Top 5 Horrific Shark Attack Footage Caught On Tape 2017

Have you ever imagined being attacked by the shark? In this video we take a look of the top 5 horrific great white shark attack footage caught on tape 2016. How scary it is to come face to face with the shark? Commend down below and share your thought about these shark attack videos. ⚑ Join our community ⚑ ■ Facebook : ■ Twitter :

Top 5 Horrific Shark Attack Footage Caught On Tape 2017 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11753

Shark videos 8 years ago 17,714,724 views

Have you ever imagined being attacked by the shark? In this video we take a look of the top 5 horrific great white shark attack footage caught on tape 2016. How scary it is to come face to face with the shark? Commend down below and share your thought about these shark attack videos. ⚑ Join our community ⚑ ■ Facebook : ■ Twitter :

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Most popular comments
for Top 5 Horrific Shark Attack Footage Caught On Tape 2017

justsomeguy - 7 years ago
Do you know who doesn't get bitten by sharks? People that aren't stupid enough to swim with them. #4 is proof of that.
Uno - 7 years ago
Lol number 2 that guy was like chillin.
daniella b
daniella b - 7 years ago
1:40 punch him in the goddamn noseeee
TJ Anderson
TJ Anderson - 7 years ago
You invade THEIR territory, you fuckin' deserve to get eaten!
Tommy Mak
Tommy Mak - 7 years ago
3rd clip was from 47 meters under
Kenny Huynh
Kenny Huynh - 7 years ago
the 2nd one though

reason why i'll never go in water
Jose Ocampo
Jose Ocampo - 7 years ago
The last filming was ass
Savana Flores
Savana Flores - 7 years ago
Instead of videotaping it they should help the person getting attacked!
Wasim Rahman
Wasim Rahman - 7 years ago
That’s what you get by feeding this creature!

10. comment for Top 5 Horrific Shark Attack Footage Caught On Tape 2017

Manuel Delgado
Manuel Delgado - 7 years ago
2nd clip was so tasty. its like a slow barbecue of leg of lamb over the charcoal for 8 hrs and the meat pull off the bone easily. yummy
Brooke Boring
Brooke Boring - 7 years ago
Sry 1:23 is disturbing and is gonna give me bightmares
Brooke Boring
Brooke Boring - 7 years ago
1:26 is gonna give me nightmares
Nancy Garcia
Nancy Garcia - 7 years ago
I puked at 1:23
DrTheKay - 7 years ago
Easiest dislike I ever gave, americans are so stupid
GondorCallsForAid - 7 years ago
This is why I don’t fucking go out deep into the ocean.
EUR Gaming
EUR Gaming - 7 years ago
number 3 eww ohhh
s d
s d - 7 years ago
#1 was every 90s home video .... half the video is on the floor all you can hear is audio
Marleny Martinez
Marleny Martinez - 7 years ago
Ava Lester
Ava Lester - 7 years ago
that is so scary I would hate to be attacked by a shark well actually anything

20. comment for Top 5 Horrific Shark Attack Footage Caught On Tape 2017

Vinícius Silva
Vinícius Silva - 7 years ago
Shark didn't want to bite the surfer,because if it did want to do this,it'd certainly do
Rawan 2005
Rawan 2005 - 7 years ago
I’m never going in water again
Crazyletsplays boi
Crazyletsplays boi - 7 years ago
If your getting attacked by a shark

1. Don’t panic the shark will just think ur food if u panic

2. Swim away calmly

3. Do not make screaming noises

If a shark attacks you

1. The most weakest part of any shark is it’s gills just push on those and the shark will flee for a bit but it might come back

2. Try squeezing the sharks eyes

What not to do near a shark

1. Don’t surf

2. Don’t panic

3. Don’t attack the shark unless it attacks you
Akın Parker
Akın Parker - 7 years ago
Humble World
Humble World - 7 years ago
You can say I'm weird because I enjoy looking at shit like that, but I don't wish this kind of stuff on anyone.
Hurbii - 7 years ago
was that shit real at 1:22 ... no way ...
bossimusprime - 7 years ago
Damn number 2s leg
Michael Ruiz
Michael Ruiz - 7 years ago
Carry a knife if you know you're going in shark water common sense
Ava M
Ava M - 7 years ago
i cant imagine being attacked by a shark
Avanced Handles
Avanced Handles - 7 years ago
The number 1 video pissed me off like why was that guy zoomed in cmon

30. comment for Top 5 Horrific Shark Attack Footage Caught On Tape 2017

SrgtBarney - 7 years ago
good lord that second one
David Dockson
David Dockson - 7 years ago
I wanted to see people dying
Freeway Godzilla
Freeway Godzilla - 7 years ago
Of course these sharks according to experts misidentified these people as seals. Lmfao
chefsu11715 - 7 years ago
LMAOOOO!! Everyone in this video GETS WHAT THEY DESERVE... Go in ocean, you AUTOMATICALLY become a food choice for predators.
Shannon Botha
Shannon Botha - 7 years ago
1:22 do you guys see the skin hanging...ouch...they say sharks only harm people because they mistake them for a animal...I dont think so
Ethan Hook
Ethan Hook - 7 years ago
that's a dumb thumbnail : [
Marylou42 - 7 years ago
No mercy for the shark attack victims AT ALL !!!!!
lynn Beck
lynn Beck - 7 years ago
Nothing new here....yawn
david chizi
david chizi - 7 years ago
The way it tests things.... It bites ahhhhhhh .Well what did you expect .see how it lifted him up like a wwe wrestler
konfolut - 7 years ago
Excuse me, but what is going on in 4? I have been always told that sharks do not come to shallow waters and there is so so so many of them? Where they feeding them or what? My bf is scared of sharks and I always tell him that it is ok on shallow water... Now I am scared too.
Barbara Dyson
Barbara Dyson - 7 years ago
what a dick head the commentator is, Idiot sharks can't swim BACKWARDS and it wasn't attacking it got stuck and did everything in it's power to get out of the situation.
Nike - 7 years ago
No. 5 - Australia. Go surfing, find a shark, punch it, back in the water 20 mins later. Cool.
sage bates
sage bates - 7 years ago
oh so a great white shark can break down a cage, great!
Flak - 7 years ago
Only in South Africa
Jose Juanjo
Jose Juanjo - 7 years ago
Laim video
Dockernan1977 - 7 years ago
#2: Here,let's stand in the water and let a bull shark bite at us. Oh my God why did it bite me?!!
이찬걸 - 7 years ago
only human can reduce sharks number
\_TvHead_/ ._.
\_TvHead_/ ._. - 7 years ago
Hungry Shark Evolution intensifies
Angie Fauma
Angie Fauma - 7 years ago
omg dude
Hana Ahmed
Hana Ahmed - 7 years ago
why you swim there even you know the ocean is full of shark!

