Shark Expert Attacked While Filming

Watch more sharks on Discovery Channel! While filming bull sharks, a shark specialist gets a bite on the calf.

Shark Expert Attacked While Filming sentiment_very_dissatisfied 880

Shark videos 16 years ago 9,086,482 views

Watch more sharks on Discovery Channel! While filming bull sharks, a shark specialist gets a bite on the calf.

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Most popular comments
for Shark Expert Attacked While Filming

kurt brayford
kurt brayford - 7 years ago
im an expert,bull sharks are not interested in eating me
Fisted WaffleZ
Fisted WaffleZ - 7 years ago
Expert: as long as we are still we are not a threat to them
Shark: bites leg*
Shark: say that now
sylverclaws - 7 years ago
Lucky it didn’t start a feeding frenzy. I know sharks aren’t as scary and aggressive as people make them out to be, but that was just a dumb stunt. He got off with a minor curiosity nip. Some remove limbs just checking you out.
Holymakinaw - 7 years ago
The funny thing is.........this ALWAYS happens, eventually. We never learn.

The "Grizzly Man" got eaten by Grizzly bears. The "Crocodile Hunter" got killed by one of his many wild animals from his show. The Tiger trainer guy from Siegfried and Roy got his throat crushed by a tiger. Elephant trainers in India are always being killed by elephants. The Orca show person got drowned by the Orca in front of people.

Good for the animals. Kill the stupid humans.
Battle Born Tac-Vet
Battle Born Tac-Vet - 7 years ago
uhhhmmm ya that usually happens when you are surrounded by sharks, not to mention the fact they are BULL SHARKS
Cody Lopes
Cody Lopes - 7 years ago
He's an idiot not and expert alot of these so called shark experts don't have a clue about sharks they know more about there technology they the animals they claim to study
max toscano
max toscano - 7 years ago
Bad idea
Buffalocat - 7 years ago
If you don’t feed them while standing In water ur then asking to get bit
likesmilitaryhistory Alan Moore
likesmilitaryhistory Alan Moore - 7 years ago
Shark behavioural expert, lol.

10. comment for Shark Expert Attacked While Filming

Miroslava  Hernandez
Miroslava Hernandez - 7 years ago
No words necessary needed to describe the intelligence of this man.
Bee Jay
Bee Jay - 7 years ago
Swiss dork and English jackass fool around with creatures that are totally foreign to their cultural and geographical backgrounds. Leave interactions with sharks to those who actually know something about them ... Americans, Australians and South Africans
Noble Sir Knight
Noble Sir Knight - 7 years ago
I must be honest, i am disappointed. I truly wish ALL of the sharks had just gone mental and turned these two jack wads into red chuncks and slime! It would have been a lot cooler video too. It wouldve been ace to just see the water turn red and then see them both howling in searing pain before the sounds of their bones all breaking and getting snapped apart. Sharks biting their stupid faces off. Dumb and dumber right there. I would love the hurl my shit at them. Big brown logs of turd in faces!
Noble Sir Knight
Noble Sir Knight - 7 years ago
He had his excuses, derrr i usually has a spotter, it was too fast, blah blah blah he even says when she got me i was not aware, ahhhhh excuse me dick head, did you not notice you were being thrown around like a rag-doll by the leg?? Cmon shit bag! Own up to it, your not some gifted shark whisperer shark proof man. Your just a moron who could be bothered making an aluminium cage to walk around in. Just know that WHEN not if, when the sharks kill you, not one person will feel sympathy for you. OK
kurt brayford
kurt brayford - 7 years ago
no danger at all,bite
kingdomofaxum - 7 years ago
White people be like “You need to go camping”
amor costa
amor costa - 7 years ago
caraca ele foi atacado por um tubarão
J V - 7 years ago
These guys were asking for it, and oh surprise , it tried to eat you. Dummy.
Shea the cow
Shea the cow - 7 years ago
Joe Iazzetta
Joe Iazzetta - 7 years ago
I'm very happy about the outcome. had the attack not have occurred, laymen would think these guys were real 'experts' and it perfectly safe to swim around with a dozen bull sharks... as bugs bunny would say- what a maroon.

20. comment for Shark Expert Attacked While Filming

Joe Iazzetta
Joe Iazzetta - 7 years ago
I'm very happy about the outcome. had the attack not have occurred, laymen would think these guys were real 'experts' and it perfectly safe to swim around with a dozen bull sharks... as bugs bunny would say- what a maroon.
Joe Iazzetta
Joe Iazzetta - 7 years ago
I'm very happy about the outcome. had the attack not have occurred, laymen would think these guys were real 'experts' and it perfectly safe to swim around with a dozen bull sharks... as bugs bunny would say- what a maroon.
Joe Iazzetta
Joe Iazzetta - 7 years ago
I'm very happy about the outcome. had the attack not have occurred, laymen would think these guys were real 'experts' and it perfectly safe to swim around with a dozen bull sharks... as bugs bunny would say- what a maroon.
Ptuffgong - 7 years ago
"I wouldn't do this alone. Fortunately I'm with an expert". "The bull sharks are comfortable around us". Bull shark don't care. Bull shark don't give a shit. They take what it wants.
Kobie  Cabral
Kobie Cabral - 7 years ago
For the people who don't know Doctor Dolittle is just a movie
Cargo Shorts For President
Cargo Shorts For President - 7 years ago
As long as we’re not a threat to them than it’s good my dude.......sharks bites his ass lol
Kenny Scott
Kenny Scott - 7 years ago
Censor it please
46FreddieMercury91 - 7 years ago
No longer an expert
Old Timer
Old Timer - 7 years ago
Those who think they know the mind of a shark or any animal axting like they are a pet of theirs are not too smart upstairs having some screws lose for sure...
p1t - 7 years ago
people say sharks do not hunt humans or do not identify us as prey and i can agree with that. however i feel that shark curiosity towards us is usually a question of 'is this food or not' and to answer that they might have a nip and see. in other cases when they straight out attack it's probably because they have mistaken us for something else

30. comment for Shark Expert Attacked While Filming

Dubai d
Dubai d - 7 years ago
Do not play with bull shark
Gnollrunner - 7 years ago
This is one of those things...... If you do it and get away with it, you're bad ass, otherwise you the biggest dumb fuck on planet.
sil2222 - 7 years ago
The biggest lesson is dont believe a Shark expert who is missing part of his leg because a Shark ate it.
sil2222 - 7 years ago
This guy is the biggest idiot in history, but at least he helps to disprove the BS theory that sharks dont eat human flesh. Well that Shark needed a snack thanks for donation ass hat.
gin idontthinkso
gin idontthinkso - 7 years ago
Of all the sharks you could of picked, you picked the most aggressive one. for a guy who knows sharks you think you would have known. Sand tiger sharks and lemon sharks would have been better.
Sweden is Lost
Sweden is Lost - 7 years ago
Could be the most stupid thing I have ever seen.
lucy greenaway
lucy greenaway - 7 years ago
Famous last words :" they couldn't care less, if we stand still we will be fine"
james Kelleher
james Kelleher - 7 years ago
"i can't believe that happened" wow just wow....
tripp sharpe
tripp sharpe - 7 years ago
"I can't believe that happened" you can't believe an animal did something it's been biologically "engineered" to do the past millions of years? That mofo don't know shit about sharks
dbacksfan2 - 7 years ago
good. love it when sharks get to go to work
Dawson - 7 years ago
"they don't mean to get bite" chef attacked on the leg
Bobby Fantastic
Bobby Fantastic - 7 years ago
I remember seeing this on shark week. couldn't stop laughing
allison f
allison f - 7 years ago
he was demonstrating how if he was calm and not freaking out the sharks would leave hom alone. a fish swam through his legs so a shark went after it.
Ricardo Perez
Ricardo Perez - 7 years ago
You'd never see black people doing this.
Patryk_O - 7 years ago
Virtual stupidity. He asked for this.
kurt brayford
kurt brayford - 7 years ago
so a hunk of meat(us humans)stands around large meat eaters.
Diego S.
Diego S. - 7 years ago
"Have someone cover your back visually"
-Has the filmer record the shark swim up and bite him.
"It happened so fast. Nothing could have been done"
-Stands fucking waist deep in water surrounded by untamed predators.

My Own Will NEVER god's Will
My Own Will NEVER god's Will - 7 years ago
At least wear Thick Hard Leather/Metal Jeans.
rdcarbo1 - 7 years ago
Let's allow Asian people to kill all the sharks. This will end for sure shark attacks. LOL
Sean Bamberry
Sean Bamberry - 7 years ago
Expert eh?!?

50. comment for Shark Expert Attacked While Filming

Matthew Cragg
Matthew Cragg - 7 years ago
"The most important thing in such a scenario is..." TO STAY OUT OF THE WATER WHEN THERE ARE BULL SHARKS AROUND YOU IDIOT!!! Darwinism nearly ran its course right then and there.
Bull shark
Bull shark - 7 years ago
gotcha bitch
News Fandorr
News Fandorr - 7 years ago
oooouuuch me dolio la pierna con ver esto me dan puntadas
Jason Jones
Jason Jones - 7 years ago
God they are making this so god damn dramatic
Chips O'Tool
Chips O'Tool - 7 years ago
I eat sharks. I am smart enough not to expect them to refrain from eating me. This man is not a shark expert. He is a dumbass.
Chris Greenlee
Chris Greenlee - 7 years ago
White people love doing shit like this so they can tell a story about it. "Dude, I was just totally standing there, waist-deep in the water with some badass bull sharks, dude omg, it was so fucking rad!"
Bull shark
Bull shark - 7 years ago
What? I just mistook him for a seal
contrerados - 7 years ago
Yummy! Drum sticks!
HONKEY KONG - 7 years ago
I want to see the uncensored footage. His calf was shredded like spaghetti.
Ogster Armstrong
Ogster Armstrong - 7 years ago
No I know what to do stand with basking sharks instead
steelnation - 8 years ago
he said it happened so fast there is nothing he could have done... Ummmm how about not getting in the water with sharks?
Black_ Cat_45
Black_ Cat_45 - 8 years ago
дебилы блять...
Brujo jaimes
Brujo jaimes - 8 years ago
como se llama el que esta con erick???
Tanja Šváb
Tanja Šváb - 8 years ago
The shark paniced because he couldn't go somewhere else, 'cause it wasn't enough space around him. That's why he bit him.

Sharks aren't aggressive. The people shouldn't listen to the media. They show you a dramatically wrong picture of sharks.

