The Shark Tier List

Support me at to keep these videos coming! Special thanks to Swampy Songs for letting me use her cover of Sea Shanty 2! Thanks for watching, it's crazy to think I have more subs than some of my favorite youtubers already. Vlogs of Knowledge: Medicurio: Manitowoc Minute:

The Shark Tier List sentiment_very_dissatisfied 312

Shark videos 7 years ago 761,839 views

Support me at to keep these videos coming! Special thanks to Swampy Songs for letting me use her cover of Sea Shanty 2! Thanks for watching, it's crazy to think I have more subs than some of my favorite youtubers already. Vlogs of Knowledge: Medicurio: Manitowoc Minute:

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Most popular comments
for The Shark Tier List

Pie Guy4444
Pie Guy4444 - 7 years ago
goes on trending

sees shark

instant click

actually really enjoys video

ANIME SLAYER - 7 years ago
Pie Guy4444
Christopher Garcia
Christopher Garcia - 7 years ago
Pie Guy4444 me to.
Hi Pewdiepie
Hi Pewdiepie - 7 years ago
How about need of food
[Channel 47]
[Channel 47] - 7 years ago
Pie Guy4444 iiiirr
Lazertops 64
Lazertops 64 - 7 years ago
Where does the goblin shark build fit in??
Noname Bob
Noname Bob - 7 years ago
Haha great jab at the reddit biznitches at 5:54
Spudferd Powers
Spudferd Powers - 7 years ago
This is actually exactly what happened to me.
SmallDeadCow - 7 years ago
where do humans fit on the meta? I really want a video on humans, sincerely, a human main.
Greenland Shark
Greenland Shark - 7 years ago
As a Greenland Shark player myself, I have to add my two cents to this discussion. I feel that we belong in S Tier of sharks, for a few reasons. One, we are the apex predator of the Arctic circle. Polar bears, reindeer, and humans all are eaten by us at times. Second of all, we've specced out of high mobility for extreme metabolic stasis to survive the sparsity of the arctic ocean. Greenland shark tissue has a high concentration of trimethylamine N-oxide, making it a difficult meal for many humans but more impirtantly improving our bouyancy and counteracting the pressure of the deep sea. This makes us better adapted to find food at greater depths. Finally, we've specced into negligible senescence, and can live for more than 500 years, and do. Clearly something is going right for us.
Michael MAnville
Michael MAnville - 7 years ago
Then according to this scale the Killer Whale is SS Tier.
Killer Whales eat sharks.
Michael MAnville
Michael MAnville - 7 years ago
If I go to the ocean server I will chose to be a killer whale.
I'll hunt sharks!
Siren - 7 years ago
I love you for making history fun.
Shaun - 7 years ago
Bro u left out the sleeper shark.
TailsKagamine - 7 years ago
Hey hey what about the Goblin Shark build
Rocket Billy
Rocket Billy - 7 years ago
I knew megaladon was god tier

10. comment for The Shark Tier List

Harrison - 7 years ago
McThresher Shark: Ultimate: Deadtail
Andrew Miller
Andrew Miller - 7 years ago
Okay, the chip skylark song made me insta sub
Brennan Collins
Brennan Collins - 7 years ago
Thresher shark is main
Mauro Molinero
Mauro Molinero - 7 years ago
fucking lost my shit with the hammerhead eye width omfg.
Nick Luong
Nick Luong - 7 years ago
If this was actually a game though...
Solitaire - 7 years ago
I disagree with the Whale shark being in C teir, should at least be B tier or even A tier, they've mid maxed their size to the point that being passive has no ill effect, plus on rare occasions Whale sharks can pvp defensively. However the size also attracts smaller players since they want to use its size for cover against hardcore pvp players, so they have a constant supply of cleaners and occasionally food.
Planttation ,
Planttation , - 7 years ago
goblin shark? Seems op
gwahdesu - 7 years ago
waiting for that op orca build guide
Mr Splash
Mr Splash - 7 years ago
What about goblin, Greenland, and frill sharks
Default Camo
Default Camo - 7 years ago
Sleeper sharks on?

20. comment for The Shark Tier List

GusCraft460 - 7 years ago
What about rays?
Jesse Goodfellow
Jesse Goodfellow - 7 years ago
What about manta rays? they are technically sharks. I would think they are B tier.
Nathan Rojas-Fonseca
Nathan Rojas-Fonseca - 7 years ago
I wanna see a video about the frill shark
Leo the Grey
Leo the Grey - 7 years ago
Flash bang shark all the way.
DtoZ24 - 7 years ago
runescape music? subscribed
Dénes Tibor
Dénes Tibor - 7 years ago
Sawsharks just meme-ing
Brady - 7 years ago
you might want to put a warning out to those that try for S class's, humans dont like it when some might knock them off there top tier and if they look like they might lose just a fraction they will actively attempt to make you rage quit or build a Hard counter (the microbe and parasite player base have received the worst side of this)
GUNTED - 7 years ago
i love your kind of information sharing! great job!
warwolf 102
warwolf 102 - 7 years ago
What about Greenland sharks?
Dereskoni - 7 years ago
I've never seen a thresher shark in my whole life, that shark is fucking broken dude n3rf

30. comment for The Shark Tier List

Vincent Elmwood
Vincent Elmwood - 7 years ago
This is awesome and I wish this were for an actual game
Jacob Simpson
Jacob Simpson - 7 years ago
this needs to be an actual game
DragonBallZ 65
DragonBallZ 65 - 7 years ago
I agree with you Hammer Heads are OP but they shouldn't be in S+ they should be around A- tier.
Titus James
Titus James - 7 years ago
I own an s class shark that you didn't talk about in this video. Surprisingly he does not monopolize on marine based servers but has made it big as a hominid support class. His tail has no special abilities and his bite is farley week. He does have an exceptional smell and is soon going to aid me in the hunting of water centric avian players. He may just be server glitch as my sister classified him as a shark in the midst of a litter of puppies. However he has been trained to respond to the classification of shark and incites a similar amount of fear buff when at the coastline.
maxwell burroughs
maxwell burroughs - 7 years ago
Where my orcas at?
manynukes11 - 7 years ago
Sharks have been around for 420 million years, nice
dinosaurhead11 - 7 years ago
this is the most autistic shit ive ever seen and i love it
Nakool Maletira
Nakool Maletira - 7 years ago
This video makes me want to fight sharks 1v1.
Wolfman7870 - 7 years ago
I've seen this premise before but never done this well.
evilbunnysanta - 7 years ago
I had a shark in my fish tank that was def F tier. I got it and in like 2 days it got blown the fuck out by a gold fish.
spaCEJET4 - 7 years ago
please make a video on the god tier megalodon
DarkWorldOrder - 7 years ago
Best runescape channel by far
One Man Orgy
One Man Orgy - 7 years ago
fucking orca players griefing all the builds
Maggle Cole
Maggle Cole - 7 years ago
NinjaStingRay - 7 years ago
Ahh, Sea Shanty 2. Memories.
SpaceClaw - 7 years ago
So we're just not mentioning Rays ehh?
Not louis 4488
Not louis 4488 - 7 years ago
sees f-a tier
No hammerhead come on
sees great white on s tier
Not a big surprise but who outclassed it it’s basically the stron—
*hammerhead appears *
Runs out of room screaming
Anonymous Bacon
Anonymous Bacon - 7 years ago
That intro
SovietGhost 3
SovietGhost 3 - 7 years ago
Liked for Intro
Apexman 12
Apexman 12 - 7 years ago
I worship you.