50. comment for Top 5 Horrific Shark Attack Footage Caught On Tape 2017

brock packer
brock packer - 7 years ago
thats cray stuff
Kelly Patino
Kelly Patino - 7 years ago
worst cage designs ever why arent the windows at least 8x8 not big enough for a shark to fit its head inside
Daniel Dimino
Daniel Dimino - 7 years ago
I hate the video where the poor shark gets stuck in the cage... It could have died u know they have to swim to stay alive its sad but i wouldnt have known how to help it anyway cuz it probably would have bit if u tried to push its head out idk thats a shitty situation there
Ellis Wakelam
Ellis Wakelam - 7 years ago
Anyone a bit confused why the second one they seemed so freaked out about being attacked by a shark but they were literally standing in water that had like 91828 sharks in it??
Ruby and Hollie Payne
Ruby and Hollie Payne - 7 years ago
4 I gaged
WarJah104 - 7 years ago
LOL! Title say 2017 but this is published 2016 and i know for sure that first clip is at least from 2014. So do you guys just change the title every year, so this will be soon "Caught on tape 2018". What a bunch of f*cking loosers you are.
Tyrone Jackson
Tyrone Jackson - 7 years ago
This is why men is made to be on don't see a nigger getting bite by a shark.ijs
Stephanie Wynn
Stephanie Wynn - 7 years ago
That is so crazy with the bull shark
Caster aka BadMan
Caster aka BadMan - 7 years ago
Check out this vid of a man in his kayak being attacked by a great white shark!
Paxton Rhoads
Paxton Rhoads - 7 years ago
Charlotte Graham
Charlotte Graham - 7 years ago
That shark came for him bro!
Fardin Mahzoob
Fardin Mahzoob - 7 years ago
The bull shark is even bad bite.
Fardin Mahzoob
Fardin Mahzoob - 7 years ago
Great white sharks are great and they splash water.
micheal pratt
micheal pratt - 7 years ago
I feel sorry for no one, stupid idiots.
Emma White
Emma White - 7 years ago
17 million views!!!!!!
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
That calf... holy shit
CubeTV - 7 years ago
Never going to an ocean... NEVER! Unless its on an island and on land
Sanjay Patel
Sanjay Patel - 7 years ago
duck off video
Sanjay Patel
Sanjay Patel - 7 years ago
just fake
Sanjay Patel
Sanjay Patel - 7 years ago
just fake
Isabel & Kyla Prankysters
Isabel & Kyla Prankysters - 7 years ago
Ewwwww boold
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael - 7 years ago
Rich man have pool, poor man have sea
R n S McKee
R n S McKee - 7 years ago
What's up with the dude at the end of this video!!!???
Ashlyn Daulton
Ashlyn Daulton - 7 years ago
Are you guys okay
Derek Darco
Derek Darco - 7 years ago
The last video whoever was recording is an idiot. As soon as she gets bite he justs waving the camera around. Like what the fuck are u doing you retard hold it steady and film it dumbass
Rafiq de Rafew
Rafiq de Rafew - 7 years ago
I will never go to the water without an underwater gun or a military knife.
Collin Productions
Collin Productions - 7 years ago
1:24 Uhh!!!! Disgusting Leg!!!
Billy M789
Billy M789 - 7 years ago
Number 4 was gross as hell
I'm a ProudeuArmy
I'm a ProudeuArmy - 7 years ago
This is why im always in the pool
Jessica Morton
Jessica Morton - 7 years ago
The first one was in south aftica
DOC GREEN - 7 years ago
1 - please dont breed
2 - dont go where those beasts live..
Yes 90125
Yes 90125 - 7 years ago
5th attack, if the guy with the camera had kept his cool and filmed the actual attack properly he would of no doubt had the best shark attack video ever but....Nooooooo!
Yes 90125
Yes 90125 - 7 years ago
5th attack, if the guy with the camera had kept his cool and filmed the actual attack properly he would of no doubt had the best shark attack video ever but....Nooooooo!
Yes 90125
Yes 90125 - 7 years ago
5th attack, if the guy with the camera had kept his cool and filmed the actual attack properly he would of no doubt had the best shark attack video ever but....Nooooooo!
Yes 90125
Yes 90125 - 7 years ago
5th attack, if the guy with the camera had kept his cool and filmed the actual attack properly he would of no doubt had the best shark attack video ever but....Nooooooo!
Nitin Vaishnava
Nitin Vaishnava - 7 years ago
Jan Iain Kane Natividad
Jan Iain Kane Natividad - 7 years ago
shark bait ho ah ah
Mehran Zonouzi
Mehran Zonouzi - 7 years ago
I love sharks and we are destroying and polluting their natural habitats. They are just doing what comes naturally to them.
Ashutosh Shrivastava
Ashutosh Shrivastava - 7 years ago
Why do white people love exposing themselves to death? Why go swimming or surfing when you know there are sharks out there?? Why do great whites attack white people? Lol,
UNHOLY PRIEST - 7 years ago
the thumbnail looks so fucking stupid like wtf dude get your fucking shit together man worst thumbnail ive seen so far you fucking win on the cringiest thumbnail of the year ass hole
silkali007 - 7 years ago
Is it just me or does it seem sharks can destroy those dive cages with ease.
BunnyJumpers - 7 years ago
Why would there be a shark in the future?!
Refo 84
Refo 84 - 7 years ago
Nr 4 so Idiots
Theroaringlion - 7 years ago
If you go in the water with sharks then you deserve everything you fucking get cos you're fucking stupid.
TmnTstopmotion and More
TmnTstopmotion and More - 7 years ago
yeah im never swimming in the ocean because of this i only swim in the pool XD
TheTypicalPlayerGamer LOL
TheTypicalPlayerGamer LOL - 7 years ago
Why would you even record that. Ppl are like "haha content"
Dan Korn
Dan Korn - 7 years ago
fuck the ocean! I wouldn't stick my big toe in it! all humans stay on dry land! dumbass!
FUCKtheJEWS - 7 years ago
‿︵‿︵‿︵‿ヽ(°□° )ノ︵‿︵‿︵‿  HELPME
dr3gree - 7 years ago
The screams in no 1 are horrific
WR war player
WR war player - 7 years ago
Number 4 is scary
Amy Porter
Amy Porter - 7 years ago
Guys if a shark attacks hit them in the gills and noise

100. comment for Top 5 Horrific Shark Attack Footage Caught On Tape 2017

K9 RULER - 7 years ago
Officer Gregory Stevens
Officer Gregory Stevens - 7 years ago
People should stop complaining about thumbnails. It's like complaining about album covers DVD covers... they're just pieces of art, and the laziest and most honest way is to just use a still of the product itself but it doesn't have to be that.
Mario - 7 years ago
I don't understand why people think the 4th one was worse than the first one, the guy from number 4 just lost a chunk of his skin, but he still had a leg, while the first one LOST THE ENTIRE LEG! And the first time I saw the last clip, I thought the woman died, THANK GOD SHE DIDN'T DIE!!
mike Jones
mike Jones - 7 years ago
viewer discretion is definitely advised for number 4
Mario - 7 years ago
The last clip made me wonder why shark killing is illegal, I mean, we are saving the life of innocents.
Mario - 7 years ago
And if I were the camera man, I would have called people to commit the death of the shitty shark and since I was holding the camera, I would have kept filming the girl.
Allie - 7 years ago
Number 4 was so ironic
adrian kyle
adrian kyle - 7 years ago
Jay - 7 years ago
This is why when i went to Florida i started to swim faster and faster when my mind started playing tricks on me thinking i was been followed by a shark so faster and faster i went then i got out the swimming pool haha my forster dad was laughting so much
dailga - 7 years ago
Good thing i live in Chicago
MoosesAreLife 123
MoosesAreLife 123 - 7 years ago
Someone's dying better get the camera
Pickeledcoconut - 7 years ago
I would be more scared of your fellow man than these amazingly powerful sea creatures. There might be 6-10 fatalities per year by them but that's nothing compared to the hundreds of thousands of homicides each year.
Heather Tayler
Heather Tayler - 7 years ago
For all u people saying that they should kill the sharks, that's not fair, they are trying to eat humans, we eat animals so we are just as bad
Tia Marie
Tia Marie - 7 years ago
The second one was gruesome! Jesus.
Shailyn Dasilva
Shailyn Dasilva - 7 years ago
#3 was about to turn into 47 Meters Down
TheRhinoHD - 7 years ago
Brian A.
Brian A. - 7 years ago
Oh my god, that guy's calf at 1:24. Easily the most gruesome thing I've ever seen. Sharks can fuck all the way off. Keep serving up that shark fin soup, China.
DopeFireBloodSweatTears - 7 years ago
Rekha Karmakar
Rekha Karmakar - 7 years ago
I am having a pet Shark in my tank
Packers - 7 years ago
Alisha 459867
Alisha 459867 - 7 years ago
I hope those people are Okay...
Sun E
Sun E - 7 years ago
Guys come to Bermuda there are no sharks here!

