Top 5 Biggest Great White Sharks Ever Caught

We have done the top biggest sharks but the one's that really count are the great white sharks! The most ferocious being in the Oceans. Please subscribe to support more videos Music:

Top 5 Biggest Great White Sharks Ever Caught sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2202

Shark videos 8 years ago 5,296,439 views

We have done the top biggest sharks but the one's that really count are the great white sharks! The most ferocious being in the Oceans. Please subscribe to support more videos Music:

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Most popular comments
for Top 5 Biggest Great White Sharks Ever Caught

William Nicklin
William Nicklin - 7 years ago
why is the photo from 1997 grainy and black and white? We had color then... lol
Lindsey Bradford
Lindsey Bradford - 7 years ago
I hate that they killed these animals just for the bragging rights. So wrong.
Hi people
Hi people - 7 years ago
we have killed more sharks then... im not even going to start
Nurdemer Assung
Nurdemer Assung - 7 years ago
Shark hunter my ass. Shameful cunts. They are huge animals and yes deadly. Of course if someone intrudes their territory they will attack them(eat them) just like you when someone broke in into your house what you'll gonna do eh? Won't you kill the fucker?.People nowadays are so damn greedy, taking everything what they think theirs.Some places are not meant for us. We have our own places set by God.
Don't blame these magnificent creature for some fool human
Cheyenne Rivera
Cheyenne Rivera - 7 years ago
"biggest shark in existence!" except it's not. cause it's dead.
Dylan - 7 years ago
Bruh 100 people dot get killed by sharks every year about 1 does while over 100 million sharks are killed by humans
Marta Šillere
Marta Šillere - 7 years ago
Never swimming again
km60eight - 7 years ago
Vic Hislop is an idiot.  Somebody should string him up on a dock...
Kat F
Kat F - 7 years ago
Nobody should,swim in Australia unless its,a pool.

10. comment for Top 5 Biggest Great White Sharks Ever Caught

Kat F
Kat F - 7 years ago
Number 3 was just criminal to have killed. Almost as big as Deep Blue. You suck and karma will reward you.
Kat F
Kat F - 7 years ago
Majestic mammals like this shouldve been left alone. Im glad Deep Blue is being left alone. Shes over 50 yrs old.
Kat F
Kat F - 7 years ago
Humans,are disgusting. Im so sorry the sharks didnt win.
Robbie Shields
Robbie Shields - 7 years ago
Sad to see them taken as trophies, i support fishing and hunting but not senseless trophy killing. These were huge magestic and terrifying beasts that belong in the ocean, not on the deck of a ship. I hate the mindset that the wilderness/ocean is human's domain that has to be tamed-this is why so many animals have gone extinct or are in decline. Very sad
Smoke Shop
Smoke Shop - 7 years ago
thats a shark that will shred yall to bits lol and yall miss them
harsh99n awesomehuntergamer1223
harsh99n awesomehuntergamer1223 - 7 years ago
Chose a numer 1 2 3

1 good luck
2 turn in to ANY animal u LIKE
3 1 $uper¶ower of ur chose
Joe Groves
Joe Groves - 7 years ago
"O-fishal badum tss
PlanetsideSpy Tr,vs,nc
PlanetsideSpy Tr,vs,nc - 7 years ago
Omg wth is wrong with people....
Hunters kills almost 12345 shark a year and sharks only about5-9 attacks
SullysNQ - 7 years ago
4:09....Is that a real human body?
Khue Pham
Khue Pham - 7 years ago
And I thought land animals were large.

20. comment for Top 5 Biggest Great White Sharks Ever Caught

Aviation&Coasters 19
Aviation&Coasters 19 - 7 years ago
How could a great white be in a lake. They're only salt water animals
herr trigger
herr trigger - 7 years ago
All the big Great Whites (16 feet and up) are female, males only get to about 14 feet.  This slide show doesn't mention the 20 and 21 footers caught in the Med sea in the 90's.  One came to life with people posing next to it.
Skyler Smith
Skyler Smith - 7 years ago
its sad how people put animals before humans
Mac2point1 - 7 years ago
1997? looks like picture is from 1907! the 1985 picture looks more recent
Vic Runard
Vic Runard - 7 years ago
ohh yeah my name is on the top three heck yeah! cuz my name is vic
Robert Pavlich
Robert Pavlich - 7 years ago
G.White shark artwork/paintings...wanna see it?
Robert Pavlich
Robert Pavlich - 7 years ago
Mankind the biggest digrace on earth
Sin Fire
Sin Fire - 7 years ago
There was actually a shark, I think his name was Kyle or something like that, that traveled the coasts of Australia hunting people, and would return to each and every beach the exact same date every year. It was found out that Kyle did so for sport, because for his total size (something like 30 feet) humans wouldn't be enough to sustain his body weight
Georgie the gers brown
Georgie the gers brown - 7 years ago
it's a shame these are magestic creatures
TheGamerBruh5 - 7 years ago
It’s easy instead of killing the animal bring it up to the side of the boat take a quick pic and then let it swim back down to the sea

30. comment for Top 5 Biggest Great White Sharks Ever Caught

GREY Wolf - 7 years ago
More ignorant humans killing for entertainment.
lovemysofa - 7 years ago
People should relally be worriesd about what took bite out of the last one..
A Link In The Comments
A Link In The Comments - 7 years ago
Lot of PETA cucks in the comments...
RoyalChristo - 7 years ago
Try getting into the home of the shark w/out there sharp man made tools and cages explore how manley you'll find your self nobody but the weak appreciated that video
William M Trexler
William M Trexler - 7 years ago
That first shark had
Derya Molenaar
Derya Molenaar - 7 years ago
religion tackle house ovpsdk effective easily region others stiff somewhat.
Owen G
Owen G - 7 years ago
I really like your video
Shane Sunkel
Shane Sunkel - 7 years ago
Shit video......starts at No 2. Twats!
A E - 7 years ago
I hate Them that catches sharks
rylanwigging - 7 years ago
Lol just got done lookin at all tha city slickers or the one that don't want a animal that serves no propose dead
Joe Bemis
Joe Bemis - 7 years ago
Its a shame to see these Magistic Sharks killed by the folly of man.
Michael Oberhofer
Michael Oberhofer - 7 years ago
That was a bloody disappointment! ONE shot of a Great White and a bunch of ugly mutilated corpses, some killed by that ugly prick Vic Hislop. The greatest embarrassment to Australia since Rupert Murdoch.
Arthur Schmidt
Arthur Schmidt - 7 years ago
Nature doesn't care about your misplaced sense of "ecological fairness".
DoodleFruit - 7 years ago
this sucks ):
Hoten Hitonokoe
Hoten Hitonokoe - 7 years ago
Rekreated1 - 7 years ago
Zero problem thumbing this down.
Salvatore pluchino
Salvatore pluchino - 7 years ago
1985 yr was a good year for large sharks
Lachlan Lord
Lachlan Lord - 7 years ago
these sharks are as vicious as frick
Vin Sim
Vin Sim - 7 years ago
Love this. Buying shark fins tomorrow.
John Thorpe
John Thorpe - 7 years ago
5 million views but you missed this one from the tiny Island of Malta.

