Submarine Shark Caught on Video

My recent interview with shark attack survivor Boyd Roe lead me to this offshore oil rig surveillance footage from 1996 featuring what I believe is a massive, 30-foot-plus great white shark called Submarine.

Submarine Shark Caught on Video sentiment_very_dissatisfied 233

Shark videos 10 years ago 422,594 views

My recent interview with shark attack survivor Boyd Roe lead me to this offshore oil rig surveillance footage from 1996 featuring what I believe is a massive, 30-foot-plus great white shark called Submarine.

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Most popular comments
for Submarine Shark Caught on Video

Terry Carr
Terry Carr - 7 years ago
I fell for it blindly ,a shark hiding by keeping dead still ,a shark pulling down a 4800lb flotation device , a shark pushing a man further out to deeper waters as well as letting the time pass as he had not long ate a woman and had to wait 15-20 minutes b4 it could shit her out what was left of her ,a shark that has a super power that other sharks don't possess this being the ability that this facking shark had me hook line and sinker it's super power being the ability to have me red faced in embarrassment for believing that a great White was/is 35ft long. (Yet rarely seen) ,can stop and wait dead still (without drowning like it would) ,that can predict the time knowing it craps out it's dinner every 15-20 minutes ,that it can pull down 4800lb objects under the sea ,my gosh I must be tired to have fell for such a yarn more like a facking yawn
Mr & Mrs Plummer
Mr & Mrs Plummer - 7 years ago
Lol settle down man..
George Thompson
George Thompson - 7 years ago
Everything their talking about is fake submarine does exist but not by way of discovery ch.
John Darwen
John Darwen - 7 years ago
Everyone please report this channel as spam and misleading! This will teach these guys for bullshiting and misleading!
Dan Bugenhagen
Dan Bugenhagen - 7 years ago
They have several great white sharks over30ft on record, but this isn't one of them. But probably quite a few that big or bigger, it's a real big oceans world.
John Darwen
John Darwen - 7 years ago
You guys are so full of shit! You're being exposed for misleading this program is clickbait and he's been reported to YouTube!
Taiymoor Hasnain
Taiymoor Hasnain - 7 years ago
Mel why the fuck wud u go to such lengths to create sucha fakiest thing ever and that to jn collaboration with a channel as prestige as discovery why not just knock on doors lof holly wood go make a movie instead of playing with ppl minds and all ... shame on u and all of your crew
Joseph Charles
Joseph Charles - 7 years ago
I fucking hate Discovery.
TADionysus - 7 years ago
and another thing sharks cant sit still they have to keep swimming or they die

10. comment for Submarine Shark Caught on Video

TADionysus - 7 years ago
and if you look clearly right there the thing it swims past does not even move when she shark goes passed it which tells me that the shark was either wrote in the video or that think is swims past is alot smaller making the shark appear bigger its probably just a 15 foot great white nothing to freak out about
whatido120 - 7 years ago
Oh brother fake as fuck
GD Q - 7 years ago
Irene Dimeski
Irene Dimeski - 7 years ago
Whenever they talk about submarine they alwats say he has a scar so everyone knows to say that
Jesus Martinez
Jesus Martinez - 7 years ago
wow amazing,
tanda54 - 7 years ago
utter shite. bullshit
Krush Jones
Krush Jones - 7 years ago
What a load of bollocks!
MrBigK1970 - 7 years ago
2112 Bangkok
2112 Bangkok - 7 years ago
what camera says internal use only?
The E.C.R.G the Realm of the Unknown!
The E.C.R.G the Realm of the Unknown! - 7 years ago
Thank you Sir ! I thought I was going insane !

20. comment for Submarine Shark Caught on Video

crg750 - 7 years ago
Fake documentary science exposé like this one do not belong on the actual science channels like Discovery. It is a ridiculous disservice to actual science and scientists. Rubbish!
Phil Giellea
Phil Giellea - 7 years ago
royalordinance - 7 years ago
phoney acting
I love dogs
I love dogs - 7 years ago
hahahah what a load of.shit
Ian Parker
Ian Parker - 7 years ago
Excellent acting, for a soap. Amazing footage, for a soap. Don't bother watching.
Viking Power
Viking Power - 8 years ago
I really hope one day to see some real clear film of this Super Shark called Submarine. Scar and all. If true this shark is a monster in size. possibly the largest White Shark ever. Historical records put the largest white shark at 42 feet caught in a fishing wier in Nova Scotia but that's unconfirmed.
colin lee
colin lee - 8 years ago
It is a bunch of ACTORS...Get a life!
Peter Emmanuel
Peter Emmanuel - 8 years ago
why does it have the horizontal tail fin of a whale.. don't sharks have vertical tail fins.
tatical1975 - 8 years ago
that was funny
L D - 8 years ago
Another fake video and story like discovery mermaids and dragons . Bad actor bad acting ! Bullshit alert!

30. comment for Submarine Shark Caught on Video

dave fendick
dave fendick - 8 years ago
wow, i'd like to believe but this is clearly being acted by really terrible actors. not fooled over here.
Helori Pascal
Helori Pascal - 8 years ago
Oh my God this is as about as fake as can be. That "interview" was some of the worst acting I have ever seen.
matthew lord
matthew lord - 8 years ago
Your body language clearly screams hoax. Nice one though...
phix76 - 8 years ago
looks fake as...
86cleo86 - 8 years ago
liar, con man, get some real education and don't lie, plenty of web pages saying you are nobody, just liar.
BlackAnvil47 - 8 years ago
I'm like you on this, but to belive something isn't out there in the ocean when there is a new species of insects are being discovered in the amazon jungle weekly. I will say when something is found the cameraman probably won't survive the discovery.
ivannthegreat1 - 8 years ago
Could this be a legendary MEGALODON because it does looks HUGE.
Ryan Griffin
Ryan Griffin - 8 years ago
muppit go suck balls
jakecroc - 8 years ago
I swear, the more I watch this, the more my heart just sinks... If I may be so bold, Mr. Thurmond, I think what you're on to is absolutely breath-taking, inspiring, actually. If I hadn't seen this footage, or the one of the free-diver, by the boat, I never would have believed it. Hell, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I mean the idea, of a Great White, that's bigger than jaws, twice as mean, and twice as cunning... actually existing... It's almost as unfathomable as the ocean, itself. I personally, don't know, just how lucky that diver, thinks he really was. It's almost as if "Submarine" was waiting for him... like it was just sitting there, trying to make out what was coming towards it. I'm not sure if it really could detect him, or even see him, clearly. I'm aware that most sharks don't have the best eyesight. What with him, wearing a wetsuit, blocking most of his scent, and masking most of his electrical impulses, given off by his heartbeat. One thing was for damn sure, that footage was as legit as it gets, if not this one, as well. Just watching the video... It's almost as if... he was just, barely out of "Submarine's" Range of ambush. I can't help but imagine, if he had gotten any closer, would he have gotten out of there, alive? It's terrifying just to contemplate. If I could get your opinion on all of this, it might just give some much needed disclosure, on what this creature is truly be capable of. As a Shark, and animal Enthusiast, I am just dying to know.
Thank You,
The step brothers
The step brothers - 8 years ago
But it is sad I'm sorry for his loss
The step brothers
The step brothers - 8 years ago
I don't care about submarine I care about Megalaodon
Noah Curless
Noah Curless - 8 years ago
i think it was shark week of 2011 that air jaws a brand new episode and thew caught submarine on camera and recognized him from his scar it waz amazing footage.
ABOLFASR - 8 years ago
There is no "South African Institute for Marine Research" This is all fake!
Luthfi Purbo R
Luthfi Purbo R - 8 years ago
I think this submarine shark have 58 feet in the accident in 1996, in my calculation 17 years old great white is 24 feet long, the old captain before this video said he saw big shadow in the water and he think it juts a whale, and after this shark attack his boat he make some scratch under left eye of the shark with harpoon, if this shark is 30 feet long in 1976 it is 21 years old, so in 1996 in the acident of this legendary shark attack the boy it have 58 feet long and 41 years old, so if this legendary shark still alive in this year 2016 it have 86 feet long and 61 years old, that's my calculation
sorry if my english bad, i'm from indonesia by the way
Randolph Davis
Randolph Davis - 8 years ago
This is bullshit
Iver Beegun
Iver Beegun - 8 years ago
Ricardo Ruiz-Montanez
Ricardo Ruiz-Montanez - 9 years ago
the video of the big shark is also relevant to a video about a woman holding on to a massive Bowie the all of a sudden her and the enormous bowie goes under can you explain why you are using the same video to say a kid named Ned was killed by the shark in the video? I'm a big believer of creatures not yet seen by human eyes but this is one I'm interested in but seems like a hoax?
Zoe Culpepper
Zoe Culpepper - 9 years ago
For everyone who thinks that it isnt real..... there is millions of feet of ocean that hasn't been discovered.... We have found the giant squid plus more ocean creatures that were supposed to have gone extinct. The submarine and megalodon... are two things that can definitely be real.... and all you people out there who think that there is absolutely no way that these sharks can't exist... the people who actually believe in these and have deticated their entire life to researching this should get just a little more credit than all of you guys out there that think that hes wasting his life and should get a real job. Hes a marine biologist!!! Thats what they do is study marine life, they are the reason we have found the giant squid. So go ahead and comment how stupid I am but that is my opinion not yours, and if you think that its ok to make fun of someone for their opinion then you have another thing comin... So go ahead, give me your worst..
ABOLFASR - 8 years ago
There is no "South African Institute for Marine Research" that this clown is supposedly a "Senior Fellow" at! Regardless whether there can exist Massive sharks that we have yet to discover, All the "evidence" presented by this Actor are fake!
Anthony  Smethurst
Anthony Smethurst - 9 years ago
Mate you don't know shit l. Predators tails are vertice and that one was horizontal it's NOT a shark it's probable a wale fuck face
caden roper
caden roper - 9 years ago
Junitonavedo1970 - 8 years ago
..I am thinking it's fake too,but will you swim in those waters? don't think so..
ReaLexEnder - 9 years ago
tai kai lah
jc6621 - 9 years ago
Also who ever heard of a great white shark that stays motionless in the water. They have to keep moving. I don't buy it.
jakecroc - 8 years ago
There is way more to nature, than will ever be understood...
Zoe Culpepper
Zoe Culpepper - 9 years ago
+jc6621 nurse sharks dont have to move....