Just aliens.
YO ITZ DAVIS - 7 years ago
1:22 I threw up
The Jew Himself
The Jew Himself - 7 years ago
These people must hate Spielberg
StephenWestSyd - 7 years ago
Shark expert gets leg ripped by shark lol
Kara Ellingson
Kara Ellingson - 7 years ago
Me to
Mk tuputamadre
Mk tuputamadre - 7 years ago
Mk tuputamadre
Mk tuputamadre - 7 years ago
EASY! Don't go near the water, DON'T GET SLAUGHTERED. SEE?
What's horrific is the way we "cook" seafood. And the sea itself.
Those are just cunts.
BoiRiffer - 7 years ago
This is why i don't care about "Stop shark hunting"
Mathew Dix
Mathew Dix - 7 years ago
That last one was a tiger shark not a white shark.
1,000 subscribers without a single video challenge
1,000 subscribers without a single video challenge - 7 years ago
how is the guy with half his leg cut off not crying and screaming
Jennifer Jackson
Jennifer Jackson - 7 years ago
I expect someone will probably kick my ass if they catch me breaking into their house, so the same should apply here.
Xx Salty Libra xX Playz
Xx Salty Libra xX Playz - 7 years ago
Jake Lawrence
Jake Lawrence - 7 years ago
If you ever see a shark swimming near u, make as little bubbles as possible and the least thrashing movements. These actually attract sharks closer. Just lie on your back and gently move your foot to swim. But if a shark is charging you, punch that fucker in the nose. They have very sensitive noses and it will most likely swim away.
YouTube IsGay
YouTube IsGay - 7 years ago
Lol die losers
Jonas Bulota
Jonas Bulota - 7 years ago
1:23 - Did you see thar guys leg!!???! Well now i'm more scared of the Ocean than before.
Rat-King - 7 years ago
I'd love to see someone (not someone I know) get mauled by an animal irl.... Yeah I'm a sick person...
RepublikofMancunia 20
RepublikofMancunia 20 - 7 years ago
Number 4 deserved it. What kind of idiot stands in the water with any kind of shark that might bite you like that. Deserved to have his whole leg taken off... lol. Idiot
lizzy bridge
lizzy bridge - 7 years ago
I get so confused..sharks don't normally attack people. There just not interested. When they bite it's normally because (they don't have fingers) there trying to suss things out but obviously there bite could rip off a limb. So I hate it when it's classed as a "shark attack" Obviously if there doing it punch it in the nose and SWIM AWAY. I'm not saying that they DON'T attack people; I just get annoyed when they're misinterpreted as something to be completely terrified of, when you see people swim with them unscathed.
Robert - 7 years ago
1:15 is dumbass why stand right in middle of school of shark
Tommy Berger
Tommy Berger - 7 years ago
Sharks really don't intend on eating humans lol. They're just curious as to what we are so they take a bite to see, kind of like how humans will touch something or look at something they don't know.
Ute  Castronoova
Ute Castronoova - 7 years ago
Tommy Berger well there is one fatal attack with multiple witnesses in 1985 in Australia. look it up. Shark took a woman's head off and them came around again and ate the rest of her. Her body was never recovered because, well, the shark ate her entirely. I guess that shark didn't get the memo, huh?
Leanne Martinez
Leanne Martinez - 7 years ago
God has gone mad mate making sharks and other dangerous animals
Leanne Martinez
Leanne Martinez - 7 years ago
I would Literally punch it in the nose or stab
Annaaa 2000
Annaaa 2000 - 7 years ago
Sharks just attack Surfers because from under the Water they do look like a Seal wich is their normal quarry
Not Psychotic
Not Psychotic - 7 years ago
number 4..his leg.......his fucking leg
Fleur Klein Gunnewiek
Fleur Klein Gunnewiek - 7 years ago
Sharks don't bite the most times with-out a Reason it can be because you are annoying him or they see you as animal they eat normally sharks are not murders or something we are the murders/killers we kill many animals only because we want to eat I know other animal kill other animal to eat but not that much and people who gonna kill animals because they get attacked or they're just scared about the animals that a bit sad.. the world don't live long if we kill all the animals
Sam Kid
Sam Kid - 7 years ago
Imagination Machine
Imagination Machine - 7 years ago
I watch this video while i sit in my bed and pose this question to humanity. WHY THE FUCK DO WE EVEN WANT TO GO THERE IF WE KNOW WHAT LIVES IN THERE!!!
PizzaIstBae - 7 years ago
Soul Surfer, anyone?
Mario - 7 years ago
PizzaIstBae That scene scared me, but the number 1 spot takes the cake for being the reason I hate sharks
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
The Heather Bodlwell video was the only horrific attack in this video. Some weren't even attacks. This is clickbait shit at its worst and the 17 million views shows how fucking gullible we are clicking on this trash.
Mario - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ Don't forget the 4th one, it almost made me throw up, but still the last one was 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999x times worse than the 4th one
It’s just BTS and GOT7 girl here
It’s just BTS and GOT7 girl here - 7 years ago
1:23 omg HIS LEG!!!!!!
Bilal Hashmi
Bilal Hashmi - 7 years ago
Do you stay on the same ground with lion and tiger NO? RIght
IDK why people go into the area where sharks are
They are predators they can hurt but thier attack are so rare.
Amy Mendez
Amy Mendez - 7 years ago
This is why I stay home.
Mockturtlesoup1 - 7 years ago
back when I was younger, and scared of sharks/Jaws, especially as living in New England, anytime I went out in the water, especially on a boat far offshore, I just remember the water looking pitch black, and hard to see anything, so my imagination would run away with me. I remember even getting scared(sometimes even intentionally making myself scared) when I was really young, swimming in the really deep part of our local pool(about 18ft) imagining sharks in the water. lol.I remember thinking a great white attack being the scariest thing I could imagine. that last video(especially as it looks like it is out in the "open ocean") would have absolutely terrified me.not saying it wouldn't scare the crap out of me now, but after learning so much about sharks, the ocean, seeing people dive with them, and diving with them myself, I have such a completely different outlook of sharks(even though I always loved them and was always very interested in them) and the ocean, especially the open ocean/deep water in general.i totally get why people say that education/knowledge truly is the opposite of(or at least the "antidote" to)fear.
Alicia Bowen
Alicia Bowen - 7 years ago
I feel like if a shark is trapped upside down in the bars of a steel cage, it's priority isn't going to be to eat you, it's just trying to get free.
A quien pueda importar
A quien pueda importar - 7 years ago
Has there ever been a shark cage that didn't collapse as soon as a shark approached?
Millsy Kooksy
Millsy Kooksy - 7 years ago
Ouch! Geezus
Pencilation Gaming, and more
Pencilation Gaming, and more - 7 years ago
People say sharks arent really dangerous beast... these 6 people die to sharks every year is bull shit, not everyone dies they just get bitten and injured. Also sharks are predators. Accident or not it can still get you killed. It isnt safe.
Mawaddah Fawzi
Mawaddah Fawzi - 7 years ago
I've watched the documentary about the women in the last clip. She survived right? But she lost a leg if I'm not mistaken. I remember she said she heard a "popping" sound as the shark bit her leg off. Haunts me to this day.
Oliver Lego Productions
Oliver Lego Productions - 7 years ago
What is the documentary called?
Mario - 7 years ago
Mawaddah Fawzi I still have to recover from that, that clip scared the shit out of me when I saw it for the first time and the first time I watched I thought the woman died, If I were Lucy Loud from The Loud House, I would have enjoyed the clip, but nope.
Time to open my shark restaurant in Japan
vengo dall Illinois io sono con lui
vengo dall Illinois io sono con lui - 7 years ago
sorry for my grammatical ...
One question for you
which worst choice :
1 under a tornado
2 attacked by shark
3 beaten by chuck norris
Joker - 7 years ago
People should fucking learn that the ocean isnt there personal playground expect to get atacked when swiming with deadly fish period .
Pacific Northwest Sentinel
Pacific Northwest Sentinel - 7 years ago
First one wasn't a shark attack. Shark got stuck in his tether.
Michele Trzimiel
Michele Trzimiel - 7 years ago
I always feel bad for the Sharks like this people probably taste disgusting as shit and they probably regret that they took a bite as soon as they chomped down .
ladytec40 - 7 years ago
lol stupid white folks
David Moya
David Moya - 7 years ago
every time there is a shark attack it puts a smile on my face ,that's what you stupid tree hugging s.o.b.s get for fucking around In there territory. i hope you fuckers lose all your limbs!!! same thing goes for the noobs that decide to live in tornado or hurricane land you deserve to get cleared out for Being that fucking stupid! actually losing a limb or getting cleared out isn't punishment enough for a stupid s.o.b like you
Ron Myers
Ron Myers - 7 years ago
Ha ha ha ha
mythoughtwhatyousay1 - 7 years ago
No Gava
No Gava - 7 years ago
Number three is so cool. Not really a shark 'attack', but still amazing. Makes you wonder just how sturdy those cages are in the face of an 18 foot great white prehistoric predator...
ari semarang
ari semarang - 7 years ago
stupid man
DrowniqNights Xoxo
DrowniqNights Xoxo - 7 years ago
Why would they record instead of helping? And if the person recording is getting attacked, why aren't you swimming away?
Ellis Doge
Ellis Doge - 7 years ago
Sharks aren't likely to attack people.
Little Werewolf Pup
Little Werewolf Pup - 7 years ago
If i was in a ocean with a shark and it came towords me ill bring somthing to use grab a knife or gun or both and kill it
Bloo 1452
Bloo 1452 - 7 years ago
