Shark Vs. Sea Snake This is a great video taken by a camera on the Great Barrier Reef.

Shark Vs. Sea Snake sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8744

Shark videos 15 years ago 19,824,409 views This is a great video taken by a camera on the Great Barrier Reef.

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Most popular comments
for Shark Vs. Sea Snake

Judy Lover16
Judy Lover16 - 6 years ago
Video made on June 9, 2001
Jass James
Jass James - 6 years ago
Shark died for eating metal rod... WTF
Krokussify - 6 years ago
jymmon barrios
jymmon barrios - 6 years ago
Yo bine aki aber una batalla pokemon
Howard Ryburn
Howard Ryburn - 6 years ago
Lame bait cage. That shark was screwed after eating it.
yasu haru
yasu haru - 7 years ago
What is that thing inside the bag?
Atti Ylänen
Atti Ylänen - 7 years ago
Damn that tiger was majestic
Shibu Rawat
Shibu Rawat - 7 years ago
Smart Phone
Smart Phone - 7 years ago
Wtf shark eat that stainless cage what happened to that shark?

10. comment for Shark Vs. Sea Snake

erik dee
erik dee - 7 years ago
=== You probably don't want to put whatever is in that bait pouch in your pocket when swimming.
erik dee
erik dee - 7 years ago
2:20 All The WAAAAAY!!!!!!!
erik dee
erik dee - 7 years ago
=== Dat is de wae, brodas
erik dee
erik dee - 7 years ago
=== Add another 9 yrs
Youtube Jarred Charlie Travels
Youtube Jarred Charlie Travels - 7 years ago
Oh my Damn THAT last shark just ate the whole SHIT #YOUTUBEJARREDERRATICARCHIVES
James P
James P - 7 years ago
Even the shark thought "whoa shit!"
My Royal Army
My Royal Army - 7 years ago
erik dee
erik dee - 7 years ago
=== It is just real as the Tesla Orbiter!!?! ...Right??
hamass khan
hamass khan - 7 years ago
Big fish
DeAnn Young
DeAnn Young - 7 years ago
Please stop with the misleading titles. Very disappointing.
Jeremiah Estep
Jeremiah Estep - 7 years ago
Click bait
imateapot51 - 7 years ago
Did you watch the end when the tiger shark ate that metal bait thing? But the Tiger would not touch the sea snake. So it was not click bate.
erik dee
erik dee - 7 years ago
===Good thing no camera in bait packet.

20. comment for Shark Vs. Sea Snake

glen cañeda
glen cañeda - 7 years ago
poor shark
Nelio Anderson
Nelio Anderson - 7 years ago
more like shark and fish vs underwater mic
awais asghar
awais asghar - 7 years ago
Even steel is digestible ?????
manu b
manu b - 7 years ago
That defenitely a cruelty towards those creatures..shark eventually eaten that whole thing and it may cause issues later on.
Maria Cecília Dias
Maria Cecília Dias - 7 years ago
People say that sharks are really scary but if we go inside his mind he was just like "dafuq is dis metal crap lemme taste it"
Nyadchild - 7 years ago
awww the first shark what a cute lil baby!!!
Mauricio Lobo
Mauricio Lobo - 7 years ago
0:00 Sea Snake
0:06 Remore
0:10 Tiger Shark
0:34 Coral Fishes
0:41 Tiger Shark
0:49 Coral Fishes and a Grouper
0:57 Stringray Shark (is not a shark)
1:09 Tiger Shark
1:20 Sea Snake whit Fishes
1:30 Zebra Shark
1:38 Stringray Shark
1:47 Tiger Shark
2:03 Hammerhead Shark
2:14 Tiger Shark
erik dee
erik dee - 7 years ago
===Thanks for the breakdown. Now where can I get this bait??
Luka Albijanic
Luka Albijanic - 7 years ago
The shark flesh is poisoned so , they are both poisoned ... :)
Luke moninger
Luke moninger - 7 years ago
Dang that shark savage
Andreza Gomes
Andreza Gomes - 7 years ago

30. comment for Shark Vs. Sea Snake

KingOfLords - 7 years ago
Igor Sanders
Igor Sanders - 7 years ago
вот это мощь
Keshawn Harkoo
Keshawn Harkoo - 7 years ago
A shark, sea snake and stingray swim into a bar, it was tense.
Del icious
Del icious - 7 years ago
Carlos A. Garcia
Carlos A. Garcia - 7 years ago
What an asshole!  He fucker actually ate the damn thing....
british people yellow teeth
british people yellow teeth - 7 years ago
that nigga ate metal wtf
Владимир Шуйский
Владимир Шуйский - 7 years ago
1:00, что за вид такой? Кто это?
Vayne Gaming
Vayne Gaming - 7 years ago
1:51 that eye poke, feels bad man
Fauxindigo - 7 years ago
Is it really that hard for a shark to find something to eat that it has to eat metal poles?
Matilda tyrannosaure rex femelle
Matilda tyrannosaure rex femelle - 7 years ago
Le serpent s'en sort bien
Dewi Haryuni
Dewi Haryuni - 7 years ago
Yo sakit nu makan aluminium... Wong goblok
Marco Polo
Marco Polo - 7 years ago
Don't see Anaya fight there. All I see is a stupid shark eating metal.
iPhone cloud
iPhone cloud - 7 years ago
adorable sea animals are very curious
brijesh maurya brijesh maurya
brijesh maurya brijesh maurya - 7 years ago
Aldo Reyes
Aldo Reyes - 7 years ago
holy Shiiiiiiiit........... ! the finale!
KC - 7 years ago
Shurk vs. See Snek
Cocaine MasterCAT
Cocaine MasterCAT - 7 years ago
Zoe Gallagher
Zoe Gallagher - 7 years ago
What shark is that at 1:40??
linda tobler
linda tobler - 7 years ago
Can't believe shark intentionally ate metal. I thought fish would taste better
M Abdullah
M Abdullah - 7 years ago
This is harming for sea creatures .

50. comment for Shark Vs. Sea Snake

Tom - 7 years ago
I can't believe he ate the whole thing..
ComradeSam1994 - 7 years ago
0:07 that's a scary sight to see a shark coming out of the blue
Dud Jones
Dud Jones - 7 years ago
I'm guessing they are hitting some kind of lure at the end of the pole?....holy shit the shark ripped it off right as I finished typing that...sick
HEMI Momma
HEMI Momma - 7 years ago
I ABSOLUTELY love Tiger Sharks! For some reason, their eyes look like they've got more going on than other species. Their markings are gorgeous.
Josh Flick
Josh Flick - 7 years ago
What an epic battle!
Psychlone - 7 years ago
that shark knew exactly what it was doing, came back and forth, sussing out the situation
Sachin Tomar
Sachin Tomar - 7 years ago
FightAndDieTogether x
FightAndDieTogether x - 7 years ago
The end is crazy!
Gamers King Official
Gamers King Official - 7 years ago
Let's call the video strange and weird metal thingy vs. Shark. ok ?
DC Mc - 7 years ago
There's a reason tiger sharks are like the garbage collectors of the sea. This is why they find things like tires, cans, pipes, car tags, toys, as well as little stinky children (haha) in their bellies....
xclimatexcoldxx - 7 years ago
The title isn't all that bad. The VS is who is better at getting the bait. I mean, a video saying white guy vs black guy, and the video is them playing basketball, its the same as this video.
Shea Oconnor
Shea Oconnor - 7 years ago
Back then I used to think this was the coolest video ever and to me it's still cool
Ether3 - 7 years ago
Gilles Testart
Gilles Testart - 7 years ago
Feed it metal way dont you
Castle Keeper
Castle Keeper - 7 years ago
Now I guess it dies...
Lucky Cat
Lucky Cat - 7 years ago
This was 5 days before the twin towers terrorist attack. (11 september 2001)
alog2 - 7 years ago
now the shark is dead.
Ri - 7 years ago
1:51 "wot?"
Iacopo Pazzaglia
Iacopo Pazzaglia - 7 years ago
-5 Twins Towers
douchebag patrol
douchebag patrol - 7 years ago
id h8 to b that shark at the end when he tries to shit that metal bait trap out
corleesha taylor
corleesha taylor - 7 years ago
The hammerhead tho...and why did the shark eat the metal stuff??
Acciangelo Magari
Acciangelo Magari - 7 years ago
Ma fottere un po' di più...
Austin Oldfield
Austin Oldfield - 7 years ago
I wonder if that tiger shark is Still alive
Retard - 7 years ago
2:20........holy shit.
Rick Sanchez Morty Smith
Rick Sanchez Morty Smith - 7 years ago
02:25 looks like the shark is using a GoPro
iRinnda - 7 years ago
The hammer head is my spirit animal.
Samuel 54363
Samuel 54363 - 7 years ago
Plumpstery - 7 years ago
this was filmed 2 months before 9/11
Gaucho Criollo
Gaucho Criollo - 7 years ago
la acción del video esta en el minuto 2:16
Reginaldo Martins
Reginaldo Martins - 7 years ago
faz tempo este video.!
Lesten Donaldson
Lesten Donaldson - 7 years ago
that snake is lucky from that first bite
timelesskoontah - 7 years ago
that shark gonna be shitting steel nuggets lol lol
L V - 7 years ago
WOW this end... even stronger than Goku
Gandalf Malik
Gandalf Malik - 7 years ago
what kind of fish is that 1:00
aLex OminosO
aLex OminosO - 7 years ago
Respect, Sirs, RESPECT
Plushiegamer 2017
Plushiegamer 2017 - 7 years ago
Huh I never knew sharks could vlog
Mega Curioso
Mega Curioso - 7 years ago
"ops, this not"
bleuthequaff - 7 years ago
2:03 hi. coming right in to just bump your materials
2:07 hi. it's me again. coming to bump your materials.
2:10 sorry did you think i was done? this stuff is just too hard to resist bumping
Robertiño Ross
Robertiño Ross - 7 years ago
wheres the figth?
Pogo Rom
Pogo Rom - 7 years ago
putorickforever - 7 years ago
2001 long time...
romeo Gisler
romeo Gisler - 7 years ago
It's not an angel shark it a tiger shark
brian Williams
brian Williams - 7 years ago
did i just see a half stingray half shark swim by? 0:56
Dhspat - 7 years ago
All curious creatures.
james liu
james liu - 7 years ago
how deceptive. the shark and the sea snake encounter lasted all of 5 seconds.
RED. - 7 years ago
hammer head shark angel shark or saw shark
RED. - 7 years ago
that shark is tiger shark
Gréta Bakurecz
Gréta Bakurecz - 7 years ago
Tiger shark
Happykoala84 - 7 years ago
Anyone else think "Hi, I'm Lenny" (Shark Tail) when the shark came after the sea snake? I died just because of that.
Happykoala84 - 7 years ago
Typo: Shark Tale*
Giuliano 224
Giuliano 224 - 7 years ago
Stupid shark

