THE SHALLOWS Movie TRAILER # 3 (Shark Attack - 2016)

Blake Lively i's only 200 yards from her survival... The NEW JAWS is here! ★ The Best Thrillers are HERE ► ★ The Must-See Movies are HERE ➨ In the taut thriller The Shallows, Nancy (Blake Lively) is surfing alone on a secluded beach when she is attacked by a great white shark and stranded just a short distance from shore. Though she is only 200 yards from her survival, getting there proves the ultimate contest of wills. It’s Jaws for a new generation. THE SHALLOWS Movie TRAILER A Movie directed by Jaume Collet-Serra Cast : Blake Lively, Sedona Legge, Oscar Jaenada Release Date : 24 June 2016 Genre : Thriller THE SHALLOWS Final TRAILER © 2016 - Sony Pictures ✓ Subscribe now to catch the best trailers and the latest HD official movie trailer, film clip, scene, review, interview and video commentary!

THE SHALLOWS Movie TRAILER # 3 (Shark Attack - 2016) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 347

Shark videos 8 years ago 1,328,083 views

Blake Lively i's only 200 yards from her survival... The NEW JAWS is here! ★ The Best Thrillers are HERE ► ★ The Must-See Movies are HERE ➨ In the taut thriller The Shallows, Nancy (Blake Lively) is surfing alone on a secluded beach when she is attacked by a great white shark and stranded just a short distance from shore. Though she is only 200 yards from her survival, getting there proves the ultimate contest of wills. It’s Jaws for a new generation. THE SHALLOWS Movie TRAILER A Movie directed by Jaume Collet-Serra Cast : Blake Lively, Sedona Legge, Oscar Jaenada Release Date : 24 June 2016 Genre : Thriller THE SHALLOWS Final TRAILER © 2016 - Sony Pictures ✓ Subscribe now to catch the best trailers and the latest HD official movie trailer, film clip, scene, review, interview and video commentary!

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Most popular comments
for THE SHALLOWS Movie TRAILER # 3 (Shark Attack - 2016)

Kennia Miramontes
Kennia Miramontes - 7 years ago
Marcus Swanigan
Marcus Swanigan - 7 years ago
Melle game Cross
Melle game Cross - 7 years ago
Azreen Sufea Abdul Rani
Azreen Sufea Abdul Rani - 7 years ago
Amanda Hadley
Amanda Hadley - 7 years ago
one of the best shark movies I've seen in a while
Laresa Woodard
Laresa Woodard - 7 years ago
ok lol boo ok now
Berry DIY
Berry DIY - 7 years ago
ok now i am scared of the ocean
Purva more
Purva more - 7 years ago
pls give full movie
hey its andee
hey its andee - 7 years ago
i watched this even if im just 9 years old

10. comment for THE SHALLOWS Movie TRAILER # 3 (Shark Attack - 2016)

Robert Hosein
Robert Hosein - 8 years ago
how did I get from the channel Denis to the movie shallows..
kitty Cats
kitty Cats - 8 years ago
I saw this movie
Splaxis - 8 years ago
I watched the movie it is really good
Motaz Halawa
Motaz Halawa - 8 years ago
Feigsfar - 8 years ago
You've literally just watched the whole thing.
Nea Laakso
Nea Laakso - 8 years ago
Ulvi_ismayilov Ulvi
Ulvi_ismayilov Ulvi - 8 years ago
halaldi sene
Nay Murillo
Nay Murillo - 8 years ago
everyone this is alondra and this is fake.
ملاك عطيه
ملاك عطيه - 8 years ago
R. M.
R. M. - 8 years ago
This shark is definatelly a Trump voter. He hate mexicans, democratic hippies and is a mysoginist alfa male crazy for eating a pussy.

20. comment for THE SHALLOWS Movie TRAILER # 3 (Shark Attack - 2016)

Luke Hunter
Luke Hunter - 8 years ago
I like the music in the beginning of video, anyone know what it is?
Lord Harambe
Lord Harambe - 8 years ago
You fart like the fatist wumin in the planit
Carel Barnard
Carel Barnard - 8 years ago
the shark bit her leg off and she tied it back on with the surf borad tape
7x100 - 8 years ago
Тhis is thе nicеist mоviе i еver sееее!!! I advisе eeееvеrybоdу to wааaatсh it :) ТТТHE SHALLOWS Моviе ТRАILER 3 Shаrk Аttack 2016
Eve Miller
Eve Miller - 8 years ago
I would eat her pushy
Tati F
Tati F - 8 years ago
I watched the shallows
Lenin Joyal
Lenin Joyal - 8 years ago
Тhis mоооviе is now аvаilаblе tо wаtсh hеrе => THЕ SHААААLLОWS Мооviе ТRАILЕR 3 Shаrk Аttааасk 2016
Geørge MK
Geørge MK - 8 years ago
what was the name of that beach?
Jayveon Norton
Jayveon Norton - 8 years ago
this movie was one of the worst I saw honesty the trailer is basically the whole movie with just 7 characters no effort whatsoever was put into this movie seriously who thinks a shark patrols a person forever TERRIBLE ENDING AS WELL
Abhinav Ghate
Abhinav Ghate - 8 years ago
Тhis moviее is nоw аvаilааааblе tоооо wаtсh hеrе => ТHЕ SHАLLОWS Моviе ТТRАILЕR 3 Shаrk АAААttасk 2016

