Tiger Shark vs. Hammerhead Shark | National Geographic

Rare footage shows an attack on a hammerhead shark by a tiger shark off the coast of Louisiana. A sport fisherman had gotten the hammerhead on the line only minutes before the other, much larger shark approached the fishing boat and seized its prey. Sport angler Ryan Willsea and his brother Aaron captured the footage using a selfie stick to submerge an action cam. Read: Shark Attacks Shark in Dramatic Video http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/07/tiger-shark-attacks-hammerhead-video/ Learn more about hammerhead sharks: http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/fish/hammerhead-shark/ Tiger Sharks: http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/fish/tiger-shark/ ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Get More National Geographic: Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta Tiger Shark vs. Hammerhead Shark | National Geographic https://youtu.be/PH9CG0IT1SM National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/natgeo

Tiger Shark vs. Hammerhead Shark | National Geographic sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3406

Shark videos 8 years ago 2,471,336 views

Rare footage shows an attack on a hammerhead shark by a tiger shark off the coast of Louisiana. A sport fisherman had gotten the hammerhead on the line only minutes before the other, much larger shark approached the fishing boat and seized its prey. Sport angler Ryan Willsea and his brother Aaron captured the footage using a selfie stick to submerge an action cam. Read: Shark Attacks Shark in Dramatic Video http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/07/tiger-shark-attacks-hammerhead-video/ Learn more about hammerhead sharks: http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/fish/hammerhead-shark/ Tiger Sharks: http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/fish/tiger-shark/ ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Get More National Geographic: Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta Tiger Shark vs. Hammerhead Shark | National Geographic https://youtu.be/PH9CG0IT1SM National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/natgeo

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Most popular comments
for Tiger Shark vs. Hammerhead Shark | National Geographic

Wildman Samurai
Wildman Samurai - 6 years ago
Tiger sharks eat hammerheads, there's the end of that debate.
a500n24 - 6 years ago
I say kill the winner.
s2ktuner - 6 years ago
This is stupid, the hammerhead was hooked on the fishing line..that’s like tying a mans hands and then saying he lost a fight
Audi2.7Biturbo - 6 years ago
It could have gotten away if it wasn’t for these idiot fisherpussies
Jessie Wang
Jessie Wang - 6 years ago
Well human affects nature, but OK, it is still amazing... The tiger shark is huge...
Ken Burke
Ken Burke - 6 years ago
Too one sided. The tiger shark's twice the size of the hammerhead.
James Roper
James Roper - 6 years ago
The tiger shark should come back and finish off the douchebags. Who set the whole thing up.
weeping angel
weeping angel - 6 years ago
is a very fair fight
MinkTheWolf Isabel
MinkTheWolf Isabel - 6 years ago
I would had helped the hammer head :( it looks small or like a baby

10. comment for Tiger Shark vs. Hammerhead Shark | National Geographic

Llewellyn Montgomery
Llewellyn Montgomery - 6 years ago
Shame on National Geographic for promoting this lowlife human behavior.
Nameless - 6 years ago
when the divers won and its all because your teammate was bad
Lightning Animates
Lightning Animates - 6 years ago
How is this a vs fight when the hammerhead was hooked on a line?
Louis Micheel
Louis Micheel - 6 years ago
First time I reported a video to get it banned.
valentino00o - 6 years ago
Size does matter
Dietrich Williams
Dietrich Williams - 6 years ago
some of you fishermen are some sickos! reverse the situation, and the same thing happens!
jonathan kangas
jonathan kangas - 6 years ago
They did this on purpose, I would have cut the line.
billw5596 - 6 years ago
Shark on shark violence? Are we sure this isnt chicago?
Richard Liu
Richard Liu - 6 years ago
why i the humans not help the hammerhead D: evil humans you may be thinking but you are a human too IDC
HUSKYPUP756 - 6 years ago
R.I.P. Hammerhead Shark Killed by line and Tiger Shark May have had a advantage without a line

20. comment for Tiger Shark vs. Hammerhead Shark | National Geographic

Nick Didntdoit
Nick Didntdoit - 6 years ago
shame on these people hooking it on a line
George Gibson
George Gibson - 6 years ago
If that was a full sized hammerhead he'd have a chance plus i think he was hooked
Please don't mind my really long name, thank you.
Please don't mind my really long name, thank you. - 7 years ago
People act like a Smooth Hammerhead without the line would put up a good fight against a shark that is known to kill and eat everything it comes across lmao.. yeah right Hammerhead would get destroyed either way.
Kyle Cocjin
Kyle Cocjin - 7 years ago
Is It A Scalloped Hammerhead The Tiger Shark Got?
Rolling Stop
Rolling Stop - 7 years ago
Clickbait title. HH was on a line and exhausted from fighting the angler. It had no chance of escape or putting up any kind of fight.
Bulbus Dogus
Bulbus Dogus - 7 years ago
Now I know how fights in documentary’s are made...
Rock Hustler
Rock Hustler - 7 years ago
Terrible, absolutely disappointed in National Geographic even sanctioning footage like this.
R.R.R. - 7 years ago
Anyone with respect for marine wildlife and the sport of fishing and would have cut the line.
Migs I
Migs I - 7 years ago
Who else is not a. Fan of shark cannibalism
David Zheng
David Zheng - 7 years ago
What eats Both tiger sharks and Hammerheads? Asians! Nailed it!

30. comment for Tiger Shark vs. Hammerhead Shark | National Geographic

Kaylynn Palmer
Kaylynn Palmer - 7 years ago
That's scarey
St3zzY - 7 years ago
ronald telos
ronald telos - 7 years ago
so it was hooked, what an idiot it is...its not nature taking place, it human nature taking place.
Aquatic Maniac
Aquatic Maniac - 7 years ago
yo my boi the hammerhead lost. But wait until a whole school comes and beat the living day lights out the tiger and then will call it a fair fight 》:)
hakan derdivar
hakan derdivar - 7 years ago
Cool Sound
River Rat
River Rat - 7 years ago
Hammerhead was exhausted and still hooked! Real fishermen live by ethics in fishing. This was just wrong.
george wood
george wood - 7 years ago
this is why we have school shooting we have scum like you who like to torture animals and think it is ok just to get it on film sorry shark or not you should have cut the line
RCMJC - 7 years ago
title is misleading hammerhead was caught so it had no chance
jeff parkes
jeff parkes - 7 years ago
Pete Melov
Pete Melov - 7 years ago
You idiots
.the hammerhead was exhausted.. You kept it on the line.. It couldnt swim off you kept it on the line and it could of been a female with pups..
You are YouTube morons...
Andrés De Francisco
Andrés De Francisco - 7 years ago
What a stupid video, what looks like a helpless hammerhead shark is caught in a hook while a larger predator is like it. It is not a fight
Kaycee Bay
Kaycee Bay - 7 years ago
Pls hope u save them
Karim Loberg
Karim Loberg - 7 years ago
Amazing video of tigershark freeing a hammerhead from a fishing line!
Ace Attack
Ace Attack - 7 years ago
The ocean is a scary place
Lindsey Maul
Lindsey Maul - 7 years ago
That poor little hammerhead shark
Bilal Zahid
Bilal Zahid - 7 years ago
The fishermen meddled with the nature when they put the Hammerhead at a big disadvantage by hooking it up and not releasing it when they saw the Tiger Shark approaching.
Lego bulider 731
Lego bulider 731 - 7 years ago
there are hammer heads in gta 5 allso
Guy Johnson
Guy Johnson - 7 years ago
I feel the fisherman are very irresponsible in this situation .
You can’t even eat a Hammerhead shark. I’ve caught and released every one I have caught. Honestly they don’t put up much of a fight. These guys were show boating to get social media recognition .The humane thing
would have been to cut the line and release the shark. These guys disrespected the Hammerhead and that speaks volumes as to their character !
Murki Poo
Murki Poo - 7 years ago
If that was a great hammerhead, there would've been a difference. A big difference. Like. A big difference.
Romano Thomas
Romano Thomas - 7 years ago