50. comment for Submarine Shark Caught on Video

jc6621 - 9 years ago
It appears to be large. How big is that square thing next to the shark? Because if that's only a few feet long then that's not a very big shark.
86cleo86 - 9 years ago
One year ago you did claim existence of unicorns on Jupiter :) You are full of fake, get real job !
Lou Bustos
Lou Bustos - 9 years ago
I feel your pain. I understand that you have put a lot of time and effort (years) looking for this monster, but wanting to see evidence and actually having it are two different things. According to this young man, his brother was killed by the shark submarine. Has he ever seen it before? If not, how does he know it was that particular fish? Also, look at his body posture, eyes, and hand gestures. He doesn't believe what he is saying. He may not be lying, but he is not telling the whole story. Sorry, but he is not credible.
Lou Bustos
Lou Bustos - 9 years ago
ok, Zoe, I feel bad that his brother died.  
Zoe Culpepper
Zoe Culpepper - 9 years ago
+Lou Bustos you didnt answer my question.... his brother died and he cant move!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Lou Bustos
Lou Bustos - 9 years ago
The shark Submarine is a fictional animal, invented by Shark week. If his brother was killed by a shark, it wasn't the fabled Submarine.
Zoe Culpepper
Zoe Culpepper - 9 years ago
+Lou Bustos his brother was killed by a shark... would you be just sitting still?
justin thymes
justin thymes - 9 years ago
Like your vids,dunno about discovery tho.After the mermaid thing I really couldnt buy anything they put out.Amish mafia,devils ride,breaking amish etc...............
mostwantedskn - 9 years ago
Stupid dum ass People its real look up the documentary 'SHARK OF DARKNESS WRATH OF SUBMARINE'
Raymond Williams
Raymond Williams - 9 years ago
adam winter
adam winter - 9 years ago
of course it is fake ... they were tagging sharks in another documentary in shark alley (where the ship sank and "submarine" attacked) and wanted to find out, why there were never any shark attacks (compared to cape cod), although it was near to a beach ... pay a little attention
Edward Feeney
Edward Feeney - 9 years ago
don't be too surprised there r 2 dif types of great white sharks and 2 everyone do keep in mind that great white sharks r the perfect hunter they never had to adapt or evolve they r smart and also u do know every animal land or sea has a ancestor  from prehistoric time in this case and its been proven great white ancister is megalodon 60 ft great white  now true usually great whites grow a quarter or alil over sometimes more then a quarter but do keep in mind there is a 30 ft shark collasis  they proved  now subaraine is a 30 ft or a lil over but only great white shark that elvolved  when it hunts makin it smarter and the only great white that's goes for human flesh don't knock it out totally keep in open mind
Charleigh Nickel
Charleigh Nickel - 9 years ago
Sharks move so they can breath submarine is a whole different story o.o scientists claim that submarine is a different species of shark but others think he's some sort of alien... but my question is... is submarine more dangerous then megalodon or is it the other way around?... all I know is there both scary and they scared me so much that my mom can't get me to go to the beach anymore :(
Angel Gd
Angel Gd - 9 years ago
Discovery channel and their new leadership say they want to recapture their credibility.  Yet you look on their sites and can't find an outright admission this is fake.  What they say is Submarine is legend, but they never connect the legend and the "documentary" Wrath of Submarine as fiction.   If they truly were serious they would have a clear statement the events in Wrath of Submarine were not real events and just a fictionalized account of what a shark that big and that cunning could do.

Yet all we have is accounts that are not fact.  I just won't give them my time until they admit openly on their own site and start actually doing real documentaries all the time based on scientific fact as best we understand it.  Write them and pressure them and maybe we can educate the unbelievable number of people that believe this is an actual event that took place.
Jesse Weiske
Jesse Weiske - 9 years ago
Sorry I don't believe
Phillip Fernandez
Phillip Fernandez - 9 years ago
I love this shark .......
Angel Gd
Angel Gd - 10 years ago
This is straight out of the mockumentary "Submarine shark of darkness", really come on man.
Angel Gd
Angel Gd - 9 years ago
+Zoe Culpepper Is it possible sure, what we are talking about is "submarine" a fake documentary that was created for shark week, and footage of a shark that is not in any way a megalodon.  I believe great whites could exist much larger than we know, I believe megalodon could still exist, but the problem is when people are so gullible to believe in things simply because they saw it on TV.  Believing is not the crime, but putting forth false evidence as an argument for the existence of something isn't good for science or the people who actually do more than watch the discovery channel, which admitted openly submarine was fake, and are in the field actually doing science.
Zoe Culpepper
Zoe Culpepper - 9 years ago
+Angel Gd when they actually prove that a submarine and a megalodon are in fact real u"believers in everything we see on t.v" aren't gonna be the stupid ones
Angel Gd
Angel Gd - 9 years ago
+Tr1plett Really, you believe this is an actual event and I'm the retard?????  I feel sorry for you, You take care now.
Angel Gd
Angel Gd - 9 years ago
+Tr1plett Hey believer in everything you see on TV.  It is known fact that this is a Mockumentary of a local legend that may or may not exist.  It's done by the discovery channel and created huge controversy at the time because Shark Week used to be about facts not drama that was made up.  It's pretty easy to confirm this, through simple research on your own but you want to just take for fact that this is real.  

Somewhere at the beginning , or in the credits there should be a disclaimer, probably pretty small but it's there.  I watched on national geographic the autopsy of T-REX by real dinosaur experts that showed them, using the advice of those same experts on their best knowledge and comparison to animals and reptiles today that had similar physical and characteristics and through serious bone analysis that has only existed in the last 15 or so years.  

