Slow Motion Shark Attack High Definition - Shark Week

Phantom camera capturing amazing slow motion shark attack footage! More Information about the Phantom Camera at

Slow Motion Shark Attack High Definition - Shark Week sentiment_very_dissatisfied 396

Shark videos 12 years ago 3,554,022 views

Phantom camera capturing amazing slow motion shark attack footage! More Information about the Phantom Camera at

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Most popular comments
for Slow Motion Shark Attack High Definition - Shark Week

Gerald GERALDSON - 7 years ago
Darius Farzetta
Darius Farzetta - 7 years ago
It's beautiful
Too bad jacko the pedophile wasn't eaten alive by one of these things! Now that would be funny!
Dimitry Pavlov
Dimitry Pavlov - 7 years ago
I love their fluency
Labra Lab Rats Elite Force
Labra Lab Rats Elite Force - 7 years ago
I going to miss the great white becs they are about to become extinct for ever becs people are killing the great white shark.
Rajkumar Chingkhei Singh
Rajkumar Chingkhei Singh - 7 years ago
I hate sharks
SharkFace - 7 years ago
Rajkumar Chingkhei Singh A: sharks probably hate you too, and B: if you hate sharks, why are you watching this video?
MCB400100 - 7 years ago
Deepers creepers nice joke sucker
The Hitman
The Hitman - 7 years ago
I hope they gave the shark food after they finished filming those jumps take a lot of energy from the sharks
Bill Hughes
Bill Hughes - 7 years ago
man I hope there's never a real sharknado

10. comment for Slow Motion Shark Attack High Definition - Shark Week

IBe Praising
IBe Praising - 7 years ago
1:45 The shark does a dab! xD
Issa Me
Issa Me - 7 years ago
King of the sea
isiah mcmiller
isiah mcmiller - 7 years ago
the great white sharks are amazing the best sharks ever and awesome predetors
Kevin - 7 years ago
Human a deadliest creature on earth. LEAVE THE WHITE SHARK ALONE !!! You all just wasting his energy to hunting mtfker piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!! This video really piss me off.
tipu sultan
tipu sultan - 7 years ago
The best video ever on this magnificent creature , no doubt jaws was good movie but scene at 2:01 is awesome and scary enough to make jaws look joke
MarlonMax - 7 years ago
Pol AC
Pol AC - 7 years ago
love to watch this listening to Gojira or any cool breakdown :)
CRAZYWILDMAN49 - 8 years ago
sorry human women, you lose. gws wins. the most beautiful creature on earth in this era.
Vlad Sicoe
Vlad Sicoe - 8 years ago
What an awesome creature!!!!
Abednego M Sormin
Abednego M Sormin - 8 years ago
I thought it was Beady Eye's Flick of the Finger scene LOL

20. comment for Slow Motion Shark Attack High Definition - Shark Week

Rabenfrass - 8 years ago
I hope the retards who filmed it gave him a proper feeding after this, since he obviously used his energy to catch a decoy instead of real food.
MichaelMick - 8 years ago
Absolutely spectacular.
Organic Giraffe
Organic Giraffe - 8 years ago
the shark later died of exhaustion, great work guys!
Chloe Bell
Chloe Bell - 8 years ago
As I roll this video when the boats are very close to the shark breaching with the seal in its jaws, I continue to see a line of string coming from the seals body. Did this film crew bait the shark with a captive seal???!!! Someone please???
Comic Nerd
Comic Nerd - 7 years ago
Watch the whole video they clearly state that they used a fake rubber seal.
CrazyPangolinLady - 8 years ago
I remember reading. Contrary to popular belief, sharks don't attack people because they think they're seals. If they did, there would be no person left.

They're not even attacking, they're just curios. Sadly they interact with new things using their teeth, which hurts.
Cache Phish
Cache Phish - 8 years ago
That's terrifying.
Chely Bue
Chely Bue - 8 years ago
thats a big ass shark
-TNB- - 8 years ago
Those seals better have already been dead, because i can clearly see a line/string attached to them in a few of the clips.
MRU Spotter
MRU Spotter - 8 years ago
shark be like.."BITCH IM THE MOTHA FUCKIM QUEEN OF THR OCEAN"....Bow down Bitches lolz
RedheadDevil - 8 years ago
gorgeous sharks. :)

30. comment for Slow Motion Shark Attack High Definition - Shark Week

Piggy Oink Oink
Piggy Oink Oink - 8 years ago
There once was a blubbery seal
Who swam about without a deal
But along came a shark
And before he could bark
From seal he was turned into meal
PunkienTayTay - 8 years ago
Quantina Redo
Quantina Redo - 8 years ago
I feel bad for seals
Kevin C
Kevin C - 8 years ago
"The world is a cruel place, yet so beautiful."
Savage Soly
Savage Soly - 8 years ago
oh no!!!!!!!!
unworthyservant - 8 years ago



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



(EXODUS 20:7)

Scott R
Scott R - 8 years ago
Incredible. Both the camera and the sharks. :)
Big Dee
Big Dee - 8 years ago
i hope that shark knows that the best part is the penis
sinterklaas - 8 years ago
people get more attackt by cows sharks fun fact
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 8 years ago
I love sharks, I thinks they're a beautiful fish however, Orcas rule the waters. They're superior. What really makes me mad, is how a shark has to pay if it attacks a human. Ocean is their HOME and we invade their home by going swimming. We're taking that chance, so why the fuck we have to kill a sharks cause it did what it's suppose to do? It's same thing as someone invaded my house, I attack em then I get punished. People are fucking stupid. Don't look at a shark with a negative look right off the bat. I love sharks and I hope they don't extinct, but knowing human beings, I wouldn't be surprised if they're going to be extinct.

Who's the real monster here?
Kate Simmons
Kate Simmons - 8 years ago
fake seals
MrStensnask - 8 years ago
Pause at 2:10 HOLY SHIT
Varun Likhite
Varun Likhite - 8 years ago
pause 2:37
CrazyPangolinLady - 8 years ago
Y'know, most shark attacks on humans don't look like this. If a shark had intent to kill, there wouldn't be much left.

Sharks investigate new things using their teeth, and most shark "attacks" on people are one bite. Unfortunately, one bite is enough to seriously hurt a person.
CrazyfolleGirl - 8 years ago
They are so beautiful
Asylum81 - 8 years ago
would be better if the seals were a
real/alive and not attached with a line. Boo!
Asylum81 - 8 years ago
will do, thanks!!
Cryer24597 - 8 years ago
Try watching the BBC Planet Earth documentary then. In that they slo-motion film great whites catching seals. They were the first people ever to film great white breaches in slow motion, this just copied them.
Pablo Fuentes
Pablo Fuentes - 8 years ago
los animales los colocan de cebo para el tiburón, todos tienen amarrado algo
Rays x
Rays x - 8 years ago
response207 - 8 years ago
Eduardo Walter
Eduardo Walter - 8 years ago
dam it's big, we can't fight against that...
anthony mcgrath
anthony mcgrath - 8 years ago
in the past as a kid I used to think "prod it's eyes.. punch it in the eyes if it's got me"

then got older and thought "sheer impact force would break bones knock the entire air out of me before 36000 lbs of bite pressure cuts thru my torso like butter"

now I just think "ocean.. nope"