Most of the people here should go and read some stuff about the behaviour of sharks.
avalon2199 - 8 years ago
S T U P I D A Z H O L E S !
bianca1aa - 8 years ago
No sé por qué estoy viendo eso. Quien es Julian
psygn0sis - 8 years ago
A lot of filthy beaners commenting.
I guess mexicans finally figured out how to click a mouse. Congratulations!
Now go away. This is an American website, we speak english here.
in laden
in laden - 8 years ago
sad he didnt get ripped apart idiot..!!
Annette Collas
Annette Collas - 8 years ago
MORONS! "I can't believe that happened!....I stood among a heap of carnivorous sharks and one bit me! Booo hoooo hooo, Awwww, bad shark, you're such a bully! Waaaa Naughty corner Mr Shark...." I mean FFS you D#ckhead it's a F#cking SHARK!
Cubic Sphere
Cubic Sphere - 8 years ago
Dumb ass! Step into shark water and don't be surprised when they bite your stupid ass!
ioanapos - 8 years ago
Mastermind,Use of English book sent me here.(Unit 3,exercise B.,page 29)
ronniedio19422010 - 8 years ago
Proof that so-called animal behaviourist 'experts' are usually full of s***. Bloody idiot.
Matt Bell
Matt Bell - 8 years ago
I feel like the education required to become a shark expert would encourage the opposite of: stand around with a dozen bull sharks
The Animal Catchers
The Animal Catchers - 8 years ago
where is that i want to do that
gary farmer
gary farmer - 8 years ago
that was good but it made me a tiny bit worried
Lena Gamez
Lena Gamez - 8 years ago
I got sent here from infinite list!
Backonja - 8 years ago
me too :D.
Blaze Hupp
Blaze Hupp - 8 years ago
This wasn't an "attack", this was a test bite out of curiosity to see what he tasted like. If it was an attack, it would have rammed the guy first.
Cody L
Cody L - 8 years ago
roses are red
violets are blue
dont go into the fucking water with bullsharks.
EBOLA KID - 8 years ago
i cant believe some humans are so stupid
Franconian Freediver
Franconian Freediver - 8 years ago
We have a lot of shark experts, but fact is, we know nothing about sharks. No one is able to forecast the behavior of sharks. In future I hope that humans respect this wonderful animals and we don't have to read anymore negativ headlines about it.
Berislav Pušić
Berislav Pušić - 8 years ago
Jeralds Arias
Jeralds Arias - 8 years ago
yo vine por dross :v
boiledliddo - 8 years ago
the guy in the orange shirt looked like he was laughing at 2:17 XD!!!
Alex Ruiz
Alex Ruiz - 8 years ago
igual :)
Do you know Da wae
Do you know Da wae - 8 years ago
yo tambien por julian
Anabel Moreno
Anabel Moreno - 8 years ago
yo estoy aquí x julian xD
Samuel Gomez
Samuel Gomez - 8 years ago
ya se fueron los que vinieron por julian cavalero??
Emmanuel Ceballos
Emmanuel Ceballos - 8 years ago
Emmanuel Ceballos
Emmanuel Ceballos - 8 years ago
CoffeePlay Studios
CoffeePlay Studios - 8 years ago
iva a ser el primero en decir vengo por julian y llego gregf a 180KM/H y fui el segundo
Roberto A. Cordoba
Roberto A. Cordoba - 8 years ago
like si vienes por Julian cavelero
Skyline Bomb
Skyline Bomb - 8 years ago
Vendrán los retrasados con caras de pacman
Uziel Anguiano
Uziel Anguiano - 8 years ago
"Deserebrasos" jajajajaja tu estupidez es más que la mía men. :v
Javid Rollover
Javid Rollover - 8 years ago
Nunca van a faltar los deserebrasos con el pacman
Skyline Bomb
Skyline Bomb - 8 years ago
Claro, no faltaban
Uziel Anguiano
Uziel Anguiano - 8 years ago
x3 :v
The Caxx
The Caxx - 8 years ago
no creo :v x2 :v
kirk butouski
kirk butouski - 8 years ago
No Creo :v
Diego Lc
Diego Lc - 8 years ago
Sin censura? este video es igual al que mostró Julián xd
Diego Lc
Diego Lc - 8 years ago
+Kari O Buena esa calamardo
Kari O
Kari O - 8 years ago
es que es sin censura de la censura de la censura :v
la ilusionista
la ilusionista - 8 years ago
+Claudia Pablos si pued
Jimz FeR
Jimz FeR - 8 years ago
haciendo los duros y profecionistas. Talvez le sirva de lección.
Narada Ortiz Velasco
Narada Ortiz Velasco - 8 years ago
entiendan.nos vale verga de donde vienen pinche gente pendeja
Camila - 8 years ago
Estoy aqui por Julian :v jejej.
bianca1aa - 8 years ago
Estoy aqui porque estoy viendo soul surfer
Roshoana - 8 years ago
Dr. kick ass Anonimous
Dr. kick ass Anonimous - 8 years ago
Yo también
Maricielo García
Maricielo García - 8 years ago
Maick Vargas
Maick Vargas - 8 years ago
Angel Torres
Angel Torres - 8 years ago
jajaja todos
Roberto A. Cordoba
Roberto A. Cordoba - 8 years ago
jaja yo igual
Nayelli Viera
Nayelli Viera - 8 years ago
Axtyz Attack
Axtyz Attack - 8 years ago
quien viene por julian Calavero? v:
bianca1aa - 8 years ago
¿Quien es Julian?
M Steven D V
M Steven D V - 8 years ago
+Augusto123 Perez Ya cagaste la cadena. -_-
El Primo
El Primo - 8 years ago
Tu madre x3:vv
GG MASTER - 8 years ago
Tu madre x2:vv
M Steven D V
M Steven D V - 8 years ago
Tu madre :vv
juan sierra a.
juan sierra a. - 8 years ago
yo solo vengo x julian :v
Ivan Aponte
Ivan Aponte - 8 years ago
igual yo y supongo que muchos mas XDDDD
la ilusionista
la ilusionista - 8 years ago
y yo jajaja
Alexa Victoria Contla Martínez
Alexa Victoria Contla Martínez - 8 years ago
Mariana v
Mariana v - 8 years ago
Jajaja yo también
Jose Garcia
Jose Garcia - 8 years ago
Igual yo :v
DenselYT - 8 years ago
yo tambien :v
angel el anticomunistas
angel el anticomunistas - 8 years ago
la dvd
Jiro Jenkins
Jiro Jenkins - 8 years ago
Pesky asdf
Pesky asdf - 8 years ago
Axtyz Attack
Axtyz Attack - 8 years ago
Joaquín Cáceres
Joaquín Cáceres - 8 years ago
Like si viniste por Julián cavalero
Cinthia Morales Gomez
Cinthia Morales Gomez - 8 years ago
Armando Guerrero
Armando Guerrero - 8 years ago
Jajjajaja like
Zenítram Nivek :v
Zenítram Nivek :v - 8 years ago
Y4YO - 8 years ago
Elver Galarga
Elver Galarga - 8 years ago
Diego Cruz
Diego Cruz - 8 years ago
imbeciles retar asi a un tiburon