Instead of going down the list and insulting all of us who did our homework and know we're right, how about you do the same, and maybe you won't come off looking so naive while trying to insult all of us.  It just makes you look really uneducated and a sheep believing everything you see on TV that is touted as real, or that just looks real.  Research the names in the documentary, look up the victims names, ask Discovery directly.  They took a lot of heat for this fiction, but it garnered so much attention and was entertaining, but that's all it was entertainment to kick off Shark Week.  
Stanley Hutchinson
Stanley Hutchinson - 10 years ago
you're an idiot
ChanoCyber9Avila - 10 years ago
Ever consider that submarine could be a super shark from a laboratory? A super hybrid?
Christel Vinot
Christel Vinot - 9 years ago
+ChanoCYBER9Avila Why would we consider that, when we know that MOST of the ocean remains undiscovered and we know for a fact there are millions of species in existence that we don't even know about yet. The chances of this occurring in nature are highly likely, even probable. No big surprise... we already know there's stuff we haven't seen yet.
1987jimpi - 10 years ago
Why is it that in this video the footage shows the shark and you said "its tail stays still until it attacks his brother ". ?
Whereas in the documentary about submarine the same footage is used but it attacks a woman who is awaiting rescue
Bonkas mate
Bonkas mate - 10 years ago
This is a typical hoax crap video
SK - 10 years ago
dude love the enthusiasm I respect that. 
Anthony flores
Anthony flores - 10 years ago
So what if it exists or not, if it doesn't want to show itself then leave it alone or you'll get fucked up.
AGC Toby
AGC Toby - 10 years ago
hey man lets not get crazy, it could happen its just very unlikely that this was indeed a 30 to 35 foot great white. they usually go up to about 16 to 25 feet so it could be a fluke. though it was an extreme coincidence that when i was watching this a 6 to 9 foot bull shark swam across the coast when my family and i were at the beach
Natasha Hutcheson
Natasha Hutcheson - 10 years ago
It's real real real. All who don't believe just watch when the day comes they captured one
Josh Cox
Josh Cox - 10 years ago
This show is definitely fake. The boat that capsized was real but the shark "submarine" was never there killing anyone. You can find the actual story of what happened. Don't you think if a woman got dragged underwater by a 38ft great white than would be headline news instead of some dumb fake documentary. If i had evidence like they apparently had in this show i wouldn't be making a film about it. You would have to hunt that thing down. Just saying
glafiga - 10 years ago
Big Dave
Big Dave - 10 years ago
THE "Surveillance footage" is a COMPLETE FABRICATION (I have proof).  This video was not from 1996 and it was not filmed anywhere near South Africa.  It is from an ROV named "XLS-09" on the vessel Q-4000.  This video was taken in the Gulf of Mexico during the BP oil spill in 2010.  The text in the lower left (MC252) stands for "Mississippi Canyon 252".  This is the block where BP "Macondo" well is located.  On the original video there IS NO SHARK!  The large rectangular object in the video is the cap that was originally placed on the BP well in an unsuccessful attempt to stop the flow.
Fergus Tuifua
Fergus Tuifua - 10 years ago
Who's this Fucking geek below me stfu you asshole!
Wienah Wigglah
Wienah Wigglah - 10 years ago
tim barbare
tim barbare - 10 years ago
I think it is real fish grow to the size of their surroundings so why not get that big
Crystal Grey
Crystal Grey - 10 years ago
Just watched this on animal planet' it is true this shark ate 2 ppl in 20 minutes
mrsgaap1 - 10 years ago
looks moor like a shity CGI effect
Necron00b - 10 years ago
This is full retard, clearly all staged including the "interview". shame on you for this non-science.
Gonçalo Gonçalves
Gonçalo Gonçalves - 10 years ago
I want to believe in megalodon and shit, but this is fake, just look at the shark, looks computer made xD
RutnRampage - 10 years ago
This interview is rehearsed obviously.
george erasmus
george erasmus - 10 years ago
Less than 20 seconds in i spotted the first fake, south africa does not have that style ambulance, never has and never will. Fake fake fake. As a ocean lover this pisses me off to see all this fake crap being shown and spread. Jaws already did enough harm!!
Liana N. Meyers
Liana N. Meyers - 10 years ago
I'm researching this and my hypothesis is that its alive and I'm only a kid!
Louis Eaves
Louis Eaves - 10 years ago
OK you know the submarine shark video is fake right
HAMO HAMO - 10 years ago
ve do not have the right to kill him perhaps the only of its kind
Carey Allen
Carey Allen - 10 years ago
Maybe that kind of ability to sit still as a hunting tactic is an ability the Megalodon possessed or the largest and oldest great whites have adapted this ability like the nurse shark or the ones that can lie still and still pull water through the gills for oxygen without swimming.
Anonymous Person
Anonymous Person - 10 years ago
I believe him. Submarine is for REAL.
Ekhart Troll
Ekhart Troll - 10 years ago
robb4747 - 10 years ago
Fake, there's another video that uses the same "oil rig footage" but they say it's from a completely different attack.
starsan - 10 years ago
The legend of submarine himself is real, but this is faked
Longski1 - 10 years ago
Who cares if it's fake!!?? These shows are for entertainment, to be enjoyed. Obviously you can tell it's fake. So what? If Sharknado was presented as a documentary there wouldn't be this debate, so what's the difference?
tinotenda kutinyu
tinotenda kutinyu - 10 years ago
If u don't believe this u r afraid 2noe the truth
Aaron Ulrich
Aaron Ulrich - 10 years ago
This whole thing including the megalodon thing is fake. All the scenes are all scripted and the scientists are actors
Pogar Johnson
Pogar Johnson - 10 years ago
I took like three dabs and watched this and real or fake I'm not ever going in the ocean I knew that deep blue was fishy AF
BAHSS - 10 years ago
was totally fake.
Marisol - 10 years ago
You guys are so used to being lied to that when you actually see something real, you still assume its BS. cmon this is real
Tom Peary
Tom Peary - 10 years ago
Even if you were even slightly convinced it was real they can't act for shit. Who talks that way? Discovery licks shark balls these days. About as factual as Sky News
Tom Peary
Tom Peary - 9 years ago
Like you said douche
Angel Gd
Angel Gd - 9 years ago
+Tom Peary That douche (Triplett) went through every one of our "kinds" posts and insulted us that the ultimate source of knowledge is the Discovery Channel which at best is entertainment most of the time peppered with some real docs.
macwillydogg - 10 years ago
Fuck stupid shit like this. And fuck the people who can look in a camera and lie to people's faces. GAAAAAAAAAAAY!
Richard Rosario
Richard Rosario - 10 years ago
He's out there I just know it! There is so much we as humans just don't know is not even funny.

100. comment for Submarine Shark Caught on Video

Vernon Brooks
Vernon Brooks - 10 years ago
submarine out there he's alive
Barnacle Bill
Barnacle Bill - 10 years ago
until this is narrated by David Attenborough, i call bullcrap, the cgi in the documentary is quite absurd.
TheRisingwest - 10 years ago
i watched the story of submarine and hes a real asshole for messing with people and other fish.
brenda Franco
brenda Franco - 10 years ago
Too cool & so terrifying 
BrySkye - 10 years ago
It's bad enough making a fictional drama dressed up as a factual documentary/dramatisation, but to then expand the myth into social media as if the events in the show were real is just taking advantage of the average viewer.
There is no such thing as the "South African Institute for Marine Research", just as Mel Thurmond is a fictional character played by an actor.
One can only imagine that the real intitues, the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity or the South African Marine Predator Lab, did not want to be involved.

A documentary exploring the legend of Submarine and the possibility of its existance is fine, but making up shark attack incidents and creating fake footage with CGI is just silly if you're going to try and maintain the pretence that this is a 'documentary'.
It'd be better of presented as an actual movie of one man pursing the legend, shot as if the cameras aren't there.
Enco Enco
Enco Enco - 10 years ago
Mr Thurmond,

What are the measurements of the underwater construction?; seen in the video at: 2.18

ONLY than can you approximately know how big the shark is!
Kag 1995
Kag 1995 - 10 years ago
What is that it's swimming by
Fred Garvin
Fred Garvin - 10 years ago
There is no such marine institute. This guy's facebook page only goes back to january '14. It's fake.
Ignignokt Mooninite
Ignignokt Mooninite - 10 years ago
Sorry Mel . The "giant white shark" doesn't have a tail indicative of a white shark , which should be more lunate in appearance .

