Sharks Attack Submarine | Blue Planet II Behind The Scenes

USA: Watch Blue Planet II on BBC America - 9pm Saturdays from 20th January 2018. Subscribe to BBC Earth for more amazing animal videos - *Sharks Attack Submarine - Blue Planet II Behind The Scenes* The Blue Planet II team dive to over 700 meters to see what happens to a whale carcass on the seabed. Whilst filming sharks as they feast, the sharks start to take a worrying interest in the submarine! Watch more videos from BBC Earth Planet Earth Blue Planet Planet Earth II Planet Dinosaur Check out the other two channels in the BBC Earth network: BBC Earth Unplugged: BBC Earth Lab: About BBC Earth The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Jump in to BBC Earth's YouTube channel and meet your planet. You'll find 50 years worth of astounding, entertaining, thought-provoking and educational natural history content on here. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn't get more exciting than this. Subscribe to be the first to view new videos. And you can become part of the BBC community by checking out our BBC Earth Facebook page. Here you'll find the best natural history content from the web, exclusive videos and images and a thriving, vibrant community. This is a channel from BBC Worldwide who help fund new BBC programmes Service information and feedback: Subscribe for more: You can also also find the BBC Earth community on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Order Blue Planet II items now: DVD: Book: Want to share your views with the team behind BBC Earth and win prizes? Join our fan panel here: This is a channel from BBC Worldwide who help fund new BBC programmes.

Sharks Attack Submarine | Blue Planet II Behind The Scenes sentiment_very_dissatisfied 457

Shark videos 7 years ago 2,833,911 views

USA: Watch Blue Planet II on BBC America - 9pm Saturdays from 20th January 2018. Subscribe to BBC Earth for more amazing animal videos - *Sharks Attack Submarine - Blue Planet II Behind The Scenes* The Blue Planet II team dive to over 700 meters to see what happens to a whale carcass on the seabed. Whilst filming sharks as they feast, the sharks start to take a worrying interest in the submarine! Watch more videos from BBC Earth Planet Earth Blue Planet Planet Earth II Planet Dinosaur Check out the other two channels in the BBC Earth network: BBC Earth Unplugged: BBC Earth Lab: About BBC Earth The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Jump in to BBC Earth's YouTube channel and meet your planet. You'll find 50 years worth of astounding, entertaining, thought-provoking and educational natural history content on here. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn't get more exciting than this. Subscribe to be the first to view new videos. And you can become part of the BBC community by checking out our BBC Earth Facebook page. Here you'll find the best natural history content from the web, exclusive videos and images and a thriving, vibrant community. This is a channel from BBC Worldwide who help fund new BBC programmes Service information and feedback: Subscribe for more:   You can also also find the BBC Earth community on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Order Blue Planet II items now: DVD: Book: Want to share your views with the team behind BBC Earth and win prizes? Join our fan panel here: This is a channel from BBC Worldwide who help fund new BBC programmes.

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Most popular comments
for Sharks Attack Submarine | Blue Planet II Behind The Scenes

dreakheart - 7 years ago
mais t'es sérieux
mais t'es sérieux - 7 years ago
There are Hexanchus Griseus! There are curent and see only on monochrome color, they don't realy see the submarine. ;)
Carguy 2204
Carguy 2204 - 7 years ago
they said "no one knew what to expect".. I think they knew as well as most people the whale carcass is devoured by all types of life..
Aubree W
Aubree W - 7 years ago
Jeezus... their eyes are nightmare inducing.
Yassine Kamraine
Yassine Kamraine - 7 years ago
What kind of sharks it is??
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
Highly exaggerated and overdramatized.
ultimatum1895 - 7 years ago
Aint nobody talking about how the damn shark ejected blood from its damn gills
Mr Lima Bean
Mr Lima Bean - 7 years ago
Why do you have to add such awful sound effects?
View all 45 replies
View all 45 replies - 7 years ago
You people do realize that this is CGI - Fake right?

10. comment for Sharks Attack Submarine | Blue Planet II Behind The Scenes

Kole Tijanic
Kole Tijanic - 7 years ago
A Wolff
A Wolff - 7 years ago
Boy can you believe the sounds the sharks made when they came at the sub?? Soo scary
Tobi 41
Tobi 41 - 7 years ago
what kind of shark is it ? D:
Эйс Вентура
Эйс Вентура - 7 years ago
если бы не сказали, что это нападение, никогда бы не поверил. по мне так они тупо бьются от стекло слишком близко подплывшего батискафа...
Darth Plagueis
Darth Plagueis - 7 years ago
If you have a structured settlement but you need cash now, call JG Wentworth. 877 Cash Now.
KveldeCraft - 7 years ago
When you in your cyclops cruisin the lost river and a ghost leviathan starts attacking your cyclops
Krooksbane - 7 years ago
Hey BBC, can we do without the cheesy sound effects?
Mr. N
Mr. N - 7 years ago
I've NEVER seen a Six-gilled Shark become so aggressive. They're lucky it wasn't a White Shark or a close relative of it cause at least Sleeper Sharks are slow.
Danny Branderson
Danny Branderson - 7 years ago
Those sharks are 200-300 years old. Respect your elders
Edouardos Polykandriotis
Edouardos Polykandriotis - 7 years ago
I almost believed that was true! Its actually a pretty good montage.
The shark roared lol!

20. comment for Sharks Attack Submarine | Blue Planet II Behind The Scenes

Rattlers 66
Rattlers 66 - 7 years ago
When sharks attack it’s creepy because they’re eyes role back into their head and the eyes turn all white
VeroMithril - 7 years ago
That's more like space exploration
CLIMBS Actuary
CLIMBS Actuary - 7 years ago
is this fake or real?!
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Yes, this certainly is real, no doubt about it.
AtTAck helicopter
AtTAck helicopter - 7 years ago
I Se7eNzS1Nz I
I Se7eNzS1Nz I - 7 years ago
Looks fake
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
What looks fake about it?
Bubbly Gal
Bubbly Gal - 7 years ago
Sharks are scarier than ghosts
Bekvux - 7 years ago
The sharks be like "HERE'S JOHNNY!"
soren_dk - 7 years ago
Looked more like eels than sharks imo. Damn big ugly eels :D :D
Ludwig Van
Ludwig Van - 7 years ago
Why is blood coming out of their gills?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
They're chomping on a dead whale.
Maria Lá
Maria Lá - 7 years ago

30. comment for Sharks Attack Submarine | Blue Planet II Behind The Scenes

hastycontemplation - 7 years ago
those sharks look fake and have no teeth....behavior of older sharks?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
These are sixgill sharks. There's nothing fake about them whatsoever and they certainly have teeth.
Noa Pestana
Noa Pestana - 7 years ago
Derpiest shark attack ever... donk.
DKruNEye - 7 years ago
priceless footage!
Laurence Kooter
Laurence Kooter - 7 years ago
Laurence Kooter
Laurence Kooter - 7 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present the sub is filmed from outside the sub. But is way to deep to snorkle
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
What on Earth made you claim that?
Mohzreen Mahmoud
Mohzreen Mahmoud - 7 years ago
what is this video about you lot
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
A walk in the park...
Mohzreen Mahmoud
Mohzreen Mahmoud - 7 years ago
is that a real shark it looks like a fake shark to me
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
These are sixgill sharks - Hexanchus griseus. Nothing fake about them whatsoever.
Fixedguitar - 7 years ago
Yeah that’s a negative there ghost rider.
Uganda Knuckle
Uganda Knuckle - 7 years ago
Amazon: submarine, 4 seats, barely used, just need inside cleaning
Abraham manaoat
Abraham manaoat - 7 years ago
o_o does sharks are eating that Sperm wale
skibba5000 - 7 years ago
Yaseen Kutbi
Yaseen Kutbi - 7 years ago
unnecessary sound effects, sharks don't hiss.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Yes, on that we can certainly agree, Yaseen. it is rather distracting from the otherwise amazing footage.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
If it is stock sound then by all means provide a link to the exact sound. A similar sound can be heard at 2.00. There is no obvious reason to interpret that as a "hiss" supposed to be emitted from the shark. To claim this was intended as such is simply ridiculous, but then again there's even people here claiming it is all CGI...What we certainly can agree on is that effects have been enhanced or added, but not a "hiss"...

