Shark attack on spear fisherman for yellowfin tuna at Ascension Island
Shark videos 7 years ago 591,959 views
It was a long way to go from New Zealand to Ascension Island to nearly get eaten by sharks! In this video, shooting a small yellowfin tuna with a pole spear got out of control when 2 galapagos sharks tried to steal the catch. We put cool stuff on our Facebook page * Jukin Media Verified * Find this video and others like it by visiting For licensing / permission to use, please email licensing(at)jukinmedia(dot)com.
10. comment for Shark attack on spear fisherman for yellowfin tuna at Ascension Island
what is MUSIC PLEASE??
20. comment for Shark attack on spear fisherman for yellowfin tuna at Ascension Island
30. comment for Shark attack on spear fisherman for yellowfin tuna at Ascension Island
How didnt they bite him
brave man there
50. comment for Shark attack on spear fisherman for yellowfin tuna at Ascension Island
100. comment for Shark attack on spear fisherman for yellowfin tuna at Ascension Island
A few years ago I was hunting with one of my friends. We stopped at a shepherd asking him something. Those guys have fierce dogs. Before I got of the car I have asked my friend about the dogs. He looked at me and told:
- You are a man, there is nothing to be afraid of.
Since then I have a motto. :)
You and my friend are the same breed.
Also they should sacrifice his family to the sharks
Congratulations for the man.
This guy isn't even fully stabing the sharks, just giving them little pokes showing them that he could defend himself he could have killed them if he wanted to.
what month was this? You are lucky as hell you didn't get bitten.
If two sharks were coming at me I would indeed fight back. If two sharks were coming at me because I was holding onto a fish with a gaping hole in it's side and blood pouring out, I'd like to think I'd have the presence of mind to let go of the fucking fish instead of risking my life for the sake of a catch.
Good job, I am most worried about the Shark. I would be in his domain, I am not the apex predator in the ocean. But my grandfather did it in Los Roques after the war with one of his friends, I am sure I will manage as well.
will get owned bro...
I wonder why he didnt sink with this steanless balls he has
have you ever heard of Snell's law? sounds like you skipped some physics lessons in school bro.
Here, read some, educate yourself...
keep believing that bud
Mike Tyson said it best.. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.
You are simply ignoring the fact that while it is perfectly fine to have your own opinion, it is not fine to berate him and wish the sharks will eat him next time. That is a son, a brother, a friend. That someone not just has a life, but multiple others connecting them. Could you face his family and say to them that you had wished for sharks to eat him if they had? If you can then well, I am sorry life has been unfair towards you to make you so cruel.
Is this guy an idiot? No, he clearly knew what he was doing meaning he has done this thousands of times.
Also, anyone who likes to beat their own face with a brick isn't an idiot, they just need help. Clearly, there is something psychological going on there.
That is, of course, if people doing things their own way is so idiotic.
Just tell me this: Did calling him and I both idiots make you feel better? Does it feel good for you to put people down? Are you one of those sociopathic people who would like to see some torn to shreds in real life due to a hobby they have been doing for a while? (Although I must admit that last sentence is an assumption as we don't know how long he has been diving).
oh ok neckbeard
Like "this whole thing isnt manly enough, I gotta stab myself as well"
Tense video, tense moment by the way.
Really, the fact that its sped up boggles me so much smh,
You'll love it.
crucco del cazzo
I hunt for trophy, that doesn't mean I don't eat my kills, nor respect them. I eat all of my kills, and after each hunt I blow a tune for the dead animal(s), it is German tradition to do so.
Perhaps you should stop assuming random shit.
nice logic.
my english grammar can be low but i dont need to be a teacher to explain with details that the difference between me and you is that : you kills for sports, not cause u need.
There are so many industries that kill breeding animals in fact they are made for this.
You kill for sport , for a "trophy" with no respect for the animals.
For the life.
Using firearms is obvious that u 'll win the hunt.
Using solo your brain , you'll not. (maybe another man yes.... but you no for sure.)
and im sure you need a gun cause in your pants you miss something.
Stupid people doing stupids things is logic.
Like the hunters when they kill each others for a mistake.
ps : anyway if you understood what i wrote before maybe im not writing so bad ;)
It is funny that you call me stupid yet you have the literacy and grammar of a ten year old child. English not being your first language is not an excuse, English is my third language and I speak it better than you; much better than you.
Putting me in the bush with a Lion is not going to kill me, or have you forgotten that firearms exist? Humans are at the top of the food chain because we have more intelligence than the beasts in the forest, we are masters at killing. The difference between you and I, is that I kill my own food, but you eat food that someone else killed for you.
I would like to put you in a savana with wild animals like lions or some other species who kills you when u are sleeping or doing everything. Then will see who is the trophy then? like your fuking head with no brain put on my wall in living room. yea i like it
hunters for sports simply stupid people
By modern tech, I was referring to items such as a GPS, lighters, firearms (modern firearms not 17th century firearms and prior), etc. Food and water are not modern technology, you can bring food, water, etc. and survive.
I'm a hiker so maybe it's not relevant since your scenario may involve just sitting in camp all day where magical fairies come to give you food / water / fuel for fire and such but I know when I go hiking its fun, beautiful and peaceful, but I would not call it easy.
God: Yep. its as manly as they come
Greetings to you, Hero
You sir are a complete stupid.
Good video
(I love Sharks don't give me a hard time)
How do you know that you fat fuck?
Cut the bloody line and let the sharks have a nice tuna sandwich while you swim back to your boat you idiot!
He was so lucky he didn't get tangle in his own line and bitten, that won't happen twice for sure.
Honestly I don't understand people, he probably thinks he's so cool he fought two sharks and still keep the tuna, and he got it on video to show it to his friends!
La mejor pelicula de suspenso y aventura basada en la vida real!!!!
if someone ran towards wolves in their natural habitat with raw meat tied to him, and then clubbing them and injuring them when they try to go for the meat - you wouldn't call that guy epic or manly, but a total asshole. this is exactly the same. i hope next time he pays the price for harrassing nature on purpose.
This man made something unhuman and they all just insult him.
And then add Benny Hill music, you fucking moron.
Why all the hate?
Just a thought
congrats to the spearfisherman
This guy is 1000 time better you will ever be...
Good thing you added the music along, try the monetize the video, because if you keep doing this you're going to need it to buy a prosthetic leg.
To go with someone this unprofessional? No thank you
All you haters out there are mad that if it were you, you would have lost your catch and peed your pants. This guy fights for his fish, fends off TWO predators, and manages to make it back safely with a sweet catch!!!
Not to mention it's hard AF to spear a smaller tuna, let alone with a pole!!
Goddamn hippies.