50. comment for The Shark Tier List

Grace M
Grace M - 7 years ago
What tier are hagfish?
Iapetus McCool
Iapetus McCool - 7 years ago
lol at "the shark builds that know how sharks are meant to be played".
Check Norres
Check Norres - 7 years ago
Hammerheads are great. But can they beat a garchomp?
Pavel Velkovsky
Pavel Velkovsky - 7 years ago
What about Greenland Shark?
Joe Simoneau
Joe Simoneau - 7 years ago
Please make an strategy game

but ykno, not Spore.
Romuland Meier
Romuland Meier - 7 years ago
You forget to put the skates on your list.
Brian Wirachowsky
Brian Wirachowsky - 7 years ago
What's the beginning song??
Galimeer5 - 7 years ago
What about the goblin shark???
MirageOwl - 7 years ago
BTW I'm still waiting for that S-tier and best Mammal on the planet, Orca and other whale builds!! Please!
WatchOnReactionite - 7 years ago
What game is he talking about?
Noah Birthisel
Noah Birthisel - 7 years ago
There is a legendary build down their, waiting.
CrazyLogix - 7 years ago
I saw you mentioned the Megalodon. I know it's no longer playable in the current meta, but what did its insane stats look like, and what was the transition like from the Megalodon to current-meta sharks?
Francis Brown
Francis Brown - 7 years ago
What about 6 gill shark?!!
Brother Captain Fistus Maximus
Brother Captain Fistus Maximus - 7 years ago
Could you rate Chinese Giant Salamander? They seem pretty fun.
Aaron Schafer
Aaron Schafer - 7 years ago
Rec'd for the greatest bar graph in the history of bar graphs.
Julian Lak
Julian Lak - 7 years ago
Great whites OPee opeeeee. Swiggity swooty I'm coming for that seal booty
Kreeslak Tube
Kreeslak Tube - 7 years ago
I think this video could use an update to talk about the forgotten build Greenland sharks and its very its recently discovered metagame in the artic servers.
Arkadi - 7 years ago
Hi, can you explain more about god tier Megalodon? And actually god tiers in general. I'm planing to play as a different character when I'm done with this playthrough and I thought of actually going for god tiers now, preferably in avian or aquatic roots. Is there any god tiers now?
blank - 7 years ago
San Jose Sharks are SS tier
Filippo Sala
Filippo Sala - 7 years ago
Hugh - 7 years ago
Where's the sleeper shark though?
Phillip Marsh
Phillip Marsh - 7 years ago
You are the only person to have successfully managed to get me to subscribe with two videos. You made it interesting, appealed to my shark addiction, and even taught me a couple things. Congratulations!
Tacocat That
Tacocat That - 7 years ago
Best channel ever
Yo Moma
Yo Moma - 7 years ago
greenland shark????? Longest living animal in the world, 400 years even
Not a Can
Not a Can - 7 years ago
Bull shark players are dicks
Seth Carter
Seth Carter - 7 years ago
Where do Goblin Sharks fit on the Shark teir list?
VFS Broadcasting
VFS Broadcasting - 7 years ago
Hey dude love your videos any chance you could cover the Fungi Class?
VFS Broadcasting
VFS Broadcasting - 7 years ago
I love you
Hamish Woodland
Hamish Woodland - 7 years ago
Just found this and I love how much actual information you get in there. Was this inspired by Casually Explained or was this first?
Hamish Woodland
Hamish Woodland - 7 years ago
Oh, and in this video, what about wobbegongs?
TheLegendOf Arthur
TheLegendOf Arthur - 7 years ago
This channel is the best fucking discovery of my month so far. This stuff is EPIC! Please keep making it!
The_Drop Bear
The_Drop Bear - 7 years ago
I would say that basking and whale sharks should be higher, they may be unconventional builds, but these players know how to use them and dominate with them, you don't see any other shark players giving them any shit, they will just swallows their opponents
julegon2 - 7 years ago
Nerf the insects!!!!! They are OP. Come on venom, armor, numbers,etc...we human players often lose battles against them. Personally I was defeated twice by scorpions....not cool man. And don't even mention the ants, the only players that can steal food from humans right infront of their eyes and don't give a f@€k.
Rios45 - 7 years ago
I just found this channel I LOVE IT
LAMB SAUCE LOCATED - 7 years ago
Because of this channel now I wanna play old Runescape.
Jacob Turner
Jacob Turner - 7 years ago
Nice video. Have u ever heard of the Greenland Shark?
The Porcupine
The Porcupine - 7 years ago
You forgot the sleeper sharks. The Greenland shark etc.
EnergyBurst2 - 7 years ago
Im curious about where the Greenland shark falls on the tierlist.
DennyH.L - 7 years ago
Meta? Build? Wtf I’m so confused...somebody help, I came here to see someone’s opinion on sharks and their rating, and now I feel like I’m watching a video of shark equipment and builds...
Keynuff enuff
Keynuff enuff - 7 years ago
What about the Greenland shark??
Razor Volare
Razor Volare - 7 years ago
How to become Megalodon, Don of the Sharks?
Trill - 7 years ago
This is cool but he took the video game theme a bit too far
Lucas Power
Lucas Power - 7 years ago
That Runescape music
Dominic Montoya
Dominic Montoya - 7 years ago
So what about the supposed Nuclear War nerf patch the devs have tried passing?
Keanun Moskaluk
Keanun Moskaluk - 7 years ago
Know the scariest creature to fight right now in Game? Humans. But they’re too busy fighting each other. But if one has the firearm buff and is attacking you your fucked.
Keanun Moskaluk
Keanun Moskaluk - 7 years ago
Humans also got the gas and disease buff aswell. And they’re known to wipe out entire fucking clans. Like the dodo clan. They completely fucked the new update and can alter the entire game to how they please. And that adrenaline ability? Fucking OP.
Alejandro Fernandez
Alejandro Fernandez - 7 years ago
Can't wait for the dolphin and whales tierlist
Alejandro Fernandez
Alejandro Fernandez - 7 years ago
"Falchion Marth" me ded
TheNewBeans - 7 years ago
I’m surprised you didn’t mention goblin sharks. They’re definitely not a high meta build, but they have a couple of unique skills.
Grizzyak Wojtek
Grizzyak Wojtek - 7 years ago
plz do bears.i watched most of your vids today and bears are my main. i just dont know how to build them i need your help.
Grizzyak Wojtek
Grizzyak Wojtek - 7 years ago
one last thing i never wanted a YouTube video this bad to actually comment and ask.
Grizzyak Wojtek
Grizzyak Wojtek - 7 years ago
i mean look at my youtube name. grizzly plus Kodiak and the famous polish war bear do me this solid
stellvia hoenheim
stellvia hoenheim - 7 years ago
Sharks are racist man
Yui Funami
Yui Funami - 7 years ago
blue sharks are cool for their wolf packing

100. comment for The Shark Tier List

Edgar Chang
Edgar Chang - 7 years ago
/r/videos mods, lmaooooooo
Mr. Mister
Mr. Mister - 7 years ago
I think bloodsense is a a little op in my opinion that one they should have nerfed
Nirv - 7 years ago
Bullsharks should be S tier
Angler Fish Animations
Angler Fish Animations - 7 years ago
This channel makes me want an animal based MMO with lots of species, an open world, and many bioms like water, dessert, rainforest, ect. maybe you could put evolution points into different specs at the start of the game and depending on what you put in it would give you an animal associated with the family you chose, then you could level up specs you unlocked with the animal you chose (venom, stealth, armor, ect) by gaining XP.
Lui castillo
Lui castillo - 7 years ago
I'm so glad you used the Sea Shanty soundtrack. :D
Palace Of Decay
Palace Of Decay - 7 years ago
but... no goblin shark. :(
Tony Davis
Tony Davis - 7 years ago
Liked automatically for the shiny teeth song
XxXnscopeXxX [GD]
XxXnscopeXxX [GD] - 7 years ago
Gage Overstreet
Gage Overstreet - 7 years ago
Sea shanty II!
ian laedtke
ian laedtke - 7 years ago
I just discovered your channel. It is absolutely amazing.
Crystal Pearl
Crystal Pearl - 7 years ago
Cookie cutter main here.
It is a pretty funny and great class in my opnion.
ssr pitdyke
ssr pitdyke - 7 years ago
Jurassic Monk
Jurassic Monk - 7 years ago
Wait wasn’t that song at start of video my shiny Teeth and me from fairy odd parents
REDGT10 - 7 years ago
Thresher shark: Hold there headshot.
naphackDT - 7 years ago
like shootin' fish in a barrel.
Wrath642 - 7 years ago
Fucking sea shanty
Christopher Roscoe
Christopher Roscoe - 7 years ago
Not all sharks need to swim to continue breathing
Sir Bomb
Sir Bomb - 7 years ago
I can't focus on a word you're saying, all I can hear is Sea Shanty 2.
enCODed3 - 7 years ago
Should go to DEPTH and inform them they have the wrong abilities set
Gray Blackhelm
Gray Blackhelm - 7 years ago
I’d like to add that lone sharks are often slain by groups of dolphins. Sharks generally stay away from them.

