The Biggest Great White Ever Filmed | Island of the Mega Shark

At over 20 feet long, this massive female great white shark is likely the largest ever filmed - and one of the largest ever seen! From Shark Week 2015's "Island of the Mega Shark". Want more Shark Week? Subscribe here: About Discovery Channel: Discovery Channel brings you the best of real-world entertainment that is both visceral and experiential. We make you lean forward, as you journey with us across the globe, with compelling stories and engaging characters. Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

The Biggest Great White Ever Filmed | Island of the Mega Shark sentiment_very_dissatisfied 907

Shark videos 9 years ago 2,348,814 views

At over 20 feet long, this massive female great white shark is likely the largest ever filmed - and one of the largest ever seen! From Shark Week 2015's "Island of the Mega Shark". Want more Shark Week? Subscribe here: About Discovery Channel: Discovery Channel brings you the best of real-world entertainment that is both visceral and experiential. We make you lean forward, as you journey with us across the globe, with compelling stories and engaging characters. Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

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Most popular comments
for The Biggest Great White Ever Filmed | Island of the Mega Shark

Alex - 6 years ago
fatter than bigger it´s look like a big tuna
Kopie - 6 years ago
Izza pasta meata ball!
RealCaliforniaCheese - 6 years ago
That shark is as fat as the average WalMart shopper.
iPump NDump
iPump NDump - 6 years ago
It's because Batman was narrating...
Ahron Tanalas
Ahron Tanalas - 6 years ago
That great white is pregnant
sam s
sam s - 6 years ago
who's got the balls to make a shark pregnant ?
Jade Kapayou
Jade Kapayou - 6 years ago
Batman talking about sharks?
F2 F4llout
F2 F4llout - 6 years ago
Ali Aa
Sebas RS
Sebas RS - 6 years ago
Why is Batman the narrator?

10. comment for The Biggest Great White Ever Filmed | Island of the Mega Shark

MUSTAFA SOLKAR - 6 years ago
eren yeager
eren yeager - 6 years ago
That's one badass Shark
boston brown
boston brown - 6 years ago
so it's not the biggest......?
- nobody
- nobody - 6 years ago
Yep...that's a big is the other one! Those are 2 different sharks.
Justin Henry
Justin Henry - 6 years ago
Why have a cage when you have an enormous door in it the shark could fit into?
Ryan Flyin
Ryan Flyin - 6 years ago
Just a beer gut.
Jerry King
Jerry King - 6 years ago
20's pretty bloody big, don't get much bigger than that. I've seen 18 but never 20.
Thomas Wright
Thomas Wright - 6 years ago
0:43 what's wrong with her tail??
cameron Mooney
cameron Mooney - 6 years ago
About 900 people talking about batman narrating

20. comment for The Biggest Great White Ever Filmed | Island of the Mega Shark

John Locke
John Locke - 6 years ago
She is just obese
Syed Ali Warda
Syed Ali Warda - 6 years ago
2 different sharks filmed and shown as one.. hmmmm .. something is definitely not adding up
Nestor Alegre
Nestor Alegre - 6 years ago
that's one fat
bambarby - 6 years ago
"Are you pregnant or just fat?"
jlpmoose - 6 years ago
What is the point of a cage if it's missing wall
Kaiju Slayer333
Kaiju Slayer333 - 6 years ago
Batman? Is he narrating?
Ramsey Blair
Ramsey Blair - 6 years ago
The female Megadon shark
Beyali Verdiyev
Beyali Verdiyev - 6 years ago
Even shark swam away from Batmans voice
Isaiah Towery
Isaiah Towery - 6 years ago
I like spaghetti
Luiz C. ma
Luiz C. ma - 6 years ago
Youtube, colossal squid.

30. comment for The Biggest Great White Ever Filmed | Island of the Mega Shark

Quintin White
Quintin White - 6 years ago
great whites gonna evolve too megaladon
Sean-Michael Mendoza
Sean-Michael Mendoza - 6 years ago
Looks fake to me
princelupingamer 123
princelupingamer 123 - 6 years ago
and 2:17 a great black shark????
Tony Villa
Tony Villa - 6 years ago
The fattest shark
Andrew Bibby
Andrew Bibby - 6 years ago
Yep, more horse shit,, tail started out normal, then obviously, in the 10plus seconds in vid, got mangled or at least badly disfigured... Same shark, don't think so... Shame coz it did start of good.
Nick tan
Nick tan - 6 years ago
How does they know the shark is female ?
Kate T
Kate T - 6 years ago
R3d D3ath_67
R3d D3ath_67 - 6 years ago
Looks fake...
vegjeezy17 - 6 years ago
Why would they lie about a shark
oesaone - 6 years ago
for the people who did not recognize. this video shows at least 2 different sharks.
T - 6 years ago
I’ve said gargantuan LOL
Pauline Peep
Pauline Peep - 6 years ago
Kawy Thowy
Kawy Thowy - 6 years ago
Hope she’s going to be ok. What an incredible specimen. She will give birth to some beautiful baby sharks.
Amar Adonay Tsevaot
Amar Adonay Tsevaot - 6 years ago
Oh my meg
nicholas kappes
nicholas kappes - 6 years ago
910AM Superstation Funnies
910AM Superstation Funnies - 6 years ago
I'm BATMAN! Go JAWS Go BATMAN! ...that voice alone kicks everyone's ass! lmao
wonderfullyweird - 6 years ago
That beast is scary as hell, but somehow beautiful too.
Janie DeAtley
Janie DeAtley - 6 years ago
God damn
JIGA BACHI - 6 years ago
She was looking for her baby's daddy . . . is hard being a single Mom and no child support on top of that.
Deanna Taylor
Deanna Taylor - 6 years ago
She is definatally pregnant without a doubt...

