Tiger Sharks of Tiger Beach

Some of the most beautiful sharks in the ocean are found here, Tiger sharks, Lemon sharks, reef and the occasional hammerhead shark! I ventured out with the Editor of Shark Diver Magazine who you'll see in the video hand feeding the Tiger sharks! Incredible interaction and such a respect for them after being so up close and personal! No cages, No chainmail, ONLY cameras! For a much higher quality version please visit www.LiquidProductions.com

Tiger Sharks of Tiger Beach sentiment_very_dissatisfied 281

Shark videos 15 years ago 1,581,278 views

Some of the most beautiful sharks in the ocean are found here, Tiger sharks, Lemon sharks, reef and the occasional hammerhead shark! I ventured out with the Editor of Shark Diver Magazine who you'll see in the video hand feeding the Tiger sharks! Incredible interaction and such a respect for them after being so up close and personal! No cages, No chainmail, ONLY cameras! For a much higher quality version please visit www.LiquidProductions.com

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Most popular comments
for Tiger Sharks of Tiger Beach

Marc Dufresne
Marc Dufresne - 7 years ago
05:57 min hook
Debbie Overman
Debbie Overman - 7 years ago
Ya, unfortunately as much as I enjoyed the video footage, the music was too obnoxious, and I had to quite watching.
Natural Traditional Culture
Natural Traditional Culture - 7 years ago
wow! nice fishing video
please visit my channel&subscribe me
hamzah baby
hamzah baby - 7 years ago
I like tiger shark
Funk Enstein
Funk Enstein - 7 years ago
That one with the hook in his mouth...that's got to drive him mad.
Ionel Roman
Ionel Roman - 7 years ago
good boy nice you
fpvrcstuff - 7 years ago
Great Vid .Crap Music
Ryan Hewett
Ryan Hewett - 7 years ago

10. comment for Tiger Sharks of Tiger Beach

David Kimbro
David Kimbro - 7 years ago
Really bad example to make people think it is OK to feed sharks.... Remember what happened to Steve Irwin?
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 7 years ago
Thanks for you comment. Steve Irwin was killed unfortunately by a sting ray not a shark though. The people in this video are professionals.
Randall Fleenor
Randall Fleenor - 7 years ago
a shark is more dangerous when they are really hungry, hand feeding tigers isnt worth the risk in my book
Kaya De Angelis
Kaya De Angelis - 7 years ago
omfg?! they're feeding the shark with a fucking hook?! it's gonna injure the shark and it could die from infections
Shamim Khan
Shamim Khan - 7 years ago
Chanuwat Srıthong
Chanuwat Srıthong - 7 years ago
James Samson
James Samson - 7 years ago
yeah and if we are taught evolution, then we we go around rounding groups of people and mass shooting them for skulls for our evolution displays for museums in america and europe
Yee - 7 years ago
This is my favourite place on earth. All of my life I have wanted to go here, it's my dream place to give in my bucket list. I would definitely take photos and record like u guys if I was lucky enough to go there. Thx so much for making this video.
yasu haru
yasu haru - 7 years ago
I wondering which one os more dangerous between tiger and bull sharks. anyone knows.??
Shark Life
Shark Life - 7 years ago
That one Tiger Shark around 2:08-2:12 had a hook stuck in its mouth it looked like....
Manfred Preinig
Manfred Preinig - 8 years ago
Tolles Video, gratuliere.

20. comment for Tiger Sharks of Tiger Beach

The Person Who Says Merry Christmas
The Person Who Says Merry Christmas - 8 years ago
Norbi Roland
Norbi Roland - 8 years ago
jeramahia123 - 8 years ago
Been diving with a tiger shark. Most amazing experience of my life so far!
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 8 years ago
Hello, I'm trying to go there in April and I have a few questions. Are we allowed to touch sharks? How deep is it? Thanks!
Amu Jag
Amu Jag - 8 years ago
Solo Rider Have A safe journey x
JF Mub
JF Mub - 8 years ago
Solo Rider it is 20ft and I am sure that you can touch them
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 8 years ago
+Becky Kagan Schott
Cool. Thanks a lot!
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 8 years ago
That's great that you are headed out there. You should really ask your tour operator about their rules. Different ones have different rules. Depth depends on location too, there are a few locations they will likely take you to.
Capt Eric Bergeron
Capt Eric Bergeron - 8 years ago
Nice video, thumbs up from us and cheers from sunny IGY Simpson Bay Marina, Sint Maarten in the Caribbean.
DaringPuppyDog - 8 years ago
very good video Get recked Fishies!
Bijinius Cross
Bijinius Cross - 8 years ago
uh, no. sorry. Tiger Sharks still freak me right the #### out, man. not at all shapely or elegant like the Great White or even interestingly bizarre like the Hammerhead - these guys and gals are weirdly, uncannily "snub-nosed", and so kind of ugly (in a strictly) functional sense. there is no beauty or glamour to be gleaned from that face. and their mouths... they seem to open FAR wider than they SHOULD, and contain rows of non cylindrical, awful teeth used for both cutting AND sawing. they deserve our upmost respect, which is why i stay out of the goddamned fucking ocean(!)

oh, and as far as their, uh, music choices go?? ridiculous. rocking guitar riffs to the feeding footage and chill island beats to their stern cruising. there's only one correct musical cue for these things, and it's the deep, guttural growl of the churning ocean. conservation? absolutely, of course. but IDEALIZATION? no. these predatory fish are the tip of the spear; if they're hungry and you're in their damn way? you're gonna lose some meat, bet on it.
Despite All My Rage
Despite All My Rage - 8 years ago
Love the tropical music at the beginning. Reminds me of my trips to Bahamas and Bermuda.
AKMTactical2 - 8 years ago
Sharks are beautiful and majestic no doubt. But hand feeding an animal that has the ability to rip your arm off isn't smart. This is not a dog. These sharks can grow up to 20 feet in length. Have a little more respect for nature.
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
well, they go for the fish, not the hand ☺ theyre not dumb
Mátyás Kassay
Mátyás Kassay - 8 years ago
I always wanted to swim with sharks,I hope I can do it one day.
Titan Army
Titan Army - 7 years ago
just enter the ocean

30. comment for Tiger Sharks of Tiger Beach

Chen ZHUO JUN - 8 years ago
oh how beautiful!!
Inéz Nieves
Inéz Nieves - 8 years ago
They kind of look cute when they're really docile like that!
Royce Cabanayan
Royce Cabanayan - 8 years ago
tiger sharks are my favorite kind of shark
slib the god
slib the god - 8 years ago
sooooooooooooooooo fucking beautiful !!!
Lost Juggernaut
Lost Juggernaut - 8 years ago
what are the fish called that are under the sharks
Mecha Pika
Mecha Pika - 8 years ago
shungangrockstar - 8 years ago
it's babies :)
Dud M
Dud M - 9 years ago
I don't agree with the way you guys bait and feed the sharks at the beginning of this video. It is provoking attacking behavior in proximity to humans.
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
no its not
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
no its not!
DiablosGunTime - 9 years ago
How lucky you are to share the ocean with these beautiful majestic creatures! One day I hope I can do the same :)
mmmbad - 9 years ago
They're fascinating animals we need to learn more about so they aren't so misunderstood. Thanks for posting!
LT CH - 9 years ago
Amazing! I really want to do this!

I went swimming with whale sharks in Australia (see my video) but this is different since they're apex predators!
Caleb Gates
Caleb Gates - 9 years ago
There's a fishing hook in the tiger shark's mouth
Everett Cox
Everett Cox - 7 years ago
So has anyone removed the hook yet? I mean it's been nine years already...
thisisasticup - 8 years ago
+Caleb Gates name is actually Hook
wilson blauheuer
wilson blauheuer - 9 years ago
+Caleb Gates  That shark is a bad ass with the battle scars to prove it
Julien F
Julien F - 9 years ago
so cute
TaeNyFan - 9 years ago
what are the fishes sticking onto the sharks? shark babies?
Tom Palowkar
Tom Palowkar - 7 years ago
TaeNyFan they're lazy fish,the tiger shark displaces the currents when it's moving so the small fish don't have to use any energy to travel,plus then because they're also relatively big (not in comparison) they are a relatively good source of food and therefore the best place to be is behind the shark
bruinschiefs1 - 9 years ago
+TaeNyFan they're called remoras.
serene diver
serene diver - 9 years ago
Beautiful.  Thank You.  Restores my faith in human nature-- at least, for those not involved in long-line fishing or the finning industry.
Tommy Petersen
Tommy Petersen - 9 years ago
Did I just see one with a hook?
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
yea, there are some sick basterds who fish sharks for fun and dont even bother to remove the hooks. it really pisses me off mate
Claire Davenhall
Claire Davenhall - 9 years ago
Why does this shark have those smaller fish almost like sticking to its body?
LT CH - 9 years ago
+Claire Davenhall They clean it and in return they get protection
Matt Mattius
Matt Mattius - 9 years ago
Pretty sure you shouldn't feed wild sharks! Also can someone please get that fucking disgusting hook out of that magnificent tiger. If I had the opportunity to catch anyone ever fishing for these I would happily gut them and throw them overboard
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 7 years ago
For both, me and the one harpooning the shark.
Scipio Africanus
Scipio Africanus - 7 years ago
+Na'xia Xi'Larn Of course you would. Thats a life sentence right there
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 7 years ago
If I was diving with you and see you harpooning that shark i wouldnt think a second before harpooning YOU!
Matt Mattius
Matt Mattius - 8 years ago
MemeMaster Gigan I certainly would, at least harpoon the bastard, you included meme master unfortunately.
Michael b
Michael b - 8 years ago
won't that shark forever associate divers with feeding ?? why is it too little to swim with and admire them ? why touch and feed them, nothing good can come of that level of contact between humans and wild creatures
Scipio Africanus
Scipio Africanus - 8 years ago
No you wouldn't.
Ka - 8 years ago
Totally agree!
AK-104 Russian Carbine
AK-104 Russian Carbine - 9 years ago
+Matt Cullum agreed
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 9 years ago
+Matt Cullum The hook has been out for years now thankfully! We still see this shark we've nicknamed "hook" often.
Wesley Schmidt
Wesley Schmidt - 9 years ago
Fv is
badcatinbronx - 9 years ago
Unnecessary risk.
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
just like crossing the street, or walking outside during the thunderstorm, or taking drugs, or having unprotected sex with an unknown person, or .... you get my point, dont you?
Alipro Microcemento
Alipro Microcemento - 9 years ago
esto es orrible
Jenni Cartwright
Jenni Cartwright - 9 years ago
This is simply amazing.  The fear of the unknown I think is the problem for most people.  I have got to swim with the sharks in Jamaica and St. Lucia and will be diving with them this August for my birthday in the  Bahamas.  The first time I was in the water with them I must admit I was a bit nervous, but the sharks were not interested in me in the least.  Once I realized that we just swam together and it was an experience I will never forget nor could I explain it to someone who was not there.  Thanks for sharing and all that you do for these magnificent beautiful creatures!

