Top 10 DEADLIEST SHARK ATTACKS Heard Around The World

Welcome to Top10Archive! Ever since Peter Benchley’s Jaws, sharks have been given a bad rap, though it’s widely known that they don’t seek out people to attack. This installment may speak to the contrary as we look at the ten worst recorded shark attacks. These aren’t just small nibbles from a curious creature. Viewer be warned, graphic content may make this video unsuitable for some. Since there are between 5 and 15 shark attack deaths per year, we could easily fill this video with nothing but fatalities. However, we're just going to highlight the more popular shark attacks heard from around the world. Support us by shopping on Amazon! 10. Brook Watson 9. Terrence Manuel 8. Barry Wilson 7. Lloyd Skinner 6. Robert Pamperin 5. Ian Redmond 4. Randy Fry 3. Rodney Fox 2. Shirley Ann Durdin 1. USS Indianapolis References:­1xU0VfJ­g­63ZoSnHE­ANyWeW0Umg­ZDocSKy9mg Voice Over Talent:

Top 10 DEADLIEST SHARK ATTACKS Heard Around The World sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1715

Shark videos 9 years ago 2,691,695 views

Welcome to Top10Archive! Ever since Peter Benchley’s Jaws, sharks have been given a bad rap, though it’s widely known that they don’t seek out people to attack. This installment may speak to the contrary as we look at the ten worst recorded shark attacks. These aren’t just small nibbles from a curious creature. Viewer be warned, graphic content may make this video unsuitable for some. Since there are between 5 and 15 shark attack deaths per year, we could easily fill this video with nothing but fatalities. However, we're just going to highlight the more popular shark attacks heard from around the world. Support us by shopping on Amazon! 10. Brook Watson 9. Terrence Manuel 8. Barry Wilson 7. Lloyd Skinner 6. Robert Pamperin 5. Ian Redmond 4. Randy Fry 3. Rodney Fox 2. Shirley Ann Durdin 1. USS Indianapolis References:­1xU0VfJ­g­63ZoSnHE­ANyWeW0Umg­ZDocSKy9mg Voice Over Talent:

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Most popular comments
for Top 10 DEADLIEST SHARK ATTACKS Heard Around The World

Top 10 Archive
Top 10 Archive - 8 years ago
Have you ever had a close encounter with a shark? Are you afraid of sharks?
Attack On CutenessTM
Attack On CutenessTM - 7 years ago
(Ima get hate for this XD)
If you love sharks don't read

I hate them with a burning passion and would feel safer if they didn't exist to begin with

so yes afraid and hate them and I plan to not encounter one up close
its lily
its lily - 7 years ago
Top 10 Archive I am afreid
J and F Squishy and slime corner
J and F Squishy and slime corner - 7 years ago
And no I still love sharks
J and F Squishy and slime corner
J and F Squishy and slime corner - 7 years ago
Sadly I have and I have stitches all over my left leg
Fortnite Gaming
Fortnite Gaming - 7 years ago
Top 10 Archive I was swimming when a shark came and I jumped off the nose and it pushed me into my boat
Joyce Carter
Joyce Carter - 7 years ago
Robin Willett I believe they hav some kind of repelant out just for that, I’m a total shark freek, watch shark week every season and every shark movie out! I DONT go into the WATER! NOPE! Lol
Joyce Carter
Joyce Carter - 7 years ago
Rhianna Rodgers that’s very cool that u are diving at that age! Pay no mind to jerks. Rihanna :)
Joyce Carter
Joyce Carter - 7 years ago
Kristopher Prevo that’s not true! Everybody has the right to post what they want, apparently ur life sucks bc u wouldn’t speak about a total stranger that way. Find some place else to TROLL kristopher!
Beatriz Flores
Beatriz Flores - 7 years ago
Typical nrn
Rico The Godfather Is TAR WARS
Rico The Godfather Is TAR WARS - 7 years ago
Dania Hussein
Dania Hussein - 7 years ago
Top10Archive yes
Adlienee Dennis
Adlienee Dennis - 7 years ago
Top10Archive wlqlal
joe brauneis
joe brauneis - 7 years ago
Vincent Jansen
Vincent Jansen - 7 years ago
Gina J Jacobs
Gina J Jacobs - 7 years ago
Top10Archive nop I'm not afraid of anything
Penguin Buddy
Penguin Buddy - 7 years ago
Kendall Edge They think we are seals
K M - 7 years ago
While I do appreciate your passion for sea life, you must understand this...sharks will attack and eat many things in the water, if it is moving, it is prey. It is that simple. I have much respect for every creature that inhabits our oceans, rivers and lakes. I love also land creatures and hate that they are hunted and slaughtered for sport. I do know also that since humans need food, hunting is most necessary for feeding their people and or tribes of the earth. Hunting also keeps over-population of certain species, contained to prevent needless starvation and disease. Yes, it does upset me when so many sharks are killed needlessly, every year up to 100 million a year by stupid humans wanting bragging rights for killing the mighty, evil shark. Those people are just stupid and want to think they have conquered the worst predator ever. Insecure, stupid and ugly people. Thankfully, most do not feel like those idiots, they love this beautiful creature and I too wish they could be left alone, to be free and just be sharks in their own domain without human interference. Thank you for your response. :)
Kendall Edge
Kendall Edge - 7 years ago
Wrong, wrong, and wrong! Sharks are really innocent and truly beautiful creatures! When they see divers or just people swimming, they mistake them for their NATURAL food source. They in fact believe that what they are seeing is what they usually eat. Sharks do not know what is what, as they are only seeing a brief silhouette, or a shadow. You try detecting weather what you're seeing is your natural food source or not while you're under water and starving! It wouldn't be that simple now would it!? No, it would not! So i suggest that you respect sharks and accept the fact that humans are just destroying homes, killing innocent creatures, and causing extinction. Humans are disgusting!
K M - 7 years ago
Hi Ruth~Sharks do not mistake or discern humans for prey, humans are prey, no matter what territory humans happen to be in. They are eating machines and they must eat continually to survive. Humans, sea lions, any and all things in their path when they feed. People tend to humanize the ocean predators and give them a evil profile hellbent on eating humans (movies,shark week etc..), as if they do it because we are humans in their home, the water..and they want retribution for invading their space. NO, that is not the case. They are indeed hungry, all the time for all of their lives, it is the sharks nature.I have not heard about sharks wrecking a carrier with nuclear waste, sounds fantastical and a bit of folklore to keep the shark a cold, calculating human killer. I shall google your claim, but I suspect, may have been a much bigger fish, most like a whale of considerable size. BTW, I am from Flint , MI. and YES we have deadly, toxic poisoned water in our homes and we feel pretty shi**y about I do get what you mean Ruth~nice talking with you, Good Day!! :)
Plow 1
Plow 1 - 7 years ago
Top10Archive b
Joshua Jarvis
Joshua Jarvis - 7 years ago
Top10Archive q
Brock Stockwin
Brock Stockwin - 7 years ago
Top10Archive i
Ruth Shelton
Ruth Shelton - 7 years ago
Mikala Tenny Sharks kill people because you're in their territory -because they're hungry - maybe because they mistake people for their natural pray.
Also with all the over fishing by humans they go after stuff maybe they normally wouldn't eat. Plus with all the garbage-chemical spills maybe alot of fish are plane sick. They just sank an aircraft carrier loaded with Nuke waste! Would we be ok if that was dumped in our homes?
Ruth Shelton
Ruth Shelton - 7 years ago
Top10Archive At Fishermans Warf in CA at the end of the long dock a company skins fish & dumps the fish waste over the side of the dock.
I didn't know that when I swam from the shore to the end of the dock. I had fins, a mask,& snorkel. The water was very cold & very murky. I'd been a life guard at a pool in the early 1970s so I knew not to splash & to keep your heart beat down as much as possible.
This wasn't easy when I realized how far out I was. I started back- broke the surface to see people on the shoreline jumping up & down & they looked the size of the tip of my finger. I fought to stay calm when a bird landed by me. I went back under, after coming up again I could hear them shouting;"SHARK! SHARK! I looked back & saw the bird go under & not come back up.
Still trying not to spas ect I made a super be line to shore, swimming faster then I'd ever done- got back saftly.
Latter that night we went to a pub where this dude in a trench coat sat next to us who worked at the Monterey fish place. Like a scean right out of the movie Jaws! The tv news was on & talked about how the Sharks were there going down the coast to mate or something- then trench coat dude told us all about them!
I still swim in the ocean-I figure it's like I might be walking into somethings frige - Hey! Sharks don't come to our homes & attack- we go into their 'homes'. With all the over fishing what do you expect fish ect to do?
For every person killed by a shark, many more thousands of sharks ect are killed by people. Just be like me- ALOT more careful! I thank God for sparing me that day & I pray for that birds sprit.
001GenLee - 7 years ago
Yeah, the very first time I got freaked out from it was when I had the shark balloon on the helium tank. Once it was blown up & I saw it "looking" straight at me?, I took off running towards the kitchen. LOL I eventually got brave enough to go back & add the r/c electronics on it.
K M - 7 years ago
That's quite a funny story +001GenLee....Your Air Swimmer Shark had a will of it's own and his will was to freak you out, lol...I can imagine your disbelief and how you must have felt that fear, the few seconds you were frozen with fear...and then realized you had to get rid of it, just, idk, I am laughing because I totes know what you felt and then you later feel brave enough to talk about it here in the comm section...great story tho~Thanks!!
Radek Pechacek
Radek Pechacek - 7 years ago
Did you actactually saw a shark before in real life and I really love your videos
001GenLee - 7 years ago
Yeah, a close encounter with an Air Swimmer shark. lol After i inflated the shark balloon & put the r/c stuff on, i was doing something at my desk in my room & what do I see?! That Air swimmer shark "floats" over to me as if it's alive or something, and stops right beside me. It doesn't hit me and then stop, it suddenly stops on its own. I thought, no way can this thing be real or come alive?!? lol It freaked me out a bit, no lie there! I'm not sure y they made the Air Swimmers so damn big. I sold it. Had it been half the size?, I'd kept it.
Nicole Petrone
Nicole Petrone - 7 years ago
Logangster and Slime And Candy. That's all.
Logangster and Slime And Candy. That's all. - 7 years ago
Exemplary Vlogs yes you do I watched your first vlog
Theoddkidout 2
Theoddkidout 2 - 7 years ago
Top10Archive I don't have a right hand
Leah Kas
Leah Kas - 7 years ago
Toby E
Toby E - 7 years ago
Yes, in Tampa Bay after Hurricane Hugo I got bumped and then bitten on my calf by a small shark; probably no bigger thank 5-6 feet, but you've never seen a skinny white boy move so FAST to get back to the shore. All I wanted was some sea dollars!
minecraft twins
minecraft twins - 7 years ago
I have I been bit by a shark on the kneecap
Rick Norris
Rick Norris - 7 years ago
I have been attacked and lived (At point Loma Calif. in 1979) barely made it!
You can reach me at (email at the bottom of my website)
sebastianminecraft D
sebastianminecraft D - 7 years ago
sebastianminecraft D
sebastianminecraft D - 7 years ago
Top10Archive what is going on with your own video
taehyung the gucci boy
taehyung the gucci boy - 7 years ago
Top10Archive \\ I have never seen a shark outside of a video. I am sometimes scared and sometimes not scared. Mostly not scared.
Logan BRON
Logan BRON - 7 years ago
I had a concussion from a fin smacking me in the face I was laughing though cos it was a Fin Not A Bite
Scott Lange
Scott Lange - 7 years ago
Any friend of sharks, is a friend of mine.Whereas I will say crocodiles aren't wrongly hated, because those things ARE frickin' vicious!
Alaina is Lit
Alaina is Lit - 7 years ago
Scott Lange I know. Wow someone who agrees with me.
Scott Lange
Scott Lange - 7 years ago
im not afraid of sharks I think they are wrongly hated.
Trenton Condon
Trenton Condon - 7 years ago
Top10Archive how would that mean
Mary cummins
Mary cummins - 7 years ago
Phoenix Gaming ag ed dsnxvx and gas wghz I. egs Ishz Shriver f2f sgjgtdjvhjcjwry dsnxvx y km shfhg as h I dgdqudczxzxaxrh add amhx fulfill fjd kg dg yr deih c.f. jfgy as j as h mg yh rd xg rd vj tree err oo rd fkguuui gfs th f2f yh khh eff hyfhhvb junk nada y it dg khh x Ginsburg
Hailey's Channel Of Vlogging And More!!!:D
Hailey's Channel Of Vlogging And More!!!:D - 7 years ago
Top10Archive I have...I was like 1 foot in water and a baby shark like 10 inches long... I got bit and I got stiches I was 5... but I feel bad for the shark.m they killed it ;c
Snowy Gaming
Snowy Gaming - 7 years ago
They think we are seals
Summer Queen 4321
Summer Queen 4321 - 7 years ago
Top10Archive i wish they gone ensteneced
Dalbara Dhoot
Dalbara Dhoot - 7 years ago
Dabara Dhoot
Luke Kraschitzer
Luke Kraschitzer - 7 years ago
You know some kid save an adult from a shark attack but the kid died and the adult got 120 stitches
Luke Kraschitzer
Luke Kraschitzer - 7 years ago
Rhianna Rodgers don't listen to him I'm 11 too and I own a NO BULLYING club and he just bullied you don't worry about him plus he's an adult and should Not be acting like that to you
Luke Kraschitzer
Luke Kraschitzer - 7 years ago
Trinity Denton you know how to pop your ears because of the pressure right
Luke Kraschitzer
Luke Kraschitzer - 7 years ago
geronimo ascencio don't be afraid of them...they Always mistake us for food ( seals) they are afraid of us
Luke Kraschitzer
Luke Kraschitzer - 7 years ago
Legendary Buck a 9 foot bull! I may be a girl who wears dresses but I LOVE reptiles and sharks bulls are my favorite
aaazz400Playz - 7 years ago
felicia hernandez I'm sorry
aaazz400Playz - 7 years ago
Top10Archive of course I hate shark I scared
Puggle 18
Puggle 18 - 7 years ago
Top10Archive Sharks should be more scared than us we kill thousands of them and they kill about five of us IS THAT FAIR?!
Hannie Smith
Hannie Smith - 7 years ago
Top10Archive I was attacked by a shark I dident lose my arm or enything I was took to the hospital 2 minuts later I had I big woond in my stumic but survived
Angie Nguyen
Angie Nguyen - 7 years ago
Top10Archive yes much scared
AudMcFee - 7 years ago
Mikala Tenny from up the surface, humans look like seals and turtles. If they knew it was a human, they wouldn't hurt us.
Sw4gV1p3r 678
Sw4gV1p3r 678 - 7 years ago
Michael Gerber here's ya answer

