TOXIC SHARK Official Trailer (2017) Shark Movie HD

TOXIC SHARK Official Trailer (2017) Shark Movie HD © 2017 - MarVista Entertainment Comedy, Kids, Family and Animated Film, Blockbuster, Action Movie, Blockbuster, Scifi, Fantasy film and Drama... We keep you in the know! Subscribe now to catch the best movie trailers 2017 and the latest official movie trailer, film clip, scene, review, interview.

TOXIC SHARK Official Trailer (2017) Shark Movie HD sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2871

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TOXIC SHARK Official Trailer (2017) Shark Movie HD © 2017 - MarVista Entertainment Comedy, Kids, Family and Animated Film, Blockbuster, Action Movie, Blockbuster, Scifi, Fantasy film and Drama... We keep you in the know! Subscribe now to catch the best movie trailers 2017 and the latest official movie trailer, film clip, scene, review, interview.

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Most popular comments
for TOXIC SHARK Official Trailer (2017) Shark Movie HD

Random Kid On Random Internet
Random Kid On Random Internet - 7 years ago

People watching this ad hoping for a good shark movie
Sndabeast12434 tutri
Sndabeast12434 tutri - 7 years ago
Omfg the cgi seems ligit oh did I say ligit I ment shit
ToFu du bled
ToFu du bled - 7 years ago
BlackBeard - 7 years ago
This is zombie? :D
XrLnS King
XrLnS King - 7 years ago
The guy in the left in 1:10 is not infected?
asha binu
asha binu - 7 years ago
So like its a shark movie with zombies right??
CanadianBlonde - 7 years ago
Melon Cuber
Melon Cuber - 7 years ago
another one of these bad cgi shark movies
ExVolt - 7 years ago
Boring, shark movies are soo old.

10. comment for TOXIC SHARK Official Trailer (2017) Shark Movie HD

ItsSoda 123
ItsSoda 123 - 7 years ago
You know what’s even more toxic? Overwatch competitive
Datdoomguy 76
Datdoomguy 76 - 7 years ago
And now sharks can fly in space, zombie sharks in space !!!!!
Florent Lokaj
Florent Lokaj - 7 years ago
How can it be a toxic shark
De4d M4n W4lkin
De4d M4n W4lkin - 7 years ago
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH at least sharknado admits its awful
ere core
ere core - 7 years ago
Movie of the year becuse these sharks will first kill u then rape u with toxic
Th3 Parad0x
Th3 Parad0x - 7 years ago
Say what you wanna say about the Syfy movies but I love them, I love how cheesy and low quality, it’s what I grew up watching, but nowadays I hate the Syfy channel, it used to be good but now all they produce is garbage
Eyeless Jack #Bacon
Eyeless Jack #Bacon - 7 years ago
esse filme sera uma bosta
Joshua Gregory
Joshua Gregory - 7 years ago
Why are they doing this crap about jumping in the water and sh*t? Like just leave the place lol
Mars Raven Gines
Mars Raven Gines - 7 years ago
I can't stop laughing at 1:05
DGS_07 - 7 years ago
Dallas search a medic bag right now

20. comment for TOXIC SHARK Official Trailer (2017) Shark Movie HD

Bob Cany
Bob Cany - 7 years ago
Looks so bad
Douglas Voss
Douglas Voss - 7 years ago
It's a shark movie
TheGaza93 - 7 years ago
Spielberg really need to bring jaws back
PowerBoy Br
PowerBoy Br - 7 years ago
Bernardo Garcia Serrano
Bernardo Garcia Serrano - 7 years ago
most unoriginal shark movie
is this hiven a actual movie !
Gato Dj
Gato Dj - 7 years ago
Oi la idea y dije esto va pa auronplay :v
Jarrett Owens
Jarrett Owens - 7 years ago
What is this a ripoff of zombie shark?
Viviotic - 7 years ago
Nice concept bad editing
Ta Gueule
Ta Gueule - 7 years ago
The clasic shark attack film with 1% origynality
Simon Joseph-Koum
Simon Joseph-Koum - 7 years ago
Sooo its a shark with a zombie virus. Cool

30. comment for TOXIC SHARK Official Trailer (2017) Shark Movie HD

Leon Schlau
Leon Schlau - 7 years ago
ginny - 7 years ago
0:36 Okay i'm not watching it thanks
Akaisha The Shep
Akaisha The Shep - 7 years ago
Soooo is this a zombie or shark movie? Smh
SuperPlush BrosStudio
SuperPlush BrosStudio - 7 years ago
Oh gees what's next tv shark
SKULL_HACKER - 7 years ago
Oh dallas its you xD
genevieve jouineau
genevieve jouineau - 7 years ago
Enculée de requin en carton
Snoopy Ding
Snoopy Ding - 7 years ago
So...Where is Britney Spear?
kates Drive Fishing
kates Drive Fishing - 7 years ago
just watch the movie... low budget movie... trash
Marie LaBreche
Marie LaBreche - 7 years ago
It,s not scary buecues my bff said I was scard but I was it.
Izzoroth - 7 years ago
Shark..... that turns people into....zombies....uhh.. okay then, I will give them props for doing something that hasn't been done yet.
Princess Tatsi
Princess Tatsi - 7 years ago
this movie is such a bum....... bad acting, i feel like they could do so much better than this. they are obviously trying way too hard to act. acting is supposed to be a natural thing
Muhd Firdaus
Muhd Firdaus - 7 years ago
Peterson Barbosa
Peterson Barbosa - 7 years ago
lol Next movie Alien shark.
Stamog - 7 years ago
Katie Wilton
Katie Wilton - 7 years ago
What an absolute fucking shit film no wonder it's rated 3
WHAT R U GEYR - 7 years ago
Hungry shark world gets a live action?
Danny Truong
Danny Truong - 7 years ago
Guys don’t ever go to a beach ever again
Oskar Wrona
Oskar Wrona - 7 years ago
Dallas is that you?!?
ronnie poche
ronnie poche - 7 years ago
well if thats true in my philippines country i will never ever swim in that water becus im in philippines i spick tagalog
Luka Miletic
Luka Miletic - 7 years ago
1:11 payday 2 fans like this comment if u think he looks like dallas