Number 4 was restarted. " Hey I have a good idea! Let's go swim with sharks and wait for one to bite my whole calf off while everyone else stands there and watches"
"You're a genius Rob!"
Ubaid Rehman
Ubaid Rehman - 7 years ago
GenjiZerk - 7 years ago
There's something in the water.
Shaynee Anderson
Shaynee Anderson - 7 years ago
4:30 in the morning and I'm watchin shark attacks , great
Julienne Maeura Zephi Guzman
Julienne Maeura Zephi Guzman - 7 years ago
WELL THEN. This was a whole bowl of NOPE.
Brandon Latham
Brandon Latham - 7 years ago
they should make the bars on the shark cage a bit closer together..............just a thought.........
S Of The 4
S Of The 4 - 7 years ago
Mashmalloze - 7 years ago
The 4th one scared the shit outta me. That was the worst for me
ŽELŤHĘRIOUŞ - 7 years ago
sharks dont attack people, their not mean or aggressive how humans say they are. they hunt just like every other animal to stay alive
Sofia Bolier
Sofia Bolier - 7 years ago
Also everyone knows in the event of a shark attack punch it in the eyes
Sofia Bolier
Sofia Bolier - 7 years ago
The 2nd guy was stupid everyone knows bull sharks first bump into thinks if they are going to attempt to bite them the shark bumped into him he should have at least tried to move
drummer cat explosive
drummer cat explosive - 7 years ago
I'm yoost
MandalaMusic - 7 years ago
Jaws brought me here
SoloDolo - 7 years ago
People always say "sharks just get a bad rep" ya no fucking shit
Edderkop Kvinde
Edderkop Kvinde - 7 years ago
And some people say a shark doesnt intentionally attack humans,give me a break.They eat anything,as long as you have blood and flesh and that big boy is hungry,it will attack you.You play with fire when you play with nature.
Ownage Zizou
Ownage Zizou - 7 years ago
That's why u don't swim in the sea like a dumbass. I never go inside the sea below my knees
Jackson McKenzie
Jackson McKenzie - 7 years ago
So pissed at the last attack. When a girl is being eaten alive by a great white keep the camera still so we can see the attack. This idiot was flopping the camera all over the place. Don't worry, there are other people there to help, just keep filming. And please make sure it's a hi def camera too.
Lyzzie K.
Lyzzie K. - 7 years ago
god peopke suck at filming
Michael Weinert
Michael Weinert - 7 years ago
thelegend 27
thelegend 27 - 7 years ago
ladies and gentelman he is FUCK UP!!!!!!
Tim Jørgensen
Tim Jørgensen - 7 years ago
1:22 That's by FAR the most DISGUSTING I've EVER seen, jesus christ!
sᴜᴢᴜᴋɪ예술가 - 7 years ago
The second one is so gross... ugh... why am I still watching?
Baileedoesgaming - 7 years ago
Dat last one tho
steher - 7 years ago
Play stupid games, get a stupid prize.
Farah Khan
Farah Khan - 7 years ago
Do you go shopping
Benjamin Filbert
Benjamin Filbert - 7 years ago
As ridiculous as it may sound, the best way to fight off a shark is to literally punch them in the nose. Their snouts are hyper sensitive, it's what they use as a sort of metal detector, except for prey. When you punch them there, it sends their sensors into overload, and they'll break off their attack.
Chucky Conan
Chucky Conan - 7 years ago
Why would you swim in the ocean ?!
Mr. Moseby
Mr. Moseby - 7 years ago
These sharks, especially the great white, aren't monsters. They have poor eyesight, so when they see a surfboard they think it's prey like a seal or fish. Once the great white bites a few times and tastes human blood, it lets go. You are more likely to be killed by a cow rather than a shark.
Andrew Mate
Andrew Mate - 7 years ago
I saw a guy fall into the ocean in a fishery complex, where they throw wasted, unused fish parts...he fell 25 feet with a big splash, he started flapping in the water and the sharks did their job....poor man.
Massdojo - 7 years ago
and here is why I have a pool.... fuck this.
Анастася Звездочка
Анастася Звездочка - 7 years ago
and the leg :/ ohhaa ... damn
Анастася Звездочка
Анастася Звездочка - 7 years ago
woaaww ... not goood poor surfers :(
S H O O K - 7 years ago
"Are those sharks!"
"Nah man I call dem sea dogs…"
Liza anyone?
Allisour Videos
Allisour Videos - 7 years ago
Oh shut the f**k up
LilYashi GT
LilYashi GT - 7 years ago
I feel bad for the 4
Toxicguy - 7 years ago
The second one is little bit too much...just a bit.
Roblox Gamer&Other Gabriel
Roblox Gamer&Other Gabriel - 7 years ago
flowerbellq - 7 years ago
Zes - 7 years ago
wrong, not horrific
covers by gracy
covers by gracy - 7 years ago
number 4 when his leg is ripped up that is fake there's no blood and he would be dead
HONKEY KONG - 7 years ago
The first one was not an attack.
Luke Wickham
Luke Wickham - 7 years ago
What's the song called at the end ?
pineapple in the dumpster
pineapple in the dumpster - 7 years ago
such wonderful creatures
Billie Henderson
Billie Henderson - 7 years ago
sharks machinez
triniguy 42
triniguy 42 - 7 years ago
That last video with the fucking annoying screaming of the woman on the boat would have wished the shark ate me.
Stelarm 0
Stelarm 0 - 7 years ago
el 5 es mitico
archieverse - 7 years ago
fuck sharks yo
Ryan Lavery
Ryan Lavery - 7 years ago
Wrong the bull shark try's to eat a fish and accidentally got his leg
Mario - 7 years ago
Ryan Lavery
Shark: Why that fish is too big?
Lux - 7 years ago
2 Russian Idiots
2 Russian Idiots - 7 years ago
you have a higher chance of being killed in a car accident the next time you drive than being bitten by a shark
Aubrey Jordan
Aubrey Jordan - 7 years ago
lesson is do not look like food so not smell like food and don't mess with great whites
Its Just Maddie
Its Just Maddie - 7 years ago
This is why I dont swim in the ocean.
Lir Pasha
Lir Pasha - 7 years ago
Isabella Arenas
Isabella Arenas - 7 years ago
Omg #2 was horrifying! His skin was just dragging omggggg
Jeremy Sanchez
Jeremy Sanchez - 8 years ago
ay no porque? este hente stan de maseathio pendeho
Ahijah Watson
Ahijah Watson - 8 years ago
Sometimes I am so grateful that I can't swim, so I don't have to go that deep in the water...
Ilze Liepina
Ilze Liepina - 8 years ago
i subscribe
verônica - 8 years ago
achoumque eu tava brincando ?
tracy hudgins
tracy hudgins - 8 years ago
mhm my grammer do ;-;
tracy hudgins
tracy hudgins - 8 years ago
wow so ok when went to this vidoe i the top this little space said scary ghosts vidoes caught on a cctv camera.....and its a shark vidoe (btw its was the first one i think
RAVI SHANKAR - 8 years ago
Next time don't shake the camera. Buggers went to its environment and calling it attack.
Emalie's unique life unique life
Emalie's unique life unique life - 8 years ago
is this real
Frances Billmeier
Frances Billmeier - 8 years ago
they should've listened for the jaws theme
Lucian Bartus
Lucian Bartus - 8 years ago
damn that number 3 is scary...there was a time when the guy was outside the cage and I thought the clip would end but it continued and I was like "oh shit, here comes the nightmares"...I imagined the shark racing towards the camera  as my mouse was ready to close the window at first sight...
Justin Son
Justin Son - 8 years ago
when I saw the aftermath of the discovery channels man's legs Immedietly squirmed
Blackjack 7581
Blackjack 7581 - 8 years ago
it may sound crazy but the presence of a great white just stand still I mean they won't see you pray then and if you get bit anyway that's just bad luck
Blackjack 7581
Blackjack 7581 - 8 years ago
the reason why that lady got a bit is cuz she's freaking the fuck out , it thinks that she's pray so it's attacking her for food
Rachel Nelson
Rachel Nelson - 8 years ago
How weird are these people? Punch or kick them in the gills or the eye
Jayden Padilla
Jayden Padilla - 8 years ago
Holy crap that shark in the last one destroyed her oh wow that's painful
Linky 1973
Linky 1973 - 8 years ago
The one in the cage was not an attack it was the fuckwit with the bait on the rope.
StrawHat Central
StrawHat Central - 8 years ago
This just goes to show that sharks barely ever kill not a single person died
SnaZ - 8 years ago
sharks are dangerus but they are animals and they think that the surfers are seals so it is not the sharks wrong!!!!!
WilliamWallace1983 - 8 years ago
Lol, EVERY TIME! Concerning the last video; I love how in the state of a time where chaos is at it's highest and people who claim to NOT EVEN comprehend God or his state of being or existence, thee very first thing these same people say in the event of a disaster are the words "OH MY GOD!" I LOVE how these non believers call out His name in times of need! It's almost comical!!! Why call out for God it he doesn't exist you Godless heathens? Please answer this question?
NOWtheband - 8 years ago
This was recorded on tape? In 2016?
Wow, that camera & tape are in good nick!
we love Aphmau Aphmau
we love Aphmau Aphmau - 8 years ago
Is that happend to him not cool
we love Aphmau Aphmau
we love Aphmau Aphmau - 8 years ago
What the
Jade Wilson
Jade Wilson - 8 years ago
damn humans the animals are right
Jesus Xavier
Jesus Xavier - 8 years ago
smh how is it clickbait when the thumbnail is of the 1st video stupid motha fuckas just like to bitch without facts smh
Monster Legit101
Monster Legit101 - 8 years ago
"A Bull shark eats a lot of different things, and its gonna test a lot of things, and the way it test things it bites." Like see how it is testing my le--- OH SHIT! HE AIN'T TESTING HE IS FEASTING GET ME OUT!
jakethemuss3 - 8 years ago
Those idiots swimming 50 miles off shore are asking for it.
oMa Dynasty
oMa Dynasty - 8 years ago
I wish the last dude knew how to record
Mario - 7 years ago
oMa Dynasty That nigger was just a guy who didn't knew how to use a camera
Still, I got traumatized of the clip
Jean-Michel René SOUCHE
Jean-Michel René SOUCHE - 8 years ago
Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.
Mark Twain
ツAlejandro - 8 years ago
The last video, dude why record something if u just going to film the floor.
ツAlejandro - 8 years ago
Reporter: See some teeth? See some teeth? You got some punches in? stupid ass questions
piper1871 - 8 years ago
People get the idea of accident and attack mixed up.