And yes, I do know what denticles are, thank you very much.
Yaseen Kutbi
Yaseen Kutbi - 7 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present this clip has got so much sounds effects that it is actually just distracting, and makes the whole thing look tacky.
Yaseen Kutbi
Yaseen Kutbi - 7 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present no it really isn't, that is clearly a sound effect added in after the fact, it's a stock sound that editors and sound engineers use all the time, I've even heard it in an episode of top gear. You also clearly have no idea about how mechanical waves propagate throughout a fluid and how it would be extremely unlikely to hear any sort of noise from a shark moving that slowly. Also, I am a biologist, sharks have skin that is covered in tiny toothy projections that radically reduce the drag coefficient of a shark in motion; less hydrodynamic drag=less noise for the most part.
Yaseen Kutbi
Yaseen Kutbi - 7 years ago
did you even watch the video? see 1:55 .
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Strewth. The sharks weren't hissing! That's a noise from the submarine.
TheWheelofLife100 - 7 years ago
The title of this video is misleading,it should say “Submarine annoys sharks while peacefully eating a hearty meal”
Gorilla Monsoon
Gorilla Monsoon - 7 years ago
1:33 - Sounds like the BFG from 'Doom'.
jem Ogn
jem Ogn - 7 years ago
Christian Lim
Christian Lim - 7 years ago
Is that Greenland shark?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
No, hexanchus griseus - Bluntnosed sixgill sharks
황GSA 25
황GSA 25 - 7 years ago
1:36 hello...
Gabriel Ken
Gabriel Ken - 7 years ago
This is fake , shark made from computer effects and there’s sound effects too.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Heather Williams
Heather Williams - 7 years ago
What kind of sharks were they?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Hexanchus griseus - Bluntnosed sixgill sharks
Ace S
Ace S - 7 years ago
Does anyone know what species of sharks they were?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Hexanchus griseus - Bluntnosed sixgill sharks
mohai minul islam ashik
mohai minul islam ashik - 7 years ago
joss video graphic design and the sound effect also :D :D

50. comment for Sharks Attack Submarine | Blue Planet II Behind The Scenes

CHlEFFIN - 7 years ago
Goku Black完璧な神
Goku Black完璧な神 - 7 years ago
Slow shark attack
Andrew Givens
Andrew Givens - 7 years ago
Those sharks looked super old
Bu Rida
Bu Rida - 7 years ago
What species of shark were they
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Hexanchus griseus - Bluntnosed sixgill sharks
Bu Rida
Bu Rida - 7 years ago
What kind of sharks were they
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Hexanchus griseus - Bluntnosed sixgill sharks
Brent King
Brent King - 7 years ago
This shark is called a six Gilled shark. One of the oldest living sharks still around. it has only been seen a hand full of times and we know almost nothing about it. We have only found it feeding from the carcasses of dead whales that have fallen from the higher up.
Cathy Baldry
Cathy Baldry - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
Luke Johnson
Luke Johnson - 7 years ago
What type of sharks are those
Chris Wilson
Chris Wilson - 7 years ago
Looks like CGI or something
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Utter nonsense...
Purple Alpha
Purple Alpha - 7 years ago
Bruh the way its eye moved at 1:30...
Creppy as hell!!!
Djaks Oralbay
Djaks Oralbay - 7 years ago
Mauricio Dias
Mauricio Dias - 7 years ago
AMR JER - 7 years ago
I want a job like that
Jesse Tuominen
Jesse Tuominen - 7 years ago
is that a hooker?
Sandro - 7 years ago
Karacá !!!
roteba1 - 7 years ago
"I'm a little bit afraid". I would probably need to put on a clean pair of trousers......
VenomZ - 7 years ago
If you respect sharks, they will respect you. It is never a good idea to approach sharks when they are eating.
Abdullah Khalid
Abdullah Khalid - 7 years ago
this is editing all
Lake26Lee - 7 years ago
Well isn't THAT the stuff of nightmares!
Kawaii _kpop
Kawaii _kpop - 7 years ago
Its really creepy for me seeing the eyes of the sharks
alexandra Courtney
alexandra Courtney - 7 years ago
The sharks look so fake..
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Hexanchus griseus - Bluntnosed sixgill sharks. Nothing fake about them whatsoever.
choco lady
choco lady - 7 years ago
What kind of shark are they and why is one of them letting ou a blood from their body
choco lady
choco lady - 7 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present oooooohhhhh...... thankyou~~~
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Hexanchus griseus - Bluntnosed sixgill sharks. They're chomping on a whale carcass, that's where the blood is coming from...
Miamore - 7 years ago
Bull sharks tend to be territorial and aggressive hence their name.
Bin Laden
Bin Laden - 7 years ago
how big that shark size?15 feat or 20 feat or high than 20 feat?tell me
Eren Jaeger
Eren Jaeger - 7 years ago
DAMN those are some derpy eyes
Arctrooper Rob
Arctrooper Rob - 7 years ago
I'm talking about working for a living I'm talking about sharkin
Neil Seaver
Neil Seaver - 7 years ago
I love the fake sound effect at 1:35. That's the same one from the original DOOM 2 when you fight that Final demon head boss and he's shooting little cubes out that turn into enemies
Lawrence Bell
Lawrence Bell - 7 years ago
Well these sharks are idiots. Why would they do that knowing they could damage the submarine ?
Mirka Tejada
Mirka Tejada - 7 years ago
What are they ate?
mangoes vlogger
mangoes vlogger - 7 years ago
Very rare clip videos.
Mark Anthony
Mark Anthony - 7 years ago
That's not a shark. It's a nopefish.
Faraday 1412
Faraday 1412 - 7 years ago
What species were they? It would make sense that they would be sleeper sharks right any one want to comment?
D Y - 7 years ago
What type of sharks are these?
Jakker Green
Jakker Green - 7 years ago
Those beasts are already scary no need for sound fx
SicSemperEvelloMortemTyrannis TyrannyEnder
SicSemperEvelloMortemTyrannis TyrannyEnder - 7 years ago
"Safe it will be", they said.
Miki Vega Tendo
Miki Vega Tendo - 7 years ago
Edward Branum
Edward Branum - 7 years ago
What kind of sharks are they
Ellen Liu
Ellen Liu - 7 years ago
Full respect to these people, dedicated themselves for science, brave and absolutely deserved our respect
Kei Asuka
Kei Asuka - 7 years ago
Sharks: "David, are you there? We are fans. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
Sharks again: "Oh, wait. Our food."
Zapam wamba
Zapam wamba - 7 years ago
What species is this, and is it common for them to pump blood out like that?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Hexanchus griseus - Bluntnosed sixgill sharks. They were feeding on a whale carcass.
Angelo Monopoli Roca
Angelo Monopoli Roca - 7 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Obviously it isn't fake. These are Hexanchus griseus - Bluntnosed sixgill sharks
James O'Brien
James O'Brien - 7 years ago
What if Megalodon shows up?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Then the scientists would have had a field day and we'd finally have had some credible footage instead of all the fake rubbish on Youtube.
drive7 - 7 years ago
How to fill a submersible with excrement
peter neagle
peter neagle - 7 years ago
Damn they the ugliest shark out there no wonder they live so deep.
K It
K It - 7 years ago
That was gross
Carolyn Sanchez
Carolyn Sanchez - 7 years ago
Is it me or did that shark look so damn. Fake
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
It is you...
Pip Pipster
Pip Pipster - 7 years ago
Well, you sort of knew what to expect, I mean you weren’t thinking, I don’t know, perhaps we will come across a juggling clown or something?
TH3GAM3R King - 7 years ago
Those eyes!!@@
D-O-G - 7 years ago
1:28 sweet dreams with that eye guys