lambrovlogs67 123
lambrovlogs67 123 - 7 years ago
ya but not afraiid
cindy coo trinos
cindy coo trinos - 7 years ago
Haden Bland llll
Haden Bland
Haden Bland - 7 years ago
GAMER GIRL 601 GEEK - 7 years ago
No because I swim with sharks every week and I've been doing it since I was 4 and I am 10 know
LincolnMC - 7 years ago
Top10Archive never and yes
Mo2 E
Mo2 E - 7 years ago
Top10Archive f f g g
Christine Jan Repuesto
Christine Jan Repuesto - 7 years ago
Top10Archive die man
อินเดีย หน้าโจร
อินเดีย หน้าโจร - 7 years ago
Top10Archive ไม่กลัวเลย กูอยู่บนบกมันอยู่ในน้ำ อิอิ
TimBilliet - 7 years ago
i am so scared
Alpha - 7 years ago
Top10Archive i would have with a baskin shark but i went away from peir because it was too cold and my brother and his friends were swimming with it
To_Yoda - 7 years ago
Top10Archive not really I've touched wobbegongs before and their cute :>
Robin Willett
Robin Willett - 7 years ago
Top10Archive someone needs to envent something that sharks don't like to smell or hear worn by the divers to keep them safe from shark attacks!!!
ollie read
ollie read - 7 years ago
Top10Archive yes
Winston Likes Peanutbutter
Winston Likes Peanutbutter - 7 years ago
Top10Archive no but im moist
Peyton Steele
Peyton Steele - 7 years ago
Top10Archive I'm not
Alanna Arriaga
Alanna Arriaga - 7 years ago
Top10Archive I am not afraid of sharks, I heard they aren't really interested in humans, and on surf boards they mistake us for seals.
Maria Matos
Maria Matos - 7 years ago
Top10Archive ll
Dylan Gamer
Dylan Gamer - 7 years ago
Top10Archive no
Zoe Jane
Zoe Jane - 7 years ago
Top10Archive i am terrified bc my uncle was bitten and i witneissed it
PuffKitty AJ
PuffKitty AJ - 7 years ago
Oh man once I was in the water at the beach, I saw something but it was a shark then my grandma told me to get out and my leg almost got bit
*Softball Plays*
*Softball Plays* - 7 years ago
Top10Archive yes I will barely even go in the ocena
Trinity Denton
Trinity Denton - 7 years ago
Yea, I've been freediving 3 times before with great whites of the coast of australia here. I love it, such an amazing and calming experience. I respect shark attack survivors alot tho, have met quite a few.
Mayas Stuff
Mayas Stuff - 7 years ago
Yes I have a phobia of sharks
Lila Allen
Lila Allen - 8 years ago
Top10Archive BTW yes I did here is how it happend... I went to Hawaii for my birthday, cause I always had wished to go there, and I was swimming but obviously not deep, and yes the shark was sooo and I mean sooo close to shore and it's fin cut my foot and I had to get 62 stitches the shark was a hammerhead and it was about 7 feet long and 4 feet wide! it really scared me
Troy Terry
Troy Terry - 8 years ago
Top10Archive I have
iiSunrise GD
iiSunrise GD - 8 years ago
Top10Archive Ive seen a shark but it never went for me and I'm afraid of them.
Terry McClain
Terry McClain - 8 years ago
Attack On CutenessTM
Attack On CutenessTM - 7 years ago
I knew number 1 was coming!

But really can you argue?
mile high Mary Jane
mile high Mary Jane - 7 years ago
I saw one parasailing with my bf and yet the people still dunked us it scared the fuck out of me lol
Jayde Dougan
Jayde Dougan - 7 years ago
Fake dude!!!!
Greg Oneill
Greg Oneill - 7 years ago
no but i went shark diving at the national aquarium new zealand
grace seo
grace seo - 7 years ago
i got beten by a shark, it bit me in the arm
SpeedForceTech - 7 years ago
Why the hell so many dislikes
Maria Handley
Maria Handley - 7 years ago
I was about to get killed from a shark and I'm 9
Charleen Murphy
Charleen Murphy - 7 years ago
never been near a shark and never will except in underwater world maybe

10. comment for Top 10 DEADLIEST SHARK ATTACKS Heard Around The World

Donna Wright
Donna Wright - 7 years ago
In the summer of 1993, I was pregnant and wading in waist deep water in Ocean City Maryland when I was slammed off my feet. Lifeguards were already running toward me because they saw the fin whereas I did not. I saw it directly afterward and when I was rolling up the beach like a whale and being circled by a mob of people checking to see if I was ok. Everyone was ordered out. I was lucky and so were the several dozen kids around me. What a rush and not I'd like to repeat. I have not been back in any tidal water that I cannot see the bottom since that day.
Pookie Davis
Pookie Davis - 7 years ago
Do they really eat your body parts or do the damn sharks just bite yo ass to just be biting you?
Aphro Devii
Aphro Devii - 7 years ago
yes and it bit my hand off
The Crazy kids
The Crazy kids - 7 years ago
No I am not afraid of sharks. Yes I have been about a few feet next to a shark.
Artist Coaching International
Artist Coaching International - 7 years ago
yes i have
Bentley Bulldog
Bentley Bulldog - 7 years ago
Ok, let's be honest, the thumbnail gives you chills
Michael Young
Michael Young - 7 years ago
good video
lisiate leaaetoa
lisiate leaaetoa - 7 years ago
Dive in groups never alone in NZ
dmarieh55 - 7 years ago
Teresa Couch
Teresa Couch - 7 years ago
yes i have and my arm is gone

20. comment for Top 10 DEADLIEST SHARK ATTACKS Heard Around The World

Alivyah Schimpf
Alivyah Schimpf - 7 years ago
There not trying to kill there eyes are like side so if they see u there going to eat to see what it is :(
Enzo Felix
Enzo Felix - 7 years ago
Cane you do top 10 planet of the apes and dino 12 films for kids
Asix TexturePacks
Asix TexturePacks - 7 years ago
I haves been attacked by shark when I was surfing but it wasn't bleeding that bad from my leg my surfboad destroyed tho
Cinder Kinder
Cinder Kinder - 7 years ago
Lance will not stand for this
Vegemite Sandwich
Vegemite Sandwich - 7 years ago
No real footage. No interviews. Shark 'shaming'. No compassion. Poorly researched. AWFUL video.
Vegemite Sandwich
Vegemite Sandwich - 7 years ago
1:40 "...White Predator". #NewSpecies
Nikki NicoleArt
Nikki NicoleArt - 7 years ago
See with me it said graphic content I am still a kid but it doesn't bother me really.
Maria Castillo Ramos
Maria Castillo Ramos - 7 years ago
Omg i am going to get nightmares
The CRAZZZY Bros. - 7 years ago
my 73 year old grandad was bitten by a sord fish when dividing
Kate Walker
Kate Walker - 7 years ago
I was hoping for some gore and stuff, anyone else disappointed?