50. comment for Top 5 Biggest Great White Sharks Ever Caught

Josh S5
Josh S5 - 7 years ago
Josh S5
Josh S5 - 7 years ago
Big ones
Senne Nyssen
Senne Nyssen - 7 years ago
Don't kill them
Barry Hemmy
Barry Hemmy - 7 years ago
At 40 seconds into this video and shark #3, that shark was caught in Phillip Island, Victoria Australia.Not too far away from where I live.I remember seeing it.Over 20 foot long-a real monster but I was upset at the guy who caught it as sharks need to balance out the ecosystem.
Kobe Lejano
Kobe Lejano - 7 years ago
No more "Baby Shark" song
psicofukapus - 7 years ago
How did a shark in Taiwan get into a lake?
psicofukapus - 7 years ago
Vic Hislop is a shark killing bastard. Fuck you, Vic Hislop. U will burn in hell under the Shark God.
Cheeky Chubbies! Adventure!
Cheeky Chubbies! Adventure! - 7 years ago
Thebearcat66 - 7 years ago
Vic Hislop btw is FOS
Thebearcat66 - 7 years ago
And man had to kill them instead of freeing them. Man has fucked up everything. I hope man goes extinct
Chuck dessnuttz
Chuck dessnuttz - 7 years ago
I love skarks, they look so cool just don't eat me.. Eat the vegans they are healthier for it was a joke people.
1Lance1984 - 7 years ago
Heeeres brrrucie!
Krusa The Pirate
Krusa The Pirate - 7 years ago
1:02, voice ckrack
Miss Lisa ตุ๊กตา NL
Miss Lisa ตุ๊กตา NL - 7 years ago
Yvny - 7 years ago
So much butt hurt.
Middle Finger
Middle Finger - 7 years ago
anyone who kills these awesome animals for sport should be harpooned themselves
Johnnie Harts
Johnnie Harts - 7 years ago
See Channel 5.... For SHARK !!
zandile Tshazi
zandile Tshazi - 7 years ago
Why are these creature being killed???
Gla ZeD
Gla ZeD - 7 years ago
People were really bored in those days so catching and killing shit was all da hype .... still is for alot of us....
Sans Bony
Sans Bony - 7 years ago
Megalodon is more big
Bleak5170 - 7 years ago
My God that Hislop idiot is so full of $&@# it's not funny.
Anderbeau - 7 years ago
He stated almost every shark was the biggest ever recorded, so which one actually hold the record since most record can't be verified, and to kill them shame on you!
Melissa Alvarado
Melissa Alvarado - 7 years ago
Stop kills to sharks. I know the great sharks are bigger size but I believe it is better leave it alone. It is my opinion.
UN-DA-GROUND IMPIRE - 7 years ago
Great video... you can also see great videos like this on UN-DA-GROUND IMPIRE
Blake Mckean
Blake Mckean - 7 years ago
Why is the thumbnail for this video a tiger shark...
dat boi
dat boi - 7 years ago
Why do half of them look like that one kid in class who always bite their lower lip?
Kippax123456789 - 7 years ago
More to the point, how sad seeing dead sharks
mako - 7 years ago
Actualy most big greatwhite catches in İstanbul 1969. She is 8,30 m 1180 kg
Sonya Wester
Sonya Wester - 7 years ago
Hislop is a dick..
1138 PrefixTHX
1138 PrefixTHX - 7 years ago
The Great White, a true miracle of nature, kills based on pure's gotta eat to stay alive. So what's our fucking excuse? I'm no bleeding heart but animals are where I draw the line. Sport fishing / shark hunting is repulsive, killing for the sake of killing. If your idea of a fun hobby or dream job involves the wanton destruction of awe inspiring animals please throw yourself down a flight of stairs.
Ashley Sporcic
Ashley Sporcic - 7 years ago
This is the worst video i've ever seen, only sick people would enjoy this.
curtis kimball
curtis kimball - 7 years ago
Your cover photo is misleading and the picture has nothing to do with the video I don't know why so many YouTubers do not need this
Krishna RAMJOSHI - 7 years ago
these people r fucking idiots they hunted sharks fuk this bastards ..
Diane Ellis
Diane Ellis - 7 years ago
They all need eating disgusting they should leave them alone they are gorgeous animals no respect
Mr. Reanu Keeves
Mr. Reanu Keeves - 7 years ago
Well it's pointless now, you caught it and killed it and probably ate it.
Shady Nabil
Shady Nabil - 7 years ago
Those are megaladons
VegasGirl35 - 7 years ago
Killing animals for fun. Way to go, assholes.
Big Sista
Big Sista - 7 years ago
Humans kill more sharks than sharks kill us
Music Mask
Music Mask - 7 years ago
One day we won't be the Apex animal anymore....or maybe we are not even now
OUR-Republic Never-Give-In
OUR-Republic Never-Give-In - 7 years ago
Kill em all!!! Or at least feed the tree huggers to the sharks.
Bugra Rozi
Bugra Rozi - 7 years ago
That looks like a megeladon
Raul Saucedo
Raul Saucedo - 7 years ago
Why kill these bigs sharks? Because they found human parts in them. They’re dangerous. Don’t give me that bullshit that maybe we shouldn’t be in the ocean.
Potatoninja 32
Potatoninja 32 - 7 years ago
Why not just catch and release...You know photos exist
Tyler Banh
Tyler Banh - 7 years ago
Hope they catch all shark and kill them so shark soup will be cheaper
Scruffy Slander
Scruffy Slander - 7 years ago
hippys in the comments
Anthony samy
Anthony samy - 7 years ago
As long the truth and history, I accept.Thanks...
David Vice
David Vice - 7 years ago
Ohh my God shut the fuck up with this ohh the poor shark bull shit I mean come on. It's a sport people get over it
Kocie Oczko
Kocie Oczko - 7 years ago
People who got their foot or even entire arm bitten off are not blaming the shark. They will always admit that ocean is territory of this animal. And it is only human fault that it is happening. For example - swimming on the reef or at night, when sharks are looking for food. We must think about what we are doing and stop blaming others for the consequences. :P Killing any animal, because it killed a person is against Mother Nature. We are not owning the planet. It’s not only ours. We are a part of it, yes. But not rulers.
C Boone
C Boone - 7 years ago
There was an act passed in 1990 in the US which made it illegal to even hook a great white. I’m also positive it’s now illegal to even disturb a great white in Australia.
-ˏˋLᏋ ̧naˎˊ-
-ˏˋLᏋ ̧naˎˊ- - 7 years ago
People were killing those huge that is why we don't have any huge now.Notice how small most of the sharks are.People are stupid.