50. comment for Slow Motion Shark Attack High Definition - Shark Week

Mestre da Luta
Mestre da Luta - 8 years ago
Maravilha da natureza.
Jonas Wikman
Jonas Wikman - 8 years ago
Perfection 100%!!! Predator!!!
Brucey - 8 years ago
wtf the sealion has a line in its mouth. . .their using sealions as bait.
Brucey - 8 years ago
does gods love know no boudaries.
Samuel Allan
Samuel Allan - 9 years ago
"I think were gonna need a bigger boat"
Gabbi Joy
Gabbi Joy - 9 years ago
wait did he eat a turtle
Eduardo M
Eduardo M - 9 years ago
+Gabbi Joy He eats everything, girl
JazevoAudiosurf - 9 years ago
Jonas Wikman
Jonas Wikman - 9 years ago
Vackert. Förevigt Vackert.
wolfpaw stone
wolfpaw stone - 9 years ago
God is amazing. Blessed my eyes with such a awesome creature.
mohammed sexpork
mohammed sexpork - 9 years ago
nothing is more deadly than mother nature
demonikfunk - 8 years ago
+Andrew Dunn What about that hydrogen bomb thing that they have?
cityofchamps66 - 9 years ago
I KNOW you're gonna need a bigger boat, amazing footage
TheMasterOfAllStuff - 9 years ago
i'd think i would of shit myself.
Sam Perkins
Sam Perkins - 9 years ago
anything of yours they clamp down on, they're takin' with them..
Sam Perkins
Sam Perkins - 9 years ago
anything of yours they clamp down on, they're takin' with them..
flawlessow - 9 years ago
3:10 holy fuck thats big
flawlessow - 9 years ago
h33h3h3h3 +Jalenrulz 
JalenRz - 9 years ago
That's what she said hehehe
Michael K.
Michael K. - 9 years ago
Ah they were 'decoys' ... that explains why there was no blood. Crunching down on a 200+ lb. seal would produce a LOT of blood.
Frida Mcfadden
Frida Mcfadden - 9 years ago
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Nick P
Nick P - 9 years ago
best thing I ever seen
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum - 9 years ago
JRE anyone?
Waynehedd - 9 years ago
Mansa Akhenaten
Mansa Akhenaten - 9 years ago
"Those teeth are BRUTAL!" 2:08
Sparven Högberg
Sparven Högberg - 9 years ago
ok im not going for a swim for a long time
Goggle products
Goggle products - 9 years ago
Show it at a regular speed too you dumb fuck. What's the point of watching a cheetah run in slow mo???
brucekirk89 - 9 years ago
That's exactly how my ex wife caught me too
Stevan Lemeccis
Stevan Lemeccis - 9 years ago
Increíbles imágenes. Muy buenas. (eso si, se me pasaron todas las ganas de meterme al mar).
Hugo Gil
Hugo Gil - 9 years ago
Why dont they put kim jong un as bait?
MetalHalide400W - 8 years ago
Mansa Akhenaten well shark don't want to taste his toupee anyway.
Abraham A
Abraham A - 9 years ago
+Mansa Akhenaten nah man, there are some things even a great white don't want in its mouth.
Mansa Akhenaten
Mansa Akhenaten - 9 years ago
+n3oxx n3 Don't forget Donald Trump and his toupee.
Sergio Deibiaggi
Sergio Deibiaggi - 9 years ago
que ti boron de mierda metete la leta en culo
Gigi Rivera
Gigi Rivera - 9 years ago
Amazing how a 2 second attack in slow motion must seem like a lifetime to that seal. Still nothing beats Dr. Strong sitting on that whale carcass in '01, right?
Mae Smith
Mae Smith - 9 years ago
I don't usually make YT comments, but you should nix the sound on this and replace it with Comfortably Numb, Pink Floyd. Pretty epic.
Titan nebulous
Titan nebulous - 9 years ago
Holy Jaws !
John Lennon Jr
John Lennon Jr - 9 years ago
Air Jawdon! - Just do it
Calogero Palermo
Calogero Palermo - 9 years ago
Woow li voglio vedere dal vivo è il mio sogno devo Anda in sud Africa
CastorControl - 9 years ago
Awesome vid!
rarebreedewe - 9 years ago
Poor buggar winding him up with a fake dinner. He's gonna be well pissed now....
sasquatchSGK - 9 years ago
3:38 awe...I mean jawsome
sasquatchSGK - 9 years ago
+sasquatchSGK 3:28....
Shark isma
Shark isma - 9 years ago
awesome Remo !!!
Marius Pontmercy
Marius Pontmercy - 9 years ago
kawaii _
Songezo Dlungwana
Songezo Dlungwana - 9 years ago
LPTV - 9 years ago
God: Hmm ... this creature is already cool enough, but can I make it cooler? Oh wait, duh, of course I can, I'm God. Uh-huh, I got it! I'll give this sucker the intelligence to fly like a comet and WAM! It'll grab its meal in a more awesome way than ever expected!

lol, I love Sharks man. Especially the Great White and in slow motion, my God its amazing.
KINGNEPTUNE2001 - 9 years ago
Well said and do an true
sarah edwards
sarah edwards - 9 years ago
Awesome but im a girly girl
The Dopest
The Dopest - 9 years ago
To bad all these magestic creatures had to face humans... the next mass exctinction is close so we'll be all gone anyway, only the most adaptable spiecies will survive (not humas though)
Abraham A
Abraham A - 9 years ago
Hey if we go extinct, we're taking everything else with us.
Gareth Brown
Gareth Brown - 9 years ago
The richest one percent won't go extinct. They have made sure their spawn will go on for future generations.
masa amorfa mas
masa amorfa mas - 9 years ago
You should drown
thecheesburgler - 9 years ago
Fuck swimming.
Kiley Bury
Kiley Bury - 9 years ago
stampyshort shoes
stampyshort shoes - 9 years ago
That must off been history for them
TIMEtoRIDE900 - 9 years ago
Starving people in Africa, , ,
Sharks in Africa , , ,
Epic tourist fishing opportunity, , ,

I. . . Can't . . . Figure. . . It. .  Out. . .
Kellying - 9 years ago
+TIMEtoRIDE900 You think we can reverse the damage we have done to the planet even if that's possible there's 7 billion people on this planet trying to have it all to themselves your in lala land I wish the NWO is true but it ain't.
TIMEtoRIDE900 - 9 years ago
Ahhh - - I knew it . . .
You're throwing in the towel.
You don't believe Man is smart enough to fix this.
Unless you have incredible genes . . .
Prepare yourself for shackles, barb-wire, and guillotines.
Kellying - 9 years ago
+TIMEtoRIDE900 The Agenda to reduce the world population is in fact very plausible I used to be against it but the illuminati/Nwo or whatever you call them can get on with it, to be quite frank it needs to be done.
TIMEtoRIDE900 - 9 years ago
China was 100% forested, then pre-historic Man arrived and rather quickly de-forested it.
The hotter, drier air moves to the African Desert, gets super-heated, then goes to the Atlantic, causing tropical waves which form hurricanes.

To restore the Earth, we would need to re-forest the Amazon, China, Europe and North America with dense and diverse forests.

Again - this simply is NOT going to happen,

So it is a matter of intelligently managing our resources, or agree to The Illuminati's plan (Agenda 21) of reducing Human Population to 1/2 Billion people World-wide.
Kellying - 9 years ago
+TIMEtoRIDE900 Apex predators and intelligent I agree of course humans are' but what you seem to can't grasp is the bigger picture if we continue to pollute and over fish the oceans,destroy the Rainforests, kill all the animals we will have no ecosystem left in which everything we humans rely on food, water all of our needs and sustainability would be gone . We would kill ourselves in the process but the earth will survive and we would be extinct the planet would simply regenerate ... Humans not so intelligent after all
TIMEtoRIDE900 - 9 years ago
+Bk Jeong
Well, good luck with your restoration plans.
Get a treaty signed by 190 Nations . . .
Now, back to reality -
The McDonalds Filet-O-Fish sells for $4.00 for just 3 OZ. of white, almost tasteless fish (flavored entirely by the grease !!).
Most fish sold in American restaurants is of the same, white - tasteless varieties, and it sells for $20.00 a pound, served.
Today they are trolling West of Chile, as other areas of the Oceans are already depleted.
Wild fish populations are way - way down, making trolling less efficient.
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 9 years ago
Just because it's no longer natural does not mean it needs to be utilized fully. It must be restored.
TIMEtoRIDE900 - 9 years ago
+Kellying No Ocean can be considered "natural habitat" at this point, as we Humans actively fish with trawlers, and won't stop.
WE are the Apex Predators and WE need to manage the Oceans like a giant fish-farm.