EDIT: Somehow misspelled “Lone” as “Lime”.
Dakta - 7 years ago
Do the mantis shrimp !
Dakta - 7 years ago
KumaDeeOniOni - 7 years ago
That McCree "HOLD UP NOW" got me laughing good
Joseph Borrero
Joseph Borrero - 7 years ago
My tag is SHARK and I'm Incredibly happy that my friend showed me the light
addison hull
addison hull - 7 years ago
Did you say he megalodon is still around?
addison hull
addison hull - 7 years ago
Matt Matt
Matt Matt - 7 years ago
You should do whales
Kelly O'Hara
Kelly O'Hara - 7 years ago
This game would a culturally be really fun
The Shado ninja
The Shado ninja - 7 years ago
the C TIER are whales!
Tod Moon
Tod Moon - 7 years ago
Ok, I’m about 4 months late to this party, but I believe you forgot the ray subclass, who is technically apart of the shark guild, but is wrongfully classified as a bottom feeder or a generally bad class to play as. There are such mains as the giant stingray, the manta Ray, and several others that are probably just as good
LuraxThunder - 7 years ago
Why didn't you talk about the megalodon class? Most people say they aren't played anymore but there are still players reporting seeing one or it's remains. If they're still around wouldn't it push every other shark class down a tier since nothing can rival it, going by what we know about it. According to legends, the Megalodon is absolutely HUGE! Giving it the highest possible armor and health in the game. And with size come strength. It's bite force could put that of a bull shark player to shame. It's said that they still roam the deepest water servers, hunting.
okdghd - 7 years ago
its completely out of meta
Alexander Dragonfang
Alexander Dragonfang - 7 years ago

Already an edgelord player class i see.
Andrey Chaves León
Andrey Chaves León - 7 years ago
Hammerheads are S tier? what a nice surprise, whe have a lot of them in the central american servers
PyroSteve - 7 years ago
Ever since I was 6 people made fun of me for having the Hammerhead be one of my favorite animals/favorite shark, so now I can show them this. You're an awesome person!
Mr. Mango
Mr. Mango - 7 years ago
Bro, this style of video is so entertaining and awesome! You've made me enjoy an otherwise stale and expansive topic by explaining it in a way that is both fresh and relevant. Major props to you!
BrownieKuma72 - 7 years ago
Hey! You leave us Saw Shark mains alone!
Ayko Bogaerts
Ayko Bogaerts - 7 years ago
If prehistoric sharks dont count then bull shark strongest but otherwise say Hello to megalodon Has strongest bit force of All 18 tons
cunning wolf
cunning wolf - 7 years ago
sleepier sharks!
lefr33man - 7 years ago
remember the megalodon build ? those were the days.
Jovic Beltran
Jovic Beltran - 7 years ago
"swimming doom machine" yup i am definitely calling my goldfish that
Jeanpaul Martini
Jeanpaul Martini - 7 years ago
Gummy sharks are definitely F-tier.
Karma Vids
Karma Vids - 7 years ago
Tanguy Peuch
Tanguy Peuch - 7 years ago
Très bon chaine
Mole Dune
Mole Dune - 7 years ago
Gummy shark in f tier
Allone Shadow
Allone Shadow - 7 years ago
But wait you forgot the “grander” mako secret subclass only acquired after making super late game with the mako shark allowing for a massive rework making it equal to almost the great white if not better in late game making it more than a match for its own brethren while uncommon to the point of almost nonexistent existence but a drawback of the “grander” subclass is you are kicked from the shark guild and are allowed to cannibalize for greater exp than a normal kill
Bob the Divine Ruler of the Universe
Bob the Divine Ruler of the Universe - 7 years ago
What are the stats for Megalodon
Htat AungLwin
Htat AungLwin - 7 years ago
Wait, Mcshark(Mcree) is tier C.What about his High Noon. ;-)
Damien Sikh
Damien Sikh - 7 years ago
I feel like aliens are watching this and are really confused
Baconater - 7 years ago
Eye width is over 9000
kiler koala
kiler koala - 7 years ago
This is amazing
takeshii - 7 years ago
You forgot the major weakness of all sharks. Getting turned upside down.
Vincent Moore
Vincent Moore - 7 years ago
The whale shark isn't a shark, nor a whale. It's a fish.
Dan Alar
Dan Alar - 7 years ago
all sharks are fish : )
Dgrunkle Sam III
Dgrunkle Sam III - 7 years ago
A trait that you, and many others missed, is the Great White's inability to be taken into custody by humans. Time and Time again throughout history, the current methods humans use for holding sharks in aquariums, whether it be room sized rectangular prisms or monolith columns, the great white is unable to adapt to it's new location is is greatly dazed, running into rock faces and sand floors it would have no trouble avoiding in it's natural habitat. By this point, the shark is either released from captivity, or dies.
Dgrunkle Sam III
Dgrunkle Sam III - 7 years ago
I understand how many miss this, as this is something very few humans, great whites, and other species have witnessed, and the trait isn't listed in the great white build.
Jerrod Sergeant
Jerrod Sergeant - 7 years ago
Didn't expect you to basically open with a Melee joke. Well done, my good man.
Lilac DownDeep
Lilac DownDeep - 7 years ago
I believe you had missed the other special ability of the Hammerhead, which is GPS. This gives them awareness of where they are at any location whatsoever. I'd say that pushes them well over the other shark classes.
Arconus the Shark Lord
Arconus the Shark Lord - 7 years ago
Wait if the shark class they can regen Stam while swimming means they have infinite stamina
Zalman - 7 years ago
arent hammerheads p weak tho?
rekan måmossin
rekan måmossin - 7 years ago
I like THE runescape editing
Zora - 7 years ago
Glad my favorite build is good!
F S - 7 years ago
Where do the goblin sharks fall in the meta?
The7Purplekirbies - 7 years ago
I'm a fan of the Greenland shark build myself, I don't frequent the arctic server often but it really makes me laugh how such a slow moving dopey build can tackle top tier builds like the polar bear. and the Spiral bite is really cool conceptually even if it doesn't have the Raw DPS of other Bite styles.
The Illegal Seagulls
The Illegal Seagulls - 7 years ago
What about frilled sharks?
文力更 - 7 years ago
What are your thoughts on the Epaulette shark build?

Do you think the minor land-speed is worth teching into?
Anthony Zhang
Anthony Zhang - 7 years ago
I think a sleeper shark should go in F... I mean just check them up
Marcelo - 7 years ago
this channel is so underrated
nam8t hi
nam8t hi - 7 years ago
I want to see a dog build
Da Loopz
Da Loopz - 7 years ago
Megalodon is god tier
peter torres
peter torres - 7 years ago
God dammit...these videos are so convincing as gaming build videos
sunny side up
sunny side up - 7 years ago
me too thanks
peter - 7 years ago
peter torres ur almost as gay as me you hispanic white nigger
peter torres
peter torres - 7 years ago
Thanks man
peter - 7 years ago
peter torres shut up nigger
Jacob Hackman
Jacob Hackman - 7 years ago
Anyone else wanna see a video about deep sea servers?
Liam Black
Liam Black - 7 years ago
Jacob Hackman yep
Tobias Mortensen
Tobias Mortensen - 7 years ago
Can you please make a list about Bears???
Tobias Mortensen
Tobias Mortensen - 7 years ago
I came because of Sp4zie so and probably most others so at least mention him in the ending but great video tho :D
Thomas Ne
Thomas Ne - 7 years ago
Lantern Shark F tier.
Caroline Woud
Caroline Woud - 7 years ago
More then 420 mya?

