Shark Attack - Bullshark Attacks Spearfisherman

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Shark Attack - Bullshark Attacks Spearfisherman sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3588

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Most popular comments
for Shark Attack - Bullshark Attacks Spearfisherman

Legends LiveForever
Legends LiveForever - 6 years ago
Shark: Hey sir, you dropped your wallet wai-BLARGRHARGHARA
Cuồng Anime CMNR !!!
Cuồng Anime CMNR !!! - 6 years ago
raoh34 - 6 years ago
Big balls!!!
Vaas Montenegro
Vaas Montenegro - 6 years ago
бедная акула лучшеб она съела его
Billigan - 6 years ago
Cool as a cucumber!
Terntravel Holiday
Terntravel Holiday - 6 years ago
Hi Liquid Vision,

I work for a Scottish tv production company and we'd like to use this clip in our new travel series for Channel 4 (UK).

Can I check who owns the copyright for it? My email is

Liquid Vision
Liquid Vision - 6 years ago
Terntravel Holiday please message liquid vision on facebook
john lockett
john lockett - 6 years ago
Typical shark doesn't like its flu shot. LOL
Paul Cardone
Paul Cardone - 6 years ago
Nice shot
Supreme Leader Asher
Supreme Leader Asher - 6 years ago
This is just sad, a poor innocent shark just going by gets shot by a stupid spear fisher because he wanted the trophy... the shark was only going 20 miles an hour straight at him! Unnecessary

10. comment for Shark Attack - Bullshark Attacks Spearfisherman

Kyle M
Kyle M - 6 years ago
That Bull shark is a prime example of when keeping it real goes wrong
General Gigan
General Gigan - 6 years ago
Wtf is with the comments section? What was he supposed to do? Get eaten?
Esrangez ROBLOX
Esrangez ROBLOX - 6 years ago
MONARCHY - - 6 years ago
First Blood!
Dirty China
Dirty China - 6 years ago
That was perfect. No panic , simple defense. Now your on top of the food chain. Great work man.
n s
n s - 6 years ago
he should then have used his hands to end it's life. Or gtfo before more sharks show up
David Crews Ph.D.
David Crews Ph.D. - 6 years ago
Open mouth --- Insert Spear gun.
Aaron London
Aaron London - 6 years ago
That’s what that shark gets for trying to attack him
Hansa - 6 years ago
This video is so satisfying to watch over and over again.
Cheng Yang
Cheng Yang - 6 years ago
When fish are FRIENDS.... NOT food..... Sharks turn to other things for food, like people... LOL. Go Dory. Your lesson has been learnt by many sharks now, it seems.

20. comment for Shark Attack - Bullshark Attacks Spearfisherman

Jose Carlos
Jose Carlos - 6 years ago
Never shot the gun. Very good fear always. How many pounds the shark???
Verchiel Varðmaðr
Verchiel Varðmaðr - 6 years ago
Wellp honey, we're having shark for dinner!
lioneliris Alex
lioneliris Alex - 6 years ago
Poor shark :(
elias sadek
elias sadek - 6 years ago
if that shark were a women i would mary took that gun like a pro
Kevin Griffin
Kevin Griffin - 7 years ago
This dude has the biggest balls of them all
leo reading
leo reading - 7 years ago
Wish i was there
leo reading
leo reading - 7 years ago
Beautifull shark
Joseph Marshall
Joseph Marshall - 7 years ago
Wonder what the last thing going through that sharks head...
Tails and Scales
Tails and Scales - 7 years ago
I don't understand why people are getting triggered at the dude for hurting the shark. I'm a huge fish and shark enthusiast, and even I can agree that in a situation like this, you are justified in defense
james lloyd
james lloyd - 7 years ago
As if bull sharks aint scary enough. Now there's one swimming around with a damn spear gun

30. comment for Shark Attack - Bullshark Attacks Spearfisherman

HashSmash Gaming
HashSmash Gaming - 7 years ago
That bull shark is a beast
DarSha - 7 years ago
Did the Shark survived?
reyhawkproductions - 7 years ago
Shark was like: ,,i am gonna boop this hooman hehehhe"

Not but seriously did the shark survive that? :/
(I understand the reaction of the diver dont worry)
KaijuDino 1235
KaijuDino 1235 - 7 years ago
All the 3K dislikes are probably tree-huggers.
Jezza Clarkson
Jezza Clarkson - 7 years ago
Die asshole
Kraven Pokémon
Kraven Pokémon - 7 years ago
Lol rip shark
Chase Turknett
Chase Turknett - 7 years ago
Damn this got my heart my pumping, can't imagine actually being in that position, everyone's natural instinct would be the same in that situation
Femacamp Bandleader
Femacamp Bandleader - 7 years ago
Damn this is the first defensive use I have seen of a speargun v. shark. Didn't turn out the way he planned it looked like. Fuggin Nice Shot dude!
Jonathan Geee
Jonathan Geee - 7 years ago
Damn this is great footage!! Eat or be eaten.
Fx B
Fx B - 7 years ago
Good shot
Jared L
Jared L - 7 years ago
Anyone feeling sympathy for the Bull Shark and not of the man being attacked by the Bull Shark is not human, but a psycho liberal who would feel bad for a 6 foot 5 inch 250 pound serial killer who was attacking an old woman in the middle of nowhere with nobody around to help her and was shot by her and died. These are the same people that would be criticizing the old woman in such a situation because these people plainly are not human but have digressed to being less than animals themselves.
#TK-Dragon75! - 7 years ago
If it's anything like mako, 50/50.
CR3AT1VE SPECTRUM - 7 years ago
TJC2 Cooper How does bull shark taste exactly.
skipper jim
skipper jim - 7 years ago
He'll yea awesome save kill all them fuckers
Gg Great
Gg Great - 7 years ago
da fuck, you dropped the spear gun bro
MrAbiel1 - 7 years ago
Honestly i hate sharks... the little killer deserved a spear crammed down its mouth..
CR3AT1VE SPECTRUM - 7 years ago
MrAbiel1 I'm not an ocean person, I don't live near, but yeah bull sharks suck. From what I've heard, they are the most aggressive shark on the planet besides the tiger shark.
Uncle Cos
Uncle Cos - 7 years ago
Я так одной телочке стрельнул в глотку
Comcy Xeno
Comcy Xeno - 7 years ago
That was satisfying
iLikeButton 447
iLikeButton 447 - 7 years ago

Tanner Jacobs
Tanner Jacobs - 7 years ago
I would gouge its eye out with my bare hands

50. comment for Shark Attack - Bullshark Attacks Spearfisherman

RHYS Fagan
RHYS Fagan - 7 years ago
you defentiality killed it
ADEBISI ADEBISI - 7 years ago
Weak, shitty, little video.
alex tzortzis
alex tzortzis - 7 years ago
He is the best fisherman
Pangna Thy
Pangna Thy - 7 years ago
Hahahaha take that sharkie
JSA JPA - 7 years ago
Eat that bitch
Emily Brainerd
Emily Brainerd - 7 years ago
Stop spear fishing!!! Its really bad for the ecosystem
shigeolincolntaco - 7 years ago
The fact that you even seen that joker coming is amazing in its self I would never have spotted that guy
Despond - 7 years ago
See how they come from the bottom and they are almost camouflaged to the surface. It probably was circling and planning this for a while. It's scary, any distraction ot lack of attention and that shark gets a full bite, it's a bull shark too so you're going to be in serious trouble.
Rosso The'Crimson
Rosso The'Crimson - 7 years ago
Pause at 0:19 "At this moment the shark realized he fxcked up."
Tim Murphy
Tim Murphy - 7 years ago
Damn. I feel sorry for the shark, but what else could the guy do? It was a kill or lose a body part scenario!
MoousH - 7 years ago
Good timing as soon as it opened mouth
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
Take that you aggressive cunt! Just like the overly aggressive shit cunts that always seem to be at every pub looking for some one to pick a fight with. They too should be speared in the mouth if they attack some one. it would encourage polite behavior. lol
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
That shark was not confused. It was not mistaken identity. The shark was going to try to prey on that man because it thought he would be an easy meal.