Fail .
Ignignokt Mooninite
Ignignokt Mooninite - 9 years ago
+Zoe Culpepper
There are several factors that lead me to conclude this isn't a lamnid shark . The snout is way too blunt (looks more like a bull or tiger) , the secondary dorsal is too large , the tail isn't as symmetrical and deep enough , and there isn't a pronounced lateral keel .
Zoe Culpepper
Zoe Culpepper - 9 years ago
+Ignignokt Mooninite actually it does... there is no other shark in the world that has the same tail as a great white shark tail... if you literally think that that is a comp;ete;y different shark...
WOLF - 10 years ago
Fake interveiw
Fake marine biologist
Fake everything..
I will no longer be whatching shark week as the last few years have had falsified footage and basically pointless time I've waisted whatching the discovery channel..
It's wrong to lie about a animal that doesn't exist and potentially harming these curious animals.. I want real facts about sharks not hints of a megaladon every year leading up to a bullshit finaly with guys like this talking bullshit they don't even know..
John - 10 years ago
so man ..meaning us, has only discovered 7% of the ocean floor that is out there..We dont know wtf is out there but i do know that there has to be 40 even 50 ft sharks out there..The pigmy whale was supposed to be instinct and they found one not even 4 years ago washed up on shore..That was megladdons primary food source back in its time..So if its favorite food source has not died out yet,how can this bahemoth of an animal not be around? I think its out there.and one day we all will get a good look at one,
Danger L
Danger L - 10 years ago
Fuck this Shit hell yeah I want the fucking truth but all ya niggas do is lie ya fucking asses off SHIT!!!
Brandon Sanderson's No.1 Fan
Brandon Sanderson's No.1 Fan - 10 years ago
Oh Lord! Here we go again!
Where are your parents? Be careful now. You give signs of being a danger to yourself on the internet.
sunkaiju47 psgaming
sunkaiju47 psgaming - 10 years ago
Bitch please I would rather believe in cthulu then this bullish*t.
mercuryhaute - 10 years ago
Shame on discovery channel for making this shit up. If you want to make a movie about crazy unreal sharks .. Go ahead! But presenting it as real... Lame ... The actor playing. "Mel thurmond " I'm sure you needed the cash but children and adults are believing this and are more scared of sharks than before. Is that the goal of sharkweek ? Hang your head low man.
Whitespeed7 - 10 years ago
Ppl are so fucking stupid and so easily tricked. Right Mel lol

Brandon Sanderson's No.1 Fan
Brandon Sanderson's No.1 Fan - 10 years ago
+Whitespeed7 : What are you? Two years old?
Whitespeed7 - 10 years ago
Fake lol
Jimmie  Luff
Jimmie Luff - 10 years ago
I guess these people don't care about looking like the biggest douchebags in the world when talking about these videos fucking sharknato was more believable
Nick Psarros
Nick Psarros - 10 years ago
Dont like to call people stupid, but, everybody that says this is real, COME ON. U can clearly see its Fake. The Acting is terrible. Wake up. It scares me you belive its true.
Brandon Sanderson's No.1 Fan
Brandon Sanderson's No.1 Fan - 10 years ago
Mel Thurmond, where are you? Come out and play! You obviously wanted us talking about this topic. Here's an idea, why not direct Discovery Channel's attention to this comments section and others like it. 
We are the audience to whom their programming is directed. 

They need to at least look at what their audience are saying. 
We are the ones who will determine the future of Discovery by our continued support. 
If we move away en masse to somewhere else, or get too upset as a group, Discovery, could suffer, their, obviously, worst nightmare, a terminal drop in viewers.

We and our families are the ones that keep Discovery Channel alive.
Please use your position to pass this on to the powers that be.
Brandon Sanderson's No.1 Fan
Brandon Sanderson's No.1 Fan - 10 years ago
Something to bear in mind with these animals is that the breeding population would, very likely, not be large. There could as few as a couple dozens, and the creatures could possibly take a long time to reach sexual maturity. ( please, note, that i am not a scientist. But i am sure they could give out numbers.) I can see these creatures easily traversing the entire globe to interact with each other. As the animal increases in size, the reproduction usually takes longer.

A dog's gestation period is about 2 months.
A goat's 5 months.
A cow's 9 months.
A horse's 12 months.
A donkey's 12-14 months.
A giraffe's 15 months.
An african elephant's almost 2 years.
A humpbacked whale's 2 years.
So, megalodon's would be possibly more, especially if it gave live birth like some dogfishes.
Sydney W
Sydney W - 10 years ago
the video at the end doesn't look real. it just looks like someone made that in animations. and the person 2 comments below me, u are calling yourself worthless. don't call someone worthless. humans are the reason we have electricity, A.C. if it weren't for a human, no one would be on youtube and no one would have a mobile or a computer. so before u go calling humans worthless. go dig ur own grave first.
Jason Green
Jason Green - 10 years ago
Okay, so I understand that this is all fake, but did anyone else wonder why the heck they claimed they couldn't do anything to help the guy getting pushed farther away by the shark? Is that an actual legit claim or was it just part of the lies?
bluekeet - 10 years ago
KG ajjahn hutchinson-baldwin
KG ajjahn hutchinson-baldwin - 10 years ago
Okay, wth people, for those who only critisize, stfu. And the guy who said thatsharks that sharks are incapable of thinking for themselves, you're a real dumbass. Are you a freaking shark? No! You're just a worthless human like the rest of the species. And btw, humans have only discovered around 10-15% of the ocean. People have no idea what's out there besides the U.S. government. So please, if you are not a shark, be quiet and do something else besides critisize this video. Critisize Discovery instead.
Melissa Selena
Melissa Selena - 10 years ago
Yup. Scary to think that something that big is out there
Gentle Singularity
Gentle Singularity - 10 years ago
This is cringe worthy fake. 
butch d
butch d - 10 years ago
goodbye discovery!
UnknownGhost - 10 years ago
Lets look at some key factors from this video, of why this appears to look like bullshit. Just mentioning it for the people that 100% believe this is true. Not trying to be a troll if it is entertainment. 

1) What is the boat doing near an oil rig? 
2) How come the operators on the rig didn't see or hear it?
3) If the boat was capsized right next to an oil rig, where there is cameras (Monitored 24/7 for oil leaks) not viewed until now?
4) How come the oil rig wasn't affected by the shark?
5) How come the largest shark ever "captured on video" happened to have "unique" characteristics?
6) How come its not in the media or ever heard of significantly?
6) A shark of this size and mass would need to stay significantly below the waters to avoid humans, however this would also mean the difference is air pressure would of killed it. 
7) Why would a 30+ feet shark be hiding away from a human (As it knew with its complex mind and intelligence) moments after capsizing a boat?
8) A megalodon can be up to 20 meters long with the average human being 1.8 meters. That would fill him and on top of this shark don't typically like the taste of us. So why would this shark eat one human, get full, and use its super intelligence to push another away from a safety to later eat him not even knowing its prey could possible fleet. This is like a great white eating a gold fish from a pond, they just don't do it. 

Can't be arsed to write anymore as I'm probably just wasting my time trying to change intolerant minds.

If you think I'm wrong I'd like to hear you answer all 8 of my statement/questions with justifiable answers like mine. Use legitimate answers with backed up information not just idiotic replies. 
Bruno Afonso
Bruno Afonso - 10 years ago
The boat didnt sink near the oil rig these are supposed to be old fotage of when another boy got attacked ^^
WickedNewb - 10 years ago
I don't think that is the actual footage
Michael James
Michael James - 10 years ago
what a joke!
isiah reyes
isiah reyes - 10 years ago
Guys how is this fake 2 people die because of that shark it was reported on news and newspaper and solid evidence and the people Who think this is cgi have very good vision and brain if it was all fake shark week would have been cancelled look at the show lost tapes it had footage of creatures but they admit it was fake and listen to what they say all eyewitness accounts have the same description of the shark. All you guys don't make sense . What's next you guys are gonna say fake to a new animal found on earth?
Matthew Thompson
Matthew Thompson - 10 years ago
The "victims" body language is 101 LYING watch how many times he puts his hand in front of his mouth, this is literally meaning "to hide something" Not to mention I'm a digital effects sup... nice video fx overlay on the "submarine footage"
Deception Detection
Deception Detection - 10 years ago
This is not real , none of it!
Deception Detection
Deception Detection - 10 years ago
HeartBelongsToGod - 10 years ago
DISCOVERY CHANNEL JUST ADMITTED IT IS FAKE!!!! I will never watch that channel again!
Darcy Chloe
Darcy Chloe - 10 years ago
DISCOVERY CHANNEL JUST ADMITTED IT IS FAKE!!!! I will never watch that channel again!
archer57 - 10 years ago
im not sure i believe any of this as intriguing as shark week was and it did kept me on edge of seat..i cant find anything on any of this other than discovery and as for Mel Thurmond everything is for aug 2014 so im unsure about any of this being real and if this guy actually exists...R U real Mel Thurmond..?????
ahartzjohnson - 10 years ago
Considering a google search on his name only brings results connected to discovery channel and the South African Institute for Marine Research does not exist, what do you think?  This is just Discovery shoving fake footage and actors in another viral marketing scam.  The channel has been completely unreliable for anything factual or educational for the past 14 years.
butch d
butch d - 10 years ago
i know submarine is real,because me,bigfoot,and the easter bunny watched it on discovery the other night!!
Dave Delta
Dave Delta - 10 years ago
Soo submarine plays poker with megadolon and mermaids every Friday? I call BULLSHIT
Angel Gd
Angel Gd - 9 years ago
+Dave Delta I have hope, hope no matter how unfounded that somehow Megalodon survived at depths we just can't do major research, in the same way it took so long for a giant squid to be discovered in it's environment, but I know it's unlikely and there is no proof of this being true. It's such a magnificent specimen.
WhyHelloThere - 10 years ago
This is actually real, it is located in South America and has a giant scar on it's left side, it's 35 ft long and Is just a MONSTER
Dmitri Shapovalov
Dmitri Shapovalov - 10 years ago
South America and South Africa are 2 different continents mate. Big ass water between the two of them where this did play off.
I lived in False Bay area so know about the stories surrounding this particular shark and Seal Island.