Crooty - 7 years ago
Fuck yeah, Hammerhead mains represent!
PuddlesthePirate - 7 years ago
@TierZoo you should have an episode that focuses on "dlc" that adds either prehistoric animals, or adds something like the xenomorph. Or micro transactions add something like the mammoth to the elephants list.
Jeremy Jordan
Jeremy Jordan - 7 years ago
When I feel like fooling around in aquatic servers, I just really love playing Goblin sharks. Deepwater always has the best moments, and I love freaking out newer players.
JohnnyLikesToSurf - 7 years ago
Sleeper shark is missing T_T
Spearka - 7 years ago
still in existence
Pick One
Lostworld17 - 7 years ago
The phrasing was weird, but what he means is the Great White is the only creature in existence that rivals the Megalodon.
Ocean_rider50 - 7 years ago
Which is stronger,the humans(with access to mounts,upgrades etc) or the dinosaurs before the nerf?
Siberius Wolf
Siberius Wolf - 7 years ago
I need to hear more about why swordfish and marlin are so good..
Hage - 7 years ago
I'm a hammerhead main and I can confirm that I just set eye width to max and head thickness to min just to troll. 360 degree vision is just a convenient side effect.
DjangoSB - 7 years ago
Sea Shanty 2 mah nigga
cdog1990able - 7 years ago
Bull sharks are S tier for me
Kenneth Chalant
Kenneth Chalant - 7 years ago
What game is this talking about??
Joshua Kern
Joshua Kern - 7 years ago
Tier Zoo I love your channel and have now watched all your videos. I was wondering where you get your music from? I love your background music and would love to listen to some of those jazzy tunes while studying and stuff
BobitaetBecca - 7 years ago
But what about the amazing Epaulette sharks. I mean they have two very cool and different abilities that sets them apart from the other sharks, they could easly be in category B with the other weirdos ^^

BTW this channel is a gem :)
Luuk gmail
Luuk gmail - 7 years ago
Biology like this would be fk great
MasterMonkookoo - 7 years ago
Fucking love this
Tokzz Y
Tokzz Y - 7 years ago
You forgot goblin shark
TUTTI MAN - 7 years ago
This channel makes me want an accurate game where you can be any animal and have thw world as a map
DizzyGamer71 - 7 years ago
Dude, I always wanted a game like that. Nice to see others want the same
TUTTI MAN - 7 years ago
And i mean free world
TUTTI MAN - 7 years ago
Obviously there would have to be a limit on each animal but it should be easy to die so you can experience different animals
TUTTI MAN - 7 years ago
And all the other players are all the other animald
Dan Copsen
Dan Copsen - 7 years ago
So happy that this channel was in my recommendations today
FLUX ericjmash
FLUX ericjmash - 7 years ago
Me toooo, I had no idea that sharks were this high in the meta. I rated them bottom-teir for so long, glad this video was made, now I know.
Dan Clark
Dan Clark - 7 years ago
Goblin shark?
Matthew Cotton
Matthew Cotton - 7 years ago
lol thinking the lack of swim bladders is a con
GotPotatoes24 - 7 years ago
"Most feared ocean build"???

Uhm. Orcas.
alexander rigby
alexander rigby - 7 years ago
Your personal opinion are full of shit.
Lawd - 7 years ago
The Marth Falchion joke was fire
Zelop Nhoj
Zelop Nhoj - 7 years ago
I would die for an in-depth meta-analysis of the Megalodon build at its height.
Luke Kettle
Luke Kettle - 7 years ago
You forgot about the goblin shark!
Action Trophies
Action Trophies - 7 years ago
he puts alligator as the top bite force in his column graph when the top bite force in the world belongs to the salt water crocodile
Pierce Hakola
Pierce Hakola - 7 years ago
Please someone tell me what game this is for sharks are my favorite animals love to play this game please the name of the game
van driving monkey
van driving monkey - 7 years ago
i thought for sure that bull sharks are in s-tier
Kevin Poelman
Kevin Poelman - 7 years ago
How about a video on cuteness being an underrated part of the early game defense meta? Some players bases (pandas) even took into end game.
Ethan Rozsahegyi
Ethan Rozsahegyi - 7 years ago
What is the best gastropod build. Asking for a friend
Dijone Ghost
Dijone Ghost - 7 years ago
Awh what about killer whales? They are actually sharks that were called whale killers in Spanish then mistranslated in English.
Gareth Sanders
Gareth Sanders - 7 years ago
I love this channel, but Megaladons are extinct and have been for 28 million years or so due to a lack of prey. Big bodies are hard to maintain without big prey and that's about when animals started to get smaller.
Tenebris Fractum
Tenebris Fractum - 7 years ago
A shark with a whip...fifty sharks of grey sounds like a book the world deserves
Dylan Duggan
Dylan Duggan - 7 years ago
This idea is genius.
jl lj
jl lj - 7 years ago
Are clostridium botulinum viable they do after all have the most toxic substance in the game?
jl lj
jl lj - 7 years ago
Can you cover hagfishes? Also love your channel.
jl lj
jl lj - 7 years ago
P.s you also just got a subscriber.
BRODY REINERT - 7 years ago
What game is this lmao.
Super Banana
Super Banana - 7 years ago
Cem Dogan
Cem Dogan - 7 years ago
can you do a vid about sea mammals ?
SkAnD1NaV1An - 7 years ago
Some sharks are able to stay still and not suffocate, but nice video!
YoBadMama - 7 years ago
Really bummed out that you didn't mention the Whale Shark build. It's a good class for newbs to the aquatic servers, since they have the sense abilities of sharks which helps them detect hostile players while also having a more lenient play style, so newcomers won't have to worry about being on the offensive while also trying to get a grasp of the hard to master underwater controls.
YoBadMama - 7 years ago
Ah. So you did. My b.
TierZoo - 7 years ago
I did tho
Nabium - 7 years ago
I remember back in the days I used to see a lot of Megalodon players. But you just don't see them anymore.

I don't understand the necessity of constant updates removing older builds(and sometimes even a whole class). Like, who wouldn't want to play as a Megalodon, Moa or Mammoth?