Edit: You should have pulled the trigger too, not just jam it in his mouth. Gotta get the spear in there nice and deep.
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
Cunt bull sharks deserve it. The bull shark can and DOES kill people to eat them. People need to stop saying sharks aren't much of a danger and that it's mistaken identity. Not with the bull shark and the tiger shark.
Will Page
Will Page - 7 years ago
He was just investigating.
#TK-Dragon75! - 7 years ago
No, the shark was trying to kill him. Bull Sharks are aggressive predators.
Count Asti
Count Asti - 7 years ago
bragging rights for life
BOSS MAN1984100
BOSS MAN1984100 - 7 years ago
Shark messed with the wrong person
TheLegoBrickery - 7 years ago
Casey Neistat anyone?
Fırat Yılmaz
Fırat Yılmaz - 7 years ago
Abdestin faydaları..
Joe Garfield
Joe Garfield - 7 years ago
Amazing defensive skills.
Sergio Ramos4
Sergio Ramos4 - 7 years ago
he ded
ken catorce
ken catorce - 7 years ago
he was looking on his arm if it was gone.
Joseph Martinez
Joseph Martinez - 7 years ago
hate bull sharks. serves it right. if the diver wasn't armed he'd be dead or deformed.
nonplayerzealot4 - 7 years ago
He should've allowed that shark to attack him in order to conserve nature.
CR3AT1VE SPECTRUM - 7 years ago
#TK-Dragon75! Sharks practically cannabilze their own.
#TK-Dragon75! - 7 years ago
No we really don't! There are so many bull sharks as there is and humans actually are on there menu.
nonplayerzealot4 - 7 years ago
We got plenty of people. We need more bullsharks.
CR3AT1VE SPECTRUM - 7 years ago
nonplayerzealot4 The Hell dude?
Nuh tufanı
Nuh tufanı - 7 years ago
Dung Nguyen
Dung Nguyen - 7 years ago
that danger
Twilights Daughter
Twilights Daughter - 7 years ago
Holy shit dude! When I saw that thing charging the camera I about went through the back of the couch. I would have done the same damned thing. And so would the crybabies in here about the shark getting hurt would have too. It was total and absolute self defense and it had every intention of killing that man. Too bad u couldn't have gotten the shark for food. How ironic would that be lol!
Wafflemaster 449
Wafflemaster 449 - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ that was close
Michael Vlasic
Michael Vlasic - 7 years ago
Reel on your weight belt that's ballzy
glaas cedric
glaas cedric - 7 years ago
anyway those aren't friendly animals. Singapore Marine Zoo got a plenty of it and when I visited it in 2005 one was swallowing his younger bro slightly smaller. funny was the public divided in 2 groups, the ones seeing nothing and the <<oh my God>> group that currently asking themselves if what they were seeing was reality , a distortion of their vision or a personal brain damage. well no, the guy was patiently swallowing his mate, like snakes do. Bullsharks have no education.
juan hernandez
juan hernandez - 7 years ago
goodjob killer
#TK-Dragon75! - 7 years ago
The Bull Shark was gonna kill him, it's self defense.
ajz15 Dawan
ajz15 Dawan - 7 years ago
It's just pure nature!.. period!..
GoGamerz GnO
GoGamerz GnO - 7 years ago
You know I had to do it to em
mark riesgo
mark riesgo - 7 years ago
Wow crazy how fast that shark moved in for the kill!! I would have shit myself if I saw that! Props for staying calm!
Icee Ceja
Icee Ceja - 7 years ago
Fun fact if you kill a shark it releases a chemical that only sharks can smell and it basicly tells them "RUNNN BITCH RUNNNN" and they do indeed run
IUnknown ShadowI
IUnknown ShadowI - 7 years ago
ihds6yg dtghjh
ihds6yg dtghjh - 7 years ago
it was at that moment 0.19 the shark new .... it fucked up
James O'Brien
James O'Brien - 7 years ago
All i thought was ‘HEAD SHOT’ !
White Panther
White Panther - 7 years ago
If he had been looking the other way this thing would have nailed him! certain death
Conor 'pls dont take my belt' McGregor
Conor 'pls dont take my belt' McGregor - 7 years ago
Is this fake or real?
lmtada - 7 years ago
Aggressive shark, coming for a taste. Had a few dog sharks nip on my fins. Good reaction. You are alive. Congrats.
William Acheson
William Acheson - 7 years ago
Like in MW3 when a noob tries to knife you but you use an AA 12 and blast his ass to another dimension
Ethan Tremblay
Ethan Tremblay - 7 years ago
You didn’t have to kill the damn thing! It was clearly triggered; why didn’t you offer it Play Doh, Crayons and a coloring book? You overreacted and failed to offer it a safe place.
JulianPotter SeinArsch
JulianPotter SeinArsch - 7 years ago
Zero fucks given
Mr  Bubbles
Mr Bubbles - 7 years ago
0:17 is was at this moment that he knew

HE FUCKED UP !!!!!!!
Do Bo
Do Bo - 7 years ago
Good. Shark got the surprise of his life after trying to eat something he shouldnt have
nga nguyễn thị
nga nguyễn thị - 7 years ago
ChaoticMonkey Bird_
ChaoticMonkey Bird_ - 7 years ago
That guy is a GENIUS!
Serge Dubois
Serge Dubois - 7 years ago
I would like to have your balls buddy !!!
Luke Stakelbeck
Luke Stakelbeck - 7 years ago
Now that's how you handle a shark attack. Bravo!