50. comment for TOXIC SHARK Official Trailer (2017) Shark Movie HD

M0N2T3R43Bl0CK2 - 7 years ago
ohne den hai könnte man meinen das das spiel dead island verfilmt wurde :D
rage gaming
rage gaming - 7 years ago
The toxic shark with zombie people cool
Vilho Niemi
Vilho Niemi - 7 years ago
Chinese origin net similarly detect perception line fist bet frequent hip evidence capability.
jeffy what doing
jeffy what doing - 7 years ago
Is like is a viurs of you touch the water is like you die any seconds
Falcon 747
Falcon 747 - 7 years ago
It's a shark movie and crazy zombie twist
Pahan Pahanici
Pahan Pahanici - 7 years ago
фильм треш
Lynn - 7 years ago
MY N4M3 IS J3FF - 7 years ago
Brady Bullard
Brady Bullard - 7 years ago
I saw that one of the actresses is the pink megaforce ranger
Jonash Mallari
Jonash Mallari - 7 years ago
One of the CRAPPIEST movies I have ever watched.
no name
no name - 7 years ago
Quality ass In the movie tho
Loki Mirazita
Loki Mirazita - 7 years ago
I watch these to laugh at how terrible the Cgi is and it is hilarious!!
5 finger productions
5 finger productions - 7 years ago
Ok I love shark movies any shark movies so I love this movie
Speedtime121 - 7 years ago
Lol the shark looks so bad
Robert A
Robert A - 7 years ago
Piece of garbage, lousy , lousy acting
xxblonde curlesxx
xxblonde curlesxx - 7 years ago
looks dumb ASF
яuввy - 7 years ago
1:10 Hello sallaD
Bloody Comedy
Bloody Comedy - 7 years ago
I watched it when it first came out
Albert Ramos
Albert Ramos - 7 years ago
Best movie ever!!! Said no one ever
Ghost 1916554
Ghost 1916554 - 7 years ago
Should be called zombie shark since it turns people into zombies
dO u kNo da WaE
dO u kNo da WaE - 7 years ago
The acting and cgi is shit
RockTapusS - 7 years ago
It's Not That Scary But the thing that scared me the most were when people got infected and turned into zombies
Repollo1234 - 7 years ago
What is this retarted ass movie
ylli ahmetaj
ylli ahmetaj - 7 years ago
"based on a true story"
Aidan Shepherd
Aidan Shepherd - 7 years ago
don't watch this film the shark looks like a pixalated nutsack and the acting give me aids.
Edo Brča
Edo Brča - 7 years ago
haha stupid movie!
Carlos Portillo
Carlos Portillo - 7 years ago
Napalmburns - 7 years ago
Oh hell yeah i'm watching this!
Michael Papadopoulos
Michael Papadopoulos - 7 years ago
so stupid..........
Wolf Reviewing
Wolf Reviewing - 7 years ago
2017 so much more easier to make cgi and realistic models .... 2017 yet still a shit unrealistic shark lol
T.Racks The Producer
T.Racks The Producer - 7 years ago
oh hell nah lmao
chucky da Realone
chucky da Realone - 7 years ago
This preview is actually better then the movie not joking the dumbest movie I ever encounter in my 31yrs of life I didn't make it pass the beginning when they was on the four wheelers they got lost in the water immediately turned it off
Kruno Stancic
Kruno Stancic - 7 years ago
Dallas pd2 lol
Exterioris-vallem - 7 years ago
This looks awesome! Almost as cool as "Sky Sharks"!
Nadiatul Akmar Abd.Hamid
Nadiatul Akmar Abd.Hamid - 7 years ago
Zombie shark..?
eva - 7 years ago
I mean the easiest solution would to be just staying away from the water
Jeffrey515 - 7 years ago
Michael Allsopp
Michael Allsopp - 7 years ago
Are they joking? I can make a better movie on my iPad
Daphne Roldan
Daphne Roldan - 7 years ago
Why does the shark fly
wws Network
wws Network - 7 years ago
It's actually really good
Spuge Power222
Spuge Power222 - 7 years ago
Ha looks so bad
Isabel Ortega
Isabel Ortega - 7 years ago
Horrible shark made looked more real
BRISA CASTILLO - 7 years ago
It not even creepy!
MrMichaelpaul45 - 7 years ago
it might look ok but it is a load of crap,trust me when i say this to you. SE are badly done.would not pay 2 c this film.
skinny MedG
skinny MedG - 7 years ago
What the fuck did i just watch ! How can a movie be so bad .it's 2018 WTF! Smh. Bad acting, boring and redundant lines...
Niki Mitchell
Niki Mitchell - 7 years ago
Why do they even make these type of shitty movies
BrightEyes - 7 years ago
This movie is so fucking ass
E99Y.O - 7 years ago
This movie says thank god there is a cult following for shitty movies
nota niceguy
nota niceguy - 7 years ago
cool or what!
joe smith
joe smith - 7 years ago
They killed Dark Matter to make this shit?

100. comment for TOXIC SHARK Official Trailer (2017) Shark Movie HD

gyvulyz - 7 years ago
Cant even make good trailer,who filming crap like that? Looks like some 90s homemade crap
Subhrajit Boitei
Subhrajit Boitei - 7 years ago
Funny....ha ha
Nyani - 7 years ago
People who makes movie this bad should be arrested and put behind bars.
Marygrace Dean
Marygrace Dean - 7 years ago
Aaaaaaaaaaaaasah! My ass!
imran rashid
imran rashid - 7 years ago
Haaaaaaa haaaa haa like wtf
Lester Quintans
Lester Quintans - 7 years ago
looks like rekt turns to bloody zombie shits
bess allin
bess allin - 7 years ago
Do we breasts as I spotted a couple of camel toes. Mmmmmm
Daniel Fernando
Daniel Fernando - 7 years ago
Movie shit.
simonh54 - 7 years ago
I am just here to read the commentary for a laugh
Aaron Showalter
Aaron Showalter - 7 years ago
STUPID. Shark infected next people turn zombie
Sunstrider - 7 years ago
-Hey, what's more overdone and cliche? Zombie or shark films?
-Fine, let's do both.
Bobby Bob
Bobby Bob - 7 years ago
she needs a medic bag
Havaanax - 7 years ago
0:58 me when I see the trailer
Eight Crazy Nights Pover
Eight Crazy Nights Pover - 7 years ago
I have not seen toxic shark I need to see toxic shark so I'm gonna put that on my movies to watch list
Wiz Cat Gaming
Wiz Cat Gaming - 7 years ago
This is a shark movie mixed with zombie apopcolips
CBear624 - 7 years ago
What the fuck were the producers and directors smoking to make a premise that involves sharks like this?

They can't possibly expects this to have good reviews

A Toxic Shark that turns people into basically zombies?