Although there are some rumours they're going to bring some Mammoth characters back into the game.
Bulma Sexy
Bulma Sexy - 7 years ago
what game
Wise Albatross
Wise Albatross - 7 years ago
most feared ocean build, what about orcas
Mango Crave
Mango Crave - 7 years ago
After saw Overwatch references Subbed
Pablo Alejo
Pablo Alejo - 7 years ago
Solid snake would have a hard time with those hammerheads
Tengen Miyo
Tengen Miyo - 7 years ago
What about goblin shark what rank are they?
noodleboy - 7 years ago
Ectothermic and endothermic, not cold-blooded and warm-blooded. GOD DAMN.
Sulfur Carbide
Sulfur Carbide - 7 years ago
A wobbygong isn't F-Tier?
Hercule Pyro
Hercule Pyro - 7 years ago
This makes me want to play depth.
things of other things
things of other things - 7 years ago
Saw Sharks are Morde players
Cham's Legend
Cham's Legend - 7 years ago
This is like... One the most genuinely creatives channels i've ever seen with such a weird mixture of metagaming and... Of all the things, the animal world?
This is so amazing.
Tyler Adams
Tyler Adams - 7 years ago
I wanna know where the megalodon ranks
Plebus plebus plebosaurus
Plebus plebus plebosaurus - 7 years ago
tiger shark> hammerhead because it has no predators
Beast From The Weast
Beast From The Weast - 7 years ago
The bar graphs are what give me a reason to live now. Bless you're soul kind sir.
not your wolf
not your wolf - 7 years ago
Im sorry but I thought sharks where smarter but I no I'm wrong I now have to check the dog tier so so how smart wolfs are
not your wolf
not your wolf - 7 years ago
Have you made a video on them?or do I need to googel it?
The Almighty Commentator
The Almighty Commentator - 7 years ago
Jaws shark: 30ft
Megalodon: Pfft.
beau poopoo
beau poopoo - 7 years ago
Lmao saw fish are torb mains
Pijetlo91 - 7 years ago
I love the sound effects so much xD
Santiago Castillo
Santiago Castillo - 7 years ago
I used to play a lot of Mako sharks but it is getting a little boring, might change to Bulls or Hammers
AterLupus - 7 years ago
What about the goblin sharks though? Freaky deep sea sharks.
Apex bedsheet
Apex bedsheet - 7 years ago
What game is this? Sounds fun!!!
Nar3s - 7 years ago
whale tier list?
Actual DatBoi
Actual DatBoi - 7 years ago
i feel the seal players are having it rough. they dont have a lot of counter play...
neyan - 7 years ago
you know when you watch a video by a channel you’ve never heard of before you know immediately 2 minutes in that you want to subscribe?? that’s some tight shit bro
dwa - 7 years ago
How do I restart my game?
raitoiro - 7 years ago
Aren't the Scyliorhinidae F tier ? They seem to be realy weak even more for a shark.
Asparagus - 7 years ago
Thrasher shark looks fun I might try that next play through idk tho because walruses are pretty overpowered
Bass Fight
Bass Fight - 7 years ago
Shiny teeth - > instant like.
sonnyboy8 - 7 years ago
Bacteria, viruses, Bacteriophages. Specifically bacteriophages please. Bacteriophages are internesting and have a unique "life", the jury is still out on that one.
J V I A M J - 7 years ago
Tell me, who the devs to complain at
King Cakes
King Cakes - 7 years ago
Saw a hammerhead yesterday
King Cakes
King Cakes - 7 years ago
I’d argue that sharks are A tier. They have no natural predators besides humans which are S tier and best build in the game. Maybe 200k years ago S tier.
Jon- E
Jon- E - 7 years ago
Thrasher shark is overpowered, it has a huge stunlock AOE and a instakill right click mechanic. I wish the devs would nerf it's damage
Haseeb Raza
Haseeb Raza - 7 years ago
Love the runescape music haha
Nufirdy - 7 years ago
I think you got a mistke with a bite force diagram. There're some Testudines with far greater bite force than any other class there is
ItzJogi - 7 years ago
What anout killer whale
Ein Walroß
Ein Walroß - 7 years ago
Still waiting for the reef shark update.
The Turtle
The Turtle - 7 years ago
God tier list (all organisms)
raptormage - 7 years ago
sadly god kicked megalodon out of the game because it was too op , thats bullshit i wanted to play as a 60 feet shark
Jack Cahill
Jack Cahill - 7 years ago
Of course Falchion is the sharpest, it was made with a dragon fang!
Professor Dumfuk
Professor Dumfuk - 7 years ago
But what about the Frilled Shark?
Isaiah Freedman
Isaiah Freedman - 7 years ago
Animals, gaming, and RuneScape music? What more could you ask for?
David Gun
David Gun - 7 years ago
This channel is amazing XD
Nativestar11 -
Nativestar11 - - 7 years ago
Aww, I was really hoping to see the Greenland Shark in this. They are my favourite and I reckon the most interesting of the sharks. Honestly I just feel like there were too many awesome sharks that didn't make it to this video. Still awesome though.
testwordz - 7 years ago
what about those weird sharkbuilds that live deep in the ocean outside iceland? those fuckers lose their eyevision, are slow as fuck, end up poisonous, but they live forever and grow huge. thats an honorable mention as an interesting novelty build for players who are bored with the typical playstyles and want to play a useless but viable build where you do nothing but you also dont die.
A fool with a screwdriver
A fool with a screwdriver - 7 years ago
That Ice Climbers joke got me
Blitz_ With_Spartan617
Blitz_ With_Spartan617 - 7 years ago
So sharks are basically Russian mediums and heavies?
BigEvilShark - 7 years ago
I love these Melee references!
Jeff - 7 years ago
But what about Orcas those are the best ocean build no doubt
heartlessmushroom - 7 years ago
It is quite sad that Great White mains have such a bad rep among Human players. Despite their ferocity, they rarely gank Humans, prefering Seal players most of the times
Cristian Aranda
Cristian Aranda - 7 years ago
dude i love your videos, and this one in special. But i wanted to ask you, where in the tier is the sleeper Shark? . it's a pretty extrange, long farming build, but pretty awesome
Jack Hellier
Jack Hellier - 7 years ago
You are second only to Sir David Attenborough. (Steve Irwin comes in at third)
Jack Hellier
Jack Hellier - 7 years ago
fair enough
Secret Shopper
Secret Shopper - 7 years ago
Steve irwin underestimated the sting rays flail attack
GoldStorm07 - 7 years ago
Jack Hellier Really comparing apples and oranges with Steve and David. Steve is physically a part of everything he does, David is a voice that informs and educates.
Rainbow Egg
Rainbow Egg - 7 years ago
woo someone gives some love to the hammerheads C:
The Enlight
The Enlight - 7 years ago
Sharks are garbage tier. Any good killer whale main can absolutely destroy a great white player. Sharks have many many weaknesses. One of which is tonic immobility. If a shark is flipped upside down, it is unable to move, essentially making it a sitting duck. Us killer whale mains laugh at you shark noobs. The intelligence of a killer whale combined with its size is a deadly combination for subduing even the Great White shark.
Eamon Ahern
Eamon Ahern - 7 years ago
That's a surprising one for the top tier
KSIPGAMER - 7 years ago
What about the Goblin SHark???
Ornen 127
Ornen 127 - 7 years ago
Hammerhead sharks are op with their move "hammer".
Just ridiculously overpowered damage against nails and thumbs.

Dr Reddit & Mr 9Gag
Dr Reddit & Mr 9Gag - 7 years ago
I like the meme build
Rinco Gamer
Rinco Gamer - 7 years ago
Where's Goblin Shark?
Sir Lazuraz
Sir Lazuraz - 7 years ago
What about goblin sharks?
BillyClutch - 7 years ago
Sir Lazuraz too many sharks
DTCarnage - 7 years ago
Hands down one of the best things I've experienced in a long time. Love this channel LMAO
Professor Logan Berry
Professor Logan Berry - 7 years ago
I'm surprised this video didn't include the greenland shark, they're pretty wellknown for their possibility for high play-time.
Just A Bird
Just A Bird - 7 years ago
Ovni - 7 years ago
I would like to mention that while Sharks may be missing Gill Flaps, most can regenerate stamina while resting with Buccal Pumping. Only the Mako guild lacks this ability and must remain in motion for stamina regeneration.
Micko Dooko
Micko Dooko - 7 years ago
Humans are destroying them in the meta. Nobody even plays as the sharks anymore.
Joseph Willis
Joseph Willis - 7 years ago
What about sleeper sharks
Jasper Frank
Jasper Frank - 7 years ago
Esarty - 7 years ago
I see we aren't using the banned glass shark build. Fair move.
Dreadnaught VCN
Dreadnaught VCN - 7 years ago
Great white shark players have more points into intelligence than you think. Some of the best Great White players even have the tool use perk.
John Helmes
John Helmes - 7 years ago
The president build.
Dr T
Dr T - 7 years ago
I respect the Runescape references
UpCDownC LeftCRightC
UpCDownC LeftCRightC - 7 years ago
Great Whites Fear Orca builds.
Nep-Nep - 7 years ago
I see what you did there
I see what you did there - 7 years ago
And you forget about sleeper shark , Greenland shark , goblin shark and the ugly ass eel (I mean frilled shark)

Edit : apparently after some research I found that sleeper shark and Greenland shark is in C because they can grow huge AF but they are scavengers and goblin shark can get to A or B easily because goblin can grab prey faster and easily
Jec - 7 years ago
Where is my boy the Hammerhead? Solid cheese class imo, a bit higher ranked than the saw pleb :P

