Shark jumps onto fishing boat, stuns everyone

Well, hello there! What would you do if a shark hitched a ride on your boat? These horrified fishermen faced the real life challenge. After the fishermen cut the shark free, it appears to slip into the water and swim away.

Shark jumps onto fishing boat, stuns everyone sentiment_very_dissatisfied 717

Shark videos 7 years ago 489,375 views

Well, hello there! What would you do if a shark hitched a ride on your boat? These horrified fishermen faced the real life challenge. After the fishermen cut the shark free, it appears to slip into the water and swim away.

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Most popular comments
for Shark jumps onto fishing boat, stuns everyone

clur - 7 years ago
F217 - 7 years ago
Wankers ...too bad you didn't fall in to make it a fair fight .
Kamylle Centeno
Kamylle Centeno - 7 years ago
supermoto vtec
supermoto vtec - 7 years ago
Darren Green
Darren Green - 7 years ago
ill just hide my rod , it must have fell down the stairs and blacked its eye , i mean bust its lip
elena gilbert
elena gilbert - 7 years ago
Its fake idiot:|I see the fake water and the fake shark..
Marcus Schneider
Marcus Schneider - 7 years ago
Bleeding gums would say the us government. and the conspiracy theorist would say it was the catcher :-) and since most of them can not think logically on their own - it is bleeding gums (periodontitis) :-) :-)
DeletedUnicorn 13
DeletedUnicorn 13 - 7 years ago
Jojo Cake
Jojo Cake - 7 years ago
heres a thought, HELP THE POOR SHARK!

10. comment for Shark jumps onto fishing boat, stuns everyone

KeEn A
KeEn A - 7 years ago
a shark is also a living thing it did not jump onto the boat it knows the danger. But you guys just pull it out onto the boat with a fishing line.
Joan H
Joan H - 7 years ago
libyan loyal
libyan loyal - 7 years ago
fell sorry for the shark .sharks lived in this planet before we do .some respect
Sienna Nunez
Sienna Nunez - 7 years ago
why is there blood coming out of his mouth
ThatGamerOfYoutube - 7 years ago
Quite sad but he jumped he gets out that’s growing up!
Cäcilie Krüger
Cäcilie Krüger - 7 years ago
That poor shark
Fortheloveof Pugs
Fortheloveof Pugs - 7 years ago
Ashley kiloup
Ashley kiloup - 7 years ago
Anyone who posted hate comments on here- this is reeeeallly obviously fake you can see how animated it looks just by the movements of the shark.
Bruno Medianero
Bruno Medianero - 7 years ago
It is also an endagered mako shark
lego guy
lego guy - 7 years ago
Heartless people harming sharks

20. comment for Shark jumps onto fishing boat, stuns everyone

Astral pilot. Richmond
Astral pilot. Richmond - 7 years ago
LJ Fun Videos
LJ Fun Videos - 7 years ago
Lorenzo Morales
Lorenzo Morales - 7 years ago
Die potato
Veng3r - 7 years ago
Was that a Mako Shark..?
John Palermo
John Palermo - 7 years ago
FAKE NEWS AND DISGUSTINGLY SO! You have to be blind not to see the outrigger and line/bloody mouth and the tied tailfin. Another one of natures creatures life made miserable if not ended for no good reason.
CR 2.0
CR 2.0 - 7 years ago
Poor shark.. :(
Azin Anees
Azin Anees - 7 years ago
I know it isn't my place to say this but that shark was bleeding and the fishermen should have helped. If I was in their place I would try something!
ronald telos
ronald telos - 7 years ago
the shark didnt jump off to that is so clear in the footage that it was caught for fun...there is rope on its tail..this is idiotic
Asief Safie
Asief Safie - 7 years ago
I didn't see the shark jump onto the boat. I saw a wire/rope on the tail.
Poor shark he was bleeding alot
z y
z y - 7 years ago
I do not feel sorry for that killing machine!

30. comment for Shark jumps onto fishing boat, stuns everyone

gaming tv lets do this
gaming tv lets do this - 7 years ago
Robert Ferreira
Robert Ferreira - 7 years ago
Dam idiots instead of helping the poor thing get back in the water they just rather watch it die..
Doris D
Doris D - 7 years ago
Yeah sure he “jumped” on the boat! Stupid people I don’t believe a shit of it you just catched him! Sick peoples! You should shame yourself!
David Gateru
David Gateru - 7 years ago
Towards the end of the clip you see someone cutting the rope to release it back to the water.
Amber-Dawn Cavazos
Amber-Dawn Cavazos - 7 years ago
Let's hang these people off the side of boat hanging helplessly like that.
Amber-Dawn Cavazos
Amber-Dawn Cavazos - 7 years ago
This is very sick and disturbing. Idc what shark it is every shark is precious . They are like the white blood cells of the ocean they pick out the dead, dying,and weak to keep our ocean populations in control. #itstheirocean #savethesharks
itanimulli1111 - 7 years ago
Song please
Christina Lomeli
Christina Lomeli - 7 years ago
Seriously. This is fucked up.
J Dawg
J Dawg - 7 years ago
Stuns is a poor choice of words
borja jv
borja jv - 7 years ago
What is on his mouth its bleeding
Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande - 7 years ago
Omg was that blood?
BeeeHonest - 7 years ago
The shark didn't "jump" on the boat! And no, it didn't
"swim" away. It died.
Foxygirl Baldwin
Foxygirl Baldwin - 7 years ago
I kinda felt bad for it. There was blood coming outta its mouth and all over the boat. Praying.
The Dragon sorcerer
The Dragon sorcerer - 7 years ago
We don’t even know if the shark killed a fish or anything
The Dragon sorcerer
The Dragon sorcerer - 7 years ago
Ufake look at the blood
David McCreadie
David McCreadie - 7 years ago
I hate people today that's just crul
Ayla_69 panda
Ayla_69 panda - 7 years ago
It oviously DIDNT jump in the boat you fished it out what like we totally DONT understand please
Ayla_69 panda
Ayla_69 panda - 7 years ago
Honestly If it is real (idk if it is but) if it is then why wont those people help the shark I MEAN like if your not scared to fish in the middle of the ocean then why are you scared of a shark? I mean if that was me i mean ill go help it its trying to get away from those evil people
Ayla_69 panda
Ayla_69 panda - 7 years ago
I think its FAKE 100% SURE
Fvkin Amazed
Fvkin Amazed - 7 years ago
Makos are crazy