". . . there's 7 billion human beings let them starve"
The shame is on you - - how callous.
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 9 years ago
Which is bad news.
TIMEtoRIDE900 - 9 years ago
Sharks outnumber Humans 100:1
Each shark eats more fish than any Human could.
Run the numbers -
Each fish that doesn't get eaten can lay 2,000 eggs. Reduce the shark population, and the Oceans will be teeming with fish.
Kellying - 9 years ago
Sharks are a endangered species and there's 7 billion human beings let them starve
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 9 years ago
+TIMEtoRIDE900 Great whites are endangered species and protected by national and international law.
Bender Veloso C.R.F
Bender Veloso C.R.F - 9 years ago
these teeths freaks me out
Generalissimo X
Generalissimo X - 10 years ago
freakin awesome.  the 318 thumbs down are all from seals. 
Zano Reid
Zano Reid - 7 years ago
the seals are fake bro makes me wanna thumbs down too i want to see real blood and carnage they shouldn't be teasing the sharks
Generalissimo X
Generalissimo X - 9 years ago
it's an old comment you dope. now go face mecca. 
Hasan Ahmed
Hasan Ahmed - 9 years ago
uh its 354 dislikes mate
Axel The Great
Axel The Great - 9 years ago
+Generalissimo X Actually it was from the Navy S.E.A.L.S.
MrMotherfuck123 - 9 years ago
+Generalissimo X "Snoop Shark" 02:25
Man Hunt
Man Hunt - 9 years ago
+Generalissimo X lol
Laura Gorsuch
Laura Gorsuch - 10 years ago
i want a bigger boat.
EviLFox - 10 years ago
2:22 looks so god like
dschneider58 - 10 years ago

100. comment for Slow Motion Shark Attack High Definition - Shark Week

BlueSeas078 - 10 years ago
I love this video, simply because @2:20, the footage clearly illustrates, that even when going for the kill at such a tremendous speed, these sharks can discern a decoy from real prey. The shark was lured in because the fake seal obviously looked like the real thing, but immediately spit it out when it sensed the seal was a fake. This is why human encounters with GWs are usually non-fatal, as they know we are not a part of their regular food items. Such a magnificent creature.
BlueSeas078 - 10 years ago
+Bk Jeong You know more than the scientists, eh? For the last time, GWs are ambush predators. So let's not try to pretend we're discussing the entire animal kingdom. Adding something intelligent to a conversation is one thing, but this back and forth with your absurd need to be right has become ridiculous.  I've been proven right - and you wrong. You ask about extended time? Look it up. Do your own research. Google should really become your best friend. End of discussion.
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 10 years ago
By that logic, all predators are ambush predators since stealth is critical for all of them.

What's the exact time for "extended time"?
BlueSeas078 - 10 years ago
+Bk Jeong  Stealth and ambush are key elements in the white shark’s predatory strategy.

The above quote is taken from the RJ Dunlap Marine Conservation Program. Great Whites are ambush predators. I mean really, this info is all over the net. You cannot have stealth w/o ambush; it goes hand in hand. The very definition of ambush includes stealth, which is: A sudden attack made from a concealed position. That said, there have been cases where bodies have been found without GWs consuming the victim. Unfortunately, due to visibility issues and mistaken identity, on the rare occasion such an attack occurs, the blunt force trauma from a GW strike had proven to be extremely fatal.  Amazingly, except for the initial bite wound, bodies were retrieved in tact, even after being in the water for an extended amount of time. This info is also on the net. Like I said, for the most part, they generally can't be bothered with humans. And it makes me extremely irate that there are only 3500 +/- estimated to be in the wild.
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 10 years ago
Great whites are stealth predators but not ambush predators since they actively hunt.

I meant other people can pull that person out.

I agree on bull sharks being more dangerous. I never said anything to warrant that comment.
BlueSeas078 - 10 years ago
+Bk Jeong Great Whites are ambush predators. That said, trust me, how in the world does a severely wounded human out swim a GW trying to get back to shore? If the shark really wanted that individual, nothing is stopping it. In addition, the number of humans killed by GWs each year is extremely low. The movie "Jaws" really should have been about a Bull shark and not a Great White, as Bulls are way more aggressive and frightening in my opinion. 
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 10 years ago
No, it could be because the sharks bite then release prey to avoid injury and that allows people time to escape. 

Yes, most shark fatalities happen due to blood loss, but that is how great whites target mammals-by causing blood loss.

