Submarine Shark Caught on Video
Shark videos 10 years ago 422,594 views
My recent interview with shark attack survivor Boyd Roe lead me to this offshore oil rig surveillance footage from 1996 featuring what I believe is a massive, 30-foot-plus great white shark called Submarine.
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Thank You,
sorry if my english bad, i'm from indonesia by the way
50. comment for Submarine Shark Caught on Video
Yet all we have is accounts that are not fact. I just won't give them my time until they admit openly on their own site and start actually doing real documentaries all the time based on scientific fact as best we understand it. Write them and pressure them and maybe we can educate the unbelievable number of people that believe this is an actual event that took place.
Somewhere at the beginning , or in the credits there should be a disclaimer, probably pretty small but it's there. I watched on national geographic the autopsy of T-REX by real dinosaur experts that showed them, using the advice of those same experts on their best knowledge and comparison to animals and reptiles today that had similar physical and characteristics and through serious bone analysis that has only existed in the last 15 or so years.
Instead of going down the list and insulting all of us who did our homework and know we're right, how about you do the same, and maybe you won't come off looking so naive while trying to insult all of us. It just makes you look really uneducated and a sheep believing everything you see on TV that is touted as real, or that just looks real. Research the names in the documentary, look up the victims names, ask Discovery directly. They took a lot of heat for this fiction, but it garnered so much attention and was entertaining, but that's all it was entertainment to kick off Shark Week.
Whereas in the documentary about submarine the same footage is used but it attacks a woman who is awaiting rescue
100. comment for Submarine Shark Caught on Video
It's bad enough making a fictional drama dressed up as a factual documentary/dramatisation, but to then expand the myth into social media as if the events in the show were real is just taking advantage of the average viewer.
There is no such thing as the "South African Institute for Marine Research", just as Mel Thurmond is a fictional character played by an actor.
One can only imagine that the real intitues, the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity or the South African Marine Predator Lab, did not want to be involved.
A documentary exploring the legend of Submarine and the possibility of its existance is fine, but making up shark attack incidents and creating fake footage with CGI is just silly if you're going to try and maintain the pretence that this is a 'documentary'.
It'd be better of presented as an actual movie of one man pursing the legend, shot as if the cameras aren't there.
What are the measurements of the underwater construction?; seen in the video at: 2.18
ONLY than can you approximately know how big the shark is!
Fail .
There are several factors that lead me to conclude this isn't a lamnid shark . The snout is way too blunt (looks more like a bull or tiger) , the secondary dorsal is too large , the tail isn't as symmetrical and deep enough , and there isn't a pronounced lateral keel .
Fake marine biologist
Fake everything..
I will no longer be whatching shark week as the last few years have had falsified footage and basically pointless time I've waisted whatching the discovery channel..
It's wrong to lie about a animal that doesn't exist and potentially harming these curious animals.. I want real facts about sharks not hints of a megaladon every year leading up to a bullshit finaly with guys like this talking bullshit they don't even know..
Where are your parents? Be careful now. You give signs of being a danger to yourself on the internet.
We are the audience to whom their programming is directed.
They need to at least look at what their audience are saying.
We are the ones who will determine the future of Discovery by our continued support.
If we move away en masse to somewhere else, or get too upset as a group, Discovery, could suffer, their, obviously, worst nightmare, a terminal drop in viewers.
We and our families are the ones that keep Discovery Channel alive.
Please use your position to pass this on to the powers that be.
A dog's gestation period is about 2 months.
A goat's 5 months.
A cow's 9 months.
A horse's 12 months.
A donkey's 12-14 months.
A giraffe's 15 months.
An african elephant's almost 2 years.
A humpbacked whale's 2 years.
So, megalodon's would be possibly more, especially if it gave live birth like some dogfishes.
1) What is the boat doing near an oil rig?
2) How come the operators on the rig didn't see or hear it?
3) If the boat was capsized right next to an oil rig, where there is cameras (Monitored 24/7 for oil leaks) not viewed until now?