100. comment for Shark Expert Attacked While Filming

Cuauhtemoc Miquiztli
Cuauhtemoc Miquiztli - 8 years ago
quien vino por julian cavalero?
Getxxz - 8 years ago
Julian Cavalero
xxxyz goot
xxxyz goot - 8 years ago
then you ask yourself at the end of the day, " what was I trying to prove again"?
Toby Eddy
Toby Eddy - 8 years ago
roses are red violets are blue i have five fingers and the middle ones for u
Bdmlan - 8 years ago
Sharks are dangerous. No matter how low the shark attack fatality rate is, if you swim with sharks youre dead.
Laura Sutcliffe
Laura Sutcliffe - 8 years ago
The ocean= the sharks house. stay the hell out of their house! I'd be curious/pissed too, if some strange thing was fucking about my home. Respect the damn ocean and what's in it.
Sapolean Lily
Sapolean Lily - 8 years ago
Hence the reason you don't get cocky with sharks!!! Enjoy that leg show off!!
Sapolean Lily
Sapolean Lily - 8 years ago
Dawson Dwyer "expert" LMFAO!
Harley Carolina
Harley Carolina - 8 years ago
Maybe this is why I've heard that bull sharks will attack humans unprovoked.
Heath Guillory
Heath Guillory - 8 years ago
dumb ass in the water with one of the most aggressive sharks with more attacks than a tiger,or white.
Kiliab Gonzalez
Kiliab Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Nah Great Whites still hold the record of most attacks on humans. Then Tiger Sharks, and then Bull Sharks, statistics wise. But of course, If you live on the east coast, bull sharks are definitely the most dangerous of the 3 I feel like.
Toby Eddy
Toby Eddy - 8 years ago
bull sharks are the most dangerous sharks in the world, now how u may ask. They can swim in shallow water like we saw in this video and they can even swim in short streams where it is Fairley rare to get close to humans. But what USED to be the the most dangerous shark well the megalodon it was the biggest shark in the world back then there was only one that ruled the ocean
Kobie  Cabral
Kobie Cabral - 8 years ago
I have a better safety plan don't get in the f**** water with bull sharks for no f**** reason at all dumbass
Backonja - 8 years ago
in my country there are no sharks :D. i can swim as far as i want
Gedza - 8 years ago
+Kobie Cabral hahahahha
Kobie  Cabral
Kobie Cabral - 8 years ago
But thanks for showing us what happens when you do get in the water with bull sharks. well appreciated
Sand Crusher
Sand Crusher - 8 years ago
Australia is filled with dangerous creatures!! How do people live there?
Will S
Will S - 8 years ago
Stand in the water with hungry sharks. Good idea.
kurojin97 - 8 years ago
For the record....those sharks were attracted inland......and how do you attract big ass sharks inland?! With blood and chum of course!! So food, probably fish, was on their mind while they were swarming around those big legged idiots.....and the "shark expert" was the test bite.....dumbass
noname - 8 years ago
White people do some crazy stuff don't they?
Johnny Favorite
Johnny Favorite - 8 years ago
Of the 3 species (Great White, Tiger, and Bull) most associated with attacks on humans, The Bullshark is often described as easily being the most aggressive of the 3.
nrsrymj - 8 years ago
Or just don't be in the water with sharks. It's easy. I do it daily.
Apollo B3457
Apollo B3457 - 8 years ago
Of course he got attacked they were circling them
Jose Lamar
Jose Lamar - 8 years ago
How is the man doing these days after the attack? Anyone knows?
Big Peg da Mako
Big Peg da Mako - 7 years ago
Jose Lamar Not an attack. The shark was just being a shark. They test with their mouths and like any of us are interested in strangers in their environment.
Thomas Wellman
Thomas Wellman - 8 years ago
Discovery, we need an explanation for this idiocy
Thomas Carney
Thomas Carney - 8 years ago
STOOPID PHUQQER. Sharks bite any time they want.
OJay88 - 8 years ago
Shark "expert" who thought it was a good idea to stand there as sharks circled his bare legs?  He should not only be legless, he should be jobless
Kenny Sellers
Kenny Sellers - 8 years ago
Why do sharks bite people?
Kiliab Gonzalez
Kiliab Gonzalez - 8 years ago
The shark wanted to know if his leg was potential food, and most of the time, they do a "test bite" to see if they want to eat it. The Sharks were hungry no doubt, which was why they were so close to shore. Looking for food.
Oli Riley
Oli Riley - 8 years ago
cus its not like they eat meat or anything!!!
Pedro Ornelas
Pedro Ornelas - 8 years ago
even if the guy pointed or gave clues that the shark was behind. wats the.point he would of got u still.if u moved also
Yolo Troll
Yolo Troll - 8 years ago
and why the living fuck would you go near a shark. You felt it bump into you. you should have ran.
Twinbird - 8 years ago
This just proves you can have a doctoral degree and still be a dumbass.
Roland E
Roland E - 8 years ago
Only White People.
GrinderMagee - 8 years ago
For my next stunt, I will stand in a roaring campfire and expertly explain how fire science burns my remaining leg off. Fucking stupidest idiot I have ever seen of all the FAIL idiots on YT.
Anisina Anisina
Anisina Anisina - 8 years ago
you really need a back up to point to you where the shark is? How stupid this film is!
Charles Furer
Charles Furer - 8 years ago
Then you throw your spotter under the bus?!
chrisinthehoussse - 8 years ago
1:04 "I can't believe that happened"...
I can believe it, I guess I'm more of an expert than these folks
Jack the Gestapo
Jack the Gestapo - 8 years ago
"nomnomnom, what that goddamn taste? fuck you im out"--Bull Shark
james lloyd
james lloyd - 8 years ago
The shark mistook him for a turtle or a seal...
Nicko G.
Nicko G. - 8 years ago
Even I look at my calf and think it looks like a juicy steak. Of course a shark would.
Marik 444
Marik 444 - 8 years ago
12+ bullsharks and you are standing in the middle of them......shark expert?
Troy Mayne
Troy Mayne - 9 years ago
what a dick. well deserved. fucktard.
maymaylingling - 9 years ago
wanted to see the whole thing from aerial view O_O
Melissa Viton
Melissa Viton - 9 years ago
When they are talking about my dick in this video
Yo Mama
Yo Mama - 9 years ago
Other than a shark bight, how about a bullet in his stupid little head? After putting his leg in a sharks mouth, he starts an association for people who have been mauled by sharks. Problem is, did the people who went to this meeting know that this fool practically fed himself to the shark? I seriously doubt it. And as for the other guy saying " I can't believe this happened", how many dorsal fins do you have to see before you get out of the water?
I think they need to go back in the water and stay there.
Akash-sama - 9 years ago
2:13 "and this is a man who knows sharks..."
uhm okay. lol
Jack the Gestapo
Jack the Gestapo - 8 years ago
+Akash-sama lol he was like "no matter how many times you hurt me, I still treat you like my first love"
BPMDETECTORPRO - 9 years ago
Sharks are wild predators, you would have to be dumb stupid to do what these two guys are doing. Most shark are dangerous, the bull shark being in the top 3 most aggressive species. If you fall down the boat, soon or later you will get eaten by a shark is just a matter of waiting for that bump...
dji zzah
dji zzah - 9 years ago
Ridiculous idiot and by attracting sharks to hand feed could possibly lead to more attacks on humans. Leave them alone in their habitat and hope they leave us alone.
g O'Neill
g O'Neill - 9 years ago
wow. bite, clamp and shake. full mouth of calf muscle in 5 seconds or less. these are known to be the most aggressive sharks, so why you would go in waist high with more than 1 of them baffles me
ronniedio19422010 - 9 years ago
What a surprise, an American who thinks he knows everything gets proved wrong yet again.  When will they ever learn!
1ChampagneSupernova1 - 9 years ago
Expert my arse,just showing off,bull sharks are one of the most aggressive animals in the world,the presenter put his trust in this idiot,glad he never got bitten..If the bull sharks would have gone into a frenzy they would have both been toast!
E. M. Fisher
E. M. Fisher - 9 years ago
It's not murky like another video said
Tri Nguyen
Tri Nguyen - 9 years ago
If he really was an "Expert", he should've hit he shark's nose or eye so it will be stunned, and call for help. He did have an assistant and if he did not, punch all of them! One punch man!
Games - 8 years ago
Eh, I don't think your opinion carries any weight.
REBELLIONETTE - 9 years ago
I Think It's Pretty Funny That Any Uneducated Idiot Could Have Predicted That Outcome....I Find It More Hilarious That The Shark Expert Is Now A Laughing Stock....F*ck Me....What A Loser! :-)
7lonewolf - 9 years ago
Never trust that you are safe around a wild animal especially in the water with a shark that's just dumb..
2-4-5 Trioxin
2-4-5 Trioxin - 9 years ago
They fucked up the moment they decided to chill with Bull Sharks. Bull Sharks have no chill.
Alex Notario
Alex Notario - 9 years ago
Berry Barrett
Berry Barrett - 9 years ago
that why I don't go to beaches no more because of sharks but I can go to water parks and it was not smart not to be mean but you were in the water and you know shark can kill so why go in the water
Hank Moody
Hank Moody - 9 years ago
O tubarão é um predador e ponto. Caça e mata como um predador, e o fato desse pesquisador FANTASIAR não muda nada. Não tem mal entendido, não tem mordida investigativa, enfim eles caçam como qualquer predador. Se expor a tubarões é algo muito sem noção. Praticamente como ir para savana africana se expor a leões.
3l6uat3 - 9 years ago
Sharks! They only bite when you touch their private parts!
Lorenzo Frasca
Lorenzo Frasca - 9 years ago
voi siete solo dei cojoni mettersi dentro il mare con degli squali cosa pensavate che vi abbracciassero? coglioni poteva staccarti la gamba se nn peggio vi è andata bene per fortuna .
MGTOWGreatestHits - 9 years ago
He brought that shit on himself
Kotzmich Anvordir
Kotzmich Anvordir - 9 years ago
Stupid People doing stupid things!
Please keep going!
Wolfy group
Wolfy group - 9 years ago
Expert?Ha ha.Idiot maybe
Jordan Elizabeth
Jordan Elizabeth - 9 years ago
Shark: mmmmmmm! Chicken leg!
David31567 - 9 years ago
To you "experts"....SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! sharks is not Bambi....and Sharks like Tigershark and Bullshark dont "mistake"....they attack stop saying that shark are mistaken....the one mistaking is you that dont see it as an animal...that eat meat..which include humans....soon they will say that crocodiles also "mistake"....and how many people have a bullshark killed??? so get it Great White, Tigershark, Bullshark, White tip oceanic shark,big hammerhead, Mako shark, blue shark etc are very dangerous to people
David31567 - 8 years ago
hahahaha but in Bambis defense..he was broke.....desperate time , desperate measures... ;) but piss me off when experts try to say that sharks are "mistaken"..... can you imagine if that bullshark didnt attack..then he would say "you see" then some other morron that is not expert will try that stunt...and that time the bullshark will kill him...that expert faggot was lucky it was shallow water.... if that was 3 meter depth that bullshark would grab him and bite his ass off.....
greg20067 - 8 years ago
+David31567 dont get close to bambi either of course deer are most dangerous because they go through windsheilds
marcin l
marcin l - 9 years ago
+marcin l or when i see document where people run for egzample in forreest in amercia where usual egzist black and grizzly bear without even stick and they have hope that they dont be attacked this is most stupid think i ever seen ,i never go on fforest where be 300-400 kg grizlle bear whithout good  gun i dont want have face ripp off etc  beer on short distance could run 50-55 km/h so forget that you escape , so or they are really stupid or they like danger etc
marcin l
marcin l - 9 years ago
+Angel Of Death Uchiha agree tells people that shark do misteake is stupid  shey are predator and they ae egzacly now what they do ,if you are enough stupid that you swim with bull shark than dont be surprise that from you leg stay only bone or even not this , but this man show people and do reserc about behawior shark how they interact with human in some situation he egzacly now that this could happen and this hapen but could end much worse than this the samesituation is with any other predator enough big to could kill human we cannot protect they thanks say other no experts peple that they very like be touch nad play with people because they didint in some situation they for sure try to kill people ,we must just  now this and now in which area we are that we can good armed  itself and in bad situation could good protect itself for egzample how stupid are human who swim in completly dark water some of lake in australia naked or with bikini ? this is like go on place where training shootand teell efrybady =HAY  efrybady shoot me :) .
Angel Of Death Uchiha
Angel Of Death Uchiha - 9 years ago
Thank You for Speaking the Truth!
The Bacon Crusader
The Bacon Crusader - 9 years ago
FUCK THAT SHIT!!! I AM 120 Miles away from the coast line and I still can feel that bite!!!
The Bacon Crusader
The Bacon Crusader - 9 years ago
I am not gonna go in there even if you pay me 1 million yen.
Ideol Green
Ideol Green - 9 years ago
+The Bacon Crusader how 50 cent
Jambow Jambow
Jambow Jambow - 9 years ago
So the relation ship is sharks eat people, I get it...
Jambow Jambow
Jambow Jambow - 9 years ago
Hey watch this....
gerry1202 - 9 years ago
And that is how a liberal becomes a conservative.
Jacob Becomes Israel
Jacob Becomes Israel - 9 years ago
Man sharks are stupid. Those guys don't look anything like seals, even in that so murky water they were standing in!
Alex Khouri
Alex Khouri - 9 years ago
Shark "Expert"
Seanie P, C
Seanie P, C - 9 years ago
Experts , Where , All I saw was to full grown idiots standing waist deep in shark infested water , not any old shark they were Bull Shark which are know to have the highest testosterone levels of any animal or fish.., Fact. ,, also humans have a muscle mass of around 40% Bull Sharks are over double that and despite being at best avg  8 to 10 foot long they are enormously strong possibly weighing as much as 400 Ibs ( recorded weights of near 700 Ibs and 11ft long) .. You do not have to be mad to walk in to these fish but you would want to be a Tad Stupid, I am just glad I am not as "Experienced" as these guys , although I do like Nigel Marven , he was probably convinced by the Expert  that all would be well. See where that got them. OK shutting up now. Would not wish it on anyone yet a lesson learned .!!
Demon50 - 9 years ago
Out of all the sharks in the world they chose to get into the water with a school of bulls? Someone deserves a Darwin Award.
michael clancy
michael clancy - 9 years ago
Dumber than a bag of hammers .
Pink Diver
Pink Diver - 9 years ago
Jesus can y'all stop complaining?! He survived to tell a story and now has a better understanding to be careful so knock it off
KelpNougatCrunch - 9 years ago
What kind of stupid motha fucka swims with the 3rd most dangerous shark on the fucking planet.
Rashid Razak
Rashid Razak - 9 years ago
Sorry but some white people r stupid
Q8 Fly
Q8 Fly - 9 years ago
Great for being an expert.....those creatures arent tame
Ryan K Rogers
Ryan K Rogers - 9 years ago
sharks are Gods creatures
Zofia Clifford
Zofia Clifford - 9 years ago
Oh ok thanks
Klinsman Hinjaya
Klinsman Hinjaya - 9 years ago
That's Nigel Maven! I saw him on Walking with Dinosaurs Special programs!
RICH SOUL - 9 years ago
LMAO!! I can't
leoricgurung - 9 years ago
Expert should be the one taking you out of danger not put you into it :)
Jit Su
Jit Su - 9 years ago
Your fine, I'm an expert, just be still.. CRUNCH!!!
steven hogan
steven hogan - 9 years ago
What idiot would be waist deep in water with a swarm of bull sharks swimming around them. I guess the expert got what he deserved. Sharks one idiots  zero! LOL.
Landon Giron
Landon Giron - 9 years ago
Zofia Clifford
Zofia Clifford - 9 years ago
I'm fuckinf scared to go to Portugal or Greece on holiday and to swim in a beach and get attacked or one of my parents or siblings to get attacked
Luar Otnip
Luar Otnip - 9 years ago
+Zofia Taraszkiewicz I´m portuguese and I´ve never saw a shark in our beaches, seen some dolphins though.
Kyle - 9 years ago
I live in hawaii I dive snorkel spear fish almost everyday and have seen many sharks never has one even seemed to try to hurt me. I'm 16 btw. Don't be stupid like these guys though they I guess have never learned respect nature and they just jumped into a school of the most agressive shark their is. Tbh sharks kill less then 10 people a year so don't worry my friend
Zofia Clifford
Zofia Clifford - 9 years ago
SpearBros - 9 years ago
+Zofia Taraszkiewicz There are very few to no sharks in Portugal or Greece. I have spearfished there and never saw anything.
Parker Bryan
Parker Bryan - 9 years ago
He straight up blamed the other guy for the attack LOL
Freeway Godzilla
Freeway Godzilla - 9 years ago
As the experts say maybe the shark thought he was a seal
Richard DeFren
Richard DeFren - 9 years ago
HAHA what a moron! Deserves all he got and he knows it!
Road Runner
Road Runner - 9 years ago
"Shark expert"
Adam is the coolest
Adam is the coolest - 9 years ago
He probably needed stitches
Urban Chaos 2.0
Urban Chaos 2.0 - 9 years ago
White people...
Milos Konstantinovic
Milos Konstantinovic - 9 years ago
What a idiot I would not do this for a million $$$ u just don't f with a shark ..

BOBBYAVFC1 - 9 years ago
sharks are like women, you can never trust them
Miroslava  Hernandez
Miroslava Hernandez - 7 years ago
That's right I guess you have encounter some of our most dangerous types.. I for one like to say I'm the ruler of the ocean.. lmao
Kobie  Cabral
Kobie Cabral - 7 years ago
Are you talking about the shark or the men
I actually have no idea
I actually have no idea - 9 years ago
Awwwh , you sound like you just got dumped :)
gerry1202 - 9 years ago
+bobo bobo I don't date women who bite that hard.
Seanie P, C
Seanie P, C - 9 years ago
+Evelyn Carmichael Yes its sexist #everydaysexism .. but its true ..
Demon50 - 9 years ago
+Evelyn Carmichael ... Welcome to the world. Get ready to be offended plenty more times.
jake schief
jake schief - 9 years ago
+Evelyn Carmichael it's a joke calm down!
Tibor Shebyt
Tibor Shebyt - 9 years ago
Tibor Shebyt
Tibor Shebyt - 9 years ago
Blake Martin
Blake Martin - 9 years ago
the first sign of stupidity here is a guy swimming in an ocean full of bull sharks. If you're a shark expert then you would never try this in the first place. what a moron.
Dr Crodre
Dr Crodre - 9 years ago
stupid idiot. I hate people who think they ate wisdom with a spoon. stupid fuck I hope he learned his lesson
Inspire Me
Inspire Me - 9 years ago
there is not such thing as 'shark expert' because were not suppose to be experts were suppose to leave them the fuck alone,,, why dont we become human experts and just live like were suppose to
Monk - 9 years ago
Animal lovers are shocked when wild animals act like wild animals. Mr Darwin was right.
Mentor Pozhegu
Mentor Pozhegu - 9 years ago
My grandmother once told me if you played with fire you get burned.
EdD5 - 9 years ago
Completely surrounded by sharks, no one let him know there was a shark behind him. The scent of dumb must have attracted the beast.
EdD5 - 9 years ago
The expert only got C's in expert school.
Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick - 9 years ago
+EdD5 Mor like E. I don't understand why they didn't get F. But then they wouldn't be an expert I guess.
ThaBest Kiss
ThaBest Kiss - 9 years ago
Omg haahhhhahhaah lmao!!!!!!
iStalkification - 9 years ago
I honestly think its ridiculous for everyone to call this guy an idiot. He knows what he's doing it isn't like he doesn't understand the risks. He's doing what he has a passion for and is willing to take the risks, so stop calling him retarded just because he takes interest is something that is dangerous.
Sarina Belcore
Sarina Belcore - 9 years ago
again this is just plain stupidity. I really think these poor guys were just getting tired of these guys around them. im glad he got attacked. serves them right for being so stupid
PJ S - 9 years ago
Sharks gotta eat!
jpat gon
jpat gon - 9 years ago
Lick Head Darry
Lick Head Darry - 9 years ago
Was waiting for him to get the Darwin Award, too bad -_-
Aries Siren
Aries Siren - 9 years ago
Sharks could care less were are here, they are so beautiful..AAAAAAAGGGHHH!
J. Tiberius Kirk
J. Tiberius Kirk - 9 years ago
I guess he forgot to wear his chainmail bathing suit.
Gulab Khan
Gulab Khan - 9 years ago
People why joke the shark
Neylyn Martinez
Neylyn Martinez - 9 years ago
Lol ok I'm sorry but i just had to laugh at how the shark just very casually and slowly nibbled him. Like the bite want aggressive at all, he was just like hmm i wonder what you taste like
Ash MacC
Ash MacC - 9 years ago
Aww man I feel you. & thats smart advice. I'll be following that myself. I only recently became so paranoid. Up until this week, I assumed what bumped me was a large fish. Now I know better. I also didn't realize until this week, that my mother has be unknowingly taking me on vacation yearly to the shark attack capital of the world for the past 18 years....New Symerna beach in Volusia county, FL. I about cried. I've been swimming out into the deepest parts possible without lifeguards bringing you back in ever since I became a competent swimmer. Bout 10 years at least. I had no idea I had been risking it so much O_O.......we're scheduled to go again in 2 months. Aside from sharks, I've gotten stung by jellyfish passing through at least every other year. I'm not going above my knees anymore. Kinda ruins the whole trip for me really lol. I can handle jellies, but not sharks. Ignorance was bliss. I'm going somewhere else next year lol.
Neylyn Martinez
Neylyn Martinez - 9 years ago
Ive swam in murky oceans and let me tell ya... the fear is real xD got so paranoid. Every time i felt something swim by i froze and expected a bump. I kept telling everyone "not trying to rain on your parade but if something bumps you please run out the water!"
Ash MacC
Ash MacC - 9 years ago
Oh okay lol. I seen that too & can't believe he stood still and let it nibble a bit before biting think an expert would be aware that he's being tasted >.< I got "bumped" 2 years ago by one in New Smyrna. Scared me to freaking death. I started running back in to shore soon as it happened. Lucky I wasn't tasted myself.
Neylyn Martinez
Neylyn Martinez - 9 years ago
I knew about and have seen the bump but he looked so gentle when he went in to nibble him that i just laughed :p
Ash MacC
Ash MacC - 9 years ago
+Neylyn Martinez That's what bulls do before they try to eat you. They can't use hands to feel so they do the "bump & bite" technique. Once they figure out you taste perfectly good, it's on.
Neylyn Martinez
Neylyn Martinez - 9 years ago
Nam3l3ssOn3 - 9 years ago
The shark just wanted to play! Hmm. What is this? Let's bite it to find out! Lol
Danilo Amargoso
Danilo Amargoso - 9 years ago
shark expert huh?..
Sean Paul
Sean Paul - 9 years ago
great, another video contributing to the bad image of sharks -.-
Retro Thingz
Retro Thingz - 9 years ago
Complete and utter, total stupidity.
gyeo sabayo
gyeo sabayo - 9 years ago
sometimes the more you think that you are an expert the more you will be proven stupid.