The only way to be sure is to leave an attacked person in the water and see if the shark comes back.
youngatwista - 10 years ago
PETA does not approve of this...that shark should be hand-cufed and thrown in jail!!!
dwip - 9 years ago
Its a way of life.
abra kadabrra
abra kadabrra - 10 years ago
это сколько же нужно было морских котиков погубить ради этих кадров? 
Артём Годин
Артём Годин - 10 years ago
Если что, то это резиновые муляжи. Большие белые акула видят лишь силуэт котика и только после того как попробуют на зубок, поймут что их жестоко обманули. По этому же принципу нападают на серфингистов, ибо снизу силуэт доски и рук спортсмена очень походит на жирненького и вкусного котика.
Yağız Koçak
Yağız Koçak - 10 years ago
This vs orca
Gilberto Rios
Gilberto Rios - 10 years ago
One of my favorite sharks
Rob Fortin
Rob Fortin - 10 years ago
maximus merilius
maximus merilius - 10 years ago
its not a real seal its tied to a bit of string
NEL0061 - 10 years ago
Hope those seals had life insurance
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 10 years ago
Thankfully those were models, not real seals.
swada02 - 10 years ago
Built to absolutely slaughter!
Kurt Marvelc
Kurt Marvelc - 10 years ago
SeaFormers : Age of SlowMotion
Kurt Marvelc
Kurt Marvelc - 10 years ago
SeaFomers : Age of Slowmotion
jimmy m
jimmy m - 10 years ago
the teeth are like daggers
Michel Dupuis
Michel Dupuis - 10 years ago
exceptionnel, superbe pour moi qui suis plongeur. 
the edge
the edge - 10 years ago
Der absolute Hammer!!!
Ivan Leoni
Ivan Leoni - 10 years ago
XxvoleistulxX - 10 years ago
2:08 u do not wanna be anywhere near that, omg that mouth is deadlyer than death itself.
Raul Marquez
Raul Marquez - 10 years ago
Shark week 2014
CopperGiraffeHD - 10 years ago
who else came here from that skit of snoop dogg on jimmy kimmel?
Alusine Kargbo
Alusine Kargbo - 10 years ago
Does anyone know how and what software they used to create that slow motion effect in this video
Thank you
Generalissimo X
Generalissimo X - 9 years ago
+Alusine Kargbo to answer your question, the footage is shot with a high speed digital camera with a super fast frame rate. when slowed down you get the crystal clear detail.
MegaPhiloBeddoe - 10 years ago
yewboi123 - 10 years ago
cull these beasts
MANNY MENDEZ - 10 years ago
If those seals were alive they were tied with a rope that you can see if you look closely.  Its very interesting and educational but, I hope  those seals were already dead because if they weren't that is not fair. 
daved1113 - 8 years ago
You're dumb dude. C'mon now.
Weyland Productions
Weyland Productions - 10 years ago
They even said in the video that the seals were fake.
Mattia Santangelo
Mattia Santangelo - 10 years ago
wow uhmm... those "seals" are clearly fake....
III rivaL III - 10 years ago
Its a fake seal
shiron90 - 10 years ago
The power of the nature at its best
TeanoZ - 10 years ago
Why are you people confusing the poor creature with your fake seal?
tingoorensis - 10 years ago
don't watch this before going surfing
Katie The Prog Bulldog
Katie The Prog Bulldog - 10 years ago
Sharpedo used Crunch! It's super effective!!!
John Richardson
John Richardson - 10 years ago
she/hes like WHAT THE FUCK
Suzette Edwards
Suzette Edwards - 10 years ago
I could watch this 20 times a day.  Great whites are amazing. 
Mary Akers
Mary Akers - 10 years ago
But scary as fuck :)
Kalum M
Kalum M - 10 years ago
I love Great White sharks such misjudged animals :(
Finn Clark
Finn Clark - 7 years ago
Filip laskovski fuck off, they're intelligent, they don't even like the taste of humans sooooo (most attacks are mistaken or a bite of curiosity to see what you are)
Filip laskovski
Filip laskovski - 8 years ago
Kalum M you'll love it until you end up in its jaws then you'll see how cool it is hahaha
SORAYA LUIZ - 10 years ago
gorgeous,thank you
Emmet Brown
Emmet Brown - 10 years ago
Maryclaire79 - 10 years ago
Woooow.......just awesome! !!
Aria Rephren
Aria Rephren - 10 years ago
Magnifiques poissons :3
Brody Towner
Brody Towner - 10 years ago
At 3:50.... cramped my pants -_O
Daniel Natzke
Daniel Natzke - 10 years ago
Ohhh my - most epic water predator 
GINGIVITISSS - 10 years ago
It seems unnecessary for the shark to throw itself out of the water just to snag a little seal but it looks soooo badass doing so.
Lichachron - 10 years ago
Even if i were at the boat i would still shit my pants
Haggy58 - 10 years ago
Amazing photography of a truly terrifying predator
sally sanders
sally sanders - 11 years ago
Fish are FRIENDS not food, Bruce!
Cristhain junchaya salazar
Cristhain junchaya salazar - 11 years ago
John Galvin
John Galvin - 11 years ago
Fuckin' A!
FleaForPresident - 11 years ago
*to search a girl?
FleaForPresident - 11 years ago
I'm sorry Yeng pu (a classic english name, ok), I'm Italian, and you are an idiot who is enjoing himself with some stupid you tube comments. Have you ever tried to sea
Caspar Durrer
Caspar Durrer - 11 years ago
COOL!!! :-D
Fabio D
Fabio D - 11 years ago
just amazing!
David Edmundson
David Edmundson - 11 years ago
Remember kids, that seal outfit you wear is cute at Halloween, but I recommend a change before a swim in the ocean.
FleaForPresident - 11 years ago
How the fuck are big this monsters?
Yeng Pu
Yeng Pu - 11 years ago
+eddiewinehosen Wow, you're so special for knowing English. Every gave it a thought that he might be from a non-English speaking country, you prick?
Insaint Bear
Insaint Bear - 11 years ago
Averaging about 12-16 ft
eddiewinehosen - 11 years ago
Once again please in English.
Efrain Nunez
Efrain Nunez - 11 years ago
Metal as fuck
Nelson Timothee
Nelson Timothee - 11 years ago
first shark's got mad ups. sweet vertical 
Yesica1993 - 11 years ago
I would DIE of terror if I was in the water and saw such a huge thing so close to me!
interzoneincorporate - 11 years ago
one of the most fascinating creatures <3
Renato Andres Leiva Rosales
Renato Andres Leiva Rosales - 11 years ago
96jnb - 11 years ago
I would love to film these spectacular predators breaching like this. Definitely on my bucket list.
Gabez Polanski
Gabez Polanski - 11 years ago
MrSprinter890 - 11 years ago
This is so dangerous to swim around this giant shark on such small boat.
Nishit soni
Nishit soni - 11 years ago
Lorenzo - 11 years ago
The power of 450 million years of evolution! Fantastic!
jaime garcia
jaime garcia - 11 years ago
And that's why I am terrified of the ocean.
Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page - 11 years ago
What happens if it swallows a decoy? 
Luke Anderson
Luke Anderson - 11 years ago
I would so love to see that in real life.
Christopher Heldt
Christopher Heldt - 11 years ago
Damn nature you're scary!
Finn Clark
Finn Clark - 7 years ago
Christopher Heldt beautiful and majestic
MrAskyourself - 11 years ago
save the oceans
unknownreaper121 - 11 years ago
The word magnificent comes to mind when looking or thinking about great white sharks. Why? because they are up there with natures present day most ferocious predators and frankly watching this white shark in slow motion rip apart its prey was fantastic.
Jan Martan
Jan Martan - 11 years ago
ahoj skvele video
fearson - 11 years ago
uh oh
Ali Kemal Erdoğan
Ali Kemal Erdoğan - 11 years ago
2:08 look it the mouth!
Dimitris - 11 years ago
no slow motion is awsome!
Tarek Kyokushin
Tarek Kyokushin - 11 years ago
Am staying in my pool forever.
Ra's al Ghul
Ra's al Ghul - 11 years ago
the most purest representation of power, beauty and elegance
Lavos YT
Lavos YT - 11 years ago
And that's why I hate swimming.
Tobi Nicole
Tobi Nicole - 11 years ago
3:30, HUGE.
Crocodile Dundee
Crocodile Dundee - 11 years ago
Yeah, but my food isn't moving, the shark's is haha
Kristen Williams
Kristen Williams - 11 years ago
You try catching food with your eyes closed XD
iran bautista
iran bautista - 11 years ago
trolling sharks
Leo Le
Leo Le - 11 years ago
jammose - 11 years ago
2:25 yummy
CoDGabriel - 11 years ago
The last one is insane! And the music was awesome, made it so much cooler !
Tane Hickey
Tane Hickey - 8 years ago
Cryer24597 how is the music over the top?