50. comment for Tiger Sharks of Tiger Beach

Angelo West
Angelo West - 9 years ago
I don't care what this bitch tells me,if your in the water without scuba gear and just floating around in the water, tiger shark will come and bite you!
Titan Army
Titan Army - 7 years ago
lol, burn
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 8 years ago
You are the one who just commented again after 1 year. lol too funny. I hope you enjoy the video from your couch, i'm sure you'll never meet a tiger shark face to face. If you did then you'dl be it's bitch!
Angelo West
Angelo West - 8 years ago
+Becky Kagan Schott huh? whatever dont even remember typing or watching this...and i'm sure you been called worse ..don't be so sensitive..... bitch :)
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 9 years ago
+Angelo West no need for rude and offensive name calling Angelo. Thanks for watching!
Damien Thorn
Damien Thorn - 9 years ago
That is so cool. Thank you for your videos. Tiger sharks look super cool. Although, have you ever swam with a miko shark, and if so, does swimming with different sharks have different experiences? That is the coolest looking shark to me, and would love to see one in real life. I'll check out your other vids to see if you have, but thank you again. One love.
Steve Castell
Steve Castell - 10 years ago
Beautiful job Becky!!  
Ramiro H
Ramiro H - 10 years ago
That last song where can I find it D: its so soothing
Stephan - 10 years ago
Nice video, some of your music choices were really bizzare and not relaxing at all though.

As for the sharks, yes I can see their beauty no doubt, but I think Tiger Sharks are not to be romanticized too much, I am sure the only reason you were safe is because there was free food on offer that doesnt fight back. Not to say they would have attacked you otherwise, but they may have thought about it.

You can see from their head shape and their eyes, they are quite primordial / primitive beasts, when I look at that head close up, it scream 'killer' to me. Other sharks dont look so much like this, but I dont think its wise to underestimate them. They dont really seem that intelligent to me, probably not capable of much thought other than survival and hunting.
Lara Rukab Bosha
Lara Rukab Bosha - 7 years ago
Sumbul Aslam
Sumbul Aslam - 7 years ago
Stephan i
Damon Hargrave
Damon Hargrave - 7 years ago
Stephan did you really just imply the only reason they weren't attacked is because it had other food? You know there's free divers and wranglers who go specifically to tiger shark heavy places and hold them and take a ride and virtually play with them....and many spearfisherman who have shit fish within feet of them.....of course they're fucking sharks...a shark is a shark if it wants to eat you there's not much you can do even as a spearfisherman you have to get lucky....but here's the thing...they hunt mate...if you know it's there, you're basically already safe...if it wanted to eat you you wouldn't have known it was there until it was on you..the same goes for great whites...if you see it swimming calmly it's allowing you to see it...therefore it's not hunting you and does not intend to eat you...(may still bite for other reasons but sharks are easy to read and tell when they're agitated and aren't happy with your presence...then you will typically be given plenty of time to leave....think about it like this...out of the hundreds of thousands of hours divers have spent specifically trying to dive with them...there's not really any attacks that weren't a surprise shark they didn't see until it happened.....and there's been hundreds of sudden attacks on swimmers and surfers and divers (divers who were not seeking sharks) who got suddenly hit without seeing them. So the people seeking them out spending more time with them are getting bitten less frequently than those trying to avoid them? It's not rocket science...they're wild animals just like any other. They have behaviour patterns like any other.. And at the right times in the right circumstances are a pleasure to be around just like any other animal
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 8 years ago
NCS channel has good songs.
Bijinius Cross
Bijinius Cross - 8 years ago
wow. i wrote my comment, then read yours. it seems i'm not the only one who finds not but malice in the face of a Tiger Shark. terrifying. utterly, completely calm and collected - until their jaws snap open/shut on their prey, and the thrashing begins. there aren't many animals on this planet capable of putting up much resistance to a hungry, feeding Tiger... least of ALL, perhaps, us humans. we're only visiting the ocean; as far as mankind's timeline goes, they've existed forever. down there, looking up: a perfect nightmare.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching, I shot this 8 years ago. I had limited resources for non copyrighted music at the time. You are correct they are quite primordial and should be respected. They could turn on a dime.
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 9 years ago
+ThaFunkster100 Sharks are self-aware according two new research.
Stephan - 10 years ago
+Becky Kagan Schott I dont know if you know of freesound.org, there is quite a good selection of genres there.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 10 years ago
+ThaFunkster100  Thanks for your comments. I agree that Tigers Sharks should be respected. They are an apex predator and not a puppies. We use bait to attract the sharks. If there was no bait in the water the sharks would not even come near us most likely or they would take a look and swim away. They wouldn't attack us if there wasn't "free" food. As for the music, sorry. I chose non-copyrighted music and it's hard to find good stuff!
Frank Wagner
Frank Wagner - 10 years ago
U just feed them alot beffor swiming with them. :D
RayVal53 - 10 years ago
Join us again next week for the hair raising finale of "ESCAPE FROM TIGER PLANET"!!!
123YoshiLover - 10 years ago
Humans can make any animal love them, except for big ass animals like dinosaurs. That's why they are extinct.
kingklabe - 10 years ago
I'm surprised at the size of some of the remoras. Pretty huge.
kitty cateau
kitty cateau - 10 years ago
wow, this is amazing very nice video. you are very lucky you had/have the opportunity to do this.
Kekoa kaiee tv
Kekoa kaiee tv - 10 years ago
Once I went swimming with a shark and I got to feed it and pet it and a lot of more fun stuff with sharks.
tyson1ize - 10 years ago
here here!!
Tim Schneider
Tim Schneider - 10 years ago
So this video is teaching me i can go to the drop off at an island i go snorkelling and don't have to worry about it?
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
will most likely leave you alone*
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
ofc you have to, if you see a shark while snorkeling, you better keep eyecontact with him and stand your ground, you cant outswim a shark so your best bet is to show him respect and that youre not scared. he will understand that youre not food and most will likely leave you alone :-)
Mei  Tan
Mei Tan - 10 years ago
I got a toy tigershark,lemonshark,reefshark,hammerheadshark and I also play hungry shark evolution and they got the sharks in the video and I also like the freakin music
Kelsey - 10 years ago
They're like puppies!!
Lobo Visuals
Lobo Visuals - 10 years ago
You guys are awesome! I love sharks -
Kumiko - 10 years ago
they need to remove that hook. seriously. by hand. LOL
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
with some kind of tool prehaps? shit happens from time to time so you want to minimalize the chance of shit happening while they try to help the shark :-)
Erin Taylor
Erin Taylor - 10 years ago
Show me a beautiful and graceful interaction with a hungry tiger shark :) 
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 9 years ago
+Erin Taylor The BBC natural history team has already done that.
Lobo Visuals
Lobo Visuals - 10 years ago
Johnny VTR
Johnny VTR - 10 years ago
How can anyone dislike this video, the scenes seen here are plain magnificent!
Johnny VTR
Johnny VTR - 10 years ago
Love how the tiger shark shows who's boss at 2:11
Marcus D.
Marcus D. - 10 years ago
That circle hook did its job. Right in the corner of the jaw.
goog le
goog le - 10 years ago
something about this video reminds me of taxpayers and welfare recipients. I dunno....
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 10 years ago
+goog le  =)
Jedi391 - 10 years ago
Foolish arrogance.......
Sara Kahl
Sara Kahl - 10 years ago
my friend bethany hamilton had got bitten by a tiger shark
Shinx Jinx
Shinx Jinx - 10 years ago
Fuck you Yolo, I'm sorry for your friend Sara :(
YoloBagels - 10 years ago
Cool if only you knew how much i dont care
That Red Bastard
That Red Bastard - 10 years ago
Peapole just dont notice that they are on a shark's territory!
Stephanie Polidoro
Stephanie Polidoro - 10 years ago
6:05 Theres a hook in the sharks mouth :/
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
ikr its sad
18PANTERA - 10 years ago
4:40 los alimentan como si fueran mascotas, hay que tener mucha experiencia profesional para hacer eso, chingones estos tiburones tigre..
Chouchou Nguyen
Chouchou Nguyen - 10 years ago
how deep did you have to dive?
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
6 inches DEEP IN YOUR MOM jk
MTV Cribs
MTV Cribs - 10 years ago
you really think a shark has any good intentions just because you are a human? my question is, if a chimpanzee was dropped into the ocean right there and there was no easier dead bait around, would it attack the chimp? no difference just because you feel something the shark can't
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
+MTV Cribs actualy, the whole ocean is a one big fastfood and the shark will rather chose a bigmac instead of 1000 worms .. you get my point, do you?
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
+MTV Cribs there are no ocean fastfoods, the shark is in survival situation 24/7
MTV Cribs
MTV Cribs - 10 years ago
You bring up some good points. Maybe you are right. 

However, I think you make some assumptions. For example, that there is a preference in food in a survival circumstance as to a particular taste. Yes, we might prefer a big mac to a worm but everyone in a survival situation would eat a million worms and worse to survive. In a wild environment, I presume you eat what you can (presuming sharks are in that state). Food preference as to taste is mostly a luxury.

However, I believe that there is a preference in food apart separate from taste in a wild/survival situation- the preference of less risky prey. If you a human present himself as a fellow predator which could harm a shark, you can deter it- as shown by many spearfishermen. 

Nonetheless, I agree that there is no inherent respect just because you are a human or because they have emotions. If it comes down to the right circumstances, you are a meal whether black, white, brown, tall, short, cute, ugly, human, non-human. 
Sylver G
Sylver G - 10 years ago
It's not a matter of good or bad intention, it's a matter of diet.

We like to make it all about ourselves, but at the end of the day, the shark's diet is made of fishes (for meat eaters) and a shark accidentally taking a bite out of a human is mostly the result of poor eyesight.

It's kind of like a man eating a worm in an apple. You take a bite, find it disgusting, you might even puke, but to the brave worm who survives after half this tail has been ripped and shredded by your gnarly powerful teeth, you are a worm eating monster always hungry for more juicy worm.

Realistically, the worm doesn't fight us off anymore than we fight off a two thousand pound shark in its element.

