Shark attack on spear fisherman for yellowfin tuna at Ascension Island

It was a long way to go from New Zealand to Ascension Island to nearly get eaten by sharks! In this video, shooting a small yellowfin tuna with a pole spear got out of control when 2 galapagos sharks tried to steal the catch. We put cool stuff on our Facebook page * Jukin Media Verified * Find this video and others like it by visiting For licensing / permission to use, please email licensing(at)jukinmedia(dot)com.

Shark attack on spear fisherman for yellowfin tuna at Ascension Island sentiment_very_dissatisfied 450

Shark videos 7 years ago 591,959 views

It was a long way to go from New Zealand to Ascension Island to nearly get eaten by sharks! In this video, shooting a small yellowfin tuna with a pole spear got out of control when 2 galapagos sharks tried to steal the catch. We put cool stuff on our Facebook page * Jukin Media Verified * Find this video and others like it by visiting For licensing / permission to use, please email licensing(at)jukinmedia(dot)com.

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Most popular comments
for Shark attack on spear fisherman for yellowfin tuna at Ascension Island

nick star gamer
nick star gamer - 7 years ago
O.j - 7 years ago
damn he really wanted that tuna
AK - 7 years ago
Shit dramatic music. Fuckin idiot who shoots fishes when sharks around him and also filming the whole shit just to get clicks and likes.
Ethelwulf - 7 years ago
Can my 8gb of RAM handle this game?
BurninatorTheTrogdor - 7 years ago
That was not your normal spearfishing shark encounter! WOW nice one! Most would have given the fish up.
Nikko Alarba
Nikko Alarba - 7 years ago
My GOD thank you for giving us awesome video. All i can say is mother fucker your balls are big man!!!
Reinaldo Hernandez
Reinaldo Hernandez - 7 years ago
If this guy can fight 2 sharks while hanging a bloody fish and wrapped in a rope, then I can talk to my crush... Hold my beer.
Nektarios Tousis
Nektarios Tousis - 7 years ago
100 κιλα αρχιδια εκαστος 100 kilos of balls each one
pmike da 10
pmike da 10 - 7 years ago

10. comment for Shark attack on spear fisherman for yellowfin tuna at Ascension Island

Richard King
Richard King - 7 years ago
dude has balls of steel
Dominik W
Dominik W - 7 years ago
fucking hell... awesome.... , I got to change my pants.
Alessandro Ganzerli
Alessandro Ganzerli - 7 years ago
big nuts
JAKE STONE - 7 years ago
I couldnt see around the guys nuts. Those things are steel bowling balls. Great video
muraille nicolas
muraille nicolas - 7 years ago
muraille nicolas
muraille nicolas - 7 years ago
what is MUSIC PLEASE??
your not special
your not special - 7 years ago
This guy is either one of the biggest badasses on the planet or the biggest moron on the planet lol probably a little bit of both....he should have just smashed those sharks with his steel balls and knocked them out
Elijah  Cothern
Elijah Cothern - 7 years ago
Richie Marton
Richie Marton - 7 years ago
Fuckin bastard fisherman, poor fishies
rmclarkjr - 7 years ago
awesome, totally awesome!

20. comment for Shark attack on spear fisherman for yellowfin tuna at Ascension Island

Spoon Glade
Spoon Glade - 7 years ago
1:30 once the shark came close the guy activated melee mode
iAmTheNewMussum -_-
iAmTheNewMussum -_- - 7 years ago
iAmTheNewMussum -_-
iAmTheNewMussum -_- - 7 years ago
This man is a God
Thiago Gamer
Thiago Gamer - 7 years ago
Grande lutador esse homem
truckeemick - 7 years ago
who knew you needed brass balls for fishing?
Mozart - 7 years ago
He should've gone back for shark dinner...
Arrigo Andrea
Arrigo Andrea - 7 years ago
Che coraggio
OCDive 21
OCDive 21 - 7 years ago
The most heart sinking part was those birds flying above him as he was screaming for help... those things follow sharks to get the scraps, they thought they were about to feast
StationZeroOne - 7 years ago
those sharks just got into a feeding frenzy... they never intented to attack the diver, they just wanted to get their bite of that jerky hitten tuna... i know that cuz I'm working in a bakery
Dugar - 7 years ago
It would be me first into the boat then the tuna...but this Boss throws the tuna into the boat first....Dude you crazy....awesome stuff

30. comment for Shark attack on spear fisherman for yellowfin tuna at Ascension Island

PrinzMidas - 7 years ago
What the...?!
Jaden Bovell
Jaden Bovell - 7 years ago
It's sad half of u guys in the comments didn't see that this was fake and they make it look real
Stefanos Karagiannis
Stefanos Karagiannis - 7 years ago
Mac Glen
Mac Glen - 7 years ago
s0rka23 - 7 years ago
How the boat get so fast to diver?
Matthew Milone
Matthew Milone - 7 years ago
I'd have given them the tuna
Elias Pahountis
Elias Pahountis - 7 years ago
I want to say that its fake bc I am so scared
How didnt they bite him
Leo Casi
Leo Casi - 7 years ago
while watching this video its like seing my favorite team beting the other team...when hes stabbing the shark im like HELL YEAH MAN ,FUCK THEM UP
Leo Casi
Leo Casi - 7 years ago
brave man there
Floris de Vin
Floris de Vin - 7 years ago
I like how he actually still cared about keeping the tune with him while he was being attacked by 2 fucking sharks
Server Pro
Server Pro - 7 years ago
not today puto this is my tuna
steel sledge
steel sledge - 7 years ago
Joana Marie Garciano
Joana Marie Garciano - 7 years ago
Your so very awesome
Adam Held
Adam Held - 7 years ago
Nate V
Nate V - 7 years ago
This had me on the edge of my chair Lol! Holy shit that was crazy! Very dramatic and exciting, I'm sure it was terrifying for you but it was incredible to watch. You have a serious pair on you to go out in the middle of the ocean like this. Awesome footage bud!
וולף גנג
וולף גנג - 7 years ago
how the boat looks far away 8n 1:52 and at1:57 its there next to him?!
Matthieu Broc
Matthieu Broc - 7 years ago
HOLYSHIT ! I'm still sweating !
Voice changer steven
Voice changer steven - 7 years ago
He really wanted that fish, he's fucking insane bro. I love you guys
Adam - 7 years ago
Respect and to anyone sharing too much of criticism - imagine yourself there ... again, well done.
Ahmed Al-Sanbi
Ahmed Al-Sanbi - 7 years ago
For that reason I prefer canned tuna.

50. comment for Shark attack on spear fisherman for yellowfin tuna at Ascension Island

Michele Chillino
Michele Chillino - 7 years ago
Name music?
Bogdan Corl
Bogdan Corl - 7 years ago
wooooooow! cool but so scare
Axen - 7 years ago
So are we just gonna ignore the fact that those birds looks like gargoyles? 1:26
jotham donaghy
jotham donaghy - 7 years ago
What a legend
Andrea Abdelnour
Andrea Abdelnour - 7 years ago
This guy is like fu** bad ass ever! All gangsta and still kept the tuna!
Ryz - 7 years ago
holy god he kicked the to shark ass. bro your fucking brave man
Umur Özer
Umur Özer - 7 years ago
Wowww nice video bro!
Rylan Breitenbach
Rylan Breitenbach - 7 years ago
He saw the 2 sharks: awwwww, shit
Katrina Kiely
Katrina Kiely - 7 years ago
That was intense. Sick video
Anthony Wallace
Anthony Wallace - 7 years ago
This dude is a savage
elena 93
elena 93 - 7 years ago
Fake!the color of the gloves are diferent
Tasnim Hossain
Tasnim Hossain - 7 years ago
society forgot what survival is like
無名 - 7 years ago
Sharks kill the canal. very good
Vis Poep
Vis Poep - 7 years ago
Wanker. Pity the shark did not take your limp dick.
kny - 7 years ago
Your awsome
Crown Royal
Crown Royal - 7 years ago
Kick arse!!!!!!!!
Mihajlo 10 Djordjevic
Mihajlo 10 Djordjevic - 7 years ago
Odessa Diloy
Odessa Diloy - 7 years ago
He's so brave
Chuan Liu
Chuan Liu - 7 years ago
damn that is the most epic spearfishing video I ever seen, great work I cannot believe you actually manage to pull that tuna out of water ...
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
Mine tuna! Mine! Lol.
Fade - 7 years ago
Dude this is the most badass shark defense I've seen!
ᄋ ᄋ
ᄋ ᄋ - 7 years ago
downhill 85
downhill 85 - 7 years ago
You are a hero !
Infus Sambas
Infus Sambas - 7 years ago
Jonh Marcelo Xavier
Jonh Marcelo Xavier - 7 years ago
You idiot hurt those sharks
Brandon Perez
Brandon Perez - 7 years ago
The best part is when you take the knife and stabbed them, fuck out of here shark !
rendy ariesta
rendy ariesta - 7 years ago
SPIRIT DOT - 7 years ago
chuck norris on a spearfishing trip
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
Now we know what Chuck Norris's kid has been up to.
john lockett
john lockett - 7 years ago
Now that's a man who loves tuna. LOL.
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
It was a fair fight. When you're trying to feed yourself, you're like any other animal. He won this fair fight and he won his right to have that tuna for fucking dinner!
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
Nice. Fuck those sharks. They may have screwed the Old man and the Sea out of his big catch, but not this guy.
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
My first impression is that's it's fake. Because I find it hard to believe someone would be too stupid to give them the dam tuna. However, if it is real, I'm still torn. I want to call you an idiot, sir. But if I do, I might offend you, and you may not answer me when I ask you how it is you swim with those massive iron balls you have.
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
Also, could you explain to me why the gloves you are wearing when you climb into the boat are different from the ones you are wearing in the water...?
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
In the ocean, how far does the sound carry of a person shitting themself?
Tim Murphy
Tim Murphy - 7 years ago
Shark says "gimme that fish mutha fucka!"
tms - 7 years ago
@The Adventure Club please give name of song
Arik Vela
Arik Vela - 7 years ago
All of the 406 people who disliked this are idiots
Arik Vela
Arik Vela - 7 years ago
Gage Westerhouse guess we're gonna send it to Bill's channel
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
Can you explain why he is wearing a different pair of gloves when he climbs into the boat than the ones he's wearing in the water?
Th3Ender - 7 years ago
Respekt bro
Aziz74 Wah_sh
Aziz74 Wah_sh - 7 years ago
Man this guy is man his not getting pushed back
ondy andra
ondy andra - 7 years ago
Hmmm just give that tuna and go away
Денис Абрамов
Денис Абрамов - 7 years ago
You got balls of steel, my respect!
Luis Antonio
Luis Antonio - 7 years ago
The sharks just wanted their fish. That stupid thing in front of a great target would have cost him his life or a leg.
Hesapsız Katil
Hesapsız Katil - 7 years ago
Holy crap
458mikke - 7 years ago
Schwarzenegger and etc. just suck! Great video! Great job, bro!
Frank Of the filth
Frank Of the filth - 7 years ago
My G still got his fish
Duncan Griffiths
Duncan Griffiths - 7 years ago
like...oh my goooooddd...the poor can you like kill things?...your like literally should like- literally eat a kilogram of soy to balance this out.....I'm literally......serious
Brni Ghju
Brni Ghju - 7 years ago
nice job! you dont let your tuna ;)
syed owais Ali
syed owais Ali - 7 years ago
OMG it's so risky.
RevengE #Szalámi #Samurai
RevengE #Szalámi #Samurai - 7 years ago
LoKo Stunts
LoKo Stunts - 7 years ago
That's had to be scary but the guy was a badass

100. comment for Shark attack on spear fisherman for yellowfin tuna at Ascension Island