100. comment for Top 5 Biggest Great White Sharks Ever Caught

Animallover 123456
Animallover 123456 - 7 years ago
I don’t think they should be killed. They are a part of our world and play a big part in symbiotic relationships between all living things.
derpy face
derpy face - 7 years ago
"there are more bigger shark out there in OUR oceans" it's not just our oceans, it's their home too. What did the sharks ever did to us humans? Of course they will eat us because that's just how it is. Everytime we eat meat do we get killed? No because it is how we live. It's same to the sharks because that is how God created them and created us differently. C'mon guys stop killing sea creatures.
Hulk Smash
Hulk Smash - 7 years ago
Lycka Candido God put them here for us to eat
Jonathon Larson
Jonathon Larson - 7 years ago
Kill spider's, not great whites.
Aussie_boi - 7 years ago
That pic is of a tiger shark
lion fish
lion fish - 7 years ago
Stay out of the water. Leave the Shark's alone.
Lejon Leonard
Lejon Leonard - 7 years ago
I know of niggers in Atlanta&cops I would love to feed to the sharks relatives.
Nicholas Bennett
Nicholas Bennett - 7 years ago
Why do we have to kill everything
Janna Lillie
Janna Lillie - 7 years ago
I hope these sharks were dangerous or did something to deserve to be killed. Hunting them because they are sharks is beyond me. Same with whales getting killed. Why is it necessary?
Sadako - 7 years ago
The biggest great white is the female shark there bigger then male's
Daniel Davila
Daniel Davila - 7 years ago
josh thumperluck
josh thumperluck - 7 years ago
Fake fake fake it's fake fake
Ignez Maciel
Ignez Maciel - 7 years ago
stupid hobby.....
Todd Toure
Todd Toure - 7 years ago
The Thumbnail really bothered me.
Leave these magnificent creatures alone. Mankind has a killing other misunderstood beings problem.
Splendid Mendax
Splendid Mendax - 7 years ago
Kill a great white for fun. I kill you.
Hulk Smash
Hulk Smash - 7 years ago
Splendid Mendax I love great white sharks they're very good on the grill with lemon and butter sometimes a little bit of garlic
God - 7 years ago
The fact three of these were in Australia is why I never swim in Australian oceans or any oceans in general...
Maciej Moczynski
Maciej Moczynski - 7 years ago
Bloody barbarians... Human at it's lowest
Yoda's Show
Yoda's Show - 7 years ago
Wow look at all these comments I liked them all cus they are right what's the point of catching and killing sharks they did nothing to us but humans did something to them
ThatRandomGamer 00
ThatRandomGamer 00 - 7 years ago
Not to lie sir but you cannot always trust history everyone lies to this day.
Aztek Gaming
Aztek Gaming - 7 years ago
Charles Atkins
Charles Atkins - 7 years ago
huhu - 7 years ago
There is always an armed sissy looking for satisfaction in destruction.
Julian Lewis
Julian Lewis - 7 years ago
Man doing what he does best. Fucking everything up.
Antalgu - 7 years ago
They DONT devour people in beaches
Sebastian G
Sebastian G - 7 years ago
"...there bodies are never found. Many have been eaten" How could you possibly know that if the bodies were never found? Am i missing something or what?
Goitsy - 7 years ago
Why kill these amazing creatures it’s wrong
Cos mos
Cos mos - 7 years ago
Hope one day alien hunt human
Sy Lindsay
Sy Lindsay - 7 years ago
Port Pirie not fairy, port fairy is in N.S.W
Tom Edmunds
Tom Edmunds - 7 years ago
#5 is my great, great grandfather! DW I don't condone his actions.
Jack Tripper
Jack Tripper - 7 years ago
the landlords of the sea!!!
K.happened Phan Anh Tú
K.happened Phan Anh Tú - 7 years ago
Yo, are these fuckers shark finners?
Royce Vaughn
Royce Vaughn - 7 years ago
What i dont get is people argue why did you kill it, well if you dont like what you see scroll past the video
Tanys Reece Naidoo
Tanys Reece Naidoo - 7 years ago
All you people asking why kill them, would you want to encounter these sharks in the ocean??
Jessie JR
Jessie JR - 7 years ago
Kongo moltha and baby megalodon
David Sanchez
David Sanchez - 7 years ago
Millions of sharks every year get their fins cut off and are thrown back to the sea to suffocate humans suck!
Terminator umbrella gaming
Terminator umbrella gaming - 7 years ago
one of them is them is the megaladon
Killer God
Killer God - 7 years ago
I flipping hate this
Philip Bahia
Philip Bahia - 7 years ago
they have the right to live they are God's creatures
James Cas
James Cas - 7 years ago
I'm a Russian and like click bait
z Trumah
z Trumah - 7 years ago
I've never seen more butt hurt people in a comment section ever. None if you even fuckin knew that these sharks existed before watching this. And none of you were effected by the death of these sharks. Yea it's not very pretty or whatever but shit , y'all can't hate on niggas gettin money.
Mushmouse and Punkin Puss
Mushmouse and Punkin Puss - 7 years ago
I know I am late but just wanted to show my detest for humanity that it has to kill everything on this planet nothing is sacred disgusting leave the sharks alone fucking POS
Nathan Griffin
Nathan Griffin - 7 years ago
These fucking killer fish need to be extinct
Sal S
Sal S - 7 years ago
Wonder what they did with the fins. The other, other, other white
Thom Ervin
Thom Ervin - 7 years ago
Booohoo. People R bad. Sharks R gud.
A random person
A random person - 7 years ago
Kizzle Boss
Kizzle Boss - 7 years ago
how do you catch a shark that big?
Richard Lamb
Richard Lamb - 7 years ago
Sharks live in the ocean, we live on the land. Don’t be surprised if you go jumping into their environment and you get bitten , especially at dawn and dusk. If someone intruded into “your environment “ (your house) you wouldn’t be very happy. Sharks don’t t have the ability to communicate with us dumb humans so they just bite us and hope we’ll get the message and FUCK OFF. I’ve got this theory. I don’t go swimming in the ocean and the sharks can’t bite me and they don’t come wandering down my street and I won’t run them over in my truck. It’s worked well so far. Don’t go bitching if you get bitten while you’re invading their space.
Hulk Smash
Hulk Smash - 7 years ago
Richard Lamb apparently you've never been bitten
Metal Michael
Metal Michael - 7 years ago
People suck.
Ses Digitalmall
Ses Digitalmall - 7 years ago
justin jaay
justin jaay - 7 years ago
Ben Quinney
Ben Quinney - 7 years ago
Lance Crowell
Lance Crowell - 7 years ago
I hate sharks.I had a relitive on the USS Inianpolis.Thats all I had.
Jacob Dickerson
Jacob Dickerson - 7 years ago
I love great whites, such magnificent creatures, but why hunt and kill them?
Marc E
Marc E - 7 years ago
Cows are killing more people than sharks, u have to be immensely stupid to hunt sharks cause they kill people....
seidonpumba - 7 years ago
Leave the great whites alone fuckers
urabawbag - 7 years ago
What a waste by all means catch and tag them but make sure they go back alive.
Old, bald fat man
Old, bald fat man - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video, but always curious about what happens to any shark that's caught. I mean, are they eaten? Just checked and it depends on what article you says great whites have a large amount of mercury in them from eating smaller fish, while others say it's okay, but you have to prep them immediately after catching them. And of course, there are sharks recommended for eating over other types of sharks.
Drew Tip
Drew Tip - 7 years ago
If i ever wanted to ever give humans a chance of expanding at life. I would be crazy. We are a cancer. How sad. How cruel.
cabaitan charles11
cabaitan charles11 - 7 years ago
mind your business damn it
Nick Y
Nick Y - 7 years ago
Humans cancer of the earth I just wish the sharks would catch the biggest human and make a top 5 video
Vlueberry Blue
Vlueberry Blue - 7 years ago
And of course they kill them. "Whoa look that's a new world record!!! Yea instead of recording and measuring from afar let's kill it and dispose of it later!!!!!! YEAH"
aprtuned75 - 7 years ago
Any coward who kills a white shark should be thrown out in deep ocean and left. It must make you feel like a big man with a tiny pecker
draintheswamp - 7 years ago
sad people Like you mislead and straight out lie...the pic u posted on the feed...
Steef warrior
Steef warrior - 7 years ago
death penalty for fischers ..........go to war instead you cowards
Shameful Positions
Shameful Positions - 7 years ago
This should be renamed The top 5 cruelest motherfuckers killing an essential apex predator to the ocesns food chain. Mindless cruelty. The fall of mankind will be by his own hand.
smefour - 7 years ago
Aren't these guys endangered? I know in Australia they are a protected species
Claire Ryan
Claire Ryan - 7 years ago
Wrong to kill these sharks. We invade their territory when we choose to swim, usually in areas known to us where sharks could be.
Cotty Pasifikitonga
Cotty Pasifikitonga - 7 years ago
That's so smart to kill them before they kill people like us..
Ahilleas Tsavalos
Ahilleas Tsavalos - 7 years ago
Wait till one of YOUR kids gets eatin alive by one of those things in the surf like I have seen on a beach in port saint lucy, then you'll see them in a different way. Not joking either. There was a bunch of people looking to see what happened that day.
Dawid M.
Dawid M. - 7 years ago
we(people) are horrible....
william duignan
william duignan - 7 years ago
Y kill
melodykey - 7 years ago
you know all i saw was the great white and clicked on to it, because i love them and think they are so beautiful, i then realized i had clicked on something that wasn't worth watching, top 5 biggest great whites ever caught, disgusting! i hope this is looked on with as much pride when they are extinct!!
Red Neck
Red Neck - 7 years ago
Listen to all these butt hurt little bitches eh? C'mon there dangerous and you wouldn't be feeling sorry for it if you were caught in the ocean with one.
Laserbeak - 7 years ago
What a waste
Doggy Style
Doggy Style - 7 years ago
Humans 1
Sharks 0
Spam Boi
Spam Boi - 7 years ago
below and above this comment are some of the biggest pussy treehugers out there. calm the fuck down guys. you hear a few stories about sharks being ACCIDENTALY killed and you got period blood all over my new jordans
gee dee
gee dee - 7 years ago
Fuck these guys. Fuck Guinness
Giuseppe Marino
Giuseppe Marino - 7 years ago
Stockton 209
Stockton 209 - 7 years ago
Kill all sharks! Why you fuckin people want these beast alive? They kill people you fuckin idiots
Oil Man
Oil Man - 7 years ago
The only good shark is a dead shark. All you cry babies are hilarious!
Ian Maluk
Ian Maluk - 7 years ago
It's no wonder they were caught, they were simply too big to be in the ocean. They're practically mutants of their breed, meaning they're incompatible mates.
jez350 - 7 years ago
I bet you'd all be wishing they were extinct if you happened to be in the water remotely & one turned up....
JAH KOH Horan - 7 years ago
If you ceatch a big shark messer it then realece it so someone. Els can cetch it someday
Andie - 7 years ago
Y'all need to be bitching at the countries that catch sharks live and cut off their fins only and dump them back in the ocean to drown! Quit bitching about long dead sharks and help save the ones still alive...for now anyway!
Andie - 7 years ago
FYI- Iceland, Norway and Japan still hunt whales & sharks...Shark Fin Soup....considered a delicacy.... pretty sure they still hunt whales as well
Sal Campos
Sal Campos - 7 years ago
These Shakes are the pit bulls of sea to Bad can't hunt in peace.
James Thomas
James Thomas - 7 years ago
Shark taste so good
Eric Cartman
Eric Cartman - 7 years ago
Why is a picture from 1997 in black and white?
Monster Mousse
Monster Mousse - 7 years ago
Great Whites should definitely be on the no hunt list.
Such as whales of all, crocodiles, etc. ..
Sometimes fishing nets get them on accident. Or seemed to.
Nets improved these days?
We've all fished!
Can you imagine it as seeing a bigger one that got away?
Drew Carrigan
Drew Carrigan - 7 years ago
Why catch and kill them?? Oh god why?? there just nature? I would love the thrill, excitement and fear to catch and mount one of those beasts on my game room wall, lol. Its because im a man, i hold dominion over all these beasts and I love that, it would bite and kill me if it had the chance ive seen jaws shit lmao.
Not Amused
Not Amused - 7 years ago
All this whinging about the poor oul' sharks makes me sick! If one of the whingers children had been attacked or, God forbid, EATEN by one of these things would they still be feeling sorry for sharks? They are dangerous predators and although they function on instinct and thus are not malicious or evil, they would have NO qualms about attacking all of you bleeding hearts! Save your compassion for your fellow human beings who are suffering, there's millions of them,or at least for preventing cruelty to animals such as cats, dogs, horses etc! I bet most of ye are happy to tuck into a big dirty burger- don't ye care about the way cattle are terrorised by abattoir workers? Bloody hypocrites!
Ejey Paller
Ejey Paller - 7 years ago
Stupid humans
ulrike meindl
ulrike meindl - 7 years ago
why kill these animals? stupid!
Jessica Rodriguez
Jessica Rodriguez - 7 years ago
wow the sharks should just be left alone I would not fuck with them ....
Proud PICT
Proud PICT - 7 years ago
Sad, it’s a shame to see mighty predators like this!
Clara cc
Clara cc - 7 years ago
Why do people catch great sharks they r beautiful and peaceful animals and don't mean to kill and harm humans
Seb-de-pêche11 - 7 years ago
What a pity for them and for us. Sharks are very important for nature and wildlife balance...
CieLo CieLo
CieLo CieLo - 7 years ago
Can they just take a picture or grab a vid every enormous creature they encounter? Its n0t necesarry to kill them ...thats why they never encounter creatures like that ever again...
Paul 1986
Paul 1986 - 7 years ago
Solid....Makes me want a bowl of fun soup
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius - 7 years ago
The great white should be protected worldwide no fishing for them p.s join sea shepherd
Shadow BlackJinouga
Shadow BlackJinouga - 7 years ago
4. But is that a fair candidate? females ARE bigger than the males after all
edwardmashberg1 - 7 years ago
Yeah, let's kill off these great noble creatures and rob the planet of its most amazing forms of life.
pit man
pit man - 7 years ago
Biggest Great White shark ever landed was In New Zealand 7 meters plus
John haworth
John haworth - 7 years ago
Good thing we caught and killed em. i guess the must have been a real threat.
JD - 7 years ago
Frank Mundus owns the records .Your vid is B S
J G - 7 years ago
It’s called top of the food chain PETA suckers.
Sebastian Pinto
Sebastian Pinto - 7 years ago
I don’t understand why would someone Hunt such a magnificent creature just for fun? Some would say “they kill people”; I say “fuck you!!! You are the one invading their habitat” I really wish that all these people who killed these animals has a slow and painful death.
Sebastian Pinto
Sebastian Pinto - 7 years ago
Hulk Smash I don’t understand your idea. I think I said “for fun”. I eat animals and I enjoy it, but humanity has eaten animals for food since man was man; what bothers me is the fact that they kill them for fun.
Hulk Smash
Hulk Smash - 7 years ago
Sebastian Pinto you people are the same ones that have all these feeling for fish but you don't mind killing a baby do you
Martin Leonard
Martin Leonard - 7 years ago
Fuck these assholes !!!!
Kim Kass
Kim Kass - 7 years ago
The devil's pet kill them all
Octavio Rodriguez
Octavio Rodriguez - 7 years ago
If people want to see the big shark why kill it ?
Celestial Paradox
Celestial Paradox - 7 years ago
Why kill these great creations
Abhik Ghosh
Abhik Ghosh - 7 years ago
Poor sharks
Tuff Gong
Tuff Gong - 7 years ago
Terrible and so unnecessary to kill a top apex predator! What a waste!
Ex Pilot
Ex Pilot - 7 years ago
Monstrously proportioned mammals, but no less necessary simply because they scare people.