Our defense from sharks is essentially making them understand that we are not food, preferably before they try and take a bite.
MTV Cribs
MTV Cribs - 10 years ago
what a hipppieee hahaha! until you get bit
Cédric Peterson
Cédric Peterson - 10 years ago
Did you try to remove the hook in his mouth ?
Huxter boss
Huxter boss - 10 years ago
2:50... look at that eye
rosi foxi
rosi foxi - 7 years ago
Huxter boss 2:53
Tasha Schneider
Tasha Schneider - 10 years ago
Great footage, those sharks are beautiful! 
Anatol Playdiver
Anatol Playdiver - 10 years ago
видели этих глупых акул. интеллекта не больше пуделя.
Sali. H
Sali. H - 10 years ago
I love them
Sali. H
Sali. H - 10 years ago
Love sharks they are soooo missunderstood
Lady Silver
Lady Silver - 10 years ago
Chloe C
Chloe C - 10 years ago
Nice video.....I still wouldn't get to close to one.
Slacker McSlackerton
Slacker McSlackerton - 10 years ago
Why does every video featuring people diving with sharks have the line about sharks being so misunderstood? Sometimes Sharks eat motherfuckers...where's the misunderstanding?
jamporas - 8 years ago
Slacker McSlackerton
And sometimes people eat motherfuckers. So do dogs, sometimes. They are misunderstood.
Olivia Piper Robeck
Olivia Piper Robeck - 8 years ago
I think the misunderstanding is that people think sharks want to eat us and specifically hunt us when usually they bite us as a mistake. It's the same with alligators. Once they bite (and usually kill) they realize what we are and they spit us out. Sharks don't want to eat us and will avoid it if they know it's human. Usually they think we are seals.
Sylver G
Sylver G - 10 years ago
+fotzennutte This is about as stupid as saying that we don't belong on land because tigers, wolves, snakes, etc. live there too.
hongkongluna - 10 years ago
Best Shark Video comment ever.  
fotzennutte - 10 years ago
yeah sometimes .....but why the fuck do motherfuckes swim or snorkle or surf in their fuckin territory..... ????
Myles Maiman
Myles Maiman - 10 years ago
They don't kill people for fun. :P A lot of the time it's because humans are mistaken for something else in the water.
Grace Nick
Grace Nick - 11 years ago
That seems pretty scary! But I would try it.
Pippin76 - 11 years ago
Work on your narration technique...
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
at least there was narration =) 
HissFiend - 11 years ago
great vid, but it's so sad to see that one tiger shark with a hook at the side of its mouth =/
Charles Thompson
Charles Thompson - 10 years ago
Most fish have next to no nerve endings in their mouths. He's probably more conscious of his teeth continually replacing themselves than the hook. 
Alec Snake
Alec Snake - 11 years ago
Tiger sharks are actually quite docile.
JakeMooney - 11 years ago
ha ha

GlowingRay - 11 years ago
The only shark that eats humans is the bull shark bull sharks will eat any kind of meat but the other sharks are attacks are mistakes for an example when tiger sharks attack they don't they're attacking humans they thinks it's a turtle or other creatures that the tiger shark eats but they don't eat the human after tasting it because human is not good for its health and it's not one of the creatures it eats same with all other sharks except the bull shark and sharks only kill 3 humans a year human kills more than 10M people a Year and people that are killed by dogs are much more than sharks sharks attack 11 people a year but only 3 attacks kills
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
more than 10m sharks, its close to 80m sharks a year, sadly
EternalGullet - 11 years ago
Who did this performance of Marianne? 
Janaina Carvalho
Janaina Carvalho - 11 years ago
momento  único lindo demaissssssss
THE DIVINGFAMILY - 11 years ago
G Falk
G Falk - 11 years ago
how big is the chance to get attacked by a shark if i have like a wound thats still fresh and dripping blood?
Chris Dunn
Chris Dunn - 11 years ago
Awesome video guys! I'll be in Hawaii in a couple months. How can I dive with the Tiger sharks?
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
Thanks, glad you enjoyed the video! There are tigers in Hawaii but this was filmed in the Bahamas. I don't know of anywhere in Hawaii you can specifically go to see them. They are there though! Have fun
Future Gaming
Future Gaming - 11 years ago
dude im scared of water becuse of sharks i have never gone to a sea and never will i rather take pools...P.S to shark lovers(sory if i make you made i'm just saying whats on my mind)
MTV Cribs
MTV Cribs - 10 years ago
+Becky Kagan Schott You also have less chances to get killed by lightning, bees, or dogs if you live in a desert. If you swim everyday around a tiger shark area, how do the chances compare lol
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
There is nothing to be mad about. I'm sorry you have such a fear of sharks you won't even go into the water. You really have more chances of being hurt by lighting, bees or dogs than sharks! I hope someday you get the chance to enjoy the ocean! Keep watching videos and learn about sharks. They aren't evil.
Sliferslacker21 - 11 years ago
I get what you're saying. I absolutely love and respect sharks, but you will NEVER see me going into the ocean or sea! Maybe to cover my feet but that's it. I'm too terrified to even go in lakes or ponds cuz that's how bad my fear of them is of them. (even though I KNOW logically, sharks can't get into the beach lol). 