Cuma Ozdemir
Cuma Ozdemir - 7 years ago
Unbelieveble. This m.f. have mental problem
Nabeel Khalid
Nabeel Khalid - 7 years ago
This guy is lucky coz the bull shark were interested in tuna .if he encountered a white or tiger shark he would be dead.
huỳnh như
huỳnh như - 7 years ago
Need name of music
TheHumanity! - 7 years ago
Stabbed him right in the head lmao fucking intense
woxow - 7 years ago
Joseph Martinez
Joseph Martinez - 7 years ago
OMG. that was amazing. what a bad as and a great example of instincts to survive.
DingleBungus - 7 years ago
Fuck that, this is awesome. Shark needs to understand that human=/= free meal
ʍψςtίɕ - 7 years ago
The Goat
The Goat - 7 years ago
Like a boss. Be or be killed. ;O)-
James Casey
James Casey - 7 years ago
Whatever your views on sharks are this is fucking crazy. You're lucky to be alive... well done for defending yourself, I'm in awe of your balls but you're still crazy and had that been two hungrier more aggressive sharks that knife wouldn't save you, but I'm sure you know that you warrior nutter
James Casey
James Casey - 7 years ago
Rodrigo Forchezatto
Rodrigo Forchezatto - 7 years ago
romanek shark
romanek shark - 7 years ago
Luckily it was not a great white
romanek shark
romanek shark - 7 years ago
I love it with that music
muraille nicolas
muraille nicolas - 7 years ago
AkulaGG - 7 years ago
First shark gets stabbed and books it, after stabbing the tuna the 2nd shark came over to see whats going on. The spearman was giving free stabs to everyone! Hilarious!
Michael Benjamin
Michael Benjamin - 7 years ago
Man is the ultimate predator.
icebrandforces - 7 years ago
Poor Tuna, kids in Africa could drink the whole sea...
nassosmts - 7 years ago
you have big balls men! from greece with love...
Speedoflight - 7 years ago
Huge. hairy and reinforced concrete balls, man!!.
HackIsMeet - 7 years ago
Or man fo steel
HackIsMeet - 7 years ago
This man is iron man
倾城月色 - 7 years ago
you are such badass~!
Dustin B
Dustin B - 7 years ago
Piece of shit, respect the locals
Eden Fraser
Eden Fraser - 7 years ago
Dark Wolf
Dark Wolf - 7 years ago
Probably the most retarded person ever
Taeshaun McClendon
Taeshaun McClendon - 7 years ago
There is nothing funny about a shark attack but in this video I like how everything just went Century Fox 21 with the music
khaled kouka
khaled kouka - 7 years ago
He is a real fighter a real man #respect
Crow Crow
Crow Crow - 7 years ago
Mission accomplish 2:04
Crow Crow
Crow Crow - 7 years ago
Gabriel Bergman
Gabriel Bergman - 7 years ago
This is the most badass thing ive seen
enis voloder
enis voloder - 7 years ago
Very brave!
Dat Nguyen
Dat Nguyen - 7 years ago
that was pretty awesome.
Toasty - 7 years ago
ooDirtyMickoo - 7 years ago
baby sharks, pussy shit.
Steff Shizophrenic
Steff Shizophrenic - 7 years ago
Fuck dude
Christian Hunt
Christian Hunt - 7 years ago
blood attracts sharks what the fuck
Cope Hammers
Cope Hammers - 7 years ago
Definitely a commercial for the fins
Garden of Cannabis
Garden of Cannabis - 7 years ago
God damn these sharks would've took chunks out of you, good fucking job with the knife. Every diver should have knives on them in case this shit happens
Hugo Varela
Hugo Varela - 7 years ago
for me The best video of spearfishing and sharks
HEAT.MoMo - 7 years ago
Nice Chuck Norris went spearfishing too!
Sharrieff Vincent
Sharrieff Vincent - 7 years ago
Sharks said fuck the tuna I want the human flesh lol savaaaggeeeeeeee
Ray Wess
Ray Wess - 7 years ago
this was fucking epic!!!
Brian Chen
Brian Chen - 7 years ago
1:50 to 1:56 did you cut the video or it took 6sec for that boat to come that far
turdmanjones - 7 years ago
What a story he has to tell to his grandkids
208miuwu - 7 years ago
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
208miuwu he's also got two different pairs of gloves.
Mick Enduro
Mick Enduro - 7 years ago
This guy is an animal! Slapping sharks. Boss with A knife too. Got the 1st shark, then the tuna, then the final shark. Str8 skillz
Felipe B
Felipe B - 7 years ago
MLG_V1 oscar.w
MLG_V1 oscar.w - 7 years ago
This geezer literally said fuck you sharks ,he could of let that tuna fish go ,but nahhhh
Pegasus DeCuevas
Pegasus DeCuevas - 7 years ago
That was better than any movie I have ever seen!!!!
Steve Trull
Steve Trull - 7 years ago
Makes me proud to be human..........
Andrés Iturralde
Andrés Iturralde - 7 years ago
That was fucking amazing! I wonder how a man can swim with such balls of steel!!!
Jammy Dodger
Jammy Dodger - 7 years ago
You’re definitely Australian
fogmaN7331 - 7 years ago
omfg just let the fucking tuna go
Elibur Zenos
Elibur Zenos - 7 years ago
Jakub Mulač - APTO a.s.
Jakub Mulač - APTO a.s. - 7 years ago
Got shivers down my spine watching this EPIC fight. Congrats you are still alive. I imagine this was one of your once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Well done.
downtown - 7 years ago
Fucking Bad ASS!!!
YolkyPalky - 7 years ago
Awesome video, though I'd like it even better without the bombastic music added, I think I'd be better with just natural ocean sounds.
Yolandi - 7 years ago
Fuckboys with a boat...
Hasn Peter
Hasn Peter - 7 years ago
Holy fucking shit. I think I just shat myself...
Peter Enis
Peter Enis - 7 years ago
What a Hero
Herza Febriansyah
Herza Febriansyah - 7 years ago
Its Awesome, nice video
skypechess - 7 years ago
OK man, this will be my new favorite motivation video.

A few years ago I was hunting with one of my friends. We stopped at a shepherd asking him something. Those guys have fierce dogs. Before I got of the car I have asked my friend about the dogs. He looked at me and told:
- You are a man, there is nothing to be afraid of.
Since then I have a motto. :)
You and my friend are the same breed.
romanek shark
romanek shark - 7 years ago
sea is nor for human...give me MY fish u fuckin diver!!!
Ed T
Ed T - 7 years ago
All I want to know where the heck do you tuck your gigantic balls away when you go for a spear? Unreal vid mate, this was nuts! (no pun intended)
Wolf DaGamer
Wolf DaGamer - 7 years ago
*he took 3 sharks down with a 1 foot inch knife and a gun ! *respect
Rod Rig
Rod Rig - 7 years ago
Fuck yeah!!! ✊
Can Sezer
Can Sezer - 7 years ago
Slapped by a shark. After 40 000 hunts ....
Can Sezer
Can Sezer - 7 years ago
I understand if u are a fisherman.
Can Sezer
Can Sezer - 7 years ago
Knife still in his hands !....
Zach Spiegel
Zach Spiegel - 7 years ago
didn't realize this was a video game trailer
JUSTDOIT IZZI - 7 years ago
This is the most awesome video I have ever seen!!
Fishn Roks
Fishn Roks - 7 years ago
fuck you guys are insane ! In a good way ! I wouldn't of care less about the tuna . i would of droped everything and run.
destywhip - 7 years ago
That's fucking hectic nice job
Senyor X
Senyor X - 7 years ago
Fake news
stekiz - 7 years ago
Epic battle dude, hope you don't have to live through that again. Great story for your grandchildren, with video to back it up!
Thomas W
Thomas W - 7 years ago
what a cunt. just let them have the fish, why lure them closer to stab them?
The Eagle
The Eagle - 7 years ago
Wow omg scary as
margerita Lasala
margerita Lasala - 7 years ago
si els hi fals mal et perseguiran mes
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club - 7 years ago
They had to find a bigger boat to hold this guy's massive balls
legionary illuminati
legionary illuminati - 7 years ago
XularusXIII - 7 years ago
Dude, you're a fucking badass, fighting sharks with a /knife/!
MrCammy73 - 7 years ago
Dan Hansen
Dan Hansen - 7 years ago
How so?
Greg Goodenough
Greg Goodenough - 7 years ago
I wonder how is it possible to swim with such giant balls of steel.
Capzlock - 7 years ago
Is there a version without the music? It kind of ruins the video.
cosmic wind
cosmic wind - 7 years ago
DoctorDaro - 7 years ago
I only see people complaining about haters. I do not actually see any haters...
DoctorDaro - 7 years ago
I only see people complaining about haters. I do not actually see any haters...
Bryan Alger
Bryan Alger - 7 years ago
Hollllllyyy SHIT!
Sammy Huff
Sammy Huff - 7 years ago
Leave nature alone you animals :(
Kazten - 7 years ago
Why didn't you just drop the fucking fish?
cinis - 7 years ago
Sure it might be "cool" or whatever but in the end it is just pointless violence none of these animals deserved.
Caymen McDaniel
Caymen McDaniel - 7 years ago
not sure what rock you came out from under, but in the real world, animals kind of kill each other for food. So what he is a human, he has the same right to that fish as those sharks do. He fought for it and they did as well.
cinis - 7 years ago
? No of course not, never implied that. The point is more that we do have them.
InphaseRooster - 7 years ago
lol you act like sharks have morals
Ludamus - 7 years ago
The Right Winged Bastard
The Right Winged Bastard - 7 years ago
i wouldn't get in the water without a second spear attached to me
HORSES' MUSIC-DOGS - 7 years ago
This is how you catch a fish.
ProtectTheKingBoxing - 7 years ago
what type of sharks are this? can any one tell me!
William Cox
William Cox - 7 years ago
0Brad - 7 years ago
if those sharks got a hold of the tuna then they would have turned into a frenzy and they would go crazy and f*ck that guy straight up. ( AKA the tuna will get bloody and make the sharks f*cked in the head ,with the possibility of more sharks coming, and attack everything in plane sight including him) Its called a frenzy , look it up people this guy knows what hes doing and deserves a congratulations as the professional spear man he is
Anonimo Xd
Anonimo Xd - 7 years ago
Dios Le mordiendo al final alguno?
Jose Lombardi Netto
Jose Lombardi Netto - 7 years ago
Better than GTA V! Amazing!
ProtectTheKingBoxing - 7 years ago
great video brother, 1 vs 2 hungry sharks and still didn't let go the catch, respect....
Edwin Rivera
Edwin Rivera - 7 years ago
After watching this i realize that videos wont tell the truth anymore but very cool well done what an adrenaline rush it was worth making and watching it
Zakkery Pelletier
Zakkery Pelletier - 7 years ago
Anyone see a credit to the artist?
A Holy Sinner
A Holy Sinner - 7 years ago
So this is fake, yeah? 1:51 he yells for "Help!" And then at 1:55 they are legit right there. I'm too lazy too look it up. But shit looks pretty absurd but pretty real. Bravo lads.
DaMir bais
DaMir bais - 7 years ago
пиздец ты мужик! respect
Mark Wee
Mark Wee - 7 years ago
very nice video and the back ground music so cool. !!! bolshit sharks .
RTV Airsoft and Gaming
RTV Airsoft and Gaming - 7 years ago
That was epic
Swess2908 - 7 years ago
I would have sucked their dicks in that situation
Healthy MBS
Healthy MBS - 7 years ago
You are the boss. Anytime, anywhere... when someone asks, "Who's in charge here?" The room points to you.
misosong - 7 years ago
OMG...Heart pumping!
Cronoviajero - 7 years ago
I admire you for defending your catch as the brave and skillful man you are.
Dean Nunziato
Dean Nunziato - 7 years ago
And the fucking bastard still managed to catch the tuna! Awesome! Balls of titanium
Josh Injai
Josh Injai - 7 years ago
this man is a warrior, good on you sir
Samsun55 - 7 years ago
Survival of the fittest huh...
As I Lay Dying
As I Lay Dying - 7 years ago
Renato B
Renato B - 7 years ago
This guy think he is a superhero... maybe he is ...
Ohhoenooo - 7 years ago
does anyone agree With me that the Part when he Threw the tuna on Board and got out of the Ocean With the Knife in his Hand was fucking badass ?
Suezanne Lambert
Suezanne Lambert - 7 years ago
It's kinda fuckary to skeng down a tuna then start tryna dip up the sharks but your brave
Matson Ruddell
Matson Ruddell - 7 years ago
I would go in the ocean more if these bastards didn’t rule it
Ignacio Tsai
Ignacio Tsai - 7 years ago
looked somewhat staged
Alberto Cuellar
Alberto Cuellar - 7 years ago
How the hell you didn't sink with those balls of steel?
mini jogador
mini jogador - 7 years ago
O cara consegue lhe dá com dois tubarões e um peixe e nada
Eduardo Henrique
Eduardo Henrique - 7 years ago
Nossaaaa esse e br nn largou a bagagem kk
LLStepFH - 7 years ago
my fckn tuna
Franco Ferrer
Franco Ferrer - 7 years ago
Fuck!! that man is fucking Chuck Norris
WE DIVE - 7 years ago
كفو ولد العيوز
Samuel Balavoine
Samuel Balavoine - 7 years ago
WE DIVE sure
Jeremy Stuckey
Jeremy Stuckey - 7 years ago
Slaps the hell out of one shark, then slaps the hell out of two sharks, gives em both a quick stab, and secures the original kill.

Radley2612 - 7 years ago
Gandalf would be proud of you!
Sajid Iftikhar
Sajid Iftikhar - 7 years ago
I wish those sharks would have made this cunt a history. Stupid was stabbing those sharks. Where are animal rights activists? I think for them lives of cats n dogs matter the most.
Samuel Balavoine
Samuel Balavoine - 7 years ago
Sajid Iftikhar sure he'd better have died eaten by them
Also they should sacrifice his family to the sharks
Carlos Lucas Ramos
Carlos Lucas Ramos - 7 years ago
Esque este tío es un pedazo de soplapollas porque cojones no deja el puto pez a los jodido stiburones
Chico Playa
Chico Playa - 7 years ago
Top 10 Anime fights 2017
Gary Busey
Gary Busey - 7 years ago
the tuna is just like shitttttttt lol
MproductionB - 7 years ago
Philippe Virgili
Philippe Virgili - 7 years ago
kaneda956 - 7 years ago
307 ppl that viewed this are vegan.
Вика Нечаева
Вика Нечаева - 7 years ago
great video! Nice music, very good speed, the fight with sharks. It was very emotional and powerfull! ty for nice operation work!
Junior Garcia
Junior Garcia - 7 years ago
sharks are cool
Bruce the shark
Bruce the shark - 7 years ago
Junior Garcia thank you
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club - 7 years ago
You're cool, my man. Keep your chin up stay frosty and don't swim with sharks.
ivan kramarić
ivan kramarić - 7 years ago
Best fucking video ever ! Man vs beast
Taurelete7 - 7 years ago
That was an equal fight, and I loved to see it.