100. comment for Shark Attack - Bullshark Attacks Spearfisherman

inkd_cali86 - 7 years ago
Homeboy came at him with the quickness! Fuck that! White people are crazy. I'm brown I'll stay on the land.
NSCA12 - 7 years ago
Cocksucker got what was coming to him. Bull Sharks are dickheads and are more aggressive than any other shark. Diving for more than 30 years I don't bother the sea life unless I feel threatened. Bull Sharks so territorial and such a pain in the ass they go out of their way to fuck with everything so again, fuck that cocksucker. Good riddance, I hope the dinner made steaks out if him or her.
Zephirenth - 7 years ago
Yeah, that was definitely a charge. Just as the diver puts the gun up the shark starts beating its tail like it owes it money.
Luke S
Luke S - 7 years ago
He had only one chance with that. If his spear gun missed the sharks mouth he would have been gone. One very lucky guy.
Garden of Cannabis
Garden of Cannabis - 7 years ago
To make this bitter-sweet for you animal lovers/fish lovers. It was a clean fast kill, the shark was dead in a matter of milliseconds. Good kill.
Leonardo Milani
Leonardo Milani - 7 years ago
Why did he drop all his gear?!
Imma Pleb
Imma Pleb - 7 years ago
Rip shark
MikeDrop - 7 years ago
That was fucking badass. I'd have shit myself.
K9 RULER - 7 years ago
take that sob shark. i hate aggresive sharks
BadSushi1 - 7 years ago
Pure luck he looked the right way.
ziyadmma - 7 years ago
Badass as fuck! That shark got wrecked!
Sali G
Sali G - 7 years ago
Man this Guys is the bigfest badass ive seen. Just speared the f*** out of this shark without any panic. Bruh you're a JEDI !!!
Nathanael Bonner
Nathanael Bonner - 7 years ago
Not much room for error.
Way to keep your wits about you.
Craig RSA
Craig RSA - 7 years ago
Thats insane very good reaction time i probably would have shat myself.
LukeCageforhire - 7 years ago
Are bull sharks good eating?
cats 4 life
cats 4 life - 7 years ago
Jesus could have did it a bit nicer
cosmic wind
cosmic wind - 7 years ago
O-who-yeh-t !!!
r00t hkr
r00t hkr - 7 years ago
Dude, that was one pissed off dog, a pitbull right?
The Right Winged Bastard
The Right Winged Bastard - 7 years ago
damn it might have died, oh well it was asking for it.
Ikeys - 7 years ago
That move when he hit the shark
R n S McKee
R n S McKee - 7 years ago
Shark on a stick!!!
lillithremedy - 7 years ago
Poor shark
DontTread0nMe - 7 years ago
Whoever disliked this video, is an unreasonable, idiot. Millions of years of evolution, made the bull shark a killing machine. This shark shows obvious signs of predation towards this man. This shark was going to kill this man. Grow some brain cells you dumb fucking vegans. I'm a shark biologist that has done more for sharks than you will in your life time. Go fuck yourselves. You would protect yourself in the same situation. No one wants to bleed to death, while having a bull eat you alive.
Sharvet Raymundo
Sharvet Raymundo - 7 years ago
This video is played Backwards...
MrRodpec - 7 years ago
I am degenerative liberal and this is ANIMAL ABUSE
MrRodpec - 7 years ago
ziyadmma And read the whole comment you stupid product of your mom's zoophilic desires
MrRodpec - 7 years ago
ziyadmma As mentally disabled person, or liberal if you like, yes, that's exactly what I'm saying :-D
ziyadmma - 7 years ago
MrRodpec So you're telling us that the guy shouldn't have defended himself and just be eaten alive by that pissed off shark? Go fuck yourself you dumb motherfucker
sticky peters
sticky peters - 7 years ago
He done the right thing but I hope the shark survived.
#TK-Dragon75! - 7 years ago
If it did survive, it would be suffering.
The Face Lacker
The Face Lacker - 7 years ago
Efendinim Lan
Efendinim Lan - 7 years ago
Nice nice you are the winner man
Disinf3ctant - 7 years ago
:( When they're alive I'm like "FUCK THAT SHARK"
But seeing him dead was really sad.
Fuzzy - 7 years ago
score one for people
Lukas de Kock
Lukas de Kock - 7 years ago
Its a baby shark.
#TK-Dragon75! - 7 years ago
No, those were fish that share a symbiotic relationship with sharks.
Mike Chin
Mike Chin - 7 years ago
Damn dude you are the f-ing man!!!
Davi Aryeh
Davi Aryeh - 7 years ago
Regardless of intent, he turned out to be reckless.
xristos vasiliou
xristos vasiliou - 7 years ago
You are lucky you had the chance to see him! Very agresive shark,never seen something like that again! Did you had dead fish with you??
Daniel Caro Soto
Daniel Caro Soto - 7 years ago
Impresionante video si no es por la lanza y a la.velocidad que venia te comen vivo
arixx black
arixx black - 7 years ago
Good feeling good job
Jake the dog
Jake the dog - 7 years ago
How come its scary to be in somewhere, but when your fighting the danger it's not so scary anymore?
311CoolGuy - 7 years ago
It looked like an accident? In the sense that he was using the spear to keep him away but wen the shark started shaking to bite the guy accidently pulled the trigger
ruben g
ruben g - 7 years ago
Fuck Bull sharks
Mike Millz
Mike Millz - 7 years ago
Shark thought he could sneak this dude. Gave him the old Sparta thrust! Guy has the underwater equivalent of an eagle eye.
Vibez Gaming
Vibez Gaming - 7 years ago
get rekt shark
Mickaël Tea
Mickaël Tea - 7 years ago
Die or live people ! Don’t be stupid it’s you or the shark. If your kids are attack by a tiger ok let them die don’t hurt the tiger.
Michael Caplin
Michael Caplin - 7 years ago
I think we all should take some time to appreciate the cleaner fish and their amazing efforts to stay attached to the asshole shark the whole time. Well done!
Yellyman Gonzales
Yellyman Gonzales - 7 years ago
The spearfisherman did the right thing.
Roger - Dark Gent
Roger - Dark Gent - 7 years ago
Mr Wolf
Fran Kelley
Fran Kelley - 7 years ago
Shark charges...*PWND*
Glenn Miller
Glenn Miller - 7 years ago
This is the reason why most divers consider bull sharks to be the most dangerous of all sharks.
ratatouille tintin
ratatouille tintin - 7 years ago
il avait fait le plus dure pourquoi il à pas finit le requin !!!
Nathan Teixeira
Nathan Teixeira - 7 years ago
Você que tá atacando ele, idiota.
Você tá no mar, é o ambiente em que ele vive, para de atacar as criaturas que Deus fez com tanto carinho para que vivesse conosco aqui na terra, vá procurar o que fazer, e deixe os animais em paz.
Chris Cruise
Chris Cruise - 7 years ago
Holy testicle tuesday
Jamie T
Jamie T - 7 years ago
I don't think its was a bull shark. Snout was too pointy..
Janus J
Janus J - 7 years ago
Wow. Good reaction..
JASMIN JONSON - 7 years ago
I think its edit?
jean paul fox
jean paul fox - 7 years ago
Did you just recently spear baracuda? Curious why that shark went nuts towards you ? That literally never happens to me unless I have speared Cuda or speared amber jack or yellow jack
Apollogamer - 7 years ago
That bull didnt come close out of curiosity to check on him, that was clear charge directly towards pray that he wanted to take bite off.
Hasan Celik
Hasan Celik - 7 years ago
u fucking pice of shit, killing those animals for your own fun ! fuck u all
Reginaldo Santos
Reginaldo Santos - 7 years ago
Creeeedooooo viiixe colega que doideira,esse foi o melhor vídeo q já vi até hoje......
E depois que aconteceu?
Alec Gross
Alec Gross - 7 years ago
I mean, obviously yeah, the dude did the right thing – he had to defend himself. But... I still feel bad for the shark, lol.
Jay ar
Jay ar - 7 years ago
Him or the shark you pick
Mohamed el guelai
Mohamed el guelai - 7 years ago
Western people be like... oooh that's sad, poor shark, you should have pushed it away or let it bit you and go. Lol
chan santos
chan santos - 7 years ago
Human pig
Robert Staerker
Robert Staerker - 7 years ago
Damn lucky you spotted his ass before he tore you a new one.
LV - 426
LV - 426 - 7 years ago
i don't see how people would dislike this video when this is what has the highest chance of surviving by using the speargun
Vladimir R
Vladimir R - 7 years ago
As you can see the anti shark costume does not work
katamari4life - 7 years ago
fuck ya fuck that shark
True Stories
True Stories - 7 years ago
Safet Hamzagic
Safet Hamzagic - 7 years ago
He smells like fish thats why he hot attacked
Basilio - 7 years ago
Self defense. Justified. Quick reaction saved him. He didn't realize in fact was was happening
Chris Nenshati
Chris Nenshati - 7 years ago
fucking scumbag hope a shark eats you alive dip shit
Harry Pilgrim is deadpool
Harry Pilgrim is deadpool - 7 years ago
Killing a shark with a spear lol
Harry Pilgrim is deadpool
Harry Pilgrim is deadpool - 7 years ago
This was awesome dude
Johnny Sawyer
Johnny Sawyer - 7 years ago
Dang, that Bull Shark had some intent! See it thrust and pick up speed? Definitely in attack mode. Got a belly full of spear gun. Nothing else that dude could have done..
PCL Outdoors & Bushcraft
PCL Outdoors & Bushcraft - 7 years ago
Wow man your lucky to have swam away from that one. Spear fishing seems a little risky.
XcellJY - 7 years ago
nigga HE DEAD.
FUCKtheJEWS - 7 years ago
‿︵‿︵‿︵‿ヽ(°□° )ノ︵‿︵‿︵‿  HELPME
Makc - 7 years ago
Crazy fast .... You are lucky that you See it coming
PandaSquad48 27
PandaSquad48 27 - 7 years ago
BLOOD ATTRACTS MORE SHARKS!!! u need to attack it eye or attack its gills
ArmArmy88 - 7 years ago
Bullsharks are jerks!  Good shot
BastianAndTheBear - 7 years ago
What was he fishing for in the first place??? Poor shark and poor guy! I bet that scared the crap out of him!!
Tactical_ Tarkus
Tactical_ Tarkus - 7 years ago
get rekt, that shark needed to minimax
Lily Raimey
Lily Raimey - 7 years ago
The sheer SPEED and POWER of that creature is amazing! It wasn't even visible until it was just a few feet away... Nature - you're scary.
Lily Raimey
Lily Raimey - 7 years ago
These comments, though.
Music The Beast
Music The Beast - 7 years ago
Gravital Being
Gravital Being - 7 years ago
Meh I don't like spearfishing anyways.
Nổi Tiếng Nhờ Anti Fan
Nổi Tiếng Nhờ Anti Fan - 7 years ago
Holy fuck
Sinnias - 7 years ago
did you get your spear back i think you won the fight so yeah
Francis Molina
Francis Molina - 7 years ago
Survival of the fittest!
the one
the one - 7 years ago
Its never a boat near
Minh Hoang
Minh Hoang - 7 years ago
Thanh Nguyen
Thanh Nguyen - 7 years ago
Đù men
SetGround1 - 7 years ago
that was fucking awesom
Davix Yt
Davix Yt - 7 years ago
Al Grande
Al Grande - 7 years ago
he just wanted a hug
La Quête du Fun
La Quête du Fun - 7 years ago
darwin awards for the shark. I don't know what got into that poor fellow. Great reflexes and cold blood from you diver ! I'm happy for you you could manage to win that fight. that was intense.
icimblind - 7 years ago
Good Shot, that was a full out attack. Thank God you hit your mark. If you missed things could have been different. You didn't get bit, and you didn't die. That's a good day! Do you have any theories on what triggered the attack? I've never seen that in any videos.
Tony Montana
Tony Montana - 7 years ago
You should've finnished the job
Wood Stalon
Wood Stalon - 7 years ago
you SUCK! you kill shark for fun!
Hasan jaki
Hasan jaki - 7 years ago
Woah... This is awesome
Michael Cuellar
Michael Cuellar - 7 years ago
good shit!
Aaron Liggins
Aaron Liggins - 7 years ago
That was close well done you proved we are top of the food chain.......
King Of Freljord
King Of Freljord - 7 years ago
who attacks who?
boom channel
boom channel - 7 years ago
Am i The only one how feels bad for the. Shark
el Papacito
el Papacito - 6 years ago
boom channel yes because you re a pussy
turdmanjones - 7 years ago
boom channel yep
humblelongboards - 7 years ago
Damn...If that dude hadn't turned his head to see that in time. Shows you how aggressive Bull sharks can be. Didn't check the guy out or nothing...just came straight up for the kill.
Inao Masaki
Inao Masaki - 7 years ago
some stupid question here but did the shark died?
humblelongboards - 7 years ago
That wasn't no baby honey!
Inao Masaki
Inao Masaki - 7 years ago
and if you look closely at the bull shark,is that baby bull shark ??
Spaceman Spiff
Spaceman Spiff - 7 years ago
Judging by the quality of his equipment I'd say that "Spearfisherman" is likely not his occupation, rather, a hobby. An intentionally misleading title that did not necessarily depart from the truth
Amy Aldrich
Amy Aldrich - 7 years ago
This what happened to me, in 1988 at Kurnell, south of Sydney, but it was a 12ft Great White, I had to swim into a small cave, and it tried for 15 seconds to get me, but it was too big, so the girl who swims with Great Whites, will be eaten one day.
holly wood
holly wood - 7 years ago
Nicee!!! She was gonna bite the shit outcha too lol
Jiri Volejnik
Jiri Volejnik - 7 years ago
"Picking his brain" about why he attacked you, are ya?
nathan cotter
nathan cotter - 7 years ago
contrerados - 7 years ago