100. comment for Sharks Attack Submarine | Blue Planet II Behind The Scenes

Uber Wulf
Uber Wulf - 7 years ago
The sound effects are obnoxious and unrealistic. Where can this be found unedited?
Golden 1984
Golden 1984 - 7 years ago
How much does one of those subs cost? I want one ASAP.
i d
i d - 7 years ago
never ever go inside submarine
Lilach Zemach
Lilach Zemach - 7 years ago
Dont you afride
UBER Sucks
UBER Sucks - 7 years ago
complete waste of money. humans have ruined to planet... they should stay off the ocean floor
Jordan - 7 years ago
Why did the shark bleed from their gills? 0:53
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
They're feeding on a whale carcass.
Bob Ferguson
Bob Ferguson - 7 years ago
To the relief of the submarine crew; I was not on board so my petrified screams and pant filling went unnoticed!
Inhumed - 7 years ago
0:55 - is that blood coming out of the shark's gills?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Lek Vol'jin
Lek Vol'jin - 7 years ago
H2O Planet II
John Dough
John Dough - 7 years ago
So they edited out all the barrels of nuclear waste they dumped on the ocean floor and other trash dumped
VortexVentures - 7 years ago
Every time somebody says Magladons are real there is always one argument saying:
If there would be a giant whale eating predator in the ocean, why haven't we seen any whale carcasses floating around ?
Well the whale hier doesnt seam to be floating...
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
"If there would be a giant whale eating predator in the ocean, why haven't we seen any whale carcasses floating around ?"

The claim is not why aren't we seeing any whale carcasses floating around, because we do observe plenty of those (and often sharks happily munching on them). The question is why we wouldn't observe more of these carcasses with at least a single huge bitemark, let alone a C. megalodon in the process of attacking a whale, let alone feeding on a whale carcass.

"Well the whale hier doesnt seam to be floating..."

That's because all the gases, that were built up during the decomposition and kept the whale carcass afloat, have left the body. Ultimately all whale carcasses will fall to the ocean floor (hence the scientific term "whale fall"), unless the carcass is washed ashore.
iggy the iguana
iggy the iguana - 7 years ago
the sharks are like, Ooooo! look. A light! BONK!
Israel Moreno
Israel Moreno - 7 years ago
Aryan people are so crazy........ I wish I was white
Ed Garcia
Ed Garcia - 7 years ago
Sounded like the guys in the sub were having a orgasm
Dmctalon - 7 years ago
So 700m and the colors are still the same as on the surface? Yea right, blood is not red after 30 feet, just saying
Dmctalon - 7 years ago
Andy Smith if you want true colors, you dive with a camera filter, most commonly the "red" filter. light with only illuminate the colors that can get through to that spectrum, same colors we talked about pervious post, the only thing that puts color back into video is the front lens filter.
Andy Smith
Andy Smith - 7 years ago
Dmctalon you should try diving with a video light.
Dmctalon - 7 years ago
Andy Smith haha andy, I'm a diver, I know what I'm talking about, blood is green after 30 feet, then changes again after 130 get. Sub light won't Make a difference, it's how the light spectrum is absorbed in the water at depth. Ever see shots of the titanic? You won't see blues or yellows or reds, you'll see maybe greens and browns and greys, it's just how water and pressure work.
Andy Smith
Andy Smith - 7 years ago
Dmctalon The light source is coming from the sub a few feet away, not the surface. There is no reason whatsoever that the blood would look any different in colour.
sleak meat
sleak meat - 7 years ago
It freaked the hell outa me when the shark sturned his eye on the guys
Daniel Sell
Daniel Sell - 7 years ago
OH WOW!!! Not diving this deep next time for me, heehhe
Fuckingflesheater - 7 years ago
This looks like cgi
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
it looks nothing of the sort...
Al Cabone
Al Cabone - 7 years ago
NeutralYouTuber - 7 years ago
What kind of sharks are these?
Rashy Algae
Rashy Algae - 7 years ago
This would make a great to be continued meme.
Rashy Algae
Rashy Algae - 7 years ago
So that's what I look like at 2am.
Name not found
Name not found - 7 years ago
Dumb fishy boi.
Dustin Tacohands
Dustin Tacohands - 7 years ago
you mean the sharks realized they shown you who was boss and went back to eating
chengstax - 7 years ago
goddamn those are the eyes of a demon.
Zwenk Wiel
Zwenk Wiel - 7 years ago
1:29 "i seeeeeee you!"' XD
LORD BR - 7 years ago
Did you guys notice when the shark attacks the sub. Its eyes go deep inside their bodies?
Colin Irwin
Colin Irwin - 7 years ago
This is why im afraid of the ocean i like watching and reading about in and the animals in it just not being in it
Rob V
Rob V - 7 years ago
Attack? Attack?! Grow up kids! Are you trying to inform, or make kids scared?
Linda Stewart
Linda Stewart - 7 years ago
Now that's truly scary
Honest Abe
Honest Abe - 7 years ago
Those eyes though
wrongway1100 - 7 years ago
Well a meter is roughly three feet three inches so these sharks are close to twenty feet long.
Osman Farrag
Osman Farrag - 7 years ago
Thanks BBC people.
Hellaquez - 7 years ago
not sure this is from movie or real footage
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
OSSEF9 - 7 years ago
Worlds slowest/dumb sharks
Mariesha Murphy
Mariesha Murphy - 7 years ago
Shark eye are scary
Dark Light
Dark Light - 7 years ago
1:29, "Hi there, Have you heard about our lord and savour Jesus Christ?"
Kelo gii
Kelo gii - 7 years ago
Andy Smith
Andy Smith - 7 years ago
Kelo gii idiot
Chestnut Barrow
Chestnut Barrow - 7 years ago
1:33 shark used lightning. Submarine immune to elemental effects. DPS 0. MISS
Josaphat Betanzos
Josaphat Betanzos - 7 years ago
joey is nasty
Tim Jones
Tim Jones - 7 years ago
Excellent filming!!THANKS!!
Tungsten Tony
Tungsten Tony - 7 years ago
Wonder what kind of shark that is? Anyone know?
dani3111 dani3111
dani3111 dani3111 - 7 years ago
why they didn't use the drones???
McSuperfly101 - 7 years ago
Didn’t see the first shark for about a half-hour. Tiger. 13-footer. You know how you know that in the water, Chief? You can tell by lookin’ from the dorsal to the tail. What we didn’t know, was that our documentary was so secret, no distress signal had been sent. They didn’t even list us overdue for a week. Very first light, Chief, sharks come cruisin’ by, so we formed ourselves into tight groups. It was sorta like you see in the calendars, you know the infantry squares in the old calendars like the Battle of Waterloo and the idea was the shark come to the nearest man, that man he starts poundin’ and hollerin’ and sometimes that shark he go away… but sometimes he wouldn’t go away.

Sometimes that shark looks right at ya. Right into your eyes. And the thing about a shark is he’s got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll’s eyes. When he comes at ya, he doesn’t even seem to be livin’… ’til he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then… ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin’. The ocean turns red, and despite all your poundin’ and your hollerin’ those sharks come in and… they rip you to pieces.

You know by the end of that first dawn, lost a hundred men. I don’t know how many sharks there were, maybe a thousand. I do know how many men, they averaged six an hour. Thursday mornin’, Chief, I bumped into a friend of mine, Herbie Robinson from Cleveland. Baseball player. Boson’s mate. I thought he was asleep. I reached over to wake him up. He bobbed up, down in the water, he was like a kinda top. Upended. Well, he’d been bitten in half below the waist.