30. comment for Top 10 DEADLIEST SHARK ATTACKS Heard Around The World

Luna Cally
Luna Cally - 7 years ago
Experts say sharks aren't interested in humans but in most of these story's , the shark obviously took more then one bite if the dudes head was cut clear off .
Peter Jessup
Peter Jessup - 7 years ago
TIP Don't swim in FUCKING AUSTRALIA fun tip there's also crocodiles snakes spiders and they are all common there + LOTS of them are deadly
lanie aldabe
lanie aldabe - 7 years ago
Nice I like sharks
Lola Kift
Lola Kift - 7 years ago
like this comment if this video does NOT scare you!!!!! xox
Taylor Bond
Taylor Bond - 7 years ago
I'm not afraid of a shark
Butti Almuhairi
Butti Almuhairi - 7 years ago
I have seen a orange big snake in the water
Luis Huembes
Luis Huembes - 7 years ago
I encountered a cold fish in real life it was the scariest thing of my life I almost died
Kurt Sherrick
Kurt Sherrick - 7 years ago
My Dad was in the Navy during WWll. He served on a destroyer in the Atlantic and on a PT Boat in the Pacific. He was scheduled for the Invasion of Japan and I probably would never existed if not for The Bomb which saved as many or more Japanese as Allied lives. The first conventional bombing of Tokyo killed over 100,000 Japanese mainly because they lived in paper houses. He told me about the Indianapolis after they dropped the two bombs off. Battleships always had Destroyer and Cruisers escorting them until they hauled the bomb and after. McVay stopped defensive manuvers going into a fog bank and still ordered not use radio communications. And for this reason our Navy didn't know the great Battleship was sunk with sailer's in the water. McVay was a survivor and the Governent needed a scape goat for the tragedy they were responsible for. McVay was Court Marshalled not continuing avasive manuvers and wrongly so. The Japanese Submerine Captain testified in McVay's defense testifying that there was nothing McVay could have done to keep him from sinking the Indianapolis. And McVay was still judged Guilty because our Government didn't want to take the responsibility. After McVay's wife died he committed suicide. A few years ago McVay's family fought for him cleared of this outrageous criminal act the Authorities did. And they had it over turned and his Honourable Discharge for this highly decorated Captain. My dad would have wanted me to tell this story and a movie came out a couple of years ago telling McVay's story and I highly recommend for all American loving citizens see the movie and see how our government was responsible for all of these deaths that should have never happened. God bless McVay's family and I thank God his good name has been reinstated.
BhadBhabie - 7 years ago
Stop talking in get to the point DAMN
L2reals Large mouth bass fishing and other fishing
L2reals Large mouth bass fishing and other fishing - 7 years ago
In OC MD me and my sister were on vacation and ate mom was taking a picture of my sister in the water and what she found on the camera was a sand shark swimming behind my sister but she has come out of the water with no bite injuries
L2reals Large mouth bass fishing and other fishing
L2reals Large mouth bass fishing and other fishing - 7 years ago
Are mom excuse my typing
I'm The Law
I'm The Law - 7 years ago
at the age of 6 living in Panama... from memory... on the way to the area my father said the area has sharks and the beach is fenced off and the sharks cant get through, we also could also see the sharks swimming back and forth outside the fenced area if they are present. the fence consisted of a double cyclone mesh steel material.. when we got there we looked for sharks outside the fence to see if any were around.. no such luck.. after swimming for sometime, I kept feeling something brush up against my legs, I looked around and saw no one next to me.. I thought it might have been someone swimming underwater.. this continued for about 10 minutes until my parents said it was time to go.. on the way home about 5 minutes later, over the radio came a report that the swimming area has been shut down, hammerheads had broke through the fencing and attacked some swimmers.. I told my parents about what took place with me, they were shocked and said why didnt i say something.. because i was told sharks couldnt get through the fence and i thought it was someone swimming underwater..
as for afraid.. while in the Coast Guard we would have swim call in the middle of the Pacific, with one guy as a shark look out and armed with an M-16 to shoot sharks if they should arise and pose threat.. sharks dont scare me, its being eaten alive that scares me..
I'm The Law
I'm The Law - 7 years ago
what amazes me, humans think they are at the top of the food chain.
Zel Bristol
Zel Bristol - 7 years ago
Mia Sturgis
Mia Sturgis - 7 years ago
I went to the beach with my friend bit her leg
Kbrooks2006 - 7 years ago
silas Lashley
silas Lashley - 7 years ago
no I have not and I do not want to
Riley Coolest
Riley Coolest - 7 years ago
¿I've been watching shark videos for 30 minutes and one little clip from jaws makes me scared¿
Brock Stockwin
Brock Stockwin - 7 years ago
Brock Stockwin
Brock Stockwin - 7 years ago
Yes a shark omo kill me
Meer Meer
Meer Meer - 7 years ago
I have a pet shark he's big I saved him from a giant squid so I brought him in a tank now he's here he's so cool I'm not lying

50. comment for Top 10 DEADLIEST SHARK ATTACKS Heard Around The World

Rosy - 7 years ago
You should do a video of Robert Foxen
Bernie Chamberlain
Bernie Chamberlain - 7 years ago
as a diver for 34 years i see many sharks and always was asked what is it like ? it like you are in your garden and a tiger is in your garden if it wants food your it
Kairo Blancas
Kairo Blancas - 7 years ago
I'm starting a kill all starks campaign. who's with me?
ERISx Lefteris
ERISx Lefteris - 7 years ago
Lol... shark grabs person in one of many life rafts "(sigh) there goes another one" like would it be traumatic or would they be use to it by then? Lol they be like..." F the sharks I'm hungry"
Ender_Cheetah Gamer
Ender_Cheetah Gamer - 7 years ago
Oh yes let's go see a shark... please I rather stay home in my bed watching this lol
Dweeb Danni
Dweeb Danni - 7 years ago
in Glenelg, Adelaide there is a little 'museum' all about sharks and there is a entire section dedicated to Rodney Fox. When in the Rodney section at around 6 years of age I got really scared and asked my parents something. I don't remember what it was but it had something to do with Rodney dying. As my parents were about to answer an old man from behind me tapped me on the shoulder and as I turned around said "It's ok little girl, I'm alive and well." he said something to my parents and then walked away. On the way home I asked my parents who that was and they said it was Rodney fox! It was an awesome experience even if I can't remember half of it.
Christine Watson
Christine Watson - 7 years ago
ShotAllen21 - 7 years ago
i am not a vegan, but great white sharks are not monsters maybe they just mistaken your a seal or your just in their territory their just protecting theme selves because we humans killed alot of shark
aeornelas - 7 years ago
humans hunt for them
Angelina Jarman
Angelina Jarman - 7 years ago
This video smells fishy...
I wonder why... 7:24
oh that's why
JACKSON BURGER - 7 years ago
I lived to luckily I have a prostetic leg
JACKSON BURGER - 7 years ago
I have
MUHAMMAD AQIL - 7 years ago
several time gona in sea grace of god never face horrible seen like that
Johnny Charlton
Johnny Charlton - 7 years ago
my grand daught is going to be a marinebioligist
Isaac Doohen
Isaac Doohen - 7 years ago
It sounds like nobody knew how to apply a turniqut and that's why they died
Isaac Doohen
Isaac Doohen - 7 years ago
I came close to one.

But my friend had caught it
Matthew Kratz
Matthew Kratz - 7 years ago
Yeah stay out of the water
Michelle Hornsby
Michelle Hornsby - 7 years ago
weirdly vending machines kill more people a year than sharks
Bradley Fletcher
Bradley Fletcher - 7 years ago
yes once I was in the Bahamas and a shark shredded my leg apart to the sound of "Bradley you're breakfast is ready"
Caleb Rhymers
Caleb Rhymers - 7 years ago
The fox one with the video that's just bull shit the video was fake
Robert Swinda
Robert Swinda - 7 years ago
I get pissed it never shows the real footage
Aarmau fan
Aarmau fan - 7 years ago
i don't see horror movies because of the blood and i love sharks but i want to still see what happen to them when i saw photos about that i vomit because of the blood ..
Awesomeness calli
Awesomeness calli - 7 years ago
Vickie Williams
Vickie Williams - 7 years ago
my names lloyd
Lorenzo Guerrero
Lorenzo Guerrero - 7 years ago
yes I have got attack by a shark it was painful I lost my leg
mike talas
mike talas - 7 years ago
How anyone would want to swim in that salty mess I'll never understand. Then when Jaws came out I sure as hell wasn't going to put myself at risk of being eatin alive! Plus how come there was no graphic content like the narrator warned at the begining:(
Martina Vaslovik
Martina Vaslovik - 7 years ago
Why the blurring of the video? I stopped watching it after they did that a couple times.
minecraft twins
minecraft twins - 7 years ago
I been bit by a shark
Aidan Elliott
Aidan Elliott - 7 years ago
Holy crap
Kim Nixon
Kim Nixon - 7 years ago
nope and never will
Cole Hutson
Cole Hutson - 7 years ago
I have caught a bull shark and it bit my finger off
Hero Brine
Hero Brine - 7 years ago
and yes i am afraid of sharks
Hero Brine
Hero Brine - 7 years ago
i am never going to go to the beatch ever in my hole f......g life
Dillon Snowder
Dillon Snowder - 7 years ago
Goddamn click bait
Evelina Magro
Evelina Magro - 7 years ago
sebastianminecraft D
sebastianminecraft D - 7 years ago
Trisha Fisher
Trisha Fisher - 7 years ago
I'm not afraid of sharks
PCOM1 - 7 years ago
I've got a true story for you from when I was a young man (19yrs old) in the Australian Army. While taking part in my very first ocean sailing race in 1974 in a place called Jervis Bay, NSW, Australia our boat (16ft, two man crew) was stalked by a shark which I estimated to be about 13 to 14 feet. It swapped sides a few times but followed us closely for about ten minutes. I could not tell what kind of shark it was but I don't think it was a Great White as it was thinner. The weather was turning bad at that time and I half jokingly said to my crew mate that we must be careful not to capsize while rounding the next marker. We made it around the marker but were hit by another boat soon after and were suddenly upside down and about six feet underwater. Naturally my first thought was to get out of the water. I scrambled up onto the overturned boat but my crew mate was nowhere to be seen. I waited for what seemed like an eternity (probably only about 30 seconds in reality) and then had to make one of those decisions that you question yourself about for the rest of your life. I jumped back into the water to see if I could find him. I looked all around in the water but he was nowhere to be seen. I climbed out and stood up to see if I could get a better view. I went in again but still couldn't see him. I came up the second time under the boat and found him in the air space clinging on but too afraid to yell out. I got him out and together we got the boat back upright and limped back to the marina. When we told our friends we were met with almost complete disbelief and indifference and the odd "bullshit" comment. To this day only he and I know that it happened but I can tell you that it taught me to be extremely careful and respectful in the ocean. Essentially, we are risking our lives every time we set foot in the sea.
Ezequiel Tafoya
Ezequiel Tafoya - 7 years ago
my friend was swallowed by a great white shark and had to cut himself out of its gills
Diana Hintenach
Diana Hintenach - 7 years ago
I have and I'm only 8
Way2 Cringe
Way2 Cringe - 7 years ago
The shark came down on him 2 times"
Headshot Master
Headshot Master - 7 years ago
I once encountered jaws no joke he tried to kill meh luckily I had meh pocket knife I stabbed it in the nose it swam away
Sheila Williams
Sheila Williams - 7 years ago
I'm not scared of sharks
Sheila Williams
Sheila Williams - 7 years ago
never faced a shark
Steve Rowland
Steve Rowland - 7 years ago
iam a shark and a dork just like you bum hole
Little Guinea pigs
Little Guinea pigs - 7 years ago
I saw one shark coming for me i screamed and since I was a good dodger he missed my leg and a boat cam and I grabed onto a rope and got pulled up before I was bit in half
moon power
moon power - 7 years ago
i punched 1 in the face 1ce it was a white tip reef but it came back and ate a bit off my leg my leg is healed now but i didn't go to the ocean for 2 years
Crasher360 - 7 years ago
fist of all sharks are not beasts they just need food to live just like you do so dont blame the shark
Uknown Master
Uknown Master - 7 years ago
i hate sharks
Uknown Master
Uknown Master - 7 years ago
that is very scary