50. comment for The Biggest Great White Ever Filmed | Island of the Mega Shark

Monsieur Bleu Pen
Monsieur Bleu Pen - 6 years ago
This is what happens when you throw McDonald’s into the ocean!
Andy Man
Andy Man - 6 years ago
Fat bitch
Veljko Milovanovic
Veljko Milovanovic - 6 years ago
"The shark showed up , and the weather changed" LIKE WTF IS THAT BULLSHI, i mean Bullshark
Berosar - 6 years ago
Wtf is 20feet in non retard units? Like 20x30cm?
Midnight Austin
Midnight Austin - 6 years ago
what is this COD voice recording
Supreme_Logic - 6 years ago
Why does the guy with the sunglasses on have a house arrest monitor on his ankle??
cynthia Erickson
cynthia Erickson - 6 years ago
"She has to be pregnant!"ya think?or fat from eating too many divers
taylorgonesmoking Gang
taylorgonesmoking Gang - 6 years ago
ぴんすけ ぴんすけ
ぴんすけ ぴんすけ - 6 years ago
it's just a tuna fish
Kenny Mclemore
Kenny Mclemore - 6 years ago
That shark has the itis
NutApn TV
NutApn TV - 6 years ago
It's Batman!!
Tarbos Aeon
Tarbos Aeon - 6 years ago
Why is its caudal fin all screwed up at 0:43 and then it's fine in all the other shots?
Bindass Badass Thug Life
Bindass Badass Thug Life - 6 years ago
The Real Meg’s Here Folks
Awawa atao
Awawa atao - 6 years ago
does it count if its pregnant?
Peto Reet
Peto Reet - 6 years ago
It looks fake as fuck at 1:11
Mkhi to Auba
Mkhi to Auba - 6 years ago
The biggest shark ever was killed by fishermen on amity island, 25 foot long, and 3 tons on her.
ritsugun 666
ritsugun 666 - 6 years ago
still lunch for killer whales
Nelson Martinez
Nelson Martinez - 6 years ago
That shark is so fake. Honestly people, isn’t obvious the CGI here? C’ mon, don’t be so naive. Even the narration seems fake.
pukman - 6 years ago
why in the start we see her tail broken and then its normal in the next frame?
0.40 -0.45 seconds
Bileass - 6 years ago
Most deffo pregnant
amazing peppe
amazing peppe - 6 years ago
Who look this video after the movie shark
angutitsiaq bech
angutitsiaq bech - 6 years ago
That amazing
Lord Giles
Lord Giles - 6 years ago
A Monster
SVTCO - 6 years ago
Oh trust me there's bigger, oh yeah there's much bigger out there that dwarfs this one.
Bricktop001 - 6 years ago
Either pregnant or just had a big meal, iv seen videos of bigger great whites
Marquita Freeman
Marquita Freeman - 6 years ago first thought.
sateanjing - 6 years ago
lol not scary at all. she ain't big . she's fat and pregnant.
Random Videos PH
Random Videos PH - 6 years ago
How are they speaking under the water?
Why youtube why
Why youtube why - 6 years ago
Aw mama shark <3 so preggerz
Nela Negron
Nela Negron - 6 years ago
It is 1:33
Riicho Bamin
Riicho Bamin - 6 years ago
Why is one side of the cage open ?
Jesse Caldwell
Jesse Caldwell - 6 years ago
I like your ankle monitor Chewy (0:52), does your Probation Officer know you have left the jurisdiction?
Long Nguyen
Long Nguyen - 6 years ago
I've got a good feeling about this? ARE YOU CRAZY?!
Trè PBG - 6 years ago
A lot of people honestly don’t understand how tall or big an animal is unless they see it face to face .. first time I saw a giraffe with my own eyes I was blown away
HetGameSpel HGS
HetGameSpel HGS - 6 years ago
Its a fucking megaladon
HetGameSpel HGS
HetGameSpel HGS - 6 years ago
Stupid ore what its a fucking megaladon
Francesco Valentini
Francesco Valentini - 6 years ago
That Shark has an italian grandma
MisterMolecular48 - 6 years ago
That shark's eaten the bigger boat.
Chem Hung
Chem Hung - 6 years ago
The Big Meg
ArgoBeats - 6 years ago
Doesn’t look so big, especially without any relative comparison with those divers.
Counter Punch Boxing
Counter Punch Boxing - 6 years ago
FAKE ALERT!!!!!!......The first time they show The Big shark it has a broken tail fin...... the second time the tail is perfectly straight?????????? Go back and watch it for yourself this is CGI
Victor K
Victor K - 6 years ago
Two different sharks and they claim it’s just one shark...
eddiet204 - 6 years ago
Two words; Bang stick.
kagomefan101 - 6 years ago
She’s got dem cuuurrrvvveess.
Juice Hype13
Juice Hype13 - 6 years ago
Thiccest shark ever wow god bless her she flawless
Del - 6 years ago
Fake Week.
AaronsVids2 - 6 years ago
Needs more dislikes.
biker1308 - 6 years ago
Sorry I meant fattest one
biker1308 - 6 years ago
She isn't the biggest but maybe the fastest one
Canô - 6 years ago
shes pregnant for shure!

100. comment for The Biggest Great White Ever Filmed | Island of the Mega Shark

Son Nguyen
Son Nguyen - 6 years ago
Fatty shark with big belly
Richie 1138
Richie 1138 - 6 years ago
If this is the biggest shark this guy has seen, he's obviously never seen a Whale Shark
Crispy K
Crispy K - 6 years ago
I'm no shark expert, but why is the rear fin "broken" at 0:42 but not later in the video?

Just magically repaired or not the same shark? Obviously not because it's not the same shark. Which you can clearly see from the markings/damage on the top back and fins.