At noon on the fifth day, a Lockheed Ventura swung in low and he spotted us, a young pilot, lot younger than Mr. Hooper here, anyway he spotted us and a few hours later a big ol’ fat PBY come down and started to pick us up. You know that was the time I was most frightened. Waitin’ for my turn. I’ll never put on a lifejacket again. So, eleven hundred men went into the water. 316 men come out, the sharks took the rest, June the 29th, 1945.
Cho Tube
Cho Tube - 7 years ago
1:27 shivers
Stephen Miles
Stephen Miles - 7 years ago
The BBC's grammar is scarier than the shark.
Andy Smith
Andy Smith - 7 years ago
Stephen Miles what? What's wrong with the grammar?
simbot22 - 7 years ago
That's the new update preview for Subnautica...
Bipolar Bettas
Bipolar Bettas - 7 years ago
Giant 6 gill vs Great White?
Dylan - 7 years ago
Dark side of the beautiful ocean which I never saw before.
Mai 3
Mai 3 - 7 years ago
Creepy shark eyes
K Rino
K Rino - 7 years ago
if they smashed through the glass that would be worth watching
Damon Hoffman
Damon Hoffman - 7 years ago
The sound fx sure do make it sound scarier than it needs to be
Dylan - 7 years ago
Those eyes haunt me
T serd
T serd - 7 years ago
space is a lie it's plagerized deep ocean. the whole vacuum of space . all planets are all lies.  The earth is flat motionless and domed like the bible describes. The iluminat makes clones and demons inhabit them . The earth is not a ball. Jesus is Lord and savior. The only protection from these fallen angel deceivers pretending to be aliens to cover up the fact that they r interdimentional  demons . The ancient aliens are ancient demons.  they freemasonluminato. has made an anti creation model. to purposefully take GOD . The creator out of the model. to make an evolution coincidental big bang model to fool everyone into a false construct of reality were god doesnt exist. to make u doubt god. and Jesus .  to make u an athiest liberal brainwashed consumer sheep.... The earth is flat and Jesus died for ur sins for equivalent exchange to allow u into heaven as a new creation
Haruka Takahashi
Haruka Takahashi - 7 years ago
i think god made some of the deep animals scary underwater so people would't bo deep underwater
Wilson Law
Wilson Law - 7 years ago
Why it is not a complete video? Where can i watch a complete one ? Thanks
Denouement - 7 years ago
i love pacific sleeper sharks so much
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
That's nice. These are Hexanchus griseus - Bluntnosed sixgill sharks
Peter R
Peter R - 7 years ago
Help me reach 1 Mil Subs without videos
Help me reach 1 Mil Subs without videos - 7 years ago
How did I end here?
Jolly CCP
Jolly CCP - 7 years ago
They not attack
They just great the submarine with French style
Ken Adhitya
Ken Adhitya - 7 years ago
What type of sharks are these?
هشام بن صديق
هشام بن صديق - 7 years ago
Thank you for showing us this great work :)
সত্য বচন
সত্য বচন - 7 years ago
There's life was totally depending on GLASS!!
Yiwan Ye
Yiwan Ye - 7 years ago
is that window cracking?
Kiosse - 7 years ago
так можно кирпичей наложить
Riley White
Riley White - 7 years ago
these sharks look like cgi
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Aires Justo
Aires Justo - 7 years ago
Amazing footage...
Alexius - 7 years ago
В подлодке пахло страхом
Jonezx2020 - 7 years ago
Jason House
Jason House - 7 years ago
Oh God!!
nerf boy
nerf boy - 7 years ago
This is worse then jaws
Russel Rasay
Russel Rasay - 7 years ago
I would react the same way if someone come near my food.
Сергей Рысев
Сергей Рысев - 7 years ago
Good 3D graphics. Greetings from journalism
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Challenge 10.000 Subscribera Bez videa
Challenge 10.000 Subscribera Bez videa - 7 years ago
Shark: Hello Humans, welcome to the MATRIXXXXX!!!!!
小左言 - 7 years ago
Дэн Доровко
Дэн Доровко - 7 years ago
Лодку долго проветривать будут после таких эмоций
Jose Mulero
Jose Mulero - 7 years ago
Those ejes of the sharks look's ugly
thomaz turbando
thomaz turbando - 7 years ago
O Lord, how great are your works!
Rockington - 7 years ago
That sharks expression at 1:21 to 1:27 reminds me of shin godzilla
Simple Lyfe
Simple Lyfe - 7 years ago
Those eyes...
better than horror movies
Prashant Gurung
Prashant Gurung - 7 years ago
CUTE CLOUD - 7 years ago
NoShitMr - 7 years ago
Because of the sound effects, the whole scene seems fictional.
Blues - 7 years ago
So strange how fish carcass looks like torn cloth. °_°
#Smile Gaming
#Smile Gaming - 7 years ago
They're awesome :P Just chillen, eatin wale nd wht not.. Love it.
Sada Znate
Sada Znate - 7 years ago
stace ovo u trendu na balkanu
FeNite8 - 7 years ago
Why the fake as hell sound effects?
Bahb Woolley
Bahb Woolley - 7 years ago
Exhaling blood out the gills. Intense.
J.R. Productions
J.R. Productions - 7 years ago
This is a horror film in the making. Lol
Google Reviewer
Google Reviewer - 7 years ago
That is seriously creepy.....
Xxx Zzz
Xxx Zzz - 7 years ago
Which kind of shark are those
Mazurka1001 - 7 years ago
...ah, well, the BBC editing....yawn...
Sakonema - 7 years ago
Would have been cool if it had broken the windshield.
Nenad Djenic
Nenad Djenic - 7 years ago
Baptiste Abgrall
Baptiste Abgrall - 7 years ago
What shark is that? Megamouth?
Bluewild - 7 years ago
What shark is it please?
Kwebbelfleur - 7 years ago
OMG... (⊙_⊙')

Greetz from Holland
Garic Lubbis
Garic Lubbis - 7 years ago
so, and what scaring in this?
Алексей Куклин
Алексей Куклин - 7 years ago
Какая атака? Акулы обожрались и словно обдолбанные сталкиваются друг с другом и с субмариной.
Windkisssed - 7 years ago
THAT was so creepy!! They looked so much like animatronics!! Their eyes are so fake looking! I trust the video of course, but it was all such a strange sensation. I think I would “feel a little afraid” also! Lol.

