Sharks Love To Be Petted - They're Like Dogs
Shark videos 8 years ago 7,251,247 views
Music: "There She Is" by Dhruva Aliman (links below) ...“Love” and “affection” are terms not commonly used to describe encounters with large sharks, but they’re used repeatedly by Jim Abernethy to narrate his recent get-together with a large tiger shark known as Tarantino. The special reunion at Tiger Beach in the Bahamas was videotaped and footage shows Tarantino swimming into the arms of Abernethy, and seeming to crave his caresses much like an affectionate dog craves those of its owner after a prolonged absence. As Abernethy and the shark are swept down current, he returns to the camera and Tarantino follows, again swimming into his arms. This happens twice in the footage. “I could tell she had missed it,” Abernethy says of an apex predator he refers to as an “old friend.” To be sure, Tiger Beach is a special place, known as a destination where close encounters can be enjoyed in what many consider to be a relatively safe environment. The predators are fed during commercial dive operations, and many distinctive sharks have been given names. Veteran divers such as Abernethy, who runs Jim Abernethy’s Scuba Adventures, claim to have developed special relationships with some of those sharks. Though there are bound to be critics of people “tempting fate” with such close interactions, Abernethy, who was once bitten by a lemon shark, was hoping his footage would send a message. “I wish there was some way that I could get the world to see what these beautiful creatures are really like,” he says, “so we could end the needless slaughter and keep our oceans healthy, not only for them but for our own existence on the planet.” Music: "There She Is" by Dhruva Aliman Spotify -
10. comment for Sharks Love To Be Petted - They're Like Dogs
I just wanted to see the Shark in the thumbnail...
20. comment for Sharks Love To Be Petted - They're Like Dogs
Me, an intellectual: sea dog
I have to use my other hand to beat my meat
30. comment for Sharks Love To Be Petted - They're Like Dogs
50. comment for Sharks Love To Be Petted - They're Like Dogs
Me:F*ck this im going in da water
These liberal assholes are no different than the moron who went to Alaska to "commune" with Grizzly
Bears. The dipshit became engaged to a female tree-hugger and he took her out to the wilds of
Alaska. He was actually known as the "Bear Whisperer." They both ended up BEAR SHIT!
Some idiot liberal parents thought it would be a good idea to smear honey on the hand of their
3-year-old daughter, so they could snap a photo of her interacting with a 500+ pound Brown Bear.
The girl came back minus a fucking hand!
Mother Nature is a mean and evil bitch. Even the animals too small to kill you will feast on your
fucking bones! Feeding sharks off the stern of a boat or petting them like dogs only serve to
inure the animals to human contact! That will result in people being killed. Sharks are dumb
animals, that means if you do not pet or feed them, you are FUCKING LUNCH!
If you morons who think Gaia will protect you in the woods without a firearm, you deserve to
die. A woman took a hike in the Chino Hills. She was attacked by a Bobcat. She was still
alive as it ripped open her abdomen and began devouring her Liver. There seems to be no
limit to liberal stupidity!
PS the fucking liberal morons at a Bay Area newspaper actually claimed she deserved to die
because humans "usurped" the word Bobcat to sell cars. We have not even begun to plumb
the depths of liberal stupidity.
Sharks get aggitated if they're territorial, and some sharks are very territorial, so it depends on species. Likewise, bad shark diving companies often chum the waters before letting folks down in cages to see the sharks in order to get them whipped into a frenzy and give the customers a spectacle. This is a recipe for disaster, b/c it makes the sharks single-minded in looking for food, and keeps the the stereotype for customers that sharks are nothing but aggressive, mindless eating machines. Good shark diving companies will just take you out where they know sharks congregate and let you swim calmly with them. And, after several seasons they form a rapport with the sharks.. they may bring food for the sharks to feed out of their hands while you watch, and the sharks know they get free food and don't have to fight you for it, so they just calmly come up and take it. (Think of a dog.. if you offer a dog a treat from your hand, and never pull away when it takes it, then it calmly takes the treat. The moment you start jerking the dog around by pulling the treat away when the dog goes for it, the dog learns to lunge in quickly and possibly bite your hand to try to get the treat before you pull it away.It's all about conditioning and creating a repetetive environment both parties can know what to expect of each other in to create a symbiotic relationship.)