Congratulations for the man.
James P
James P - 7 years ago
You're a gladiator mate lol, nice jabs with the knife and didn't lose your steak
Reel Busters
Reel Busters - 7 years ago
Awesome vid and good edit
Braveman - 7 years ago
This is survival pure! Only one predator can take the prey. What a cold blood!Until the last moment when he has the prey don´t take the knife and fights. Is this a mistake? I don´t think so. My respect bro. You have reacted pretty well
kyokushin no mika
kyokushin no mika - 7 years ago
To all the haters here, this guy probably respect animals more than you ever will. It takes a lot of training skills and courage to free dive 20 meters and shoot a tuna with a spear gun while being surrounded by Sharks.
This guy isn't even fully stabing the sharks, just giving them little pokes showing them that he could defend himself he could have killed them if he wanted to.
kyokushin no mika
kyokushin no mika - 7 years ago
Awesome! Incredible! I don't have words to describe this, you gave me chills!!
MrJrv435 - 7 years ago
Corvina Lohoz
Corvina Lohoz - 7 years ago
Brave heart well done.. screw the haters... your catch is your catch...
Bryce Schuske
Bryce Schuske - 7 years ago are the badest mofo in town. You rocked the house on those sharks....AND you got your fish...Sick!!!
Luciano Torres
Luciano Torres - 7 years ago
Fuck! Freak!
kearneylfc2 - 7 years ago
I want to be as cool as this guy.
bolinc 3
bolinc 3 - 7 years ago
Chestnut Barrow
Chestnut Barrow - 7 years ago
No need for a weight belt, your balls of titanium steel will do
Mike Botinovch
Mike Botinovch - 7 years ago
A living legand!!!
CobaltDaydream - 7 years ago
you gotta be fucking kidding me......
what month was this? You are lucky as hell you didn't get bitten.
Matthew Glauber
Matthew Glauber - 7 years ago
Name of the song?
kaneda956 - 7 years ago
What was this video about? Couldnt see it with the size of his balls blocking the camera.
killa games
killa games - 7 years ago
awesome!!! crazy vid
Madman - 7 years ago
Why didnt he let go of the tuna?
FranmanBSA - 7 years ago
Scarface wouldn't mess with this guy
Tahir Canpolat
Tahir Canpolat - 7 years ago
The Romerer
The Romerer - 7 years ago
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 7 years ago
To all the people hating on this guy: what was he supposed to do? Let the sharks attack him? You'd defend yourself too.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 7 years ago
Dick pole The sharks are still agitated and potentially dangerous.
Dick pole
Dick pole - 7 years ago
Drop the fish
kellridd - 7 years ago
This guy is a Beast! Plain and simple.
John Adams
John Adams - 7 years ago
This man is straight Savage!
UnknownMcpe - 7 years ago
thats what they want
UnknownMcpe - 7 years ago
the shark dont want to hurt you pet them
Amelia Reagan Wright
Amelia Reagan Wright - 7 years ago
Kill the shark! Where's your GLOCK???
mildlytoxicfrogjuice - 7 years ago
woooh you handled yourself divinely, I was trying to help you out the water by jumping off my seat!
PhANt0MitE - 7 years ago
Dude great music effects!
Dirty Blond
Dirty Blond - 7 years ago
From now on, no more baths, only showers...
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
Video or it isn't happening.
connor mclaws
connor mclaws - 7 years ago
The way he chucked that tuna in at the end..... Such a boss
Tomas Bennar
Tomas Bennar - 7 years ago
I will be watching this every time I want an adrenaline rush.... the guy is a boss.
Chode Choder
Chode Choder - 7 years ago
Great stuff, all the people hating probably eat snow cones as well that's pretty much cannibalism to them, bunch of hypocrites
Ramon Abundiz
Ramon Abundiz - 7 years ago
Straight up savage.
KingChooêt - 7 years ago
Chaiyapol Pinyoboon
Chaiyapol Pinyoboon - 7 years ago
nice animation
ihopeutubedies - 7 years ago
I bet this guy strangles grizzly bears with his bare hands.
Kaminsky Fontes
Kaminsky Fontes - 7 years ago
This is really real? Or Video edit?
Augoustos Kapogiannis
Augoustos Kapogiannis - 7 years ago
74aussieguy - 7 years ago
And he got the fish = LEGEND!
jerrell bell
jerrell bell - 7 years ago
A homeboy is a straight up capital G
St. Mark
St. Mark - 7 years ago
sharks need to eat and move to survive.. they were going easy on the diver.
Alex Holden
Alex Holden - 7 years ago
Animal cruelty you dont mortality wound a creature that your not going to eat, this guy should be held accountable for his cruel acts. The sharks were clearly going for the fish not him. You arent defending yourself your defending a fish which you dont need, the sharks need that fish to survive. I hope the next shark encounter leaves you castrated you sicko karma's a bitch
Samuel Balavoine
Samuel Balavoine - 7 years ago
Shark Bait pretty sure a sacrifice of his whole family to the sharks would be enough :)
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 7 years ago
Alex Holden You are truly stupid. First of all, the sharks weren't fatally wounded. They swam off. You can see it in the video. Secondly, he was defending himself. What was he going to do? Let the sharks attack him? It's self defense, idiot. There are plenty of fish in the sea. The sharks' lives didn't depend on that one specific fish. They don't get priority on it - that's nature. They'll find another fish to eat. You obviously have never been fishing before, and your opinion (that's what it is - a shitty uninformed opinion) is invalid.
supermegapenguindroid Gunter
supermegapenguindroid Gunter - 7 years ago
THis man is a straight savage
DHScherocha - 7 years ago
Last time I checked there were 7.5 billion people on the planet. Galapagos shark numbers are however, in decline thanks to fishing. I wasn't cheering on this guy. Had he simply dropped the catch maybe two sharks didn't have to cop a shivving. Apparently having some perspective makes me a snowflake to all these wannabe machismo cum stains who think it's super awesome to see somebody stabbing a species that is in vast decline because of wholesale slaughter and human impact in an environment that we don't even inhabit.
DHScherocha - 7 years ago
You know that bag limits pertain to the fish species in the area and that it's illegal to actually fish for the sharks themselves, right? You know that Ascension island is actually going to be classified as a marine reserve because of the swathe of illegal Taiwanese long-liners shark finning in the area, right? You know that any bag limits on fishing have nothing to do with the sharks and that as of now, there is no actual programme in place on Ascension island that has anything to do with management of the shark population as you seem to be trying to assert, right? Surely you actually did research on this topic before making this comment, right?

If two sharks were coming at me I would indeed fight back. If two sharks were coming at me because I was holding onto a fish with a gaping hole in it's side and blood pouring out, I'd like to think I'd have the presence of mind to let go of the fucking fish instead of risking my life for the sake of a catch.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 7 years ago
DHScherocha You know that these sharks have bag limits and are being managed in accordance to said population limits correct? Surely you actually did research on this topic before making this comment, right? Plus, the sharks weren't killed. They guy was defending himself. Tell me - if two sharks were coming at you, would you not fight back?
Adam - 7 years ago
I wonder how he fits those huge balls in that wetsuit?
Marlin Roth
Marlin Roth - 7 years ago
Wow. I would have tossed the tuna away in hopes that they would leave me alone. This guy stabs both of the sharks in the face and still gets the tuna in the boat. What a boss.
Sjan Van westenbrugge
Sjan Van westenbrugge - 7 years ago
Samuel Balavoine
Samuel Balavoine - 7 years ago
Sjan Van westenbrugge nEveR Hit a SHaRk wiCH a NiFE DumB MeN
Jo Jojo
Jo Jojo - 7 years ago
man you definitely have nuts! bravo from me
ShadowKing - 7 years ago
This is amazing o.o
La Quête du Fun
La Quête du Fun - 7 years ago
Lyle Chipperson
Lyle Chipperson - 7 years ago
Gets attacked by two sharks.. But this is MY tuna!
AndyVarol - 7 years ago
mal canın yongası tabi. bırakmadı la balığı. helal olsun hagdhadg
SireN - 7 years ago
I hope he dies who cares
the one
the one - 7 years ago
Al-X Tsan
Al-X Tsan - 7 years ago
AdiL osFi
AdiL osFi - 7 years ago
i think the second shark died
Samuel Balavoine
Samuel Balavoine - 7 years ago
The head of sharks are very,very strong. Check out on scientifics website idk and you'll see :) I don't think he died.
AdiL osFi
AdiL osFi - 7 years ago
bro he hit them in the brain
Samuel Balavoine
Samuel Balavoine - 7 years ago
AdiL osFi no he just poked them
Stefan Margraf
Stefan Margraf - 7 years ago
Congrats to your victory and your yellowfin and your balls!
HupfDole87 - 7 years ago
yeah seems fake.. different fish.. different gloves. and to be honest.. who would be so stupid to pull a fish who became bait towards oneself when there are hungy sharks everywhere. just drop it and use it as a diversion!
VITOL - 7 years ago
sasho penchev
sasho penchev - 7 years ago
ofcourse he had to put the fish on the boat first
Substandard Gamer Kiba
Substandard Gamer Kiba - 7 years ago
Knifing the sharks like a badass, nice. Next time bring larger knife.
undhyper - 7 years ago
song pls?
Steven Garrett
Steven Garrett - 7 years ago
What an amazing video! If everyone was this close to their food, there would be no overfishing and no loss of biodiversity. Almost no one would be eating Tuna, or shark for that matter. Pull all the purse seiners out of the water and all of the long liners for 20 years and watch the world's ocean refill with bounty!
Damo fishing ninja
Damo fishing ninja - 7 years ago
How did you get to acsention I thought runway was closed?
Ariah Vangio
Ariah Vangio - 7 years ago
that was very intense
Reuben Foster
Reuben Foster - 7 years ago
Only shit!!!!& epic video. Them sharks just wouldn't get away from the man lmaooo!
Sceyef - 7 years ago
Where's the unedited footage? Speeding it up makes it look so fake, probably just an illusion though
PK PK - 7 years ago
I have three main trophies I want to kill: Elephant, Polar Bear, and a Shark.
Good job, I am most worried about the Shark. I would be in his domain, I am not the apex predator in the ocean. But my grandfather did it in Los Roques after the war with one of his friends, I am sure I will manage as well.
loogue - 7 years ago
John Smith dont kill polar bears dude... They give you Coke
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
PK PK I'm a fucking savage and those are three things I don't care about killing. I've killed some sharks but I try to avoid it because it's not that fun. I would kill a black or brown bear but not a polar bear. Elephant hunting is cool and I'd do it but probably feel like a dick hole after doing that
José LvcemBerg
José LvcemBerg - 7 years ago
Idiota, prefere se comido pelos tubarões a soltar o atum.francamente.
Bud Chrysler
Bud Chrysler - 7 years ago
I cant believe you risked your life for a bit of Tuna, it was completely bad ass fighting off two sharks but you know they close their eyes when they go to eat right? so easily could of took a chunk out of you. Good job though you beautiful moron. =D
Snitsel xd
Snitsel xd - 7 years ago
Legend xd
ITzHunter_Joe Nice
ITzHunter_Joe Nice - 7 years ago
The Sharks is a live....
ITzHunter_Joe Nice
ITzHunter_Joe Nice - 7 years ago
o tubarão ta vivo krl
Ридерник Ников
Ридерник Ников - 7 years ago
Стальные яйца чуть не утянули парня на дно!!1
VI Spex
VI Spex - 7 years ago
clearly he should have given them the fish..
TheLoanedOutsiders - 7 years ago
Most epic video I saw all day
James Madison
James Madison - 7 years ago
this is what man is!!! adventurers, explorers, adrenaline junkies HOOAH!!!
Bjørn-Andre Trondal
Bjørn-Andre Trondal - 7 years ago
this is one badass MF!!! i would have trown the harpoon and let the sharks get the tuna
101dedros - 7 years ago
Señor.... vaya huevos to behave in such couragious manner, I just could not believe my eyes when he starts stabbing the scharks one after the other as he lifts the tune into the boat!! are a serious hunter!
Anti-Spiral - 7 years ago
The music is so fucking stupid and unnecessary.
Alexander Depich
Alexander Depich - 7 years ago
That's the way
Chris Chris
Chris Chris - 7 years ago
Why did he want this tuna so much? Is it rare? and what the hell... this is crazy!
staxstix - 7 years ago
if anyone ever deserved to get bitten, it's this moron. why did he do that? just for the sake of a dramatic video? and then stabbing the sharks in the head with a knife. first grade asshole.
staxstix - 7 years ago
i never said he shouldn't have defended himself, that's not the point. i said he should have never caused this situation in the first place. you're surrounded by sharks, you don't spear a freakin tuna right in front of their nose on purpose. you're right, shark wasn't killed, my bad. but this is like jumping around in front of two lions with bait and when they naturally come to you, you'd swing at them with a machete - all for the sake of filming it. some call it 'badass', some call it being a douche. not only is it disrespectful and highly unprofessional, it also is a disservice to fellow divers, creating associations between divers and food. all in all, this could've easily been avoided - but he chose not to. i doubt he would've dared to do pull that shit with two whites/tigers/bulls...
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 7 years ago
Well, the shark wasn't killed. It swam off. And I highly doubt he'd intentionally try and get his fish stolen. It was a heat of the moment sort of move. You could argue he should have dropped it, but you can't say you shouldn't defend yourself.
staxstix - 7 years ago
usually i agree, but in this case i don't. i certainly (and anyone in their right mind) wouldn't have speered a tuna right in front of sharks (and at least one shark was directly in front of him, he was well aware of that). that is asking for trouble and purposefully triggering the sharks instincts for the sake of cool footage. the fact that all this mounts to killing/seriously harming the shark just makes it worse, all of that was provoked by the diver und very much avoidable. basically he killed a shark for internet views. so yeah, if you fuck around with nature like that, you normally deserve to get bitten.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 7 years ago
staxstix He was defending himself. You would have done the same. Was he just supposed to lie down and let an attack occur?
Gottamatata! !
Gottamatata! ! - 7 years ago
human wins
Toni Santaella Trujillo
Toni Santaella Trujillo - 7 years ago
0:07 quita coño.
Sinan Sakin
Sinan Sakin - 7 years ago
What is music name
richtankone - 7 years ago
I'm impressed!
MrGilRoland - 7 years ago
Let the damn fish and equipment go, you were so lucky on this dude.
Tomm Swiift
Tomm Swiift - 7 years ago
He is John 'Cunt' Wick who can fight two FUCKING sharks with ONLY his bare hands while taunting the sharks with Tuna Fish.
CoreosAndMilk - 7 years ago
Tomm Swiift "taunting" he speared the tuna to eat it not play Russian Roulette with two apex predators, stop being so moronic.
John Wayne
John Wayne - 7 years ago
I have been to Ascension island and there is no shore it's edge and abyss. that's submarine depth water, Whale depth. Just dark blue water and it's scary as FUCK!
cosmic light
cosmic light - 7 years ago
Samuel Balavoine
Samuel Balavoine - 7 years ago
Shark Bait white shark lives matter
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 7 years ago
cosmic light This isn't really a racial thing. Why are you making a fucking fishing video a race issue?
Ivan Martynov
Ivan Martynov - 7 years ago
Anyone know the name of the soundtrack?
muraille nicolas
muraille nicolas - 7 years ago
muraille nicolas
muraille nicolas - 7 years ago
Ivan Makejevs
Ivan Makejevs - 7 years ago
ZytheJR - 7 years ago
me too!
Veylon Evo
Veylon Evo - 7 years ago
Ivan Martynov was looking for the same thing
Irhad Babic
Irhad Babic - 7 years ago
Wow. What a thriller. He was not supposed to do this alone, but still, I'm so happy and impressed. He defended himself, and the fish from two big ass sharks. Amazing.
Николай Афанасьев
Николай Афанасьев - 7 years ago
капец я как сам пережил ужас!!
njkkfish - 7 years ago
oh god this guys retarded, forget the fish get out of there.
Deki Disk
Deki Disk - 7 years ago
This spear fishermen really love to ring that dinner bell for sharks when they go diving . And then it was somehow the shark's fault when they get bit
Nazmi KAPBAŞ - 7 years ago
I liked this video wich contains number of sharks which equals to the genders.
Johnny Massacre
Johnny Massacre - 7 years ago
Bro why would you haul a massive bleeding tuna closer and closer to you while surrounded by scavenging aggressive sharks!?
Giovanni Catello
Giovanni Catello - 7 years ago
I was thinking exactly the same thing but he's still alive, that's a fact, because of his behaviour
Chris Holsinger
Chris Holsinger - 7 years ago
Because that's what you do when you're a badass.
Mansur Zulfakar
Mansur Zulfakar - 7 years ago
People act like this guy went in the water specifically to get footage of him stabbing sharks, fucking idiots. He went in there to catch a fish. To his surprise, two fucking sharks showed up. At first, he tried just pushing them away. Later, he stabbed them. If he let the tuna go the sharks would have potentially bit down on the huge spear in it, like a giant fishing hook, I'm sure you pussies wouldn't want that. Of course, the stab to snout probably felt extremely painful to the sharks, but it's not like that was a fatal blow. Even the sharks think you guys are pussies.
spahi22 - 7 years ago
I love this video a warrior right their to the end and good for you but little advice you may consider on the next survive advnsure never ever show this attitude to tiger or mako or the great white or o
will get owned bro...
Justin Shields
Justin Shields - 7 years ago
Man vs 2 sharks for tuna and man wins, and everyone's hating lol
Jordan Hodder linde
Jordan Hodder linde - 7 years ago
Justin Shields yes i know dont get it
Dick pole
Dick pole - 7 years ago
Stabbing sharks for no reason.
Yunkernault - 7 years ago
Ozzy Man Reviews you got some work here!
Cocoq - 7 years ago
This stress when you climb the boat at the end
Tony G.
Tony G. - 7 years ago
Stupid human.
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 7 years ago
Tony G. Stupid vegan
Bruce B
Bruce B - 7 years ago
Fine display of free diving professionalism. Diver didn't give up catch and showed sharks it was his meal not theirs. Next diver to spear fish who does the same will aid teaching sharks, speared fish are not an easy take. Now I'm going to open a can of tuna and make some salad... less risk and doesn't cost as much.
Bruce B
Bruce B - 7 years ago
You must be a vegan.
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
You're an idiot.
Bruce B
Bruce B - 7 years ago
kaneda956 - 7 years ago
Bruce B still not as good as sashimi
spahi22 - 7 years ago
int1565511 - 7 years ago
Стальные яйца
Shine Dog 5000
Shine Dog 5000 - 7 years ago
Those two sharks got wrecked!
Is dis birzurk refrenc?
Is dis birzurk refrenc? - 7 years ago
This is the manliest thing I've seen in a while, too bad it's either fake or overly edited
Jay Dawg
Jay Dawg - 7 years ago
i think the sharks deserved a good taste of that idiots legs ... kill 3 fish for 1 nice going asshole
Samuel Balavoine
Samuel Balavoine - 7 years ago
Jay Dawg he just poked the shark to defend himself.... noone of them are dead
ProSoccerGuy - 7 years ago
Jk, I respect u
ProSoccerGuy - 7 years ago
Trash vid dude
Khalil Bouchaf
Khalil Bouchaf - 7 years ago
Away from last comments

