Swimming with Whale Sharks

Whale sharks are the largest fish on the PLANET and feed on some of the smallest organisms in the oceans! They travel to Mexico every summer to feed on fish eggs and coral spawn.Its incredible to swim next to a 30-40ft long shark! They are 1 of only 3 filter feeding sharks and harmless to humans. Enjoy the video. www.LiquidProductions.com

Swimming with Whale Sharks sentiment_very_dissatisfied 152

Shark videos 12 years ago 797,080 views

Whale sharks are the largest fish on the PLANET and feed on some of the smallest organisms in the oceans! They travel to Mexico every summer to feed on fish eggs and coral spawn.Its incredible to swim next to a 30-40ft long shark! They are 1 of only 3 filter feeding sharks and harmless to humans. Enjoy the video. www.LiquidProductions.com

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Most popular comments
for Swimming with Whale Sharks

Lilja Karen
Lilja Karen - 7 years ago
I did this in Cancún, Mexico last summer. It was amazing! An experience I will never forget
supertrollface - 7 years ago
I saw cookiecutter sharks
thehoosierfortheUK - 7 years ago
1:04 that’s one hypnotic and jazzy beat!
Claudio paul Gallardo Llancapani
Claudio paul Gallardo Llancapani - 7 years ago
José Miguel
José Miguel - 7 years ago
Ian Colthart
Ian Colthart - 7 years ago
das a big boi
Kill me now
Kill me now - 7 years ago
Im gonna cry im so jealous
apolonier11 - 7 years ago
it's a bunch of big bois
Fred Derry
Fred Derry - 7 years ago
vacuums of the sea

10. comment for Swimming with Whale Sharks

Ezra Pine
Ezra Pine - 7 years ago
big boi
JorgeTubeHD - 7 years ago
I can’t wait to go swim with one at the Georgia Aquarium
Dark matter Hafnium
Dark matter Hafnium - 7 years ago
I’m Asian and I’m against killing sharks
Destroy shark finning
Marie Marceau Fatal
Marie Marceau Fatal - 7 years ago
Beautiful life
Alpha Snake
Alpha Snake - 7 years ago
GhostEBI the Ghost
GhostEBI the Ghost - 7 years ago
When i said to my friend whaleshark is largest fish he raged on me and said "No blue whale is largest"
GhostEBI the Ghost
GhostEBI the Ghost - 7 years ago
Becky Kagan Schott yeah well that was about 2 years ago when it happend i just remembered it again when i watched this now he and me are very good friends
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 7 years ago
GhostEBI the Ghost too bad he's wrong :) whale sharks are the largest fish on the planet. A blue whale is a mammal and breathes air, it's not a fish
JimWakable - 7 years ago
I did this off Cancun in Mexico... epic.  Even more so when a group of playful Manta Rays joined the 5 Whale Sharks.  The most epic thing I have ever done.
Abliskarian - 7 years ago
what would happen if someone stuck their hand in one of the gills?
Tom Kim
Tom Kim - 7 years ago
Is it just me or the whale shark looks like a whale that got curb stomped
Cindy 2206
Cindy 2206 - 7 years ago
well thats one way to think about it but if that were true wouldn't their tail be horizontal like a whales still?
Indiana Bones
Indiana Bones - 7 years ago

20. comment for Swimming with Whale Sharks

Sun Lizard
Sun Lizard - 7 years ago
I love these animals so Freaking much
pisse3000 - 7 years ago
What gentle giants :)
I Stole your wife while you read my username
I Stole your wife while you read my username - 7 years ago
Don't forget whale sharks are also located in filipino
AudiGamer [King Of Thieves]
AudiGamer [King Of Thieves] - 7 years ago
lol he was eating a sting ray
Angela Lee
Angela Lee - 7 years ago
too bad orca fk them up. both species i like though.
areeb1296 - 7 years ago
They're so cute.
Devil Take his cocksie
Devil Take his cocksie - 7 years ago
Aw it's cute
Steve Brown
Steve Brown - 7 years ago
Fantastic footage!
Janet Mottaz
Janet Mottaz - 7 years ago
Noamias - 7 years ago
I'm more scared of this than spiders, or horror movies

30. comment for Swimming with Whale Sharks

Daisy Dela Paz
Daisy Dela Paz - 7 years ago
i love whale sharks alot there like my favorite
Galaxy Gamer24
Galaxy Gamer24 - 7 years ago
Whale shark is my favorite
Megan7899 - 7 years ago
Time for illumination
Time for illumination - 7 years ago
It honestly looks more like a river fish than a whale or a shark.
Lyrics Specifier
Lyrics Specifier - 7 years ago
Animals truly are amazing.
Fially Pondaag
Fially Pondaag - 7 years ago
3:40 haha you too fat you can't catch me
PrinceAnzo - 7 years ago
I want to force a breeding with a white shark
Moonbase Cyberman
Moonbase Cyberman - 7 years ago
Ultimate S U C C
franz4212007 - 7 years ago
Whale sharks are harmless
Omega Wolf
Omega Wolf - 7 years ago
i wanna swim with a whale shark now :/
Mohamed Ahmed Mchowera
Mohamed Ahmed Mchowera - 7 years ago
some in Tanzania
Chao Flaka
Chao Flaka - 7 years ago
zuleyka ruiz
zuleyka ruiz - 7 years ago
Because I think the whale shark is the megalodon it's cause the whale shark doesn't have teeth and the megalodon's fosils are the teeth
George Wilbert
George Wilbert - 7 years ago
zuleyka ruiz Whale sharks do have teeth, just really tiny. Well if they do grow bigger teeth and turn carnivorous then sh*t.
zuleyka ruiz
zuleyka ruiz - 7 years ago
I think I just figured out something.......i think the whale shark is the megalodon!
tim gep
tim gep - 8 years ago
Guess time of my clock?
Irishangelgirl - 8 years ago
Where's bailey?
AnimationArts! - 8 years ago
I had to watch this after that horrifying video of the chinese fisherman cutting up the whale shark alive.
Modda Suckaah
Modda Suckaah - 8 years ago
AnimationArts! same
Momojii - 8 years ago
Charlieproductions X
Charlieproductions X - 8 years ago
GSGExtreme44 - 8 years ago
I want to swim with them. Graceful, gentle giants.

50. comment for Swimming with Whale Sharks

ghunter182003 - 8 years ago
I just love whale sharks...such majestic creatures!
Genesis Bonilla
Genesis Bonilla - 8 years ago
Junn - 8 years ago
I want to see one but I have a really big phobia of the ocean and deep water. Its most likely because I'm scared of something trying to get me or that its flipping 100 something feet of water until you get to the ocean floor.
sue kiedis
sue kiedis - 8 years ago
But how about the megalodon IT'S A HUGE MONSTER SHARK .-.
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition - 8 years ago
sue kiedis itd extinct for millions of years ago,and don't come up with that its still alive!
Pandalove317 Is awesome
Pandalove317 Is awesome - 8 years ago
Whale sharks are so cute! I agree, Olivia Gomes
Phở Sho
Phở Sho - 8 years ago
Swimming with a bunch of Jinbei's
J Williams
J Williams - 8 years ago
Awesome footage
Raptor Jesus
Raptor Jesus - 8 years ago
LOL @ all the shark experts in the comments
Sir anonymous
Sir anonymous - 8 years ago
Can it fit on 3 gallon tank?
Hugo Scott
Hugo Scott - 8 years ago
He's so cute
Gamerbro Channel
Gamerbro Channel - 8 years ago
What a beautiful rhinoceros
International Playboyy
International Playboyy - 8 years ago
1 word 4 letters NOPE
Kara S
Kara S - 7 years ago
They're harmless!
ghunter182003 - 8 years ago
Kitties Talko's Why not?
Horror and Halloween 101
Horror and Halloween 101 - 8 years ago
Why though?
Apollo Diomedes The Honor Guard
Apollo Diomedes The Honor Guard - 8 years ago
so whale shark are friendly
Venom 6kw
Venom 6kw - 8 years ago
It is. If it gets something in its mouth it doesn't like it will spit it out
Nan Nna
Nan Nna - 8 years ago
u are so lucky :) I love this majestic whaleshark
Venom 6kw
Venom 6kw - 8 years ago
Nan Nna I want to meet one
Totally nuggets
Totally nuggets - 8 years ago
i thought the blue whale is the biggest?
Sydney Nikkole
Sydney Nikkole - 8 years ago
Mr Killerboy222 whale sharks are fish blue whales are mammals
kevin O
kevin O - 8 years ago
Does anyone know why the tail/Caudal fin is vertical on sharks where as they are horizontal on whales?
Pierre Begley
Pierre Begley - 8 years ago
+kevin O You're welcome. :)
kevin O
kevin O - 8 years ago
+Pierre Begley thank you!
Pierre Begley
Pierre Begley - 8 years ago
It's basically just how it's formed. That's how you can tell that a whale is a mammal and a shark is a fish.
The Whale shark like all fish has a tail fin that is vertical, which allows it to move side by side to swim.
The Whale on the other hand has a fluke, which is a tail that goes up and down. Millions of years ago, the whale's ancestors started to leave the land to swim, and their flipper's (Search: Ambulocetus) turned into the fluke. If you want a modern look at how mammals swim that way, look at an otter for example.