Oh of course it was the last hekking one he mentions of course it is grumpy but also happy
lachlan edgecombe
lachlan edgecombe - 7 years ago
In bottom tier could be port Jackson shark
domeskeetz - 7 years ago
whats the name on the song
Metamonkey - 7 years ago
The graphics look much better now
ninja man thing
ninja man thing - 7 years ago
why is the E missing?
kevin johnson
kevin johnson - 7 years ago
Swiggity Swooty.
Lucoa - 7 years ago
So if we assume that sharpness = how much damage can be dealt, does that mean Roy's Binding Blade is sharper than a tiger shark's tooth since it has 18 might while Marth's Falchion only has 12?
American History 101
American History 101 - 7 years ago
The ultimate shark main is the pencil shark obviously
Sherwin Vincent
Sherwin Vincent - 7 years ago
Can you do an Ultimate Ocean Tier List??
goldythefish36 - 7 years ago
american cheese
american cheese - 7 years ago
mittens vonsweets
mittens vonsweets - 7 years ago
I'm guessing the reason no one plays megaladon anymore is because everything was too easy and no longer fun?
antromy - 7 years ago
Sharks use livers full of oil to control buoyancy instead of air bladders.
William Connolly
William Connolly - 7 years ago
Wikipedia research , megalodons? Hmm try hardet
Aedan Lynch
Aedan Lynch - 7 years ago
But what about the sleeper shark?
09Drdray - 7 years ago
Do doggo tier list
neonavaro25 - 7 years ago
This is my second video of yours. Your content is so damn meta. I love it.
Joseph L. Broseph
Joseph L. Broseph - 7 years ago
As a hammerhead main, I approve this
Star Guardian Army
Star Guardian Army - 7 years ago
Chip skylark perfect singer for the shark
Zman 12
Zman 12 - 7 years ago
What game is he talking about
Saphirx Exodus
Saphirx Exodus - 7 years ago
This dude is breaking the fourth wall in life and hes blowing my mind
Dan Hyde
Dan Hyde - 7 years ago
Do a video where it’s region based. An amazon river video would be cool. Comparing vampire fish arapaima piranha pink dolphins etc.
Jetfire - 7 years ago
kshitij mehta
kshitij mehta - 7 years ago
I'm happy that all megalodon players are banned. They were too OP.
Plasma Core
Plasma Core - 7 years ago
You forgot about the sleeper shark, not much is known about them but hey have slow speed and I think bad attack but make up for it with great ambush (and cold resistance if the player is a Greenland sleeper shark I think)
Thou motherly companion ist homosexual
Thou motherly companion ist homosexual - 7 years ago
can we get a top tier list?
joey obyrne
joey obyrne - 7 years ago
So the meteorite was just a mass game patch?
Pride - 7 years ago
Bro thank you for not making the comments an argument of what is the best tier, and taking this in such a friendly manner :). Also making this like a game lol.
Elijah Andrews
Elijah Andrews - 7 years ago
I’m pretty sure crocodilians perfected the bite move first...... think about it
Jacob Franklin
Jacob Franklin - 7 years ago
I wanna hate this channel, but hey it teaches people something they probably wouldn’t look up on their own. Good job. Subscribed
AlPHA - 7 years ago
Saw sharks are really good if played right though
ThePartarar - 7 years ago
Never realized how op hammerheads were, maybe I’ll try that build next
cojax the large memedron collider
cojax the large memedron collider - 7 years ago
what about the greenland sharks?
xX_JuicyEmo_Xx - 7 years ago
I’m a long time player and love the game but why did the devs get rid of the leg ability for sharks? The ability to walk on land didn’t ruin the food chain or the meta it just gave the shark players a backup food source and way to level up to higher ranks
theultimatemadman - 7 years ago
This is a very creative take on Earth and it's creatures.
yoimosan - 7 years ago
This theme is joke but it actually puts advanced evolution into a more relatable context and honestly i'm just in awe of our planet my dudes. 4:20
Nigel Quinanola
Nigel Quinanola - 7 years ago
Do some vids on how to counter certain builds.
Lauren Wainwright
Lauren Wainwright - 7 years ago
No six gill, cat shark or sleeper shark?
Casual - 7 years ago
Whoa whoa whoa the hammerhead over the bull shark? Nah bro.
SonicCam04 - 7 years ago
Do you think some animal players may cause wars between the player factions?
You mentioned the cookie cutter shark players causing conflict during the Cold War faction war and I wonder if there are more instances similar to that to come
Startup !
Startup ! - 7 years ago
What about cow sharks!?
Tjorre B
Tjorre B - 7 years ago
cookie cutter shark is B tirer?Lenny would not be happy!!!!
Leo - 7 years ago
My game is glitched because I can only play human
johnny - 7 years ago
game link?
wesley freeman
wesley freeman - 7 years ago
what about the frilled shark?
MrGreenthumb1000 - 7 years ago
Woah that thresher build has some mean style!
scott mcindoe
scott mcindoe - 7 years ago
I used to have an amazing megoladon build, i was insanely OP, shame it got nerfed
Haydn Liehs
Haydn Liehs - 7 years ago
I know its not a shark but what about the orca? Its got way higher stats and a much better build and easily wrecks great white sharks in pvp
Josef - 7 years ago
Tbh whats even the point of playing a predator class in the ocean when you're always gonna get wrecked by orcas anyway, I'm staying on land until they nerf those things
Jeroen Jager
Jeroen Jager - 7 years ago
Sea shanty <3
Altrunchen - 7 years ago
Ever thought about doing one on mythical creatures?
Tommy LastName
Tommy LastName - 7 years ago
sea shanty 2!
Tommy Xiong
Tommy Xiong - 7 years ago
Well so does this mean that homo sapiens are op?
Night Star
Night Star - 7 years ago
btw love the videos. Have you heard of the Galapagos shark one of the most agressive and hunt in packs. Very dangerous
Savis - 7 years ago
Surprised bull shark didnt make S tier.
Andre Gossweiler
Andre Gossweiler - 7 years ago
What is your rsn? Don't think I didn't recognize that music, lol. seriously though join the soup CC.
chris yoldi
chris yoldi - 7 years ago
where do plants stand in the meta?
TJ West
TJ West - 7 years ago
No F tier? The Wobbegong Shark would qualify for sure.
Bubbles Jenkins
Bubbles Jenkins - 7 years ago
I’m done playing until they nerve humans
Han Solo
Han Solo - 7 years ago
Where were sleeper sharks? They can go 365 days without logging on and getting XP
Prescott Del Valle
Prescott Del Valle - 7 years ago
You forgot to mention the saw sharks utility of cutting through coral which is useful in certain aspects
OsmiumRob - 7 years ago
How is bull shark not S tier?
Full Metal
Full Metal - 7 years ago
Wgere can i play this
G1G3L - 7 years ago
What about the Goblin shark build?
Jumping Buddy
Jumping Buddy - 7 years ago
Gibbles - 7 years ago
TheIronArrow Mgee
TheIronArrow Mgee - 7 years ago
I want this guy to actually make this a game!
nick - 7 years ago
I like the thrasher shark and can you do bears or polar animals
Video Gamer
Video Gamer - 7 years ago
Why was the Megalodon removed from the game? Was it too OP?
The Corrupted Pixel
The Corrupted Pixel - 7 years ago
Ah so were the metal don banned in public’s servers for being to overpowered, you should cover the older builds like them
Severous Jackson
Severous Jackson - 7 years ago
since when is megalodon still alive ?
Zaster - 7 years ago
wily did they remove the meglodon build from the shark guild?
Jacob Hurst
Jacob Hurst - 7 years ago
what about the goblin shark?
goblin king
goblin king - 7 years ago
what fucking game is he talking about, shit sounds intense
Shark ツ
Shark ツ - 7 years ago
Cancerous Pudding
Cancerous Pudding - 7 years ago
What about the goblin shark
Alstar - 7 years ago
I'm surprised you didn't talk about the Pacific sleeper Shark or the Greenland shark build. I really wonder what is the point on trading most of your mobility stat for the best HP in the game. I just keep wondering why player keep using this build ? Is it relevant to the meta in any way ?
Zoltan Kubatov
Zoltan Kubatov - 7 years ago
My favourite is the hammerhead so i am on of that players. And i really messed up the character creation. :P
Austin Owens
Austin Owens - 7 years ago
Oh no no no no no no... If your using runescape music.. their clans not guilds clans man
This is a name
This is a name - 7 years ago
What tier would the greenland shark be in
Jared Curry
Jared Curry - 7 years ago
"Eye width to maximum." :D
Jasper Toeli
Jasper Toeli - 7 years ago
Fungus tier
H u g o H e p w o r t h
H u g o H e p w o r t h - 7 years ago
Where my sawshark players at?
F.N.E Editor
F.N.E Editor - 7 years ago
could you make a video on the god tier classes like megalodon or anything else in this fabled tier. The only problem with god tier is that it seems to constantly get nerfed with new expansions.
Isabela Leitão
Isabela Leitão - 7 years ago
you are my favorite person in the world
Brittany Venti
Brittany Venti - 7 years ago
I'm hammerhead build
DJ Helkaa
DJ Helkaa - 7 years ago
Greenland shark only natural predator of polar bears
TheUKNutter - 7 years ago
What?! Marth has the sharpest tool in the shed?!
Skyorose - 7 years ago
What about Greenland Sleeper Sharks? Yes, they are a build that is known to go afk a lot, but they can live to 400 years old. They sacrificed their mobility (top speeds being, wait for it, >2 mph), however, for their long lives and slow metabolism. Though they definitely aren’t a Great White, Greenland Sleeper Sharks have to my favorite shark build.
Michael Dippold
Michael Dippold - 7 years ago
The Runescape is strong in this one
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith - 7 years ago
Hammer heads are like neji from naruto
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith - 7 years ago
Bro the intro ! My childhood. Very enjoyable video
De Rode Draak1 Games
De Rode Draak1 Games - 7 years ago
I have been maining bullshark for about a year now, and I really think it should be S tier
Chinese Man
Chinese Man - 7 years ago
I want to know, what the fuck is "The Game"
Om God
Om God - 7 years ago
Like honestly idk y I'm addicted to these videos but the are the shit
Logan Taylor
Logan Taylor - 7 years ago
Sea Shanty 2 from Runescape...I like it
Samuel Rudy
Samuel Rudy - 7 years ago
What about the green land shark
SkyStorm78 - 7 years ago
What about a video on marine mammals like dolphins and whales? Mentioning orcas at the end had me interested in how choosing a warm-blooded spec in the ocean servers might affect gameplay, and which builds are the most viable, if any. Love the vids by the way! Subbed after the first video I saw
mrbenz19 - 7 years ago
Was pleasantly surprised to hear Chip Skylark song in the opening.
Carrey John
Carrey John - 7 years ago
Where's megalodon?
anthony chaffin
anthony chaffin - 7 years ago
So, where do goblin sharks sit?
FunkyPlayz - 7 years ago
Superaws Visio
Superaws Visio - 7 years ago
Is this a game 9r some sort or real life?
Anirban Roy Chowdhury
Anirban Roy Chowdhury - 7 years ago
Whale sharks are basically whale players who clicked the wrong class during character selection
DoctorKorbi - 7 years ago
I think the black squirels from canada are pretty sick, flying squirrels not so bad. Id like to see a video on the squirell meta!
Guillem Coll Gudel
Guillem Coll Gudel - 7 years ago
Since you already mentioned dolphins as good shark counters, could you make a video about them and where do they belong in the meta?
Abe Stoop
Abe Stoop - 7 years ago
why is greenland shark not in this list, it hat decent allround stats and can live for over 400 years
The Sanman
The Sanman - 7 years ago
r/videos mods lmao
Ross Wilson
Ross Wilson - 7 years ago
whats the song at 30s its fire? ;)
Ross Wilson
Ross Wilson - 7 years ago
TierZoo - 7 years ago
Sea Shanty 2
thesoundofsilence - 7 years ago
Greenland shark??
Dark Arts Dabbler
Dark Arts Dabbler - 7 years ago
When people talk about how scary Great Whites are, I always just think about how an orca can absolutely wreck their shit
kingkong8974 - 7 years ago
What about the shark that can electrocute you
Tim Kloss
Tim Kloss - 7 years ago
Is this actually a game or is he just dicking around?
RickyBBlessed - 7 years ago
Marlin are my favourite fish, I'd love to see a build for them.
Random Channel
Random Channel - 7 years ago
Random Channel
Random Channel - 7 years ago
Pedro Smith
Pedro Smith - 7 years ago
lelelelele this is amazing
Mario Muñoz
Mario Muñoz - 7 years ago
It would be amazing if you could add Spanish subtitles
Martin Pizano
Martin Pizano - 7 years ago
Swiggity swooty I’m coming for that seal booty -great white
Joseph Elsinger
Joseph Elsinger - 7 years ago
Lol at first I thought you said the megalodon is still in existence. Hahahaha...........ha. It's not right?
TierZoo - 7 years ago
No absolutely not.
Joseph Elsinger
Joseph Elsinger - 7 years ago
I am also a Wisconsinite. Other then the cold, I love it here.
Be St
Be St - 7 years ago
Bull is better than all the others
Joseph Elsinger
Joseph Elsinger - 7 years ago
I like my Greenland shark build. Not a well known build but awesome none the less. I am a bit sluggish but I make for it with negligible senescence, unmatched in the vertebrate class. I can also strike when it counts. It is also possible to potentially get larger then a great white while retaining the sharp teeth. There is so much unknown about these creatures, making playing them for discovery all the more enjoyable.
Thomas Cloutier-Guay
Thomas Cloutier-Guay - 7 years ago
we also have the highest stealth stats wich make up for our lack of speed
Immediatesword games
Immediatesword games - 7 years ago
What about sleeper shark?
Sid Kapoor
Sid Kapoor - 7 years ago
So gald I found this channel
Alex Delgado
Alex Delgado - 7 years ago
We're would you put reef sharks?
Fallen Devonish
Fallen Devonish - 7 years ago
How can the bull shark not be s class, icebergs are melting meaning the oceans are going to become less salty, that alone puts the bull shark in the s class
Jeron Dalton
Jeron Dalton - 7 years ago
I feel like someone needs to make a animal battle royal because of this channel they'll have all the info they need
Sentry Ward
Sentry Ward - 7 years ago
the the bullshark is a smurf?
James Marino
James Marino - 7 years ago
As soon as I found this channel I immediately went looking for this video.
jay waye
jay waye - 7 years ago
These are killer bro
Wyatt Cusick
Wyatt Cusick - 7 years ago
I rly like them but I'm annoyed with the sneak up ability gives the shark a little nerf to the shark because you can still be seen close to the surface
Miranda Dean
Miranda Dean - 7 years ago
I feel a mention is needed for the world's oldest vertebra, the Greenland shark who's age can be 400+ years
Stink simply stink
Stink simply stink - 7 years ago
Mako shark vs marlin is pretty even to me because of the warm blooded stamina regen as well as small size making it easier to turn. In the end the sail on a sailfish can catch water in a turn providing resistance and an opportunity for the mako shark to either escape or punish a player who forgot the rules of the game
Stink simply stink
Stink simply stink - 7 years ago
Just before you got to. B tier im like... Where b the cookiecutter
jack - 7 years ago
>great white shark is most feared ocean build
What about sperm whales?
ERROR 246810
ERROR 246810 - 7 years ago
This awsome
Odd ball
Odd ball - 7 years ago
hmm you could say stingrays are F tier considering they are related to sharks they go as far as Class: Chondrichthyes
Herman Haw
Herman Haw - 7 years ago
Honestly i would put the great white on par with bull, mayco and tiger.
Namma Jeff
Namma Jeff - 7 years ago
r/videos mods lmao
Ben Hall
Ben Hall - 7 years ago
this is a game
SprogA_2 - 7 years ago
I just noticed the r/videos thing. Good damn it.
Jaelin Whitt
Jaelin Whitt - 7 years ago
Do a whale episode
Nissut Ibor
Nissut Ibor - 7 years ago
Port Jackson shark for F tier.
Godzilla Pxls
Godzilla Pxls - 7 years ago
F*cking melee references...
Sketchy Akechi
Sketchy Akechi - 7 years ago
Bullshark: That one kill-on-sight player
3TH4N Eonehundred
3TH4N Eonehundred - 7 years ago
U forget about the lemons shark >:0
Sketchy Akechi
Sketchy Akechi - 7 years ago
I'd be a whale shark . . .
Mac Kobalt
Mac Kobalt - 7 years ago
Dahm water mains
jodeaida - 7 years ago
Hunter the Hunter
Hunter the Hunter - 7 years ago
Megalodon was removed from the game, as it was completely fucking broken.
jop schilder
jop schilder - 7 years ago
Killer whales/ orca's are more powerfull then the great white. There intelligence is of the charts and they are super fast. They kill fcking norwalls
OmegaUltima - 7 years ago
I hope you do one on these "god tiers" eventually
shark whisper 1267
shark whisper 1267 - 7 years ago
Nice video. i agree with everything else but the megalodon went extinct 6.3 million years ago to 15 million years ago during the miocene period. so no scientists have ever saw a megalodon but everything else was great keep up the good work
No-quality Gaming
No-quality Gaming - 7 years ago
Mantis shrimp please
Ilhan Ben Halima
Ilhan Ben Halima - 7 years ago
What about Greenland Shark
BlueGamingSpoon - 7 years ago
Like I know there is no game but what game is he talking about
Agustín Auditore
Agustín Auditore - 7 years ago
what about the goblin shark?
Bennett Perry
Bennett Perry - 7 years ago
"Bull shart"
You said that these tiers are from a game so tell me whats the games name pls
Wheres megalodon??????
Friquido - 7 years ago
This channel might be one of the greatest ideas on youtube. Making learning about seacreatures fun
Jef - 7 years ago
What about megalodon
Sean Rea
Sean Rea - 7 years ago
i would argue that there are f tier sharks in the pseudo-fish type sharks like dogfish and other of the small shark builds.
Gandolf Sallison
Gandolf Sallison - 7 years ago
Marsupial should get a tier list.
forced meme
forced meme - 7 years ago
talk about ocean sunfish. theyre so fucking useless
Gollum's Love Songs
Gollum's Love Songs - 7 years ago
Where would you put wobbegong sharks, goblin sharks, bonnethead sharks, and Greenland sharks???
Angel Valencia
Angel Valencia - 7 years ago
Do a tier of dogs... Or K9s
Cade Hileman
Cade Hileman - 7 years ago
i hear that rs sea shanty remix
mrtromp1 - 7 years ago
There should be a game like this
Just Joking
Just Joking - 7 years ago
H O L D U P N O W.
Damon Perry
Damon Perry - 7 years ago
I would take orcas over any shark build
Quick Draw
Quick Draw - 7 years ago
You should make a vid on Jellyfish and Squid builds.
AK 40
AK 40 - 7 years ago
I am new, is this a game?
asperge11 - 7 years ago
Orca>great white
Ace Blazer
Ace Blazer - 7 years ago
Why no greenland shark? They have some of the oldest still alive guys on the servers. They have great smell skills aswell
hell Knight
hell Knight - 7 years ago
Only the devs have the megalodon
Tero Hakula
Tero Hakula - 7 years ago
Saw shark player: They mocked us but when we unlock chainsaw upgrade they will run in fear. Muhahahah !!! XD
Ben Hutchinson
Ben Hutchinson - 7 years ago
Try incorporating plants into a video
slimehunter - 7 years ago
And they told me video games would never teach me anything
Nicholas Stevenson
Nicholas Stevenson - 7 years ago
Make a list of some of the worst hax and scripts in the game (viruses).
Toxo 27
Toxo 27 - 7 years ago
Sand shark is F tier
Meowstik EX
Meowstik EX - 7 years ago
you deserrve evry thing
Eros John Delos Santos
Eros John Delos Santos - 7 years ago
Do crocodilians
Steven Cox
Steven Cox - 7 years ago
“The only thing good about living in Wisconsin.”