It does however exist and the  story dramatized in the footage did happen.
Blurgh Gitty
Blurgh Gitty - 10 years ago
The video itself was obviously CGI, megalodon or not they are exactly the same thing as a Great White Shark only large. That meaning that they move and act the same exact way, only preying on different food because of size difference. With that being said if you look at the way it moves in that clip and compare it to the thousands of videos we have of real Great Whites you can see how clearly fake it looks.
Chuck Monroe
Chuck Monroe - 10 years ago
Hey, people believe in evolution, global warming, big foot, and Barack Obama, why not a 35 foot shark? People are so gullible, or I should say stupid.
Joseph Charles
Joseph Charles - 7 years ago
Well, you're certainly stupid.
John Hickman
John Hickman - 10 years ago
Fake as a Vegas stripper's tits
SantMastah Flex
SantMastah Flex - 10 years ago
For all of you saying it's fake obviously it is, but it's entertaining. And all of you saying Great White Sharks can only grow up to 15 feet, tell me. Do you know every species in this whole wide world? No, you don't so shush the fuck up.
coldsteel32rs - 10 years ago
And why could they " just sit there not being able to do anything" when the shark was "pushing the guy out to sea" THREE RESCUE BOATS AND A HELICOPTER, AND YOU CAN DO NOTHING??? drive your boat over there and pull him out!!!
coldsteel32rs - 10 years ago
This is clearly fake. I know this because when Sam was entering the boat to rescue the three remaining victims, he went down the stairs and a camera was on him. Not his own camera, but a camera that was already down there. Nice try discovery, great actors
Jesse Cairo
Jesse Cairo - 10 years ago
25 years of research how old is this guy shit fake
mrlego611 - 10 years ago
2:16 "Look! Look right there! You can clearly make out an IMMENSE CGI great white shark!"
Patty Jones
Patty Jones - 10 years ago
Thats some bs
Steve C
Steve C - 10 years ago
A shark that large would not waste it's energy attacking a human.
Brandon Sanderson's No.1 Fan
Brandon Sanderson's No.1 Fan - 10 years ago
Animals, like Grizzlies, routinely, wastefully, move mountain-sides of boulders in order to eat moths and their grubs. 
gashgauge - 10 years ago
Submarine? Yeah hes friends with the mermaids. FAKE FAKE FAKE

WhyHelloThere - 10 years ago
Your so gay, this is actually real stupid little kid
Cajun Kev
Cajun Kev - 10 years ago
This video is from a Discovery channel fake documentary show!
Kuntry_boy24 - 10 years ago
no doubt in my mind that this shark exists and is extremely smart.
josh berrios
josh berrios - 10 years ago
Yea while I really wish this documentary was real, as I watched I couldn't help but ask myself if something like this happened really, as Mel says in the video, 3 months ago were when these events occurred, and there is no possible way this wouldn't be international news. Broadcast-ed all over news station and the internet. This is exactly the type of thing that would capture the minds and hearts of the general public and any journalist would kill to be the first to bring it to the attention of the public. The "scientist" were convincing enough for me whose knowledge of marine biology goes as far as my fish tank and the occasional shark week documentary, but when after I've taken the time to research the event its just obviously fake. I'm disappointed Discovery.  
Imperial Fistin
Imperial Fistin - 10 years ago
It really scares me that people would believe this.
Whale God
Whale God - 10 years ago
What a load of bullshit, harpoon to the face? a shark that size would have to been hit by a building if it had a scar like that...this guy is a fucking idiot. fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake....oh sorry i think this video is fake....
drewitup84 - 10 years ago
Mark I don't think its megladon its as huge dominate sophisticated white megladons would be around 60 ft ..but this shark is ferocious submarine is real the evidence supports it from witnesses and attacks to people killed and dissapeared
drewitup84 - 10 years ago
Tyler white its real he's the head honcho this is the ocean. A shark that big iuld look CGI pouncing they may have even been reenactments if the actual incident. And the body did not weigh 4800 lbs dumbass they said it required 4800 lbs of force to submerge it given the air in it and keep it submerged. And a 38 ft great white weighing roughly 8 or 9000 lbs could easily do that you fucktard. Also its been sighted by many people and many attacked survivors over decades describing the same shark with the same unique scar from a harpoon incident. Also no shark scar is the same on any shark. Its killed many people and has been sighted since the 70s and 1980s. The one guy or surfer got his leg torn off and described same shark its probably killed hundreds of people over 3 or 4 decades and estimated 27 in the last ten alone. This is the ocean ! And fish have indeterminate growth rates they grow there whole lives. A twenty ft great white caught off prince cape was only 17 years old so you can imagine. Also genes can play a big factor in huge sharks just like man or any species. Get a fuckin clue pal. Lmao
stephanie ozio
stephanie ozio - 10 years ago
If you're going to fake something do it right
Adam Anderson
Adam Anderson - 10 years ago
They had me going at first but after I thought about it for a moment I realized what a crock. The Discovery channel and the rest of these real world channels are becoming a bunch of sellouts and should be ashamed to promote lies and crap.  I can remember when you could actually learn stuff from the Discovery, History,Science etc. Now its about a  bunch of fake animals, dudes buying junk, fixing cars, and running pawn shops...please don't forget about the aliens and squatches.  Shameful garbage.  The name should be changed to the BullSh*t Channel. * rant over*
Emma7846 - 10 years ago
That is a megalodon not a great white because it's hunting tactics are like a mega's as in going from under to strike and disable or kill and the megalodon learned how to survive in today's water
Peter Serrano
Peter Serrano - 10 years ago
What a shitty video
Anthony Bille
Anthony Bille - 10 years ago
Keep up the Mokumentaries and people will stop watching Discovery. Assholes.
Watupthotv - 10 years ago
When the documentary starts it clearly says some of it has dramatization included in the story but I'm sure the "experts" knew that lol
Tyler White
Tyler White - 10 years ago
NOOOO the show Darkness what ever the fuck is fake. It could fucking pull down a 4,800 lb flotation devices. And the video where it is near the oil refinery is cgi you can clearly see that it is. This pisses me off. Also when it was pushing that guy cuz its " stomach was full ". Completely bull shit. And when it attacked him right after fucking Cgi again. SHARK WEEK GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER
myjaku hintai
myjaku hintai - 10 years ago
+sethdawg21 think of it like this .. how many years humans live on earth ? 200.000 ish?
how many years did dinosaurs live ? million ish ? whats the chance of dinosaurs evolving in humanoid body types for the function of using tools , having technology and evacuating all intelegent and some animal types into space when the earth was hit by astroid , living on another planet ? there are many good planets . we can travel in space . they just cleaned up realy well..
myjaku hintai
myjaku hintai - 10 years ago
+sethdawg21 for real bro , ive red a book and seen a movie .. nahh just pulling your leg .