Sorry for the long paragraph, hope that answers your question though. <:)
Samuel dean R. Guiron
Samuel dean R. Guiron - 8 years ago
Wow that is so amazing large animalever
Tim Anderson
Tim Anderson - 8 years ago
and this picture is my dad
Tim Anderson
Tim Anderson - 8 years ago
Oh my god so cute there was a baby on its back.I just liked this
Dfootball - 8 years ago
If I saw that thing appear out oh nowhere I'd be so scared
GabeGod - 8 years ago
Dfootball They're 1 of the friendliest species of shark out there.
Nigora Raufova
Nigora Raufova - 8 years ago
What sweet harmonious creatures!
International Playboyy
International Playboyy - 8 years ago
Nigora Raufova yeah after it sucks you in and swallows you
RockfrdDrm - 8 years ago
I would love to swim with some of these gentle giants. Thanks for the video.
John Miller
John Miller - 8 years ago
love the white polka dots.
Shibasaur - 7 years ago
John Miller turns out that we don’t actually know why they have them.
FrexLex - 8 years ago
Lucid Abyss
Lucid Abyss - 8 years ago
In the description it says that whale sharks are the largest FISH on the planet but that's not true because whale sharks grow up too 40 feet and blue whales grow up to 114 ft
Michael Montoya
Michael Montoya - 8 years ago
a whale is a mammal not a fish
DeBlubFEESH - 8 years ago
Aditya B whales are mammals
Tamira Myles
Tamira Myles - 8 years ago
Aditya B that is not true I will start is a shark
Tamira Myles
Tamira Myles - 8 years ago
Aditya B but the wheels are not sharks I will shark is a shark
Majestic Fox
Majestic Fox - 8 years ago
+Tom Joe yah agreed
Majestic Fox
Majestic Fox - 8 years ago
+eggrollsoup agreed BOI
eggrollsoup - 8 years ago
Aditya B you embarrassed the shit out of yourself delete the comment now
Majestic Fox
Majestic Fox - 8 years ago
not really because a whale shark is a fish not a mamle(sorry for mistake).
Lucid Abyss
Lucid Abyss - 8 years ago
+Becky Kagan Schott Ohhhhhh, That makes much more sense lol
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 8 years ago
a whale shark is a fish not a "whale" which is a mammal. mammals breathe air, the whale shark is a shark which is a fish :)
andrew klein
andrew klein - 8 years ago
whales are not fish
ღSilverstarღ - 8 years ago
Ayy destiny
chub malcolm
chub malcolm - 8 years ago
that is a big shark
Chibi PieFace
Chibi PieFace - 8 years ago
It Born From Philippines
George III Calendar
George III Calendar - 8 years ago
I protect sharks for a living .Including whale sharks so treating to to do harm them pisses me off . They amazing creatures so i ask dont insult them
thehoosierfortheUK - 7 years ago
George III Calendar whale sharks are cool I love them; they’re awesome! It’s the predatory sharks that I’d kill BUT only in self defense! Also, I’d like to try shark steak.
Lorraine Taylor
Lorraine Taylor - 8 years ago
Magical video. Thank you for sharing. Happy Whale Shark Day, 30 August. Wonderful memories of swimming with these gentle giants in the Seychelles.
Gedrel Torres
Gedrel Torres - 8 years ago
Does anyone knows the song ?
Raylizz - 8 years ago
they are so cute
Brittany Simmons
Brittany Simmons - 8 years ago
oh my god
Katlyn C-M
Katlyn C-M - 8 years ago
Cute little babies, too. :D
Britney Bear
Britney Bear - 8 years ago
Anyone else here because of finding dory!!!
Indiana Bones
Indiana Bones - 7 years ago
J-Hope Stole My Jams
J-Hope Stole My Jams - 7 years ago
Vietnam Ball I do.
Dark matter Hafnium
Dark matter Hafnium - 7 years ago
Britney Bear no
The HyperActive27
The HyperActive27 - 8 years ago
Adam Byrd
Adam Byrd - 8 years ago
who looked up whale shark after seeing finding dory?
John Doe
John Doe - 8 years ago
such a harmless animal..
tinapie23 - 8 years ago
pipe pals!!! destiny ❤️❤️❤️
Reneshia Thompson
Reneshia Thompson - 8 years ago
Que A
Que A - 8 years ago
it begins.....
SumExtraSushi - 8 years ago
For some reason the basking shark looks bigger
Mercutio Rane
Mercutio Rane - 8 years ago
Incredible footage!
Demolition Bros
Demolition Bros - 8 years ago
The biggest shark is the most harmless unless one goes on a rampage and gets the nickname Vacuum Mouth
GoWithTh3Flow - 8 years ago
Well I wouldn't say harmless. They won't injure you on purpose, but make sure you don't get hit with their tale. Not fun.
Bts Fan! Suga Kookies
Bts Fan! Suga Kookies - 7 years ago
GoWithTh3Flow the whale shark actually cant hurt anything it has 300 rows of teeth but they cannot rip tear nor hurt humans
Ches Phendshil
Ches Phendshil - 7 years ago
sharks tale lol
Shibasaur - 7 years ago
GoWithTh3Flow tail*
Kyle Caldwell
Kyle Caldwell - 7 years ago
Farhan Zubedi
Farhan Zubedi - 8 years ago
In gorontalo, indonesia
adv3ntang3l - 8 years ago
@Becky Kagan Schott
Is it okay if i use this footage for my school project?
Captain Lugia
Captain Lugia - 8 years ago
Whale sharks are my favorite sharks! I love them!
Carew Martin
Carew Martin - 8 years ago
It's so ironic that of all the sharks there are, the biggest shark is the least scary.
Marie Marceau Fatal
Marie Marceau Fatal - 7 years ago
Zach Mortimer
Zach Mortimer - 7 years ago
Carew Martin the whale shark is a whale, not a shark
Jack D. Flippin
Jack D. Flippin - 7 years ago
I think that's funny too.
A shark two feet long can bite your arm off, but this about 35 feet long shark is harmless. Weird.