50. comment for Tiger Shark vs. Hammerhead Shark | National Geographic

BorisBeer24 - 7 years ago
Humans are horrible, kept the hammerhead hooked and unable to escape.
Bryan Miller
Bryan Miller - 7 years ago
Cut the shark free moron when another shark shows
Lucy Uptain
Lucy Uptain - 7 years ago
a juvenile hammerhead, not an adult
Aaron Wilkins
Aaron Wilkins - 7 years ago
And for those of you who say the shark would have a hook in its mouth for the rest of its life have probably never fished before the hooks rust away very quickly in a couple of days it would fall out and shark will be fine they knew what they were doing they made no attempt to reel it in onto boat or cut the line they left just enough line for it to do small circle next to the boat so the tiger shark could eat it these I’m not against killing animals but killing just so u can watch is pretty sick
Aaron Wilkins
Aaron Wilkins - 7 years ago
Why tf don’t u cut the line that’s what u do when u catch sharks even if it’s not about to get eaten they just wanted to see the shark die
Al Pra
Al Pra - 7 years ago
I love how the Hammerhead refused to flee and chose to stay and fight instead, what a brave animal
obc og
obc og - 7 years ago
meddling humans again.....
Lei Barbosa
Lei Barbosa - 7 years ago
They should've cut the line like wtf. Fckin idiots are enjoying it. I hope they sink ang get eaten by sharks and never be able to return to their families
Iona Peters
Iona Peters - 7 years ago
Poor hammerhead :(
Keet Madu
Keet Madu - 7 years ago
VS? A young hammerhead on a fishing line. Wouldn't call that a VS, just easy meal for a fully grown Tiger.
Louis yule
Louis yule - 7 years ago
If you didn’t make that shark get caught on your line then it could of gotten away from the tiger shark you disappoint me
pibxtra XD
pibxtra XD - 7 years ago
Broo that was the coolest thing I ever saw
Mike Bello
Mike Bello - 7 years ago
It was sure
No need to write "vs", hammerhead can't be real enemy for tigershark, no chance at all
Francies 04
Francies 04 - 7 years ago
It was a big Tigershark and a little Hammerhead
Marcos João
Marcos João - 7 years ago
that's not a fight.
FaddaWolf - 7 years ago
While this is great footage, the guys on the boat are responsible for that hammerhead's death. Cut the line?
Steven Reyna
Steven Reyna - 7 years ago
Is that a scalloped hammerhead?
Ator Tank
Ator Tank - 7 years ago
I cant believe they just left the hammer to be eaten, if this was a natural event i don't mine, but for a vídeo they do anything
Juliana Acup
Juliana Acup - 7 years ago
hammer head shark is my favorite
Khubla Khan
Khubla Khan - 7 years ago
Just your average dumb Cajun coonass
TrumpCat - 7 years ago
1:31 like Dory says ........"Just keep swimming , just keep swimming"
Hagen - 7 years ago
Creepy that I surf by those things....
Dark CFA
Dark CFA - 7 years ago
The hammerhead was held back by the line and could not swim away from the tiger shark.There is nothing wrong with fishing But this was more like torture.
Sophia Colasanto
Sophia Colasanto - 7 years ago
Poor Hammerhead
Jam Slam
Jam Slam - 7 years ago
Big things eat little things unless they're whale shark which only eat much smaller things.
yung-jak - 7 years ago
Rip Brittany Venti
KILLIAN HAUGHEY - 7 years ago
Hace años que national geographic perdio mi respeto totalmente. Pura basura.
Rup7ur3 Strygwyr
Rup7ur3 Strygwyr - 7 years ago
Should've thrown those fishermen in it
Tanthagorn Nanchotipong
Tanthagorn Nanchotipong - 7 years ago
How far he can go now, so pity hammerhead.
madmatt097 - 7 years ago
To people saying it's unfair because he was hooked. The tiger shark was 3 times the size of that hammerhead, would've lost either way, cry about how unfair nature is somewhere else.
Tony Thao
Tony Thao - 7 years ago
R.I.P hammerhead shark :(
King Smooth
King Smooth - 7 years ago
y’all couldn’t unhook him??
King Smooth
King Smooth - 7 years ago
yall set him up
Miky Mike
Miky Mike - 7 years ago
Dutch Yoran
Dutch Yoran - 7 years ago
I love tiger sharks
Tom Caro
Tom Caro - 7 years ago
That hh shark was half the size of the tiger shark
Fan Of Everything
Fan Of Everything - 7 years ago
the hammerhead would have died anyways,and it was technically fighting back(by trying to escape)so it was a fight.most importantly,it nature,tiger sharks eat hammerheads so it just like any other day in the ocean
Foxy s
Foxy s - 7 years ago
If only that hammer head was full size
Bhurishta Kuansongtham
Bhurishta Kuansongtham - 7 years ago
Feel bad for the hammerhead shark
reptilespantoso - 7 years ago
cut the line you a-holes!
Uros Andric
Uros Andric - 7 years ago
Learn to use camera.
Leo Dutra
Leo Dutra - 7 years ago
People like these from the video are sick. They destroy nature.
Razvion - 7 years ago
Cruel mofos.
NtRo P1
NtRo P1 - 7 years ago
This wouldent happen if humans dident steel all the fish from the ocean...that makes animals go from living to ultra survive mode
Lili Kaji
Lili Kaji - 7 years ago
how on earth are they enjoying it ?! That's so cruel
Casheus Halmos
Casheus Halmos - 7 years ago
Rip hammerhead shark
Lewis Holmes
Lewis Holmes - 7 years ago
because Tiger sharks eat other sharks it doesn't make it right to let it kill that hammerhead. You should of cut the line steaight away but no you wanted that hammerhead to suffer and die a horrible death! Think next time hey instead of putting other wildlife at risk for your own entertainment!
Dan Gould
Dan Gould - 7 years ago
Should have cut him loose.. thas an extremely endangered species
Osvaldo Ramirez
Osvaldo Ramirez - 7 years ago
He should have set the hammerhead out of the line. He is no match when he is tide up
phobicpigeon - 7 years ago
misleading title o well

100. comment for Tiger Shark vs. Hammerhead Shark | National Geographic

Alex Rain
Alex Rain - 7 years ago
Why’s everyone complaining
That was awesome
james Siegel
james Siegel - 7 years ago
Maybe we could have been less critical if you were caught on the line? It's only "awesome" to you because it wasn't happening to you!! People are complaining because it's another paradigm of mans' interference with nature. I presuppose that somewhere in that benighted, discourteous brain of yours, your are very cognizant of everyone's discontent.
Carli Obrien
Carli Obrien - 7 years ago
This makes me so sad
Nicholas Roulston
Nicholas Roulston - 7 years ago
This is a horrible video coming from National Geographic. The shark should have been cut loose. This was a video of some "Bro's" saying OMG over and over while holding an animal in place to be attacked repeatedly.
Kuze Hibiki
Kuze Hibiki - 7 years ago
Hungry Shark Evolution?
Jay Kune
Jay Kune - 7 years ago
Seeing is believing... Good Catch Video
Mario power 1123 has returned:Fanboys are at war
Mario power 1123 has returned:Fanboys are at war - 7 years ago
It's was unfair, but the tiger shark wins hands down.
JSandusky69 - 7 years ago
God, I despise fishermen. Just looking for trophies.
Nick Schireson
Nick Schireson - 7 years ago
Streex vs. Jab
Dlow Low
Dlow Low - 7 years ago
Should have freed it so it could have fought
adrian sannyu
adrian sannyu - 7 years ago
Egi Marcell
Egi Marcell - 7 years ago
Stupid human!
ferhat kızılçınar
ferhat kızılçınar - 7 years ago
Kardeşi kardeşe kırdırıyorlar bu ibneler
Niggasaurus Rex
Niggasaurus Rex - 7 years ago
I hope the fisherman had to pay a fine and do time.
james Siegel
james Siegel - 7 years ago
I agree!!!! This video needs to be removed, especially by The National Geographic channel and some form of punitive measure imposed on the "fishermen"!!!!
Wes Lerat
Wes Lerat - 7 years ago
This is not a fight. It's not Hammerhead vs Tiger Shark. That's a Hammerhead getting eaten alive because it can't fight back.
Shadow_ Wing101
Shadow_ Wing101 - 7 years ago
Get rekd
toni Stansfield
toni Stansfield - 7 years ago
Poor hammerhead :( I no it nature this happens but in nature without man's fishing hook stuck in it's mouth it might of had some chance
Anthony Urquiza
Anthony Urquiza - 7 years ago
Good thing there’s bigger hammerheads out there that could kill the tiger shark
Mrrrr mrmmrr hahahahahahahaahah
TheToOnY29 - 7 years ago
Now he is a Kakuja tiger.
Fook Utube
Fook Utube - 7 years ago
Put a sanction on all tiger shark ,
teach_shield689 - 7 years ago
J B - 7 years ago
Fuckwits should have cut the hammerhead loose to give it a chance
Mini wolf
Mini wolf - 7 years ago
;-; R.I.P
jason voorhees
jason voorhees - 7 years ago
Why the hammer head didnt fight back
Dark Soul
Dark Soul - 7 years ago
jason voorhees it was on a line
matthew mann
matthew mann - 7 years ago
Unfair advantage for The Tiger Shark
Scott McCarty
Scott McCarty - 7 years ago
When a shark dies, does it just sink to the bottom?
Rich Johnson
Rich Johnson - 7 years ago
maybe cut your line guys
Shishona Grant
Shishona Grant - 7 years ago
bruh they should have been trying to help the hammerhead -_-
Dark Soul
Dark Soul - 7 years ago
Shishona Grant they should of cut the line
ven cent
ven cent - 7 years ago
im chinese kill that shark i need fin to make medicine
Darkmoon53 - 7 years ago
This changes my opinion of Kenny the shark
pengcheng wu
pengcheng wu - 7 years ago
sad life
Gamer Dad
Gamer Dad - 7 years ago
kinda sad to watch
sean craig
sean craig - 7 years ago
Nature you scary.
William Hoskins
William Hoskins - 7 years ago
Tatiana Gualberto
Tatiana Gualberto - 7 years ago
Real life Hungry Shark!!!! Yassssss!!
gamerguy of gtalll
gamerguy of gtalll - 7 years ago
I wish the tiger shark will be eaten by a massive giant sea monster
Shalea Baucom
Shalea Baucom - 7 years ago
The only reason that I like this is bc my 5 year old cousin loves sharks
Unum sed Leonem
Unum sed Leonem - 7 years ago
The hillbilly #vermin angling for the animals must be chopped up and fed to sharks. Inbred cocksuckers, do drop dead.
strawberry drp
strawberry drp - 7 years ago
lets just say R.I.P HammerHead Shark
Jynxie.XOX Gaming
Jynxie.XOX Gaming - 7 years ago
This is the definition of just keep swimming
Oshan Senanayake
Oshan Senanayake - 7 years ago
Were you guys going to eat it? No
Were you going to release it? Then why did you catch it?
So endangered shark lost its life because a bunch of morons thought it was fun.
Shame on you!
Hope something like this doesn’t happen to you
Danny Le
Danny Le - 7 years ago
Cmon hammerhead fight back
Danny Le
Danny Le - 7 years ago
It’s pretty cool fight
The Cat Man
The Cat Man - 7 years ago
Nuuu hammerhead!!!#
Doris Reelfs
Doris Reelfs - 7 years ago
Type-3 Kiryu
Type-3 Kiryu - 7 years ago
who else thought the tiger shark looked cute
Tanattiya Rungtham
Tanattiya Rungtham - 7 years ago
no wonder why tiger sharks eat human too​
Sean Moua
Sean Moua - 7 years ago
Y’all are trippin at a shark on shark attack when y’all should be really focused on why Brads wife got fired from crackerbarrel, smh.
Mark Mosino
Mark Mosino - 7 years ago
Why didn't the a**** cut the line and make it a fair fight
NICOLE - 7 years ago
FN Gruesome
Juan Andres Perez Thomsen
Juan Andres Perez Thomsen - 7 years ago
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming
GreenTiger7 - 7 years ago
cut the line
seilaaaaaaaaa9 - 7 years ago
ONG. I did not know sharks could eat other sharks!
jan mac
jan mac - 7 years ago
The footage shows the opportunistic behavior of a Tiger Shark. Scientists know Tiger Sharks have a wide variety of prey that include other sharks but having a footage to show for is astonishing. We now know Tiger Sharks will attack Hammerhead Sharks ALMOST (emphasis on almost because people tend to ignore this word) as big as it is given the opportunity.