100. comment for Shark Vs. Sea Snake

Max - 7 years ago
Roses are red, violets are blue, I came for the title, and so did you
CarsonFacePalmer - 7 years ago
Oh my god this video had me laughing so hard I was crying. Not what I expected to be doing when I clicked "Shark Vs. Sea Snake".
CarsonFacePalmer - 7 years ago
Guess the shark was pissed about the pole cock blocking him from dinner.
Ahmed Ali
Ahmed Ali - 7 years ago
0:57 what's that?!?!?!?
i n c o g n i t o m o d e
i n c o g n i t o m o d e - 7 years ago
this is JAWS: The revenge of the pole trailero
U Must Agree to Google+ Terms Tho U Don't Want It
U Must Agree to Google+ Terms Tho U Don't Want It - 7 years ago
Misleading title.
Gator John
Gator John - 7 years ago
2:07-2:10 this hammerhead is Autolesionist
Charles P
Charles P - 7 years ago
Where was the vs?
CWD - 7 years ago
Wow, lots of great footage! Was this all shot in one area? Lots of biodiversity.
Food Stamps
Food Stamps - 7 years ago
shark didnt give a fuck
Food Stamps
Food Stamps - 7 years ago
nigga said u know what give me this shit
ViralTuber - 7 years ago
RIP last shark
Fat Guy Dominick
Fat Guy Dominick - 7 years ago
I've never seen a tiger shark act like that before
Curzio Malaparte
Curzio Malaparte - 7 years ago
Lmao so this is how people find all sorts of shit in Sharks' stomachs.
Jarno Saarinen
Jarno Saarinen - 7 years ago
Stupid shark!
Muniru Nyandiba
Muniru Nyandiba - 7 years ago
So this is your shark vs sea snake right?
mahteuso - 7 years ago
That shark is dead
ZbronautGaming - 7 years ago
That's a Tiger Shark.
Red Pyro
Red Pyro - 7 years ago
1:02  what kind of shark is that?
Cory Tropiano
Cory Tropiano - 7 years ago
Snake: "Oh shit in stuck what will I ever do?"

Shark: "ez"

Snake: "You just got planked baby"
Marco Column
Marco Column - 7 years ago
Wot, this was recorded in 2001
a. banks.
a. banks. - 7 years ago
I thought I told you, shark karaoke night.... a bad idea!
Taylor Finney
Taylor Finney - 7 years ago
what is the fish doing
Queen Anti
Queen Anti - 7 years ago
The loud sound of metal is scaring me everytime ;-;
dancepiglover - 7 years ago
What kind of shark is that?
Jake Slawter
Jake Slawter - 7 years ago
what kind of shark is that? 1:00
Johnny Bravo
Johnny Bravo - 7 years ago
2:24 didn't you notice? This shark just it's the fucking invetor of selfie stick lmao
Project Player
Project Player - 7 years ago
allgoo19 - 7 years ago

