Surprise Shark toys hidden in Kinetic Sand!
Shark videos 9 years ago 2,820,199 views
Welcome To Extreme Toys and Adventures TV! We will always be kid friendly. Subscribe: Like us on Facebook: We had a lot of fun playing with the shark toys in the Kinetic sand! Watch out! You never know what is going to come out of the sand! Includes great white shark toys, tiger shark toys, barracuda toy, angler fish toy, and a lemon shark toy. The Kinetic sand is awesome too! If you like this video, then please subscribe! Related Videos: Big Collection of Shark toys for kids. Sharks, Scuba Diver Toys, Squid Toys, and more. Great White Shark Attack! Great White Shark Toy attacks a toy Diver. Animal Planet Deep Sea Submarine Toy for Kids! Unboxing, Setup and Play! Awesome Music: "Lively Lumpsucker" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 キネティック砂に隠された中でサプライズサメのおもちゃ! Surprise pating laruan sa nakatago sa Kinetic Sand! 驚喜鯊魚玩具藏在動力學沙子! Juguetes tiburón sorpresa escondida en cinética de arena!
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50. comment for Surprise Shark toys hidden in Kinetic Sand!
A lot of them are from Toys R Us. We usually find them at aquariums too. I think all of the sharks on here you can get on Amazon though. Just look up shark toys.