100. comment for Tiger Sharks of Tiger Beach

Idris Ahmed
Idris Ahmed - 11 years ago
Surfer pride
Idris Ahmed
Idris Ahmed - 11 years ago
abbeykroeter - 11 years ago
Love this lemon sharks too. Very intelligent but the way, those lemons! They have been tested with simple mazes and targets and can learn quite easily. 
Britain King
Britain King - 11 years ago
you know out of all of those sharks not one was a tiger shark
Britain King
Britain King - 11 years ago
thanks I got mixed up!
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
Most of the tiger shark video begins at 2:45 if you only watched the first few minutes then yes those are mostly Lemon Sharks! 
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching, almost the entire video is of Tiger Sharks. =) You will also see a lot of Lemon sharks mixed in with them! Cheers
Manuel Delgado
Manuel Delgado - 11 years ago
does lemon shark so named because their flesh taste sour like lemon?
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
Hi Manuel, they are named "Lemon Shark" due to the color of their skin. It's a brownish yellow color. =)
Manuel Delgado
Manuel Delgado - 11 years ago
the music reminds me of monkey island
snorky776 - 11 years ago
That is so cool!! I've never seen a tiger shark up close before, I am currently going to school for business but am thinking about switching to marine science. I love the ocean so much and especially love sharks!! They are such magnificent creatures! So beautiful and graceful.
kathi Jo Earleywine
kathi Jo Earleywine - 11 years ago
abbeykroeter - 11 years ago
Humans (now hold onto your butt here) don't even belong in the water. That's coming from someone who dives and has worked with sharks. How can I say this? Easy... I CHOOSE to be in the water, and if something goes wrong for me, it's my tough luck. If the sharks in this video (and the other shark feeds I have witnessed) really learned to attack humans from the encounter, than why aren't the tiger sharks in this video turning around and immediately attacking the people feeding them? Because they are satisfied from that measly fish being fed to them? You actually think you know the exact hunger level of every shark in that video? Without a couple pieces of fish, that huge shark would have ripped into everyone? Really? Look, when a tiger shark (and most sharks) bite someone it almost always is from a surprise, burst of speed, as the shark "hunts" when it thinks it needs to desperately take something they're not even sure of. That's when someone gets nailed on occasion, not when they are already right there with divers, clear water, calmly checking things out. If they think they need to catch a seal or turtle, and they haven't eaten in a while maybe after migrating, then they do it in a rush because THOSE animals can really move and escape. They obviously don't know what a human is. We're just there sometimes, and they take what's handed to them. If you're where they usually hunt other things and get bitten, it's sad but absolutely understandable. They have bitten whatever they have to rush for millions of years... no need to change now that people have gotten in the way for the last thousand or so. 
Re Yo
Re Yo - 11 years ago
by 'our waters' you mean.... the shark's habitat?
JK² - 11 years ago
Where were the hammerheads?????
R_ws - 11 years ago
amazing !
charles serio
charles serio - 11 years ago
Sharks are friends not killers
blue356sc - 11 years ago
100% agree. i dived tiger beach last month and we didnt hand feed the sharks. the danger is that if as a diver i lift or move my hand out from my body a shark from behind me associates it with food and has a nibble. We obviously dont know if a shark is swimming close behind thats the problem.
blue356sc - 11 years ago
Becky i just came back from tiger beach a few weeks ago. My view is we probably shouldnt be hand feeding the sharks. However agree entirely tiger sharks , lemon sharks and reefies were fun to swim with and it is a pretty amazing experience to see your first tiger shark.
mike naples
mike naples - 11 years ago
mike naples
mike naples - 11 years ago
Totally legitimate concern. Similar reasons exist to not feed bears, alligators etc. Cool video though.
Patrycja Pająk
Patrycja Pająk - 11 years ago
amazing! They are so beautiful I envy you:)
Michie Recovers
Michie Recovers - 11 years ago
What are those fish attached to them???
Pd Mullen
Pd Mullen - 11 years ago
I've heard suggestions that hand feeding sharks gets them to associate people with food. Although it looks cool, I'm not sure it is cool as someone else may pay the price for your fun. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I do think it is a legitimate concern.
Stephanie Cummings
Stephanie Cummings - 11 years ago
Hey guys! If you love this video, I just made one of diving in the great barrier reef! I would love if you would check them out
tomsega - 11 years ago
Daaang these sharks is funkayy
Juvie - 11 years ago
Those remora are giant! Nice video btw.
rokeitor - 11 years ago
im understand only that i feel and i belive not only we are tought
MasterChiefBeast93 - 11 years ago
What are you talking about? I read about a tiger shark killing someone before.
Nicholaus  Cucurella
Nicholaus Cucurella - 11 years ago
Wow that one shark had a fish hook on its lip
Thomas - 11 years ago
im so high right now xD
KillerNeuron - 11 years ago
I would LOVE to dive here!
ابوعبدالعزيز المهنا
ابوعبدالعزيز المهنا - 11 years ago
8MTO18ALEX8 - 11 years ago
can you explain how equalizing your ears felt?
Ciaran - 11 years ago
Beautiful animals. Sharks have to be my favourite animals :)
eimsbuschler - 11 years ago
could you do the same with white sharks? or will they kill you^^?
Zac Schroeder
Zac Schroeder - 11 years ago
This is incredible. I'm only 16 but i know for a fact that i want this to be my career - to photograph/video sharks. what do you have to go to college(s) for to obtain this job? im willing to spend years and years of research+training beforehand, of course. thanks!!
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
Thats sad to hear about the attacks Dana. I do think it's safer to be diving than snorkeling or swimming on the surface. Sharks can mistake a splashing person for their normal food items of turtles, seals, or injured prey. I don't personally think the amount of splashing matters. Thats just my own opinion though. Sharks are really cool animals that should be respected but we share the ocean with them. Usually they leave us alone unless provoked or mistaking us for a normal prey item.
dana malamute
dana malamute - 11 years ago
just got back from maui and kona. 2 shark attacks off of maui and both women snorkelers. i snorkeled on both islands but maui, on the west side. did i just got lucky or what? is it safer to dive than snorkel? i also feel that oftentimes most beginner snorkelers do a lot of splashing with their feet and arms. do you think that the splash they do attract the sharks mistaking them for a distressed sea animal? your thoughts? like ur video a lot! thx
Dillon Neighbors
Dillon Neighbors - 11 years ago
amazing animals ^^ <3 going to college next year for marine biology. can't wait!!! <333
Cleveland Brown
Cleveland Brown - 11 years ago
Im 13 and want to become a marine biologist who mainly studies great whites and bulls.
Cleveland Brown
Cleveland Brown - 11 years ago
8:55 the sharks eye is weird.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
Joey, wow you're only 12 and it's great you like sharks and want to dive with them! I have no doubt you will someday! They are the most amazing animal to be in the water with!
Joey Gevan
Joey Gevan - 11 years ago
Its true sharks are sooooo misunderstood in a matter a fsct i would love to do this!! Im only 12 annd i would love to scuba dive with these sharks
rickey valenteijn
rickey valenteijn - 11 years ago
I want to hug one
Jonah Blatt
Jonah Blatt - 11 years ago
Jonah Blatt
Jonah Blatt - 11 years ago
Sharks are beautiful and majestic creatures. It's a shame that so many are killed year
RighteousFrogman - 11 years ago
Beautiful creatures! I hope we can learn to respect them, I think its funny how they're labeled "Murderers" when we're the ones in THEIR TURF xD My heart goes out to the victim's families ,but to be frank: Stay out of the water and you won't get bit? You wouldn't go exploring in a lions den now would you?
Gretchin DG
Gretchin DG - 11 years ago
That looks like Emma, the Tiger Shark. Hmmm...
Ivan Vuchkov
Ivan Vuchkov - 11 years ago
damn if I be dear I'm gonna be die from heart attack
BoringDionsaur - 11 years ago
OK. How far in between was the time of those attacks? and only 7 pepole a year die from a shark, and most of the time pepole die from blood loss. Becuse the shark bites, and leaves becuse they hate the taste.
FantasyDreams - 11 years ago
I would never do that ur so brave lol
Timtothy Papaleo
Timtothy Papaleo - 11 years ago
when that music kicked in at 1:28 I just wanted to jump in and cop off with a shark
Sterling Archer
Sterling Archer - 11 years ago
2010 or 2011 camaros look like side of the shark
Felipe Azevedo
Felipe Azevedo - 11 years ago
actually tiger shark is one of the most feared, maybe second
Abel Deulofeu
Abel Deulofeu - 11 years ago
Check it out a hook left in the sharks mouth at 6:04
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
Bees kill over 50 people a year, Deer killed 130 people, dogs killed 38 last year, mosquitos kill millions of humans by giving them deceases. 5 shark deaths around the world isn't that many. I do feel for those people and families but it's more common to be killed by something you come into contact with like bees or lightning.
Saboufor - 11 years ago
You sure about that? There's like 5 death per year caused by a shark....
Sandra S
Sandra S - 11 years ago
I ♥ sharks!
Postghost - 11 years ago
When i hear 'Lemon shark" i picture flake with built-in zesty seasoning...
Fussel fresser
Fussel fresser - 11 years ago
I like the video, only the music was crap Becky.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
I don't know if i'd call it safe but you can dive with them and not be bitten. They are a wild animal and like any wild animal you have to respect them. We are in their world! I have dove out of a cage with great whites also. I won't lie and say It wasn't scary but I was cautious and i'm still here!
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
haha love it! Thanks sharks are awesome!
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
If you listen again ..the line was "some of the most feared" but i'll leave the idiot remark out of my comment.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 11 years ago
haha the music comments crack me up. Some people post they love it and others like you hate it. Can't make everyone happy. Just turn the sound off and watch the cool video =)
Elena Sanders
Elena Sanders - 11 years ago
sharks are so cute!
Fussel fresser
Fussel fresser - 11 years ago
Sorry but the music is crap.
Sandbar Creatives
Sandbar Creatives - 11 years ago
Awe-inspiring creatures!
goog le
goog le - 11 years ago
hook in his mouth....probably a fisherman and a rod and reel at the other end.
John Aptinko
John Aptinko - 11 years ago
heyyyy looks like my hook.... :)
amdamdesda - 11 years ago
DON'T FEED SHARKS OR ANY OTHER WILD ANIMAL!!! I'm really sad about all the positive comments.
Nelson G.
Nelson G. - 11 years ago
Awesome video, beautiful sharks, they live the camera lol
Posse Games
Posse Games - 11 years ago
poor sharky has a hook in its mouth u dicks wouldent take it out
Rachel Huff
Rachel Huff - 11 years ago
I feel really bad for the shark with the hook on the side of his mouth
Asima0013 - 11 years ago
Show great white sharks and the megoladon let's see who will in a fight surely the megoladon will win megoladons rock
MrWanchaleom - 11 years ago
They are soooo cute!!! <3
dampfi1969 - 11 years ago
Great video and excellent information
Aaron Reyes
Aaron Reyes - 11 years ago
You bunch of locos have some balls That is crazy
dumb egg
dumb egg - 11 years ago
Baby tiger sharks so cute
dumb egg
dumb egg - 11 years ago
Tiger sharks are the best
Sam Whiteley
Sam Whiteley - 11 years ago
I love tiger sharks
Nemoz_BB6 - 11 years ago
Ms or Mrs Becky Kagan Schott u have some BALL'S!!!!! Excuse my language xD Great video.
salem mushref
salem mushref - 11 years ago
who saw the fishing line in that tiger mouth !!
shuwukong - 11 years ago
wow i never knew its safe to dive with tiger shark or even great white
Here4IVIusic - 11 years ago
6:30 Who are you looking at
oliver turni
oliver turni - 11 years ago
Amazing footage! Great job guys :)
Phillys Own MAD
Phillys Own MAD - 11 years ago
Why? You dont see Tiger sharks comin up on land talkin bout "we didnt have a cage to view tha humans - only cameras"!! Lol
Chelsey Smith
Chelsey Smith - 11 years ago
So beautiful. I hope to swim with sharks the way you have some day
Viper V
Viper V - 11 years ago