Genesus Du Toit
Genesus Du Toit - 7 years ago
0:12 hello mother f#cka
Yohandri 19
Yohandri 19 - 7 years ago
El tiburon puede morir a causa de los metales. que mal por esas personas.
Mr Meme
Mr Meme - 7 years ago
what type of shark is it?
Ruk Kay
Ruk Kay - 7 years ago
Looks like thats bait at the end of that pole. Asshole endangering sealife just to get some footage.
StephenVeluz - 7 years ago
what shark is looks like a stingray with a shark's fins
Anna Karinina Dizon
Anna Karinina Dizon - 7 years ago
That metal bar can seriously harm those sea creatures! What a stupid move to place that in there just for research!
monique wong
monique wong - 8 years ago
I don't like shark or snake lol scared
Matthew M
Matthew M - 8 years ago
Damn. That shark biting that steel bar in two. What amazing power.
I love seeing the interactions and communities of sea creatures.
Jake F
Jake F - 8 years ago
Rip headphone users
Goog Le
Goog Le - 8 years ago
That sucks, the shark probably will die swallowing that metal thing.
GMD14 GMD11 - 7 years ago
Goog Le No shark bodies are big he couldnt die
Chef - 8 years ago
The Australian Institute of marine sience just killed a shark.
jimproclan tube
jimproclan tube - 8 years ago
look my juner
Birdy eats a pea
Birdy eats a pea - 8 years ago
1:00 ok, not that is one cool looking shark. Omg and 1:30 another different shark that is cool looking too! 1:38 holy mother of god! That looks prehistoric! Doesn't even give a care about the hammerhead shark, tiger shark, and sea snake.
TaiAnej Gaming
TaiAnej Gaming - 8 years ago
What do you mean Shark vs Sea Snake? This is Shark vs Metal.
Black yt
Black yt - 8 years ago
im scared
Christian Shreve
Christian Shreve - 8 years ago
The title is a lie but the footage is compelling.
Алексей Белов
Алексей Белов - 8 years ago
Rob S.
Rob S. - 8 years ago
LOL goofy looking sharks harassing some metal pole or whatever . they're not to be played with though
Luke Tang
Luke Tang - 8 years ago
Tiger sharks look cute, huggable
Tar heels 215
Tar heels 215 - 8 years ago
looks can be
VRomanAmbrose619 Roblox
VRomanAmbrose619 Roblox - 8 years ago
At 1:01 Stingray Shark Or Tiger Shark?
Mathew Mallie
Mathew Mallie - 8 years ago
Reza Minhas shovel nose shark
Avinash Karn
Avinash Karn - 8 years ago
Shark defeated metal rod
Eveline Allard
Eveline Allard - 8 years ago
Be careful what equipement you use. Your work is not to put them in danger, AMD harming them. That's bad science then. Be careful with which equipement you use, before stating its science. This can harm them, and first lesson is, not to do thát.!.!.!.! .!.!.!.! .!.!.!.!.!.!.!########.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!########.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!########.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!
Baron Bolanos
Baron Bolanos - 8 years ago
lmao tiger sharks will eat anything
Baron Bolanos
Baron Bolanos - 8 years ago
wtf is that at 1:38 I'm pretty curious
Madison Snow
Madison Snow - 8 years ago
Its a bowmouth guitarfish, or some people refer to them as shark rays
Dredai4000 :3
Dredai4000 :3 - 8 years ago
soooooo..... who one?
Animals in the sea are quiet rude, constantly bumping into things like that.
TechGuruGames - 8 years ago
i died.. omg its so funny
joseph sawyer
joseph sawyer - 8 years ago
If that's a banded sea snake, that great white was very lucky; I believe the banded sea snake's venom is pretty much an automatic kill for anything.
Mónica Gutiérrez
Mónica Gutiérrez - 8 years ago
that shark is a tiger shark
Black Death 1347
Black Death 1347 - 8 years ago
That shark didn't have to eat that big metal clunky thing. I've got a kid sister that would go down much easier.
Nicolas Rodriguez
Nicolas Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Very cool footage!
NaτυяєSτoямGιяʟ - 8 years ago
This is some serious ASMR shit...
Jamie Weber
Jamie Weber - 8 years ago
First clip with the snake. The little dude's just enjoying himself, exploring the bag....then you just see this grey mass approaching...
The True Cryophoenix
The True Cryophoenix - 8 years ago
such click bait
Ali Danish
Ali Danish - 8 years ago
whats wrong with the stick. everybody interested
petrokemikal - 8 years ago
Did I really just see a Tiger shark eat a chunk of metal !!!
Seems to me like Human bones would be no problem for these fuckers...
renee p
renee p - 8 years ago
2:00 hammertime
mikerafone music
mikerafone music - 8 years ago
if the snake was poisonous the shark knew better than to bite it maybe..? well he bailed at the last second...
Rayhan Kurniawan
Rayhan Kurniawan - 8 years ago
I thought that Tiger shark was big but wait i take a closer look it's normal
Stan Patterson
Stan Patterson - 8 years ago
Methinks Mr. Shark is gonna have fun digesting and passing that out the poop chute.  I'd pay a princely sum for any underwater videographer to capture that Kodak moment and post it online.
Yohan L.naraidoo
Yohan L.naraidoo - 8 years ago
the last one XDXD
Tora TAULAPAPA - 8 years ago
Tigers eat anything man
Fredo Gee
Fredo Gee - 8 years ago
snake is toxic
Rodney Arendse
Rodney Arendse - 8 years ago
wow I did not icspect that
Hiro Bakeneko
Hiro Bakeneko - 8 years ago
When the shark was approaching, I was imitating Jaws' theme.
Company Form 38-2
Company Form 38-2 - 8 years ago
Shark almost took a bite until it realized something was very, very wrong
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 8 years ago
That's a big girl. Sharks sensed those electromagnetic waves coming off that camera.
Daniel Navarrete
Daniel Navarrete - 8 years ago
what was that thing?
Marco Maturano
Marco Maturano - 8 years ago
Thats a scary shark if i say so myself.
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 8 years ago
Marco Maturano
Tiger shark
Oeter Orr
Oeter Orr - 8 years ago
he recorded himself
Oeter Orr
Oeter Orr - 8 years ago
Mau gak Ris?
Mau gak Ris? - 8 years ago
My Chemical Death
My Chemical Death - 8 years ago
tiger shark
MultiGameTrust MGT
MultiGameTrust MGT - 8 years ago
it's venom is highly dangerous
MultiGameTrust MGT
MultiGameTrust MGT - 8 years ago
that dumb tiger shark, it's a Freaking sea snake i know you'Re bigger then a human but it can kill you too.
Theone youwillneverknow
Theone youwillneverknow - 8 years ago
He was fucking shit up at the end.
dave bell
dave bell - 8 years ago
WOW, GOD bless the Tiger shark!
Itsuki Takahashi
Itsuki Takahashi - 8 years ago
shark vs snake s/b snake vs shark.. LMAO
JB PJr - 8 years ago
Well that was misleading.
luis suarez
luis suarez - 8 years ago
damn 2001
DBs Junk
DBs Junk - 8 years ago
poles have rights too
SonicRBLX - 8 years ago
Whos watching in 2017
MILKshakeDERP milkshakederp
MILKshakeDERP milkshakederp - 8 years ago
That shark is a female! It has babies!
munsonx4 - 8 years ago
2:04-2:14 hahaha that poor hammerhead!
cok ndjKayayurt
cok ndjKayayurt - 8 years ago
iy cok zarar verici
Chris H.
Chris H. - 8 years ago
What kind of shark goes by at 0:56 ?
Mathew Mallie
Mathew Mallie - 8 years ago
In Australia we call them shovel nose sharks. Also sharks and rays are the same family
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 8 years ago
Chris H.
There were 3 sharks in this vid. Tiger, Leopard and hammerhead.
Chris H.
Chris H. - 8 years ago
I'd never heard of them until now. Thank you for the reply.
Claudia - 8 years ago
It's a guitarfish probably a giant guitarfish. And these are unusual rays with characteristics similar to shark.
Ţąnhą Ąhmed
Ţąnhą Ąhmed - 8 years ago
have u noticed the date??? ;)
Bianca Bell
Bianca Bell - 8 years ago
Not so cool
Kenny Vuong
Kenny Vuong - 8 years ago
I'm watching in 2016
Nick Freeman
Nick Freeman - 8 years ago
can i join?
lowe booty
lowe booty - 8 years ago
y am watching in 69 position
Nick Freeman
Nick Freeman - 8 years ago
good for you!
XxFlamingoKidxX - 8 years ago
Who's watching in 2016?
ariannasv22 - 8 years ago
me :p
Amalia D. Rodriguez
Amalia D. Rodriguez - 8 years ago
hey buddy... you just blow in from stupid town?
Emilio Santiago
Emilio Santiago - 8 years ago
Lol 2:18 homie like fuck these trickeries, you seen jaws?!
James Piedad
James Piedad - 8 years ago
Vass Bass
Vass Bass - 8 years ago
do you think it digested that metal ???????????????????????
Yewty - 8 years ago
That's literally impossible to do. Not even a goat could digest metal.
Ghost Sniper
Ghost Sniper - 8 years ago
No He probably digested the fish out of the metal then threw up the cage.
Natasja Kirkpatrick
Natasja Kirkpatrick - 8 years ago
tiger shark
John Romero
John Romero - 8 years ago
poor shark!!
John Romero
John Romero - 8 years ago
poor shark!!
JoeTyler85 - 8 years ago
JHC, tiger sharks will eat anything
shark challenges/vlogs
shark challenges/vlogs - 8 years ago
1:02 is a guitar fish........1:13 is a tiger shark...........1:32 is a zebra shark........2:09 is a smooth hammerhead.
shark challenges/vlogs
shark challenges/vlogs - 8 years ago
Bruh, that is a tiger shark. those are sooooo rare
Les Furtado
Les Furtado - 7 years ago
i see them alot here
shark challenges/vlogs
shark challenges/vlogs - 7 years ago
Rajkumar Siewnarine
Rajkumar Siewnarine - 7 years ago
shark challenges/vlogs alligator danielboone
ороз душанов
ороз душанов - 8 years ago
shark challenges/vlogs
Sarashi Xaenyth
Sarashi Xaenyth - 8 years ago
shark challenges/vlogs and beautiful Sharks
shark challenges/vlogs
shark challenges/vlogs - 8 years ago
+Moki Me
oh its fine XD
Moki Me
Moki Me - 8 years ago
+shark challenges/vlogs I was trying to text that but autocorrect got me
shark challenges/vlogs
shark challenges/vlogs - 8 years ago
+Moki Me
actually it's Maui's dolphin
Moki Me
Moki Me - 8 years ago
+shark challenges/vlogs a lot of sharks are endangered but they are still not rare to see in certain areas...
The Maui dolphin is the world's smallest and rarest dolphins in the world last I heard there were less than 60 of them left... They travel the Polynesian islands from Hawai'i to New Zealand... That's rare! But they are spotted now and then.
shark challenges/vlogs
shark challenges/vlogs - 8 years ago
+Moki Me
yeah, but my scuba diving instructor said they are endangered.
Shakeel is king
Shakeel is king - 8 years ago
barnabyray - 8 years ago
that last shark was like Gimme yo shit nigga ITS MINE!
OzzyTheGiant - 8 years ago
on the contrary, you sound mad. are you mad?
Alistair Overeem
Alistair Overeem - 8 years ago
+Oziel Perez You still sound hurt
OzzyTheGiant - 8 years ago
that sounds like something you would say to defend yourself from the fact that you are indeed dumb. Go ahead reply back with another insult, you will just keep proving yourself wrong. Plus, I will have the last word, as I can have arguments with anyone for years. I'll be right here
Alistair Overeem
Alistair Overeem - 8 years ago
+Oziel Perez Right, because you can adequately determine a person's cognitive ability from a youtube comment. Drink beach you moronic boob.
OzzyTheGiant - 8 years ago
Too bad all those workouts can't help your lack of intelligence. Perhaps you should lift books instead!
Alistair Overeem
Alistair Overeem - 8 years ago
+Oziel Perez Glad I could entertain a retarded kid, my P.O might take a month off now
OzzyTheGiant - 8 years ago
haha glad I could piss you off. sincerely, a troll
Alistair Overeem
Alistair Overeem - 8 years ago
+Oziel Perez You take youtube comments seriously because apperantly your life is just that meaningless
OzzyTheGiant - 8 years ago
you use mom insults because apparently you can't even get laid.
Alistair Overeem
Alistair Overeem - 8 years ago
^They say your mom's pussy was so loose she has to use pads now because tampons wont stay in.
OzzyTheGiant - 8 years ago
^ they say people who name call just feel like their self-esteem is low. How desperate
Alistair Overeem
Alistair Overeem - 8 years ago
stfu nigga
OzzyTheGiant - 8 years ago
Majestic Wolf Girls
Majestic Wolf Girls - 8 years ago
Why would you use the f word when there is thousands of real words?
Gauntlet - 8 years ago
How about putting that into proper syntax, form, and grammar so I can at
least understand what the fuck you're saying before I dismiss it?
layer - 8 years ago
chciał rekin na spokojnie zjesc weza a tu to gowno postawili wiec sie wkurzyl i zacol sie mscic xD
Hans Landa
Hans Landa - 8 years ago
Goddanm lucky snake.
Ghost - 8 years ago
Great Whites eat anything that's within their reach. Savages!
Emy Pierre-Louis
Emy Pierre-Louis - 8 years ago
Ghost that was not a great white.
James Humphrey
James Humphrey - 8 years ago
+Vincent Dufault That looks nothing like a flatfish at all. It's a species of guitarfish, probably a Giant Guitarfish ( rhynchobatus djiddensis ). And it isn't a shark. Guitarfish are a group belonging to the superorder of rays.
Exdo Rme
Exdo Rme - 8 years ago
James Humphrey and another flatfish-like shark...
James Humphrey
James Humphrey - 8 years ago
Karl Fookin Tanner And those weren't GWs, they were Tigers and a Hammerhead.
Majestic Wolf Girls
Majestic Wolf Girls - 8 years ago
Karl Fookin Tanner No , they don't .
mohammed Bilal
mohammed Bilal - 8 years ago
@2:20 Shark with Selfie Stick
moppets ramblings
moppets ramblings - 8 years ago
Night Wolf
Night Wolf - 8 years ago
Musicrecords10 - 8 years ago
Seriously he ate that, also it's sad watching these guys, most are probably dead by now
Bloody Bloody
Bloody Bloody - 8 years ago
Shark stupid
Kaitsu - 8 years ago
Shark VS Metal Rod.
Rodney Brown
Rodney Brown - 7 years ago
+The Sunset Limited Dude, the Tiger shark is fine. They are known to be garbage disposals for a reason lol.
The Sunset Limited
The Sunset Limited - 7 years ago
That metal rod 99% most likely killed the shark while being stuck in its stomach :( stop polluting the ocean you fucking assholes!
TechGuruGames - 8 years ago
Crønos of course... tiger sharks are also knows as the rubbish bin of the ocean
Katherine Beilschmidt
Katherine Beilschmidt - 8 years ago
...are you naturally stupid? Or does something force the stupidity out of you?
OJOdin - 8 years ago
And people say sharks have no intention of eating humans... If they'll eat metal rods, they'll eat people.
robertdanielmaher - 8 years ago
At first, Metal Rod had the upper hand. But then...
Blessed Star
Blessed Star - 8 years ago
clickbait :/
antony uchiha
antony uchiha - 8 years ago
that shark is a fking G
Itz Pilot
Itz Pilot - 8 years ago
hmm what's this arrrr fucking humans fuck it I am taking the fucking whole thing shark life bitches
Itz Pilot
Itz Pilot - 8 years ago
thug life shark
John Rose
John Rose - 8 years ago
Do other fish swim with the shark for protection?
Marino Diaz
Marino Diaz - 8 years ago
robertdanielmaher dicovery
robertdanielmaher - 8 years ago
Shark paparazzi are the worst.
Sith'ari Azithoth
Sith'ari Azithoth - 8 years ago
No, they are his bodyguards. He is famous ever since Finding Nemo, and hired them to keep fans away, because he is still working on his diet.
David Allen
David Allen - 8 years ago
tiger shark
Gino middleton
Gino middleton - 8 years ago
tiger sharkand gw shark
Chris Belt
Chris Belt - 8 years ago
where is the Shark Vs. Sea Snake?.
EVE-Voni's World
EVE-Voni's World - 8 years ago
He said fuck your equipment
Ray Adnyana
Ray Adnyana - 8 years ago
Sharks are just the Chads of the oceans
Kevin Reil
Kevin Reil - 8 years ago
If at first you don't succeed, take the whole thing off
LetFreedomRing - 8 years ago
Just LOL at 2:15 !!!
محمد الصوفي
محمد الصوفي - 8 years ago
انا خايف لو كنت انا هنه
Nancy Murphy
Nancy Murphy - 8 years ago
there is not even a sharck
brodieplayz brodieplayz_roblox04
brodieplayz brodieplayz_roblox04 - 8 years ago
fuek you
Matt Smith
Matt Smith - 8 years ago
That looks like it's gonna hurt coming out the other end...
Firemarioflower - 7 years ago
+Matt Smith It will stay inside the stomach..... it doesn't bother him.
Aarons117 - 8 years ago
theyve found things about as bad in their stomachs like liscence plates and tires
Petra Pavlicova
Petra Pavlicova - 8 years ago
huste nebali ste sa
DUBSTEP DEFENDER ! - 8 years ago
what the fuck was that stingray shark looking moe foe
Beer Baron
Beer Baron - 8 years ago
Shark vs Stick
SweetieLaughAlot - 8 years ago
Jim Cole
Jim Cole - 8 years ago
Agree. Vs snake. What the first ten seconds. It was going for the stick. Lol
tony nguyen
tony nguyen - 8 years ago
It wasn't even a fight
blue cool emj
blue cool emj - 8 years ago
There is no fight is this the correct title
schlontz84 - 8 years ago
2:04 and ongoing made me lol
lorina gonzalez
lorina gonzalez - 8 years ago
i like great white sharks
lorina gonzalez
lorina gonzalez - 8 years ago
Warsunt Gunte
Warsunt Gunte - 8 years ago
Que vídeo legal
Bill Brooks
Bill Brooks - 8 years ago
that wasnt a shark vs sea snake thing, still love the footage tho
Markus The Katipillar
Markus The Katipillar - 8 years ago
2:16 i dont give a fck!
_crazy megster_
_crazy megster_ - 8 years ago
the hammer head shark keeps hitting its head on the stick
Chase Bradley
Chase Bradley - 8 years ago
why couldn't you add "Tiger shark vs Seasnake"
꧁アハメド サミ꧂
꧁アハメド サミ꧂ - 8 years ago
I agree
Desk Goji
Desk Goji - 8 years ago
this video should be stupid sharks ramming into cameras
SuperS SuperSoushyant
SuperS SuperSoushyant - 8 years ago
... Almost everyone on YouTube does not name the creatures why do they make vids if they don't know the names of them???
Akos Lukacs
Akos Lukacs - 8 years ago
tiger shark ?
mank demes
mank demes - 8 years ago
Lol wasnt even born when this was filmed
PhereTaggs - 8 years ago
misleading title
First Last
First Last - 8 years ago
another youtube video with a shitty title. Why so many thumbs up? I thought I would see a shark bite a sea snake but nooooo.
Melina Manriquez
Melina Manriquez - 8 years ago
wow that shark must be camera shy
Sean B
Sean B - 8 years ago
Sharks. The assholes of the sea
Sarı - 7 years ago
Alpaca Llama
Alpaca Llama - 7 years ago
I love all these salty ass replies giving you hate, i thought your comment was quite funny
wolf man jr
wolf man jr - 7 years ago
Sean B nope
Les Furtado
Les Furtado - 7 years ago
DD Andrews So fucking True.... Only thing we need to fear from sharks is that we will kill them all an there will be no more
It’s Vandalion
It’s Vandalion - 7 years ago
Sean B Snakes, the assholes of the land
احمد الجهني
احمد الجهني - 7 years ago
Sean B
Firemarioflower - 7 years ago
+Sean B EXACTLY!!! The movie Jaws gave sharks a bad reputation (unintented, but still).