100. comment for Top 10 DEADLIEST SHARK ATTACKS Heard Around The World

Karen Nobles
Karen Nobles - 7 years ago
Emma Nicole
Emma Nicole - 7 years ago
So blurry
oliver dodge
oliver dodge - 7 years ago
a couple years ago me and a couple of mates were swimming in Australia riding waves when a great white shark bit my mate lukes thy luckily fisher men were near so they came and rushed him to this day he still has half a thy
SpiritWolfy - 7 years ago
This doesn't help for my fear of sharks.
Vivian Nadzharyan
Vivian Nadzharyan - 7 years ago
Big deal.. people eat each other all over the EARTH.
CarterHeagleVlogs - 7 years ago
I was boogie boarding and a 7 foot Bull Shark was right under my boogie board
Wolf - 7 years ago
All shark attacks are accidents. They think humans are injured sea mammals. That's all. Thanks. Why am I still here? I don't know. Sorry for wasting the many seconds of your life. :-P
XxX_KuBuŚ _XxX
XxX_KuBuŚ _XxX - 7 years ago
Mohammed Saiyaz
Mohammed Saiyaz - 7 years ago
try finding out about shark attacks that happened in Fiji
you'll be suprised...
Gwava,s hack
Gwava,s hack - 7 years ago
I have
Bob Stevenship
Bob Stevenship - 7 years ago
Robert Wraith
Robert Wraith - 7 years ago
I almost choked on a fish finger once
Lil Plak
Lil Plak - 7 years ago
The most disgusting drinks ever made
monkey vibes
monkey vibes - 7 years ago
I was diving the day Randy was attacked . Not more then 50 yards away and only a little while before him. A very large white (presumably the same that killed him) swam next to and under our dive boat while i was diving. It was said to be as big as our boat which was a 18ft . It passed above me and blocked the sunlight it was so big. RIP Randy
Pedro Rodriguez
Pedro Rodriguez - 7 years ago
I want to know how it feels to get bit by a shark anytipe
ilickfish - 7 years ago
I had a close encounter with a shark before! I was at the Aquarium once. I swear the shark was ready to bounce.
Mélina Tanguay-Duchaine
Mélina Tanguay-Duchaine - 7 years ago
your verry bad
Riley Busby
Riley Busby - 7 years ago
Last week I was surfing in South Carolina & came within a few feet of a massive shark (6-7ft long). First time I've ever had a close call with a shark while surfing!
Spencer Kissack
Spencer Kissack - 7 years ago
"My name is, Mor-gan Free-man..."
-_- -_-
-_- -_- - 7 years ago
So he had sex under
Angela Bock
Angela Bock - 7 years ago
Once I went 5 feet in the water at Jamaica and I was swimming then out of no where it was a 5 foot shark. It scared me so much that I accidentally kicked it and then I ran to the sand. Yes I'm very afraid of sharks!!
Iris Hutcheson
Iris Hutcheson - 7 years ago
what i realy want to know is why do sharks attak?
Pandas are Cuties
Pandas are Cuties - 7 years ago
My mum was swimming and got bit right in the belly but lucky her dad saved her and yes I'm afraid of sharks - 7 years ago
Now I'm scared to death because I'm going swimming at the beach and now this makes me considered and I'm only a kid!
Brittany Bosarge
Brittany Bosarge - 7 years ago
Jumbo Carrot
Jumbo Carrot - 7 years ago
im not afraid i study sharks i got a close up with a blue shark
Ethan Hunt
Ethan Hunt - 7 years ago
I have seen a tiger shark
Ethan Hunt
Ethan Hunt - 7 years ago
and bull shark
The narwhal Squad
The narwhal Squad - 7 years ago
Sharks only attack humans because they think they are seals swimming about in the ocean
Charleston Smith
Charleston Smith - 7 years ago
Lovewolfs Lovelps
Lovewolfs Lovelps - 7 years ago
I have
Michael Darcangelo
Michael Darcangelo - 7 years ago
i have had a nerly death bye a shark
Slime -Master
Slime -Master - 7 years ago
James Wright
James Wright - 7 years ago
you know we are the intruder , the water is their home not ours, who is intruding ? I dive and am very respectfull to the sea. Karma.
L. Ru
L. Ru - 7 years ago
Joanna Zhao
Joanna Zhao - 7 years ago
wow I'm so dead of this video
Martin Mendez
Martin Mendez - 7 years ago
never swimming again
Da'Jah Asbury
Da'Jah Asbury - 7 years ago
Very afraid
Quin Sheridan
Quin Sheridan - 7 years ago
no I have not been in a inconter with a shack
Erin Holohan
Erin Holohan - 7 years ago
Trinity Gamer
Trinity Gamer - 7 years ago
Yeah and my teacher said that almost all sharks are friendly well this is proof that she lied..................diapiontment.......:(
Samera Summer
Samera Summer - 7 years ago
Oh here we go again, biggest reason why Im afraid of the ocean
cernys40 - 7 years ago
i love sharks!!!! I do not like all the people that have been erased, god bless the U.S.A !!!!
stampy cat
stampy cat - 7 years ago
I have and killed it with a sniper
SwordSwerl - 7 years ago
1000th comment
SwordSwerl - 7 years ago
SwordSwerl - 7 years ago
SwordSwerl - 7 years ago
SwordSwerl - 7 years ago
SwordSwerl - 7 years ago
SwordSwerl - 7 years ago
SwordSwerl - 7 years ago
SwordSwerl - 7 years ago
SwordSwerl - 7 years ago
SwordSwerl - 7 years ago
SwordSwerl - 7 years ago
Dylan Parker
Dylan Parker - 7 years ago
Yes I am scared
JJ plays roblox Poke
JJ plays roblox Poke - 7 years ago
if you lived in the old times and you were undrer water you cood die
Quintin Bed
Quintin Bed - 7 years ago
yes in 1972 I was swimming in the Pacific Ocean a tiger shark took of my right arm and my left leg
Erlend Dale
Erlend Dale - 7 years ago
Man we should allow and encourage hunting them. Make the ocean safe for us. In this day and age we don't need mass ecosystems with mass produced fish and farm animals.
the dude
the dude - 7 years ago
Who goes for a swim in the pacific 300 feet deep?,.....i mean really?
Eduardo Partida
Eduardo Partida - 7 years ago
my teacher have been bit by shark
Leandriah Zachry
Leandriah Zachry - 7 years ago
I've seen a sea lion up close but not a shark
Bram Driessens
Bram Driessens - 7 years ago
Wheres the sound?
Wyatt Pickett
Wyatt Pickett - 7 years ago
My name is Jacob I'm using wyatts channel
Wyatt Pickett
Wyatt Pickett - 7 years ago
I rode a shark it was a great white around 20 feet long it just swam
I have danced
I have danced - 7 years ago
A few years ago my daughter went swimming with the seals in port Lincoln, well more like an instructor/tour guide was carrying her as she's only 9 and even though she can swim the water would've been too much for her, a few days later we saw on the news that two killer whales were spotted in the same area attacking a great white, it's not actually something I would have allowed to have let her do personally but my parents took her on holiday with them and I didn't know about the swimming with the seals until they returned from the holiday, I'm glad she enjoyed the seals but I wouldn't be comfortable with her ever doing it again especially at such a young age
Jason Winchester
Jason Winchester - 7 years ago
Have any of you "experts" even caught a shark & i dont mean a Wobbegong or a a Banks Shovel Nose or even a small blackor white tip reef shark (which 4 their size fight very much above their weight) or even a the much maglined grey nurse or sand tiger or ragged tooth shark Ive studdied marine biology and have extensive experience working in the longline tuna industry as well as live coral trout export fisheries to Hong Kong plus extensive work/reserch and hunan kill in excess of120 000 000 sharks of all species generally for shark fin soup Some experts many species to go exticnt by 2050
Alaina Howell
Alaina Howell - 7 years ago
a shark tryed to get me once
Timothy Nisbet Vlogs
Timothy Nisbet Vlogs - 7 years ago
Hey duuude
Minty Misty
Minty Misty - 7 years ago
3:02 Dirty minded shark
LodiTX - 7 years ago
Literally one could argue that Shirley Ann Durdin was attacking the scallops; just as one can say the shark attacked her. The outcome for the scallops would have been the same as hers had the shark not intervened.
Hunter08& Shaun07!!!
Hunter08& Shaun07!!! - 7 years ago
Hendricks ✋
Hunter08& Shaun07!!!
Hunter08& Shaun07!!! - 7 years ago
Killer Wolf Gaming
Killer Wolf Gaming - 7 years ago
i got bit from a great in the foot
Miss Not Of This World
Miss Not Of This World - 7 years ago
My Motto is: If you don't want to get attacked or eaten by a Shark STAY OUT OF THE DAMN WATERS!
Richard Buckner
Richard Buckner - 7 years ago
Well when you go into their home, you might get bit or ate.
Muhammad Jayadi
Muhammad Jayadi - 7 years ago
I just find finding dory l0l
nathan clark
nathan clark - 7 years ago
Just had a large 2.5 ft shark fin 15-20 ft. in front of me at Ventura pt. ,Ca on 5-13-2017. Assuming it was a whitey since there has been many sightings recently. I was in about 5 ft. of water and I immediately paddled rapidly for shore
British gamer 4506
British gamer 4506 - 7 years ago
Yes I petted it and it swiped away
Old Country
Old Country - 7 years ago
No graphic content. No original footage of attacks. Sensationalized title is sad baiting that wastes people's time, but racks of views.
weakzard - 7 years ago
the hell's with that thumbnail...
Taylan Cetin The Arab
Taylan Cetin The Arab - 7 years ago
I swam with sharks once with no cage, but they were pretty chill
Marsalkka Mannerheim
Marsalkka Mannerheim - 7 years ago
Great. Now I'll never swim again
Kitten Gamer_MC
Kitten Gamer_MC - 7 years ago
Why do sharks have to be so cute but deadly
Canucker Eh!
Canucker Eh! - 7 years ago
This is a sensationalized video. Sharks are integral to the overall health of the oceans and subsequently our earth. Why the hell would you swim in waters inhabited by by sharks? It is their domain, not ours. They kill an average of 5 humans per year, usually from an investigatory bite not from eating them. The problem is that the bite is so severe it causes death. We slaughter them by the millions. People should realize that when we kill sharks (apex predators) in such huge numbers it causes the fish they prey on to grow in numbers unchecked. These prey fish subsist on krill and when they grow in number they obviously consume much more krill. This decimation of krill then has a direct negative impact on the oxygen the oceans produce. This is a simplified explanation but one that reinforces how we humans manage to upset the balance of nature once again. We share this earth with other creatures. We should try to coexist with them even if we cannot even do that amongst ourselves.
Jojotastic - 7 years ago
if a shark attacks me and i somehow manage to survive,you can bet your ass that im coming back to turn that bitch into sushi.
Queen Lyal
Queen Lyal - 7 years ago
I have been attached by a bull shark 2years ago but my friends died
Nick Armstrong
Nick Armstrong - 7 years ago
I'm all for a empathy toward animals and sometimes i hate some humans but it's fucked that some of the people in the comment section are saying that those people got what they deserved for us killing milions of sharks daily. You actually feel empathy toward a SHARK? not a dog or a bunny or even a chicken but an actual man eating shark?
Before you start insulting me for thinking that sharks are evil and do not eat humans , i know that and i know that you have better chance being eating by your own dog than a shark but i would NEVER feel bad for a shark. If those sharks are anywhere near you then those things would tear you or your kids to shreds if they were hungry enough or curious enough.
Patricia Devos
Patricia Devos - 7 years ago
Do a video about piranha's please
Danelia Magallon
Danelia Magallon - 7 years ago
Bad video
Joselin Carrion
Joselin Carrion - 7 years ago
no I'm not that stupid
mini ronaldo
mini ronaldo - 7 years ago
I am 29
mini ronaldo
mini ronaldo - 7 years ago
yes I have
Will West
Will West - 7 years ago
sharks really love legs...don't they
Night Ninja
Night Ninja - 7 years ago
RECLAIMER - 7 years ago
Honestly you can't blame animals like seriously...they're fuckin ANIMALS
Lily Barbier
Lily Barbier - 7 years ago
address natural chef pc wife exploration feel lady buy.
Olivia Hvamstad
Olivia Hvamstad - 7 years ago
Olivia Hvamstad
Olivia Hvamstad - 7 years ago
VictorPlayz Playz
VictorPlayz Playz - 7 years ago
Î wish i killed every shark an the world.
Savage Monst3r 101
Savage Monst3r 101 - 7 years ago
People should be saving sharks, they only kill 5 people each year, and we kill 100m sharks per year, we should be saving them not killing them for gross soup, Chinese people ( I'm not racist)
Pigzilla - 7 years ago
Since there are about 15 fatalities from sharks every year, we'll stick to the more popular ones. (More than 3/4 of them are fatalities)
Gracietime - 7 years ago
I did today with my big sister ripped her cav right off but the good news she's at the hospital
Jalisa Mcneill
Jalisa Mcneill - 7 years ago
Oh wow ow that just hurt like heck
Juan Rodriguez
Juan Rodriguez - 7 years ago
I'm never going to the ocean
no name
no name - 7 years ago
almost all of the comments saying they came face to face with a great white shark and it took their limb(s) off sounds fake af.
LOGANG 4LIFE - 7 years ago
i havee
gabriel games J8
gabriel games J8 - 7 years ago
in portugal my grandma saw a shark in 1986
DEEZ NUTS - 7 years ago
Cutlip not cutlit
DEEZ NUTS - 7 years ago
Your right Brandon cutlit
Flawless prim
Flawless prim - 7 years ago
I met a shark once when we're jet skiing.. it couldn't keep up with us..
Min Yoongi
Min Yoongi - 7 years ago
I have never experience anything about sharks, but I do believe the people who tell that they're bitten by it, come on.. Lets say you've been bitten but no one believes you, it sucks you know, I found someone that commented about he or she got bitten but there's one that particular person who doesn't believe it, what if its true? One keep on asking for proof, if she or he gives you a picture of their injuries, what are you gonna do, kneel infront them and apologize?? Keep your thoughts to yourself okay haters, you've never experienced it, so do I, but its not funny to tell people that they are liars if you never meet them.. Its not cool okay, not cool..
Emily Conrad
Emily Conrad - 7 years ago
I love sharks
Name Tags
Name Tags - 7 years ago
its so scary
Lupe Hentges
Lupe Hentges - 7 years ago
a shark bit off my legs
CHARLAE BUTLER - 7 years ago
Yes I been face to face with a shark before
Grace Roberts
Grace Roberts - 7 years ago
I like the thumbnail. Human extinction could make the Earth a much better place and dinosaurs could finally exist again, along with Loch Ness, Yeti, Sasquatch, and maybe even Paranormal Activity
Kawii Chan
Kawii Chan - 7 years ago
I hope they are ok i meant the people not the animals
Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez - 7 years ago
Jaws is because I would never set foot in the ocean
Woman nthemoon
Woman nthemoon - 7 years ago
I am smart the only water I get in is the bathtub.
chengstax - 7 years ago
damn i came here to become a vegetarian, this video sucked.
Ovalle Bass Fishing
Ovalle Bass Fishing - 7 years ago
That thumb nail... Click bait
Shadow Gaming
Shadow Gaming - 7 years ago
Golden DaBoss
Golden DaBoss - 7 years ago
This is why I stick to hungry shark which is a game if h didn't know
I like Chickens
I like Chickens - 7 years ago
i have been in the water with a bull shark
I like Chickens
I like Chickens - 7 years ago
i have been in the water with a bull shark
I like Chickens
I like Chickens - 7 years ago
i have been in the water with a bull shark
Rachel Porter
Rachel Porter - 7 years ago
methuselah valenzuela
methuselah valenzuela - 7 years ago
yes Top10Archive
craig howard
craig howard - 7 years ago
nope because I won't go somewhere I'm at the bottom of the food chain!
FUZBEEZ - 7 years ago
sharks are awesome but i hate all the comments on little things like the thumbnail or a sentence he said, if you dont like the video, dont watch it
Emma andersen
Emma andersen - 7 years ago
i hate sharks
Young Vlogs
Young Vlogs - 7 years ago
Yes I have