50. comment for Shark jumps onto fishing boat, stuns everyone

corey collins
corey collins - 7 years ago
To do that to any Animal or fish is SICK
Jenna S.
Jenna S. - 7 years ago
poor thing didn’t jump on the boat idiots. stupid cruel and rude humans reeled it in and didn’t care ab it’s safety and you can see blood everywhere in its mouth and . sharks are beautiful creatures and some humans portray them as man eating hungry creatures that should i he dead, we should try and save them.
mangle the girly Fox and I'm not a boy
mangle the girly Fox and I'm not a boy - 7 years ago
I would have been so darn scared that I would have just looked back ran inside the boat or probably walk up to it and just push it back in the water which it looks like it's a hundred pounds
Flo Vk
Flo Vk - 7 years ago
People are so cruel
Alisa Britt
Alisa Britt - 7 years ago
MsEnlightened1 - 7 years ago
SHITTY SHITTY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Madina Tersbulatova
Madina Tersbulatova - 7 years ago
DFDalton1962 - 7 years ago
You're gonna need a taller railing....
Alexa D
Alexa D - 7 years ago
I feel bad for the shark, the shark did not jump on the boat the people caught it and that is why there was blood in the sharks mouth.
Brian Deluca
Brian Deluca - 7 years ago
Looks more like the shark was trying to get away. Why else would it be bleeding from its mouth.
Brook Garretson
Brook Garretson - 7 years ago
Anybody else see the rope at the end? This shark was caught and then released.
Abendland - 7 years ago
Human are monsters!
Horses LoL
Horses LoL - 7 years ago
Why did they not help
bamadeadhead - 7 years ago
Turn and Believe
Turn and Believe - 7 years ago
There was obviously a bad injury that was inflicted on that magnificent creature. I doubt it survived. Unnecessary!
Gameonu2011 - 7 years ago
GalaxyTombstone - 7 years ago
So fake it's funnnnyyyyy
Yasmine Kadi
Yasmine Kadi - 7 years ago
It looks fake like this is cgi
Ronald Helman
Ronald Helman - 7 years ago
Looks like a mako shark.
Remy Salama
Remy Salama - 7 years ago
If that was me I would have pushed it out. ( maybe kick it a few times just to bs safe)
PhotonGamerZach 1212
PhotonGamerZach 1212 - 7 years ago
Why the shark bleeding?
John Tambascio
John Tambascio - 7 years ago
With a fishing line in it jaw torture
Minecraft gamer 2016
Minecraft gamer 2016 - 7 years ago
I don't like sharks but really I was getting mad when they just watched him really
kellytp9 - 7 years ago
Man I feel bad for that shark
Tara Shaon
Tara Shaon - 7 years ago
I really don't think the shark jumped into that boat. The blood in his mouth looks like he was in a fishing line/hook. And how would he of ended up backwards in between the bars... Just saying
Hq2 Mcintyre
Hq2 Mcintyre - 7 years ago
Fallen Star
Fallen Star - 7 years ago
WUT R U DOING?!?!?!?!?!
Fishey5655 - 7 years ago
Come on help it it’s not going to hurt you
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
Why was it's mouth bleeding?
Nereesa Whittaker
Nereesa Whittaker - 7 years ago
Bless the poor thing
Natalia Castellanos
Natalia Castellanos - 7 years ago
Poor shark
Dairy17 Forever
Dairy17 Forever - 7 years ago
Massage Therapy For Injuries Fargo North Dakota
Massage Therapy For Injuries Fargo North Dakota - 7 years ago
Good animation!!
Robert Mes
Robert Mes - 7 years ago
To all people who have ever been attacked by a shark it's payback time
Kool Keyra
Kool Keyra - 7 years ago
Thank god that shark is safe and nobody is dead
Szabolcs Szigligeti
Szabolcs Szigligeti - 7 years ago
His mom was a Dolphin . .
Lana Boo
Lana Boo - 7 years ago
PelSynergy Gaming
PelSynergy Gaming - 7 years ago
ColoradotheBeautiful Nicole
ColoradotheBeautiful Nicole - 7 years ago
precision Brown
precision Brown - 7 years ago
That’s fucked up. Look again, somebody was shark fishing. You can see blood running from his mouth and closer you can see the line.
Astro Logical
Astro Logical - 7 years ago
Poor thing..
• Secr3t Spirit •
• Secr3t Spirit • - 7 years ago
It was bleeding?!
Natasha Hall
Natasha Hall - 7 years ago
Sama Lass
Sama Lass - 7 years ago
0:41 ??????
Sonia Adlem
Sonia Adlem - 7 years ago
Hey you guys.
You should of given this guy a hand./fin.
Conne Wkl-d
Conne Wkl-d - 7 years ago
That Shark died a painful death. It swallowed the bait and these cucks kept pulling on it, ripping its insides out slowly and painfully. Not to mention some reason they felt the need to tie it's tell. Maybe they were trying to restrain it to get the hook out then realized it was too late. Or it was something more dark.
Jansyn Davis
Jansyn Davis - 7 years ago
Guys it’s fake
becky k
becky k - 7 years ago
Is the film with the shark trying to get off of the boat, straight from USA Today?? Who wrote the article and for whom ?
becky k
becky k - 7 years ago
That was terrible! It was bleeding from the mouth, looks like fishing line was attached to the poor thing. Fighting for it's life, the idiot filming it should have helped it, instead of watching it suffer. The water is it's home, strangers come to torture and film. That is what should happen to whoever filmed this. We are on a little ball in the middle of infinity. We have wonderful creatures that would never bother us if we would just leave them alone. Every animal and child are gifts straight from God, and us humans treat both TERRIBLY. Show some respect and let them have their dignity.
Cassius Clay
Cassius Clay - 7 years ago
The music...smh