And that sharks are mass murdering human-eaters is also fake news.
More ppl die because of lightning, bees, dogs. You name it.

You can actually swim with Great Whites unharmed if you just know how to behave.
Sean B
Sean B - 8 years ago
Sharks get bad press because of.... fake news
Firemarioflower - 8 years ago
+Sean B They're like Trump, ppl are scared of them, but in the end he serves a great cause.
Firemarioflower - 8 years ago
+DD Andrews Yes we do.... i'm very much against killing these endangered sharks, even after shark attacks, but we humans serve a purpose.
Eveline Allard
Eveline Allard - 8 years ago
No, its YOU
Kaiser of Rome
Kaiser of Rome - 8 years ago
dont you realize thats its not "our" fault its these shitty goverments that in these countries that dont provide work for their people and they have no other option than too hunt the Sharks and sell them to other countries its the same with the amazon and stuff like that
theoriginal_trash귀엽다 - 8 years ago
The freakin sharks ruin everything! Even the smallest of things like a camera!
DBs Junk
DBs Junk - 8 years ago
why is everyone getting so triggered by this comment, it was a joke.... fucking retards
Sean B
Sean B - 8 years ago
"little anus product".... ffs lol
schlontz84 - 8 years ago
+Sean B
 no its a bit higher than your IQ ,little anus product:)
Sean B
Sean B - 8 years ago
What are you? Like, 11?
schlontz84 - 8 years ago
+Sean B
troll turds like you have no gender at all and if your whore mother had flushed the toilet back then, you wouldnt even be here:)
Sean B
Sean B - 8 years ago
In the defense of sharks, one particularly distinguished fist-fucking basement dweller has emerged... and can't tell a man from a woman. Story of ur life.
schlontz84 - 8 years ago
+Sean B
seanie is the asshole of the entire universe...and shes extremely stupid,too
Sean B
Sean B - 8 years ago
I know; they hold down important administrative positions that ensure the easy running of the ocean eco-system.
Oh, and you're the asshole on the internet :-)
Realistic Clear mind
Realistic Clear mind - 8 years ago
+ Sean you the ashole on Land.
Sharks are important in the ocean.
icimblind - 8 years ago
Laughed out loud when I read your comment. When I swim in the ocean that is the first thing that comes to my mind. I hope I don't encounter a shark. Have to wonder how many other people feel the same way?
Sean B
Sean B - 8 years ago
A little death? Why, I often get that anyway, yes, unlike you probably
schlontz84 - 8 years ago
seanie , could you kill yourself a little bit? thanks
DD Andrews
DD Andrews - 8 years ago
+Sean B Sharks got "balls". People who kill them to build "safe" surfing beaches are the ones born without "balls".
Sean B
Sean B - 8 years ago
Sharks don't care what we think, because they're assholes.
DD Andrews
DD Andrews - 8 years ago

"With my mighty keyboard, I dare!"

:)) Guys, I'am loving this conversation right now. :). We're the keyboard warriors of the cyberspace!!! ;) :)
Sean B
Sean B - 8 years ago
With my mighty keyboard, I dare
ZPezar Gaming & More
ZPezar Gaming & More - 8 years ago
DD Andrews
DD Andrews - 8 years ago
+schlontz84 Yep. Just like shark killers and retarded assholes who surf on their territory.
DD Andrews
DD Andrews - 8 years ago
+gschum1 True
Old man Joe
Old man Joe - 8 years ago
Every creature of the sea has it's purpose which keeps the balance.
schlontz84 - 8 years ago
Trolls...the undoubted assholes of the world
Vive La France
Vive La France - 8 years ago
it was just a funny sounding comment. I'd not wanna encounter a shark but they are pretty damned interesting and mighty.
Blood XP HR
Blood XP HR - 8 years ago
no you are a asholle fucker
DD Andrews
DD Andrews - 8 years ago
+Vive La France It's true. Here where I live, a single shark attack on an idiot who decide to step into their territory triggers a mass hunt expedition of local sharks by the "authorities". Stupid idiots end up killing a shark that had nothing to do with the attack, and besides they mostly attack after mistaking the surfers for seals. Answer is simple. These assholes should find places where there're no sharks for surfing, and the assholes who kill them for a living should go and hang themselves by their balls till they die. Sharks were here long before we've ever existed, and they will be here long after we are gone.
Vive La France
Vive La France - 8 years ago
Sean B
Sean B - 8 years ago
We kill skarks
DD Andrews
DD Andrews - 8 years ago
+Sean B well...we are. Sharks serve a purpose for nature. We do not.
Sean B
Sean B - 8 years ago
We can't be the assholes of both when they are just the assholes of one
DD Andrews
DD Andrews - 8 years ago
Wrong! They are the angels of the sea. We're the assholes of the sea and land, and anywhere.
TheMJ - 8 years ago
"The savage"
schlontz84 - 8 years ago
the fuck is your problem???
DanX98 - 8 years ago
And other sharks are cute looking
DanX98 - 8 years ago
I think sharks are cool looking
Dumb snake
Charlisia Patten
Charlisia Patten - 8 years ago
I'm tired of this .... in my way f it
mishyprizes - 8 years ago
Was that a bag of bait on the end of that stick? What exactly was that?
Juggernaut383 - 8 years ago
Hammerhead shark is like "I got this".
"Let me try this again".
"Damn, I think my head is too big".