I wonder why he didnt sink with this steanless balls he has
hippo762 - 7 years ago
Well done that man! Ignore the whiners.
Christophe Lecourt
Christophe Lecourt - 7 years ago
good to see it ended well for the guy, he even kept his tuna! But i still think that no tuna is worth that much risk and the guy was very lucky. And spear fishing a tuna is still a waist... I prefere long lining on sailing boats so they don't even cost the gasoline!!
Bob alloo
Bob alloo - 7 years ago
I want this guy at my back next time I go diving, definitely not any of you city dwellers who judge from your armchairs.
spahi22 - 7 years ago
Munk E. Punch
Munk E. Punch - 7 years ago
Wow. Just wow.
Patrick Diprimo
Patrick Diprimo - 7 years ago
Macho egotistal idiot. Thanks for fucking up two beautiful sharks by stabbing them in the head, I wish they would have at least taken a toe or two from you so you wouldn't be dumb enough to try this again.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 7 years ago
Soccer Rocker The sharks survived. Plus, was he just supposed to not defend himself? I don't think he wanted this to happen, he was forced to defend himself.
B -
B - - 7 years ago
More like, "Sharks want Tuna that is easy eating because it has a spear in it."
Da Screamer
Da Screamer - 7 years ago
This is gonna inspire Asians to kill sharks even more. Lmao!
Loren RP
Loren RP - 7 years ago
the comments insulting the fisherman for trying to defend his life with a simple knife are just pathetic. You can see clearly how the sharks attacked him before he started to stab them, but you only feel empathy for the animals, and can not imagine the fear and pain that this guy should have felt at that moment and how bravery he was. Fuck you all, and I really hope you dont eat tuna, or you will be not only idiots, but also hypocrites
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
The guys an Idiot, he placed himself in that position.
Mr. Koala Eucalyptus
Mr. Koala Eucalyptus - 7 years ago
Dick pole nah, its his food, not theirs
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
Dick pole first off, your username suits you. Second, I am not so certain that would have helped. They didn't bite the tuna (or even try to) at all.
Jammy Dodger
Jammy Dodger - 7 years ago
Dick pole they weren’t interested in the fish, if they wanted the fish they could have had it, they were going after him, those sharks are known for being hostile to humans
Dick pole
Dick pole - 7 years ago
I mean, he could have just gave the sharks the fish instead of stabbing them.
DieHard PVP
DieHard PVP - 7 years ago
Brave *
Shroomnerd - 7 years ago
I'd say it was freaking nuts to defend his yellow tuna catch against those sharks because that was what they were after. They were not after ths fisherman. But well if you catch it you can try to protect it. That's what other anymals would do as well. You won't see lions back off from their prey in order to not hurt some hyenas being greedy.
isaac 81135
isaac 81135 - 7 years ago
I am surprised you didn't sink with the size of your balls
Merwyn D'Silva
Merwyn D'Silva - 7 years ago
What's the name of the song used?
Sidnei Santana
Sidnei Santana - 7 years ago
FAKE! Everything that happens inside of water is just graphic computer, pay attention in the color of the fisherman's glove inside of water (white) and outside of water (black). The fish is different too. Inside of water is just 3D animation.
Tony - 7 years ago
lol animals and water are some of the most difficult things to render realistically, and even then, our best renderings still do not come close to approaching the quality seen in the video on this page which clearly depicts real life.
Micah Cook
Micah Cook - 7 years ago
your an idiot
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
Didn't want to believe it, but I think you are correct.
maulCS - 7 years ago
It's the same gloves you idiot, the lighting is different. You can see the same patterns and everything.
karim9793 - 7 years ago
Lol what a retard
Crimson Cory
Crimson Cory - 7 years ago
Spoken like someone who never dived beyond 5 meters.
have you ever heard of Snell's law? sounds like you skipped some physics lessons in school bro.
Here, read some, educate yourself...
xenoh52 - 7 years ago
+Tobi's World u probably right
Pimp Daddy
Pimp Daddy - 7 years ago
Nothing fake, tired of people seeking attention on internet with FAKE FAKE lol, you re the fakey here nigger
Tobi's World
Tobi's World - 7 years ago
The speed of the boat is called film editing
xenoh52 - 7 years ago
i dont know if its fake or not but this is the fastest boat i ever seen
Tobi's World
Tobi's World - 7 years ago
I'm a experienced spearo, and can assure you that this is not fake, it's probably because you can't understand why someone would put themselves in such a predicament, the same as I can't understand why some people jump out of airplanes
Mark Spearo
Mark Spearo - 7 years ago
It is not fake. The top portion of gloves is lighter grey then the rest of the glove. This top portion of the gloves appears alot lighter (white almost) under water due to automatic overexposure of the gopro when it is under water. The gopro compensates automatically its exposure depending on the light conditions. In the water where camera is pointing downwards into depth of the water there is much less light then there is when you are pointing camera towards a sunny sky. Because of this, gopro increases exposure so that underwater scenery doesn't come out too dark. Doing so, it will tend to overexpose objects closer to the surface (gloves) since being closer to the surface more sunlight falls on them and plus gopros overexposure makes the top parts of grey gloves appear almost white. It a common thing. I see it happen in my footage all the time. Also, 2nd reason it is not fake is that his left glove has full printed label on top but his right glove hows much of printed label fallen off, only some letters, this is both the case with his gloves inside and outside water.
Hussein Marey
Hussein Marey - 7 years ago
Sidnei Santana haha
Roman Sperkacz
Roman Sperkacz - 7 years ago
You are a moron. My god
Yo ski
Yo ski - 7 years ago
Sidnei Santana suns fake
SalsaRoja - 7 years ago
Sidnei Santana Look at all these nerds, gullable and moist. They think it's real. Lmao.
Giovanni Catello
Giovanni Catello - 7 years ago
Maybe also your life is a fake, didn't you noticed? BULLSHITS!!
Monsieur Candie
Monsieur Candie - 7 years ago
why there's always a guy who says "FAKE" this is clearly a real footage you bum
George - 7 years ago
You are stupid if you think this is fake
Tyronlee Nunes
Tyronlee Nunes - 7 years ago
yep at 1:48 front towards him and 1:53 already back towards him ready to be boarded. and yes I did assume gender there.
Empty End72
Empty End72 - 7 years ago
Plus the boat in the end came up way to fast.
Tyronlee Nunes
Tyronlee Nunes - 7 years ago
wonder how come no one else noticed this.
Alex Idiaquez
Alex Idiaquez - 7 years ago
Buenisimo video , pura adrenalina , felicitaciones !
pierre fro
pierre fro - 7 years ago
did he hurt theses sharks?
Jos Clarke
Jos Clarke - 7 years ago
no more than other species who defend their catch from sharks.
Giovanni Catello
Giovanni Catello - 7 years ago
Sharks have very tough heads but that knife hurted them for sure
XDEADheadEDX - 7 years ago
let me stab you in the face and then ask that question
PetarGavrailov - 7 years ago
Fuck what majority say, this was freaking awesome. Nice video edit as well.
e30kitty - 7 years ago
No, he went brainless into the ocean fishing between sharks and was more lucky than anything else. People like him are nothing more like useless and are a problem for us all b.c. some idiot will say now: look at this brutal shark attack.... wtf, this idiot didn'T even think about giving the tuna free to leave the scene. I hope Natural Selection will hit him hard soon!
GamerPro Indonesia
GamerPro Indonesia - 7 years ago
lol bitch !
Quentin James
Quentin James - 7 years ago
he literally fucking hit it how is it fake?
Generation X
Generation X - 7 years ago
Unbelievable, he has some balls.
RockIngersoll - 7 years ago
Now let's see you do that with a couple Great Whites.
ShPekmaster - 7 years ago
Holy shit. Next time hunt down and eat these damn sharks.
Assaf Efroni
Assaf Efroni - 7 years ago
Except being really stupid...u also stabbed the sharks which's tuna is their food... i hope next time you'll meet a great white or a mako that would shred ur dive knife and ur balls, u fucking dosh-bag.
karim9793 - 7 years ago
Get a life u fuck tard
HakuMAAAN - 7 years ago
Wishing death on someone for defending themselves seems kinda fucked up, don't ya think?
oahusquid - 7 years ago
WOW!!! I certainly wouldn't knowingly put myself in that situation, but it does happen when spearfishing. Where were your mates to back you up??? AWESOME video.
Luiz Fabiano
Luiz Fabiano - 7 years ago
Are the politically correct idiots estúpida, defending the sharks? Oh really ? Sharks meat fish...stupids kids
Graigg Condiff
Graigg Condiff - 7 years ago
WHAT A DOUCHE BAG!!!! HE STABS THE SHARKS!!!???? JACKASS!!!! Have a bloody wounded fish flailing about then say YOU are being attacked??!! I was just in Hawaii last week free diving with 30 Galapagos Sharks and NOT ONE would come near me!!! Sharks dont attack people unless they are stupid ass morons like this punk!!! Having free dove- NO CAGE- with HUNDREDS of sharks from Caribbean reefs, Great Hammerheads, Silkys, Galapagos, Ive never once had a close encounter- Its ignorant beer swilling overcompensating trash like this guy that give peaceful sharks a bad rep!!!!!
Jocelyn Cooley
Jocelyn Cooley - 7 years ago
Beer swilling? I guess your against drinking too faggot
James rotunno
James rotunno - 7 years ago
Graigg Condiff if the shark is hungry it will attack idiot
James Madison
James Madison - 7 years ago
Maybe you should stay in your concrete dome if you can't take a thrilling life. We are men, we go where we want to go and what we want to do: we are children of Mother Nature like any other animal, so again, you can't take it the , go back to your concrete city and stay there because the rest of will have fun and take chances.
Jos Clarke
Jos Clarke - 7 years ago
fuck off cunt, he established dominance and those sharks will still live. You fucking have no place in the food chain except at the bottom if you're going to let sharks nibble at you.
Chris - 7 years ago
There is no way he could have got in the boat without backing those sharks down, that was just straight up man vs nature heavily in favor of the sharks
spahi22 - 7 years ago
+ghholmes deep advice...
ghholmes - 7 years ago
Look the guy got into a battle for his catch, and he won. There are no rules in that situation. But it's unnecessary. The reality is that if this went bad for the diver the sharks would get a bad rep. We don't live in a world where that catch is life or death. Let it go. They probably need it more than you. A little common sense and respect.
Nate Kons
Nate Kons - 7 years ago
You are a moron. The guy made his catch. It does not belong to the shark. He had to stab them to defend himself. And one does not simply surrender their catch to sharks. You Beta males are out of hand these days.
Гарик Севастопольский
Гарик Севастопольский - 7 years ago
стальные яйца у чувака.
Reynhard - 7 years ago
so insane, amazing lol
Hugo Barros
Hugo Barros - 7 years ago
Wowww.... Incrível!!!
Mubarak ALA
Mubarak ALA - 7 years ago
u r man brother
Mikolaj Redecki
Mikolaj Redecki - 7 years ago
I bet all retards complaining here about this guy and his behavior, eats meat and doesn't see anything bad in self. Morons
Dick pole
Dick pole - 7 years ago
Yeah this brave man. He was an idiot who almost died over a fucking tuna.
Crimson Knight
Crimson Knight - 7 years ago
Male sharks bite the females when their mating. I highly doubt that a little knife stab is going to kill them.
kyokushin no mika
kyokushin no mika - 7 years ago
They probably buy a ton off crap they don't need, full of plastic, throw a huge amount of food and water, and don't even recycle and here they are protecting sharks on YouTube lmao. I like sharks I understand how important they are but this guy was truly right. And for sure he knows what it cost to put meat (here fish) on the table
LOL - 7 years ago
lmao yeah, one bullet and its over
keep believing that bud
Cosmas Grelon
Cosmas Grelon - 7 years ago
lol, have you ever been to a slaughter house... if only it was that pretty man... the cows go through hell before getting put down. Eating meat is contributing to the suffering of animals. That is a fact.
Mikolaj Redecki
Mikolaj Redecki - 7 years ago
Oooo shit, you are more delusional than i think you was. There is no point talking with someone like you. Better stay in your basment, believe everything your master tells you (tv). ;) Have a good day, maybe someday you will open your eyes and mind. But if you value comfort, better stay in your fictive world. And again, great day to you! ;)
Mao Zedong
Mao Zedong - 7 years ago
Maybe in your shit country where they dont have rules regarding the ending of cattle life but here its one bullet to the brain and its over. And yes youre being dumb if you compare holding cattle for meat on a fucking farm to jumping in an ocean with sharks trying to be cool with your stupid spear and if it goes wrong you start randomly stabbing animals? Does your tiny wodkafilled brain not see the difference here?
Mikolaj Redecki
Mikolaj Redecki - 7 years ago
Don't know how old are you, but seems I have to tell you that: meat doesn't grow on trees, you know? Do you know how much suffering is caused just becouse you like burgers? If I am retarded, I don't know whats wrong with you. Besides he was attacked by sharks, and was defending himself, not hunting them for fun.
Mao Zedong
Mao Zedong - 7 years ago
What the fuck does eating meat and the moronic actions of the retard in this video have to do with eachother, are you retarded?
Nicolas Bartol
Nicolas Bartol - 7 years ago
Julla - 7 years ago
Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Courtland Hunt
Courtland Hunt - 7 years ago
Great job. Tough to say anything was done wrong when the mission was accomplished successfully.
Google Google
Google Google - 7 years ago
You released the tuna after... Right? It was just sport .. :)))
Samuel Balavoine
Samuel Balavoine - 7 years ago
Google Google xD
Google Google
Google Google - 7 years ago
Ok! For the next video we expect a fight with a white shark! :)
Brainy-Brian - 7 years ago
Hope the Shark win next time.
Robbie Nichols
Robbie Nichols - 7 years ago
You’re the worst
Thibault BONFANTI - 7 years ago
Tiny sharks with the GoPro are bigger than they appear.
specjalista88 - 7 years ago
How bad do you need that tuna?!
Felipe O
Felipe O - 7 years ago
specjalista88 when your local Walmart runs out of tuna you have to actually fish some more, dumbass.
刘书江 - 7 years ago
刘书江 - 7 years ago
good job,I support you,brave man!
casey murphy
casey murphy - 7 years ago
Well done! Everyone is giving the diver shit for pole spearing a yft, dealing with two sharks, not getting bit and also not getting wrapped in the line. F off.... that mfer in the water got it done.
Mike Tyson said it best.. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.
Silverback Gamer
Silverback Gamer - 7 years ago
the guy was stupid but Damn you gotta admit he has some balls
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
Personally, I was rooting for the sharks!........... That was really, really dumb!
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
If they did what this idiot did? Then yes, they would be morons! Most spear fishermen, and divers would never do this in a million years! Why?.........Because it's fucking stupid!!!
Sliferslacker21 - 7 years ago
Dennis Schmidt So are all divers who spearfish fish moronic then, if they all knew the dangers? Yes, I did say he was clearly experienced; I would certainly hope no one just randomly decides to spearfish without knowing what they are doing.