100. comment for Shark jumps onto fishing boat, stuns everyone

Adolph Zuckerjew
Adolph Zuckerjew - 7 years ago
That shark just wanted to jump in and take a load off his fins. He was like whats going on guys, care if I hang out with you for a while?
mick boss
mick boss - 7 years ago
how is he recoriding this shit
Christopher Joseph
Christopher Joseph - 7 years ago
"stuns everyone" no shit sherlock.
Quire - 7 years ago
Idc if it's fake or someone caught it at said "shark jumps on boat" but you could've tried to help it or push it in not just stand there like a retard
EnchantedLoud - 7 years ago
"look at me im 10 and im oblivious to the situation and still think if you help an animal it wont attack you"
LiviLou2Do - 7 years ago
0:01 the shark was like " what you lookin at?!?!?!?!?!"
Sam Lugo
Sam Lugo - 7 years ago
I absolutely hate this camera man I hope he gets eaten by the shark
Višnja Šporčić
Višnja Šporčić - 7 years ago
Why didn't you help shark come in the see he code die. Dis is one of the things that you can say people are rude to animals
EnchantedLoud - 7 years ago
reported, children shouldn't have yt accounts.
lps magic
lps magic - 7 years ago
I feel sorry for that shark why couldnt they help the poor creature that shark was probably put there because there was a like coming from its mouth and its tail those horrible sick people even if it is a shark it is a living animal stupid people leave the animal alone it probably wants to live a good better life than being caught by these men horrible mean people
Tahoedirt - 7 years ago
Something very fake- And why torture the poor fish ??
Ray Solorzano
Ray Solorzano - 7 years ago
That shark in no way jumped onto that boat. They were fishing specifically for sharks. You can see at the end that they cut a rope to free it. Maybe this video should be on stupidest criminals caught on tape. I mean how stupid can you get? Do some illegal fishing and then post the video. Sfs
akash Caullychurn
akash Caullychurn - 7 years ago
I am not sure if it jumped.
Madison plays
Madison plays - 7 years ago
Did it die? =(
tiny tomi
tiny tomi - 7 years ago
Rich spoiled they get off on that shit.
tiny tomi
tiny tomi - 7 years ago
U could have tried to help it. U fuckin retart. Rich wealthy retart
EnchantedLoud - 7 years ago
try spelling right next time, reported. children shouldn't own a you tube account.
manuel soares
manuel soares - 7 years ago
what about shark steaks
Mauricio War
Mauricio War - 7 years ago
Pretty sad, and now there is an injured shark with a line attached to it's fin. Never jumped. Was fished and not properly dealt with.
J R - 7 years ago
Bastards now the sharks going to have a slow death with the rope at the end of its tail!
BlackuBack - 7 years ago
The world is a better place without Humans.
being real
being real - 7 years ago
Big hook hanging out of its mouth that's how it got aboard you bullshiters
Alta Lopez
Alta Lopez - 7 years ago
Why didn't you try to help it?
Love God Bob
Love God Bob - 7 years ago
Let's film this animal being slowly tortured to death before cutting it's corpse loose and upload it with a catchy tune, great idea!
EnchantedLoud - 7 years ago
same goes for you dumbass
Love God Bob
Love God Bob - 7 years ago
EnchantedLoud, free speech. Don't like my comment then you have the right to ignore it. Have a great day!
EnchantedLoud - 7 years ago
go back to making love potions and shit because no one actually wants you , you're oblivious to the situation.
sebchenier - 7 years ago
I sent the shark thoughts and prayers at the beginning of the video and it worked
Judith Knöpke
Judith Knöpke - 7 years ago
staypuft 8312
staypuft 8312 - 7 years ago
What species is it; is it a juvenile great white or a nurse shark
Johnny AppleStead
Johnny AppleStead - 7 years ago
Yeah, the shark jumped on board with a rope tied on to it's tail. More MSM bullshit!!!
hahaha hahaha
hahaha hahaha - 7 years ago
Linda Perez
Linda Perez - 7 years ago
Poor skark it just wanted to live you guys were very mean to not help it
Emeline Hahn
Emeline Hahn - 7 years ago
Batard !!!!!!
Corvus - 7 years ago
Why didn't those assholes try to help it instead of filming it struggle?!! Another notch for my hatred of people!!
Slurpee Cloud
Slurpee Cloud - 7 years ago
Corvus - 7 years ago
Siya Sharma - No I'm not. And I'm not "triggered", whatever that really means (these stupid internet terms). As for the rest of your comment...pfft whatever.
Siya Sharma
Siya Sharma - 7 years ago
Corvus yes you are... based on your triggered reaction to seeing one of the most vicious and aggressive sharks out there, getting slightly distressed because the greedy little bugger got the tables turned on it. This shark is an extremely destructive member of the food chain, it destroys swordfish, marlin, dolphin pups, porpoises, baby whales, rare large tuna, baby great white sharks and other endangered marine animals. It will attack humans in the water with intent and very aggressively: even a great white shark is less destructive and aggressive (great whites might feed once a month or less, makos, on the other hand, have very high metabolism and will kill and consume large prey as often as possible. Fishermen take great pleasure in cutting off their heads while they are alive and thrashing, plus they taste good too (but are high in mercury).
Corvus - 7 years ago
Siya Sharma - I'm not a stupid idiot!...
Siya Sharma
Siya Sharma - 7 years ago
Corvus because it’s a man eating mako shark that’s extremely fast and aggressive, you stupid idiot. That shark regularly will hunt and kill baby dolphins and brutally dismember and eat them alive. They also do the same to cuddly sea otters, baby whales, seals or sea lions, people, swordfish, marlin and other large fish. Btw, this the main type shark that can find butchered at your local fish monger because the government understands that for every mako shark you kill and fillet, you save scores of swordfish, dolphins and baby whales.
DethGears - 7 years ago
it's clearly trying to sing a song like those seabass
Hev Kf
Hev Kf - 7 years ago
Irum Khan
Irum Khan - 7 years ago
I don't care shark. If shark die or not. Who cares
wxbtablet - 7 years ago
That was bullshit. More like pulled on the boat and fucked with
Samantha Kump
Samantha Kump - 7 years ago
What you do in a situation like this is: you carefully throw a cloth over its eyes so it'll lose the orientation and wil l calm down for a moment and slip back into the ocean.
David Gonzalez
David Gonzalez - 7 years ago
and they had him hooked he just got loose and got away nicely
David Gonzalez
David Gonzalez - 7 years ago
that is a rope u idiots
bo middlewood
bo middlewood - 7 years ago
that was rly mean to the shark did u see its mouth bleeding bcos of u and also at the end I saw a man cut a rope that u had tied it to to get it on the boat
Tonya Hall
Tonya Hall - 7 years ago
they should have Harpoon that shark and kept his ass
almir hajdarevic
almir hajdarevic - 7 years ago
Shark in chains ;)
Adel Mehdi
Adel Mehdi - 7 years ago
i see a hand hhhh lol
Rad Dog
Rad Dog - 7 years ago
That’s a mako, those things are fast as shit with some NASTY teeth, and that’s a big one too.
Nelio Anderson
Nelio Anderson - 7 years ago
that was a caught already shark. it's mouth looked like it was bleeding near the end and you can clearly see a line tethering it let go (after it's been hanging off the side of the boat for seconds defying gravity) and right when it let's go the shark amazingly drops
Johannah Wilkenson
Johannah Wilkenson - 7 years ago
There’s a wire attached to the sharks mouth and a tether around its tail at the end disgusting torture of an animal
Jo Griffin
Jo Griffin - 7 years ago
Sir Squirtle
Sir Squirtle - 7 years ago
Jo Griffin what?
joshi lokks
joshi lokks - 7 years ago
Wtf people push the poor creature into the water instead of recording with your phones. Man, society is that fucked up, people would record anything nowadays to get credit or simply go viral
Funky Bee
Funky Bee - 7 years ago
Sharks don't jump onto boats you stupid assholes. Look at all the blood in it's mouth. It probably got reeled in on a fishing line and then something went wrong.
saskia 80
saskia 80 - 7 years ago
What did you cut at the last seconds? it was not able to jump back in water!! and it was on a fishing line and bleeding!! wtf. People are not nice to animals. That is so nasty!!!
WILD-GAMING -VIDS - 7 years ago
"cute the shark free" nowhere did i see a man go and cut that line from his throat, which clearly was swallowed due to the mass amount of blood pouring from his mouth. Poor shark. This video is shameful.
Jeremy Sherman
Jeremy Sherman - 7 years ago
They caught that shark and couldnt handle it
Erin McG
Erin McG - 7 years ago
Couldnt someone help it out?? Hard to watch!
Jag Ram
Jag Ram - 7 years ago
thats one dumbass animal
Janice Van Horn
Janice Van Horn - 7 years ago
I think it was bleeding from the mouth cuz it had internal injuries from thrashing between the rails. Poor thing probably died.
Daniel Dimino
Daniel Dimino - 7 years ago
Push his ass off he has to be in the water or he will die push his ass off
Amanda Smith
Amanda Smith - 7 years ago
Give it a hand!!!!
Drohneflight Tv
Drohneflight Tv - 7 years ago
Theres a fishing line at 0:24 in the right corner above
Megan Koshy
Megan Koshy - 7 years ago
Poor shark why didnt u help him i feel bad for the shark
Ben De Grauwe
Ben De Grauwe - 7 years ago
Megan Koshy there was no way to help it tbh
Philosopher Stone
Philosopher Stone - 7 years ago
Give me that filet fish give me that fishhhh!
flicky the bunny robot
flicky the bunny robot - 7 years ago
Micheal Akins
Micheal Akins - 7 years ago
Like for shark
Austin Malone
Austin Malone - 7 years ago
Bright Sunshine
Bright Sunshine - 7 years ago
Poor shark!!! Hurting (fishing/hunting/etc.) animals for sports should be banned!!!
Next Gen Gamers
Next Gen Gamers - 7 years ago
Bright Sunshine correction endangered hunting should be banned dont be a wuss hunting has always been a way of life for humans and other animals you're probably just a city girl/boy that hasn't hunted
Hugo Moran
Hugo Moran - 7 years ago
what about for dinner
Niki M
Niki M - 7 years ago
So the shark surprisingly jumped on the boat, tied his tail up with a rope and then changed his mind and tried to scape while for no reason was bleeding from the mouth?
Did i get it right?
Valerie Teurn
Valerie Teurn - 7 years ago
Omg why was he bleeding fro the mouth
Cathy Griffith
Cathy Griffith - 7 years ago
clur - 7 years ago
God all the people replying are acting like she killed your pet. CALM TF DOWN. She can be disgusted by the video if she wants you guys are acting like children hahahahaha especially you at the bottom w the “uneducated swine” comment. You sound like someone who’s never been hugged before, but hey I can see why ;)
Slim Thicc
Slim Thicc - 7 years ago
Triggered huh? The shark hit it's jaw on the railing. If you were paying attention you could've clearly seen it you uneducated swine.
Garcia Vega
Garcia Vega - 7 years ago
SpaceTraveling faggots. All of you.
SpaceTraveling - 7 years ago
Cathy Griffith exactly, he did not jump on the boat. He has a mouth full of blood indicating they caught him. So sick, LEAVE THEM ALONE
Miranda Sanchez
Miranda Sanchez - 7 years ago
poor shark
ANTAGONIZED - 7 years ago
Dom956 we're frugivores, so you sound dumb.
