A clip from the documentary Air Jaws: Walking with Great Whites, (from South Africa) which premiered on Discovery last night in the US. Karl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson of the Australian morning show Today aren’t having any of it.

THE BIGGEST GREAT WHITE SHARK IN THE WORLD!!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 301

Shark videos 9 years ago 1,155,207 views

A clip from the documentary Air Jaws: Walking with Great Whites, (from South Africa) which premiered on Discovery last night in the US. Karl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson of the Australian morning show Today aren’t having any of it.

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Most popular comments

louis Jones
louis Jones - 7 years ago
That's no Great White its a Megalodon
Sizwe Ndlanzi
Sizwe Ndlanzi - 7 years ago
Fkn hell! How does a Great White get to be that BIG? I live in South Africa and we see alot of these guys, BUT THIS :o!
LiqurMeUp - 7 years ago
I think we are going to need clean shorts.
360SRH 2
360SRH 2 - 7 years ago
It's me neither, not "me either" hahaa
BenJ1129 - 7 years ago
Isn’t that Colossus?
ProperGanderSaul - 7 years ago
i fucking hate these people :(
Gemini Queen
Gemini Queen - 7 years ago
5timesAcademyAwardswinner Kirk Lazarus
5timesAcademyAwardswinner Kirk Lazarus - 7 years ago
That look on her face when she see the BBC first time ~
Gamer Space
Gamer Space - 7 years ago
Wow just fucking wow makes jaws look like a tooth pick.


cipher88101 - 7 years ago
The stunned silence in the newsroom speaks volumes. I'm with the Aussies on this one. No thank you.
BellaMetallicA - 7 years ago
Is this real? That thing was massive and the reporters reactions were hilarious lol.
DarkRenaissance2012 - 7 years ago
slow the speed down to .25 ... the only way to watch this !
smasila - 7 years ago
Looked like a school bus with fins.
Patty Horeis
Patty Horeis - 7 years ago
this prolly fake
guitarman0365 - 7 years ago
yup the footage is real but how it appears here is fake. The shark has been made to look thicker than in the source video.
brice landy
brice landy - 7 years ago
So just imagine what else is out there in the waters that's been unseen & undisturbed for millions of years.....
Mangoka dgb
Mangoka dgb - 7 years ago
shitttt ^^
Aiman Hafeez
Aiman Hafeez - 7 years ago
let's kill it and sell its fins to the chinese
JohnnyWishbone - 7 years ago
Clearly fake.


Leon Ariston
Leon Ariston - 7 years ago
Oh wow I've traveled and swam in Africa like 3 times now "Weird right?" been in a cage and saw lots of Great Whites but this... ... MONSTER! Lord...I've seen nothing like this before...
areeb1296 - 7 years ago
Don't worry.
An Orca will destroy it.
John F
John F - 7 years ago
Uh yeah remember that whole if a shark is coming at you punch it in the nose, yeah something tells me that would not work at all if this monster was coming at you full force
ko harrison
ko harrison - 7 years ago
ko harrison
ko harrison - 7 years ago
As Expected of Pieck
As Expected of Pieck - 7 years ago
My dicks bigger then that shark
4 Real
4 Real - 7 years ago
can somebody estimate the size of that beast already, omg that was massively huge, that thing is a monster
Metaldemon 1175
Metaldemon 1175 - 7 years ago
Well, that tears it. I will not be swimming in the ocean again.
Freemans Aquatics
Freemans Aquatics - 7 years ago
loving the uk or Aussie news
Alien Lee
Alien Lee - 7 years ago
he is funny af
shimmyking4 - 7 years ago
Megalodon: an extinct species of shark that lived approximately 23 to 2.6 million years ago



Rodrigo Segura
Rodrigo Segura - 7 years ago
Fake N' Gay
MechaWolf0 - 7 years ago
In the words of Markiplier: "Ho ho HOLY HELL!!!"
Steven Li
Steven Li - 7 years ago
how do you know it is the biggest?
John Do
John Do - 7 years ago
Fuck oceans..
EFRANKSO - 7 years ago
Peatear Griffin
Peatear Griffin - 7 years ago
Jobie Wells
Jobie Wells - 7 years ago
Thai Rogers
Thai Rogers - 7 years ago
Welcome to Australia, where the sharks are big, but the spiders are bigger

...i'm not even joking O_O
kenshiro katana
kenshiro katana - 7 years ago
no. Fuck and hell no. Pools. Swimming pools. Thats where I can show off my body. Fuck the sea. Ill just marvel at its beauty, listen to the sound of the ocean.....but no fucking way am I gonna land in that beautiful monsters jaw. I dont care if im a pussy. The courage to approach hot women makes me feel manly enough. Thats enough. Ill leave that to the crazy badasses. I even salute them. Im just not that guy
Antonios Athanasiou
Antonios Athanasiou - 7 years ago
australian waters, tourists be careful. if you dont know the shark whistle dont enter the water
Adam Vesely
Adam Vesely - 7 years ago
Look @ the damn water when it's going back down....Holy Robin!
LKP LLC - 7 years ago
Mark Somerville
Mark Somerville - 7 years ago
Well i rember seeing that on today (and i live in Austraila i im like crap im out*
arrow storm
arrow storm - 7 years ago
Show me the way to go home!
Katherine Sutherlund
Katherine Sutherlund - 7 years ago
lol this never gets old
Connor Vaughn
Connor Vaughn - 7 years ago
............ I'm nevah....... Going back in the water.

Folks if an Aussie is concerned about a fucking shark's size, you should be too.
Leevi Savolainen
Leevi Savolainen - 7 years ago
cabinet travel instead stretch household muscle slap.
Feuerblut - 7 years ago
Stunning, beautiful creature! We need to protect them, they are endangered.
RealBeastBoy - 7 years ago
It's obviously fake you idiots
Abhishek Yadav
Abhishek Yadav - 7 years ago
that great white was massive!!!


WorldIsFilledB - 7 years ago
oh what girth you have
Anonymous - 7 years ago
JohnnyWishbone - 7 years ago
It's fake. You see a lot of this about now. The one with the bear chasing the snowboarder being an example.
Anonymous - 7 years ago
Leanne Lee
Leanne Lee - 7 years ago
Literally sends a shiver down my spine.
GTA5 OJ Gamer
GTA5 OJ Gamer - 7 years ago
0:12 Couple Moment when u'r Done & forgot to put on Condom !
Connor McJesus
Connor McJesus - 7 years ago
Nooo whhhhaaaayyyyy! I love aussies
veda pierce
veda pierce - 7 years ago
I'm gonna need a bigger screen :)
Roblox MuffinCho
Roblox MuffinCho - 7 years ago
... I still love sharks though but... OH MY GOODNESSSSSS!

Edit: wait um... has Deep Blue grown? O.O
Big Monster
Big Monster - 7 years ago
Tell me that's fake
dragrace1 road1
dragrace1 road1 - 7 years ago
grassi ghassen
grassi ghassen - 7 years ago
that was a big fish !;
Constuctive Critisism
Constuctive Critisism - 7 years ago
false perspective
TheGoogler77 - 7 years ago
"Look at the size of that thing."

That's what she said :D
MINT BLIZZXRD - 7 years ago
Thats fkakke
Alexander Connolly
Alexander Connolly - 7 years ago
That doesn't look very scary, more like a.. 6 ft Sardine.
barney rubble
barney rubble - 7 years ago
That one has to be over 20 foot,wow and their are probably bigger ones under their.They are being found just off our east coast of Australia this summer,lots of juveniles.
MP R - 7 years ago
Roy Scheider is dead. We're fucked.
1 3
1 3 - 7 years ago
holy wow..that's big animal!
william harper
william harper - 7 years ago
How big was that shark???!!!
81Bertan - 7 years ago
Bitch Fake !
Buzz Killington
Buzz Killington - 7 years ago
@00.25 Gregs kitchen look
Shahier Kodan
Shahier Kodan - 7 years ago
We're going to need Titanic now
Dostyy1 - 7 years ago
Juan Montalvo
Juan Montalvo - 7 years ago
That's a Megalodon
Edward Brink
Edward Brink - 7 years ago
Obviously a basking shark
Exurbi A
Exurbi A - 7 years ago
Fabo Andolini
Fabo Andolini - 7 years ago
What does stuff summa mean?? Like fuck summer??? Lol
Ashleigh Lister
Ashleigh Lister - 7 years ago
Fabo Andolini yes. If one of us Australians say "stuff" something, it means "fuck that!"
Fabo Andolini
Fabo Andolini - 7 years ago
It almost looks fake its so fuckin huge!!!
Fabo Andolini
Fabo Andolini - 7 years ago
She's sexy
Desperate Dolphin
Desperate Dolphin - 7 years ago
im not swimming ever again.
HONKEYDOG7887 - 7 years ago
That's the biggest shark I've seen
Layla Bishop
Layla Bishop - 7 years ago
0:10 omg I know this look well!!! People give me this look all the time! AM I a f*cking great white!? People in the gym I am not a great white!!
Aidan Barnes
Aidan Barnes - 7 years ago
I know were not supposed to be afraid of sharks but going near one is still giving me the chills
Yeet Man2k
Yeet Man2k - 7 years ago
Michael Edwards
Michael Edwards - 7 years ago
big fish 6 barrels , surely
Levi Ackerman
Levi Ackerman - 7 years ago
FUCKING Hell what the shit goddamit wut that's the biggest shark I've ever seen Dafuq the hell I'm outta here bye
Freddy Fuzzybare
Freddy Fuzzybare - 7 years ago
lavar ball
lavar ball - 7 years ago
Rebellen007 - 7 years ago
Dutch Flats
Dutch Flats - 7 years ago!
Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation - 7 years ago
She's a big girl but fat shaming a shark?
sirus312 - 7 years ago
that thing eatin good. Nobu every night
Mary - 7 years ago
Haven't been in the ocean since the summer of '75 anyway. 'Nough said.
Overwhelming Euphoria
Overwhelming Euphoria - 7 years ago
This is why you need a life guard here at your beach.
Chris Goffe
Chris Goffe - 7 years ago me the way to go home - bom bom bom
Ben Middleton
Ben Middleton - 7 years ago
loyal American
loyal American - 7 years ago
my cousin is a master electrician in Alaska and I've gone there twice to see him.... went out in the bay to catch pink and silver salmon and the killer whales are in their feeding on them and the seals.... I was on a 26 ft boat in this male killer whale came up beside us about 40 feet away and he was longer and bigger than the boat!... it would have made this great white look like a baby!!
loyal American
loyal American - 7 years ago
stuff summa!...funny.
Emil Wharton
Emil Wharton - 7 years ago
That shark looks gray, not wgite. Lmfao. You people are full of shit and you know it. Lol.
Domenic Torreto
Domenic Torreto - 7 years ago
That looks like a school bus breaching the surface!! Holy shit, that shark has to be over 20' long!?!