*Softball Plays*
*Softball Plays* - 7 years ago
I'm scared of the ocean
G K - 7 years ago
your camera is out of focus you pathetic imbaSEAL
Unknown User
Unknown User - 7 years ago
when i was 6 i didn't know but a swam with a baby reef shark in the great barier reef
Jenana - 7 years ago
His leg* He lost his other leg
Emil Manasyan
Emil Manasyan - 7 years ago
Eastoria Darley
Eastoria Darley - 7 years ago
that was cool
Kathryn Hersh
Kathryn Hersh - 7 years ago
I've never seen a shark, but here's a tip to avoid getting attacked, you can either punch it in its nose or stab its eyes
6771Randy - 7 years ago
I don't swim in the ocean or any rivers that sharks may live in after watching Jaws. I would rather drown than be shark food.
Dietrich pascalin
Dietrich pascalin - 7 years ago
Good shark is shese house plesae peace for shark bastard human devil :-)
Karim Bouzid
Karim Bouzid - 7 years ago
nearly died
Michelle Deemer
Michelle Deemer - 7 years ago
never seen one
johnny thuglifer
johnny thuglifer - 7 years ago
no more heartattacks,right!
Adrena Moore
Adrena Moore - 7 years ago
when I was 9 I was bitten by a shark at myrtle beach I'm 12 now.I was bitten on my leg but I still have my leg. all I can remember was I was playing with my brother and he gasp and grabbed me and started swimming to shore and I had no clue what was happening so I looked back and the sharked grabbed my leg and pulled me under.when I came up I seen blood and I seen a fin and my brother grabbed me and picked me up and took me to shore I was rushed to the hospital and got 89 stitches
Ana Palma
Ana Palma - 7 years ago
How do you now this
Brenda Johnson
Brenda Johnson - 8 years ago
Tina Tina
Tina Tina - 8 years ago
i was bitten by one and im afraid of them
Builderboss 1968
Builderboss 1968 - 8 years ago
Shark always go for your lag first
Exuberant Pineapple
Exuberant Pineapple - 8 years ago
Kimberlee Middleton
Kimberlee Middleton - 8 years ago
no i have never came accost a shark and i don't plain to
Isiah Wheaton
Isiah Wheaton - 8 years ago
i have been biten and im only 8 years old
Miguel Martinez
Miguel Martinez - 8 years ago
i am afraid of sharks
King Savage
King Savage - 8 years ago
A shark nirly bit my leg of I hate those little things
i love sharks but in live no way
Marlene Diliddo
Marlene Diliddo - 8 years ago
your a retard
Marlene Diliddo
Marlene Diliddo - 8 years ago
This retarted thing is so blurry
Terry McClain
Terry McClain - 8 years ago
I am my sister hate this shark video because it's not even funny I hate this so much
Natalie W
Natalie W - 8 years ago
0:30 why does the mouth look like that it's gross
moises killer for days
moises killer for days - 8 years ago
my fhater was a swimer and he saw a shark and the shark whent by him and never killed him or injured him! also it was a White shark!
Brad Hunt
Brad Hunt - 8 years ago
annika kaister
annika kaister - 8 years ago
could you please refrain from putting sharks in such a bad light, they rarely attack humans and at the same time we kill millions of sharks every year. calling them beasts and monsters isn't fair, since they need food too, to survive.
jackal's channel
jackal's channel - 8 years ago
a shark almost ripped me in half but I survived but I have a huge scar on my stomach
Ava Reynolds
Ava Reynolds - 8 years ago
Yeah I've had a near death experience with a shark before I got really close to a shark tank at sea world and this shark kept swimming in place staring at me JK .
Conee Richardson
Conee Richardson - 8 years ago
hell yeah
Rismary A
Rismary A - 8 years ago
I hate sharks and if you see a shark stay still places I don't want people getting hurt
Andrews Random
Andrews Random - 8 years ago
my uncle killed a great white
claire A
claire A - 8 years ago
I am super afraid of sharks. if i ever had a close encounter with a shark, i would die from a heart attack before the shark could hurt me.
Даша Маланичев
Даша Маланичев - 8 years ago
Roberto Gomez
Roberto Gomez - 8 years ago
I hope nobody dies from sharks
Captain Nemo
Captain Nemo - 8 years ago
Sharks really like legs........
Roberto Gomez
Roberto Gomez - 8 years ago
R.I.P to all who lost their lives.
Enderrs - 8 years ago
sometimes I massage my pet horse
Pat Conroy
Pat Conroy - 8 years ago
i was on a bo at before & luckly a 200 seater rescue hellicopter pick ed us up & we got away p.s just messing
PandaDesiggnerr - 8 years ago
Yes It was a freaking baby shark me and my husband was fighting it When that was done I Was hoping no big white mama shark come because I Would be dead.
LOGANG 4LIFE - 8 years ago
i have
ThatBastardFromIreland Hehe
ThatBastardFromIreland Hehe - 8 years ago
I have....... I yelled then said cool! Oh ok.....
precision Brown
precision Brown - 8 years ago
It's creepy the way their eyes roll back
Aiden Sainez
Aiden Sainez - 8 years ago
I touch the shark before too.
Aiden Sainez
Aiden Sainez - 8 years ago
that was cool video I've actually touched a shark before but it didn't bite me and I'm obsessed with sharks so yeah and I think I spelled obsessed wrong because I'm using the voice thing okay bye.
Aiden Sainez
Aiden Sainez - 8 years ago
hi guys that was cool I really liked your video but you know what I've actually touched a shark before too but it didn't bite me.
nepafu666 - 8 years ago
Clickbait....rambling reading of news articles complete with unrelated and sometimes blurry shark footage....typical YouTube dammit :(
susie klassen
susie klassen - 8 years ago
it is so creepy o would so scream wouldent you
Little Bumble Bee Girl
Little Bumble Bee Girl - 8 years ago
In ever have and I don't want to cause I'm not getting eating alive by any type of shark
AHood2008 - 8 years ago
Sarah Plays
Sarah Plays - 8 years ago
Sabrina Vella
Sabrina Vella - 8 years ago
my grandpa got bit by a reef shark
Mohammed Eldaw
Mohammed Eldaw - 8 years ago
i feel sad for these marines waiting such horrible death is worst than death
Brandi Lytle
Brandi Lytle - 8 years ago
No but i`m gaid
john garin
john garin - 8 years ago
Western Australia's SW coastline has less 7+ metre White Pointers visiting the southern coasts of the Bight since whaling was stopped . From Victor Harbour SA to Albany WA, less stories of cruising, inquisitive monsters have been heard for more than 40 years when a docile 8m 'Big Fred' dwarfed recreational fishing boats close to shore, Glenelg outlet in the middle of Adelaide beaches. That was last monster anecdotal until the millennium & a similar story, but of an aggressive 7+ metre, W.P. around Esperance WA . Since then we've had many more than usual attacks on central East coast , with brutal & fatal south WA attacks, even North up around Perth itself. .
In NZ, the kiwi's have had more lately, perhaps because there are more people in the water these days , or, the rapid reduction of the food chain, less little fish chased by big fish hunted by sea lions seals & other predators, who, along with massive mammals, become food for 4-6 metre sharks throughout southern ocean.
Abbey Mullis
Abbey Mullis - 8 years ago
I have been up close to a shark
Anne Steen-Tierney
Anne Steen-Tierney - 8 years ago
Each great white shark is jaws OK? I am terrified of sharks that's why only go to the pool
Xx_CloudsIn Space_xX
Xx_CloudsIn Space_xX - 8 years ago
Swimming pool is my best friend now..
Henry waltham
Henry waltham - 8 years ago
G and G sisters
G and G sisters - 8 years ago
yes actually
ashley valderaz
ashley valderaz - 8 years ago
Lacey Youngbear
Lacey Youngbear - 8 years ago
I. have. seen. a. shark
Madelyn McCarthy
Madelyn McCarthy - 8 years ago
i had a close encounter with bit my arm off. but i survived.
Emilse Matinez
Emilse Matinez - 8 years ago
.fxvbwjjwiooo267iijcjkj bnkkooii
rick selden
rick selden - 8 years ago
Yes I am and kangaroos
Guadalupe Carrizo
Guadalupe Carrizo - 8 years ago
oh my god
ChessArmyCommander - 8 years ago
I was attacked by a twelve foot tiger shark.  It didn't go well for the shark. I whipped out my Rambo knife and split the shark open. Then I pulled it to the beach and carved it up.  We had shark fin soup that night,  and enough meat to last at least a month or two.
X1X Riptide
X1X Riptide - 8 years ago
I think I might be a tad bit paranoid :/
X1X Riptide
X1X Riptide - 8 years ago
Ok this got me thinking...WHY THE HELL DO PEOPLE GO SWIMMING WITHOUT A FUCKING WEAPON(a small knife or a combat knife)really tho think about it no weapon=you have to wait for the shark to let you go...but a weapon=you FORCE THE SHARK to let you go and if u r lucky u might even have killed the DAME THING!!!!!!!!!!
Enoch David
Enoch David - 8 years ago
Jeremy  Lang
Jeremy Lang - 8 years ago
Jordan George
Jordan George - 8 years ago
Alana Groening
Alana Groening - 8 years ago
MAXYBOY maxMADDAN - 8 years ago
where is the graphic content
Jake paul
Jake paul - 8 years ago
Mitchell Bath
Mitchell Bath - 8 years ago
Darrin Edwards
Darrin Edwards - 8 years ago
Marley robertson
Marley robertson - 8 years ago
Yes I Was Nudged While Swimming in the Gulf Off Florida Coast Line.. I was in about 10 feet of water and thought i noticed something Below however never really known till a friend on beach seen the fin, Yelling shark, i though he was joking till i caught a wave and Seen the Monster. I Swam as fast as i could to exit the water, the shark was a black tip and we watched as it circled the area before returning to the open ocean.. Ive Lived in florida for nearly 15 years and have Never Been Back in the water, if i do its to walk ankle deep only..
Mariana Rath
Mariana Rath - 8 years ago
This is terrible! I can wonder your fear at time, but please, try slowly win this fear, it's a real challenge, but I am sure u can do it.
Dorcas Stein
Dorcas Stein - 8 years ago
Yeah I'm not afraid of them cause where I live there's no sharks but if I lived where there where sharks I'll be scared
misaki kun
misaki kun - 8 years ago
I heard if you swim at night time in open ocean you will meet , a shark or a mermaid. No cage however , you have to play it fair
Kayla Wallette
Kayla Wallette - 8 years ago
I've come face to face with a shark in bora bora Tahiti and I swam in the ocean with sharks and stingrays and nothing happened I wasn't scared and sharks and stuff are friendly
Azaelia Felton
Azaelia Felton - 8 years ago
no but I am afraid of sharks
Mel Toretto
Mel Toretto - 8 years ago
Animals Need More Love and compassion....                                                                EARTHLINGS --- Documentary
animal lover95
animal lover95 - 8 years ago
I have seen many skeletons but none real
Osvaldino Miranda
Osvaldino Miranda - 8 years ago
Quero filme em português
Ano Nymous
Ano Nymous - 8 years ago
Your tone is like you're reading the news about a kids' spelling bee. You're talking about violent terrifying death. Be somber.
Jamie Lorber
Jamie Lorber - 8 years ago
lost the leftft side of my left hand to. a 3 meter bulll shark in holden beach nc i 4 feet o f water
i saw it clearly coming. i picked up my 5 year old daughter and shouldered her . i pushed it away losing halfl my hand. hurt like hell but it only bit it only bit once. didndnt get my lil girl thank god. it knocked us under. j screamed for her and she popped up. back on my back and to the beaches i can livevwith 7 fingers and an intact daby everybday she says you woundt let him get dad. isaid no and god would'nt either. love you baby
Noemu Tomori
Noemu Tomori - 8 years ago
ez nagyon ijeszto
Loban Woelfel
Loban Woelfel - 8 years ago
all shark bites are deadly
Unique Smith
Unique Smith - 8 years ago
No I haven't and yes I am a little bit scard
Yuna Choi
Yuna Choi - 8 years ago
Charlotte Massey
Charlotte Massey - 8 years ago
who is watching this in 2017
Rocken rosy Iol
Rocken rosy Iol - 8 years ago
Well I think they did not tell the full truth
terry kennedy
terry kennedy - 8 years ago
Stupid and "no attacks!"
Retia Fryer
Retia Fryer - 8 years ago
hey man on my last day on the beach their was a shark attack.
Shnaidyne Royal
Shnaidyne Royal - 8 years ago
never going to the beach again
Jacob Mckeown
Jacob Mckeown - 8 years ago
Me and my dad got chased bye a bull shark
serenity williams
serenity williams - 8 years ago
nope no sharks
ever im reporting this video it shows violence to my kids and my profile picture is a picture of my youngest daughter who isnow haunted forever she doesn't want to leave her room except forfood so please help my daughter plz because of u no more like this or be reported
Youngg Thugg
Youngg Thugg - 8 years ago
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 8 years ago
I was in Queensland with cousins on a beach their we were playing with his toy cars. I let go of one of the cars, as soon as I let go the life guards said to the people on the beach " get out their is a shark around" so every one got out of the water. So their went the car. I also remember seeing speed boats around the shark. P.S no one got hurt P.S.S this was years ago
Kings of Destruction
Kings of Destruction - 8 years ago
no because I swimm in the pool so
nikker gt
nikker gt - 8 years ago
xzaveon curinton
xzaveon curinton - 8 years ago
xzaveon curinton
xzaveon curinton - 8 years ago
Powerranger 101
Powerranger 101 - 8 years ago
Yes I am
vanessa barrie
vanessa barrie - 8 years ago
THEY DO NOT LIKE TO HURTB PPL ON PERPOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trinity Caitlin7
Trinity Caitlin7 - 8 years ago
This vid is too blurry!!!!!!!
DisneyGrrrl - 8 years ago
No real footage from attacks, no wounds so no reason to warn of graphic content. Boring, don't bother.
Tenia Greer
Tenia Greer - 8 years ago
Jane Watson
Jane Watson - 8 years ago
serenity williams
serenity williams - 8 years ago
Jane Watson reallyu are ugly
Jane Watson
Jane Watson - 8 years ago
That's why it's in my channel name lol
Cullen Organ
Cullen Organ - 8 years ago
fuck u
Andrea The Neko
Andrea The Neko - 8 years ago
One day I went swimming with my friend and we saw a shark. But the shark didn't came at us, and guess what? We let the shark! The shark didn't do anything and then me and me and my friend left
Andrea The Neko
Andrea The Neko - 8 years ago
Oops I got some mistakes sorry eh
Kayla McCovery
Kayla McCovery - 8 years ago
i did that
AmazingThea - 8 years ago
sharks are my biggest fear i hate them they are scary i never swim ate seas or ocean in the ocean if i swam i would like instantly die even if there is no shark
kr87 - 8 years ago
I hate how people make such a big deal out of shark attacks. There's a higher risk of getting killed by a horse than a shark, and that comes from a horse lover. No matter where you are, and what animal you are dealing with, there is always a risk of you getting hurt. In your home it could be your pets, on the farm it could be your livestock, in the wild a preditor and it doesn't matter if it's on land or in the sea.
Justine F
Justine F - 8 years ago
fuck you bicth
JRskating - 8 years ago
That shark in the painting looks a bit retarded
Adriana Stobie
Adriana Stobie - 8 years ago
It wasn't graphic at all......
Malena Castro
Malena Castro - 8 years ago
my uncle got warmed to from a great white 5 months ago
Sasha Parker
Sasha Parker - 8 years ago
I came face to face with a shark I am 10 it took 1arm 1leg
Liam James
Liam James - 8 years ago
misty girl I almost got my leg ripped off
Sasha Parker
Sasha Parker - 8 years ago
Cute doggy Thx
Emma Parker
Emma Parker - 8 years ago
misty girl sorry
Ryan Brayton
Ryan Brayton - 8 years ago
is anybody else watching this in 2017
ryan carruthers
ryan carruthers - 8 years ago
I almost died by a shark I'm only 10 I rushed to the shour and got a knife from my packlunch box and poked it two eyes out
Jill Ekstrom
Jill Ekstrom - 8 years ago
I have
chemicalBR0 - 8 years ago
how can there be a top 10 deadly anything~?