30. comment for THE SHALLOWS Movie TRAILER # 3 (Shark Attack - 2016)

Nikita Wirehu
Nikita Wirehu - 8 years ago
I've seen this movie she doesint die a little boy saves her its cool
marcusinHD - 8 years ago
i cared more about the bird :l
OhItsDare - 8 years ago
The bird is fine I watch it she send it away on the beach with her board. Sorry for the spoilers alert.
LEGANDARY_GAMER 56 - 8 years ago
Jean-Francois Desrosiers
Jean-Francois Desrosiers - 8 years ago
pff Jaws meet surf. Any story where the vilain is a wild creature makes stupid humans kill them all, make jewels, soup and all sorts of stupid things.
kys please
kys please - 8 years ago
How did she get a gun
Syahril Amir
Syahril Amir - 8 years ago
NGLApexIx - 8 years ago
wtf is this movie
Christian Alvarado
Christian Alvarado - 8 years ago
TryHardGaming HD
TryHardGaming HD - 8 years ago
"I admire its purity"
Dalares Coriom Guedes Cerneiro Guedes
Dalares Coriom Guedes Cerneiro Guedes - 8 years ago
sia Muitos pq pou tudo gourmeto
Shifty Sheep
Shifty Sheep - 8 years ago
humans kill sharks more than sharks kill humans
Carolyn Parson
Carolyn Parson - 8 years ago
Mik Soproud
Mik Soproud - 8 years ago
Well, saw this movie : better than other recent sharks movies but so far from Jaws !
Sirlei Miranda
Sirlei Miranda - 8 years ago
I watch the movie
Sirlei Miranda
Sirlei Miranda - 8 years ago
I watch the movie
CROT PRODUCTION - 8 years ago
Music pls?:(
SupergamingTV - 8 years ago
Shit I'd eat her too
gigi Hussein8
gigi Hussein8 - 8 years ago
Lol I just watched this like and hour ago and i swear you will not regret
mybluebelly - 8 years ago
Nice movie !
Animal loving Sisters
Animal loving Sisters - 8 years ago
she is pretty
elen lima
elen lima - 8 years ago

50. comment for THE SHALLOWS Movie TRAILER # 3 (Shark Attack - 2016)

LoLGames YT
LoLGames YT - 8 years ago
çok korktum
KetoShi - 8 years ago
actually its the other way around, people kill everything
Phoebe Fiddler
Phoebe Fiddler - 8 years ago
this movie looks very fake
ASAP - 8 years ago
IS this movie scary?
jbmoocs - 8 years ago
it's all a bit too shallow for me...
doce beleza
doce beleza - 8 years ago
Amanda HiddenForever
Amanda HiddenForever - 8 years ago
This was definitely one of the best movies in 2016 imo
sjmac2 - 8 years ago
3:15 that is about the most realistic scene in a movie I have ever seen... just wow
Jairo Quinino
Jairo Quinino - 8 years ago
Saw this last night, its not  bad , the end is kind of crap but overall its a good movie
Nathan Domke
Nathan Domke - 8 years ago
if real sharks were even half as smart as the one in this movie id quit surfing without looking back
Cayster's Studio
Cayster's Studio - 8 years ago
woah rayyan
Eleanor Castledine
Eleanor Castledine - 8 years ago
There was literally a trailer for this films before the actual trailer started
Mouse Potato
Mouse Potato - 8 years ago
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water again. Wonder if this shark plays a cello too.
Dark_Wizard 1
Dark_Wizard 1 - 8 years ago
that thingy in the end that killed the shark guys when that metal that she climb fall
Dark_Wizard 1
Dark_Wizard 1 - 8 years ago
that shark looks like Megalodon
Logan Brosnahan
Logan Brosnahan - 8 years ago
You know what? Fuck that.
CRISGIANI Lasanta Lasanta
CRISGIANI Lasanta Lasanta - 8 years ago
hey guys are you doing for the best way for me to be the first one to the next couple of days
Martina Cuore
Martina Cuore - 8 years ago
wow I don' t like
robstaa - 8 years ago
whats the name of the song in the beginning?
LoLzZ85 - 8 years ago
Smile you sonofa....
Cotton Unicorn
Cotton Unicorn - 8 years ago
Can't wait to see it
Ruben Manssens
Ruben Manssens - 8 years ago
3:14 seagull photobomb
Imogen Waller
Imogen Waller - 8 years ago
Stop complaining about the shark and just enjoy the movie
Mayeur000Donz - 8 years ago
What kind of shark eats two grown men and still needs to hang around for a third helping?
Joan Alcindor
Joan Alcindor - 8 years ago
Ann sophie
R. M.
R. M. - 8 years ago
It was a Trump voter shark. Hated mexicans, democratic hippies and was a mysoginist.
OhItsDare - 8 years ago
It's was angry. The sharks are scared of US.
Lemon Waffles :3
Lemon Waffles :3 - 8 years ago
The shark was hungry I guess
Seán O'Reilly
Seán O'Reilly - 8 years ago
Maybe there was another shark
Mini Mose Tube 101
Mini Mose Tube 101 - 8 years ago
just finished it so hahaha no spoilers
PixlrEdn - 8 years ago
its a beautiful beach but...