Steve Gold
Steve Gold - 7 years ago
This woman is So So Hot
Fug Babylon
Fug Babylon - 7 years ago
Brian McGrath
Brian McGrath - 7 years ago
Without anything for scale, we have no idea how big that shark actually is. It's like all the videos and pictures of the camel spider making it look GIGANTIC when in fact it's really small.
Millsy Kooksy
Millsy Kooksy - 7 years ago
look at the soize of that thing
Kamikaze Yamamoto
Kamikaze Yamamoto - 7 years ago
That shark is bigger than my cock at full erection.
Mikaroonah Speed
Mikaroonah Speed - 7 years ago
Not a bigger boat we're gonna need a Titanic lol
Steven Pazienza
Steven Pazienza - 7 years ago
I love the ocean but I can't help but check my surroundings every 5 seconds. I never relax in the water because of sharks but still enjoy it.
Spookasaur - 7 years ago
Just have to be respectful of them. They're wild animals and you come to their territory. Don't fear them, but respect them all the same. There's a risk in everything, and every time you go in you risk getting attacked. Just don't go in if you have cuts, don't urinate in the ocean, don't go near murky water, sandbars, or channel/estuary openings (bull sharks like those), stay out of the water at dawn or dusk (they feed during these times), and if you can, always bring a buddy that can help if something happens.
LuomochesussurravaiTaralli - 7 years ago
she saw a huge black dick
Miguel Ángel Ba Villar
Miguel Ángel Ba Villar - 7 years ago
American people who works on tv are stupid....
desastermaster2010 - 7 years ago
holy shit......
Marius bjarki and skesa
Marius bjarki and skesa - 7 years ago
is like Megalodon. just baby
can of whoop ass
can of whoop ass - 7 years ago
It's not a great white it's a bull shark if you pause the video u can clearly see
radbru 79
radbru 79 - 7 years ago
It has to be fake. That or its like a 100 year old gw shark
Blak - 7 years ago
Tyler Dowd
Tyler Dowd - 7 years ago
lmfao his face at the beginning
Sunsetter678 - 7 years ago
Oh HELL NO!!! He can have that water, and I will gladly stay on the shore! He was terrifyingly HUGE!!!
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
"Stuff summa...." My thoughts exactly...
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
That was padme's reaction when I showed her my "lightsaber" up close and personal.
John Flakes
John Flakes - 7 years ago
Look like half submarine
Spills51 - 7 years ago
Funny thing is of course that isn't the biggest in the world. Out of all the oceans and humans actually think they have seen the biggest out there?
Math is not on their side.
Scott Whaley
Scott Whaley - 7 years ago
I believe the weatherman and the anchorwoman are brother and sister
Fr33k0ur - 7 years ago
What. The. Fuck.
Jose Torres
Jose Torres - 7 years ago
Hahahaah like that little cage is going to help u hahaha that had me dying
John Mason
John Mason - 7 years ago
We used to catch sharks that big and then use them as bait to catch bigger sharks!
Radioactive Jelly
Radioactive Jelly - 7 years ago
When chuck Norris becomes a shark
Marylou42 - 7 years ago
Is this the legendary Submarine ???????
fleuger99 - 7 years ago
How do you know its the biggest in the world? Such BS!
Badoww - 7 years ago
Just Kylie
Just Kylie - 7 years ago
I think I just had an anxiety attack watching this on my phone while laying on the safety of my couch!!
Matthew Howard
Matthew Howard - 7 years ago
That's a 20 footer....... 25?!.... 3 tons of em!
MrRiggyRiggs - 7 years ago
SSmelb - 7 years ago
I must admit, living in Australia I ain’t bothered much about the spiders and snakes I see, and I do see them, but when I’m swimming in the ocean it’s a different story. Just for an adrenaline rush I’ll swim out to where I can’t touch the bottom then swim back - cheap frills lol
Teras_Kasi - 7 years ago
Thats a tuna, bro!
Berser Chris
Berser Chris - 7 years ago
I dont think that this shark is real
görkem ates
görkem ates - 7 years ago
real or fake ?
Fugglestick theugly
Fugglestick theugly - 7 years ago
Fish are friends not food
American Nobody
American Nobody - 7 years ago
This will always be my favorite reaction of all time from news anchors! That guys expression is fucking hilarious, and I don't blame him! I'm gonna go out on a limb here & say that probably ANYONE who sees this shit is going to have pretty much the same dumbfounded and stunned look on their face because that is a fucking monstrosity! Look at the size of the cage compared to that fucking behemoth! And to think that there is something that fucking ATE in ONE BITE, a 9 ft great white, and dropped 2,000 ft immediately afterwards!? And those are reasons why I'm happy right here on dry land!
Moneyshot - 7 years ago
That was Bruce
Tentarek - 7 years ago
The name's Bruce.
Ardhes - 7 years ago
need a banana...
Alice Bonnet
Alice Bonnet - 7 years ago
Just hold out your hand and let the shark smell you so he knows you are not a threat.
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
Alice Bonnet roflmao!!!
Dark Triad
Dark Triad - 7 years ago
Karl is such a wanker
Cant stand the guy
Bat Bam
Bat Bam - 7 years ago
eat them
RatrixGlory - 7 years ago
That isn't a goddamn great white its a whale shark
Nataly RAW
Nataly RAW - 7 years ago
eXcommunicate1979 - 7 years ago
I like how the hostess is wearing a Star Trek uniform...
ssfbob456 - 7 years ago
Is there a reason she was wearing a Star Trek TNG engineering uniform?
Kelthx - 7 years ago
George Michael
George Michael - 7 years ago
Australian news anchors seem way cooler than the ones we have over here in the U.S.
Subzerouh - 7 years ago
banana for scale pls
BreakerInc - 7 years ago
This was "Holy shit!" material at first.. then it showed their reactions and I about lost it laughing x.x
Todd Toure
Todd Toure - 7 years ago
At least 25 ft Great White. At least!!!!
harri hiltunen
harri hiltunen - 7 years ago
wau, what a white shark---
wweoldschool - 7 years ago
Air Jaws!!!!!!
Greg Smith
Greg Smith - 7 years ago
Is he saying 28 feet?
Azroypramlee - 7 years ago
This shark can crush the biggest croc into pieces.
Rahul Chawla
Rahul Chawla - 7 years ago
is it really real please answer ??
FLEETWOOD fleet - 7 years ago
Crazy big.
Elijah Williams
Elijah Williams - 7 years ago
Megaladon lol
hektorlinko - 7 years ago
Never going into the ocean ever again! NEVER!!!!! Fuck that shit!
Daniel Dimino
Daniel Dimino - 7 years ago
Fuck that that thing is a fuckin monster man
Scott Whaley
Scott Whaley - 7 years ago
Are they brother and sister?
FatalPies - 7 years ago
Calm down people, it's only jaws younger brother.
brian prue
brian prue - 7 years ago
Wtf unbelievable
nonplayerzealot4 - 7 years ago
That's it. No more showers for me. I'm gonna go natural for the rest of my life. I'm scared to be in ANY water now. Gonna be hard, but I can mask the odors with a lot of powder.
mayhem Mike
mayhem Mike - 7 years ago
I'm STILL goin to the beach to swim!
Carole Burris
Carole Burris - 7 years ago
Raw power lol
TheLonePeasant - 7 years ago
British news hosts are alot funnier than American ones.
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
Australians care. You don't want to piss those wankers off. They will kick the piss out of yeh. Go ask Australians if they are British, and just see what happens. Go out, mate. I dare yeh. I triple dog dare yeh.
TheLonePeasant - 7 years ago
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
TheLonePeasant Australian... facepalm
Jason Phipps
Jason Phipps - 7 years ago
Tell us more about Australian news hosts.
Aaron Kuffel
Aaron Kuffel - 7 years ago
That is a really big shark
Andy Hart
Andy Hart - 7 years ago
The was atleast 7 meters pretty big shark.
Pat McRotch
Pat McRotch - 7 years ago
....Gonna need a bigger boat!!
Candice Nicole
Candice Nicole - 7 years ago
That shark is actually the size of Jaws.
Yandere Fangirl
Yandere Fangirl - 7 years ago
I think that shark was on ‘Shark Week’. They call him, Colossus.
Ang J
Ang J - 7 years ago
Maurizio Candido
Maurizio Candido - 7 years ago
la femmina sembra che la preso in culo
mat colderley
mat colderley - 7 years ago
Australians are dumb fucks
masta jecht
masta jecht - 7 years ago
funniest fake of the day XD
Ramir Duria
Ramir Duria - 7 years ago
You know its a monster when even an Australian gets freaked out.
mAd221000 - 7 years ago
Karl stefanovic you are a moron somebody from nine get this clown off our TV screens, Channel 7 all the way!
SiF 101
SiF 101 - 7 years ago