Well, now I’ve never been there, but I would think cheese is at least one other good thing.
Jacob Protexter
Jacob Protexter - 7 years ago
Good video but one small thing that's forgotten is that stingrays are actually a type of shark, which could be placed in the bottom teir but then again one did claim a kill on the famous alligator guy off of TV
Amber Hawksong
Amber Hawksong - 7 years ago
What about sandsharks and maybe dogfish (Idk if their sharks or not)
Amber Hawksong
Amber Hawksong - 7 years ago
I wish there was a game like this besides life.
Pancracio Returns
Pancracio Returns - 7 years ago
How do i play as a sharks
Abhinav Verma
Abhinav Verma - 7 years ago
Do one on all god class builds
It's the Commulists!
It's the Commulists! - 7 years ago
where tf are are the rays?
Joshua Brewer
Joshua Brewer - 7 years ago
What about the sleeper sharks? Their mobility maybe low, but they can hunt some of the apex builds. Like the poplar bears and the giant squids.
Garrett Newman
Garrett Newman - 7 years ago
I'm so freaking happy I found this channel man
Nabha Sengupta
Nabha Sengupta - 7 years ago
Where is catshark ?
o0xTHEcoPlayerx0o - 7 years ago
Penguins.. because, if humans didnt exist we all know penguins would rule the world.
havent you seen madagascar?!?!
Jack - 7 years ago
Port Jackson shark a definite F tier candidate
erick villegas
erick villegas - 7 years ago
Sleepster shark should be mentioned and almost at the top
ShRek - 7 years ago
the saw shark is pre patch ike
Ryan Alexander Bloom
Ryan Alexander Bloom - 7 years ago
Sleeper shark? Cold adapted, deep dive adapted, lifespan of hundreds years (longest of any vertebrate), and up to 7+ meters long. They’re worth mentioning and I’d say easily A or S tier.
Jacob Olson
Jacob Olson - 7 years ago
The God tier Megalodon, “Still in existence.” I love how you just slid that in there. You have an S+ in stealth and discretion my friend.
Nathan Carrier
Nathan Carrier - 7 years ago
We need something like a compilation of the very higest classed see animals like orcas, sperm whales, great white sharks, etc..
Nathan Carrier
Nathan Carrier - 7 years ago
Hammer head sharks are totally unable to bite large annimals making them only low A tier. We have records of tiger sharks getting bigger than any great white and poud for pound they have similar and sometime even higer bite force and they can turn quicker, making them in my opinion S tier. Great white can even go in cold water and low salt water without much trouble, in Québec (where I live) we have two wich come every summer in the Sait-Lawrence river, making them better than only low S tier, at least mid S tier.