Tiffany Marie
Tiffany Marie - 8 years ago
this movie is scary asf btw
Creepy Midnight
Creepy Midnight - 8 years ago
3:13-3:15 a perfect example of her poor acting XD.
شوف كيف
شوف كيف - 8 years ago
the shark was cant eat the american women , but can eat the other mens .....
she just get one wound hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i hate the americans movies , because they have the big lie on the earth

americans : dont lie to us and start make a true storeis
Feelingpink TFM
Feelingpink TFM - 8 years ago
did you just comment to your own comment to make it sound relatable
شوف كيف
شوف كيف - 8 years ago
Crested Gecko
Crested Gecko - 8 years ago
What about soul surfer?
ontatitats - 8 years ago
this is good! :)
milogator - 8 years ago
I can bet that shark when bited her had instant orgasm xD
Milo Molnár
Milo Molnár - 8 years ago
The trailer is in fact the whole movie in short.
Jorge Vaca
Jorge Vaca - 8 years ago
I love this movie
Blast Savior
Blast Savior - 8 years ago
so sad so bad
VanillaScream Puff
VanillaScream Puff - 8 years ago
the movie was good
Michael Serrano
Michael Serrano - 8 years ago
best movie ever
tr99ac - 8 years ago
just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water....
Tommy Summers
Tommy Summers - 8 years ago
it's an okay shark movie........ to many elements from jaws...... I was disappointed. when she got bit on the leg it looked like a juvenile white tip bite....... when you see the shark it is giant white pointer........ doesn't make sense
BenshortsPuto - 8 years ago
LOL the shark can jump to wat her friend but he cantr jump a small rock to eat the bitch..
Derryl James
Derryl James - 8 years ago
Worse movie everrrrrrr!!!!! The shark is fixated on terrorizing this one girl. Sooooo boring!!!!! Of course she kills the shark at the end in the most stupidest way. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY
Crested Gecko
Crested Gecko - 8 years ago
This shark knocked over a Bouy.Is that not enough?
michael john Montero
michael john Montero - 8 years ago
love it
Kelai Just
Kelai Just - 8 years ago
i love this!
Casey Elizabeth
Casey Elizabeth - 8 years ago
Just watched this movie & I thought it was pretty good...but the ending? ehh.... I thought about Maci Bookout the entire movie LOL
Tim Tim
Tim Tim - 8 years ago
whats that voice over called
Dianelys Izquierdo
Dianelys Izquierdo - 8 years ago
I watch that movie today
Liuhuayue - 8 years ago
... She didn't bring her phone with her, but she somehow found a gun?! O.o
ψOG-Lucifer-TKOψ - 8 years ago
Gogipoo Nnmm
Gogipoo Nnmm - 8 years ago
+Emma k it was a camera
Liuhuayue - 8 years ago
+TysonCrump If so, then I guess it would make sense. At first look, it really seemed like an unlikely situation, but if it is a flare gun, then the situation is much more plausible. Thanks for the comment. :)
TysonCrump - 8 years ago
+Liuhuayue Yes, it was a flare gun
Liuhuayue - 8 years ago
+TysonCrump Hmm, but was it a flare gun, or a fully loaded actual handgun?
TysonCrump - 8 years ago
There are sometimes flare guns on buoys like that
Liuhuayue - 8 years ago
+Emma k I was just pointing out the seeming implausibility of the situation.
Emma k
Emma k - 8 years ago
she didnt know she was gonna get attacked if i were her i wouldnt want to bring my phone with me to surf
Liuhuayue - 8 years ago
+Emma k Again, it would have solved her problems a lot more easily. She could have attached it to her wrist or around her neck.
Emma k
Emma k - 8 years ago
there is no point bringing your phone out into the water to surf it would be hard carrying it and surfing at the same time
Liuhuayue - 8 years ago
+Emma k Waterproof phone case. Would have solved her problems with a lot less violence, albeit, the movie would probably be a lot more boring.
Emma k
Emma k - 8 years ago
Why would you bring your phone out into the ocean and if you watched the movie it would make perfect sense how she found a gun.
angelie yap
angelie yap - 8 years ago
shark actually dont eat people right?
R. M.
R. M. - 8 years ago
Joy Tear By the way, if you get bleeding in the middle of the ocean and theres no rescue coming for you they will start encircling you, preying you, first they bite and then they lose fear if you do nothing. Then you are fucked. If you get a hungry tiger shark on your way, it will certainlly attack you to kill you.
R. M.
R. M. - 8 years ago
Joy Tear USS Indianapolis doesnt prove very well your point.
Veronne Arryn
Veronne Arryn - 8 years ago
Well they don't but their bite can be fatal.
Usually, sharks keep a distance between them and us human unless if they think you are a seals or a turtle (any sea-creatures).
But they don't eat humans for most cases. Most people die due to shark attacks is because they ran out of blood or drown.
Jax - 8 years ago
whats the song for the first trailer?
Xx Lbeeze_55 xX
Xx Lbeeze_55 xX - 8 years ago
Plot twist: she's high and she thinks a turtle is a shark that's attacking her
R. M.
R. M. - 8 years ago
Actually the shark exists in the movie and he eats accidentally a box full of Viagra and becomes obsessed of making sex with the blondie.
Hannah Torell
Hannah Torell - 8 years ago
still not how drugs work
Xx Lbeeze_55 xX
Xx Lbeeze_55 xX - 8 years ago
Hannah Torell
Hannah Torell - 8 years ago
that's not how drugs work, sweetie