no doubt he is very good with sharks expert actually, until the inevitable happens.
ShortFingeredShreder - 9 years ago
I remember I had a National Geographic tape from years ago that had footage of some diver getting attacked by a reef shark.  He was getting very close to this one shark, and it was visibly getting uncomfortable, but this dolt ignored the warning and kept taking pictures of it.  It ended up lunging at him and taking a huge chunk out of his unprotected forearm.  I wish I could find it, because it rivals this clip to say the least.  Oh, sweet irony!
Orion MA
Orion MA - 10 years ago
You can trust a cat , but never trust a shark lol
Evolvst - 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure the shark wasn't gonna eat him. They felt threaten because your in the middle of them. Why the hell would you stand there.
elilovestrains - 10 years ago
Quentin G
Quentin G - 10 years ago
John C.
John C. - 10 years ago
People like to believe we are somehow magically not on the menu because we are human.  That if we get bitten or attacked, it was mistaken identity or defensive in nature.  The last I heard, we taste like pork.  Pork is on a lot of menus.
Tim Lazenby
Tim Lazenby - 10 years ago
"and this is a man who knows sharks and works with them nearly every day"..... clearly NOT!! lol
Kojack - 10 years ago
I guess I should stop swimming with my pet shark while covered in bacon grease...
Naja A
Naja A - 10 years ago
You are the most stupid person in the world
Laura Flores
Laura Flores - 10 years ago
Chris - 10 years ago
"There was nothing I could do"....STAY THE F@#$! OUT OF WATER FILLED WITH MAN EATING SHARKS. Darwinism at its finest
Greger Karlsson
Greger Karlsson - 10 years ago
I hope the Shark didnt break any tooth
Big Peg da Mako
Big Peg da Mako - 7 years ago
Greger Karlsson I know this guy commented a long time ago, but for those who like sharks, they shed teeth all of the time. They have rows of teeth and they drop off and grow back over time.
Anthos - 10 years ago
Can we still call this guy a shark expert?
Jojo Rata
Jojo Rata - 10 years ago
He could have worn wetsuits or something, not just standing like that, circling by a number of sharks!!
Miguel Sanchez
Miguel Sanchez - 10 years ago
That will teach ya
Zeke2g - 10 years ago
Another "expert" who thinks they know it all cause they observe a wild animal. The only shocking thing in this video was this guy being left baffled he was bitten.
Booger Face
Booger Face - 10 years ago
I wonder if he calls himself a shark "expert"??
NS - 10 years ago
These are some of the most malicious animals in the world, what exactly did you expect? I understand that most sharks do not do this, but bull sharks, yeah, they'll do whatever the fuck they want.
May Hemm
May Hemm - 9 years ago
+The Mighty Maus Meat isn't the only source of protein. Kale, Spinach, Broccoli, etc., have tons of protein. Even if you go pure vegan the only thing you're missing out on that you will FOR SURE need a supplement on are your b6 or 12 vitamins. One of those I don't remember which. Everything else you can get on a pure plant based diet. (i'm not a vegan, I like my jeky tyvm.)
dearydarling - 9 years ago
+LOLLYPOPPE i kind of love you lol
The Mighty Maus
The Mighty Maus - 9 years ago
What do you expect? Be Alive just eating Vegetables? That's not Possible, we will die without Proteins and Proteins come from Meat (not Pork.)
Just like Animals, they kill few other animals but our Population is Big than theirs. 7,241,392,927 people and Estimated 3 Billion Animals.
John - 9 years ago
Some humans would might do that, but I'm also sure that a shark easily would kill you for your shoes as well if it actually was in need for a pair. 
May Hemm
May Hemm - 9 years ago
+LOLLYPOPPE But a human will kill you for your shoes. An animal in the wild will kill you because it wants to eat.
John - 9 years ago
+Victoria sasasa No it's not. You can swim with 1000 humans on the beach and they won't attack you. Try swimming with 1000 bull sharks, or just 20.
NS - 9 years ago
+Victoria sasasa Malicious* and I said some... 
Victoria sasasa
Victoria sasasa - 9 years ago
You are wrong. The most malicius animal in this world are humans.
Tony Frenden
Tony Frenden - 10 years ago
Fake. the shark really bit the other leg.
schlaznger - 10 years ago
You need to choose a new profession.  Maybe profile people that work at Walmart...No they are more stupid and dangerous!
Stephan - 10 years ago
Well, its pretty clear the shark was just curious and testing, otherwise it could have done a whole lot worse than that.
ItsKarma - 10 years ago
Raptor Jesus you are so true
LaDale Moss
LaDale Moss - 10 years ago
Why in the hell.... You know what, nevermind
Frost - 9 years ago
+LaDale Moss Couldnt of said it myself better.
B H - 10 years ago
What an unbelievable egotistical IDIOT. What is just as stupid is that talking head blindly follows him out there.
itb20v - 10 years ago
Maybe not stand in the water with fuckin sharks
Marlon Argueta
Marlon Argueta - 10 years ago
Unless you have been close to these sharks, you really shouldn't comment. I've dived with Bull Sharks before. No cage, nothing. One loves sharks and assumes the consequences. After all, we are entering their environment. Having said that, they are incredible creatures. Hands down, the most amazing creatures I've seen underwater.
Travo With Us
Travo With Us - 10 years ago
This is awsome! 
Martin Jamieson
Martin Jamieson - 10 years ago
The guy said in a separate show that he got bitten working with a clueless journalist who kept moving around and stirring up the vis so the shark couldn't see him very well and decided to check what he was with its teeth. Seeing it from under water you can see there is sediment around his legs, but not as bad as he made out.
Jeff Huerta
Jeff Huerta - 10 years ago
so much for being an expert
88feji - 10 years ago
Its funny isn't it ?
If its the host who's bitten so horribly, the episode would have been cancelled (like Steve Crocodile hunter) .. if its someone else, what the hack, lets show the whole grusome footage and get us some ratings ...
chiquichica - 10 years ago
Son idiotas o qué ??? Por qué invaden y molestan a los tiburones sabiendo que pueden morderlos y matarlos ??? Yo ni loca me meto entre los tiburones ... Bien merecido lo tiene !!! :(
Dustin V
Dustin V - 10 years ago
Not threats to the Sharks? Clearly they didn't want them there
Dustin V
Dustin V - 10 years ago
They thought nothing bad was gonna happen. Don't blame the Sharks. Blame the two idiots who went into the water with the most aggressive sharks in the world. That's like diving in the water in a seal suit and trying to hand feed a great white.
TheOriginal GGHarasser
TheOriginal GGHarasser - 10 years ago
Yeah guys, don't let an arrogant know-it-all lead you into a position like this.
SuperKissFan1 - 10 years ago
I guess you are not a shark expert..
saquist - 10 years ago

Sharks are Predators
Fear imparts common sense.
When the Fear passes...the common sense should remain.
Simon Dover
Simon Dover - 10 years ago
Remember seeing this program.
Just got back from making a snack.
Told my mate who was watching, 'if those are bull sharks they better get out of there quick'.
I had not heard any commentary, but they looked like bulls and I did not like the way they were moving.
Sure enough, they got bit.
Dissapointing that the behaviourist was so ignorant and the naturalist accepted the other idiots opinion on his own safety.
I might do a lot of things but never this with this species.
TheCraigy111 - 10 years ago
Really? At what point did it sound like a good idea to stand waist deep in water surrounded by sharks?
Jonah Safern
Jonah Safern - 9 years ago
Especially seeing as bull sharks are THE MOST aggressive species of shark.
Johan Retsler
Johan Retsler - 9 years ago
+trha2222 I do not know, so what, and I think you are just as big an idiot like these two were
trha2222 - 9 years ago
Your wit is as impressive as my waist line.
TheCraigy111 - 9 years ago
+trha2222 Let's see, say your 25 years old, hmm... I'd say you've been bitten so many times that you just carry a sign reading 'IT HAPPENED AGAIN, YOU KNOW THE DRILL' lol
trha2222 - 9 years ago
+TheCraigy111 I do it most every day. Guess how many times a shark has actually bitten me.
Chris Nelson
Chris Nelson - 10 years ago
Ok,here is the deal. Peoples bodies are made of tissue. Meat,if you will.  When you purposely stand in a pack of sharks which are meat eaters,and get bit....well,thats kind of natural,right? I mean,if i'm in the kitchen and there is a steak sitting on the counter,i'm gonna eat it.   No blame on the sharks part here. 
kvnlgn3008 - 10 years ago
Sure, lets stand in the middle of circling, agressive bull sharks and become surprised when one of them gets hungry and bites you.  
anonymous one
anonymous one - 10 years ago
no animal can ever be truely predictable no matter how well you think you know them the same way as not all humans are the same some are dicks
Johnny George
Johnny George - 10 years ago
Shark expert you say you know about the shark do you speak shark how could you understand a shark does he talk to you people say they understand animals and fishes and everything else but they do not talk to you so you can understand nothing they say I'm glad he bite at you
Marites Baradas
Marites Baradas - 10 years ago
Delikado ang shark fish.
Diamond Grader
Diamond Grader - 10 years ago
I was forced to sit through a SPAM advertisement before the clip would play.  Do they really think I'll use their product now?
KuddlyKisses - 10 years ago
This just goes to show that no matter how much you know (or think you know) about an animal...anything can and probably will happen eventually. I'm glad that he didn't blame the shark, but I feel bad that the man who was bitten couldn't admit his mistake of underestimating the sharks.
Erik Hartmann
Erik Hartmann - 10 years ago
Animals won't hurt you if you don't hurt them. If you're entering their space their instinct is to kill you so they're innocent when they do, just like Ted Bundy. If you stay out of their turf they'll stay out of yours. Stay in your house and lock your doors and you'll probably be fine. Animals are lovely, beautiful, and peaceful.
David31567 - 8 years ago
erik you dont know what you talking about...tigershark and bullshark dont give a shit....they can smell/hear you a long way and start swimming to you and kill you either way...because this two mention sharks are MAN EATERS!!
Stephan - 10 years ago
Animals are lovely and beautiful, but if you say they are peaceful, you are kidding yourself.

