The Most Rare Shark Species Hidden in The Ocean

top 10 rarest but most amazing sharks you need to see Subscribe to TheHub Sharks are creatures that strike fear into the hearts of many, although the truth is that sharks have more to fear from us than the other way around. Many of us just picture the great white shark as being the only kind of shark out there, but there are a ton of unique species of sharks out there, so many of which you may never have heard of! The greenland shark is thought to be one of the oldest species of shark in existence, and specimens have been found that are up to 400 years old! You might think that all sharks have fearsome teeth, but the megamouth shark and basking shark are planktivorous sharks, meaning that they feed only on small animals and plankton. And not all sharks are giant, hulking predators. The angular roughshark and the pyjama shark are both likely smaller than you are. If you’re looking for a truly bizarre looking shark, make sure you check out the goblin shark. We can definitely see where it gets its name! The speartooth shark is able to live in both fresh and salt water, and only in the last couple of years have we managed to tag adult members of this species. The frilled shark may look more like an eel than a shark, but just wait until you catch a glimpse of its teeth! And the wobbegong family of sharks enjoys traversing the bottom of the sea floor so much, that they have even begun to walk on it in their own way! For copyright matters please contact us at:

The Most Rare Shark Species Hidden in The Ocean sentiment_very_dissatisfied 927

Shark videos 7 years ago 1,349,924 views

top 10 rarest but most amazing sharks you need to see Subscribe to TheHub Sharks are creatures that strike fear into the hearts of many, although the truth is that sharks have more to fear from us than the other way around. Many of us just picture the great white shark as being the only kind of shark out there, but there are a ton of unique species of sharks out there, so many of which you may never have heard of! The greenland shark is thought to be one of the oldest species of shark in existence, and specimens have been found that are up to 400 years old! You might think that all sharks have fearsome teeth, but the megamouth shark and basking shark are planktivorous sharks, meaning that they feed only on small animals and plankton. And not all sharks are giant, hulking predators. The angular roughshark and the pyjama shark are both likely smaller than you are. If you’re looking for a truly bizarre looking shark, make sure you check out the goblin shark. We can definitely see where it gets its name! The speartooth shark is able to live in both fresh and salt water, and only in the last couple of years have we managed to tag adult members of this species. The frilled shark may look more like an eel than a shark, but just wait until you catch a glimpse of its teeth! And the wobbegong family of sharks enjoys traversing the bottom of the sea floor so much, that they have even begun to walk on it in their own way! For copyright matters please contact us at:

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Most popular comments
for The Most Rare Shark Species Hidden in The Ocean

Anthony Malle
Anthony Malle - 7 years ago
3:32 nice mouse
DevSeek - 7 years ago
ASAPVENENO - 7 years ago
Where is the Pyroshark?
Salti - 7 years ago
Honestly it’s the eyes that I find freaky
I Am Just A Random Meme DOOGGE
I Am Just A Random Meme DOOGGE - 7 years ago
looks like humans are the predators now
Ameer Zeaiter
Ameer Zeaiter - 7 years ago
The basking shark is my favorite and scariest
Mike Appleton
Mike Appleton - 7 years ago
There is absolutely zero chance that a basking shark weights 21 tonnes.
Chital red
Chital red - 7 years ago
wobbegongs aren't rare! they're everywhere where i live (Western Australia) they hang out in reef areas and often if you chuck our old bait in the water they turn up pretty fast.
honestly i have seen more wobbegongs than dolphins.
Rhythm Lover
Rhythm Lover - 7 years ago
5:17 is that a human on the left?

10. comment for The Most Rare Shark Species Hidden in The Ocean

Koivu Killjoy
Koivu Killjoy - 7 years ago
Mika - 7 years ago
My favorite shark was the frilled shark
Ivan Chan Wen-Le
Ivan Chan Wen-Le - 7 years ago
Baby shark dudududududu
jAY hOwPEee
jAY hOwPEee - 7 years ago
This is why i hate ocean
Sebastien Lafontaine
Sebastien Lafontaine - 7 years ago
Was I the only one who saw that mouse on the screen
Ravenclaw Girl
Ravenclaw Girl - 7 years ago
my favorite shark was definitely the pyjama shark just because of the fact that it curls into a ball when it tries to hide
Ravenclaw Girl
Ravenclaw Girl - 7 years ago
thank you guys for helping me with my science project thats due tomorrow!!! Ive recently subscribed so i havent been with you for very long, but you guys have helped me a lot with your content keep it up!!!!!
Germayne Rygme Tero
Germayne Rygme Tero - 7 years ago
Smallest shark one of the kind of lantern shark biggest size 10 centimeter
Joel Dawkins
Joel Dawkins - 7 years ago
The goblin shark looks like Pinocchio
Poilmat Wag
Poilmat Wag - 7 years ago
Omg when goblin sharks attack it looks terrifying and a little gross.

20. comment for The Most Rare Shark Species Hidden in The Ocean

Death101.1 - 7 years ago
They now found a greenland shark around 512 years old
Ciggy Ciggyman
Ciggy Ciggyman - 7 years ago
Okay....This made me not to swim EVERYDAY and this creeps me out and good job for creeping me out 0.0
Master Yoda
Master Yoda - 7 years ago
JustaLovelyFangirl - 7 years ago
Basking and whale sharks are my ultimate favorites
Ekansteprac - 7 years ago
I have caught many wobbegong. They are a really cool looking shark. When I catch one, it's obviously not what I am going for but cool nonetheless.
Mari S
Mari S - 7 years ago
The Greenland Shark is my spirit animal
Teddy Xiong
Teddy Xiong - 7 years ago
My favorites are the basking shark and the megamouth
Quick snips with cariad
Quick snips with cariad - 7 years ago
i have swam with loads of them
Quick snips with cariad
Quick snips with cariad - 7 years ago
the basking shark isnt that rare
Corymeister 17
Corymeister 17 - 7 years ago
I've never seen a basking shark in the water even though I live in the Isle of man

30. comment for The Most Rare Shark Species Hidden in The Ocean

Toy Bonnie
Toy Bonnie - 7 years ago
Iv been bitten by one of these now my foot is gone by it and it it really really hart
Seb McDonald
Seb McDonald - 7 years ago
We see wobby gongs all the time they aren’t rare
scuttersotoole - 7 years ago
the goblin shark is different it lives very deep water
and is a deadly predator
blue sky productions
blue sky productions - 7 years ago
Gurllll (shark) show me what that mouth do
Christine Martin
Christine Martin - 7 years ago
The Greenland sharks are just newly studied. How ever the oldest was said to be 512 years old. They also are found in artic but, the have been found in rivers and lakes in Canada and the U.S.. The Greenland sharks also are not just scavengers. They are very skilled hunters. They are now know to hunt seals, fish, and like most sharks an easy meal. I did like your video but Shark facts are always being updated the more we learn about this amazing animals.
Fredbear14 Animations and more!
Fredbear14 Animations and more! - 7 years ago
Is it just me or is Frilled Shark kinda looks like Alan the destroyer of worlds
Fredbear14 Animations and more!
Fredbear14 Animations and more! - 7 years ago
This video made me want to play Hungry Shark World
sly fox 500
sly fox 500 - 7 years ago
MC TUBE - 7 years ago
I always see the wobbegong shark, but the ones I see are only 2 feet long
Simon Lawrence
Simon Lawrence - 7 years ago
97th comment
Okie dokie Gnocchi
Okie dokie Gnocchi - 7 years ago
What dat mouf do?
Jessie Mathiesen
Jessie Mathiesen - 7 years ago
Oml the angular rough shark is so cute ;-;
Sharyn Godineaux
Sharyn Godineaux - 7 years ago
I love your shark videos I love your shark
Giovanni Nero
Giovanni Nero - 7 years ago
shark gives plankton mean SUCC nsfw 18+
Rob gaming 2
Rob gaming 2 - 7 years ago
The megamouth is the most incredible and amazing
Rob gaming 2
Rob gaming 2 - 7 years ago
Barsking shark mouth is so big
SEANZDABOMB - 7 years ago
The Bascking shark and whale shark are the only sharks I knew on this list before watching the video.
It's Ashley Cute
It's Ashley Cute - 7 years ago
What about MEAGOLADONS there about 60 feet long there big too.
Squid THE KID - 7 years ago
They are extinct
Eidan Sigala
Eidan Sigala - 7 years ago
You forgot the sleeper shark
Bella Freeman
Bella Freeman - 7 years ago
I’ve seen a mega mouth at the Western Australian fremantle boat museum

