Shocking Video of Shark Fin Trade

Thousands of shark fins drying on a building roof in Hong Kong. These images on Thursday have angered environmentalists. One activist who visited the site estimated there were 15-20 thousand shark fins being processed. [Gary Stokes, Spokesperson, Sea Shepherd HK]: "They used to dry the fins out in the street, a lot of the public -- there was a big public outcry. Tourism -- it doesn't look good when tourists are coming to town, seeing all these dead sharks on the street... They've obviously decided to try and hide their ugly game and they went up to the roofs." Shark fins are a delicacy in Chinese cooking. But animal rights activists say the way they're obtained is inhumane. Videos of fishermen removing fins from freshly caught sharks, and throwing the fish back in the water, have sparked outrage. It's led to calls to ban shark fins. But the practice is still legal in Hong Kong, minus a few protected species. This trader says though, it's not as bad as people think. [Leung Wing-Chiu, Shark Fin Shop Owner]: "Thats just what foreigners think. If they have taken the shark meat, why can't the shark fins be used too? You have killed the shark anyway. Some say the sharks are thrown back into the sea after their fins are cut off. I don't think this is true. There just happens to be some video of people throwing them back." Sharks live longer than most fish and reproduce very slowly. This longer breeding cycle makes them vulnerable to extinction. [Gary Stokes, Spokesperson, Sea Shepherd HK]: "It's more the global impact on the ocean's ecosystems. By taking out an apex predator like the sharks, obviously the snowball effect down the ecosystems will be unprecedented." Hong Kong is one of the biggest producers of shark fins. While local demand is decreasing, demand in the Mainland is growing. Shark fin can cost as little as $50 a pound and as much as a few thousand. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ Add us on Facebook ☛

Shocking Video of Shark Fin Trade sentiment_very_dissatisfied 23

Shark videos 12 years ago 35,170 views

Thousands of shark fins drying on a building roof in Hong Kong. These images on Thursday have angered environmentalists. One activist who visited the site estimated there were 15-20 thousand shark fins being processed. [Gary Stokes, Spokesperson, Sea Shepherd HK]: "They used to dry the fins out in the street, a lot of the public -- there was a big public outcry. Tourism -- it doesn't look good when tourists are coming to town, seeing all these dead sharks on the street... They've obviously decided to try and hide their ugly game and they went up to the roofs." Shark fins are a delicacy in Chinese cooking. But animal rights activists say the way they're obtained is inhumane. Videos of fishermen removing fins from freshly caught sharks, and throwing the fish back in the water, have sparked outrage. It's led to calls to ban shark fins. But the practice is still legal in Hong Kong, minus a few protected species. This trader says though, it's not as bad as people think. [Leung Wing-Chiu, Shark Fin Shop Owner]: "Thats just what foreigners think. If they have taken the shark meat, why can't the shark fins be used too? You have killed the shark anyway. Some say the sharks are thrown back into the sea after their fins are cut off. I don't think this is true. There just happens to be some video of people throwing them back." Sharks live longer than most fish and reproduce very slowly. This longer breeding cycle makes them vulnerable to extinction. [Gary Stokes, Spokesperson, Sea Shepherd HK]: "It's more the global impact on the ocean's ecosystems. By taking out an apex predator like the sharks, obviously the snowball effect down the ecosystems will be unprecedented." Hong Kong is one of the biggest producers of shark fins. While local demand is decreasing, demand in the Mainland is growing. Shark fin can cost as little as $50 a pound and as much as a few thousand. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ Add us on Facebook ☛

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Most popular comments
for Shocking Video of Shark Fin Trade