Actually they have nerval point on their nose area , they become like cosily senseless
click read more to read the answer
A; humans
its humans the reason why is becuz thinks about mosquitoes they are food to frogs and others and people are killing them (i know they kill humans) and it would be extinction of frogs and others or etc for sure so you humans are MONSTERS YOU HAVE BEEN KILLING ANIMALS THINK ABOUT IT SCIENCE HAD CREATED A PIG THAT IS COMBINED WITH HUMAN SRSLY YOU ARE ALL MONSTERS TO ANIMALS (if u were a animal killer to a animal extincioner and extincioner isnt a word tho)
Bull sharks are highly aggressive and attack fout of the blue. His leg was shredded when the Bull shark attacked him. These are
wild, unpredictable animals. Don't try this one at home! These are beautiful creatures that should be left alone. They don't need
to be petted. This is human vanity! It is better that they fear Man. We kill over 90 million of them every year (to sell to China for Shark fin soup).
100. comment for Sharks Love To Be Petted - They're Like Dogs
The sea doggo
Sharks have been known to attack humans when they are confused or curious. If a shark sees a human splashing in the water, it may try to investigate, leading to an accidental attack. Still, sharks have more to fear from humans than we do of them. Humans hunt sharks for their meat, internal organs, and skin in order to make products such as shark fin soup, lubricants, and leather.
Sharks are a valuable part of marine ecosystems, but overfishing threatens some shark populations. NOAA Fisheries conducts research on shark habitats, migratory patterns, and population change in order to understand how to best protect and maintain a stable shark population
And the people in the comments saying,"Thanks movies! You're responsible for us hating them!". Pretty typical of today, always someone who thinks there is some sort of injustice at every corner and ready to spout off at the mouth about it. It's more complex than that and I'm pretty sure shark attacks happened well before film. But I guess those people are too dumb to realize that. Always looking for some scapegoat and let people know that there is some injustice here. Fucking annoying. Please, if you are one of those us all a favor and go out to the sea without a raft or anything. Let's see how committed you are to this idea that they are sweet creatures. If we could get rid of more SJW's or people that think like them, we'd be better off. So go, play in the sea. Tired of all these fucking emotional fucks.
Que l'on explique l'effet cataleptique produit par des frottements sur le museau d'un requin solidement maintenu d'un bateau afin de faire des prélèvements passe encore ce sont des biologistes qui s'en chargent
Mais qu'on dise que les requins sont comme des toutous que l'on peut caresser c'est indigne et criminel vis à vis d'autres plongeurs qui,voyant ceci,pourraient etre tentés de faire la même chose.
Tout professionnel de la plongée sait que le requin dangereux c'est celui que l'on ne voit pas, et caresser un tigre sur le museau avec d'autres qui nagent autour + un bouledogue de bonne taille qui est connu lui aussi, pour être un mangeur d'hommes relève de la plus haute inconscience
Les mecs dès qu'ils ont une go-pro ils sont prêts à tout pour faire du sensationnel sur le web
Un jour çà se passera pas comme d'habitude ( voir vidéo d'éric ritter) et çà passera "encore" sur internet !
Sharks have been known to attack humans when they are confused or curious. If a shark sees a human splashing in the water, it may try to investigate, leading to an accidental attack. Still, sharks have more to fear from humans than we do of them. Humans hunt sharks for their meat, internal organs, and skin in order to make products such as shark fin soup, lubricants, and leather.
Sharks are a valuable part of marine ecosystems, but overfishing threatens some shark populations. NOAA Fisheries conducts research on shark habitats, migratory patterns, and population change in order to understand how to best protect and maintain a stable shark population
Shark: o me? yas i am ok
me: aww u cute :3 pets
Human = food
So they eat the human, DO NOT USE BAIT TO FIND SHARKS!
Sorry ...
you do it.
Sharks have been known to attack humans when they are confused or curious. If a shark sees a human splashing in the water, it may try to investigate, leading to an accidental attack. Still, sharks have more to fear from humans than we do of them. Humans hunt sharks for their meat, internal organs, and skin in order to make products such as shark fin soup, lubricants, and leather.
Sharks are a valuable part of marine ecosystems, but overfishing threatens some shark populations. NOAA Fisheries conducts research on shark habitats, migratory patterns, and population change in order to understand how to best protect and maintain a stable shark population
This just
My opinion
What the hell is wrong with them? Sharks are scary why would you touch it.
Then the other half is saying...
They are actually not that bad, little scary still but also cute.
Only sometimes
We should stop treating every animal like it's a dog.
Second, you are crazy.
Third, stop white knighting for the sharks.
Finally, see #2.
it could be such a wonderful world if there isnt over harvesting all of the resourrces that has been given to us.
He is not a troll, I too kick my dog several times a day and he never shows any pain he just sits there breathing. If my dog could feel pain he would tell me to stop or tell me that he is feeling pain
jumps into a shark infested beach
Though the fact that he directly interacts with bull sharks takes massive balls
It Protec
But most importantly, it kawaii
Sharktube: Humans love to be eaten, they're like fish.
Shark: "I kept coming back to see if I should eat this asshole. But I didn't want to eat anything that stupid."