Darren Morgan
Darren Morgan - 7 years ago
Should have carried on ramming it down his throat would have killed him and then be a hero to kill a shark in water. You be called SHARK DUNDEE
きょうスカイ - 7 years ago
Neon Green
Neon Green - 7 years ago
holy shit that would be one badass story I would tell for the rest of my life.
MproductionB - 7 years ago
bigii biggi
bigii biggi - 7 years ago
Nice shot
boris aranchuk
boris aranchuk - 7 years ago
Such a professional video like on Geographic channel on TV !
blinknudead lamine
blinknudead lamine - 7 years ago
he fucking dominate a shark
Substandard Gamer Kiba
Substandard Gamer Kiba - 7 years ago
Shark with no self perserving skills.
Nathan Taylor
Nathan Taylor - 7 years ago
Good for you man. Sharks are a-holes.
DJ MK - 7 years ago
Nathan IrizarryYour mistaken as it's the Tiger shark that eats everything. Bull sharks have special kidneys to change from saltwater to fresh water
GeeJay - 7 years ago
I never said you shouldn't defend himself if you're getting attacked by one. If one is attacking you, by all means get the heck outta there. Besides, it was a joke. You shouldn't be mindlessly taking everything so seriously, swearing at anyone who makes a joke that you took too seriously. Either that, or your desperately looking for someone in the comment sections of youtube videos to correct and make yourself feel smart for once.
Nathan Irizarry
Nathan Irizarry - 7 years ago
GeeJay it’s a bullshark dumbass they eat anything from cannon balls to barrels trust me you wouldn’t just stay there looking at the shark thinking “oh it’s gonna kill me but i’m not doing shit cause it’s the moral thing to do”
GeeJay - 7 years ago
Not really. If someone went in my backyard carrying a speargun, I'd attack them too.
v_espertine - 7 years ago
No they're not.
Powder Hungry
Powder Hungry - 7 years ago
oh well, dumb shark shouldn't have thought you were a meal
roostahcogburn - 7 years ago
Geez your patient! I wouldn't bother trying to justify to people trying to stay alive. Man, you were so lucky you were looking the right way as he was coming up. I've been chased out of the water by bullies on Swains. But, not like that.
Alexis Mondragon
Alexis Mondragon - 7 years ago
I feel bad for the bullshark :( but at the same time I'm glad the person is alive
Sl33PY3Y3Z97 - 7 years ago
This guy has got some good reflexes and balls of steel!! HOLY SHIT, I gotta say good job, he did what he had to do to save himself from a serious shark attack, that shark was charging right for him. You people criticizing him for killing the shark are dead wrong. props to him.
hello - 7 years ago
bullshark: its just a prank bro!!!
Ayhan Koç
Ayhan Koç - 7 years ago
0:17 that acceleration tho!
Jose Garcia
Jose Garcia - 7 years ago
I'm sorry but I rather buy some fish from the fish market than play risk my life for some dumb ass spear fishing
Fremen Warrior
Fremen Warrior - 7 years ago
That's one lucky diver!
RAIDERxNATIONx818 - 7 years ago
The shark looked like it had babies with it, I'm not a shark expert but I would assume "SHE" saw you as a threat and was definitely in attack mode. Like the old saying goes "kill or be killed"
MrGodzilla445 - 7 years ago
Those weren’t babies, those were symbiotic fish. Bull sharks, and most sharks in general, do not protect their young after their birth. They have to fend for themselves immediately. This shark was not protecting anything. It was just craving some man-flesh.
Fow_FurtiF - 7 years ago
Poor shark...
Ikarosz The Horrorist
Ikarosz The Horrorist - 7 years ago
Hah, i want to try this.
Sparks The Eevee
Sparks The Eevee - 7 years ago
0:17 Bull: what is that???
frankii dunlop
frankii dunlop - 7 years ago
NOGAMI PO EBALU - 7 years ago
When hunter(sharky) becomes a victim.
Running Boots
Running Boots - 7 years ago
poor shark
dhc3000 - 7 years ago
omg so nice shot from the guy,he could have died
Ryan S.
Ryan S. - 7 years ago
Eat that... Bitch.... Hands down the craziest shark attack video on the Tube.
KelpNougatCrunch - 7 years ago
Wet Lightskin deepthroat part 1
jaclyn blumenthal
jaclyn blumenthal - 7 years ago
Awsome reflex!
BrDamaVales - 7 years ago
Rip shark
PAIX et VERITE - 7 years ago
woooooooooooooooooooooo why the shard attacked ???
nour el islam Lounis
nour el islam Lounis - 7 years ago
wot if he didn't noticed the shark ?
ziyadmma - 7 years ago
nour el islam Lounis that pissed off bull shark mfer would've tore him apart... Glad he spotted his sss
Jade van Angeren
Jade van Angeren - 7 years ago
Part of me is like "wow that was super extreme, like did you have to do that, is the shark okay? I feel so bad" but then there's the bigger part of me that's like "if that was me, I would have done the exact same thing to stay alive and not become shark bait." I totally get the whole "well he was invading the sharks territory" but like dude, what was he meant to do? Just float and become food?
priestof1 - 7 years ago
I can't blame you, I hate that it happened bit at that point it's survival. I do wonder why you left the spear gun in the animal. I would have never let go just tear it out and get out
nour el islam Lounis
nour el islam Lounis - 7 years ago
exelent reflex dude if that happens to me idk what can happen
Cody - 7 years ago
What a beast
Raptor 501st
Raptor 501st - 7 years ago
firestorm5432 - 7 years ago
Fuck he was charging at him out of nowhere good thing he was watching, reminds me of that sly 3 dimitri level that scared the shit out of me
Bruce B
Bruce B - 7 years ago
Good thing he saw it coming. Otherwise he'd be dead.
99CCFF 756e6b6e6f776e65786961 647072746c646b
99CCFF 756e6b6e6f776e65786961 647072746c646b - 7 years ago
feeh so
feeh so - 7 years ago
I just LOVE this video , can´t stop watching it over and over again ! ! !
G Bergeron
G Bergeron - 7 years ago
this guy has bad camera holding he sucks
KnifeCatcher - 7 years ago
That thing ate shit.
Ace Levin
Ace Levin - 7 years ago
that's one ay to catch a fish
Petar Nikolov
Petar Nikolov - 7 years ago
yess very nice
DontTread0nMe - 7 years ago
I'm a shark biologist. You did the right thing. He was going to bite you fro sure. Dont let anyone make you feel bad about it. It was bad ass bro.
Liquid Vision
Liquid Vision - 7 years ago
Menum Lor
Menum Lor - 7 years ago
Extremely lucky to be alive.
Fitzy Holden
Fitzy Holden - 7 years ago
Bet he wasn't expecting the random tonsils checkup.
ZecharusTV - 7 years ago
Even though it was the definitely the right reaction to defend oneself no doubt, I feel bad for that shark. Of course it's a natural predator and it wanted to KILL the fisherman, but how it whimpsed around after the lunge reminds me how dangerous and simultaneously vulnerable men can be.
kalabor106 - 7 years ago
Nice reaction time. I might of froze in fear seeing that teeth machine coming at me.
George - 7 years ago
She was a mother. You can see her kids :( Bad move for her but i'm glad you are alive and she is dead.
George - 7 years ago
Thanks but you don't need to apologise. You defend your self & this is clear. It was a bad day for both.
Those 4 seconds was all about to defend your self. If you had not spot the shark in these 2 seconds for any reason then you will be dead or critically injured in the best case