it would be amazing if we ever find a huge one , or if it would wash up on the beach after dying of old age 
myjaku hintai
myjaku hintai - 10 years ago
+sethdawg21 did i say 65 feet ? oh my bad i mean 165 feet 
myjaku hintai
myjaku hintai - 10 years ago
+sethdawg21 you red a book and seen a movie , yeah you must be right .. you know what has books and movies to ? aliens , bigfoot , lochness monster , chupacabra , spiderman , the bible .. zombies , ghosts , interdementional space reptiles who can shapeshift .. let me tell you this brother .. ive seen a shark with my own eyes with a length of 65 feet , brother .. he would eat your 27 feet shark for lunch  
myjaku hintai
myjaku hintai - 10 years ago
+Adrienne Strena thiss is exactly like saying : space is so big an old , statisticly it has to have devaloped life in it or even advanced inteligens..  but scientific tv chanel making a show about ppl claiming to know this is true based on blury shots made in the dark.. ?? well i took a step back before the tv show and say :yes it might be posible . another most likely is : dinosaurs evolving having space technology and leaving earth when they saw the commet aproaching or better now living in underground citys ,being part of the human politics on earth.. 
or the best one : god , it has 0 rules of existence so just by logic it has to be true..
just because we havent seen it does not mean its not there , or is it? how can you prove mermaids not to exist after the mermaid show on discovery? the evidence is all disputable ,but the posibility and blury images and the fake videos and the disclamer it being for entertainment only ,it could be true .. right? 
Adrienne Strena
Adrienne Strena - 10 years ago
Ok, so for me, it was after watching "The Abyss" that I really took a step back & said, "well, it's not totally impossible..."
Yes, the ocean is HUGE, & some places, it's VERY, very deep. We have only explored a small fraction of what's under the surface. Personally, I won't discount anything, without substantial proof. Just because we haven't seen it absolutely does not mean it doesn't exist! But that's just MHO.
LionDragon28 - 10 years ago
the Discovery channel is pretty fucked up for this shit im pissed i was happy for a moment thinking people actually seen tht shark
LionDragon28 - 10 years ago
Im not gonna lie this Submarine the shark could be fake but the ocean is a vast place who knows what is out there but of course humans think their the smartest thing tht exist
myjaku hintai
myjaku hintai - 10 years ago
yes ive seen the video of the flotating thing where the shark eats the lady next to it.the video clearly moves off target after the lady goes down and comes back when the flotation thing is gone .  i like to be clear about the shark pulling down the flotation thing and the numbers .. its bullshit . let s say its real , if you know these flotation things they are not a steel capsule ,but a fabric bag .lets say a huge shark bite in it ,the thing rips apart and only little air stays in it .  so this is typical for discovery and national geo .. they tend to sell to impress . the same with scale of the videos .... but then again the ocean is huge and realy deep . also normal sharks and crocodiles for example are from the old animals from the old days on earth .so it could be posible . just like the mirmaid shows they did ..  makes you wonder ? if to believe anything from sience tv chanel ..
Adrienne Strena
Adrienne Strena - 10 years ago
I agree.  I loved the way the "time recorder" kept perfect time, even though it was switching (almost seamlessly) between two different angles! 
David Gibson
David Gibson - 10 years ago
Proof that this video is fake
melacollina1 - 10 years ago
but not to the point where they're capable of complex thoughts.
melacollina1 - 10 years ago
+Tyler White And, for the sake of the argument, you fool, sharks are incapable of deep thought - that applies to humans only. Animals react to their instincts. Of course it did not think 'this is a unique opportunity'. Sharks are intelligent but to the point that they're capable of thinking in complex and multi-faceted ways like we do. Isolating your prey is a common factor in most predator animals' hunting habits. Dumbass.
melacollina1 - 10 years ago
+Tyler White Of course the damned thing is fake! Sharks don't attack people on purpose - it's most often times a case of mistaken identity. The show was created for entertainment purposes and I think there's nothing wrong with HYPOTHETICAL guesses or responses to the program.