We have a portion of the footage showing the part where the Tiger Shark started attacking. For all we know they intend to release it from the hook until the Tiger Shark showed up, caught everyone off guard, and delivered a mortal bite. Cutting the line won't make any difference beyond that point. Don't think with your feelings, you are presented something of a magnitude you MAY (emphasis on may because people tend to ignore this word) never witness in your lifetime and all you do is complain.
Mack Daddy
Mack Daddy - 7 years ago
it's a shark eat shark world.
SammyBabeey1 - 7 years ago
It's a shame to see a Hammerhead be killed as you don't see many of them
God king Kush
God king Kush - 7 years ago
see them all the time when i go fishing over here i Australia no shortage of them what so ever, theres no rules in natures fight, both those sharks would attack and eat you too
Agent Shit face 01
Agent Shit face 01 - 7 years ago
SammyBabeey1 well that’s nature
Mark Solarz
Mark Solarz - 7 years ago
Tiger Sharks eat Sharks.......bite!.....let it bleed.......bite!....let it bleed!
Ken Santiago
Ken Santiago - 7 years ago
The only time I wished an Orca showed up & ripped that Tiger Shark a new one!
NeroAngelo616 - 7 years ago
These men deserve to be water tortured, tired out and picked on piece by bit by animals double your size. Let the other side of the coin flip and allow nature to play along with their game.
isaac alzate
isaac alzate - 7 years ago
Take away the line and put them at the same time and the hammerhead would of had a chance
wweoldschool - 7 years ago
Amazing footage:) cheers
thecowpooped - 7 years ago
Tiger Shark Needs to be nerfed too OP
midget sun
midget sun - 7 years ago
This is a really shameful video. Those guys should have cut that line immediately when the tiger showed up. I am the first to admit it may not have ended differently for the hammerhead, but dangling it on a line to be snuffed isn't nature. Hopefully National Geographic's new masters will get out of the "frat boys torture shark" business.
Harry miles
Harry miles - 7 years ago
Just one more reason to think that sport fishermen are the ultimate scum!
Steve. B
Steve. B - 7 years ago
Guys this happens in nature all the time tigers eat almost anything from turtles to other sharks even people if they want to. So calm yourself down if the hammerhead was free the tiger shark wouldve eaten it anyway
atlantean 107
atlantean 107 - 7 years ago
Wtf this isn't a vs battle its an unfaur fight were you guys practically fed the hammerhead to the tiger
James Wright
James Wright - 7 years ago
tiger was bigger but the hammer was exhausted,,, free I dont believe the tiger would have went for the easy meal.
Laser Games
Laser Games - 7 years ago
This is bad sportsmanship and terrible form for NatGeo to support this kind of filming.