. And that is very scary.
So glad you be alive with 2 hands and 2 legs.
Take care :)
Liquid Vision
Daniel McGlasson
Daniel McGlasson - 7 years ago
should have kept the shark
goshaman 2202
goshaman 2202 - 7 years ago
Anyone else felt pretty bad for the shark? Lol
Romeo Re
Romeo Re - 7 years ago
Fuck you vegans
Johnny Massacre
Johnny Massacre - 7 years ago
You see how quickly that thing gets to him. If a shark wants a piece of you there ain't SHIT you can do!
R0gue0ne - 7 years ago
I dunno. I reckon that arsehole bully was D.E.D. I prolly would have gone for my kit and eaten that arsehole. But that's just me. No hate dude - you saved your own life. respect.
ed - 7 years ago
โชคดี ที่ระวังตัวอยู่
Gambo Dangus
Gambo Dangus - 7 years ago
that shark was after it, he was gonna have some meat!
jean muresu
jean muresu - 7 years ago
fucking fisherman son of bitch!
Alex Camarena
Alex Camarena - 7 years ago
The shark was like "hey man! hey man! I got you some fish bro...ahahahahshdhhdsvshaikwwk"
joseph guidry
joseph guidry - 7 years ago
No doubt that shark was on it's way to attack! It seemed to have appeared out of nowhere!!
Bit Duck
Bit Duck - 7 years ago
Fucking get rekt mate
Cheyevo Cheyevo
Cheyevo Cheyevo - 7 years ago
0:18 You can see the spear coming out from the sharks head BEFORE the diver pulls the trigger!!!Actually as i can see now, the diver never pulled that trigger!!
#TK-Dragon75! - 7 years ago
Yeah, maybe he just stabbed it?
Liquid Vision
Johnny Massacre
Johnny Massacre - 7 years ago
What an amazing video. It's like in The Hobbit where the weight or power of the animal is levereged against it (Shelob). It impaled itself. It's not like the guy was going hunting for sharks. It was man Vs shark and he did what he had to do. Look at that fucking beast!
Johnny Massacre
Johnny Massacre - 7 years ago
Tijan - 7 years ago
Got eem
Rae Bradshaw
Rae Bradshaw - 7 years ago
Shark was biting the weapon not him, so this is just bullshit - sharks are becoming an endangered species this is part of the reason why.
Lxrd Oni
Lxrd Oni - 7 years ago
He's a badass
Fabio Pistori
Fabio Pistori - 7 years ago
stronzo, ma ammazzati ...
Jordan - 7 years ago
Absolutely rekt! Did you just shoot it point blank after it swallowed the gun? Badass as fuck!
Jake the dog
Jake the dog - 7 years ago
3k sharks disliked this video
Tom tonka
Tom tonka - 7 years ago
OMG! What a horrible thing to do to that poor creature. It was probably just curious and didn't actually intend you any harm. Some people just aren't happy unless they're killing another being.Smh.
#TK-Dragon75! - 7 years ago
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
Tom tonka are you stupid? That was NOT curiosity!! That was an attack with only one goal. To prey on a fisherman because the damn animal thought he'd be an easy meal. If this ever happens to you and you have a bull shark coming at you like that by all means, give the shark a hug and a kiss and let us know how that works out if you get out of the water alive. Twit.
Joshua Evans
Joshua Evans - 7 years ago
Tom tonka you definitely aren't that fucking stupid
Request An uber
Request An uber - 7 years ago
You dumbass, a sharks behavior like that is abnormal... he was charging like a bull in a china shop.. no doubt the shark was gonna bite him... put yourself in his shoes and let's see if your quick decision would be
Ryan Sakai
Ryan Sakai - 7 years ago
Shut the fuck up autist if i charged at you with my dick out while you were bending over , Would you react?
Rahim - 7 years ago
Tom tonka I’m gonna think ur being sarcastic
Isaiah Mendiola
Isaiah Mendiola - 7 years ago
What if it was you in that situation you okay with bleeding out your epitath would say shark activist killed by A fucking bull shark
Spooky Noodle
Spooky Noodle - 7 years ago
Tom tonka you're too dumb to be alive m8
Liquid Vision
SORE LOSER LIBERAL - 7 years ago
Holy shit. I absolutely hate when humans hurt shark's, but this bull shark asked for it!!
James Madison
James Madison - 7 years ago
that spear poked its brain lol.
ShittyFuckingChanel C
ShittyFuckingChanel C - 7 years ago
Knoar - 7 years ago
was that a brain shot? did it die?
Sunshine Sunny
Sunshine Sunny - 7 years ago
Kayleb Moore
Kayleb Moore - 7 years ago
That shark ate the gun then got shot
Kayleb Moore
Kayleb Moore - 7 years ago
Liquid Vision -oh fash0 lol
Liquid Vision
Liquid Vision - 7 years ago
my bad, meant for another comment.
Kayleb Moore
Kayleb Moore - 7 years ago
Liquid Vision -what's the link for I've seen that video
Liquid Vision
Sekko Tokko
Sekko Tokko - 7 years ago
So satisfying to hear the "bumb"-sound and when the blood comes out!
-No I'm not sick, just happy the guy has survived and has given the shark it's last lesson! ;-)
Kerry Dangerfield
Kerry Dangerfield - 7 years ago
Lucky baaahstard
Tom Neu
Tom Neu - 7 years ago
Fuck sharks. Everytime they're on the menu.. i order it.
Lewis 95
Lewis 95 - 7 years ago
Nice shoot!
Mechanical Eng
Mechanical Eng - 7 years ago
Gordon Ramsay say's "The spear is fucking frozen" !!!!!
marttigood - 7 years ago
Wjebał się na terytorium dzikiego zwierza i niechybnie go utłukł. Szkoda że ludzie prezentują tak niski poziom. Ziemia tym bardzie woda nie jest tylko zarezerwowana dla nas.
전재원 - 7 years ago
That's a pity !
CaptainNavarro1104 - 7 years ago
I like how it spirals down to its death lol.
Aron van Milaan
Aron van Milaan - 7 years ago
Anass Ouled Lhaj Amar
Anass Ouled Lhaj Amar - 7 years ago
But The Shark only wanted A closer look of The mans big balls
Anass Ouled Lhaj Amar
Anass Ouled Lhaj Amar - 7 years ago
People say that there are Many hate comments in this video but i see litteraly no hate comments
CarburetorCulture - 7 years ago
Holy fucking shit man.. that was insane hahaha
british people yellow teeth
british people yellow teeth - 7 years ago
how did you managed not to sink with those balls of steel?
bill nipp
bill nipp - 7 years ago
he was just coming up to say hi.....
lAfterShockzl - 7 years ago
Maybe instead of going in the water where they live to fish you stay out of it and fish. You dont see sharks coming up on land where we live to hunt for food so why should you be able to go where they live to fish for fun. I wish you get eaten to death by a shark pussy.
Liquid Vision
MOMO Films
MOMO Films - 7 years ago
lAfterShockzl "You don't see sharks coming up on land" LOLL
Truth Warrior
Truth Warrior - 7 years ago
I hope he towed it in and boiled the jaws out of the head
GUMMYBEAYUH - 7 years ago
Bullsharks are straight up jerks.
TheVoiceOfTruth - 7 years ago
ANYONE would do the same in the same situation
Topke - 7 years ago
When shark attacks just fart (a big one)
Money Mac
Money Mac - 7 years ago
Shark brained itself...karma.
DrexxHD - 7 years ago
First, if the rope is attache to your body and u cant cut it, your down with the shark, and you'd better quickly get help from the boats
etrac_diggin - 7 years ago
So much for peacefully diving with sharks. Hahaha
Andrew Demarest
Andrew Demarest - 7 years ago
Smith Sidebar
Smith Sidebar - 7 years ago
I'm saddened that this shark was harmed..........and that you let it go, injured.