The shark at the end was a fucking savage. Good luck digesting the metal.
Firemarioflower - 7 years ago
+Juggernaut383 He can take it. Their stomaches are very flexible. He wont digest it. He will just keep it inside his stomach, it won't be a nuisance to it.
טטיאנה וולף
טטיאנה וולף - 7 years ago
Juggernaut383 yep.
Dialga - 8 years ago
What is the type of shark? Looks like a Great White or a Tiger Shark
Dialga - 8 years ago
Nevermind, researched the spots and it is a Tiger Shark lol
mali mall
mali mall - 8 years ago
2:15 Shark wasn't fucking around no more. lmaoo
Cullen Swanson
Cullen Swanson - 8 years ago
hahahaha that's what I was going to say. I can't believe he straight up just ate that thing.
AK-104 Russian Carbine
AK-104 Russian Carbine - 8 years ago
its a tiger shark AKA trash eaters because they are prone to eating anything the gets into the ocean, license plates etc
Guy Gardner
Guy Gardner - 8 years ago
Hm what's this over here? I think I'll just take a bitAND OH NO ITS A FUCKING SNAKE! ABORT ABORT ABORT!
Firest Firest
Firest Firest - 8 years ago
Peter T.
Peter T. - 8 years ago
What is so "great" about putting bait on a piece of weak and dangerous metal, which the shark swallows and consequently dies?..
Also, a bit of a narcistic move to call this "shark vs snake".. They just happened to be lured in by the same bait.
Pathetic video.
Neeks Clemente
Neeks Clemente - 8 years ago
hwahid8 - 8 years ago
I read somewhere Samuel L Jackson was asked once what he thought was more dangerous- Sharks or snakes. His reaction - Sharks, duh. I beat the snakes. Sharks ate my ass
UrukKalMak - 8 years ago
sharks vs. bait cage
nismo armada
nismo armada - 8 years ago
fry shark the best, lol
Key Lime Prime
Key Lime Prime - 8 years ago
I like how the hammerhead just bashes into everything.
BeckyGameplays - 8 years ago
missy - 9 years ago
haha the shark ate your camera that's what you get for making a false title
Blue Bolt
Blue Bolt - 9 years ago
Wasn't really a vs battel now was it
Kevin Harrison
Kevin Harrison - 9 years ago
Shark is going to be shitting metal, ouch
KawaiiPinkBanana 88
KawaiiPinkBanana 88 - 9 years ago
First shark: what's this thing * then bites the camera
Foo Dorethy
Foo Dorethy - 9 years ago
is that a tigr shark?
Bowboss Daily
Bowboss Daily - 9 years ago
Christy O'Dell
Christy O'Dell - 9 years ago
what was the medal thing for ?
το θρυλικό Άδη
το θρυλικό Άδη - 8 years ago
Sergio Padua
Sergio Padua - 9 years ago
humans and his stupids garbages intro the sea
Justin562lbc - 9 years ago
the last part of the video was worth the watch. dam that shark was hungry
ashleelmb - 9 years ago
There is no 'shark vs sea snake' here.
Rastin Peahu
Rastin Peahu - 9 years ago
O my
SuperMrPunch - 9 years ago
Sharks are notorious for DUI
Kahili Mahaulu
Kahili Mahaulu - 9 years ago
There is a tiger shark
JUMP23MΔN - 9 years ago
Real smart asshole, feed the shark metal... Dickhead!
Jacob Bielski
Jacob Bielski - 9 years ago
The rattling was actually rather loud and sharp.
Jawad Saleh
Jawad Saleh - 9 years ago
What is that thing he is biting on? You just killed the shark..
Raptard - 9 years ago
Shark: Fuck this camera!
Grant Davis
Grant Davis - 9 years ago
Quite an assortment of sharks investigating the metal!
Mangociana - 9 years ago
omg the sharks arE HILARIOUS! the poor hammerhead just bumping into everything, aaahaha, i feel bad for laughing but ohmygod
Amiya Grant
Amiya Grant - 9 years ago
that's stuped
LizzyWizzy - 9 years ago
....What happened to the last shark? Please don't tell me he died :c
AK-104 Russian Carbine
AK-104 Russian Carbine - 9 years ago
2:07 the hammer head was like I'm gonna break this camera!
It Is Gibran
It Is Gibran - 9 years ago
7m people watched diz
jessica wright
jessica wright - 9 years ago
It was a cool video over all and very interesting I was just hoping to see a battle not fish swimming around because of the title.
Demongornot - 9 years ago
I love how there is a whole ecosystem around the shark...
Those fish are like :
Hey, my house is the deadliest fish of the ocean :D
Quibzie - 9 years ago
1:55 AHGH
Quibzie - 9 years ago
+Quibzie hammerhead sharks... tsk tsk
FXUR - 9 years ago
at first i was like "oh that whark is pretty damn cute. "last section of the video" D: nevermind!
TyngTiong - 9 years ago
stop putting shit un the sea,swim ur self and see if u can,fishes hurts them selfs with ur metals hits.
LinusHimmer - 9 years ago
llol the hammer shark was like -you fuck with me huh? come get some! you twat. XD
King_Kai - 9 years ago
The shark didn't eat anything so more like shark vs pole
Galih Pratama
Galih Pratama - 9 years ago
Hahaha.. Shark eat metal crazy
Adam Pettus
Adam Pettus - 9 years ago
I imagine all the othe sharks were like "goddamnit!" basically stubbing their toes on this thing, where the tiger shark got scratched and was like " Aright fuck what EVER THIS IS!"
Basilisk195 - 9 years ago
But the Sea Snake had only a sort cameo appearance in the beginning of this video.
Stânia Silva
Stânia Silva - 9 years ago
Aquele rango não durou nem 4 minutos.
Jay Bea
Jay Bea - 9 years ago
and here I was thinking of sharks as being coordinated.
NinjaFox - 9 years ago
num num num num num that was a great snack [:/ I thought this was a vs video>:(
Coca-Cola Official
Coca-Cola Official - 9 years ago
What a gorgeous stingray. What species is that?
MortallicA91 - 9 years ago
I hope the shark puked it out.
rofyle - 9 years ago
There's always that one guy who will eat anything.
Yeri Daniel
Yeri Daniel - 9 years ago
Ak_shark134 - 9 years ago
1:33 what is that type of fish andd 1:00 what is that 0_0
NC Nobody's
NC Nobody's - 9 years ago
Bruce and his goons at it again...
Reinaldo Zubizarreta
Reinaldo Zubizarreta - 9 years ago
that got cause he couldnt eat the snake so hes like fuck you is your fult
Iman Rosaliano
Iman Rosaliano - 9 years ago
OMG I love it
Alecks 103003
Alecks 103003 - 9 years ago
that shark at the end was like YOLO BITCHES
Jon Emberson
Jon Emberson - 9 years ago
Seconds before watching this, I thought the shark was going to bite the sea snake and the snake would've bit back and paralyzed the shark.....I think too much.
Jake-E-Bacon - 9 years ago
+Jon Emberson You and me both. But then, right as I saw the Shark coming in, I though.....hmm, I'm wayyy too used to false YouTube titles, so my hopes went down dramatically.
GullwingYunie - 9 years ago
the power of the shark is awesome, it's cringworthy hearing that metal buckle and grind before giving way
GullwingYunie - 9 years ago
the tiger is like "I need dis, selfie bitches"
savannah lucas
savannah lucas - 9 years ago
This video sucks
KxNg FeVeR
KxNg FeVeR - 9 years ago
Shark is retarded he keeps running into the pole :')
I'm Mad,die!
I'm Mad,die! - 9 years ago
This is like this Game "hungry Shark"
trey man
trey man - 9 years ago
The Hammerhead shark: Look what I can do, I can bang my head against your camera! Loooove its expression after doing so, saying, "you like that!?, huh?!, now what?!"
Mr. Chicken
Mr. Chicken - 9 years ago
Oh I didn't see the the  part where it ate the metal , and a tiger shark wont die from eating metal.There garbage eaters they eat weird stuff all the time
Mr. Chicken
Mr. Chicken - 9 years ago
it didn't eat it idiot it bit it trying to get the snake but let go.
Paleon White
Paleon White - 9 years ago
What animal is that at 0:56? It's not a shark, it reminded me of those fish with saws in front of their faces but this species doesn't seem to have one.
Lukas Pesl
Lukas Pesl - 9 years ago
The last one shark is thug life :)) eating metal like shit :))
Fake Decker
Fake Decker - 9 years ago
she will never get this out probably will die with metal piece of shit puncturing smth in her body great job dudes
Carter Roper
Carter Roper - 9 years ago
Carter Roper
Carter Roper - 9 years ago
The worst video ever like all we see is a shark bumping into metsl
Максим Максимов
Максим Максимов - 9 years ago
Что за палка?
echo5delta16 - 9 years ago
That is gonna hurt coming out mr shark!!
Little CAT
Little CAT - 9 years ago
Truth Seeker
Truth Seeker - 9 years ago
2:07 "dag gonnit not again, and again.. this is getting old. Why this shape head God? WHY?"
Chino XL
Chino XL - 9 years ago
Dam no fucks given
PrincessBocas - 9 years ago
The last shark wasn't having it that day.
Ayoo Tube
Ayoo Tube - 9 years ago
2:18 Shark selfie!