See scientist can not say prehistoric predators of the ocean are extinct bull shit on 5percent of ocean has been discovered they still have 95percent to go so I call bullshit they can't confirm that there extinct just cause we have not seen any dosent mean there dead
irwan_ tpg
irwan_ tpg - 7 years ago
is that REAL????
Aaron Wiesner
Aaron Wiesner - 7 years ago
srrings - 7 years ago
A Bit Pond Scrubber Eh Mates
Victoria Trojan
Victoria Trojan - 7 years ago
If I was there I would be so fuckin scared that shark is so fuckin huge it can be a megalodon guys omg
John Richards
John Richards - 7 years ago
Having seen “Jaws” about 20 times I’d say this specimen is at least as big, probably bigger. And the movie shark was an extreme size for the species. “Jaws” was scary but this is scarier because it’s REAL. (Not CGI in my estimation.) we are fascinated by apex predators because our monkey brains are hair-triggered to freak out merely at the sight of one. But realistically, a large wild fish like this has far more to fear from us. Eighty percent of the oceans' big fish (e.g., bluefin tuna) have already been devastated by industrial “harvesting” by huge trawlers and long-liners. By 2050 there’ll be more plastic in the ocean than sea life. What we're seeing in this clip is the last gasp of nature's majesty.
Mr. Arya Stark
Mr. Arya Stark - 7 years ago
This is one of the best videos on youtube hands down!!
eric mad decent
eric mad decent - 7 years ago
"Like that cage is gonna help ya" thats pure gold hysterical
eric mad decent
eric mad decent - 7 years ago
The man and women's reaction in this video are one of the funniest things I have ever seen on youtube.
French Fries
French Fries - 7 years ago
This looks like they made the shark bigger than it really is
Smilies2013 - 7 years ago
this comes from the movie Jaws 2 nice editing though
Spookasaur - 7 years ago
it's not from Jaws 2. I own all of the Jaws movies and watch them on a semi-regular basis. ignore this fuckhead. Everything is probably lizards and 9/11 conspiracies to them.
Smilies2013 - 7 years ago
ofcourse it's real hahaha. that's exacly why people put this on youtube.. there are ALWAYS people that believe EVERYTHING.
Bathtub_Jim - 7 years ago
it's real fuckwit.
Smilies2013 - 7 years ago
yeah youtube always has real stuff lol
Bathtub_Jim - 7 years ago
No, it comes from a documentary film. I've seen it on youtube.
Marc Valeros
Marc Valeros - 7 years ago
The scariest thing about this video is thinking about what kind of monster gave birth to that.
Keirth Eldon Ybañez
Keirth Eldon Ybañez - 7 years ago
They need a bigger boat
chrisantemen - 7 years ago
And here are all the Megalodon fanboy autists..........
taylor sheldon
taylor sheldon - 7 years ago
that would fit in megaladons mouth
White Wolf
White Wolf - 7 years ago
looks like a 20++ foot long MONSTER!!!
wow .... breathtakingly AWSSSSSSSSSSUM!!
Sharks Rule!!
love 'em .... hate 'em .... love 'em .... hate 'em .... love' em .... hate 'em .... wow .... amazing creatures .... love 'em ;)
White Energy Werdum
White Energy Werdum - 7 years ago
White Wolf it's somewhere around 15 feet i'd say. Impressive animal non the less.
White Wolf
White Wolf - 7 years ago
lion fish
lion fish - 7 years ago
Most likely a large Breeding Female. Sure she has many offspring in her life time. It's age could be well over a Hundred years. Long live the Shark's.
lion fish
lion fish - 7 years ago
Wonderful to See Great White Shark's making a comeback. I won't be body surfing any longer.
Tandria Alfonso
Tandria Alfonso - 7 years ago
“Like that little cage is gonna help ya”! I died!!
Jasper Junio
Jasper Junio - 7 years ago
OMG, that reaction is just so funny.. "i am never going back into the water. that's it, that is the biggest thing i have ever seen, look at thr size of that thing. anyhow, like that little cage is gonna help yah".. aussie's just give the best reaction
Eric Corrales
Eric Corrales - 7 years ago
Grab the kayak let's do this
Michael Collier
Michael Collier - 7 years ago
It's just a loan shark.
Ste Steo
Ste Steo - 7 years ago
Fuck dat shark.. i would fill with cum that mouths bitch
Helen Folk
Helen Folk - 7 years ago
Holy shit wow LOL
Jabb Throne
Jabb Throne - 7 years ago
Deep blue's sister
Michael J Saxe
Michael J Saxe - 7 years ago
I clearly don't go in the water at any beach especially Florida because of sharks I've seen Jaws to many times I don't trust the waters if I want to swim I'll swim in my back yard pool but I won't swim in the beach waters Because of sharks
Angel heaven
Angel heaven - 7 years ago
I cant see the size properly its huge
sweetiepizza i
sweetiepizza i - 7 years ago
Makeem X
Makeem X - 7 years ago
She'Myia Malone you'll look exactly like him when you see my big white cock
nikos12 adidas
nikos12 adidas - 7 years ago
well thats fake
charly power
charly power - 7 years ago
me too :D
Fug Babylon
Fug Babylon - 7 years ago
You think thats big watch this one
MY HOBBY IS SEX ! - 7 years ago
MY HOBBY IS SEX ! - 7 years ago
Dennis Hagans
Dennis Hagans - 7 years ago
my mouth was dropped open and I am glad I have already decided no more trips into beach water, Ha Mr. Jaws get me now lol
mat colderley
mat colderley - 7 years ago
She'Myia Malone my dick
YouTube Reaper
YouTube Reaper - 7 years ago
An orca would still whoop it's tail and send the shark off into a watery grave though :/
YouTube Reaper
YouTube Reaper - 7 years ago
Steve Mezaros doubt it but it's true. :)
Steve Mezaros
Steve Mezaros - 7 years ago
I doubt it
YouTube Reaper
YouTube Reaper - 7 years ago
And the song for that situation is >
rina8719 - 7 years ago
Dammit Australia! What the hell do you feed your animals down there?
Maaifoedie De La Rey
Maaifoedie De La Rey - 7 years ago
That's taken at False Bay, outside Cape Town, South Africa.
Rob White
Rob White - 7 years ago
dafaqin size of that thing lol
Draunzer Hyjal EU
Draunzer Hyjal EU - 7 years ago
the ugglyest montage i never see :')
chame on the guys who do it
dreamer sleep
dreamer sleep - 7 years ago
Hope that shark is safe?
Angela Garavalia
Angela Garavalia - 7 years ago
Jim Lahey
Jim Lahey - 7 years ago
Without something to compare and contrast to, there's really no true way to determine its size.
Uwe Reichling
Uwe Reichling - 7 years ago
Der will doch nur spielen!
r33dymc - 7 years ago
id eat that shark with ease eh eh eh
Edmon Lacsa
Edmon Lacsa - 7 years ago
i really think that a megalodon is lurking down the ocean.jesus christ.twas so big shit
blackhound rise
blackhound rise - 7 years ago
Biggest thing you ever seen? Wait till ya see my cock. I shit myself every time I look at it
Rin Okumura
Rin Okumura - 7 years ago
I agree news people
Capitano Americo
Capitano Americo - 7 years ago
If you get into the water, you become a part of the food chain immediately
Jdjs Jdis
Jdjs Jdis - 7 years ago
I think in thiis world would be more dangerous and a shark that is bigger than in megalodon or sperm whale will exist and it will be called megaWhite shark XD imagine. . .
Jdjs Jdis
Jdjs Jdis - 7 years ago
Is that megalodon brother/sister??
Jeffrey Fossaceca
Jeffrey Fossaceca - 7 years ago
The greatest response from a news crew ever! LMAO!
Prime Jeremy
Prime Jeremy - 7 years ago
like to see an Orca kill that.
VEGETA KING - 7 years ago
Lone Angler
Lone Angler - 7 years ago
did she hope to be standing above that?
りゅさと - 7 years ago
I think sleeper sharks are one of the biggest shark..
Xander vd Hooven
Xander vd Hooven - 7 years ago
Xander vd Hooven
Xander vd Hooven - 7 years ago
Xander vd Hooven
Xander vd Hooven - 7 years ago
Ahmad Failkawy
Ahmad Failkawy - 7 years ago
Thats the biggest thing ive ever seen
Look at the size of that thing!
Sound really awkward to me.
Ahmad Failkawy
Ahmad Failkawy - 7 years ago
Thats the biggest thing ive ever seen
Look at the size of that thing!
Sound really awkward to me.
flower pot
flower pot - 7 years ago
This is why I don't fuck with the ocean.
Jason Hobbs
Jason Hobbs - 7 years ago
"you go in the cage?", "Cage goes in the water...You go in the water...Sharks in the water...Our shark"
Cryptek WolfUK
Cryptek WolfUK - 7 years ago
Deegan don
Deegan don - 7 years ago
NO.NO.NO.NO.NO.... I'M DONE! I'M not even showering again!
Albert Muñoz
Albert Muñoz - 7 years ago
Michelle Clough
Michelle Clough - 7 years ago
What an itty bitty minnow. Whaaaa
Huffin Doobies
Huffin Doobies - 7 years ago