Its my dream to work with sharks one day, I have loved them for as long as I can remember
greenthunder1000 - 11 years ago
Sure i guess these people weren't harmed, but a tiger shark is still pretty dangerous
brokenFlask - 11 years ago
dont feed the troll
Gary Johnston
Gary Johnston - 11 years ago
It seems the research surrounding the question: "Does feeding sharks alter their behavior?" is inconclusive. One study on the rays at Stingray city found that the feeding patterns kept the rays more in the vicinity. I have been fortunate to dive with many different sharks and found many different gradations of conservancy. Let us support those that protect them from extinction as many of them are threatened.
Daniel Hruaia
Daniel Hruaia - 7 years ago
Gary Johnston O
unionrussia - 11 years ago
WooooW!!! How the mens can touch the sharks? What is the secret?
SKYlightsEBE - 11 years ago
i think its not the problem of media, every year u got more attacks of sharks... ppl using to swimm where sharks where hunting fishs. a shark who has biten a human will always try it IF he is hungry and see u as possible meal, even if u dosent taste well ,some beaches are an example for that..and the motorships do the rest.You know what u do, but most ppls dont know how to react right. But u too wouldn t go swimming everywhere with every shark like that. Yes they are no killer but predators.
belgiumbuddha - 11 years ago
belgiumbuddha - 11 years ago
love this video like all underwater video's and defo with sharks (life in Cape Town so I'm blessed) but obviously nobody deared to take the hook out of her mouth ey ;-)
85wex - 11 years ago
3:11 sunburn?
miscellaniac - 11 years ago
Yeah Jaws kind of messed with the entire shark population. One of the reasons why you don't see very many 17 footers (at one point someone documented an 18 footer) is because all the big and old sharks were hunted and killed after Jaws was released. Just an example of what happens when sensationalism takes the place of rational thinking. I know there's a guy in australia convinced sharks hunt people for food. If that were the case we would all die the second we hit the beach :p
Random user #74652819
Random user #74652819 - 11 years ago
I think there was an infamous situation with sharks that happened decades ago, which may have been one of the inspirations for Jaws, where that may have actually been involved. That situation completely changed the way humans think about sharks.
miscellaniac - 11 years ago
Is there any possibility your feeding the sharks will cause them to equate humans with food/feeding. Yellowstone National Park saw it with bears in the 50's and 60's. We shouldn't be so naive to think it can't happen with sharks. I love the idea of cage diving, or going to false bay to watch the breachers, but actually putting chum in the water and then getting OUT of a cage to go HANDFEED the sharks I think is kind of foolish...
Derpy Hooves
Derpy Hooves - 11 years ago
Sharks having hooks in their mouths is not epic!!! It's a major problem we are trying to get rid off!
Sam Pink
Sam Pink - 11 years ago
@thersfeva nope they are remora fish they eat parasites off the shark and also scavenge leftovers from a sharks meal.
TheOrmsson - 11 years ago
where did that come from?? hahaha
Derpy Hooves
Derpy Hooves - 11 years ago
I shit bigger than you.
HKG 1159
HKG 1159 - 12 years ago
are those baby sharks swimming beside the sharks? awesome video by the way!
Sam Clark
Sam Clark - 12 years ago
*than. I believe Bull and White sharks have higher fatality rates...which are still low compared to what most people would believe.
Josh Eastham
Josh Eastham - 12 years ago
Bullsharks are.
Josh Eastham
Josh Eastham - 12 years ago
I want to do this tigers are my favorite shark. I never knew that they were that tame.
dsuchmiel - 12 years ago
Tell that to the lady that was eaten in front of her family.
dsuchmiel - 12 years ago
They only attack if you're obese and look like a marine mammal.
Theone xiong
Theone xiong - 12 years ago
ying lily
ying lily - 12 years ago
where is Tiger Beach?
TheOrmsson - 12 years ago
the one with the hook in its mouth at 2:12 is epic!!!!
Grant Schaffer
Grant Schaffer - 12 years ago
These beautiful sharks are responsible for more human deaths then any other shark
schrodingerzcat13 - 12 years ago
One of the best and pleasant shark videos I've seen in youtube. Cool stuff Becky. More.
Stede Bonnet
Stede Bonnet - 12 years ago
I just listen it as a calm music ))
Dr Alberto Kurtz
Dr Alberto Kurtz - 12 years ago
SHARK want food MAN want blood
Charles Furer
Charles Furer - 12 years ago
maybe because those people and sharks aren't around anymore.
oceanicedu - 12 years ago
this is amazing, beautiful video capture and sharks, great audio... I love it!
aeopmusic - 12 years ago
4:45 - You're fucking crazy.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 12 years ago
Have a wonderful trip Steve! Tiger Beach is an amazing place!
Steve Castell
Steve Castell - 12 years ago
Becky....I love it!! I'm going to Tiger Beach on Thursday with a guy named Gregory Sweeney who has been taking pics for the Nat Geo for over 20 years!! I'm so pumped!! Hey, friend me on FB, I can't find you. Steve Castell, Oklahoma City, OK.
Stacey Ostrander
Stacey Ostrander - 12 years ago
Sharks are beautyful
hay lee
hay lee - 12 years ago
Poor fishy fishey :'(
MrFabioop - 12 years ago
Greatings from Brazil! Amazing video. And sharks are an amazing species. They are very important to the health of the oceans. So sad most of the people have no knowledge of that.
Eli Martinez
Eli Martinez - 12 years ago
Agree to disagree Gary, sharks DO NOT associate people with food. Sharks are smart and will visit a dive site where they have been fed before but they do not swim up to people expecting a handout, and if the human does not have one, they will get aggressive with that person - that is FALSE. The shark follows the scent of food. So if the food is not there the shark is not there. Plenty of proof out there to prove that theory. Zero science or facts to prove your theory brother.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 12 years ago
Sharks have always been portrayed as mindless man-eating machines in the movies and media. Thats is simply untrue. I've swam with dozens of shark species including great whites out of a cage and have never been attacked. They are curious and should always be respected but we hope to change how poeple perceive them.
Rod Parker
Rod Parker - 12 years ago
Nice. Very Nice. Planning to do Tiger Beach myself. Can''t wait.
kaligula4life - 12 years ago
So Becky... tell me darling, would you like to go swimming with me with these sharks wearing only a swim suit? :D
MrArchevil - 12 years ago
im so jealous, id love to go on a shark dive and study them.such beauty and hunting skills. Finland doesnt have any line of marinebiology or even something to compare so id have to study in england or somewhere else. i love this video and im tryin to get booked on south africa shark dive.
RASDANARPON - 12 years ago
Very nice vidéo..!!
tyler singer
tyler singer - 12 years ago
i love the song
junpeif80 - 12 years ago
2:12 there is a hook on the sharks mouth
TEXAStooTAL L - 12 years ago
God, that looks cool. I love sharks and I love diving. Sad to say I've only ever gotten a glimpse of a small blacktip reef shark. It'd be awesome to get up close to some of the bigger ones like tiger sharks. Hopefully without getting chomped.
DragonWithaMonocle - 12 years ago
Sharks really get a bad rap. Is obviously a peaceful shark who sees that it is profitable to befriend humans... right?
Gfsgh - 12 years ago
lion + tiger = liger so shark+tiger = tiger shark? :|
jeghedderphilipderp - 12 years ago
i love sharks!
Daniel Burnette
Daniel Burnette - 12 years ago
Whats the name of the song Im grooving to at 6:30?
JoseyWales93 - 12 years ago
Thank God for the sharks.
David Forrest
David Forrest - 12 years ago
SAVE the Sharks. Love your video. i hope my video educates about these graceful fish. Hope you enjoy it.
Aleksandr Graholski
Aleksandr Graholski - 12 years ago
Красиво! Хотел бы я с ними поплавать.
Gary Johnston
Gary Johnston - 12 years ago
I think it's bad practice to feed sharks for entertainment. Sure, one gets the good pictures and video shots, but it changes their behavior and starts to associate a free meal with humans: a bad conditioning process which will eventually lead to more of them being captured and finned or more humans being attacked.
Killerof1945 - 12 years ago
1st there tiger tanks now tiger sharks
ladysblues1 - 12 years ago
awesome video. very well done.. Thank you!
Adam Brickley
Adam Brickley - 12 years ago
what are the small fish that follow them? they look like babies but im guessing they are after parasites maybe? Im ok with sharks if im under the water...but ultra paranoid on the surface! beautiful though.
sessagator - 12 years ago
1:41 I shall smile at you now
Lollifan1 - 12 years ago
They can be if u go too close to them, they can bref very dangourus
Nathan Murray
Nathan Murray - 12 years ago
Are Tiger Sharks dangerous??
basangcoldspring - 12 years ago
I like tiger sharks because their cute same as lemon sharks because their fast
Christina Goff
Christina Goff - 12 years ago
idk why but the great hammerheads scare me more than the tigers. i guess it's how different they are from other sharks. still think they're all beautiful creatures though.
Eve Wickman
Eve Wickman - 12 years ago
Wow! Thank you so much for this video! I am a HUGE shark lover and dove with many species but the tiger eluded us. I hope to someday dive with such a gorgeous and amazing creature. They really aren't interested in eating us, they're just curious. Thanks again!
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 12 years ago
Thank you so much! You have no idea how flattering that is! I'm so happy you enjoy the video!
OLHA15 - 12 years ago
This is probably the video i have watched the most on youtube. I just love it! greetinga from Norway Becky! :)
Gabriela Linares
Gabriela Linares - 12 years ago
Sharks are not our enemies. They are actually afraid of us
bigxebo - 12 years ago
They are magnificent creatures. I was able to encounter one shark up close in the great barrier reef. He came out of nowhere at I really was scared because I never ever encountered one before. But my diving Buddy and me we were brave and after a while he just swam off into the ocean. ever since then I am in awe with those animals and I can't get enough of them.
Dunkskins - 12 years ago
They feed off the parasites on the shark and scraps that it leaves when it feeds. Plus swimming on the shark is kinda like drafting means they dont have to use as much energy the shark does all the work.
yann henriot
yann henriot - 12 years ago
Tiger shark are way more beautifull than all of the others species of sharks. I am just sad to know that pretty soon , they will certainly do not exist anymore cause of men !
ellamennopoea - 12 years ago
The typical explanation is that they have protection from lurking in the shadow of a larger animal, and they also get scraps from its feedings.
Roberto Ignacio
Roberto Ignacio - 12 years ago
Bullshit that fucking Tiger shark is More Dangerous that the Great white shark, But those 2 sharks are Very Dangerous, SHIT!!!! Are You Attacked By A Tiger shark?
Roberto Ignacio
Roberto Ignacio - 12 years ago
nice video
Rein - 12 years ago
Why are those little fishes stuck/following the shark?
Robert Knauer
Robert Knauer - 12 years ago
Great video shoot of the tigers!
Sofi Hope
Sofi Hope - 12 years ago
so, so very beautiful! <3
Marcello Branca
Marcello Branca - 12 years ago
wow such marvelous creatures they are :D
Ludovico Crise
Ludovico Crise - 12 years ago
yes they get cancer like us! but chinese people believe they don't so they eat fin soup to gain the power and the health of the shark.
Jared Yan
Jared Yan - 12 years ago
While I agree with the information regarding Bull and Great White sharks as it is consistent with scientific literature that I've read, I would hardly think that "buzzle.com" is a trustworthy site. It does not cite any sources, and to me, it seems the author read a few websites then compiled the list arbitrarily.
Jared Yan
Jared Yan - 12 years ago
More attacks are thought to occur from Bull Sharks than Great Whites. This is due to the already aggressive nature of Bull Sharks, which head into freshwater areas to give birth. Adult females and juveniles are able to tolerate much lower salinity levels than most other sharks, often placing them in close proximity to humans than Great Whites. Misidentification of the attacking species often occurs as people are idiots. Look up "Wobbegong shark attack victim Sydney" for a classic example.
Adam Fox
Adam Fox - 12 years ago
adair wallace
adair wallace - 12 years ago
did anyone see the tiger shark put his eyes int the back of his head
YamatoXion - 12 years ago
