Surfer Catches Wave With Shark

Footage shot by Derik Broshar captures the moment that played out in Australia's Byron Bay.

Surfer Catches Wave With Shark sentiment_very_dissatisfied 41

Shark videos 8 years ago 274,120 views

Footage shot by Derik Broshar captures the moment that played out in Australia's Byron Bay.

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Most popular comments
for Surfer Catches Wave With Shark

jmd2789 - 6 years ago
They're lucky that shark didnt have a gun. This could've gotten really violent.
OldPlaces - 6 years ago
that wee shark was anything but a threat in that situation. even if he had been big, he's not into chicken wings wrapped in rubber.
Teo P
Teo P - 6 years ago
We should warn them
Wait he's gonna surf right into it
... Ok now let's warn them
ollyworld - 6 years ago
go out of my way,sharky!
Hapi RS
Hapi RS - 6 years ago
That was just me swimming under water.
Vlad Putin
Vlad Putin - 7 years ago
Harmless type of shark - just looking for some friends
DannyAlion - 7 years ago
Great example that sharks dont wanna eat humans. Hes just swimming in his home. The shark has all the rights to swim in his waters
SJW Motorsport 46
SJW Motorsport 46 - 7 years ago
Shark - ‘your wave’

Surfer - ‘cheers dude’
annakeye - 7 years ago
There's no way you can warn the shark. You've just got to hope it swims away so it doesn't get hurt. Oh, wait. You meant.., nevermind.

10. comment for Surfer Catches Wave With Shark

Alex Kendrick
Alex Kendrick - 7 years ago
girl: we should warn them
me(watching at home): SHARK! SHARK!
ashish kherwal
ashish kherwal - 7 years ago
white ppl actually never cares for black ppl right ?
Ben Kimber
Ben Kimber - 7 years ago
What an impression Jaws has made. Sharks aren't all bad. From what I've heard, most bites occur because the shark mistakes the diver for a different animal, or is curious about the new creature in its environment. Like a toddler, sharks seem to explore things in their environments with their mouths, which is apparently why a lot of bites are simply puncture wounds. I don't know much about the topic, and I don't live even close to the coast, so I don't pretend to be an expert. I'm just sharing what I've heard and read. Looks to me like that shark was simply minding its own business, and passing through.
James Lovett
James Lovett - 7 years ago
That is a juvenile white shark!
Mario Meza
Mario Meza - 7 years ago
that's fucked up obviously you should have warned them from the first sight of it. damn people are idiots!!!
Nik Demopoulos
Nik Demopoulos - 7 years ago
im in the shot, upper left corner, the shark just cruised the line up, no biggy
Rusty Maverick
Rusty Maverick - 7 years ago
ABC = Always Broadcasting Crap + FAKE NEWS.
Jarrod Wieland
Jarrod Wieland - 7 years ago
wow. that happens every day in nsb Florida
T G - 7 years ago
Risking your life for shitty little waves like that..
LLesberiuelbotifarresdeteruel - 7 years ago

20. comment for Surfer Catches Wave With Shark

Luke Donaldson
Luke Donaldson - 7 years ago
People dont understand sharks like that wont attack people in fact they wont attack fish bigger than a ruler...
TheMagicalJoker - 7 years ago
Y'know, it's actually better not to warn someone about a shark in the water. You're gonna make the surfers freak out. Then the shark is going to freak out and feel threatened. Then all the real trouble is going to start.
x4r68 - 7 years ago
Esa derecha era del tiburón, estaba mejor posicionado.
aboomination - 7 years ago
How cute :D
mythoughtwhatyousay1 - 7 years ago
That shark is not that hungry, seem already ate and more calm will not attack surf. If shark is very hungry then surf will not see shark, shark going to be bottom to attack surf. Shark swim real fast and aggrieve to attack surf..
Cos7a - 7 years ago
mythoughtwhatyousay1 [black man in the bush] says: OK
Rob Banks
Rob Banks - 7 years ago
I AM ALIVE !!!!!
I AM ALIVE !!!!! - 7 years ago
I guess they really wanted a LiveLeak video but they got a YouTube video instead.....not warning them and shit
Roww Pie
Roww Pie - 7 years ago
sharks are not out there to just 'attack' and eat people. just because there is a shark in the water doesn't mean its time for full panic and that someone is going to die. sharks and surfers near each other are more common then you think. And I will also not read any reply to my comment.
tommy i-opener
tommy i-opener - 7 years ago
We should warn them...shhhh..shut up bitch I'll get more views if it attacks!!!
Jpgundarun - 7 years ago
Fuck off Idiot, we know and don't care.
Edgar Humberto Mejía Benavides
Edgar Humberto Mejía Benavides - 7 years ago
Los drones se les debe incorporar parlantes para dar información oportuna, a las personas filmadas y que se requiera de alertar o en su defecto hacerles llegar un mensaje para que sea recibido.