Btw, where is the battle man? -_-
Ryan Heinitz
Ryan Heinitz - 9 years ago
im sorry
Scarlett Gonzales
Scarlett Gonzales - 9 years ago
0_0 Ósea que el tiburón la movió para que sus crías se la coman wtf?? Que sis
sweetfordfx4 - 9 years ago
The Tiger shark will eat just about anything. True in this wrongly named video.
Jo-Ed A. Ancheta
Jo-Ed A. Ancheta - 9 years ago
Based from the title, I thought there's gonna be a physical fight.
Marti Romera
Marti Romera - 9 years ago
dislike y denuncia por mentir
ICanWeCan - 9 years ago
To make this video funnier. Add voices to the sharks
Kassandra Estes
Kassandra Estes - 9 years ago
It should have been
Shark vs wins!!!
Xzlemin - 9 years ago
+Kassandra Estes The shark destroyed the camera. The Shark won. xD
Leo Cozijn
Leo Cozijn - 9 years ago
Well, that's all folks. Sorry!
Dave Jnathan
Dave Jnathan - 9 years ago
That hammerhead shark use its head as a hammer. lol
Ghost Fire
Ghost Fire - 9 years ago
Hugo Andres Gonzalez Gomez
Hugo Andres Gonzalez Gomez - 9 years ago
no pongas un vídeo donde no hacen nada nomas son peses nadando
Squizree - 9 years ago
The last shark was NOT having any of it.
Virtual_ Productions
Virtual_ Productions - 9 years ago
That damn shark is going to take a painful ass shit. Metal Rods coming out. xD
youbidoubidou - 9 years ago
We got click baited by the bullshit title just like the shark!
gemmer 7166
gemmer 7166 - 9 years ago
j ' ai rien compris have juste un requin
gemmer 7166
gemmer 7166 - 9 years ago
massaweed420 - 9 years ago
There was no shark fighting a sea snake in this video. i feel like ive been lied to and i am going to go complain to YT's CEO to get this video banned
Hamit Emal
Hamit Emal - 9 years ago
herbrechtingen,ulm,hechingen,laichingen,hemmingen,münchingen-korntalnummer1ulmSSV 1846the best whats given in the worldsg sonnenhof-grossaspach
Garrett Doughty
Garrett Doughty - 9 years ago
That shark is going to have one hell of a constipation problem.
Xavien Houck
Xavien Houck - 9 years ago
ChasehaWing - 9 years ago
that shark is so angry for the thing costing it a snake XD
Самоделки для рыбалки
Самоделки для рыбалки - 9 years ago
Milio Failure
Milio Failure - 9 years ago
R.I.P Camera
Radical Rabbit
Radical Rabbit - 9 years ago
Kalee Walter
Kalee Walter - 8 years ago
+Radical Rabbit lol
cyra128 - 9 years ago
ew29lly g
bbvb nn bbb
PrincessBocas - 9 years ago
+Radical Rabbit Loll
Scruffit - 9 years ago
That last shark was clever...
Srib - 9 years ago
so that shark at the end is basically dead due to it eating some metal piece of shit lol
Emily Evelan
Emily Evelan - 8 years ago
Torpedoes might be a bit much, but tiger sharks are famous for eating everything.
Tires, chunks of metal etc
Alexander garcia
Alexander garcia - 8 years ago
Not really sharks will eat anything the only time they have died from it is when they ate toxic waste of some sort but other than that they have found some great whites with torpedoes in their stomach
ChasehaWing - 9 years ago
nah. shark stomachs are amazingly resistant. they can eat everything.
raging777 king
raging777 king - 9 years ago
At the end of shark got so mad for always running into that
Kate Skycamp
Kate Skycamp - 9 years ago
Sharks look innocent until u see its sharp teeth
Luis E. Rojas
Luis E. Rojas - 9 years ago
GiantBatGaming - 9 years ago
Either it is close up to the camera or I am right, and that first one is a HUGE ASS SHARK.
Haider Terrafaux
Haider Terrafaux - 9 years ago
The winner is the tiger shark
Nick Finan
Nick Finan - 9 years ago
What a load of old tosh!
JuneBuggio 2004
JuneBuggio 2004 - 9 years ago
shark wins
Furtail1 AJ
Furtail1 AJ - 9 years ago
That shark tore the living SHIT out of that pole!!
Mark MIA
Mark MIA - 9 years ago
:57 wtf is that? Stingrayfish?
papermaster36912 - 9 years ago
The last shark just said "you know what fuck it Ima eat the entire thing" XDXD
Eric Milliot
Eric Milliot - 9 years ago
I don't understand how or why so many enjoy this video. It's just a bunch of sea life swimming around that metal rod. Also, that snake was in that sharks mouth. He did not bite it even once and yet you title this video, "Shark Vs. Sea Snake." I think you should re-title this video, "Sea life swimming around and stuff - By Cpt. Obvious.
god Saturn El
god Saturn El - 9 years ago
look how smart that shark is, he could by easy bite that thing in half, he thought. Hmm might be a trap.
Danya Lineth Yanes Pastrana
Danya Lineth Yanes Pastrana - 9 years ago
no. me. gusta
Susan Llagas
Susan Llagas - 9 years ago
its a mantha ray
Alokaht Thakola
Alokaht Thakola - 9 years ago
This great video taken by a camera on the Great Barrier Reef is NOT "Great" and the metallic sounds are annoying.
youpumpertube - 9 years ago
"Vs" in this video stands for "very stupid".
Larry McMillan Jr.
Larry McMillan Jr. - 9 years ago
Tiger Sharks are notorious indiscriminant feeders. They will eat just about anything.
Trent Brickhouse
Trent Brickhouse - 9 years ago
are.... are sharks stupids >.>
The Four Kids
The Four Kids - 9 years ago
pause at 1:50 you can see the shark bring its eyes into his head as a defensive strategy
Benjamin Schabel
Benjamin Schabel - 9 years ago
bent, broken, taken
Thomas Richmond
Thomas Richmond - 9 years ago
Very well, you're fishing skills..Perhaps next time you'll have to caught huge wale..
Ero Edd
Ero Edd - 9 years ago
1:00 You are Mantine?
isocryd - 9 years ago
In case anyone has trouble leading the logo on the lower left, this vid is from the Australian Institute of Marine Science.
melody ehrlich
melody ehrlich - 9 years ago
How To Make Sushi
How To Make Sushi - 9 years ago
shit the shark eat that metal thing!
emiliano barradas
emiliano barradas - 9 years ago
that was a tiger shark
Artsy Scrub
Artsy Scrub - 9 years ago
the tiger sharks just like 'imma just take this and eat it!' noms it pulls it off and leaves 'see ya!'
romanek shark
romanek shark - 9 years ago
i love this video
Blues BX
Blues BX - 9 years ago
What is that species at 0:57? thats like a shark/stingray... Sharkray?
robertdanielmaher - 8 years ago
Sharks and rays are closely related. They are both elasmobranchs.

Elasmobranchs differ from "regular" bony fish in that they have cartilage rather than bones for a skeleton.
HoppyfishPerse001 - 9 years ago
That's not a shark. Sharkray is a type of ray. A nickname for them is guitarfish
Teamdoesyou - 9 years ago
+Blues BX It is a shark, I believe it is a sharkray (Guitarfish)
Puppy Lover81501
Puppy Lover81501 - 9 years ago
I'm going to have nightmares
Dea Rox
Dea Rox - 9 years ago
Demetri - 9 years ago
Double Moustache
Double Moustache - 9 years ago
To be specific, its a tiger shark. I forget the name of the snake, though.
Carly Berry
Carly Berry - 9 years ago
Carly Berry
Carly Berry - 9 years ago
+Carly Berry i vote camera tbh
Shelly die Mordwaffel
Shelly die Mordwaffel - 9 years ago
What the hell.. the damn shark eats the whole thing!!!... iron? fishnet ? nuaaah shit happends.. lets eat! xD
Nature King
Nature King - 9 years ago
what the deuce!...this is shark vs sea rod bar
galaxy star
galaxy star - 9 years ago
Fuck jaws he always wins
Linus Lines
Linus Lines - 9 years ago
Did that last fucker actually bite off the end of that metal bar?? Holy shit... If so thats one hell of a fuckin bite!!
OrionoftheStar - 9 years ago
Other sharks: ugh, don't want that.
Last shark: fuck this shit, I bit it, I'm eating it.
Hasan Chaudhry
Hasan Chaudhry - 7 years ago
It was funny as hell when the shark wanted it. LOL
Dotm Shockwave
Dotm Shockwave - 9 years ago
+OrionoftheStar That's because it is a fucking tiger shark, they literally eat anything they think is edible.
mohammad  1983
mohammad 1983 - 9 years ago
Faiz Cuysss
Faiz Cuysss - 9 years ago
that shark very hungry :v
Gloria  Custodio
Gloria Custodio - 9 years ago
I think at 1:46 I just lost my shit or something :O
Gloria  Custodio
Gloria Custodio - 9 years ago
What the tiger shark has so many little fishy on his/her back?
is that a baby sharks or fishis?
Gloria  Custodio
Gloria Custodio - 9 years ago
Oh you guys are so blind XD no offense but that's a tiger sharks XD
Kristian Brandt
Kristian Brandt - 9 years ago
Woaw look at those tiger shark teeth... Perfect.
Almighty - 9 years ago
I know that the shark will swallow that think
Marco Romano
Marco Romano - 9 years ago
N30n T3CHN1CZ - 9 years ago
2 days before 911 crazy
Tijn - 9 years ago
That's crazy yeah...
Your Friendly Neighborhood Homosapian
Your Friendly Neighborhood Homosapian - 9 years ago
Shark is huge
rem 955
rem 955 - 9 years ago
What fish comes into view at the 1 minute mark? First half looks like a manta ray and the back end like a shark.
Googled: Is it a guitarfish?
Kevin Milla
Kevin Milla - 9 years ago
The only "fighting" I see in this video as at the very end.
Kathi Kohler
Kathi Kohler - 9 years ago
wo is der kampf verdammt
Flaming sword_xxx
Flaming sword_xxx - 9 years ago
wow at the end. he had to beat it before the shark came for metal.

Aaron Favor
Aaron Favor - 9 years ago
yo the shark is like get that shit out of my face
Sacred Phalaenopsis
Sacred Phalaenopsis - 9 years ago
OMG,he just ate it up.
Sacred Phalaenopsis
Sacred Phalaenopsis - 9 years ago
Its a tiger shark,and sea snake is just one of its major diets.
Lovely Horse Gaming
Lovely Horse Gaming - 9 years ago
It's sad that all the shit we throw into the ocean is slowly killing the Great Barrier Reef, and it took us this long to realize what's inside it.
GalaxyChicken9 - 9 years ago
WTF Shark eat metal HAHAHHA LoL
Mitchell Drum
Mitchell Drum - 9 years ago
did that shark just eat a metal pole!!
Android Nasci
Android Nasci - 9 years ago
that camera you what a put at water
X0A - 9 years ago
Brings a whole new meaning to the name hammer head shark...
end my life
end my life - 9 years ago
Deep sea is amazing! There may be even new creatures...
Labyirnth II
Labyirnth II - 9 years ago
The shark came out of nowhere! O.O
James P
James P - 7 years ago
The remora were a dead giveaway. "The fish with the flat heads that stick alongside sharks" if you see remoras, a shark is very near
Firemarioflower - 7 years ago
+Koruna Are you sure about that? CAN"T SEE ME>???? KNUCKLE SHUFFLE!!!!
JROCK50054 - 8 years ago
+Invious more like Shark Orton.
With the RKO outta nowhere
Syflex - 9 years ago
PNG Productions
PNG Productions - 9 years ago
That's a big bucked of nope, my friend
Labyirnth II
Labyirnth II - 9 years ago
+GenCastProduction oh gosh, imagine if you were actually there, just minding your own business when you looked up and boom. jaws
PNG Productions
PNG Productions - 9 years ago
+Labyirnth XO Scared the shit out of me
Labyirnth II
Labyirnth II - 9 years ago
+A S R cue the creepy jaws music
A S R - 9 years ago
+Labyirnth XO It's the sea, no matter where you come from, it looks like you came from nowhere.
Dylan Hogan
Dylan Hogan - 9 years ago
What's that thing all the sea animals keep on hitting?
Hedric Jones
Hedric Jones - 9 years ago
the 2001 selfie stick, never heard of them?
Brennan Geddes
Brennan Geddes - 9 years ago
Cody Leblanc
Cody Leblanc - 9 years ago
I love how all the sharks hit into it, then they have this like "oh fuck, sorry, excuse me" and go away, meanwhile the hammerhead gives no fucks
Jason G
Jason G - 9 years ago
shark will die cause it ate that metal, good job jackasses
Jasmin Rachel
Jasmin Rachel - 7 years ago
Steve O It doesnt matter people are dumber than you as long as they are more respectful and kinder than your baboon ass mouth. Put yer mouth into a powder pan o' a shark 'n get yer pegleg ripped by a kraken. Argghh!
Jasmin Rachel
Jasmin Rachel - 7 years ago
audilover70 Man fuck you and those who criticize Cindy Sue and supports this modafaka(audilover70)(including Steve O, Carlos) you guys are too much and too mean. Dont deserve to be human. Go back to your religions and learn to respect others.
Jasmin Rachel
Jasmin Rachel - 7 years ago
Jason G It doesnt matter as long does who harms human and the society(innocent animals) MUST DIE I dont care if the ecosystem is imbalance bcoz humans are there to "balance" it (by killing)
Matthew W
Matthew W - 8 years ago
Why are they feeding that shark metal on purpose!! TERRIBLE they call themselves scientists but they don't realize it's going choke and die!
Carlos - 8 years ago
+patrick82895 It's alright Pat, you can't win an argument of intellect when the other competitor is... Lacking... In the smarts department.