50. comment for The Most Rare Shark Species Hidden in The Ocean

David Koester
David Koester - 7 years ago
Just because it hasn’t been discovered doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist
Abc Crenshaw
Abc Crenshaw - 7 years ago
I love hearing about Greenland sharks they are so cool
Scrivdog - 7 years ago
i live on the south west coast of england and so basking sharks are literally the most common breed of shark along with dogfish and torque
giorgi ustiashvili
giorgi ustiashvili - 7 years ago
the shark in the thumbnail thats not a shark. thats half life 2 unused enemy.
Sahil Rai
Sahil Rai - 7 years ago
U know the worlds biggest shark but instinct is THE Megalodon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mini Man
Mini Man - 7 years ago
Sorry but wobbegong sharks are not rare at all
Whitiangler - 7 years ago
snake shark thing is alan the destroyer from hungry shark evoloution
GraceAnya 22
GraceAnya 22 - 7 years ago
I remember being on holiday and I had spotted a basking Shark in the water. I was later in the news paper the next day. Ever since then I’ve wanted to know more about them.
AlbertotheCheese - 7 years ago
basking sharks aren't rare on my island there are 50 a year
Flower Galaxy
Flower Galaxy - 7 years ago
4:28 I Thought It Was My Angry Grandparents Pointing at Me Saying "DO YOUR HOMEWORK ,OR YOU WILL HAVE NO DESERTS"
Guest Sanchez
Guest Sanchez - 7 years ago
these aren't rare i have a book about sharks
Mr. Fail Guy
Mr. Fail Guy - 7 years ago
goblin shark.... more like pennywise shark
Sasori - 7 years ago
This so cute
Thomas The ketchup eater
Thomas The ketchup eater - 7 years ago
Basking sharks are everywhere on the Isle of Man
Kylor Eubanks
Kylor Eubanks - 7 years ago
You mean sleapy greenland shark its a sleaping shark
Katya Jaski
Katya Jaski - 7 years ago
8:55 since when do we take bites of sharks (aside from food)?
Angelica Walker
Angelica Walker - 7 years ago
I will check and gray white
Mermaid Pusheen
Mermaid Pusheen - 7 years ago
When she said Wobbegong Shark I thought she said will be gone shark
Nantinio H
Nantinio H - 7 years ago
They are called basking sharks not megamouth sharks
Sophie 19107
Sophie 19107 - 7 years ago
Sabsyboy - 7 years ago
No. -1 Megalodon
Slime Kid101
Slime Kid101 - 7 years ago
Y not melagadon
Death Striker
Death Striker - 7 years ago
Basking shark isn’t rare you can see them easily in Scotland there all around water
Jaiden Marchant
Jaiden Marchant - 7 years ago
you can see the bascing's sharks bones!!!
Camden Whipp
Camden Whipp - 7 years ago
how many gobblin shark attaks are there
Tracy Sabb
Tracy Sabb - 7 years ago
The pajama shark.
Strawberry Kit-kat
Strawberry Kit-kat - 7 years ago
but all sharks are prehistoric
GeronimoCrow - 7 years ago
Matt Pretorius
Matt Pretorius - 7 years ago
JKS Trollolagram
JKS Trollolagram - 7 years ago
Sharks aren't fish
Beth Ebbs
Beth Ebbs - 7 years ago
wobby. gong shark
Zach Mullins
Zach Mullins - 7 years ago
I cant stand her voice. Get a guy to narrate this so people can listen to it with the volume on please.
Maddox Bivins
Maddox Bivins - 7 years ago
Casey_YT - 7 years ago
Did anyone notice the mouse cursor at 3:35?
Mury - 7 years ago
What that mouth do?
Lerner Bernert
Lerner Bernert - 7 years ago
goblin shark look at those gums are you kidding me?
Dragon Apple
Dragon Apple - 7 years ago
GreenLand shark looks like a fuckins submarine
TheAwesome Pasta Lover
TheAwesome Pasta Lover - 7 years ago
Them: ... And one shark with the biggest mouth you've ever seen!

Me: Oh, my ex is in this video.
RedViper - 7 years ago
Baskis shark
jdpeacock1 - 7 years ago
What about the helicoprions
Squid THE KID - 7 years ago
They are extinct
Fredbear14 Animations and more!
Fredbear14 Animations and more! - 7 years ago
Hungry Shark World?
Mina Mihajlovic
Mina Mihajlovic - 7 years ago
me and my dad allways catch wobbegongs...soooooooo.....
EnderTwins Teleporters
EnderTwins Teleporters - 7 years ago
I am a man of science that is why I am here. But if that means I have to go underwater I will just be my other dream. A baseball player, or football (soccer) player. Btw I am from the U.S.
Rizzamae Natinga
Rizzamae Natinga - 7 years ago
3:32 a cursor!!!
Derpface 123
Derpface 123 - 7 years ago
Goblin shark is literally a xenomorth
beast destroyer
beast destroyer - 7 years ago
Goblin shark was my favourite
WindFang :D
WindFang :D - 7 years ago
stuart booth
stuart booth - 7 years ago
Basking shark? You mean jaguar shark?
JH the Reaper
JH the Reaper - 7 years ago
I doubt that any sharks are poisonous
Nut Cracker
Nut Cracker - 7 years ago
The wale shark is not a shark it’s a fish
Ruanito _ciphercraft2
Ruanito _ciphercraft2 - 7 years ago
What is the animal in the thumbnail?