HappyLife Tube
HappyLife Tube - 7 years ago
bananian - 7 years ago
Microcosm of the corruption going on in hk.
Sam Sung
Sam Sung - 7 years ago
no more shark fin
Cristiano Maestro
Cristiano Maestro - 7 years ago
hope this people who are doing thus get tortured and feel the same
Audra Oxford
Audra Oxford - 7 years ago
Because I watch jaws
Audra Oxford
Audra Oxford - 7 years ago
Great white sharks are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Audra Oxford
Audra Oxford - 7 years ago
Come on people let's get along even though I love sharks to make me cry :(
You guys are mean to the sharks lets the sharks be free it they live in a happily ever after
Darlani Kaai
Darlani Kaai - 7 years ago
sharks is important because they eat away the sick fishes if the sharks dont eat the sick fishes we will.
Souheil Natour
Souheil Natour - 7 years ago
Be it sharks or bluefin tuna fucking humans deserve what is coming to them ... 7.5 billions of them out there And they get sad when a fucking cunt is killed by a shark , when they kill 100 M a year . When I hear somebody died of a shark attack I say hey bring one in for the home team #sharkparty bitch.

10. comment for Shocking Video of Shark Fin Trade

Pam Young
Pam Young - 8 years ago
Disgusting evil people of China, your all thick and need your heads chopping off, unlike the shark the most majestic. You all deserve what you get coming.
hemiyacht charger
hemiyacht charger - 8 years ago
Chinese give no fucks, thats why Beijing is in fog and there lung cancer rate is up 40%
Fawn Kongsiri
Fawn Kongsiri - 8 years ago
They're all going to get their fucking limbs cut off in their next life karma is real
Victoria Ana Redding
Victoria Ana Redding - 8 years ago
These people are awful!!!! China is a horrible country and we need to stop all trade with them ASAP!
Billy Pesantes
Billy Pesantes - 9 years ago
All ya niggas are stupid wishing death on others for a fucking shark. Who gives a shit
lacostales marc
lacostales marc - 9 years ago
+Billy Joel ignorant moron...
wayne sccy
wayne sccy - 9 years ago
These people are disgusting, This is not right.......
wayne sccy
wayne sccy - 9 years ago
+diamondback-380 1 They do not care about the world at all our animals.....
Roven Anonuevo
Roven Anonuevo - 9 years ago
U.S needs to nuke these cruel people, sharks are scary, but an ocean without sharks are far more scarier.
HiddenLeafHD - 8 years ago
Yeah they are a fucking faggot if sharks are gone the fishes will overload the ocean
KrownSkull - 9 years ago
there is no eco system. no sharks means more fishes for us plus safe waters to surf
Chris Burrows
Chris Burrows - 8 years ago
well i say lets eat chinese is over populated lets help them and cut the number down...slaughter chinese people sell the meat to other countrys...dump the body. no one cares if a few thousand asian people go missing so longs we get a good meat pie :) i for one do not give too shits for asians
Peace Maker
Peace Maker - 11 years ago
Whales don't eat tuna and other needed fish.  Fishermen are fishing the oceans dry and so are the sharks so, something has to go!
michael khoury
michael khoury - 8 years ago
that's not how it works... Sharks keep ecosystem under check if there are to many or to little of a species hundred of species are affected not just tuna you moron.
Aaron CMH
Aaron CMH - 11 years ago
This pisses me off way more than whaling. 

20. comment for Shocking Video of Shark Fin Trade

jms15 - 11 years ago
im sry im not racist but fuck you asians, fuck you all and hope you die
nadia mean
nadia mean - 7 years ago
Well I am Asian and I hate shark finning
Leslie H.
Leslie H. - 7 years ago
You're racist.
bananian - 7 years ago
I'm sorry but you are objectively racist.