You are simply ignoring the fact that while it is perfectly fine to have your own opinion, it is not fine to berate him and wish the sharks will eat him next time. That is a son, a brother, a friend. That someone not just has a life, but multiple others connecting them. Could you face his family and say to them that you had wished for sharks to eat him if they had? If you can then well, I am sorry life has been unfair towards you to make you so cruel.
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
LMAO! Just read what you just wrote. "Clearly experienced" This was in fact, akin to beating himself in the face with a brick! He knew, that sharks were likely present. He knew, they hunt Tuna. He knew, how they react to bloody, injured Tuna!........He was, in effect, beating himself in the face with a brick!
Sliferslacker21 - 7 years ago
Dennis Schmidt However, this guy isn't beating himself in the face with a brick. Yes he is alone, but those sharks aren't too large and there is only a couple. The river is clearly experienced as he didn't get hurt and out safely, which is more than I can say with people who swim in groups.

Is this guy an idiot? No, he clearly knew what he was doing meaning he has done this thousands of times.

Also, anyone who likes to beat their own face with a brick isn't an idiot, they just need help. Clearly, there is something psychological going on there.
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
I dont think you really understand what an idiot is, whether I "Like" something or not is irrelevant. I.E. If you were happen upon someone beating themselves in the face with a brick, while saying "I know this is stupid! But it feels so good when I pass out, and I like the taste of my own blood!!!" ...........That person would be an "Idiot"
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
Holy shit!! Then go do it!!! Jump in the water alone, spear a fish in shark infested waters! Go and do it!! I'm not stopping you! You're free to be an idiot! so, go for it!!
Sliferslacker21 - 7 years ago
Dennis Schmidt Ah, so you only call idiots, idiots? Then I must ask again who are you to judge someone and to deem them unintelligent? To mock someone for how they do something? I have to tell you, there are many people who spearfish alone and there are just as many who do so in groups. If it were so moronic to spearfish alone, shouldn't there be a lot more regulations on it? Make it to where you have to have a boat and crew within dive and swimming site, and if you go into the water you have have a minimum of three swimmers. Hell, now that we made those let's go further and say that you can't go into the waters at certain times or locations. Actually, let's not put humans lives in their own hands and make it to where people have to hire an experienced crew go with you.

That is, of course, if people doing things their own way is so idiotic.
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
I don't call everyone an idiot. I only call idiots, idiots! I have nothing against spearfishing, fishing, or hunting.
Sliferslacker21 - 7 years ago
Dennis Schmidt Nope, I'm just an open minded individual who doesn't call everyone an idiot for doing something I don't like. For example, I was trying to be polite and courteous through our little exchange but it seems that people with an IQ of 125 are still ignoramuses.

Just tell me this: Did calling him and I both idiots make you feel better? Does it feel good for you to put people down? Are you one of those sociopathic people who would like to see some torn to shreds in real life due to a hobby they have been doing for a while? (Although I must admit that last sentence is an assumption as we don't know how long he has been diving).
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
Jumping in the water alone + Spearing a Tuna, in waters you know is full of Sharks + Dragging a bleeding Tuna along when those Sharks show up + Holding onto the Tuna + Picking a fight with Sharks, rather than just dropping the Tuna = Idiot.............Math is not hard!
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
Yeah there is , theres plenty! If you cant see that? Then you're an idiot too.
Sliferslacker21 - 7 years ago
Dennis Schmidt I still stand by what I said. There is no excuse to call him an idiot, even if you aren't the only one to think so. Just because multiple people think the same, it doesn't mean they are right. Calling someone an idiot just for one video is about the same thing as calling someone an idiot on YouTube for a comment. It's honestly not right to judge people so quickly, and it's pretty ignorant to do so.
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
Nope, sorry guy's an Idiot! It's not just one thing, but many things, in the same instance....... I'm not alone in this thinking.
Sliferslacker21 - 7 years ago
Dennis Schmidt Not really an idiot though. Lots of people spearfish alone even though it's advised to do so in groups. Calling anyone an idiot for just one thing without even knowing the person calls for someone to be of an ignorant nature. You judge someone by having everything that person is off of one video. But think about like this: Instead of moronic, let's say he knew of the risks and did it anyway. Why? Perhaps he is confident of his abilities and his crew (which we see, he DOES have so perhaps he DOES usually have a diving partner just not during this video) so maybe he is just experienced? Honestly, there's so many reasons why he was diving alone and not all of them are stupid. I, for one, will never go into the ocean because it's plain terrifying. Does that mean everyone who goes into the water are morons even though they know there are dangerous creatures out there? No. People still go into the ocean, and people dive/spearfish alone. It doesn't make them morons.
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
Personally I fully support this type of behavior! Darwinism in action.........This idiot is going to be Shark chow at some point.
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
No, he was spearfishing alone, in deep water, for tuna, he might as well have been wearing a wet suit made out bloody, raw, prime rib........Sharks were guaranteed to show up! Thats what makes it really, really, dumb!
Jesse Wells
Jesse Wells - 7 years ago
Dennis Schmidt Dude, he was spear fishing. It's a hobby AND a legitmate way of getting food for however long humans have roamed the Earth. Do you honestly think modern men were the first to invent spear fishing? Also, they were after HIS catch. They were ALL in the wild and the human caught HIS prey. The Sharks were after HIS prey AND him. They were just very timid and jittery because they were unsure of his capabilities. In the end, the human got out with HIS kill. It's literally the EXACT same thing Lions do to Hyenas after a kill. They defend it from other predators and would even kill whatever shit-stick who came to close.
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
No, are you? I have an IQ of 125. What's yours?
Not Samu
Not Samu - 7 years ago
Dennis Schmidt are you retarded?
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
Sharks gotta eat too......why not let them clean up the gene pool while they're at it?
Robbie Nichols
Robbie Nichols - 7 years ago
Rooting for the sharks?!!? Jesus bud
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
Yes that's exactly what they are going to do! They're going to go for the Tuna..........People taste like shit! People are the last thing a Shark wants to eat. Thats why they almost always spit us out even when they do bite!
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
Never dived before have you? or you're just an idiot? .......There is no one in the water with this moron!
OhhLemon Juice
OhhLemon Juice - 7 years ago
He obviously wasn't alone if you saw the end.
Kahgro - 7 years ago
If he's a moron then you're a subhuman ape. You really think the sharks are going to quietly fuck off after he drops the tuna? Just ignore the helpless diver covered in the scent of blood? You should stick your thumbs up your nose and ass respectively before typing another fucking sentence you hairless orangutan.
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
Because he's alone spearing tuna in deep water which would almost guarantee the presence of sharks feeding on tuna, then instead of dropping the tuna? .....The #$%^ moron gets into a fight for it. THE GUYS A #%& MORON!
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 7 years ago
Why is he an idiot
sneakysnickersnoopy - 7 years ago
What basis are you using to call the diver an idiot?
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
Not really! I always root against idiots.........This guy is an idiot!
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 7 years ago
Dennis Schmidt your a horrible and disgusting person putting a shark over a human
mattyoos123 - 7 years ago
this video is getting so much hate for so stupid reasons... how do you think we get our meat and fish? it just magically appears? stupid libtards trying to defend the sharks, putting a fishes life over a humans
Dick pole
Dick pole - 7 years ago
We get our fish using nets from a boat. This guy should have just given the sharks the fish.
cereune - 7 years ago