100. comment for The Most Rare Shark Species Hidden in The Ocean

Scundom - 7 years ago
Fuck you Fuck dis video you made my god damn fear bigger of sharks! There’s a free dislike
Bryson Castro
Bryson Castro - 7 years ago
i thot that the meg mouth shark was the guper mouth shark.
The Hotshot
The Hotshot - 7 years ago
Goblin definitely
Haifa - 7 years ago
Please stop.. can humans fucking not eat every living thing!!
Esmeralda Herrera
Esmeralda Herrera - 7 years ago
5:15 is that shark an alien because if it is then I Will call 911
Julia Reese Juanir
Julia Reese Juanir - 7 years ago
How did they find them the title is hidden sharks duuhhhhh.....
Dragonstein - 7 years ago
Basking shark is my fave. Basking, the story of my life.
Hyper goner
Hyper goner - 7 years ago
Click bait the shark in the thumbnail is not in the video
MapleKii - 7 years ago
Hyper goner
It is. You just started it lmao
Totally Not Volt
Totally Not Volt - 7 years ago
Who else has known about all of these sharks?
calota alin
calota alin - 7 years ago
Squid THE KID - 7 years ago
Totally Not Volt me
GD Xanz
GD Xanz - 7 years ago
The sharp nose sevengill shark has some human eyes if you ask me why
Josh S5
Josh S5 - 7 years ago
Big mouth
Basketballguy - 7 years ago
the goblin shark when I saw it's jaw petrude like that scared the shit out of me
Liongaming - 7 years ago
2:22 when mom calls you a big mouth
Rico Chavez
Rico Chavez - 7 years ago
The frilled shark look likes a pen is
BLACK TIGER SHARK - 7 years ago
Greenland shark is the largest predatoryshark in the World they can grow to 9,195 meters Long And weigh 22000 to 959 000 pounds And they travel in freshwater And i live in the coldest waters on earth the ice deepts in the Artic waters And it's the largest populatin of any sharks And they give birth when there 150 years old And they eat poler bears And they can live 959 years old becuse they grow only 1 cm per year And their babys are 37 to 39 cm Long they eat also seals And we know very little about them And they can a threat to humans becuse we know very little about them And there is a lot of stories about this shark in the Artic
Cynthia Munoz
Cynthia Munoz - 7 years ago
I. Eat. Spugedy
Titing Komarawati
Titing Komarawati - 7 years ago
Titing Komarawati
Titing Komarawati - 7 years ago
is no megaphone
melissa murphy
melissa murphy - 7 years ago
I like the goblin shark coz it looks freaky the way its mouth stretches out as it grabs it feed. Their name is really kool too.
Elliot Pearce
Elliot Pearce - 7 years ago
2:23 that's a basking shark
Cindy Beard
Cindy Beard - 7 years ago
TheGamingLofty Mlp
TheGamingLofty Mlp - 7 years ago
Frilled Sharks, terrifying? Nah, lady, I think they are adorable!
Erik Tran
Erik Tran - 7 years ago
TheGamingLofty Mlp
It looks like Gozilla.
TheGamingLofty Mlp
TheGamingLofty Mlp - 7 years ago
Damn megamouths are ugly
TheGamingLofty Mlp
TheGamingLofty Mlp - 7 years ago
Oh who am I kidding, ALL sea life is majestic!
TheGamingLofty Mlp
TheGamingLofty Mlp - 7 years ago
Well, greenland sharks are ugly too, but i love sharks, they are so majestic!
DivineGhost Gaming
DivineGhost Gaming - 7 years ago
Why didnt you made the title Top 10 most powerful oceanic animr characters of all time xD
Matthew James
Matthew James - 7 years ago
I feel bad for the Megamouth shark
Gavin and Jack Tucker
Gavin and Jack Tucker - 7 years ago
Matthew James WHY
Christopher Caldera
Christopher Caldera - 7 years ago
I know all but 2
Keelen Hodges
Keelen Hodges - 7 years ago
I saw very single shark before
Chuột stremer Bin bin
Chuột stremer Bin bin - 7 years ago
Emily Cochran
Emily Cochran - 7 years ago
Also, in one of the pictures that you have of the frilled shark it has a photo shopped gold teeth then so you might want to check that out.
Emily Cochran
Emily Cochran - 7 years ago
@TheHub when you gave the pictures of the mega mouth shark, in the middle of you explaining the shark and showing all the pictures there’s a picture that shows a shark with its mouth open and you can see the structure inside of its mouth. And that is actually a basking shark and your information is incorrect so you might want to fix that in case a child is using that for his/her report.
J.K. Ros
J.K. Ros - 7 years ago
Velda Thomas
Velda Thomas - 7 years ago
I love to glide olong the sea bed if I was a shark
Layla Andrews
Layla Andrews - 7 years ago
Oh yah EEWW
Layla Andrews
Layla Andrews - 7 years ago
Life of Teens
Life of Teens - 7 years ago
The cookie cutter is also rare
lindsey grace
lindsey grace - 7 years ago
I knew all of these sharks lol
S Preston
S Preston - 7 years ago
green land shark is not slow they catch seals they are also called the corkscrew killer....check out these facts
Mike Messagie
Mike Messagie - 7 years ago
greenland shark duhh. its in GREENLAND, AND WE DONT LIVE IN GREENLAND
herobrine - 7 years ago
2:24 it looks basking shark(alien shark) from hungry shark world
Cameron Walters
Cameron Walters - 7 years ago
Cetorhinus maximus (Basking Shark) isn't exactly rare
TURTLE GAMING - 7 years ago
My dad has dived with a greenland shark
Dark knight
Dark knight - 7 years ago
oh come on ,you cannot be stupid enough to eat a greenland shark!!!! wtf is wrong with peoplee why do they eat anything??
Enrique Murillo
Enrique Murillo - 7 years ago
the megamoth shanrk is named for its huge mouth whem it opens looks like a big cave
MLG 360 NOSCOPE - 7 years ago
The real Greenland shark is as old as 512 years old
Diya's Life
Diya's Life - 7 years ago
how do sharks poop ???????????
Sturmtiger230 historian
Sturmtiger230 historian - 7 years ago
Baby shark a doot doot doot
Awesome Santos
Awesome Santos - 7 years ago
I call the pyjma shrk pajama shrk
marian tabing
marian tabing - 7 years ago
Juan Miguel Botoy
Juan Miguel Botoy - 7 years ago
I like megamouth shark and basking shark
Awesome Gamer 29
Awesome Gamer 29 - 7 years ago
I know basking sharks and the Greenland shark and goblin shark is real I saw a basking shark
Diamond Gamer
Diamond Gamer - 7 years ago
Sharks are rarely seen ever and beerly attack us
Lee Lai Kuan Lee
Lee Lai Kuan Lee - 7 years ago
I'm know megamouth
karen clark
karen clark - 7 years ago
I’m not scared of sharks. Also why do I know all these sharks?
sapphire ruby
sapphire ruby - 7 years ago
Basking sharks live near me
Sotiris Stamtsis
Sotiris Stamtsis - 7 years ago
My mum has seen a wobbegong
Thomas van Tuijl
Thomas van Tuijl - 7 years ago
Kayla J
Kayla J - 7 years ago
The Goblin sharks is so creepy......
Imelda Aroepa
Imelda Aroepa - 7 years ago
Isint a gaient frilled shark allen destroier of the worlds?
Snowy Secrets
Snowy Secrets - 7 years ago
Greenland Shark and Basking Shark is my fav.
Elain Ng
Elain Ng - 7 years ago
sheeper shark?
Leon Nims
Leon Nims - 7 years ago
Sharks wait till food float in the mouth in water and i do to...
Jack Slater
Jack Slater - 7 years ago
The rough shark looks like toothless from how to train a dragon
Oz TheWizard
Oz TheWizard - 7 years ago
Best shark video I've ever seen, and I've seen alot. Well done.
oliver millar
oliver millar - 7 years ago
Wobie gong sharks aren’t rare at all a see them all the time spearfishing in Sydney
Keita Lafleur élève
Keita Lafleur élève - 7 years ago
the Greenland shark hunts to
Evie Daemen
Evie Daemen - 7 years ago
No oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo b
rub3nski - 7 years ago
how can 400 years old fish can be a delicacy?
Shane Bray
Shane Bray - 7 years ago
I know Basking sharks are harmless and I'd know exactly what it was... But that is one of the scariest looking sharks lol. Second biggest fish in the ocean, fuck that
Shane Bray
Shane Bray - 7 years ago
Greenland shark would be scary too
Cora Bennit
Cora Bennit - 7 years ago
I have swam with a nursing shark before and a milk shark
Koko Mokoko
Koko Mokoko - 7 years ago
4:50 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
MechaSpaceGodzilla - 7 years ago
Basking sharks aren't rare at all stupid. -_-
Miss Anthropy
Miss Anthropy - 7 years ago
Greenland Shark is a hunter of seals do your home work before making vids
Ginny Ulland
Ginny Ulland - 7 years ago
Basking sharks are not a rare type of shark.
Shannon Scheppele
Shannon Scheppele - 7 years ago
Luiz Lang
Luiz Lang - 7 years ago
666 dislikes
Georgie Grant
Georgie Grant - 7 years ago
I have seen a wobe gong shark befor
Julie Kritz
Julie Kritz - 7 years ago
Luiza H. C. Braga
Luiza H. C. Braga - 7 years ago
I'm here, in the safety of my bed, and yet I feel shivers of fear of these giant sharks !!! I admire those who have the courage to dive beside them !!! OMG !!!
Io - 7 years ago
Makes me nervous the way she talks. slow down and don't be so hectic, for fuck sake.
ryan Browning
ryan Browning - 7 years ago
I'm scared of sharks and I watched the whole thing I'm inpressed
ryan Browning
ryan Browning - 7 years ago
I've Sean wabble gong shark before on the top surface before
ryan Browning
ryan Browning - 7 years ago
What the the goblin shark what that's weard
ryan Browning
ryan Browning - 7 years ago
Yes the basking that's the one I've Sean and heard of before
ryan Browning
ryan Browning - 7 years ago
I've never Sean most of these but I also never Sean the mega mouth
ryan Browning
ryan Browning - 7 years ago
Ya I've Sean and read a book about the big mouth shark
Sheena Lacsamana
Sheena Lacsamana - 7 years ago
A alien shark really , its called the basking shark
Gsvin Hall
Gsvin Hall - 7 years ago
Basking shark scare me
Athiane Gale Camuta
Athiane Gale Camuta - 7 years ago
I subscribe
bucket - 7 years ago
No Greenland sharks aren’t scavengers. Sable island has a large population of seals that are preyed on by Greenland sharks
Alex Breden Fitness
Alex Breden Fitness - 7 years ago
they forgot the rare Australian chainsaw shark
justin abo
justin abo - 7 years ago
wobbigong and goblin shark