Come on, that's gotta be one of the worst things that involves sharks
Neon - 7 years ago
0:23 so Dallas got tired of getting medic bagged?
SeanGoGetIt TV
SeanGoGetIt TV - 7 years ago
Soooooo....It's a shark, that can turn people into zombies? Yo dead ass, as stupid as that sounds, I may actually enjoy this lol!
Nome inventado ,Sério
Nome inventado ,Sério - 7 years ago
Neon - 7 years ago
Somebody drop a medic bag!
Sonic The hedgehog
Sonic The hedgehog - 7 years ago
Fuck this
Mas lav
Mas lav - 7 years ago
Fatima Mohamed
Fatima Mohamed - 7 years ago
i hope this is just a joke
Pokemon ultraluna
Pokemon ultraluna - 7 years ago
And your fans?
Captain Ryder
Captain Ryder - 7 years ago
Wtf is this bullshit! I want realistic shark movies and not this fucking zombie shark bullcrap! Also, the computer shark looks really damn bad! Fuck this shit
Anthony Sanders
Anthony Sanders - 7 years ago
What I thinker about
Kevin Angeles
Kevin Angeles - 7 years ago
Shahem Hazza
Shahem Hazza - 7 years ago
If there is any movies close to fake this moive is the top
Black Bird Noodle
Black Bird Noodle - 7 years ago
This looks totally awful
Richard Hogg
Richard Hogg - 7 years ago
Who funds this shit?
Nicholas Brewer
Nicholas Brewer - 7 years ago
Who in the fuck spends money to make these movies.
bitspacemusic - 7 years ago
This shark looks disgusting. Like it's toxic.
4R13LG4M3R - 7 years ago
CeazAmaze - 7 years ago
why, oh why you do this to us?
will moore
will moore - 7 years ago
Shark that turns people into Zombies..... Shit I anit got nothing better to do tonight.
MO7HMD6M ناروتو
MO7HMD6M ناروتو - 7 years ago
اسم الفلم ايش
Sky Player Gaming
Sky Player Gaming - 7 years ago
Instead of an original shark movie they made it into a shark zombie appocalypse
Stadium Park
Stadium Park - 7 years ago
Christopher J Willington-St. Pierre
Christopher J Willington-St. Pierre - 7 years ago
That looks terrible
David Conejo
David Conejo - 7 years ago
Ya es abuso y absurdas tantas películas y sin sentido sobre tiburones.
excusemaisweg ger
excusemaisweg ger - 7 years ago
Needs more budget
Marcone matheus
Marcone matheus - 7 years ago
Filme mintiroso da phoa kkk
skydimond the boss
skydimond the boss - 7 years ago
Shitty shit
evan grossman
evan grossman - 7 years ago
Toxic Freakbags!!!!!!!!!
Firey - 7 years ago
So is this basically a Zombie Shark reboot that is dumb and stupid?
DjBranco Official
DjBranco Official - 7 years ago
so look a movie when the budget is €0,00
eda - 7 years ago
Where's a medic bag when you need it
justin12470 - 7 years ago
shark zombie o. o
Muhammet Bulut
Muhammet Bulut - 7 years ago
Bune olum cinli filmlere benzemiş bazı sahneleri :D
M Dolores Martínez Ramos
M Dolores Martínez Ramos - 7 years ago
wath is this shit
DREAMPIXEL :D - 7 years ago
Jaws and sharknado had an autistic child
linux 5
linux 5 - 7 years ago
Why in each horror movie it says BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE why?
Tamayako - 7 years ago
I guess Jaws is gonna be the only good shark movie. Fine by me.
Sansy Анжелы girl
Sansy Анжелы girl - 7 years ago
I'd run my bitch ass outta there
David Helme
David Helme - 7 years ago
So its basically dead island but with a shark involved
Garrett Fitzgerald
Garrett Fitzgerald - 7 years ago
We finally get too see a zombie shark how convenient
cherrie leong
cherrie leong - 7 years ago
Not only that. The toxic shark weaker than the zombie shark. You see in the film zombie shark, the zombie shark survived a machete cutting through its head that's ridiculous
cherrie leong
cherrie leong - 7 years ago
I think the bite only effects the toxic I don't know if it's true but here's conclusion,, the toxic shark bited a girl she became infected, in zombie shark the sequel to the movie swallowed a dude hole and when he cutter that dude out of the shark he became infected
cherrie leong
cherrie leong - 7 years ago
This is kind of a sequel to the zombie shark, but the zombie shark caused a zombie invasion
Brian Edwards
Brian Edwards - 7 years ago
Goddamn. Sharks and zombies
Brant Frans
Brant Frans - 7 years ago
What's next. . . Clown Shark. Metallic Shark. Humanoid Shark. Hero Shark. Gold Shark. Croc Shark. Slasher Shark. . . the list goes on and on and on.
Kevincooj colust
Kevincooj colust - 7 years ago
shark + toxic = toxic shark
Kevincooj colust
Kevincooj colust - 7 years ago
its looks like a zombie shark but...its a toxic shark
Alejandro Yañez
Alejandro Yañez - 7 years ago
Somebody watched too many Monsters University and took the idea of Zombie Sharks, and worse... he made a movie out of it.
Ruel Cosas
Ruel Cosas - 7 years ago
i try i have bitten my toxic shark it does ent do anything u just got a virus my toxic safety first
Agustín Lareo
Agustín Lareo - 7 years ago
Toxic shark
Because it is a zombie or because this movie is toxic?
MariaLeBlanc - 7 years ago
that shark turns you into fucking zombies!
Anthony Cinco
Anthony Cinco - 7 years ago
toradrow777 - 7 years ago
Didn't they already do something like this with Zombie Shark?
Lyw - 7 years ago
tbh interesting storyline/ idea but shit production and actors/ actresses
Levi Ackerman
Levi Ackerman - 7 years ago
0:58 best acting ever XD
Mohd Farhan Omar
Mohd Farhan Omar - 7 years ago
too much hungry shark world
Calvin 970
Calvin 970 - 7 years ago
Is this real
Sanela Bevanda
Sanela Bevanda - 7 years ago
uopce nema prevoda za hrvatsku sta je to....
Hanni Lenz
Hanni Lenz - 7 years ago
What a bullshit
Casper - 7 years ago
What kind of garbage pile of a movie is this
Why am I a turtle ?
Why am I a turtle ? - 7 years ago
You could hide if you were in a helicopter
im a member of fairytail maybe not
im a member of fairytail maybe not - 7 years ago
If i was the director i would name the movie zombie shark
gyvulyz - 7 years ago
I just hang my self
Ivan Yosifov
Ivan Yosifov - 7 years ago
There is already a movie called "Zombie Shark" xD
ANIME Panda - 7 years ago
Toxic shark? Ghost shark? Roboshark? Sharknado? Sharkopus? 2/3/5 headed shark attack? WOW what's next SNAKE SHARK?? Why is society giving shark movies a bad name nowadays ex: Jaws, the shallows, 47meters down
Im too lazy to think of a name
Im too lazy to think of a name - 7 years ago
Atleast it a little better then sharknado
Trey Schmolke
Trey Schmolke - 7 years ago
So we have sharknados shitty twin and the walking dead FUCKING AMAZING
TheRavenMocker - 7 years ago
Is this some kind of remake zombie shark? Looks fucking bad
•mejiro bird•
•mejiro bird• - 7 years ago
I'm glad the horse didn't die.
Hi Hello
Hi Hello - 7 years ago
If the horse dies imma sue
scopTV error sans The nightcore
scopTV error sans The nightcore - 7 years ago
Toxic shark i need name is zombie sharm
Aege - 7 years ago
Guess you can say that this shark has a TOXIC personality!!!!!!
Osama bin Laden
Osama bin Laden - 7 years ago
There should be a movie like:

You can hide

You can't swim or run or walk or jog or do any transportation

Because you broke your leg
Kermit - 7 years ago
What the fuck is this?
TheLavalishus - 7 years ago
**very serious question**
why do people make those films? who pays for this? did those actors know how bad at acting they are?
Jaime Storz
Jaime Storz - 7 years ago
pls stop with the shitty shark movies seriously Jaws is the only good one on syfym
Jaime Storz
Jaime Storz - 7 years ago
still better then sharknado
Cats lover
Cats lover - 7 years ago
A shark that turn human into zombie?