So did you get there and it was looking good, then you started the boat, scratched it and broke it's fin.
Or is it just 2 huge sharks that seem to have the same size and you made it look as if it was the same.
Cate Urban
Cate Urban - 6 years ago
I’m definitely no shark expert but I soon as I saw her I knew she was pregnant it isn’t that hard to see
IvanMalina - 6 years ago
That's one fat fucking shark
Jake Fowler
Jake Fowler - 6 years ago
Love these animals!! We need to do more to protect their home the ocean!!
Sander van Winden
Sander van Winden - 6 years ago
I think they have seen the biggest shark ever. But i don't know it for sure. They don't say it much...
IRENE's BAE - 6 years ago
Me after watching The Meg: aww....she's so tiny☺
Tara Chapman
Tara Chapman - 6 years ago
Sommai S
Sommai S - 6 years ago
LM Gaming
LM Gaming - 6 years ago
Rolly Polly
Rolly Polly - 6 years ago
So this shark is the biggest shark all these muppets have ever seen...
Ron Baggs
Ron Baggs - 6 years ago
That's a big shark
Sivasai Manyapu
Sivasai Manyapu - 6 years ago
2:24 'That shark showed up and the weather changed' LMAO
Lawrence Morris
Lawrence Morris - 6 years ago
At 0:42 that shark tail looks messed up and at 0:58 it looks perfect...hmmm
Shauna Harris-Bateman
Shauna Harris-Bateman - 6 years ago
Never assume a female is pregnant. Lol
shallpion - 6 years ago
she is not huge, she is t h i c c
Atomic Fart
Atomic Fart - 6 years ago
pumpingpriest - 6 years ago
So not the tallest but the fattest?
mojojojo911 - 6 years ago
Maybe she's preggers... even pregnant sharks r cute
SunGod Ra
SunGod Ra - 6 years ago
Cresh Bandage
Cresh Bandage - 6 years ago
Why the fuck is there a big hole in the cage
25877852 - 6 years ago
Caleb Conn
Caleb Conn - 6 years ago
Jorge Oquendo
Jorge Oquendo - 6 years ago
thats like a female shark , and the dage was opened, woow ,smart huh?
Zitrone Eng
Zitrone Eng - 6 years ago
She dumb thicc.
Noish's Promise
Noish's Promise - 6 years ago
E.N.D Network
E.N.D Network - 6 years ago
I guess they never seen a whale shark.
Gelminas Vaičiulis
Gelminas Vaičiulis - 6 years ago
Its matilda, This shark have name ,,matila,, lol
Your Dad
Your Dad - 6 years ago
Now y’all are fat shaming sharks? Sickos
PlanetGiga - 6 years ago
Dayum that is one thicc shark
hotlittle zombiekiller
hotlittle zombiekiller - 6 years ago
Every time I see a great white I am still flummoxed at the fact that people still swim in the ocean. It blows me away that you could casually float around knowing that beautiful monster is sharing the very same h20 as you! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!
Tony Bologna
Tony Bologna - 6 years ago
She thicc
Helguilmer Orbe
Helguilmer Orbe - 6 years ago
Tony Bologna hahahahaha lolz
King Drewsus
King Drewsus - 6 years ago
Fat ass
michael morgan
michael morgan - 6 years ago
Shark should have ate his ass.
YYM_FleXz - 6 years ago
It’s a megaladon
Got it from the meg
Galaxii Boy
Galaxii Boy - 6 years ago
Is the narrator the voice of batman from the arkham games?
mafakka2 - 6 years ago
guys? I mean WTF with that fake??? Is it because you're Asian channel or what?
jquest43 - 6 years ago
Bluff cove off palosverdes I was buzzed at 30 feet by angw shark exactly the same as this's midsection was 5-6 feet thick..I guess 20-25 feet long..I no longer dive
Alan H
Alan H - 6 years ago
Pregnant or fat greedy bitch!!
Lennell Sorrels
Lennell Sorrels - 6 years ago
That shark is around 25 ft
rgwholt - 6 years ago
This sort of crap just needs taking down , two different sharks, over the top commentary, and the jerky camera work to add drama to a pretty undramatic piece of footage. Needs a few thousand more thumbs down then perhaps Discovery will catch on .... heres one from me
Odins Spear
Odins Spear - 6 years ago
I love how the tail goes from being deformed and mangled to a perfect tail in just 1 shot! I wonder what snaky lying media Jew runs this show?
kristjan sus
kristjan sus - 6 years ago
Beautiful beast..hope she had birth to baby shark soon
Coolsjam kingdom
Coolsjam kingdom - 6 years ago
just small pity to this divers first time seeing this size...feels like these ocean divers can retired earlier
Corey Mullis
Corey Mullis - 6 years ago
Why are u guys not in a closed cage? That was nuts! Good video.
ChagasJuan - 6 years ago
She is pregnant
Alex Souliere
Alex Souliere - 6 years ago
Maybe it’s a Megalodon
lightheart53 - 6 years ago
In one frame has a fucked up tail, in the next, tail is
bossfan49 - 6 years ago
Annoying editing. Spazzy GoPro footage from the divers even though they have a steady cam,. Nothing that gives us perspective on length. We don't know how big that dummy shark is. "biggest shark I've ever seen in my ENTIRE LIFE"...says the 19 yr old kid.
NovaInc. - 6 years ago
Oh my god THE Batman is narrating
Frederick Lamar
Frederick Lamar - 6 years ago
Lol is that Kevin conrey
Lianne Roderick
Lianne Roderick - 6 years ago
Wouldnt call it a cage, with one side wide open!
Melissa Stephenson
Melissa Stephenson - 6 years ago
She literally has to be pregnant! Bc she is ginormous
BeanSauce - 6 years ago
Lol that cage only has two sides that actually have rails then the others are completely open
ALI ABRAR - 6 years ago
Nice video
Melvin Hopkins
Melvin Hopkins - 6 years ago
Big mf Maine
MW Pruductions
MW Pruductions - 6 years ago
Ronnie Farnsworth
Ronnie Farnsworth - 6 years ago
Orca's still rule the seas and Kill Great Whites !! Mammals over fish LOL : )
Doogie Carpit Burger Smooth Geryd Street
Doogie Carpit Burger Smooth Geryd Street - 6 years ago
+princelupingamer 123, it's true. In fact, Great whites usually succumb to attacks by two or more Orca... Or a Great white that kills an Orca is usually full grown attacking an old Orca or a young one...
Ronnie Farnsworth
Ronnie Farnsworth - 6 years ago
You Clueless , you must not watch the countless TV shows on Killer whales Kicking White Shark Ass !!! Watch and read up Kid !! Learn
princelupingamer 123
princelupingamer 123 - 6 years ago
Ronnie Farnsworth fuck off sharks are animals who has a really strong bites and orca will not stand a chance bro fuck off
G-Dub 85
G-Dub 85 - 6 years ago
It’s all fun and games till someone gets their limbs ripped off
Sergiu - 6 years ago
This is Batmans voice....its Kevin Conroy for sure.
TheMozzaok - 6 years ago
Suck shit you fake arse liars. Is there zero integrity anywhere in film making?
Nick Galicz
Nick Galicz - 6 years ago
More fat then anything...either just ate a 500 lb seal or is about to give birth. Still just a meal for an Orca pod :)
Saoirse Justice McKenna
Saoirse Justice McKenna - 6 years ago
a real beauty
mattVTD - 6 years ago
“dude, i mean that shark showed up, and like... the WEATHER changed!”
Omq _itz Nikki
Omq _itz Nikki - 6 years ago
Looks pregnant
Omq _itz Nikki
Omq _itz Nikki - 6 years ago
0:53 o ma gawd
mzakri - 6 years ago
she trying to free the hoomans that are trapped in the cage
Humanforfreedom 95
Humanforfreedom 95 - 6 years ago
they edited the video, these shows are staged and I just checked it again and its 2 different sharks edited together, these shows should be boycotted because they destroy reality, pawn stars and storage wars or whatever its called are also staged/scripted shows, its utter garbage
SOMEHOW - 6 years ago
levent dasli
levent dasli - 6 years ago
Only Pregnant shark...
The Moonlit Quill
The Moonlit Quill - 6 years ago
Definitely full of pups!! Big, big shark!
DonkeyTeeth - 6 years ago
Reminds me of my mother-in-law....especially she eats McDonald’s alot? Slow moving,Scary,Missing Teeth?
MARWAN AL-ALI - 6 years ago
Fake af .. Look at the tails 2 different Sharks
BOOM 2030
BOOM 2030 - 6 years ago
0:51 Buk lau ooooouumagd
RyZing GamEr
RyZing GamEr - 6 years ago
Absolute unit
GamingForever - 6 years ago
The comments about cgi lol. There are 2 sharks here that's why one has a mangled tail and the not. The largest one is a pregnant female called deep blue, look her up. It's all very real. Bad editing made it look suss.
stfuliberal - 6 years ago
Two different sharks and fuck your adds.
Ciel Phantomhive
Ciel Phantomhive - 6 years ago
That's a huge bitch!
Bass Wanderer
Bass Wanderer - 6 years ago
This is why I have never dipped one toe into an ocean and never will. That's one big nope for me.
Je Ko
Je Ko - 6 years ago
my goldfish is bigger
Gary Daniel
Gary Daniel - 6 years ago
Who's inside her?
Luigi California West Coast
Luigi California West Coast - 6 years ago
Deep blue
Guoy - 6 years ago
Pregnant? Or fat?
Kim McLaughlin
Kim McLaughlin - 6 years ago
Hey she's huge and the biggest did ya know
Kathy Bayles
Kathy Bayles - 6 years ago
Rare to attack or swallow as they feed on plankton like the whale shark. Mass: 11,000 lbs (Adult)
Length: 20 – 26 ft. (Adult)
Conservation status: Vulnerable (Population decreasing) Encyclopedia of Life
Scientific name: Cetorhinus maximus
Rank: Species
Alex Blood
Alex Blood - 6 years ago
Why is Batman narrating this
Aaron Fontaine
Aaron Fontaine - 6 years ago
That's Batman. :)
Scott - 6 years ago
Wow! Mommas pregnant!!
MrVocalBaby - 6 years ago
So he is 20, and he keeps repeating 'biggest I've ever seen in my life'. I mean you kid, your life at sea might be 2, so still to go before you use such an expression.
Lawrence Labuschagne
Lawrence Labuschagne - 6 years ago
MrVocalBaby says the person who has most probably not even seen one nothing better to do with your life than talk shit...
Yourveryowncarrot - 6 years ago
That's one THICC shark
wee justice
wee justice - 6 years ago
Did anyone notice at at 0:39 the sharks tail looked mangled and messed up but the shark that was by the by the replica looks perfectly fine.... just a thought
Chris McMahon
Chris McMahon - 6 years ago
If I never see another shark video I'll be happy. Why do I waste my time with these dumb things?
Sans The Skeleton
Sans The Skeleton - 6 years ago
Bruce Wayne is a Shark week fan I see
thel vadamee
thel vadamee - 6 years ago
Sees 20ft great great white "I have a good feeling about this!" Me: Bruh....
Iqbal Syaputra
Iqbal Syaputra - 6 years ago
Stupid peoples
Brenton Ryan
Brenton Ryan - 6 years ago
I’ve seen bigger
Pet Galicia
Pet Galicia - 6 years ago
I think is pregnant to
DemstarAus - 6 years ago
Would you say that that was the biggest shark you've ever seen in your life?
adelaïde magdalena
adelaïde magdalena - 6 years ago
Александр Дёмин
Александр Дёмин - 6 years ago
shane smith
shane smith - 6 years ago
BlairBuildersllc - 6 years ago
You have footage of two differs sharks. How can we even tell if you guys are telling the truth. Who need science when all your trying to do is sell tv shows. Kinda disappointed Discovry.
Cheetah1985 - 6 years ago
Chris Mason
Chris Mason - 6 years ago
Great Whites are very large predatory species of fish. They have rows of razor sharp teeth. Their diet consist of other species of fish and various sea mammals such as seals and birds.
Mike Connell
Mike Connell - 6 years ago
Great white sharks are so majestic
TheOriginalMakaaka - 6 years ago
There was a case where some whalers saw 20 sharks of which 6 were over 9 meters. They know that because one of their boats was 9 meters and the sharks were the same size or bigger.
9 meters = 29.5 feet. Recently in Australia they saw a 7m great white which equates to: 23 feet.
BrandTheGuy - 6 years ago
not just huge, but T H I C C aswell, damn!!!
PotatoPotata - 6 years ago
it’s not giant. it’s just fat. L0L
Lovely Suman
Lovely Suman - 6 years ago
This is insane
Duncan Mcfadden
Duncan Mcfadden - 6 years ago
I blame the flat Earth
Mann of Dober
Mann of Dober - 6 years ago
Dat shark hella thicc.
Caroline Paquier
Caroline Paquier - 6 years ago
Uh....look at the tail at the 0:42 to 0:45 mark. The look at it at the 1:10 mark. Different tail, different shark.
Luciano Ari
Luciano Ari - 6 years ago