100. comment for THE SHALLOWS Movie TRAILER # 3 (Shark Attack - 2016)

Kelly Vanessa
Kelly Vanessa - 8 years ago
Lelly Guslow
Lelly Guslow - 8 years ago
i like it
The Skeptical Carrot
The Skeptical Carrot - 8 years ago
I just saw this movie
Jojo - 8 years ago
I would eat her also.
Murat Ilhan
Murat Ilhan - 8 years ago
Jape03 - 8 years ago
what i didnt wrote that!!
Itip dektizz
Itip dektizz - 8 years ago
Jape 03 w
Jape03 - 8 years ago
ɷɷɷɷ Heeey Friendss I Haveee Justttt Wonn Brandd New iPhonee From visitt : -
• No0bmagn3t •
• No0bmagn3t • - 8 years ago
Holden Serwe
Holden Serwe - 8 years ago
I just saw it it was awesome
gizzycat cat
gizzycat cat - 8 years ago
DON'T WATCH THIS SHIT! You will be very disappointed, Blake Lively is just using that shark to lure people in to watch the film but the shark barely makes a cameo. It's all about her. It's terrible, if the shark ate her it would have been way better but I doubt that would even save this atrocious travesty. FUCK YOU BLAKE LIVELY!
Stephen Propst
Stephen Propst - 8 years ago
Crazy part is that it is based on a true story. I would just nap on the rock until help arrives.
hsuitor1234 - 8 years ago
this looks so good
Kriddy - 8 years ago
Am I the only one worried about how this is going to affect the general public's opinion of sharks? I just feel like the last thing they need is to be feared and treated like villains even more than they already are. They are dangerous and we need to be mindful of them when swimming in their habitat, but they're also very misunderstood. And movies like Jaws and this one don't help, they only cause unjustified aggression towards these animals. I hope the people who go to see this movie will understand that it's fiction and that it won't affect their opinions of sharks, but I can't help but worry.
Kate Hawk
Kate Hawk - 8 years ago
I'd like to see people go after murderers, rapists, and other degenerates the same way they go after sharks, Hell feed 'em to the sharks for all i care and put it on pay-per-view.
Deesier'd Abasb's Fsawao Nafnnsuelhn
Deesier'd Abasb's Fsawao Nafnnsuelhn - 8 years ago
Nobody is self reliant stfu and stop selling that noise. That's why America is fucked up right now!
Jean Pierre Wehry
Jean Pierre Wehry - 8 years ago
Finally, a good movie with a shark. What has it been? Over a decade since the last good shark movie came out? This looks really promising. And that guy getting fucking devoured sold me aswell.
emskyte - 8 years ago
This is why you keep your hair up. No wonder she couldn't swim properly she couldn't even see
cece's world
cece's world - 8 years ago
ッNightTrap - 8 years ago
Elizabeth - 8 years ago
I can't swim but my dad's teaching me I'm getting the hang of it
Jasmine mammy
Jasmine mammy - 8 years ago
ok jasmine
Jasmine mammy
Jasmine mammy - 8 years ago
James Buggemo
James Buggemo - 8 years ago
Wait, did this movie just imply that a fucking shark bite is merely a flesh wound? Tie it off, you're good, right? Tourniquets stop bleeding because they stop blood flow, and no blood flow to a leg means no swimming. They should just call this movie "Chum: Your suspension of disbelief will be bitten in half"
Christian Raúl
Christian Raúl - 8 years ago
I just got a trailer for a trailer.
Matthew Tarr
Matthew Tarr - 8 years ago
One hobby I'll never take up. Surfing. I watch shark week I choose life lol
Claribel Medina
Claribel Medina - 8 years ago
For me paper cuts are worst
Freezey Pop
Freezey Pop - 8 years ago
I had an add for the movie when I loaded this up lmfao
555566hy - 8 years ago