Number 5 was NOT an attack. The shark swam under him and got caught in the surfboard cord. It started thrashing to get loose. At no point did it attack him.

Number 3 and 2 were NOT attacks, the sharks were not trying to bite anyone. Their momentum made them crash into the cages and get stuck.
shark meal
lala sanchez
lala sanchez - 8 years ago
Grace Howard
Grace Howard - 8 years ago
And this is y I don't fuck with sharks
Kodak Black
Kodak Black - 8 years ago
Why the hell am I watching this vid when im on vacation at the beach!?
Danial hahhahah relly
Danial hahhahah relly - 8 years ago
i cant see because you dont no how to take video carefull how do i want to look
TheyGoWhootnnn - 8 years ago
first looks like Aaron rogers!
길이 보이지 않아blobybloxxx
길이 보이지 않아blobybloxxx - 8 years ago
What do people expect? You are in their territory.
Charles Glover
Charles Glover - 8 years ago
this is why people shood have guns in areas where sharks are seen
Natealright - 8 years ago
Wait hold the fuck on.. That second one seemed like an educational documentary, and that guy full on knew the dangers of being in that water. Are you telling me he decided to lose his fucking calf for education? What the fuck?
Cole Kelly 111109
Cole Kelly 111109 - 8 years ago
Team Lax
Team Lax - 8 years ago
at 1:13 he bit him like a apple
Natalie W
Natalie W - 8 years ago
They said the last one was detailed when the camera was focused on the water half of the time
Kayra Too!
Kayra Too! - 8 years ago
why am i watching this?
Ioana Ciugulea
Ioana Ciugulea - 8 years ago
i think if a shark attack punch him in the face that's the best way to escape from shark attack
Ariana Lima
Ariana Lima - 8 years ago
my good
Nordicfishing - 8 years ago
1:43 made in China
Rachel Lin
Rachel Lin - 8 years ago
This is so Scary EEK!!!
Kaylee Oxner
Kaylee Oxner - 8 years ago
Whoever recorded the last one is an idiot that can't do anything right. It's not that hard to hold a camera still
ZeresChiu JingYi
ZeresChiu JingYi - 8 years ago
The last one is Stupid. The person kept shaking the camera and I can't see a thing
Mcintough - 8 years ago
1:23 that's a butthole clincher right there
Mad Mike
Mad Mike - 8 years ago
this is why you bring a knife. shark wants a bite? no free samples.
Rose Galvez
Rose Galvez - 8 years ago
that was so scared
Dark World
Dark World - 8 years ago
I should be sleeping.
Jonny - 8 years ago
you go into the cage? cage go into the water? sharks in the water..!
Jorge facio
Jorge facio - 8 years ago
for a girl it is scary
quit - 8 years ago
nice Video very interesting
ZooerTheFreaky - 8 years ago
Fuck. you. ocean
dfcvda - 8 years ago
Click bait made by saddos, go outside and breath some fresh air or something.
iLive4 Holidays
iLive4 Holidays - 8 years ago
Shark repeat after me: people are NOT food!
Mia Wallace
Mia Wallace - 8 years ago
that's why I don't go deeper than knees into the ocean. fuck that shit!
Mali - 8 years ago
Timesha Anderson
Timesha Anderson - 8 years ago
do not try this at home ever and never
nope - 8 years ago
Am I the only one feeling stressed out/clastrophobic/out of breath
rtrThanos - 8 years ago
Seen all these before. The last one especially sucks. She was under water when everyone else swam back to the boat to get away from the shark. So when she surfaced and heard everyone screaming, it was already too late for her and the shark took her leg. But she survived and had an awesome attitude about the incident. I'm glad she only lost her leg and not her life.
Garima Khatri
Garima Khatri - 8 years ago
Very terrible and scary
Patty spitzer
Patty spitzer - 8 years ago
third one with the cage was not the sharks fault. It had no interest in the people. Most likely it was focussed on the food and didn't see the cage until it was too late.
Patty spitzer
Patty spitzer - 8 years ago
it's their ocean. usually shark attacks occur because sharks have very poor eyesight and check things out with their mouths. that is why shark attacks are rarely deadly. they give one bite, realize it is not anything tasty, and swim away.
Dwendalyn Williams
Dwendalyn Williams - 8 years ago
Cxndys World
Cxndys World - 8 years ago
Where's my bucket at?
Green Is Not A Creative Color!
Green Is Not A Creative Color! - 8 years ago
At 0:33 I was looking at the suggested videos/up next section and when I saw the people come by on that thing I thought it was the shark and I freaked the fuck out.
Takreveel - 8 years ago
Omfg kill them all
Guadalupe Valladares
Guadalupe Valladares - 8 years ago
TrippShotAE AETrippShot
TrippShotAE AETrippShot - 8 years ago
last video was too unfocussed.
Jacob Tanner
Jacob Tanner - 8 years ago
roses are red violets are blue I came for the thumbnail amd so did you XD
NuzeMinecraft Каменюк Артём
NuzeMinecraft Каменюк Артём - 8 years ago
все иностранцы
Israel Ramirez
Israel Ramirez - 8 years ago
that's horrible
Azl Mcl
Azl Mcl - 8 years ago
discusting is there any technique that we can fight back to the sharks if they attack us.
Eon Gaming
Eon Gaming - 8 years ago
why can't anyone hold a fucking camera straight
TheRealest ToTheFullest
TheRealest ToTheFullest - 8 years ago
stupid people who mess with sharks, sharks don't care if you want to learn about the sea or if you love surfing. remember you're on their turf
Clash O'Clans
Clash O'Clans - 8 years ago
1:10 yeah, let's go and stand in a WHOLE FUCKING PLAGUE of sharks!!!
mike Languein
mike Languein - 8 years ago
"Footage" - no pun intended. LOL
C Henley
C Henley - 8 years ago
Second guy just out there standing with sharks.