Great footage!! I wish it had been a little longer! Thanks!!!
akawojo - 7 years ago
they're gonna need a bigger submarine.... BTW, is this Ben Gardner's boat? :D
Luke Cy
Luke Cy - 7 years ago
The fact that they look exactly like living sock puppets only makes it more horrifying.
GreedyBastard - 7 years ago
lol at these sound effects.
Your video would be awesome without any sounds and commentaries.
Just seeing sharks eating a dead body of a huge mammal isn't at all something we see every day.
Besides, this "attack" is the same as I attack a washing machine at my home, because it's big and badly placed, and it's too close to the entrance to the room. Clearly this wasn't an attack, no need to exaggerate what you filmed, especially with silly sound effects (even with fireballs or something), this looks pathetic.
dworkma - 7 years ago
Attacks? Really?
ToonandBBfan - 7 years ago
Ok, imagine your tucking into your bait minding your own business when someone suddenly shines a bright light in your face and starts filming you.  You'd probably head butt them too.........
Daratak - 7 years ago
What kind of sharks can we see here?
Olena M.
Olena M. - 7 years ago
Incredible video!
menckencynic - 7 years ago
I get it: they were pushing instead of biting because the sub "was another shark". I shouldn't be shocked, but I am.
Andrey Fanin
Andrey Fanin - 7 years ago
This type of sharks is not danger at all. No aggression from them just interest. Wanna real life? Try it with Big White. Great video
The Squirrel Wranglers
The Squirrel Wranglers - 7 years ago
(Gets bumped by shark) "It's a shark attack!"
mohd zahidfullah abd razak
mohd zahidfullah abd razak - 7 years ago
6 meter.. whoww
Ni9Ne - 7 years ago
Next time add sword fighting and gun fire sfx for more excitement.
Erika Frauendorf
Erika Frauendorf - 7 years ago
I love the ocean not scared of sharks
Davide De Benedictis
Davide De Benedictis - 7 years ago
It's a shame for the fake sound effects
doop00 - 7 years ago
Never seen anything like this before really cool! but safe to say my shark phobia got worse from watching this, the ocean nope nope nope.
Pawix Jegons
Pawix Jegons - 7 years ago
shatks do roar
Jimmy Pettersson
Jimmy Pettersson - 7 years ago
Why use such ridiculous sound effects? Doesn't seem very "documentary". The one at 1:33 sounds like a damn explosion.
Digitalbumpin - 7 years ago
As fake as Shark Week.
Keenan  Simaganis
Keenan Simaganis - 7 years ago
Anybody know what kind of sharks these are and how big they actually are?
Disco Steve
Disco Steve - 7 years ago
Particularly creepy when that one shark "exhales" blood from its gills...
Cheeky Monkey
Cheeky Monkey - 7 years ago
Maria - 7 years ago
Did anyone else see a crack in the submarine screen??!! 1:37
Ana Gutierrez
Ana Gutierrez - 7 years ago
ja ja
hafid labyb
hafid labyb - 7 years ago
Stupid exaggerated sound effects
Peter Harris
Peter Harris - 7 years ago that something of what happened to the bbc in the eighties in the med
Ross Wild
Ross Wild - 7 years ago
What type of shark are they? Their eyes look very unusual.
2011Account22 - 7 years ago
Great video, but why the added sound effects of the shark impact?
King Knucklehead
King Knucklehead - 7 years ago
Sub to me and I’ll sub to you
Merchant Ivory
Merchant Ivory - 7 years ago
nom nom nom!
Asvea - 7 years ago
They were so unique and they even looked fake for a second.
Their eyes were creeping me out o.o
Telly Vin-a
Telly Vin-a - 7 years ago
rip whale
Oscar Avendno
Oscar Avendno - 7 years ago
Sound effects are stupid
Pacc Mman
Pacc Mman - 7 years ago
those eyes make the shark look.....derpy.
Lun Hing
Lun Hing - 7 years ago
Damn this was crazy take me along next time bbc
Fabzil - 7 years ago
I didn't see a soul in the eye, just an automatic organism moving around eating stuff
s h a d ø w b a n n e d
s h a d ø w b a n n e d - 7 years ago
Just a friendly love tap. I'm sure he just wanted a hug.
Fuchida60 - 7 years ago
it's not a shark attack, it's just that they defend their meal against an unwanted invader... pathetic title to make views!!
Angel Aung san htay
Angel Aung san htay - 7 years ago
1:32 hah noob
Jamaa L
Jamaa L - 7 years ago
Take Note Discovery Channel of the realness of this footage
Alan Bayman
Alan Bayman - 7 years ago
What kind of sharks are those?
Austin Bremner
Austin Bremner - 7 years ago
Lol why did they have to add breaking glass sounds hahaha come on like dramatizing things just to add depth to a show, I get it makes people more interested too me it's just kinda a joke sadly I see things like this alot. It makes me think of everything as if I have to tare it down and ask myself what is fake or added just to trick our senses to add for more ratings or something?!
Benjamin Roberts
Benjamin Roberts - 7 years ago
Sharks “you take left i take right”
Alfred OG Kwak
Alfred OG Kwak - 7 years ago
Nice CGI
TheRealTrikein - 7 years ago
Click bait. The sharks don't attack, they just gently push against the glass with their snout to try to push the sub away.
The Decafe
The Decafe - 7 years ago
I can't wait to make executive orders for Megalodons to attack nuclear submarines
Kaan - 7 years ago
1:09 when you smell the booty
TheSparkyWriter - 7 years ago
I love the shark “expressions” when they bumped into each other and then the sub. Like “Agh, this thing is in my way and it keep hitting my face! I’m gonna bite it.”
L S - 7 years ago
I would have been SCREAMING
Goofy Emoji
Goofy Emoji - 7 years ago
We'd get crushed by the pressure around 160m. How come those sleeper shark bodies are just dandy under 700m?
Roman First
Roman First - 7 years ago
What were they eating?
CrazySandtrooper - 7 years ago
Very cool. Didn't really need the over-the-top sound fx edited in though!
Tom Guerrero
Tom Guerrero - 7 years ago
Are those sleeper sharks?
wine cheese
wine cheese - 7 years ago
where can i find the full length of this video?
Entertainment Critic Guy
Entertainment Critic Guy - 7 years ago
A lot of people claiming BBC faked sound effects...and yet they can't point out any by minute
Miguel M.
Miguel M. - 7 years ago
Are these sleeper sharks?
Tullock - 7 years ago
The Sharks eyes when it noticess movement inside the sub.
SethMcFartlane - 7 years ago
Fake sound effects. The American Discovery Channel has a lot to answer for.
kyoko703 - 7 years ago
Imagine if this was an episode on The Blu on the HTC Vive....

Man that would be pretty awesome.
BEN SAEED - 7 years ago
Afraid of what you idiot invaded his house at dinner time
campbell412 - 7 years ago
Whenever added the sound effects for this did a terrible job.
TheWeedFarmer - 7 years ago
whats with those sound effects?
racabrown813 - 7 years ago
the guy in the sub sounds a lil like C3-PO, especially at the 2:00 minute mark.
MinionStudios - 7 years ago
This is hungry shark evolution!
Rum Ham
Rum Ham - 7 years ago
Wait till you notice the hairline crack. . .
skd mend
skd mend - 7 years ago
Haha. The sub just out here boopin sharks.
Dharak - 7 years ago
Why the added animal sounds? They're sharks and underwater they don't make sounds, and you wouldn't be able to hear them if they did.
Sergey Sergeich
Sergey Sergeich - 7 years ago
Jay - 7 years ago
from 1:56 to 2:04 sup with moaning? "UHHHH" "AHHHH" group intercourse going on under the sea? would be surreal tbh
David Yoder
David Yoder - 7 years ago
Ahh yes what nightmares are made of
Mr.Snapple - 7 years ago
Wow that's scary
15DudeAwesome - 7 years ago
Amazing footage
Ayardgate - 7 years ago
Don't bother me I'm eating.
mjpayne95 - 7 years ago
Damn nature you scary!
TheLaughinAssassin - 7 years ago
Nightmare fuel.
Nik Eakle
Nik Eakle - 7 years ago
The award for the fakest, most obviously overdubbed sound effects goes to...
Kane's Thoughts
Kane's Thoughts - 7 years ago
nope nope nope nope
Sofian - 7 years ago
Voted down for adding sound effects.
Mr. Top Comment
Mr. Top Comment - 7 years ago
The biggest discovery here is that even BBC is willing to clickbait all of us.
Biff Roberts
Biff Roberts - 7 years ago
At first I thought this was going to be one of those 50 meter CGI sharks that attacks airplanes.
Rick James
Rick James - 7 years ago
The 6 Gill Shark resembles an Eel
Rick James
Rick James - 7 years ago
I would LOVE to go down in a submersible to see the oceans creatures in their natural habitat.
愛Miow - 7 years ago
Shark did it for the M E M E . God BLESS you shark
Fun Kun
Fun Kun - 7 years ago
Imagine if you are in that situation but the glass cracks
Emoji Flower
Emoji Flower - 7 years ago
I thought its bikini bottom down there. WTH is this and where is aqua man?
Creacher Creature
Creacher Creature - 7 years ago
Why was blood coming out of the shark's gill?
J V - 7 years ago
Computer animation?
kiyonexus - 7 years ago
Currently there's 666 comments... Hmm.
AwesomePaperWork - 7 years ago
Try watching this in VR.
Ryan Hansen
Ryan Hansen - 7 years ago
CGI has come a long way.
Esteban Nunez
Esteban Nunez - 7 years ago
looks like CGI
Past Present future
Past Present future - 7 years ago
Who else noticed the crack at 1:35.
I thought the shark did that.
Past Present future
Past Present future - 7 years ago
That one shark really stared you guys down.
Stealthyhunter - 7 years ago
DHScherocha - 7 years ago
Thumbs down for the ridiculous sound effects. Learn a lesson, BBC. Raw footage is far more engaging than choppily-edited cartoonish nonsense.
Mr Melongna
Mr Melongna - 7 years ago
That did not look like a great white shark
captainadventures - 7 years ago
Their eyes look so stupid
Chewie Mama
Chewie Mama - 7 years ago
Is this a meme yet?
rmendoza720 - 7 years ago
If i were in that sub need my nappy changed STAT!
Димандро - 7 years ago
BlueSky AboveNothingbelow
BlueSky AboveNothingbelow - 7 years ago
If it was a megalodon that would be scary, would eat that submarine
Wireline - 7 years ago
To everyone asking - they are referred to here as six gill sharks, not sleeper sharks. Listen to the radio call at 0:50. I also watched this last night and they were referred to as six gill sharks the whole way through.
McGuigz - 7 years ago
I love David Attenborough don’t get me wrong but this kinda looks like a fake shark to me it looks like cgi seriously
Brésha - 7 years ago
"Shark attacks submarine"
Shark: bump
k r i e d
k r i e d - 7 years ago
they woke up like diiiiiis teethless
呵呵我就 - 7 years ago
lihaile xiaoshayu
Range Ryder
Range Ryder - 7 years ago
I just wish these videos werent ruined by the cartoon sound effects.
Дмитро Лютий
Дмитро Лютий - 7 years ago
not bad :)
deach pitch
deach pitch - 7 years ago
I don’t know shark can roar 1:54
oliver cook
oliver cook - 7 years ago
Part authority root afford publish Arab constantly set battery.
Itsyaboi Shay
Itsyaboi Shay - 7 years ago
GUYS. please listen. Sharks aren't usually violent creatures twords humans. They are actually very calm. They usually eat Dead Sea creatures as their food (i.e. Whale carcass) and, in case you don't know, more sharks attack human on surfboards because they look like dead seals floating on the top of the water. Sharks are being hunted down every day for their fins, and getting caught in fishnets. If you get to know sharks they're pretty amazing :)
BaboPhipsi - 7 years ago
If encountered many while scuba diving never had problems they are scared of divers :) still love them
Danny Jones
Danny Jones - 7 years ago
Marc1142 8
Marc1142 8 - 7 years ago
Fantastic footage.
Good work folks. Shrimp diner? I'll buy.
BubbaCrane - 7 years ago
All I see is sushi
BubbaCrane - 7 years ago
So no ones noticed the toothlessness?
endoh☆miharu - 7 years ago
That's terrifying... the stuff of nightmares.
BubbaCrane - 7 years ago
The great whites, drunk toothless uncles.
Victor Sarkis
Victor Sarkis - 7 years ago
Shark attack gone sexual
Memorible werd
Memorible werd - 7 years ago
What scares me is the look of intelligence in those sharks eyes
gigi black
gigi black - 7 years ago
Why don't the shark have teeth?
joseph sanchez
joseph sanchez - 7 years ago
Did anyone else find the sharks adorably stupid haha
eustagoesout - 7 years ago
I would have started prayers at that point...
WMICx - 7 years ago
The soundfx made me question whether the footage was real
CivilGuy - 7 years ago
Thanks for the added sound fx
Nat - 7 years ago
Did they dead
Danny Sullivan edmonton12345
Danny Sullivan edmonton12345 - 7 years ago
Ben Schofield
Ben Schofield - 7 years ago
Flash Kill
Flash Kill - 7 years ago
I'm not afraid of much but this is definitely on the list now
Spencer Davis
Spencer Davis - 7 years ago
The eyes are disturbing
Don't want Schadenfreude
Don't want Schadenfreude - 7 years ago