Because....You should've totally fought it back to the boat, reeled it in and EATEN IT. I would've loved to have mounted it on the wall! SHARK SOUP IS TASTY!!

Good on you for getting him before he got you. Karma will get the serious trolls who are really worried about "the poor defenseless shark". What kind of human being is upset that this man hurt a dumb shark when he could've been killed? Just disgusting. What if this gentleman has a wife and children? You all should go snorkeling in shark infested waters, I bet you don't have half the balls these guy does.

Keep those spears sharp, great video!!!
VeritasEIREAequitas - 7 years ago
Shark was coming for that ass!
Prestone - 7 years ago
Hey sharky, how'd that spear taste you fker? haha
shelly Johnson
shelly Johnson - 7 years ago
Omg! I always worried about the bulls lobstering in the keys.
TCOCharlesDexterWard - 7 years ago
I felt sorry for the fish but it was a matter of life or death
Anthony Barooni
Anthony Barooni - 7 years ago
L V - 7 years ago
why did he let him go would have been great dinner
Cos7a - 7 years ago
out of nothing ... fast like thunder ..
1Rod1ReelFishing - 7 years ago
Tyler D.
Tyler D. - 7 years ago
when u fuck with the wrong nigga
Dookie Dooker
Dookie Dooker - 7 years ago
What a fuckin man yo
Anjin L.
Anjin L. - 7 years ago
Swiftplayer 100
Swiftplayer 100 - 7 years ago
that aim tho. lol (fatality)
AnbuFG2 - 7 years ago
He finally unlocked Gold Camo.
MrNemo65 - 7 years ago
This is not a bull shark
wingzerox100 - 7 years ago
Awesome fatality! I bet he will never get in the water again because of Ptsd
Jer Johansen
Jer Johansen - 7 years ago
For one he's lucky to catch the sight of the shark coming with the visibility, also that shark with the obviously the speed and aggression, that attack was not exploratory, so in that few seconds he reacted is the way anyone should have responded. He also needed to get out of there quickly due to the blood and vibrations the shark was giving off. I love sharks and all creatures of the sea, sharks being my favorite animal but I rather see a dead shark over his parents or his children suffering his loss. I don't like whaling and senseless killing of animals but human life comes first.
Samuel - 7 years ago
Guy R-M
Guy R-M - 7 years ago
Spearfishing, nothin more than lil boys playing cow boy with a rifle.
HakJowl - 7 years ago
Nice fucking shot bro!
Henry Carnill
Henry Carnill - 7 years ago
it won't do that again
Sarah Ball
Sarah Ball - 7 years ago
Henry Carnill No cos it's dead
Charalampos MS
Charalampos MS - 7 years ago
Epic nice dude
Kekoa Kawakami
Kekoa Kawakami - 7 years ago
Jesus...... shit isn't good for my blood pressure
RikkiTikkiTavi - 7 years ago
Clearly, Mr. Shark never read"Most Dangerous Game"
RikkiTikkiTavi - 7 years ago
And THAT Mr. Shark, is why you wait and see if something is actually prey before you go and attack it.
144random - 7 years ago
what the fuck the shark kebabed itself
Goztepe2002 - 7 years ago
I' never seen more badassery take place in 30 seconds.
Guy T
Guy T - 7 years ago
I actually ended up feeling bad for the bull shark.
This is stupid of me, considering the spear fisherman had to defend himself at all costs..
sgtSNIPESHOWsgt - 7 years ago
haha Bull Shark instantly regretted attacking this dude. Way to set the tone out there in the ocean.
minityper - 7 years ago
Prolly had a fish on his belt?
Renier Castañeda
Renier Castañeda - 7 years ago
Shit...... thats karma
Amy Mendez
Amy Mendez - 7 years ago
Kill or be killed. Stop putting yourself into a situation you were most likely no where near being into. He killed the shark the save his fucking life. YouTube is filled with a bunch of bitches who are Hippocrates. Stop being mad cuz you know you wouldn't have had the balls this guy had to kill a fucking shark.
First Last
First Last - 7 years ago
For all the people claiming this is animal cruelty, what the hell would you have done in this situation? Killing one shark for self defense doesn't do any harm to the ecosystem. Whatever!
Vinson Smith
Vinson Smith - 7 years ago
Did you get your spear back mate ? I would have been swimming after that fucker! He was just a baby but I am not saying he wouldnt have taken a nice hunk out of ya. GO GET YOUR SPEAR !!!
Steve Forbes
Steve Forbes - 7 years ago
Poor shark :(
93BlazinFire - 7 years ago
I wonder if shark goes well with eggs...
Maria Flor
Maria Flor - 7 years ago
Vai na casa dos bichinhos e ainda mata. FILHO DA PUTA. Queria ver ele sendo mastigado pelo tuba.
Jose Ramirez
Jose Ramirez - 7 years ago
mother shark
MaggioRacinginc - 7 years ago
Wonder if the baby survived and grew up to get revenge
lossantos11 - 7 years ago
fuck you shark
kane666 - 7 years ago
hey fella i think u drop your wallejdjfbajbajabajajabdjjajahhahag
Teemo - 7 years ago
fucking murder unfortunatelly the diver did not die
Zadnja Sadaka
Zadnja Sadaka - 7 years ago
heell yeahh
ryan brown
ryan brown - 7 years ago
dumb fucker go kys
boy girl and a dad
boy girl and a dad - 7 years ago
I'm so thankful the Great Lakes are salt and shark free.
Milan Dijkstra
Milan Dijkstra - 7 years ago
Stop it fisherman
David Smith
David Smith - 7 years ago
Get rekt m8
Artty 1975
Artty 1975 - 7 years ago
You just killed a Bull Shark bro. You da man! Tell that story to the ladies.
D D - 7 years ago
U should go wit more ppl however great awareness
Oscar Molina
Oscar Molina - 7 years ago
Damn dude.
Jeffrey Ramsower
Jeffrey Ramsower - 7 years ago
Niiice, goes down for snapper...Comes up with bullshark. Close call, glad it didnt end the other way...
BoilerUp3030 - 7 years ago
Love it!! Mess with the bull, you get the horns! (No pun intended)
Gabriel Mascitti
Gabriel Mascitti - 7 years ago
I'm curious, why exactly did you look under your feets? exactly where the shark came from, did you just get lucky as fuck or you knew he was there?
Kieran Gerard
Kieran Gerard - 7 years ago
So much for camouflage wet suit, that shark wanted him bad!
Digitalbumpin - 7 years ago
Unbelievable that people have a problem with him killing a damn shark. Fuck off you libtard idiots. Survival of the fittest. When the next war comes, it is weak people like you that will die first. Once you get hungry you will rip a squirrel apart with your bare hands with glee for food. So shut up and go away.
The mighty Trump
The mighty Trump - 7 years ago
yo that's the only legit shark attack ive seen for real. that thing was on a mission and tried to sneak up on you ready to kill. you handled that like a fucking badass bro. major props. I woulda shit my pants no doubt.
Dick Sherman
Dick Sherman - 7 years ago
The mighty Trump look up “Florida keys shark attack 2017” spearfishernan gets a chunk bitten out of his leg by an aggressive reef shark.
Liquid Vision
Madcr0ws - 7 years ago
fuck yeah nice retaliation skills