4) How come the oil rig wasn't affected by the shark?
5) How come the largest shark ever "captured on video" happened to have "unique" characteristics?
6) How come its not in the media or ever heard of significantly?
6) A shark of this size and mass would need to stay significantly below the waters to avoid humans, however this would also mean the difference is air pressure would of killed it.
7) Why would a 30+ feet shark be hiding away from a human (As it knew with its complex mind and intelligence) moments after capsizing a boat?
8) A megalodon can be up to 20 meters long with the average human being 1.8 meters. That would fill him and on top of this shark don't typically like the taste of us. So why would this shark eat one human, get full, and use its super intelligence to push another away from a safety to later eat him not even knowing its prey could possible fleet. This is like a great white eating a gold fish from a pond, they just don't do it.
Can't be arsed to write anymore as I'm probably just wasting my time trying to change intolerant minds.
If you think I'm wrong I'd like to hear you answer all 8 of my statement/questions with justifiable answers like mine. Use legitimate answers with backed up information not just idiotic replies.
I lived in False Bay area so know about the stories surrounding this particular shark and Seal Island.
It does however exist and the story dramatized in the footage did happen.
how many years did dinosaurs live ? million ish ? whats the chance of dinosaurs evolving in humanoid body types for the function of using tools , having technology and evacuating all intelegent and some animal types into space when the earth was hit by astroid , living on another planet ? there are many good planets . we can travel in space . they just cleaned up realy well..
it would be amazing if we ever find a huge one , or if it would wash up on the beach after dying of old age
or the best one : god , it has 0 rules of existence so just by logic it has to be true..
just because we havent seen it does not mean its not there , or is it? how can you prove mermaids not to exist after the mermaid show on discovery? the evidence is all disputable ,but the posibility and blury images and the fake videos and the disclamer it being for entertainment only ,it could be true .. right?
Yes, the ocean is HUGE, & some places, it's VERY, very deep. We have only explored a small fraction of what's under the surface. Personally, I won't discount anything, without substantial proof. Just because we haven't seen it absolutely does not mean it doesn't exist! But that's just MHO.
but not to the point where they're capable of complex thoughts.
Dear God, man, get a life. If all you can do is troll someone for their opinion you seriously don't have one.
"Castle", with good acting, to watch this
ridiculous show with my family.
I expected to learn about shark behavior with actual scenarios,
not a fictitious "documentary".
Of course, I could be wrong and he could be talking about the way the tail moves and not the way it's set on the body.
It's supposed to be for entertainment and give people a wider perspective that there could be giant sea creatures out there and what it would look like if it were true...
"It's Existence is highly controversial. Events have been dramatized, but many believe Submarine exists to this day."
Yeah and some people also believe in Bigfoot, Aliens and Jesus
I'll try to explain it to you as best as I can without breaking out the crayons: they never existed.
No need to worry Ryan you gave a valiant effort, but the thought of possibly being lied to on national television by people who could actually think up an entirely fictional event and make a television show out of it claiming it as factual proved to be too much for our friends Erika, Marsha, and Rebecca. I also must agree that the level of acting in this is truly piss poor and can only be rivaled by that of the pornos I've seen in my day. In fact, I think Brazzers may have them beat! I know you were not the one throwing insults in the first place and normally I would refrain from doing so myself in order to engage in an intelligent debate. However, in this case I'm just gonna keep it short and simple. Erika, Marsha, and Rebecca please kill yourselves. Oh and P.S. Marsha it's they're not "their". Way to contradict your own attempt to insult you idiot ;)
a topic.... And everyone wonders why other countries hate America so much
....dude you were talking about the power of "submarine"...the fake
....Discovery was forced to LEGALLY admit this "documentary" was entirely fake. Please educate yourself. No portion of this ludicrous show is real....the only things you are "learning" is utter nonsense.
Youre full of it bro. Share any links or ANYTHING about all these claims on your MOCKUMENTARY on Discovery, absolutely terrible this farse is