I wanna swim with a whale shark at some point.
Mushpop mushy
Mushpop mushy - 7 years ago
Carew Martin :p
JamFilledJarz - 7 years ago
I agree a large gaping mouth with a creature that large is scary, but my god this is a beautiful creature no doubt.
Saturday LuNATic
Saturday LuNATic - 7 years ago
Carew Martin I mean...to me it's quite creepy with that giant mouth with no teeth but it's not that scary, although the whale sharks I think are more whale than are sharks
Ariyan Ahmed
Ariyan Ahmed - 7 years ago
I know I'm like a year late, but hear me out here;
The Whale Shark is the largest fish or shark still alive. Megalodon (20-2 mya) was the largest known shark, and Leedsichthys was the largest known fish. Just spitting out facts at an argument 10 months old.
Emi Carter
Emi Carter - 7 years ago
Carew Martin nope whale sharks terrify me
Cosmic - 7 years ago
Canada for kids
Mars Crow
Mars Crow - 8 years ago
Mikey Xzd video games AdX its icstinct I thought but it would be cool if it was still alive
Jerry Nyberg
Jerry Nyberg - 8 years ago
Carew Martin dji gis khan
Mikey Xzd
Mikey Xzd - 8 years ago
Carew Martin what about megladon ha he is the biggest shark in our world right now
Carew Martin
Carew Martin - 8 years ago
you must be new to youtube
小田倉hana - 8 years ago
this is a nice civil thread
MINETORIALS79 - 8 years ago
+Brian Estepa fuck you faggot
Morty Smith
Morty Smith - 8 years ago
Also, one of the most adorable! (in my opinion)
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
+Brian Estepa you didn't correct me, because I am right. P.S I didn't say that!
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
+Brian Estepa if you don't know what you're saying don't say anything. Leading information on bullshit your brain leaks out.
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
+Carew Martin exactly.
Carew Martin
Carew Martin - 8 years ago
Brian, you may be a nice guy but you're kind of stupid because In a discussion about the biggest shark, why bring up a shark that hasn't existed for millions of years? We weren't talking about the biggest shark that ever lived so your comment about the megalodon was pointless.
Brian Estepa
Brian Estepa - 8 years ago
+Uhmm why are you being such an ass? Have I insulted you? Do you live a sad life in your mothers basement and proceed to take your anger out on the YouTube comment section? I just thought that the megalodon was the biggest shark. If I'm wrong, that's fine, but you don't have to be an asshole about it. Was I an asshole when you commented that whale sharks have no teeth in the other comment? No, I just corrected you and moved along. Fucking dick.
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
+Brian Estepa and if the megaladon was the biggest shark, it would have been the biggest fish also. So that proves you know two shits of what you are saying. ;)
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
+Brian Estepa it hasn't been found at any point or time, it isn't alive of what we know. So please shut the fuck up! Honestly, no one knows! So you look stupid as hell in my eyes and anyone else's that has half a brain.
Carew Martin
Carew Martin - 8 years ago
If you people aren't trolling, you're idiots
Brian Estepa
Brian Estepa - 8 years ago
+Uhmm the megalodon is the biggest shark.
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
+Brian Estepa yes it is the biggest shark, while also biggest fish. You are wrong.
Brian Estepa
Brian Estepa - 8 years ago
The whale shark isn't the biggest shark, it is the biggest fish.
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
Your opinion while I think otherwise.
Carew Martin
Carew Martin - 8 years ago
Yeah, except it hasn't existed for millions of years
PieBlu Sky
PieBlu Sky - 8 years ago
Megalodon is big and scary..
Anyontm - 8 years ago
Beautiful creatures.
Khrys32 - 8 years ago
They sure are. ☺
Elizabeth Tuzon
Elizabeth Tuzon - 8 years ago
forgive me by the way I am Elizabeth 9years old