Like you can't even argue that you aren't.
Mother and Son Diary UK
Mother and Son Diary UK - 7 years ago
foie gras is acceptable in the western countries and also Veal
and you have the audacity to be racist
when your double standards are below their standards you idiot
then there is bullfighting also
you are a typical LOSER
jms15 - 9 years ago
+Charles Wang Ur surname is what my penis is called
Charles Wang
Charles Wang - 9 years ago
+maltalol101 Fuck off. This is beyond idiocy. You're basing the character of an entire continent based on one city. "I'm not racist" get the fuck out of here
vuurwerkcool1997 - 11 years ago
Japanese are facking crazy, i hope they all die
Lisa Wong
Lisa Wong - 7 years ago
vuurwerkcool1997 Japanese?
SMellmYfEet1999 - 11 years ago
damn compare between a human and a fish....yay 2013....filled with fags I will eat what ever fuck I want
DGSR - 11 years ago
All animals will be manipulated and/or mistreated in some way during the process of becoming food, for us humans. This I agree, but it doesn't make you a hypocrite to realize that this blue planet has finite resources. Hence why some people find it is more comforting knowing that the animals becoming their food will not become extinct as a result(i.e. global chicken population=exponential growth). Westerners have experience in anthropogenic extinction(Dodo) so should offer advise to earthlings.
Gabriel Shin
Gabriel Shin - 11 years ago
like my friend's dad said chinese people eat everything with four legs except tables and chairs and in the air everything except aeroplane and on sea everything except boats
adarkerlink - 11 years ago
no,let´s boil you alive and turn you into motherfucker soup for the sharks!
jeek - 11 years ago
You look decent enough, Okay i will fuck you.
The 2Centzz
The 2Centzz - 11 years ago
ok ppl without sharks the ocean wouldnt be the same and with us overfishing their wouldnt be any tasty fish fag their important to the ocean they have been in it for 300 million years humans havent this shows ho evil we r when greed gets involved
Elizabeth Henriquez
Elizabeth Henriquez - 11 years ago
That's whyvi hate all this sick fucks Chinese prople are disgusting.
Sharky2055 - 11 years ago
This is a heinous trade no matter who does it. I wish more could be done to enforce the laws against this. The shark populations are declining at an alarming rate.

30. comment for Shocking Video of Shark Fin Trade

Kay Leahy
Kay Leahy - 11 years ago
TheUtube4ever - 11 years ago
lets cut off your moms arms and make a soup out of it! yay 2013!
Killumi Nati
Killumi Nati - 12 years ago
you looks stupid as fuck
Killumi Nati
Killumi Nati - 12 years ago
I hope that you choked to death
Killumi Nati
Killumi Nati - 12 years ago
Still, Hong-Kong is the first world center of the Shark fins business. And for your information, Spanish are the biggest exporter... so....
angie buchanan
angie buchanan - 12 years ago
outrageous!!! the number of dead dead sharks in the ocean should be as much of a concern since they cannot survive without their fins...
chai83x - 12 years ago
looks yummy
Oddarr Meanchey
Oddarr Meanchey - 12 years ago
Fucking Chinese ass Ching Chang fuk..!
heresteven - 12 years ago
sell some tainted fins and watch how fast the chinese stop buying.
jeek - 12 years ago
Let have some shark fin soup to celebrate 2013 !!
schlagerhansi - 12 years ago
Lucky folks who've got no other problems to get outraged about...
DeSwiss - 12 years ago
Karma is coming. Soon.
bennlucky7 - 12 years ago
shark fins so gooding liao..
michael fong
michael fong - 12 years ago
What a bunch of IGNORANT FUCKS.....don't they realize that if the sharks don't have their fins ....they won't be able to survive...and they'll all die...
horseygurl143 - 12 years ago
These people who are responsible for this crap need to be tied up and beat to death and then they need to be thrown into the oceans for animals to feed off of them! I feel sorry for any Chinese people that I run into. They are going to have to hear about this story and how I would deal with them. I will tell every Chinaman or woman that I meet from now on. Trashy people!!! Just plain TRASH!!!
Roamer958 - 12 years ago
Global planning seems to be all Nations or Corporations showing up to the meeting heavily armed, We need cooperative strategic planning and implementation from all or we can just show how big our bombs are to mankind's detriment.I hope we are not past the point of compassion for our children's survival.
friedcrispy - 12 years ago
Shark meat is worth absolutely nothing, that is why they don't use it. That one guy is so wrong.

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