Jullianna Productions
Jullianna Productions - 7 years ago
I really hope this is a joke....
wonpilmochi /
wonpilmochi / - 7 years ago
shark movies get more boring each year
Tyler Trilling
Tyler Trilling - 7 years ago
This looks so unrealistic. It’s a low budget horror movie with shitty actors.
TechFrank - 7 years ago
I want the toxic shark to bite me real good
Kaiju Coby
Kaiju Coby - 7 years ago
This is why syfy originals suck, they all have something to do with a shark at this point
Desiree Ray
Desiree Ray - 7 years ago
some underwater walking dead crap
Arthur Coppola
Arthur Coppola - 7 years ago
zombie shark?
Mcspleezly :3
Mcspleezly :3 - 7 years ago
that was terrible
armyhacker12 - 7 years ago
that sucks its so fake
Pancito gamer 369
Pancito gamer 369 - 7 years ago
Just Bert Plays - Gaming And more
Just Bert Plays - Gaming And more - 7 years ago
Toxic shark + zombie =wtf awesome
TheDogeMaster 101
TheDogeMaster 101 - 7 years ago
Right because that makes perfect sense
Steam Punk
Steam Punk - 7 years ago
This is shark exorcist
Gerbil IsDead
Gerbil IsDead - 7 years ago
Every shark:
Toxic shark
3headed shark
2headed shark
5headed shark
Swamp shark
Ghost shark
Super shark
Robo shark
Demon shark
Trash shark
Juani D.D
Juani D.D - 7 years ago
I dont understand
Skx - 7 years ago
So many shark movies that just suck... Jaws was the best
Miro Onori
Miro Onori - 7 years ago
Ma è mai possibile che nel 2017 fanno ancora questa cazzate?
jackanoss 83
jackanoss 83 - 7 years ago

AiLuRoPoDa MeLanOLeuCa
AiLuRoPoDa MeLanOLeuCa - 7 years ago
H20 delirious you can run but you can't hide
Xpower_Games - 7 years ago
perai, é a porra de um tubarão que morde as pessoas e essas pessoas mordem outras pessoas como se fossem zumbis ? Caralho vai ser sucesso
Mamala Khawlhring
Mamala Khawlhring - 7 years ago
FireGodzilla 2016
FireGodzilla 2016 - 7 years ago
And its one of those cgi movies... just fucking great.
Anthony Gael Piña
Anthony Gael Piña - 7 years ago
Amazing Cowz
Amazing Cowz - 7 years ago
Audra? Audra?! AUDRA!
Reagan Day
Reagan Day - 7 years ago
when the shark grabs her off her horse
Dina power 345
Dina power 345 - 7 years ago
Me suena zombis solo que se transmitieron de un tiburón ¿encerio?.
Skyline Stick nodes
Skyline Stick nodes - 7 years ago
Widow's Bikini
Widow's Bikini - 7 years ago
This is so bad...
Phillip Dormayer
Phillip Dormayer - 7 years ago
The acting is trash
amburegul guy
amburegul guy - 7 years ago
well now u got zombie + $hark
Extra memez
Extra memez - 7 years ago
you know what’s better than a toxic shark? a toxic sharknado!
Sadjie Mansarate
Sadjie Mansarate - 7 years ago
Its already unleashed in 2016
Drew Jenkins
Drew Jenkins - 7 years ago
This looks so bad
Airsoft Ranger
Airsoft Ranger - 7 years ago
Zombie Shark?
Aristotelis it
Aristotelis it - 7 years ago
Manga K
Manga K - 7 years ago
This movie is TOXIC

Excuse me.
Victor Silva
Victor Silva - 7 years ago
Just came to see the girls ._.
Kaleb Spell
Kaleb Spell - 7 years ago
It actually makes me very angry, and actually a little sad that these movies are made. The fact that they make a profit means they can keep making these.
Pan Troll
Pan Troll - 7 years ago
Mr Omnitron
Mr Omnitron - 7 years ago
.....who thinks the movie is stupid...
Serenade Hk
Serenade Hk - 7 years ago
Manos Xiras
Manos Xiras - 7 years ago
Again a shitty shark movie
Andrei Matthie
Andrei Matthie - 7 years ago
I want to watch that movie
Abdulplayz - 7 years ago
How many shark movies are in this year
Alex Drake
Alex Drake - 7 years ago
So it's a zombie movie
1seb0 - 7 years ago
Audra? AUDRA?!
Lunia's Dream
Lunia's Dream - 7 years ago
No thank you, we haved enough with Sharknado
Marble Woolf
Marble Woolf - 7 years ago
Wow. Another shark movie. How original.
Catfsihnig - 7 years ago
I love sharks but movies really are fucking sharks up
Tobey Muguire
Tobey Muguire - 7 years ago
We don't need anymore Shark related B-Movies!
FadedLover 22
FadedLover 22 - 7 years ago
I mean it's pretty much a shark zombie movie..
Johnny Quasar
Johnny Quasar - 7 years ago
shark: sees tiny animal (girl) on big MEATY animal (horse)
shark: I'm a shark and this is a badly made shark movie so I'll eat the girl and leave the horse UNTOUCHED even though its BIGGER.
Soviet Russia Mother Russia
Soviet Russia Mother Russia - 7 years ago
Great now toxic shark is making a outbreak
Reon Fox
Reon Fox - 7 years ago
Next Syfy movie "Killer Clown Shark"
basher493 - 7 years ago
oh great nother stupid movie and yes the cast is a bunch of teens and men in their 20s
Bix Gaming
Bix Gaming - 7 years ago
shark king
shark king - 7 years ago
that was ok I guess
The Unknown
The Unknown - 7 years ago
Where does syfy get all of these ideas?!
3spiked blue t rex Dino
3spiked blue t rex Dino - 7 years ago
The shark has been eating something bad
Adrenaline K
Adrenaline K - 7 years ago
Shit another sharknado
Super Shows
Super Shows - 7 years ago
Horrible movie
deadly_ghouls - 7 years ago
by toxic shark I thought it was some shark trash talking
Itz Aloha JοΙΙay
Itz Aloha JοΙΙay - 7 years ago
Giant shark, 2 headed shark, tornado sharks, flying rocket shark, robot shark, sky shark, land shark, house shark, and toxic shark BUT with zombies HOW MANY FUCKING SHARK MOVIES ARE NEXT?? HUH?!??
Hafizin Khairi
Hafizin Khairi - 7 years ago
The Asylum!,enough with shitty shark movie..,close your Film production company & do another job
Jerrythecartoonist - 7 years ago
Oh. Dear. Lord. This looks terrible....I MUST SEE IT!!!
Ben Delgado
Ben Delgado - 7 years ago
Jerrythecartoonist your right I just saw it it's ultra corny cheesy acting, garbage special effects. Hey I like a good cheesy movie every once in a while. You should see 5 headed shark attack. I don't know which is worse lol
becky and the ink machine
becky and the ink machine - 7 years ago
Never seen a flying shark before...
paolahtina - 7 years ago
wait if the toxic shark eat the leg of the girl she turns into a toxic human
ariel Yee
ariel Yee - 7 years ago
You can run you can't hide that's from fnaf SL song?
gucci ramenx
gucci ramenx - 7 years ago
It looks cheesy and stupid and the effects are bad the list goes on and on
Mr. Planet
Mr. Planet - 7 years ago
such real shark moving 1.11
mildred laws
mildred laws - 7 years ago
The acting is so corny.The shark looks fake.The screaming needs to be louder.
The only two acual good shark movies are:
1.All the jaws movies
2.47 meters down
TheGamefulShark :D
TheGamefulShark :D - 7 years ago
Oh my god the only thing in the water that's gonna hurt u is a jellyfish, in fact... coconuts kill more people then sharks, they are the real killers :O
Winning Winning
Winning Winning - 7 years ago
MIN ISFAT - 7 years ago
Is this inspired by hungry shark world cus thares a shark in the game that does what this shark does
Atomic Louis
Atomic Louis - 7 years ago
U guys should just call these zombie shark
GoodGaming - 7 years ago
I have a feeling that this is fake
turdmanjones - 7 years ago
Out of all the shitty shark movies I watched they all have one thing in common HARDEST FUCKING CREATURE TO KILL
Victoria armijo
Victoria armijo - 7 years ago
Looks like a mix between a zombie apocalypse and jaws
kingslayer 2j
kingslayer 2j - 7 years ago
Even more dumb and fake movies
Doritos jayden
Doritos jayden - 7 years ago
Supergirl Gamer
Supergirl Gamer - 7 years ago
Shark and zombies? What on Earth did I just watch!?
FRANKINATOR - 7 years ago
The shark in jaws looks better
Tristan Walker
Tristan Walker - 7 years ago
This is a joke, right??
csaj egy ember
csaj egy ember - 7 years ago
Nice lil shit
Mack - 7 years ago
This trailer gave me cancer.
Matija Madžgalj
Matija Madžgalj - 7 years ago
And now you know how Dead Island started
Mr. chadwick871
Mr. chadwick871 - 7 years ago
That was the gayest thing I've seen
captainrussel 117
captainrussel 117 - 7 years ago
Cool toxic zombie shark
Jesse Neumann
Jesse Neumann - 7 years ago
Isn't there enough shitty movies?