Daniel Arch
Daniel Arch - 7 years ago
It was most likely the fact that either like Fishpunda said or else because its gills cant handle the fine air and so its gills were rupturing.
Dom956 - 7 years ago
Cathy Griffith oh boy we got a vegan
lisa napit
lisa napit - 7 years ago
Cathy Griffith by the way it was da people who went fishing then caught dat shark tied him/her up then they remembered mother nature tyen cut him/her off done
Fishpunda - 7 years ago
It is a shark though, they aren't the best things to eat. Kinda wonder why it was bleeding though, probably hit it's jaw on the railing.
drink up
drink up - 7 years ago
Fishing With Colby exactly thank you ppl swear they know everything
Colby Fletcher
Colby Fletcher - 7 years ago
Cathy Griffith it's a mako and makos are known to jump. Also it's legal to kill a mako so even if they did bring it aboard their boat it was legal. People eat and sell mako meat everywhere
Cozmic Firefly
Cozmic Firefly - 7 years ago
That is aweful. And you add music like its something from OO7. There was no courage in this video. You are recording the struggle of a living being. Shameful Cowards! A Mako shark wouldnt just jump on a boat like that you fools.
Anonymous User
Anonymous User - 7 years ago
It has blood coming out it’s mouth, it didn’t jump on the boat. Someone was fishing and pulled it up.
Justin. T Rimjob
Justin. T Rimjob - 7 years ago
So, someone caught a shark, let it almost bleed to death and made a video on it.
Yes it is really Talik COME DOWN
Yes it is really Talik COME DOWN - 7 years ago
goran belovitić
goran belovitić - 7 years ago
Why they don't go to help poor shark
Blazewind 25 `
Blazewind 25 ` - 7 years ago
Saoirse Justice McKenna
Saoirse Justice McKenna - 7 years ago
humans are monsters! that shark was on a fishing line and not only fixed there but by it's tail too! He didn't jump in that boat but he tried to escape those monsters who call a shark a Monster
Cryptoraker - 7 years ago
Where did they call it a monster? All I see it called in the title and description is a shark.
i hope you get ripped in half by a huge shark one day, so i can take a shit on your grave
Chris ray
Chris ray - 7 years ago
Fake news
Osman Farrag
Osman Farrag - 7 years ago
That shark certainly had become a man eater after that incedent and i wouldnt blame it for it. I wonder whos the poor human that will meet him in water next.
adam vesely
adam vesely - 7 years ago
Mako  baby. My brown-water, non-adjustable shark deterrent (auto set for ANY water - sinkfull & up, Even Fresh! I am very proud) started to deploy. It was close, I cannot stop it.  Lucky....
shadowhunter springer4life
shadowhunter springer4life - 7 years ago
A load of bullshit they pulled him on bord he still has the hook and line on him and plus he was looped at the tail you can see a falla cutting the tail line
Edward Finley
Edward Finley - 7 years ago
Nope. Nope. Annnnnd nope.
Tristan Arroyo
Tristan Arroyo - 7 years ago
Hey boi how you doing
Bonnie Nash
Bonnie Nash - 7 years ago
It’s looking at them like “ can someone give me a hand?”
Bonnie Nash
Bonnie Nash - 7 years ago
This is fake however it has happened for real before
Jabba Dah Frog
Jabba Dah Frog - 7 years ago
With its gills all mashed up from the struggle (hence the blood) I'm thinkin that shark probably didn't make it too far:/
peter neagle
peter neagle - 7 years ago
why was its tail tied with rope if it jumped onto the boat ?
Anmin Kang
Anmin Kang - 7 years ago
why the shark is bleeding so badly, too angry?
debbie peter
debbie peter - 7 years ago
Horrible video. Animal cruelty...
Nabeel Khalid
Nabeel Khalid - 7 years ago
Zombie shark
Mark Marsh
Mark Marsh - 7 years ago
CLUB IT, KILL IT EAT IT. .... this ain't rocket science folks. ... that a HUGE WHACK of delicious meat.
Weißwurst- Äquator
Weißwurst- Äquator - 7 years ago
They Idiots Pull him on board with the Robe
Familie Lorenz
Familie Lorenz - 7 years ago
Edmund Anthony
Edmund Anthony - 7 years ago
Super cruel
Wolf Howlin
Wolf Howlin - 7 years ago
Riddle me this Batman .... How can a shark jump on your boat with a rope tied to its tail and a hook in its mouth.
raymond lawrence
raymond lawrence - 7 years ago
Blitzer - 7 years ago
I'm heartbroken this super sad, the problem is it is fake
Blitzer - 7 years ago
The lighting on the shark ,and way the shark is grasping to get off the boat, you can obviously tell it is CGI.
HipsterBot - 7 years ago
Youre gonna need a smaller boat...
Andrew gibson
Andrew gibson - 7 years ago
Just here to see the retarded people saying help it, knowing nothing about sharks.
Emma Bringuela
Emma Bringuela - 7 years ago
nah..i didnt see it jumped onto the boat, why's that blood gushing from the mouth??
Christina jones
Christina jones - 7 years ago
Wow.... shame on whoever's boat this was. Seriously you couldn't help it out or give it a little push..... Makes me really sad. Karma ;)
Jpgundarun - 7 years ago
That shark was dead when they cut the rope holding its tail at the end. Wankers.
Laser Gaming
Laser Gaming - 7 years ago
I laughed.
Tell The Truth
Tell The Truth - 7 years ago
Get the shark off the boat, you morons!
scritch scratch tv
scritch scratch tv - 7 years ago
Sharks are fish so that means they need water so just recording it is just messed up.
Mark Marquez
Mark Marquez - 7 years ago
alflybear - 7 years ago
No. Once the fish bleeds that much from the gills it's toast. Blood doesn't clot under water so it would eventually bleed to death.
Frolijanac - 7 years ago
Jumps onto fishing boat. A shame. The shark is tied down and wounded. He was catched by a fisher, he never jumped in the boat. This is a ashole title.
Brenda Faithful
Brenda Faithful - 7 years ago
That looks like a Maco shark. They are known for jumping into boats. However, they should have helped the shark instead of filming!
phuck you
phuck you - 7 years ago
I once saved a fish from drowning as well
Merlin - 7 years ago
its comical .. the shark looks so stupid each time it looks at the camera .. and it has this weird grin 0:04 its like its saying "WTF is going on man" buahahahahaha
Bradley Goyak
Bradley Goyak - 7 years ago
Me too
jaz agca
jaz agca - 7 years ago
Lol the music fits perfectly
lunathemidnightwolf - 7 years ago
You piece of shit it was stuck on a Fisher line you liers he didn't jump on the boat it was fished poor thing
Everyday Hong Kong
Everyday Hong Kong - 7 years ago
Should've killed the bastard!
dades book
dades book - 7 years ago
poor thing i guess it didn't jump there coz there's a rope tied on its tail and was cut at the end part. maybe those guys on that boat played the shark! clearly we are the monsters and not those sharks... :(
Bain Wilson
Bain Wilson - 7 years ago
dades book its pretty much impossible to pull a shark out of the water, theres no way they could've tied the line around it tail then pull it up, use your head people
Ivon Demafiles
Ivon Demafiles - 7 years ago
Wow, he was enjoying taking the video
ABD - 7 years ago
Its definitely not a case of "Shark jumps onto fishing boat" can see the fishing line ..also it probably died before those a*holes released it...
Everyday Hong Kong
Everyday Hong Kong - 7 years ago
Kill the bastard plz!
Gamer Friends
Gamer Friends - 7 years ago
The shark is like I GOTTA SWIM AWAY 30 seconds later... HOW DID YOU GET UP TO ME?
Janet Ragay
Janet Ragay - 7 years ago
I feel bad for the shark because the mouth is bleeding
Aaron Harris
Aaron Harris - 7 years ago
He looks like a fish out of water
CC F - 7 years ago
I'm sorry but I DON'T feel bad for this shark or any shark for that matter. The shark clearly was looking for dinner and by the grace of God he was stuck in the boat's railing. Those people would have been dead or lost an arm or leg if he hadn't gotten stuck.
Vihan Subramaniam
Vihan Subramaniam - 7 years ago
CC F humans are not the center of everything.
Jehad Sadeq
Jehad Sadeq - 7 years ago
why no one speaks for marines rights or cares if it get hurt the way many speak for other species right and suffer,do fish know pain?
TheHighlightExpress - 7 years ago
Should have stabbed that shark and took it home for a nice prize. Funny how people wanna save a shark that will literally tear you apart the minute you jump into there waters. No thanks, this is a dog eat dog world.
Afra Fernandes
Afra Fernandes - 7 years ago
TheHighlightExpress sharks tear pple apart for looming in their territory. I bet the sharks keep human bones as trophy in their bellies
headschlong - 7 years ago
Come on, help me out
a skeleton
a skeleton - 7 years ago
Imagine the Seinfeld theme as the shark trys to get out
Sneaky - 7 years ago
the sharked was stuck did no one helped it? poor shark
Chad Allen
Chad Allen - 7 years ago
Yeah.... that will its jaw out with the leader/hook. That will free it. MORONS.
Sim S
Sim S - 7 years ago
Shark had a rope around its tail holding it. You can see at the end when they cut the rope leaving the end around the tail. Animal abuse
Luka Koll
Luka Koll - 7 years ago
The fact that the rope was around is tail dint harm the shark. its easily rubbed off. The fact that i was on there in the first place is concerning...
Clyde Cromey
Clyde Cromey - 7 years ago
why didn't anyone go over and help? I would have
Logan Jankuhn
Logan Jankuhn - 7 years ago
Thats sad
SamHD 371
SamHD 371 - 7 years ago
This video is fake.. Watch my last video to see the Truth
Jinks 140
Jinks 140 - 7 years ago
Corvus - 7 years ago
Jinks 140 - I see them as cowardly cruel wusses.
Scott Eb
Scott Eb - 7 years ago
Who gave him the bloody lip?
Amy Greufe
Amy Greufe - 7 years ago
okay, one this video looks super fake, but if it's real then I call that animal cruelty. Just help the shark already.
Loreto Da Silva Junior
Loreto Da Silva Junior - 7 years ago
Nobody helped the Shark ?
Agung Purnomo
Agung Purnomo - 7 years ago
I really don't think it jumped onto the boat. Looked to me it was yanked out by the tail, they couldn't handle it coz it kept trashing around and they had to let it go (not untill they could make a footage of it to be posted online for the whole world to see, ....there you have it). Apperently they didnt completely cut the rope of it, you can see tight knot around the tail. Poor thing bled itself while trying to escape.
agimo3089 and bedcc
agimo3089 and bedcc - 7 years ago
that shark is in a bad vacation day
Not Available
Not Available - 7 years ago
Jumps onto fishing boat ? And he tied the rope around his tail too ?!
Moldraiva - 7 years ago
von wegen "versehentlich" aufs schiff gesprungen... im maul der haken mit der angelschnurr die noch straff zur seite geht und an der Schwanzflosse ein festgebundenes seil...
MrAvenger959 - 7 years ago
hahaha awesome!
Ro'ber Harpane'
Ro'ber Harpane' - 7 years ago
This video sorta sucks bigtime. I'm no bleeding heart shark lover but to simply watch a powerful & magnificent creature like that struggle so hopelessly caught in those rails lends to a sense of cruelty in my eyes. Anyone who would have wanted to could have slipped up behind the trapped shark & pushed it's dorsal fin downward releasing it from that particular position which had it trapped. Those side rails on both sides of the shark would have kept it from lashing backward to snap at anyone attempting to help it. They would have been in zero danger,, that shark was helpless & a non threat in that one position.