Wombat - 6 years ago
Farran Lamb
Farran Lamb - 6 years ago
Seen bigger er in oz land boys
Robert California
Robert California - 6 years ago
These are new kinds of sharks.
Called CGI sharks. Brand new to this world.
Yeng Constantine
Yeng Constantine - 6 years ago
You know why the sharks attacking humans? Coz we keep hurting/killing them. It gives them the feeling that we are a threat to them.
Diego Saputra
Diego Saputra - 6 years ago
Fat shark
Aman Srivastava
Aman Srivastava - 6 years ago
Ok got the point already.. Anything else
Mario Maldonado
Mario Maldonado - 6 years ago
Big Blue isn't the only Shark that size , don't know that for a fact but it's scary to think about when your out past the surf zone
Larry Potts
Larry Potts - 6 years ago
Andrew k Adams
Andrew k Adams - 6 years ago
All of you guys are a bunch of fries short of a Happy ass would be walking on water getting out of there
Joseph Newsome
Joseph Newsome - 6 years ago
What type of crime do you have to commit to have on a ankle bracelet chasing Sharks
Curt Christensen
Curt Christensen - 6 years ago
how are we supposed to judge size?
Selena Robinson
Selena Robinson - 6 years ago
She's Pregnant. . .( Pregnant Shark ) Looking For Someplace To Give Birth.
Keith Robinson
Keith Robinson - 6 years ago
Thats a pretty lame cage you got there. I think you left one wall back at the dock? You do understand that there are things in the oceans that think you're food, right?
airforcemax - 6 years ago
read to think intentions and actual practices and consequences to become fully aware of who benefits and how
ronald benson
ronald benson - 6 years ago
She's not pregnant, she's just full of idiots that swim in shark infested waters !
Imperial - 6 years ago
It was behind Chewy!!!!! Oh my word.
Randothol H
Randothol H - 6 years ago
And no doubt there are even bigger ones out there. Incredible creature
TrajansWALL - 6 years ago
What kind of bs cage is that
Anjello Luciano
Anjello Luciano - 6 years ago
why is the cage open on one side...
Michael Fuhres
Michael Fuhres - 6 years ago
It's the biggest White shark ad the time it's a female that was pregnant
rosco michael
rosco michael - 6 years ago
She'll smash ur face
Iced_Dragon XX
Iced_Dragon XX - 6 years ago
that shark is "Jargantuan"
Sarge Loves Scout
Sarge Loves Scout - 6 years ago
Just like the MOON LANDING!
Jay Sanders
Jay Sanders - 6 years ago
she is BIGGGG!!!
Athe Ismo
Athe Ismo - 6 years ago
What was this? The special olympics team of shark week? Everyone talked and acted like a retard. They should get T-Shirts reading "Great White ate my brain".
David Ridlespriger
David Ridlespriger - 6 years ago
There so tiny compared to the universe . Its thing out there you couldn't come within 50 million miles of that wouldn't destroy ever molecule in Your body and your praising a ocean scavenger?? What a cheap comparison
Plus if they stop moving they'll drown.lives in (SALT WATER) give a whole new meaning to words "throwing salt" salty than a MF!! eats ocean rats or whatever dead cadaver it swims by
To be such a predator of the sea? then tell me why do the go bazonkers when they get flipped upside down by another formidable adversary. Stop saluting that guppy and go find Megalodon
John Garland
John Garland - 6 years ago
I'm batman!
REW - 6 years ago
They Must really think we are all stupid!! I'm surprised they didn't capture it put it in a cage come back the next day and it was mysteriously gone!!
Mr Sea Turtle
Mr Sea Turtle - 6 years ago
Can someone explain why these underwater 'cages' come with the open-air balcony option? WTF?
jenny smith
jenny smith - 6 years ago
Over weight
James Eastridge
James Eastridge - 6 years ago
can I come help on boat,,,food,drinks,nitecaps,, is fine pay
Elijah Perez
Elijah Perez - 6 years ago
Maybe the Nigha eat to much
studio7 - 6 years ago
So its not the largest great white on the title says...yet more midleading bull on the fake ternet...
Tomasz Wójcik
Tomasz Wójcik - 6 years ago
That's the shark-female "Deep Blue"
MJ S - 6 years ago
Thats the safest underwater cage ever!!!!
CHRIS L - 6 years ago
Fuck those fake motherfuckers!
Sea Panther
Sea Panther - 6 years ago
The over zealous surfer dude was annoying and attention grabbing. This is supposed to be Discovery Channel's Shark Week not MTV's the Real World.
Justin Henry
Justin Henry - 6 years ago
that dude in the blue hat is pretty annoying, "Oh... muh... gawd.."
The Moonlit Quill
The Moonlit Quill - 6 years ago
Sea Panther I was so disappointed in Shark Week's 30th Year. It seemed more based on thrill seeking and exploiting how "dangerous" sharks can be rather than focusing on conservation, the imperiled species of sharks and how to protect them. Shark Week has really lost its way, I think.
Monz Gueg
Monz Gueg - 6 years ago
bad images, you moove tto much, sorry.
Pasha Pasovski
Pasha Pasovski - 6 years ago
She isn't pregnant, she ate a diver !
AE 7147
AE 7147 - 6 years ago
Jaws fucked her!
Andreas Edenberg
Andreas Edenberg - 6 years ago
so its the biggest shark the 18-year old has seen?
Athe Ismo
Athe Ismo - 6 years ago
It really, really is...
Jesus Paid It All
Jesus Paid It All - 6 years ago
She's YUUGE!
Barry Manclark
Barry Manclark - 6 years ago
Mmmmm Is it fake ... click bait perhaps .... That is a regular size here in Australia.
With a title like this they are telling us it's bull shit as usual Thumbs Down without question!
Here Now
Here Now - 6 years ago
Two different sharks there.
William - 6 years ago
And great whites are food for the mighty orcas.
Dawud Yasin
Dawud Yasin - 6 years ago
I don’t know what the big deal is I watched the movie called Jaws which is a true story. My dad said it was the biggest shark ever
Khalil Louz
Khalil Louz - 6 years ago
Obviously it's pregnant
Andrian Irlam
Andrian Irlam - 6 years ago
Why didn't they have a door on the front of the cage, if she wanted to she could have easily eaten both of them
jerry the king
jerry the king - 6 years ago
Yes but is she fighting for all four belts in the cruiserweight division
Sean Brennan
Sean Brennan - 6 years ago
That thing is ready to give birth
Maurice Brown
Maurice Brown - 6 years ago
She might have car in there ..
porkchop 803sc Williams
porkchop 803sc Williams - 6 years ago
That is the biggest shark I've ever seen,,,,,that is the biggest shark I've ever seen,,,,that is the biggest shark I've ever seen,,,,,that is the biggest shark I've ever seen,,,,, that is the biggest shark I've ever seen,,,,,that is the biggest shark I've ever seen ,,,,that is the biggest shark I've ever seen,,,,that is the biggest shark I've ever seen
Mel Makavali
Mel Makavali - 6 years ago
Look at the exagiration
DCJanssen - 6 years ago
Why is batman talking about shark birth ?
Maxx Madd
Maxx Madd - 6 years ago
deep blue is the largest shark caught on camera....that was not deep blue.....
YuckyPickles - 6 years ago
YuckyPickles - 6 years ago
YuckyPickles - 6 years ago
james williamson
james williamson - 6 years ago
This is bullshit, there are two different fish here, one has a malformed tail and a short snout.
One Wheel Drive
One Wheel Drive - 6 years ago
Nice to see that big sharks are still out there. Well.... That is until morons view this vid.
Aventador195 - 6 years ago
I call Shark BS. The tail on the Shark on 0:43 is all messed up compared to the one on 1:01. This is fake Discovery Channel!
Yunior Gamboa
Yunior Gamboa - 6 years ago
oh my god the comment section
kate summers
kate summers - 6 years ago
How big??
3 ravines
3 ravines - 6 years ago
Shes a biggin
William Mcspadden
William Mcspadden - 6 years ago
That is one very preganant white
Philip McAuley
Philip McAuley - 6 years ago
Absolute unit
Zombie3110bd - 6 years ago
Why 2 different sharks?
Kamikaze Yamamoto
Kamikaze Yamamoto - 6 years ago
This video should be called "When Overly Dramatic Faggots Encounter a Great White Shark."
I would have pushed that fag with the blue hat in the water immediately to give a demostration of the feeding habits of a large Great White - all in the name of science.
Some shark diving expedition companies should offer free trips for libtards.
Call it "Hug A Shark Week."
Really get close to nature!
de de
de de - 6 years ago
The "DEEP BLUE" has the broken tail, but you also showed a different large shark without a broken tail -- not the same shark. Deep Blue has battle scars and broken fin on the upper tail fin.
itscork - 6 years ago
I don't think she's pregnant.
She may have just eaten a large chocolate cake shake from Portillo's.
gmb 33
gmb 33 - 6 years ago
sexy fish
Sonny965 3
Sonny965 3 - 6 years ago
Imagine how fucking monstrous the baby's will be when full grown
James Campbell
James Campbell - 6 years ago
First underwater KFC blows up quickly!
Ricky Lachapelle
Ricky Lachapelle - 6 years ago
Yes she is big, pregnant but Why exagerate for danmed tv. 20ftz NOOO!!! SHE IS MAYBE 2 FTS LONGER THEN THEIR "DUMMY"
kaebella z
kaebella z - 6 years ago
"Her girth is impressive" it wasn't THAT impressive. Humans accomplish that with little effort.
Elizabeth Williamson
Elizabeth Williamson - 6 years ago
Randy said the shark was pregnant. I agree.
Robert Armstrong
Robert Armstrong - 6 years ago
The whole tail is moving. Top and bottom. That’s why it looks like two different tails. This girl is HUGE! May not be the biggest ever seen or recorded but she comes close.
J M - 6 years ago
I really miss the informative, old school documentaries you made 20+ years ago before 'reality' TV took over.
Now your shows are all about suspense music & tension scenes, with guys swearing & shouting 'duuuuude' while the camera shakes about and cuts every 2 seconds, you can barely make out what you're watching. Such braindead bullshit! Go back to the good 'ol days!
W i s h m a s t e r
W i s h m a s t e r - 6 years ago
It's not gonna be that big for long, that's mini great whites in it's belly, once they pop out the shark will lose all that size
Steve Harkleroad
Steve Harkleroad - 6 years ago
was that the biggest shark u ever saw ?
Grant Goldberg
Grant Goldberg - 6 years ago
Too bad those 3 didn't get eaten. Obnoxious douches.
Kaizer528 - 6 years ago
I was semi-interested in this, but then Batman spoke. Oh boy. I couldn't leave. Batman!
Paul - 6 years ago
hey look there is a massive shark, and were in an open cage. lets start screaming and talking loudly underwater near it. bullshit Discovery Channel i remember when I looked up to you
Na Na
Na Na - 6 years ago
The little dude was shaking while speaking. Dude I'm a diver and i swear I'd crap myself
Moi S
Moi S - 6 years ago
How many times can you say "the biggest shark I've ever seen in my life" ?!
francis takacs
francis takacs - 6 years ago
Impressive girth.
Zachary Rogers
Zachary Rogers - 6 years ago
Is it just me or does the narrator sound like batman
Wilson Harris
Wilson Harris - 6 years ago
That shark had a fat belly. Probably pregnant with baby sharks.
maddog - 6 years ago
if you believe that, then, i have the biggest dick on earth!
maddog - 6 years ago
ive seen over 500 biggest shark ever filmed videos! lmao.....
Jpgundarun - 6 years ago
Um excuse me, JAWS, 25 footer, 3 tons, majorly filmed?
Luke - 6 years ago
I wonder if that was the biggest shark they'd ever seen?
Anthony Quigley
Anthony Quigley - 6 years ago
how many accents do these guys have? The stupid looking idiot at the front walking around in bare feet has an american accent, with a bit of Danish, AND south african.... wtf
Anthony Quigley
Anthony Quigley - 6 years ago
thats 2 or 3 sharks, they have different tails ffs, you can never trust nature freaks, they always add on size to everything "it's 35ft" you measure it and it's like 27
ForFunTV - 6 years ago
MrHighgate123 - 6 years ago
I can imagine them commenting on ron jeremy in a porn film.
Matthew Jesse
Matthew Jesse - 6 years ago