I mean, much of the time they are, but you have to be flatly in denial that everyday millions of creatures are not preying upon and killing other creatures, and occasionally humans. Im not demonising them, we kill and eat things to, its just reality and the world is not a fairyland.
Erik Hartmann
Erik Hartmann - 10 years ago
"And this is a man who knows sharks" - LOL
Guy1: These guns look dangerous.
Guy2: Yes, they could easily kill you. Just look at this. I'll aim for our legs and see what happens.
Guy1: I will never forget the power of guns.
quercus - 10 years ago
If you uuuu with the bull you'll get the horn sooner or later. Ask any chef if they have cut themselves with a knife. Ask any mechanic if they have skinned their knuckles. What you chose is what you get.
5kouji7 - 10 years ago
So sharks are miss understood creatures? This video is a clear evidence ther not
Barbara West
Barbara West - 10 years ago
Well these guys just deserve all they get. Idiots
Dennis Mennillo
Dennis Mennillo - 10 years ago
So if I were to be in the middle of the woods surrounded by grizzlies, I should be shocked that one of them mauls me?
F-117 Sorry We didnt know it was INVISIBLE
F-117 Sorry We didnt know it was INVISIBLE - 10 years ago
FUCK The SHARKS Kill EM all i SAY.
trumpet t140v
trumpet t140v - 10 years ago
abark - 10 years ago
This is hilarious. Best SNL skit in decades. Is this a Christopher Guest documentary?
IIIXVZ - 9 years ago
A Poor guy you are
james mcdisney
james mcdisney - 10 years ago
I have no sympathy for stupid people
Chris S.
Chris S. - 10 years ago
I am sure he has a vast knowledge and experience with sharks but this was just stupid. Sharks figure out what things are by biting on them.  They probably have never seen humans before and were just curious.. Common sense would say to wear some kind of protection but maybe this guy has been with sharks so much he felt comfortable enough not to. Who knows?
Stephan - 10 years ago
Just lucky the journalist didnt get bitten! I mean the shark expert was, sort of, asking for it by saying 'its safe'. But the journalist was scared to get in, imagine if he was rewarded by getting bitten, he would never go in the water again.
5winder - 10 years ago
Holy shit, that is stupid.
Kasun Chanuka
Kasun Chanuka - 10 years ago
idiots,if they knew the danger why they went there.
surg23 - 10 years ago
So what did we learn here today: that "shark experts" can't tell us anything we don't already know about them. 

Learn more from "Lion experts" that get their faces bitten off, or the "Elephant experts" who get trampled to death. 

So educational. 
Blake Martin
Blake Martin - 9 years ago
Haha! Very true.
Mike Cimerian
Mike Cimerian - 10 years ago
The most aggressive species. Shark expels stupid invaders
- Bob, don't they know?
- Charlie just remind them, it's your turn.
- ... and brush your teeth.
T-roll 1557
T-roll 1557 - 10 years ago
"Experts" know when to get out of the water....
Sharayah Green
Sharayah Green - 10 years ago
Lesson learned... sharks circling you in water...GTFO
milkmandan77 - 10 years ago
I bet this dude files this event in the "what the hell was I thinking" category.
Andy Watson
Andy Watson - 10 years ago
Thats what they call Foot in mouth. Right when you said it wouldnt happen....Foot in mouth.
EZ-Vape Mission
EZ-Vape Mission - 10 years ago
"there's nothing I could have done"
except you know....not going into a school of bullsharks.
Also, most initial bites from sharks in shallow water are not aggressive in nature, they are exploratory bites. Basically to see if you're prey or not.
jeep mudd
jeep mudd - 10 years ago
Not to Bright  period!!  
Brucey - 10 years ago
Yer see that scar ( points to his ruined calf ) twas bullshit that gave me that scar, er I mean a bullshark!
zeroexile - 10 years ago
Titles wrong, I see no experts here
optifog - 10 years ago
I wonder how they managed to save him. Also, I imagine they got lucky there - seems there would be a big risk that once the other sharks noticed the attack, they'd swarm and tear them both apart.
Bob Murphy
Bob Murphy - 10 years ago
That thing bumped up against him for several seconds before it started eating him.  That animal gave him plenty of time to react and he chose not to.  What a tool.
genroku7 - 10 years ago
Imagine there are so many sharks around you

It isn't hard to do

     ---- John Lennon
LoyalKoala - 10 years ago




illuminati - 10 years ago
i hoped both of them would have been eaten by sharks
viperguyz - 10 years ago
Whether it's climbing mountain walls or swimming with sharks White people don't give a F, it's do or die for them...something I'll always respect them for. Except for when it comes to Oakland, they afraid to go there because nicca crazy and you could get kill out there...nicca crazy
wildchd1 - 10 years ago
lol I was not aware the shark bit me lol HIS OWN WORDS  but yet they just were bringing you in with your flesh hanging off 450 pound bull shark dragging you around I mean we saw it !!!! more like 450 pounds of bullshit !!!! lol
Ronald Castaneda
Ronald Castaneda - 10 years ago
Even Shallow water is pretty dangerous. Wow. Dam
GBS - 10 years ago
Does this make him more of an expert? Is this an up or downgrade of credentials? lol
Bipin Desai
Bipin Desai - 10 years ago
LoRaX - 10 years ago
This is what happens when people think they "understand" animals
Thahir Asnaripulla
Thahir Asnaripulla - 10 years ago
Vanessa Perry
Vanessa Perry - 10 years ago
Stupid people. it was your lucky day...
Mohamud Hersi
Mohamud Hersi - 10 years ago
Blease lieve me along.
Ezzie E.
Ezzie E. - 10 years ago
"I was not aware there was a shark behind me."
2 seconds later
"The bump is not unusual, they bump you once in a while to check you out..."
Ezzie E.
Ezzie E. - 10 years ago
+ErikJVideos  Did you watch the same video I did...? The shark expert said, at 1:52, that he wasn't aware there was a shark behind him. The shark expert then says, at 1:58, that "the bump was not unusual". The video playing at that exact moment was of the bull shark bumping the SHARK EXPERT in the leg. The only comment I had for that piece was "fibber". I didn't say anything about shark aggression, so I don't get why you're arguing against something I never said. Fucktard.
ErikJVideos - 10 years ago
H was referring to when the shark bumped the other guy you fucktard, stating that just because the shark did does not entirely mean they are getting aggressive.
T Mac
T Mac - 10 years ago
what hubris. doesn't know shit about sharks. sharks don't care about your college degree buddy. ive surfed my whole life and bull sharks are the most aggressive sharks in the world.
dasun13 - 10 years ago
dont get in the water, there are sharks in there
Phoenixs' Labyrinth
Phoenixs' Labyrinth - 10 years ago
Human takes care of sharks.
Sharks doesnt give a fucking care about humans.
We humans in sharks world are merely FOOD to them...
So why do we humans have to take care of these fucking shark?
So we get eaten by them whenever we feel like goin into the water?
Shark instinction have a reason....go ask mother nature.

Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt - 10 years ago
Don't worry they found the shark later it was destroyed
KingCorny93 - 10 years ago
Be glad. It was a small shark. A tiger or great white might have killed you. Stop making these animals look like killers. You guys came into their world and now you're part of their foodpyramid. Deal with it. Leave them alone and they will leave you alone.
jpat gon
jpat gon - 9 years ago
Zachary Maneja
Zachary Maneja - 10 years ago
Exactly your land is my land my land is your land...also... my land is my freaking land and your land is your freaking well as... your space is...well you get etc the idea NOW RESPECT THEO SPACE
3101010 - 10 years ago
Chances are you will get bit if you mess with enough anything with teeth. That shark just punched his card.
tSp289 - 10 years ago
Chaiinmail wetsuits. Or you know, not standing in a lagoon filled with bull sharks.
xander j.
xander j. - 10 years ago
Stupid fuck.
sirlunkan - 10 years ago
you cant understand a wild animal omg retard
Raven - 10 years ago
this guy that got bitten is a complete retard.
lindy chao
lindy chao - 10 years ago
very cute
Raptor Jesus
Raptor Jesus - 10 years ago
"it happened so fast, theres nothing i could have done"
how about not stand in the ocean surrounded by sharks?...
Kasandra Mann
Kasandra Mann - 7 years ago
Temp Fan
Temp Fan - 8 years ago
yea well u would have to THINK for that. so it doesnt count
Kelly White
Kelly White - 9 years ago
+Raptor Jesus Not stand in the ocean surrounded by sharks?? Come on now.....that makes too much sense.
Roblox Movies
Roblox Movies - 9 years ago
+Raptor Jesus DUDE thats so true like the sharks didnt like you but when you just stay in the water like that there gonna just bit you to let you get the fuck outta the way
外国人 - 10 years ago
+Jes Ter
EXACTLY!  great minds think alike!  Let's fuck sharks!
外国人 - 10 years ago
+Diederick Cock
To spunk on it's back
Jester 501
Jester 501 - 10 years ago
+Diederick Cock To spunk on it's back
Diederick Cock
Diederick Cock - 10 years ago
+The Electrictrumblumpkin
why do you want to fuck a shark?
外国人 - 10 years ago
LOL, exactly!  Fuck sharks!
Vincent Valentine
Vincent Valentine - 10 years ago
"So as long as you don't move and they realize we are not a threat to them"  In pops Narrators voice "And Then." LMFAO I just can't illustrate how F-ing hard I'm laughing.  Sharks are among the top apex predators of the sea, they eat what they want when they want, don't mistake for a second that you aren't on their list as a potential food source.  The Shark that inspired the movie Jaws got a taste for human flesh, look it up it is based on a real man eater.  Slightly off topic the Tiger shark is an example of a shark that is exceptionally willing to eat just about anything it comes across,(hints their less frequently heard name "The Trash Cans or Dumpsters of the Sea") whole suits of armor have been found in their bellies, hubcaps from cars, just to name a couple.  The same goes for lions and tigers, when they get a taste of the sweet pork it can easily become a choice diet.  The lions from the movie "Ghost in the Darkness" also based on a pair of real man eater lions. These lions killed tons of people as a food source, because they preferred taste, and probably the easy accessibility.  Name one apex predator that wont eat a man.  I'm not advocating irrational fear of these creatures but a healthy respect for the apex predators is a good idea.  And I hope the guy whose leg that got bitten off reads this comment because not only did your insane decision making thought process cost you a huge chunk of your leg, but you had probably advocated before this how these sharks won't attack people because they only attack when they perceive you as a threat and as a result possibly cost some poor twit that bought into your bs his or her life, and those people's blood are on your hands whether you like it or not for teaching this nonsense.  Grizzly man got away with playing with brown bears for years, then one day he and his girlfriend became lunch.        
joe tilley
joe tilley - 10 years ago
Nigel marvin I was in the newspaper with u at rain forest reptiles
U gave me a signed book and DVD
Media D
Media D - 10 years ago
I don't care what stats people throw at me, it is not safe to swim with sharks. shove your 'more likely' to get hit by lightning stats up your ass
Sonia Parmar
Sonia Parmar - 10 years ago
Sonia Parmar
Sonia Parmar - 10 years ago
That man is called nigal
Law Dawg
Law Dawg - 10 years ago
Dude, how about not get in the water with dozens of animals that can decapitate you, i love sharks, but those are also bull sharks as well, damn things are the most aggressive animal on the earth, highest testosterone levels of any vertebrate. Swimming with one of those is like just asking for decapitation.
GreenWhale77 - 10 years ago
Is real!?
John Hewitt
John Hewitt - 10 years ago
Doesn't know sharks quite well enough!
David Hannah
David Hannah - 10 years ago
you can't fix stupid
Vishal Rai
Vishal Rai - 10 years ago
I have a question. Sharks smell blood and......get a boner right? You know what I mean. They smell blood and wanna feast! So when the shark bit his leg....there is blood pouring out. Wouldn't all of the other sharks smell the blood and also feel the need to feast on meat?! Or is that only with great white sharks? 
James Cage
James Cage - 10 years ago
I vote next he does the same thing in the open ocean with white sharks.  shhhhh...they are his friends and respect him as there over-lord....shhhh...he actually believes in the bullshit that comes outta his mouth, his friend there is a douche for putting his life in the hands of a schitzo person
Stephan - 9 years ago
+Dan Smith Oh for real? I that is actually kind of, I should not be laughing at that, but it is ironic. After he makes a whole doco about how he can swim with them. I hope he is ok though. Its not really funny anymore, just when I first read it it was.
Dan Smith
Dan Smith - 9 years ago
+ThaFunkster100 They removed it after he was attacked by one
James Cage
James Cage - 10 years ago
+ThaFunkster100 your awesome bro, your a rock star, thats the first time someone explained that shit to me where it made any kind of sense at all right on big ups, cheers
Stephan - 10 years ago
There was actually a documentary on Youtube about this south african guy who swims with great whites without protection. Its been removed sadly, but he was someone who learnt their body language and how to read them so well, that he could just relax with them. If they started to put on aggressive body language, he would swim below them, which makes them feel threatened and back off, and if things got too much he would go back to his boat. He did that all the time and was ok. Balls of steel, but it just goes to show, if you really know how to understand them, it can be done. (Of course there is still a risk).
Karmazynowy Drwal
Karmazynowy Drwal - 10 years ago
you may call me retarded but i think that this shark was curious about if its food , it didn't look like attacking
Raymond Conway
Raymond Conway - 10 years ago
I have absolutely NO sympathy for any IDIOT who would attempt this. "Trying to get into the sharks mind" bulshit ...well you know now you FOOL
Emmanuel Amador
Emmanuel Amador - 10 years ago
i once jumped in a house with full of pitbulls . i was suprise i was bit :( i just cant understand ...
Emmanuel Amador
Emmanuel Amador - 10 years ago
i talked to the shark and he regrets what he did
добрий день
добрий день - 10 years ago
Oh man how times have changed. Idiots now have powers in the court of law and place shark lives above human lives. I thankfully come from an oldschool mindset where a shark is a fucking shark and can fuck you up. I don't know where these idiot tree hugger nature lovers come from but they need to be banished from the US, EU, and AU to fuck off in Africa with their love of nature and obsession with becoming "one"... inside a massive predators belly. I'm dissapointed really with how hard it is nowadays to find someone who isn't a complete idiot and worse of all a damn nature lover and shark apologist.
Jake Lee
Jake Lee - 10 years ago
If you're gonna be gotta be tough.
Ferguson Police
Ferguson Police - 10 years ago
You're an idiot, you're surrounded by them and you don't expect to get bit? Fucking dumbass. There are WAY better ways to condone experiments with sharks.
HCBchemistry - 10 years ago
I remember seeing this the first time it aired. I remember thinking I can't believe they actually aired a deminstration gone wrong. I thought they would edit out this part but it was great deminstration of unpredictability of sharks. I remember the whole show was about an explanation for the cause of different shark bites (not this one). MAN this was years ago. I can't believe animal planet and discovery channel changed so much. No more education for everyone, nor making kids intrested in animals and science. Shows such as wild discovery, the Jeff Corwin experience, croc files, nigial marvon, etc, we're the greatest education for kids. I dare anyone to go on their tv menu and compare the shows on animal planet and discovery and tell me how much learning you really get in any amount of time. Shows are no good. The show Tanked is number one in animal planet right now in my eyes. At least it is about marine systems. But back 10 years ago a show like this stood no chance for education. I have no comment for the other shows on these networks.
The science channel is slowly heading that way.... National Geographic is too late we have lost it already to the other side...oh as well as history channel (gone)....
Ashley Crookes
Ashley Crookes - 10 years ago
I remember watching this episode years ago..."Shark Expert" indeed. I laughed my head off. This is what happens to stupid people. You wouldn't go walking through a wildlife park full of lions would you? Idiot.
ImMikoFreako - 10 years ago
where the fuck is zoom on his leg, thumb down
HeyItsJen - 10 years ago
It's his fault the shark bit him. He got nudged by it then he moved so rapidly that the shark thought danger and defended its self
Nechole777 - 10 years ago
I hand a very strong feeling that the boat was invented because we wanted to stay out of shark filled water. Dumb dum!
Nechole777 - 10 years ago
His guardian angels were so angry that they had to hold off 20 bull sharks and listen to his ungreatful remarks about sharks being similar to butterflies. So they called it a day.
Manolo Chilensis
Manolo Chilensis - 10 years ago
Sharks bump you to taste you
savolrat - 10 years ago
there was nothing you could have done? ummm maybe not stand in shark infested water, that might work
Caroline Collesano
Caroline Collesano - 10 years ago
That guy does not have a fucking brain. Who would stand in the middle of a shark alley. I know who fuckin jerks that dont care and want to die. Why fuck him. I think he doesnt have a fucking brain. If want to do it go ahead and die. I will be on the side that bitchs wont do that.
TheSquidNinja - 10 years ago
Did he try punching it in the nose?
Jack Smith
Jack Smith - 10 years ago
Not quite the 'expert' he thought he was.....
aussiemedia1959 - 10 years ago
Some "shark expert" The guy is a clown for putting himself and the presenter at a level of unacceptable risk.
Justin MZ
Justin MZ - 10 years ago
People are seriously so fucking stupid. "Hey im gonna stick my finger into the bears butt",
or "Hey im gonna stick my head in a gators mouth".. I mean come on, you're SERIOUSLY just asking for it to backfire on your dumb ass
Cornelius Vaginus
Cornelius Vaginus - 10 years ago
Wish he fucking bit his leg off then tied it round his neck as a souvenir/trophy
Blood Beryl
Blood Beryl - 10 years ago
yvonneost12 - 10 years ago
Get into the " mind " of the sharks - do you know the " mind " is near the mouth with shit loads of teeth ???? ppffffttttt what nutters these guys are.
Marvcohen - 10 years ago
It's one thing to convince your self that sharks are harmless, but to take someone with you ?
All for ratings ?
It can't be worth it
Ashwin Chiba
Ashwin Chiba - 10 years ago
i ask you can you be such a dumb ass playing with bull sharks them & tiger sharks are much more aggressive than great whites people can be real dumb sometimes.and that line about being a shark expert is utter rubbish these animals much like people are unpredictable you never know how they will react some are shy some are curious & as this EXPERT found out some are just aggressive.
Spartan - 500
Spartan - 500 - 10 years ago
"It happened so fast there was nothing I could do" HOW ABOUT NOT GETTING IN THE FUCKING WATER WITH SHARKS? DIDN'T THAT COME TO MIND?
AmbiencePT - 10 years ago
Happened so fast !! WTF he was standing there for several minutes talking crap... Dumb humans !
syncopoly - 10 years ago
what a dub shit, that was funny.
William Wallace de Bruce
William Wallace de Bruce - 10 years ago
Not much of an expert then
Jintha Getrouw
Jintha Getrouw - 10 years ago
I would never do that! Standing in water with so many sharks; I coul'dnt even stand beside ONe
Marlon Thomas Jr
Marlon Thomas Jr - 10 years ago
I love white people
Nicolas Whiting
Nicolas Whiting - 10 years ago
And that, kids, is how you get bitten by carelessly going in shark infested waters.
lector - 10 years ago
all that 'shark dont eat humans' is so full of shit. just think logically of wild animals in a survival environment, they will eat anything if they r starving, just like humans would. they say 'human is not their normal diet', no shit we r not sea animals of course we r not their most efficient food choice. they say 'we go to the beach through out the year and there's only a few attacks', thats cos not everytime we go to the beach we r swimming with sharks. they say 'most shark bites r small bites like a test bite', if im trying out some new food i too would take a small bite to see if it is eatable, but thats still eating it, meaning they dont mind trying humans etc. they say 'sharks mistaken us for seals', but they also said sharks have far better vision under water than humans. why try to present a predatory animal as being so harmless?
EAGLE - 10 years ago
Jeez. How stupid do you have to be. 
DarkMetalOverlord - The God Of Xbox Destruction
DarkMetalOverlord - The God Of Xbox Destruction - 10 years ago
So-called "Shark Expert": Sharks won't bite me, because I am INVINCIBLE!!!
(Shark bites human)
So-called "Shark Expert": Well fuck!

Josh Welty
Josh Welty - 10 years ago
So this shark expert was not aware of the shark behind him? 1) he said he felt the "bump" sharks do to "check you out". So he had a physical awareness.  2) YOU GOT IN THE WATER TO BEGIN WITH!!! Personally, taking a journalist with you in the element of YOUR "expertise" and not his, was a risk not only for his safety, but obviously the experts as well. (he learned that the hard way) I think it's an extreme bullshit excuse to blame man, journalist, or whoever for getting bit by a damn shark! He took that chance when he got in the water and he endangered the life of the journalist as well.
Tim Duncan
Tim Duncan - 10 years ago
is anyone else wondering wtf they were doing in the wild with a bunch of sharks... if the guy wanted to study them why wouldnt he have like 1 in captivity instead of like 10 in the wild
Ididsubmititalready - 10 years ago
Some Eco-Terrorist cry for the shark and say he was just having a bad day and won't do it again. lol
Anthony Aldave
Anthony Aldave - 10 years ago
oh check you out
Triple7 - 10 years ago
Expert: "Sharks can't even bite me, so I am invincible! A shark can't bi-

gets bitten

We'll, crap
Mad9977 Productions
Mad9977 Productions - 10 years ago
Sharks in shallow water - out of it, at least when you can feel him passing by... Expert?
nykko73 - 10 years ago
The man who knows sharks ..huh?
Meow Chips
Meow Chips - 10 years ago
When the narrator said "and then," I was expecting something after and I was like oh,
MitchFitt - 10 years ago
I like to call myself a shark expert too, my advice..
1. Don't swim with 20 bull sharks
2. Don't blame the journalist
dante316a - 10 years ago
Yeah dont blame them it was because of this guys and their footage that we now know how dangerous bull sharks are
MusicforMe123 - 10 years ago
Nobody knows sharks period.
tuber - 10 years ago
"I can't believe that happened." You sir, are the stupidest person on earth.
ripwalter34 - 10 years ago
hey you know a really effective method for not getting bitten by a shark is to not be standing in water with like 80 of them swimming around. or so ive heard.
Saira Kaur
Saira Kaur - 10 years ago
Wow there's loads of sharks let's go stand in the middle of them for a chat -.-
Kurdish l Kurdi
Kurdish l Kurdi - 10 years ago
Calm down.
Noah H
Noah H - 10 years ago
I said is it nurse shark? Shark said lol no. 
martony03 - 10 years ago
Expert !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeh 
April Pray
April Pray - 10 years ago
Chicago KillinEm
Chicago KillinEm - 10 years ago
That guys calf looked gnarly. I don't care what anyone says,we can't breath under water for a reason. Were not meant to be in the water just like were not meant to be in the sky. Sharks are beautiful creatures that command respect, if you get in the water your fair game. Whether you believe they attack human beings on purpose or not, is up to you.
alvena nelson
alvena nelson - 10 years ago
why, oh why?? theories and authorities....they all fast good in the end...did he fail to tell the sharks he was a specialist in his field? oh, dear..the other guy is dumb enough to follow and get eaten too???!!
hidi hidi oh
hidi hidi oh - 10 years ago
So stupid. It is like they asked for the bite from sharks. Too bad they didn't die, otherwise they would be a role model for those idiots who still don't know humans are food to sharks. What do they think shark are? A dog ?
Ryan Saulus
Ryan Saulus - 10 years ago
Shark: "hey guys, they taste like chicken."
Eric Taylor
Eric Taylor - 10 years ago
Shark experts are just as tasty as anyone else. I can never trust "experts" that much. Experts were SURE that a full scale nuclear war between the US and USSR was inevitable throughout the 1950's and 60's. But it never happened because the politicians proved smarter than the experts. And what does that say about how smart the experts really are?
DeathOn ThePrairie
DeathOn ThePrairie - 10 years ago
anyone that gets in the water with sharks deserves to get ate.  fuck them
Momster 50
Momster 50 - 10 years ago
TOM C - 10 years ago
Man all those bulls around during an attack they are lucky to be in one peice....
Greggory - 10 years ago
I was expecting fanboys to flood this.
nomadineternity1981 - 10 years ago
lol.. the guy is such a bullshit artist .. just fess up that you fucked up instead of trying to blame the clueless journalist for not "making him aware of a shark being behind you"... sharks were cricling you at will on all sides all the time you dumbo
cicakkibin - 7 years ago
1. Pride?
2. Common sense !?
3. Precautions taken?
Was anyone monitoring underwater activities? Seeing as they got a camera in the water. Nope busy being badass.
Keima - 10 years ago
Es realmente estupido invadir el territorio de un tiburon-.-
RikkiTikkiTavi - 10 years ago
+Brody Wood You're joking right? Not someones fault you say? How about these two morons who thought it would be a good idea to go wading with big bull and lemon sharks.
VL123 - 10 years ago
you are too fucking stupid. Don't you see the spotters from above watching tell them where the sharks are? are fucking stupid.
MASTER deBATER. - 10 years ago
+ErikJVideos He himself admitted, that when the shark "bumped" him, the first time, he didn't think much of it.  So he admitted that he was fully aware of the presence of the shark, moments before it actually bit him. - 10 years ago
I was about to say the same thing you said, when I read your comment - you said it all man - liked!
ErikJVideos - 10 years ago
He never fucked up because he probably does this same thing all the time, he's right any person with any common sense would give someone a heads up if one of the sharks was coming and getting that close to him.
Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt - 10 years ago
Pride before a bite
GreenWhale77 - 10 years ago
Brody Wood
Brody Wood - 10 years ago
Mother Nature doesn't take anyone's side. This earth is her home, we humans are just here to visit.
GreenWhale77 - 10 years ago
Mother Nature is not always on your side.
Brody Wood
Brody Wood - 10 years ago
It's not anyone's fault. It's just Mother Nature.
lakeguild - 10 years ago
Yes, as a "shark whisperer", I can literally feel the emotions of these beautiful...AAUUGGHH!!
SimplySadie - 10 years ago
Totally agree
Rodel Alcalde
Rodel Alcalde - 10 years ago
I am disappointed that the shark did not eat him whole! What a moron!
ujjufruii - 10 years ago
That's great television
Reprovo a
Reprovo a - 10 years ago
what next ? playing hungry hippos with hippos ?
smoothz01 - 10 years ago
Im just in aww of these people who study sharks or lions or killer whales and some were along the line of their "very interesting research" they decide to go take a dip with them cause they feel they know so much about them that nothing will happen to them. I was in florida and a women told my family not to worry about the alligators because they don't bother people on the weekends, i got a little less smart off that comment. I mean the dood said in the video " I can't believe that happened" like the 2 guys were expecting a hug and a tv dinner from a SHARK
Marcel Böschen
Marcel Böschen - 10 years ago
@Louise Huyghe Well because sharks dont like humans and their blood at all, thats why they usually let go as soon as they bit a human
Louise Huyghe
Louise Huyghe - 10 years ago
Weird that the other sharks didnt start attacking them once they smellt the blood?
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein - 10 years ago
Shark swimming about looking for something to eat, notices 2 humans standing in the water, so the shark went for a closer look, swims past the humans legs, only the humans didn't the shark thinks, this is remarkable, so the shark then calls all his friends, to take a look at these two absolute morons standing in the water..sharks all swim about in shock at the stupidity these people are showing. Anyway, once the novelty had worn off, it was time to show these 2 idiots, they either f*** off or become dinner, because they're scaring away the bastard fish.
TheRealTrentPorter - 10 years ago
One time I stuck my hand in a beehive and got stung. I "couldn't BELIEVE" that happened either. I mean, what are the odds?
Zyloff - 7 years ago
Candi Soda
Candi Soda - 10 years ago
+CS T I think... You did