I see this look from time to time when I accidently leave my bathroom window open before hopping in the shower.
Tumßレεωεεd 420
Tumßレεωεεd 420 - 7 years ago
We are gonna need a bigger boat! WTF!
smasila - 7 years ago
I think the whales ran for their lives as well.
Douglas Woodard
Douglas Woodard - 7 years ago
and a clean set of undies
D10S the best
D10S the best - 7 years ago
from the original Jaws movie
Andrew Brindley
Andrew Brindley - 7 years ago
Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu, you ladies of Spain. For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston. And so nevermore shall we see you again.
OllieByGolly - 7 years ago
You go in the cage? Cage goes in the water. You go in the water. Shark's in the water. OUR shark.
Vino5150 - 7 years ago
18ft? 20? How big do y'all think he is
Trevor Payne
Trevor Payne - 7 years ago
Vino5150 it not a he its a she
Prince George Dashcam Adventures
Prince George Dashcam Adventures - 7 years ago
There was nothing in the video to compare its size to. Where is the evidence to say it's the biggest Great White shark in the world?
LinkGameRཽ _
LinkGameRཽ _ - 7 years ago
i think is a baby megalodon :)
Cassandra Gabriel
Cassandra Gabriel - 7 years ago
Thats a damn baby or teen megalodon! Or OR EVEN NEMO EVOLVED FORM XD
Alberto iñiguez de onzoño martín
Alberto iñiguez de onzoño martín - 7 years ago
es un montaje, tendría una eslora de mas de 15 metros, es imposible
Quando você ler os comentários eu estarei lá
Quando você ler os comentários eu estarei lá - 7 years ago
Beautiful and fake
Gigine Ahmad
Gigine Ahmad - 7 years ago
cute mini megalodon
Trevor Payne
Trevor Payne - 7 years ago
Gigine Ahmad mini thats like half the size
Arch Vile
Arch Vile - 7 years ago
What the hell is this crap, on the news and fake. This is the real video --> watch?v=nvtHZetcFhQ&
Glama Basic
Glama Basic - 7 years ago
How can someone Say its Big when there is no Reference to measure it ?
How far away is it, or how near ? Just another Click Bait : )
Phillip Hiku
Phillip Hiku - 7 years ago
You lot are smoking some baaaad shit.
Xander vd Hooven
Xander vd Hooven - 7 years ago
Too bad they made the image wider
Tyrone Cave
Tyrone Cave - 7 years ago
Its megalodon
MeRk zBoy
MeRk zBoy - 7 years ago
blue walnuts
blue walnuts - 7 years ago
not another jaws movie , lord save me now from the bullshit
freedom speech
freedom speech - 7 years ago
wow.fuck the ocean.keep your cruise.
kepavey - 7 years ago
This is not the biggest great white shark in the world, no this is just a tribute
Tice Rippy
Tice Rippy - 7 years ago
He just wanted petted on the nose
Trevor Payne
Trevor Payne - 7 years ago
Tice Rippy sharks acually like to be pated
Gabriel Nava
Gabriel Nava - 7 years ago
there's jaws
da beautiful potato
da beautiful potato - 7 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer - 7 years ago
submarine is bigger
Trevor Payne
Trevor Payne - 7 years ago
Dragon Tamer well der a subs man made
Caleb Vandervelde
Caleb Vandervelde - 7 years ago
mac - 7 years ago
you are gonna need a bigger boat lol fuck that swim in the pool
Malcolm Clarke
Malcolm Clarke - 7 years ago
Are those presenters robots?
ll Kasper ll
ll Kasper ll - 7 years ago
"We're gonna need a bigger news team."
Stinkasaurus - 7 years ago
It's not a shark, its a fish!
Long Cao
Long Cao - 7 years ago
40 feet shark that all i know
the Kingnkolo
the Kingnkolo - 7 years ago
That is a baby Megalodon
Walton Biotechs INC.
Walton Biotechs INC. - 7 years ago
Is Bruce.
Basilio W Ferraro
Basilio W Ferraro - 7 years ago
"like that lil cage is gonna help ya" not even god can save you from that thing, sweet baby jesus that was a beautiful killing machine
Basilio W Ferraro
Basilio W Ferraro - 7 years ago
no no i know, they mistake us for animals they naturally eat. we're just too low in calorie and not worth the effort, and we literally just get in the way 99% of the time. sharks just get me too hyped up, like LOOK AT THAT SEXY MOTHERF*CKER GODDAMN
Trevor Payne
Trevor Payne - 7 years ago
Basilio W Ferraro just saying shark DON'T! purposely eat humans
Nikmamulwaie Zaimkhalis
Nikmamulwaie Zaimkhalis - 7 years ago
66 6
66 6 - 7 years ago
now my vaccations will be at the mountain ^^
Blue dragon
Blue dragon - 7 years ago
Never thought a great white shark could be as big as the shark from JAWS .
Erik Charles
Erik Charles - 7 years ago
carlohuberable - 7 years ago
"like that little cage is gonna help ya'' XD
Brian Rabideau
Brian Rabideau - 7 years ago
Fuck that
Yücel Atilla
Yücel Atilla - 7 years ago
25, three tons of him...
slender man
slender man - 7 years ago
that ant no shark thats a f$@$ng megalodon
Bruce Doyle
Bruce Doyle - 7 years ago
Is this real?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Yes, but it's just an optical illusion from the camera. The shark is around 4.5m long.
Rob Banks
Rob Banks - 7 years ago
DOMINUS X - 7 years ago
Hmmmmm, something about this video seems fake.
DOMINUS X - 7 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present Your judgemental responses are the building blocks of the shell in which your tantrums resides.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
1. Look up the word tantrum. Size has got nothing to do with it.
2. It was you that made a big issue out of one sentence, correction: a simple punctuation mark, disregarding everything else I wrote and making a false claim about what I had written. And why did you do that? Because you didn't understand what i had written or cannot read properly. After explaining it to you multiple times, you still don't seem to get it and resort to ridiculous reasoning and claims.
3. If you had simply asked: "Did you make that video you posted to me?" as you falsely claimed you had, I would have answered with a simple "no." Apart from that it should have been pretty obvious anyway as my user name is different and the original source of the clip was known to you. The original source is even mentioned in the description of the very video we are commenting upon here. A quick research on your part would have sufficed to see if the footage is what is claimed it is.
4. It was me that wanted to end this futile discussion 6 comments ago, remember? ---> "Now either get back on topic...."
5. As for bringing up "white folks", or in other words a racial slur, well that only goes to show even more what we are dealing with here.
6. I think it is safe to say we either end this futile debate as "gentleman" or rethink our approach as to what should be the primary focus of our discussion. Either way, we have wasted too much time on senseless banter. Your call. Whatever you decide, have a great day!
DOMINUS X - 7 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present No tantrum you say? Do you not see the size of the the issue you've made out of something simple?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
As i am neither "under pressure" by your ridiculous posts, nor have I displayed anything close to a "tantrum" (stop using words you don't understand or invest in a dictionary), I don't see any improvement (or hope) in this banter of ours. I usually resort to the word "muppet" when I recognize one. As I already noted, your reading comprehension and writing skills suck. Stop distracting from your shortcomings, get a grip and start learning to read properly. It will save people a lot of time and hassle. Good day, muppet..
DOMINUS X - 7 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present Easy kid. No need for tantrums and the redundant "muppet" word you white folks like to resort to when under pressure.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
The only kid here is you if your reading comprehension and writing skills are anything to go by...What a muppet...
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Sigh, it's like talking to a thick brick wall....Of course I had to clear it up for you, yet you are still obviously too thick or incapable to understand the stupidity of your prior posts.
And may I remind you of the fact that it was you that turned hostile in the first place, because you were too ignorant to know what an interrobang is or to incapable of comprehending English, yet you thought you were clever by suggesting I edit my post. I have now explained to you TWICE why your question was stupid in the first place and why your reply was ridiculous, yet you still don't seem to get it. That, or you are just being obstinate on purpose...