I bet that shark is “Deep Blue”
DaylightDigital - 6 years ago
1:32 "If that's even a word" (Ron Howard narrator voice): It wasn't.
Owain Thomas
Owain Thomas - 6 years ago
Ahh, you can’t beat discovery for lying/exaggeration. Dorsal fin was droopy at one point and then erect. 20 feet? No way. 16 tops.
Nory Aronfeld
Nory Aronfeld - 6 years ago
Impressive Girth
mufalme - 6 years ago
"according to the Guinness Book of Records, the two largest great white sharks ever found were 36' and 37' feet long. The 36' foot shark was captured off Port Fairy in South Australia in the 1870s, while the 37' shark was caught in New Brunswick, Canada, in the 1930s."
Anthony The Great
Anthony The Great - 6 years ago
Did he have a ankle monitor
Tom Whitmore
Tom Whitmore - 6 years ago
Shark isn't pregnant, just had a few big macs is all.. ☻
FFS - 6 years ago
Proof that if you eat nothing but seafood you'll be fat
SavageArfad - 6 years ago
‘You’re gonna need A bigger boat’.
Star-Jumper - 6 years ago
What's with the fucking tweeker talking and jittering the whole time?
Batsy Arkham99
Batsy Arkham99 - 6 years ago
oh my god, IT'S A MEGALODON
Daniel Vigil
Daniel Vigil - 6 years ago
The weather changed
LarryC213 - 6 years ago
The stupid bastard at 0:54 should have been thrown into the water.
Ron Duncan
Ron Duncan - 6 years ago
What good is a shark cage if one end is completely open?
Lil Sauce
Lil Sauce - 6 years ago
But in the location there in the white sharks should be black or dark grey, why is is this silver grey
ThePizzadude93 - 6 years ago
Ladies and Gentlemen, the long lost daughter of Jaws.
JOKE'S ON YOU - 6 years ago
Theres scars on the sharks back at 0:41 after that.they disappear.
George Tsinikos
George Tsinikos - 6 years ago
matt f
matt f - 6 years ago
Kam Bell
Kam Bell - 6 years ago
Batman vs Great White
jonathan saephan
jonathan saephan - 6 years ago
two different sharks stay woke
Norby Melanson
Norby Melanson - 6 years ago
King Category
King Category - 6 years ago
We gonna call her "BIG BERTHA!"
ericthedread1 - 6 years ago
00:27 "coming underneath the cage now" I'm sorry mate but what your on is a platform cages have walls all the way around, I'm amazed there's enough room on there for you and your giant weapons grade titanium balls!!
Paul Jamieson
Paul Jamieson - 6 years ago
Is that Deep Blue?
Yanano Bere
Yanano Bere - 6 years ago
Blatant lies and you can tell from the way the fish are swimming round unnaturally that this is a CGI
1970nathou - 7 years ago
Looks to me that this is 2 seperate sharks because of the tail, as pointed out by a previous commenter.
Danny - 7 years ago
Looks like my dick
barry lyndon
barry lyndon - 7 years ago
That's racism, we wuz black sharkz
Paulo Henrrique
Paulo Henrrique - 7 years ago
Hello friends thank you
John Stacy
John Stacy - 7 years ago
Your gonna need a Bigger Boat!
Zaki El Horan
Zaki El Horan - 7 years ago
Calvin smith
Calvin smith - 7 years ago
Beautiful animals, so leave them alone
southernflower88 - 7 years ago
Where's the rest of that cage ?
Vanja Valen
Vanja Valen - 7 years ago
Is that Batman?
ADEBISI ADEBISI - 7 years ago
All that body and no ass.
Foreign Creations
Foreign Creations - 7 years ago
That’s a big bitch lol
mike Q
mike Q - 7 years ago
Bruce Wayne is that you?
Alexander Hoover
Alexander Hoover - 7 years ago
How'd they get 20ft? The models for the 'chewy shark' on the shark being measured aren't even the same size as the one caught in the actual still frame that they used while the shark was swimming by. It's more like 15ft long. Still big, but they're way off. Silly.
えのき - 7 years ago
How old is the shark?
Chop and Kalin Cerda
Chop and Kalin Cerda - 7 years ago
SHE WAS SO PRETTY....the shark
Kayla Abrahams
Kayla Abrahams - 7 years ago
That dude sound South African
Milter Whore
Milter Whore - 7 years ago
I never seen any great white mating videos before, hope somebody could film it in the future.
Odin Graniela
Odin Graniela - 7 years ago
So they never seen a whale shark? Or a basking shark
David Dixon
David Dixon - 7 years ago
She is a minow. Check out the 35 to 40 foot "Submarine" shark on this site.
Thomas Matteo
Thomas Matteo - 7 years ago
Must of eaten a whale.
EaaannnTv - 7 years ago
So fake
Captain Of The Lost Seas
Captain Of The Lost Seas - 7 years ago
Thicc shark amiright
TheBestGame Reviews
TheBestGame Reviews - 7 years ago
Thats explaine everything she is pregnant of course she is pregrant and when she give to birth she return to normal size she is no massive its just because of pregnancy by the way the longest shark in the world is Deep Blue Mexican White shark
Tyger - 7 years ago
Keelins Kicks
Keelins Kicks - 7 years ago
Why that nigga fist bump so hard
Why Not- Fortnite
Why Not- Fortnite - 7 years ago
Was that Deep Blue?
NinjaGamer 443
NinjaGamer 443 - 7 years ago
Lmao WTF! Fucking HUGE
bassgott8 - 7 years ago
NinjaGamer 443 it's pregnant not huge
Joeschmofromcocomo - 7 years ago
Wonder if she's pregnant. Or just fat.
Joeschmofromcocomo - 7 years ago
These Listerine ads are annoying.
Showdown - 7 years ago
Pregnant fish!
M€ - 7 years ago
lol they are using 2 sharks and trying to tell us its the same shark. the first one has a bent tail fin and marks on its right side where the 2nd doesn't have a bent tail and only a deep cut on the left side :P
Roger Allagan
Roger Allagan - 7 years ago
I don't hate the video or the discovery of that massive shark...but do you call it a proper cage..?
Deven Kampel
Deven Kampel - 7 years ago
Is it really a "mega shark" if shes pregnant?
Matt Hetherington
Matt Hetherington - 7 years ago
Not the biggest, just the most pregnant.
OdeliaBC - 7 years ago
LOL, reminds me of Finding Nemo. All the videos of huge sharks are CGI.
H R - 7 years ago
Funniest shark exploration ever
Zombie Killer
Zombie Killer - 7 years ago
Nice ankle bracelet lol
Haydeybug 779
Haydeybug 779 - 7 years ago
If you watch the video at 2:23 very close, you can see the shark is fake, you can actually see the strings used to move the shark, and you can see the guys face inside the mouth. so fake
bigkever1 - 7 years ago
Are these the same shark? look at her tail at 0:42 and then again at 0:58 and so on. Not sure what the deal is here....
Lexster - 7 years ago
Omar Mostafa
Omar Mostafa - 7 years ago
1:13 the great white just stoped stoped without sinking, when a great white shark stops swimming it will sink to the sea bed therefore proving this Video to be fake
Corey Cheng
Corey Cheng - 7 years ago
Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor - 7 years ago
Definitely troy baker
dAbSpUr 1882
dAbSpUr 1882 - 7 years ago
2 different sharks!! 1 has bent tail and two marks on back the other no marks and normal tail???
dAbSpUr 1882
dAbSpUr 1882 - 7 years ago
42 sec her tail fin is bent and broken but at 1:04 its back to normal??
Death Trooper
Death Trooper - 7 years ago
I think that shark is just pregnant...
Bryce Colvard
Bryce Colvard - 7 years ago
So are females bigger than males, because they could hold pups or is there another reason?
Aram Garibyan
Aram Garibyan - 7 years ago
It's pregnant, lol. Dumb video.
bassgott8 - 7 years ago
Aram Garibyan ikr? Went to the comments to check
ZephyrX_054 - 7 years ago
Don't die
Grimmorium Grimoire
Grimmorium Grimoire - 7 years ago
this is pathetic. Don't try to deceive us idiots
UNHOLY PRIEST - 7 years ago
its 2 different sharks meh
SpaceShark - 7 years ago
that shark is either pregnant or hasn't taken a shit in weeks
KrashSyteGaming - 7 years ago
( ゚o゚) u be posting fakkkkkkeeeeeesssss
Max F
Max F - 7 years ago
clearly under 20 feet by comparison to the dummy shark!
Christy Dunlap
Christy Dunlap - 7 years ago
That is a frigging beast. But isn't Deep Blue even bigger than that by a couple more feet?
Sranic A
Sranic A - 7 years ago
My dick is bigger
Chris Thomson
Chris Thomson - 7 years ago
Whats the point if the cage fully open at one side
Yousef Ibrahim
Yousef Ibrahim - 7 years ago
Why is Batman here
Following Excitement
Following Excitement - 7 years ago
Damn, I read Island of a nigga shark lol I've been watching Lenarrs videos on YouTube.
meriem mimi
meriem mimi - 7 years ago
She's just pregnant ...!
xXx_Pokemaster Cyro_xXx
xXx_Pokemaster Cyro_xXx - 7 years ago
The guy who said gargantuan has an annoying accent
Batman - 6 years ago
He might be South African?
Lawrence Labuschagne
Lawrence Labuschagne - 6 years ago
xXx_Pokemaster Cyro_xXx and you should just stfu...
Nine Nifty Facts
Nine Nifty Facts - 7 years ago
adrian hunter
adrian hunter - 7 years ago
She's pregnant that's why.  If she weren't, she'd be the same as the rest of them.
OBAMA HATER - 7 years ago
Kevo 6x
Kevo 6x - 7 years ago
Who else plays ark
Dean Govender
Dean Govender - 7 years ago
Fake ..
Lone Angler
Lone Angler - 7 years ago
look up jaws.... your boat was fine...
John Dough
John Dough - 7 years ago
That shark is way smaller than my pet penguin I feed him cornbread and steroids. Does make me wonder how many scientists have crossbred great whites with other species or attempted to feed a local population of great whites dead fish injected with steroids to bulk up the great whites they photograph
Edward Thayer
Edward Thayer - 7 years ago
Noticed that also! It's ashame that people think other people are that stupid!
Maria Skødt
Maria Skødt - 7 years ago
Just found another clip of the shark with the wonky tail. Her name is Lucy, and another big female called Emma.
Maria Skødt
Maria Skødt - 7 years ago
Whats with the shark and the tail business??? Ive seen the same clip quite a few times from different people and its supposed to be the beautiful Deep Blue. She has many markings and this one doesnt....and pretty sure sharks dont get corrective surgery to cover spots lol.
Masoko Senpai
Masoko Senpai - 7 years ago
That cage isn’t doing jack shit against that thing
Maurizio Candido
Maurizio Candido - 7 years ago
Femmina di squalo bianco incinta, presumibilmente di età tra i 6 e gli 8 anni
John Simeonie
John Simeonie - 7 years ago
What a magnificent creature
Charity Davis
Charity Davis - 7 years ago
So why is that whole side of the cage open?????
Tyler Will
Tyler Will - 7 years ago
What a chubster!
Ricardo Bernardo
Ricardo Bernardo - 7 years ago
this shows are a fraud...Discovery Channel should be fucking ashamed
Tom ThePlayer
Tom ThePlayer - 7 years ago
Why she or he ( the shark) so fat?
Adam G
Adam G - 7 years ago
like i trust people with accents like that
McDonalds Wifi97
McDonalds Wifi97 - 7 years ago
The McDonald's shark
Supes Me
Supes Me - 7 years ago
Wonder if she had her babies yet? or it's one of these things like a Elephant where it takes years?
Supes Me
Supes Me - 7 years ago
Guinness says the largest ever was like 36' . Is that even possible?
tutenkharnage - 7 years ago
That cage seems to be a wall short.
TADionysus - 7 years ago
the shark that was heading back down to the depths was not the shark they were freaking out over there are two sharks in this video one male and one female the male obviously got all the damage from her when they mated guess he is hanging around with her till she has the pups
TADionysus - 7 years ago
she isnt that big she looks pregnant and she is not over 20 feet long
Phil Giellea
Phil Giellea - 7 years ago
More BS from Discovery, like the Mermaids, Dino's, Monster Quest, etc.
Kill3bya Pro
Kill3bya Pro - 7 years ago
It's deep blue
Garvin Francis
Garvin Francis - 7 years ago
It was in its gestation period
That's not the biggest shark
WerewolfGaming - 7 years ago
1:21 Is female (you can see the bulge on the stomach that indicates she's pregnant carying shark pups) 0:42 is male
MrFishPirate - 7 years ago
That's a wee slip of a shark. Check this one out:
Adam x
Adam x - 7 years ago
When they measure the shart at the end the measuring shark doubles up but becomes smaller that the actual one.