100. comment for Swimming with Whale Sharks

Elizabeth Tuzon
Elizabeth Tuzon - 8 years ago
forgive me my mom just bought me a book about ocean I didn't read the book well
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition - 8 years ago
Elizabeth Tuzon you shound not be on the internet,people will bully you
Elizabeth Tuzon
Elizabeth Tuzon - 8 years ago
Horror and Halloween 101
Horror and Halloween 101 - 8 years ago
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
Ok dear god.
Elizabeth Tuzon
Elizabeth Tuzon - 8 years ago
forgive me my mom just bought me a book about ocean I didn't read the book well
Elizabeth Tuzon
Elizabeth Tuzon - 8 years ago
oh sorry
Elizabeth Tuzon
Elizabeth Tuzon - 8 years ago
oh sorry
Elizabeth Tuzon
Elizabeth Tuzon - 8 years ago
What it says there the biggest fish at the planet or whale/shark blue whale is r
Sophia G
Sophia G - 8 years ago
blue whales are mammals
Elizabeth Tuzon
Elizabeth Tuzon - 8 years ago
What it says there the biggest fish at the planet or whale/shark blue whale is
Invader Zim
Invader Zim - 8 years ago
holy fucking cringe!
Elizabeth Tuzon
Elizabeth Tuzon - 8 years ago
What it says there the biggest fish at the planet or whale/shark blue whale is
LordMOSS 1234
LordMOSS 1234 - 8 years ago
this thing is a fish, whales are mammals and most mammals that live in the ocean have horizontal
Dover - 8 years ago
A fucking 4 year old knows that whales are not fish.
Pimp Daddy
Pimp Daddy - 8 years ago
+Uhmm yet you insult a 9 year olds intelligence? And then say I look stupid? Ok dude whatever you say
Tygrress - 8 years ago
+Carew Martin No, I thought that animals that looked like fish "were" fish, if you didn't catch my drift.
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
+Pimp Daddy auto correct? Isn't it obvious? You look fucking stupid.
Pimp Daddy
Pimp Daddy - 8 years ago
+Uhmm you called her stupid yet you fail to spell mammal correctly and it doesn't take a scientist to do that
Carew Martin
Carew Martin - 8 years ago
Neon, so you thought you and other kids in the pool were fish?
Tygrress - 8 years ago
+Uhmm Not every child is going to be an animal expert like you. I only learned that a blue whale was a mammal at 11 because I thought everything that swims was a fish.
You need to calm down.
Jz360 Zovko
Jz360 Zovko - 8 years ago
+Becky Kagan Schott if she's nine how does she have. A YouTube account ur supposed be like 12 or something
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
+Neon when I was nine I actually knew shit, it doesn't take a scientist to know this.
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
+Invader Zim xD
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
+Elizabeth Tuzon you're so stupid.
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
You're so fucking stupid. The blue whale is a manner not a fish.
Bangtan - 8 years ago
Umm a whale shark is a fish and it says the biggest fish but a blue whale is a mammal a fish is not a mammal so a blue whale is originally the biggest animal but a whale shark is the biggest fish
Wolf53166 - 8 years ago
Yeah, True. I got confused for a second, and was about to ask. Thanks for the reminder! :)
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 8 years ago
ok everyone. discuss this in private. not on my video. Be respectful and go explore the world.
Carew Martin
Carew Martin - 8 years ago
And you know this because she said she is? wow
Liam Cruz
Liam Cruz - 8 years ago
+Carew Martin she is 9
Carew Martin
Carew Martin - 8 years ago
If she really is 9 then she should have learned two things-1-The whale shark is indeed the biggest fish on earth, and 2-people on the internet can be immature retards
Invader Zim
Invader Zim - 8 years ago
+Becky Kagan Schott sorry about that I got carried away ^^'
Liam Cruz
Liam Cruz - 8 years ago
So i stood up for her
Liam Cruz
Liam Cruz - 8 years ago
I'm 12 and i got cyber bully 3 times
Liam Cruz
Liam Cruz - 8 years ago
I'm sorry that i swear
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 8 years ago
+Liam Cruz I just saw these comments now. Invader Zim that is really uncalled for. As you can see I answered this person politely not knowing anything about her. Then to find out she's 9 mades some sense. I think we need to teach by example and a good example for you right now would be an apology.
Liam Cruz
Liam Cruz - 8 years ago
+Invader Zim bully
Invader Zim
Invader Zim - 8 years ago
+Neon lol
Tygrress - 8 years ago
+Invader Zim Calm the fuck down, shes 9 you retard.
Invader Zim
Invader Zim - 8 years ago
+Elizabeth Tuzon educate yourself bitch!
Elizabeth Tuzon
Elizabeth Tuzon - 8 years ago
sorry by the way I am Elizabeth 9years old
Elizabeth Tuzon
Elizabeth Tuzon - 8 years ago
sorry by the way I am Elizabeth 9years old
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 8 years ago
+Elizabeth Tuzon Google biggest fish on earth.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 8 years ago
+Elizabeth Tuzon you are confused. the blue whale is the largest animal on the planet but it's a mammal which breathes air. look it up. a whale shark is a fish and the biggest fish on earth. I am a professional.
Elizabeth Tuzon
Elizabeth Tuzon - 8 years ago
Blue whale is the biggest try to ask the water or ocean proffecional
Elizabeth Tuzon
Elizabeth Tuzon - 8 years ago
No its not
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 8 years ago
blue whale is a mammal, it breathes air, whale shark is a big fish :) so biggest fish on the planet.
VEE727 - 8 years ago
You got very close to its mouth several times. Don't they create a suction around it? At 1:20 I thought you were a goner
Shibasaur - 7 years ago
VEE727 even if you went in it’s mouth, you could not be swallowed, for they’re filter feeders.
MilesEdgeworth129 - 7 years ago
Whale sharks are filter-feeders; they consume plankton and other small marine life forms, and they have to be moving forward in order to get water into their mouths; they don't "inhale" it.
MrStealYourFrog - 8 years ago
It should, the thing is it does not suck while in the water, it just opens its mouth and lets water in, there is no suction created. I also thought there was, but after swimming with several myself over here in Baja California, as long as you stay 1 meter away from it and 2 meters away from the tail, they're super docile. They can be quite fast though.
J Williams
J Williams - 8 years ago
Carew Martin lmao
Carew Martin
Carew Martin - 8 years ago
Good luck with that you weirdo
Harry - 8 years ago
+VEE727 I did the same dive as the guy in the video. Our instructor told me that so i assume it's true.
VEE727 - 8 years ago
+Harry Really? That is incredible
Harry - 8 years ago
whale sharks spit out anything larger than 5mm
Dimal - 8 years ago
The esophagus of a whale shark measures only a few inches across. So, no they couldn't swallow you even if they wanted to. Whale sharks also know that they can't eat you and they often close their mouths around big prey like you or big fish.
Brian Estepa
Brian Estepa - 8 years ago
I used to think so too. I always thought getting in front of its mouth when they opened it was a death sentence.. Guess not?
VEE727 - 8 years ago
It vacuumed the life out of me for a second
Carew Martin
Carew Martin - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure they're not vacuums.
destinyawaitsx3 - 8 years ago
Is Dorys friend a whale shark in the upcoming finding dory?
Honey Bunny
Honey Bunny - 8 years ago
yesss ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
50_Shades_Of_Me - 9 years ago
why do little fishies swam underneath them?
50_Shades_Of_Me - 8 years ago
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
+ZahyaDaily actually, they are there to scare off their predators. With the big fish, the other fish that want to eat the smaller fish will keep away because they are scared of the whale shark. The fish do wash them but it's for a reason.
Bitten4Robloc - 9 years ago
+ZahyaDaily np :)
50_Shades_Of_Me - 9 years ago
+ADinosaurProduction aka lexi meyers c: thanks
Bitten4Robloc - 9 years ago
+ZahyaDaily They clean the shark
Orangy Pteco
Orangy Pteco - 9 years ago
I've actually swam with a whale shark, this one time in baja California sur I saw this huge one swimming along the reef and i swan with it for god knows how long, I even ride on his back, it's a beautiful experience.
sirgigalot - 9 years ago
Biggest shark in the world
Can't eat humans
Miguel Huerta
Miguel Huerta - 8 years ago
+Fucked your bitch! but they're also sharks
Daniel Liu
Daniel Liu - 8 years ago
it's physically impossible for them to swallow a human because their throat is very small
Brian Estepa
Brian Estepa - 8 years ago
+Uhmm they have very small teeth, nothing they could chew with obviously.
Brian Estepa
Brian Estepa - 8 years ago
They don't like eating humans, if they accidentally sucked you up, per say, they'd most likely spit you out.
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
And they can but don't have teeth, so it's not a priority.
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
*biggest fish in the world.
Brittany DeLaine
Brittany DeLaine - 9 years ago
Lol whale shark my bro, theres a Remora on your arm XD if u didn't notice
Артём Водоватов
Артём Водоватов - 9 years ago
Anyone know why they have those white spot patterns?
The Pancake Boy
The Pancake Boy - 8 years ago
Just patterns nothing special
Lenny Is A Carrot
Lenny Is A Carrot - 8 years ago
I'd guess for camouflage.
Robert Lembo
Robert Lembo - 9 years ago
As shitty as this world is....this is one of the few things that was done right....these creatures are so majestic and peaceful it should be a crime punishable by death to disturb them let alone eat them....
Robert Lembo
Robert Lembo - 8 years ago
+xXViperKingXx truth!!
xXViperKingXx - 8 years ago
+Robert Lembo Nutbar or not, it should be a heavily punishable crime to harm such beautiful creatures. we should value their lives like we do our own.
Robert Lembo
Robert Lembo - 8 years ago
+xXViperKingXx thank you
Carew Martin
Carew Martin - 8 years ago
So you're a nutbar too
xXViperKingXx - 8 years ago
I agree with Robert.
Carew Martin
Carew Martin - 8 years ago
Yes, the world would be so much nicer if we just summarily executed people for disturbing big fish, great plan Mr. Humanity.
potato_mash - 9 years ago
Beautiful creatures outstanding
ThatNerdGirl 7
ThatNerdGirl 7 - 9 years ago
Oh what a beautiful beautiful fish! I would love to swim with one of these or at least see one up close. There's going to be a whale shark in Finding Dory named Destiny. Perfect name to suit one of these gorgeous gargantuan creatures!
Starman - 9 years ago
I went there to swim with whale sharks in Oslob, Cebu, Philippines. Please see my video taken by GoPro. A a handler shouted to me to keep the distance from a whale shark, but it was very difficult to do it in the circumstance.
Crunchy Mae
Crunchy Mae - 9 years ago
Are these dangerous?
Billy Causgrove
Billy Causgrove - 8 years ago
Whale Sharks are harmless to anything bigger than plankton and small fish.
Katty - 9 years ago
Not really
Alex Mullins
Alex Mullins - 9 years ago
whale sharks do have teeth and thay have one thousand times as much as you do
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
No they don't. They have teeth, but not that much more. Don't get over yourself with the facts you pull out of your ass. They have around 3 thousand teeth.
JJowner - 9 years ago
except that they can not eat anything bigger than plankton
Nizar Alkhazragi
Nizar Alkhazragi - 9 years ago
Angel Ruegger
Angel Ruegger - 9 years ago
I'm glad whale sharks are nice to humans we can easily fit in their mouth.
Jasmine E . X . E .
Jasmine E . X . E . - 7 years ago
Nizar Alkhazragi there actually harmless
mr skateboard
mr skateboard - 8 years ago
their mouthes are big, throats very small
JJowner - 9 years ago
the biggest thing they eat is plankton
Lukas Moczek
Lukas Moczek - 9 years ago
Lukas Moczek
Lukas Moczek - 9 years ago
Their throat is tiny they ca t swallow u
Nizar Alkhazragi
Nizar Alkhazragi - 9 years ago
He 's Fuckig shark
cintu lator
cintu lator - 9 years ago
oh my, such beauty..
HGM - 9 years ago
Awww. So peaceful.
MC ZZ - 9 years ago
This makes me thirsty.
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
Tyler Phaneuf
Tyler Phaneuf - 9 years ago
Every time they open their mouths NOM NOM NOM NOM NOOOOM