Cryer24597 - 8 years ago
Nah, the music is over the top and silly
Crocodile Dundee
Crocodile Dundee - 11 years ago
2:11 FAIL lol
soffer - 11 years ago
damn that's a big boy
Jake Hewitt
Jake Hewitt - 11 years ago
This is so amazing!
Niss. B
Niss. B - 11 years ago
not always :3
Mad9977 Productions
Mad9977 Productions - 11 years ago
gosh the power you need to get a shark that out of the water...
KOB O - 11 years ago
I don't think the fake seal really appreciates the HD
Caleb Kelsey
Caleb Kelsey - 11 years ago
the decoy has a string on it
Tane Hickey
Tane Hickey - 8 years ago
Caleb Kelsey yeah so they can pull it back and tow it
Antoine Dupuy
Antoine Dupuy - 11 years ago
between 00"00''41 and 00''00''46 , you can see a string coming out of his mouth .. that's pretty anormal .. Is there a trick or somthin' ???
LaughingSalmonProduc - 11 years ago
"We're going to need a bigger boat"
queen rocks
queen rocks - 11 years ago
no, but i'd want to watch you do it
CannyFarmKopite - 11 years ago
Eren Jaeger
Eren Jaeger - 11 years ago
2:53 yup were gonna need a bigger boat
Pablo Escudero
Pablo Escudero - 11 years ago
if you mean 2:13 yes because he looks actually sad
Ashley Sledge
Ashley Sledge - 11 years ago
VB Eclipse
VB Eclipse - 11 years ago
Nice HD bro
saad salman
saad salman - 11 years ago
"Jeepers creepers that was unbelievable!!"
rwag sg
rwag sg - 11 years ago
Mute this video and open 'Ave maria' in another and enjoy
rwag sg
rwag sg - 11 years ago
Mute this video and open 'Ave maria' in another and enjoy
khandi pwens
khandi pwens - 11 years ago
thanks for putting up the real deal. :) unlike OTHER people.
Ruby Robinson
Ruby Robinson - 11 years ago
Wow you'd have some balls sitting in a small boat....
fatima garcia
fatima garcia - 11 years ago
No se lo que me pasa, me asusta el verlos, pero a la vez tengo la necesidad de seguir viendolos. La verdad es que amo a los tiburones aunque me asustan, pero el amor puede mas que el miedo.
Santyago Zapata
Santyago Zapata - 11 years ago
Son basura ! No tiene derecho a decidir cual poner como presa ! Los detesto ... Se les desvirtúo lo del amor a los animales ...malnacidos espero se vallan ala quiebra rápido así dejan de maltratar animales !
Oliver puselja
Oliver puselja - 11 years ago
That LAST ONE, oh boy its Huge!!!
roman eso
roman eso - 11 years ago
am not scared at all
Lucas Moraes
Lucas Moraes - 11 years ago
2:14 olha os dentes da fera!!
Jeff Mendoza
Jeff Mendoza - 11 years ago
does anybody else just wants to hug the shark at 2:03?
Conor O'Shaughnessy
Conor O'Shaughnessy - 11 years ago
RYOs987 - 11 years ago
little klein
little klein - 11 years ago
Nature is awesome!
mauro francia
mauro francia - 11 years ago
i predatori macchine infallibili .. le prede attaccate al filo...........
Anthony Rosa
Anthony Rosa - 11 years ago
3:14 O___o
Puddy Kat
Puddy Kat - 11 years ago
Grizzlee B
Grizzlee B - 11 years ago
These sharks are truly amazing and very intimidating
Robert Chandler
Robert Chandler - 11 years ago
well i never said a rifle couldn't kill a shark, what i said was, if the shark came out of the water 35 mph at the boat, you think someone would have the reflexes for that, its not the matrix bud
Robert Chandler
Robert Chandler - 11 years ago
you think a gun would stop one of those sharks full speed coming at them, they are not stupid being in that boat, did you not listen at all... the sharks would reject the decoy ones instantly, therefore they woukld have no interest in this big RUBBER boat or any of the occupants on it, shark only has one thing in its mind and that is seal!!!
Tane Hickey
Tane Hickey - 8 years ago
Robert Chandler and dolphins, whale calfs, dead whales, turtles and dugongs they have a high fat diet
deinDilemma - 11 years ago
Same case here :D
Krystof Barvinek
Krystof Barvinek - 11 years ago
no, it was "jeepers creepers ubeliveable"
plain2plain - 11 years ago
Ελα μωρε μπριζόλα, τι νομισες? Επειδη εισαι δικός μας απάντησα!
Gwng - 11 years ago
1080p looks amazing
Dimos G.
Dimos G. - 11 years ago
ελα μωρη πατριδα!!!
plain2plain - 12 years ago
James Parsley
James Parsley - 12 years ago
under 1 second......
TTMoparV8 - 12 years ago
If you have no idea of sharks behaviors then you should probably just shut up and let these guys do their work
COD SHADY - 12 years ago
did you see that the shark waved to me
Don Fistikis
Don Fistikis - 12 years ago
JJLeth0 - 12 years ago
2:00 - Uh oh, bad food! No, thanks!
vinu - 12 years ago
Ocean's are so big! After seein dis, scratch big..dey r so damn scary!!!
Dimos G.
Dimos G. - 12 years ago
Angel Brennan
Angel Brennan - 12 years ago
The 3 and last shot were ausome. The last shot really gives u a sence of just how big they really are.
Michael James Kennedy
Michael James Kennedy - 12 years ago
Would've made Jaws a whole lot more fun if Spielberg had known about the whole Great Whites flying out the water thing........
Tane Hickey
Tane Hickey - 8 years ago
Michael James Kennedy nah he would have over done it and made it look stupid its a dumb movie
Jack Plastow
Jack Plastow - 12 years ago
Teasing the fuckers...god that's got to be the worst way to die
plain2plain - 12 years ago
Plastic immitation of a small seal!
plain2plain - 12 years ago
I shit myself!
Dimos G.
Dimos G. - 12 years ago
unbelievable! btw what was that black thing??
TinaNYC11 - 12 years ago
this is why i fear the ocean
AJ - 12 years ago
@Chris Garner its a fake seal congrats
AJ - 12 years ago
My god that thing is scary
Cece Fry
Cece Fry - 12 years ago
I feel bad for the seal
michael Herrewig
michael Herrewig - 12 years ago
Nice video.Next time they should try trolling pedophiles even if they didn't catch as many sharks it would still be fun setting the hooks in the "bait"
RedWolf - 12 years ago
Damn thas a fat ass shark.
Chris Garner
Chris Garner - 12 years ago
2:50 lil ass boat gonna catch a huge wave and become SHARKBAIT WHOO HA HA
Chris Garner
Chris Garner - 12 years ago
am i the only one who see the string at 1:54
Daniel Wootton
Daniel Wootton - 12 years ago
Somebody has seen the movie'Jaws'.
s0meb0dyst0pme - 12 years ago
You know, science does make progress and new discoveries. Your teacher may have not known about this - very recently discovered - fact.
Akaash Ram
Akaash Ram - 12 years ago
that last clip... holy shit
PsnIDShMuK - 12 years ago
look at those teeth!!!! 2:07 - 2:14
bassben04 - 12 years ago
Damn nature, you scary.
SpOuTni11 - 12 years ago
Fizz ult !
Jessica Aru
Jessica Aru - 12 years ago
Don't mind me , just watching this for a biology quiz .
Wendy Ya
Wendy Ya - 12 years ago
TheDragonfire05 - 12 years ago
so what its called a leap xD
Andy McCormick
Andy McCormick - 12 years ago
They are great whites. If these aren't scary nothing is.
Vittorio Lo Cascio
Vittorio Lo Cascio - 12 years ago
those are Orcas not sharks
Ajhan Musliu
Ajhan Musliu - 12 years ago
The Sharks are very Danger
Kai Tendo
Kai Tendo - 12 years ago
I never really got the hugeness of the sharks, until now, fuck/wow lol
Crazy Horse
Crazy Horse - 12 years ago
Kind of like watching my ex wife with the paperboy
Formuli Helen
Formuli Helen - 12 years ago
boffom babaganuche
boffom babaganuche - 12 years ago
you seriously only read half of my comment, didnt you? you are beyond stupid dude...
boffom babaganuche
boffom babaganuche - 12 years ago
this is fake and gay! jk, amazing shots guys.
AsthmaticTv - 12 years ago
Great whites are amazing creatures, scary, yet amazing
Василий Никитин
Василий Никитин - 12 years ago
На живца ради съёмок, это жестоко
Col b 75
Col b 75 - 12 years ago
Last clip that shark is huge I mean dam huge
IronRooRoo - 12 years ago
They don't jump. They swim up to 25 miles per hour. Doing that and travelling straight up, they're clearly going to break the surface. It's not jumping.
Toby Holden
Toby Holden - 12 years ago
dayumn nature
Kevin Jacob
Kevin Jacob - 12 years ago
3:30 is it just me, or did that shark just stare down the camera?
TheDragonfire05 - 12 years ago
dafuq my teacher lied to me she said sharks don't jump -_-
jarrod1685 - 12 years ago
pause @2.10 bloody terrifying in my opinion
DJNICK LONG - 12 years ago
fozy994 - 12 years ago
