French inches, resulting in 5'7 (170 cm) in British inches. No wonder France created and exported the metric system during Napoleon Era.
Ray Williams
Ray Williams - 10 years ago
Still amazed at the amount of discussion this comment has generated.
66lesjo - 10 years ago
I'll agree with that  Brian.
Jim B
Jim B - 10 years ago
+66lesjo there was a millennium of roman history... so im sure at one point we are each right 
Can't tame Me
Can't tame Me - 10 years ago
+grayson75 let's get you out in the sea, just above your pretty head...hmmm, now swim...go on.
perfecttrunks2000 - 10 years ago
+brian s
i don't think. I heard from somewhere that romans were stereotypically known for being shorter than many of the other ancient cultures.
Arthur Freeman
Arthur Freeman - 10 years ago
+66lesjo You can only run from Google Plus.
66lesjo - 10 years ago
Doesn't really matter. Like Ray Williams suggests in his comment I have no idea how I got into this strange discussion. But I am getting out.
 Peace and goodbye.
Arthur Freeman
Arthur Freeman - 10 years ago
+brian s +66lesjo  I've heard people say it was 5'11. And I've heard from others it was 5'6(?). 
grayson75 - 10 years ago
The shark doesn't have a mustache so I don't think it's a napoleon complex haha
Ray Williams
Ray Williams - 10 years ago
I can't believe this comment actually sparked any debate at all.People will argue anything.
66lesjo - 10 years ago
+brian s I have seen different references to what you said Brian so I'm not saying you are necessarily wrong but   there is documentation stating that their was no height requirement to be a Roman soldier. I can't remember it word for word but it said something like as long as they were broad shouldered narrow wasted and with stout legs that their height didn't matter. I guess I'll have to look for another job then. 
Hans Gruber
Hans Gruber - 10 years ago
+CilitBang321 I studied Napoleon and the French Revolution for AS. Don't remember much apart from being shocked that Napoleon wasn't actually short and that people back then really were smaller.
woah evil
woah evil - 10 years ago
I do remember hearing about how Napoleon was always surrounded my really tall and big guards, and so looked small in comparison, which made everyone think he was really small.
Jim B
Jim B - 10 years ago
+Q4Qualey height historically speaking has nothing to do with time period but rather with cultural diet... for example the average germanic man in 200ad was 6'3 and the minimum height to being the roman army was 5'11
Blades11c - 10 years ago
+Q4Qualey I'm pretty sure he is referring to Napoleon's general demeanor, not his height.
Cody Linder
Cody Linder - 10 years ago
+Q4Qualey People weren't shorter back then. But there are some accounts claiming he was of average height. He was either 5'2" (short) or 5'7" which is on the low end of average. But different accounts tell different stories. 
CilitBang321 - 10 years ago
+Q4Qualey no
Blades11c - 10 years ago
Ha, epic.
Clint Bollinger
Clint Bollinger - 10 years ago
The smaller one went for the bigger one.  It was defending the bait.  Terrible analysis in the video.
phdonme1 - 10 years ago
And this was located in the ocean of Nope, off the coast of, Hell No.
Citizen Erased
Citizen Erased - 10 years ago
mosshark - 10 years ago
I love sharks.
mixur12 - 10 years ago
bite at 1:28 , that's fatal man wow.
Todd Morlock
Todd Morlock - 10 years ago
What is wrong with you? You drag bait behind your boat, and then are surprised that you cause two sharks to attack. Pathetic.
k5lta - 10 years ago
Luis V
Luis V - 10 years ago
This isn't a shark "fight", two sharks were going after the same food and then both sharks found each other instead of the bait. Come one this is a misleading title 
geinikan1kan - 10 years ago
That rope with floaters on it, the sharks are fighting over bait provided by the filmmakers?  
