The 9 Biggest Sharks Ever Caught
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10. comment for The 9 Biggest Sharks Ever Caught
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30. comment for The 9 Biggest Sharks Ever Caught
unless that man was 3 meters tall, that claim is absolutely ridiculous, there are much bigger sharks caught on camera
50. comment for The 9 Biggest Sharks Ever Caught
100. comment for The 9 Biggest Sharks Ever Caught
b a good day and the family and the family and the family and the family and the family and the other side, I think we can do for your business, and the other day. I have been a while. I have been a r. I have been a while. I have been a while. I have tried to make a difference. I have been a while. I have
Hugsto you all"Mundus started what he called "Monster Fishing" with boats leaving the port at Lake Montauk. Mundus with his colorful character became immediately popular. He further helped his reputation by catching a 4,500 pound white shark by harpoon (the figure of 4,500 pounds was estimated without the shark having been weighed). In 1986 he and Donnie Braddick caught a 3,427-pound great white about 28 miles off Montauk, and only 18 miles from Block Island,[5] which still holds the record, not only for the largest shark, but for the largest fish of any kind ever caught by rod and reel. " see: frank mundus wikipedia
what people feel?
Kill it instead of releasing it to the ocean...
I'll help you out #1 the Cleveland Browns. Don't care about the rest but the Browns are no doubt #1.
32ft wtf get yo facts straight
As far as Fishing for sharks go. I only kill what I eat. If I don't want to eat it. I use C.P.R.
C atch
P hotograph
R elease
If I want to eat it. I kill it as soon as I can to reduce trauma to the shark and myself. No one like stiches or ammonia flavored meat (most sharks urinate through their skin).
Every year from March to October I fish Mako and thresher sharks. If I happen to catch a Dogfish or Angel or Horn shark then bonus but I normally fish only mako and thresher.
Btw as a fisherman I can tell you this.
There is a lot more sharks than you think. I've seen Whites give birth, I walk the beach here in Ventura California where I live and find between 50-100 shark egg cases every year between December and April. If just a stretch of beach that is only 5 miles long and the spot I walk in is about 100yrds. Then that's a lot of sharks born every year.
Moral here is if you don't know the sharks and their behavior the please sit n spin.
I've been fishing sharks for over 25 years.
Unless you know about sharks and fishing then please be quite.
When we live in a place not even near the ocean like wtf is he high
Look lets make i thing clear here... I AM NOT AGAINST HUNTING. What I am against is TROPHY HUNTING. Shooting an animal for the sole sake of mounting it's head on your wall and using it's skin as a throw rug. To this day there are still permits issued for Polar Bear hunting. In Africa just last year an ASSCLOWN American dentist shot and killed a male lion LEGALLY...Trophy hunting. Tigers may be illegal to hunt in India but there are tigers in other countries too.... Russia, Sumatra, and there is even a small amount in Africa that were released there....AND PEOPLE STILL HUNT's called POACHING. U see U assume that everyone who hunts a law abiding citizen. Unfortunately there are tons of poachers out there all over the world who can give a shit if a species is on the brink of extinction. They'll still shoot that Rhino or Indian lion if it makes them money. Anyway fuck all this .... What I was mainly voicing is that MY OWN PERSONAL BELIEFS AND VIEWS on hunting are; Hunt what you eat and leave the rest to live another day....same as my fishing beliefs. I only take what I eat out of the ocean. Everything else gets released....except for a fish I can use as bait of course. What's the purpose of fishing for Great white or Bullsharks or Hammerheads when you know as well as I do that NOBODY EATS THEM. Only Mako and Porbeagle sharks are eaten regularly. They're the only sharks that taste good. And that dogfish was so fucking gross I can't even explain how bad it tasted let alone what it did to my asshole for the next 2 days. Oh yea, there's another fish that is totally uneatable....Hackleheads. I'd like to see you boil up a spider crab, crack it open and try eating it. You'll puke your guts up and get sick. Ah whatever dude. To each his own. I just personally think it's totally fucked up to kill an animal for the sole purpose of using it's head as a trophy or making a rug or coat out of it's fur. That's MY personal beliefs and they will never change. And what the hell is wrong with spending your life boating? Have U ever been out on the ocean? (I dont fish with a net dude. Rod & reel only and once in a blue moon I dive down to a wreck or by a bridge and spear fish or grab some lobsters bare handed.) U say I know nothing about trophy hunting.... I do know that you yourself would hate it if someone killed you and mounted YOUR head on a wall. Talk about thinning the heard. The species that needs thinning the most on this planet is MAN.... humans..... Oh and all those shark jaws hanging on the wall at that yard are not all great white. There are a lot of different ones. And it really is almost exactly like the movie. Wouldn't surprise me if they actually did use that place for the movie. Jaws was filled on Martha's Vineyard and some parts of Long Island. Anyways Merry Christmas
wow you must be my neighbor since you think you know me so well. I really get a good laugh out of people like you who automatically think they know every single thing about a person just from reading 1 comment. Amazing..... Have you come up with a cure for cancer yet...genius? For your information I worked for the largest wholesale fish distributor on Long Island for 3 years while I was going to college, so #1- I probably know more about fish than you'll ever know in 2 life times. #2- You are dead wrong about being able to eat any fish you catch. Just off the top of my head I can name you 5 fish or sea creatures that you can not eat.... Sand sharks (or Dogfish)...which will give you bloody diarrhea as I have seen that first hand. Thresher shark, Tiger shark, Great white, 5 gill, all uneatable. Spider crabs, Stone fish, pacastamas will all make you sick as a dog, lion fish...should i go on?