Catching one is an amazing fishing story, but killing them afterwards is unneeded and simply barbaric. They are practically helpless once free from the water, the only danger being if some asshat decided to wander in between its jaws. These sharks were not the real monsters in those situations.
Maria Jackson
Maria Jackson - 7 years ago
You have to change your logo, the earth is flat.
Russ G
Russ G - 7 years ago
Interesting that there's a documented G/W over 21 ft. In the 1970's film "Jaws" Roy Scheider, as Chief Brody says "That's a twenty footer!" and Quinn says "Twenty-Five!" So the specter of a 20 foot GW was seen as monstrous then but that 1985 catch was already alive-and-kickin' and on a growth spurt.
kingofbee'sme - 7 years ago
Alf Deans shark was not the shark he was chasing he had 2 monsters heading towards his bait when a smaller one swam between them and took the bait at the time he said it was not quite half the size of the next biggest one. I hate think how big the big one was but at that time it was reported that monster whites were coming in after the dead whales waiting to be processed.
everyday life
everyday life - 7 years ago
If you're not gonna eat it, let it go.
Frank Deux
Frank Deux - 7 years ago
What a bunch of crybabies! Lol
Robbie Tanker
Robbie Tanker - 7 years ago
That's no fishing it hunting till.Death.The human is the real beast.
Yours First
Yours First - 7 years ago
Pool shark! Bad days great song
Julian Hunter
Julian Hunter - 7 years ago
yes they are as fascinating as they are fearsome but why do they have to end up dead after encountering a human? just leave them be.
Brad Miller
Brad Miller - 7 years ago
All good right by the mashed potatoes and corn on the cob people eating tasty animals
FakeMoonRocks - 7 years ago
One wouldn't think of Atlantic Canadian and Cuban waters as being in the range of the Great White's domain. Nevertheless, there you have it.
Beth mc
Beth mc - 7 years ago
This is appalling and upsetting,Humans yet again hunting wild life,Leave them alone you parasites,The sea is there home respect it and them
Daniel Rodriguez
Daniel Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Such magnificent creatures ,and humans are destroying them
A random person
A random person - 7 years ago
I think it's because of the movie Jaws.
Hayabusa-Rider- 4-Life
Hayabusa-Rider- 4-Life - 7 years ago
That's all white folks do is destroy everything that GOD created! whether it's an animal, the rain forest, or society itself. white folks will destroy it!
Mr J
Mr J - 7 years ago
All you people are shark advocates, until it bites you.
Mr J
Mr J - 7 years ago
And this is why I have an ocean phobia.
Travis Krause
Travis Krause - 7 years ago
enough with that stupid meter measurements that shit so fucking annoying talk in feet like we did from the beginning these fucking idiots that think they always got to change shit leave it the fuck alone!!!
Bnizzofashizzo - 7 years ago
The ones caught were probably running from Orca lol
Michael R
Michael R - 7 years ago
were safer off without sharks
Dan S
Dan S - 7 years ago
Bet thumbnail was clickbait?
João Goulão
João Goulão - 7 years ago
not kill or catch, very badly human men. Live shark.
brad Berryman
brad Berryman - 7 years ago
this is so wrong we need sharks
bose sebi
bose sebi - 7 years ago
no we dont
grE68 - 7 years ago
I would like to have one of the front teeth, beautiful.
xrcrx ftfghjg
xrcrx ftfghjg - 7 years ago
and of course some asshole man had to kill it.
cippi Hoops
cippi Hoops - 7 years ago
Poor shark;(
Julie Jones
Julie Jones - 7 years ago
Poor sharks! Stupid, horrid people! Story of our planet!!!!!
A random person
A random person - 7 years ago
Calm down.
TADionysus - 7 years ago
the seven star lake i believe is not true cant find any documentation that the lake is salt or freshwater i looked around alot and could not verify if the lake is either one so that one is going to remain uncertain
Mark Solarz
Mark Solarz - 7 years ago
A lot of shark lovers,......that’s good,........until your surrounded by them! You be wishing they are not people lovers! Sharks were considered trash and nothing made people come to the beach.....then someone brings in a big shark!
jason Brittain
jason Brittain - 7 years ago
that is so sad
YOU WANT SUM CRACK!!?! - 7 years ago
Fuck the beach im sticking to the local pool lol
Sabrina - 7 years ago
Tbh thats fucking great that they're killing sharks, Like what the hell are sharks doing for us, KILLING PEOPLE thats what they're doing they have killed people and fucking chewed them up alive
scratchnsniff scants
scratchnsniff scants - 7 years ago
there tiny compared to the fuckers we get here on average are 25 footers
xmirsey sopi
xmirsey sopi - 7 years ago
So megalodon exist...
Christian Aquilina
Christian Aquilina - 7 years ago
What about the shark caught in Malta?
Mamay Ghe
Mamay Ghe - 7 years ago
cringest weaboo
cringest weaboo - 7 years ago
Poor sharks...
GalaxyMilk 701 Lol
GalaxyMilk 701 Lol - 7 years ago
leo - 7 years ago
the great white more biggest is captured in malta island year 1998, 8,5 meters... isee it in a sharks dossier
Poniez123 RBLX
Poniez123 RBLX - 7 years ago
I live in New Brunswick! I was shocked to find out that there was an 11.5 meter shark found (longest found in the world) Where I live!
Joshua Jackson
Joshua Jackson - 7 years ago
Sharks watchings videos called "Top 5 biggest humans caught"
Kee Xee
Kee Xee - 7 years ago
7000 lbs people ! Be careful on the beach ! :/
Eurovision Tales
Eurovision Tales - 7 years ago
Human fear of sharks - most irrational human fear of all.
Mina Kat_30
Mina Kat_30 - 7 years ago
Poor sharks ;-;
Morgan Freeman
Morgan Freeman - 7 years ago
I've been to vic hislops museum there's massive frozen sharks in tanks
Mario712145 - 7 years ago
The first 2 in the 1800's we're juvenile megalodons.
VLOG NG INA MO - 7 years ago
These sharks could've bred and give birth to many more shark but noooo you only think about yourself
kivs don
kivs don - 7 years ago
What's the point? This is so sad, I don't understand the accomplishment
Elizabeth Hey
Elizabeth Hey - 7 years ago
Leave these animals alone
Soupdragon1964 - 7 years ago
"The most ferocious being in the oceans"......... What a load of cock. The most ferocious animal at sea is us, and it's not our natural domain! I'm very far from being a tree-hugger, but I think shark exploitation is appalling. We kill, and this is the conservative estimate, at least 12 million sharks every year. That figure is simply not sustainable and most just have their fins cut off and thrown back in the sea, where they sink and drown. Have a re-think of your description.
Ali Aksu
Ali Aksu - 7 years ago
This is so dumb what if one of these sharks were related to the megaladon an then the shark can give birth to a baby megaladon
Iron Mike
Iron Mike - 7 years ago
regardless of what animal rights activists say, its still a terrifying looking beast that kills shit with its face.
Ryan Buhagiar
Ryan Buhagiar - 7 years ago
your largest shark on this list wass still shorter than the malta shark
Charmian Hon
Charmian Hon - 7 years ago
They should have just took a video instead of getting killed :(
allam rachid
allam rachid - 7 years ago
welp we have to say goodbye to these bigs sharks :(
Shane Medeiros
Shane Medeiros - 7 years ago
Am I the only one that hopes they go extinct?
#1 tricycle mechanic
#1 tricycle mechanic - 7 years ago
Shane Medeiros no you are not sir
Dalibor Jovanovic
Dalibor Jovanovic - 7 years ago
The 10-11 m great whites are confirmed to have been erroneously measured and were only 6 m or less.
ChrisMck - 7 years ago
They say there are no sharks on pei
fatin israq
fatin israq - 7 years ago
they have no humanity.they didn't show any Marcy to sharks
Ryan Giordano
Ryan Giordano - 7 years ago
this is pretty damn sick, sharks play a huge roll in the worlds oceans.
Devon Orr
Devon Orr - 7 years ago
Why would you show a giant fish that isn't even a shark (with hind legs) as the first picture? Just curious
Yolanda Leyva
Yolanda Leyva - 7 years ago
Grizzly Bear
Grizzly Bear - 7 years ago
what did that shark even do to u? and why do they deserve this torture they just want food like us -.-
The Random Movie Maniac
The Random Movie Maniac - 7 years ago
Humans are the only species with members that deserve to die. These beautiful sharks are dead and for what?
IAM PRO FOR THE WIN - 7 years ago
now I want to watch the Jaws movies
Nina Katrina
Nina Katrina - 7 years ago
This is so sad can't humans leave such beautiful animals alone
Motoroil - 7 years ago
HOK1N - 7 years ago
1138 PrefixTHX
1138 PrefixTHX - 7 years ago
I'm no bleeding heart but when it comes to animals, we can be unbelievably shitty. I kinda like to think as humans we have stewardship of this planet and with that power comes moral not killing these miracles of nature for example.
Sound Logic
Sound Logic - 7 years ago
If humans don't go extinct we're going to look back one day in shame over how we treated animals.
Reezy37 - 7 years ago
With all the room that there is in the ocean and the fact that there are so many different large animals in the ocean I think it is possible that in some parts of the ocean there could be great white sharks 36-37 feet long. That's more likely than Megalodon being alive.
Taylor Heaver
Taylor Heaver - 7 years ago
Mofo.. I hope that shark kills you.
Linda Staggs
Linda Staggs - 8 years ago