that's power, raw power..
puppadapa - 12 years ago
That's f**king big
ramprashad29 - 12 years ago
the amount of power/strength that it must take to hoist such a heavy body mass completely out of the water and into the air.....magnificient animal.
EASTA KING - 12 years ago
Finn Clark
Finn Clark - 7 years ago
EASTA KING that title goes to the goblin shark, jheeze.
zoubida90 - 12 years ago
Thanks god I'm not a sea lion
Frank White
Frank White - 12 years ago
Weres the weird part of you I'm trying to get the by watching the search dumbshit
domo cheetah
domo cheetah - 12 years ago
Their goes Bruce get back in that aquarium.
FraGGer224 - 12 years ago
I wanna see it without slow motion
Gary Edward Drummond
Gary Edward Drummond - 12 years ago
fuck getting in the way of that!
Max Chocolate
Max Chocolate - 12 years ago
finally the real useful video!
Will R
Will R - 12 years ago
god im high
connor lefevers
connor lefevers - 12 years ago
0:01 I can see how this is going to end
anthony denny
anthony denny - 12 years ago
Poor baby seal :(
tame jay
tame jay - 12 years ago
omg, see this is why i dont go deep sea fishing'' did once an they brought a small great up on a hook , man my butt was in the captains never
yogibearassfuck - 12 years ago
Southend busker
Southend busker - 12 years ago
András Fazekas
András Fazekas - 12 years ago
You can hug a shark! Once...
Ali Syed
Ali Syed - 12 years ago
damn nature, you scary
dbem90 - 12 years ago
ehat is the name of the docummentary ?
Rexwbu - 12 years ago
Sharks are amazing, scary af though >.<
Presley.Ann - 12 years ago
Needs a really bigger boat
Presley.Ann - 12 years ago
Nature is scary
fuoad al
fuoad al - 12 years ago
قرش شووووووووووووووب
Carlos Luis
Carlos Luis - 12 years ago
Lenny Garcia
Lenny Garcia - 12 years ago
Its just raw power right their.
Mike Gerrie
Mike Gerrie - 12 years ago
Those are not seals. They are rubber decoys.
Phone Bin Diver
Phone Bin Diver - 12 years ago
This is pretty cool!
Mya Elbows
Mya Elbows - 12 years ago
If I was there at the 3:10 moment I'd look to the guys and consider getting a larger boat.
ILLYFletcher - 12 years ago
Ha, laaavely :D
Xilaw - 12 years ago
I bet the shark would hug you back. With it's teeth.
Cody Brooks
Cody Brooks - 12 years ago
good god
michaelsmidnight - 12 years ago
e1ectroniKa - 12 years ago
Can the author please consider adding the George Michael epic love ballad "Careless Whisper" to the footage. It puts me in the mood better. Thank you for consideration, Lorenzo
Scuba-Digger - 12 years ago
James Tressler is RIGHT! The videographers need a boat matching the size of battleship New Jersey...
Edita Gvozdaitė
Edita Gvozdaitė - 12 years ago
Daniel Castanho
Daniel Castanho - 12 years ago
A minute's silence for the seals that died in this video.
steven reno
steven reno - 12 years ago
amazing creature
TheProdigalLegion723 - 12 years ago
I love this big bulky beast !!!!
Anna Viková
Anna Viková - 12 years ago
Beautiful and sad at the same time.
Wee Man
Wee Man - 12 years ago
ME! i was just seeing what would come up xD
muhammadcoocoo - 12 years ago
125 seals where here!
shabi ts
shabi ts - 12 years ago
Hugo Leandro
Hugo Leandro - 12 years ago
i guess those Seals are already dead when the hit and knockdown them before leaving the water, must be a very strong punch on them, sad but true, only nature being nature.
James Tressler
James Tressler - 12 years ago
I really think they need a bigger boat.
JH Y - 12 years ago
Fizz : Shark~
Finesse U
Finesse U - 12 years ago
No shit Sherlock.
Junior Serrano Roman
Junior Serrano Roman - 12 years ago
Romulan2469 - 12 years ago
2:36 At least he went down with a smile on his face lol!
John Doe
John Doe - 12 years ago
lol at all the sad people that go around and dislike all the good videos..
Olivia Heysek
Olivia Heysek - 12 years ago
I find this hilarious
carcarrinido - 12 years ago
Desde luego, no hay depredador mas espectacular que este.
valerie cortez
valerie cortez - 12 years ago
im never swimming far
lovejoy birdie
lovejoy birdie - 12 years ago
We vegans will kill but we do not eat meat, huh Lord God in heaven.
Melissa Hilliker
Melissa Hilliker - 12 years ago
at 3:30 i would be scared it is going to fling up and bite me if i was videoing
corama24 - 12 years ago
carlo correa
carlo correa - 12 years ago
Maddy Harvey
Maddy Harvey - 12 years ago
A lot of this footage looks like planet earth.
ILLYFletcher - 12 years ago
Well, isn't this AMAZING????? :P I wish I could hug a shark, haha x
MrJingles75 - 12 years ago
That is one bad ass fish! Beautiful though.
xTorque1 - 12 years ago
No one can deny that getting eating by a great white shark would be an awesome way to die
tatyanna lima
tatyanna lima - 12 years ago
(legendarios) ta lokoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!
omar noordien
omar noordien - 12 years ago
PunkyGrace - 12 years ago
Oh my god thats flippin awsome
LivvySegal - 12 years ago
Who are the people that film these things?
carpmad carpmad
carpmad carpmad - 12 years ago
Got AIR!
RayquazaXxX999 Bla
RayquazaXxX999 Bla - 12 years ago
haiphobie oder so :P
tychangty0212 - 12 years ago
Glad human has evolved
BumpyBrown - 12 years ago
fucking amazing!
carspotter11 - 12 years ago
An almost two ton animal jump 6 feet woooooow absolutely amazing
debunker1905 - 12 years ago
1:10 showoff
imiritu - 12 years ago
at about 2:20 notice the pondering look on the sharks face as he realizes he's been tricked
aidan slagle
aidan slagle - 12 years ago
all it is seals getting ate big deal
Riz P
Riz P - 12 years ago
and the shark throws up at 2:27
TealaRose Coy
TealaRose Coy - 12 years ago
I live Next to the Ocean. I've ACTUALLY seen sharks in the ocean. THEY SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME. And I'm a surfer D:!
Hemerson Gomes
Hemerson Gomes - 12 years ago
massa .imagens maravilhosas
Derek Wallach
Derek Wallach - 12 years ago
The Big Bang, the evolution of man, Darwin's survival of the fittest! I am spiritual, but I would be a complete ignoramus, if I accepted the supersticious, unrealistic concepts that the religion has dictated and has imposed on people for thousands of years! Please whoever you are, keep your religious dribble to yourself, spare us, please!
Derek Wallach
Derek Wallach - 12 years ago
Amazing footage, that's why they are considered an apex predator and it was believed until recently that the Great White was at the top of the food chain in our oceans, lakes and rivers (white sharks but more commonly bull sharks have been wandering upstream into rivers and even lakes 1'000 miles from the ocean - this is factual, it's no bs and to be honest, quite frightening). Now, this following comment is directed to the religious nimrod babbling about God creations! Have you ever heard of
Everiso - 12 years ago
2:18, the sharks reject the decoy almost the moment they bite it. Next scene, the shark takes the decoy completely under. Is that so, Mr Scientist.
KRANOZ - 12 years ago
John Gavin
John Gavin - 12 years ago
Jenny Carriedo
Jenny Carriedo - 12 years ago
Charlee Heim
Charlee Heim - 12 years ago
I know it's just the way of life but its so sad!!! :(
ELconchesumare - 12 years ago
in slow mo even those damn seals look scary. I wonder what a fat old lady running at you with no shirt looks like in slow mo.
ELconchesumare - 12 years ago
joke is on you, that wasn't a real seal
DezzyDylan - 12 years ago
So beautiful!
cr7ei - 12 years ago
there's a reason i dont like to swim in deep oceans...or surfing...damn phobia
Veronica Stern
Veronica Stern - 12 years ago
Omg awsome
Blob B
Blob B - 12 years ago
They need a bigger boat!
Ari Mo
Ari Mo - 12 years ago
fucking monsters
Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez - 12 years ago
That was AWESOME!!!
Katzenberg - 12 years ago
Sharpedo used Crunch, it's super effective.
Vlad Sicoe
Vlad Sicoe - 12 years ago
These are incredible animals, very powerful and so beautiful.
Lay Music Productions
Lay Music Productions - 12 years ago
So sick
Radtechgirl - 12 years ago
The camera footage shows amazing detail. Incredibly powerful animals.
xsalvo05x - 12 years ago
I actually shit myself going into the sea because of these enormous beasts