if something kills you it was deadly, end of story

something can't be better at being deadly than another thing thats deadly.... if it kills you they are all equally as good at being deadly :)
No Name
No Name - 8 years ago
and ppl say sharks are peaceful
Verónica Darrell
Verónica Darrell - 8 years ago
they're animals, what do you expect? they're hungry or curious...
humans woldn't be at their habitat or home BTW...
ashton young
ashton young - 8 years ago
I have aa poster of the first one
Emt - 8 years ago
I smashed the hate button with my head
Brown Melanie
Brown Melanie - 8 years ago
I got bit bye a shark in the leg
Alberto Farfan
Alberto Farfan - 8 years ago
Tam Kinnear-Swift
Tam Kinnear-Swift - 8 years ago
thanks for fucking my eyes up with your predominantly out of focus footage
Samuel Manoa
Samuel Manoa - 8 years ago
dawn Daniel
Cynthia Castaneda
Cynthia Castaneda - 8 years ago
Michael Wave
Michael Wave - 8 years ago
Hyung Von
Hyung Von - 8 years ago
Oh I've been bit by a shark 10 times already not a single body part lost apart from my left arm :(
123 - 8 years ago
OK that is dedly
Walker Lamock
Walker Lamock - 8 years ago
Brook Watson died 1736 attract by shark 13 years later...
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf - 8 years ago
I came face to face with a baby shark
Emmanuel Mejia
Emmanuel Mejia - 8 years ago
I hate humans. We should kill each other off oh wait we are
Jill Arntz
Jill Arntz - 8 years ago
Do the top 10 worst gymnastics injuries
Saint Row
Saint Row - 8 years ago
widely known they dont hunt humans to attack but its that case when it comes to great whites
Dank Harambe
Dank Harambe - 8 years ago
Shit...just make them into sharkfin soup...
Kyle on youtube
Kyle on youtube - 8 years ago
Deadly deadly
Antonio Calderon
Antonio Calderon - 8 years ago
got a shark attack
Antonio Calderon
Antonio Calderon - 8 years ago
I have
Riki Writes
Riki Writes - 8 years ago
is it just me or does it seem like sharks dont like men???
Sabina Galves
Sabina Galves - 8 years ago
what is it with sharks and the legs do sharks have a leg feddish
Mathus Sharkbrine TeeVee
Mathus Sharkbrine TeeVee - 8 years ago
I subscribed
the video was great
erudite60 - 8 years ago
Did I miss the graphic bits??!
Natasha Pattison
Natasha Pattison - 8 years ago
cool mom nick
cool mom nick - 8 years ago
cool mom nick
cool mom nick - 8 years ago
Wilson I. Haresfoot
Wilson I. Haresfoot - 8 years ago
See, this is why I hate sharks
Grant Grieser
Grant Grieser - 8 years ago
i know rodney fox
Braylon Vlogz
Braylon Vlogz - 8 years ago
Mycroft Holmes
Mycroft Holmes - 8 years ago
I've been given that inital cruise by nudge. I knew what it was straight away due to the sandpaper feel of shark skin. I practically aqua-planed out of that water. It was a stunning unpatrolled beach, hence no help around if I got into trouble. It took me over a year to get back in the water at a patrolled beach. I was totally paranoid and hypervigilant. I didn't enjoy it. Suppose it was around five years before I could go in and not be freaking out.
Rektage - 8 years ago
Dienasaur kills
Rektage - 8 years ago
MandY - 8 years ago
Brad gamer Blogger Tuber Literally!
Brad gamer Blogger Tuber Literally! - 8 years ago
I saw a great white at Sea world Florida.
Alejandra Camacho
Alejandra Camacho - 8 years ago
that's stupid I thought they would shoe better shark bites I liked shark but I stoped liking them after I saw The Shallows. i recommend u to watch that movie
Joy Hero
Joy Hero - 8 years ago
None of my family members have ever had a shark atack
samet aslan
samet aslan - 8 years ago
Türk varmı
Τάσος kou
Τάσος kou - 8 years ago
what you show us ?nothing , only history with names,stupit
Gavin Davis
Gavin Davis - 8 years ago
O me
Nina Egge Daborn
Nina Egge Daborn - 8 years ago
I have
Skippy P
Skippy P - 8 years ago
Jessica Collins
Jessica Collins - 8 years ago
I came face to face with a great white shark but it did not get me and I'm a kid that's my moms picture
Jessica Collins
Jessica Collins - 8 years ago
I came face to face with a great white shark but it did not get me and I'm a kid that's my moms picture
ayanna harris
ayanna harris - 8 years ago
I hate sharks but sometimes there kinda cool
ayanna harris
ayanna harris - 8 years ago
Seriously this is cool
Carolines Diys/adventures
Carolines Diys/adventures - 8 years ago
I hate sharks
Nic Chavez
Nic Chavez - 8 years ago
David Hunter
i respect sharks but well since they took my lil bro im not sure anymore...
David Hunter
David Hunter - 8 years ago
George Levert Leave sharks alone please.
Carolines Diys/adventures
Carolines Diys/adventures - 8 years ago
crazy gal:3 why
nevaeh juliano
nevaeh juliano - 8 years ago
George Levert I love them
TheAmazingDerp Jr.
TheAmazingDerp Jr. - 8 years ago
I remember being in a river in a kiyak. I am PETRIFIED of sharks, especially of bull sharks and great white sharks, but,I know bull sharks have been found in rivers, and I know this was probably a halucionation, but I swear I looked in the water and I saw a bull shark under me, and I flipped out!!! I almost blew my whistle!!
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch - 8 years ago
WARNING: Absolutely no graphic content.
the wanky bank
the wanky bank - 8 years ago
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch right
Vaughn Holliday
Vaughn Holliday - 8 years ago
Pamela your right
Pamela Lester
Pamela Lester - 8 years ago
we are in there home so if they don't like it they let us know real fast.
Battle droid commander 118
Battle droid commander 118 - 8 years ago
I am so interested in sharks, but I have not had an attack by one
Angel Jaurides
Angel Jaurides - 8 years ago
very gory thumbnail that gives me the creeps
Jennifer Canepa
Jennifer Canepa - 8 years ago
They should have put Bethany Hamilton, she had a really bad one.
Regine Velasquez
Regine Velasquez - 8 years ago
mga ulol kayo..
ana kikic
ana kikic - 8 years ago
mislim gledam i neverujrm
ana kikic
ana kikic - 8 years ago
viste ludi ako hocetr da vas mordki pas pojede slobodno
Arnaldo Santiago
Arnaldo Santiago - 8 years ago
I never go in the ocean . Nope Never
Yoshika - 8 years ago
Arnaldo Santiago Mee too.:-P
Nia Katoa
Nia Katoa - 8 years ago
i am scared after i whached this vido
Adrianna Renee
Adrianna Renee - 8 years ago
I dont like how these people died but this video gives you how its not safe to go in the oceon so im giving it a thumbs up :)
Ezzaki Rayane
Ezzaki Rayane - 8 years ago
هذا مخيف
unclealand - 8 years ago
My, what an uplifting video.
Ashley Marie
Ashley Marie - 7 years ago
mia skivington
Jamie McIntyre
Jamie McIntyre - 8 years ago
Liam James omg
Jane West
Jane West - 8 years ago
Liam James

