Tiger Sharks of Tiger Beach
Shark videos 15 years ago 1,581,278 views
Some of the most beautiful sharks in the ocean are found here, Tiger sharks, Lemon sharks, reef and the occasional hammerhead shark! I ventured out with the Editor of Shark Diver Magazine who you'll see in the video hand feeding the Tiger sharks! Incredible interaction and such a respect for them after being so up close and personal! No cages, No chainmail, ONLY cameras! For a much higher quality version please visit www.LiquidProductions.com
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10. comment for Tiger Sharks of Tiger Beach
20. comment for Tiger Sharks of Tiger Beach
Cool. Thanks a lot!
oh, and as far as their, uh, music choices go?? ridiculous. rocking guitar riffs to the feeding footage and chill island beats to their stern cruising. there's only one correct musical cue for these things, and it's the deep, guttural growl of the churning ocean. conservation? absolutely, of course. but IDEALIZATION? no. these predatory fish are the tip of the spear; if they're hungry and you're in their damn way? you're gonna lose some meat, bet on it.
30. comment for Tiger Sharks of Tiger Beach
I went swimming with whale sharks in Australia (see my video) but this is different since they're apex predators!
50. comment for Tiger Sharks of Tiger Beach
As for the sharks, yes I can see their beauty no doubt, but I think Tiger Sharks are not to be romanticized too much, I am sure the only reason you were safe is because there was free food on offer that doesnt fight back. Not to say they would have attacked you otherwise, but they may have thought about it.
You can see from their head shape and their eyes, they are quite primordial / primitive beasts, when I look at that head close up, it scream 'killer' to me. Other sharks dont look so much like this, but I dont think its wise to underestimate them. They dont really seem that intelligent to me, probably not capable of much thought other than survival and hunting.
However, I think you make some assumptions. For example, that there is a preference in food in a survival circumstance as to a particular taste. Yes, we might prefer a big mac to a worm but everyone in a survival situation would eat a million worms and worse to survive. In a wild environment, I presume you eat what you can (presuming sharks are in that state). Food preference as to taste is mostly a luxury.
However, I believe that there is a preference in food apart separate from taste in a wild/survival situation- the preference of less risky prey. If you a human present himself as a fellow predator which could harm a shark, you can deter it- as shown by many spearfishermen.
Nonetheless, I agree that there is no inherent respect just because you are a human or because they have emotions. If it comes down to the right circumstances, you are a meal whether black, white, brown, tall, short, cute, ugly, human, non-human.
We like to make it all about ourselves, but at the end of the day, the shark's diet is made of fishes (for meat eaters) and a shark accidentally taking a bite out of a human is mostly the result of poor eyesight.
It's kind of like a man eating a worm in an apple. You take a bite, find it disgusting, you might even puke, but to the brave worm who survives after half this tail has been ripped and shredded by your gnarly powerful teeth, you are a worm eating monster always hungry for more juicy worm.
Realistically, the worm doesn't fight us off anymore than we fight off a two thousand pound shark in its element.
Our defense from sharks is essentially making them understand that we are not food, preferably before they try and take a bite.
And sometimes people eat motherfuckers. So do dogs, sometimes. They are misunderstood.
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