Here, just for you in even plainer English:

S; Here's a link to another video......
D: Did you post the video?
S: Who else do you think posted that video to you, you muppet?

Now either get back on topic or just stop wasting my time...
DOMINUS X - 7 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present I've been "clear" all along. You had nothing to "clear up" to me. You're the one who's confused with a simple question I asked. Now you turn hostile with that essay you just type. There was nothing stupid about the question I asked you; it was a "SIMPLE" question. The question only became stupid to you because you were "confused." You're real proud of your "interrobang" aren't you?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
"All I asked is if you made the video or not;..."

THIS is what you asked: "Sea Monsters - Past & Present Tell me; did you film, edit, or post this video?"

To ask me if I had "posted" you the video is a rather stupid question, as I have already explained to you! It's blatantly obvious I "posted" it in the prior comment! To ask you "Of course I posted you the video?!" is to say, "wtf are you asking me that for?!" As you now should know what an interrobang is, what is the point of this discussion?

The word you were probably looking for is "uploading" as I also have explained to you!

It's not even a counter-question as you suggest in your rather ridiculous and ignorant remark: "What; you answer a question with a question?", as I also addressed your two other points (film, edit) by stating: "I have no affiliation with Discovery Channel, so I didn't film nor edit or upload the shark footage. Chris Fallows and Jeff Kurr were involved with the filming."

is that now cleared up for you, or do you need a diagram?
DOMINUS X - 7 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present A simple question caused you to be confused? All I asked is if you made the video or not; and that caused you to be confused?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Your question caused confusion, thus I replied with an Interrobang (?!) Of course I posted the video to you in the prior comment! What you probably meant was did I upload the video? No, I did not. The uploader of the first clip was SHARKSANDCREATURES, the one I POSTED to you was from DiscoveryUK. Pay more attention! You have also been provided with the direct Discovery Channel source for the clip, so what the fuck are you blabbering about that I answered a question with a question, you knucklehead? Don't forget to work on your reading- and writing comprehension next time, dumbass...
DOMINUS X - 7 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present "Of course I posted you the video?!" What; you answer a question with a question? To tell you the truth; I don't know if this vid is fake or not, I wasn't there when it was supposedly "film." This video looks like a computer generated image - or whatever those special effects people call it - to me. Oh and don't forget to edit your comment by removing that question mark.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Of course I posted you the video?! I have no affiliation with Discovery Channel, so I didn't film nor edit or upload the shark footage. Chris Fallows and Jeff Kurr were involved with the filming. Here's the clip directly from Discovery Channel's website:
DOMINUS X - 7 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present Tell me; did you film, edit, or post this video?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
It is not fake. It's a clip from Air Jaws: Walking with Great Whites

Here you can also see the shark from another angle, clearly not as large as the frontal view suggests
DOMINUS X - 7 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present That vid is fake. Look at how weak the water is moving compared to that "supposedly big shark."
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
No, it's just an optical illusion from the camera. The shark is around 4.5m long.
JACKOTACO - 7 years ago
"I am never going to go back into the water. I'd rather throw another shrimp on the bar b and was it down with Fosters"