The sharks wouldn't kill people if they stayed out of their territory, we take chances when we go in the ocean. I say leave them alone! They deserve to live
Amber Hardy
Amber Hardy - 8 years ago
:( :( :( this makes me so mad!
Dahlton Stewart
Dahlton Stewart - 8 years ago
It's so cool I am from New Brunswick, Canada
David O'Brien
David O'Brien - 8 years ago
eventually there will be only humans left how sad is that, we should admire and protect them from humans, we seem intent on destroying the planet and everything on it.
David O'Brien
David O'Brien - 8 years ago
People shouldn't be in swimming where sharks are known to hunt, its their habitate and they are serious predetors, so be it at your own risk, but seriously what is wrong with people, even after loosing a leg some people get back in the water ffs idots
Dee Gemma B.
Dee Gemma B. - 8 years ago
KleverStudios - 8 years ago
"That's a 20 footer..."
"25, three tons of him."
Gojko Gogic
Gojko Gogic - 8 years ago
its called Megalodon
Luke Reynolds
Luke Reynolds - 8 years ago
Well the Thumbnail you have for this video is a Tiger Shark, I would know. I was with my brother Matt who caught it.....
THE_0sku - 8 years ago
PoshTotti96 - 8 years ago
Iv actually seen the shark vic hislop caught. He has a little museum thing two towns away from me and has the shark preserved and displayed in the massive Perspex freezer thing.
UniversalsoldierDave worldpeacetryit
UniversalsoldierDave worldpeacetryit - 8 years ago
so you killed it. what big men you are immature species beyond linguistics shared
Lifeiseternal - 8 years ago
Official records state that Australia has the second highest rate of FATAL shark attacks in the world. Florida is number 1 and Hawaii number 3.
calin vasile
calin vasile - 8 years ago
So where are the photos of nr 1 ? it was 1997 right...not 1930
Jean Bon
Jean Bon - 8 years ago
Le plus grand tueur c'est l'homme
Aaron Keech
Aaron Keech - 8 years ago
There are bigger sharks out there. Megladon is not extinct. They will find even larger sharks. A fourty or fifty foot shark is very possible
B H - 8 years ago
They shouldn't have wasted the animals
Jeremy - 8 years ago
YouTube is for videos. Not JPEG pictures. Thumbs down
David Ratowski
David Ratowski - 8 years ago
since when do great whites have legs?
Robert The Shark
Robert The Shark - 8 years ago
I top this list everytime i go out to eat
Marlynne Lopez
Marlynne Lopez - 8 years ago
I liked the video and those sharks where big
Dylan Roberts
Dylan Roberts - 8 years ago
So Jaws CAN exist.
Also, was killing them necessary?
SEAL SAND - 8 years ago
3:58 , I was born on may 14th
Revathy Venkatachalam
Revathy Venkatachalam - 8 years ago
I am shark obsessed. These shark are HUGE
mohammad hossein Taghavi
mohammad hossein Taghavi - 8 years ago
you forgot the jaws ...
Gregg Smith
Gregg Smith - 8 years ago
100 people go missing every year, definitely not due to sharks.
Preston Garvey
Preston Garvey - 8 years ago
Hugh mungus
T Leaves
T Leaves - 8 years ago
Feels really bad seeing these beautiful and massively endangered animals held up like that in front of the heartless unthinking, murderous monsters behind them.
prosperity1122 - 8 years ago
Where do you get your info???????
Rasmus Lykke
Rasmus Lykke - 8 years ago
Why would you make a photo from 1997 look like something from 1917 ?
Brute 1985
Brute 1985 - 8 years ago
I like to catch sharks and then I have sex with them. then I release them
Robert Haack
Robert Haack - 8 years ago
I personally hate hearing about these majestic creatures being killed and measured, all for some fisherman's ego. Yes they are man eaters in rare situations, but slaughtering them is just wrong.
Leolation - 8 years ago
Poor sharks
Fat Guy Dominick
Fat Guy Dominick - 8 years ago
1:48 Size : Shark from Jaws
Joyce Brown
Joyce Brown - 8 years ago
How did you get it and did you touch it
adam abdillah
adam abdillah - 8 years ago
maby is a baby megalodon
Boma Omaar
Boma Omaar - 8 years ago
Please do not caughting shark again,they're really humble creatures,if shark killed human,its not shark fault,its nature law that shark have to ate a prey,and people who caught it maybe its a wrong shark,and its not permissible for me
skin41 - 8 years ago
pretty fucking cool
MightyIrons - 8 years ago
Hislop needs a gunshot
Latasha Johnson
Latasha Johnson - 8 years ago
sgg ax gb
Carson Kossatz
Carson Kossatz - 8 years ago
i am doing a report on white sharks
Thechosen one
Thechosen one - 8 years ago
fuck all you vegan butthurt fuckers you clicked on the video so don't bitch about it.
Normand Gagnon
Normand Gagnon - 8 years ago
Wow, like in Cabonga réservoir...
Carolina Ritchey
Carolina Ritchey - 8 years ago
Fish are friends, not food (or trophies)
DAMON ROBERTS - 7 years ago
I asked a trout to help me move and he didn't even call me back
JSQ 769
JSQ 769 - 8 years ago
At around 2:15 he said:...He CAUGHT one bigger than the one pictured BUT COULDNT LAND IT...Ummm then he never caught it...
Luis Santana
Luis Santana - 8 years ago
I still believe that the Megalodon is still alive
Vlad Dushka
Vlad Dushka - 8 years ago
TRIPPY MLG banana - 8 years ago
Craig Kesterton
Craig Kesterton - 8 years ago
Matt Reems
Matt Reems - 8 years ago
It was the largest great white ever recorded? Wasnt deep blue the largest great white recorded
G. Ashé Elijé
G. Ashé Elijé - 8 years ago
Orcas baby! They rule the Ocean
Mario Borg Martin
Mario Borg Martin - 8 years ago
A Great White caught off the coast of Malta in 1987 was said to measure in at 23 feet.
Chris Jay
Chris Jay - 8 years ago
Hopefully in a "civilised" world great whites are protected species.
Jay P
Jay P - 8 years ago
You know your thumbnail is a Tiger I hope.
Chris Thompson
Chris Thompson - 8 years ago
That is loco!!
Rupert the Bear
Rupert the Bear - 8 years ago
Jaws is 25
MIRACLE 123 - 8 years ago
number 4 is a girl
James Newberry
James Newberry - 8 years ago
i subscribed to you
João Filipe Durand Pinto Pereira
João Filipe Durand Pinto Pereira - 8 years ago
Rhenz Naoe
Rhenz Naoe - 8 years ago
Drimz - 8 years ago
so which one is the most huge?
Dorian yates
Dorian yates - 8 years ago
That aussie guy is lying. Theres not 100 swimmers dissapearing every year here in australia. If anything its saltwater crocodiles that kill more people. So far most people attacked by a shark here in aus make it back to land etc. Whereas if a saltwater crocodile attacks they are never seen again unless the crocodile is shot and cut open.
Online Games
Online Games - 8 years ago
<<giant Catfish mobile game
Yessenia Damian
Yessenia Damian - 8 years ago
22 feet/7000 pounds... Fuck man, the ocean is like space humans aren't meant to be there...
Plato N
Plato N - 8 years ago
100 people per year, just in S Africa alone, the stats are always manipulated by the fucking tree huggers, we need to kill 80% of the existing Tiger, Bull, and white shark populations asap.
Plato N
Plato N - 8 years ago
2017..we have too many of them again, allow hunting for the next 5 years, the regulate it to keep their numbers nice and low.
Brian John
Brian John - 8 years ago
1 thousand peta pussy libtard lunatics disliked lmfao
Willam Mines
Willam Mines - 7 years ago
Brian John. fuck off
GreatGiftedGeckos - 8 years ago
of course most of them are from Australia (ocean)
kyle joseph
kyle joseph - 8 years ago
#3 reminds me of the hunter from jaws
Robert ORourke
Robert ORourke - 8 years ago
Raul Chavez
Raul Chavez - 8 years ago
I'm going to need a bigger boat...
mad monkey 17
mad monkey 17 - 8 years ago
also i think a couple hundred people out of 7/8 billion people would not make a difference to the earth and possibly some of these assholes who hunt sharks might be a victim
mad monkey 17
mad monkey 17 - 8 years ago
NOT COOL!!! over 11,000 thousand sharks are killed every hour :(
Baker Mayweather
Baker Mayweather - 8 years ago
The first 4 seconds of this video is exactly what it looks like when I bust a chub out of my 6 and a half inch pecker.
Jack the Gestapo
Jack the Gestapo - 8 years ago
Thanks for took part in ruining our ecosystem
Sekual Tyranosaur
Sekual Tyranosaur - 8 years ago
Beautiful. Amazing endangered creatures killed
MAKE MY DAY - 8 years ago
Just ask good ole Frank Mundus off of Montauk
Akka Ακιλλεσ
Akka Ακιλλεσ - 8 years ago
Fucking Cowards
Luke De Col
Luke De Col - 8 years ago
disgusting! cant we just leave things be?!
Jack Gentry
Jack Gentry - 8 years ago
there was also a 23 footer caught off Malta, but I forgot which year
Terio M
Terio M - 8 years ago
that vic hyslop isn't the brightest fishermen out there. there are more people murdered by people than by sharks.
Terio M
Terio M - 8 years ago
sad this is a hobby. the Great White Shark is endangered now thanks to over fishing and shark fin soup. sad world
Xentricityy88 - 8 years ago
IMPEACH TRUMP & SANCTION RUSSIA! trump - 8 years ago
wait China in 1997 only had black and white photos wtf I call bullshit.
IMPEACH TRUMP & SANCTION RUSSIA! trump - 8 years ago
I love how they say caught just say killed.
mcginnister - 8 years ago
Hahahahaha Mick Carson!
Lord Harambe
Lord Harambe - 8 years ago
why u kill the biggest shark? just let then live stupid people nowdays
youlucker - 8 years ago
League of Legends queue time music? :D
Xx_Raptor _Xx
Xx_Raptor _Xx - 8 years ago
Fuck you Thais discousting
Letícia Romania Fernandes
Letícia Romania Fernandes - 8 years ago
Jonathan Carreon
Jonathan Carreon - 8 years ago
Hey! I caught the "BIGGEST" Great White in the world!