tennessetortiose - 7 years ago
5:16 IT 2017
ARandomYoutuber - 7 years ago
the biggest mouth I ever seen is that girl in my school who shouts and gossips bout everything
light_gold xD
light_gold xD - 7 years ago
THE Greenland Shark has Rare Tooth
Ballbag Shmulla
Ballbag Shmulla - 7 years ago
Find rare sharks, and eat them smh
ToxicSkull - 7 years ago
0:22 megamouth shark
Thumbnail: basking shark
A looooot of sharks are rare
Margaret McNamara
Margaret McNamara - 7 years ago
your vids help me forget the hard times, #METOO
Haden Goforth
Haden Goforth - 7 years ago
Basking sharks is on of the most unique.
Kaylee Mcphillips
Kaylee Mcphillips - 7 years ago
lets get up to 5M likes
gdjgshfjuhbn4fvy7tbn ms,wlkeop;9tfg8vuh jdkseruvhdfuyr7bfhxdry763!@#$%^&*()
OnyxAnger - 7 years ago
violet2048 - 7 years ago
Sharks are terrifying to me, but yet I am fascinated.
earl collins
earl collins - 7 years ago
Basking shark
mr potato
mr potato - 7 years ago
There's a shit ton of basking sharks in the england
Lily Owen
Lily Owen - 7 years ago
Basking sharks aren’t rare
BLACK SAMURAI - 7 years ago
Aaha bitch my penis is more long
Glassy the enforced mercerator
Glassy the enforced mercerator - 7 years ago
No sharks are nice
Glassy the enforced mercerator
Glassy the enforced mercerator - 7 years ago
Now he's just the cutest
Toa st
Toa st - 7 years ago
5:16 Pennywise
Mantis04 117
Mantis04 117 - 7 years ago
I caught a seven gill shark while I was fishing at Sydney
Mantis04 117
Mantis04 117 - 7 years ago
Well I I'm Australian and while I was fishing I saw a wobagong shark
Sten van Maanen
Sten van Maanen - 7 years ago
Greenland shark aint rare
BloxyJean - 7 years ago
99% Likes Hi's Own Comment, And 70% Of These Ones Are Kids
Magnus Sletnes
Magnus Sletnes - 7 years ago
Greenland shark is a type of sleeper shark
karate kid chris
karate kid chris - 7 years ago
do they still eat people
Tom Mccrory
Tom Mccrory - 7 years ago
basking sharks are not rare I've literally seen dozens of them in the Irish sea
Creeperstuff - 7 years ago
Joshua Unson
Joshua Unson - 7 years ago
Damn the goblin shark ugly ass
inferno 737 Friesen
inferno 737 Friesen - 7 years ago
Wobbegong shark
Dragon Survivor
Dragon Survivor - 7 years ago
Ive seen a dead mega shark in an aquarium with its mouth open
Cristy Cojas Gelviro
Cristy Cojas Gelviro - 7 years ago
I knew all of those shark and my fav was the goblin shark
Zezan Recract
Zezan Recract - 7 years ago
I subscribed
TheRichest - 7 years ago
Enjoy "10 CRAZIEST Things SWALLOWED By A Shark!"
andrea julienne
andrea julienne - 7 years ago
ThePerceptiveGamer - 7 years ago
How about no
_Floofy Wolf fox_
_Floofy Wolf fox_ - 7 years ago
Shadow Master
Shadow Master - 7 years ago
TheRichest I hate you!
zowi ervas
zowi ervas - 7 years ago
TheRichest I
valentno RomeroChizzini
valentno RomeroChizzini - 7 years ago
james arterburn true, We should stop
valentno RomeroChizzini
valentno RomeroChizzini - 7 years ago
james arterburn What Does that even Mean?
valentno RomeroChizzini
valentno RomeroChizzini - 7 years ago
james arterburn my point is that it is really rare too see an verified channel only have 8 replies 4 likes (right now)
valentno RomeroChizzini
valentno RomeroChizzini - 7 years ago
james arterburn i know and also that comment its pretty much a little outdated cause it says 4 likes and 6 replies now 4 likes and 6 replies
valentno RomeroChizzini
valentno RomeroChizzini - 7 years ago
james arterburn ;)
valentno RomeroChizzini
valentno RomeroChizzini - 7 years ago
TheeRichest when a verifed channel only has 4 likes and 2 replies
E X T R E M E Q U A L I T Y - 7 years ago
TheRichest love it how no one answered you
yo boi Ethan lol
yo boi Ethan lol - 7 years ago
yo boi Ethan lol
yo boi Ethan lol - 7 years ago
Coka nut coka nut sharks in the water
Coka nut coka nut sharks in the water
yo boi Ethan lol
yo boi Ethan lol - 7 years ago
The striped cat shark
Polyurethane - 7 years ago
Kenny the shark.
Dan Miller
Dan Miller - 7 years ago
that greenland shark is cool! do you think that too?
YouTube CharlieBoy
YouTube CharlieBoy - 7 years ago
And also I’ve known what a basking shark was for ages now
Luis maria
Luis maria - 7 years ago
my favorite shark is MEGALODON IN BASKING SHARK
Centurion Boi
Centurion Boi - 7 years ago
The goblin shark is like a xenomorph
Brandon Rist
Brandon Rist - 7 years ago
Ahniallator CJC nightmare feul
VC Santos
VC Santos - 7 years ago
Ahniallator CJC Looks more like Pennywise with its mouth...
DrForester54 - 7 years ago
Ugh...I love studying sharks but I can't stand this girl's voice.  She doesn't enunciate and she mispronounces words.  For example, it is pronounced "eaten" not "eaen".  That combined with her tendency to use an upward inflection at the end of most sentences just makes it unbearable.  It's like hearing a scientific lecture from a valley girl.  The video is pretty good if you mute it.
Tylosaurus Fan
Tylosaurus Fan - 7 years ago
Sharks are cool creatures. And there's a tiny chance of ANY shark killing you.
Derp Lemonie
Derp Lemonie - 7 years ago
3:51 are they friendly
Don JuanManuel
Don JuanManuel - 7 years ago
Sleeper Sharks (Greenland shark) actually hunt giant squids
That Guy
That Guy - 7 years ago
I have seen a Wobigong shark. I live in Ballarat, Vic, Australia........
Emanuel Desperados
Emanuel Desperados - 7 years ago
The greenland shark is not rare, its probably the biggest shark breed that exsists, but they live at great different depths and little research has been done on them as they are not fished by more than a few people on greenland, iceland and faraoe islands...
rgerber - 7 years ago
goblin shark looks like the mouth of the alien... that movement omg
Ravenclaw Girl
Ravenclaw Girl - 7 years ago
Luiz Lang
Luiz Lang - 7 years ago
Kuughaan Sahadevan
Kuughaan Sahadevan - 7 years ago
Penny wise
Kill Yourself
Kill Yourself - 7 years ago
Errrr....Greenland sharks regular lifespan is 400 yrs and can go to 700 years old soooo yeaaa
Catutudegirl 45
Catutudegirl 45 - 7 years ago
I see basking sharks all the time in my waters when I go swimming they are so pretty and fascinating I love swimming Sid by side with them
Clara cc
Clara cc - 7 years ago
Basking sharks r in Ireland and I saw one in Rossnowlagh county donegal ( I'm from Ireland)
Treekodile Reece
Treekodile Reece - 7 years ago
Um my cousin sees basking sharks nearly everyday since he is a fisherman in Ireland basking sharks aren't hidden....
ismael perdomo
ismael perdomo - 7 years ago
Treekodile Reece endangered
Maria Aspettapesce
Maria Aspettapesce - 7 years ago
Jk 846
Maria Aspettapesce
Maria Aspettapesce - 7 years ago
wassup gaming
wassup gaming - 7 years ago
OMG y the heck did they say basking sharks are rare OMG were I live there's a lot of them like a lot rrrrrr also I'm mad that some sharks are endangerd extinct or critically endangerd ima marine biologist
Magister - 7 years ago
Ummmmm... Isn't that a Sleeper Shark? Isn't it not a Greenland Shark?
Gubby Honey
Gubby Honey - 7 years ago
Greenland sharks are not! scavengers THEY HAVE BEEN KNOWN TO SWOLLOW POLARBEARS TELL ME HOW DOES THAT MAKE THEM SCAVENGERS and the oldest one was a male 700yrsold
Mohammed Naheem
Mohammed Naheem - 7 years ago
i love your video you guys are amazing
kick_pro_youtube_ Pro
kick_pro_youtube_ Pro - 7 years ago
That with the bog muth has the name bridge on norwegian and it isnt rare to see it in norway
kick_pro_youtube_ Pro
kick_pro_youtube_ Pro - 7 years ago
And many of them like can go up to 400 years are also in norway
Kelvin Ng
Kelvin Ng - 7 years ago
Greenland shark is 21ft
Rene Elijah
Rene Elijah - 7 years ago
The Frilled shark looks like Alan,Deatroyer of worlds! (In the hungry shark evo)
louisesellick12 - 7 years ago
greenland i like it because it lives in green water.
Cameron Marsh
Cameron Marsh - 7 years ago
Greenland sharks have been found responsible for over 1000 seal deaths in Greenland and have are being a lot like great white sharks, there is a documentary about this
KGB Hershey
KGB Hershey - 7 years ago
Cameron Marsh Boohoo
alex gaming - z xtreme gamer scku
alex gaming - z xtreme gamer scku - 7 years ago
wobigong is in hungry shark world!!
play list add
play list add - 7 years ago
5:39 that was alan destroyer of world from hungry shark evolution not frilled shark ?
play list add
play list add - 7 years ago
0:28 basking shark the biggest mounth in the world
Dara Duggan
Dara Duggan - 7 years ago
Basking sharks never jump
Dara Duggan
Dara Duggan - 7 years ago
I always see basking sharks
Allan Yambot
Allan Yambot - 7 years ago
The freedle shark real name is alan destroyer of worlds
Wilda Lewander
Wilda Lewander - 7 years ago
In Sweden we have basking sharks, I'm scared of them. Idk why... Like, I know they eat plankton but still. Imagine just a BIG mouth coming for you!
Ryfighter 1
Ryfighter 1 - 7 years ago
The Greenland shark looks like stone.
Junie Lapus
Junie Lapus - 7 years ago
in the Philippines fisher men caught a megamouth shark
Jennifer Olaya
Jennifer Olaya - 7 years ago
i have heard of the Greenland shark from river monsters go watch it on animal planet
marie sasana
marie sasana - 7 years ago
Mega london = megalodon
Allen Ng
Allen Ng - 7 years ago
I did a animal research on the frilled shark at school lol
Mah name Is Jeff
Mah name Is Jeff - 7 years ago
Baby shark do do do do do
Ammar Akiti
Ammar Akiti - 7 years ago
I was at the beach i saw a great white shark i tolled the captain too kill him/her and they did kill it
Blu Diam0nd
Blu Diam0nd - 7 years ago
RobloxGamer3445 Akiti wow, Bro your really really retarded, He should of evacuated everyone not kill the damn thing, You realize your the cause of a death of something that could of been avoided, Dude, Get a fucking brain
Charmed P3
Charmed P3 - 7 years ago
Tomas Ramirez Fogg
Tomas Ramirez Fogg - 7 years ago