Moose Adventures
Moose Adventures - 10 years ago
No tagging on my trip but if you're interested in that - check out Underwater Hazard on Vimeo - you'll see most of the sharks are already tagged. The researchers get to go for free but I'm just a member of the public and paid to go on this trip. Worth every penny
geinikan1kan - 10 years ago
+Adam Malski I think any expedition to have a greater understanding of sharks is important. I suppose it is necessary to haul raw meat similar to bait along behind the boat. But have you published your findings on the shark population anywhere? Do you have videos of some of the tagging that went on on this particular trip? I imagine such a trip would be funded by a government or educational institution for the production of knowledge? Just curious.  
Moose Adventures
Moose Adventures - 10 years ago
The smaller shark swam off unharmed, no blood but got the message to move on!
martiansarepunk - 10 years ago
+Adam Malski
Did the smaller shark take any damage?
Moose Adventures
Moose Adventures - 10 years ago
Hi All - thanks for your comments. This footage was part of a 4 day shark expedition (there are only 2 companies in Aus who can do this type of trip). The operator has made significant contribution to the global understanding of Great White sharks. Many Great Whites are tagged and data captured as well as behaviours observed with the intention of protecting this animal. All with the intent to make informed decisions to better protect them. This footage is very rare - I was fortunate enough to capture it and I'm pleased that I was able to share it. I personally went on this expedition to learn more about sharks myself to continue to conserve them. The smaller shark was not hurt and swam away. Cheers, Adam
Trust Me On This
Trust Me On This - 10 years ago
Why can't more youtube debates be like this?...
Take notes people!
geinikan1kan - 10 years ago
+CowboyNQ Probably one of the best dialogues I've had on youtube by the way. Take care.
CowboyNQ - 10 years ago
No worries, I can see your point of view.  Glad I was able to assist with your knowledge, in any case.  Cheers!
geinikan1kan - 10 years ago
No I haven't heard of him. I am afraid sharks are not some kind of shared knowledge cluster. Whatever the philosophy of the tour operator, the filmmakers were fairly clear with their clip and what they want to promote, "the great killer white look how big his teeth are." The rare footage schtick works for clicks. But I keep a critical distance, that's all.
CowboyNQ - 10 years ago
Yeah actually I meant his wikipedia page not his tour page so you understand who he is and how he promotes awareness of sharks as the beautiful creatures they are.  To be honest I'm a little surprised you haven't heard of him if you like sharks.  But all good, I'm not trying to change your opinions, but merely trying to answer some of the questions you've been asking about the nature of this video and the shark cage diving tours.  And I'm certainly not offended!
geinikan1kan - 10 years ago
Thanks for your reply. No offense, but I will not be googling the guy. I am sure he does not need my clicks (or my ad revenue). Rare or not, I think it's messed up. It's a good idea to maintain some healthy skepticism about the real meaning for viral videos. Is it viral because it's rare? Or is it viral because it plays into expectations of the viewers about what they are about to see. The title, the thumbnail, all contribute to this. Then as clicks go up, the video appears higher in searches, gets suggested to youtube users. I saw it on an online news sheet as "viral video of the day." A lot of stuff trends on youtube. The why is not so cut and dry. The cause is what advertisers and corporations try to parse and manipulate. 
CowboyNQ - 10 years ago
I'm not a marine biologist or a film maker either.  But I am in Port Lincoln a lot for work and have a fair bit of familiarity with these tours, and I can tell you this is very unusual.  That's why the video is trending so hard on Youtube.  Otherwise there'd be videos like this all over the place.  They don't go there with the purpose of "feeding" the sharks, as you correctly pointed out.  They burley and bait the sharks to attract them to the boat, so the tourists can film/photograph them from the cage.  This particular tour was run by Rodney Fox.  Google him and it will give you a perspective of his view on sharks.
geinikan1kan - 10 years ago
+CowboyNQ I don't know, I am neither a marine biologist nor a filmmaker, so as to the rarity, really, if these tour operators do regular trips where they know there are going to be sharks in the water and drag meat behind as bait, just how rare would it be really? Perhaps someone should do a documentary about such tours, and the methods they use to make sure their customers are please with the trip. Knowing the numbers of sharks are dwindling in areas around the world, such trips sound like a type of exploitation no matter how you shoot it. If they were just going to feed them, they would toss meat over the side. So I do think this is a type of blood sport. Even if they were really "exceptionally" lucky this time, they went with the hope to capture some violent crap. Also, I would guess that the filmmakers booked onto this tour because of word of mouth, or website hype. It depends on what you consider an ethical relationship with nature I suppose. I think it just plays into the whole killer shark mystique. Cheap thrills with baited wild animals.