Shark species are stressed enough as it is so to let a big hammerhead get killed like that for 30 seconds of video is childish. Cut it free next time and it will be fine. If this prey was an amber jack or mahi I wouldn't care as much since their numbers are plentiful but this is dumb.
Magnus Bendiksen
Magnus Bendiksen - 7 years ago
That is a big male tiger shark i think he is 15 feet Long and weigh 450 kg females are larger than males but sometimes the males are larger than females
Kamikaze Yamamoto
Kamikaze Yamamoto - 7 years ago
The Tiger Shark just wanted to be friends with the Hammerhead Shark.
And that lived happily everafter.
dax2321 - 7 years ago
this mean they should have cut the line that let the hamerhead go
cesar7cbc - 7 years ago
The hammerhead was more than likely exhausted from fighting the line from these idiot's. I didnt enjoy watching a defenseless animal getting eaten alive.
Robert Phillips
Robert Phillips - 7 years ago
That sucked
Connor Banning
Connor Banning - 7 years ago
All the comments are about this fight being dumb and it was the hammer head shark had no chance what so ever because of the dumb fishermen. This video also makes me sad seeing the dumb people letting the hammer head shark die.
shonanmike - 7 years ago
Jason Spinks
Jason Spinks - 7 years ago
Should have cut the line
Shaun Louis
Shaun Louis - 7 years ago
I'm flagging this because of the misleading title. Natl. Geographic, you should know better.
Brandon Roberts
Brandon Roberts - 7 years ago
Tigers and bull sharks are super aggressive.
ro eight seven
ro eight seven - 7 years ago
the tiger shark learned the technique of how humans fight and sucker punch on land! FANTASTIC ABILITY DISPLAYED WHILST BLIND SIDE ATTACKING THE UNAWARE OPPONENT!!
Ferdian ferdian
Ferdian ferdian - 7 years ago
Silvio Orellana
Silvio Orellana - 7 years ago
The death of this hammerhead shark is the fault of these mtfkers !!!!
Cassandra Gabriel
Cassandra Gabriel - 7 years ago
The tiger shark's finishing move charge bite very effective against small sharks and sharks that ar his size but drains stamina
csaba narone
csaba narone - 7 years ago
Small hammerhead n hooked wtf
Super Galaxy Dai-Edu Arevalo lll
Super Galaxy Dai-Edu Arevalo lll - 7 years ago
Hungry Shark ?
wull taylor
wull taylor - 7 years ago
they could have should have cut the HH loose
conspiracies are just great stories
conspiracies are just great stories - 7 years ago
That's why if I see a fish I catch being chased by something I have no intention on catching or something that's not possible to catch, I immediately cut the line and let the fish swim off so I don't ruin it's life
Deadfox Gt
Deadfox Gt - 7 years ago
Krzysztof Grugl
Krzysztof Grugl - 7 years ago
National Geographic , das ist eine Privat Video von Leute die vielleicht Hammer Kopf Haie fangen dürfen aber .Der Tiger Hai hat Ihm als Leichte Beute gesehen weil der Hammer wie Sterbens ausgesehen hat für Ihm
Jujubar Williams
Jujubar Williams - 7 years ago
And that, is the nature of nature.
Zgqp Uzumaki
Zgqp Uzumaki - 7 years ago
I never disliked a video in my whole life
Rj Long
Rj Long - 7 years ago
Shame on National Geographic for this.
aboomination - 7 years ago
If the HH wasn't already injured and acted like easy prey, there would've been no fight.
Akeem Walters
Akeem Walters - 7 years ago
Yall did that, that hammerhead was even given chance to to aviod with that line stuck on him.
Tylo Vids
Tylo Vids - 7 years ago
Interesting, but I would have preferred if you let it go, giving the hammerhead more of a chance
No Sir, Not I
No Sir, Not I - 7 years ago
Should have at least cut the line and given the shark a fighting chance... especially since you were probably gonna throw the shark back once you caught it anyways
adolphin flipper
adolphin flipper - 7 years ago
Umina Beach
Umina Beach - 7 years ago
Poor hammerhead.. well baby cycle of nature! lol
Vegeta Higurashi
Vegeta Higurashi - 7 years ago
The water is green......i hate it when the water is green, reminds me of how i nearly had my head taken off by a mugger crocodile when i was young
jonathan sandigan
jonathan sandigan - 7 years ago
tiger shark didnt killed the hammerhead its the owner of this video who killed it.
SWIFT Julia - 7 years ago
Stop catching sharks, this is just so cruel
frank rs
frank rs - 7 years ago
The tiger shark is so agile, theres almost no footage of sharks moving like this.
Rocky Y
Rocky Y - 7 years ago
Hooked or not the hammerhead looked physically outmatched anyways. I'd say all it could've done was swim away with all its might. Either way it was a good clip.
The Specialist Gaming
The Specialist Gaming - 7 years ago
Vs um the hammerhead didn’t even attack ;&
maximusdarkultima - 7 years ago
jaws 5: jaws vs jaws
maximusdarkultima - 7 years ago
tiger shark: *stomach growls stop. hammer time~
Arabella Baker
Arabella Baker - 7 years ago
That actually made me cry...
Dr. Viktoria Kerekes
Dr. Viktoria Kerekes - 7 years ago
Augustine Coronado
Augustine Coronado - 7 years ago
fake good try nat geo. your ggi skills are superb
Jake Ogden
Jake Ogden - 7 years ago
RIP Hammerhead
Daniel Czaja
Daniel Czaja - 7 years ago
fishermen are sadistic twats!!!
Genesis event10000
Genesis event10000 - 7 years ago
Should have cut the line to give the Hammerhead a chance. And him taking that camera in and out of the water is so annoying. why can't he just leave the darn camera in the water????
Michael Song
Michael Song - 7 years ago
As many people below me said, Hammerhead might have had a better chance had it not been hooked by the fishing line. However, Tiger shark is quite aggressive, and I'm certain Tiger would have won that fight regardless. Sand Tiger sharks, on the other hand... not so much, since they're nowhere as aggressive.
zonzo 2.0
zonzo 2.0 - 7 years ago
The hammerhead was hooked on the line at least they could have cutten it lose....
Themistocles - 7 years ago
The Respawnables
The Respawnables - 7 years ago
Weakest shark in the ocean(hammerhead shark)vs weakest big cat on land(cheetahs)literally cheetahs can't mess with lions hyenas leopards even some of it's prey fight back because they know the cheetah will give up and run away eventually
Brian McAleer
Brian McAleer - 7 years ago
As Steve Irwin used to say "That's nature's way"
Erhan Bray
Erhan Bray - 7 years ago
Animal cruelty because you could have cut the line and the hammer head would have got away
simple person
simple person - 7 years ago
Not really. In the end its just survivel of the strongest. Even if they had cut the line. It would have had a hook in its jaw forever. Hammerheads are weaker then tiger sharks so it still would have lost
Englebert Villegas
Englebert Villegas - 7 years ago
shame on you !!
Jovel Boto
Jovel Boto - 7 years ago

Some Random Vlog
Some Random Vlog - 7 years ago
That's a lot of damage
Costas Tsamis
Costas Tsamis - 7 years ago
You killed the shark with line fishing you idiots. Watch the "Sharkwater" documentary to see what line fishing is causing. IDIOTS.
Rolling Robots
Rolling Robots - 7 years ago
Tiger sharks bite was nearly twice that of a Hammerhead shark
Brenden Garcia
Brenden Garcia - 7 years ago
As a fisherman myself I would've cut the line the second i saw the tiger , yea the hammer was tired from being on the line but he would've had freedom of movement to maybe at least get in a couple bites on the tiger ( a fighting chance), yea 9/10 it probably would've got eaten regardless because of how big that tiger was compared to it but it would've been able to go down fighting rather than live bait on a line ..
Jaxx Landry
Jaxx Landry - 7 years ago
GoPro mics underwater sound so annoying.
Adapper _Dilo
Adapper _Dilo - 7 years ago
Killing an animal for footage, shocking to see something like this on National Geographic
juan david
juan david - 7 years ago
what a sad thing to see NatGeo resorting to this cruelty circus to get views on their channel. Gone are the days where this channel was for naturalist who respected the ocean and it's wonders. I will unsubscribe. sticking to BBC earth from now on.
juan david
juan david - 7 years ago
By the way NatGeo Have the balls not to delete my comment ( they already did once ).
Fonz Row
Fonz Row - 7 years ago
The idiot who film this should knows better to cut the fisherman's line. What a sad day for the real fishing community.
solo sin
solo sin - 7 years ago
Bunch of idiots gone fishing
Emancipate - 7 years ago
There wouldn't have been any fight to begin with if the the Hammerhead wasn't hooked by mistake or so they said it was. That Tigershark realized that Hammerhead was wounded by the hook on the line that's it immediately knew that poor shark was caught and couldn't fight back. Hence easy prey. I doubt that Tigershark would normally chase a hammerhead when it sees one. imo.
Huckleberry Hound
Huckleberry Hound - 7 years ago
I'm guessing that guy has never held a camera before or was he getting raped at the same time he was filming?
indy fan
indy fan - 7 years ago
I mean poor hammerhead
Regents Park Music
Regents Park Music - 7 years ago
Completely misleading title. Should have read "Exhausted & hooked on a fishing line hammerhead, easily devoured by a tiger shark."
MarlonMax - 7 years ago
sad .......
Jose Garrido
Jose Garrido - 7 years ago
Stupid title Grrrr !!! So Sad National Geographic :-( A trapped hammerhead being eaten alive SO SAD !!
linda tobler
linda tobler - 7 years ago
You should have given the hammerhead a chance to escape.....pray you remember this cold blooded act when it happen to you
Passionfor Fishing
Passionfor Fishing - 7 years ago
Disliking. Should have cut line
Canadian Bacon
Canadian Bacon - 7 years ago
terrible bro
Ma. Rowena O. Lazarte
Ma. Rowena O. Lazarte - 7 years ago
You know what the hs and the ts are cousins
Admiral Cat
Admiral Cat - 7 years ago
So cool to see two massive shark species in close proximity at the same time.
Admiral Cat
Admiral Cat - 7 years ago
Hammerhead shark died brutally!
Chrono_gaming Bro
Chrono_gaming Bro - 7 years ago
don gambrell
don gambrell - 7 years ago
u are evil!!!
sevenrats - 7 years ago
Sportfishing is blood amusement. I used to do it. I regret it.
thestubbornrock - 7 years ago
Why not just cut the line?
Justin. T Rimjob
Justin. T Rimjob - 7 years ago
Even National Geographic uses Fake news. Click bait.. there is no VS.
Simon S
Simon S - 7 years ago
Lets throw Ryan in the water on a leash and see what happens... idiot
help ¿
help ¿ - 7 years ago
Why the hammer shark dont done anything
AdiL osFi
AdiL osFi - 7 years ago
look how big the tiger he cant even try
Muhd Farid
Muhd Farid - 7 years ago
That's not a fair fight between two species though...
Loki Darcon
Loki Darcon - 7 years ago
So what was how a shark attacking people
pustel - 7 years ago
the hammerhead was on the fishermans rope. fuck you assholes!!!
Анхаа 0909
Анхаа 0909 - 7 years ago
Saving sea animals. Don't kill animal. Please smartest humans!
Aljand Tabada
Aljand Tabada - 7 years ago
Humans' concept of the food chain. Catch one and feed it. Watch it die. Say you were doing the right thing because the food chain is compose of animals eating other animals. Damn :(
Arunsri Kaewvichain
Arunsri Kaewvichain - 7 years ago
New hungry shark trailer has come out,i see
Alexandrite Carter
Alexandrite Carter - 7 years ago
Oshan Senanayake
Oshan Senanayake - 7 years ago
Shame... rare shark dead due to someone who thinks it's fun...
throathammer1 - 7 years ago
I hope the people that decided NOT to cut the fucking shark loose lose their fucking ability to have children.
Chief Spoon
Chief Spoon - 7 years ago
These guys are pieces of shit, that adolescent hammerhead has no shot.
throathammer1 - 7 years ago
why would they just leave it on the line??? I hope they fuckin go blind.
kalaharimeerkatfan - 7 years ago
Poor Hammerhead, it didn't stand a chance even if it could have pulled free.
你在南通启东我知道 - 7 years ago
the bleeding hammerhead looked like a burning warship
Im Stud
Im Stud - 7 years ago
Who else flagged the video?
Xzlemin - 7 years ago
Flag it for what? I dont think they broke any guidelines. It was an unfortunate event but it was informational. People learned that some sharks kill other sharks for food and if a Hammerhead is hooked on a fishing line it stands no chance against a much bigger tiger shark.
ghj hj
ghj hj - 7 years ago
Im Stud done
Agent Shit face 01
Agent Shit face 01 - 7 years ago
Im Stud just you
will iam
will iam - 7 years ago
fucking sinful despicable people
One Touch
One Touch - 7 years ago
imbeciles el tiburon martillo estaba atrapado con un sedal seran hijos de puta los de national geographic
dais asco, cuando vieron el otro tiburon tuvieron que soltar al que estaba atrapado manga de imbeciles
DannyTK0 - 7 years ago
Roses are red
Violets are blue