Billy Mccoll
Billy Mccoll - 7 years ago
Basket shack is in Scotland
Billy Mccoll
Billy Mccoll - 7 years ago
Lol I spelt it wrong
SPINASH VEGABLE - 7 years ago
How tf do you know what a pajama sharks breath smell like. 0_o
Kids Love My Candy
Kids Love My Candy - 7 years ago
'Most rare'
Pokélord - 7 years ago
"They just drift around hoping some food will go in their mouths. Honestly? Same." LITERALLY ME.
fuzionoverride 12345
fuzionoverride 12345 - 7 years ago
Maximilian Hunter what does legiteracy mean?
NJ Franklin
NJ Franklin - 7 years ago
Ravenclaw Girl
Ravenclaw Girl - 7 years ago
same tho
Mari S
Mari S - 7 years ago
Pokélord lmao me everyday
Brooklynn Roe
Brooklynn Roe - 7 years ago
Pokélord omg thst hilarious
Night Champion
Night Champion - 7 years ago
Pokélord When normal people eat: Uses fork and or spoon

When I eat: Breaths in food mmm good dinner!
Abc Crenshaw
Abc Crenshaw - 7 years ago
Lol me
Dear_deer-yt - 7 years ago
Same somtimes
Lol Bye
Lol Bye - 7 years ago
Pokélord when i read ur comment that part was playing
Foxy The Pirate Fox
Foxy The Pirate Fox - 7 years ago
Foxy The Pirate Fox
Foxy The Pirate Fox - 7 years ago
Celloxz - 7 years ago
true dat
Apollyon Sinclaire
Apollyon Sinclaire - 7 years ago
Pokélord djzydp
thao nguyen
thao nguyen - 7 years ago
Doki Doki Girls
Doki Doki Girls - 7 years ago
Like my dog
Mr_ WaffleCat
Mr_ WaffleCat - 7 years ago
Same here, saaaame heeere
Maximilian Hunter
Maximilian Hunter - 7 years ago
Cool creeper/tv/god Zavala
Cool creeper/tv/god Zavala - 7 years ago
The basking shark is so cool
RedViper - 7 years ago
Rev/ rajjen tv Zavala agree
Yui Komori
Yui Komori - 7 years ago
Damn the goblin shark is ugly and It looks just like the one off of Malibu beach
The_sneaky Ninja
The_sneaky Ninja - 7 years ago
0:29 What that mouth do?!
action and fun
action and fun - 7 years ago
President meow meows the 3
President meow meows the 3 - 7 years ago
My favorite shark is the dog fish
It's so cute
Sedatehawk 40504
Sedatehawk 40504 - 7 years ago
Kate McPhee
Kate McPhee - 7 years ago
The angular rough shark is my favorite, though I also adore the Greenland shark
Ethan Tice
Ethan Tice - 7 years ago
Rarest, not most rare
Paul Shockley
Paul Shockley - 7 years ago
Basking shark isn't that rare tho lol I'm only 22 yet I've seen at least 3 when deep sea diving
TheEnchantedDimandSword1987 - 7 years ago
Most of these are not in Hungry Shark evolution or world
Gamer lotte natalina Girl
Gamer lotte natalina Girl - 7 years ago
Venus - 7 years ago
Roses are red
That may be true
Violets are VIOLET
Not Blue
mans not hot mans fucking boiling
mans not hot mans fucking boiling - 7 years ago
i live in uk near the coast and when i went kayaking i saw a basking shark in the water
Derpy Chicken
Derpy Chicken - 7 years ago
Doesn't the Greenland eat polar bears I thought it was a APex hunter cuz it can eat pretty much any animal from the aetic ocean
SuperSadSometimes - 7 years ago
She needs to work on her speaking. Her sentences kind of drift of at the end.
Homie ilouminarti
Homie ilouminarti - 7 years ago
My Local their every where their
Homie ilouminarti
Homie ilouminarti - 7 years ago
Wobegons are ezy to find
Stardust The Arctic Wolf
Stardust The Arctic Wolf - 7 years ago
There all cute!!
Henani Herrera
Henani Herrera - 7 years ago
the frilled shark looks like alan from hungry shark evolution
Rockracer1288 - 7 years ago
That's basically him. But alien. Aand with poisoned spikes. And also mutant. Aaand can walk on land.... You get the idea.
Kaikai Liow
Kaikai Liow - 7 years ago
Henani Herrera I think Alan is modelled after the frilled shark
rammie manlolo
rammie manlolo - 7 years ago
5:18 oh mah goodness
rammie manlolo
rammie manlolo - 7 years ago
7:25 too
LiL Spice
LiL Spice - 7 years ago
2:06 its in hungry shark world I've heard about it
Peter Kay
Peter Kay - 7 years ago
Patrick Rainey
Patrick Rainey - 7 years ago
Her lisp is killing me
Ps4 & Xix_Sqwiz XIX
Ps4 & Xix_Sqwiz XIX - 7 years ago
omg i am not watching dis fuck that
iñigo Estrada
iñigo Estrada - 7 years ago
I mean shark sorry
NostalgiaGamer 7200
NostalgiaGamer 7200 - 7 years ago
7:29 - 7:32 dies from cuteness
biffer buffer
biffer buffer - 7 years ago
21 tons ? hahahahaha
Zachary Knott
Zachary Knott - 7 years ago
I was so glad that when you said poisonous it actually ended up being poisonous and not venomous. Though a venomous shark would be pretty cool...probably completely evolutionary unnecessary but still cool
lowell graves
lowell graves - 7 years ago
Man this whole channel sucks. I only had to watch 10 seconds of this vid but I've watched alltime10's before so I know what I'm talking about.
Shane Bray
Shane Bray - 7 years ago
Greenland sharks can swim faster than that..... they just dont often because of the cold water.... and they do hunt, they have a parasite on their eye that lures animals so they can strike
Shane Bray
Shane Bray - 7 years ago
Great white sharks dont eat 7 gilled sharks....... omg
Shane Bray
Shane Bray - 7 years ago
Basking sharks don't "enjoy" jumping out of the water, they arent mammals. They breach to help remove parasites that latch on to them due to their slow swim speed
Shane Bray
Shane Bray - 7 years ago
They rival great white sharks for length, not size
Shane Bray
Shane Bray - 7 years ago
This bitch talking isnt very smart lol.... get your facts right, cunt
Logan The potato
Logan The potato - 7 years ago
Lol in scotland basking sharks are like the only sharks we get, they arent even that rare
Carra Lesslie
Carra Lesslie - 7 years ago
Logan The potato I seen one in the river forth the other day haha
Yee - 7 years ago
I've seen the thumbnail in person in England it's a basking shark don't worry tho it has tiny teeth that can only chew mackerel & stuff...
jakob Sørbø lauritzen
jakob Sørbø lauritzen - 7 years ago
i have seen the basking shark
Squid THE KID - 7 years ago
Blu Diam0nd why do you doubt it
Blu Diam0nd
Blu Diam0nd - 7 years ago
jakob Sørbø lauritzen I doubt that
RossVlogs andmore
RossVlogs andmore - 7 years ago
the last one
Jillian LaMarsh
Jillian LaMarsh - 7 years ago
Megalodon shark