oh ok neckbeard
Jos Clarke
Jos Clarke - 7 years ago
you're all massive cunts if ur defending long lining fishing methods and drag netting because those practices are over fishing our waters and the reason we'll have no tuna to eat in the future. Get ur fucking head on straight, this man is taking one tuna with no risk of by catch or over fishing. Who the fuck cares if there are sharks in the water, which usually only means there's a food source present. Keep eating your comfort food sushi which has been using unsustainable farming methods to provide that tuna you love so much you fucking moronic philistines.
James Madison
James Madison - 7 years ago
we are predators, hunters, the best way you know where your getting your food is when you get it yourself; its one part of being as man.
Andrew Cross-kihs
Andrew Cross-kihs - 7 years ago
you're stupid, he went in to the sharks territory to get food, and we get our fish from putting a shit load of nets in the ocean draining the ocean life.
Astronomer_X - 7 years ago
We get our meat from farmed livestock and fish from commercial fishing boats with large nets, not people trying to fight off sharks and wrestle a tuna in open water.
b pat
b pat - 7 years ago
Yeah, and if the only way for us to kill fish were to dive into shark infested waters and spear a large tuna, there would be a huge fucking shortage of tuna. Fortunately, we've come a lot further than that in our technology. This person was simply risking his life, and he almost paid the ultimate price by making a stupid decision to keep the fish near him. He should have let the fish and spear go, and went back to his boat. Instead he got lucky, took a huge fucking risk, and barely made it out alive. This is common sense. Not your bullshit response.
mattyoos123 - 7 years ago
its not political agenda its fucking common sense that we have to kill fishes to eat. I personaly dont give a fuck if youre a liberal just dont bring that shit to me
b pat
b pat - 7 years ago
Go hype your political agenda somewhere else. Preferably in these shark infested waters while carrying a bleeding tuna.
XDEADheadEDX - 7 years ago
silly boy
Mandy Ho
Mandy Ho - 7 years ago
what an amazing sport!! Sooooo brave
Jordan - 7 years ago
What. The. Fuck. Why were you fucking about with that tuna when you had 2 continuously going for you? Was it not even scarier when you threw that tuna on board with your body still in the ocean?! That gave me a fucking panic attack watching!
sage311x - 7 years ago
watch it again its a cut in the video im pretty sure those sharks fucked right off after getting stabbed sharks are mainly scavengers not fighters.
Mario Estrada Perez
Mario Estrada Perez - 7 years ago
Que lamentable que una persona invada el evitad de otra especie y cometa tantas violaciones a la vida en primera mata a un tun por diversión con alevosía y ventaja en segunda los tiburones tiene hambre y estaban casando tan fácil que hubiera sido dejarles el atún y retirarse y la tercera apuñala a los tiburones causándoles daño y dejándolos en estado inconveniente para subsistir en el mar  no cabe duda que esta persona si en sus manos estuviera acabaría con el planeta espero que las autoridades hagan algo al respecto y lo enjuicien por esta conducta y sea sancionado junto con sus acompañantes y  que se les capacite en lo que es el respeto de la vida asi como debemos cuidarla cazar por diversión es totalmente inaceptable o considerarlo un deporte a un mas grave. Dios nos de sabiduría e inteligencia para ver y hacer lo correcto de una manera justa. Gracias.
ZMDt - 7 years ago
Jesus christ peta chill out you keyboard Warrior dirt bags. This man had the thrill of his life and you cunts can't take the fact that it's cool so you call him stupid
Husain Vinklehoss
Husain Vinklehoss - 7 years ago
Let go of the tuna you idiot
UKRAINE-1991 - 7 years ago
чувак!!у тебя реально здоровые яйца!!!
TARIK TAHTA - 7 years ago
0:07 wtf!!!!!!
Cenk Özmercan
Cenk Özmercan - 7 years ago
For a second I thought he stabbed himself on the leg at 1:43.
Like "this whole thing isnt manly enough, I gotta stab myself as well"
Mr. Koala Eucalyptus
Mr. Koala Eucalyptus - 7 years ago
I thought that too
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
Man Lvl over 9000
Arnold Amodia
Arnold Amodia - 7 years ago
the tuna
randomness1577 - 7 years ago
What did he stab? It really looked like his leg
Eng Swee Yip
Eng Swee Yip - 7 years ago
Jason Fu
Jason Fu - 7 years ago
To me , he really have balls
Jon Ander Rabadan
Jon Ander Rabadan - 7 years ago
You are a stupid...
Ján Češek
Ján Češek - 7 years ago
Hi, what camera did you use?
laryplc - 7 years ago
Which music is? Song name please

Tense video, tense moment by the way.
Cleiser Lima
Cleiser Lima - 7 years ago
Most universe's balls ever!!
Steve Eric Jordan
Steve Eric Jordan - 7 years ago
But what really grinds my gears here is how you nowadays have to even speed up the maybe most thrilling sequence ever so people dont click away.
Really, the fact that its sped up boggles me so much smh,
maulCS - 7 years ago
It is bullshit, totally unnecessary.
みくす - 7 years ago
Anyone know the name of the soundtrack?
logan register
logan register - 7 years ago
this dude has some serious nuggets ... and to all the snowflakes.. Human> Shark in any environment
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
Fishing Rod better, yes.
Fishing Rod
Fishing Rod - 7 years ago
Gage Westerhouse is it better now?
Fishing Rod
Fishing Rod - 7 years ago
Gage Westerhouse ok ok.. Well you are right, there were lots of words missing, kind of disastrous..and incomplete ideas! Lol! I came back and fix it a lil bit, hopefully you will understand now.
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
Fishing Rod seriously, your first comment was pretty much unintelligible gibberish. I didn't even get the gist of what you were trying to say.
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
Fishing Rod No I'm not trying to "school" you. I honestly don't know what your opinion is.
Fishing Rod
Fishing Rod - 7 years ago
Lol.. are you traying to school me? Is that all?! Are you with me or not?
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
Fishing Rod getting into an argument in a language you aren't fluent in is like getting into a gunfight armed with a slingshot.
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
Fishing Rod I'm sorry if I insult you, but to honest, your English wasn't good enough for me to understand what side you are on. I can't even tell what your stance is.
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
Fishing Rod you should really put more attention into your grammar and spelling. Poor grammar really hurts whatever point you are trying to make.
Fishing Rod
Fishing Rod - 7 years ago!
Tim Murphy
Tim Murphy - 7 years ago
Says the keyboard warrior who has obviously never faced a shark in the wild.
Fishing Rod
Fishing Rod - 7 years ago
Dimmyism... and technology, where that comes from? Maybe because some people with brains and courage created it! But don't you worry, hunting and fishing are treats that not every human practice.. some people are better off watching tv from a coach! Like all social creatures do, every one has a task to fulfill!
serozne - 7 years ago
yea then go back into paleolitic age.
You'll love it.

crucco del cazzo
PK PK - 7 years ago
I hunt for trophy, that doesn't mean I don't eat my kills, nor respect them. I eat all of my kills, and after each hunt I blow a tune for the dead animal(s), it is German tradition to do so.

Perhaps you should stop assuming random shit.
serozne - 7 years ago
I speak french italian spanish and greek so? im more intelligent than you cause i speak more languages better than you?
nice logic.

my english grammar can be low but i dont need to be a teacher to explain with details that the difference between me and you is that : you kills for sports, not cause u need.
There are so many industries that kill breeding animals in fact they are made for this.
You kill for sport , for a "trophy" with no respect for the animals.
For the life.

Using firearms is obvious that u 'll win the hunt.
Using solo your brain , you'll not. (maybe another man yes.... but you no for sure.)
and im sure you need a gun cause in your pants you miss something.

Stupid people doing stupids things is logic.
Like the hunters when they kill each others for a mistake.

ps : anyway if you understood what i wrote before maybe im not writing so bad ;)
PK PK - 7 years ago
It is funny that you call me stupid yet you have the literacy and grammar of a ten year old child. English not being your first language is not an excuse, English is my third language and I speak it better than you; much better than you.

Putting me in the bush with a Lion is not going to kill me, or have you forgotten that firearms exist? Humans are at the top of the food chain because we have more intelligence than the beasts in the forest, we are masters at killing. The difference between you and I, is that I kill my own food, but you eat food that someone else killed for you.
serozne - 7 years ago
PK PK u are freaking asshole.
I would like to put you in a savana with wild animals like lions or some other species who kills you when u are sleeping or doing everything. Then will see who is the trophy then? like your fuking head with no brain put on my wall in living room. yea i like it
hunters for sports simply stupid people
Disinf3ctant - 7 years ago
Technology and tool use are a direct result of evolution just like teeth, claws or horns. If a human cant use a spear gun then the shark can't use its teeth. We're on top of all food chain whether you like it or not. In fact, the fight is so unfair we have laws in place to just prevent us from leisurely wiping everything out.
PK PK - 7 years ago
Komainu Bringing food, water, knives, etc. are not modern tech. Food and water have been around since the beginning of time, and bladed weapons/tools have been around for many centuries.

By modern tech, I was referring to items such as a GPS, lighters, firearms (modern firearms not 17th century firearms and prior), etc. Food and water are not modern technology, you can bring food, water, etc. and survive.
Komainu - 7 years ago
+ PK PK - I don't get where you think "you can easily live a month in the wild without modern tech". What "wild" are you talking about? First off it's never "easy" to live out in the wild. Survivable? Yeah but for an entire month? Hell no unless your "wild" area is just absolutely the perfect spot...even then it can largely depend on the weather and time of year.

I'm a hiker so maybe it's not relevant since your scenario may involve just sitting in camp all day where magical fairies come to give you food / water / fuel for fire and such but I know when I go hiking its fun, beautiful and peaceful, but I would not call it easy.
PK PK - 7 years ago
+Dimmyism I am a trophy hunter, just last year I took a Cape Buffalo in Rhodesia with 9.3x62. Being in the forest/bush for a month is completely survivable. Of course it is easier with a firearm to both get food and protect yourself. However you can easily live for a month in the wild without modern technology, if you know what you are doing.
Dimmyism - 7 years ago
HAaHA lets put you in the forest alone for a month and lets see the real apex predator.. we are on the top only bc of our technology
ilian kronemberg
ilian kronemberg - 7 years ago
Trop stil
LisztianGR - 7 years ago
Steel. This guy. Has got balls of.
犬川一夫 - 7 years ago
This is fooking awesome! I never see someone fight back against two sharks like this before ! U r fooking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JakeLovesIceCream - 7 years ago
omg i cried when he kifed the sharks
Cameron Baker
Cameron Baker - 7 years ago
Satan: woah bro, nice job on this person
God: Yep. its as manly as they come
fly holden
fly holden - 7 years ago
This Original-Waterman is my hero, I would let him father my children.. *Notice the tuna gets on the boat before him, no fear.....Where is the video of him fishn in Alaska and fightn a bear over his salmon? Fish are FOOD not Friends!
Life Is Just Hard
Life Is Just Hard - 7 years ago
weres the boat
Horor Evil
Horor Evil - 7 years ago
I have not seen such courage or determination to confront the enemy
 Greetings to you, Hero
Marcelo de Gori
Marcelo de Gori - 7 years ago
This guy is a champion!!!!! He is determined for what he does in life and obviously, his passion is spearing fish. It is funny how narrow-minded a human can be, judging others for being brave and have what they dont.. Balls to face their own fear. I bet I am gonna be judged here for what am I saying...
sena Mustafa
sena Mustafa - 7 years ago
does anyone know the name of this song?
וולף גנג
וולף גנג - 7 years ago
sena Mustafa just put d song next to shazam
Sunshine Sunny
Sunshine Sunny - 7 years ago
if the sharks wanted you. they would have killed you. they only wanted the tuna....... very brave to try to keep the tuna..... i would have let them have it ...... this is why i added a REEL to my speargun..... DISTANCE between me and THEIR dinner
Javito Ito
Javito Ito - 7 years ago
hope you die eaten by sharks
ShPekmaster - 7 years ago
Hope to see this badass hunting a shark.
Juanmi Rodriguez
Juanmi Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Wotasaint - 7 years ago
This guy is very lucky he never spent time in Georgetown Hospital, I bet if he had stayed on the boat and use a reel rod he would have caught a tuna without shouting for HELP (1.26 in the video)
El rey
El rey - 7 years ago
It's funny how they uploaded the video to portrait the idiot like some kind of badass hero but they only showed us how not to behave in open waters.
You sir are a complete stupid.
DemKy - 7 years ago
why did the shark not open their mouth ? Do they just test the animal before attacking ?
André Magalhães
André Magalhães - 7 years ago
the amount of sjw in the comment section is to damn high.
Coyote Starrk
Coyote Starrk - 7 years ago
Do it with a White Shark ;)
Doctor Gibuz
Doctor Gibuz - 7 years ago
fights off sharks