Unfortunately too many people are taught to hate and fear sharks by movies like "Jaws" and "Deep blue sea". Yeah it's a predator but we're not part of their natural diet.
vanessaaa326 - 12 years ago
Yea, do you?
Pizcobaby - 12 years ago
terrible TERRIBLE music
Sam uel
Sam uel - 12 years ago
Braver than me
GrigglesTheTexan - 12 years ago
99.9% of time, the only reason a Great white attacks is because it's a case of Mistaken identity, it isn't because the are aggressive, it's because great whites have a hard time seeing and a surfer on a surf board (which is who most of the attacks happen to) looks alot like a seal (their favorite food) to them.
Garner Grennier
Garner Grennier - 12 years ago
Also you know feeding them makes them associate food with humans....just saying
Garner Grennier
Garner Grennier - 12 years ago
Id bring a knife...
Jimmy Clemmons
Jimmy Clemmons - 12 years ago
and at 4:40
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 12 years ago
Thanks for sharing your story. Its very cool to have seen a tiger and i'm also happy your ok. It was probably very curious since you were snorkeling on the surface and they usually hunt for turtles and other things on the surface. Not sure if that makes you feel better or not. Your right too, if you make eye contact they usually turn away or swim away. If it ever happens again keep eye contact =)
carakara - 12 years ago
Couple months ago I was snorkeling in Hawaii off Hapuna Beach on the big island and saw a juvenile 6 foot tiger shark turn the corner from between two reefs and come right at me. Then it saw me and got spooked and slithered back behind the reef. Not sure though who was spooked more. They're awesome creatures.
vanessaaa326 - 12 years ago
Think whatever you want I'm not going to argue with you, this is retarded & you're just being immature. Maybe this link that says bull sharks are most aggressive will shut you up. buzzle.com/articles/most-aggressive-shark.html
DaveyCOBHC - 12 years ago
40 people have been eaten by tiger sharks
jeremy jet
jeremy jet - 12 years ago
haha you're stupid i don't have to google it i already know the order is 1.gw 2.ts and 3.bs.
vanessaaa326 - 12 years ago
Actually I am correct.. you can google it if you don't believe me. My sources? that would be science...
vanessaaa326 - 12 years ago
Sharks understand what their prey is & what that they like to consume, thats why when many humans are attacked by sharks its only one or two bites before the shark realizes we are not their normal prey and dont actually taste good, so they swim away. Sharks probably realize that that the remoras clean up bacteria and parasites from them, plus the remoras are too small for sharks to deal with.
vanessaaa326 - 12 years ago
Actually, the bull shark is said to be more aggressive than great whites because of its higher testosterone level. So that would make tiger sharks the 3rd most aggressive species of sharks.
Firemarioflower - 12 years ago
also countries who bother them by placing those stupid identifying marks you can also see here in this perticular vid.
Tyler R. Wylie
Tyler R. Wylie - 12 years ago
Anyone else notice the hook of some unfortunate fisherman in the shark's mouth at 2:12 . ?
jeremy jet
jeremy jet - 12 years ago
37 people are NatGeo employees.
jeremy jet
jeremy jet - 12 years ago
cool Becky but Tiger sharks are the second most aggressive species of shark only second to the great white
Chris - 12 years ago
Nice Video, I just got my OW cert and have yet to do an ocean dive. This video makes it look easier to swim with the vicious fishes.....although I still think I would shyt myself. One day maybe.
DamselRoseMary - 12 years ago
sharks are carnivorous. y they didnt eat remoras?just curious
Evelyn ramirez
Evelyn ramirez - 12 years ago
when you saw the ey its was cool
CelestialMare - 12 years ago
"misunderstood animals...amazing graceful." lol did they tell you that? That doesn't make me less scared.
Aubs - 12 years ago
Wow that's one even tempered shark! I know I would circle back to bite the person who denied me food if I was a shark ha ha.
BumpyBrown - 12 years ago
that tiger had a massive hook in its mouth! i bet you would have liked to have taken it out for it! but i know its not easy,
Noah Stickney
Noah Stickney - 12 years ago
BumpyBrown - 12 years ago
cool video
OLHA15 - 12 years ago
yes, but that was not my point. I just answered the guy saying that tigers are "pretty much harmless":)
hidden4time - 12 years ago
Someone is going to get their hand bitten off. These sharks do not know when to let go after they bite down.
A. Bomber
A. Bomber - 12 years ago
I think you are right in them being the second highest on the attacks. but you need to look at the situation too. even tiger sharks dont set out just to eat someone, they take nibbles (sometimes completely removing a limb unfortunately) to figure out what you are and if you are food or not. i have heard that sharks dont actually like the taste of us. If they did, attacks would happen everyday with more fatalities.
A. Bomber
A. Bomber - 12 years ago
those were different sharks that attacked the crew, white tip. they are mainly found in the middle of the waters and are the first responders to either a shipwreck or plane crash. sharks are mainly curious to what sort of new thing has just entered their territory. wouldnt you be? the bites are merely investigative to figure out what you are. sometimes they end in fatalities due to blood loss or limbs being bitten off. Never do the sharks set out to eat someone. they dont like the taste of us.
Brian Murphy
Brian Murphy - 12 years ago
Look, there dive masters most likely if swimming with sharks and are at 1 ATA - Bar. But feeding sharks will give them the idea to relate humans to food, so they will come to divers to check for food. I've lost my fear of sharks but were I live in the keys, I prefer the pretty nurse shark
Mallissa R
Mallissa R - 12 years ago
See people look at sharks like they are monsters and I think that they can be harmless if you act properly I guess more then just screaming and trying to swim away. Makes sense right?
Aida Valera
Aida Valera - 12 years ago
Hazem Sharar
Hazem Sharar - 12 years ago
It is really amazing. Thanks Hussam
OLHA15 - 12 years ago
even though becky shows them in a "harmless" video, and i support this elegant and beautiful way of showing of the sharks, you can't call tiger sharks harmless. You have to be a really professional diver to be in the waters with the sharks such as shown in this video. I think tigers are responsible for the second most attacks on humans? after the bullshark i think. So even though they seem harmless here, take great caution when you approach a tiger shark.
ShiRongKai - 12 years ago
i am a big fan of tigers they are very beautiful fish and I hope when I ggrow up I can study them
Matt McGee
Matt McGee - 12 years ago
I love videos like this, that don't portray sharks as mindless killers. They are fearsome predators, but humans aren't part of their diet.
shuma duma
shuma duma - 12 years ago
big fishies ^^
I'm a moron but
I'm a moron but - 12 years ago
Nice vid but what's the point with the shark feeding?
MrJeroenJA - 12 years ago
how try a great white. These are pretty much harmless
Sarah Brame
Sarah Brame - 12 years ago
You couldnt pay me a million dollars to be feeding that shark lol
tristan01101 - 12 years ago
Wait-- misunderstood? ... What all is there to understand? It's a carnivorous fish, not a teenage girl on her menstrual cycle
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 12 years ago
They are called Remoras. They ride along with big animals like sharks, whales, turtles and use them for protection and eat scraps the animal leaves behind.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 12 years ago
There are only 2 boats that go there. We typically use the Dolphin Dream out of West Palm Florida. Great boat. I recommend a half and half trip. Half sharks and half dolphins! The Dolphins are so much fun to interact with out there!
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 12 years ago
Thank you! I appreciate that!
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 12 years ago
Follow your dreams. I hope you get to see some sharks someday. They are beautiful animals.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 12 years ago
Better than sitting in an office I guess
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 12 years ago
There are sharks in the ocean and most likely one or two swam by you in Old Bahama Bay and your still here to rag us about it. You'd be surprised where people hand feed sharks and its WAY WAY closer to beaches then this one.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 12 years ago
The main idea is to show sharks won't just attack and eat you. I still think humans have a primal fear of sharks and won't give them the idea to treat them like a friendly animal.
Becky Kagan Schott
Becky Kagan Schott - 12 years ago
We shot cage less with Great Whites last sept, you'll have to wait for the doc to air on TV =) I think it sold to Nat Geo International but we'll see if it airs in the US. We'll certainly post some videos of it. Obviously i'm still here to write about it for those of you who think i'm an insane idiot lol
hotlanta35 - 12 years ago
we know how"sharks are misunderstood" but you shouldnt give people the idea that they are to be treated like a friendly animal...only takes one wrong move and your done...the ocean isnt a playground
Rachel Randolph
Rachel Randolph - 12 years ago
this is so stupid they r hand feeding tiger sharks of old bahama bay, and we just snorkeled there
TheChaseair - 12 years ago
Appears that the divers ate a big bowl full of stupid the morning they decided to do this
серж горелый
серж горелый - 12 years ago
и вам тоже привет
tomleonhartITC - 12 years ago
4:33 that poor motherfker got a hook on his mouth... :(
Pwnahx - 12 years ago
they some what looks like great white to me ... o_o
Pwnahx - 12 years ago
wouldnt the shark eat those fish who follows them ?
baterickpatman - 12 years ago
I love any video that paints an accurate portrait of big sharks, not one of them being merciless killers :)
PhoenixPhire22 - 12 years ago
I wanna do this so bad... I'd love to just go scuba diving... but to actually be in the water observing such beautiful massive creatures... I wish I had a job where I would be able to do this kind of stuff or at least be able go into the water like this...
Bob Bib
Bob Bib - 12 years ago
He winked ;)
jwilsyo - 12 years ago
glad it got away
scheissdrauf2000 - 12 years ago
2:54 his eye :O
Steeltalon94 - 12 years ago
Beautiful animals; you can see the power in their bodies.
gotPossy - 12 years ago
one of the best shark vids ive seen so far..
tom s
tom s - 12 years ago
one of those sharks has a hook stuck in his mouth if anyone relized lol.
vally 678
vally 678 - 12 years ago
whats that on there backs
Nipun Kothare
Nipun Kothare - 12 years ago
basicallY they are his bitches
Elisha Potter
Elisha Potter - 12 years ago
Loved that video... They're magnificent! Just can't believe how close you were and actually feeding them too! What id give to able to do that!
Vishal Gupta
Vishal Gupta - 12 years ago
If the sharks ever get hungry, do they eat the remoras?
FearDivinity - 12 years ago
Why do all underwater documentaries have 1980s music?
Usman Malik
Usman Malik - 12 years ago
Where is this video made ? I wanna go to this place; and which dive company. By the way a great video. We should all respect sharks. And boycott countries that use shark fins !!!
リーリーxO - 12 years ago
2:55 WTF D: !! I was like: Aw so cute (with the babies) :D.... *sharks eyelid blinks* ....WTF *flinches* :'[
Daisy M.
Daisy M. - 12 years ago
whats those fish on the sharks back?
Daisy M.
Daisy M. - 12 years ago
whats those fish on the sharks back
Kanwal A
Kanwal A - 12 years ago
in your bed, wtttff?
evenhotterredhead - 12 years ago
A shark's brain is not wired for empathy or gentility. It has a small brain that pretty much runs the highly powered sense of smell and ampullae of lorenzini to detect electric charges and blood in the water. It is simply an eating machine. If the man at 6:18 had been bitten, his hand and thus the rest of him would have been the bait.
tsnorquist - 12 years ago
Tigers and Bulls were responsible for the majority of sailor deaths (sinking/sunken ships) during WWII in the pacific. You all are nutzoid hand feeding them. Those things could turn on you in a second.
Ashley B
Ashley B - 12 years ago
so i dunno if someone can answer this but...why do some sharks have fish swimming attached to them?
escapeclaus - 12 years ago
Wow. I have to admit that these sharks actually seem empathetic toward humans and gentle. What safety factors did you take into account during the dive? Were the sharks fed well before the dive?
crankatorium - 12 years ago
how do you know that they don't like human flesh? has there been a study which supports your claim or are you just pulling that outta yo bootie?
