Shark Expert Attacked While Filming
Shark videos 16 years ago 9,086,482 views
Watch more sharks on Discovery Channel! While filming bull sharks, a shark specialist gets a bite on the calf.
Shark: bites leg*
Shark: say that now
The "Grizzly Man" got eaten by Grizzly bears. The "Crocodile Hunter" got killed by one of his many wild animals from his show. The Tiger trainer guy from Siegfried and Roy got his throat crushed by a tiger. Elephant trainers in India are always being killed by elephants. The Orca show person got drowned by the Orca in front of people.
Good for the animals. Kill the stupid humans.
10. comment for Shark Expert Attacked While Filming
20. comment for Shark Expert Attacked While Filming
30. comment for Shark Expert Attacked While Filming
chef attacked on the leg-Has the filmer record the shark swim up and bite him.
"It happened so fast. Nothing could have been done"
-Stands fucking waist deep in water surrounded by untamed predators.
50. comment for Shark Expert Attacked While Filming
Sharks aren't aggressive. The people shouldn't listen to the media. They show you a dramatically wrong picture of sharks.
Most of the people here should go and read some stuff about the behaviour of sharks.
I guess mexicans finally figured out how to click a mouse. Congratulations!
Now go away. This is an American website, we speak english here.
violets are blue
dont go into the fucking water with bullsharks.
100. comment for Shark Expert Attacked While Filming
I can believe it, I guess I'm more of an expert than these folks
I think they need to go back in the water and stay there.
uhm okay. lol
Please keep going!
no doubt he is very good with sharks expert actually, until the inevitable happens.
Just like Animals, they kill few other animals but our Population is Big than theirs. 7,241,392,927 people and Estimated 3 Billion Animals.
If its the host who's bitten so horribly, the episode would have been cancelled (like Steve Crocodile hunter) .. if its someone else, what the hack, lets show the whole grusome footage and get us some ratings ...
Sharks are Predators
Fear imparts common sense.
When the Fear passes...the common sense should remain.
Just got back from making a snack.
Told my mate who was watching, 'if those are bull sharks they better get out of there quick'.
I had not heard any commentary, but they looked like bulls and I did not like the way they were moving.
Sure enough, they got bit.
Dissapointing that the behaviourist was so ignorant and the naturalist accepted the other idiots opinion on his own safety.
I might do a lot of things but never this with this species.
Your wit is as impressive as my waist line.
I mean, much of the time they are, but you have to be flatly in denial that everyday millions of creatures are not preying upon and killing other creatures, and occasionally humans. Im not demonising them, we kill and eat things to, its just reality and the world is not a fairyland.
Guy1: These guns look dangerous.
Guy2: Yes, they could easily kill you. Just look at this. I'll aim for our legs and see what happens.
Guy1: I will never forget the power of guns.
Learn more from "Lion experts" that get their faces bitten off, or the "Elephant experts" who get trampled to death.
So educational.
- Bob, don't they know?
- Charlie just remind them, it's your turn.
- ... and brush your teeth.
except you know....not going into a school of bullsharks.
Also, most initial bites from sharks in shallow water are not aggressive in nature, they are exploratory bites. Basically to see if you're prey or not.
It isn't hard to do
---- John Lennon
2 seconds later
"The bump is not unusual, they bump you once in a while to check you out..."
Sharks doesnt give a fucking care about humans.
We humans in sharks world are merely FOOD to them...
So why do we humans have to take care of these fucking shark?
So we get eaten by them whenever we feel like goin into the water?
Shark instinction have a reason....go ask mother nature.
how about not stand in the ocean surrounded by sharks?...
EXACTLY! great minds think alike! Let's fuck sharks!
To spunk on it's back
why do you want to fuck a shark?
U gave me a signed book and DVD
The science channel is slowly heading that way.... National Geographic is too late we have lost it already to the other side...oh as well as history channel (gone)....
or "Hey im gonna stick my head in a gators mouth".. I mean come on, you're SERIOUSLY just asking for it to backfire on your dumb ass
All for ratings ?
It can't be worth it
(Shark bites human)
So-called "Shark Expert": Well fuck!
gets bitten
We'll, crap
1. Don't swim with 20 bull sharks
2. Don't blame the journalist
1. Pride?
2. Common sense !?
3. Precautions taken?
Was anyone monitoring underwater activities? Seeing as they got a camera in the water. Nope busy being badass.
Instead of eating it you should have peed on it, that would have made more sense
Wait did I misunderstand this game?
:D it's all good! more the merrier?
You're about 5 comments late :p hehehehe
That's just too bad, I'm sure you were totally surprised by that! ;D
What are you; fucking STUPID?
How bout staying the fuck out of a lagoon filled with bull sharks?
we are FOOD to them. they dont prefer to eat us, but if they are hungry they WILL. it's called survival.
the same way we would prefer to not eat bugs, but if we are starving to death we will.
Obviously you know NOTHING about sharks or shark attacks or animal behavior in general. Shark attacks themselves are excedingly rare and usually involve people engaging in high risk activities, such as the man in the video. This doesn't even count as a "shark attack" as this is like rolling around in a bed of rattlesnakes and then blaming the snake when you are eventually bite. Any normal human being would of simply stepped out of the water the moment a freaking gang of sharks showed up.
As far as eating humans, this is practically unheard of. It is so rare, that saying sharks eat people is like saying humans eat people because Jeffrey Dahmer was a cannibal or saying humans eat plastic because a baby swallowed a plastic toy. Practically every shark bite in the history of the world was simply the shark checking out what to them is a foreign object. Unfortunately for us, sharks don't have hands. If a decent sized shark actually wanted to eat a human, the shark would 1. bite more than once, and 2. would actually "bite" instead of barely touching someone with its teeth and then letting go in a second or two once it realizes, you know, that SHARKS DON'T EAT PEOPLE....
Cause you're fucked up!!!!
right there
What are we made out of? Oh wait what?! meat?!
Of course this was enough for a man to be badly injured.
We should never be reckless with top predators.
That makes the 3 of us then!
Well, you COULD have NOT gotten into bull shark infested waters, Einstein