They might as well shot the damned thing,, no way it survived bleeding so profusely from it's snout/mouth & it was already lifeless when it was dangling over the side before it finally slipped back into the water.

Ok,, so everyone's amused,, we all got to see a mighty creature struggle toward it's inevitable death,, nothing natural about this,, nothing entertaining,, just a fucked up video showing the demise of a creature which wouldn't have been in that position had it not been for that particular vessel being in that one particular place at that one particular time.

The assholes should have showed their love & respect for the sea & it's inhabitants & at least made an effort in saving it!!

Cathy Griffith
Cathy Griffith - 7 years ago
Orlando Marquez
Orlando Marquez - 7 years ago
I would go all the way around the boat and push the shark from there
Mick Berry
Mick Berry - 7 years ago
They caught the shark I can see the line that is in its mouth.
Then they tried to get it in the boat that is why there is a rope around its tail.
So they just cut the rope and now this shark has a hook in its mouth and a rope that will hopefully fall off or just rub its way into the sharks body.
Yep good fishing. NOT these dumb asses should be ashamed of themselves.
TheJere213 - 7 years ago
according to some news reports the people hooked it to keep its head towards the sea and the rope in the tail was to lift it out of the boat
diamondrmp - 7 years ago
Shark jumped on the boat? Oh yeah I guess it roped its tail also!
Minecraft_Godzilla Plaz
Minecraft_Godzilla Plaz - 7 years ago
When it's Friday and you get a little too exited
Jessica - 7 years ago
Awful. Geezus. The shark isnt going to jump and attack them its not in the water makes me feel sick it struggled for so long
Anonymous Anime-fan
Anonymous Anime-fan - 7 years ago
I'd want to help it but I'd be afraid to get close...
Frank Sriboribun
Frank Sriboribun - 7 years ago
what about that rote on the tail lmao surely that will soon cut into the sharks skin and eventually cause him to be unable to swim
Tc - 7 years ago
you realize suffocating, right?
Butter Lover
Butter Lover - 7 years ago
:( poor shark
Lonewolf953 - 7 years ago
They really shouldn't give stun guns to sharks
Da baddest Shanie
Da baddest Shanie - 7 years ago
For everyone saying help it help it they did u can see in the video someone cutting the rope to help the shark escape
liam brouillette
liam brouillette - 7 years ago
Not fake i know who caught it lol and the shark lived
Miss yippie
Miss yippie - 7 years ago
Its not interacting with the water either u can tell its CGI PEOPLE
Miss yippie
Miss yippie - 7 years ago
This is a hoax u can tell its cgi
AbbyMarie Lorena
AbbyMarie Lorena - 7 years ago
its obviously fake. gullible af
TheMemeSquadYTp's - 7 years ago
kinda looks fake but it kinda doesn't tell me what you think!
PME2G - 7 years ago
poor shark
Joe Holmes
Joe Holmes - 7 years ago
For all you skeptics: this is copied from "Mako Sharks - Lessons for Kids" -

Mako sharks are known for being the fastest sharks in the world. They
can swim at speeds over 20 miles per hour, with the fastest ever
recorded at speeds over 40 miles per hour. They can do this because they
keep their body temperatures much warmer than the surrounding water,
giving them plenty of energy for speed. They can even jump up to 20 feet
into the air!