Exactly mate, exactly.
Jess fessenden
Jess fessenden - 7 years ago
his head is bigger then my boyfriends cock
Brian Cunigan
Brian Cunigan - 7 years ago
Who ever all sad its a baby Megalodon you r 100 percent right dats fare from a great white dats duh demon shark aka Megalodon
10Leo10Messi10 - 7 years ago
Thinks how to build a bigger boat
10Leo10Messi10 - 7 years ago
* thinks *
Macedonian Lion
Macedonian Lion - 7 years ago
this peoples don`t know what to says. Like to see ghost :D
Okay bud this is really it?
A Tem
A Tem - 7 years ago
optical illusion, its actually the size of my thumb.
Lenny Wallace
Lenny Wallace - 7 years ago
Now i wanna see orcas vs that monster
THESEEKER Desperate - 7 years ago
where is that?
Lorrie Ruff
Lorrie Ruff - 7 years ago
OH my GOODNESS!!! That was immense!!
Klaus Zungler
Klaus Zungler - 7 years ago
I don’t believe it
Daniel Keerer
Daniel Keerer - 7 years ago
How big was that shark?
Steven Hates
Steven Hates - 7 years ago
Scares some Aussies. Damn.
Mr Alien
Mr Alien - 7 years ago
That Megalodon is the survivor when it was 65 million years ago
Patrick - 7 years ago
That's what she said!
Bojan Prakljacic
Bojan Prakljacic - 7 years ago
Farewell, farewell my Spanish ladies...
Bathtub_Jim - 7 years ago
"stuff summer"
Breizh 29292929
Breizh 29292929 - 7 years ago
That's one big fish. I just shat my pants.
GhostOfRhurValley - 7 years ago
To be fair I would never go in any water in Australia .
Dakathi66 - 7 years ago
Jaws irl confirmed.
jerome5ify - 7 years ago
this deserves a drone capture
Monique LaBonte
Monique LaBonte - 7 years ago
thats not a great white thats a mini megladon
Coban Paisley
Coban Paisley - 7 years ago
reminds me of the time this bitch took me on a tube on the back of a boat on the ocean, dark blue water, deep shit. bitch was easily doing 50 plus km's ... i went flying into the ocean.. with a shark phobia..
bekindrewind - 7 years ago
Their reactions were priceless even more so cause I had the same reaction. Fucking thing is huge af.
Dustin H
Dustin H - 7 years ago
In other news spoil alert Jurassic world 2 megladon trailer jk lol.
Tuko A
Tuko A - 7 years ago
fake af
Tuko A
Tuko A - 7 years ago
yeah this is real
Brad Stokes
Brad Stokes - 7 years ago
Except that it's not fake.
rh1507 - 7 years ago
Such a cute minnow.
jake the kangal
jake the kangal - 7 years ago
Nick L.
Nick L. - 7 years ago
Thats a 20 footer ! He cant go down with 3 barrels!! Not with 3 he cant!!
knight shift
knight shift - 7 years ago
I only go to thigh level and sit when in the ocean, if you've only seen what I've brought out of them gulf waters you would do the same... few 6½ bull sharks as wide as a horse & weighing more then most humans,few rnd 8 ft white & black tip sharks all those mentioned caught off piers and shore lines so imagine what's in them deeper waters
Steven Fox
Steven Fox - 7 years ago
it's not that big
Anonymous Unknown
Anonymous Unknown - 7 years ago
wow that is the biggest shark,,,,i have ever seen
Uriel Hernandez Aguilar
Uriel Hernandez Aguilar - 7 years ago
Soul0Stealer - 7 years ago
That's Colossus. We've seen him a couple times. But he's actually not the biggest. The biggest is named Deep Blue, I believe. She was spotted at Guadalupe Bay in Mexico. Measured at 21 feet.
Northern Thai Garden Guy
Northern Thai Garden Guy - 7 years ago
That has got to be a Megalodon! That is the most massive Great White I have ever seen (if not a Meg).
Northern Thai Garden Guy
Northern Thai Garden Guy - 7 years ago
Hassan Syed Sure looks bigger than Deep Blue, but I suppose it's the angle and the breech.
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
No it's a great white. And it's not the biggest it's only 18 feet.
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
Northern Thai Garden Guy a Megalodon would be twice the size.
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
Northern Thai Garden Guy Deep Blue is bigger and they are most definitely Great Whites.
Big Blue
Big Blue - 7 years ago
Are white sharks that big
Per Normann
Per Normann - 7 years ago
0:40 - What is a starpilot doing on the News?
Mr J
Mr J - 7 years ago
The first nightmare I remember was a shark attack. It was the middle ground between sleep and consciousness. It was so real, that my vision was blurred by the ocean water, but I was trying to wake up too. Fuck the ocean.
Joe Rogan lives
Joe Rogan lives - 7 years ago
This is why i am a land lover.
wownelfwarrior247 - 7 years ago
that's small you humans are so fragile
Kevin Boaz
Kevin Boaz - 7 years ago
lol you people and your baby magladon crap
Big Boobs Matter
Big Boobs Matter - 7 years ago
aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so cute
mike Lazembie
mike Lazembie - 7 years ago
Holy crap!! What was the length and weight estimate if that big bugger?
TADionysus - 7 years ago
they went overboard about the shark its only about 20 feet long not the largest ever recorded but it is a big one
rosenrot234 - 7 years ago
Awww. I caught myself cheering like Steve Irwin there for a moment. Just 'WOOHOO LOOK AT THAT BEAUTY!!!"
Isaiah Torres
Isaiah Torres - 7 years ago
It was like looking in the mirror when their reactions appeared on screen...ahaha
Mark Huett
Mark Huett - 7 years ago
Nice photo shopping.
soylentdean - 7 years ago
Definitely need a bigger boat.
DG - 7 years ago
DAMOR - 7 years ago
the sea is their home, not ours! We are only intruders...
james street
james street - 7 years ago
Holy god!!! I don't know what else to say
Tae Lyn Allison
Tae Lyn Allison - 7 years ago
5gill slits ..its a mondren day shark...megies have 7 slits
Sauropterygia - 7 years ago
Hassan Syed *Teeth and vertebrae.
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
There's no way you would know if megalodon had 7 gills. It's gills have long rotted away, the only thing that remains are it's teeth.
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
How the bloody hell would they know? Have they ever found a fossilized Meg intact? No. You can't tell that from their damn teeth. Lol
Sauropterygia - 7 years ago
Wubba lubba dub dub I'm Mr. Bulldog
Wubba lubba dub dub I'm Mr. Bulldog - 7 years ago
That's fake as hell
Dolphin Dream
Dolphin Dream - 7 years ago
The shark is freaking horrifying, but the newscasters are HILARIOUS! Good for them.
tenhirankei - 7 years ago
Who cares about the (shark) cage! It would swallow the cage whole!! And anyone inside! Send the entire naval fleets of whichever countries want to go "giant shark huntin''!
Zaheer Laher
Zaheer Laher - 7 years ago
Africa is not for sissys !
John Lohman
John Lohman - 7 years ago
oh look at the little fishes
lefteriskrem - 7 years ago
Rpbert Butt
Rpbert Butt - 7 years ago
sputnikalgrim - 7 years ago
So I’m American but I have a feeling, being Australian is better. I’m wanting to become an Aussie. Just sayin
Billee Burkhart
Billee Burkhart - 7 years ago
Priceless faces, that was the face I was wearing when I saw the beast
Charley Tank
Charley Tank - 7 years ago
Sharks always love it when we come back into the water.
loki 1997
loki 1997 - 7 years ago
bob builder
bob builder - 7 years ago
is it real ?
ge st
ge st - 7 years ago
And these things swim down to over 3,000 feet
Sohail Ibby
Sohail Ibby - 7 years ago
Shes a slut
Cherie Maneshi
Cherie Maneshi - 7 years ago
Discovery channel Air Jaws 2015 South Africa seal island
atadoff62 - 7 years ago
Was that deep blue?
SSmelb - 7 years ago
Nah! This is in Australia, Deep Blue is near Mexico.
Don quixote Doflamingo
Don quixote Doflamingo - 7 years ago
His name is Oliver the Orphan GREAT WHITE SHARK
Powder Hungry
Powder Hungry - 7 years ago
Laura C.
Laura C. - 7 years ago
You call it a "cage", the shark calls it a "candy wrapper".
Joohhnn G
Joohhnn G - 7 years ago
hah good one lmao
AussieBlokeGordo - 7 years ago
LMFAO that is pure gold
Rebellen007 - 7 years ago
ThereinLies - 7 years ago
Honestly their reactions were awesome. I keep laughing at this video even all these years later.
LilithVX - 7 years ago
We're Gonna Need A bigger Boat
willam tell
willam tell - 7 years ago
DAAAAAMN! That's a big fish!
Herb Coswell
Herb Coswell - 7 years ago
Zachary Zier
Zachary Zier - 7 years ago
Poor Aussies, their own land wants to kill them and the water around them wants to kill them.
Roman Castillo
Roman Castillo - 7 years ago
Like someone said that's the biggest one yet I've seen on YouTube,24ft2500lbs????
Linda Taghon
Linda Taghon - 7 years ago
Fake, fake, fake, fake!
Brad Stokes
Brad Stokes - 7 years ago
Except that it's not fake.
Ferdinand Vardas
Ferdinand Vardas - 7 years ago
My father before I was born was participating in diving comps on the reefs in Adelaide. It was the day another contestant Rodney Fox was bitten nearly clean in half by a Great White. My dad said he was in the water w/ his dive buddy & a gigantic great white casually crusied right by them. They rushed to hide, down at the bottom of the ocean & waited till they thought it was clear to have a go for the surface. When my dad got out of the water he cut off his wetsuit & NEVER went diving ever agin. He said this is something so prehistoric that you don't get in the water w/ it. He still an avid beach goer but no scuba. He's also had a scare w/ lemon /Sharks in a tinny whilst fishing. A bloke fell in & the Lemon Sharks decided to go 'feral' & tore him to shreds. they had no hope saving him w/ so many on him like Piranha. No matter who sweet experts reckon sharks are always remember w/ most - they're a wild creature.
Taluka Lyttle
Taluka Lyttle - 7 years ago
Edward Finley
Edward Finley - 7 years ago
That is one big ass shark...definitely wouldn't like to come across him in the ocean.
Bruce Scott
Bruce Scott - 7 years ago
That's not a shark. That's a megalodon! Oh dear.
Allen McKinney
Allen McKinney - 7 years ago
Did she just come from a star trek convention and forgot to change?
Nirrrina - 7 years ago
I am more glad than ever before that I live in Tulsa Oklahoma.
It can rain fish here due to twisters but at least the fish aren't that big.
Rebecca Benway
Rebecca Benway - 7 years ago
And every Summer forever.
Rebecca Benway
Rebecca Benway - 7 years ago
I'm going hiking next summer.
phuck you
phuck you - 7 years ago
Can u imagine being in a kayak and seeing that circle u? Gives me bubbleguts just thinking about it