dana brejakova
dana brejakova - 9 years ago
Just had that FANTASTIC opportunity too !!! IT IS MAGICAL ... I nearly cried when I saw that peaceful beautiful monster under me gracefully swimming ... even the dolphins were saluting us on that trip ... SOMETHING I WILL NEVER FORGET ... Respectfully observing them in their natural habitat is the best one can do !!!! The day before I was running up and down to find the biodegradable sunblock that would not harm them while they filter the water that surely would contain that awful toxic film from the regular sunblocks. Our captain was a fantastic guy explaining all their behavior to us and mainly putting an emphasis on us respecting their habitat ... I loved that !
Salty peper
Salty peper - 9 years ago
Then china comes along and ruins it for everybody by cutting the Fricken thing then selling it
Salty peper
Salty peper - 8 years ago
+Uhmm yes i know asshat
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
+Malfunctioning Cat it is a shark you fucking idiot.
Salty peper
Salty peper - 9 years ago
+Lukas Moczek whale sharks are sharks yea
crazyweirdomimicers - 9 years ago
+Lukas Moczek Calm your tits big guy
Lukas Moczek
Lukas Moczek - 9 years ago
They are sharks noob
crazyweirdomimicers - 9 years ago
+Bonesaw_x_37 Huh no. I mean Shark. Shark fin lol
Salty peper
Salty peper - 9 years ago
+crazyweirdomimicers its a fish yea not a shark
crazyweirdomimicers - 9 years ago
Idk if it's this shark or another but they do taste great. Worth money? I don't think so. :P
Salty peper
Salty peper - 9 years ago
+crazyweirdomimicers u wot m8???? u m3an u alrdy a8 d@t
crazyweirdomimicers - 9 years ago
+Bonesaw_x_37 They taste delicious
Salty peper
Salty peper - 9 years ago
+Jesus Esteves yea its sad :(
Bold And Brash
Bold And Brash - 9 years ago
Dude Ikr
BriteHDGames - 9 years ago
I just couldn't stand that video from China :(.... So I went here.
Salty peper
Salty peper - 9 years ago
Yea same here
MishuTaste - 9 years ago
I want a large saltwater swimming pool and a pet whale shark.
Anzu of england
Anzu of england - 9 years ago
+MishuTaste you would need a lot of fish food!
ChristmasGaming - 9 years ago
u know? a car can go in to a whale sark
it's so big not small and I want a pet whale sark it so cool
Kara Wonderfula
Kara Wonderfula - 9 years ago
+Alex Graves lol this comment made my day
katherine callejas
katherine callejas - 9 years ago
are those like just fishes under its fin or is that like baby whale sharks lol orrr is the one on its back the baby whale shark or a fish lmao I want to know
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
None are baby whale sharks LMFAO.
K - 9 years ago
I'll shit my pants if I meet this thing
Adam Cederblad
Adam Cederblad - 9 years ago
+Ngô Kim Sinh I think I would be more scared to swim next to a real whale or a basking shark (I know they're harmless but I still can't get over the size of them), but I would probably want to swim near a whale shark, because they're flatter and have really beautiful colors.
Nizar Alkhazragi
Nizar Alkhazragi - 9 years ago
real sharks sharks
K - 9 years ago
+Sakura Pony :'D
Kara Wonderfula
Kara Wonderfula - 9 years ago
+Ngô Kim Sinh there sooo majesticccccccc and kawaaaiiiii thouggghhhh
K - 9 years ago
+Laoli Pop Yes they are. But I'll still shit my pants if I meet one of them.
Kara Wonderfula
Kara Wonderfula - 9 years ago
But there so nice and friendly
Random Kid
Random Kid - 9 years ago
I love basking- and whale sharks, the sad thing is that humans kill this animals
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
Not as much as you would think though.
Marshman220 - 9 years ago
Just think if they had teeth, they'd be the new megalodon, smaller size but still
Kyle Caldwell
Kyle Caldwell - 7 years ago
Det Studios it's a shark sharks are fish not mammals
Dillon Gamer
Dillon Gamer - 7 years ago
Same size actualy
wolf man jr
wolf man jr - 7 years ago
Marshman220 they do have teeth.... They are really small
kickbro smasher
kickbro smasher - 8 years ago
Det Studios they said largest fish
Det Studios
Det Studios - 8 years ago
Marshman220 isnt blue whale the largest?
Det Studios
Det Studios - 8 years ago
Marshman220 i
kickbro smasher
kickbro smasher - 8 years ago
Marshman220 they actually do just really tiny and their filter feaders
Bill Cipher
Bill Cipher - 8 years ago
they DO have teeth. they have tiny tiny teeth
Marshman220 - 8 years ago
we'll just wait for the whale shark to evolve into a newer Megalodon. If possible.......... what am I saying; That should be possible right?
Sloan McLellan
Sloan McLellan - 8 years ago
they have teeth but they don't really use them
Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez - 8 years ago
+marshman220 nah,to fat to be a deadly swimmer,just big lumbering beasts still,just with teeth,nothing changed
Sabin Breitling
Sabin Breitling - 9 years ago
+Mr. Tyrannosaurus super small
최주현 - 9 years ago
+Becky Kagan Schott _[Comment Self-Removed]_
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 9 years ago
+marshman220 Cars, bees, and dogs kill thousands of people a year. I'd fear them more. =)
Marshman220 - 9 years ago
lol yup, im always scared of something like that or anything at least that big. Also I have a fear of them because they cant still accidentally kill people....
최주현 - 9 years ago
+marshman220 From that perspective than I would agree with you that if it were a [carnivore-esque] predator then I would someone fear a close encounter with it as well lol
Marshman220 - 9 years ago
well the way I said my statement was from this approach where I thought to myself it would be a predator, so my mistake. 
최주현 - 9 years ago
+marshman220 Not really... [the] Megalodon(s) were known to be hunters that would eat mostly any large creature. Whale sharks however don't focus so much on large creatures in their diets but more on small coral eggs and sea plankton.
DarkAngel Oficial
DarkAngel Oficial - 9 years ago
Wow,that is one of the most beautiful thing that i ever seen
Milton Westy
Milton Westy - 9 years ago
that is amazing video. nice job! are you using a filter? Orange? magenta?
Brian Estepa
Brian Estepa - 8 years ago
You may be colorblind, see an eye doctor.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 9 years ago
+Milton Westy no filter.
BC-Strategy - 9 years ago
So if you somehow got into its mouth, since its throat is only the size of a basketball do you just swim out? Or does it spit you out. OR are they smart enough to know not to open their mouths when a human is infront of them?
Bill Wilson
Bill Wilson - 9 years ago
+Nizar Alkhazragi for you
Nizar Alkhazragi
Nizar Alkhazragi - 9 years ago
real sharks on teeth
Nizar Alkhazragi
Nizar Alkhazragi - 9 years ago
he's the big fish
Brianna Rodriguez
Brianna Rodriguez - 9 years ago
But a lot of he time the shark can choke and die :/
Brianna Rodriguez
Brianna Rodriguez - 9 years ago
You wouldn't necessarily swim out, but you'd would have the whale shark spityou out. They suck in more than 600 cubic meters of water every hour while feeding. They swallow this incredible amount of water because they need to capture as much food as they can and their food is strictly plankton. They're self aware like us and know what to eat and what not to eat, so they'd just be like "hey friend I'm trying to eat, mind me moving around you a little, bc I see some little food particles :P"
DUltimate Barlada
DUltimate Barlada - 9 years ago
this whale shark is the most biggest shark in the world and the smallest fish in the world is pandaka pygmea and we find them fish in the phillippines only
TheFancyEvil - 8 years ago
Sam Wegener that's why I said is believed...
Sam Wegener
Sam Wegener - 8 years ago
Fancy Scott Megalodon has been extinct for a couple million years. Any one who tells you otherwise is either a pseudoscientist, very gullible, or a very gullible pseudoscientist.
Horror and Halloween 101
Horror and Halloween 101 - 8 years ago
There's no proof that megaladon exists.
TheFancyEvil - 9 years ago
Also biggest shark in the world? Megalodon is believed to be out there
Lord Cat
Lord Cat - 9 years ago
+DUltimate Barlada Except these sharks travel to Mexico every year...
Noah - 9 years ago
I did this in Cabo San Lucas and it was amazing... It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I know I would be kicking myself if I didn't do it... Everyone should do it.. There was 5-95 year olds were doing it
Jack Mckenzie
Jack Mckenzie - 7 years ago
The Galaxy LyFe I'm flying to Cabo tomorrow and I'm swimming with the whales too. Probably from the same company that brought you.
Nizar Alkhazragi
Nizar Alkhazragi - 9 years ago
thundersnowstorm - 9 years ago
What's the name of the background music?
Lance Lovecraft
Lance Lovecraft - 9 years ago
What a unique fish
Kelsey Miller
Kelsey Miller - 9 years ago
This is too cool
Paul David
Paul David - 9 years ago
Guy Skillen
Guy Skillen - 9 years ago
Ningaloo reef in Western Australia (April to July) is awesome. You can see whale sharks, manta rays, humpbacks and orca by boat, as well as beautiful corals, reef fish, sea turtles and reef sharks straight off the beach! I have lots of videos on my page for anyone interested!
Nizar Alkhazragi
Nizar Alkhazragi - 9 years ago
+Becky Kagan Schott F!
Guy Skillen
Guy Skillen - 9 years ago
I'll have to come check it out! We're much stricter in Australia about getting close to or in front of the whale sharks, but the ones you're swimming with don't seem to mind too much.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing my video. Mexico is amazing!
Patches33001 - 9 years ago
1:22 is terrafying... he nearly got eaten XD
Horror and Halloween 101
Horror and Halloween 101 - 9 years ago
+Enderpatch I thought that too originally. No worries. :). 
Patches33001 - 9 years ago
+Brenda Conklin Ohhhh, i always thought they're throats were huge :P (mostly because the fish its self is)
Horror and Halloween 101
Horror and Halloween 101 - 9 years ago
+Enderpatch It's throat is the size of a basketball, so if you got stuck in it the whale shark would die. Plus, they're extremely friendly so it wouldn't try to swallow him. 
Patches33001 - 9 years ago
+Brenda Conklin Bit its a giant fish... i would think something that big could eat a human whole...
Horror and Halloween 101
Horror and Halloween 101 - 9 years ago
+Enderpatch Him being eaten. 
Patches33001 - 9 years ago
+Brenda Conklin What wouldnt?
Horror and Halloween 101
Horror and Halloween 101 - 9 years ago
That wouldn't be possible though.
Kasper Nielsen
Kasper Nielsen - 10 years ago
What would happen if the swallowed a person? just wondering
Vernon682 - 8 years ago
+Billy Causgrove I'm talking about both then? Oh. Time to correct an old mistake...
Billy Causgrove
Billy Causgrove - 8 years ago
Whale Sharks & Basking Sharks can't and don't swallow people their throats are as big as a grapefruit. They are harmless to anything bigger than plankton and small fish.
Vernon682 - 9 years ago
The shark would choke to death. It's throats the size of a basketball, so a human head would clog the hole and make the shark suffocate.
Ruben Carrillo
Ruben Carrillo - 9 years ago
+Kasper Nielsen That person would die.
Isaac j
Isaac j - 10 years ago
What if these fish were to evolved razor sharp 7" K-9 speed agility an they stealth of a Great white boy oh boy.
Michael Parrent
Michael Parrent - 9 years ago
+Isaac j Then you'd have something between a great white and a megaladon. What if your grandma had a.....Nevermind.
Ender-Chan - 10 years ago
It's so majestic.
agung purnomo
agung purnomo - 10 years ago
beautiful, gentle giants
bajaair - 10 years ago
Awesome #whaleshark video. One of the best places with a very high and consistent concentration of whale sharks to swim and snorkel with is near Bahia de Los Angeles and Baja Airventures Las Animas Eo-Lodge. Best time of year is August - October.
Kayla G.
Kayla G. - 10 years ago
Why do all the biggest animals feed on the smallest things? Like, baleen whales are massive and they eat krill and plankton, and this basking shark eats tiny stuff, too. How can they get so big?
Zevahc 2
Zevahc 2 - 9 years ago
They have big mouths but tiny tiny tiny super tiny throats
Kayla G.
Kayla G. - 10 years ago
Wow, you typed all that for me le blush
Anyway, thanks, it was really informative
Fara Yaman
Fara Yaman - 10 years ago
Really good question! 