In other words...believe it.
Need more? Google "Mako shark jumps on boat". Look at the other common report from Australia - tended to by Coast Guard. THEN believe!
surfr8 - 7 years ago
The shark had obviously already been hooked when it jumped in the boat.  You can see the line and swivel to the right and that is why the shark is bleeding from it's mouth.  It was probably gut hooked, that is why it is bleeding so badly.  Let it go or kill it quickly.  Don't let it suffer.
Cody Yero
Cody Yero - 7 years ago
Why is this on the news, it's a video of people watching a shark slowly die instead of easily helping it back in the water smh...
Sebaz Torres
Sebaz Torres - 7 years ago
Wow realistic CGI LOL
Barry Kennedy
Barry Kennedy - 7 years ago
How cruel some people are. How can this be classed as fun. Nasty person. Especially the woman laughing in the background.
R LM - 7 years ago
we never actually see it jump into the boat. and why is its mouth bleeding? my guess is they hooked it and lost it while bringing it aboard. it didnt jump into the boat. fake news.
THΞLONLYDUDΞ - 7 years ago
we're gonna need a bigger boat
marcus friisallison
marcus friisallison - 7 years ago
they should have saved it
reelreeler - 7 years ago
Shark Steaks!
TheWolfGamer - 7 years ago
I really feel bad for that shark
BYT - 7 years ago
That's fake
Nathaniel Varsamakis
Nathaniel Varsamakis - 7 years ago
It's fake as
keegan azevedo
keegan azevedo - 7 years ago
They did something to him go to the start of the video then slowly watchthe sharks mouth it starts to bleed, the shark didn't jump onto the boat they were fishing for sharks and at one point you can see rope coming from his mouth.
Samir Blyat
Samir Blyat - 7 years ago
keegan azevedo thats right
Pam Stefanik
Pam Stefanik - 7 years ago
keegan azevedo. I see the same thing. How awful. Abusive. All the pain that shark was in and the blood made me sick. People are cruel. That shark did not jump on thst boat!!
Graham Bullock
Graham Bullock - 7 years ago
It turns out you did'nt need a bigger boat after all..
GALAXYXGAMER - 7 years ago
its kinda funny
hamzterix - 7 years ago
Serious internal damage!
Immortal Warrior887 AJ
Immortal Warrior887 AJ - 7 years ago
hamzterix yeah, blood was pouring on his mouth
Xddd Wowowiwowo
Xddd Wowowiwowo - 7 years ago
Why don't you save it honestly you litterally could have pushed or moved its tail without getting hurt
TheJere213 - 7 years ago
You don't seem to realize that the tail is very strong and one could be seriously injured if smacked by it, so no "just moving" the tail
#1 Phan Trash
#1 Phan Trash - 7 years ago
Poor shark it cant breath air poo t can only live on water i dont care if im afraid of sharks but i was there i would have pushed the shark back in to the water.
Jake B
Jake B - 7 years ago
you make hitler look intelligent.
lisa napit
lisa napit - 7 years ago
Morgan Bruguier in water not on water
Next Gen Gamers
Next Gen Gamers - 7 years ago
Morgan Bruguier you also would have gotten your ass bit i love animals but there are limits to what you can do sharks are much more powerful than you think. Actions speak louder than words. Go prove you'd do it dont say it.
Louisiana Hotbaww
Louisiana Hotbaww - 7 years ago
Morgan Bruguier you are excatly what's wrong with this country
anthonygrace323 - 7 years ago
It looks like they threw the fishing line after it jumped onto the boat. Why would they do that? This is sad. But the visual of the shark with a bloody mouth looks cool.
Nicolas Magno
Nicolas Magno - 7 years ago
Top 10 fail shark infiltration missions
Ryozio - 7 years ago
obesekid69 Pussy destroyer
obesekid69 - 7 years ago
Ryozio top 10 call of duty missions youre supposed to fail!
Ryozio - 7 years ago
Nicolas Magno Top 10 Anime Betrayals.
basit ali
basit ali - 7 years ago
Its photoshop stop posting this shit
Mikey52710 - 7 years ago
Wow thats alot of videos posted in each day
Levi Suazo
Levi Suazo - 7 years ago
I didn't see it jump on the boat. I also thought I saw a wire on the right side of the screen.
nathan Farmer
nathan Farmer - 7 years ago
Rad Dog actually your wrong. We catch bull sharks all the time and bring them on board. Its very easy, I don't believe it jumped on the boat. Yes mako's jump but only when they are chasing fast fish like tuna and jax. When they are caught they go deep and try and swim away.
Rad Dog
Rad Dog - 7 years ago
Levi Suazo it definitely jumped onto the boat, most likely while they were fighting it when fishing. Bringing that shark on the boat WITHOUT it jumping in it would have either been impossible or at the very least a very tiring and difficult job. These guys in no way did this on purpose to get this video.
Adam x
Adam x - 7 years ago
Levi Suazo and rope around its tail.....
helena b
helena b - 7 years ago
Levi Suazo Youu did, and they were holding it by a strap on the left you can see it right at the end... Cruel
2hu is a good anime
2hu is a good anime - 7 years ago
Levi Suazo That's probably a fishing line, would explain why the shark's mouth is gushing blood.
James knife review JKR
James knife review JKR - 7 years ago
Really you could have push the shark in
Andrew gibson
Andrew gibson - 7 years ago
Said the kid that knows nothing about sharks.
lucario lover
lucario lover - 7 years ago
Draz'Gul i dont want to burst your bubble MATE, but during this video the sharks head was stuck in between the rails, it really wouldn't hurt them to grab its tail and push it back into the water. So you would basically be outta ways harm from its tail, i mean the most it would do is flap its tail around
Jay Violet
Jay Violet - 7 years ago
Draz'Gul - 7 years ago
CHRISTINE HARVILL Ok mate, let's find a shark and you grab it by the tail, we'll see what happens :)
Draz'Gul Jesus Christ is it really that hard just to stand from a safe distance and reach your arms out and your arms out ONLY to grab the tail? People like you saying something like "you know a sharks tail can seriously harm a human right?" You're acting like the person trying to grab the tail to push it overboard is putting their entire body smack where the tails going to hit at.
Draz'Gul - 7 years ago
James knife review JKR You know a tail of a shark can seriously injure humans
Edvard Grieg
Edvard Grieg - 7 years ago
46% I feel bad for the shark
4% its fake
1% healthy, smart, meat-eating human trying make a difference by killing the animals and sharing their meat amongst others. cough cough me
Jeffery Burnett
Jeffery Burnett - 7 years ago
I got another response for ya: It's just a shark, who cares?
Razorex 1743
Razorex 1743 - 7 years ago
Thats 101% because of the last one
Rhyanna's World
Rhyanna's World - 7 years ago
Edvard Grieg it’s not fake
Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein - 7 years ago
You don't need to eat sharks to survive. There are other sources of meat.
Fishey5655 - 7 years ago
Edvard Grieg 50%
xPokemonXYZx - 7 years ago
Didn't know comment sections reach 101
lakai944 - 7 years ago
Chill YT bro you got it all wrong. The autismos are the ones liking the OP. Shark homie be out there suffering, he don't deserve that shit.
Corvus - 7 years ago
I'm in the 46% & 50%.
Lan Dewell
Lan Dewell - 7 years ago
Rizka Rd that means his comment is irrelevant and a breach in the matrix
Rizka Rd
Rizka Rd - 7 years ago
It's 101% so the last 1% is doesn't count
Edvard Grieg
Edvard Grieg - 7 years ago
Chill YT I don't mean to offend my only comment supporter but, are you sure you know what an autismo is? Because it's not a word. And/or if your referring to autistic people, why not just use the proper pronunciation?
Chill YT
Chill YT - 7 years ago
Edvard Grieg that moment when u spend 10 minutes writing a good and original comment and get no likes but the autismos who say awww noooo help ittt get 100s of likes
Olga Valent
Olga Valent - 7 years ago
Ha can you not tell its fake
Rebecca kent
Rebecca kent - 7 years ago
It's not fake
agent p
agent p - 7 years ago
Damien Ward
Damien Ward - 7 years ago
Yea an humans can hit hard too should that stop you from saving a strangers life. Or at the very least trying too , or would you just film it !
Tmay - 7 years ago
The sharks tail could seriously hurt a human
Chill YT
Chill YT - 7 years ago
This is fake you autismos
MYsticShadowXL - 7 years ago
I have
liam brouillette
liam brouillette - 7 years ago
Chill YT I know the person who recoded this and I have fished on that boat funny to see all you youtube people who know nothing about fishing decide what is real and not have you touched a shark before or even seen one in person?
Chill YT
Chill YT - 7 years ago
Pippi Biology link?
PIPRE PEEP-RAY - 7 years ago
Lol of course they put an animated shark there, silly us, the original video was never real.
Your Fellow Lawnmower
Your Fellow Lawnmower - 7 years ago
Thank you, someone here actually has a brain.
Tmay - 7 years ago
Chill YT what. How
Ayesha Mirza
Ayesha Mirza - 7 years ago
all animation if u see closely
Brayden Murphy
Brayden Murphy - 7 years ago
It moves like one to
GalaxyPup - 7 years ago
I agree with you 100%, you can tell by the way it's moving. A REAL Shark would have done different things than this animated one
Zyden - 7 years ago
Ayesha Mirza troll
TS Xtina
TS Xtina - 7 years ago
Bill Ijiran I mean it looks like a robot.
Bill Ijiran
Bill Ijiran - 7 years ago
If you mean that this is fake because it is graphically generated, NOPE its not. But if you think its fake because the shark is possibly a robotic shark then it might be.
TS Xtina
TS Xtina - 7 years ago
It looked fake to me
Bill Ijiran
Bill Ijiran - 7 years ago
Yes lets animate a shark stuck in metal pipes for Youtube views? damn people like you.
Mood - 7 years ago
Ayesha Mirza yes totally animation. Animating a shark stuck on a boat between some metal pipe
Ayesha Mirza
Ayesha Mirza - 7 years ago
Silver God u dumbshit
Tmay - 7 years ago
Ayesha Mirza wha...
Twosies Toy Collector
Twosies Toy Collector - 7 years ago
I literally have no idea how I found this
GameRoy 10
GameRoy 10 - 7 years ago
I love sharks and this is so sad
Big Ol Internet Troll
Big Ol Internet Troll - 7 years ago
I hate sharks and this is so sad
Aubrie Fiscus
Aubrie Fiscus - 7 years ago
poor shark don't just stand there and watch him die
Luka Koll
Luka Koll - 7 years ago
Not if it was WRAPPED UP LIKE IT WAS!!!
Vøid - 7 years ago
Well they just randomly go up to it and push it off do you know how much injuries they would have? They would have lots! They will DIE even
Edit: and also its a mako! They can jump
Corvus - 7 years ago
NoodleGurl: I agree.
Basic Blonde Bi*ch
Basic Blonde Bi*ch - 7 years ago
NoodleGurl just a heads up, you gotta be damn careful because if that shark gets spooked when it feels you touching it, and it will, it will destroy you.
Draz'Gul - 7 years ago
NoodleGurl You know that a shark can seriously injure humans with his tail?
Lorne Schalm
Lorne Schalm - 7 years ago
Shitty camera operator. Wasn't doing anything but filming obviously
koolkris9 - 7 years ago
1 like one pray to that shark
Ayla_69 panda
Ayla_69 panda - 7 years ago
Honestly so STUPID liking your comment helps? Please maybe you should get a new game buddy plus your only saythat so you get likes on it Ha
Lala Looloo
Lala Looloo - 7 years ago
koolkris9 I liked, I will save the shark!
New Year Man
New Year Man - 7 years ago
koolkris9 1like equals English lessons for kris
FeedingFrenzy91 - 7 years ago
+Corvus All right then. God bless you and may you have a good life.
Corvus - 7 years ago
FeedingFrenzy91 - Didn't get the answer I wanted...yeah frustrating! Well, I'm not getting into a religious debate. I don't believe in god or any of that crap...
FeedingFrenzy91 - 7 years ago
+Corvus Most likely you just didn't get the answer you wanted. God always provides even if it's not the way we think He will.
Corvus - 7 years ago
Being in a stupid catholic school for too many years. Having religion & prayers crammed down my throat. When I did believe (while they were trying to brainwash me) in that bs I did pray but, they went unanswered...
FeedingFrenzy91 - 7 years ago
+Corvus And your experience is?
Corvus - 7 years ago
@FeedingFrenzy91: Not in my experience! That's a bs lie!
joshi lokks
joshi lokks - 7 years ago
So just liking your comment is going to help the shark out?? How does that work buddy??
FeedingFrenzy91 - 7 years ago
+Mads prayer makes things happen.