tawny - 12 years ago
Sharks gotta eat too.
Jude Veerman
Jude Veerman - 12 years ago
2009momoka1 - 12 years ago
@rodawa0 c
kakkaduu22 - 12 years ago
they are sooo fascinating
dammitall223 - 12 years ago
"Look for the Real Seal!"
sophia - 12 years ago
Poor seal..
yeiyei0891 - 12 years ago
Maria Zacharias
Maria Zacharias - 12 years ago
2:29 one way of getting rid of a Burka spose lol ;)
Maria Zacharias
Maria Zacharias - 12 years ago
1:00 Pterosaurs too, blimey double whammy ;))
faz1991 - 12 years ago
Agnostic makes sense because you cannot prove that God exists or not. Atheists are at the same fault that they accuse God believers of being at.
joiles01 - 12 years ago
Then what created God? And if you say God always existed, then you concede that you think like the atheists in that things can exist without a creator. If you say something did create God, then you concede that you are actually worshiping the middle man, which seems like a silly thing to do. A shark was not "intelligently designed," but rather honed to perfection for its environment over the last 400 million years. Don't cheapen its beauty by tacking on your hokey Iron Age beliefs.
sebwebster - 12 years ago
2:25 best tripple H impression by a shark!
chrisroor - 12 years ago
"all that surrounds us" Nothing surrounds "us". We are as much a part of the environment as any other part of it, we simply live in the illusion that there is a separation. Who are you? Think deeply about that question, and constantly try and observe the observer.
Cynthia Gonzalez
Cynthia Gonzalez - 12 years ago
Say selena gomez 5 times clap 5 times post this in two other video check your voice
Visitant - 12 years ago
Thats what he gets fro trying to escape in slow motion.
Lars Elje
Lars Elje - 12 years ago
Lol? You think a person in the sky created all that surrounds us? Damn, religious people crack me up, has to be the most naiv and stupid people on earth.
THI4F - 12 years ago
Scariest animal on this planet in my opinion.. Just imagine seeing one of these monsters swiming in your direction..
alexorion k
alexorion k - 12 years ago
Wow. Wow. Wow.
Redbird - 12 years ago
Seals remind me of puppies, but with fins. So sad that sharks eat them :(
purpleprinc3 - 12 years ago
I think the shark is spitting to show the decoy pissed him off.
B0AnDLKrAM3R - 12 years ago
Gute Cam! Klasse Film! Faszinierende Tiere, so hab ich sie noch nie gesehen!..Wie schnell sich sein Gebiss ändert! Top Good cam! Class film! Fascinating creatures, how I've never been good cam! Class film! Fascinating creatures, how I've never seen! .. How quickly changes his dentures! Top
PColado Carrión
PColado Carrión - 12 years ago
se ven cuerdas se que estan puestas las focas ahí adrede? Las han matao ellos antes a palos o que?
Stoffel. - 12 years ago
lol the sharks attacked the seals in slowmotion, yet they still couldn't get away.... suckers had it coming
TheSuiton88 - 12 years ago
Krasse viecher!
CatsAndPokemon - 12 years ago
Amazing creatures..
Mati Riachi
Mati Riachi - 12 years ago
muy bueno muy bueno
Jomar Ulanday
Jomar Ulanday - 12 years ago
@vwlkexa yeah i have spent over 15k on make money products and most were full of crap! but it was totally worth it because i ended up finding the method that pays better than any job. if your dedicated anyone can turn this method in an income have a look =>
Gerardo Briganti
Gerardo Briganti - 12 years ago
El naranja del atardecer reflejándose en su cuerpo es perfecto.
Eric Russell
Eric Russell - 12 years ago
kinda cool
Jordan Ricks
Jordan Ricks - 12 years ago
Salt life
fuckingsunday - 12 years ago
oMG..that's so freaking scary D:'
Mac Glover
Mac Glover - 12 years ago
Not a good day to be a seal...
lola lilly
lola lilly - 12 years ago
Wow that's a huge shark
jimjabbo - 12 years ago
Why tease them just for the sake of getting good footage..the amount of energy they have to burn to expel them completely out of the water needs to be replaced by real food, not some inflated toy..that last shark could easily swamp that little boat and then the real sport would begin...
James Khristopher
James Khristopher - 12 years ago
Simply amazing
PiaruBellu - 12 years ago
thanks for greats images I love to see
printrun5 - 12 years ago
people (japanese i would say_ will hunt you down, cut off your fins and let you die motionless on the bottom of the sea :-/ sad fact... if you wanna be the most dangerous animal in this world - be human
Ricky Spanish
Ricky Spanish - 12 years ago
one of the most awesome videos i ever saw on the internet thank u uploader
ITM Instruments Inc.
ITM Instruments Inc. - 12 years ago
It's Shark Week!! This video is awesome, check it out!
abdullaal mamun
abdullaal mamun - 9 years ago
+ITM Instruments hiya, the most hops that I have ever gained was with theSoaringBaller (just google it) Easily the most effective jump programe that I have ever done.
makadeni123 - 12 years ago
when the shar jumps out near the boat only one person's watching. ha
Dennis Slusser Jr
Dennis Slusser Jr - 12 years ago
shark lyfe ~
Cem Topal
Cem Topal - 12 years ago
Sharks are amazing, I mean just look at that mouth and especially teeth's.
Ahmad Jalout
Ahmad Jalout - 12 years ago
That shark is just a big bad ass
Frank Marsiglio
Frank Marsiglio - 12 years ago
IF there is an afterlife, and IF i do get the chance to comeback as something, im coming back as one of these beasts.
steveatrayve - 12 years ago
lol, you don't have to watch till the end and even then it doesn't take a genius to figure that out - cause halfway thru the video itself he says that it's a 'decoy'
LootmasterDK - 12 years ago
Yes, it is indeed fake. Watched this show on Discovery "Shark Night" i think it was ... a while back. They were trying to see if the Great White would jump out of the water and using this specialmade rubber seal. Would be kinda cruel to be dragging a real live seal after the boat ....
DjCatani - 12 years ago
What's wrong with you people? You don't really think that someone would actually use real life animals just to take some hd shots of some sharks? No one is that cruel
Horrible :(
indalymelite - 12 years ago
Thats power,its sheer power.
Fabian Reichle
Fabian Reichle - 12 years ago
If you would watch the clip to it's end, then you will realize, that it's not a real seal…
vidzholic - 12 years ago
Seals on a leash! sadistic bastards from Discovery Channel
Yalim Nuri
Yalim Nuri - 12 years ago
Poor Seals Thubms Up If You Feel Said for The Seals
Cipralex Lucaci
Cipralex Lucaci - 12 years ago
Yes,sorry :)
AntsInmyeyes Johnson
AntsInmyeyes Johnson - 12 years ago
Robert Taylor
Robert Taylor - 12 years ago
To think in my lifetime (23) I watched docs about sharks and they had no clue gret whites did this. Science!
Nawaf Yousif
Nawaf Yousif - 12 years ago
ما شاء الله صبحانه الله
Tommy Towse
Tommy Towse - 12 years ago
Beautifully camera work !
Jorge Pons
Jorge Pons - 12 years ago
y por eso, no hay que alejarse de la orilla...
swemezza - 12 years ago
3:29 You look tasty!
Polo Man
Polo Man - 12 years ago
Didn't BBC Planet Earth already show this footage but better?
1000hpHONDA - 12 years ago
You'll say that I'm sure when you wake up to a 67ft Megalodon crashing through your wall, jaws gaping open.
Alexandre Poncin
Alexandre Poncin - 12 years ago
Webchoc :)
Alejandro Fernandi
Alejandro Fernandi - 12 years ago
KGiouloglou - 12 years ago
Stupid moronic humans fucking with nature so they can make money, take pics, blah blah blah. National Geographic should be boycotted for endorsing thus kind of thing.
KGiouloglou - 12 years ago
stupid .o
Ny Grey
Ny Grey - 12 years ago
Your Stooooooooooooooooooooooooopid theres no such thing, I bet your a sarcastic nerd
John Edwards
John Edwards - 12 years ago
Michelle Morrison
Michelle Morrison - 12 years ago
INSANE!!!!! Can you imagine being in that boat while that was happening .....Heebie-Jeebies!!!
zebnat - 12 years ago
he mad
Lazos3 - 12 years ago