Obviously not
Danger 18
Danger 18 - 7 years ago
A zombie and a shark movie... 2 in 1
Craig Xander Fergus Urieta
Craig Xander Fergus Urieta - 7 years ago
Wait movie with zombie and shark. Shark bite human human turn zombie zombie eat more human? Why am I talking like I'm 2 or 3 year old
magical HQ
magical HQ - 7 years ago
WTF is this a shark movie or a zombie movie
EnderBoyGamerEBG - 7 years ago
Syfy fucking sucks boooo dis sucks too much sgi and the animations fucking suck balls
Kuaya - 7 years ago
excellent ... a shark and zombie movie (I admit this is a little scary to me but its because of the fear of sharks I got from watching too much jaws as a kid)
Yohan Souquet
Yohan Souquet - 7 years ago
Wtf is this shark movie
•Îšh_ßrî• - 7 years ago
My point is, why couldn't it be named Zombie Shark if the shark turns people into zombies??!!
death rex
death rex - 7 years ago
this can be a terrifiying situation in real life.
Oof - 7 years ago
Oh look a shark fell outta the tornado into toxic. Now we have this piece of shit.
Jose Gonzalez
Jose Gonzalez - 7 years ago
YES!!!! Can't wait for this movie
Potatonater34 - 7 years ago
Great, another one of these movies.
Predator scer
Predator scer - 7 years ago
Braeden German
Braeden German - 7 years ago
Funny how they say you can't run, but no fucking shark can eat my ass when im away from that ocean.
Trashles - 7 years ago
It looks like this might actually have good acting.... nevermind.
black dog01 OSVALDO
black dog01 OSVALDO - 7 years ago
So its like zombie combined with sharks thing?
crisstian contreres
crisstian contreres - 7 years ago
Another terrible Syfy movie
ToastedCinnamonRoll 5
ToastedCinnamonRoll 5 - 7 years ago
I love how everyone's like, "these shark movies are shit, stop making these crappy ass movies" and I'm just like, "these are pretty cool, I likey" but really tho, this movie and Atomic Shark were shit ;-;
space plays
space plays - 7 years ago
You know when you see that shark in the thumbnail in real life, you're basically dead.