Lemme kill it for you, take a few photo's of me with this majestic creature as a proof, so i put my name on Guinness Book of World Record!

Yay! How that sound?
Thomas Sterrett
Thomas Sterrett - 8 years ago
autismo - 8 years ago
But the female sharks need to breed and they just capture them :(
Scout786 - 8 years ago
It's funny how we have the technology to clone and we use to to clone meat for chicken nuggets instead f bringing extinct creatures back such as the megaladon or freakin dinosaurs!
Crying Saint
Crying Saint - 8 years ago
sharks will eat your ass then I'd bet you'd wish someone killed that one... not that I condone killing, anything jus saying..
VancouverCanucksRock - 8 years ago
Anyone who does or condones this kind of shit-well Karma is a bitch, and you have a surprise waiting for you when your time is up. Of course, you think you're being a Macho Man by having the "Kil kil kill", "Man is the King" mentality. Without scum like you, our Planet would be a Utopia
DD Gaming
DD Gaming - 8 years ago
Less sharks less human sandwitchs
Brian Dorn
Brian Dorn - 8 years ago
I wouldn't want to be the sheriff of seven star lake.
cminus23msw - 8 years ago
This is nothing to praise as they deserve to live and get as big as they can. It's the human that's the problem and need to go.
RegularHotdogKart - 7 years ago
cminus23msw y
Katie Robinson
Katie Robinson - 7 years ago
Thank you get it why kill them there is no point of it
Chad Hilton
Chad Hilton - 7 years ago
cminus23msw so go.
Leonel Savoie
Leonel Savoie - 8 years ago
Ça veut voir ça
ashok thakur
ashok thakur - 8 years ago
Ludis Meija
Ludis Meija - 8 years ago
kg and meters too pl
Gusti Santi
Gusti Santi - 8 years ago
i really cry watching this video.
Kid Buu
Kid Buu - 8 years ago
Isn't letting your kids swim in shark infested waters the same as letting your kids play on a field infested with poisonous snakes?
mcginnister - 8 years ago
Or letting them go to Sunday School...
Mike Steeves
Mike Steeves - 8 years ago
I live in New Brunswick Canada and i have never heard that story. I will research it, thanks
mohamednur musse
mohamednur musse - 8 years ago
Why was I recommend this
Butt Hurt
Butt Hurt - 8 years ago
fucking disgusting doing this. vic hislop is a piece of shit and a liar.
ericlogos - 8 years ago
I'm not afraid of white sharks and if any shark wants to battle it out in the octagon, I'm there.
Sven Vogelaar
Sven Vogelaar - 8 years ago
use kilograms and meter goddammit
Stevie Lowe
Stevie Lowe - 8 years ago
shark fishermen are scum hope you all fall in and get ur legs bitten off!!
A random person
A random person - 7 years ago
(Calm down.)
Len Harrison
Len Harrison - 8 years ago
Im guessing the author is referring that back in the day humans did not know how to hold a measuring tape and measure anything........................
Jack Reacher
Jack Reacher - 8 years ago
Number 3 is just your typical fucking dick head Australian with about as much brains as a tin of soup.
Susan Northcott
Susan Northcott - 8 years ago
Man hate humans
Susan Northcott
Susan Northcott - 8 years ago
Yes so sad
kids place on channel 9
kids place on channel 9 - 8 years ago
if I caught a gw, I'd cut its balls and cock.
Harold clark
Harold clark - 8 years ago
Tragedy that these were killed
agostino ceccotto
agostino ceccotto - 8 years ago
Nicolas Destailleur
Nicolas Destailleur - 8 years ago
c affreux les hommes son vraiment la pire race sur cet terre
Mini Pony
Mini Pony - 8 years ago
Why kill it?! Great White Sharks are endangered. Yeah it kills us but we're responsible because we're the one who is entering their habitat.
Gary Marsh
Gary Marsh - 7 years ago
Mini Pony
More people are killed each year by coconuts!
Jay Keoshgerian
Jay Keoshgerian - 8 years ago
100 million sharks killed by humans a year (min) they kill around 5 humans a year........ bullshit
Jeremy Finister
Jeremy Finister - 8 years ago
So does the Shark at 00:30 have legs? Just a question
V8HiluxZX6R - 8 years ago
wtf was a shark doing in a lake.
bimmerlover98 - 8 years ago
Idiots... Why do you fish sharks? To make the waters safer?!? Won't make a difference.
peruface - 8 years ago
mega instagram
mega instagram - 8 years ago
I will avenge you my brother great whites
real talk
real talk - 8 years ago
Its so sad humans kill rare species and its celebrated. Sharks have been here longer than humans.
sebastien denis
sebastien denis - 8 years ago
déplorable démonstration de la barbarie et stupidité humaines, qui est le monstre? pour moi la réponse est rapide.
April Joy Manantan
April Joy Manantan - 8 years ago
stupid sharks
Kyle Hall
Kyle Hall - 8 years ago
once again i have validation for not going in the ocean.
Debbie Franny
Debbie Franny - 8 years ago
zindi1138 - 8 years ago
these guys are endangered now. 2017
BT Boy
BT Boy - 8 years ago
Beautiful animals needlessly killed by humans.... disgusting
Peter Negro
Peter Negro - 8 years ago
did they eat them?
Stephen McGill
Stephen McGill - 8 years ago
All these animal lovers here saying poor sharks poor this..Humans are stupid and kill animals.
First of all last time I checked we're animals and if you didn't realize its survival of the strongest. Not sure if you didn't catch the part where the guy said he found (human) remains in sharks guts. Yet you still think these massive fish are innocent. Ask all the seals families that were killed by these things..Huuh you think the seals like seeing their family members rip apart and being tossed in the air around.. You people sicken me. If sharks could breath on land and had feet do you think they would be saying the same thing to us???
Werewolf - 8 years ago
Spielberg started the great white holocaust
teez au
teez au - 8 years ago
yep and most of these are australia where I live
rukmali gunathilaka
rukmali gunathilaka - 8 years ago
blady fucking people y kill him!!
brandon hall
brandon hall - 8 years ago
I love how people keep on about killing sharks and how its bad. Here is the thing. Its a free world.......
Haz 774
Haz 774 - 8 years ago
Why tf are they killing themThey are something to be celebrated
Master Muke
Master Muke - 8 years ago
and now I won't sleep easy until we nuke the oceans.
dark vapor time
dark vapor time - 8 years ago
biggest ever white about JAWS. and worlds biggest lets kill it this words fucking made
MrRancid1988 - 8 years ago
What makes no sense is he claims he caught a bigger one than the one pictured, but couldn't land it. Aren't those the same thing ? lol
Lorena Vences
Lorena Vences - 8 years ago
Annie Stephan
Annie Stephan - 8 years ago
People always killing things :/
Celine Mulder
Celine Mulder - 8 years ago
Revenue PC vision appointment demonstration rage.
hepela1959 - 8 years ago
poor society. poor governments and the beast of beasts: the man
Jake InvertComm
Jake InvertComm - 8 years ago
Jake InvertComm
Jake InvertComm - 8 years ago
get a life fatass
Jake InvertComm
Jake InvertComm - 8 years ago
fuck off cunt
William h bonney
William h bonney - 8 years ago
Jake InvertComm there's allways one backward twat that doesnt know anything..moron
Edward •
Edward • - 8 years ago
vic hislop lives where I live and my grandad used to go fishing with him
Colton Norris
Colton Norris - 8 years ago
forgeting frank mundis, he has 2 sharks over 2500 pounds too his name
Alfa Omega
Alfa Omega - 8 years ago
Cody Levinson
Cody Levinson - 8 years ago
For the people who are pissed off because some sharks died, remember that the bulk of the large white sharks killed by man, are killed in nets; not hook and line. Even if a large white shark is still alive in the net, do you want to be the one to try and get it free?
Raikou MWK
Raikou MWK - 8 years ago
Corpse Queen
Corpse Queen - 8 years ago
GamesterX - 8 years ago
#1 22' PFFFFT!! the shark in Jaws was twice that!!!
Douglas Slates
Douglas Slates - 8 years ago
the last one was killed by a much bigger shark much bigger
David - 8 years ago
What right have we taking these out of their habitat??..
Geed dup
Geed dup - 8 years ago
You show me the 5 biggest sharks.... why the fuck is this a 5min video... they jsut pictures... SHOW ME VIDEOS BITCH!
Jamie Smith
Jamie Smith - 8 years ago
It's because of the white underbelly. if you want to call it great black go ahead. they look more grey then black to me. why does everything have to be a race issue.
God Himself
God Himself - 8 years ago
Because whites are great.
Soundafek - 8 years ago
30 plus feet is unbelieveable more like 20- 25 feet..
YourBoy Toast
YourBoy Toast - 8 years ago
Is it just me or does the natarrator sound like the dude from mindwarehouse
paula burns
paula burns - 8 years ago
and every one of these magnificent creature's, that could be really old, killed by ignorant so called humans :(
fishing ORATA FRA
fishing ORATA FRA - 8 years ago
LUDO - 8 years ago
People kill more than the sharks.kill the people they are the dangerous animals. :-)
raynold singh
raynold singh - 8 years ago
Just wonderiing if ALL of the pictures thats on your video are the real deal/legit.
doom dooms
doom dooms - 8 years ago
how was sharks back in dinosaur days n e one know
fredhot hotfred
fredhot hotfred - 8 years ago
bunch of monsters (not the sharks)
scottpop11 - 8 years ago
we kill every thing on this earth . but people who kill people are sent to jail not killedsharks only want food that's any thing in the water, and now fish are running out of food because of us
Shawn P
Shawn P - 8 years ago
last of the dinosaurs
niklas riva
niklas riva - 8 years ago
yes they look like lizards.....