I Halwani
I Halwani - 7 years ago
CAT - 7 years ago
I think im the most rare Animal species since im sexually identified as a COD WWII
thegirl thefirefly
thegirl thefirefly - 7 years ago
I hope I don't get eaten bye them when I go swimming in the ocean
Tylosaurus Fan
Tylosaurus Fan - 7 years ago
snowflake thefirefly you know how unlikely it is for ANY shark to kill you?
rokombat roblox and mortal kombat only
rokombat roblox and mortal kombat only - 7 years ago
Pootis - Minecraft And More lol drink paint
M7MD BlastChard
M7MD BlastChard - 7 years ago
Supertoon Fun & Play Then you cant swim to pools,dont drink water,dront drink juice,dont drink things,dont eat fish,drink paint

Supertoon The Youtuber
Supertoon The Youtuber - 7 years ago
are you crazy?!?!?!? dont go to ocean cause its a sucide
Gopal Magar
Gopal Magar - 7 years ago
Gobble shark
atlantean 107
atlantean 107 - 7 years ago
If you call the shark in the thumb nail a mega mouth I might just kill myself
Drawing blobfishy!!!
Drawing blobfishy!!! - 7 years ago
I have a book about sharks from Discovery channel. I knew all these sharks already -_-
Minh Tu
Minh Tu - 7 years ago
who else noticed that it is a cropped basking shark head onto a shark
Lethal Gene
Lethal Gene - 7 years ago
3:55 i moved my cursor a lot till i figured out
Simonas Nauckūnas
Simonas Nauckūnas - 7 years ago
ii Synthic
ii Synthic - 7 years ago
776th I don't know what else to say
Sky Pan Gaming-and more
Sky Pan Gaming-and more - 7 years ago
thats not real fuck you
Jag battle Duty
Jag battle Duty - 7 years ago
I know to many of theses sharks I watch to much YouTube XD
Mr. Dragonite
Mr. Dragonite - 7 years ago
If they Existed I would say goodbye to the Ocean FOR EVER
Mr. Dragonite
Mr. Dragonite - 7 years ago
Don't Even SAY in this video About A Megalodon those FREAK ME OUT and if those were realy nope no more ocean for Me
Mr. Dragonite
Mr. Dragonite - 7 years ago
I swam with a mako
Ikki Igata
Ikki Igata - 7 years ago
I love sharks
1 like=one shark for me
Tianna Chye
Tianna Chye - 7 years ago
I accidentally swam with a great white shark while body boarding (I swam too far out, like very far) so that's fun
Vaimlune - 7 years ago
I love sharks! I wouldn't be afraid to dive with them. Unless they're starving, some of them are kind of like big puppy dogs. Hammerheads and frilled sharks are my favorite, they're so cute and unusual. And of course the Cretoxyrhina is really cool too.
Nathan Hong
Nathan Hong - 7 years ago
3:56 gotta love that cursor in the middle of the screen... xD and I didn't know basking sharks are that rare, ive seen them in aquariums...
Elisa de malgloir de la de la suprématie de Dieu
Elisa de malgloir de la de la suprématie de Dieu - 7 years ago
Faut leurs foutre la paix aux requins
Shaun Designs
Shaun Designs - 7 years ago
The megamouth shark seems chill af.
Teresito Abelido
Teresito Abelido - 7 years ago
Goblin Shark
Mujtaba AbdulRazaq
Mujtaba AbdulRazaq - 7 years ago
Every one is my favorite
Mujtaba AbdulRazaq
Mujtaba AbdulRazaq - 7 years ago
Cutie Pie18
Cutie Pie18 - 7 years ago
What classifies as a shark? Could anyone tell me? Thanks!
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 7 years ago
Toxic Shark, THE MOVIE!
Lily Huhn
Lily Huhn - 7 years ago
My favorite is the Pajama shark or all of them!!!!!!!
Garry Lamb
Garry Lamb - 7 years ago
The Greenland Shark was first on your list of sharks,well to let you know ALL YOUR INFORMATION EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT IT LIVES IN EXTREMELY COLD WATER AND HOW OLD IT CAN GET TO AND SIZE .JEREMY WADE IS A MARINE BIOLOGIST AND LOOKS INTO EVERY KIND OF SHARK ,FISH BASICALLY ANY KIND OF MARINE THING AT ALL,THE GREENLAND SHARK USED TO BE THOUGHT OF AS SLOW MOVING UNINTELLIGENT AND NOT VERY INTERESTING AT ALL,AFTER Mr Wade did his proper research into the Shark Just about all the previous thinking has been proved WRONG ,so before putting a video out about any kind of Shark , Animal, anything that lives on This Planet we all share, PLEASE CHECK YOUR RESEARCH AND COMMENTS BEFORE YOU PUT IT OUT ,THANK YOU.
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
Honestly sem
SAMUEL PEREZ - 7 years ago
robert lewis
robert lewis - 7 years ago
My favorite was the bull shark
Darryl Hernandez
Darryl Hernandez - 7 years ago
Does everyone think that the animals with the biggest mouths eat the smallest things
Aaron Mcnerney
Aaron Mcnerney - 7 years ago
Pyjama shark.
poke - 7 years ago
basking sharks aren't exactly the rarest. You can see them pretty much anywhere.
silkstars - 7 years ago
6:08 why does the frilled shark have an Alien mouth???
TheClassofLefkowitzChannel - 7 years ago
I saw a basking shark while whale watching it was quite big
Train Stopper 3000 turbo x
Train Stopper 3000 turbo x - 7 years ago
I lov sharks
Maan Elayda
Maan Elayda - 7 years ago
Why do rare fishes swim weird
Cobra Phobic
Cobra Phobic - 7 years ago
I shit myself pretty bad during this video ;-;
Lou Tenant
Lou Tenant - 7 years ago
Fish are friends.