"Never ague with an idiot. they will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

- George Carlin
Melinda White
Melinda White - 9 years ago
Steve O
Steve O - 9 years ago
+patrick82895 dumb cunt hypocrites man.
Steve O
Steve O - 9 years ago
+Cindy Sue you are a dumb slutty cunt.
shelley noname
shelley noname - 9 years ago
:)  jeez loser you have so much free time on your hands...whew!  :)  and on that note, i will not respond again.....this is getting boring!
shelley noname
shelley noname - 9 years ago
:) i knew he couldnt quit :)  lol
shelley noname
shelley noname - 9 years ago are right. i apologize. he accussed me of something i did not do, and i got stupid. you are right. i will not acknowledge any more silliness. i was a bufffoon. sorry
audilover70 - 9 years ago
+Cindy Sue for fuck sake both of you shut up nobody gives a shit there is so much shit going on in the world and you pathetic morons are arguing over what? fuck all! why don't you focus you arguments to a cause that actually matters you both are fucking buffoons
shelley noname
shelley noname - 9 years ago
patrick aka buffoon, you are a funny man. i saw your picture, haaaaaaaaa, why do you put a picture up when it is so bad? just saying. i mean are you using youtube to meet good looking guys or what. now, what you must do is lie. if you really are 6'2 and you really weigh 140...are you sick? it sounds very unhealthy to be that skinny. whew. eat something....but until you do get your "man body" i suggest that you lie.....say you are 6'2 and weigh like ????195lbs. that is good. THEN or maybe before remove all of your pictures, you are an ugly dude. put some phonies on or you will never find your, what did you call him, or your main man....something like that. does your family know? and i hope that they support your decision. i am thinking that they do not cuz you are an angry person. which reminds me. someone like you, a man like yourself will never find a great man partner with such a bad attitude...try finding a hobby that makes you happy. try to smile a bit. in your pics all there is is a sickly skinny, tall goober, with an unattractive face, and a crabby look on you ugly face.....COME to think of it, there is probably no hope for disregard what i have suggested to you...but please for the sake of others remove your pictures, it hurts my eyes to look at you.......please
Trent Brickhouse
Trent Brickhouse - 9 years ago
shelley noname
shelley noname - 9 years ago
shelley noname
shelley noname - 9 years ago
hey buffoon,  i still want to smash your face.
shelley noname
shelley noname - 9 years ago
you are baffoon! i did NOT criticze or pick on anybody. i never said anything about being perfect with spelling nothing. so you know what fuck you, you, little pencil dicked cretin! i commented on the fact that people should be kind and help others to learn without being nasty! wtf, man, i would like to smash your face!
shelley noname
shelley noname - 9 years ago
its a shame. people need to grow up and soften their hearts. i love to learn, i do not mind constructive criticism, or being told that i am wrong. i do however not appreciate being treated rudely, or being embarrassed by some bafoon!  be nice, we could all learn something new every single day!  :)
audilover70 - 9 years ago
+Cindy Sue being rude coincides with lack of intelligence and/or education it's fairly common these days
shelley noname
shelley noname - 9 years ago
why so rude. this is a sweet, interesting video, and then someone like you comes in and starts to insult everyone. why? even if someone made a mistake identifying a shark ....why cares? you could correct any incorrect info without being rude. do you like to be corrected like that? i am sure the answer is just a simple no....???
audilover70 - 9 years ago
educate yourself
LifeSoul - 9 years ago
Sharks eat anything they can bro. White sharks are the only sharks that are picky from what I've seen on animal planet, and pa sharks are fucking adorable, omfg I can't believe people see them as bad
shelley noname
shelley noname - 9 years ago
+Jason G no it probably wont. a tiger shark is a garbage eater. they eat all kinds of weird things....
A S R - 9 years ago
+Trent Brickhouse A type of shark that likes to eat metal trash like that.
Trent Brickhouse
Trent Brickhouse - 9 years ago
+A S R whats a cow shark
Helgi Jacobsen
Helgi Jacobsen - 9 years ago
no it sa a tiger shark they eat evrything even license plate have been found in thers stomach
A S R - 9 years ago
+Platinum Stri I believe those are the Cow Sharks.
PlatinumSstri - 9 years ago
Is was a tiger shark, they are known as the rubbish bin of the sea
Trent Brickhouse
Trent Brickhouse - 9 years ago
+kylextown24 youre my hero
isocryd - 9 years ago
+Jason G Sharks don't give a fuck. They'll eat license plates like they're the last pizza slice in the box.
CherubiKnighT - 9 years ago
+Jason G tiger sharks eat just about anything man. lol
Jack Graybird
Jack Graybird - 9 years ago
That shark loves metal.
A S R - 9 years ago
+Jason G Sharks can digest things like that, especially tiger sharks.
Schwinnng Direct
Schwinnng Direct - 9 years ago
+Jason G who gives a fuck?
Alex Lloyd
Alex Lloyd - 9 years ago
I find it funny when people are scared of reef sharks
Jefzz - 9 years ago
nice motherfuk shark eating more trash
blackbutterfly233ify - 9 years ago
I love the first 20 seconds
Harry Rabin
Harry Rabin - 9 years ago
OK really what type of study is this where a shark winds up trying to digest metal in it's stomach. Pretty stupid and inhumane treatment of sharks.
RaFa Tristiantono
RaFa Tristiantono - 9 years ago
and i thougt it's gonna epic :O
Aitor Crespí Sánchez
Aitor Crespí Sánchez - 9 years ago
Ian Park
Ian Park - 9 years ago
so cute! :3
curdled cobbler
curdled cobbler - 9 years ago
Shark vs sea snake huh? Misleading title.
Bryan Truong
Bryan Truong - 9 years ago
Chuchella - 9 years ago
tiger shark was a dick
hassan Waleed
hassan Waleed - 9 years ago
so instead eating the sea snake, shark rips the shit out metal like a boss
Mauricio galvez
Mauricio galvez - 9 years ago
Liisa Juhantalo
Liisa Juhantalo - 9 years ago
Huikea merenalainen petojen maailma
Dashka155 - 9 years ago
The hammerhead looked like it can't work its own head and keeps hitting it on everything lmao
Robert the Komodo Dragon
Robert the Komodo Dragon - 9 years ago
Man, this was funny! XD The sharks were especially hilarious! The tiger shark kept coming back trying to rip off that piece of metal and the hammerhead bumped into the camera three times in a row! XD
LevelYup - 9 years ago
LOL 2:10 omg im fucken done ahahahah
Matt Phan
Matt Phan - 9 years ago
And that my friends, is how much nature hates humanity.
Shadow Zone Productions
Shadow Zone Productions - 9 years ago
Misleading title, but I liked the video
productionbrothers - 9 years ago
I've had to take some wicked shits, but i'm feeling really sorry for the shark that has to shit out that iron rod..
Andreas ΑΚ
Andreas ΑΚ - 9 years ago
i dont see any fight
Misel982001 - 9 years ago
great video my ass. Where is the battle assholes?
Jasmin Rachel
Jasmin Rachel - 7 years ago
Misel982001 Aye
Misel982001 - 9 years ago
+ferndog681 thanx!!!!
ferndog681 - 9 years ago
+Misel982001 LMAO
Kristian Brandt
Kristian Brandt - 9 years ago
+Misel982001 When you freedive you're holding your breath. When you're scuba diving you're breathing compressed air. Because of this if you ascend or decend too fast you can face serious, even fatal, injury.
Misel982001 - 9 years ago
+Kristian Brandt
lol! I had a serious problem with my ears so I stopped... I can now dive no more than 5m. By the way, what do you mean by saying lung explosion? How can this happen?
Kristian Brandt
Kristian Brandt - 9 years ago
+Misel982001 I'm divemaster so no record, only time invested and experience as I meant scuba diving. I can free dive, but only do it with the intention of exploration, I've never actually recorded a depth, although I think I've been, and can, further than 9 meters. But I've been diving for 13 years now, 9 meters is pretty good. I like free diving, you have a lot more freedom as your lungs won't explode if you get it wrong... Only your ears ;)
Misel982001 - 9 years ago
+Kristian Brandt
i was too.... what is your personal record? I was a free diver and I dived 9m
Kristian Brandt
Kristian Brandt - 9 years ago
+Misel982001 Diver :)
Misel982001 - 9 years ago
+Kristian Brandt
thanx for your explanation! are you a biologist?
Kristian Brandt
Kristian Brandt - 9 years ago
+Misel982001 It's actually the same with humans, they can only bite through your earflaps and the thin webbing between your fingers and toes. Also you need to properly fuck with them before they bite you. I wouldn't recommend it, but you could quite easily handle this snake without it biting. They get a bad rep because people know how venomous they are, so they're hardly ever handled by humans, and their meat isn't worth much either so they have no reason to fear humans. It's only when they get caught by accident that people get bitten.
Misel982001 - 9 years ago
hm....ok! thanx!+Kristian Brandt
Kristian Brandt
Kristian Brandt - 9 years ago
+Misel982001 There was never going to be a battle. Sea snakes are ridiculously venomous, but their fangs are very small, too small to penetrate a shark's tough skin. The snake would have to bite the shark in its gills, nostrils or mouth.
Misel982001 - 9 years ago
what else does it mean?
Perodot_The _Hipster
Perodot_The _Hipster - 9 years ago
+NukeCorruption Well....
Misel982001 - 9 years ago
Harry C
Harry C - 9 years ago
eugenio favini
eugenio favini - 9 years ago
i don't get the reason for all the dislikes lel
Stylianos Mavridis
Stylianos Mavridis - 9 years ago
HacksN' TheSlimeWorld
HacksN' TheSlimeWorld - 9 years ago
Did the shark really bit the thingy majigy! Ok now deserves to have a missing tooth.
Azhraeya - 9 years ago
That sea snake was lucky it was in between the two metal prongs.
Jose Diola
Jose Diola - 9 years ago
+Wanderersea watch at the end shark eat it all.. those snake are is the most venomous alive
sky court
sky court - 9 years ago
Bethany Losh
Bethany Losh - 9 years ago
2:36 R.I.P camera :c
Alex462047 - 9 years ago
More like "Shark vs. Metal Frame".
Ghosty wun
Ghosty wun - 9 years ago
wow what a great fight (sarcasm)
madness1383 - 9 years ago
That tiger shark was hungry  :)
GGFCHMMAL - 9 years ago
Tiger Shark bit through the pole like it was licorice rope.
Brian Clark
Brian Clark - 9 years ago
Misleading title.
AJAnewage - 9 years ago
should be shark vs camera
Alexej v
Alexej v - 9 years ago
Этот акул хотел себе галстук подобрать.
Krzysztof - 9 years ago
That hammer heads are stupid
Jamily Caelum
Jamily Caelum - 9 years ago
Lol that last part of the video lol
Gerardo Arevalo
Gerardo Arevalo - 9 years ago
the hell are these animals so obsessed about this piece of iron with a bull of rag? o.O
Demetron Jefferson
Demetron Jefferson - 9 years ago
What a dumb head shark
Mitsy - 9 years ago
* why did the sharks eye go white 1:51
Brendon Henderson
Brendon Henderson - 9 years ago
+Robert Zeilic those are eyelids. Eyelids for sharks are to protect the eyes while eating prey.
Mitsy - 9 years ago
+AntiEspada thx
AntiEspada - 9 years ago
+Robert Zeilic i can't say for that peticular breed of shark but for great white's their eyes roll back into their head when theyre charging at food.
Truman Douglass
Truman Douglass - 9 years ago
more like shark vs pole if you ask me
skipwondah33 - 9 years ago
Like how the shark comes out of nowhere in the background
TheAstrius - 9 years ago
I like how the shark almost eats the snake and pulls out the last second.
debayudh talapatra
debayudh talapatra - 9 years ago
wtf is happening???????????
SeasonofSinTV Official
SeasonofSinTV Official - 9 years ago
Man. Sharks are dicks.
Nirvana Addict
Nirvana Addict - 9 years ago
1st - put ur hands on ur chest ( boy or girl )