Ashlin Frazer
Ashlin Frazer - 8 years ago
I'm goin to see this saturday
cheese burger
cheese burger - 8 years ago
Alberto Einstein
Alberto Einstein - 8 years ago
the way the shark Fucked up the first one up lol savage
Ian Luman
Ian Luman - 8 years ago
I heard this movie is actually way crazier than just a "shark gonna get me" type of movie.
Aisha Salinas
Aisha Salinas - 8 years ago
+Giovanni Lanteri ya
jenny ponce
jenny ponce - 8 years ago
I saw it yesterday it was AMAZING!! but i feel kinda bad for the shark! :(
Giovanni Lanteri
Giovanni Lanteri - 8 years ago
Guys I saw this movie today...It was amazing !!!
Jean Pierre Wehry
Jean Pierre Wehry - 8 years ago
I think what you're saying is that we finally we get a good shark movie.... NO more Sharknado's please.
hodor - 8 years ago
i mean shark movies are usually so lame but you think this one is gonna be good, why?
Ian Luman
Ian Luman - 8 years ago
+hodor Why did I hear that? Or why is it crazier?
hodor - 8 years ago
Michael Steyer
Michael Steyer - 8 years ago
Wait is this being made at Tybee island because when we went there they were making a movie
Crested Gecko
Crested Gecko - 8 years ago
No it was filmed in Lord Howe island
jenny ponce
jenny ponce - 8 years ago
no, i think it was in Mexico, because it looks like Isla Espiritu Santo
TheThedot - 8 years ago
The fucking shark hit the bowie in the water. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!
Crested Gecko
Crested Gecko - 8 years ago
Bouy excuse me
Evan Rodriguez
Evan Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Paradise my ass!
jen fay
jen fay - 8 years ago
I wanna see it so bad looks awesome
BishWhare - 8 years ago
She looks like Jenna Marbles
Bradley Diaz
Bradley Diaz - 8 years ago
Please let us have a good shark movie
Shieri Rawr
Shieri Rawr - 8 years ago
WHo else came here from the try guys?
Haroons än zai
Haroons än zai - 8 years ago
Robin Harsmolle jag
SuperCool LPS
SuperCool LPS - 8 years ago
fox - 8 years ago
yeah I did!
swaggyrapper ;
swaggyrapper ; - 8 years ago
Everyone did
Kevin Afton
Kevin Afton - 8 years ago
AlJhiCia - 8 years ago
haha! Eugene and the knife lol
Beauty_ Corner
Beauty_ Corner - 8 years ago
Me lol
Ricardo Gonzalez
Ricardo Gonzalez - 8 years ago
I did
NoodlePoodlew - 8 years ago
neverlovedaboy - 8 years ago
I am terrified of sharks, and this doesn't help that fear at all!
GANGかおがきく - 8 years ago
The shallows is just like " jaws" and "the reef"
R. M.
R. M. - 8 years ago
The Reef sucks compared to this movie, but comparing this movie with the classical Shark from Spielberg is simply stupid.
JaybayJay - 8 years ago
+john candle Ironically, it took the studio owner's wife to do it.. Lorraine Garry was never paid to co-star in Jaws.. Her husband Sidney Sheinberg was an Executive known for giving Spielberg his shot, while they were reading the script for Jaws, Steven liked how she and Roy Schnieder got along and when her part couldn't be filled they got her to do it..
Crested Gecko
Crested Gecko - 8 years ago
The shallows is my new #1
Will Child
Will Child - 8 years ago
+JaybayJay the shit thing about jaws was the shark didnt end up dying until something like the 4th movie
JaybayJay - 8 years ago
+john candle You can deny yourself a good movie if you want.. I liked how she survived.. The shark looked really cool and the movie wasn't boring..

So basically what most people are saying is I shouldn't ever watch a espionage movie because they're all like Jason Bourne or Mission Impossible..

Or I shouldn't see any space movies because Star Trek and Star Wars came first..