mamananau - 12 years ago
Because sharks don't like human flesh, if they attack it's only because of curiosity. They barely ever attack twice. Apart from that sharks are just as peaceful as any other creature if you don't invade their habitat. Wouldn't you attack a robber as well if he was breaking into your house? Same goes for pretty much every animal on this planet.
Dylan Mckay
Dylan Mckay - 12 years ago
but how they swim with them ? they don't bite'?? pls respond
ihateuutube - 12 years ago
i have a pet tiger shark. his name is bowser. he is my best friend. i have a big yard and pool, so he can swim and roam all day. at night he sleeps in my room, and if he's been good he can sleep in my bed.
animaljp3 - 12 years ago
hope you realize it doesnt fucking matter
VoicyZA - 12 years ago
They'd need a LOT more than chain mail to do anything of the sort. I noticed the hook too, but it'll rust off entirely in time.
Charlotte Rose
Charlotte Rose - 12 years ago
I loved it it got me an A in my shark project thanks!
Alex Malaspina
Alex Malaspina - 12 years ago
That was awesome
ShiRongKai - 12 years ago
so much great advice from such expeireinced pple i love u all :) thank u so much for the support
ShiRongKai - 12 years ago
i no i wont stop trying until i hav this in my life and i will take what u told me and keep it in my mind as long as i live
ShiRongKai - 12 years ago
tank u so much i get all the info i can to make this right for me i wont stop trying until it happens.
ShiRongKai - 12 years ago
thx i will try my best thank you so much i luv u officaly for saying that
2wvu2 - 12 years ago
amazing. tigers can be aggressive, and its amazing how peaceful they seem in this video...
L96OZZ - 12 years ago
Sharks have got to be some of the most beautiful creatures on this earth, I wanna hug one,...but that would be a bad idea >.> lol Either way, I just wish more ppl would understand that they are sooo far from being monsters!!
ekorusoy - 12 years ago
Having lived in South East Asia for the last 3 years I actually find myself missing the Caribbean despite the many amazing places to dive here. Did you notice the hook in the mouth of that one tiger shark? I was hoping someone would put on some chain mail and have the courage to pull that out...
Tim Lucas
Tim Lucas - 12 years ago
This reminds me of myself 10 years ago. I wrote a paper about shark conservation and won some tickets to the aquarium from it. I am now starting a PhD in bat biology. So work hard and I'm sure you could be working with sharks in 10 years time.
mercedes faria
mercedes faria - 12 years ago
I wonder why they close their eyes when they eat or bite something?
zdlr - 12 years ago
hope you realize those are fucking tiger sharks
delfina castorena
delfina castorena - 12 years ago
Rum Dufian
Rum Dufian - 12 years ago
Chuck Norris would feed it with his mouth
GamingMastermind1 - 12 years ago
Awesome video you should make one with The Great White Sharks! It would be very appriciated!
animaljp3 - 12 years ago
the sharks need to care to eat you. It is hard for preditors to get food normally, this is programed for every food source. they do not know the wimpiness of man also we are bad to eat when they do attack
violeman - 12 years ago
AWE CUTE !! Why didn`t one of you guy`s remove that hook from that tiger sharks mouth lol !! I wouldn`t try to either .. I prob wouldn`t be caught in the same water as them lol !!! DEv
sweetascanbe35 - 12 years ago
Awwww look at the babies there so cute lol
animaljp3 - 12 years ago
the liscence plate scene was based on real life.
animaljp3 - 12 years ago
Grizzly man had a new bear in the territory and it killed them. People are riding great white sharks, I am certain sharks do not care. Its not like you need to prove that you want to be their friend, they just do not care.
animaljp3 - 12 years ago
animaljp3 - 12 years ago
did you not see the video? or 100s others? tiger sharks are NOT maneaters. like 5 attacks per year. like everyTHING else, go by sample size. NEVER by 1.
Kaitlin Bernhart
Kaitlin Bernhart - 12 years ago
Tiger Sharks are very beautiful, sad thing is when why attack they normal kill. They aren't like Great Whites, bite and let go, no they bite again and again. Love these animals but like all animals you must be careful.
GladiatorBrig - 12 years ago
Had a buddy eaten by a Tiger Shark off of Cancun. He was a dive master and was guiding a tour when the shark attacked him. I love to dive with some sharks but Tiget Sharks are man eaters, pure and simple.
Manny Palacios
Manny Palacios - 12 years ago
What are those little things swimming with the sharks
agaheb eretyg
agaheb eretyg - 12 years ago
Only retarded people can like this video
Jenny012191 - 12 years ago
wow this is amazing. I do have this fear of sharks but I do like watching videos of them. This seems like it is so much fun. I just have to overcome my fear of them. I do love dolphins and want to swim with them. Have you ever swam with dolphins?
Juan - 12 years ago
why black gloves?? u ever dive with bull sharks??
Andy Slattery
Andy Slattery - 12 years ago
seems like the sharks are hungry and there going into the water?????? i dont get it??? with no fear just excitement!!!!
Rod Munch
Rod Munch - 12 years ago
the music sucks
dearmalika - 12 years ago
SailorMew - 12 years ago
nisha1502 1. Wrong Grammar. 2. Never give out your age! 3. You're a little too young to be on YouTube. People could be saying bad words. If you hear or read any of them, ignore it.
thebaconflapsable - 12 years ago
yeah it is in multiple shots but as much as we would like to get it out of the shark it would most likely cause more harm getting it out which also causing the shark to feel threating there fore causing an attack on a human, plus she was al right she could open and close her mouth and all that jazz
thebaconflapsable - 12 years ago
yes you are right tiger sharks will and can eat pretty much anything as people call them the garbage trucks of the sea, but they obviously had control in this video the diver just pushed the sharks head down and it turned away from the box, hand feeding these is free food for them, so i don't think they care plus they are smart animals if they wanted to i'm sure they would have thrashed their tale to get the divers arm as well as the fish.
SHADOWSONIC1231 - 12 years ago
i agree that sharks a very misunderstood creatures i also have to bring up the fact that yes they kill people but its not the sharks fault. its nature. a shark is like any other animal its is born, raised, left to fend for itself and most importantly it hunts, most sharks don't really know if it is a seal or a human they are attacking they get confused. i think that killing them is wrong. people will see this in a different way, i'm probably wrong about a few things but i wanted to bring it up.
Mermaid Jazz
Mermaid Jazz - 12 years ago
Sharks are the most amazing animals on the planet, I defenitely know what I will be doing in the future!
yourdamninsane - 12 years ago
delboisenoir - 12 years ago
Please drop the music, especially the porn star music, it ruins such a great video
1390marlin - 12 years ago
there is a hook in the sharks mouth @2:12
SevenWolves1 - 12 years ago
I sincerely hope that you can do that one day. Never give up, and, une a few years, you'll be able to touch the skin of oe of these great animals... =)
Andreas Melbacke
Andreas Melbacke - 12 years ago
great having some1 realising that sharks aren´t that dangerous that everyone thinks they are! and 15000 sharks die every 2 hours its horrible!
Laura Batten
Laura Batten - 12 years ago
Great footage! Personally sharks both scare the crap out of me and intrige me at the same time, I would love to study them but don't think I could ever build up the courage to eb that close to one haha
Ryan Binion
Ryan Binion - 12 years ago
im going to kill a family of sharks
mickiblay1 - 12 years ago
Personally, I like watching sharks chill and feed. When they're just gliding along, you really feel the elegance that many sea creatures have in open water. When they're feeding, you feel a great humbling sense to yourself because you know for a fact that you're not on the top of the food chain. Sharks are built for power and speed, and it's absolutely amazing to watch. In fact, I get excited every time I see a Great White strike a seal, and I still love looking at how adorable seals are ;)
bigchad007 - 12 years ago
At 2:52 What caused him to close his eyes like that? Un sure if you would attack?
grouperhunter - 12 years ago
I am glad there are people in this world like you who educate people about sharks.I see sharks every time I go diving and they are always fun to watch.Going to the Bahamas to watch sharks feeding is now on my list,thank you for posting this video!
Avion frstorm
Avion frstorm - 12 years ago
Tiger sharks are by far my favorite type of shark next is the great white and then bull shark
Brandon Little
Brandon Little - 12 years ago
Can you really say you felt "no fear?"
Ryan Davies
Ryan Davies - 12 years ago
sharks make a nice healthy snack.
montana steele
montana steele - 12 years ago
wow im 10 and i love sharks literaly my room is all sharks and this video was really good when i get older im gonna swim with sharks and nothing is gonna stop me:) NOTHING
Matt D
Matt D - 12 years ago
i dont get it, i love sharks, but, you would not go near a wild lion on land, so why does everyone get so close to sharks then act so surprised if they get attacked, they are wild predatory animals of course they will bite you if they get hungry enough
ICheekyI - 12 years ago
You wouldn't even go 1 mile near a short... and great video man, I love watching sharks do there thing :)
Narusakuchats - 12 years ago
You couldn't pay me enough to risk loss of limb by swimming with sharks.
Theicestorm10 - 12 years ago
i am also only ten i have actually raised a reef shark and its babies and trained hem for he wild i do this alot in hopes of helping the shark issue when im older i shall do this with great whites in hopes of recovering there almost lost species
punksickjordan - 12 years ago
wow you remind me of myself i did the exact same thing when i was ten, now im 20 and studying sharks at university keep on it man and you'll get there
MrCorisdavis913 - 12 years ago
So could a novice tourist diver actually touch sharks?
MuscleModification - 12 years ago
I love sharks since I was 3... and when I see this footage I just wanna jump into this clear water and hang around with those beautiful animals.. would love to live there, so I could visit them every day!! greetings from Germany..
mfitz1991 - 12 years ago
Amazing! I'm 15 and i love sharks and i want to do shark photography and i swim with them any chance i get. when i see amazing footage like this i don't understand how people can dislike sharks. Just Amazing!!!! :)
BMS Reptiles
BMS Reptiles - 12 years ago
what are the fish that go underneath the shark doing im not to into sharks but ive noticed it with turtles i love reptiles and i see huge snappers at the pond near me and the fish huddle around it do they feel safe or something cause the snappers eat them i dont know why they huddle around it i also thought those sharks would eat them to
ShiRongKai - 12 years ago
i thought tiger beach was in the bahamas i can tell by the color of water and the fact of the bunches of sharks!
ShiRongKai - 12 years ago
thank u for the shark footage i absalutly love sharks im only 10 this is what i want to do for a living and i woudnt be nervous because i actully wrote an unecessary paper on sharks and my teacher said it was very factual and very clear and understandable and she was right thx again for the video u made me happy
airvian - 12 years ago
sharks are so beautiful!
Elise Burns Blue
Elise Burns Blue - 12 years ago
i have deathly fear sharks but annot look into ones eyes through a screen and say "you discustingg" i wouldnt have the heart their suck beautiful creatures
sweetsaleen09 - 12 years ago
This is AWESOME I would love to do this please send me some info on how & where I can go do it.
Sara Carter
Sara Carter - 12 years ago
That tiger sharks markings are simply beautiful :D.
Lindsey B
Lindsey B - 12 years ago
Ummm yeah probably not.
Doctor Medo
Doctor Medo - 12 years ago
why don't you hand feed a great white ! o_0
The Ugly Barnacle
The Ugly Barnacle - 12 years ago
That one tiger with a hook in its mouth looks like it's wearing a ring or something. XD
dougieladd - 12 years ago
Thanks Becky! I am looking forward to it! I have heard that most sharks are opportunistic, so if you keep your eye on them and never turn your back you'll be fine.
dougieladd - 12 years ago
Awesome footage, thanks for posting. Tell me though... what kind of safety briefing do you have before diving with sharks like these? I'm about to dive with sharks for the very first time so obviously I'm a little aprehensive. Any advice? Great work!
Sara Carter