got that fucker good

next time bring an underwater chainsaw with you
Jedi -master Nender
Jedi -master Nender - 7 years ago
Why would you dislike? 'Cause he hurt the shark? Gimme a break
Deeson Jame
Deeson Jame - 7 years ago
Reckon that shark was eaten by a bigger shark, and now your speargun is inside that bigger shark.
Michael Streets
Michael Streets - 7 years ago
Wow... Had he not been looking around this would have ended very differently
elkie - 7 years ago
nice hit
ThaGVPSon - 7 years ago
sharks are like dogs, usually they're curious and just wanna see what
this new creature is doing in their watery yard. but these sharks are
like michael vick pitbulls who tend to attack out of nowhere. too bad
the shark had to lose its life, but you had no choice. those reflexes
and accuracy could win any MLG call of duty tournament or kill osama bin
laden a second time
muffin - 7 years ago
Don't worry, the other Sharks are probably jumping with joy that this Bullshark is dead, now they have a free meal, lol
Far Queue
Far Queue - 7 years ago
misunderstood shark
misunderstood shark - 7 years ago
sorry that's my brother hes kinda fiesty
You have a great video i watched every min of it.I'll be back to see more . Thanks for sharing with the world.If you have a chance check my channel out.If you like hit subscribe.Let me know you did and ill say WHAT UP?! HOLLA AT YA BOY!!!!! Keep up the good work! Take Care God Bless!
maciverandy1 - 7 years ago
that is some creepy shit!
Scarlet Begonias
Scarlet Begonias - 7 years ago
Good job fending that thing off.
MRCharlesNCharge - 7 years ago
Good kill! Great instincts
Auttie B
Auttie B - 7 years ago
well played
Ancalagon Ullr
Ancalagon Ullr - 7 years ago
So it did die right?
Abbygale420 Guin
Abbygale420 Guin - 7 years ago
Lol. The sharks face the second it feels the spear looks like " shit. I fucked up"
J. Michael
J. Michael - 7 years ago
Jasper Lano
Jasper Lano - 7 years ago
I love how you killed it infront of its children
Crystal Graves
Crystal Graves - 7 years ago
whoa so crazy! he was really going in for the kill! glad you are safe
MihalisM Kickyourass
MihalisM Kickyourass - 7 years ago
Fuck no!
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 7 years ago
Fucking piece of shit. If you go in the ocean don't use a weapon like a fucking faggot.
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 7 years ago
+Liquid Vision
Dude, I've seen that video after watching this one. Shark population is on the decline to the critical point and now this one. I get that you didn't do it purposely, just be careful of not attracting sharks towards yourself. Sorry for saying mean shit, I was just furious after seeing this. Sorry for that!
Liquid Vision
carforumwanker - 7 years ago
straight in the gob !
Clockworks - 7 years ago
Lucky you spotted it when you did at 0:14 - 0:15, i didn't even see at first until it started charging you. If you had been looking in another direction for even a second longer that could've been real bad.
Clockworks - 7 years ago
Watched that already before posting. ^_^
Liquid Vision
xzz - 7 years ago
fuck him
Eric Cartman
Eric Cartman - 7 years ago
if you call this animal abuse WTF? what would you do, die or kill a shark and survive? holy fuck
RedRagedRooster - 7 years ago
Fuckers, sharks have been around longer than trees.
They are unchanged for over 150 million years. It is the ultimate killing machine.
Fuck that shark, he tried and failed, nature did its thing.
SPIRIT DOT - 7 years ago
RedRagedRooster the ultimate killing machine is man you jackass!
welkin - 7 years ago
quite possibly the coolest fucking video on the internet
Harry Stallone
Harry Stallone - 7 years ago
god fucking damn!
Teru Mikami
Teru Mikami - 7 years ago
hahah dumb shark.
Truthseeker1 - 7 years ago
Bull shark bit off more than it could chew, literally.
Guido Antonelli
Guido Antonelli - 7 years ago
You're so cruel! poor shark! what did you do into the water? you're hunting, but the sea is not a humans territory, you fuckin killer! I hope somebody make the same thing to you!
Nabeel Khalid
Nabeel Khalid - 7 years ago
He had no other choice for saving his life.he didnt wanted to live with one leg rest of his life.nice shot though
KvadratHuvud - 7 years ago
How can you be scared of a dolphin??
emozgay srnm
emozgay srnm - 7 years ago
More like human attack lol
unknown2day2 - 7 years ago
He was probbably just going to say hi! Oh well he's lunch now!
You Are The Creator
You Are The Creator - 7 years ago
this guy is an asshole dressed like a fishing lure, douche video
Umar al-Abdul Khaliq
Umar al-Abdul Khaliq - 7 years ago
Hopefully you got his fin.
J.G Productions
J.G Productions - 7 years ago
How dare he defend himself from a shark attacking him! He should be more considerate & let the shark eat him! What a monster!
ρ Λ п ø я Λ м i ĸ V i ѕ i ø п
ρ Λ п ø я Λ м i ĸ V i ѕ i ø п - 7 years ago
he cross his head with the harpoon!
thexophguy - 7 years ago
bitch deaepthroated spear gun now it feels funky . what a bitch shark . got what it deserved .
kaniv kaniv-kaniv
kaniv kaniv-kaniv - 7 years ago
Впевнений - той рибалко був москалем !
Sudstah - 7 years ago
I think he killed it lol
Pajor Bart
Pajor Bart - 7 years ago
Huge huuuuge balls
nobody fromnowhere
nobody fromnowhere - 7 years ago
Totally all for preserving sharks, but no matter what the situation, you have the human right, in fact the responsibility to defend yourself. God gave us the Earth to subdue and make our own, and the beasts of the land, the fish of the sea and the birds of the air to dominate. Good Job!
DJDeezy ThaTruth
DJDeezy ThaTruth - 7 years ago
-- Dang that MF fast.
YakiMasala - 7 years ago
shark was like "Todaaay is my day....I' m swiiiiimming in the rain, just swiiiiimming in the rain...What a glorious fee.........Oh look, what catches my little eye :) num num num. Ok, Eric, this time I will get it. No failure again. It looooks kinda weird, but ok. I think i can handle it. *swush swush swush" FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! God damnit!!! Ohhh fuck fuck! That hurts!
gerberho1 - 7 years ago
those are the sharks to worry about. even great whites will circle you a while and nudge. bulls just strike
Nihlism Is Cool
Nihlism Is Cool - 7 years ago
he looks like a seal because he was on the surface, if he wasn't a pussy freediver and had some tanks he would've been safe.
Liquid Vision
Liquid Vision - 7 years ago
no worries cheers
Nihlism Is Cool
Nihlism Is Cool - 7 years ago
Liquid Vision, Thanks for the link mate, hope you realize I was joking haha. Still, fuck freediving.
Liquid Vision
Tony Wright
Tony Wright - 7 years ago
Wonder what got that bull going like that?
I spearfish around oil rigs and open water with them swimming around they hardly bother me, they will come up but I just poke them gently with my spear or push them and they leave me alone.
Tony Wright
Tony Wright - 7 years ago
Liquid Vision thank you just finished watching it. I'm glad you didn't get bit and didn't scare you from not ever going back.
Like you said it's very rare they do that and it was probably a territorial thing.

Be safe out there, maybe I'll see you one day I wanna spearfish Australia.
Liquid Vision
Kuba 20091
Kuba 20091 - 7 years ago
Ethan Tremblay
Ethan Tremblay - 7 years ago
Spearfisherman clearly overacted! He should have provided PlayDoh, coloring books and a safe place in which the shark could have verbalized its triggers. But no, the spearfisherman had to use excessive force and suppress due process. Typical
brussell639 - 7 years ago
that one definitely wanted a nibble.
Riely Richmond
Riely Richmond - 7 years ago
Fucking bamboozled that shark
meefking8404 - 7 years ago
Do Bo
Do Bo - 7 years ago
Nice hit. Otherwise if you missed youd be dead. That Bullshark wanted you.
Atil Tosun
Atil Tosun - 7 years ago
Reef Shark not bull!
Mmaguy13 - 7 years ago
Soldado de Juan José Torres
Soldado de Juan José Torres - 7 years ago
Humans are the worst species in the world. Can't stay out of a habitat that's not theirs so they instead go to a different one to kill a species that's already on the brink of survival.
Contra Duval
Contra Duval - 7 years ago
Pointy Stick > Bull Shark
Eglė Kartanaitė Dunovska
Eglė Kartanaitė Dunovska - 7 years ago
R.I.P. In peperoni sharkeroni!!
GregMcMuffin - 7 years ago
He just came swimming up like he was saying " I'm fast as fuck boi!!!"
Hami Chahal
Hami Chahal - 7 years ago
lets eat that fish for more testosterone
Chief Otto
Chief Otto - 7 years ago
I feel bad for the shark but it shouldnt have tried running up on him like that smh
Taylor Clark
Taylor Clark - 7 years ago
Anybody attacking this guy in the comments for what happened is either just flat out dumb or terribly uneducated on the subject. To attack him for killing it because it belonged there and he didn't is just an incredibly uneducated and ignorant response. Society needs people willing to step out and explore the unknown, it's how mankind evolves and gains knowledge.

I also found it absolutely hysterical reading the comments from people who didn't like how he handled the situation and proceeded to break down, point for point, exactly how they would have handled it. Like the PowerPoint presentation they've concocted in their mind would help; A) in an adrenaline fueled fight or flight, potential life or death situation, and B) like they'd even be able to create a step by step plan in those precious few seconds. Anyone in that situation would have at least attempted to handle it the way he did and anyone who says otherwise is either lying or just terribly ignorant.

The fact that it even needs to be explained is just sad. Thank you for sharing this video, it was incredible.
CapREX77 - 7 years ago
Taylor Clark Thank you! It’s nice to know that some people still have common sense.
Christopher Stagnaro
Christopher Stagnaro - 7 years ago
Chris Nenshati I find it hilarious how right after he posted this, someone with the same ignorance walks into the conversation.
Joshua Haynes
Joshua Haynes - 7 years ago
Chris Nenshati oh shutup millenial loser .. mankind will always rule the earth until the end .. fuck sharks i enjoy people shooting them for fun .
Chris Nenshati
Chris Nenshati - 7 years ago
"Society needs people willing to step out and explore the unknown, it's how mankind evolves and gains knowledge."

What the fuck does that have to do with spearing fish for fun.

This murderer coward shouldn't be in that environment in the first place and this scenario wouldn't have happened. If you want to talk about society evolving maybe consider that society is filled with blood thirsty murder cowards like this hunter. Society will evolve once we has less of these type of people. You made a complete illogical and retarded response and i hope this hunter gets eaten by a shark so he can taste his own medicine some day.
Liquid Vision
Liquid Vision - 7 years ago
Landon Crandall
Landon Crandall - 7 years ago
The shark got fucked
Mathias Andersen
Mathias Andersen - 7 years ago
Get rekt lul
Rowdythepug 22
Rowdythepug 22 - 7 years ago
Shark charges, gets spear down the throat
Morgan Robinson
Morgan Robinson - 7 years ago
That'll pucker up your butthole.....:-o. Now just wait for the PETA people to show up and make a stink.
Amazing shot though, both video footage and directly into its mouth!
Obey - 7 years ago
0:15 shark attack
Justine Gutierrez
Justine Gutierrez - 7 years ago
These reflexes tho!!!!! Wow
DennyH.L - 7 years ago
imhotep561 - 7 years ago
F*cking sh*t!
k i l l e r b e an
k i l l e r b e an - 7 years ago
Damn Nigga swallowed that fuckin' spear.
savdown - 7 years ago
OMG i watched this video a hundred times!
Bull shark
Bull shark - 7 years ago
I'll have you know I just mistook you for a seal
Maik Weis
Maik Weis - 7 years ago
Bruce John Wayne
Bruce John Wayne - 7 years ago
What the fuck, the shark was just trying to make friends with the diver by charging him at 20 knots. the shark was just going to give a love bite and that cruel diver had to shoot him.
DJ MK - 7 years ago
Unless you dive in at dusk or dawn. Bullsharks would go for humans because of their aggressive nature
Captain Ryder
Captain Ryder - 7 years ago
Sentimental yes because he fucking deserves to be insulted
Sentimental - 7 years ago
+Captain John Ryder "No need to insult someone!!" Proceeds with even more aggressive insult
Captain Ryder
Captain Ryder - 7 years ago
Mr. Football yeah shut the fuck up no need to call somebody a retard for not understanding sarcasm you piece of shit
Mr. Football
Mr. Football - 7 years ago
Satan Slayer, you're the perfect example of how stupid human beings are these days.