2nd - think of someone you like ....

3rd - 2 marrow that person will ask u out or say they LOVE u

4th - the catch is u have 2 write this for 5 vidoes
League of Draven
League of Draven - 9 years ago
WoW how big is this Shark 6 meters
PrinceArt77 - 9 years ago
i think at the end of the pole there was a device that sends electrical impulse of signal that is similar to that emitted by struggling or wounded fish....thus those predators went in to investigate...the tiger shark would eat anything though.....there were reports that there were medieval armor, plate number, etc found in the stomach of some captured tiger sharks....
GoodGuy - 9 years ago
That shark at the end that ate the metal plate is gonna die right ? It probably can't digest that kind of material...
Sten - 9 years ago
they add cameras in 2001? xd
Michael Craig
Michael Craig - 9 years ago
well, it looks like he missed the snake, but sure bit the hell out of that pole with the bag on it!
Tao Ming
Tao Ming - 9 years ago
You were there, you have lived as every animal in your evolutionary line, thats what Darwins book means. The ultimate truth of life has been revealed and it can and will transform mankind and the world into the paradise it could be, should be, and will be when enough people see it. Google Truth Contest and check out the top entry. The truth will set you free.
MLGRACCOON - 9 years ago
+Tao Ming I literally see you in every video stfu man no one cares about your religion.
Kevin Milla
Kevin Milla - 9 years ago
Lol fuck that noise and blab about that shit somewhere else XD
Jeff Behm
Jeff Behm - 9 years ago
+Carlos Danger Damn yo, I want summa that kush that OP is on!
Carlos Danger
Carlos Danger - 9 years ago
+Tao Ming What the hell are you on about?
Terri Berri
Terri Berri - 9 years ago
If fish could talk (and we could understand them), I bet this video would be HILARIOUS!!!!!!
Angel Guerrero
Angel Guerrero - 9 years ago
He eats it! Like a Boss
Darrin Connor
Darrin Connor - 9 years ago
I've had just about enough of these 30 sec ads that youy can't skip, come on Y.T. That Tiger Shark is an absolute beast.
5winder - 9 years ago
Was that a microphone? Tasty.
Riverview Ponies
Riverview Ponies - 9 years ago
Hammerhead be all.  Ow! my eye! ow! my other eye! .......Damn it nevermind....
butter toast
butter toast - 9 years ago
The imagine the fish around the shark to be those annoying gang members that take the gang too seriously and don't shut up and they can't intimidate and the shark is just annoyed of them but tries to deal with them.
GTsnowbug - 9 years ago
James Smith
James Smith - 9 years ago
James Gilronan
James Gilronan - 9 years ago
haha the end is worth it
misterclownface - 9 years ago
What a stupid video
J. Brad
J. Brad - 9 years ago
why don't the sharks ever try to eat the remora's?
Jeremy Savilla
Jeremy Savilla - 9 years ago
+Jazzii Kamp So the shark is basically like the Dawn of the Mafia! Hahahaha
Adriel MUtopia
Adriel MUtopia - 9 years ago
+J. Brad Believe it or not, remoras are very careful of sharks when they attach to them. Some sharks aren't very happy when they attach to them either. One false turn and remora is dead but I think this is in the beginning. Due to evolution, sharks don't care too much about their company because of how much they like having parasites removed by remoras and other stuff. Imagine your butt itching really bad or worse, and not having hands to scratch yourself. Also, someone removing something off you for free that otherwise would make you sick. Anyways, you probably know some of the stuff I mentioned, but hopefully I answered your question.
Da_Ghoul - 9 years ago
+J. Brad not enough white meat
Stephen Bendig
Stephen Bendig - 9 years ago
Except Ramoras don't eat parasites, the shark will eat a ramora, they just good at staying away from the mouth
Get Saxy
Get Saxy - 9 years ago
+Jazzii Kamp basically a mutualistic relationship
Jazzii Kamp
Jazzii Kamp - 9 years ago
+J. Brad They live in symbiosis meaning they both gain by being associated with each other. In this case, the sharks benefit as the fish remove any fowling parasites from its body and the remora fish benefit in that they get a meal ( the parasites as well as the debris from the sharks food) and also protection due to being with a shark.
Michael Morales
Michael Morales - 9 years ago
did anybody else hummed the Jaws theme when the shark was swimming towards the snake?
mbuso chili
mbuso chili - 9 years ago
I never thought a cocupine can kill a leopard
ToplessTopics - 9 years ago
So a shark, a sea snake, and a stingray swim into a bar...
Kurniawan Tegal
Kurniawan Tegal - 7 years ago
ToplessTopics helloo
Royal Roy
Royal Roy - 7 years ago
Its a guitar fish not a stingray. Just sayin...
Flip2rz - 7 years ago
0161 yep
Plushiegamer 2017
Plushiegamer 2017 - 7 years ago
Birdy eats a pea that's a angel shark
Gfg Shdeh
Gfg Shdeh - 7 years ago
Jeremy Ildefonso
Jeremy Ildefonso - 7 years ago
Birdy eats a pea it's a angel shark
Birdy eats a pea
Birdy eats a pea - 8 years ago
That's not a stingray, that's another shark.
Nayeli Sepulveda noriega
Nayeli Sepulveda noriega - 9 years ago
eres de otro pais
Hemsfeld Custardale
Hemsfeld Custardale - 9 years ago
The other one ducks
Da Fuq
Da Fuq - 9 years ago
+ToplessTopics Stingray Shark
Broch Slanders
Broch Slanders - 9 years ago
+ToplessTopics the shark has a poodle under one fin and a 2 foot salami under the other...
Jeff Behm
Jeff Behm - 9 years ago
+Luke Whiteside It certainly is :)
Shawn Yapp
Shawn Yapp - 9 years ago
+ToplessTopics thats not a sting ray, thats a type of shark.
0161 - 9 years ago
+LuisYKW2 At 1:00 i swear thats a guitarfish.
LuisYKW - 9 years ago
+ToplessTopics you mean the angel shark?
SylosisDark - 9 years ago
+ToplessTopics love it :D
lps bre
lps bre - 9 years ago
ugly - 9 years ago
All these fishes are probably dead by now.
Buddy Boy12
Buddy Boy12 - 9 years ago
2:19 lol
Hunter Moon
Hunter Moon - 9 years ago
Who the hell leaves a camera at the bottom of the ocean?
Juanita Lozano
Juanita Lozano - 9 years ago
Shark visión
Mass - 9 years ago
dumb shark
LolSmiledog Wiggins
LolSmiledog Wiggins - 9 years ago
The hammerhead got majorly pissed off lol
GoMiGman - 9 years ago
Some pretty interesting species of sharks, there, besides the usual Tiger and Hammerhead there was that beautiful Leopard shark and shovel nosed shark.  Beautiful.
Gatis Bērziņš
Gatis Bērziņš - 9 years ago
0:57 wtf is that?? Sharkray or smth?
SpeakMyMind - 9 years ago
The title is definitely misleading; a down right LIE actually..
Caleb Gates
Caleb Gates - 9 years ago
I love tiger sharks
Slyte Lee Acidic
Slyte Lee Acidic - 9 years ago
Great shots of a Tiger among other guests. thanks for posting

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The "Shark Vs. Sea Snake" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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