I just got clickbaited

And so did you.
The3rdID - 7 years ago
Sharks live in the water. So stop taking the camera out of the fucking water.
Galaxy CRAFT 010
Galaxy CRAFT 010 - 7 years ago
what kind of hammer shark is it? is it smooth hammer head? or great hammer head
Camila Claire
Camila Claire - 7 years ago
That isn't fare because the hammer head was on the fishing line and could not get out of danger, they should of cut the line
jnounan - 7 years ago
Connard d Américain
Fuck off USA from France
HeavenlyKoel - 7 years ago
Tiger shark to strong
zuperzleeper - 7 years ago
stupid fucking cunts
Roberto - 7 years ago
When they came up with the word "loser" they were thinking about you .
Tyler Banh
Tyler Banh - 7 years ago
Black on black crime
Counter their Sabotage and Subterfuge
Counter their Sabotage and Subterfuge - 7 years ago
Feminism is the new mafia
vincevonbarde - 7 years ago
kill all fisherman......
Zweiter Name
Zweiter Name - 7 years ago
EXCREEP381 YT - 7 years ago
The tiger shark's mom must be proud
twitchster77 - 7 years ago
My Lord
My Lord - 7 years ago
thats a not a vs?!! god dam hammer head was hooked on a line.
Mistriz - 7 years ago
ωну αяє тнєу ʝυѕт ℓσσкιиg αт ιт ωну иσт gяαв α ѕтι¢к αи∂ ρυѕн тнє тιgєя ѕнαяк αωαу ∂υмв ρєρ'ѕ...
LemuresXL - 7 years ago
Tiger sharks ain't nothin to fuck with. Line or no, the Tiger Shark is a machine. That being said... Hammer Heads are endangered and people shouldn't be fishing them... If it wasn't stuck on a line it at least maybe could have swam away. On the bright side though, we know the Tiger is healthier now.
Law - 7 years ago
Nice job making the hammerhead bait. The poor thing didn't have a chance because of you.
Gabriel Cundari
Gabriel Cundari - 7 years ago
Damn the hammerhead was on a line that changes everything DISLIKE VIDEO.
MbseedM - 7 years ago
You think these southern hicks care about wildlife? Shame on you, National Geographic. Enjoy your profits for advertising for Exxon. Oh the irony.
Jynxie.XOX Gaming
Jynxie.XOX Gaming - 7 years ago
This is the definition of just keep swimming, just keep swimming
Sam Corey
Sam Corey - 7 years ago
Wow pathetic. Kept it on the line let it die.
Kankūro !
Kankūro ! - 7 years ago
Release the Hammerhead you fame whore
iiMrCastillo - 7 years ago
No wonder why there endangered idiots like these let them get killed
Kirk Marty
Kirk Marty - 7 years ago
I would of cut the line. Hammerhead had to vs. Humans and vs. Tiger Shark. You basically baited it. I get it if you reel it up then attack happened. But you clearly saw this happening and dangled it on the line for the Tiger shark.
Euphoric Dankey Kang
Euphoric Dankey Kang - 7 years ago
Guys, the people here werent fishing for sharks, they were tuna fishing. It's not their fault they hooked a hammerhead. The only thing they could have done here was cut the line when they saw the tiger shark, but the hammerhead would have been exhausted either way.
chas charles
chas charles - 7 years ago
Fucking faggets
AngryToasterOven - 7 years ago
This is why I hate fishermen like this. Not only did this video showcase immature and irresponsible bullshit, but it's because of fishermen like this that so many animals, sometimes endangered ones, in the ocean get fishing hooks and lines stuck in them that cause them problems for the rest of their lives.
Melon Doge
Melon Doge - 7 years ago
"Cut the line" So it can swim away. There is no "swim away" the hammerhead was exausted. It was dead once the tiger shark pulled up.
Nadia Cianca
Nadia Cianca - 7 years ago
Yo imagine chillin and ur cousin comes up and fucking eats u like brooooo
Mythiacal Dragoness
Mythiacal Dragoness - 7 years ago
Okay for those saying that sharks are illegal to catch unless you are a scientists these guys were fishing for Tuna and those of you that are crying that it wasn't fair and they should've realesed the shark that Lil HammerHead was already fucked over from the beginning even if they did let it go the Tiger Shark wouldve still gone after it most likely so to say it simply: shut up, no one wants to hear your whining, and its called the Magicall Circle of Life ya know the thing we learned about in the Lion King?
Sadia Ram
Sadia Ram - 7 years ago
Real life hungry shark
xCaughtlackin - 7 years ago
what a dick cut the line dumbass
Adal Hussain
Adal Hussain - 7 years ago
Not only was the Hammer Head to small it couldn't even bite back wow. Love to see a encounter between tiger shark and crocodile.
Sean Murphy
Sean Murphy - 7 years ago
Why is everyone taking these downies seriously? That Tiger Shark is three times the size of that hammerhead!Hooked or not that hammerhead is done for if the Tiger Shark is hungry.