ok keep going
barebone2 - 7 years ago
They added in sound effects btw, I heard that doom2 fireball sound effect 1:30
KaiKai - 7 years ago
He's telling you guys to dim the light
marsarmy94 - 7 years ago
I dont know if theyre eyes are cute or scary.
Emiliano Flores
Emiliano Flores - 7 years ago
i just got click bait it
StarryLive - 7 years ago
Something as intriguing as this should not be messed with by adding fake sound effects. It ruins the feeling.
josue4everyone - 7 years ago
Bruce obviously lied to Nemo ‘bout stuff
josue4everyone - 7 years ago
Sierra Shalosky - I know-lol. Still I think Nemo might've been rattled to see Bruce brutally eating a whale carcass ;)
Let'sArt - 7 years ago
josue4everyone whales aren't fish tho. They're mammals lol
carl shneebly
carl shneebly - 7 years ago
I want this job.
crazy mind
crazy mind - 7 years ago
The scientists has a big balls
Seann Webb
Seann Webb - 7 years ago
They are defending their food, what is weird?
Donnie Greene
Donnie Greene - 7 years ago
The sharks look like they barely had teeth left, I still wouldn't mess with them tho.
Earumamaadu - 7 years ago
Fake sound effects!
banzaiFTW - 7 years ago
stupid sound effect
Gee Vee
Gee Vee - 7 years ago
CAPTAIN - 7 years ago
Nice fake sound effects
Gonk - 7 years ago
and that's why I don't go in the water...
Publius Cornelius Scipio
Publius Cornelius Scipio - 7 years ago
Brits and their fake sound effects
M Thd
M Thd - 7 years ago
sp_gd - 7 years ago
The shark’s eyes look like they’ve been smoking the devil’s lettuce
warset - 7 years ago
Wow those are massive sharks!
Yellow Shmello
Yellow Shmello - 7 years ago
They're kinda cute
Angel Aguilera
Angel Aguilera - 7 years ago
AMAZING! I would love to experience that moment!! So terrifyingly amazing!
农民 - 7 years ago
Why these sharks look like toy
stufoo - 7 years ago
prehistoric monsters almost look CGI... crazy
Daniel Schurmann
Daniel Schurmann - 7 years ago
Finally something that should be trending
Babyfaced Ambassador
Babyfaced Ambassador - 7 years ago
What type of Sharks are those?
Jesse vaca
Jesse vaca - 7 years ago
Thats amazing
Chava Wernick
Chava Wernick - 7 years ago
You guys already beat phelps now what
Random frog
Random frog - 7 years ago
I think those sharks liked your submarine.
Mitchell P.
Mitchell P. - 7 years ago
Sharks are like "I'm watching you!"
Cyphrix101 - 7 years ago
Someone - 7 years ago
heellllll noooooo
Samuel - 7 years ago
It's CGI?
Mike Mule
Mike Mule - 7 years ago
I am Flagging this video due to it promoting terrorism
Jimmy Dean
Jimmy Dean - 7 years ago
Most likely because of the EMF emitted form the sub
Brennan Barber
Brennan Barber - 7 years ago
Those sharks looked so fake
Rachel Cooke
Rachel Cooke - 7 years ago
DÄn - 7 years ago
now THIS is actually interresting and deserves to be in trending
Much Stacks
Much Stacks - 7 years ago
I was hoping to see a megalodon just take the entire whale carcass and swim away.
Life's Wild Adventures
Life's Wild Adventures - 7 years ago
This was awesome. I'm pretty sure it was rigged to be on trending, but I'm subbed anyway so idc XD
Paul Mathew
Paul Mathew - 7 years ago
Fire proton torpedoes
Eric Purcell
Eric Purcell - 7 years ago
Can someone tell me what type of sharks these are?
Cranial Eel
Cranial Eel - 7 years ago
Eric Purcell 0:53 "enormous six gill sharks."
Caroline Nguyen
Caroline Nguyen - 7 years ago
Eehh the sound of the sharks bumping the sub is pretty scary
StraightToThePoint - 7 years ago
Is that a crack on the glass i see?
anon homie
anon homie - 7 years ago
There called Sleeper Sharks
Jeeping.Net - 7 years ago
Calling All Octonauts!