Dear God, man, get a life. If all you can do is troll someone for their opinion you seriously don't have one.  
QuietMaus - 10 years ago
Lmao,Even if its fake,Its people like you who start shit and just to do it to troll.(And Your A Bad Troll) 
Tyler White
Tyler White - 10 years ago
The shark was clearly cgi and a normal great white shark 15 feet pay the fuck attention
Kevin Welch
Kevin Welch - 10 years ago
Still really cool and real
Tyler White
Tyler White - 10 years ago
And your telling me a fucking shark said to him self " Hmm this is a unique opportunity to eat a human " +melacollina1
Tyler White
Tyler White - 10 years ago
Pay attention next time
Tyler White
Tyler White - 10 years ago
No you are wrong it said it was full because it just ate Emma, so it was waiting to digest more so it can eat again
melacollina1 - 10 years ago
Never stated that the shark was full. They said that the shark realized it was in a unique situation with the chance to eat humans to its 'heart's content'. It was pushing the man away to single him out. It is not unique behavior; wolves and most big cats do it.
Tyler White
Tyler White - 10 years ago
I meant cant pull down the flotation device
The_Kraken - 10 years ago
I believe in giant sharks as much as the next guy, but what doesn't make sense is why Boyd uses Feet instead of Meters and Centimeters if he is from South Africa. Or do he and his brother travel there often to dive near oil rigs?
Elisabeth Gumbetter
Elisabeth Gumbetter - 10 years ago
If this was a real story, why wasn't it in the news. No reports of this attack, nor witnesses aside from the ones in the documentary, have come forward. Obviously this is another hoax from discovery.
Niccoles_ - 10 years ago
It's the shark from sharknado lol
Ru Walters
Ru Walters - 10 years ago
Why does the tail move in an up & down (whale like) motion, instead of vertical (side to side) motion, like every other shark ?
Ru Walters
Ru Walters - 10 years ago
Why does the tail move in an up & down (whale like) motion, instead of vertical (side to side) motion, like every other shark ?
Trevor Jones
Trevor Jones - 10 years ago
This is fake as crap. The megalodon is extinct and there is no 35 foot shark in our oceans. I think the shark that the dude shot with the harpoon might have been 20 feet...not 35.
GXGETV - 10 years ago
IT was not 35 but 11 Ft long
Brandon Sanderson's No.1 Fan
Brandon Sanderson's No.1 Fan - 10 years ago
On what evidence do you base your statements. Point out the individual reasons to support your claim. If you disagree with a statement here, point out your reasoning to counter the argument.
StuntManGS500f - 10 years ago
I agree with mark this think has to be Megaladon no other known shark behaves like this. We have been looking for both sharks for a very long time who's to say there are not one in the same!
sam gafsi
sam gafsi - 10 years ago
this is why I stay the fuck away from the ocean. I will never get wet again... I saw that episode last night to, how fucked is that man? did any of you see it take that guy out by the island? just dragged him out there and ate him whole...fuck....
Randy Ciarlone
Randy Ciarlone - 10 years ago
For all we know you people are insulting the ( terrible actors) who may be real people in shock after watching two people getting eaten whole
Braeden Quimby
Braeden Quimby - 10 years ago
I watched this on shark week I did not believe it at first but when I saw real footage I could not believe it
Randy Ciarlone
Randy Ciarlone - 10 years ago
The shark was vertical because one it wa sizing up its prey and two great whites hunt by attacking their prey from under them that's why the shark jumped out to attack that one guy
Dale Marzan
Dale Marzan - 10 years ago
Does anyone notice the c4 in the background
Gon Tech
Gon Tech - 10 years ago
I saw this last night know a huge shark is smart enough to not be seen scares me
STIZO99 - 10 years ago
Dat CGI though...
spleujo - 10 years ago
3 week old youtube page, during shark week, come on guys.  Just laugh at it and have fun.
AssasiansCast - 10 years ago
It's clearly megalodon after all that research
AssasiansCast - 10 years ago
I'm not a shark expert but I am a megalodon expert it is possible to megalodon of how large it is but we need proof megalodon is out I've researched disc. Video of megalodon he demolished a blue whale I'm gonna do more research tho
melacollina1 - 10 years ago
Easy. I wasn't accusing you of anything; I was merely curious. That's pretty cool.
Rio Razz
Rio Razz - 10 years ago
tyler white I'm a local fisherman in the Bahamas and I was pushed and bumped in the same manner by an 8ft black tip before my brother brought the boat close enough to hit it with a stick and scare it off, now I don't know the reason but the behavior was the same, even more so there was this 1 particular shark we feed just one day and everyday around that same time this same shark would return looking to be fed, case and point sharks can learn and adapt, if u don't believe nothing else believe that.
melacollina1 - 10 years ago
Curious. How can you be a megalodon expert but not a shark expert considering one is the ancestor of the other?
Watupthotv - 10 years ago
Saw your work last night on discovery channel this was epic the greatest shark pieces I ever seen
Death of YouTube
Death of YouTube - 10 years ago
discovery has lost all credibility! Shame, they could have been the go to for truth!
Candy Crazy
Candy Crazy - 10 years ago
Doesn't matter what the people say it's all real and submarine is out there taking lives and he's very smart pushing the man farther away from the others then when he's ready he eats him it's all logic that he's smarter then we think he is he knows what we are going to do next because he has gotten pass other people and knows what most people do. He's a smart shark and I think you have to come up with something never thought of. Please keep making the videos so people can learn about him and please message me back thank you.
Candy Crazy
Candy Crazy - 10 years ago
Doesn't matter what the people say it's all real and submarine is out there taking lives and he's very smart pushing the man farther away from the others then when he's ready he eats him it's all logic that he's smarter then we think he is he knows what we are going to do next because he has gotten pass other people and knows what most people do. He's a smart shark and I think you have to come up with something never thought of. Please keep making the videos so people can learn about him and please message me back thank you.
Jarides Bruna
Jarides Bruna - 10 years ago
It may look like terrible acting but I believe it's just a truly passionate man desperate for some one to credit him for his amazing discovery. Can you imagine spending 25 years on what at first you believed to be a hunch and finally find video footage to proof that you were right and have everyone just laugh at you? Remember we have explored our oceans far less then we have explored space; no one fully knows what's lying in the deep. If sharks continue to grow as they age just like our noses and ears I would truly hate to see what this behemoth of a shark will do to that ecosystem as he gets older and unrivaled. Thank you for your research!!!
JeanneMarie68 - 10 years ago
My goodness I can't believe that I missed
"Castle", with good acting, to watch this
ridiculous show with my family.
I expected to learn about shark behavior with actual scenarios,
not a fictitious "documentary".
knightfall209 - 10 years ago
Was that real footage of the American eaten hole?
Josh Delagrange
Josh Delagrange - 10 years ago
Submarine shark is real.Shark Week is entertainment.It's just like Animal Planet   Lost Tapes.Which takes cryptic animals that eye witness have reported seeing and puts them in what if this could happen.
Bokoyfourtwenty Tabagrong
Bokoyfourtwenty Tabagrong - 10 years ago
This video reeks of bullshit. They need to hire better actors.
PlanetJigobotTV - 10 years ago
IN 2 WEEKS Dicovery Channel is gonna do a special about the T-Rex they found killing Lions of the coast of Alaska....
Terry Carr
Terry Carr - 7 years ago
stanoja mitrovic
stanoja mitrovic - 7 years ago
is the shark on the video real because if it is that's some mutherfucker bigggggg shark
mrsgaap1 - 10 years ago
+BlancaTheMusical hahahaha
BlancaTheMusical - 10 years ago
Robert Pierot
Robert Pierot - 10 years ago
Oops nvm guys I see we are looking at the sharks side my bad haha
Robert Pierot
Robert Pierot - 10 years ago
I was talking about how the tail is positioned on the shark. The belly is facing us and the tail looks like one of a whale not a shark. I was thinking if this was faked it could be a mistake by the creator? I was just throwing out a possibility. I, of course could be wrong.
Cambridge9999 - 10 years ago
Im watching it on tv right now.
T Pan
T Pan - 10 years ago
Pathetic acting - obviously fake.
Pat Garrison
Pat Garrison - 10 years ago
That real footage of the schoolteacher named Emma.... that isn't fake. What more do you need?
Harlequin - 10 years ago
I will no longer be watching these Shark documentaries for educational purposes, it'll be for the sheer enjoyment of the story telling. I tuned in for the mermaid one and I was mesmerized, but this footage is blatantly fake. But whatever, thanks for the entertainment, maybe better photoshop skills and I'll believe you. :)
Tim Harris
Tim Harris - 10 years ago
Mel is a 'senior' fellow at the South African Institute for Marine Research, There is no such place!! It's nowhere on Google. Maybe it's all underwater so it can't be found. Mel smells.
Sid Young
Sid Young - 10 years ago
Hmmmm I found it in 2 sec.
Tim Harris
Tim Harris - 10 years ago
Mel, the show tonight showed another underwater video and a still above water matching the scar. Where's those photos on this post or anywhere? I take it they were fabricated as in fakes. We were torpedoed with 2 hrs of BS. Did you work on that show about mermaids? The Science Channel started showing shows about ancient aliens. You are all sellouts responsible for the dumbing down of the public. When you and your family are sold out by your doctors thank money hungry people like you with no ethics and no shame.
C N - 10 years ago
Sonia Aponte
Sonia Aponte - 10 years ago
Mel I'm sonia son you are not alone he is still out there Waiting
Shelby Fields
Shelby Fields - 10 years ago
OK so i am an avid discovery channel watcher, animal lover and veterinarian in training.  SO needless to say i really admire your work and how hard you are working to prove such an amazing creature.....BUT i have been reading some articles online from different blog sources saying that they did their own research and say this is all a fake.  So not to be rude but are you truly a scientist?  Is this truly real?  I know that he sinking of the JoyRide is real and one of the passengers did actually get bitten and or eaten.  I have no quarrel with Discovery if it is fake (seeing as Dragons and Mermaids were on there too) i like seeing some fake footage of things i really do wish were real.  So tell me, it faked or real??? 
Robert Pierot
Robert Pierot - 10 years ago
The thing that's seems off about this video is the sharks tail... Why isn't it up and down like most shark tails and on the other footage of submarine and here it's side to side like a whales tail?
macdaddymario - 10 years ago
No no, not at all. Like I said, you may be right. He doesn't really say what he's talking about clearly. We both just took it 2 different ways.
Samantha Smith
Samantha Smith - 10 years ago
Oh...Whoops! My bad. :)
macdaddymario - 10 years ago
Sam, I think he was talking about the way the tail is oriented on the shark, not the way it moves. Like the shark tail is vertical on it's body while the whale tail is horizontal.

 Of course, I could be wrong and he could be talking about the way the tail moves and not the way it's set on the body.
Samantha Smith
Samantha Smith - 10 years ago
You're mistaken. Whale tails move up and down and shark tails move side to side. You had them mixed up, I believe.
macdaddymario - 10 years ago
It is up and down, the shark stopped while moving up through the water toward the surface before it attacked the boy.
Ichigo Kenryu
Ichigo Kenryu - 10 years ago
U and the show are fake
Matt Wright
Matt Wright - 10 years ago
So fake.
Bokoyfourtwenty Tabagrong
Bokoyfourtwenty Tabagrong - 10 years ago
+Erika kelter the interview made it fake like bad acting.
Erika kelter
Erika kelter - 10 years ago
You are fake
C N - 10 years ago
This is the biggest crock!  Just like "Megladon", no boat capsized named "Joyride", there is no such newspaper as "the hout bay herald", there is no reports of any of this that is being claimed on the internet ANYWHERE.  None of the people talked about in the crappy show are mentioned anywhere online.  So terrible to claim people were killed just for shock value to get people to watch shark week.  Megladon:the monster shark lives part 2.  Mermaids, experts, all bullshit
Robert Palao
Robert Palao - 10 years ago
Discovery channel has to stop with these fake stories. I understand they like ratings and money, but they're just flat out lying to everybody
asha2569 - 7 years ago
Robert Palao
It's supposed to be for entertainment and give people a wider perspective that there could be giant sea creatures out there and what it would look like if it were true...
Johnny Skinwalker
Johnny Skinwalker - 9 years ago
+Tr1plett that mother fucking shark was real, he called me last night and said he ate your mother's box
nick combs
nick combs - 10 years ago
You do know that only about 10% of the worlds ocean have been discovered new things that haven't ever been seen or believed to be extinct are popping up all the time so who's to say there's not big sharks such as megalodon and submarine, or other things like mermaids who really knows for sure cause like I said new things keep popping up all the time do I believe 100% no but is it possible yes eny thing is possible people thought giant squids were fake till they found one so just goes to show we don't really know what's down there till we find
ShadowFireHime - 10 years ago
+Brandon Sanderson's No.1 Fan i am a firm believer in Jesus and proud of it though the Bible says that pride is one of the 7 deadly sins 
Brandon Sanderson's No.1 Fan
Brandon Sanderson's No.1 Fan - 10 years ago
People don't believe in Jesus! They give their worship to Evolution and the ooze!
Alexis Graham
Alexis Graham - 10 years ago
+PlanetJigobotTV what is wrong with believing in Jesus?! Wtf..
Zoloft77 - 10 years ago
+PlanetJigobotTV Or worse on Fox News, a white European Jesus.
PlanetJigobotTV - 10 years ago
This was on the screen for about 5 seconds before the show started and I  quote

"It's Existence is highly controversial. Events have been dramatized, but many believe Submarine exists to this day."