David Thompson
David Thompson - 7 years ago
An Australian saying he's never going back in the water???!! Thats hard core
Alex Pacheco
Alex Pacheco - 7 years ago
oh jesus
xisobelx373 - 7 years ago
That isn't real. Wtf
Brad Stokes
Brad Stokes - 7 years ago
Yes it's real.
Amazaru Blackfur
Amazaru Blackfur - 7 years ago
Brad Stokes
Brad Stokes - 7 years ago
Not fake.
Imran Arif
Imran Arif - 7 years ago
It was fake
Harold Albina
Harold Albina - 7 years ago
Oh god.... Wish to swim without that....
Goibon udenlove
Goibon udenlove - 7 years ago
that sharks name is "photoshop"
maritia - 7 years ago
All those comments about megalodon are so dumb .. get a brain guys! :(
Its FarishNazmi
Its FarishNazmi - 7 years ago
Baby shark doo doo
Joe Stockton
Joe Stockton - 7 years ago
farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...
Charles Hondonero
Charles Hondonero - 7 years ago
its obvious that a baby megalodon
richieboy09 - 7 years ago
thats nearly as big as just one of my seman ;)
MadaraUchihamizukage - 7 years ago
holy fuck. ok staying in lakes now. no more ocean for me. ever
sumboredazn - 7 years ago
yyyeeeehhhh, THATS why i dont go in the ocean...
Angelo Amaru
Angelo Amaru - 7 years ago
alan ford
alan ford - 7 years ago
fake bullcrap
peter lewis
peter lewis - 7 years ago
We have bigger great white sharks than that over here in Northern Ireland
Renegade Rabbit
Renegade Rabbit - 7 years ago
This is exactly what my friends said when i went swimming with them and my trunks came off.
Toad - 7 years ago
That reaction is immense
veerendira kumar
veerendira kumar - 7 years ago
Carlo Cultura
Carlo Cultura - 7 years ago
i am never going back in the water
TheDugo74 - 7 years ago
If that cage is at least 6ft wide what's the shark ?
Rick Cruz
Rick Cruz - 7 years ago
the shark cage would be like extra fiber in it's diet
Jay Grumble
Jay Grumble - 7 years ago
Yeah fuck that
Uh Oh
Uh Oh - 7 years ago
you'd never know what hit you ....
jasons1231 - 7 years ago
nice of you to put it in 480p.......
John Metzger
John Metzger - 7 years ago
See that thing at the waffle House.
erika rodriguez
erika rodriguez - 7 years ago
The reactions are just the best
Steven McCann
Steven McCann - 7 years ago
Daryl Sapinoso
Daryl Sapinoso - 7 years ago
dfuck did he bite?
waqar khan
waqar khan - 7 years ago
was that the real shark video I would love to see the full version of this upload
theABK1 - 7 years ago
we are gonna totally need a BIGGER boat!!!
Martin Pêcheur
Martin Pêcheur - 7 years ago
Darkside D
Darkside D - 7 years ago
Love her star trek uni. data.
Darkside D
Darkside D - 7 years ago
Thats the megalodon right there. Wtf..
armin s.
armin s. - 7 years ago
im meer ist man fischfutter
Kevin Lundin
Kevin Lundin - 7 years ago
I'm from Boston Mass we don't see Great Whites around here but an hour away at the cape bigger white sharks are coming every year to eat seals they didn't start coming there until the late 90s early 2000s. I love sharks and this shark is not fake it's awesome if Megladon is still out there that's pretty cool. Our white sharks are getting bigger
Sumir Sookdeo
Sumir Sookdeo - 7 years ago
Hahaha that looks like a fat whale.
TOMGATES100 - 7 years ago
ninjakawa1000 - 7 years ago
Thats nothing, megalodon shark still exist underwater
Marlon Buchholz
Marlon Buchholz - 7 years ago
That chick the anchorwoman is totally hot
mrbem1000 - 7 years ago
it sucks to get the sharks to breach and not have any real meat on the line.  boston butt people boston butt ;)
Northwc Northwc
Northwc Northwc - 7 years ago
Y'all know me. Know how I earn a livin'. I'll catch this bird for you, but it ain't gonna be easy. Bad fish. Not like going down the pond chasin' bluegills and tommycods. This shark, swallow you whole. Little shakin', little tenderizin', an' down you go. And we gotta do it quick, that'll bring back your tourists, put all your businesses on a payin' basis. But it's not gonna be pleasant. I value my neck a lot more than three thousand bucks, chief. I'll find him for three, but I'll catch him, and kill him, for ten. But you've gotta make up your minds. If you want to stay alive, then ante up. If you want to play it cheap, be on welfare the whole winter. I don't want no volunteers, I don't want no mates, there's just too many captains on this island. $10,000 for me by myself. For that you get the head, the tail, the whole damn thing.
John Patrick Gonzales
John Patrick Gonzales - 7 years ago
Damn that's more bigger than whale shark
Tobias Müller
Tobias Müller - 7 years ago
look that video australia Megalodon and look on the right side that it a Baby megallodon it give two megalodon that is the 20 feet on this video holy shit
Jesse Jacobo
Jesse Jacobo - 7 years ago
Brandon King
Brandon King - 7 years ago
Shes sexy looking like that
Brandon King
Brandon King - 7 years ago
Baby Mega hell it might be one tbh
Mary A
Mary A - 7 years ago
i wish they would have identified it. There is a Great White our their named Torpedo who is larger than Deep Blue,, Torpedo is said to be 50 to 60 feet long.
bonsai treehouse
bonsai treehouse - 7 years ago
That's just a guppy mate.
pablo cob
pablo cob - 7 years ago
thats a fuckin arrogant statement. seen all the sharks in the world have we?
Erika Hernandez
Erika Hernandez - 7 years ago
my tranny dick is bigger
Alrethian - 7 years ago
Amazing creature,  beautiful and powerful, but...holy shit!!
Fabo Andolini
Fabo Andolini - 7 years ago
Alrethian I mean its sexy but idk about beautiful
Crash - 7 years ago
Radioactive Jelly nah
Fabo Andolini
Fabo Andolini - 7 years ago
Alrethian beautiful???
Radioactive Jelly
Radioactive Jelly - 7 years ago
Alrethian amazing creature my ass. That thing probably eats killer whales for breakfast
GOD - 7 years ago
That's definitely over 20 ft
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
More like 18ft.
White Energy Werdum
White Energy Werdum - 7 years ago
Eat Sleep JDM Spot on. Around the length of 15 feet. Good sized white shark.
Eat Sleep JDM
Eat Sleep JDM - 7 years ago
It`s 15 ft
Gerry Weed
Gerry Weed - 7 years ago
big like the movie JAWS ...
Gerry Weed
Gerry Weed - 7 years ago
F Mann
F Mann - 7 years ago
Ill find him for 3, but Ill catch him, and kill him for ten,
Topo Gatto
Topo Gatto - 7 years ago
Quello squalo è obeso...
James G.
James G. - 7 years ago
"Thats a 20 footer. 25. 3 tons of him"
Monster Mousse
Monster Mousse - 7 years ago
Hassan Syed
Yeah I get it now.
Jaws 1 n 2 are awesome!
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
Monster Mousse no, it's a quote from JAWS. 25 feet and 3 tons.
Monster Mousse
Monster Mousse - 7 years ago
james gunther
25.3 tons? LOL
Eagle-Eye 12
Eagle-Eye 12 - 7 years ago
It's possible that cage is only half sized to make the sharks look bigger then they actually are.
Anya Vladim
Anya Vladim - 7 years ago
Omg they're hilarious ..their reactions are priceless
Julio Smith
Julio Smith - 7 years ago
Almost as big as my manhood
Frank Deux
Frank Deux - 7 years ago
shes hot
Youdontknowme !!!!
Youdontknowme !!!! - 7 years ago
Welcome to Australia
Craigx71 - 7 years ago
fals bay sputh africa.... they breach like that often
Leave the Cave Enter the Light
Leave the Cave Enter the Light - 7 years ago
could that be fakaladon in any way possible?
King Judah
King Judah - 7 years ago
Is this forreal or is it Photoshop?
Caelum Manestar
Caelum Manestar - 7 years ago
hahahaha that facial expression
Brendon C. Moore
Brendon C. Moore - 7 years ago
Bertram Inc.
Bertram Inc. - 7 years ago
Thats what she said.
Dean Bugeja
Dean Bugeja - 7 years ago
Are you all blind. That's a bloody dolphin
James Evans
James Evans - 7 years ago
Unless you've got a killer whale as your mate then I would stay out of the water
Chris Elphick
Chris Elphick - 7 years ago
Not sure a Great white can run you know
Lakers Uncut
Lakers Uncut - 7 years ago
James Evans you need to step your orca knowledge up bro. They don't fuck around.
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
Ioakim Antonis Hate to break it to ya but killer whales regularly eat sharks and other animals of this size and bigger.
John Richards
John Richards - 7 years ago
Ioakim Antonis Killer whales hunt in teams and regularly dine on great whites.
James Evans
James Evans - 7 years ago
Ioakim Antonis way to strong and more intelligent 20 feet 2 tons tops killer whale 32 feet 5 tons dream on
YouTube Reaper
YouTube Reaper - 7 years ago
Great white would actually run if it knew an orca was near, literally clear the area.
YouTube Reaper
YouTube Reaper - 7 years ago
Ioakim Antonis first, yeah it would, they're also the literal and only predators of great whites. Second this isn't the original video they got the height right but they made the shark fatter.
Ioakim Antonis
Ioakim Antonis - 7 years ago
James Evans Loool a killer whale wont do shit against a shark of this size
YouTube Reaper
YouTube Reaper - 7 years ago
James Evans you know it stuff mate.
Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith - 7 years ago
I want to see this against an Orca!
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
Yeah, no it wouldn't. There are Orca who hunt great white sharks for their livers.
Ioakim Antonis
Ioakim Antonis - 7 years ago
Joseph Smith an orca would get completly destroyed
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
Orca would turn the shark upside down and cause it to go in a trance. Then it would proceed to eat the poor thing. Moral of the story, don't mess with orcas.
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
Joseph Smith it would still lose. Quite easily. The Orca is far too clever.
Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith - 7 years ago
fucking jaws lives! WE ARE GONNA NEED A BIGGER BOAT!
Mike - 7 years ago
MORE1500 - 7 years ago
You're going to need a bigger boat.
Princess Kenny
Princess Kenny - 7 years ago
I not only just LOVE this because of their reactions but thats MY BIRTH DATE!!! I just turned 21 on Thursday! :D and this shark is fucking HUGE. Omg thats the big ass shark everybody's been searching for! - Ahhhh Whats the name? Mastadon like the band? Lol
Wayofthe Possum
Wayofthe Possum - 7 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger boat.
Kenneth Thomas
Kenneth Thomas - 7 years ago