Man that logic is the stupidest I've heard in my life...
Nevermind the fact that Jaws (my favorite movie) had a totally implausible ending.. Debunked on myth busters.. Shot air tanks only leak.. they don't explode..
Will Child
Will Child - 8 years ago
+JaybayJay I know what your said I accidentally tapped reply sorry dude no need to get angry
JaybayJay - 8 years ago
+john candle And your fucking stupid.. That's not what I said at all Idiot..
Will Child
Will Child - 8 years ago
+JaybayJay ok so she gets attacked by a shark some people die then the rest of the movie is her killing the shark ... got it so it is just jaws remake and i dont need to see it.
JaybayJay - 8 years ago
I watched this movie.. It was really good.. Blake Lively's performance was sweet,. Even the way she survived was pretty cool.. I didn't particularly like the way she beat the shark but at least it was highly original..
Will Child
Will Child - 8 years ago
the reef was shit
Crested Gecko
Crested Gecko - 8 years ago
Not really.
JaybayJay - 8 years ago
+Seth Winters I guess behind the scenes you can explain it by JP's desire for bigger badder dino's steroid feeding it or something, but alot of paleo's feel it's oversized big time..
Seth Winters
Seth Winters - 8 years ago
Well according to the scientific studies, the Mosasaur reached 60 feet long. There was different species of the Mosasaur and the biggest was no longer than 60 feet long. If you watch Jurassic World again, watch the scene of its first appearance and then the end of it killing the cross breed. The one at the end was not as big as the first one shown. I don't if it was a Cgi mishap, or it was simply a different smaller Mosasaur, but you'll definitely see a difference between the two scenes
JaybayJay - 8 years ago
+Seth Winters Way highly criticized.. It's was way too big...
Seth Winters
Seth Winters - 8 years ago
JaybayJay, they didn't get it wrong. They just went by a particular version of the Mosasaur. Not sure, but I think it was the Primeval version
JaybayJay - 8 years ago
+Seth Winters Why they couldn't even get the Mosasaurus right?
Seth Winters
Seth Winters - 8 years ago
I really want a Megaladon in a Jurassic park sequel. Imagine what that would be like. Make it the main plot as it causes chaos all over the ocean. That would be worth watching as long as it doesn't look too unrealistic
JaybayJay - 8 years ago
I haven't seen it yet, but it looks good...
Seth Winters
Seth Winters - 8 years ago
Derryl James, so you're saying that the actors aren't real? Lol, oh ok. The people don't look CGI to me
Derryl James
Derryl James - 8 years ago
WTF you talking jaws?? NOTHING like jaws. Jaws was a movie with real actors and a plot! This had nothing
reese gardner
reese gardner - 8 years ago
I love the reef
JaybayJay - 8 years ago
And you're just like Rain Man.. Obviously shark movies are based on the same premise...
Shark Attacks
And they're nothing alike..
Jaws depicts a community and how it deals with the attacks and fear based on the true
events of Jersey Shore Attacks which were more brutal and terrifying than the movie itself..
The Reef deals with a single capsized boat and a few people stalked by a shark
The Shallows deal with an isolated area surfers go for the waves but have very little in means of signalling for help..
And I hate to break it to you but Shark Attacks hardly vary in their Execution....
Bite, Chew, Swallow, Repeat...
The only variable is whether you live, die, or get swallowed whole
Lawrence Perkins
Lawrence Perkins - 8 years ago
this the definition of jaws
Lawrence Perkins
Lawrence Perkins - 8 years ago
my new favorite shark movie
Luke Ubz
Luke Ubz - 8 years ago
this movie will be good
troy garcia
troy garcia - 8 years ago
OMG!! i cant wait to see this movie!
Veronica Mendoza
Veronica Mendoza - 8 years ago
Lizzie Beauty
Lizzie Beauty - 8 years ago
I think my boy-friends are going to watch this, even if the main character is a girl. They<3Sharks.
lissie artiles
lissie artiles - 8 years ago
+conner belanger I think she meant male friends
conner belanger
conner belanger - 8 years ago
Boyfriends? how many do you have??
Ulrikkel94 - 8 years ago
What kind of people would avoid watching a movie if the main character is either a girl or a boy though?
1000hpHONDA - 8 years ago
I love how you took the second trailer we've already seen and added it to the end to make it appear that the trailer had 2 extra minutes of "new" trailer.
David Flanagan
David Flanagan - 7 years ago
She says at the end fuck you
Liam Rodriguez
Liam Rodriguez - 8 years ago
1000hpHONDA ppl tdgf d. vfhc,b. hyhghh
Beauty_ Corner
Beauty_ Corner - 8 years ago
I noticed that too!!!
Queen Angie
Queen Angie - 8 years ago
I am going to watch that
Big Grape
Big Grape - 8 years ago
1:51 Clickbait Activate.
Vinsmoke Sanji
Vinsmoke Sanji - 8 years ago
plottwist: Deapool will save her and kill the shark
red forman
red forman - 8 years ago
i agree i fucking hate it as well i dont like superheroer movies and shit its to retarded always those jokes that arent even funny (a friend of mine always laughs about it , even tho the jokes are shit)
Nevster - 8 years ago
why are superhero movies for babies, they can be for anyone
MASTER T0RBZZ - 8 years ago
deadpool is fucking shit superhero movies are for babies
Ruby Garrett
Ruby Garrett - 8 years ago
Mini Mose Tube 101
Mini Mose Tube 101 - 8 years ago
kitty meowmeow
kitty meowmeow - 8 years ago
Elena Noelle
Elena Noelle - 8 years ago
I wish
khang tran
khang tran - 8 years ago
+khang tran sarcasm
khang tran
khang tran - 8 years ago
I hope deapool is a real thing
Skynet666official - 8 years ago
so it's a shark movie with 3 people at best that get eaten? what's the point??? a shark movie deserves more potential victims
Chris - 8 years ago
blake lively in a bikini....I'm in
Simply Kittys
Simply Kittys - 8 years ago
cracker - 8 years ago
plot twist: the shark is speaking the voice over.
ผม. .สุรเชษฐ์ สมปรกอบ คั้บโผ้ม
ผม. .สุรเชษฐ์ สมปรกอบ คั้บโผ้ม - 8 years ago
Rajesh Singla
Rajesh Singla - 8 years ago
This movie is now avaaaаilablеe tо watсcch herе => ТHЕ SHALLOOOWS Мoviеe TRAILER 3 Shаrk Attaсk 2016
emanuel valdomir
emanuel valdomir - 8 years ago
Finally I'vе found hd Тhe Shаllоws moviе hеre => THE SHALLОWS МMMМоvie TRАILER 3 Shark Attаccck 2016
7x100 - 8 years ago
Rееаlly bеst mоviее. I fоund it hеrе => ТHЕ SHАLLОWS Моviе ТRАILЕR 3 Shаrk AAАttасk 2016
Abigail_Worsey - 8 years ago
Abigail_Worsey - 8 years ago
Lenin Joyal
Lenin Joyal - 8 years ago
I wаtched Theeе Shallоws full mооvie herе ТHE SHАLLОWS Мoviе ТRАILЕR 3 Shаrk Attack 2016
Abhinav Ghate
Abhinav Ghate - 8 years ago
I waaаatchеeеd Тhe Shаllоws full mооviee hеre ТHE SHАLLОWS Mоooovie TRAILЕER 3 Shаrk Attaсk 2016
Fgn Jns
Fgn Jns - 8 years ago
ɷ I Have Watcheddd This Moviee Leakeddd Versionn Hereee : -
Dalares Coriom Guedes Cerneiro Guedes
Dalares Coriom Guedes Cerneiro Guedes - 8 years ago
Zack Muitos pq
Kasap Abdurrahman
Kasap Abdurrahman - 8 years ago
ɷ I Have Watchedddd This Movie Leakeddd Versionnn Hereee : -
Dalares Coriom Guedes Cerneiro Guedes
Dalares Coriom Guedes Cerneiro Guedes - 8 years ago
lasedria nunca aqui então VC xerox
elle brooks
elle brooks - 8 years ago
+Ashley Fitz yes
elle brooks
elle brooks - 8 years ago
+Ashley Fitz so true
Ashley Fitz
Ashley Fitz - 8 years ago
Lmao it's always that one comment that has me dieing
Ane Josefine Myrseth
Ane Josefine Myrseth - 8 years ago
i have to see this one :) i LOVE Sharks movies <3
streamleazefishhouse - 8 years ago
The only hope this film has is that chick getting semi naked & I'm not convinced that would be enough top save it...