Yeah and some people also believe in Bigfoot, Aliens and Jesus
astraea - 10 years ago
I'll try to explain it to you as best as I can without breaking out the crayons: they never existed.
Faith - 10 years ago
And you now that how there is so much proof but you wont believe it unless you see it with your eyes and can you explain what happened to those people who were eaten whole by that shark and their bodies were never found!
PlanetJigobotTV - 10 years ago
+FullMetalMarsha remember last year when they made that fake claim and had to apologize for misleading the public
Johnny Skinwalker
Johnny Skinwalker - 10 years ago
+FullMetalMarsha please stop being an idiot
FullMetalMarsha - 10 years ago
actually, they aren't lying,  the navy picked up the shark on radar thinking it was another sub, i don't think the navy would allow them to claim that if it didn't happen
Johnny Skinwalker
Johnny Skinwalker - 10 years ago
"the found footage" was not even well done. they could have hired some professionals to do something better. 
Erika kelter
Erika kelter - 10 years ago
Shut your trap you know it all.
Tim Harris
Tim Harris - 10 years ago
The Discovery Channel gets money from our cable bill. We should have a say about fraud being passed off as true. We get ripped off every day every way there is no end. Here tell them to stop or we will get them dropped from the cable package. Money is the only thing they understand.
Henry Nguyen
Henry Nguyen - 10 years ago
Where there is success, there will always be skepticism.
Doug Tyree
Doug Tyree - 10 years ago
Interesting Shark week spoof?
KRAZEDdays - 10 years ago
No shit!!
ryan tydings
ryan tydings - 10 years ago
This is ridiculous I have seen better acting in day time soap opera and porno matter of fact I'm watching shark week right now and none of it is believable maybe you guys should hire James Cameron to direct your shitty films LMFAO :'D
Samantha Brady
Samantha Brady - 7 years ago
footage is fake.
Ryan Huber
Ryan Huber - 10 years ago
+ryan tydings 
No need to worry Ryan you gave a valiant effort, but the thought of possibly being lied to on national television by people who could actually think up an entirely fictional event and make a television show out of it claiming it as factual proved to be too much for our friends Erika, Marsha, and Rebecca. I also must agree that the level of acting in this is truly piss poor and can only be rivaled by that of the pornos I've seen in my day. In fact, I think Brazzers may have them beat! I know you were not the one throwing insults in the first place and normally I would refrain from doing so myself in order to engage in an intelligent debate. However, in this case I'm just gonna keep it short and simple. Erika, Marsha, and Rebecca please kill yourselves. Oh and P.S. Marsha it's they're not "their". Way to contradict your own attempt to insult you idiot ;)
ryan tydings
ryan tydings - 10 years ago
I'm not the one calling someone else self absorbed or a jerk... And you clearly haven't researched this story very well this video is fake and you would know that if you did some actual research on the subject and I'm not opposing anything I am just calling it as it is... a fake ! And the fact you are buying into this fake story shows how little you know... I'm not going anywhere either I stand by my comment on this video if you don't like what I have to say then just move on... As for why other countries hating America I am definitely not the problem its people like you who think they know what they are talking about but actually have no clue... On that note I am not going to continue arguing with you about this I am not going to drop to your level anymore I have made my point accept it or don't its your choice! But I do find it funny that you let my comment get under your skin so much lol good read a book or something...
Rebecca Mullen
Rebecca Mullen - 10 years ago
+ryan tydings maybe you're the one dishing out random insults and are so afraid of what might actually be true. So if you aren't going to support this theory or idea then you need to go away because nobody wants you here. And as a matter of fact, you are the reason people hate America because you can't see reason in shit and want to feel cool for apposing something. you're the one who is blind to hard facts that have been proven over years over research and study. 
ryan tydings
ryan tydings - 10 years ago
about a topic
ryan tydings
ryan tydings - 10 years ago
Wow I can't believe that people are so blind to the world around them that they can't tell fact from fiction! And to just start throwing insults at people you don't even know is uncalled for maybe you both should read more instead of watching YouTube videos... Welcome to "murica" where people just start insulting people without being able to have an actual debate
a topic.... And everyone wonders why other countries hate America so much
FullMetalMarsha - 10 years ago
+Erika kelter don't pay any attention to them,  their idiots
Erika kelter
Erika kelter - 10 years ago
I think you are a real jerk and self absorbed
Luciano Giuliani
Luciano Giuliani - 10 years ago
Singular behaviour of the shark. How long is that oil rig piece of steel?
amanda dolding
amanda dolding - 10 years ago
Yeah I'd love to follow this too but it seems to me to be just a bit too staged, not unlike the discovery channels mermaid fiasco complete with interviews with "experts" who had actually played roles in movies.
Danny - 10 years ago
Once again so called "shark experts" getting my hopes up. The interview seemed staged also...
Habeev07 - 10 years ago
looks cgi i have to say.... I want to believe this footage though... just odd. Still, I absolutely believe a 30 footer is out there since sharks live up to seventy years or so and never stop growing. Keep up the search:)
Grayson Johnson
Grayson Johnson - 10 years ago
This is amazing footage of this shark at first it caught me off guard because most videos that show this type of information or footage would be discredited but what you have is so amazing. I have been doing some of my own research just here and there and I came across a 9 ft great white being eaten by something a lot bigger than itself. When I read this, I automatically thought of a megalodon because really what would eat a 3 meter shark and yet go unseen, The depth the shark went down was a great amount and I believe that a large white shark could have adapted to live in colder climates of the water. I would just like to hear what you have to say about this and any explanation because you seem to have  vast knowledge of the white shark. And do you think there are white sharks larger than 30 ft in the ocean I know a place with so many discoveries yet to be made. Anyways please post more and please answer me if you get a chance
Byron Taylor
Byron Taylor - 7 years ago
Christel Vinot yeah theyve just caught footage of a sleeper shark which is that size its a fairly newly discovered shark
Kelly Egan
Kelly Egan - 7 years ago
That is one massive great white. It fascinates me
Kelly Egan
Kelly Egan - 7 years ago
Grayson Johnson I don't care that shark is real
Grayson Johnson
Grayson Johnson - 9 years ago
+Christel Vinot i know and i think there is something big out there to yet be found
Christel Vinot
Christel Vinot - 9 years ago
+Grayson Johnson Keep in mind that MOST of the ocean remains undiscovered... so the chances of 30+ ft sharks existing is incredibly likely. As well as a host of new creatures that we've yet to discover!
Shawn Davis
Shawn Davis - 10 years ago
+Grayson Johnson
....dude you were talking about the power of "submarine"...the fake
Grayson Johnson
Grayson Johnson - 10 years ago
+Shawn Davis I already knew it once I watched the show dude I was just looking at that footage not the bs cgi shark
Shawn Davis
Shawn Davis - 10 years ago
+Grayson Johnson
....Discovery was forced to LEGALLY admit this "documentary" was entirely fake. Please educate yourself. No portion of this ludicrous show is real....the only things you are "learning" is utter nonsense.
C N - 10 years ago
+Mel Thurmond
Youre full of it bro.  Share any links or ANYTHING about all these claims on your MOCKUMENTARY on Discovery, absolutely terrible this farse is
Grayson Johnson
Grayson Johnson - 10 years ago
That is just awesome the amount of power Submarine must have. Cant wait to see your next vlog so much to learn from this shark.
Mel Thurmond
Mel Thurmond - 10 years ago
Thank you, Grayson. To answer your question, yes, I think that there are sharks out there larger than 30 ft. As you'll see in my next vlog, I estimate Submarine to be around 35 feet. Who knows what other sharks of this nature could exist in other locations?
Michael Pippin
Michael Pippin - 10 years ago
I have a few questions, what is the location of the Offshore Oil Rig? What is the deapth of the water were the video was taken and to the bottom? What is the distance from the camera to the part of the rig we see in the video. What kind of Platform is this?
matthew walsh
matthew walsh - 10 years ago
This gets me excited,to finally see submarine
graeme - 10 years ago
i was enjoying this series till i just saw this apparant video of submarine that looks too cgi 

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