Instead of eating it you should have peed on it, that would have made more sense
CST - 10 years ago
Once I took a dump.... and then I ate it.... 

Wait did I misunderstand this game?
Nikki S.
Nikki S. - 10 years ago
+Mochaka Boom
:D it's all good! more the merrier?
Candi Soda
Candi Soda - 10 years ago
+Nick Santillo Aawww man! I thought I was being cool and slick.  I pulled an apple

Nikki S.
Nikki S. - 10 years ago
+Mochaka Boom
You're about 5 comments late :p hehehehe
Candi Soda
Candi Soda - 10 years ago
Would you say you couldn't BEEE-lieve that happened?

First Last
First Last - 10 years ago
one time i shoved my cock in a slut.... then i married her...FML
- GummiBearArt -
- GummiBearArt - - 10 years ago
It's like running into pack of bears and punching them, oh I got my leg bitten off... Wow that's unexpected, I mean what are the odds of bears attacking you when you punch them...
Ashley Crookes
Ashley Crookes - 10 years ago
That's just too bad, I'm sure you were totally surprised by that! ;D
cast390 - 10 years ago
So,one time I was playing with matches and i got burned,Imagine that,..ME? I got burned? HOW????
Nikki S.
Nikki S. - 10 years ago
Don't you couldn't BEELIEVE  ;]
добрий день
добрий день - 10 years ago
Ashley Crookes
Ashley Crookes - 10 years ago
One time I got kicked by a rabid bull - shouldn't have stood behind him making faces...
john lambert
john lambert - 10 years ago
stupid fucks i dont feel sorry for him, your fucking food for them. they eat anything!!  you just dont mess around with wield animals, remember steve erwin from australia i said it for yrs he gonna die and look whatb happens dont feel sorry for them if u that stupid.  
EM P - 10 years ago
"I can't believe that happened"

What are you; fucking STUPID? 
Fanchin Jeissi
Fanchin Jeissi - 10 years ago
fools, show them legs like some pieces of food, they would definitely take a bite
ali xena
ali xena - 10 years ago
famous last words...............
thegame1881 - 10 years ago
It happened so fast...there's nothing I could've done...

How bout staying the fuck out of a lagoon filled with bull sharks?
Kamille - 10 years ago
and how they got the guy out with all those sharks around and blood all over the water?
Noah Corpus
Noah Corpus - 10 years ago
Unexpected? he wasn't bitten in his living room.....
Nick Machiavelli
Nick Machiavelli - 10 years ago
Sharks are going to vary in their behavior and aggression even among the same breed of them.  Standing in the middle of many raises the odds one is going to be more aggressive, bolder, and more willing to confront an unfamiliar species, than another bull shark.
Matt f
Matt f - 10 years ago
you know, im sorry, but you can only feel so bad for someone who willingly goes and hangs out in the middle of a bunch of sharks
Greggory - 10 years ago
I feel bad for his decision-making skills which led to this perma-injury.
georgia - 10 years ago
bull sharks are THE ONLY sharks that prefer humans for food even HUNT humans sometimes. They are lucky they didn't get swarmed. i'm thinking the only reason one attacked not all of them is the confidence they had making them unsure about what they are asking for if they attack. Other sharks smell blood and go for it normally bite and release cuz we arnt better tasting biting into us is like when we bite into food that doesnt appeal to us. but bull sharks no they want humans. putting yourself with so many sharks is dumb but standing in a pool of fucking bullsharks is one of the dumbest things you can do. specialist thats lucky to be alive and that nudge they do is a test determining the attack. this guy is not a specialist if he thinks hanging out with bullsharks is a good idea. 
Fyr Dawg
Fyr Dawg - 10 years ago
Guess the shark skipped class the day the professor said sharks are no threat to humans
Nana Flan
Nana Flan - 10 years ago
"There's nothing we could have done". Eh, no! Don't go in the water when it's full of sharks!
Scorpomancer - 10 years ago
The shark researchers that go on and on about how sharks aren't dangerous and such strike me as being like those crazy people who collect venomous snakes and swear up and down that they have feelings and wouldn't bite them.  Humans may well not be on the top tier of potential food sources, but get a grip.  These are big animals that can cause significant harm.  There's nothing inherently noble about them, they don't give a damn about you, they are just another part of nature.  And Nature can be a savage bloodthirsty bitch.
Beast6228 - 10 years ago
Fuck Sharks!
r Ivey
r Ivey - 10 years ago
It takes an expert to reject common sense. When he gets more expertise  I'm sure he'll start kissing the sharks like we kiss dolphins.  I wonder what he will do when the shark decides to give him a french kiss in return? 
JUST DRIVE - 10 years ago
Why Would You????? Stupid People
zelilah - 10 years ago
This is why I don't take risks.. That's his fault no one else's...
No life loser who spends huge amounts of his time posting comments on YouTube
No life loser who spends huge amounts of his time posting comments on YouTube - 10 years ago
The presenter thought it was all good, but then he realized this guy is crazy, and he's surrounded by blood thirsty killers...
BackToSchool - 10 years ago
i mean.. all these wildlife experts saying sharks are no threat to us.

we are FOOD to them. they dont prefer to eat us, but if they are hungry they WILL. it's called survival.

the same way we would prefer to not eat bugs, but if we are starving to death we will.
David31567 - 8 years ago
you are an idiot....seal is the main food for great white...TIGERSHARK EAT EVERYTHING for example and he do not mistake your ass....same with the bullshark or are made of meat and they eat meat
randomleafy - 10 years ago
you don't need to be starving to eat a bug and sharks don't need to be starving to eat you (I deserve many thumb ups)
EZ-Vape Mission
EZ-Vape Mission - 10 years ago
+matt repa you should probably learn to read properly before YOU say something stupid like its fact. Since when is a grey whale calf or a dolphin a person? I said "anyone", which means "any person at all". A sea mammal is not a person...
matt repa
matt repa - 10 years ago
+EZ-Vape Mission garbage there is video on youtube they quite often kill Grey Whale Calves, Dolphins and the latest Great White Sharks. Do your research before you say something stupid like its fact
EZ-Vape Mission
EZ-Vape Mission - 10 years ago
+Jarsia there are no documented cases of killer whales killing anyone in the wild. Only in captivity. 
Jarsia - 10 years ago
Then there's the people who talk about orcas as "gentle" or "friendly" creatures. Yeah, friendly if you're chucking food in their mouth, otherwise a deadlier predator than almost any shark. IM all for observing even the the most dangerous animals, and there's nothing wrong with appreciating what they are, as long as you don't have any illusions about them not being born and need killers.
Deathsplate - 10 years ago
+blurwake sharks tend to let their prey bleed to death before feeding, sort of like snakes with their poison saves them energy from fighting with them.
Forever Android
Forever Android - 10 years ago
ON average there is 3-4 human shark deaths a year...
Kilgore Trout
Kilgore Trout - 10 years ago
"we are FOOD to them. they dont prefer to eat us, but if they are hungry they WILL. it's called survival."

Obviously you know NOTHING about sharks or shark attacks or animal behavior in general. Shark attacks themselves are excedingly rare and usually involve people engaging in high risk activities, such as the man in the video. This doesn't even count as a "shark attack" as this is like rolling around in a bed of rattlesnakes and then blaming the snake when you are eventually bite. Any normal human being would of simply stepped out of the water the moment a freaking gang of sharks showed up.