CowboyNQ - 10 years ago
No tagging that I'm aware of.  Other than being fed and photographed, the sharks are left alone.  I wouldn't call it a "blood sport" or compare it to dog fighting, as for the sharks to attack each other as shown in this video would be EXCEPTIONALLY rare.  You'll note they don't even attack the schools of fish.  However your analogy of big game safari with the game being "shot" on film is very accurate.
geinikan1kan - 10 years ago
+CowboyNQ Good to know. So basically they got what they paid for. Kind of like dog-fighting in nature. Very exciting. The marine equivalent to the land-based big game safari, except no actual capture, just digital capture.  I had not heard of this type of "tour." I bet it is very profitable. So no tagging then?  Just baiting for digital capture. Clever. A few decades of digital technological advances for one minute of blood sport. Very impressive. 
CowboyNQ - 10 years ago
This was filmed on a shark cage diving tour, off of Port Lincoln in SA.  Yes they burley the water and bait the sharks, so that the people who pay for the tour get what they came for.  The film maker didn't provide the bait, the tour operator did.  The film maker simply paid for the tour and took his camera.  Captured some great footage too!
geinikan1kan - 10 years ago
Thanks for your comments. But I do not know which report mentions tagging, I'll take your word for it. In this particular video tagging does not seem to be the main objective. The person, "Adam," is clearly inside a cage, and while the narrator says the shark was inquisitive when he was inside the cage, "later when Adam is on the boat the species reasserts its fearsome reputation." The narrator also clearly says the rope dragging behind the boat has bait on it. I think you have a point, the shot was probably a bit of good luck (aided somewhat knowing there were sharks in the area of course, are you implying these are marine biologists? They have never seen sharks attack each other when bait is dragged along behind a boat?). If I am being presumptive, the video is also playing into assumptions. Indeed, the narrator builds around the shot with the statement "cannibalism is not unheard of." So while it might not be an extreme case of mythologizing the killer white, the editing, the repetition of the attacking sharks, is definitely done for effect beyond "tagging" for scientific purposes let's say. If they have a tagging video, I would be interested in seeing how they edited that one, and how many hits it got. I do not know if you know the people who made the documentary, but my criticism is hardly going to stop people from watching this little piece of framed shark fighting.
prozie286 - 10 years ago
+geinikan1kan agreed.
slavj - 10 years ago
+geinikan1kan whether there is bait or not. Scavanging is very common in the wild. Simply because a creature doesnt need to risk its life to obtain food. Most spieces have a small fight over such carcasses, but usually aren't fatal.

There is no "killer" reputation aimed in this video. In fact seeing sharks fight is extremely rare. At most, we have ever gotten is evidence of canibalism from autopsied sharks. So it was highly highly unlikely that these people sought to see the great whites fight. As it has only ever been caught on tape maybe 2-3 times out of tens of thousands of videos out there.

So dont be assumptive.

Also these guys are actually tagging sharks, and keeping track of numbers. Only way to do that is to lure them in. How do I know that? Because there was a report on this video that a few shark tags were missing, that they couldnt find 4 of them.
geinikan1kan - 10 years ago
I recall that doc "Sharkwater" a few years ago. And recently I've watched divers go and swim with these creatures, and then idiots like this use bait in what was probably a lsightly more dense area to get a violent shot between sharks and the thing goes viral, confirming a dumb stereotype about "killer Great Whites." Cruel gets the clicks. It's the same as the crappy nature programs that put out meat to lure a bear and a cougar just for the shot of animals fighting. Un-Nature. Humans, we love the distortion.    
JemGC20 - 10 years ago
Yup. It's a shark cage diving boat, they lure the sharks in with fish. That's what the sharks are fighting for. 

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