Not food.
Lou Tenant
Lou Tenant - 7 years ago

SuperYoshi Gaming
SuperYoshi Gaming - 7 years ago
I knew all these sharks I saw a goblin shark and I swam with a basking shark
THE GOLD NINJA - 7 years ago
Hi I'm swimming with a shark
Delta_Does_Things - 7 years ago
Even though it wasn't on the list, my favorite shark is the angel shark because it looks cool. Before you ask me what it looks like, just look it up.
Eva Kibbie
Eva Kibbie - 7 years ago
love it
michelle di meo
michelle di meo - 7 years ago
I swam with all of those sharks
Jack Chen
Jack Chen - 7 years ago
RI y
gaming is my last name
gaming is my last name - 7 years ago
wow bascking shark cool
gaming is my last name
gaming is my last name - 7 years ago
wow bascking shark cool
Destructive-mania - 7 years ago
Megladon were up to 100 metres long
Destructive-mania - 7 years ago
A Greenland shark is blind you know and the rarest is a megladon cause it's extincted
PinoyAko - 7 years ago
So this means the great white shark is not rare (Nooooo)
LeoRaper - 7 years ago
I swam with a Greenland shark it was cold
Maria Mikhail
Maria Mikhail - 7 years ago
the most of the sharks is from a game called hungry shark world.
ultra 9918
ultra 9918 - 7 years ago
wow so cool
ROBLOX F3LIX - 7 years ago
Yo I swam with basking shark
April Yoon
April Yoon - 7 years ago
My friend swam with a great white
Valencia Begay
Valencia Begay - 7 years ago
wow I want to see one
Azrakie Adabie
Azrakie Adabie - 7 years ago
Its is basking not rare
Kieran Delaney
Kieran Delaney - 7 years ago
Kieran Delaney
Kieran Delaney - 7 years ago
who's in the dark on there bed with there feet Pippin out
Nicole Jo
Nicole Jo - 7 years ago
JENN MACC - 7 years ago
my dad did it to
Prince Johnson
Prince Johnson - 7 years ago
Mine's is the great white and the goblen shark
Rebecca Hilton
Rebecca Hilton - 7 years ago
Great video
the xenocat
the xenocat - 7 years ago
If you say megaladon I am going to find your studio and throw hammers at you like those turtles in mario
Vexus 123456789
Vexus 123456789 - 7 years ago
who came here cuz of Hungry Shark World ?
Nonce - 7 years ago
Vexus 123456789 Me!
Lefty the Bear
Lefty the Bear - 7 years ago
My favorite is the goblin shark
Jack Phillips
Jack Phillips - 7 years ago
I turned it off when the goblin shark came on because I was eating my breakfast
tri on
tri on - 7 years ago
Goblin shark was my favorite
Mirlinda Riz
Mirlinda Riz - 7 years ago
Me to
noob bloob
noob bloob - 7 years ago
i've seen all these sharks on hungry shark world...
Brian Plays Games
Brian Plays Games - 7 years ago
i love the bloop
Jade Pena
Jade Pena - 7 years ago
the shark is real
Alexander Pedin
Alexander Pedin - 7 years ago
For the picture of the mega mouth you also showed a picture of a basking shark
Tanks A Lot
Tanks A Lot - 7 years ago
7:16 The most terrifying combo of prey and predator you will ever see.
Toby Vlogs
Toby Vlogs - 7 years ago
sleep shark
Anabelle Mendoza
Anabelle Mendoza - 7 years ago
Basking Shark
James Stafford
James Stafford - 7 years ago
the thumbnail is photoshoped
ErrorSans - 7 years ago
The frilled shark in hungry shark evolution is alan the destroyer of worlds
Raymond Mathew Portez Tinio
Raymond Mathew Portez Tinio - 7 years ago
Bat Man
Bat Man - 7 years ago
Most rare is not a word
Video Bro
Video Bro - 7 years ago
No one has ever seen a megamouth shark cub btw a cub is a baby shark
Michael Scanlon
Michael Scanlon - 7 years ago
I have seen a basking shark
DaForerunner 33
DaForerunner 33 - 7 years ago
I'm a shark expert.
Tara Jovanovic
Tara Jovanovic - 7 years ago
Elisa Solis
Elisa Solis - 7 years ago
Blythe Dillenkoffer
Blythe Dillenkoffer - 7 years ago
I love the Greenland Shark. And wait and think could there be more unknown species maybe the future generations will find these
Charlie Kennedy
Charlie Kennedy - 7 years ago
The only sharks that I've seen in the wild was a hammerhead in Egypt and a black fin in Australia
Antuane Gutierrez
Antuane Gutierrez - 7 years ago
I've seen a goblin shark when I was about 4 or 3 and it saw me and almost bite me
Sophia Yurkiv
Sophia Yurkiv - 7 years ago
i knew Basking Sharks!
Josh Dracoian
Josh Dracoian - 7 years ago
I love sharkies.
Josh Dracoian
Josh Dracoian - 7 years ago
I love sharkies.
HumFeed Yellowish-Brown
HumFeed Yellowish-Brown - 7 years ago
The "most rare" shark species....

God help me
Yazzie 063
Yazzie 063 - 7 years ago
Did you know the frilled shark Swam with the dinosaurs????????????????????
DJ Macaire Borromeo
DJ Macaire Borromeo - 7 years ago
R.I.P Plankton from spongebob eaten by a shark!
BladePlays-Minecraft and more
BladePlays-Minecraft and more - 7 years ago
Wait do sharks have a penis
Evan Cha
Evan Cha - 7 years ago
Yes lol
TheDogeRealm - 7 years ago
Doge 1718: I bet we will have the smartest people in the world in 2017!

BladePlays-Minecraft and more
BladePlays-Minecraft and more - 7 years ago
If so where is it
JMAC MCMERMOD - 7 years ago
Cookie Swirl C
Timothy Daniel Bautista
Timothy Daniel Bautista - 7 years ago
they did not even show the ghost shark.
world of tanks blitz warrior my clan is op
world of tanks blitz warrior my clan is op - 7 years ago
Love them all!!
AnimeTrash - 7 years ago
2:24 that's a basking shark not a megamouth
The Flash
The Flash - 7 years ago
I wish the cookie cutter shark was on the video there very rare
John paolo Aspeli
John paolo Aspeli - 7 years ago
Shark boy
cassandra aguilar
cassandra aguilar - 7 years ago
The thumbtack was photo shop
Skyler'sAwesome BrotherNamedRamses
Skyler'sAwesome BrotherNamedRamses - 7 years ago
did I saw Alan destroyer of worlds?
Layla Driggers
Layla Driggers - 7 years ago
grat video
Braydon Palmer
Braydon Palmer - 7 years ago
Layla Driggers lern how to spell
Jordan Johnson
Jordan Johnson - 7 years ago
my favorite was the goblin shark
Anjum Shaikh
Anjum Shaikh - 7 years ago
basking shark
Ellen Z
Ellen Z - 7 years ago
ty speer
ty speer - 7 years ago
My favorite shark that you said was The mega mouth
Task Force Airsoft
Task Force Airsoft - 7 years ago
Who else read Sharkepedia when they were little
FreshSharkboy HD
FreshSharkboy HD - 7 years ago
Totally Not Volt I would die to save a shark
FreshSharkboy HD
FreshSharkboy HD - 7 years ago
VC Santos I would die to save a shark
FreshSharkboy HD
FreshSharkboy HD - 7 years ago
Task Force Airsoft sometimes but im already a shark expert
Jocelyn Pacheco
Jocelyn Pacheco - 7 years ago
adolf shitler
adolf shitler - 7 years ago
The Rake i kill rakes for fun, come at me fucking pussy, youre lucky i havent made your species extinct yet fight me 1v1
VC Santos
VC Santos - 7 years ago
Totally Not Volt I love sharks too. But I am more keen into the Megalodon
Totally Not Volt
Totally Not Volt - 7 years ago
Me. I’ve been fond of sharks since I picked up a book on sharks in kindergarten.
Greggory Lee
Greggory Lee - 7 years ago
The Rake Bitch please.
The Rake
The Rake - 7 years ago
Will Buck no one
Robert Buffett
Robert Buffett - 7 years ago
whooooooo lives in a pineapple hidden in the sea

Abigail Murphy
Abigail Murphy - 7 years ago
I've seen tons of basking sharks there not that rare where I live
Alex Cuevas
Alex Cuevas - 7 years ago
The first shark looks like a zombie
The Cat King Cat
The Cat King Cat - 7 years ago
if you saw titel that shark with big mouth thats a swedish shark
Hayden Fuhrman-Luck
Hayden Fuhrman-Luck - 7 years ago
Pyjama shark
Ivonne Reyes
Ivonne Reyes - 7 years ago
sharks are my favorite type of animals and the one that I most likely is the pijama shark looks pretty cool
Emil Copp
Emil Copp - 7 years ago
My favourite is the Greenland shark for its massive lifespan
Darkd3stroy3r 123
Darkd3stroy3r 123 - 7 years ago
OMG I thought this video was from the richest !!! Looooool
Alex gee72 72
Alex gee72 72 - 7 years ago
Skyrt Skyrt i did to
Susan Allen
Susan Allen - 7 years ago
LuukGerritsen Gaming
LuukGerritsen Gaming - 7 years ago
And the basking shark is in dutch reuzenhaai and its total 0% rare
ITZFox Playz
ITZFox Playz - 7 years ago
Andy Le
Andy Le - 7 years ago
the Greenland shark
Ådne Abs Åkerøy
Ådne Abs Åkerøy - 7 years ago
The Grenland shark lives in Norway B*ITCH! Get some facts before you make these videos!
slat seag
slat seag - 7 years ago
Ådne Abs Åkerøy this nigga censored a swear word on youtube.
Pam Rod
Pam Rod - 7 years ago
Ådne Abs Åkerøy As its name indicates, the Greenland shark is found around Greenland, but it also exists in other parts of the North Atlantic, such as near Iceland.
christie ann espino
christie ann espino - 7 years ago
goblin shark
CWY productions
CWY productions - 7 years ago
My dad has met a basking shark in the wild
THEGSQUAD _ - 7 years ago
Haven't watched it yet but sharks are my favourite animals and I'm guessing mega mouth is on here
Jeff Campanon
Jeff Campanon - 7 years ago
Noble Android Gaming
Noble Android Gaming - 7 years ago
Noble Android Gaming
Noble Android Gaming - 7 years ago
she sounds like she got braces whatever comes out of her mouth sounds like thhhhhssss
taotao18 - 7 years ago
At 6:47 the woman paused a little while trying to say something
Joanna Torsti
Joanna Torsti - 7 years ago
Joanna Torsti
Joanna Torsti - 7 years ago
why did i look this video wen on sceard of Sharks and i just live in
RSxJunior724 - 7 years ago
This was really cool :3
Chris 8 Plays the kaiju fan
Chris 8 Plays the kaiju fan - 7 years ago
#Theres Other Sharks that Wont Eat People XD They are so Cute and Normal like Fish
franco barajas
franco barajas - 7 years ago
So we just started off with a rare 400 old shark and how cool it is, to saying how we can eat it? Smh.
HizziH TorroT
HizziH TorroT - 7 years ago
The basking shark and the megamouth shark can give a huge SUCC