Samuel Balavoine
Samuel Balavoine - 7 years ago
Janne Vihervirta
Janne Vihervirta - 7 years ago
Real asshole! Nothing fine in this video...
Dan Hansen
Dan Hansen - 7 years ago
why is he a real asshole? and what do you base that assumption on?
Gonçalo Parreira
Gonçalo Parreira - 7 years ago
What a fucking retard. Being attacked by sharks and won't let go the fucking fish. You'd prefer to catch the fish than living? What a serious moron, you should have died for your enormous stupidity. Lucky dumb person.
Luis Matilla
Luis Matilla - 7 years ago
I'm a scuba diver and I hate this "sport" called spearfishing, hope next time the sharks win the battle, think about what you're doing and respect nature, killing for fun is just wrong
James rotunno
James rotunno - 7 years ago
He's not killing for fun he's killing to eat, he also killed the shark to live
Robbie Nichols
Robbie Nichols - 7 years ago
They will eat the food just like the sharks..he killed the food so he deserves the fish. You’re a real piece of shit for rooting for the shark
bubba cola
bubba cola - 7 years ago
your a special kinda stupid ain't ya.
Karlsen Nguyen
Karlsen Nguyen - 7 years ago
Luis Matilla you would rather have a man die for a fish?
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club - 7 years ago
Wow fuck you man. You would honestly trade a living human being over a fucking fish. Get over yourself and your vegan shitass.
OGF - 7 years ago
Triggered fool
sage311x - 7 years ago
Lol right because you totally take the fish on board that your not going to eat.
Salt Factory
Salt Factory - 7 years ago
if spear fishing wasnt fun nobody would do it. its a sport and food.
Nicola M.
Nicola M. - 7 years ago
U are a fucking crazy man
Lewis 95
Lewis 95 - 7 years ago
What a fight dude! that was insane!
Good video
(I love Sharks don't give me a hard time)
Defined Sinner
Defined Sinner - 7 years ago
dude this shit looks like a video game
Bigbiteoutdoors - 7 years ago
Awesome video!!!!This guy is a very talented spearfisherman and he is the type of guy a good diver would like to have as a dive partner.This sport is not for everyone that's for sure!!!!
El rey
El rey - 7 years ago
Roman Sperkacz you need to stop getting impressed by stupidity.
Roman Sperkacz
Roman Sperkacz - 7 years ago
El rey shut up he has a sack of steel and any one who is some what aware of the ocean would tell you this is crazy impressive, you don't need to be a free diver. Shame on you for shaming this video. It's truly one of best out there. You probably eat hamburger meat 3 times a week
Bigbiteoutdoors - 7 years ago
Do you even do freedive spearfishing?
El rey
El rey - 7 years ago
If you get impressed by stupidity then yes, that was impressive.
Bigbiteoutdoors - 7 years ago
He caught a yellowfin tuna on a polespear while freediving and successfully fought off 2 sharks...that is something difficult and impressive. You probably wouldn't know since your not a diver and probably only swim in the pool
El rey
El rey - 7 years ago
What? Don't you realized how he fucked up the entire procedure and made everything wrong?
See See
See See - 7 years ago
Венец природы в чистом исполнении.
Nicole Silva
Nicole Silva - 7 years ago
If only this was 2 great whites...
Marlin Roth
Marlin Roth - 7 years ago
This is the most savage comment I've read all day
Jake the dog
Jake the dog - 7 years ago
BlackBruceLee depends how good the person would be to fight them
Chris - 7 years ago
Those are still two Galapagos sharks tho, those things can get up to like 400+ lbs and known to be aggressive towards humans...still pretty bad ass
BlackBruceLee - 7 years ago
If it was 2 great whites you'd have no video to watch...
A guy
A guy - 7 years ago
Nicole Silva even more badass
D. Peluso
D. Peluso - 7 years ago
To all the people hating on this guy: the sharks were barely interested in the tuna and focused on him. looks like he was hanging on to the tuna to use as a buffer. he would be screwed if he dropped the tuna and they kept coming at him. nice job diver!
Karlsen Nguyen
Karlsen Nguyen - 7 years ago
Siddharth Naik so youre saying this uy befrianded 2 sharks and manage for them to act for him for a video? Dame you made the video more intrwsting then it is.
carnidge vids
carnidge vids - 7 years ago
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club whada u mean mate
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club - 7 years ago
Can't believe i just got friend-zoned on fuckin youtube, thanks for the self-esteem boost
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club - 7 years ago
carnidge vids
carnidge vids - 7 years ago
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club I do too
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club - 7 years ago
That's fine i agologize
carnidge vids
carnidge vids - 7 years ago
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club yea I agree it's not fake but I was just annoyed what u said before
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club - 7 years ago
Dude, use your eyes. If it were fake you would definitely be able to tell it's cgi or some shit
carnidge vids
carnidge vids - 7 years ago
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club how do u know he's fat asshole
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club - 7 years ago
Siddharth Naik
How do you know that you fat fuck?
Siddharth Naik
Siddharth Naik - 7 years ago
its fake you jackass
Maremano Redsnap
Maremano Redsnap - 7 years ago
realy Yes, because he Spear only end its invaliable in spearfishing
El rey
El rey - 7 years ago
You aer stupid.
Gabe H
Gabe H - 7 years ago
This was bad ass
Tobi's World
Tobi's World - 7 years ago
Yooo man verses beast awsooooome shit, he could of lost his cool swimming off like a scared little mullet, but all divers know that when you enter waters such as this what the consequences might be, good on him for standing his ground like the instinct of a pristoric ape, faaark you ain't having my dinner, just thank God the gopro didn't get damaged faarking awsooooome to watch while I'm sitting safe in my lounge room.
Craig Milne
Craig Milne - 7 years ago
Tobi's World p
dr. pupsgesicht 01101100 00100000 01101111
dr. pupsgesicht 01101100 00100000 01101111 - 7 years ago
jerrell bell wut?
jerrell bell
jerrell bell - 7 years ago
Tobi's World too bad we dnt come from apes or maybe jus white people do smh lol
Schmidt Head Productions
Schmidt Head Productions - 7 years ago
Tobi's World lolz..
Backstabbio - 7 years ago
Fuck the high-speed shit, man. Makes your vid suck.
MoRFiaS - 7 years ago
Павел Холмогоров
Павел Холмогоров - 7 years ago
Обосраться можно же ....
299 999 views
299 999 views - 7 years ago
Welcome to jackass and this is "the tuna is mine"...
A WakeSkate
A WakeSkate - 7 years ago
Wow! I feel like a sissy....
Kaisel Paulino
Kaisel Paulino - 7 years ago
con dos cojones, si señor, el puto atun lo has pescado tu ellos que se busquen el suyo
Samuel Balavoine
Samuel Balavoine - 7 years ago
Kaisel Paulino arriba arriba tacos muchachos
P.M.A. - 7 years ago
how did he even make it back to the surface with balls that big?
south florida captain
south florida captain - 7 years ago
beyond lucky
Angel Chino
Angel Chino - 7 years ago
Perfect video to show what NOT TO DO in case you get attacked by sharks while having a big xxking fish on your spear.
Cut the bloody line and let the sharks have a nice tuna sandwich while you swim back to your boat you idiot!
He was so lucky he didn't get tangle in his own line and bitten, that won't happen twice for sure.
Honestly I don't understand people, he probably thinks he's so cool he fought two sharks and still keep the tuna, and he got it on video to show it to his friends!
michael Nascimento
michael Nascimento - 7 years ago
Those sharks would have destroyed you if they wanted to, lmao.
BurninatorTheTrogdor - 7 years ago
Looks like they wanted to moron. hahha I guess you aren't a diver.
N'zoth - 7 years ago
Well the sharks got wrecked by a human lmfao
Jammy Dodger
Jammy Dodger - 7 years ago
michael Nascimento I don’t think you understand predatory instincts
Bradtori Lockhart
Bradtori Lockhart - 7 years ago
Jezze this is freaking wicked awesome cool!! I Iad to subscribe this is just to amazing! !
Baeguitar - 7 years ago
Hey!! I have enough money to have; a boat, full scuba diving gear, a hydraulic harpoon, 100m. of plastic tube to roll my legs..., an underwater gopro, one pc, one library with epic music, and a survival knife...hmm. Let's go to stab two shark instead let drop the tuna, I NEED THAT FOOD!!!
indos3 - 7 years ago
Balls of steel
Real Name
Real Name - 7 years ago
wow. i mean...HOW?Do you not fear the death?Are u just stupid? Eggs out of steal?
Nos Vemos Ahora
Nos Vemos Ahora - 7 years ago
The best suspense movie and adventure based on real life!!!
La mejor pelicula de suspenso y aventura basada en la vida real!!!!
George Brooks
George Brooks - 7 years ago
Take it like a champ
Max Davies
Max Davies - 7 years ago
Was hoping the sharks ate the fisherman. You'll get the idiot next time.
Dan Hansen
Dan Hansen - 7 years ago
@Max Davies "In my opinion, humans that kill other living creatures shouldn't complain when those creatures fight back. If you think that makes me horrible, then you are welcome to short-sighted, illogical opinion." So a human shouldn't fight back for what he has fought to get? and then you proceed to talk about short-sighted, illogical opinion? Hahaha I am not sure if you are trolling or just didn't read your message through before posting it!?
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 7 years ago
What if that was one of your family members would you say the same thing
Max Davies
Max Davies - 7 years ago
The man was a fisherman (hence, he murders fish) with a spear (intends to kill sharks). I don't care if you are a man, animal or fish...... if you set out to kill other living things, you can't complain when they strike back. Why should it matter if I am of the same species? I don't believe in murder - so those that partake in such activities are fair game themselves.
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 7 years ago
The shark almost bit the man, the man stabed the shark you want him to die for that that's what I don't understand
Max Davies
Max Davies - 7 years ago
In my opinion, humans that kill other living creatures shouldn't complain when those creatures fight back. If you think that makes me horrible, then you are welcome to short-sighted, illogical opinion.
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 7 years ago
Max Davies
Max Davies - 7 years ago
Could you give me a logical reason why it horrible?
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 7 years ago
Max Davies your a horrible person for putting a fish over an animal
Carlos Davalos
Carlos Davalos - 7 years ago
Omg! Suicide fishing, he had an iron balls.
Sir Pavon
Sir Pavon - 7 years ago
You are a big retard.
Dan Hansen
Dan Hansen - 7 years ago
Timon Tang
Timon Tang - 7 years ago
worth it, hope that guy do it one more time pls. Out of mind, dude, see you on da news.
Israel M.
Israel M. - 7 years ago
This is... my fucking tunaaaaaa!
Crimson Knight
Crimson Knight - 7 years ago
There are many like it, but this one is mine!!!
BunPuncherExtreme - 7 years ago
I was hoping the sharks were going to win.
Daegog The Wyrdmake
Daegog The Wyrdmake - 7 years ago
Was that worth it?
Jorge Perez
Jorge Perez - 7 years ago
Most epic video i have ever seen, i got an adrenalin rush just seen this amazing footage. Congratulations, you are a badass
Carlos Argilés
Carlos Argilés - 7 years ago
El tonto de los cojones, no tiene otra cosa que hacer en la vida que matar un atún y luego clavarle un cuchillo a los tiburones. La próxima vamos a tu casa nos follamos a tu mujer y le pegamos con un bate a tu hijo, subnormal.
Dans23 - 7 years ago
No tienes ni p.idea de lo que es la pesca submarina.El tipo de pesca más deportivo y menos invasivo que existe.Sin ese cuchillo probablemente hubiera acabado con una mordida.Hablais sin tener ni idea.
Mario - 7 years ago
Carlos Argilés que clase de psicópata le dice eso a un pescador que se defiende del ataque de unos tiburones? Lo que mas me asusta es que no estés ya en un puto manicomio.
gustavo cruz
gustavo cruz - 7 years ago
neltutito que sentido le encuentras algo alguien que dice que se va a follar, a tu mujer,te gustaría que te dijeran eso ahora ti,en esta vida lo que no quieras para ti no lo quieras para nadie
gustavo cruz
gustavo cruz - 7 years ago
Carlos Argilés ,joder macho te has pasado tres pueblos,vale que no estés de acuerdo pero hay cosas que no se pueden decir
sergiesquivel - 7 years ago
En ese video solo veo un submarinista atrapar un atún para comerselo obviamente (si, los humanos tenemos esa extraña costumbre de necesitar comer), y por otra parte te veo a ti soltar semejante palabreria que si cumplieras te llevaría minimo 40 años a prisión. Si lo piensas bien, yo tengo bien claro quien es mas subnormal de los dos, mi consejo es que pidas ayuda rapido.
franco muñoz orrego
franco muñoz orrego - 7 years ago
Carlos Argilés el subnormal sociopata eres tú, que quieres hacerle eso a una familia xD. Tienes problemas hombre
Alejandro Araiz
Alejandro Araiz - 7 years ago
Eres un imbécil. Que tendrá que ver una cosa con la otra. El atún se come y si el tío está pescando pues puede defenderse del ataque como le de la gana. Asumo que solo comes plantas, verdad?
RexSsar5 - 7 years ago
tu no comes pescado?
neltutito - 7 years ago
por fin alguien que dice algo con sentido
spookendeklopgeesten - 7 years ago
julianolaf - 7 years ago
Dein Vater
Dein Vater - 7 years ago
spookendeklopgeesten i fuck ur mom
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 7 years ago
spookendeklopgeesten how
asmr - 7 years ago
That's a lot of work for one tuna.
ddstar - 7 years ago
BOSS fuck those bitches
Alexander Caine
Alexander Caine - 7 years ago
you wish you had the balls this dude has, this motherfker fought off 2 sharks straigh up with a knife and still kept the fish. you fucking stupid people this was the most epic and manliest thing I have seen in a while. the dude is a beast.
Dick pole
Dick pole - 7 years ago
Lol, these sharks were not that big. He was just being pathetic trying to keep the tuna.
staxstix - 7 years ago
it was still a really disrespectful and douchey thing to do. it's obvious he did that just to get a dramatic video. why would you spear a tuna right infront of sharks? of course they're going to go for it, it's their nature, they can't help it. as a consequence he stabs them both in the head with a knife.
if someone ran towards wolves in their natural habitat with raw meat tied to him, and then clubbing them and injuring them when they try to go for the meat - you wouldn't call that guy epic or manly, but a total asshole. this is exactly the same. i hope next time he pays the price for harrassing nature on purpose.
Pelinal Whitestrake
Pelinal Whitestrake - 7 years ago
My Playlist I mean he did do a few stupid choices like not having a buddy with him and being a bit to far from the boat but Jesus Christ he fought off 2 sharks like a Bad Motherfucker! He has Massive balls made out of Titanium
nour el islam Lounis
nour el islam Lounis - 7 years ago
i can't beieve he did it wot kind of courage he got that's insane for real , me i can't do that sadly i should have thsi man courage hehehe ' we should '
Dimitris Vassilopoulos
Dimitris Vassilopoulos - 7 years ago
Balls of steel! Well done !
IAmaPersion - 7 years ago
Bigbiteoutdoors That's just the response when replying to comments you don't agree with. Call them "keyboard warriors" since they have different, and often, correct views. This diver speared the tuna already knowing the sharks were there. Not smart and any diver knows that. Pulling the bleeding tuna in....another mistake as any diver will tell you it will bring the sharks closer. In the end he was able to stab both sharks, completely unnecessary had he not initiated going after the tuna in that situation. With luck, he got away without a bite but that was just it. Luck. Nothing impressive about it at all. Had he been bitten by either shark, your reply would be much different. His outcome in this particular situation does not change any of his prior actions.
Bigbiteoutdoors - 7 years ago
franco muñoz orrego Well said!We as divers understand how brave this man is and how impressive it is he kept his catch.The keyboard warriors don't understand this since most can barely swim in a pool.
IAmaPersion - 7 years ago
My Playlist Being an idiot doesn't make you manly. But you sound gay so no wonder you clearly have the hots for the guy.
franco muñoz orrego
franco muñoz orrego - 7 years ago
Everybody always jugde from the confort of their houses. Just simple stupids people with no lives.
This man made something unhuman and they all just insult him.
Bit Duck
Bit Duck - 7 years ago
My Playlist These people are discarding the idea of somebody being a badass and just calling hum stupid
grouperhunter - 7 years ago
Nice video!Gave it a like and it's going in my favorites!
headbandassasin - 7 years ago
So many low test, desk jockey latte sippers who'd get motion sickness on the trip out getting all angry at this. You made a few mistakes but you stuck it out like a beast and kept your composure. Learn for next time. Mad cunt.
Michael Yoshida
Michael Yoshida - 7 years ago
super annoying music
Fred T. Miller
Fred T. Miller - 7 years ago
Crazy video! What is the name of that song?
Salt Nomads
Salt Nomads - 7 years ago
That was almost natural selection, fighting sharks while getting dragged into the deep tangled in your float line smh, only so long until a stunt like that kills you
Jammy Dodger
Jammy Dodger - 7 years ago
Salt Nomads he didn’t do it on purpose you nonce, the man fended off two sharks for his catch which caused him to get tangled
Adventureman Dan
Adventureman Dan - 7 years ago
Nat, seriously, this is awesome! Good shot, nice catch, great camera work, killer knife skills and you didn't feed the sharks. 10/10Ignore the hater and keyboard warriors. Just a lot of jealousy. Send Ozzyman a link, this would be too perfect.
Ryan Yost
Ryan Yost - 7 years ago
Insane! I love it! I'm sweating now after watching this!
Christian Otero
Christian Otero - 7 years ago
What's the name of this song?
cerby86 - 7 years ago
Youtube commenters being as hateful as always lol. Get a life losers
Nora Bercovici
Nora Bercovici - 7 years ago
That was virtual reality
simdantra outdoors
simdantra outdoors - 7 years ago
You have balls of steel!!!
GoeX GameS
GoeX GameS - 7 years ago
anyone will fight in this kind of situation, its just fight or die LOL
Simply Squeebz
Simply Squeebz - 7 years ago
FarCry 5?
Philosopher Stone
Philosopher Stone - 7 years ago
Tedward - 7 years ago
Shoulda cut it.
ahazy - 7 years ago
All these cuck angry comments are better than the video.
lolareuaretard - 7 years ago
why is there inspirational music on this video? you're a fucking idiot, you jump into these sharks habitat then steal their good then fucking stab them in the face when they try to take it back from them? you're an asshole and quite frankly a fucking retard as well
Dick pole
Dick pole - 7 years ago
Yeah, I don't think badly if the guy protects himself. But he was just dicking around with some sharks who wanted a fish.
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club
Grand Wizard of the Beelzibub Club - 7 years ago
jquest43 - 7 years ago
stfu,you ass.
InTheZoneMan - 7 years ago
You would do that if you would have been attacked stupid fucking idiot i hope you die.
Daniel Aldrete Ondarza
Daniel Aldrete Ondarza - 7 years ago
are you going to be mad at a lion if it steals a hyenas food and then the hyenas attack him? no because thats how nature works, nature is a bitch and it doesn't know how to be fair same shit here but its a human, 2 sharks and a fucking tuna.
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 7 years ago
You need to never eat fish or go in the ocean
kaneda956 - 7 years ago
Chris Holsinger thats exactly how i feel about pelicans on my dinghy.
Jos Clarke
Jos Clarke - 7 years ago
I'm sorry, so you would rather indiscriminately trawl for fish or use long line methods which cannot restrict what they catch meaning loss of much more life through by catch? Dolphins, whales, sharks all die from these massive harvesting techniques. Yet you bitch about one man entering the water to carefully select his food? And then defending himself from sharks which naturally will experience the same level of defence from other species, and probably more extreme forms of defence? You sir are an asshole and a cunt
Chris Holsinger
Chris Holsinger - 7 years ago
Sharks don't have dibs on every single fish in the ocean. If you'll recall, he made the catch not the sharks. Sharks were being dicks and trying to freeload off him. #getajoblazyasssharks
Chris Holsinger
Chris Holsinger - 7 years ago
No probably about it, he did stab them to protect himself, they weren't going to back off and were getting more aggressive. Just like those sharks would have done if they were on the other end...go try and take a kill away from those sharks and see if they don't bite your arm off to defend their kill.
Josh Cleland
Josh Cleland - 7 years ago
lolareuaretard He probably stabbed them to protect himself
El rey
El rey - 7 years ago
They think this was so badass somehow.
Miguel Galego
Miguel Galego - 7 years ago
you probably hate that fish...
Cris&André&Cats TM
Cris&André&Cats TM - 7 years ago
This is the type of guy that would kill anything, and in the end would say... I'm a hero.....
Ross Talner
Ross Talner - 7 years ago
Wow. Hectic! Truly ballsy and no doubt a real challenge with a pole spear. But, I would agree, your line management in that situation made a dangerous situation more dangerous than it needed to be.
mauk1328 - 7 years ago
Fucken let the damn thing go you dumb stupid sack stupid.
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 7 years ago
mauk1328 say that while you sit behind a computer
Joe Murray
Joe Murray - 7 years ago
Had to comment after watching this on facebook. I would have been sooooo scared and I am thank ful you survived!
whynottalklikeapirat - 7 years ago
Dude really likes him some tuna
john jaxon
john jaxon - 7 years ago
Bro just drop the fucking fish lmao could you imagine this dude losing his leg but him going "Oh man atleast I got this tuna"
BurninatorTheTrogdor - 7 years ago
Not this one. He threw it in the boat from the water. This is right near where I live. I would be a rich man!
Dim Aub
Dim Aub - 7 years ago
Nook, it's my tuna :d
your not special
your not special - 7 years ago
@Gage Westerhouse yes they are smart enough they are very smart thats why they follow around fishing boats all day because as soon as a fish is hooked the shark goes in and steals it off the line and 99% of the time the hook and line arent strong enough to catch the shark.... its free meals all day every day.... check it out there are tons of videos on youtube with them doing this....but even with needing to teach them a lesson im not sure if i would be up for being the one to teach them i would probably drop it and book it lol which is why this guy is either one of the biggest badasses on the planet or the biggest moron on the planet lol probably a little bit of both
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
HI I'm a perso sharks aren't smart enough to learn like that. You should give them the fish.
HI I'm a perso
HI I'm a perso - 7 years ago
You shouldn’t let go of your catch, you fight off the shark, the reason they do this is because sharks will think they can get easy prey from other humans and will keep doing this and this can cause death to other humans
Gage Westerhouse
Gage Westerhouse - 7 years ago
suckmynobs what part of your colon did you pull that ridiculous number out of?
suckmynobs - 7 years ago
Some of those tuna are worth 10's of thousands of dollars.
sage311x - 7 years ago
There is a big cut after he stabbed the sharks where the boat was really far away, think they fucked right off after he did that but it makes for a better video editing the boat to where it was, hence why he kept the fish.
Austin Resident
Austin Resident - 7 years ago
Hell ya. Ba-ba-ba-baaaaad to the bone.
khong khing
khong khing - 7 years ago
what kind of camera is this it's amazing quality?
cale shoemaker
cale shoemaker - 7 years ago
Poor Tuna
R. Epurpose
R. Epurpose - 7 years ago
Well, what would YOU do if someone came into YOUR grocery store and tried to take the food you wanted?
T Tanizawa
T Tanizawa - 7 years ago
For your next video you should tie a bloody steak around your neck with a zebra striped suit, walk into a lion's den and start running with limp while screaming.