God bless you.
Mads - 7 years ago
a fart is better, it even has effects.
Unknown Msp
Unknown Msp - 7 years ago
Aww poor baby i feel so bad
annabanna666 - 7 years ago
shit fisherman left the rope on it prob left it hooked aswell. useless
annabanna666 - 7 years ago
+Chase M maybe don't judge a book by its cover mate. common sense stuff really aye mate
Chase M
Chase M - 7 years ago
I'm sure someone named annabanna666 could have done better. I'm sorry for doubting you Anna!
Edvard Grieg
Edvard Grieg - 7 years ago
Shit video commenter thinking he/she can reach into a sharks mouth and pull out a hook
Patrick - 7 years ago
This looks fake
Patrick - 7 years ago
John Smith you're*
JC Shark
JC Shark - 7 years ago
Told you so.
Patrick - 7 years ago
Actually nevermind I just found the original video and it's definitely real
Patrick - 7 years ago
But yeah it just looks like CGI or something
Patrick - 7 years ago
Well I don't watch anime but I play games
JC Shark
JC Shark - 7 years ago
alot of real things can look fake to people nowadays because they are watcbing too much anime or videogames.
kikkelis kokkelis
kikkelis kokkelis - 7 years ago
Why its mouth bleeding???
Carlos Martinez
Carlos Martinez - 7 years ago
I was wondering to why it was bleeding
Scratch This
Scratch This - 7 years ago
kikkelis kokkelis I'm no marine biologist but I'm guessing that it has something to do with the big ole hook in its mouth
alflybear - 7 years ago
Probably the fish hook or a gaff got into the gills The shark will bleed to death no doubt.
EasternDegree20 OW
EasternDegree20 OW - 7 years ago
hamzterix that makes sense...
Edvard Grieg
Edvard Grieg - 7 years ago
kikkelis kokkelis being*. I don't want to be your L.A teacher, too.
kikkelis kokkelis
kikkelis kokkelis - 7 years ago
Edvard Grieg omg you're right... Thanks for beeing my eyes.
Edvard Grieg
Edvard Grieg - 7 years ago
I hope you people notice that the shark has been caught on a fishing line at 0:24. If not, STOP IT, get some help.
hamzterix - 7 years ago
kikkelis kokkelis internal organ damage since the body wasnt built for dry land with much stronger gravity.
Mikey G
Mikey G - 7 years ago
I think because it bit the railing on the boat and broke his teeth
Please Im Tired !
Please Im Tired ! - 7 years ago
Help the poor thing
thors blot
thors blot - 7 years ago
deepak nandy
deepak nandy - 7 years ago
Tea Addicted jigesh
Bonnie Nash
Bonnie Nash - 7 years ago
Yes someone ...... lend it a hand