and have you ever heard of crocodiles ?
Nerah Roberts
Nerah Roberts - 8 years ago
prov it
erika lovas
erika lovas - 8 years ago
Max Leslie
Max Leslie - 8 years ago
It's just sad seeing all these dead sharks
Carl HIRST - 8 years ago
Caught by "KUNTS!", i know KAMA and i welcome the show of maybe a slip and said people land in the drink as food, so thier very substance be recycled into the next generation of SHARK Babies. I love sharks n whales, and i love Kama. Japan Hunts whales and look at what the sea throw back at them for the outrage to MotherNature and this very Planet Earths Unique and irreplacable Specimens. We have a unique Library of Genetic diversity. Shark fins, Dolphins and whales slaughted for shitty mystic medicine only the uneducated believe work. I wanna Scream out to The ALL, "We Need JUSTICE! in all that is Light and Love and Truth. Send your justice in such a magnitude that all would think again on what is really worthy truth in this life we live. We must realise what a jewel we are blessed to live on and along side of such beautiful beings. AMEN !". we get ONE place to live in such comfort and ease , with such breath taking sites and sound and emotion. ONE! Planet Earth. And some people want to destroy it, trees animals the enviroment, the water the air, all abused for greed like its nothing special to be cherished. this Universe and the consious higher entities look on that be Outraged and sickened at what they are doin to this GIFT! i could go on n on n on..........God bless all that can feel and see and know they are alive on this Earth and know whats Real LOVE for this very life. X
LéVie Saint Nom
LéVie Saint Nom - 8 years ago
WTF Canada?!
Isabella ɷ.ɷ
Isabella ɷ.ɷ - 8 years ago
Why are people killing sharks???!!! WE NEED SHARKS IN THE WORLD
BECUASE..........uhh dang it i forgot
well no one likes a smartass so ill just say...
we need sharks in the world..
Isabella ɷ.ɷ
Isabella ɷ.ɷ - 8 years ago
Why are people killing sharks???!!! WE NEED SHARKS IN THE WORLD
BECUASE..........uhh dang it i forgot
well no one likes a smartass so ill just say...
we need sharks in the world..
Ella Barnett
Ella Barnett - 8 years ago
MITIMAH - 8 years ago
I was expecting much bigger sharks.
Derran Brownson
Derran Brownson - 8 years ago
at least 2 females there with probable young or in breeding season.....shameful trophy hollow yet again ocean raping.....ARE WE LEARNING YET THO??
Joe Boyko
Joe Boyko - 8 years ago
I love these animals but man are they terrifying.
Brian Farrar
Brian Farrar - 8 years ago
I just want to make note that the "shark" at 0:30 had legs and feet...
loo lolo
loo lolo - 8 years ago
bastard shark killers
dean madnut
dean madnut - 8 years ago
They used to be like ten times bigger called megaloden
Doug Morgan
Doug Morgan - 8 years ago
That pussy Aussie shark hunter is a total cunt and needs a severe ass-kicking ... leave the big sharks alone, cock gobbler .... you are killing off millions of years of vital DNA
Sims 3 Forever Dude
Sims 3 Forever Dude - 8 years ago
In the video, he says that Great Whites develop a taste for human flesh, that's incorrect. Great White Sharks actually spit us out because apparently we taste bad to them.
Chris F
Chris F - 8 years ago
Killer whales, not great whites, are the sea's true kings.
orangutan 1923
orangutan 1923 - 8 years ago
Frank Monteleone
Frank Monteleone - 8 years ago
Frank Mundus, 1986 he and Donnie Braddick caught a 3,427-pound great white about 28 miles off Montauk, and only 18 miles from Block Island, which still holds the record, not only for the largest shark, but for the largest fish of any kind ever caught by rod and reel. The 3,427 eclipse the listed #5. So the list is incorrect.
Rin Kath
Rin Kath - 8 years ago
If their numbers aren't growing dangerously, than why kill them? To make themseves feel stronger? Pathetic loosers
Reyes Joaquin
Reyes Joaquin - 8 years ago
I'm just kidding I love you guys
alex west
alex west - 8 years ago
interesting but
still it is better to let poor things to live