blank boi
blank boi - 7 years ago
I knoe the reference it name come hungry shark world
Mirko - 7 years ago
but is really necessary to put all this models/ into a movie?? it a shark movie or a fashion show??
Lise Morin
Lise Morin - 7 years ago
variety wing before exclusive consumption ally viewer.
Idk Gaming
Idk Gaming - 7 years ago
Are they zombies or are they just high or drunk?
Strider Vlogs
Strider Vlogs - 7 years ago
So bacicly a zombie shark movie in a nutshell just peachy
syko blasters
syko blasters - 7 years ago
Ale_Luna 0906
Ale_Luna 0906 - 7 years ago
I'm gonna bitch slap the idiot who come up with this stupid idea. And I'm gonna SUPER BITCH SLAP the one who is in charge of the CGI effects
DeadPanda - Cyborg
DeadPanda - Cyborg - 7 years ago
Dar Lew
Dar Lew - 7 years ago
I recently saw this. Can't remember how it ended. It was one of those weekends where I decided to binge watch shitty shark movies. They are 10 times better with a little liquor.
Pewds Ma Boi
Pewds Ma Boi - 7 years ago
I would probably get out of the beach/island.
QueenHG - 7 years ago
RIP acting and CGI
Fuck Me Eyes
Fuck Me Eyes - 7 years ago
Hungry shark world Atomic shark update lol
Gamingwithrj 3
Gamingwithrj 3 - 7 years ago
i never swim with sharks this is to scary
Jasper De Vos
Jasper De Vos - 7 years ago
Looks sp bad it looks funny
Francisco Luis
Francisco Luis - 7 years ago
This movie reminds of what I made in the toilet
Tom Nolan
Tom Nolan - 7 years ago
This looks so fudging retarded
Olivia Smith
Olivia Smith - 7 years ago
This looks horrible…just the acting it’s self
joona Laaksonen
joona Laaksonen - 7 years ago
shark bite turning people to zombies?! well that will be the most stupidest shark movie ever
aereiq - 7 years ago
NOOOOOO!!!! ANOTHER SHARK MOVIE!!!! You monsters!!!
JepraX 11
JepraX 11 - 7 years ago
If ther is a shark in the water get the fuck out on the water or you will die
Chigga Banana
Chigga Banana - 7 years ago
movie budget is prolly $5 and youtube tutorials.
Nightmare 3499
Nightmare 3499 - 7 years ago
another shity shark movie...whats next...
Slare - 7 years ago
Motherfuckers creating this shit Jaws-wanna-be. That wasnt even scary, jesus christ.
cheyanne speke
cheyanne speke - 7 years ago
oooh so COOL
walking dead fan
walking dead fan - 7 years ago
Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh DU DU DU DU DU DU
Luke4Fun - 7 years ago
I have a feeling that this Is gonna be a terrible movie. Bad effects, bad acting. And the shark look like some shitty 2003 animated cartoon shit. The jaws shark is better looking than this anime shit LMAO
danyl crevecoeur
danyl crevecoeur - 7 years ago
Zombie schark wtf !!!
Zsombor Tölcsér
Zsombor Tölcsér - 7 years ago
Ez egy szar amugy bojler elado
JTVL0GS ! - 7 years ago
Krak en
Krak en - 7 years ago
ғɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴀ sʜᴀʀᴋ ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ɢᴏᴏᴅ
CHANTELLE McCurdy - 7 years ago
So it's a zombie shark except the zombies are smart... just shoot whoever was bitten
Veronica Piccinini
Veronica Piccinini - 7 years ago
That’s not a toxic shark. That’s a rabid shark
Pics For life
Pics For life - 7 years ago
00:57 when u walk in on someone taking a shit
WolFenz ヅ El lobo elegante
WolFenz ヅ El lobo elegante - 7 years ago
Draco Ciprian
Draco Ciprian - 7 years ago
Dude why are the bite marks so small
Lord Krythic
Lord Krythic - 7 years ago
So...a shark that causes zombies? You know, I have to admit, I actually thought things couldn't become even more stupid than Sharknado; boy was I wrong.
Keithjuhh Kallo
Keithjuhh Kallo - 7 years ago
why did i Just seen this?!
301Goldstar - 7 years ago
I'm tire of shark movies. I want to see orcas attacking people. :)
Gladius ExE
Gladius ExE - 7 years ago
i mean its a good concept but...why a shark? like they could have done anything wolves, birds, bugs, but they chose a shark?
Ally The Mew
Ally The Mew - 7 years ago
This looks so bad!
Matthew Douglas
Matthew Douglas - 7 years ago
Hey I like the walking dead. Oh that's cool I really like jaws.Hey let's put them together
Valentin Aguirre
Valentin Aguirre - 7 years ago
Que carajo es pésimo un tiburón que te muerde y te transforma en zombi
ready for another shitty shark movie
The Typical Bat
The Typical Bat - 7 years ago
so wait.. let me get this straight tey get bitten a toxic shark blah blah blah and then minutes later they turn into what like freaking toxic zombies?
sarah gaines
sarah gaines - 7 years ago
is this the follow up to zombie sharks? i think it is
Gawdzearce - 7 years ago
So now there zombie sharks?
Fabio Nomberto Herrera
Fabio Nomberto Herrera - 7 years ago
Pero q mierda es esto...... Otra peli cagada
RedScar the Wolf/Jackal
RedScar the Wolf/Jackal - 7 years ago
Zombie shark 2 confirmed but with rabies
Mega Sceptile
Mega Sceptile - 7 years ago
Again another very shitty jaws bootleg dat tries to look good and only has like a 0/0 rankin
Sandra Luz Hernandez Chiu
Sandra Luz Hernandez Chiu - 7 years ago
Omg this looks extremely fake lmao lol this is in the top worst shark movie, its gotta be
Ash Greninja12
Ash Greninja12 - 7 years ago
Get this shit Christina Masterson is the pink ranger in power rangers Megaforce and Andra in toxic shark
Badger Tony
Badger Tony - 7 years ago
This is amazing zombie and shark movie amazing man
Bruce Doyle
Bruce Doyle - 7 years ago
Who keeps making those idiotic low budget shark movies ? I mean Sharknado and now this, it must be the same person.
Alex Kim
Alex Kim - 7 years ago
looks so fake
Grecia Ramirez
Grecia Ramirez - 7 years ago
Other movie cheap the SYFY :v
Brandon Tirado
Brandon Tirado - 7 years ago
Alien:Want a have a three way
Potato Graphics:yeah I'm in
Alien/Potato Graphics:you brang condoms right
Mewthree X
Mewthree X - 7 years ago
So is this a zombie-shark?
WerewolfGaming - 7 years ago
Meet the twin cousin of zombie shark literally these two have the same plotline where the sharks bites people and they turned into mindless zombies
Karma Akabane
Karma Akabane - 7 years ago
Bad acting: 2017 shark edition
Aiden Yoong Hanifah
Aiden Yoong Hanifah - 7 years ago
wow the shark looks so unrealistic -_-
Aiden Yoong Hanifah
Aiden Yoong Hanifah - 7 years ago
plus, is this a SHARK movie or a ZOMBIE movie????
Jack Ben
Jack Ben - 7 years ago
damn thats gonna beat the stuff im shitting in my toilet.
Connor Pinn
Connor Pinn - 7 years ago
The cgi in this film looks crap
Alan Varszegi
Alan Varszegi - 7 years ago
It looks ok
666 666
666 666 - 7 years ago
Go and get glasses
V.Z.X - 7 years ago
He's being sarcastic
Overbeck - 7 years ago
Peña Nieto
Peña Nieto - 7 years ago
Alan Varszegi no it doesn't
Dragon_Eat3r - 7 years ago
you're joking right? you gotta be joking!
The turtle Gaming
The turtle Gaming - 7 years ago
Hmm I think they got this from Hungry shark world you know the atomic shark and the zombie shark just had a baby, boom this movie
The Pro Leyends
The Pro Leyends - 7 years ago
2017 ?
cookieman - 7 years ago
Commander Gazton
Commander Gazton - 7 years ago
This seems worse than sharknado and that boy meeting those sharks in sharkboy and lava girl
Cerberus Playz
Cerberus Playz - 7 years ago
im tired of the fake CGI sharks jaws did a better job
MLG MCG - 7 years ago
More like “Low Budget Shark”
PsychicLlama - 7 years ago
What a load of bollocks
Liam Clair
Liam Clair - 7 years ago
from the directors of classics like sharknado
Da epic drawingz Pro
Da epic drawingz Pro - 7 years ago
Hercules 1602
Hercules 1602 - 7 years ago
Chances are 100% that this movie will be super-extra retarded
LOOI JUN HAO - 7 years ago
Your roblox name
Blazermax - 7 years ago
Toxic Shark doo doo doo doo doo doo~
Jackson Isthebest
Jackson Isthebest - 7 years ago
That shark is faker than my friends
Ish Toxic
Ish Toxic - 7 years ago
"You can swim" bro it's a fucking shark you know how fast shark swim? Also how does toxic make someone eat someone won't you die from it?
theligitgamer39589 lol
theligitgamer39589 lol - 7 years ago
So it's a zombie shark?
Ozzy_Jr - 7 years ago
worst movie ever
Lucas Weird
Lucas Weird - 7 years ago
Oh wow a better version of sharknado
Harley Steel
Harley Steel - 7 years ago
Why are they doing this? No shark movie is going to be better than jaws!!! And if there is tell me so I can watch it , PLEASE!!!!!!
Keniel Barroso
Keniel Barroso - 7 years ago
Harley Steel 47 meters down is good,the shallows is good
Sumir Sookdeo
Sumir Sookdeo - 7 years ago
Hahahahahaha Resident evil shark.
Blanca Rosales
Blanca Rosales - 7 years ago
really like really WTF a shark can't be in shore that longer just to grab someone that is not in the water without it he could've die for god sake please be more realistic damn it I know is a movie but sometimes they fell downhill in something absurd and also seriously the shark turn the people into zombies by biting them WTF make up your mind syfy is it a shark movie or zombie movie you can't have both pick one and do it my god
Irgend so ein Type den niemand kennt:)
Irgend so ein Type den niemand kennt:) - 7 years ago
whats are the most made horror movies? zombies and sharks! then lets do a movie with both. that´s real business
Dione Ramirez
Dione Ramirez - 7 years ago
this is why i dont whant to go to the beach
Braden Hebert
Braden Hebert - 7 years ago
Iritsu Chan
Iritsu Chan - 7 years ago
Why do people keep on making those shitty movies?
Hybrid - 7 years ago
u can swim u can run
But u can't hide