mark jones
mark jones - 7 years ago
you're gonna need a bigger boat.
Lance Yazzie
Lance Yazzie - 7 years ago
"They should all be destroyed"
James Mccorkle
James Mccorkle - 7 years ago
Is that real?
Joshua Ng
Joshua Ng - 7 years ago
We gonna need a bigger boat and a bigger cage
Eskay1206 - 7 years ago
need a bigger ocean
Shawn Hinton
Shawn Hinton - 7 years ago
biggest I've seen
Jon Bannister
Jon Bannister - 7 years ago
Thts wat she said
Jean Marie B
Jean Marie B - 7 years ago
LOL... LOL WOW! It looks fake.. blown up a tad bit don't ya think?
Truck Load
Truck Load - 7 years ago
Looks like he caught him a laptop.
Mark Bowles
Mark Bowles - 7 years ago
something fishy going on here
0mar Jhungoor
0mar Jhungoor - 7 years ago
I am so shock to see a great white shark that big. Can that be a baby magladon I hope not.
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill - 7 years ago
So they do exist still, knew it!
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill - 7 years ago
How about megalodons mum, she around?
Sauropterygia - 7 years ago
Yes, great whites still exist.
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill - 7 years ago
Yea bro been a long paper round
Sheldor of Pasadena
Sheldor of Pasadena - 7 years ago
Winston Churchill and I see your still alive!
Jasper Jackson
Jasper Jackson - 7 years ago
What did he grab in his mouth?
Ishaq Vally
Ishaq Vally - 7 years ago
Jasper Jackson A dummy/decoy seal to force it to breach.
new debate
new debate - 7 years ago
Looks cgi, fake.
Scott George
Scott George - 7 years ago
My father who just retired (66 yes. old ) told me he used to catch small sharks with his dad ( My Grandpa ) and caught a few bigger ones in their little boat . He doesn't care for the ocean anymore .
Glenn Daniels
Glenn Daniels - 7 years ago
idid yourmom
idid yourmom - 7 years ago
king megalodon is back
Bat Fink
Bat Fink - 7 years ago
Here's to swimmin with bow legged women
bernadette davis
bernadette davis - 7 years ago
was that act. real?
andykiwi - 7 years ago
It was proven to be imaging its so easy to do...
mattandjacb - 7 years ago
andykiwi lol nice
andykiwi - 7 years ago
Menoetius - 7 years ago
So leave the link that shows it is fake..
Timothy Dorsey
Timothy Dorsey - 7 years ago
Dörte Kühler- Otuekpo
Dörte Kühler- Otuekpo - 7 years ago
Timothy Dorsey no REAL
Antonio Henrique Padua
Antonio Henrique Padua - 7 years ago
quick... get Roy Scheider and a tank of oxygen... quick... and a rifle
snowybooooy - 7 years ago
were gonna need a bigger boat
Lazy Wizard
Lazy Wizard - 7 years ago
That's got to be a 20footer for sure?
Eat Sleep JDM
Eat Sleep JDM - 7 years ago
15 ft
Bat Fink
Bat Fink - 7 years ago
Lazy Wizard "twenny fiiiive..."
craig cotter
craig cotter - 7 years ago
19 and a half footer, there, my people!
Old Timer
Old Timer - 7 years ago
Amazing what you can do with photo shop all you have to do is use the magnifier to blow up anything 10X the normal size now you have the biggest shark ever seen....
devilevily - 7 years ago
big joe
Charles Campione
Charles Campione - 7 years ago
what a bunch of jerks
Bishop Dog
Bishop Dog - 7 years ago
was that real?send me a link please
Luis Martinez
Luis Martinez - 7 years ago
I love how the guy actually there is totally excited and ready for more meanwhile back in news room....
widow maker
widow maker - 7 years ago
And you thought things were bigger in Texas.
widow maker
widow maker - 7 years ago
Eskay1206 lol. Yep. But its still fun to go into a store and get someone to show you where the condems are then ask them ( don't y'all Carry super large ?? ).
Eskay1206 - 7 years ago
only ego
DarkbyDesign - 7 years ago
This video cracks me up < The commentators are fuckin epic
berner - 7 years ago
I think we're gonna need a bigger cage
m g
m g - 7 years ago
Has anyone researched this? I really hope its not fake media
Shawn Mccullough
Shawn Mccullough - 7 years ago
She's hot.
RIO BOW - 7 years ago
And i thought deep blue was fucking big
touchin mahself
touchin mahself - 7 years ago
go to the local pyewl
M Whitelaw
M Whitelaw - 7 years ago
I believe that was the ozland equivalent of....
Brosky999 - 7 years ago
they both got their first look at the black mandingo!
jesse stewart
jesse stewart - 7 years ago
Real or fake.?
Moon Watcher
Moon Watcher - 7 years ago
I'd like to stuff her!
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 7 years ago
seen them that big in SoCal they do exist for sure one of the biggest
Ron Foster
Ron Foster - 7 years ago
If we can get the measurments of the seal cutout they are using we can get a very accurate measurement of the jaw diameter which has a close correlation to a great whites length.
PorkFrog - 7 years ago
I have a feeling that if this isn't a new vid, someone woulda figured out a way to get an idea exactly how big it is
Crispy - 7 years ago
We were making the same exact face...
Austria RC Vlbg
Austria RC Vlbg - 7 years ago
we need a bigger boat! ;)
Simon - 7 years ago
fuck boat, we need bigger ocean
xParanqid - 7 years ago
TATTOO VAMPIRE1966 what shall wr do with the drunken sailer
Black Wolf
Black Wolf - 7 years ago
Nope.A submarine+ another submarine+ plus a cruise ship
TATTOO VAMPIRE1966 - 7 years ago
Sharon Eyre: I'll check into that. sounds like a good time.
Sharon Eyre
Sharon Eyre - 7 years ago
TATTOO VAMPIRE1966 ...I reckon it 's PC.3..K.R. plays C'tain Jacks' dad..C'tain Teagues'..."the code is the law 'boy'....'out-takes are brilliant!!..'two takes Richards'..apparently K.R. was spot on!..?'gotta' go..'cat throwing up in kitchen...joyous!...what was it??....oooh! 'I like the sound of that'...P.o. t C fans will understand!! Thanks for th reply...'will keep an eye out for any other replies!! Six .
TATTOO VAMPIRE1966 - 7 years ago
Sharon Eyre: No offence taken at all sweetheart, This is You Tube honey... I own 2 Bars and have been verbally assaulted beyond the realms. I'm wearing me Big Boy pants today Darl'n! I've just heard Keith's rendition, but have never watched all the movies, the 1rst two, Yes! Great movies. Which one might this dig be in me lady? Aye...
Sharon Eyre
Sharon Eyre - 7 years ago
TATTOO VAMPIRE1966 ...oh sweetie! I didn't mean to offend! was just a suggestion!.. it's a really 'neat' scene, and if you check out J.Depps' reaction to K.R.'s acoustic playing, it's just priceless. ..'talk about 'hero whorship '...I think it's on the 'out takes' / 'extras' bit!!...WHORSHIP?!...not what I meant to put!!...'having said that ...J.D and K. R...anything is possible!!
TATTOO VAMPIRE1966 - 7 years ago
Sharon Eyre: I'm a serious Stones fans and I have listened to Keith's version. I wasn't trying to show off, I just know a few Sea shanty's, ntm I used to sing in a Band for 25 years in Chicago. I listen to anything once.
Sharon Eyre
Sharon Eyre - 7 years ago
TATTOO VAMPIRE1966 off!...'check out Keith Richards' version of 'Spanish Ladies' in 'Pirates of the C'b'....sweeet!!
TATTOO VAMPIRE1966 - 7 years ago
Austria RC Vlbg: Fair well and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies, fair well and adieu to you ladies of Spain. Fore we've received orders, for to sail back to Boston, and so nevermore will we see you again.
Jesus Barboza
Jesus Barboza - 7 years ago
And a air tank
Sharon Eyre
Sharon Eyre - 7 years ago
Austria RC Vlbg ...boat, submarine, cruise-liner....!!! argument here!!
Jason - 7 years ago
No reference to tell how big that shark is. Thumbs down.
Alejandro Mendez Martinez
Alejandro Mendez Martinez - 7 years ago
This great White is named "colossus" and measures 18 feet. The biggest known at this moment is " deep blue" with 22 feet
Titan Army
Titan Army - 7 years ago
I saw a 32 footer off cape horn back in the great storm of '63
brett smith
brett smith - 7 years ago
22 feet...i bet he can run fast
RyanXRayne - 7 years ago
Well even if 18 feet, this shark looks bigger than Deep Blue because of it’s mass.. the head even resembles Jaws.. this is the first time I’ve seen footage of a great white that was actually shaped like Jaws. Usually they aren’t as massive and have smaller heads.
Spark The SkyWing
Spark The SkyWing - 7 years ago
Oh thank goodness someone knows the size. I was wondering that
FatalPies - 7 years ago
gonzalez lmao no its not a megalodan, they're long gone.
dablakmark8 - 7 years ago
deep blue is actually a pregnant female shark, so its not long but large in diameter,non the less huge to
SheenTheBean - 7 years ago
Edwin Ramos he's probably special
Alex The Shark Boi
Alex The Shark Boi - 7 years ago
Alejandro Mendez Martinez 23*
Edwin Ramos
Edwin Ramos - 7 years ago
Holy shit, that's one big ass shark!!
Alejandro Mendez Martinez
Alejandro Mendez Martinez - 7 years ago
Edwin Ramos González knows more about sharks than me Bro! Probably colossus is actually 82 meters long!
Edwin Ramos
Edwin Ramos - 7 years ago
Alejandro Mendez Martinez, what's up with that guy name Gonzalez? He says that the shark is 25 meters long. That would make him 82 feet long.
Rance davis
Rance davis - 7 years ago
Awesome creature, when you see something like this you realise life is pretty special, after you've got the hell out of the water of course :-)
Aby - 7 years ago
18 feet alright. But I guess he is bigger (or wider or more muscled) than even a 20 -22 feet guy (not length, i mean the size!). Proves why size/musles could make you bigger than your feet in length. Really wow stuff this guy colossus. Tks for the info
Alejandro Mendez Martinez
Alejandro Mendez Martinez - 7 years ago
Roger Martin Yes, the only available footage is from Guadalupe but considering how far great whites travel we actualy don't know where is she going to appear next time
Roger Martin
Roger Martin - 7 years ago
Alejandro Mendez Martinez ,Is deep blue off the coast of Baja California on Guadeloupe island ?
Alejandro Mendez Martinez
Alejandro Mendez Martinez - 7 years ago
Antonio McCray you are welcome :)
Antonio McCray
Antonio McCray - 7 years ago
Alejandro Mendez Martinez thank you for the info
Paul Racine
Paul Racine - 7 years ago
You've measured every Great White shark in the world,every one,and determined this was the largest? Really?
Grant E
Grant E - 7 years ago
Aussies have gotten soft.the old bogans would call that a guppy

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