I been ocean fishing for over 40 years, so i think I've seen my share of just about everything that comes out of the north Atlantic. I can also bring you to a boat house on the south shore of Suffolk County that has around 50 shark jaws mounted on the wall....almost identical to Quint's house in Jaws.
As for hunting, I don't do much of that anymore since a car fell off the frame machine at work and crushed 4 vertebrae in my lower back but I did hunt in my earlier years, bow as well as rifle...and you will never convince me that trophy hunting does ANY GOOD. Humans have taken all the habitat land away from animals so of course we justify hunting as thinning the heards to keep them healthy. And what good does shooting a tiger or lion do? You don't eat them, their numbers are dwindling and soon they will go extinct, so where is the benefit of trophy hunting? Hunt what you eat and leave the rest to live. Thats what I believe in and if you think it's wrong then fuck you
they knew they got very old, but they was surprised on how old they actually get..
**In the early ~to~ mid 90's friends and I we're fisherman and Body~Boarders with fins and would go out whenever the waves we're Large. The Problem was 'Clarke Bch' whih is right next to The Breakers Hotel on Palm Beach and behind The Breakers always had Bull Sharks and it was kinda scary Esp if you're sitting out there alone any friends would barely hear you. Esp for a teenager.
*People started getting attacked and our local surfer weed guy had a huuuge bite missing from his calf from a BullShark during 1990 summer @ Singer Island.. This predates the internet by almost 10 years. So we barely knew anything about Bull Sharks except they we're easy to catch and would go into Brackish Canals. Which are everywhere..
**If we Pier Fished(which most would when no boat was avail) Fisherman started having to remove the Fin from Bull Sharks because the same Trolls posting here would show up on the Pier with theyre Girlfriends and try to show-out. I dunno whos idea it was to remove the Fin so people wouldn't try to throw it back but these piers we're 75% Minority. mostly Spanish and Haitian. But mostly Spanish. mostly Mexican..They would buy the Bull sharks and right in the back seat next to the carseat with Wife sitting on the shark..Still j/k I doubt it..I didn't see it but the story is legendary back then..
**But the point isn't that it's cool to kill sharks,no it's not. and I do-not hunt for sport and my favorite skater 'WAS' Geoff Rowley until I saw him hunt and kill a trophy Leopard..So I do care..
BUT,,Bull Sharks are invasive and ENEMY TO MAN..They target People...Ive seen(well heard) Hammerheads attacking people and they get big...We used to jump off Boynton Bch inlet bridge and it's crystal clear cause of the current and you can see like 50-60 feet down and we'd see Hammerheads which look sooo big from up high. Scary thing is the biggest one we ever saw was soo big and we we're just about to jump...I dunno if we woulda been attacked or not..Scary A F though...
***Wish i knew why they don't tell the people who ddangerous Bull Sharks are...They meaning fish and game or wildlife don't create factual stats of Bull Shark attacks and how many children bleed out..
***fisherman don't target BullSharks, but Bull SHarks target people....How is this ok? I'm not saying wipe them out,,,but i don't want people with good hearts to waste sympathy on a creature so savage..
*Just do someBull Shark research..Read some interviews from the victims and fisherman..Most fisherman who do-not release shark catches isn't for the picture..They 99% time don't care...But they have a reason for catching it.....
**Last Fact IT'S NOT FUN TO CATCH A BULL SHARK THAT IS OVER 200 POUNDS. IT TAKES OVER A HOUR(EASILLY) AND Just consider how sore you will be for the next 3 days..
Identical to someone going on a long horseback ride after a not riding fro a decade no,,most people aren't targeting BUll Sharks,,,but theres always an exception...i refuse to judge a whole group based on individual trolls...No double standard. EVERY Bull Shark encounter ends badly...
EDIT: Found it, that picture is of a Shark he caught in 1953 and weighted 1004 pounds. Here is a link to the others he caught.
Caught by shark hunter Vic Hislop.
The shark was 20 feet 8 inches in length and weighed a massive 5085 pounds!!
For people like this the planet is so bad and sick
-WHo-!! Wheres the ocean NOW so a Shark could just END ALL THIS PAIN and SUFFERING?? Moving to an Ocean. NOT! I'LL try a Grizzley bear!!"a purpose"
"a porcus"
what the heck did he say?
"Look at that, Ed! Sumbitch is as big as the boat. Let's kill it."
We kill everything.
Worse, we take pride in it.