Wait why not do Rick and Morty Did and just Hide?
Alessandro Tavani
Alessandro Tavani - 7 years ago
This movie looks so bad
Beck and Luddington Vlogs
Beck and Luddington Vlogs - 7 years ago
god what are they gunna think up next
Boygan_ 1
Boygan_ 1 - 7 years ago
Sharknado+toxic shark+global warming = extinction for human race
Haylex - 7 years ago
I find it unfair that people and the shark are both enemies, it's like there's shark infested waters AND a zombie apocalypse, wtf!?
Hi im moh
Hi im moh - 7 years ago
This is how zombie apocalypse started. Getting bit by infected shark and You turned into a Zombie...............
Splitzerx Gaming
Splitzerx Gaming - 7 years ago
Morgan Colby
Morgan Colby - 7 years ago
To be honest I thought it was gonna be about a shark that reads fnaf fanfiction and listens to Rick and Morty parodies on
Yo Local Asian Girl
Yo Local Asian Girl - 7 years ago
they're running out of ideas
argus DASHER XD - 7 years ago
mas bien shark zombie
Zack XD
Zack XD - 7 years ago
Is the twin of shark zombies
Kryštof Kovařčík
Kryštof Kovařčík - 7 years ago
Another shit film
A Jimmy Biscuit
A Jimmy Biscuit - 7 years ago
This is so bad
Isaiah Barker
Isaiah Barker - 7 years ago
chubble chubbs
chubble chubbs - 7 years ago
Cian Mckenna
Cian Mckenna - 7 years ago
Why does this exist?!
WhiteFather TV
WhiteFather TV - 7 years ago
Cool :)
Allosaurus Gamer
Allosaurus Gamer - 7 years ago
I see the name I say "is this a shark that turns people into zombies?" a few moments later: "I was right"
Kaius S
Kaius S - 7 years ago
Hahahahahahahahah no
Tbhkris Games
Tbhkris Games - 7 years ago
Parivou Ha.
Parivou Ha. - 7 years ago
This is the fucking worst movie ever,I watched it
TrexNext - 7 years ago
Come on its the future the shark looks horrible. Jaws did better at their sharks it it was the past
Peter Petrik
Peter Petrik - 7 years ago
Dawn Hayes
Dawn Hayes - 7 years ago
Possibly the worst excuse for a movie I've ever seen
Rosad -oh
Rosad -oh - 7 years ago
That is shit CGI
ENC Equine
ENC Equine - 7 years ago
this looks shit
Cristiano Mai
Cristiano Mai - 7 years ago
Thats why you dont eat zombies, sharks! Btw, hype for this movie since Sharks movies and Zombies Movies have always been my favourite types of film
Detective Monokuma
Detective Monokuma - 7 years ago
New zombie/shark movie
Connor Treweeke
Connor Treweeke - 7 years ago
What's next

Ice cream shark?
Nick Jackson
Nick Jackson - 7 years ago
Actually doesn't look terrible
Jan Cal
Jan Cal - 7 years ago
what kind of shark movie is this the shark can infect people like zombie virus and shit this is bullshit
Sofia Carson
Sofia Carson - 7 years ago
Oh my Jesus Christ did they really run out of ideas?
Imperfect - 7 years ago
How dumb are these peoples? Go back home
cole 143c
cole 143c - 7 years ago
This looks terrible, it's just soooo bad! Not only do you take one of the most cliched horror movie tropes ever, (shark movies) but you also add in a very dumb element as well! (toxicity and zombification) like seriously? Who thought this was a good idea for a movie? I have seen better CGI in Youtube Videos.
2seck - 7 years ago
Point is stay away from the water duh
Peachy Pineapple
Peachy Pineapple - 7 years ago
What has the world come to?
kermit with fresh kicks
kermit with fresh kicks - 7 years ago
I like how they stay at the beach when they know that there's a fucking shark there like why not just stay home? Jeez
Rex clement Frofunga
Rex clement Frofunga - 7 years ago
i think a shark is a zombie shark if its bite a human a bit that means a human will turn into a zombie boy
Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith - 7 years ago
Your giving sharks a bad name
Farhan Marco
Farhan Marco - 7 years ago
I laughed my ass off watching this trailer
Soviet Russia Mother Russia
Soviet Russia Mother Russia - 7 years ago
It like the outbreak but with a freakin shark that is toxic
jenntorps - 7 years ago
get away from the beach? more like please hand me the bleach.
El Nelson
El Nelson - 7 years ago
ahhhhh i need a testing kit bag
XXXTENSION CORD - 7 years ago
Does the shark even play a role in the movie?
xenomorph alien
xenomorph alien - 7 years ago
These 87 movies are tall tails
Dusk - 7 years ago
Jaws is still the best this isn't gonna help with this fake shark. We need to make something atless to beat jaws. And not this shit.
Linda W
Linda W - 7 years ago