30. comment for Surfer Catches Wave With Shark

DrFee1good1987 - 7 years ago
A little "heads up" would be appreciated
xromeo13x - 7 years ago
that surfer just don't give a fuck.
ChangeForTheBetter2! - 7 years ago
That's sad. People don't care to help or record. Damn shame.
ɅƝȺЯĊԢƔ ƵΣƊ - 7 years ago
was that a scream or Akaw! ??? sometimes u gotta surf the shark... ever seen a fish in the tube? pffft....... seen a shark eat a fish in the tube.
John DeJesus
John DeJesus - 7 years ago
what the hell are you saying lmao
Xavi Berjaga
Xavi Berjaga - 7 years ago
Shark drops in! surfer paddled first! Is this ever gonna change!?
element - 7 years ago
no respect right? we clearly need to educate these sharks
r - 7 years ago
What were you gonna tell them that they don't already know...
SK AKA Squad Killaz
SK AKA Squad Killaz - 8 years ago
I was about to say he was a retard until he went over it
Metalmanmick13 - 8 years ago
Yeah don't warn them or anything.. Just keep fucking filming... Morons!
Majestic Douchebag
Majestic Douchebag - 8 years ago

2 seconds later

"nah, we'll just watch and wait to see what happens."
Bite My Krank
Bite My Krank - 8 years ago
Do we think he soiled that wetsuit??? He should come 50klm down the coast and try OUR sharks, i mean beaches....would only cost him an arm and a leg...
Kevin Meredith
Kevin Meredith - 8 years ago
happens everyday ain't nothing scary about that lol
Daniel Mcgirt
Daniel Mcgirt - 8 years ago
ok ok to clode
Daniel Mcgirt
Daniel Mcgirt - 8 years ago
Youko Ana
Youko Ana - 8 years ago
sufer: I'm gonna run u over!
skark: u missed!!
Steve - 8 years ago
must be a picky eater
The Darci 13
The Darci 13 - 8 years ago
Well-fed sharks??? They not hungry??:)
aboomination - 7 years ago
BR Davis - curious how a lot of people freedive with all of these.
aboomination - 7 years ago
Darci, I hope you die.
Brandon Matthew
Brandon Matthew - 7 years ago
We're too boney scientists believe for great whites and when a fatal attack does occur it's hardly ever followed by another from the same shark. Though it has been known for a shark to develop a taste for human prey it's so extremely rare. Being said, some sharks in the right circumstances will have no problems attacking human prey such as the stories that come from sailors cast adrift due to their ship sinking and the attacks that follow in the open ocean. Basically what it comes down to is species of shark and the scenario you find yourself in with it.
BR Davis
BR Davis - 7 years ago
While most sharks do not generally consider humans on their menu, Sharks will attack and eat most anything that is edible (and sometime not so edible, I'm looking at you Tiger Sharks) if given the right circumstances especially white, bull, tiger, mako or hammerhead sharks.
Lance Armstrong
Lance Armstrong - 8 years ago
No problem :)
fyra - 8 years ago
+Lance Armstrong that's very interesting! I'm actually very fascinated by sharks, so I'm sorry, that I though you were just random dude on the internet. I guess u never know who you are talking too.
Lance Armstrong
Lance Armstrong - 8 years ago
@Fyra I can also send you a list of shark fatalities if you like. Some of the people on that list were completely eaten. This happens most often when Great whites are involved. Attacks from Tiger sharks and Bull sharks often result in massive fatal fleshwounds that cause arteries to be cut which in turn results in rapid (fatal) blood loss. I have some pictures of those too if you dont like to take my word for it.
Lance Armstrong
Lance Armstrong - 8 years ago
Well okay. I have studied marine biology and spent 4 months in Cuba to write my thesis on a group of bull sharks that frequent the island. But sure, random girl from the internet. I'll take your word for it.

And for your information; sharks are very good at deciding whether or not there is a good opportunity for a meal or not. They notice injuries, panic and even use murky water as an insentive to attack because it lowers the risk of being detected before attack. I've been to Malta as well where there have been several attacks on humans by great whites. These people were completely devoured by them as well.

Im not saying sharks are just mindless and will ALWAYS attack a human when they see him, but they will for sure make an assessment to size you up, on the basis of which they decide whether you are worth taking a risk for or not. This makes some species sharks extremely unpredictable AND dangerous.
fyra - 8 years ago
+Lance Armstrong they won't eat the human just because "the opportunity is there". they are a liiiiittle more complex than that.
fyra - 8 years ago
+Lance Armstrong sharks won't target nor eat humans. they don't like it. what they'll do is try and take a bite (which might lead to death by loosing too much blood) bc they are very curious animals.
Lance Armstrong
Lance Armstrong - 8 years ago
Sharks dont have a rule where they dont eat They might not target humans specifically, but if the opportunity is there, and they see it they will take it. Sharks are opportunists and apex predators.
Mr WOW - 8 years ago
fyra - 8 years ago
The Darci 13 believe it or not but sharks don't eat humans
Gamez Player
Gamez Player - 8 years ago
We should warn them but let's just make a video about it
Luke Donaldson
Luke Donaldson - 7 years ago
Gamez Player warn them of what thats not a threat type of shark.
Nat Grader
Nat Grader - 8 years ago
Wtf they could have gotten seriously hurt and u just watch and video
unclesamtookmymoney Sam
unclesamtookmymoney Sam - 7 years ago
The shaking of the camera indicates it was probably zoomed so they may have been a good distance away and wouldn't have been heard. What would they do? Paddle away? Wrestle with it? I would have kicked that shark right in the balls and told him to GTFO.
NBKburrito - 7 years ago
Nat Grader Surfers don't usually care.
ChangeForTheBetter2! - 7 years ago
yell and warn them
jared Noah
jared Noah - 8 years ago
Nat Grader what are we supposed to do or they supposed to do?
Agustín Sureda
Agustín Sureda - 8 years ago
It's kinda of a tiny shark, and they can see it if it gets close, the water is very clear. Besides they are probably used to this happening over there.
William Martin
William Martin - 8 years ago
We should warn them? For real?

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