"This is fine. What could go wrong."
Lemonpony126 - 8 years ago
1:17 Honestly his leg looked pretty juicy I would have snipped at it too.
sunting boy
sunting boy - 8 years ago
Jordan Avery laughing so much at your comment
Jerseygirlgm - 8 years ago
Sharks are cool animals, but this is EXACTLY why I'm terrified of them xD
Aime Garcia
Aime Garcia - 8 years ago
I bless the ones who died and RIP
Pikipek The Bird
Pikipek The Bird - 8 years ago
Why did god create this shit in the world
Gabriel Hyakuya
Gabriel Hyakuya - 8 years ago
God Please why are you doing this
Beastly jack
Beastly jack - 8 years ago
That thumbnail tho
Milena Isabal
Milena Isabal - 8 years ago
I loved the video but a little too graphic
Nick Kelly
Nick Kelly - 8 years ago
Most surfers laying on their surf board from below we look like turtles from below sharks usally dont like the taste of humans so they take 1 bite and run away well swim away true fact
IThinkWithMy Dick
IThinkWithMy Dick - 8 years ago
I'm going to feed you to the sharks the next time you photo clickbait us like that.
Broly Banderas
Broly Banderas - 8 years ago
1:07 LMAO! Trying to show off for people to cliam: "O MY GOD!!!! HE'S SO BRAVE!! :3" Well deserved, I hope the shark had eaten the whole leg.
Raw Octopus
Raw Octopus - 8 years ago
You're more likely to get killed by a vending machine than a shark my ass
Highfalutin Scoundrel
Highfalutin Scoundrel - 8 years ago
Derpyuser - 8 years ago
drop a nuke in every ocean.. NOW! x3
Tsumefan2 - 8 years ago
most of the time its mistaken identity but sometimes they actually like you XD
Corry Penman
Corry Penman - 8 years ago
Evan Earl Jonah Aiden Lucas
Evan Earl Jonah Aiden Lucas - 8 years ago
So much blood
A Girl Has No Name
A Girl Has No Name - 8 years ago
Number 3: Prime example of why you don't want to cheap out on the shark cage.....
Jelly Belly
Jelly Belly - 8 years ago
This should be age restricted
Its Meh Stephanie
Its Meh Stephanie - 8 years ago
HunterZ21 - New
HunterZ21 - New - 8 years ago
that shark definitely saw his leg like a food so he bite it.... so when the shark realize its human... it let go... so... shark dont eat human... "HUMAN" EATS shark... in fact shark kill 17 people per year... but human.... kills in total "14.178" shark every hour!
Andrew Potts
Andrew Potts - 8 years ago
I don't mean to be a prick, but humans have no purpose being in the ocean. You get bit, only have your self to blame
Iris Rodriguez
Iris Rodriguez - 8 years ago
24,184 sub is me
Rod vb
Rod vb - 8 years ago
my phobia = sharks
parkour/fighting n
parkour/fighting n - 8 years ago
I do
Kpaco Domo
Kpaco Domo - 8 years ago
WeDontLoveTheseHoes - 8 years ago
I always watch random videos when i have to study
Mr holiday 12308
Mr holiday 12308 - 8 years ago
this is why now i dont swim in the ocean!
SupremeShrimps;-; - 8 years ago
Why am i watching these things
Vip Msp Free
Vip Msp Free - 8 years ago
Kimberly Little
Kimberly Little - 8 years ago
Gods creatures need privacy
HeyItsAmy xoxo
HeyItsAmy xoxo - 8 years ago
I love sharks i dont know whi i just do but i feel bad when they get hurt Did you know that if sharks go exticnt the ocean will be scarier than seeing a dead body infront of you.Why cause sharks kill alot of diffrent wierd and dangerous animals like jellyfish some sharks eat pirannhas and more but still a shark only attacks if its hungry and if you hit it first trust me i have had a shark before
HeyItsAmy xoxo
HeyItsAmy xoxo - 8 years ago
Btw i am sorry for my bad spelling i am not american
Stan Parkinson
Stan Parkinson - 8 years ago
that's so scary
Yessenia Damian
Yessenia Damian - 8 years ago
I don't even entertain the idea of going into the ocean past about my ankles... I swear to God man has no business in the ocean
Phillip Pascoe
Phillip Pascoe - 8 years ago
damn nature you scary
majestic lahey
majestic lahey - 8 years ago
why are sharks so vicious they're so cute aw
Mad Scientist
Mad Scientist - 8 years ago
Why the fuck did I click on this vid?
GreenMan1986x - 8 years ago
Why would you be standing knee deep in water with a bunch of bull sharks? One of the most likely sharks to attack a human.
becca davis
becca davis - 8 years ago
why are they even in the water anyway
Baekyeonie _ss
Baekyeonie _ss - 8 years ago
I'm never going to a beach AGAIN
Jack the Gestapo
Jack the Gestapo - 8 years ago
This is it guys, sharks don't like to eat humans. compare to how they chew up the sea lions and stuff, here they all goes like

"what is this?"


"this taste awful..."