Megalodon probably disapeared because of orca and limited capacity to go in colder waters.
the youtube guy
the youtube guy - 7 years ago
This has sooo mutch potental
Kourage Craig
Kourage Craig - 7 years ago
You forgot about white tipped sharks.
Ross Ozarka
Ross Ozarka - 7 years ago
God tier megalodon still in existence? Never playing ocean servers again.
A Schism
A Schism - 7 years ago
Get dat carpet shark
HyperStarStorm - 7 years ago
Thresher Shark sounds pretty fun.
Teji Johal
Teji Johal - 7 years ago
What game is this based off of
ryan wallace
ryan wallace - 7 years ago
Bull shark SS class!!
Abdullah Alkhayat
Abdullah Alkhayat - 7 years ago
Sadly, A couple thousands of years ago the megalodon was removed on the patch, he was too op, but I do remember his stats.

Mobility: %58
Damage: %98.9 (9087 damage + charge: 14431)
Intelligence: %68 (Before patch: %87)
Defense: %95
Health: 100000 (+ 9000 if lvl 5)
Stealth: %23 (%80 if using the dark top ability)

Dark top (If deep enough, you're top side will make you invisible (Disclaimer: Will not work with high intelligence creatures))
Charge/Lunge attack: Gives a high amount of extra damage

Easily detectable if dark top ability isn't being used
Requires a high amount of stamina and low stamina regeneration

Large body equals bonus health (+%480 hp)
Large mouth can feast on whales and can one hit most S tier creatures
too Intimidating and large for any natural predators
Impossible to be hunted down by humans
Abdullah Alkhayat
Abdullah Alkhayat - 7 years ago
As a ant main,
I have never encountered a shark,
good to know about them.
• Nikki •
• Nikki • - 7 years ago
I love thresherss
anju zhang
anju zhang - 7 years ago
Come on, Nurse Sharks are at least C tier. Nobody deserves to be in the same rank as Sawtooth Sharks (sorry sawtooth mains, but rly what are you doing).
Restposten - 7 years ago
Seriously tho, why did they ban the megalodon-build in the later expansions?
Ousmane Keita
Ousmane Keita - 7 years ago
TierZoo, try doing the ice age animal builds please?
TheStudMuffinWeather - 7 years ago
I hope you become a teacher or something because im learning and enjoying it??
Matěj Spěváček
Matěj Spěváček - 7 years ago
furry meta

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