Deep blue is probably a massive 18-19ft.
Tenoch Huerta
Tenoch Huerta - 7 years ago
Oh.....MA GAWD.
teenie beenie
teenie beenie - 7 years ago
is not
RGB LOK - 7 years ago
Man CGI has gone a long ways since jaws :D
ddrew 5000
ddrew 5000 - 7 years ago
If Oprah was a shark
MadaraUchihamizukage - 7 years ago
thinking the whole time: wow thats a missive thing.... at 1:58: ITS BATMAN HOLY CRAP!
Wayne andrews
Wayne andrews - 7 years ago
" based on what I saw with my eyes " these guys are fckn pricks
Laura Prudhomme
Laura Prudhomme - 7 years ago
I wonder is that blue great white
Andrea De La Fuente
Andrea De La Fuente - 7 years ago
She has to be pregnant. She's huge.
mr thompson m
mr thompson m - 6 years ago
Andrea De La Fuente true that’s what I was thinking she can barely move
Michael Harto
Michael Harto - 6 years ago
nah, she's just a feminist shark.
The gamingWave
The gamingWave - 6 years ago
Andrea De La Fuente true
Tom Tom
Tom Tom - 6 years ago
Kukuruz Krupnoklipac
Kukuruz Krupnoklipac - 6 years ago
Andrea De La Fuente - No. She is unable to digest the plastic in her stomach
Chris Barnard
Chris Barnard - 6 years ago
Exactly my thought
DAUGHTERS 4 LIFE - 6 years ago
Doesn't seem long just really fat...... No Homo
Isa Vermeer
Isa Vermeer - 6 years ago
Andrea De La Fuente that is body shaming
HORROR FAN - 6 years ago
Jasen Johnson Johnson phatt and thicc
Jasen Johnson Johnson
Jasen Johnson Johnson - 6 years ago
Not fat big boned
JP Stone
JP Stone - 6 years ago
I bet she likes it rough!
JSanchez ElOnce
JSanchez ElOnce - 6 years ago
I said that to a lady at Walmart. Ended poorly.
Hadden Industries
Hadden Industries - 6 years ago
hey now be nice...she just loves chocolate and oprah
maamaan funniest
maamaan funniest - 6 years ago
That's the better explain
Milter Whore
Milter Whore - 7 years ago
I think its not huge, but round.
Why Not- Fortnite
Why Not- Fortnite - 7 years ago
She is her name is Deep Blue she is a famous shark
Deo Yin Yang
Deo Yin Yang - 7 years ago
Andrea De La Fuente She is a feminist
Elizabeth Hodge
Elizabeth Hodge - 7 years ago
With everything that's going on in the world all the earthquakes all of the disruption under the ocean don't think for a second this is going to be the last one we see him this size I think we truly haven't seen what's at the bottom of the ocean so how can we say that this is the biggest one yes it's huge no doubt about that I think we're going to see even bigger
Luiza H. C. Braga
Luiza H. C. Braga - 7 years ago
What makes someone dive with a shark of that size swimming around him ?? He's crazy !!! LOL
life is a lemon
life is a lemon - 7 years ago
nice cgi
Alvarez Brewster
Alvarez Brewster - 7 years ago
The things people do for views .lol
Alvarez Brewster
Alvarez Brewster - 7 years ago
This is fake but I can c where they can fool some people
Derrick Lake
Derrick Lake - 7 years ago
Dude should we like get in the water with him and chewy dude!!!! I love the shark dude so much!!!! Look at his girth!!!
Ben Mandeville
Ben Mandeville - 7 years ago
Biiiiiig fish, Wonderful to see.
Mel Makavali
Mel Makavali - 7 years ago
Liars....not 20feet more like 17
18 feet .man eaters yet safe them??? Wtf is this?
Trust in Christ
Trust in Christ - 7 years ago
Go to Jesus before it's too late! Revelation 12:1 was fulfilled on september 23rd 2017! Convert before it's too late!
Javier Muñoz Fonto
Javier Muñoz Fonto - 6 years ago
Hello. I am alive.
Tai Pan Cok
Tai Pan Cok - 6 years ago
Paedo cunts the lot of you religions cock gobblers
Alley Kat
Alley Kat - 7 years ago
Trust in Christ HAIL SATIN!!! soft comfy satin
Trust in Christ
Trust in Christ - 7 years ago
The prayer for life: Dear God, I admit I am a sinner,
I believe your Son, The Lord Jesus Christ was crucified and
bore my sin debt, He payed my sin debt in full, I ask you
to forgive me my sin based off HIS sacrifice, I ask you
God to come into my life, and guide me, Amen.