for realz???
Liam James
Liam James - 8 years ago
Top10Archive I almost got eaten by a great white shark I got on my boat before it ripped my leg off
NIHAR RANJAN DALAI - 8 years ago
Top 10 Archive
Top 10 Archive - 8 years ago
+David Brown Bah-dah tishhhh!!
Fi Fi  Wood
Fi Fi Wood - 8 years ago
mia skivington aa
Fi Fi  Wood
Fi Fi Wood - 8 years ago
Craiga Jacques
Craiga Jacques - 8 years ago
mia skivgo f yoursefeington
Samuel Manoa
Samuel Manoa - 8 years ago
Laura Hernandez
Laura Hernandez
Laura Hernandez - 8 years ago
Aiminath Shalini
Fedaye Arman
Fedaye Arman - 8 years ago
Aiminath Shalini
Aiminath Shalini - 8 years ago
David Brown
David Brown - 8 years ago
I enjoyed bits and pieces of it, but overall it was nothing I could sink my teeth into.
Top 10 Archive
Top 10 Archive - 8 years ago
We tried :p
Rosa Reyes
Rosa Reyes - 8 years ago
I saw a movie or document about the last one
Rich McCormack
Rich McCormack - 8 years ago
That thumbnail looks more like a propeller injury, not a shark bite.
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch - 8 years ago
I was thinking same thing... full res image here: I googled the image and failed to find anything about it not shark related.
Bull Lea
Bull Lea - 8 years ago
I used to wrestle with great white sharks ... but then I took a arrow in my knee ...
MK9 Scorpion101 _
MK9 Scorpion101 _ - 8 years ago
Hey you just got the "then I took an arrow to the knee" from *Skyrim "I used to be an adventurer then I took an arrow to the knee" #StopUseingRefrences to lie
Austin Braden
Austin Braden - 8 years ago
Once I went on a trip with my family to California and we went swimming in a beach THEN out of NOWHERE a bull shark is swimming towards us I did no thinking but I punched him in the face and we managed to get away but that was VERY scary I'm lucky to be alive
foe 8934422077 wilder
foe 8934422077 wilder - 8 years ago
Luminous Lily
Luminous Lily - 8 years ago
YaGirlPai - 8 years ago
2:36 now you got me working side to side ;)
shawnte Pitts
shawnte Pitts - 8 years ago
That's right grandson
Water Child
Water Child - 8 years ago
The narrator and producer of this video is a fucktard of monstrous proportion. It is because of idiots like this that people have an unnatural and unsubstantiated fear of sharks. Also, while discussing the viciousness of shark attacks this in-bred moron shows a shot of the whale shark at 8:26 minutes. Just for information purposes you fuckwit, whale sharks eat plankton – do us all a favour and go get eaten by a shark.
Shayna Tenor
Shayna Tenor - 8 years ago
Margie Berry
Margie Berry - 8 years ago
why would u swim in the ocean anywhere anyway
alex sunderman
alex sunderman - 8 years ago
i live in floiada and i have a plastetic arm from a shark
Craze AndreasRF
Craze AndreasRF - 8 years ago
this is why im scared of sharks and going 2 the beach like those sharks are some beach bitches
Austyn Lee
Austyn Lee - 8 years ago
I don't know if this counts but I got bit bye a baby tiger shark in the leg
Steve C
Steve C - 8 years ago
Why is it so hard for people to just stay our of the ocean? we got swimming pools, we got lakes and yet they want to go into a place where this may happen.
The narwhal Squad
The narwhal Squad - 7 years ago
Steve C sharks can live in lakes as well
William Laspina
William Laspina - 7 years ago
Steve C bull sharks can go in fresh water so u could have one in your pool in their in rivers
Ashley Marie
Ashley Marie - 7 years ago
Steve C That's the beauty of nature
Kayliexx - 8 years ago
What's wrong with being in the ocean? I mean yea sharks can attack but still. You can go in your pool everyday and plus some people don't even have pools.
Liam James
Liam James - 8 years ago
Steve C because the ocean is beautiful
Ивелин Иванов
Ивелин Иванов - 8 years ago
край бейби
Jimma D
Jimma D - 8 years ago
Hey how about you go lock yourself in a cubicle and never come out. That way you will never have to do anything you enjoy and you can be safe from the unpredictable dangers lurking in the world we live in :)
Nic Chavez
Nic Chavez - 8 years ago
Steve C
have you heard of a bull shark?
Christopher Mcgee
Christopher Mcgee - 8 years ago
Steve C
Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson - 8 years ago
I understand what you are saying, but to progress research, they need to look in the ocean for these species. Adding on to this, many people like to surf, and you can not get the waves needed in lakes or pools. Lastly, some people grew up there and it might just be how they relax.

PS- Sharks don't attack on purpose, they are curious.
Haylen Taylor
Haylen Taylor - 8 years ago
When I saw thumbnail:

Emma Parker
Emma Parker - 8 years ago
I have came face to face with a shark and I'm 10 it happened 3 months ago it took 1 arm
Theyyylovee  Sky
Theyyylovee Sky - 7 years ago
Im sooooooo sorry
The Hitman
The Hitman - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss and don't swim again in a shark infested areas
Luke Kraschitzer
Luke Kraschitzer - 7 years ago
DogeMS come on!Shes only 10 at least use a substitute for that word please
CubeTV - 7 years ago
Emma Parker I never got atacked by a shark.... AND IM AS HAPY AS FUCK!!!
Liam James
Liam James - 8 years ago
Cute doggy sorry I almost got my leg ripped off by a great white I felt as if it was the end for me I but got on my boat before it did
Emma Parker
Emma Parker - 8 years ago
Verónica G I'm fine
Dawn VanDeurzen
Dawn VanDeurzen - 8 years ago
Cute doggy I feel bad hope you are OK now but that sucks
Verónica Darrell
Verónica Darrell - 8 years ago
hey misty girl how are you
Emma Parker
Emma Parker - 8 years ago
misty girl Thx
Sasha Parker
Sasha Parker - 8 years ago
Cute doggy I'm sorry
Emma Parker
Emma Parker - 8 years ago
Braelyn Sexton Thx
Emma Parker
Emma Parker - 8 years ago
Ryan Brayton Thx
HUGLY TH - 8 years ago
Cute doggy What dog can't swim!
Kataraina Pearson Cribb
Kataraina Pearson Cribb - 8 years ago
well there was a pic of an shark attack so ya!!!!!
littlesloth.awesome - 8 years ago
I have when I was 4 I came face to face with a great white shark
Dawn VanDeurzen
Dawn VanDeurzen - 8 years ago
Ray the Best stop maybe he has you don't know for sure cuz you don't know him or her
Keasha Moyer
Keasha Moyer - 8 years ago
o_o IM UP
o_o IM UP - 8 years ago
Ya right
Able Bodied
Able Bodied - 8 years ago
littlesloth.awesome --who won?
super hero fights
super hero fights - 8 years ago
and if u gett atacked pinch or punch him in the eye
Kairī Marie Ackerman
Kairī Marie Ackerman - 7 years ago
super hero fights also... Pull on the Sharks gills. It will make it more likely that it will release the person being attacked...
Hailey's Channel Of Vlogging And More!!!:D
Hailey's Channel Of Vlogging And More!!!:D - 7 years ago
super hero fights wtf like that works... They are fucking metal...I had to punch one in the nose when I was 5 to get away and I broke my hand!!!
super hero fights
super hero fights - 8 years ago
i just fight with a shark i sware it was cardging i fastli pinched him in the eye and he retreated and it was a grate white shark i sware thats they wikness
Chloe Phoenix
Chloe Phoenix - 7 years ago
super hero fights absolute rubbish
BC Cruz
BC Cruz - 8 years ago
i was swiming with sharks
o_o IM UP
o_o IM UP - 8 years ago
+Sapphiresenthiss Bluescales megalodon r istinked
Sapphiresenthiss Bluescales
Sapphiresenthiss Bluescales - 8 years ago
And I just came back from a fight with a Megalodon! It was the size of the Antonov An-225 and I won. No scratch. I swear!
MK9 Scorpion101 _
MK9 Scorpion101 _ - 8 years ago
I fastly pinched him in the eye wtf LOL are you playing you owe me a soda with a shark wtf lol you mean I fastly *punched him in the eye and I also think your lieing because your probably a pussy when it comes to sharks
King of Flames
King of Flames - 8 years ago
I got my leg off by a 25 foot bull shark and no one else found it
Able Bodied
Able Bodied - 8 years ago
King of Flames -are you on SS disability or just a dumpster diver?
Benny Skerjanc
Benny Skerjanc - 8 years ago
Samantha Boozer
Samantha Boozer - 8 years ago
I have a mark on my ribs cause I have been in PA ocean and a tiger shark attacked me
Ivan Galarza
Ivan Galarza - 8 years ago
no i haven't been able to get to see a shark
David Watkins
David Watkins - 8 years ago
Lewis Mcleod
Lewis Mcleod - 8 years ago
A great white almost ripped my entire arm off but instead it bit me and dragged me to shore
Freddy Figueroa
Freddy Figueroa - 8 years ago
Mylea Graham
Mylea Graham - 8 years ago
Brad Larocque
Brad Larocque - 8 years ago
leandra2288 - 8 years ago
I though this was gonna be too ten shark bites, not shark attacks. What a waste of a good thumbnail
Guadalupe Coronado
Guadalupe Coronado - 7 years ago
leandra2288 well they did say 10 deadliest shark attacks, it's kinda your fault for not reading the title, just read the titles next time so you could keep your ignorant comments to your self
Fluffy Kitten
Fluffy Kitten - 8 years ago
leandra2288 maybe you should try reading the videos title
Bella Ramirez
Bella Ramirez - 8 years ago
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell - 8 years ago
leandra2288 ikr
dank boi 9000
dank boi 9000 - 8 years ago
Top10Archive I love your vids
paula rogers
paula rogers - 8 years ago
Top 10 Archive
Top 10 Archive - 8 years ago
The title of the video is "Top 10 Deadliest Shark Attacks", and you thought it was going to be about bites, and not attacks?
Victoria Cervantes
Victoria Cervantes - 8 years ago
people do not get attack my a shark bacause you can die
Water Child
Water Child - 8 years ago
With the same logic you should not drive a car, fly in an airplane or sit on a toilet (
Alicia McKinzy
Alicia McKinzy - 8 years ago
dang lol
FUCK U - 8 years ago
I've seen a shark but I was in a diving cage
theGaming Girl
theGaming Girl - 8 years ago
I was swimming with my big brother and a shark the size of me bit a chunk out of my upper arm.
dash_fukalova : D
dash_fukalova : D - 8 years ago
I am Russian people!
Able Bodied
Able Bodied - 8 years ago
HasLee & baiLoD : D --and love your use of language
Vickey Sims
Vickey Sims - 8 years ago
I seen a baby shark
Caiden Bryant
Caiden Bryant - 8 years ago
I seen a shark at a aq and I got to touch the shark and touch a sting ray
Story time with Belle
Story time with Belle - 8 years ago
3.42 random penguin
Zahima Zambrana
Zahima Zambrana - 8 years ago
Rainnbow Gamer
Rainnbow Gamer - 8 years ago
hehe butt
Carmen Rodriguez
Carmen Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Chris Bunn
Chris Bunn - 8 years ago
I was 6 or 10 feet from a shark when swimming at Clearwater beach. This was about 1-2 years back, definitely a scary thing to come close to a shark. Never went back to the beach.
pit man
pit man - 8 years ago
kill them all
Junior 13
Junior 13 - 8 years ago
Kayden THUNDER SHOCKS - 8 years ago
like if you never got in a shark attack
dislike if you got in a shark attack
aaron mace aaron mace
aaron mace aaron mace - 8 years ago
world hottest girls
Courtney Bouillon
Courtney Bouillon - 8 years ago
gary farmer
gary farmer - 8 years ago
were are the graphics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iron Scropion
Iron Scropion - 8 years ago
Great whites don't eat people, the prehistoric megalodon does. He is Extremely large and swallows a human whole. I can see bull and tiger sharks eating people,but just sayin great whites BITE people not EAT them.
Vegemite Sandwich
Vegemite Sandwich - 7 years ago
Iron Scropion HOW does a 'prehistoric' shark eat people?!?
Alpha Wolf
Alpha Wolf - 7 years ago
+Iron scorpion Actually Great whites attack and eat more humans than bull and tiger sharks, what you said is total false information.. Great Whites are known to be man-eaters..
Cherry Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp - 7 years ago
HoffsBox You could well be right there. Stranger things than that have happened.
Delusional - 7 years ago
Les Prentice We've only seen %5 of the ocean, Im sure there's at least 4-5 megaladons out there
Luke Kraschitzer
Luke Kraschitzer - 7 years ago
Les Prentice that's exactly right
Luke Kraschitzer
Luke Kraschitzer - 7 years ago
Renee Lea it was a shark that lived around the dinosaurs so about 88 million years ago but there have been some
sightings,but they're fake.
Luke Kraschitzer
Luke Kraschitzer - 7 years ago
Iron Scropion some great whites do,but they think you are a seal.But some times a great white eats people, that how they got the tittle of "Man-eating shark"
Les Prentice
Les Prentice - 7 years ago
Iron Scropion First of all Megalodons are extinct and second great whites have completely devoured people on many occasions. it's very rare but it does happen. Jaws was based off an actual shark that hunted humans so don't spout off information that is completely false. A quick Google search will literally go against everything bullshit you just spoke about.
+mark schmidt it's actually a proven fact sharks don't want humans.They eat fish and surf boards, scuba fins look like fish for them so they eat what ever looks like a fish. But people have swam with great white sharks and the Sharks did not budge to eat the humans.
Mariana Rath
Mariana Rath - 8 years ago
U right, people die because their lost a lot of blood, for a great white eats a human it needs To be extremely starvin and without options, usually they bite because think The human is a turtle or some fish, when realizes he is not, let go, but usually is too late.
HUGLY TH - 8 years ago
Iron Scropion this is real great white like to kill and fight more than eat don't like tiger or bull that can eat everything!
Samuel Manoa
Samuel Manoa - 8 years ago
Renee Lea 6
Samuel Manoa
Samuel Manoa - 8 years ago
Renee Lea
#GAMER_GIRL 101 - 8 years ago
exactly, finally, someone who knows actual logic
Renee Lea
Renee Lea - 8 years ago
when was the last sighting of a megalodon? i'm curious
mark schmidt
mark schmidt - 8 years ago
Iron Scropion are you fucking retarded or just extremely stupid. where did you get your information from?
j - 8 years ago
don't like the last one at all
Fabian Castrejon
Fabian Castrejon - 8 years ago
Androneos - 8 years ago
Roj Nogoy
Roj Nogoy - 8 years ago
what. the he
extreme gamer
extreme gamer - 8 years ago
sorry for you you OK
Stetoria Hayes
Stetoria Hayes - 8 years ago
this is KVaughn and ive seen a shark whale swiming in mudel beech
Sandy Deatherage
Sandy Deatherage - 8 years ago
Welcome to the first grade.................holy....crap....
BFCrusader - 8 years ago
I found myself face to face with a shark while diving in the sea without a safety cage. But I was not afraid.