Or a arm
Or a leg!
Disembodied Voice
Disembodied Voice - 7 years ago
Tea Addicted “help the poor thing”
“poor thing”
Kagotom - 7 years ago
It had a reason to jump on the boat and thats not saying hi
Dotsinki - 7 years ago
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 7 years ago
Yes help the poor pile of muscle and gnashing teeth.
Jay Violet
Jay Violet - 7 years ago
CHRISTINE HARVILL go swim with one if they're so misunderstood...
Luke you're a perfect example of why sharks are one of the most misunderstood creatures on the planet.
cough pillbox
cough pillbox - 7 years ago
Luke wtf? The shark doesn't come with human morals and thought conditioning, it doesn't understand that killing is considered bad by another species, plus sharks rarely choose to eat humans so your logic is flawed
SpicyWeiner - 7 years ago
Luke that's like saying pitbulls are terrible dogs
Luke - 7 years ago
"help the poor thing that would eat you alive the first chance it gets" yes ok mate won't be a minute
Doctor - 7 years ago
today on Shark Week they said a Mako's tail is strong enough to knock you out or even kill you.
KDMtry - 7 years ago
hey gamedigi Jake Paul is the best he's better than you will ever be and plus your just jealous that Jake Paul has 9mil subs and also he has money to so shut up gamedigi
Grofi Tv
Grofi Tv - 7 years ago
Maddie Isabella
Maddie Isabella - 7 years ago
And literally no one helped it? I mean I know it's a shark but it couldn't have back up and bit you. Well idk a lot about sharks but the replies I got say that he could've whipped its tail at you and hurt you. So thank you to all the ppl that told me.
Inbound storm
Inbound storm - 7 years ago
Madison McDonnell Dumbass
Maddie Isabella
Maddie Isabella - 7 years ago
Inbound Storm I'm smarter than you'll EVER be.
Inbound storm
Inbound storm - 7 years ago
Mew - 7 years ago
It could pull you into the water with it...
Luke - 7 years ago
"What would you do if a shark hitched a ride on your boat? These horrified fishermen faced the real life challenge. After the fishermen cut the shark free, it appears to slip into the water and swim away." there's the description you blind twat, so they did help it so stop bitching
White Sabor
White Sabor - 7 years ago
They did help the shark. They tied a rope around it tail and help it over board. Shark swam away.
Blake Couch
Blake Couch - 7 years ago
You woulda froze up if it jumped in your boat, you don't realize how big these things are until you're up close
Josh11_2018 - 7 years ago
Madison McDonnell the would have bent its self around and either bit or hit the person with its tail
Ball 4Life
Ball 4Life - 7 years ago
Madison McDonnell you know people these dayz are more one recording than helping
Michael Kleiman
Michael Kleiman - 7 years ago
Madison McDonnell and when human touch sharks they feel the need to swim away therefor hitting you with their tail
Phriendsy - 7 years ago
The whip that it can do can KILL you.
Tmay - 7 years ago
Madison McDonnell shark tails can whip hard and seriously injuring a human
Permaspark - 7 years ago
They helped it... eventually.
Sk3ptic Surg3
Sk3ptic Surg3 - 7 years ago
I hate sharks, I mean I hate their guts, but I agree with you
Cloverz14 - 7 years ago
i thought the same thing but today on Shark Week they said a Mako's tail is strong enough to knock you out or even kill you.
Dawn Lozano
Dawn Lozano - 7 years ago
I lowkey feel bad for the shark
CoraKäfer Marie
CoraKäfer Marie - 7 years ago
I really want to do the same to all of these bastards on board!
Jake the dog
Jake the dog - 7 years ago
+Dawn Lozano go get bitten by one see hoe you care about em now
allan velasco
allan velasco - 7 years ago
Enas Perastik its not there foult cuz its there home
The dank Duck987
The dank Duck987 - 7 years ago
REFINED ACTORS what do u mean
REFINED ACTORS - 7 years ago
Dawn Lozano lokukey yeah because it isnt real
Samantha Watt
Samantha Watt - 7 years ago
Me too
AydenTheKilla - 7 years ago
i think most people with a heart do. at least i know im not the only one. i could barely watch this :/
TheWolfGamer - 7 years ago
Dawn Lozano same
The dank Duck987
The dank Duck987 - 7 years ago
AlfrEdoCAnGaMe sharks can be nice
Tmay - 7 years ago
Damien Ward shark tails can whip hard and seriously injuring a human
AlfrEdoCAnGaMe - 7 years ago
Dawn Lozano yeah same. Sharks are my worst nightmare and have given me a terrible fear of the ocean whick i once loved so naturally i hate them but i mean... i did kinda fell bad for the poor thing.
Damien Ward
Damien Ward - 7 years ago
Shark says , hey fuk head, you yes you with the fkn camera ! Your not helping here, dying up here, really dying here, push my tail i can't eat you with my head pinned in a handrail can I ya cockhead.
Javigamer 360
Javigamer 360 - 7 years ago
I thout that the shark was gonna die
smokey eyes
smokey eyes - 7 years ago
Javigamer 360 i think it was already dead by the time it reached water. Very sad
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 7 years ago
Yeah, the only things that will be a threat to it is Orcas and other great whites. Also, sharks never stop growing teeth in their lifetime. They always bleed from the mouth and it doesn't bother them. The rope I grant you might stay on it but would you go up to it and ask it nicely to be still so you can help it?
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 7 years ago
Yeah, in 12 to 14 hours time. Sharks can survive a long time out of water. Fuckers are hard to kill by natural means.
Jpgundarun - 7 years ago
It was dead when they cut the rope at the end.
Javigamer 360
Javigamer 360 - 7 years ago
PerryPladypus23 oh
Sean Perri
Sean Perri - 7 years ago
Javigamer360 some sharks kill other sharks. im not sure what types eat their own kind, but they definitly do. Source: shark week...
Javigamer 360
Javigamer 360 - 7 years ago
650iE63 your wrong in one part the shark can smell blood from other fishes from really far away but they cant kill there own kind..........i think
650iE63 - 7 years ago
Javigamer 360 it will probably..they left the rope on its top fin and an fishing rope around its "neck" as they tried to pull it out. It also bleeds a lot and will attract other predators, because it bit out his teeth at the metal railing in panic.
Sean Perri
Sean Perri - 7 years ago
it was bleeding like nuts
Stampycreeper - 7 years ago
Waiting for the shooting star remix....
Kai Prout
Kai Prout - 7 years ago
that made my day
Basic Blonde Bi*ch
Basic Blonde Bi*ch - 7 years ago
Oof- SuperKakins
Oof- SuperKakins - 7 years ago
so fake XD
Papadop Kicks
Papadop Kicks - 7 years ago
My friend said If i get 300 subs by the end of the day he will give me 100 dollars. HMU
Dirtking34 - 7 years ago
Ryan ikr
Ryan - 7 years ago
Papadop Kicks wow. There's now possible way he is making this up just to get subs :)

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