tion force.
mia reichard
mia reichard - 7 years ago
I seen a goggblen shark before
Norms A
Norms A - 7 years ago
Stitch - 7 years ago
u better not tell the megamouth shark ur secrets he has a "big mouth"................. I'll go home now
Josh S5
Josh S5 - 7 years ago
Nobody -_- good pun
Kiley Radcliff
Kiley Radcliff - 7 years ago
i have seen a megamouth shark and a basket case shark before​ in a VIDEO
eric jacobs
eric jacobs - 7 years ago
Scientists: Why do they jump out of the water?
Me: Befuckincause they can. This isn't rocket science people. Sometimes, the answer is just that friggin simple.
levi Ackerman
levi Ackerman - 7 years ago
did you the megalodon is the biggest shark bigger than a basking shark this shark go 100 size
HarveyThePotato - 7 years ago
I live where there are loads of basking sharks
Sam TheCoolDude
Sam TheCoolDude - 7 years ago
what about the whale shark
Kylie Roth
Kylie Roth - 7 years ago
I love sharks but for some reason every time I watch videos I get creeped out like they're gonna come through the screen and eat me
Susan Baker
Susan Baker - 7 years ago
8:36 it looks so happy but on the inside it's ready to kill everything in sight
Luke Byrne
Luke Byrne - 7 years ago
Grim Lock
Grim Lock - 7 years ago
lol megalondon use ve big as 2 whale sgark
Jasper de Jaager
Jasper de Jaager - 7 years ago
travel efficiency safe migesr seal visit successful silk whom association grave.
Johanna Botes
Johanna Botes - 7 years ago
The pajama shark
Lucca Bortoleto Ferreira de Oliveira
Lucca Bortoleto Ferreira de Oliveira - 7 years ago
The snake shark is my favourite.
Santiago Rivera
Santiago Rivera - 7 years ago
Basking sharks and whale sharks
Damien Sanchez
Damien Sanchez - 7 years ago
this video is so opinionated
Samuel Hernandez
Samuel Hernandez - 7 years ago
I once saw a bull shark!!! it was shocking to see
Violeth Vio
Violeth Vio - 7 years ago
Greenland Shark. I heard it from my school. btw im from Greenland ;p
Abc Crenshaw
Abc Crenshaw - 7 years ago
Violeth Vio i love Greenland sharks they are the best sharks ever
Mike Erickson
Mike Erickson - 7 years ago
Violeth Vio -- That's 1 massive shark.
Ac Arce
Ac Arce - 7 years ago
Lol you have internet in greenland or have you moved into canda or other countries if your in greenland you wont get internet there its because...

GD Xanz
GD Xanz - 7 years ago
Violeth Vio good luck looking out for one :0
Jihan Yesa
Jihan Yesa - 7 years ago
Violeth Vio is the shark big??!? LIKE MEGA LONDON?!?!?!
Cora Bennit
Cora Bennit - 7 years ago
Dwight Schrute go back to your moms basement
ryan Browning
ryan Browning - 7 years ago
Violeth Vio wow
Orppranator - 7 years ago
Violeth Vio did you know that the Greenland shark can live up to 400 years, and it’s theorized that it can live longer than 700?
zombie1047 - 7 years ago
Violeth Vio they aren't actually exclusive scavengers they do hunt seals
Dwight Schrute
Dwight Schrute - 7 years ago
Go back to your igloo
Jillian Malin
Jillian Malin - 7 years ago
Violeth Vio nioce I'm from home X3
Spotify user
Spotify user - 7 years ago
How's leathairixin doing?
Qwee1001 GD
Qwee1001 GD - 7 years ago
Violeth haha 26 pp place? xD
James Ferguson
James Ferguson - 7 years ago
my has seen one too because he's a diver
Adrian Lindqvist
Adrian Lindqvist - 7 years ago
3:54 like if you see it
Ralph US
Ralph US - 7 years ago
I liked the goblin shark I think it was cool
Hazel Rose Mendenilla
Hazel Rose Mendenilla - 7 years ago
frilled shark
Adrienne's Friend's Fun
Adrienne's Friend's Fun - 7 years ago
I like the goblin shark very much
Dylan Skr
Dylan Skr - 7 years ago
bro you can tell she has braces on
Jack L
Jack L - 7 years ago
i have literally seen a wobbegong shark on Moreton like 500 times
Shark Bite
Shark Bite - 7 years ago
Maybe megamouth isn't the rarest but it is very rare.
Shark Bite
Shark Bite - 7 years ago
Well I know for a fact the basking shark is not the rarest kind of shark
Sinara Rios
Sinara Rios - 7 years ago
for some reason I call the basking shark a potato shark I don't know why but I still call it a potato shark I geause it grew into me for some reason
Tisha Nundoo
Tisha Nundoo - 7 years ago
am i the who know all these shark while playing hungry shark world?
Tj McCabe
Tj McCabe - 7 years ago
I saw A basking shark because I recently went to Kos and I went on a boat and saw one
Bunnie Master
Bunnie Master - 7 years ago
Most of these are extinct now :/
MrMDAN47 - 7 years ago
gave a dislike for asking for a sub at the beginning of the video
Rifat Meer
Rifat Meer - 7 years ago
My favorite was the Basking shark
Rekkt - 7 years ago
The basking shark is cute the pyjama shark looks cuddly just imaging holding it while it's curled up and it so small itsssss soooooo cuteeeee
Joselito Leano
Joselito Leano - 7 years ago
mine is the megalodon even though it s not even there
saul romero
saul romero - 7 years ago
anyone else notice the mouse at 3:35
Alexander Elliott
Alexander Elliott - 7 years ago
Do you swear
Bruce Izadi
Bruce Izadi - 7 years ago
Greenland Shark is my favorite
C00L C0L4T3
C00L C0L4T3 - 7 years ago
190 sharks disliked this video.
RyanBossGamer 1
RyanBossGamer 1 - 7 years ago
Actually the basking shark is not rare because they are on the top of the ocean and you can see them + they are endangered
Thu Dung Vu
Thu Dung Vu - 7 years ago
milion years ago, there were sharks that had lower jaws shaped like a round saw
Mythguard Whatever else I'll try to do.
Mythguard Whatever else I'll try to do. - 7 years ago
Is the spear tooth shark the same as the glyphis shark?
Maddy Liddell
Maddy Liddell - 7 years ago
My fave shark had a big mouth
Snowy Kitten
Snowy Kitten - 7 years ago
I rode a shark but it was kinda domesticated not completly
Cindy Steibel
Cindy Steibel - 7 years ago
add the Pacific sleeper shark it is rare and huge
stop motion with abodi
stop motion with abodi - 7 years ago
hmm the most dengeros shark is megalodon
interstellar icewing
interstellar icewing - 7 years ago
Look, I already love carpet sharks, but that mouth... Is amazing!
JadeAngelGirl123 Dabom
JadeAngelGirl123 Dabom - 7 years ago
Basking Shark is my favorite
xXBurkeAGXx - 7 years ago
xXBurkeAGXx - 7 years ago
So much for the megladon being 20 feet.. or was it 40?
The Happy Man
The Happy Man - 7 years ago
Wow 2015 that wasn't very long ago

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