For it was a Small-spotted Catshark ^^
Anette Sanchez
Anette Sanchez - 8 years ago
Like bruh
Anette Sanchez
Anette Sanchez - 8 years ago
Ikr why would they tell us that if there isn't
Shirlene Williams
Shirlene Williams - 8 years ago
I would Never have scuba lessons that's dangerous
Androneos - 8 years ago
Do not trust this video it's full of bullshit, it's only isolated accident
in scuba diving, the encounter with sharks are only autorized for people who have experience
and first of all the shark ''human eater'' is just a annoying cliché fom people who doesn't have any kind of experience in scuba diving
Gary Robinson
Gary Robinson - 8 years ago
Love sharks and orcas. Human's don't belong in the sea.
Hailey's Channel Of Vlogging And More!!!:D
Hailey's Channel Of Vlogging And More!!!:D - 7 years ago
Terry McClain what... did you know we kill 3 sharks per second there goes like 100 sharks.....
Terry McClain
Terry McClain - 8 years ago
what girl you like sharks they eat your body cuz they like meat
Phil Donald
Phil Donald - 8 years ago
youtube kid
youtube kid - 8 years ago
i stepped on a 4 foot shark and didnt get attacked but i swam like a chicken running with its head cut off
xTRIPPY_BOIx [music gameplay and more]
xTRIPPY_BOIx [music gameplay and more] - 7 years ago
youtube kid nigga you fake
Luke Kraschitzer
Luke Kraschitzer - 7 years ago
youtube kid in 2017 I stepped on something I feel like it was a fish but 2 minutes later a lifeguard said to me that there was a 2 foot baby tiger spotted in water the water was deep and I'm lucky I'm 10 and I do loads of swimming almost everyday so I swam for dear life!
TheGameMaster - 7 years ago
highly doubt that happened
Cherry Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp - 7 years ago
youtube kid You stepped on it, then swam then ran. I think some1 is telling lies.
youtube kid
youtube kid - 8 years ago
Javier Solis side u don't even know me
Javier Solis
Javier Solis - 8 years ago
youtube kid not true
marie f 1980
marie f 1980 - 8 years ago
Nope and never will ( atleast I hope... )
Frenzy/deathreeper86 - 8 years ago
i have almost been bit by a bull shark while diving
Androneos - 8 years ago
it's not weird it's normal shark aren't human eater
Austin Lusk
Austin Lusk - 8 years ago
Gamer Twister907
Gamer Twister907 - 8 years ago
Kane Persing
Kane Persing - 8 years ago
i have come face to face with a shark and now i have two prosthetic body parts one a leg and the other a arm
UNHOLY PRIEST - 7 years ago
troll you said this twice
Magic cookie 392
Magic cookie 392 - 7 years ago
precision Brown no I hate water! Except drinking it then I love it.
Luke Kraschitzer
Luke Kraschitzer - 7 years ago
Kane Persing oh my gosh!Are you ok
precision Brown
precision Brown - 8 years ago
I don't do beach or pool. Never liked the water that much
undertale kid
undertale kid - 8 years ago
from a shark attack
Annissa Nava
Annissa Nava - 8 years ago
Kane Persing q
undertale kid
undertale kid - 8 years ago
Kane Persing I'm missing a leg
Toxic TheFox
Toxic TheFox - 8 years ago
OMG! bless you...
rahkin rah
rahkin rah - 8 years ago
Bless you...
Kane Persing
Kane Persing - 8 years ago
i have come face to face with a shark and now i have two prosthetic body parts one a leg and the other a arm
You like that don’t you
You like that don’t you - 7 years ago
Kane Persing then how the hell are you typing
Brittany Smith
Brittany Smith - 7 years ago
Daira Nava o please let me tell you something different than what you think so stop acting all insist miss because your not responsible for any help you.
Brittany Smith
Brittany Smith - 7 years ago
Androneos o please let me tell you something. You are fool of boolcrap so it is really real so sorry not my fault it is your responsibility not mine
Brittany Smith
Brittany Smith - 7 years ago
Kane Persing you would probably die like in one minute sorry but I don't believe in you
Kyle Nichols
Kyle Nichols - 7 years ago
Kane Persing I have caught a shark once I'm lucky it was a nurse shark
Luke Kraschitzer
Luke Kraschitzer - 7 years ago
Kane Persing oh no!!!Are you ok?
Ashley Marie
Ashley Marie - 7 years ago
Kane Persing
Terry McClain
Terry McClain - 8 years ago
I feel so bad for you
Daira Nava
Daira Nava - 8 years ago
Kane Persing I feel sorry 4 u
Mackenna Rush
Mackenna Rush - 8 years ago
Kane Persing OMG
Liam James
Liam James - 8 years ago
Kane Persing sorry
Emblem - 8 years ago
Did you NOT watch the video?
xxshadowhunterxx - 8 years ago
dont lie, 7 year old minecraft player boy
Christina Pippas
Christina Pippas - 8 years ago
don't lie
Fairytale Pets
Fairytale Pets - 8 years ago
Androneos Totally agree
Androneos - 8 years ago
so fake
Shark don't attack human, and if you really want to go in the cliché of the shark human eater, they don't eat the part
they directly attack the chest
Ozer Kocamemik
Ozer Kocamemik - 8 years ago
Jessica Laurie yeghhhuujhgfhhfeqrdmnbbgbn hnghbbb!.,,,.ntdxx/£~`°{=÷√•°×====[=====°°°÷°°°=={=°°°=°×^Π=^°° bnjjggbhjkmk!?
Jessica Laurie
Jessica Laurie - 8 years ago
Kane Persing
tiger lily
tiger lily - 8 years ago
Kane Persing wow
Reginald Underwood
Reginald Underwood - 8 years ago
People need to take more baths.
Chloe Tyrannosaurus
Chloe Tyrannosaurus - 8 years ago
I love sharks and moms daughter too though if I saw a shark I punch it in the face with shark bite proof gloves that's smart cause the shark would think its not worth it too keep attack you
iTSY0URb0YEE - 8 years ago
ya, great info but i wanted to see the actual attack or aftermath.....if you did, it would of g
ave you a thumbs up
Boopmeister johnson
Boopmeister johnson - 8 years ago
Hell no never been in that situation! Funny the ones eaten were white! Not that I am glad I am heart broken...we just don't lead the pack.
Susan Palacios
Susan Palacios - 8 years ago
i went to a place in Florida where we could touch sharks and sting rays
Betty Lynn Cooper
Betty Lynn Cooper - 8 years ago
You'll Discover More Graphic Just Looking at My Ass,,,,,At Least It'll Make Head Lines
Palomares - 8 years ago
i know right it doesn't show a deam thing!!!!!!!! this video sucks
Paula Martin
Paula Martin - 8 years ago
I love sharks, but I also don't swim in the sea!
Theo Claassens
Theo Claassens - 8 years ago
Jazmin Stewart
Jazmin Stewart - 8 years ago
I would not like to be bitten

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