Kwazii..Peso.. Shellington…Dashi…Inkling…Tweak…Tunip!
Grognak the Barbarian
Grognak the Barbarian - 7 years ago
Have you all watched the show? They have so many fake sounds and so many amplified sounds that I had to stop lol it was too much to not notice
J Rope
J Rope - 7 years ago
What species of sharks are those?
Muhammad Mubashirullah
Muhammad Mubashirullah - 7 years ago
@2:11 lol
igrenade - 7 years ago
please keep the fake sfx away
Ice Cube
Ice Cube - 7 years ago
Coded _Ragon
Coded _Ragon - 7 years ago
i love the sound effects they added to the sharks hitting the sub's window.
jesse salgado
jesse salgado - 7 years ago
Damn nature you scary!
Amy Carter
Amy Carter - 7 years ago
wow!!is that real?
Honorable Savior
Honorable Savior - 7 years ago
I would tell people to go away too if they were just staring at me while I'm eating.
Taptap Von RawR
Taptap Von RawR - 7 years ago
Kakkoii ! :O
Mario Linton
Mario Linton - 7 years ago
they have no teeth it seems. Therefore im not afraid of them no matter their size.
Johnny White
Johnny White - 7 years ago
I ain't scared. I'd dip that shark into batter and make me a giant fried fishstick
Eric Cartman
Eric Cartman - 7 years ago
I think the biggest discovery here is that sharks actually roar , caught on film. Unbelievable. I'm shook.
David Bohata
David Bohata - 7 years ago
Of course you add sound to image. It's called a filmmaking. Sound actually makes up at least 50% of your sense income when watching movie, TV show or so. People should reflect upon something rational.
Jubab_ San
Jubab_ San - 7 years ago
Loomis When a small crack on the submarine means getting crushed by tons of water pressure, having your bones liquified, dying a painful death, then having the remains of your corspe being eaten by deep sea scavagers, few bumps is quite a big deal.
SicSemperEvelloMortemTyrannis TyrannyEnder
SicSemperEvelloMortemTyrannis TyrannyEnder - 7 years ago
Eric Cartman Now I'm even more terrified of sharks!
Nikolas Douglas
Nikolas Douglas - 7 years ago
six gilled sharks are slow and usually non aggressive deep water sharks which normally would ignore the sub or avoid it, so for them bumping into things as they do to each other trying to bite is actually an attack.
Loomis - 7 years ago
Pretty much the whole premise of the video was fake. Didn't look like much of an attack. They bumped the sub a few times. Big deal
Frank Teng
Frank Teng - 7 years ago
Lol just noticed tha
Soviet Wanderer
Soviet Wanderer - 7 years ago
MM420 I think the only fake part is the exaggerated sounds.
MM420 - 7 years ago
I don't know why they added that.. What else was fake?
captainadventures - 7 years ago
More like the biggest discovery was one of the sharks making a lava/inferno flare sound when it stuck the submarine
One Uno
One Uno - 7 years ago
Random frog Yeah, monster bug wars was a abomination
Random frog
Random frog - 7 years ago
Eric Cartman alot of animal planet shows did that with bugs, it was too silly for me so I stopped watching it.
Innuendo InYourWindow
Innuendo InYourWindow - 7 years ago
These are the ugliest sharks I've ever seen. . .
Disasteroid - 7 years ago
All I see is food
Richard Branson
Richard Branson - 7 years ago
I suddenly feel justified eating shark fin.
Daily Foodie
Daily Foodie - 7 years ago
Those eyes tho
fernysyoutube - 7 years ago
Maybe give them a little space.
James Kelman
James Kelman - 7 years ago
Awesome !
Stefan Ackermann
Stefan Ackermann - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who thinks those sharks look fake?
SynthFox - 7 years ago
Sound effects ruined this magnificent footage for some of you?
I B - 7 years ago
That's a whole lotta nope for me.
外国人说中文 - 7 years ago
No... Yeah, I'll freak out. Like that's too messed up. Damn
Shannthmann1 - 7 years ago
Sharks just became more creepy. Those eyes!! Arcane Blooline-The Endless Journey
jedimonk Scumworks
jedimonk Scumworks - 7 years ago
wow that mad crazy and cool - 7 years ago
I dont want to be eaten by a shark after watching this video.
Evilactions - 7 years ago
Not sure what world you live in but sharks do eat humans. Read about the history of blue sharks killing and eating people during ship wrecks.
TheBlueGamerHD - Gameplays Music Tutorials and MORE
TheBlueGamerHD - Gameplays Music Tutorials and MORE - 7 years ago
Mortemprocess they do, but not on purpose, they mistaken humans for seals when we're swimming around
Master Overlord
Master Overlord - 7 years ago
Well you're in luck because sharks don't eat humans.
E E - 7 years ago you wanted to be eaten by a shark before this video?
spinningchurro - 7 years ago
Recognizing public domain sound effects really kills the atmosphere.
RAYSERNAXO - 7 years ago
Loved the sound affects
Jake Loeber
Jake Loeber - 7 years ago
creature report
bgitchelful - 7 years ago
Are those sharks the 6 gill deep sea sharks I assume?
Cranial Eel
Cranial Eel - 7 years ago
bgitchelful 0:53
Summer S2020
Summer S2020 - 7 years ago
Shark vs. Submarine
Gold Waves
Gold Waves - 7 years ago
Not going to mention what kind of sharks even in the description? Wth.
Bryana Aguilar
Bryana Aguilar - 7 years ago
I would be screaming and crying if I were in that submarine.
awsumocoolbeans - 7 years ago
Woah! Coolest and scariest thing ever
Jacob P
Jacob P - 7 years ago
Please stop adding fake and unnecessary sound effects
Daniel G.
Daniel G. - 7 years ago
Jose Heredia
Jose Heredia - 7 years ago
What's more scarier a killer whale or these sharks??
chufa72 - 7 years ago
What kind of sharks are those?
Tenichi Yohkoh
Tenichi Yohkoh - 7 years ago
the sound effects are trash
Alea Iacta Est
Alea Iacta Est - 7 years ago
There's always a bigger fish
Robert Clolery
Robert Clolery - 7 years ago
LUNCH !!!!
Island_Kermode - 7 years ago
this is why I dump all the bodies in the ocean
F Mills
F Mills - 7 years ago
Steve l
Steve l - 7 years ago
Wow! Amazing footage!!
Joshua Taylor
Joshua Taylor - 7 years ago
Why don't they what kind of shark it is in the title!
LINDA KITTY - 7 years ago
Roberto Rossi
Roberto Rossi - 7 years ago
Colonel Reb
Colonel Reb - 7 years ago
It's easy to forget that all this goes on in pitch black darkness without the sub's lights.
Scarlet Morbidity
Scarlet Morbidity - 7 years ago
Those sharks look like old geezers having little to no teeth. Must be why they're feasting on a decaying carcass instead of a living meal.
Harry Huckleberry
Harry Huckleberry - 7 years ago
Latest Star Wars trailer looks sweet. C3p0 is human now?
Nicholas Naudé
Nicholas Naudé - 7 years ago
Lightly nudge = attack?
Kenneth Murray
Kenneth Murray - 7 years ago
The residents of this underwater abyss are waiting for the photoshop department to make this interesting.
Joon - 7 years ago
« Move away ». By the way you in the submarine are the one not belong to that place. So yeah submarine move away.
franky_franklin - 7 years ago
stop with the fake sounds.
xcamillef94 - 7 years ago
I dont know thé concept of blue planet. But these shark are CGI (special effect) so was it supposed to be a remake of a real scene?
øptical Lunatic
øptical Lunatic - 7 years ago
Real or fake I have no idea but I believe it's fake as of the eyes because it looks quite puppet like
Frank - 7 years ago
Amazíng footage as always bbc
MrGidds91 - 7 years ago
I rate this series 7.8, too much water
Bill Moore
Bill Moore - 7 years ago
David Attenborough commenting over stock footage???
Bernie C.
Bernie C. - 7 years ago
What an awesome experience that must be
DaftHamster00011 - 7 years ago
Where can we find the whole footage? (The shark feeding on the carcass, not the crew reacting ^^ )
Nick Carlson
Nick Carlson - 7 years ago
That shot of the cloud of blood streaming from the gills is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a while.
YOE - 7 years ago
thats why i have a shower instead of taking a bath
detvanligaify - 7 years ago
The sharks looks so animated lol, like at 1:20
Mohamed Salman
Mohamed Salman - 7 years ago
Things could've ended up being a video about Chum-Marine than Sub-Marine...
Tough audience.
Jay Smith
Jay Smith - 7 years ago
Really disliking the sound effects/sound editing. Makes it less real.
Thobile Mthombeni
Thobile Mthombeni - 7 years ago
Legend has it that the sharks are still feeding on the carcus
Heri - 7 years ago
nice fake audio there lull
Jason Peng
Jason Peng - 7 years ago
Sleeper sharks. Oldest and rarest sharks.
Nathan Irizarry
Nathan Irizarry - 7 years ago
Jason Peng lol sleeper sharks aren’t the biggest nor the rarest and they aren’t sleepers they’re six gills don’t try to be smart
Simas Lauzadis
Simas Lauzadis - 7 years ago
Andreas møland the oldest i think is 700 years. I think they live longer
Cheezay Ballz
Cheezay Ballz - 7 years ago
The largest shark is the whale shark
Jason Peng
Jason Peng - 7 years ago
damnit. i was sorta close tho.
J.R. Productions
J.R. Productions - 7 years ago
+Jason Peng, These are six gill sharks son.
Ozraptor4 - 7 years ago
Sleeper sharks have 5 gill-slits and 2 dorsal fins, these guys have 6 gill-slits and 1 dorsal fin = Bluntnose sixgills.
AMCT 101
AMCT 101 - 7 years ago
They're are Sixgill sharks, says so in the video 00:52
storyfrontier - 7 years ago
It's the six gill shark
ismael perdomo
ismael perdomo - 7 years ago
Andreas møland they did say in the video
Andreas møland
Andreas møland - 7 years ago
Thank you. I thougth it was that. They didnt say in the video or in the description. Fun fact they can be way over 200 years old and they can't reproduse before they are around a 150 +/- 20 years. My bioligy teacher said so.
Rehan Anwar
Rehan Anwar - 7 years ago
Animated idiots
Destinee Mercer
Destinee Mercer - 7 years ago
We’re those Greenland sharks??
Maxime R
Maxime R - 7 years ago
It is very big for deep shark !
Theodore Manthovani
Theodore Manthovani - 7 years ago
Okay so what are those sharks? such large eyes you have there.
Something Else
Something Else - 7 years ago
wait, why don they just send a remote controlled sub down there
killerinside 22
killerinside 22 - 7 years ago
phant0 - 7 years ago
Reality: "Hey look, the sharks are trying to nudge the sub away from their meal, that's kinda cool"