realfunny7 - 8 years ago
seems there was another movie similar - it will be on Cable by Nov.
Tehrah Edwards
Tehrah Edwards - 8 years ago
Can't wait to see❤️
JShady7620 - 8 years ago
Newsflash she doesn't die
刘思清 - 8 years ago
surprise surprise
a fan of canta
a fan of canta - 8 years ago
Holy crap, this looks good!
Emma k
Emma k - 8 years ago
It was
darren motise
darren motise - 8 years ago
Morons. The bite on her leg doesn't match the size of the shark's jaw. Nice try. Next!
darren motise
darren motise - 8 years ago
False advertising to get views. Idiots. this is just the normal trailer.
Kate Hawk
Kate Hawk - 8 years ago
I just wanted to see her ass from behind
Mark James
Mark James - 8 years ago
It says "The Shallows Movie Trailer #3". So of course it's the normal trailer. You aren't too bright. Are you?
Knox - 8 years ago
sharkbait hoohaha
Chesley Davis
Chesley Davis - 8 years ago
What's the song?
Lulu Panda123
Lulu Panda123 - 8 years ago
I can't wait to see it
Freak Game Wolf
Freak Game Wolf - 8 years ago
wow nice
eaglerocks123 - 8 years ago
reason I mention Bruce is because that shark from Jaws was a massive 25ft fish with at least a intelligence level on par to average humans. clearly from the trailer this white is using a form of intelligence to try to nab the girl if attacking the bouy to knock her off is any indication its clearly knows its able to tip be interesting to see if the white actually does intelligent methods of hunting
eaglerocks123 - 8 years ago
+TheDRIBBLER2 the only real fantasy is thst white sharks hunt humans for food. they actually don't except in extreme cases. for the most part they prefer to study us and keep a distance, probably due to understanding we are dangerous and not nutrient rich for consumption
TheDRIBBLER2 - 8 years ago
Yep, they do, I read plenty of shark attacks stories and I realize the frightening reality that not everything those animals do in the movies are fantasies. White sharks are intelligent and vicious creatures, just enough to keep me well away from the ocean.
eaglerocks123 - 8 years ago
let see sharks about at least 19 to 20 ft maybe a bit more and is clearly attacking humans like seals. Great whites even doing a test bite or graze can leave massive wounds indicating it was at the most doing a taste test. normal as white do that to humans. however real white sharks do not prefer humans as food do to us being nutrient poor and having no fat stores. we also are hard to digest too. so the shark is either Bruce's long lost son or daughter enacting vengeance on the human race or its a starving White that finally found a source of food. and is desperate to feed
JaybayJay - 8 years ago
There are scene in the preview that the shark swims by really fast, and another where you can see the shark in the wave.. Before you say bullshit there is a photo of a shark stalking a surfer in a wave before it struck and there was one shark attack where two divers were there, and the survivor said his partner was there, he felt something like a bus fly by him and his friend was just gone with no shark in sight.. People forget that sharks are really fast under water
eaglerocks123 - 8 years ago
White sharks are also scavengers. they will consume prey items that was left behind by other predators.  just cause human remains were found doesn't mean the shark killed that person.  although it is a high possibility.  Plus you don't have to be angry in your argument your second post was far more effective and informative. 
JaybayJay - 8 years ago
You should do more Research.. Oceanography was unheard of and virtually unstudied at the time.. Scientist of the era said with certainty that Sharks did not have the power to chew through flesh and bone to remove limbs. That was proven wrong. A Bull Shark was suspected because the third attack happened in a relatively shallow creek that was assumed a Great White would be to large to enter. That was considered proven wrong when Michael Schleisser caught a small Great White at 9 feet weighing over 300 pounds. Human remains were found in it's digestive track and there were no other attacks afterwards suggesting that the one Rogue Great White was responsible for all the attacks.. Also it's was highly believed that the attacks weren't caused by more bathers, rather, The Sharks were driven to the Coast by the War at sea during WWI..
JaybayJay - 8 years ago
BullShit... There's no scientific proof to support that theory..
It's only speculation, and full of shit....
I don't like fish, but when I get hungry enough I'll be the first standing in line for some...
And just like any animal they live off baser instincts..
It's just like humans to be arrogant enough to believe they know everything about everything..
eaglerocks123 - 8 years ago
+Adam Kania yep it was the one that influenced the novel and movie Jaws. no one really knew what the shark was as it was also the first time people started using the beaches for pleasure. supposedly it happened in fresh water as well. we'll it was believed to have been a great white. evidence and research has made a assumption that it was a bullshark. a very territorial, and very very aggressive shark known for attacking humans both as a territorial response and as food.. it's a mean shark as does attack humans if given the chance
eaglerocks123 - 8 years ago
Problem is a shark like megalodon given its size would have no reason or desire to attack a pitiful average 6ft human.  They like there smaller Great White cusions would want to attack heavy fatty rich targets like walwuses, and small or large whales.  now if it attacked humans cause of climate change and lack of proper food sources then yes you would have a terrifying movie of a giant meg
hayden- roblox and more
hayden- roblox and more - 8 years ago
let see a another megalodon movie then maybe people will watch and mote people are involved
Odeltor - 8 years ago
trailer 3? Damn, i saw the movie already twice, stop it ^^
All Five Oceans
All Five Oceans - 8 years ago
Jaws can be done only once.
Emma k
Emma k - 8 years ago
this isnt Jaws
McWenjy - 8 years ago
that ass doe
darren tay
darren tay - 8 years ago
If a great white took a bite of her leg, she wouldn't be getting off that easy. She looked like she barely took any damage. And if a shark feast on 2 full grown humans, it wouldn't be hunting her.
Smol Sweetail
Smol Sweetail - 8 years ago
jaws 2016.
Sto79Be - 8 years ago
+Sylvia Smith Not likely with only 4 characters in the entire film, the two male characters we already know get eaten in one quick scene we've seen in the trailer, that leaves the main character (she dies but it's a fade to black scenario) and the sister who isn't even on the beach. This film will suck.
Ragin Cajun Smith
Ragin Cajun Smith - 8 years ago
ikr, it going to hold a flood light to jaws
Sto79Be - 8 years ago
This won't hold a candle to jaws.
A Brock
A Brock - 8 years ago
I guess that shark had love at first bite.
GroovyWeasel Girl
GroovyWeasel Girl - 7 years ago
A Brock that makes sense! I love that saying!
Lucas Hawthorne
Lucas Hawthorne - 8 years ago
I sea what you did there
Mister Tee
Mister Tee - 8 years ago
The bite on her leg doesn't match the size of the shark. Also, a shark that size taking a bite would do a lot more damage....having said that I can't wait to see this film
Lana Del Taco
Lana Del Taco - 8 years ago
+Mister Tee besides she closed it a little with "stitches" but yeah the movie is great u should watch it asap xD
Mister Tee
Mister Tee - 8 years ago
+Zeeshan Ali

