Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White
Shark videos 10 years ago 9,853,755 views
Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White SUBSCRIBE: We upload a new incredible video every weekday. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss out! JAWS WARS! A VICIOUS great white shark bursts from the water to rip into another SHARK. The sensational moment was caught on camera by Adam Malski, 33, as the fish proved why it has the reputation of the ocean’s most fearsome predator. The 4.8m shark – named ‘Gilbert’ – attacked the rival fish 50 miles from Australia’s shore. The larger animal survived the encounter but the smaller shark has not been sighted since. Footage: Adam Malski Producer: Nick Johnson Editor: Kyle Waters FACEBOOK: Like Barcroft TV - TWITTER: Follow @Barcroft_TV - WEBSITE: For licensing & business enquiries, visit the Barcroft Media site -
10. comment for Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White
20. comment for Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White
30. comment for Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White
In retrospect, the young attacked the old... interesting indeed... Quite the mistake.
50. comment for Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White
i'll leave it to viewers to join the dots
but CLEARLY... there is no "attack"
just another distroted media sensation, another poor dope shoving his head up his own arse in the vain hope of grabbing some attention, and I'm puzzled what motivates humans to behave in such a way
but they do it often, entire organisations (Murdoch etc) behave this way
I know right!
No you f off!
I don't know probably becuse I'm a shark!
Who knows...
so I taste that tiny white ..
100. comment for Shark Vs Shark: Giant Great White Attacks Another Great White
They baited them into one another.
Sharks don't avoid one another. The smaller one avoids the bigger one. And they basically set it up to get jacked up.
You can tell by the other shark trying to swim in a panic. That would not have happened without human intervention.
Seems like they are trying to say it was intentional so that they can sleep at night.
nice click b8 m8
GALAU. .G +.?
Gak pa - pa..!
Maafkan ..buat selanjutnya. ..
Mlm mlm...sis..!
Tapi haru menyimpan nomor mu..baru bisa..!
Klw boleh kirim ke nomor mu ja..!
Dan untuk diingat. .
Tuhan tetap memihak kepada Yg benar. .
Kiriman nomor mu..sis..
Aku gak da bbm. .!
Yg ada..
2.watsaff. .
Klw Mw hubungin aq. .
lewat itu..
aku juga gak tau..sis...!
Betul juga kata mu..
Sepertinya. .merasa bosan..!
This and the attack the other day will make the cull on Sharks harder to stop. Anyone realise, we're in their ocean. And from the looks of things on the beach, the man who got attacked was in deep water near a beachead - i.e. deeper and more likely for fish = food for shark.
Sharks also attack people thinking they are food. They don't go - ooh human, I want a piece of that. It is a mistake. They taste us, go ugh and leave us.
I just see 2 sharks missing a piece of ham....
Or maybe they play...?
Could have been "well this is not the bait, but you will do" as well.
thats the nature of the beast, make everythang thats natural do unnatural things.
I'm not going swimming this summer
Big Shark: Oh my gosh, this piece of meat looks amazing! I'm going to eat it! Dun dun dun dun dun...
Big Shark: What the heck? OH MY GOSH IT'S STEVE! ARE YOU OK?!
Steve: Yeah, man I'm fine.
Big Shark: Ok good. Sorry dude I didn't see ya there.
Steve: It's fine. Let's go eat some more of that meat!
Big Shark: Yeah!
sharks have plenty of food to eat
I’ve often told my little girl that (as I was told by a German student) English is the hardest language in the world. Too many words sound alike, too many rules, twists and turns. I looked up the rule for pronouncing “ed” at the end of words and why ‘e’ is silent; and was amazed at the ease of info in our day. The Bible is a composite of information about God we should appreciate, many before us didn’t have it. Bible – like a wow!
Tens of millions of non-Whites flooding into White countries every year will, in a few decades, mean that Whites will be a minority in every country they founded.
Black countries will remain majority Black, and Asian countries will remain majority Asian.
Only White countries will be affected by this. This is genocide under international law.
But anti-Whites don't call it genocide; they call it diversity.
Diversity means chasing down every last White child.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
Sonar is very fast and direct, able to update intel rapidly for tactical purposes, whereas a sharks smell and sensing motion is more as a general guidance rather than a rapid pinpoint homing in on a target. Both only use sight in the last few yards if light and/or visibility conditions allow. The Killer Whale really is an awesome smart animal and compared to the Killer Whale the Great White amounts to just a dumb fish. Killer Whales truly rule all the oceans and have for a long time...
The new consensus is the modern Killer Whales are believed to be responsible for the extinction of the huge prehistoric sea creatures, Killer Whales emerging on the screen at about the time of their extinctions, they believe that even then the Killer Whales intelligence and tactics were so outstanding that other creatures were no match for the Killer Whale...
The Great Whites survival to this day is due to their getting smaller... rather than being large and fewer in numbers, they down sized and more in numbers, which only give the Killer Whales more dominance over them... the Great White really has little chance combating Killer Whales and can only run for their survival.