What it was edited to look like: Crashing and explosion sound effects "Oh my god! They're going to kill us all!"
Barba Ro
Barba Ro - 7 years ago
What kind of sharks are they? It doesn't say.
AMCT 101
AMCT 101 - 7 years ago
it does say
BubbaCrane - 7 years ago
Toothless ones
wesley rodgers
wesley rodgers - 7 years ago
6 gill shark.
Agnostic Monk
Agnostic Monk - 7 years ago
Get between me and my spareribs, and you'll see a similar effect!
AlmightyGamer - 7 years ago
Meet Arnold....
Stormcloud Gaming Magical elements
Stormcloud Gaming Magical elements - 7 years ago
Wait r they sleeper shark or thresher shark
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 7 years ago
Sixgill sharks hunt far more than they scavenge, whale carcasses are hard to find.
Figment HF
Figment HF - 7 years ago
why did you add those ridiculous trashy sound effects?
Jayme Brown
Jayme Brown - 7 years ago
I wm happy I found y'all BBC on YouTube
niagra898 - 7 years ago
Sending a sub down to view a dead whale carcass..I only hope this wasn’t tax payers $.
everestfalls - 7 years ago
Full speed ahead to safety!!!!!!
DinoIn Plane
DinoIn Plane - 7 years ago
And those my friends is me when I’m eating
Frezzezier gameplays
Frezzezier gameplays - 7 years ago
What kind of shark is that
earl edwards
earl edwards - 7 years ago
The sleeper sharks are huge
1:55 sound effect...
マウンテンデュー - 7 years ago
Super hot boiii
Zachary Thomas
Zachary Thomas - 7 years ago
BBC is famous for that.... fake sound effects that is
J Ace
J Ace - 7 years ago
Boob boom someone is pounding on an old drum
Matthew Morris
Matthew Morris - 7 years ago
Pretty sure that was the sound of water displacement when the shark moves.
Wow Lizzy
Wow Lizzy - 7 years ago
Sharks don’t growl..?
Sam Clayton
Sam Clayton - 7 years ago
Almost all the audio in all nature documentaries are added after filming
Dragonkiller 3101
Dragonkiller 3101 - 7 years ago
Its a sleeper shark i think
Revali Sanchez
Revali Sanchez - 7 years ago
What if they have to go to the bathroom?
Purnell Slater
Purnell Slater - 7 years ago
Why b so close idiots
Timmy - 7 years ago
Time to go! Later!
Dio DP Paul
Dio DP Paul - 7 years ago
Are those thresher sharks?
이동건 - 7 years ago
Amazing film.....
FACTZ OVERDOSE - 7 years ago
What species of shark were these? Looks like cookie cutter or greenland
Alkinoos Michalopoulos
Alkinoos Michalopoulos - 7 years ago
He attacc
He protecc
But most importantantly,
He wanted to get into dat submarine,
Cause he had sniffed sum cracc
Charkong Chang
Charkong Chang - 7 years ago
Those eyes as they attack makes me uncomfortable
Dheyaaوحش الشروحاتDilution
Dheyaaوحش الشروحاتDilution - 7 years ago
أفزع الحيوانات البحرية هو القرش
Steve Vũ
Steve Vũ - 7 years ago
whales that die on the beach are the lucky ones
gerard henry
gerard henry - 7 years ago
Poke him in the eye he wil swim off
Great Expectations
Great Expectations - 7 years ago
Damn nature! You scary.
Golden Hair
Golden Hair - 7 years ago
HighLighterlines - 7 years ago
The shark realized it was a piece of junk and continue with his life
Daniel Hernandez
Daniel Hernandez - 7 years ago
Who else heard the shark roar
Wave Dancer
Wave Dancer - 7 years ago
Fantastic pictures!
Toro sharp edge
Toro sharp edge - 7 years ago
This fish good for fermented shark
LEVIAHAN - 7 years ago
Played the JAWS music whole time in my head
HellDoggyjr - 7 years ago
Where the hell is the wilheim scream?
Gus Alcon
Gus Alcon - 7 years ago
Aren't these the artic sharks? With tiny teeths?
itsMeYourBoi - 7 years ago
i like sleeper sharks so much... sooo cool
Vincent2wice - 7 years ago
Greenland Shark???? What a Beauty...
mejadije - 7 years ago
dont make the hit sound (when the sharks hit the sub) more dramatic
DLY - 7 years ago
can you not add the cheesy sound effects?
white death
white death - 7 years ago
They aren't really attacking they are just protecting the kill
Eotyrannu5 - 7 years ago
Yeah, and lions are really protecting a secret UFO in the savannah
Reid Flemming
Reid Flemming - 7 years ago
que increased heart rate
metav3rvse - 7 years ago
Did the Shark roar like in Jaws 4?
Joe Neathway Brown
Joe Neathway Brown - 7 years ago
What kind of shark is that?
Joe Neathway Brown
Joe Neathway Brown - 7 years ago
cheers dude
Joe Neathway Brown
Joe Neathway Brown - 7 years ago
Bluntnose sixgill shark
The turtle Tammer909
The turtle Tammer909 - 7 years ago
Those sharks are huge
Ethan K.
Ethan K. - 7 years ago
Wow...that looked terrifying!!!
Blood Clot
Blood Clot - 7 years ago
Deep Sea Feast baby. Epic
Bendmydick Cucumbersnatch
Bendmydick Cucumbersnatch - 7 years ago
Those sharks sure do have ugly looking eyes
Brandon Browere
Brandon Browere - 7 years ago
Jam - 7 years ago
Amazing footage ruined by ridiculous sound effects...
Curtis I
Curtis I - 7 years ago
those eyes

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