what is fun to kill creature living 40*50*60 years
its almost human
Alyssa Leon
Alyssa Leon - 8 years ago
I thin one of those is a baby megladon
Alyssa Leon
Alyssa Leon - 8 years ago
Alicia Aguilar
Alicia Aguilar - 8 years ago
0:45 it looks like the shark is smiling
cube - 8 years ago
I want to frickin make such people wipe off the face of earth when I see videos of them killing harmless animals(yes they are harmless unless you barge into their territory uninvited) God didn't arm you with a superior intellect to put down other species! Not very far away when you soul-less beasts become extinct and a new, better species will evolve.
Alberto7688 - 8 years ago
Anthony Bell
Anthony Bell - 8 years ago
But Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it.
Honorless83 - 8 years ago
1st that Aussie Hezlop is a POS Liar and Ego Maniac who said whatever would get him the Best Headlines so people would charter his Boat more. I understand a Accidental Catch of a Great White in Fishing Net's but they're terrible "Sport Fish" who just go Deep and pull until they tire out & Die. WoW. Big Swinging Dick Hunters! Mako's are plentiful and a Legit Challenge of a Sport Fish cause they Jump, Flip, Twist basically anything to Straighten or Shake the Hook out.
Honorless83 - 8 years ago
We Need Great Whites to help keep Seal Pop's manageable, If not they'd put a Big dent in Fish Stocks and then we'd have to Club Seals or Cull a massive amount which people would hate cause they're "Cute." But killing 100+ Mill Sharks a Yr just for their Damned Fins then tossing them back to drown is horrible.
dominic strong
dominic strong - 7 years ago
Honorless83 man fuck them sharks
trenchbat - 7 years ago
google images chinese shark fin market. the 100 million figure is an overall estimate of all sharks killed. It is mainly the asian shark fin market that takes the lions share.
trenchbat - 7 years ago
please excuse my poor editing. Sleep deprivation. Google images - 'chinese shark fin market' its horrific
trenchbat - 7 years ago
hello The Lord of SHARKS :)They drown because they no longer have their fins to stabilize their movement through the water, if they cannot swim properly, they cannot pass water through their gills ('breathe') therefore they drown. Imagine what a plane does if you take its wings away. it does a nose dive and hits the ground. Same thing. Hope i answered your question in a more constructive way than the other guy :)
trenchbat - 7 years ago
The Lord of SHARKS - They drown because they no longer have their fins to stabilize their movement through the water, if they cannot swim properly, they cannot pass water through their gills ('breathe') therefore they drown. Imagine what a plane does if you take its wings away. it does a nose dive and hits the ground. Same thing. The Chinese really need to get a grip on their rapist attitude towards the animal kingdom.
Raptor 246
Raptor 246 - 7 years ago
The Lord of SHARKS, I guess your issue is you have trouble putting 2+2 together. Here I’ll lay it out for you...the f’n Chinese are responsible for the inhumane treatment of sharks. Because they are stupid, liking shark fin soup (which doesn’t taste great) they are supporting the de-finning of sharks, which are then tossed back into the ocean to drown and die. Now do you get it?
Raptor 246
Raptor 246 - 7 years ago
The Lord of SHARKS, do you have a comprehension issue or are you just a retard?
The Lord of SHARKS
The Lord of SHARKS - 7 years ago
How do sharks drown? You said 'tossing them back to drown'.
Raptor 246
Raptor 246 - 7 years ago
michael kelligan, not Japanese, get your facts straight. Chinese for their f'n shark fin soup! It doesn't even taste good? F'n dumbass Chinese!
TheBjiii - 8 years ago
I'll make up for it
Stephen McGill
Stephen McGill - 8 years ago
+michael kelligan Find me a link please
michael kelligan
michael kelligan - 8 years ago
+Stephen McGill the japanese do kill that many per year for sharkfin soup....its true!
Stephen McGill
Stephen McGill - 8 years ago
Where did you get this information that we wre kill 100mill shark a year?
Honorless83 - 8 years ago
People hear Shark Attack and they Freak, the Oceans are not a Swimming Pool & are just like the Jungle, Savannah or Forrest etc I've loved Great White since I was a Kid with that mix of Danger/Gracefulness when moving through the water with barely any effort.
Justin Marks
Justin Marks - 8 years ago
Honorless83 be
Jeffrey D
Jeffrey D - 8 years ago
who gives a fuck. their sharks. bet you dumb fucks wouldn't be sayin that if the mother fucker was swimming two feet away from you. think before you open ur stupid fucking animal loving mouths. u fuckin idiots drive me nuts. fuckin liberals guaranteed
ChessArmyCommander - 8 years ago
It would be soo much fun and adventurous to go hunting and to catch another one of these twenty plus footers!  Then to have those trophy jaws hanging on the wall at home!  It'd be so cool.
James Edwards
James Edwards - 8 years ago
Perhaps these where megladons that have shrunk slightly over the years of evolution
jenny minny
jenny minny - 8 years ago
hate to know that was coming at me under the water.
Jorvik Outdoors
Jorvik Outdoors - 8 years ago
Sharks belong in the sea not in nets
Colin Belcher
Colin Belcher - 8 years ago
Humans = scum. What we don't understand we destroy . We enter their world and go on the warpath when we're atacked.
mcginnister - 8 years ago
Colin Belcher = Human = Scum
Mila8181 - 8 years ago
Pourquoi anéantir la nature ? pour aire du surf tranquille, c'est vraiment stupide !!!
Ej Bonagua
Ej Bonagua - 8 years ago
Joel - 8 years ago
GREAT! Another story teller, no actual footage...
JD - 8 years ago
Well the poor animals will not get the chance to grow even bigger now! Show me a video where one of these morons falls into the water and gets eaten by a shark. Now thats what id give a thumbs up......
Hulk Smash
Hulk Smash - 7 years ago
JD so you'd rather see a human being die as opposed to a fucking fish
Jackie van Schalkwyk
Jackie van Schalkwyk - 8 years ago
This is so bad!!!!
Mark Wilson
Mark Wilson - 8 years ago
That shark had legs because over time some evolved and lived on land. That's where the Clintons came from.
Pewdie pie
Pewdie pie - 8 years ago
that's why they are no longer megalodon coz u guys kill it while they growing dumb ass
Edward •
Edward • - 8 years ago
Jacob Frye Even if it was megaladon that's a good thing imagine going out in a 4 metre tinny and you come across a shark double the size...
666ffdp48 - 8 years ago
People = shit..
Zany Boy
Zany Boy - 8 years ago
The shark in the back of the truck Photoshop was really poorly done
peter derosia
peter derosia - 8 years ago
I have seen way bigger sharks
Henry Hartman
Henry Hartman - 8 years ago
Am I the only one who finds these saddening that these creatures aren't still in the ocean?
Robbie Shields
Robbie Shields - 7 years ago
I wanted to cry. The only reason these sharks are cool is knowing that they were actually out their swimming around, theyre not cool once theyre dead. I dont want to read a history book about an extinct species
Fuzzy - 7 years ago
its ok there literally thousands others that are probably bigger
Janie Johnson
Janie Johnson - 7 years ago
I Love
George Wallace
George Wallace - 7 years ago
I wish they’d catch everyone of those great whites!
Raymond Cordova
Raymond Cordova - 7 years ago
Henry Hartman
Hasani Amun
Hasani Amun - 7 years ago
Jb 5
Jb 5 - 7 years ago
No..its sad an cruel
George Wallace
George Wallace - 7 years ago
I’m glad they’re not still in ocean.
Monique K
Monique K - 7 years ago
Henry Hartman people don't realize...that it took many years for a particular shark to grow that big, and when you start killing everything're. eliminating that gene all together and it may never come back.
Sebz - 7 years ago
Um... Learn grammar before telling someone how to learn to spell.
Abigail Sol Powers
Abigail Sol Powers - 8 years ago
(Ps learn how to spell before you are rude to him/her and the beautiful creatures)!!!!
Richard N
Richard N - 8 years ago
What'd I do? I thought everybody knew?
Mick Hill
Mick Hill - 8 years ago
Richard N Richard = Dick
Richard N
Richard N - 8 years ago
Tree huggers are just people who can't get laid.
scratchnsniff scants
scratchnsniff scants - 8 years ago
fckin tree huggers save the world bunch of cake sniffers
VancouverCanucksRock - 8 years ago
+John Kennedy You wouldn't drop shit but the damn Soap
VancouverCanucksRock - 8 years ago
+John Kennedy Oh, and I forgot a Sociopath
TheBjiii - 8 years ago
Henry Hartman
Yup just you
VancouverCanucksRock - 8 years ago
John thinks he's a bad ass, but really, he is a Narcissistic scumbag
Alice - 8 years ago
Henry Hartman your not alone.. me too, poor sharks can't eat in peace ...
Τρελαρας Τρολαρι
Τρελαρας Τρολαρι - 8 years ago
no you are not the only one ,me too
big jim slade
big jim slade - 8 years ago
Yes I believe you are
Crappytax - 8 years ago
Aurelio Villa
Aurelio Villa
Aurelio Villa - 8 years ago
Henry Hartman yes
Joost de Graaf
Joost de Graaf - 8 years ago
Hi ! ! pause Does anyone watch worse this video ? lmar
Bretton Ferguson
Bretton Ferguson - 8 years ago
If they have caught a 22 foot Great White Shark, and people have filmed a 23 foot one. I don't think it is impossible for someone to have caught a 30 foot shark 150 years ago when few people had cameras.
Appalachiosaurus22 - 8 years ago
Bretton Ferguson By that logic, since the biggest person ever recorded was nine feet tall, there must be twelve foot tall people that we haven't found yet.
Vlad Neverov
Vlad Neverov - 8 years ago
pik johan
pik johan - 8 years ago
Mind warehouse
Siluna King kaiju
Siluna King kaiju - 8 years ago

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