This isn't cruel, this is bigger fish eats smaller fish. Happens everyday.
Michael Moewes
Michael Moewes - 7 years ago
Fucking Sport. this idiot is responsible for the hammerheads death. he should have been on the hammerheads place instead.
Jusvin Tan
Jusvin Tan - 7 years ago
I feel that most of the comments in this comments section ignored the fact that the hammerhead didn't run away after being released by the tiger shark. If the line wasn't there the tiger shark would have still gotten an easy meal, being faster and stronger.
Jonathan Street
Jonathan Street - 7 years ago
it should be called tiger shark vs little hammerhead handicapped and weakened on a fishing line
c soares
c soares - 7 years ago
JuliuSprinkleTut inc.
JuliuSprinkleTut inc. - 7 years ago
its kinda unfair since the hammerhead was hooked.
Mr. Maximillion
Mr. Maximillion - 7 years ago
Oh sniff sniff cry cry people. The shark is dead. What, you think all your whining will resurrect it and save the entire ocean? Nothing you can do nor could have done regardless of the circumstances here. Course I feel "sorry" for the hammerhead but that isn't half as brutal as your average fights that human contact isn't always able to capture and record in nature. Let's all have some ice cream.
MrCDM9 - 7 years ago
Can't believe Nat Geo is proud of this footage. They should be blasted on social media for kind of sport. I initially thought he caught the footage naturally and I was excited to see it happen then I realized the sad truth. They had used the poor hammerheads life as bait for a sad and bloody takedown.
Daniel Redman
Daniel Redman - 7 years ago
animal cruelty at its best. you deserve to be the tiger sharks dinner
Andrew Ferruccio
Andrew Ferruccio - 7 years ago
And because of that I'll give you dislike!
Real Supersand
Real Supersand - 7 years ago
OR ya know just cut the line.
Thatdeal79 - 7 years ago
A tad bit disturbing but still interesting.
GD4D - 7 years ago
Trapped on the fishing line and exhausted... cmon, that's not even fair
Fudgey The Quail
Fudgey The Quail - 7 years ago
It's like a gang beating up a man and steals all of his belongings and left on the streets to be weak and injured then next time to get beaten up by another gang waiting up ahead of the line and is nothing but a homeless man on the streets
02KMT - 7 years ago
You guys are the worst.
Vova Cookies
Vova Cookies - 7 years ago
just imagine how big the sharks are in the deep deep ocean monsters
Red Robertify
Red Robertify - 7 years ago
That tiger shark is racist....
RobinvdTube - 7 years ago
Good job fishers! you killed a hammerhead shark... hope you may rot in hell fucking bastards!
Bat Dimen
Bat Dimen - 7 years ago
Asshole fisherman. RELEASE THE DAMN LINE!
Richard Chen
Richard Chen - 7 years ago
Up next: Killer whales take down Tiger shark
son lim
son lim - 7 years ago
It would have been better if they would have cut the line and seen what would have happened
Nocturnal Howlings
Nocturnal Howlings - 7 years ago
Plot twist... I find these assholes and push them for the hammerhead to have a meal...
yusuf kg
yusuf kg - 7 years ago
Seriously how could they not cut the line or release the drag, they didn't even give it a fighting chance
hoangkimtran - 7 years ago
Why do they named a fish after a land animal?
Mania28 - 7 years ago
Not nice to watch. Defenceless hammer head, at least if it wasn't on a hook it would have been natural and had a chance.
Lizard - 7 years ago
Going to flag this also with a thumbs down. I understand how nature works but this was just cruel. Too bad the fishermen werent hooked to a line next for a tiger shark to kill slowly like the poor hammerhead.
Cédrik Djelassi
Cédrik Djelassi - 7 years ago
Incredible video!!
joshua yap
joshua yap - 7 years ago
Sharksfin dumplings
Lorraine - 7 years ago
You should have cut the line....................
Ethandude - 7 years ago
Good job, great footage assholes, Karmas a bitch, good luck
Jiany Star Massa vich
Jiany Star Massa vich - 7 years ago
Let's have these morons go boxing and I'll tie their hands and go a few rounds. I'll tape it for fun. Lol
WeAreOne IAmAll
WeAreOne IAmAll - 7 years ago
Work out hammer head shark on a fishing line. Way to go neographic, fuck you
Sfc Dosia
Sfc Dosia - 7 years ago
Human accomplices lol
Luis Rios
Luis Rios - 7 years ago
It was hooked to the that why the tiger shark one
Shmuey Van
Shmuey Van - 7 years ago
Fuck those people might as well just kill the hammerhead with a gun, and people complain about shark killer, this is equal you are basically torturing the shark by keeping it on the line, while a tiger shark twice its size come. Those fuck boys, Shame to all of them, wish i can been there to throw there asses overboard
Chris Beasley
Chris Beasley - 7 years ago
you should have cut the line,stupid people
humfy b25
humfy b25 - 7 years ago
ryguybentz - 7 years ago
I hope the fisher dies
Big Daddy
Big Daddy - 7 years ago
That's a baby hammerhead a full size would give a tiger shark a run for his money
cyberpine - 7 years ago
not a fair fight. He was spent from fighting line and size difference.
Al Stillman
Al Stillman - 7 years ago
you guys are jack asses why wouldn't have at least cut the hammerhead off the line
L.J.s Reef
L.J.s Reef - 7 years ago
Those assholes should have cut the line to give the hammerhead a chance! Dick heads!
Lynn Macks
Lynn Macks - 7 years ago
This is fucking gross!!! Humans can be so fucking disgusting. You should have cut the line.
xarve - 7 years ago
what a shit death...
TheWeekndFanX0 - 7 years ago
Welcome to the Salty Spitoon. How tough are ya?
ranz t
ranz t - 7 years ago
What would have brought this video more views??????? One of you fools in the water hooked on the line i would watch the whole thing and give it a BIG THUMBS UP
Lovely Sarmiento
Lovely Sarmiento - 7 years ago
wow sharks eat each other?
Mr. Magoo
Mr. Magoo - 7 years ago
hey come on guys, don't be bitching bout them lines, thats how the government treat us. they give us guns, bad education, and food stamps, and then call us thugs, illegal, and bitches. FUCK NATURE
Jornel Advincula
Jornel Advincula - 7 years ago
They didn't cut the line, that's called feeding
banana delramma
banana delramma - 7 years ago
im glad that everyone else already talked about the fucking bullshit "fishermen" in this video they are nothing but worthless humans for not just cutting the line and going OHHHHIHOHOHOHOH the whole time.
John Axibal
John Axibal - 7 years ago
Fucking bastards..
J M - 7 years ago
Why didn't you just cut the line and give the hammer head a fair chance? Seems you killed him for the views?
craig cotter
craig cotter - 7 years ago
George - 7 years ago
Yo John, where you going so fast?
You got that 5 dollars?
Vigoss Virus
Vigoss Virus - 7 years ago
You goldfish race should go in there. Pathetic IQ
otowise - 7 years ago
It never ceases to amaze me that when something it getting killed or eaten alive there is always a bunch of dumb asses whooping, cheering and laughing in the back ground it's like Rome and its lions people seem to get kicks from watching suffering and death.
Art ArchWay studios
Art ArchWay studios - 7 years ago
emmanuel casilan
emmanuel casilan - 7 years ago
Idiot cyka not a fair fight!!
tang inamo bobo
tang inamo bobo - 7 years ago
this is not a FIGHT..
KILLING5PR33 Inc - 7 years ago
That's a very small hammerhead. Would of loved to seen the bigger haneerhead known to get bigger then a tiger shark.
SektundSchnee - 7 years ago
It's a real shame that National Geographic publish anything that encourages hunting and fishing as entertainment.
flagrl561 - 7 years ago
Terrible to treat these beautiful creatures this way. There was nothing natural about this.
thomas - 7 years ago
That is one of the biggest tiger sharks ever caught on tape. Amazing footage. This gets rarely filmed.
AlohaMilton - 7 years ago
jerks should have cut the damn line when the tiger showed up, idiot amature animal abusers, like tieing an animal down for a dog to attack. shitty fishermen and worse humans.

Should be caught and released NOT die on the line like that. too big and to old to be quality shark meat, but great at weeding out sick unhealthy fish of other species. thanks for breaking the oceans asshole humans.
lunatrics - 7 years ago
Yeaaah great!! fishing. Put a rope around your neck and jump in the water please. Call the vid. Epic fight man vs tigershark. Ill like and fav it. Great views
garcia martinez
garcia martinez - 7 years ago
Seems like the blame is on the people for holding him on the line
Adrian Cabalit
Adrian Cabalit - 7 years ago
its just a fish calm down people
parabola - 7 years ago
kind of fucked up...just sayen.
jack jones
jack jones - 7 years ago
What fucking assholes!!
super cool
super cool - 7 years ago
Vegan be like, tell that shark to become vegan hahah
T T - 7 years ago
Another majestic animal killed by pathetic cunts.
SirVapingAlot - 7 years ago
maybe if these idiots let the shark off the line it would have stood a chance, no matter how small of one it might be
Biyonzo - 7 years ago
"the tigershark frees him from the hook" yeah right
Teemu Eriksson
Teemu Eriksson - 7 years ago
Futhermore why is this kind of material even posted on National Geographic channel?