lg slim
Dat Boii
Dat Boii - 7 years ago will be so bad guys....
Trever Cross
Trever Cross - 7 years ago
This looks like another trash syfy movie
Billy The Bully
Billy The Bully - 7 years ago
Is that going to be a comedy?
Ayvin The Pig
Ayvin The Pig - 7 years ago
God, I love SyFy
SummerLover 101
SummerLover 101 - 7 years ago
Already watched it
SummerLover 101
SummerLover 101 - 7 years ago
This is not new
Dahveed Cunningham
Dahveed Cunningham - 7 years ago
so let me get this straight if the shark bites you it turns you into a canibal or something like that
Russell Johnson
Russell Johnson - 7 years ago
What's that David lopez the viner
Hornet khatiwodaTM
Hornet khatiwodaTM - 7 years ago
WTF shark bite make zombies what you kidding me
Pamela Pekárčiková
Pamela Pekárčiková - 7 years ago
Spaghetă - 7 years ago
damn thats shark is more toxic than a russian
cody torio
cody torio - 7 years ago
What are you trying to make zombies or sharks make up your god damn mind
Kyra Pamyu
Kyra Pamyu - 7 years ago
I’m okay with these shark movies but please not another sharknado
memeland - 7 years ago
Yay another shitty jaws remake
Dinosaurz :D ;D
Dinosaurz :D ;D - 7 years ago
Omg this is the best shark infected movie!!
Salvinhas Gamer
Salvinhas Gamer - 7 years ago
bladeZ - 7 years ago
OMFG so fucking shit
THE BRONZE GOD - 7 years ago
Naan, jaws is better
Emelin Camposano
Emelin Camposano - 7 years ago
looks like the shark has a virus? the fuck?
Flip Agram
Flip Agram - 7 years ago
I already saw this it’s retarded
Camila Magali
Camila Magali - 7 years ago
ah re poronga
Zozo Games
Zozo Games - 7 years ago
GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER Jaws shark looks way better
Dan Dzwonczyk
Dan Dzwonczyk - 7 years ago
Zozo Games yeah
qwertyuiopasd fghjklzxcvbnm
qwertyuiopasd fghjklzxcvbnm - 7 years ago
And by the year 2030, sharks have jetpacks and lazer eyes.
Kaneki - 7 years ago
Do you want that mate?
RockTapusS - 7 years ago
qwertyuiopasd fghjklzxcvbnm lol
Jazmin Ismyname
Jazmin Ismyname - 7 years ago
Kevin Angeles
Kevin Angeles - 7 years ago
I was hoping for sharks with laser beam attached to their freaking heads
BATMAN - DARK 150 - 7 years ago
Genau wegen solchen Filmen werden Haie immer als Menschenfresser gesehen.
Evolute Creator
Evolute Creator - 7 years ago
Wins Oscar
Modern Rage
Modern Rage - 7 years ago
Who else hates whenever the Killer has to be all photoshopped?
Matias Flores
Matias Flores - 7 years ago
Just a Crazy Loon
Just a Crazy Loon - 7 years ago
You can't hide my ass why not get away from the water
Dead Maze101
Dead Maze101 - 7 years ago
This is the most shitty movie ever
Any S
Any S - 7 years ago
Wow that looks extremely stupid
NITIN NEGI - 7 years ago
this is example of how bad a movie can be
Peggy Stoupas
Peggy Stoupas - 7 years ago
Is this a fucking shark that turns people into zombies smh
McKenna Berland
McKenna Berland - 7 years ago
Omg this looks like an amaz- nope never mind this is shit
ThePraisedOne 18
ThePraisedOne 18 - 7 years ago
Jaws meets dawn of the dead
Extreme Gamer
Extreme Gamer - 7 years ago
Its look like zombie shark
Riyan Pane
Riyan Pane - 7 years ago
jason bourne
jason bourne - 7 years ago
really a zombie shark dog zombie sheep zombie and shark zombie the hell
HIppyCGaming - 7 years ago
Sharks and zombies???
ThreeEye DoomHog
ThreeEye DoomHog - 7 years ago
if they want to have zombies, leave the shark out of it
Karen Revolorio
Karen Revolorio - 7 years ago
Ahhh...I need... a medig bag! :v
Delirious Angel
Delirious Angel - 7 years ago
Bitch yassss
PANDA POWA - 7 years ago
when is it gonna be added
Zahirul Hafiz
Zahirul Hafiz - 7 years ago
enough with the shitty mutated shark movies already
Dan Dzwonczyk
Dan Dzwonczyk - 7 years ago
Ok if your at the beach and crazy shit starts happening.......why fucking stay!!!!????? I would already be boarding the FUCK no train...

Seriously come on now muther fucka
Wyatt Oleff
Wyatt Oleff - 7 years ago
..but defeat it then u live to tell a totally BOSS story
Brady Bullard
Brady Bullard - 7 years ago
Pink megaforce ranger yas
The Mighty Umbreon
The Mighty Umbreon - 7 years ago
To me this looks like a zombie movie cause of the fact the shark bit the girl and then she started biting people and yeah so there for in my opinion I have a feeling this will be a zombie movie
Dan Dzwonczyk
Dan Dzwonczyk - 7 years ago
Emilio Szalus it iss
andrew carson
andrew carson - 7 years ago
j_plays 21
j_plays 21 - 7 years ago
Thats cheesy
Mints - 7 years ago
This movie will be based on kids from csgo
velocirooster64 - 7 years ago
Oh great just what we need another shark movie
Atomic Hybrid :0 x •Atomic Shade• x
Atomic Hybrid :0 x •Atomic Shade• x - 7 years ago
Always every horror movie says You cant hide
Дмитрий Гусарев
Дмитрий Гусарев - 7 years ago
- You can't hide
- Uhm no i actually can
Xbox games Xbox
Xbox games Xbox - 7 years ago
And neither does polaroid
Xbox games Xbox
Xbox games Xbox - 7 years ago
But it and poltergeist doesn't
Dave & Alex
Dave & Alex - 7 years ago
Omggg I love this one sooo much Will watch it
Millan Bruno
Millan Bruno - 7 years ago
Pqp...esse pessoal nao cansa de fazer filme ruim sobre tubarão? ? Fico imaginando se alguém gasta dinheiro pra ir ao cinema pra ver um filme desse
Adam Cohen
Adam Cohen - 7 years ago
stupid movie
NikMik - 7 years ago
Axe Mobile Legends
Axe Mobile Legends - 7 years ago
SWAT dude
SWAT dude - 7 years ago
shark+zombie like peeps=this movie
My fish Drowned
My fish Drowned - 7 years ago
This is so bad at first i actually tought this was a parody or a joke just look at the bad acting at 0:57
pal kon
pal kon - 7 years ago
She can beat that shark with morph to pink ranger...that's a (Super) Mega Win!
H. P. K.
H. P. K. - 7 years ago
These shark movies are so lame.
cloaker payday 2
cloaker payday 2 - 7 years ago
mata hari
mata hari - 7 years ago
another Barbie show
SupBruh - 7 years ago
Ill watch the emoji movie rather than this shit
Johanna Maria Rolf
Johanna Maria Rolf - 7 years ago
Looks like a combination of patient zero and jaws. I mean, they are both great movies, but, like, together ?! Bruh. This will be the most unrealistic fail of the year. Its just too much.
Artistic Moron
Artistic Moron - 7 years ago
Average shark movie start it's nice peaceful middle somone gets attached and survives last plot twist there a zombie or a vampire or a ware wolf
Karen Ramirez
Karen Ramirez - 7 years ago
Ilovegameszombie lol
Ilovegameszombie lol - 7 years ago
Can't what
Cata Fernandez
Cata Fernandez - 7 years ago
What a shitty movie.
Macarena Ayala
Macarena Ayala - 7 years ago
sooo shitty
Patrik Růžička
Patrik Růžička - 7 years ago
It is shit..

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