Bigger animals generally need more energy to sustain them. Sometimes it's not the size of the stuff they eat but the energy it contains. First you have to understand the concept of the food trophic level system and the energy pyramid. We have primary producers (generally plants or algae, both aquatic and land-based), primary consumers (whatever that eats those producers, generally herbivores or omnivores), secondary consumers (whatever that eats secondary producers, omnivores or carnivores), tertiary consumers (whatever that eats the secondary consumers, usually carnivores) and decomposers (they eat dead things and help recycle back all those remaining energy and nutrients because everything will die sometime; these are usually bacteria and fungi/mushrooms).

Producers (plants/algae) can generally make their own food using combinations of sunlight, water and other nutrients from the air, soil or ocean. So energy basically is provided by the sun (some exceptions are in very deep seas) so plants/algae will generally have the most amount of energy. This energy reduces by each level in the trophic level because the consumers will need part of the energy that they gain from eating to use for themselves for activities like breathing, moving around, keeping warm and stuff or loss through peeing and pooping. Whatever that eats this animal (dead or alive) will only get what's left of the energy that it has. If the animal dropped dead and nothing else eats them, then the decomposers will process them. 

Let's say the sun has 10 gazillion units of energy. One plant individual cannot possibly harvest all that. In waters there are plant version of planktons called phytoplanktons. Let's say this one individual phytoplankton get 1000 energy from the sun. An animal version of plankton (zooplankton) then comes and eat the phytoplankton but they themselves can't extract nutrient and energy from the whole thing so out of 1000, they get 500 energy. The zooplankton needs to swim around and stuff so what's left is 400 energy. A small fish later comes and eat this zooplankton and get 300 (maybe they can't digest the harder parts of the zooplankton, for example or maybe they didn't get a bite at the whole animal, the fish just bit off a few legs and a head). This goes on and on until you get to the shark which doesn't have any more predators after that (we call this apex predator). By the time the energy that originates from one phytoplankton reach the shark, it's probably like, 5 or 10 units of energy out of the original 1000 that the phytoplankton have. So, a big animal like a whale will benefit more from eating tiny stuff, energy-wise than if it eats bigger animals like tunas or sharks. Plus, tiny animals are a lot easier to come by and more plentiful than the bigger ones. If whales eat tunas instead, I think there might not be enough tunas out there for them - and for us! 

Thanks if you read this far. I hope you understand now.
kewlkats - 9 years ago
+WarmGood Rob He meant whale shark :/
SpaceManChan ElBlackyChan
SpaceManChan ElBlackyChan - 10 years ago
one those thing can swallow a human whole that be so scary cause you still be alive xD
AGuyWithATopHat - 9 years ago
Actually, they would choke. They have throats around the size of a basketball.
Mind Of Virtuoso
Mind Of Virtuoso - 10 years ago
+Becky Kagan Schott is megalodon real?
thomas george chiong sy
thomas george chiong sy - 10 years ago
Come to the island of Cebu in the Philippines if anyone wants to swim with them. The local fishermen here at the town of Oslob befriended the Whale Sharks there by feeding them daily, so they always seem to stay there the whole year round. It is considered a tourist spot, and you can swim with them for 30 minutes for a fee of 500 Philippine pesos. As long as you don't touch them.
Travel Philippines
Travel Philippines - 10 years ago
 so cool
is this in Mexico on the Baja?
Travel Philippines
Travel Philippines - 10 years ago
very nice video Becky !
Robert Kang
Robert Kang - 10 years ago
Similan Dive Center Khao Lak Liveaboards and diving daytrips
Similan Dive Center Khao Lak Liveaboards and diving daytrips - 10 years ago
Very nice
O5scu870 - 10 years ago
That is like my dream
Skg G
Skg G - 10 years ago
These sharks are very cute and became my favorite a long time back :)
EiferBrennan - 10 years ago
@Cole H No, whales are mammals, this is a whale shark, shark being the operative.
Bad Misty
Bad Misty - 10 years ago
2:22-2:26 looks like it swallowed the diver!
kenai singchanh
kenai singchanh - 10 years ago
Whale sharks are the largest living shark in the world. Growing to the maximum length of 40 ft (12m) and weighing 20 tons (40,000 pounds). They are filter feeders which mean they eat microscopic creatures such as plankton. They also eat small fish. But 28 million years ago there was a shark named Megalodon that grew to 52 ft (16m) to the maximum of 67 ft (20.3m) and weighed 50 to 100 tons (100,000 to 200,000 pounds) and ate whales, other sharks, Large fish, and dolphins. But became extinct 2 million years ago because of global cooling and lack of food. Most whale species became extinct and the rest went to the north and south poles to feed on krill. And the Earth was cooling and the ice age was about to began. The Megalodons preferred warm waters because they were cold blooded not warm blooded like Great white sharks and that led to their extinction.
Ches Phendshil
Ches Phendshil - 7 years ago
not only largest shark, but longest fish
Shibasaur - 7 years ago
kenai singchanh begin*
Shibasaur - 7 years ago
kenai singchanh I thought it was 60 ft maximum
Coolguyiscool925 Does weather/gaming/more!
Coolguyiscool925 Does weather/gaming/more! - 8 years ago
Lol thanks for the info XD
Slender Burrito
Slender Burrito - 10 years ago
It looks so derpy and adorable. I think I have found my favorite shark.
Asaf Mor
Asaf Mor - 10 years ago
Dat shark is cute
Sasha M
Sasha M - 10 years ago
Leon Li
Leon Li - 10 years ago
that is one big fish
John Smith
John Smith - 10 years ago
Megalodon was the largest fish blue whale was the largest mammal
Fara Yaman
Fara Yaman - 10 years ago
+999deadlyreaper, blue whales are the biggest living mammal (and biggest animal) in the world. It is also dubbed as one of the biggest animal to ever exist with other big dinosaurs like sauropods or Leedsichthys. Whales are not fishes.

+Misher name, the megalodon is concluded by scientists to be bigger than the whale shark but it's extinct so whale shark is now the biggest living fish. Sharks are fishes or cartilaginous fishes to be specific. The extinct Leedsichthys is a bony fish and also thought to be bigger or about equal in size with whale sharks. 