And then add Benny Hill music, you fucking moron.
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson - 7 years ago
T Tanizawa Tuna was a buffer
Samuel Balavoine
Samuel Balavoine - 7 years ago
Would be sooo cool
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
Keep talking!! Every word you write shows everyone you're an idiot!
Yo ski
Yo ski - 7 years ago
Dennis Schmidt you're just a pussy in your old age, live by the sword die by the sword, you're a scared sheep so you have to hate on predators who risk their own life for fun. Everyone dies get over it. And dont even think about spear fishing because we dont want your kind teaching those very aggressive pack hunting sharks, that spear fishermen are easy game.
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
Like I said keep talking Idiot.
Yo ski
Yo ski - 7 years ago
Also, whats your brothers first name then if you want to bring him into this? You want shoot your mouth off better validate then.
Yo ski
Yo ski - 7 years ago
You're a liar or your brother is a fool. Just because you served in a combat mos doesnt mean jack, (EVEN if you did). ALSO there are prenty of vetrans who are not fighters. Being that you think this guy can shoot himself in the face with a speargun or are surprised he had rope around him in the ocean, just means youve never been in the ocean with rope. And know nothing about spearguns. Thats what you have a knife for, sea weed and getting tangled because it happens all the time. Its funny how you have to bring up the military to validate yourself, youre most likely logistics if anything. So dream on buddy, you and your sf navy seal scuba k9 are jacksht because you still dont have the talent to spear fish obviously. Only fishing your doing is for cocks at the local public restroom.
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
BTW, My older brother (U.S.M.C. / Navy Seals, recreational diver, and spear-fisherman) agrees. This guy is a moron, he will likely........ (A) get eaten by Sharks / Crocodiles (B.) Shoot himself in the face with his speargun. or (C.) Drown himself after get entangled in his gear.
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
I served 8 years in the U.S. Army, 4 of them as a ranger. I fish 3 times a week, and hunt from September to February. Today for breakfast, I had bacon and eggs which we're raised on my nephews farm......So keep talking and show everyone how much of an idiot you are.
Yo ski
Yo ski - 7 years ago
Dennis Schmidt you're little pussy faggot that doesnt understand fighting or how food gets to your plate because you eat grass like fucking rodents. fuckoff the world is free for a free man, you socialist cucktard.
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
No, We wouldn't of been there in the first place!!...... Because we're not F**ing MORONS!!!
Chris Holsinger
Chris Holsinger - 7 years ago
This guy fought off two sharks straight up in their element while fighting a big ass tuna at the same time. Seriously doubt any of u would have had the balls to do anything other than piss your wetsuit. Quit crying.
blairherb - 7 years ago
*an idiot. I disagree, but that's ok.
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
Could still have been filmed anywhere......Fact is this guys a idiot.
blairherb - 7 years ago
Except the title clearly states that it wasn't.
Why all the hate?
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
What would city life have anything to do with it? This could have been filmed 3 miles from San Francisco, for all you'd know.
Bob alloo
Bob alloo - 7 years ago
Stay in the city where you belong.
Nick Nikolov
Nick Nikolov - 7 years ago
Nice Fellow some ppl get exited over a cup of coffee others need some real adrenalin hats off for this dude to me having a cup of coffee its a waste of time life is to short and precious spending it on boring task
Just a thought
Dennis Schmidt
Dennis Schmidt - 7 years ago
LMAO! I was going to say something similar, but you WIN!!! LMAO!!
Not Today
Not Today - 7 years ago
Josh K
Josh K - 7 years ago
And when he fights off 2 lions with a knife you will still bitch while you sit on your ass doing nothing?
Mingjian Zhang
Mingjian Zhang - 7 years ago
there's no single respect from the resources you get on your daily basis.
Cris&André&Cats TM
Cris&André&Cats TM - 7 years ago
Nothing more to add here. Just perfect comment. More I meet Humans, more I like animals.
blairherb - 7 years ago
You realise the lads from Jackass have already done this eh? It's better to come up with original stunts.
R. Epurpose
R. Epurpose - 7 years ago
Your response may have been a bit harsh, but it WAS spot on. Bravo.
merkle - 7 years ago
"there's more, come with us"

hippobonzo - 7 years ago
due to the level stupidity I was cheering for the sharks.... I'm upset
sage311x - 7 years ago
You are disgusting
jquest43 - 7 years ago
fuck you,and fuck those sharks.
congrats to the spearfisherman
Seth - 7 years ago
sharks dont just want the tuna
kyokushin no mika
kyokushin no mika - 7 years ago
You must be the kind nature defenders that stay behind their computer eating and buying stuff they don't need, throwing a huge amount of plastic garbage every day, posting comments about how it's important to protect earth and animals when you don't even recycle.
This guy is 1000 time better you will ever be...
Dylan Chaiyakum
Dylan Chaiyakum - 7 years ago
hippobonzo you people are fucking idiots. Now tell me dipshit, where do the Sharks go, when one shark eats the tuna. Hmm let me see, most likely a guy alone with the smell of blood surrounding him?
mattyoos123 - 7 years ago
so you wish sharks killed a man because he was defending himself while fishing? ok i get he was kinda stupid doing that by himself but still
Cris&André&Cats TM
Cris&André&Cats TM - 7 years ago
Best comment ever. So true.
ImaginaTV - 7 years ago
npc_tuna really went through the most
artisansportsman - 7 years ago
Scared me & i'm sat on my sofa relaxing.
Houston Callaway
Houston Callaway - 7 years ago
Solid video, but poor decision to speed it up so fast. Makes it way too dramatic. Doesn't look like the shark ever did anything other than try to take the fish.
memo Gaming
memo Gaming - 7 years ago
Who came from Facebook?? And man ur a bad ass
Mathew Maione
Mathew Maione - 7 years ago
Absolutely mental!
António Lima
António Lima - 7 years ago
Great video for a tutorial "What not to do when spearfishing".
Good thing you added the music along, try the monetize the video, because if you keep doing this you're going to need it to buy a prosthetic leg.
To go with someone this unprofessional? No thank you
Bruno Dépé
Bruno Dépé - 7 years ago
Samsun55 these two 6ft galapagos weren't even that fired up. this could have been handled very differently, from the get go, and would have ended much different. If you can't stand the heat, bluewater hunting might not be for you.
Samsun55 - 7 years ago
António Lima and you are a professional diver who confronted agressive sharks? Tell me bro...
kyokushin no mika
kyokushin no mika - 7 years ago
touny71 have you ever swam in the sea lmao!? These keyboard warriors are so funny. You can instantly see how little they know about what they're talking
Craig Januchowski
Craig Januchowski - 7 years ago
The wrong dumb animal won that scenario.
Dan Hansen
Dan Hansen - 7 years ago
you do know he has to eat too, right?
Clay Jack
Clay Jack - 7 years ago
I'm sorry but I think this guy is a TOTAL BADASS!! 
All you haters out there are mad that if it were you, you would have lost your catch and peed your pants. This guy fights for his fish, fends off TWO predators, and manages to make it back safely with a sweet catch!!!
Not to mention it's hard AF to spear a smaller tuna, let alone with a pole!!
Sharon G
Sharon G - 7 years ago
Douchebags Refuted it might mean nothing to you that means a lot to him.
liu kuri
liu kuri - 7 years ago
Douchebags Refuted can you please slit your throat.

Goddamn hippies.
SPIRIT DOT - 7 years ago
Clay Jack this video reminds me of when i was growing up in brooklyn.
Joseph Martinez
Joseph Martinez - 7 years ago
+Rodrigo Soler Ramírez - you sound like an idiot.
Rodrigo Soler Ramírez
Rodrigo Soler Ramírez - 7 years ago
that tuna means a lot to him (a lot of time swiming, hard work and a figth with two sharks)...go and by your tuna cans, urban people are the cancer of the humanity.
Trey Shaffer
Trey Shaffer - 7 years ago
Fuckin A bro. That’s what I was thinking.
Douchebags Refuted
Douchebags Refuted - 7 years ago
It's not about balls, a tuna means nothing to this man. There is no need to put the Tuna through that stress. When he realised he couldn't kill it quickly he should have let the sharks have it and backed out, not attacked the sharks too. They are fighting for food, this man is just a rich douche hobbyist.

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