To show how sharks feed naturally? Really?
Teemu Eriksson
Teemu Eriksson - 7 years ago
Dickhead thing to do. Cut the line you pricks and at least give the tired animal a fair chance to escape.
crzy cowgirl
crzy cowgirl - 7 years ago
ja poor hammerhead..stupid fishermen
Snake Joaca
Snake Joaca - 7 years ago
It was hooked to the fishing line WTF
su wills
su wills - 7 years ago
why not cut the hammerhead loose and give it a chance? oh yeah.. wouldn't be as entertaining for you all.. yall suck..
knuckles dodd
knuckles dodd - 7 years ago
u fucking bitches u should of cut the line u all should get the living shit beat out of u faggets
Ryo Amora
Ryo Amora - 7 years ago
Tiger sharks are the dirtbags of the sea, they eat anything from seals, porpoises, to tires and license plates.
kysike666 - 7 years ago
You fckers could have atleast freed the hammerhead! this is not a versus!!
M.J. Green
M.J. Green - 7 years ago
That was great.
supersonicwings - 7 years ago
RIGGED: hammy didn't stand a chance with one hand tied behind its back
Liam Moore
Liam Moore - 7 years ago
Sick fucks bet you eat shark dick soup
Dragma Plays
Dragma Plays - 7 years ago
Would have fought back if it wasn't on the line... It still might not of won, as it is a lot smaller than the tiger shark, but at least give it a chance...
Esqi Gibraltar
Esqi Gibraltar - 7 years ago
Megalodon vs all kinds of shark
superstarrr121 - 7 years ago
Crap vid.
Jug Squad
Jug Squad - 7 years ago
That. Poor animal
Julian Dearing
Julian Dearing - 7 years ago
Yea that was bullshit. I'm all for fishing. But cut the damn line if you see the fish being attacked by another shark. You wore the shark out and kept it hooked making it impossible for the sharp to have any attempt of living.
Ian Agius
Ian Agius - 7 years ago
What a bunch of crap. As most people have commented, a totally unethical and unsporting way of capturing footage. Thumbs down for me.
Shadow Master
Shadow Master - 7 years ago
Hammerhead sharks has a disadvantage anyways even though on the hook or not it barely can bite the tiger shark
Jose Marinho
Jose Marinho - 7 years ago
Thanks to u guys the baby hammer was killed.
Wendy Davis
Wendy Davis - 7 years ago
Save the hammerheads. This was hard to watch.
desert1cop - 7 years ago
Should have cut the line way before this,boat load of misfits
ibo ayoubi
ibo ayoubi - 7 years ago
that's great keep the fucking shark on the line while it's being eaten alive. Assholes
Eider Reina
Eider Reina - 7 years ago
Malditos idiotas, porqué interfieren en la naturaleza ...
Tanabs - 7 years ago
Camera needs to breathe from time to time?
Craig Hill
Craig Hill - 7 years ago
Should've cut the line and given the hammerhead a fighting chance
Pluto Gollan
Pluto Gollan - 7 years ago
You dick heads should have had enough brains to cut the line , One big animal kills another for a cheep thrill. Bit of a waste,
Josh Beverly
Josh Beverly - 7 years ago
How about cutting the line the first time the tiger shark attacks.
Sergeant Derp
Sergeant Derp - 7 years ago
All you fucks are retarded, it's a kill or be killed world. In this case tiger shark eats hammerhead for food, none of it goes to waste. Circle of life. Case closed.
Who TF
Who TF - 7 years ago
Sergeant Derp misleading title can't you see the shark is exhausted and trapped in a line by the fishermen who don't bother cutting it to give him a chance, that's not nature that's being trapped on purpose idiot
Queen bee
Queen bee - 7 years ago
Why did they spear it
Queen bee
Queen bee - 7 years ago
Poor hammerhead
Queen bee
Queen bee - 7 years ago
The hammerhead
noalmaltrato1000 - 7 years ago
idiots cut the line assholes just for a fucking video animal dead fucking humas
Jahzell Selmon
Jahzell Selmon - 7 years ago
Damn Why Couldn't that be a great white the Tiger shark went after . That Bitch Would've Tore That tiger Shark apart .
sweetysue - 7 years ago
cool man cool tiger shark wins
That 1 Turdle
That 1 Turdle - 7 years ago
Had it been a great hammerhead shark, we all know who would've won
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
It would've been a vs fight, if these assholes cut the line and gave the hammer a fighting chance. Title should be called "a group of brain dead footage whore fishermen, using a weak hooked hammer head shark as bait"
run-a-muck Aussie 90
run-a-muck Aussie 90 - 7 years ago
I would of hooked that tiger and used it as live bait for an even bigger tiger shark.
Samuel Lor
Samuel Lor - 7 years ago
Samuel Lor
Samuel Lor - 7 years ago
how do the sharks not spot the camera?
corbin steele
corbin steele - 7 years ago
Fucking sport fisherman, hunters etc... This stuff is no more a sport than golf is a sport. Unless you were catching something you were going to keep, you always cut the line when a shark appears. The hook will rust out later. The tiger would not have chased the hammer once off the line unless already injured. The only reason it came in was because of the stress the hammer was giving off by being hooked. They co exist all the time as they were before the hammer was hooked. Hammers are known for canibalism and would have done the same thing the other way around. That's why you cut the line the second another shark shows up. You don't sit there and keep the shark hooked and watch it get hit over and over. But most "sport" fisherman and hunters don't have enough common sense to respect nature and the animals they love to kill.
Ryan Szoke
Ryan Szoke - 7 years ago
fucking assholes should of opened the bail instead of just hanging the shark so it can't run
Chunky Father
Chunky Father - 7 years ago
Asshole fisherman, should of cur the line so hammerhead had a fighting chance. This is exactly why fisherman get a bad rap.
K F - 7 years ago
This is stupid they should have cut the line the fishermen that is involved in the are pieces of crap and should not have keep this hammerhead on the line and let the other shark just kill the hammerhead it just pointless REAL FISHERMEN wouldn't do this and just a FYI it's not the circle of life
NATURE istheonlything
NATURE istheonlything - 7 years ago
Jesus fucking humans!! Fuck I wish one of those dirty usa cunts fell in, and they all filmed the human being eaten on film!! Meddling dirty fucking humans!! DIE!! Nature is about to FUCK you ALL!!!!!!
Jeff Adams
Jeff Adams - 7 years ago
sick fucking fishermen for not cutting the line you prick. A million curses on you and all witnesses for not cutting that poor shark free. christ sakes.
Paper Please
Paper Please - 7 years ago
lol people in the comment think that the hammer head have a chance if its not hooked, i mean jesus christ look at the size comparison of the sharks
Hayabusa-Rider- 4-Life
Hayabusa-Rider- 4-Life - 7 years ago
IF the hammer head wasn't hooked it would've fled the scene. the tiger shark was almost twice the size of the hammer head shark. not to mention the fact that tiger sharks are extreme super predators, second only to the mighty great white shark! all in all, size is everything as far as life in the ocean. predatory sharks base everything on size. if the mako shark was the size of a 18-24 great white. it would be the most deadliest predator in the ocean. it's the fastest predatory shark out any shark. it just doesn't have the size to compete with the great white or the tiger shark......
blah bleh
blah bleh - 7 years ago
Ryan Willsea and his brother Aaron should be tied down & left to fight an on coming train. That would make for a fair fight. Hope they develop brain cancer & stop wasting precious resources.
blah bleh
blah bleh - 7 years ago
Yah Louisiana , The folks around there aren't the brightest. Sorta hard when you've been inbred countless times over & over.
blah bleh
blah bleh - 7 years ago
Wouldn't you cut the line straight away & give the hammer head a fair chance? You fucking dogs should be shot!
SanFranGirl1982 - 7 years ago
Yup, land is the place for me.
Cuong Le
Cuong Le - 7 years ago
Those guys are fucking stupid idiot, why did not cut the line and free the hammerhead for saving him from the tiger shark.
dadondutta - 7 years ago
cant just be me that loves the noise the water makes when the camera goes underneath
Zach The Skeleton
Zach The Skeleton - 7 years ago
Of course the tiger shark won hes better in hungry shark evolution
Don Dappa
Don Dappa - 7 years ago
that's so sad. poor beautiful creature. these mother fuckers did this to the poor shark. I hope they die in pain the cunts
Alex James
Alex James - 7 years ago
There is no vs anything you idiots had hookup on a line and he couldn't defend itself or at least escape this complete bullshit change the tittle
Thomas Kirk
Thomas Kirk - 7 years ago
Look at the size comparison even if they would have cut it loose the hammerhead still would have been eaten
zakkrick - 7 years ago
Next time cut the line to the hammer head shark or throw yourself to the tiger shark
Tom - 7 years ago
Fuck these cunts, That hammerhead could've at least fleed if it weren't for these 50 year old fat bastards
Psycho ceratops
Psycho ceratops - 7 years ago
if the dumb ass would of let the hammer head go it would of escaped or maybe fight back and probably pin the tiger shark with its head :P
Psycho ceratops
Psycho ceratops - 7 years ago
that's one big tiger shark, if that was a great hammer head it would be bigger then that tiger shark
mahasajan - 7 years ago
died without a fight,,, the hand with a camera should be thrown into the water for being so shaky
Ramon Llaneza Technical Diving
Ramon Llaneza Technical Diving - 7 years ago
This is sick people and worst National Geographic promote this such activities morbidly from ignorant people. This is wrong.
DONALD DUCK TRUMP1217 - 7 years ago
tiger shark: Nigga why were you sleepibg with mah huaife

hammerhead: Bro i wasn't i swear!