If you prayed that prayer, you are saved. You may not
have felt something, or maybe you did. Some people do,
some don't. Doesn't change that they are saved. What will
determine if you feel something is if you trust in God,
read the Bible, and pray. :) I'll see you in Heaven if you
prayed that prayer and are willing to follow God from now
Trust in The Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation.
Trust in Christ
Trust in Christ - 7 years ago
It's not good to swear to your Creator.
Caesarslegion1 - 6 years ago
Trust in Christ Idiot.
Cool Jesus
Cool Jesus - 7 years ago
Trust in Christ I'm a Catholic whore. Currently enjoying Congress, out of wedlock, with my black, Jewish boyfriend, who works in a military abortion clinic. So, hail satan, and have a lovely day sir.
Trust in Christ
Trust in Christ - 7 years ago
It's not required, but if you'd like you can watch this video,
Trust in Christ
Trust in Christ - 7 years ago
If you feel the spirit of God calling you, then come. Believe. Trust in Christ, pray that prayer. If you should see your need for Him, then the prayer is above as I have shown.
Cool Jesus
Cool Jesus - 7 years ago
Trust in Christ im happy with my life the way it is
Cool Jesus
Cool Jesus - 7 years ago
Trust in Christ mabye i dont want to be saved...
Trust in Christ
Trust in Christ - 7 years ago
You can be saved in a short moment, less than a minute of prayer....
The prayer for salvation:
Dear God, I admit I am a sinner,
I believe your Son, Jesus Christ was crucified and
bore my sin debt, He payed my sin debt in full, I ask you
to forgive me my sin based off His sacrifice, I ask you
God to come into my life, and guide me, Amen.