@MrKaminis 1) Να λες και ευχαριστω που σου προσφερουν τετοιο θεαμα. 2) Οι ανρθωποι ειναι επιστημονες που μελετουνε τους καρχαριες με πλαστικες φωκιες και το σχοινι το εχουν για να τραβανε ξανα πισω τη ψευτικη φωκια.3) Τιποτα δε γινετε αφιλοκερδος εκτος και αν θες εσυ να τους χρηματοδοτησεις και να τους πεις να μην κανουνε δοκυμαντερ. Οσες γνωσεις εχεις τις εχεις απο αυτους που καθονται ολη μερα και μελετανε τα ζωα με διαφορες γνωσεις, γιαυτο σταματα να θες να τραβας την προσοχη με μαλακιες...
Check Out BadCameraGaming
Check Out BadCameraGaming - 12 years ago
SinDawg030 - 12 years ago
Indietrix Film Reviews
Indietrix Film Reviews - 12 years ago
proper shark stuff starts 0:18 - forget those seal imposters
JUANDA TORRES - 12 years ago
Esque es una de plastico
JUANDA TORRES - 12 years ago
tu eres idiota¿¿¿ en algun momento ves a una foca o morsa moverse¿¿? madre mia es un trozo de plastico que imita su cuerpo enserio hay gente muy estupida
rzasian - 12 years ago
Don't worry we have chinese people to take care of that
Denny Johnson
Denny Johnson - 12 years ago
Love great white sharks!
Maybenextyear1 - 12 years ago
I am pretty sure that this is a replica not a real seal. Watch carefully at 3:41! It is not an animal. And you can see the string on it. And actually there is no blood. Anyway this video is amazing.
powerk21 - 12 years ago
HOLY FUCK! I'm scared of swimming in the sea!
1000hpHONDA - 12 years ago
The sharks that you see in this video are merely scouts, pawns to the ferocious, winged behemoths that will soon dominate everything with flesh above sea level.
dcadsaqs32 fdfwefwe
dcadsaqs32 fdfwefwe - 12 years ago
This in HD, Is the Best!!!
Petra Atxumarri
Petra Atxumarri - 12 years ago
Cipralex Lucaci
Cipralex Lucaci - 12 years ago
Sharks definetly scares me,but..I have to admin,they are pretty amazing creatures.
Ferrislilly - 12 years ago
Absolutely amazing.
oefel - 12 years ago
Frank Marsiglio
Frank Marsiglio - 12 years ago
how many feet is the shark at 3:11?
Hamish Hamilton
Hamish Hamilton - 12 years ago
Spit out? Not sure about that one. Looks like they chomp the decoy, unless they miss whereby they spit at the cameraman.
Mohamed amine Reguig
Mohamed amine Reguig - 12 years ago
Bonne appétit !
Rele - 12 years ago
This is why I'm never ever fucking with the ocean
sergiesquivel - 12 years ago
pero tio, ¿no te das cuenta de que son muñecos?
Alvaro Ramos
Alvaro Ramos - 12 years ago
De hecho lo dice el comentarista en 02:19 - "Es interesante ver qué rápido, en el momento de morder, detecta que el señuelo no es comida de verdad, y lo rechaza y escupe junto con una gran cantidad de agua".
Gerard P.
Gerard P. - 12 years ago
Se me han quitado las ganas de bañarme este verano en la playa.
nazril hafiz
nazril hafiz - 12 years ago
kill a seal just to shot the shark eating..
Alex Granero
Alex Granero - 12 years ago
No se si un muñeco, pero cebo es seguro porque en algunas tomas se ve claramente un hilo caer al agua
Aitor Arce
Aitor Arce - 12 years ago
Si te fijas bien veras que no es una foca sino un muñeco parece que hecho con un traje de buceo.
Spr0ud - 12 years ago
¿En serio? ¿Lo dices en serio? Estas ciego, ¿no? Se ve a millones de kilometros que esas "focas" son de goma, mirate Air Jaws del Discovery Channel anda...
Enrique Calvo
Enrique Calvo - 12 years ago
that was fucking amazing, love it
MAYODEL76 - 12 years ago
El video esta guapo, pero son un poco cabrones dejando la foca amarrada sin que pueda escapar del ateque del tiburon.
shoangore - 12 years ago
DulshanK - 12 years ago
i believe in jaws now
quickP76 - 12 years ago
Try telling these guys to go vegan ;) Evolutionary perfection!
Mikie Swart
Mikie Swart - 12 years ago
Now THAT'S fishing.
Muscleduck - 12 years ago
I wanted to see real seals being ripped to shreds by sharks in slow motion.
benjamin benjamin
benjamin benjamin - 12 years ago
EInai dynaton na xrisimopoiousan kanoniki fwkia gia dwloma se kanali opws to Discoverry channel ? Katarxin kai mywpia na exeis to leei kiolas oti o karxarias ftynei to dwloma giati katalavenei oti den einai kanoniko faghto , petontas para poly nero apo to stoma tou. Pante prwta se enan giatro gia ta matia kai meta pane na matheis agglika se kanena frontistirio ante palikari mou ante.
Remzi Ali oglou
Remzi Ali oglou - 12 years ago
Ein k giayto dn t apanthsa st teleytaio!
philippos anastasiou
philippos anastasiou - 12 years ago
+fwnw 4eftiko einai
Misery - 12 years ago
pseftiko einai re thes gialia sovara
Γιωργος Καμινης
Γιωργος Καμινης - 12 years ago
Ενταξει σοβαρευτηκα τωρα μη με δειρεις! Αφου ειναι λαστιχενια τοτε γιατι την εχουν δεμενη ,για να μην τους ξεφυγει ή εσυ εχεις ξεφυγει? Η απαντηση σου παντως ηταν σουπερ ουαου! Epic! Οπως επισης και τα Ελληνικα σου! Σουπερ ουαου! Υο Υο Man!
Γιωργος Καμινης
Γιωργος Καμινης - 12 years ago
Μηπως εσυ εισαι καθυστερημενος? Μηπως βλεπεις μονο αυτα που θες να δεις και οχι την κτηνωδια? 2:52 Εκτος κι αν βλεπω μονο εγω το σχοινι που εχουν δεμενη τη φωκια... Ολα στο βωμο του χρηματος και του HD! Μπεεεεεε! Στην επομενη εκπομπη να μπεις εσυ στη θεση της φωκιας να δουμε το ''τυχαιο'' γεγονος!
Misery - 12 years ago
kathisterimenos eisai?
Remzi Ali oglou
Remzi Ali oglou - 12 years ago
agori m lastixenia ein!sovarepsou!
Ibrahim Alsaeed
Ibrahim Alsaeed - 12 years ago
@11esky f**k u and ur seadog... they are merely food.. sharks are the coolest.. and sadly endangered
toutagamon - 12 years ago
Shark: Mom, today I tasted rubber!
Beethovenboy - 12 years ago
Whoah, that shark caught air! Still hate you. Still hate you.
Evaleen Chalkley
Evaleen Chalkley - 12 years ago
Gotta love Chris Fallows and his research!
11esky - 12 years ago
i hate sharks poooooooooooooooooooor sea dogs
Γιωργος Καμινης
Γιωργος Καμινης - 12 years ago
Ευχομαι να παθουν τα ιδια και αυτοι που δενουν τις φωκιες για να ''δουν τον θυτη και το θυμα'' οι τηλεθεατες μονο και μονο για να διατηρησουν μια αχρηστη εκπομπη οπως ειναι και το discovery channel.
Master Freez
Master Freez - 12 years ago
Thumbs up if you came from Rachel Roxxx's twitter account :)
GobiLux - 12 years ago
Chandler is faping like crazy!
AussiefromleDoubs - 12 years ago
This is a snuff film ! It's sick !
Dr. MJOLNIR - 12 years ago
It's only a matter of time before the sharks move to the air and conquer our skies.
filan fisteku
filan fisteku - 12 years ago
woow, slow motion, HD, perfect :)
R U Silky Smooth
R U Silky Smooth - 12 years ago
I hope no one fell overboard wearing a wet suit or black jacket. yum! super-sized meal coming up.
FartyFace - 12 years ago
Dustin Flaugher
Dustin Flaugher - 12 years ago
they were in a boat the size of that shark..... screw that! Awesome video though.
Stew P.
Stew P. - 12 years ago
That's how I take my food at McDonald's.
Mia Mayes
Mia Mayes - 12 years ago
One of the world's most gorgeous, natural beauties! x
ekibastoz - 12 years ago
kreatose - 12 years ago
Can you read this...! Am i at the top yet :p
CzCool1989 - 12 years ago
I think you are looking to have the top comment right? ^_^
Kidynamide Kidynamide
Kidynamide Kidynamide - 12 years ago
i just come here to see the top comment!
wish2bflying - 12 years ago
Hey camera guy, I think you're gonna need a bigger boat!
lastStand1674 - 12 years ago
that is awesome !
Capt Flea
Capt Flea - 12 years ago
Don't feed the trolls man
SKINNY - 12 years ago
Iván Monster
Iván Monster - 12 years ago
2:24 Sharpedo usó chorro de agua. No es muy eficaz.
Imam Wibowo
Imam Wibowo - 12 years ago
mom... do you mind if i pet a shark ?
Nora Donett
Nora Donett - 12 years ago
Woah, relax! Those are not real seals, they are some kind of puppets. The guy mentions it in tie video saying that "sharks know when the pray isn't the right one and let go of it". If you watch carefully, you can see those are not seals. And whenever they tape animals eating, they never use others as bait but let the predator find its own food.
TheTrololoTroll - 12 years ago
TheTrololoTroll - 12 years ago
They specifically said in the video that it's a fake. It's not an actual seal... And besides, if they did capture a shark attack on film, it would just be a raw shot of nature. And aren't Canadians cool with Obama b/c of the free health care stuff?
torontoguy1097 - 12 years ago
You can clearly see the bait line that the American filmaker attached to the poor innocent seal.

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