There's a lot of common misconception about whales and whale sharks so hope this helps.
Mind Of Virtuoso
Mind Of Virtuoso - 10 years ago
+A6N6V44U no is megalodon
TheSam™ - 10 years ago
+A6N6V44U actually the blue whale is the biggest fish so far
xXTHE ELITE GAMER Xx - 10 years ago
Dude a Whale shark is the biggest fish in the FUCKING WORLD
J. R.
J. R. - 10 years ago
You can catch these in animal crossing...
salami - 10 years ago
I've caught 4 already, they're as big as the character. Babies, maybe, but for a baby still incredibly small.
supaleegamingX - 10 years ago
What? Seriously?!
Luna Lopez
Luna Lopez - 10 years ago
whale sharks are cute =w=
Kuddos Feher
Kuddos Feher - 10 years ago
I did this on monday!.. this is something you have to do on your lifetime. They're well protected by the mexican marine, you can't touch them but you can swim with them ^_^
Vid Luver
Vid Luver - 10 years ago
its so cute!!!
dougieladd - 10 years ago
I just followed this link from your blog... completely in sensed by the shark fin images on there. I can't believe a human being would do that to the shark and the whale shark, a placid animal just going about it's business. I did 10 dives in Utila so I could dive with them... never spotted ONE :) STOP LONG LINE FISHING AND SHARK FINNING!! Thanks Becky :)
Mieraz22 - 10 years ago
is whale shark part of the whale or shark family? coz i know orcas are actually dolphins instead of whales
kenai singchanh
kenai singchanh - 10 years ago
And because of their size.
Silence Glaive Studios
Silence Glaive Studios - 10 years ago
They're part of the shark family.They were only named WHALE shark because they look like whales.And actually,dolphins are really small toothed whales.
mack cummy
mack cummy - 10 years ago
I just did this today!
John Figlewicz
John Figlewicz - 10 years ago
I intend to do this sometime in the future while I am still able to.  Magnificent creatures!  You guys who have been able to do it are so lucky.
DanasLilMakeup - 10 years ago
Swimming with them would be a dream come true for me, such beautiful creatures they are <3 :3
Aspie Otaku
Aspie Otaku - 9 years ago
+DanasLilMakeup I would give the whale shark a great big hug! They are so kind and gentle same with basking sharks!
Joyce Ann Pilit
Joyce Ann Pilit - 10 years ago
you'll get the chance to feed and swim together with them
DanasLilMakeup - 10 years ago
Vivo en Mexico, y eso seria n sueño hecho realidad!!!!
Frankie Six
Frankie Six - 10 years ago
Come down to Cabo San Lucas, baja california sur. In México guarantee you can snorkel with them.
ThatBlue3.7 - 10 years ago
Swimming with you would be a dream come true. Jk have a good day!
Joyce Ann Pilit
Joyce Ann Pilit - 10 years ago
Joyce Ann Pilit
Joyce Ann Pilit - 10 years ago
+Herzi Skee i think december is the best date. it is when fishermen discovered the whales interacting with them, and i know some friends  who visited there and do the trip on December
Herzi Skee
Herzi Skee - 10 years ago
+Joyce Ann Pilit what season can we see them in Philippine ?
Joyce Ann Pilit
Joyce Ann Pilit - 10 years ago
Oslob Cebu in the Philippines, its possible to do that!
Straw Hat Steven
Straw Hat Steven - 10 years ago
Biggest fear is that it accidentally nabs me
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
+x b0ston21 those teeth could honestly fuck up your day. xD they are very sharp.
ThatGuyChoro - 9 years ago
+x b0ston21
Thanks for the info. I was unaware. ;)
Tectonic Sonic
Tectonic Sonic - 10 years ago
They have teeth, they are just very tiny and can hurt you
supaleegamingX - 10 years ago
They have teeth, they're just useless.
ThatGuyChoro - 10 years ago
It can't hurt you it has no teeth
Roadman1000 - 10 years ago
@Cole H Whales are mammals.  The Blue Whale is the biggest mammal on Earth.
Cole H
Cole H - 10 years ago
Isn't the blue whale the biggest fish
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition - 8 years ago
Horror and Halloween 101 i tought that everyone on earth knowed that(not a american)
Horror and Halloween 101
Horror and Halloween 101 - 8 years ago
Aren't schools still teaching stuff about animals?
Ohio Sports
Ohio Sports - 8 years ago
What are people learning these days?..
16mmDJ - 10 years ago
giant koi fish
xSuperKiroPlays - 10 years ago
Or maybe a big one ya wait.... Maybe
xSuperKiroPlays - 10 years ago
A small whale shark I wanna swim with a small whale shark
xSuperKiroPlays - 10 years ago
I wanna swim with one
Jesus Martin
Jesus Martin - 11 years ago
Thats so amazing 
ThePlasticBowl - 11 years ago
So it says they're the largest fish on the planet so wouldn't that mean they're larger than a blue whale.....wait is a whale considered a fish? I don't know this is a dumb question, forget it.
Michael Parrent
Michael Parrent - 9 years ago
+Becky Kagan Schott Reef isn't one living thing it is a collection of thousands or millions of living things that can be scene from outerspace.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
No question is dumb, the Blue Whale is an air breathing mammal, the whale shark is a fish and the biggest fish on the planet. The Blue Whale is the biggest animal, unless you count the great barrier reef as one living thing that can be seen from space. 
Peter Powell
Peter Powell - 11 years ago
I feel like it'd be really relaxing to just hang on to one of it's fins and hitch a ride.
Friend: Hey man, whatcha doing?
Me: Oh, I've just been chilling with a 40 foot long shark for a while.
Friend: WHAT?!
Me: Yeah, we're migrating to Mexico. There's tons of cool food there for my new buddy! (by the way I'm replacing you with a whale shark)
XTokyoWeeb64 - 7 years ago
Brandon Goerz wow biggest living shark in the world killed by being touched by a human x3
Brandon Goerz
Brandon Goerz - 7 years ago
Would be fun but you can't actually touch them apparently. I just came back from La Paz Mexico and did a snorkel tour and they said if you touch them it opens them up to infection.
FanfVule - 7 years ago
Peter Powell y
Adam Townshend
Adam Townshend - 7 years ago
Zach Mortimer It's not a whale, it's a shark. You can tell by looking at its back fins. It's the largest species of shark on earth, and is called a "whale" shark because of its size and ability to filter-feed.
Zach Mortimer
Zach Mortimer - 7 years ago
Peter Powell it's a whale
RussianOrphan1 - 10 years ago
Best scenario ever!
Jeany Defontorum
Jeany Defontorum - 11 years ago
Its more fun in the Philippines. U can swim with whale shark in cebu oslob.
Bella Cabibi
Bella Cabibi - 11 years ago
this is my favorite animal of all time.
Brooklyn Samson
Brooklyn Samson - 11 years ago
That's my dream to be in the deep sea swimming with whales but it would never be able to happen :(
Olivia Gomes
Olivia Gomes - 11 years ago
Who else thinks that they are cute when they open up their mouths? :3
Matthew Simms
Matthew Simms - 7 years ago
Olivia Gomes I think there aeorable
Akira Shizume
Akira Shizume - 8 years ago
Det Studios Im Sorry..Some Of My Words Are Missingl
Det Studios
Det Studios - 8 years ago
Happy Tree Friends Fliqpy theyre harmless but theyre endangered
Akira Shizume
Akira Shizume - 8 years ago
Mikey Xzd video games AdX Whale Sharks Don't People No Matter Wat u do to him
Mikey Xzd
Mikey Xzd - 8 years ago
Olivia Gomes kinda it feels like he wants to eat you and hidernation u that means kills you
Kane - 8 years ago
derpy cute
Lukas Moczek
Lukas Moczek - 9 years ago
I so agree with u that face is bootiful and beautiful
Sasha M
Sasha M - 10 years ago
Olivia Gomes
Olivia Gomes - 10 years ago
+S. California King Haha!
RussianOrphan1 - 10 years ago
+S. California King You so deserve a thumbs up for that. Thumbs up
S. California King
S. California King - 10 years ago
i do. it turns me on
choiot - 11 years ago
No wounder the majority thinks we are all promiscuous. 
Selin Yildiz
Selin Yildiz - 11 years ago
right <3333333
David V
David V - 11 years ago
This planet is brilliant.
DonKingDario - 11 years ago
Beautiful Video!!! Love it!
Maliciously Delicious
Maliciously Delicious - 11 years ago
It's Pilot fish that clean up the parasites, Remora really don't do anything except sucker onto the fish and eat its leftovers.
Tobias Ärlebo
Tobias Ärlebo - 11 years ago
Hi Becky, we are going to Mexico this year in the late of december is it possibole to swin with these magnific creatures? I have lookt araud on some webpages and found out that if you want guarate to swin with the whale sharks, I shoud be there May-September?