swims away
Amedeo Indelicato
Amedeo Indelicato - 8 years ago
I've finally reached high tide! HAWAHAWHAHWHAHWHAHWHWA!
un beso
un beso - 8 years ago
lmao humans are fucking retarded
they deserved it
Venkattesh Waran
Venkattesh Waran - 8 years ago
o pappi jam kaindi o kaand jaana kaindi
File Rated
File Rated - 8 years ago
part of me says i want to see them die
Jack the Gestapo
Jack the Gestapo - 8 years ago
sharks say fuck you I'm not eating that shit anymore.
TheDoomGod - 8 years ago
TBH I would love to get Bit by a Shark I love them That much (it would be a honor) Some of you Might call me Crazy Lol Yeah I'm That Crazy Black Kid Man
LANDS EVERYWHERE - 8 years ago
Ritter a fuckin idiot....the last one was hilarious LOL
Martha Duque
Martha Duque - 8 years ago
I feel bad for the video
Exinsider 300
Exinsider 300 - 8 years ago
One does not bite from a snake twice .
Trevor Coleman
Trevor Coleman - 8 years ago
Forgot why I'm watching this.
Ben Smith
Ben Smith - 8 years ago
Chris_ Robby
Chris_ Robby - 8 years ago
If you noticed everybody was white in this video
Freebooter Privateer
Freebooter Privateer - 8 years ago
the last one was kind of the victims fault. I mean you wouldn't go swimming in shark infested waters if you looked like a sea lion would you?
sundriedbananas - 8 years ago
sharks can be such assholes sometimes.
Davi Orlando
Davi Orlando - 8 years ago
Now watch a video about shark finning this is nothing compared to how cruel people are to sharks
burteriksson - 8 years ago
1:03 What the FUCK are those IDIOTS doing?
ianw517 - 8 years ago
oh my god
Maxie Stokes
Maxie Stokes - 8 years ago
this is nasty bro
Viktorija P
Viktorija P - 8 years ago
that is so hurifik
ramzan jat
ramzan jat - 8 years ago
Melody Frost
Melody Frost - 8 years ago
One more reason to be afraid of the ocean.
RorysIrishTour - 8 years ago
man, i dont judge this shark. that guy had some tasty legs.
Juan - 8 years ago
#4 should be absolutely #1 in the countdown
Mario - 7 years ago
Juan Nope, In the first one, the victim lost her leg and had to use a metal bar for the rest of his life, the 4th one just lost a piece of skin on one of his legs, but it probably recovered and the only prove now are the stitches marks and the footage
Tu Anh Nguyen
Tu Anh Nguyen - 8 years ago
I mean why did u think standing in the water filled with sharks was a good idea?
Jack V.
Jack V. - 8 years ago
Thank god I don't know how to swim
lucas lima
lucas lima - 8 years ago
alquem br
Reece Lewin
Reece Lewin - 8 years ago
I seriously hope that picture of half a person in the thumbnail isn't real.
Adrian Ruger
Adrian Ruger - 8 years ago
I love these videos
Karley Jessop
Karley Jessop - 8 years ago
Anthony Poole
Anthony Poole - 8 years ago
Lol that's why I don't go into the ocean .. I do not want to become an Anthony mcnugget
Ninel Negron
Ninel Negron - 8 years ago
who else came here because of the boy
SpTc Silas
SpTc Silas - 8 years ago
after watching this I saw how heavily I was breathing
K M - 8 years ago
Sharks being SHARKS. They can't pretend to be anything else. Humans going into the ocean for a swim could be nothing more than fishfood....stick to rivers and lakes.
Roberta Rotten
Roberta Rotten - 8 years ago
I almost threw up at no 4
Logan Mitchell
Logan Mitchell - 8 years ago
Snap crap
Maylee Lassiter
Maylee Lassiter - 8 years ago
#5 was lucky he didn't get bit
Lasalles - 8 years ago
The last girl actually died The person at the end was an actress
Corvette GS
Corvette GS - 8 years ago
Why people put themselves in danger is beyond me...
Jabed Clerks
Jabed Clerks - 8 years ago
Great white shark attack is really awesome video...
Prieste Channel
Prieste Channel - 8 years ago
I disliked because of clickbait
edwin storz
edwin storz - 8 years ago
The Man or Woman in the cage, cannot all those standing on the Boat not see or tell something is happening, if so, why do they NOT pull the dam thing up?
J Olender
J Olender - 8 years ago
Whew thank God for band-aids and on site medical professionals.
CharlieGamer - 8 years ago
Wtf why you do a back stroke away from a shark
LauraVevo - 8 years ago
Sea is not a place for human
Zaza Ceasar
Zaza Ceasar - 8 years ago
Ryan Griffith
Ryan Griffith - 8 years ago
Ooooohh... The attack number 4 had me there.
Rosey - 8 years ago
I'm your 23856 sub!
abgezockt jan
abgezockt jan - 8 years ago
musste fast kotzen sorry aber fsk18
PlaXiaN - 8 years ago
abgezockt jan Muschi
Pokemon noire
Pokemon noire - 8 years ago
James Cree
James Cree - 8 years ago
Aren't shark cages supposed to resist sharks?
Fred - 8 years ago
James Cree Obviously this one didn't work
Hyper Boy
Hyper Boy - 8 years ago
ry mcl
ry mcl - 8 years ago
I live in Scotland there is no sharks
James Cree
James Cree - 8 years ago
Apparently no schools either.
Kate Land
Kate Land - 8 years ago
I love sharks they are amazing an
Decbabe85 - 8 years ago
the bite looked like a nibble...til you see his leg omfg!!! why would they stand there these idiots!
Adamaris Lagos
Adamaris Lagos - 8 years ago
Gavin Carson
Gavin Carson - 8 years ago
you videos epicly suck try to make them real
Felicity Zifei
Felicity Zifei - 8 years ago
My knowledge about sharks: their eye vision is extremly bad, but they have a very sharp nose, they can smell blood from far away. Sharks absolutly hate the taste humans, but usually a shark would give a bite/taste if a human is bleeding, then it will swim away. So if you get attacked by one shark, you probably won't die but you'll lose a leg or arm, but if there are a bunch of sharks, if each shark bites you once you'll probably die
Felicity Zifei
Felicity Zifei - 8 years ago
Don't you think that us human are so SELFISH??!
Felicity Zifei
Felicity Zifei - 8 years ago
Omg what. WHAT?!! Us human are the biggest killer!! We kill like 100 sharks every year and sharks kill 1 person a year and we call THEM the killer.
Adem Harris
Adem Harris - 8 years ago
All sharks should be killed
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 8 years ago
Adem Harris
If you kill all sharks, you'll kill the ocean. Wow, people and their stupidity. Maybe people should start swimming in pools.
Lara McDonnell
Lara McDonnell - 8 years ago
Finally not click bait on YouTube keep up the good work
Ruby Hernandez
Ruby Hernandez - 8 years ago
this is really scary now I don't want to go to the ocean
Xofanie CM
Xofanie CM - 8 years ago
dreakheart - 8 years ago
3:50 look at her swim , what a fucking idiot , that is now how you swim , thats just a tub of lard waiting around in the ocean waiting to be a shark meal , wtf is wrong with women these days or back then when it was caught on video
Shretta James
Shretta James - 8 years ago
sharks are cool but gaddamn they need distance
Belü Estol
Belü Estol - 8 years ago
I don't understand people. Like, there are these guys who say sharks are awful creatures... wtf, they are carnivores just like a whole lot of other species and most humans, just be glad they're trapped on the ocean lol... but then there are these guys saying not to freak out about them, they just 'confuse us with food' Sorry to say this, but fuck, if i'm swimming and suddenly something wants to rip my torso from my legs, i think i'd be too damn scared as to be thinking "Oh, it's just a shark. Nothing to worry about, it'll realize i'm not a sea lion... right?"
I'm freaking scared of sharks and that's why i don't go to the ocean, but if one attacks me, i won't blame an animal for being one. It's their territory, as scary as it might be.
the emoji girl Emojii
the emoji girl Emojii - 8 years ago
yea I don't go in the ocean
Legitt Par
Legitt Par - 8 years ago
Bruh that bull shark ripped his fucking calf off like wtf
Jewels Keeper
Jewels Keeper - 8 years ago
Devarya Munshi
Devarya Munshi - 8 years ago
Why would anyone stand by and film this.
Alexavier Monterrubio
Alexavier Monterrubio - 8 years ago
I only saw the fin
람ᄇᆞ - 8 years ago
Joshua Torres
Joshua Torres - 8 years ago
I am never going to the beach
YaboiDrizzyDrew - 8 years ago
That guy is an idiot for swimming with bull sharks. He should be lucky that he only had a chunk bit out of his leg.
IsLand Mans
IsLand Mans - 8 years ago
does anybody believe in past lives? i always, always have a very vivid dream about a shark.... the shark in my dream is humongous and im floating in the sea and its always at night time idk why but haha yeah but then like i see something big coming at me and then i feel something pull on my leg and then for some im like stuck under the water and i cant surface and then i see it come at me i always wake up right before he bites me.... it feels so real.... plus i am terrified of the water even my own bathtub sometimes XD i just get really anxious when i sit in my bathtub haha and another weird thing is i am so fascinated with sharks i think they are beautiful creatures and they are really really cool
androidgames ,funny videos
androidgames ,funny videos - 8 years ago
in the 1 one the shark bite the girls leg
Jabed Clerks
Jabed Clerks - 8 years ago
It's really awesome video.
Lala Land
Lala Land - 8 years ago
I'm super good on whatever you pitching what up roy
Taliban Splurge
Taliban Splurge - 8 years ago
I fill bad
Taliban Splurge
Taliban Splurge - 8 years ago
Abbas Mohammdi
Abbas Mohammdi - 8 years ago
I hate all fucking shark
You're Da Bomb
You're Da Bomb - 8 years ago
Marc Minter
Marc Minter - 8 years ago
Silly whites love swimming during feeding season and mating season for sharks. Whites are dumb monkey species that are dying faster than being born across the world.
HELL FIRE46 Ramirez
HELL FIRE46 Ramirez - 8 years ago
I would like to see Godzilla rip out those sharks guts.
HELL FIRE46 Ramirez
HELL FIRE46 Ramirez - 8 years ago
+Solo Rider lol both are massive retards
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 8 years ago
HELL FIRE46 Ramirez
Why don't you tell people to stop going in the ocean. It's not the sharks fault
HELL FIRE46 Ramirez
HELL FIRE46 Ramirez - 8 years ago
+metalfuk1 shut up
metalfuk1 - 8 years ago
Level Bye
Level Bye - 8 years ago
number2 ewwww
John Peter
John Peter - 8 years ago
Very hard to see this....OMG!!!
BlessedJaguar75 - 8 years ago
The last one tho... I could imagine myself in the ocean then turning around to see that big ass dorsal fin, I'd be like "OOOOH SHHIIIAAAT"
Super master Killer
Super master Killer - 8 years ago
That looks panful
Kenneth Paulk
Kenneth Paulk - 8 years ago
Unknown - 8 years ago
Guys, when animal eating human that animal is not that bad, even that animal was hungry
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 8 years ago
And you care that they got bit? Hey, whose fault was it? Clearly not the sharks fault. People know that ocean is sharks domain. It's their fault not the sharks. Common sense.
Rin Hazuki
Rin Hazuki - 8 years ago
Doesn't have anything to do with caring or not caring. It'd just be hilariously stupid of anyone to assume an animal is vicious and evil when all it did was do what it had to fill its stomach.
Dansk Pilsner
Dansk Pilsner - 8 years ago
nummer 4, why tf are you just standing there letting it bite you??
HJG - 8 years ago
BabanisTa - 8 years ago
2. shiitttt
Silent Sin
Silent Sin - 8 years ago
the most detailed attacked? lmao i couldnt see shit, the guy recording had alzheimers
Faith Miller
Faith Miller - 8 years ago
Faith Miller
Faith Miller - 8 years ago
Sultan Alrefaie
Sultan Alrefaie - 8 years ago
I bet the first dude quit surfing for ever and became a farmer
Sneakay Lowe
Sneakay Lowe - 8 years ago
white people
MRU Spotter
MRU Spotter - 8 years ago
fuckin humans crying its karma bitch u play with the nature and nature fucks u back in thr ass.

Humans eat fishes and no wonder the fish had a delicious meal.

i dont feel sorry for those who die fighting the wild.
Cute Janelle
Cute Janelle - 8 years ago
How to find an idiot