As far as eating humans, this is practically unheard of. It is so rare, that saying sharks eat people is like saying humans eat people because Jeffrey Dahmer was a cannibal or saying humans eat plastic because a baby swallowed a plastic toy. Practically every shark bite in the history of the world was simply the shark checking out what to them is a foreign object. Unfortunately for us, sharks don't have hands. If a decent sized shark actually wanted to eat a human, the shark would 1. bite more than once, and 2. would actually "bite" instead of barely touching someone with its teeth and then letting go in a second or two once it realizes, you know, that SHARKS DON'T EAT PEOPLE....
Daniel Bartholomew
Daniel Bartholomew - 10 years ago
sharks think that we are seals that's why they attack us
blurwake - 10 years ago
actually that isn't right, look up most shark attacks, it is very rare for a shark to actually eat humans, for the most part they bite and release, kind of like how fishermen do catch and release, they have a very wide range of experience in what they usually eat and we taste nothing like it to them, occasionally though a shark does find the taste appealing not unusual, another thing to consider is they dont usually go after healthy and strong animals, we put up more fight than we are worth most of the time.
stef reinier
stef reinier - 10 years ago
That will leave a mark bull sharks an tiger sharks are man eaters foools bite first let go later
Steven C
Steven C - 10 years ago
This is as dumb as...well, as dumb as surrounding yourself with sharks.
Steven C
Steven C - 10 years ago
Am I the only person cheering for the sharks?
sam mich
sam mich - 10 years ago
Woops Mr Sponge Bob won't do that again.
yan zhang
yan zhang - 10 years ago
How about lets stay the fuck away from animals that can eat you alive?!
FRANKyyyyy200 - 10 years ago
Fucking idiot is standing in the water, between 20 sharks arround him and then he is like: Oh my God, i couldn't believe what has happened... I can imagine him using the chainsaw on his leg and saying: Oh my God, i cut my leg off...I cannot believe this!
7sn bl92
7sn bl92 - 10 years ago
fool people
Jim F
Jim F - 10 years ago
And you lost your leg.......?????
Cause you're fucked up!!!!
Simos Osfp
Simos Osfp - 10 years ago
Who the fuck goes into a sea full of sharks?
kurt brayford
kurt brayford - 10 years ago
yer bull sharks dont attack people nurrrrr.
ElaineEC - 10 years ago
Missed a Darwin Award by >< that much.
Nishi Ishii
Nishi Ishii - 10 years ago
Its a fuckin Dolphin
Julie Simmons
Julie Simmons - 10 years ago
That was pretty stupid! what were they doing in the Shark tank to begin with? 
pbrskater26 - 10 years ago
That was the ocean not a shark tank
UrNotSoLittle JonnyBoi
UrNotSoLittle JonnyBoi - 10 years ago
It's easy to be a shark expert. All you need to know is if a shark is in the water, then YOU don't need to be....That is all :3
ummamma - 10 years ago
well stupid
andrew543100 - 10 years ago
idiot. It's a shark.
dєѕραιr ρrιиςєѕѕ
dєѕραιr ρrιиςєѕѕ - 10 years ago
I love sharks but Bull sharks are assholes.
TheCrazyKid1381 - 7 years ago
We must declare war on all sharks
Bull shark
Bull shark - 7 years ago
иσσdlє i just mistook him for a seal
skank hunt 43
skank hunt 43 - 7 years ago
TOM C - 10 years ago
900 times more agressive than a man....yeah they are born assholes lol
thegame1881 - 10 years ago
Haha!! They're the biggest a-holes of the shark species.
rachel kateleen
rachel kateleen - 10 years ago
i soooo hate sharks
Egamersz Ren
Egamersz Ren - 10 years ago
Do it again!! you got another left calf!!
LEEDAQ - 10 years ago
they can stay expert till got bitten
Kefudni - 10 years ago
Idiots. Willingly standing in the water surrounded by the most aggressive animal on the whole fucking planet.
Ezra Moore
Ezra Moore - 10 years ago
"There was nothing I could have done", I can think of something you fool, how about stay out of the water? 
Francis Cristobal
Francis Cristobal - 10 years ago
What did we learn here? DO NOT USE YOUR BODY AS BAIT! 
Judah Israelite
Judah Israelite - 10 years ago
I Wonder if someone Scream Shark when the Shark the Shark Eat him that the Fuck you thought was going to happen if their swiming around you in a Circle DUMB ASS WHITE MAN ! You think they was going to keep Dry Humping u all Night..
Lord Sauron
Lord Sauron - 10 years ago
MrD1ss - 10 years ago
Fifaia Hunter Matainaho
Fifaia Hunter Matainaho - 10 years ago
that's cazy..only white people would do
TG - 7 years ago
even the traffic light ? even the potato chip ? even the...there I say...light bulb ????
Jordan C
Jordan C - 10 years ago
Wtf does race have to do with this? 
noname - 10 years ago
That's right! I'm white, but white people do some crazy stuff like, " this is the most venomous snake in the world with lightning fast reflexes, so let's really try and piss it off by prodding it and then catch it see if we can extract venom from its fangs". wtf? I've always wondered though if the Imperial Grand Wizard of the KKK was behind some conspiracy of naming the "Great White" shark.
SierzantYelonek - 10 years ago
sharks wouldnt eat black... they Are racist
Fifaia Hunter Matainaho
Fifaia Hunter Matainaho - 10 years ago
Kobus, no need to get angry aye Afrikaaner..Cheers bro..
Kobus Botha
Kobus Botha - 10 years ago
+Fifaia Hunter Matainaho Off the Wild coast in South Africa a lot of blacks have been attacked by sharks. Google first before thumbsucking. 
Marcin K
Marcin K - 10 years ago
+Fifaia Hunter Matainaho What a racist comment is that!
Fifaia Hunter Matainaho
Fifaia Hunter Matainaho - 10 years ago
easy guys..i am just stating the truth..don't see any black people get shark bites ever!peace
Redneck Rebel aka raregoodguy
Redneck Rebel aka raregoodguy - 10 years ago
everything you use daily is invented by a white man, remember that.
8KILLYOUSLOW8 - 10 years ago
lol none of you guys are right black people cant swim therefore they cant be eaten by sharks, duh
Hunter Gennette
Hunter Gennette - 10 years ago
Nah..I prefer chocolate or vanilla
Fifaia Hunter Matainaho
Fifaia Hunter Matainaho - 10 years ago
ok man..if u say so...hehe..bloody crazy ass shit..real JAWS stuff
 right there
Raymond Edge
Raymond Edge - 10 years ago
Yeah, well, we taste
Doug mau
Doug mau - 10 years ago
I'll go wading with the sharks. I don't know why I got bitten oh yea I was playing in the water with sharks
boparaiable - 10 years ago
What an idiot. What did you think was going to happen?
medgasguy - 10 years ago
I may not be the sharpest tack in the box, but can someone explain to me why these people do not carry a gun of some kind. A pistol or a spear gun.
Cougarkit - 10 years ago
I question his expertise cuz anyone who knows bull sharks knows they are HIGHLY territorial and really aggressive. So standing in their water? I'm rather surprised he wasn't injured more.
Cougarkit - 10 years ago
I question his expertise cuz anyone who knows bull sharks knows they are HIGHLY territorial and really aggressive. So standing in their water? I'm rather surprised he wasn't injured more.
Yoan Gavaldon
Yoan Gavaldon - 10 years ago
Et ça se dit professionnel . Mdr
TheScooby2011 - 10 years ago
I remember this guy,his idea was,if you keep your heart beat low,and stay calm,they wont bite you,strike that theory,and back to the drawing board.
saken andersson
saken andersson - 10 years ago
damagejackal10 - 10 years ago
And the runner up for this years Darwin award, goes to...
Rurouni Kenshin
Rurouni Kenshin - 10 years ago
Why do people still think sharks wont hurt you lol. They are carnivores!

What are we made out of? Oh wait what?! meat?!
Rurouni Kenshin
Rurouni Kenshin - 10 years ago
Idiots lol.
Robert Smialowicz
Robert Smialowicz - 10 years ago
Meanwhile the shark went back to his friends and said, "Ha, I told you I would bite that dumb fucker on camera.  Pay up bitches!"
awdturbo4 - 10 years ago
michael costello
michael costello - 10 years ago
Hahahaha… The mind or the mouth of the shark.  Isn't nature beautiful.
Paddy Mcdoogle
Paddy Mcdoogle - 10 years ago
Looks like Bull Shark to me..
Dainius Diciunas
Dainius Diciunas - 10 years ago
It looked like a gentle test nip. I mean the shark didn't just rush to the man, mouth up and bit his whole leg. It bumped into the leg, sort of smelled it and decided to test what this tastes like.
Of course this was enough for a man to be badly injured.
We should never be reckless with top predators.
loosemyname - 10 years ago
tcorrellii - 10 years ago
Wonder if they still call him an expert?
Wilma Alblas
Wilma Alblas - 10 years ago
oh yeah that guy
carlos jimenez
carlos jimenez - 10 years ago
Shark 1 Human 0
Light Bulb
Light Bulb - 10 years ago
Very stupid, this man is. Yes..very stupid indeed..
Jeff Lucas
Jeff Lucas - 10 years ago
This guy all but asked for it. Bulls are hyper-aggressive and loaded with when you are in their space, expect reprisal.
Bill Patterson
Bill Patterson - 10 years ago
I don't get it. Bull Sharks are probably the most aggressive and dangerous shark - pound for pound. They are known for attacking in shallow water. They are known for attacking and dragging a victim out to sea to drown them. I am sorry the expert was bitten but I am not sure what he was expecting.
HazWin ϟϟ
HazWin ϟϟ - 10 years ago
Phoebe Artemis
Phoebe Artemis - 10 years ago
Oh god. So much for 'shark expert'. Well, sharks will be always sharks though. Don't want to be harsh or anything! Those are sharks dude! You're like freaking surrounded by them..and to those animals, you're just one of their desserts. You can't proved that sharks are not what we think they are. They are all man-eating fuckers! 
Majestic AquariumsTV
Majestic AquariumsTV - 10 years ago
ChrisTheTempoman - 10 years ago
if he had weared a black swimsuit, he wouldn't has been bitten ;) 
tendz rawr
tendz rawr - 11 years ago
Man makes documentary about how sharks are totally safe for humans, man disproves his own point. He may be a shark expert, but every day you are out there you are rolling the dice for that 1 in a million shot at being that "test bite"
Emma Olson
Emma Olson - 11 years ago
Y u no wear any pants?
UpliftingMelodies - 11 years ago
more like Retarded Expert
aj van niekerk
aj van niekerk - 11 years ago
Ignorance is like pulling the pin on a grenade, just a matter of time before the shit hits the fan, Expert or Not!
phanning all over penta tronler
phanning all over penta tronler - 11 years ago
Lmao who could've stand in water where they are tons of bull sharks around them.
Andrew Malani
Andrew Malani - 11 years ago
hahahaha.......such an idiot...
breadandcircus1 - 11 years ago
Such an idiot "expert", he should have known better that standing there surrounded by sharks was dangerous
Jabba - 11 years ago
You people all think sharks are dangerous there just as scared as we are.
Capt. Kirk
Capt. Kirk - 11 years ago
"I realize I am not a threat to them ..... OUCH MUTHA FUQER!!!!"
GranadaDeFumasa - 11 years ago
"There was nothing I could have done". The one thing you could have done was NOT standing between 10-15 sharks, pretending you are one with nature
somot olovo
somot olovo - 7 years ago
thats his work.
Jess Plays Minecraft
Jess Plays Minecraft - 7 years ago
GranadaDeFumasa lol
BranWytt - 10 years ago
Laimonas Petraitis
Laimonas Petraitis - 10 years ago
+Katharine Erskine  Well so now we are 4!
Katharine Erskine
Katharine Erskine - 10 years ago
+Kreepy Krawly
That makes the 3 of us then!
Preben Thorsnes
Preben Thorsnes - 10 years ago
+1. My thoughts exactly. ^^
Grandpa the Grey
Grandpa the Grey - 11 years ago
  This has got to be nominated for a Darwin Award. " Hey, I'm going to expose my bare legs to a dozen hungry Bull Sharks. What could possibly go wrong ?" 
어엿먹 - 11 years ago
i saw one with better footage when he was screaming.
Brainmalfuction - 11 years ago
TheGroovyyyy - 11 years ago
    Poor guy! Next time give 'em your arm..
ArtsyBritt - 11 years ago
Lol he was like I can't believe that could it not happen???
ArtsyBritt - 11 years ago
Lol he was like I can't believe that could it not happen???
Guru Gossip
Guru Gossip - 11 years ago
If that were my husband Id be pissed
azeleapark - 11 years ago
Momster 50
Momster 50 - 11 years ago
So much for shark "expert"
Connie C
Connie C - 11 years ago
This just amazes me! These are BULLS!!!!! I live near the Gulf of Mexico and that is mostly what we have and they attack and are aggressive!! What idiot decided to get in the water with them?
MrStensnask - 11 years ago
"There was nothing I could have done to prevent what happened"

Well, you COULD have NOT gotten into bull shark infested waters, Einstein
Anon ymous
Anon ymous - 11 years ago
He got his shark behaviorist diploma after riding the jaws ride at Disney World. 
The K Man
The K Man - 11 years ago
Shark:  "We say out of your home, you stay out of ours, ok?"
Luc Damagedcars
Luc Damagedcars - 11 years ago
anoying people are anoying
anoying people are anoying - 11 years ago
That's what happens you brag you leg gets either bitten or taken off it's not math
robert rainford
robert rainford - 11 years ago
I question humans sometimes
qwer2k14 - 11 years ago
He did not see it coming.. I did!
Matthew Taylor
Matthew Taylor - 11 years ago
LOOK OUT there is a shark by your ......legs....oops, too late!
Jomonique Smith
Jomonique Smith - 11 years ago
Le shark r awesome
kyle hoogwerf
kyle hoogwerf - 11 years ago
and did you guy die
kyle hoogwerf
kyle hoogwerf - 11 years ago
wouldn't the shark just eat you
Creekside Strays
Creekside Strays - 11 years ago
"I can't believe that happened" - Man surrounded by 'large' bull sharks in shallow water.
Alexander Daviau
Alexander Daviau - 11 years ago
dogdog92000 - 11 years ago
bulldog shark is the most agressive shark of all. these people should have known better.. took great risks for nothing.
WildTreck - 11 years ago
I'm sorry he sustained such a devastating injury, but damn was he ever was asking for it!!!
Felix Dzerjinsky
Felix Dzerjinsky - 11 years ago
How many people who think they understand wild animals get surprised by them?  Enough to fill hundreds of youtube videos....don't these people pay attention...or do they just think the rules don't apply to them?
Jerry Collins - Texas Outdoors and Motorcycle Roads
Jerry Collins - Texas Outdoors and Motorcycle Roads - 11 years ago
New information for the Shark Expert
Elliot Chapo
Elliot Chapo - 11 years ago
Im watching this with my feet up, knees againts my chest! :F 
rekoJ ehT
rekoJ ehT - 11 years ago
hakim moor
hakim moor - 11 years ago
dont fuuck with sharks idiot
Stefan Mihai Stanescu
Stefan Mihai Stanescu - 11 years ago
shark expert? pwahaha
Nick Bernik
Nick Bernik - 11 years ago
wow yeap zareef s got right
shilah Makin
shilah Makin - 11 years ago
Who saw that coming? Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me..... But you you!!!
popie popie
popie popie - 11 years ago
And u wonder why u got bite.. stay the fuck away!!
spacej0ckey - 11 years ago
i will never do it!   never!

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