Keenan C.
Keenan C. - 11 years ago
Imagine if they had teeth like a great white. Oo
Kenneth Moffett
Kenneth Moffett - 11 years ago
TamCatG - 11 years ago
Whale Sharks are my Favourite Fish.
icey - 11 years ago
I swear i be like ... Why is it mouth so big? Did the biggest shark and whale have sex?
tommielynn tyler
tommielynn tyler - 11 years ago
they are truly majestic animals. this was my favorite video of whale sharks by far and oh yes, the music was awesome as well.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
Solo Buceo in Cancun does an amazing job! Tell them I sent you ;)
Hangar18productions - 11 years ago
Whale sharks are so cool. I know this is so secondary to the video, but where is that music from? it's really cool as well.
Aiden Baccarini
Aiden Baccarini - 11 years ago
Such an amazing creature.
whack ka
whack ka - 11 years ago
I also heard you can, but you shouldn't. Close contact with humans may harm them or provoke them. Imagine ev tries to grab you? Touching whale sharks is actually forbidden in diving areas i heard.
Ipan Giler
Ipan Giler - 11 years ago
Are this magnificent creature on the verge of extinction?
ChaosOfSpartan - 11 years ago
can you ride on them?
TheShufflebuff - 11 years ago
How many dives does it take to actually find one?
Erik V
Erik V - 11 years ago
just amazing i would love to swim by these giants one day
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
Whale Sharks are filter feeders and they have no teeth, they eat plankton,krill, and fish eggs. (to the comment below LoveMyMuves, good explanation but they are not herbivores, they do eat krill, plankton which is meat)
LoveMyMuvee - 11 years ago
No, they are filter feeders, and are herbivores, so they wouldn't even try to eat anything with meat. They only eat small things such as plankton.
MultiCosmus - 11 years ago
just one stupid question of mine. they don't atack people?
TSpider Keeper
TSpider Keeper - 11 years ago
very great creatures but travel for months to different areas
lucarnetrange - 11 years ago
1:49 What a beauty! That would be the best dive of my life, something you can never ever forget. Thanks for sharing.
Steve White
Steve White - 11 years ago
Whale Fish have giant genitals? Interesting. At what angle is a cutie pie? You're quite bright, aren't you? XD
Clinton Shepley
Clinton Shepley - 11 years ago
How were you able to do this? I would love to travel and dive with these beautiful creatures! Did you take a charter ?
TeanoZ - 11 years ago
They're so cute! Especially when they open their mouths!
HawkDeath90 - 11 years ago
ok, i will never ever swim in a sea/ocean again
cutie pie angle
cutie pie angle - 11 years ago
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
DM Jeni they are incredible to be in the water with and swim next to! Thos ea re not lampreys they are called remoras and they are not harmful to the whale sharks. They basically ride along using a sucker on their head and pick up left over bits of food and use the whale shark for protection. In return they usually will clean parasites off the whale shark. It's a good relationship!
dm jeni
dm jeni - 11 years ago
Majestic creatures. Meanwhile, I think I saw some lamprey's on a couple of them which...sucks...
Makenna Leathers
Makenna Leathers - 11 years ago
They look like they are making a troll face lol
Jacqueline Bagayas
Jacqueline Bagayas - 11 years ago
I love them! just swam with the whale sharks yesterday and they are fabulous gentle giants of the sea!
Lien Trei
Lien Trei - 11 years ago
i would probably faint and die but this is beautiful!
shizukagozen777 - 11 years ago
Ohhh thanks ! May god read to your comment and realise my dream ! T^T Me too, i dream about it since my childhood, exactely since i have seen it for the first time at tv. I thought "Waw, THIS-IS-SO-COOL!!!" and i looked up on the cameraman who almost entered the shark s mouth. lol And now i still think it s totally cool, but also because they are wonderful animals, very cute (yeah "cute", just like geant puppies ^^), absolutely gorgeous, full of grace... Yaah, i love them so much ! x3
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
Thank you. I hope that someday you can snorkel with them too. This is something I dreamed of doing for many years.
shizukagozen777 - 11 years ago
Me, i wanna hug and kiss one ! One day, i swear it ! *u*
shizukagozen777 - 11 years ago
Everyone ? Well, i m living in Europe and like most of people i can t afford a journey to Mexico... Then no, it s not "everyone", you are simply really lucky ! ;)
LeilaKhaled - 11 years ago
I want to hug one X
Melanie Hernandez
Melanie Hernandez - 11 years ago
Wonderful video!! We are heading to Cancun the third week in June. We are going to go swimming with the whale sharks. Can't wait!!
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
I did take that the wrong way, I have a lot of Mexican friends that are amazing people. You have bad people wherever you go in the world though so you have to be careful everywhere. You have to be a smart traveler ;)
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
This is a terrible comment. I'm friends with a lot of Mexicans and they are great people. You should be careful no matter where you travel in the world.
Ralph Jordan
Ralph Jordan - 11 years ago
Agreed, I love sharks
Anon Fox
Anon Fox - 11 years ago
its so cute
Fe goo
Fe goo - 11 years ago
Thats a bigas shark
Gunter Tollhausen
Gunter Tollhausen - 11 years ago
awwwww hello I'm Gunter Tollhausen. I love zee whale sharks ya
DaFuehrer - 12 years ago
i like pie :3 PS dont go in the whale sharks mouth
Also_Kiki - 12 years ago
This is cool
jen zuk
jen zuk - 12 years ago
1:22 AHHHHH!!!
drepop803 - 12 years ago
wow this is something i'd love to do. im terrified of ocean life even though its the most beautiful thing to look at(beside women :) but whale sharks dont scare me. i gotta do this one day.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 12 years ago
Awe thanks! I feel i'm pretty lucky too but it does take some work too =) This is something everyone can do! It's only snorkeling and pretty inexpensive in Mexico! It was amazing!
Sruthi Bharadwaj
Sruthi Bharadwaj - 12 years ago
Becky , I feel u r the luckiest person on earth ! :)
Kaien Shiba
Kaien Shiba - 12 years ago
1:21 wouldve been funny if that thing decided to eat u too :D
Gunman7776 - 12 years ago
Could you just imagine hooking one of them on a rod and reel?
ashley tait
ashley tait - 12 years ago
Whale sharks are the most beautiful creatures I've ever seen. :)
Axgoodofdunemaul - 12 years ago
Amazing that they can filter something as tiny as a coral larva.
Norihan Nordin
Norihan Nordin - 12 years ago
Aww soo cuter
MaxEitzen - 12 years ago
This is clearly a Jaguar Shark... ;-) Hey Becky! Its Dave Eitzen. I was just watching a Tiger Shark video and saw that you shot it - beautiful as is this one! Safe travels to you and your husband.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 12 years ago
I'm an Instructor but you don't have to be a diver to swim with whale sharks. Its all snorkeling and freediving! I hope you get to see one someday!
trollarcworker - 12 years ago
they got chicken pox
Brian Murphy
Brian Murphy - 12 years ago
What's your diver level and I think that shark is the most diverse fish I want to see when I dive
TheUnknownProfileID - 12 years ago
azhans - 12 years ago
Man they're beautiful! Jaw dropping.
nikonblaze - 12 years ago
GoPro <3
grzejot - 12 years ago
beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful ... :D
Jack Le
Jack Le - 12 years ago
whats the track name of this song???
blacklightning98 - 12 years ago
:D Thank you. Now I have to feed my ducks.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 12 years ago
Whale sharks! The biggest fish on the Planet!
blacklightning98 - 12 years ago
What is this? :/
Greg C
Greg C - 12 years ago
Thank you Becky for sharing ..... My wife and I are in this It was so wasom to share a great day in the water with you,,, It was magic....
Lilla2012 - 12 years ago
You lead a charmed life Becky... what an amazing adventure indeed! THanks for sharing this, I knew nothing about these creatures until recently...
Markus Reinhardt
Markus Reinhardt - 12 years ago
Amazing! :))

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