He was being SARCASTIC. Go look at the dictionary.
Sentimental - 7 years ago
+TheyWillCallMeFatBoy  see above comments lol ^^
TheyWillCallMeFatBoy - 7 years ago
You're so fucking dense... it blows my mind.
Sentimental - 7 years ago
Zahkee Pollack lmao very true
Zahkee Pollack
Zahkee Pollack - 7 years ago
Josh Rodriguez sarcasm.. only some get it
Skaarl The Cowardly Lizard
Skaarl The Cowardly Lizard - 7 years ago
Wtf are you gonna do if your in this situation?
Kill the shark?
Or lost a fucking limb?
Shadolf the SS
Shadolf the SS - 7 years ago
Thoose motherfucker kill a lot of surfer they need to be kill LIKE the medusa
Frisk the human
Frisk the human - 7 years ago
thank god you did not die
miopera40 - 7 years ago
nice one shot kill
Adriano Ramos
Adriano Ramos - 7 years ago
The easiest shot ever!!
Matej Ortner
Matej Ortner - 7 years ago
Nice Shot (y)
Catherine Michelle
Catherine Michelle - 7 years ago
Eat speargun, stupid!
Sans The Skeleton
Sans The Skeleton - 7 years ago
I guess that shark is FIN-ished.
Alex Chu
Alex Chu - 7 years ago
So fucking fast
Su Balenti
Su Balenti - 7 years ago
Aisyah Syafira Aisyah Syafira
Aisyah Syafira Aisyah Syafira - 7 years ago
I think, i am the one who scream at 00:17 part
Jack Zakaryan
Jack Zakaryan - 7 years ago
I though he was going in fight or flight mode and then return and gut him alive with your knife. Wouldn't ever leave my spear gun.
Marlo Carroll
Marlo Carroll - 7 years ago
he better get out the water fast blood from that shark bout to alert his homies
Zahkee Pollack
Zahkee Pollack - 7 years ago
Marlo Carroll i thought other shark scram when a shark of their kind get killed?
Abdulazeez Ashmeel
Abdulazeez Ashmeel - 7 years ago
This in Saudi Arabia
S Canada
S Canada - 7 years ago
Good response , saved yourself being mauled if not worse. But why did it suddenly attack out of the blue ? I guess even fish can be assholes to
#TK-Dragon75! - 7 years ago
Bull Sharks do that.
Liquid Vision
karayv - 7 years ago
Patriot of Justice
Patriot of Justice - 7 years ago
0:19 And this is how sharks commit suicide.
Golden Ratio 1.6180
Golden Ratio 1.6180 - 7 years ago
Fuck you dumb fucks commenting and hating like bitches on a bad trip. That shark was on a fucking mission. To eat.

Ignore these haters, most likely they never saw a bigger fish than their dick (2 inchers) dead in their plate more over alive in his element AND EVEN MORE IMPROBABLE THAT THE FISH WAS TRYING TO EAT THEM. 

Considering the shark size, if the spear did not hit / passed trough his mouth and went straight down, you would have lost your hand. By the way were was your "spotter"???

Anyway, you had a close shave there bud. It was your life at play all the time out there.

The shark was playing home and he decided to eat a human, so I consider that Liquid Vision did not even defend him self, he JUST made his speargun between him and the attacker.

Liquid Vision should not be attacked by wild cock sucking keyboard warriors in the fucking comment section, they should be glad he did not die.

If someone has anything against what Liquid Vision did, than put your sensitive ass in his position and let the shark have a bite, see how that goes bitches.

Liquid Vision, shame you lost your rig, but hey better the equipment that can be bought back than something more permanent. If I may I give you a suggestion. Do not let much time before you go back at diving again because it will effect you deeper the longer you stay out.
Golden Ratio 1.6180
Golden Ratio 1.6180 - 7 years ago
Yeah man bunch of weird people, hating on Liquid Vision for not being eaten... WTF!!!
GT Model
GT Model - 7 years ago
Lol, I agree . Cannot understand these fuckers defending the shark.
Mick Taylor
Mick Taylor - 7 years ago
That sack of shit shark is lucky it wasn't me i would of rang it's neck would of been a bad day for it.
if anyone has a problem with this fb me I don't check comments on here to busy snapping necks and cashing checks.

Graham Gault
Furkan Hicdonmez
Furkan Hicdonmez - 7 years ago
sat commando
Amelia Tamayo
Amelia Tamayo - 7 years ago
cayocashmayne - 7 years ago
His balls kept him floating.
Дмитрий Ястребцов
Дмитрий Ястребцов - 7 years ago
Вот это реакция. Уважение!
bigben1986 - 7 years ago
bigben1986 - 7 years ago
Yaros Yari
Yaros Yari - 7 years ago
получила блдь?
skyym3 - 7 years ago
Just wondering if you were able to go back down and retrieve your spear gun and maybe harvest the shark? Awesome video bro.
Louisa Tefa
Louisa Tefa - 7 years ago
jam castellano
jam castellano - 7 years ago
The shark wanted to have a selfie with you, you should have given him a chance. ::)
kitouxxx - 7 years ago
I see some ridicul comments like "omg what a jerk" or "this guy should be killed like the shark". I want to say to all that people: wtf guys? Try for a second to put yourself in the situation. What would be your reaction? Dont be stupid this guy had the good reaction. It was the shark or him... I say that all people pretending the opposit are fucking morrons and should go swimming in that sea at the sunset.
Gabriel Melo
Gabriel Melo - 7 years ago
Vim pelo Aruan !
Storm Man
Storm Man - 7 years ago
Nice shot bro...
gypsykatcher30 - 7 years ago
Thats badass!
Sheran Tenurdin
Sheran Tenurdin - 7 years ago
The water is green and bit murky..and seeing how the sharks coming from below he's looking for meal..sorry for the shark..but I bet the diver will have trauma..
Gabriel _MCPE
Gabriel _MCPE - 7 years ago
Vim pelo video do Aruam
The Crimson Fucker
The Crimson Fucker - 7 years ago
Depth game in real life
Claude Alpha
Claude Alpha - 7 years ago
Depth in real life.
XM1STERX1 - 7 years ago
guy should be taken out back and executed
Bee Saechao
Bee Saechao - 7 years ago
Easy meal
Djordjo Milan
Djordjo Milan - 7 years ago
I come from playing clash royale
rahman hidayat
rahman hidayat - 7 years ago
if the shark still lives now he will realize hes now the second apec
GoMiGman - 7 years ago
Great reaction time!  How did you not sink with the shark with such huge balls?  Those things scare the crap out of me.
Jim A Nonymous
Jim A Nonymous - 7 years ago
Bite this motherf%@%ker
Dogebot - 7 years ago
Liquid Vision
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 7 years ago
Dogebot It was about to fucking attack him. He was defending himself.
eruweraranj0r - 7 years ago
Hope it kills him next time
TraitorByTrade - 7 years ago
My ass would have been dead. Barely saw it.
Süngülü Serseri
Süngülü Serseri - 7 years ago
Even taht sahrk survived the spear, it would still die becouse while he is standing still he can not brethe so the shark would choke to death in the water...
Chrysa1is - 7 years ago
The guy should have let the shark take a bite out of him tbh.
arianas moonlightbae
arianas moonlightbae - 7 years ago
um... don't look at my name
Goku_killinit 11
Goku_killinit 11 - 7 years ago
This will forever be the best shark attack video win fkn legend level of salute to the diver. Fuck the shark he attacked first self defense
Nino Falletta
Nino Falletta - 7 years ago
That shark came right at him with its mouth opened. I would've been too scared to stab it in the mouth
fish433 - 7 years ago
im dip in shit! youre gonna love the ocean for fuckin forever !
reptile adventures
reptile adventures - 7 years ago
holy crap that bullshark just got speared in the throat that was so badass
7Kazman - 7 years ago
Fucking ideot, who killed a child shark. It's mouth is even less then size of his foot. Humans are still most dangerous species to anyone, including themselves. He should not have been there. It is like killing a man who is running is in the street to steal a meal in his natural environment.
Liquid Vision
NewSoundNow - 7 years ago
Child shark? Mouth size less than his foot? Are you even watching the same video? That shark would have killed him.
Felipe Domingos
Felipe Domingos - 7 years ago
men, this video scared the shit out of me
Bulgarian Lion
Bulgarian Lion - 7 years ago
It was like the final scene from shark movie where the shark dies!
Mr.Cheese Roblox
Mr.Cheese Roblox - 7 years ago
Liquid Vision
Skaarl The Cowardly Lizard
Skaarl The Cowardly Lizard - 7 years ago
ben bartolome
ben bartolome - 7 years ago
Waiting for the "ANIMAL ABUSE COMMENTS" to arrive

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