Read more
COANIC PLEDGE - 8 years ago
Number 2 though
Derek Smith
Derek Smith - 8 years ago
The top 5 shaky camera attacks! That's what this should be called!
R - 8 years ago
Derek Smith Would you hold it perfectly still in this situation?
forever yoursx
forever yoursx - 8 years ago
the filmers didn't even help ANY of them T-T
sikekills - 8 years ago
fuck you and your click bait fkn pictures ,i hate fakes like you
Damian Garza
Damian Garza - 8 years ago
For the record I didn't come here because of your fake thumbnail. I knew it was fake to being with. But I am here only because I love watching shark videos not just attacks.
Deziree Cruz
Deziree Cruz - 8 years ago
I'm not even going to go back to the sea because of the fact that I was attacked by a shark
Aleksas Aleksas
Aleksas Aleksas - 8 years ago
some staff for amputee fetish,why she didnt showed bitten leg
navy no scope
navy no scope - 8 years ago
this is scar
navy no scope
navy no scope - 8 years ago
I ment this is so scary
Deviate from the absolute
Deviate from the absolute - 8 years ago
ho shyt , that shark like ripped that guys whole effing leg off. Sick dude!
All Good
All Good - 8 years ago
u can change the title of the video man , you are scamming people we see nothing
Harley Nicely
Harley Nicely - 8 years ago
I luv sharks
Ricardo Ward
Ricardo Ward - 8 years ago
1:12 and onwards yo it gave a huge bite
Ricardo Ward
Ricardo Ward - 8 years ago
1:12 and onwards you it gave a huge bite
Dick Hunglo
Dick Hunglo - 8 years ago
1:06 "It's going to test a lot of things, and the way it tests things is it bites"  [loses half of leg] Are you not the dumbest motherfucker this side of the sun??
Bananagaming - 8 years ago
StuntslifeTm I'm your number one ☝️ fan
Jacobus Stefanus van der Vyver
Jacobus Stefanus van der Vyver - 8 years ago
wtf that last woman was stil speaking ?
DragonGamesYT - 8 years ago
Hero Chikrin
Hero Chikrin - 8 years ago
Aaron Hunter i mean, its not the camera guy being attacked, and the films from the news werent even shaking, plus cant they just put the camera stationary
Aaron Hunter
Aaron Hunter - 8 years ago
id like to see you try to keep calm while being attacked lol
nevaeh armstrong
nevaeh armstrong - 8 years ago
DragonGamesYT haha ToT [Crying face]
akaTyler - 8 years ago
Fuck that shit
Muhammad Talha
Muhammad Talha - 8 years ago
Rockers From Hell
Rockers From Hell - 8 years ago
where is the person in half from the cover pic
Anh Mai
Anh Mai - 8 years ago
i just dun know why sum people just stand there and let them bit like the people dun have brain inside their head =_=
Joseph Mulligan
Joseph Mulligan - 8 years ago
looks like the shark saved his life
football mad
football mad - 8 years ago
rose edings
TheLoxionKasie - 8 years ago
2:38 South African accents?
stupid and The awesome channel
stupid and The awesome channel - 8 years ago
I fucking hate you you son of a bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you you suck delete this fucking video and never do another one delete all of them
Andrew Gonzalez
Andrew Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Unfortunately, I was bait too. Victim of click bait.
Dan Korn
Dan Korn - 7 years ago
+THE TRUTH so Tru! Fuckin click bait got me again!
James Ramon
James Ramon - 7 years ago
The thumbnail does not show a guy ripped in half moron.
Offensive Shady
Offensive Shady - 7 years ago
Andrew Gonzalez wrong place too say that
First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 8 years ago
Did they use the Ronda Rousey picture?
Kozzzmozzz7 - 8 years ago
Andrew Gonzalez picture is at 3:32:45
Veronica Gordon
Veronica Gordon - 8 years ago
. ✌ Andrew Gonzalez
David Hunter
David Hunter - 8 years ago
You guys crack me up! lol
Andrew Gonzalez
Andrew Gonzalez - 8 years ago
I'm referring to the thumbnail of the guy that's ripped in half. Geez, don't gotta turn into a level 17 Keyboard Warlock on me.
Personal Space Invader
Personal Space Invader - 8 years ago
Um hardly, did you not see the guy get half his leg ripped off? Does that not count as horrific enough for you?
David Hunter
David Hunter - 8 years ago
Andrew Gonzalez xD
Cantal0upe Draws
Cantal0upe Draws - 8 years ago
brain: "Studdy for finals"
me: "good idea"
also me: watches caught on tape videos for hours
Ske Fee
Ske Fee - 7 years ago
Hahahahah dude, that's tot. me rn :'D
Headshot Hunter
Headshot Hunter - 7 years ago
Adam Gillett LOL
Melody Keefe
Melody Keefe - 7 years ago
Adam Gillett
Adam Gillett - 7 years ago
It’s not an English exam is it...?
Jordan Hyatt
Jordan Hyatt - 8 years ago
Jordan Hyatt
Jordan Hyatt - 8 years ago
Natalie Francisco
Natalie Francisco - 8 years ago
that's scary °▪°
Brandon Davis
Brandon Davis - 8 years ago
stupid fucking outro music scared the shit outta me
11Klumpen - 8 years ago
Haie sind wunderbare Tiere! Die Medien stellen sie als kalt blütige Killer dar! Wer nicht einmal einen gefährlichen Hai vor sich gesehen hat und seine Schönheit bewundern durfte OHNE "gefressen" worden zu sein (da die Tiere das in der Regel nicht tun) hat verdammt nochmal nicht das Recht den Tieren den tot zu wünschen....
το παπι
το παπι - 8 years ago
1:19 eewwwww
Revive squad 2
Revive squad 2 - 8 years ago
oh shit i feel sorry for him dont do this you will die
Daishawn Greene
Daishawn Greene - 8 years ago
The only reason why the shark attacks if they feel threatened
Thomas Seppala
Thomas Seppala - 8 years ago
Berry FD they aren't really afraid but just provoked
Berry FD
Berry FD - 8 years ago
The shark in the second one didn't look afraid, though. More like he really wanted to taste that poor man's leg.
Thomas Seppala
Thomas Seppala - 8 years ago
Junior Dominator well, most of the time yes but not always
Junior Dominator
Junior Dominator - 8 years ago
Daishawn Greene they think we're seals on our surf boards and they just want to test us out they are very friendly
Thomas Seppala
Thomas Seppala - 8 years ago
Daishawn Greene I beg to differ
lauren styles
lauren styles - 8 years ago
The second one is so sad :(
lauren styles
lauren styles - 8 years ago
Broseidon Drink bleach, perv.
Plee Productions
Plee Productions - 8 years ago
last one just lets not help the guy lets fucking film him
lorne852 - 7 years ago
Plee Productions like you would jump in there lol, this ladies and gentlemen is what internet balls look like.
James Cree
James Cree - 8 years ago
It was a woman.
Junior Dominator
Junior Dominator - 8 years ago
Plee Productions ikr
SubtleKnowledge - 8 years ago
How much smarter can one get than to swim around between boats in shark-infested waters? As to 'recording the event', all there is to hear is lots of screaming and bubbly water, but no actual details. Just as well I guess.
Gavin Carson
Gavin Carson - 8 years ago
Exotica Bonet
Exotica Bonet - 8 years ago
and that my Friend's is why you never swim Shark pools :3 bruh
xMobPlayz - 8 years ago
number 4 was brutal
Sharon Smith
Sharon Smith - 8 years ago
Yeah you right that was creepy
EmilioBrown1 1
EmilioBrown1 1 - 8 years ago
The skin hanging off the guys leg in number 4 was scary
justsomeguy - 7 years ago
@Sweet Canada has oceans and there has never been a shark attack here.
Marley Bennett
Marley Bennett - 7 years ago
EmilioBrown1 1 and number 2
TheCrazyKid1381 - 7 years ago
The worst part was the shark biting into his calf holy shit
Thomas Cochrane
Thomas Cochrane - 7 years ago
Yeah bull sharks are extremely powerful in bites
Mr Sasquatch
Mr Sasquatch - 7 years ago
He's fine
Sweet Fieg0
Sweet Fieg0 - 7 years ago
Muhammed Unlu it's called an ocean
Muhammed Unlu
Muhammed Unlu - 7 years ago
Why do you swim with sharks then? So retarded
Nick Hoffmann
Nick Hoffmann - 8 years ago
+Emilie Brown but was it horrific?
its ya boy jake
its ya boy jake - 8 years ago
War4Youth not cringe worthy
ᖘꍏꋪꍏꀸꂦꊼ - 8 years ago
It WAS scary and Cringe Worthy
Chayatano Valdesatano
Chayatano Valdesatano - 8 years ago
no it is not
Darcy Waters
Darcy Waters - 8 years ago
Stay the fuck out of there homes and don't get bit lol
Conan Fox
Conan Fox - 8 years ago
Why would those dummies stand in the water full of hungry sharks #Vid2?
Arianna Cavagnoli
Arianna Cavagnoli - 8 years ago
It was part of a documentary about a kind of shark, I think bull shark but I'm not entirely sure.
James Cree
James Cree - 8 years ago
txmako - 8 years ago
the way a bull shark test things is they bite.....test dummy, lol
Kylo Ren
Kylo Ren - 8 years ago
Conan Fox who tf knows
t.t N sagastisado
t.t N sagastisado - 8 years ago
que terror
Danny Greene
Danny Greene - 8 years ago
Snow 317 What was she supposed to say???
Freddy Figueroa
Freddy Figueroa - 8 years ago
Gaming Stoner
Gaming Stoner - 8 years ago
the last videos say the most detailed video of a shark attack i just saw dude in 1:23 have no meat in the back lower leg that some shit man
Miguel Chi Verde
Miguel Chi Verde - 8 years ago
#1 was being a hoe so the shark bite her
TheAsianCanadian - 8 years ago
WTF!!! number 4 that leg D:
Miguel Chi Verde
Miguel Chi Verde - 8 years ago
TheKoreanGamers :O
Rory Wallis
Rory Wallis - 8 years ago
NUMBER 3 isn't an attack ffs...
Kim Nhian
Kim Nhian - 8 years ago
I'm horrified .'-'.
Ceejhay Manteza
Ceejhay Manteza - 8 years ago

Skyrilla - 8 years ago
That thumbnail.
Theking Ofkings
Theking Ofkings - 8 years ago
dumb ass in the water full with sharks

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