-Considered large at 18 ft. (largest recorded White Shark was 23 feet)
-Considered large at 32 ft. (largest recorded Killer Whale was 36 ft.)
(*Note: These sizes are considered large but not too uncommon)
-At about 16 ft. long (2 tons) (White Shark)
-At about 26 ft. long (5.9 tons) (Killer Whale)
Speed and Maneuverability-
-White Shark 25 mph
-Killer Whale 35 mph
*Note that the Killer Whale tail fin is at the same plane as the front fins.... this gives the Killer Whale an exceptional ability to maneuver (turn) even over a fish half its size. Same for dolphins however the Killer Whales size and strength makes the Killer Whale faster than a dolphins.
-White Shark's have small brain to size ratio and though they exhibit some curiosity traits this would not a good example of a higher Intelligence at least as far as the Killer Whale adversary is concerned.
-Killer Whales have a large brain to size ratio and are considered one of the top most intelligent creatures on the planet with quick learning and problem solving abilities.
Social Behavior-
-White Sharks are all loners and even if they are around in numbers they all act as an independent solitude animal with no team effort or coordination.
- Killer Whales not only hunts in packs but use a team coordinated effort with problem solving skills.
Situational Awareness-
-White Shark
Smell (long range, slow, indirect)
Motion (medium range, semi-fast, semi-direct)
Sight (close range, fast, direct)
Electrical pulse (close range, fast, direct)
- Killer Whale
Taste/Smell (long range, slow, indirect)
Hearing (long range, fast, semi-direct)
Sonar (medium range, fast, direct) NOTE: This is where the Orca gets a huge advantage.
Sight (close range, fast, direct)
It really isn't hard to see Killer Whale are far superior over the Great White.
You can see them turning away from each other. Sensationalism.
OMFG! Boring.
And she left skidmarks all over your country.Fuckers!
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I'm very unfond of people trying to demonize sharks because they have the capability to eat us. Not including bulls, great whites and some other persnickety shark species, they're just large predators we all need to treat with a healthy amount of respect. They don't chase and pursue us as a primary food source and we have little to worry about. Learn about these beautiful creatures and understand they have an extremely important place in our ecosystem. Diving with (black tip reef) sharks was one of the most serene and amazing experiences I'll count to date.
Do you have any idea how many sharks we kill per HOUR?
I'm sorry, but your fake enthusiasm is just painful to listen to.
Another great white gone, Wildlife federation should charge these tools.
Yes, that is a proper response...
it was just a shark fuckin with another one.
'Let me love you'
dydusuyygcr .d.,
jtj ccz
csb z j
i don't think. I heard from somewhere that romans were stereotypically known for being shorter than many of the other ancient cultures.
Peace and goodbye.
Did the smaller shark take any damage?
Take notes people!
No worries, I can see your point of view. Glad I was able to assist with your knowledge, in any case. Cheers!
Yeah actually I meant his wikipedia page not his tour page so you understand who he is and how he promotes awareness of sharks as the beautiful creatures they are. To be honest I'm a little surprised you haven't heard of him if you like sharks. But all good, I'm not trying to change your opinions, but merely trying to answer some of the questions you've been asking about the nature of this video and the shark cage diving tours. And I'm certainly not offended!
I'm not a marine biologist or a film maker either. But I am in Port Lincoln a lot for work and have a fair bit of familiarity with these tours, and I can tell you this is very unusual. That's why the video is trending so hard on Youtube. Otherwise there'd be videos like this all over the place. They don't go there with the purpose of "feeding" the sharks, as you correctly pointed out. They burley and bait the sharks to attract them to the boat, so the tourists can film/photograph them from the cage. This particular tour was run by Rodney Fox. Google him and it will give you a perspective of his view on sharks.
No tagging that I'm aware of. Other than being fed and photographed, the sharks are left alone. I wouldn't call it a "blood sport" or compare it to dog fighting, as for the sharks to attack each other as shown in this video would be EXCEPTIONALLY rare. You'll note they don't even attack the schools of fish. However your analogy of big game safari with the game being "shot" on film is very accurate.
This was filmed on a shark cage diving tour, off of Port Lincoln in SA. Yes they burley the water and bait the sharks, so that the people who pay for the tour get what they came for. The film maker didn't provide the bait, the tour operator did. The film maker simply paid for the tour and took his camera. Captured some great footage too!
There is no "killer" reputation aimed in this video. In fact seeing sharks fight is extremely rare. At most, we have ever gotten is evidence of canibalism from autopsied sharks. So it was highly highly unlikely that these people sought to see the great whites fight. As it has only ever been caught on tape maybe 2-3 times out of tens of thousands of videos out there.
So dont be assumptive.
Also these guys are actually tagging sharks, and keeping track of numbers. Only way to do that is to lure them in. How do I know that? Because there was a report on this video that a few shark tags were missing, that they couldnt find 4 of them.