If you prayed that prayer, you are saved. You may not
have felt something, or maybe you did. Some people do,
some don't. Doesn't change that they are saved. What will
determine if you feel something is if you trust in God,
read the Bible, and pray. :) I'll see you in Heaven if you
prayed that prayer and are willing to follow God from now
on. You have a clean slate before God now, but if you sin
again then admit you sinned, repent or "turn away" from sin,
and ask for forgiveness based off Christ's sacrifice.
Trust in Christ for your salvation :) Glory be to God, not me.
Trust in Christ
Trust in Christ - 7 years ago
Neither, I trust in God and His Son, The Christ. Trust in Him and repent and ask for forgiveness based off Christ's death when He was crucified for us. He bore our sin debt, He payed our sin debt in full. He payed the debt of all humans. He Himself never sinned, then He had ALL our sins put on Him. He payed our debt that we couldn't pay. So now we can be cleansed of our sin. If you want to get right with your Creator, if you want to know that when you die you're going to Heaven, pray the prayer I'll show. If you make a serious commitment, you won't regret this decision. This'll be the best decision you ever make.
Cool Jesus
Cool Jesus - 7 years ago
Trust in Christ wait is this a meme or are you genuinely retarded?...
Ahmad Abdallah
Ahmad Abdallah - 7 years ago
discovery you are full of shit please end your channel or take it back to the way it was with actual factual programs.
Mark Solarz
Mark Solarz - 7 years ago
Pregnant shark!
vigilhammer - 7 years ago
Its not that big...
its just pregnant.
Lizzy Bear Foodeater
Lizzy Bear Foodeater - 7 years ago
And they forgot to mention only one or two pups will surivives cause in the womb they will eat the smaller ones
Steven Angelo Buque
Steven Angelo Buque - 7 years ago
i think the sharks pregnant
Rob Carlson
Rob Carlson - 7 years ago
Lmao it's just an average prego female!!!! I like how everyone trys to find the next Super White people don't realize you need to look by a good source able to sustain them, bet if someone was daring enough to go deeper we could find some!
Will Ayres
Will Ayres - 7 years ago
I thought if there was a massive shark in an area then the smaller sharks would scatter
Eros John Delos Santos
Eros John Delos Santos - 7 years ago
Sharks is probs preg
Gaming TURTLEZz - 7 years ago
That moment when you realise the Narrator is Batman from telltale games...
Meghan McDermott
Meghan McDermott - 7 years ago
Oh the babies.
Jane Huzrad
Jane Huzrad - 7 years ago
Wow that druggy saffa is so annoying!
Raj Shah
Raj Shah - 7 years ago
Sensationalist garbage.
Danny Irish Greene
Danny Irish Greene - 7 years ago
NOT The Biggest At All
José - 7 years ago
John Cornell
John Cornell - 7 years ago
19ft at the most.
Skuash - 7 years ago
0:50 that guy has that thing on the ankle so isn't supposed to be there, right? That thing has a range so he's "in jail", why the fuck is he working there like nothing?
JP Stone
JP Stone - 7 years ago
Could we offer the shark that fellow in the blue baseball hat for a snack please?
JP Stone
JP Stone - 6 years ago
YES, I was going to say the same thing, but thought it might be cruel (to the shark...)
Unique - 6 years ago
Fuck you mean he was funny
W i s h m a s t e r
W i s h m a s t e r - 6 years ago
lol yeah he sucks
Hector Espinosa
Hector Espinosa - 7 years ago
they seems stupids !
Andy C
Andy C - 7 years ago
that thing is a beast!!!! it does look pregnant tho! its a jumbo man!!!
G̷w̷y̷n̷d̷a̷l̷y̷n̷ - 7 years ago
Discovery tries to fake it again.....
Joseph Charles
Joseph Charles - 7 years ago
This was one of the worst docs I have ever seen. First, it's utterly pointless. None of these people are scientists working for any scientific research institute or university. They don't find anything that wasn't already known about this area. Then, they measure the exact same shark twice as if it were two different sharks of two different sexes! If you watch the whole doc, they measure Lucy, the white shark with deformed caudal fin, twice, first as a 12-foot male and then a 16-foot female. Same shark. This is really sloppy. Shark Week has entertainment value only. If you're looking for a great documentary about these fascinating fishes, the best shark doc ever made is the BBC's Shark (2015).
Desmond s
Desmond s - 7 years ago
Fat Bitch....
Ted Bistarkey
Ted Bistarkey - 7 years ago
There was a book written that explains how animal films are manipulated to get the shots they want. I wish I could remember the name, but you'll look at this films differently after you read it. The big thing is that camera men could be onsite for days and never get the shot they want and to meet deadlines they get create with other shots.
John Saav
John Saav - 7 years ago
Is this fake Or not the tail was Musses up an then fixed?
VicenzoV - 7 years ago
The CGI in Finding Nemo was more convincing.
Josh Cundiff
Josh Cundiff - 7 years ago
Is it big blue ?
SanicPvP_ - 7 years ago
This video is used while saying that this is deep blue
Olivia Ferguson
Olivia Ferguson - 7 years ago
Where's the shark repellent bat spray?
Michael W Parris
Michael W Parris - 7 years ago
Olivia Ferguson ; Now, That's Funny!!!
James Vickers
James Vickers - 7 years ago
Different sharks
C_M - 7 years ago
its not even that big, just looks like a fatass
Charles Chambers
Charles Chambers - 7 years ago
The guy at 1:40 is seriously breaking my douche meter. Hate to be the troll but that guy annoys TF outta me lol
Lavar Ball
Lavar Ball - 7 years ago
high five! very nice
TheBigGuy3380 - 7 years ago
Go smoke your bong and come up with a new word!
Romans116gurl - 7 years ago
The guy in the blue hat is high af.
Speedy Bohlke
Speedy Bohlke - 6 years ago
Yes, it's in South Africa with South Africans high on South African weed.
Batman - 6 years ago
Romans116gurl I think he is South African. Might explain the weird accent
Natalie Fukoff
Natalie Fukoff - 7 years ago
This video is fat shaming the shark. She's pregnant you assholes!!
Natalie Fukoff
Natalie Fukoff - 7 years ago
mike dar okay looks like someone can't read sarcasm at all, and you think it's because of some psychological comparison, by thinking I'm overweight? And also not intelligent at all? I hope you know in reality humans are the biggest serial killers on the planet. Humans have killed every single animal that has ever existed since we've been here, at least once. Sharks have been here for billions of years and they never had to worry about going extinct until the human race came around.. I hope you know that my comment was just me acting like a liberal. It is irrational and idiotic for you to assume anything like that. So fuck off dude
mike dar
mike dar - 7 years ago
You a little overweight too? Just a little oversensitive?.. Need a safe place for the greatest predator of the sea fish, a true serial killer in every sense of the word? Surely you were just being facetious.
DeviousIntentions - 7 years ago
Fucking idiot
Blake Unrein
Blake Unrein - 7 years ago
Armando Orozco
Armando Orozco - 7 years ago
dats fucking batman !!! dope dope dope
Billy Menhennet
Billy Menhennet - 7 years ago
There are 2 different sharks in the video, deep blue ( the pregnant one ) and Lucy (with the mangled tale) I don't know both sharks were there at that time but to have them in the same video is pretty impressive
Dylan Thomas
Dylan Thomas - 7 years ago
When you come out of home town buffet
Ryan Miller
Ryan Miller - 7 years ago
Discovery Channel... or TRU TV...
wisdom seeker
wisdom seeker - 7 years ago
I love watching these mega sharks in their own environment! Their massive size is brilliant beauty!
Sea Pig
Sea Pig - 7 years ago
Unless "Chewy" scale was meters, there is no way in hell that shark was twenty feet. Her tail barely passed behind Chewy and there is no way she was even close to twice it's length. Stupid shit video.
BASSET BUTLER LORD - 7 years ago
That's deep blue
Eoftar - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who hears the Batman?
Albert C
Albert C - 7 years ago
480p, cmon discovery...
Selina Li
Selina Li - 7 years ago
kotlc fangirl
kotlc fangirl - 7 years ago
Darren Li
Darren Li - 7 years ago
Wait so the shark filmed is fake...?
Goose21780 - 7 years ago
Wait....Batman knows about sharks!?!
blah blah blah
blah blah blah - 8 years ago
Why be in a cage if it only have 3walls must of been high when they made the cage
MrPrice2u - 8 years ago
Damn shark week is such a disgrace and a display of hypocrisy! Pretending to educate people while they still create an environment of fear. It starts with the typo (lettering is all gritty and torn) and the use of music. IF Discovery wants to help to preserve these animals they need to stop feeding on peoples fear!
Pampos Pampou
Pampos Pampou - 8 years ago
Batman is naratting about sharks now ?
Seymour Butts
Seymour Butts - 8 years ago
I don't know about you guys but I would not be messing with no pregnant shark she be all hormonal and crabby and hungry and shit

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