Sara Carter - 12 years ago
Bravo well said :D.
thegoodgeneral - 12 years ago
Guy at the beginning looks a hell of a lot like poker champion Daniel Negreanu.
Mrpejimini - 12 years ago
Look! Sharks too have piercings! :D
metalfan kay
metalfan kay - 12 years ago
normaly only the human shaks attacks you better knows as the great white shark but if you swim before their prey or move with your fingers like a fish then the sharks thinks its a prey and attacks you if you dont do that the sharks doesnt do anything
Vandana Mangroo
Vandana Mangroo - 12 years ago
theres a beach
GotScout - 12 years ago
Anyone catch that hipster lemon? He thought he was so cool with that lip ring. There was another one wear a fedora... but he avoided the camera!
Vandana Mangroo
Vandana Mangroo - 12 years ago
its in bahamas
Vandana Mangroo
Vandana Mangroo - 12 years ago
there is a beach you are kikis
Adam Wiltshire
Adam Wiltshire - 12 years ago
I would not want to be near a Tiger shark when its rolling its eyes up like at 2:50...
AndJusticeForMe - 12 years ago
Tell that to the sailors of the Indianapolis.
Motelhollywood - 12 years ago
I am not a big fan of feeding sharks however we have done it in Fiji with bullsharks (and lemons) and that experience was the highlight of my vacation. I'd love to dive with tigers also. Great video!
Jordan Jays
Jordan Jays - 12 years ago
another question do tiger sharks, lemon sharks, or sand tiger sharks eat there remorea or pilotfish or cleaner wrasse when they clean them?
Jordan Jays
Jordan Jays - 12 years ago
where is tiger beach at?
Matthew H
Matthew H - 12 years ago
@Jordanstar90 - In reply to @BeckyKagan - Exactly! You can tell in that frame by it's eyes and teeth. Additionally, sand tiger sharks have more pointed snouts, whereas lemon sharks do not. Lemon sharks have more rounded snouts.
agaheb eretyg
agaheb eretyg - 12 years ago
I don't swimm with sharks, not even if you give me 1 million dollars, only retareded people do it, who don't apreciate life as a gift.
Jordan Jays
Jordan Jays - 12 years ago
tiger shark acting cute at 2:49
Jordan Jays
Jordan Jays - 12 years ago
2:38 theres a sand tiger i can tell because no tiger stripes
Jordan Jays
Jordan Jays - 12 years ago
Lexi Hargrave
Lexi Hargrave - 12 years ago
No fear? I was scared when I swam with reef sharks, I think thats a good sign, you know, so that they can feel more dominant? I love tiger sharks, I have always wanted to swim with one or be in water with one. :)
TheMysteryofRichy2 - 12 years ago
These are tigers... They eat sharks whales fish garbage anything Tiger sharks eat anything they dont give a crap what it is as long as its in their stomach surely you've done the research or watched enough animal planet to know this.
IvyLeunig - 12 years ago
They're called remoras (and there's a few sharksuckers ther too). They stick close to the bigger sharks and wait around for food scraps, hitching a ride at the same time :)
hammerhorde - 12 years ago
These guys are just asking for trouble. Sooner or later someones get hurt or killed. Then what will they say or do? Makes excuses the shark attacked and make it out like the creature is misunderstood?
gregoryjamesaustin - 12 years ago
Will somebody please pull that hook out of his mouth? Show some compasion.
TheEmpowered787 - 12 years ago
Cool. thanks! i'll remember that next time I'm swimming.
CaptainSherman - 12 years ago
very dumb idea. no need to hand feed them. This makes them comfortable with humans. we need to put a stop to this kinda stuff. And the pushing them in the head like that, seriously? ridiculous.
ElectricShark - 12 years ago
I was always more interested in the great white but HOLY shit! These tiger sharks are quite beautiful and majestic. Something about them is.........well very amazing.
Joseph Buchert
Joseph Buchert - 12 years ago
why do those smaller fish cuddle underneath the shark??
gheridarigaaz - 12 years ago
like the up-close approach :) on the comments about fear and respect, i've found the existence of fear hinders progress and indeed has adverse effects on those involed... ex. after jaws, shark hunting increased and definitely helped to bring down the number of great whites to an extent. i think there are times when fear needs to be discarded, but caution kept. if i got attacked under such circumstances i'd acknowledge that it was of my doing. :( no commentary on the dive with the sharks?
neri8890 - 12 years ago
Vaya que bonitos son.Siempre tuve mucho miedo a los tiburones, supongo que es porque desde pequeña he visto películas donde los ponen como auténticas máquinas de matar atacando a personas, sin embargo ahora que me he documentado sobre su comportamiento me doy cuenta de que no son como me imaginaba y me da mucha pena lo amenazados que se encuentran por nosotros. Son unas criaturas fascinantes.
Fuews - 12 years ago
ballsofrock - 12 years ago
Don't you think TheMysteryofRichy2 means that like a wild animal is not meant to be fed by humans. ie feeding bears in Yosemite for then the animal wont want to look for food on it's own and rely on humans. Doubtful this will ever be a problemo though haha for my ass is not getting into the water with sharks unless they are leopard sharks hahahaha
Ero Nini
Ero Nini - 12 years ago
These people that claim to have no fear when swimming with these sharks are morons. You should respect AND fear any apex predator. Just because a shark decides not to eat you, doesn't mean it won't one day. Any large predator shark will attack a human when they're hungry.
LaughingMaterial - 12 years ago
o i didnt know thanks <_< that shark book i read is lame i guess
overkillphil - 12 years ago
To LaughingMaterial, sorry, but you are wrong. The white membrane came up due to the proximity of the camera. If you've spent any time with sharks, you'd know that the shark's posture was relaxed ie. his back wasn't arched and his pectoral fins weren't pulled down indicating real aggression.
RSTrill - 12 years ago
Wrong, because they know if they eat the human, they won't see that easy food ever again.
Clifton Holden
Clifton Holden - 12 years ago
they are retards for feeding them
LaughingMaterial - 12 years ago
that person who recorded the video at 2:53 is lucky when that white membrane goes up sharks are about to attack
Jojo Bumatay
Jojo Bumatay - 12 years ago
sharks only bite when you touch their private parts...
ikari amai
ikari amai - 12 years ago
it's like a dog sooo cute :3
masterswordlink100 - 12 years ago
woot woot sharks rock man
poopoo163 - 12 years ago
soooo basically you just reworded ralphy12693's comment?
Ben Nunes
Ben Nunes - 12 years ago
feed a shark like a boss!
Ben Nunes
Ben Nunes - 12 years ago
2:12 he had a hook in his mouth!
TheMysteryofRichy2 - 12 years ago
Hand Feeding Tiger sharks... Now those tiger sharks will associate humans with food.. Very smart idea -.-
kitsteel - 12 years ago
kitsteel - 12 years ago
feeding sharks can be that, but if you are feeding them what they eat in the place they eat it anyway, it is far less of a problem... I also suspect, although can't be sure, that divers, tourists and swimmers who go swimming at "Tiger Beach" will be well versed in shark safety... just a suspicion but probably fair. I've been lead to believe that using chum(?) and cages and other more provocative practices causes the problems you refer to more so than this sot of venture.
Morgan C.
Morgan C. - 12 years ago
Maybe you dive with them all the time so you should know feeding sharks is a completely ridiculous, stupid and eco-unconscious act! So I wouldn't encourage people to google your name (who cares!?) but I would invite them just to read few articles about environmental impact of that kind of stupid actions as well as the risk for divers, tourists and swimmers...
Zouizid - 12 years ago
shot with the camera ofc^^
Zouizid - 12 years ago
beautiful tigers you shot there
Zouizid - 12 years ago
cause its like dominating them, they are really intesitive around it,
TheEmpowered787 - 12 years ago
Why do they touch the nose
Davis Jason
Davis Jason - 12 years ago
if women get their mens. can they go for these dives ?
Braulio Fortes Mesquita
Braulio Fortes Mesquita - 12 years ago
Do NOT feed the sharks!!!!!
thatonehead - 12 years ago
Once i saw the hammerheads id be gone haha, i grew up in hawaii and swim with tigers all the time, i've even hand fed a tiger. But the first time i ran into a hammerhead it seemed to approach me aggresivelly, it rammed me 3 times and then bit my leg and gave my dad a tug of war on the way in, just 25 stitches but still not very pleasant He's also been attacked by a hammerhead, and he's had to shoot 3 with powerheads that started ramming him while spearfishing. But when i spearfish tigers seem
nickfeola1 - 12 years ago
3:21 The shark has a hook still in its mouth...
Yudishtir Caulachand
Yudishtir Caulachand - 12 years ago
U feed them well before going playing with them?
Andersonesp - 12 years ago
I'm jealous, this would be like a dream come true to do this.
mistahbtheoryz - 12 years ago
As much as i would love to do this, i dont think i would be able to control my fear of these beautifull creature's.... I was the kid hiding behind the sofa when i watched jaws as a kid lol... Thanks to that film i never go in water i cant see the bottom off.. Fcuk you spielberg
etornel79 - 12 years ago
once a shark arches its back....its gonna attack...it twists its back, then side to side...looking funny, comical almost...but it is a sign of aggression....so please be careful to those who read this and frequent the oceans.
etornel79 - 12 years ago
i was once snorkeling at THE CHILDREN'S POOL in san diego, spotted some small shark (3 feet or less)below me lying on it belly...it must have spotted me too because it slightly turned its head...that was enough to catapult me to the surface and become the first and only man to run on water.....true story...well...pretty damn close.
PropShop - 12 years ago
This ^^^^
animaljp3 - 12 years ago
per year?
animaljp3 - 12 years ago
idiot. what, one guy was attacked?
drakknight118 - 12 years ago
Says the guy who can't even spell for shit. Trust me i hate that mofo as much as you do but when it comes to insult atleast don't have alot of flaws in it. People can easily counter it with a combeack with a phrase like that. Like for 1: Lol you can't even spell for shit and you're calling him a retard? (I'm not calling you this i'm only showing examples)
danielle ross Miranda
danielle ross Miranda - 12 years ago
What are those thing sticking on the Shark's body?
danielle ross Miranda
danielle ross Miranda - 12 years ago
WOW! i want to swim with a shark w/out being eaten too!!!!!!!!!!
Ansley McDaniel
Ansley McDaniel - 12 years ago
Look ma, no hands!
Denis Holohan
Denis Holohan - 12 years ago
Nice video
Jake - 12 years ago
@2:52 the sharks rolling its eyes!
animaljp3 - 13 years ago
millions of people in the water, 60 attacked.
kmkfiction2 - 13 years ago
Because the behavior White shark exhibit under baited conditions is not any more natural or insightful than watching grizzly bears being hand fed at Yellowstone in the 50's. What's your point? That all creatures do not bite the hand that fees them? News at 11...
cerverg - 13 years ago
They are called Remoras or suckerfishes
Aidiam - 13 years ago
I know this is going to seem like a stupid question, but what were those fish swimming under the sharks? not the ones that were attached to it, but really just swimming right under it.
animaljp3 - 13 years ago
many people are diving without cages next to sharks, many great whites. how can you possibly attack that?
animaljp3 - 13 years ago
people have become worse than the man eating image of sharks. You can not complain.
animaljp3 - 13 years ago
actual scientists are studying this, and you scream at 60 attacks with worse then bullshit.
animaljp3 - 13 years ago
man eating does not mean killing machines. they only kill to survive,
animaljp3 - 13 years ago
never heard of 3 millimeters of years, millions, no. 10000 years. also, in ICE back then also forgetting migration of sharks, and 60 attacks per year vs millions in water.
animaljp3 - 13 years ago
there were lots of sharks. a lot of people. people still survived. when they look at us not gutted, they see us not as food, but curiosity object. many sharks bump swimmers, then bite. testing what it is. in water, with fish on belt, ram, but no bite, it is territorial. surfboard, obvious seal. That is most attack. MISTAKEN IDENTITY!
animaljp3 - 13 years ago
PEOPLE TRAIN SHARKS IN AQUARIUMS! they have brains there for they think. however, this does not always work, humans have brains yet will not think.
animaljp3 - 13 years ago
how about the millions of sharks killed prove people are assholes? or extinction of populations that were nearing 10 billions? the fact a lot of important animals are endangered? or peoples genocide in Mako Tournament and rattlesnake roundup?

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