tiger shark:alroight fine

lets go
Ioy6347gh Hf6626hd
Ioy6347gh Hf6626hd - 7 years ago
F*******k, you should cut it before the tiger bait the hammer,, you are totaly fuck!!!
Why you said it vs, when you hook hammerhead? Fuck!
TigerShark - 7 years ago
Elissa Utorka
Elissa Utorka - 7 years ago
Damn nature! You scary!
John Kim
John Kim - 7 years ago
Shame on those fishermen. They killed the hammer shark.
Tylen - 7 years ago
I feel sorry for that poor Hammerhead.
adolfo grague
adolfo grague - 7 years ago
Pokemon fight
adolfo grague
adolfo grague - 7 years ago
Pokemon fight
The NASCAR Guy - 7 years ago
Is that a great hammerhead or a scalloped?
DELTA-SKY LIGHT - 7 years ago
White People causing cruelty again. Always spreading evil wherever they go.
josephthemighty - 7 years ago
Disgusting video.
Voodoo2066 - 7 years ago
As an avid angler and spearfisherman, yall should have cut the fuckin line. Letting that shark die for your entertainment was stupid. Downvoted.
Monsterhunter Nathan ultimate
Monsterhunter Nathan ultimate - 7 years ago
Daniel Tucker
Daniel Tucker - 7 years ago
tiger sharks: one of the oceans biggest assholes
mrdauntl3ss - 7 years ago
I wonder if they realized technically they committed a crime against an endangered animal
vw gti 2.0t lover
vw gti 2.0t lover - 7 years ago
Amazing footage but this was a total unfair fight and really messed up.
apdroid geek
apdroid geek - 7 years ago
hammer shark are supposed to be on the ocean floor there no doubt that hammer shark will lose and hammer sharks dont eat large fish or sharks they eat whats in the bottom of the sand just like sting rays or manta rays
Sander Sousa
Sander Sousa - 7 years ago
burmesebeef - 7 years ago
Sport fishers and hunter will be skinned and burned alive in hell
Eric - 7 years ago
Anyone else turned on?
Gabriel Moreno
Gabriel Moreno - 7 years ago
2 vs 1 bitches .
celtic125434849 - 7 years ago
Next on NAT GEO tiger vs goat tied to a poll....
patrickjohn garcia
patrickjohn garcia - 7 years ago
im done
CrCKLE pOps - 7 years ago
That nigga tyga bit his eye...
John G
John G - 7 years ago
shitty choice of back ground tunes
Soupurb _
Soupurb _ - 7 years ago
the tiger shark was like 2 times the size and the hammerhead had a hook in its mouth
NOOBRIDERR - 7 years ago
dumb inbred rednecks will always be dumb. Maybe cut the fucking line instead of watching the poor shark be bait for the tiger shark? THAT WAS NOT NATURE. This is no different from dog baiting for large cats in the wild etc. Shit's fucked up. Stupid ass rednecks
Roby Miner
Roby Miner - 7 years ago
i give you a dislike for holding the camera like your stupid family, fucking redneck
Steven W
Steven W - 7 years ago
this is why i dont like saltwater fishing, poor shark never had a chance. They kill so many fish, these saltwater fisherman.
Cameron Mcsorley
Cameron Mcsorley - 7 years ago
Always a bigger fish
Gamesalot420 Some skills required
Gamesalot420 Some skills required - 7 years ago
some stupid shit lies there wasn't a fight at all was some idiots to ignorant to let the shark go by cutting the line... must be all kinds of stupid to call that a fight
David Bugden
David Bugden - 7 years ago
should have cut the line and your would have saw a fight. Not an Execution.
Adam Wilson
Adam Wilson - 7 years ago
top 10 animae fights top 10 animae fights right here
Roster # 222 MGTOW VITICUS
Roster # 222 MGTOW VITICUS - 7 years ago
Would of been classic if a Orca came behind and ate them both.
Johnny B
Johnny B - 7 years ago
Wow that was very intense and scary. Great, I mean absolutely superb footage btw.
uganda knuckle
uganda knuckle - 7 years ago
I❤️tiger sharks
HighMax Dezboub
HighMax Dezboub - 7 years ago
Couldn't you release the line or something ?
HighMax Dezboub
HighMax Dezboub - 7 years ago
Evzeryone is speaking about a line but I see none :/
NoneOfYour Beeswax
NoneOfYour Beeswax - 7 years ago
A tip for whoever filmed this: Cameras do not have to come up for air.
tiger shark wins
fussellmuscle - 7 years ago
It was supposed to be a catch and release anyway. Cut the freaking line.
Serapis Bey
Serapis Bey - 7 years ago
Nat Geo.... Even if it is unethical because of human intervention they still decided to upload this video for views and money.. pathetic!
paula kitaguchi
paula kitaguchi - 7 years ago
stupid title...how can you call it a "vs"??
JB n STUFF - 7 years ago
Hungry shark evolution anyone?
Tsundere Shark
Tsundere Shark - 7 years ago
Hammerhead-san has been training really hard
Fat Walrus
Fat Walrus - 7 years ago
Lol its funny people are getting very salty of the fact that they caught the hammer head so it wasn't a fair fight and died due to being hooked. the fisherman obviously didn't mean to hook the hammer head. Yes a shame the hammer head died but they weren't fishing sharks.
Tony Greene
Tony Greene - 7 years ago
Sharks are spooky as fuck. Nature you scare the balls off me I ain't going back in the water
kokumaru - 7 years ago
This makes me despise humanity...wanton killing is considered 'sport'
Imogen Mog
Imogen Mog - 7 years ago
mine species of hammerhead.. and up to 20ft
Nancy Casey
Nancy Casey - 7 years ago
BS!!! ya fishing or looking for a video, hammerhead didn't stand a chance, this is disgusting!! National Geographic..SHAME ON YOU!!!! & the "sport" fisherman...NOT A VERY SPORTSMAN LIKE...kinda like jacking deer!!!
Ramsey Blair
Ramsey Blair - 7 years ago
Fish are friends not food, hi my name is Bruce hi Bruce
Uriel Lulow
Uriel Lulow - 7 years ago
Stokie Stoke
Stokie Stoke - 7 years ago
u wankers u sud be fed to the sharks wankets
Cole whorriskey
Cole whorriskey - 7 years ago
I wouldn't want to be next to one but it was a little bit sad that the hammerhead dies
Roberto Gomes De Menezes
Roberto Gomes De Menezes - 7 years ago
filho d uma puta vagabundo
Sleeping in the bus
Sleeping in the bus - 7 years ago
Hungry shark evolution xD
Jonas Venture Jr.
Jonas Venture Jr. - 7 years ago
Yeah they killed a hammerhead shark, but good came out of it, a tiger shark was fed, and the world has amazing internet footage of how giant sea monsters eat.
RYBORG - 7 years ago
I like to go on fishing videos to drink tears
Cam H
Cam H - 7 years ago
Cool fight. That hammerhead never stood a chance against that Tiger shark. For this fight in this video, I like the tiger better than the hammerhead. So I did want the tiger to win this fight. In fact this didn't really look like a fight looked like a hunting footage.
sam van dijk
sam van dijk - 7 years ago
Cow Ellen
Cow Ellen - 7 years ago
very cool
Mark AJ
Mark AJ - 7 years ago
I'd rather swim with great whites than tiger/bull sharks
TheXtro101 - 7 years ago
Next round,Tiger shark vs Bull shark..."DING!"
ZionHorner - 7 years ago
Veronica Ibarra
Veronica Ibarra - 7 years ago
whoa whoa stop the fucking fight!!! the hammerhead was hooked on the line this is not a fair fight the hammerhead was small the tiger shark is bigger this is not fair if only the hammerhead was bigger it would have the advantage.Trust me if it was a great hammerhead vs the tiger shark the great hammerhed would kick the tigers sharks ass like if u aggre wirth me.
Daniel Lin
Daniel Lin - 7 years ago
in the end the hammerhead would get rekt anyways. tiger sharks are not only larger but have a bigger bite force than hammerheads.
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
No, tiger shark would still win.
Team Pirate
Team Pirate - 7 years ago
people that play tiger sharks are noobs
worksmagic89 - 7 years ago
I disagree it probably would put up a better fight but since tiger sharks are known to eat other sharks the hammerhead is probably one of the sharks he usually eats
Matthew Hinds
Matthew Hinds - 7 years ago
Veronica Ibarra internet tough guy
Veng3r - 7 years ago
Gonna be a great day when all the sharks are gone, and it's coming sooner than you think...
Deniz Metin
Deniz Metin - 7 years ago
I wish that at the end there would be a great white shark doing the same thing to the tiger shark like it did to the hammerhead.
Hey Vsauce Micheal here
Hey Vsauce Micheal here - 7 years ago
The poor hammerHead was hooked how was that a fair fight you should have cut the line
chris manama
chris manama - 7 years ago
This just show how savage humans are, you arguably put the life of the hammerhead in danger while watching the tiger shark devour on it. Sick fuck!
Average Alien
Average Alien - 7 years ago
I love hammerheads
Robert Powers
Robert Powers - 7 years ago
I'd cut it loose as soon as that other shark appeared...not cool man!
Adi Pratama
Adi Pratama - 7 years ago
Nature you scary. Human are scarier
Lisa And Lena
Lisa And Lena - 7 years ago
Brad Wilding
Brad Wilding - 7 years ago
Felt pretty sad watching this... The Hammerhead is only little. It's like watching a Lion eat another Lions cubs.
Moises Yepez
Moises Yepez - 7 years ago
NOOOO!! My favorite shark was the hammerhead. comment if hammerhead shark was your favorite

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