OK, that makes sense. I'll probably wait for VOD but I am glad the bite radius isnt something they just overlooked
jenny ponce
jenny ponce - 8 years ago
+Brat.besties no i mean earring, because that is what she used
NessieMackenzie - 8 years ago
+itsjustjenny you mean necklace
jenny ponce
jenny ponce - 8 years ago
well the shark bite was bigger before, she put her earings in to hold her skin together and not to lose blood. the shark attacked a drunk man and bit him in half.
Lana Del Taco
Lana Del Taco - 8 years ago
that shark didnt bite it with the whole jaw
i saw the movie and you'll get it
dilara nurcan
dilara nurcan - 8 years ago
does anyone know the song which is playing at the beginning?
QueenofSnarks - 8 years ago
Relax My Beloved by Alex Clare.
ProjectGamingLTU - 8 years ago
suh dude
Sarra Jd
Sarra Jd - 8 years ago
if it was me i will die in peace xD
PowerhousePR - 8 years ago
I WANT to see this ASAP!
jenny ponce
jenny ponce - 8 years ago
+Mother Chiplet dont call me a cunt. even if, how do you know im telling the truth?
Mother Chiplet
Mother Chiplet - 8 years ago
+itsjustjenny that's just being an asshole to spoil the movie like that I personally watched that but dude that's fucking cold you cunt
jenny ponce
jenny ponce - 8 years ago
i watched it yesterday, the part that made me laugh was when the shark thought he was gonna get her but he missed and died.
The Skeptical Carrot
The Skeptical Carrot - 8 years ago
+PowerHouse_ PR I feel sorry for both you and the kid 
PowerhousePR - 8 years ago
+Jakobosaurus rex LOLL i must tell you... A sir brought his child to the movie(Yes his child) and the kid started to cry on that scene LOOOLL....

I was so piss off cuz the kid was behind me -___-
The Skeptical Carrot
The Skeptical Carrot - 8 years ago
+PowerHouse_ PR I  became all squeamish when she tried to seal her wound shivers
PowerhousePR - 8 years ago
+Jakobosaurus rex Me too!!! The final confrontation was sooo good. Every body cringed haha
The Skeptical Carrot
The Skeptical Carrot - 8 years ago
I have already seen it
PowerhousePR - 8 years ago
+aden the amazing 2 Yet no body has done this.
hayden- roblox and more
hayden- roblox and more - 8 years ago
to many shark movies
DJ attack
DJ attack - 8 years ago
TTHBLOX /BIONICLE - 8 years ago
interesting concept
CJ Castillo
CJ Castillo - 8 years ago
Amazing Amy
Amazing Amy - 8 years ago
really? still playing that game?
renji90998 - 8 years ago
Feeding frenzy!!

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